#anyways; i was looking for something to get my friend for her bday
aikotos · 9 months
"Maybe I should buy the little plushes since they don't seem to want to reprint then in the next months, weren't they like 3k yen second h-"
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wooahaes · 21 days
a healthy change of mind
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pairing: non-idol!hoshi x fem!reader
genre: domestic fluff. established relationship au.
warnings: food mention. mentions that reader didn't enjoy her bday growing up. skinship.
word count: ~1.0k
daisy's notes: domestic fluff i love u i love u i love u-
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There was always an odd sense of intimacy in tying someone’s apron for them. Soonyoung liked it most when it was you, because he could always press a gentle kiss against your neck when he was done… and you would do the same, giving him butterflies in his stomach all over again.
Today was your birthday, and Soonyoung was happy to greet you when you finally came home from spending time with your friends. He liked being the person who saw the way you melted a bit with exhaustion, the person who snuggled with you on the couch as you recharged your battery. He understood how that felt, too: sometimes after he spent his days with his friends, he just needed to rest in your company. There was always something so easy about being around you. He felt special that you could just snuggle up with him and relax. He’d watched you remove your makeup and take off the jewelry (all little things your friends had bought you over the years), and he stole a kiss from you after you’d shed your shirt to change into sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. 
“I don’t wanna go out tonight,” you had sighed against his shoulder. “Soonyoung?” You lifted your head, meeting his gaze. “Can we cook?”
Soonyoung was not a chef. Hell, he didn’t really cook much at all. You’d taught him a little before, but he never felt any good at it. His food never tasted anywhere near as good as yours (although, strangely enough, you said the same when he made you scrambled eggs one morning to surprise you with how much he’d been practicing), and half the time he ended up burning something… But if you wanted him to help you, he would happily help you. It wasn’t the first time you’d ask him to do that anyway. He’d always stay by your side, chopping ingredients and preparing whatever it was that you needed him to do. 
Unfortunately, it did call for a visit to the grocery store. Soonyoung held the basket in one hand, and your hand in the other as you guided him around the store. Another day, you two would do a proper grocery store visit… But that was for another day, definitely. He carried the bags home, still keeping his fingers intertwined with your own. And then he tied your apron, and kissed your neck before you did the same for him. That was what led to now, as you passed him a pair of gloves and asked him to dice chicken for you while you started to work on a sauce for your pasta. 
“You know,” you’d been measuring out heavy cream when you spoke up, “I like my birthday now.” 
He glanced up from where he was carefully cutting chicken. “You do?”
“Mhm. My birthday always kinda sucked when I was growing up,” you shrugged. “I mean—It always kinda felt like they were about other people than just me. My cake always had to be something everyone liked instead of something I liked.” For a moment, you paused, and then looked up, waving a hand. “Not that I didn’t like it! I like vanilla cake just fine,” you shrugged. “But… I dunno. Ice cream cakes are nice. Cupcakes are nice. I just kinda wish it was my decision more often, y’know?”
Is that why you told him not to worry about a cake…? He just watched you for a moment, trying to gauge your thoughts. “It can be your decision now.”
For a second, you just stood there, processing that. “Soonie?” You looked up, voice so small now. “Can we order cake? It can just be two slices for delivery, but—”
He laughed, warm as ever, and nodded. “I’ll pull up the app when I’m done and we can look. Tell me more about your birthdays.”
You shook your head. “Nah. I mean… I never really liked being ‘the birthday girl’ with all the attention on her, y’know? I like what I can do now. Going out with my friends, and then just… getting to come home to you and do something laid-back.” With a blissful sigh, you continued to make the alfredo sauce for your pasta. “I like that I don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not.” 
Something ached in his chest at that. You hadn’t told him everything about your past, sure, but you’d told him that you did hide things about yourself growing up. Your interests, your personality, all wrapped up in a tight package of anxiety that you’d say the wrong thing or do something and be hated. It was all irrational, and you knew that now, but as a child with anxiety? Soonyoung couldn’t fault you for struggling so much with it growing up. Yet something softened inside of him as he realized the implications of what you said: you felt safe being yourself around him.
Good, then. He liked being himself around you, too.
The gloves crinkled as they came off, and he tossed them into the bin before making his way over to you. You turned right as he wrapped his arms around you, pressing a long kiss against your lips before drawing away. 
You smiled at him. “Hi?”
“Hi,” he giggled. “Happy birthday. I love you.” 
You kissed him back, soft and sweet, before pulling away. “I love you, too, you dork.” 
Soonyoung drew away, already going for his phone to start looking up dessert places. He would have done this for you a thousand times over if it meant he could see that pretty smile on your face. And he knew he’d kiss that smile again when the night was over and you were back where you belonged in his arms.
Hopefully, you two could spend your next birthday just like this, too.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @synthetickitsune @staranghae @porridgesblog @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @laylasbunbunny @bewoyewo
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biibini · 5 months
hello! :DD
i love reading all of your fics, they make me giggle and smile so much <3 (we’re brain rotting together ✨🤞)
it’s my bday today, so i’m wondering if i may request modern mizu and reader spending time together during the reader’s birthday?
nsfw modern!mizu x reader’s bday (request)
tags: loving mizu, soft, morning kisses, affectionate mizu, touchy, cuddling, bathtub scene???, massages, cunnilingus, dom!mizu, praise, dirty talk, dirty praise talk ?, strap on, hickies, riding, receiving head, fingering, aftercare
a/n: omg first off HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY! i hope this isnt too late & thank u for reading the brain rots :) im glad yall enjoy it as much as i do
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18+ suggestive content below
modern!mizu would start the bday business in the morning before u wake up
normally, she would wake up in the early morning to go to the gym
but one day without it wouldn’t be the end of the world
besides, she would get the workout later tonight in between ur legs
(yeah i said it, the D is fire🔥, happy wife happy life)
she’d go out and get fresh flowers
prob from the local flower store in downtown
she’d try to be quiet with her motorcycle but if ur a light sleeper, u would know whats up
but she would come back to the apartment quietly and place the flowers neatly in a new vase
before changing back into her pjs, she would place the vase on the desk w a little note saying “good morning & happy birthday baby ♡”
climbing back into bed, u would feel her arms surround u from behind
Mizu sneaks back into bed after successfully finishing her mission: getting a pretty bouquet for her pretty birthday girl. Now under the covers, she turns to look at you. Still fast asleep, her arms wrap your body from behind. She feels you stir awake and hum from her touch.
Mizu hunches over to get a better view of your face. Your eyes flutter open. You look to your left to find Mizu, hair down and looking at you endearingly.
"Happy birthday, baby.", Mizu greets you, giving you a good morning kiss. You smile and kiss her back. "Thank you.", you respond back.
You hook your arms around her neck, attempting to pull her in for more morning kisses. Instead, she stopped you in your tracks.
"Someone left a special present for a pretty birthday girl on the desk."
You looked past Mizu and spotted the vase on the desk, holding your favorite flowers. Your eyes widen in shock. You crawl out of bed and walk over to get a closer look at the bouquet. Laid next to the vase was a note written in Mizu's handwriting.
Good morning and happy birthday baby, it wrote.
You stared at the note in awe, looking back at proud MIzu with a smile. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
You turned around to give Mizu a big hug and many many thank-you kisses.
modern!mizu would attempt to cook a breakfast in bed
she would probably end up asking u for help
but setting up the table? all her
serving u food? all her
setting u down in the chair? all her
she would want to treat her pretty girl well
in an attempt to make something cute, she would try to make heart-shaped pancakes or any shape u desired
it almost worked with the heart but it ended up looking like a squiggly heart
it was still delicious anyways
modern!mizu would def host a birthday lunch or dinner with u and ur friends
she can spend her time with u later tonight
but she wants u to celebrate with others during ur special day
i dont think she would surprise u but she would shock u with how meticulously planned everything is
from the reserved table to the special free birthday cake to the singing of happy birthday at the dinner table
at first, u thought it would just be the waiter and ur friends all sitting around and quietly singing
but akemi brought a karaoke microphone
and then taigen pulled out his speaker
and ringo brought out a tambourine
and mizu with another karaoke microphone
tbh it was ringo and akemi that wanted it to be loud but mizu just went along
its ur birthday it should be celebrated
they all proceeded to sing happy birthday, loud and proud
while ur waiter laughed and played along, happily singing and clapping to the beat
modern!mizu would probably find some way to sneak in "birthday kisses"
aka just more affectionate mizu
i feel like she wouldn't be the biggest fan of PDA but if she's feeling extra loving on ur special day, that goes out the window
if she's not holding ur hand, her arm is by ur shoulder
if her arm isn't wrapped around ur shoulder, it's wrapped around ur waist
and just random kisses
"just because" kisses
"oh it's ur bday" kisses
she's just in love and celebrating ur day
modern!mizu would definitely give u a relaxing bath after a long day of birthday celebrations
if big parties aren't ur thing, she would make sure to make u feel relaxed
she would set up the bath and let u pick whatever scent or bath bomb u wished to use
if it was ur thing, she would always recommend the lavender or jasmine scent for destress
while in the bath, she would set any tea u would like
light a candle
bring a book
if it was up to u, she could join the relaxation
but if u didn't wish for any disturbances, mizu wouldn't mind
but lets face it: ofc u want her in ur bday bath
after ur all settled, she would join right behind u & wrap her arms around ur body
its such a soft and intimate moment
after a day of celebration, u could relax and take a deep breath
You were sitting in the bathtub, filled with warm water, and a jasmine bath bomb quietly sizzling next to you. To your right, you watch Mizu light a lavender-scented candle. As you begin to settle into the bathtub and relax, you hear soft piano music in the background. You take a deep breath and enter your entire body into the bathtub, enveloping yourself in the warm water that Mizu prepared for you.
"Everything alright?", Mizu asks as she sits next to you outside the bathtub.
You nod in response. "Everything's perfect..."
You pause.
"Except one thing."
Mizu tilts her head in confusion. You look up to her, reaching your arm out to her with an open hand: an invitation to join you.
"You're missing.", you smile.
Mizu smiles back. Not a wide grin but a soft smile.
She strips down and enters the bath behind you. The water splashes against the side. Not overfilling quite yet, but almost filled to the brim with jasmine-scented bath water. You turn behind to see Mizu's face highlighted by one of the candles nearby. Her eyes softly gazed back at you, almost shining in the flickering light.
"Come here.", she says softly, wrapping her arms around your body. You lay back as you feel her hands find your sides, gently hugging your body. You feel her lips softly touch your shoulders, inching closer to your neck. Her breath tickles your neck, making you gasp in response.
"Mizu...", you turn your head to get a better view of Mizu.
"Shhh. Just relax.", she quietly mumbled.
"Let me treat my pretty girl on her birthday."
modern!mizu would give u little massages
she's gotten experience from eiji asking begging her to massage his back after a long day
by request, u can ask her to focus on specific pain points
but tbh the feeling of her hands caressing ur back (or anywhere) can send u a one-way trip to heaven
if ur still in the bath, she would wash ur hair too in the meantime
she can do her hair afterwards
the feeling of her fingers digging into ur scalp and back feels oh so good
NSFW content ahead
(oh thank god let's get to the good stuff)
modern!mizu would def give u birthday head
mizu would not hesitate at all
she would slowly start from giving u gentle kisses to worshipping ur entire body
and the finale erupting in between ur legs
strap or no strap, it was up to u
but she was determined to pleasure u either way
modern!mizu would keep on praising u the entire night
the amount of praises u would hear is sinful
a lot of "my love" or "my pretty girl"s but make it 100x
or "my pretty girl is doing so good"
"you like that, don't you?"
"taking my fingers so well... that's my beautiful girl"
(im blushing just thinking ab it)
modern!mizu would leave a dangerous number of marks
typically, she only likes to leave one or two hidden
but since she's already on a roll
she can get a little careless
and totally not leave a few in between your thighs
and around your boobs
and neck
all in all, she'd end the night giving u ultimate treatment aftercare aka just very affectionate and loving mizu
modern!mizu ends ur birthday night with cuddles and sweet kisses and more softer sfw praises until u fall asleep
You and Mizu lay yourselves on the bed, still recovering from the pleasurable highs and moans a couple minutes ago. Wrapped in Mizu's arms, you squeeze her arms tightly.
"Thank you for a wonderful birthday day, my love.", you compliment her as you kiss her cheek.
She turned to kiss you fully, one of her arms moving to allow her hand to cup your face.
"Anything for my pretty girl.", she answers back, smiling at you once more before coming closer to give you more loving kisses.
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changisworld · 4 months
since it's I.N's month, could be one where gf decides to do something "special" for him, shoving her underwear on his pocket and waiting for him on the restroom?
literally sprinted to post this JUST in time for his bday😭 HAPPY 23RD BIRTHDAY JEONGIN<3
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post.
PSA FOR ASKS/REQUESTS: i WILL get around to posting everyone’s requests i’m just sorry if it takes a bit of time but whatever you request i’ll post it!! IM ALSO MAKING AN ANON LIST!! just send me anything & tell me what emoji u wanna be!<3
18+, MDNI!! smut warnings under the cut
main masterlist here
any reblogs/ comments are deeply appreciated!!
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SMUT WARNINGS; oral(M receive), public sex, marking, pet names;baby, hunny etc, quite cute tbh, public teasing, finger sucking, mentions of spit, tiniest tiniest bit of dirty talk?? aftercare(as much as you can give in a public bathroom.) creampie, SO much eye contact, bits of fluff
You are currently out for dinner with Jeongin, Seungmin & your friend Yuna for Jeongins birthday. (happy 23rd birthday jeongin<3). The dinner has been going really well & you’re enjoying the food you ordered & a glass of wine ordered by yuna, You’re laughing with the 3 of them when you feel jeongin put his hand on the top of your thigh & caress it, his eyes not even batting down once, still talking to Seungmin about random group activities.
You suck in a deep breath, trying to act as if the simple gesture isn’t already making you blush & heat up under his touch. You put your hand above his & hold it as you continue eating & talking but his hand moves again but this time, he’s moves his hand forward, now cupping the part of your cunt that he can reach with you sitting down. You stop chewing half way through, feeling yourself leaking in your panties. You throw a flushed look to Jeongin but he just looks back giving you the same gorgeous dimpled smile he always does. A second later, he pulls his hand away to help put his dish onto the middle of the table to help the waitress take away the plates easier.
You think for a moment before coming up with a plan.
You ‘accidentally’ drop your fork & reach down to pick it up, but at the same time you use your free hand to wiggle your panties off your legs, past your heels & you ball it up in your hand before putting the fork you dropped, onto the pile of plates.
The waitress comes & takes the dishes away a few minutes later & refills everyone’s wine & you begin looking at menus.
“Since it’s Jeongins birthday, y/n where are you gonna take him hm?” Seungmin winks, smiling over the menu hes holding. You raise your eyebrows & smile back
“It’s a surprise, lips are sealed sorry. anyways i’m gonna go to the bathroom, if i’m not back in time, order me the chocolate molten lava cake please” Yuna nods at you & Jeongin, Yuna & seungmin keep having their own conversation, in the meantime you lean over to kiss his cheek but you also put your hand in his pocket & drop the panties that have been balled up in your hand for the past 5 minutes, into his pocket.
You stand up & head to the bathroom, smiling to yourself, feeling proud. You turn the corner & head into the single woman’s bathroom stall & close the door, not locking it. You walk over to the sink & look at yourself & dab your finger on the tip of your lips, getting rid of the slightly messy lipstick from eating.
Not even two minutes later, the door opens & steps in Jeongin. You turn around so you’re leaning against the sink, facing him.
“Took ya long enough, what did you tell them?” You ask, reaching over slightly & pulling his dress tie towards you so he is now right in front of you, he smiles & starts twirling your hair on his finger while looking into your eyes.
“Some lame excuse about me saying i was gonna go find a person who could ask the chef to give me strawberry sauce instead of caramel.” He chuckles slightly before leaning down to your neck to bite it slightly, you hiss at the contact.
“And they just believed it?” You lean into his mouth & touch, already palming his cock through his dress pants, creating an obvious tent.
“Who cares if they didn’t, they wouldn’t say anything regardless, but we need to make this quick baby, don’t wanna get kicked out by getting caught now do we?” He asks you rhetorically, hand already sliding down to cup your pussy, not surprisingly already dripping, You sigh at the contact & loosen his the & undo the top three buttons so you have access to his collarbones before leaning in & sucking a mark on them, hand still working on his boner.
“You’re so wet baby, did my hand really do this to you hm? you get off on such simple touches in front of our friends hm?” you can feel him smirking against your neck as he pulls back before making eye contact with you, reaching into his pocket & pulling out your soaked panties.
“So dirty my love, couldn’t even wait until we got home hm? you wanted me in here so badly” You roll your eyes before pulling him by the tie again & kissing him again, your lipstick smudging on his face along with your own. “You’re just as dirty baby, you knew where to find me & came, into the girls bathroom too.” you say in-between kisses.
You undo his zipper & trouser button before pulling them along with his underwear just enough to set his cock free, already hard & red, leaking at the tip slightly. You stop kissing him to trail yourself down his frame until you end up on his knees & you instantly kiss his tip, making it even more red but with your lipstick staining it this time, you’re convinced his dick blushed. You look up at Jeongin whos looking down at you with nothing but love but also lust in his eyes, which makes you think you genuinely leaked onto the floor.
You take his tip into your mouth & begin twirling your tongue around it just the way he likes. Your hands reach up on instinct & start playing with his balls & he grips onto the sink to balance himself as he throws his head back, biting his lip to try hold back his whines.
“Your mouth is so f-ffucking good baby, it’s so wet holy fuck” He says, trying to keep his voice calm but just comes out high pitched & whiny. You decide to thank his compliment by hallowing your cheeks as much as you possibly can & going as deep as you can, your nose almost touches his pelvis as you begin humming & gagging around him, spit coming out your mouth & dripping onto your knees & the floor beneath you.
After another minute or so, he pulls your hair roughly off his dick, you whine at the sudden gesture.
“Sorry baby i-i was gonna cum, yo-your mouth is too good. get up on the sink plea-se” He pants out, sweat beading at his forehead & getting caught in his eyebrows. You stand up, giggling at how fucked out he was & begin to climb onto the sink but he helps you anyway.
He hikes your dress up & puts his fingers to your lips, you open your mouth instantly & you let them rest on your tongue before you coat them with spit. He pulls them back out & runs them over your already dripping cunt.
“Didn’t even need your spit baby, you’re soaked already, here, use this to keep you quiet” He hands them to you & you take this opportunity to put them in your mouth, looking up at him with shiny eyes.
“Don’t even need to prep ya’, you ready?” He asks, how pumping his wet dick in his hand slowly, waiting for your go-ahead.
You nod instantly & desperately so he breaches your cunt with the tip & you shudder & his eyebrows furrow. He slides all the way to the hilt & you throw your head back & groan into the fabric in your mouth.
Jeongin leans over you & pulls the panties out of your mouth & shoves them back in his pocket & bites your bottom lip.
“I’ll just silence your moans with my lips instead hunny” You begin to whine as you already feel your orgasm bubbling up, Jeongin knows your body like the back of his hand & knows exactly where to hit to get you to cum almost instantly.
“You’re so fucking b-big innie holy fuck, n-not gonna last” you say, eyes rolling back.
“don’t speak like that unless you don’t wanna cum before i do i mean it, you’re moulded just for my dick.. i’m sure of it.” He says back, voice breathy & whiny.
He starts kissing you as his other hand worms it’s way down to your clit & starts pressing down on it & drawing figures with it just the way you like it & before you can even warn him, you’re clenching around his dick & you cum. Your legs begin shaking & you break the kiss & you end up with your lips against his neck & you subconsciously suck a dark hickey onto it. Jeongin cums straight after seeing & feeling your orgasm & lips on his neck. His ropes of cum shoot out inside you & you feel it inside you too.
You both come down from your orgasms together, Jeongin in-between your legs, putting most of his body weight on you as you are still on top of the sink against the wall, panting heavily. You give the hickey you just gave him a gentle kiss & you reach over to grab some paper towels from the paper towel dispenser & start dabbing jeongins face from all the sweat on it & he laughs.
“I think i need a bit more than a few paper towels hunny, look at me.” You laugh, looking up at his face as he looks at himself in the mirror, face & neck completely covered in lipstick, all smudged.
“i dont even wanna know what my face must look like if yours is that covered” you say, getting off the sink with Jeongins help & you both let out another chuckle at the state of your face, lips still stained with lipstick but your cheeks are just as stained as them.
Jeongin & you both work on trying to make yourselves look presentable again but it proves a lot easier said than done. Jeongin kisses your cheek while you are still trying to get your hair to not look as if a bird lives in it.
“That’s the best it’s gonna get y/n, you have a brush in your clutch bag.” Jeongin says, holding your waist from behind & balancing his chin on you. “I wonder if dessert arrived yet, cmon we gotta go, probably a hugeee line outside the bathroom right now.” He gives you a kiss on your cheek & looks in the mirror again, sighing.
“Well we would have gave them a good audio show wouldnt we?” you chuckle to him, throwing your hair up to cover all the tugs. “alright, let’s go. hope you enjoyed this birthday present baby” You turn around & hold onto his shoulders.
“Just being with you is an amazing birthday present, why not i give you a ‘thank you’ present at home hm? by the way, i’m keeping these. for my own use.” He says, smiling at you with his dimples on his cheeks, holding your panties in his palm again.
You giggle before walking over & unlocking the door, hand in hand with Jeongin & swallowing your pride before walking back over to the table with Yuna & Seungmin… who had already finished dessert.
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saiidahyunie · 5 months
wherever u r
minatozaki sana x reader ; fluff 
synopsis: it's friday after work, but you thought it'd be fun to send sana on a wild goose chase.
wc: 1.5k
a/n: happy (proper) birthday to my main bias wrecker and one of my nine wives!
wherever u r by umi
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sana walks out of her office with momo, answering texts from her parents and family friends who greeted a happy birthday despite working when she should’ve taken the day off. all that was left to do was be on her way home to finally see you.
a smile was plastered on her face only to be followed by a confounding expression at your text. 
don’t come home just yet 
i have something for you to do
*various attachments sent* 
sana bursts out in confusion at what you sent her as momo cocks her head at sana wondering what you sent her. 
“what happened sana?” 
“y/n is really giving me errands when i should be going home!” sana exclaims out loud, kneeling on the ground covering her head. 
momo giggles at sana’s distressed state as she hands the phone to her to see the different attachments that you sent her, realizing that this was something that you had been working on for the last two weeks or so. 
“i think y/n is asking you for something about these places she sent you, almost like a scavenger hunt.” 
“i dunno, but this is pretty interesting coming from her so i think you should give it a try.” momo says, handing the phone back to her as she stood up from the ground, starting to walk momo to the train station. 
“what do you think this is momo?” sana asks, clicking on the different attachments on the message that shows different locations spread across the city.
“that’s for you to figure out, you’re the birthday girl after all.” momo quirks back as her and sana reach the entrance to the subway. 
sana could only pout at momo as she smiled back, “whatever y/n has for you, i like this idea so i’ll probably steal it for jihyo’s birthday soon.” 
“a scavenger hunt huh.” sana hums, pulling momo for a hug, “thank you for the meal earlier momo.” 
momo murmurs in response, “of course sana, anything for my work bestie. i’ll see you soon, okay?!” 
“get home safe mo!” sana waves off momo as she enters the subway, smiling as she looks back down on her phone again at the new messages. 
ready for your scavenger hunt? 
is this what you were planning for my bday???
this is just one part don’t worry 
anyways go to this location first 
you did say you liked walking :) 
sana sighed out with a bit of excitement in her breath, determined to uncover this mystery game you had laid out for her as she began to make her way to the first location you sent her. 
the first location turned out to be a restaurant that was about fifteen minutes away from sana’s workplace as she stood in front of it still perplexed as to why you made her walk to this place first. that was when she got the text message from you again.
the first time we met, even though the steak that i ordered was a bit undercooked, it was still a great time.
you then send a picture of the small group that went out to eat dinner that included you, momo, sana, jihyo, and nayeon outside the restaurant. you were behind sana in the second row of the girls and little did sana know that you and her would be talking a lot more to each other after that night. 
sana smiles at the memory as she sees the second location you sent her, tilting her head at her phone from the address that you given her, shaking her head as she begins to start walking towards it’s direction. 
the second location happened to be the national museum that was in the middle of town. sana had to take the bus to get here since she lost her sense of direction for a cool seven minutes before realizing that she made a typo to the address in her maps app.
once she made her way into the museum, sana remembered how you had a fascination for modern art. what was more intriguing was the inventory of chairs from this one collector that turned his collection into an exhibition and you were taking a lot of pictures. sana smiles at the many art pieces scattered around the room as she feels her phone vibrate again.
of all the pieces that were in that exhibition, i was only focused on one certain artwork and that was you.
sana then sees the picture of herself looking up at one of the ceiling pieces that was inspired by michelangelo’s sistine chapel in italy and smiles at how you managed to get a candid picture of her in the museum. followed by another picture of you and sana sitting together, your face pressed against hers while eating some ice cream as it was one of the many sentimental dates that sana really enjoyed with you. 
as she walked out of the museum, sana gets one last message from you as she sat down on the steps to take a break. 
they say the invisible red string tied to you will always bring you to the person you’re destined with
but what if that fateful person is waiting for you at home? 
sana reads that second message and immediately shoots back up standing, running to the nearest bus station, not having a care for her feet considering that she was running in two inch heels. that wouldn’t matter however since she knew the last location of this little scavenger hunt would end at. 
once sana jumbled the keys into the door, she runs inside the for a few moments, only to see that the lights were still on around the apartment, trying to catch her breath as she starts to discard her heels and handbag before letting herself fully relax into the couch before her phone buzzes for probably the final time tonight. 
“hello?” sana answers with a soft smile as she leans her head back to relax. 
“did you have fun with your little scavenger hunt baby?” you ask her, the enthusiasm in your voice giving sana an eagerness to know even after being together with you for four years.
sana perks her head back up again, “i did y/n, i loved the locations you sent me to.” 
“you probably might be wondering where i am, but don’t worry i just went out for a walk.” 
“figured.” sana sighed out as she took off the small cropped blazer from her body, letting it fall to the right side of her as she leaned back. “i have one more topic to talk about with you if that’s okay.” 
sana hums in disagreement, “i love when you have something to talk about with me, i get so reeled in with your words.” 
you softly chuckle into the phone before sana hears a few sounds of shuffling in the background before breathing in again to prepare yourself. 
“remember my text about the red string theory?” 
“mhm, remind me again about what it is.” 
“let me ask you this babe; do you believe our relationship was a blessing or fate?” 
sana pulls the phone away from her ear for a few seconds to think before answering your question. 
“i would say it can be both, but ultimately it was fate for us to be together.” 
“you think so?” 
“i have never met a person who could be so grounded with themselves. how they don’t let any hardships get in the way of their success. they constantly treat me so well with so much love and respect that sometimes i didn’t think i ever deserved to have. you have been the greatest blessing for me y/n, and maybe standing up to that blind date to meet you instead was fate in itself don’t you think?” 
silence filled up the call yet again as you were left speechless on the other end.
“that’s cute and beautifully put sana. i couldn’t have said it any better.” 
sana hears the door open and sees you walk in, standing up instantly as you hung up the call, wearing the happiest look on your face as sana sheds a small tear once you made your way closer to her. 
you’d been away from her a little too long for your liking so it only felt right to give her a meaningful hug as you two stayed like that for a bit, just taking time with the shared embrace of each other. 
“so i take you like my answer?” sana asks you as you break the hug momentarily to get something from the dining room, returning back with a bouquet of twenty seven roses for your longtime girlfriend. sana covers her face in shock with the tender gift you offered her while you stood there smiling. 
“i will be there wherever you are in the world, even if my feelings for you at times will make me weak or insignificant. i know one thing for sure, you are the fate that i cannot defy myself from.” 
sana steps forward to press her lips with yours, brushing against hers every passing second as you caress her cheek. never getting tired of how soft and loving her lips felt before pulling back away.
“happy birthday again my love, let’s enjoy your special day together.”
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damiansgoodgirll · 6 months
can you please do an story about Damian and Reader where her "friends" forgot her BDay and Damian is the only one who recognize something was wrong and she's telling him that's her BDay and he makes it an unforgettable weekend and later confess to her?!
damian priest x reader
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bday party
realising that it was your birthday and none of your friends wished you an happy birthday or asked you if you were doing something for that day actually hurt you.
you’ve been there for every one of your friends, for their birthdays, their weddings, whatever party they wanted to do. you’ve always been there but no one was there for you on your own special day.
being in an other city, away from your family, hurt you more. they were the only one to remember your birthday but the fact that they weren’t with you left you with a sense of sadness washing over you.
you hoped that maybe your gym friends remembered since you talked about it for the past week but once you hit the gym everyone greeted you normally, like nothing changed.
the only person to notice your humor was damian, you’ve met him when you started going at the same gym but everytime you talked it was mostly small talks. some about your personal lives and some about your jobs, a part of that, you weren’t that much friends. you were texting over instagram sometimes but not about anything in particular.
you’ve always found him attractive and truth be told you loved watching him in the gym but you knew you weren’t his type. you weren’t the type of girl a gym person like him would date.
but you couldn’t be more wrong.
damian had a crush on you. he developed feelings since the moment he saw you. he couldn’t get enough and his stalking abilities made it easier for him to find your instagram. he wanted to ask you out so bad but he didn’t know what kind of life he could give you. he was away from home all the time and he knew he couldn’t bring you with him.
he thought about those things all the time but that never stopped his feeling for you.
he wasn’t sure what was going on but there was something in your looks that was telling him that something was off.
“hey y/n! you okay?” he asked softly approaching you.
“hi damian” you greeted him with your soft voice “yes everything okay” you smiled.
“you sure? you know you can tell me if there’s something bothering you…” he smiled at you. a genuine smile you haven’t seen in months.
“it’s just…it doesn’t matter…”
“it does matter if it’s the reason i haven’t seen you smiling or laughing all morning” he teased.
“well, it’s my birthday and…well, none of my friends remembered it but it doesn’t really matter…” you awkwardly said, trying to not sound childish because in your mind it sounded stupid being mad for something like that.
“happy birthday hermosa” he said hugging you.
you never felt that hot in your life.
“t-thank you…i really appreciate it” you smiled.
“do you have any plans or things you wanna do today?”
“i actually have to finish some work but i was thinking of maybe watching a movie and ordering some pizza tonight since i’ll be alone anyway…” you whispered the last part and damian caught that too.
“text me your address after lunch, i’ll pick you up and take you somewhere nice” he said leaving before you could actually reply.
and so you did.
you had no idea where he was taking you so you tried to be elegant but not too extra at the same time.
he took you to a cinema and you both comfortably watched the new hunger games movie and ended up eating some pizza at the cute place near your home.
“you really shouldn’t have done it…maybe you had other plans today” you felt a little apologetic.
“no other plans, trust me…”
he loved spending the day with you. he got to know you better. definitely better than the usual ten minutes talk at the gym. he got to know what you liked, how you loved your pizza, what drinks you drink, what music you like to listen, what movies and shows you like to watch and more. he was comfortable with you and he wished every day was like this.
“still…you didn’t have to do it for me…” you smiled.
“i loved doing it for you” he said seriously, his eyes never leaving yours and you felt butterflies all over your body.
“then…thank you so much for the night” you whispered.
“you’re very welcome…even if you haven’t eaten the cake yet…” he said before taking a candle from his jacket and lighting it up for you “make a wish hermosa” he said with his deep voice.
“i think it already came true…” you teased back. before you could eat your piece of cake, he gently grabbed your hand and kissed the palm of it.
“it could be like this every night if you want to, you know…” he whispered, keeping your hand close to his lips “i really like you y/n and if you give one chance i could show you how i feel about you…”
“okay…” you whispered.
“okay” he smiled and kissed your hand again, making you forget about the cake.
honestly? fuck the cake if he could give you dessert every night.
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midnightsnyx · 7 months
girl at home | mat barzal | part 5
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pairing: mat barzal x fem!reader summary: you’re eighteen when you find yourself pregnant after Mat leaves for hockey. nearly eight years later, Mat finds out about your daughter and you have to deal with the consequences of not telling him about her.
warnings: swearing, angst, food, fluff, not edited word count: 2.3k authors note: it's my bday tmw and i am going out of town for the weekend so i wanted to get this posted!! also, i have no idea how pr management works so i def got everything wrong so pls don't yell at me lol i feel like this chapter is just like a roller-coaster that went off the tracks and blew up and someones trying to put it back together with tape from the dollar store so im sorry but i hope yall like it anyway and don't hate me pls <3 send your thoughts or come yell at me about this story bc I LOVE hearing from you guys!! It feeds my writing soul. thank u all for the love on this story so far and lmk if you wanna be added to my taglist. also thinking about doing some smau for this fic and wondering if you guys have any ideas or suggestions?
if you asked to be added to the taglist and didn't get tagged it's cause you didn't show up when i searched for you! so shoot me a msg and we can figure it out. also if you want to be added or taken off the taglist please let me know <3
requests are open. masterpost masterlist taglist form ask box
You didn’t think the situation with Mat’s statement could get any worse. You were already being pestered by your mom, your friends and even other parents at the day camps Nora attended. Mostly everyone knew that it was true that Mat was her father at that point so the statement caused questions to rise. Ignoring everybody’s opinions about it was easy but six simple words from Nora were what broke you. 
“I thought Mat was my daddy,” she said softly while eating breakfast one morning. She had been quiet since the day before but it continued when she woke up the next morning. You thought maybe she was just moody and tired but it ended up being much more than that.
It took you a minute to answer, trying to figure out where she might have heard or been told that. It wasn’t that surprising that she might have gotten the impression that he was her dad considering how much time Mat had been spending with the two of you or she overheard a conversation. Kids are very perceptive but you couldn’t see how anyone would directly tell her about the public statement and you had been very careful about what you said around Nora and told everyone else to do the same. 
Apparently someone didn’t get the memo. 
You had two options. You could lie to Nora about what was going on or you could explain it in the best way you could to her. Lying to your daughter was the last thing you wanted to do but figuring out the easiest way to explain it so she would understand was hard. How were you supposed to explain that yes, Mat is her daddy but he was a fucking idiot and told the world that she’s not even though he said he wanted to be in her life. It would have been so simple to take the easy way out but it wouldn’t have been fair to Nora so after she finished her breakfast, you sat her down. 
“You’re feeling a little confused, huh?” you asked, watching her fiddle with a loose string on her sweater. 
She nodded, still not looking up at you and not offering her thoughts. It was a bit alarming because she was usually a chatterbox, even when she was upset about something. She would let you know exactly what was wrong. 
“Who told you Mat was your daddy?” 
She finally looked up at you, and the tears threatening to spill from her eyes made you both angry and upset. You were ready to find whoever told her and scream at them but her answer stunned you.
“I heard you talking to Jaxy,” she whispered. “I wasn’t trying to listen but I was coming out to get some water and you said that you were mad at Mat.” 
She didn’t elaborate on what else she may have heard which was unnerving because you probably said a lot of things about Mat that night when Jax came over to talk to you about it. You hoped she didn’t stay long enough for your breakdown where you had cried for thirty straight minutes. 
She sniffled, wiping a couple tears away. “I don’t understand.”
Your heart broke but you still struggled with how to explain everything to her. Telling her in the beginning was probably a better idea but you were so caught up in your own thoughts and feelings, you ignored the person who should have been your number one priority the entire time. 
“Mat is your daddy, baby,” you said. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
I’m sorry I kept you a secret.
“How come everyone is saying he’s not?” 
Mat should have been the one to answer this question because it was his doing, but you hadn’t spoken to him since the night he was at your apartment and the two of you argued. He had texted you the day after but you ignored it because you didn’t know what you would say when given the chance.
“Well, sometimes people make mistakes and Mat said something he shouldn’t have,” you explained, hoping it was enough and it seemed to be enough at first but then she hugged you tightly.
“I love you mama,” she said and before you could reply, she quietly asked, “Do you think Mat loves me?” 
“I’m sure he does,” you told her and it took everything in you not to cry. 
. . .
Liana: dinner at our place @ 6. bring nora and don’t be late!!!
You’re tempted to decline the request and just stay home but you’ve been promising Liana and Nadia that you would actually visit instead of dropping Nora off and leaving like you’ve been doing. Avoiding Mat is becoming increasingly difficult. It’s been two weeks since he released the statement and a week since your conversion with Nora. She’s been asking a lot of questions, ones that you didn’t plan on having to answer so soon. You expected her to be angry with you for not telling her but she took your confirmation that Mat’s her dad with ease. 
So it didn’t come as a surprise when her first question was whether Mat would be at the Barzal household for this dinner. You hadn’t bothered to ask Liana, mainly because you knew it would definitely impact your decision to agree to go. 
“Did you know that Zoe’s mom and dad aren’t together either?” She says during the drive to the Barzal’s. 
You do know this but you humor her. “Really?”
“Yup. Zoe said she spends weekends with her dad and stays with her mommy during the week,” she explains and then moves on to a different topic. You’re a little curious why she would talk about her friends’ living arrangements but when you finally pull into the driveway, your question is answered. 
“Do I have to stay at Mat’s on the weekend?” She asks and if you hadn’t already parked the car, you would have hit the brakes. 
“No,” you say a little too quickly and sharply because she frowns. 
“How come?”
You don’t answer her question right away, getting out of the car and walking around to the other side. She’s already unbuckling her seatbelt by the time you open the door and she’s still frowning. 
“Just no, Nora.”
“But Zoe does!”
You can’t explain custody agreements to a seven-year-old so you say the first excuse you can think of. 
“He doesn’t live here,” you say, taking her hand and begin walking towards the house. She’s dragging her feet, clearly not happy with your response. 
“Do I have to call him dad?” 
“Just ‘cause,” you say, stopping at the door and turning to her. Her arms are crossed and she’s giving you the look that says she won’t let up until you give her an answer she wants.
“Do you want to call him dad?” 
She pauses, looking down at the ground and frowning. After a moment she shakes her head. 
“No, but Miss. Jones says you’re not supposed to call your mommy and daddy by their first names ‘cause it’s disrespectful.” 
“It’s not up to Miss. Jones,” you say gently. “This is new, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
After a moment, she mutters a quiet “okay,” and then: “do you think Nadia has ice-cream for dessert?”
“Guess we’ll have to go inside and ask,” you reply and raise your fist to knock on the door but it swings open before you can. Liana is waiting on the other side with a big smile on her face. Nora runs straight to her and giggles when the older girl picks her up and swings her around. 
“C’mon in,” Liana says, ushering you inside. So far there’s no sign of Mat so some of the tension leaves your body. After putting both yours and Nora’s shoes aside, you make your way to the kitchen. Nadia is puttering around, juggling a million things but she still smiles softly when she sees you. 
“Can I help with anything?” 
“You can keep me company,” she says and points to a chair. “Sit down and update me on what you’ve been up to.”
You know that you can’t argue with her so you sit and chat idly with her. She doesn’t bring up anything to do with Mat and you’re not sure what to think about it. You almost slip up and ask if he’s going to be here for dinner but decide not to. You haven’t seen him around since you arrived, so he’s probably out. Maybe with a girl. 
Not that you care, obviously. 
Mike eventually pokes his head in the kitchen to greet you and ask how you’ve been. He offers to set the table but Nadia shoos him out of the kitchen, rolling her eyes fondly. 
“Don’t get married, they’re nothing but trouble,” she jokes but there’s a smile on her face that lingers even after her husband leaves. You always admired their relationship, and were certain that you and Mat would be like it some day but it wasn’t in the cards. 
Soon, Nadia calls everyone to dinner. Nora immediately asks why Mat isn’t here and there’s an awkward silence until Liana breaks it.
“He’s busy,” she tells Nora and that must be enough because she just nods and starts eating dinner. Nothing else is said about Mat but just as you’re all finishing dessert, you hear the door open and close and there’s only one person you figure it will be.  
Mat walks into the dining room, clearly caught off guard by your presence. Nora hops off her chair and darts over to him, wrapping her arms around his legs and starts chatting excitedly. He’s trying to give her all his attention but his eyes keep flickering to you. 
When Nadia and Mike get up to start clearing the table and Liana asks Nora if she wants to go watch a movie, you realize that the three of them planned this. It’s almost like you’re kids again, fighting about something stupid and needing his parents to help fix the problem. 
Mat looks at you a little helplessly when the room clears and it’s just the two of you. There’s no way you can yell at him with his family and Nora in the next room and you realize that was also probably planned. 
“Can we talk?” he asks and you really don’t want to, but you realize that eventually you’re going to have to talk to him so you nod. You follow him out the back door and the two of you sit on the porch steps in silence until you finally break it.
“Why didn’t you come to me about what PR wanted to do? We could have figured out something together.”
He shrugs, looking at the ground. “I didn’t think to ask you about it. I just wanted to fix everything before it got complicated. I wasn’t thinking.” 
“Yeah, no shit,” you mutter. “That’s something you’re great at. You don’t think before you do anything.” 
You jump when he stands up suddenly and turns to face you. He’s angry but so are you.
“No, fuck that. You can’t just expect me to do everything right, when a month ago, all I had to worry about was hockey. I can’t be number one dad overnight! You didn’t even tell me about her for six years!” 
You’re a bit taken off guard by his sudden outburst but you can do anger too.
“That is the exact reason I didn’t tell you about her, Mat. Hockey is always going to come first in your life,” you snap. “And I didn’t ask you to be a number one dad, all I asked was that you be sure you wanted to be in her life before you committed to anything because this is exactly what I was worried about.” 
He falters a little, probably not expecting you to return the anger. 
“I didn’t want to post what they asked me to,” he says, sounding defeated. “But I didn’t know how to say no. When PR tells you to jump, you jump.”
You’ve no idea how public relations in hockey works, it’s possible that they would have posted the statement without asking Mat but you’re so damn angry. You’re angry but you don’t know who you’re even supposed to be mad at now. 
“You should have come to me,” you say again. “That’s how co-parenting works, you know.”
His mouth twitches. “That’s what we were doing?”
You can feel the anger slowly dissipating. Mat’s shoulders aren’t as tense and he plops back down on the steps so you sit next to him, letting your shoulders and knees knock against his.
“Well, you are her dad,” you admit. “And she is very concerned about her future living arrangements.”
He looks at you a little confused but there’s a small smile spreading across his face. 
“Does she know?”
“Yeah,” you tell him. “She’s smarter than you expect sometimes.”
“She gets that from you,” he says, poking your arm.
You roll your eyes fondly. “Well she had to get her brains from someone.”
He huffs but it sounds more like a laugh. You watch him look at the ground, brows furrowed and deep in thought.
“I fucked up, didn’t I?”
Here’s the thing that a lot of people don’t know about Mat: he doesn’t forgive himself easily. It’s something you learned the hard way when you were younger and dating. 
So you know he will beat himself up over this until you forgive him. 
“Yeah, but we both did.” You bump your knee against his until he looks up at you. “We can fix it, but we have to do it together.”
He holds out his pinky finger. ”Co-parenting, right?”  
You hook your finger around his and nod, letting yourself relax for the first time in weeks. It’s going to take time, hard work, and you’re both going to have to learn how to trust and communicate better again but you're sure you’ll get there.
“Together,” you agree.
tag list: @literatureluster @dasiysthings @barzyblogbabe @diary-of-jj @heatherawoowoo @fallinallincurls @topguncultleader @shadowsndaisies @lovinbarzal @whatthepuckisgoingon @alilstressyandlotdepressy @teapartydreams @keiva1000
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hearts4hughes · 9 months
lacy | mark estapa
( mark estapa x fem!reader )
a/n: i know i should be working on my bday celly, but this song has been stuck in my head since i first heard it. olivia so perfectly captured the feeling of insecurities within girls and others. this is sooo short and it’s devastating writing mark angst, but i had to write something for this song!
warnings: mentions of being insecure, being led on, no part two!
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Lacy, oh, Lacy
Skin like puff pastry
Aren't you the sweetest thing on this side of Hell?
Dear angel Lacy
Eyes white as daisies
Did I ever tell you that I’m not doin' well?
the bar was loud- so loud it hurt your head. then again, maybe it was also the result of the countless drinks you’d lost track of, each one seemingly going down easier than the last.
why had you agreed to go there? why had you agreed to torture yourself?
just a week ago mark had his arm around you. he was whispering sweet nothings into your ear, giving you the impression he wanted more than to just be best friends. yet he never acted on it, never followed through. so you waited on this confusing limbo. you didn’t know what you were waiting for- perhaps for your crush on your best friend to magically disappear or for him to finally act on all those mixed signals.
now, mere days later, he had his arm around her- treating her as he had just treated you. his arm rested comfortably around her waist. their height difference made him have to lean down to whisper in her ear, just as he had done with you. and he looked at her with those unmistakable heart eyes. you wanted to believe that she had lured him in with some siren song, or maybe cast a spell on him, but you didn’t believe in magic. that’s why lacy almost didn’t seem real. she was impossibly perfect.
her long, blonde hair was tied back with delicate pink ribbons, matching with her adorable slip dress. but when you wore pink, it washed out all of your features, leaving you feeling less then feminine. with lacy, it was different. pink accentuated her plump red lips and those piercing blue eyes of hers. she embodied femininity in every way.
why couldn’t you look like that?
Smart, sexy Lacy
I'm losin’ it lately
I feel your compliments like bullеts on skin
Dazzling starlet
Bardot reincarnate
Wеll, aren't you the greatest thing to ever exist?
you were jolted as she gracefully moved away from mark and headed in your direction. she sent you the sweetest smile, showing off her pearly white teeth. it was the kind of smile that could uplift anyone that was lucky enough to see it.
“oh my goodness, you look like an actual goddess!” she complimented, her eyes filled with sincerity and awe. there was no devilish undertone or hidden agenda in her words, so why did it feel like bullets against your skin?
you smiled in return, yet it didn’t reach your eyes. “speaking of looking like a goddess, darling, that’s you.” you replied with sincerity, even though the gnawing feeling in your stomach hinted otherwise.
“thank you so much, cutie! i channeled my inner bardot with this look.” she said, though she didn’t need to channel anyone. she was a modern-day brigitte bardot herself. “anyways, catch you later; i’m going to get drinks for mark and me.” she beamed, planted a sweet kiss on your cheek, and strutted off to the bar.
you wanted so desperately to find a flaw, to mock her in some way, but it was impossibly- she was genuinely one of the sweetest people you’ve ever met, and it left you conflicted, torn between admiration and insecurity.
you couldn’t do this. you couldn’t sit here praying on the downfall of her and mark’s relationship. it was time to accept the painful truth: you were just a pawn in his game, leading him to her- his queen. your trembling fingers found their way to the heart pendant necklace around your neck, and with a determined tug, you broke the clasp. gazing at it in your palm, you remembered how mark got it for you for your one year ‘friendiversary’. what once was such a special piece of jewelry, was now a mockery of your failed relationship.
tears welled up in your eyes as you stomped over to mark. he didn’t notice you were next to him until you shoved his shoulder. he looked at you with confusion as you opened his hand, shoving the golden pendant within it.
“what’s going on?” he asked, peering down at the necklace. “why are you giving this to me?” foolish was the only word that could describe him.
“i can’t be friends with you anymore, mark. you’re tearing me apart and i don’t even think you notice it.” you confessed, tears streaming down your face. his eyes were laced with hurt. what had he done to lose his best friend?
“no, don’t say anything!” you snapped, your breath hitching in your throat. “you don’t get to say anything after what you did to our friendship. you ruined it! you’re the one who ruined it.” your words were slurred, fueled by the alcohol coursing through your veins.
he didn’t respond or ask for clarification; you both knew exactly what had been done to ruin such a solid connection.
as the weight of your confession hung in the air, you turned away from who once was your world, leaving him behind with the heart pendant in his open palm. there was a whirlwind of emotions coursing through you- pain, anger, and an overwhelming sense of betrayal.
pushing through the crowd, you made your way to the exit. lacy waved you bye, clueless of what had just happened.
you stepped out of the bar into the darkness. tears clung to your lashes, but you didn’t let them fall. your phone vibrated in your pocket, but you ignored it- too nervous that you’d see mark’s contact picture staring back at you.
and you left, leaving everything you once cared about behind you; leaving that cruel chapter of your life in the darkness of the open night.
Lacy, oh, Lacy
It's like you're out to get me
You poison every little thing that I do
Lacy, oh, Lacy
I just loathe you lately
And I despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you
Yeah, I despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you
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seren1tyhaze · 11 months
of grocery lists and spilled (oat) milk
PAIRING: mark lee x afab reader
SUMMARY: sure, keeping your grocery list in Mark Lee's dms may seem like next level delusional but it can't do any harm, right?
AUTHOR’S NOTE: for my lovely @strwbrysunday who inspired this and for being there always for every step of my delusional writing process <3 In case I don’t pull something together in time, we can count this as a VERY early bday tribute to Markly
WARNINGS: fluff, romantic meet cute, light swearing, rekindling romance, childhood friends to lovers
PLAYLIST: Broken Melodies and Like We Just Met by NCT Dream
Life is but a dream, we got history
Your alarm is blaring in your ear as your cat licks the tip of your nose, jolting you awake to see hot sun streaming in your bedroom window. How bright the room is has you scrambling for your phone, desperately hoping you hadn’t overslept (again).
Your phone screen confirms the worst as you whip back the covers and slide into fluffy slippers next to your bed, knocking a cup over as you reach for your cat’s food in the kitchen and spilling some of it in the process. She happily purrs against your bare legs before starting to eat slowly out of the small tray and you realize you’re going to have to drink the shitty office coffee since you’re both out of espresso pods and oat milk.
You quickly shower and are out the door in record time, thanking yourself that you hadn’t unpacked your work bag when you had gotten home late the night before. Work has been brutal lately, giving you barely any time in the evenings to yourself and you’ve never been one to wake up early in the morning. You know you have to go to the store today so you plan to try to sneak out a bit early to get your essentials.
Once you’re settled in the train car for your twenty seven minute ride, you work through a couple emails to get a head start on work before turning to your grocery list.
You glance to your side to see if anyone is looking over your shoulder at your phone, knowing the unconventional location of said list would seem questionable to a passerby.
Even you can admit that your delusional habit you had started ages ago was a little strange, but it felt comforting at this point and wasn’t hurting anyone. You opened up your Instagram DMs and tapped into the extremely one sided conversation with a charming, smiley rapper with 11.5M followers who did not know you existed.
Yes, you kept your grocery lists (and other important info you needed to find quickly) in Mark Lee’s DMs. 
It had started as a joke a few years ago when you had finally admitted to your closest friend in the city that you and Mark had gone to summer camp together when you were kids. It had only been for a couple years but you remembered it like it was yesterday. The early morning kayak trips, knocking bare knees around a late night campfire, and how he used to sing you to sleep accompanied by the soft strumming of his guitar from the steps of your cabin. 
You had followed his career ever since, listening to new songs as they were released, watching him on variety shows, and flipping through magazines whenever you saw his stunning face and bold style gracing the covers. You enjoyed seeing the short poems he would post on his stories or read out loud on the rare live he would do after shows.
Your friend had encouraged you to slide into his DMs at the time, purely motivated by her desire to meet his dancer best friend that he was sometimes spotted with at the most exclusive clubs. You had tapped open the message conversation with him and in typing quickly, accidentally pasted your short grocery list into the chat. She had laughed at you and you sent the message anyways, knowing that there was no way he would reply or ever even see it in his message requests.
You had a solid amount of followers for someone who didn’t work in the entertainment industry due to the app you had helped develop rising in popularity in the past few months. You sometimes helped out with filming vlog content for the website or TikToks but mostly kept to yourself and didn’t really have any interest in being internet famous.
Since you had first put your grocery list in Mark’s DMs, you had used the space to put little notes to yourself, including a drunken ramble one night about how 16 Personalities has royally fucked up everyone’s perception of MBTI.
Today, you opened up the message to add in your latest essentials, putting oat milk in all caps since the last few times you went you somehow managed to forget it. You needed food for the week, chicken and veggies, some other basics like mascara and tampons and remembered running low on cat treats.
Sliding your phone back into the front pocket of your bag, you let your eyes flutter shut for the rest of the ride to work, finally feeling the adrenaline of waking up late wear off.
Many hours later you are angrily typing on your computer, finishing up some code review for the development team, eyes flicking repeatedly to the clock in the bottom of your screen.
“I’m sorry you had to stay late, you should head out soon before it starts raining harder,” your coworker messages you, leaning from behind their monitor across the open office space, offering you a small smile.
You send off a couple frustrated emojis before typing up your feedback for the team in an email, feet already sliding into your rain boots you kept under your desk for gloomy days like today.
Checking your watch, you realize you are barely going to make it to the grocery store if you don’t leave now. The only benefit will be that it should be pretty empty this late at night. After a short train ride, you’re pushing a cart through the empty aisles, grabbing what you need and humming lightly to yourself. There are a few fellow late night shoppers milling about alongside the workers stocking the shelves for the next morning.
You grab the last item on your list just as a series of yawns hit you, making your way to the self-checkout area. You are about to scan your first item when you glance down at your cart, noticing you’ve managed to forget the oat milk again.
“Fucking…” you murmur under your breath, dropping your pack of tampons back into the cart and spinning on your heel, heading towards the back of the store to quickly grab the milk.
You’re almost back to your cart when you hit a wet spot on the floor, slipping in a dramatic, banana peel comedy sketch moment, falling hard on your back, managing to catch the back of your head with your hand before it collides with the linoleum floor.
The oat milk cartons in your hands crash to the floor, one of them starting to leak out in a milky puddle next to you.
Suddenly a masked face appears over you, white cloth covering most of his features, dark eyes holding a confused look. You are breathing heavily and blink a couple times to clear your vision.
“Yo…are you okay?” comes a loud and worried voice, holding a hand out in an offer of help.
You feel a little light headed but accept the hand anyways, allowing yourself to sit up and meet the eyes of the young man now crouching next to you on the wet floor.
“Uh yeah…yeah…the floor was we-” your speech is cut off suddenly as he pulls down his mask, shaking dark hair from his eyes and making eye contact with you again.
Kneeling in a puddle of rainwater and oat milk was none other than the man whose DMs you had monopolized for the past few years and the name you had moaned late at night with your hand shoved under your covers. It was the face you had studied countless times in high resolution photos from the airport posted on Twitter, a face that you had memorized down to the prominent mole on his cheek and the curves of his shining white teeth. Mark Lee had just watched you bite it on the floor of the grocery store right before closing.
You can barely keep eye contact with Mark as you stand up, looking down to see damp pants and your shirt rumpled. Embarrassed, you thank him under your breath, reaching down to pick up the milk cartons and tossing them in a nearby trash can. You quickly begin scanning the items from your cart with shaky hands, placing them in your tote bag, hoping to get out of there as soon as possible.
“Did you remember the cat treats?” he asks quietly, pushing the black hood off his head and stepping closer to you, handing you a carton of strawberries from your basket.
You lift up your gaze to meet his, mouth falling open at his question. His eyes are big and kind and he has a shy but warm expression on his face, plump pink lips settling into a pout as he finishes his question.
“You…read those messages? I’m uh…Mark…Lee…Mark Lee. I’m so sorry…” you ramble, brain scrambled and swimming with all other reasons why he could have asked that, praying that he somehow hadn’t been reading your messages all these years.
“How could I not when the cute girl from summer camp kept me informed on every little detail of her life,” he replied, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, smiling bashfully as his fingertips made contact with your now flushed cheek.
“I’m so sorry, Mark, I didn’t think there was any way you would remember me and it just kind of became a habit,” you stuttered out, scanning your last item and reaching for your wallet. You were acutely aware of how close he had gotten and silently hoped your makeup still looked good and that your hair had stayed lightly curled from yesterday’s styling. Every inch of your skin felt like it was on fire and you knew how red your neck had to be getting.
“I got it, but don’t forget the oat milk,” he offers as he scans a carton of the same brand from his own cart before swiping his card on the reader to pay for your groceries. You are once again stunned but tip your head down in a silent thanks.
“But for real, thank you for recommending this brand, it’s the best!” he laughs, scratching the back of his head awkwardly and grabbing your bags for you.
“I can’t believe you remember me,” you say quietly, a grin settling across your face as the two of you walk out of the store. His hand is brushing up against the back of yours as he keeps close to your side, popping open an umbrella to shield you from the light rain that hasn’t quite cleared yet.
“I’ve thought about you a lot over the years, but also know our lives took us in different directions. But I always hoped you were supporting me from a distance,” he replies candidly, tapping into his phone before handing it to you with an open contact card screen.
“Now, can you please give me your number so I can call you and we can go on a real date that doesn’t involve you laying a puddle of milk?”
“Hey, maybe that’s my idea of a perfect first date!” you laugh out, quickly adding yourself as a contact in his phone before handing it back to him. Your heart is pounding as your fingers brush against his, unable to believe that this is happening. You half expect to sit up in your bed any moment, thinking that all the videos you studied about lucid dreaming must have finally paid off.
He chuckles, closing the umbrella as the rain comes to a stop at the most picture perfect moment. The air smelled fresh in the post storm haze, fog settling lightly around you amongst flickering streetlights and the hum of city sounds. He reaches back to pull his hood up, covering dark and piecey short hair, hanging perfectly at the sides of his forehead. Whenever he turns his head, you catch a glimpse of an intricate pattern buzzed into the shorter sides, exposing flashes of his scalp in contrast to his dark hair. 
Your eyes trail down his face and take in his full frame for the first moment since you first encountered him in the store. He’s broader than you had imagined, your height difference the same as when you had known him as a kid, but his arms look strong and tight jeans leaving little to the imagination. His face is bare but immaculate, brows perfectly coiffed and lips plump and moisturized.
He clears his throat lightly at you ogling him and you meet his sparkling eyes again as he sits your bags gently on the ground next to him, placing a tentative hand on your lower back.
“Yes?” you ask teasingly, batting your eyelashes a little for good measure, suddenly feeling confidence bloom within you. He sighs before speaking again and you feel the tension and nervousness between the two of you start to melt away.
“Ever since you sent me those videos on Halloween, I’ve been having to stop myself from sliding into your DMs like some sleazy asshole,” he mutters, voice suddenly lower and strained as his pinky finger brushes up against yours, linking with it and swinging lightly.
You knit your eyebrows together in confusion, trying to think back to what videos he could be talking about. Hazy memories of your drunken night out to multiple bars and house parties start flooding in as you begin to remember what you wore that night. 
Golden fabric and black strappy laces from below your navel up to your neck flash in your mind and you suddenly remember your cheetah costume that was less than safe for work. Those heels went straight in the trash when you got home because while they made your legs look amazing, they gave you the worst blisters of your entire life.
“...I did not send you videos that night,” you start cautiously, placing a hand on his chest to ground yourself. You are trying to force the memories forward but all you can think of is the countless shots you took with your friend and some sloppy make out sessions on the dance floor.
He chuckles, nodding silently and letting his forehead fall towards yours, pressing against yours tenderly. It did bring you comfort but also made your heart skip a beat.
“I am…mortified,” you sigh, blinking up at him from the awkward angle.
“Don’t be, you looked fucking hot,” he breathes out, warm breath minty and fanning out across your lips.
His lips are on yours seconds later, hand sliding down towards your ass and pulling you closer into him. He breaks away from you, inches from your lips, checking your face for any sign of discomfort, only to find lust laden, hooded eyes blinking rapidly.
You surge forward to capture his lips again, bringing your hand up to his neck and digging your nails into the skin there. His tongue presses against your lips eagerly and you give him access instantly, a soft whine buzzing against his mouth. You lose all concept of time and space, forgetting you are standing on the empty downtown streets in front of the market, in the arms of one of the most famous musicians in the world.
You break away first, having to calm your breathing pattern and releasing the material you were gripping on his chest.
He chuckles and slides his hand up your back, massaging your shoulder lightly through your raincoat. He’s so much more gentle and tender than you could have ever imagined and you struggle to maintain eye contact with him.
“I can’t believe all I had to do was buy a carton of oat milk to finally kiss my first crush after all these years,” he laughs out, leaning in to gently nuzzle at your hair.
“Do you need me to add anything to our grocery list? You know, it’s almost been two years since we started it, I think,” Mark laughed out a little loudly, despite being close to your ear in Taeyong’s crowded apartment.
“Wait, I thought you two just moved in together recently?” Jaemin cackles, taking a long sip of beer. You didn’t realize he was eavesdropping on your conversation, assuming he had been too focused on Jeno’s karaoke performance happening in the center of the room.
You dip your head down, embarrassed by the fact that Mark’s closest friends still didn’t know the full details of your reunion and start of your relationship. You had sworn him to secrecy, telling him he could fill them in on the past camp days and make up some story about how the two of you had met at an art gallery opening.
“Oh Jaem, haven’t you heard of our adorable meet cute?” Mark asks mischievously, nudging your knee with his and dragging his lips over your ear. His eyes tell you everything, just as they always had, just like when you first met.
“Oh do tell,” he gushed, letting his chin drop into his hand with his elbow propped up on his crossed legs. He tapped his cheek with his fingers, wiggling his eyebrows at the two of you.
While you refused to let Mark share the story of years of grocery lists and your fall at the market check out, you did let him share how he asked you to move in with him a few months prior.
On a normal Friday morning you had pulled open the fridge, reaching in without looking, and feeling your hand brush against an unfamiliar piece of paper on the oat milk. 
A watermelon shaped post-it note (that had seemingly been “borrowed” from your desk) was taped to the front of the carton with hurried handwriting in a statement that made your heart flutter.
I hate this distance and I hate singing broken melodies. Move in with me &lt;3
The carton almost slips from your fingers but you manage to catch it and pour some with a shaky hand into your waiting tumbler.
Pulling your phone from your jeans pocket, you lean your back against the counter, petting your cat’s head as she emerges from her favorite spot behind the toaster oven. 
Opening Instagram, you tap into your conversation, adding a to do list in the same format you usually used for your grocery lists.
To Do List: Help my new roommate pick out more comfortable pillows for the bed -.-
Typing bubbles appear almost immediately, and a string of sappy emojis and voice notes start flooding in from Mark.
It’s still surreal to see replies from the message thread that had been one-sided for so long. You still message in Instagram from time to time, finding comfort in the space, despite spending hours on the phone each day and being in almost constant contact via other messaging apps.
A knock at your door pulls your attention and you have to dab your eyes with the back of your hand where tears have pricked up. A couple large boxes are waiting outside your door and you drag them inside before snapping a picture to send to Mark. You had planned a camping trip for later in the summer, looking forward to reliving those muggy summer nights spent chasing fireflies, spending your days reading in a hammock and falling even deeper in love with the boy who first made you feel special all those years ago.
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greynatomy · 1 year
Out of Love
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Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
another angsty fic. idk why but i’m always emotional on my bday and it’s my bday so you guys should be emotional with me.
idk where this came from but happy reading and lmk what y’all think
Lizzie and Yn have been together for three years. Best three and a half years of Yn’s life. She’s with the girl of her dreams, what more could she ask for?
For the past six months, she’s been planning something for Lizzie. Talking to many jewelers to get opinions on what ring designs. Even talked about it to your closest friend, basically a sister to you, Scarlett Johansson. In those six months, Lizzie noticed how secretive her girlfriend has been. She didn’t think anything of it at first, but every time she asks, she gets no explanation.
One day, walking to her usual coffee shop. Grabbing her coffee, she turns around, only to be hit by a force, spilling her hot coffee on them.
“Oh, shit! I’m so sorry.”
“You’re fine. I wasn’t paying atten— Lizzie?”
Elizabeth looks up.
“Robbie! Hey. How are you?”
“Soaked as of this moment.”
“I am so sorry about that.”
“It’s totally fine. It’s my fault anyway. How ‘bout I buy you another cup while we catch up?”
“I would love that.”
After that moment, they started to hang out more often. They didn’t end their relationship on bad terms years ago, so she thought, why not befriend him?
She would go over to his place, have movie nights, cook dinner and he would come over to her place whenever you were out doing whatever that Lizzie stopped questioning.
It was surprising that the paparazzi hadn’t caught them hanging out together out of the comfort and privacy of their homes.
You were out running some errands one afternoon, when you decided to get something to eat. Walking to yours and Lizzie’s favorite coffee shop, you see her sitting at a table through the window. You pull out your phone and decide to give her a call.
Lizzie hears her phone ring, seeing your name on the screen, she silences it and out it away just in time for Robbie to come back from the restroom, not knowing you were outside watching the scene play out.
“Who was that?” He asked her.
“No one important.” She replied.
You don’t think much of it, just thought that she was catching up with someone, not being able to clearly see who she was with, you went home instead.
Some time has passed. You have three weeks until your four year anniversary, meaning three weeks until you propose. You’ve picked up the ring from the jewelers and it looked even better as you hold the finished product in your hand. You’re excited and can’t wait to spend the rest of you life with Lizzie.
Going home earlier than you told Lizzie, you picked up both of your favorite takeout to surprise her with. Not seeing her as you walk in, you set up all the food at the bar, going up the stairs to cal her down. Nearing your shared bedroom, you hear an unfamiliar voice.
“Give me another chance, please.” It was a man’s voice.
“Robbie.” Isn’t that Lizzie’s ex? You ask yourself.
“I like you, hell I still love you and these past couple of months prove that you have feelings for me too. Meet me at our favorite restaurant tomorrow at six pm if you feel the same way I feel towards you.”
There’s a small pause.
You couldn’t listen to anymore of the conversation. You quietly hurry down the stairs write a note and grab your keys and wallet and drive off, not having a destination in mind, just wanting to be as far away as possible.
Lizzie walks downstairs shortly after, hearing a car outside thinking it might be you. Once she gets down, she sees the table set up with food. Getting closer to the table, she sees a note.
Will be gone for a while. Don’t know how long. Don’t call.
She throws the note away and reheat the food to eat for dinner.
Three Weeks Later
In those three weeks, Lizzie did meet up with Robbie at their favorite restaurant. They’ve been seeing each other regularly without Yn being in the way, even forgetting about her existence.
They decided to go for a long scenic drive, turning the radio on high at a popular station.
“We have some new stuff that we’re gonna be playing in a bit. One song is from an artist that has not released a song in a long time. So, without further ado this is Out of Love by Yn Yln.” Lizzie’s breath hitches and her body tenses. She hasn’t heard about her for a while.
I won't tell you I'm lonely
'Cause it may be selfish
I won't ask you to hold me
'Cause that won't mend what's helpless
There's not a thing I could say
Not a song I could sing
For your mind to change
Nothing can fill up the space
Won't ask you to stay
But let me ask you one thing
Oh, when did you fall out of love, out of love?
Oh, when did you fall out of love with me?
Did you find out about her and Robbie? How did you find out? When did you find out? When did she fall out of love with you? Did she actually fall out of love with you or just filling a missing void while you were gone?
I can't float in an ocean
That's already been drained
I won't cry at your feet now
I know my tears will fall in vain
There's not a thing I could say
Not a song I could sing
For your mind to change
Nothing can fill up the space
Won't ask you to stay
But let me ask you one thing
Robbie hasn’t said a word. He knew what they were doing was wrong, but he was too caught up in finally having the girl back that he didn’t care for the consequences.
Oh, when did you fall out of love, out of love?
Oh, when did you fall out of love with me?
No use wondering
Why your change in heart has wandered
So I'll ask you this question
'Cause it might help me sleep longer
Oh, when did you fall out of love, out of love?
Oh, when did you run out of love for me?
Out of love (out of love)
Out of love (out of love)
Out of love with me
Lizzie was now full on sobbing. It made her remember all of the times she was with you, all the times she listened to your music and made being away from you hurt a little less. How did cheating on you suddenly become something she resorted to?
“That was Out of Love by Yn Yln. Wait, what?” The radio host mutes himself for a bit. “We’ve just received some very horrible news. Music sensation Yn Yln just passed away a couple hours ago.” Elizabeth’s world just came crashing down. She just froze, not knowing how to react to this news. “Her representatives have spoken and released a statement. Stress Cardiomyopathy or Broken Heart Syndrome, is what they said. Wow, she was so young too. That’s just crazy. Rest in peace to such a young and talented musician. She’s touched our hearts with her music. Thank you for blessing us with one last song.”
One. Last. Song.
Those words struck something in her. The song that just played was the very last one you released before you died. And it was you questioning her love for you, or lack there of. She felt guilty. You died from a broken heart. A heart that Elizabeth broke.
She never got a call about you when you passed. It seemed as though you removed her as your emergency contact. She stopped spending time with Robbie. He tried comforting her, but she didn’t want to be anywhere near her living and breathing guilt. She told him to stop contacting him and to lose all contact with her.
Leading up to the day of your funeral, dressed in all black and made her way to where you friends and family were gathered. Scarlett, seeing her come closer, stepped away from her husband.
“You have some nerve showing your fucking face here!”
Lizzie froze in her spot. All the attention was on her now.
“You don’t deserve to be here. I don’t give a fuck if you’ve been together for years because YOU are the REASON she’s GONE! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HERE! FUCK YOU!” Scarlett was getting pulled away by Colin. “LET GO OF ME!”
Lizzie breaks down, crying of guilt. Scarlett breaks down, crying of anger.
Lizzie eventually decides to leave, not wanting to upset Scarlett more. She knew how close the two of you were, how you passing is harder for her.
“Wait!” She turns back around seeing Scarlett walk to her with a box. “These are go you. You don’t deserve any of it, but she wanted me to give this to you. I don’t know if she knew of her dying, but she knew she wasn’t gonna see you anymore.”
With that, she drives back to you shared home with all the horrible memories with Robbie and the fainted ones with you.
Opening the box she notices three things. A letter, a flash drive and a small velvet box. Opening the velvet box, she sees a beautiful emerald ring. Knowing instantly the meaning of this ring, tears flood out of her eyes. Unfolding the paper it reads…
If you’re reading this, then Scarlett thought that it was a good time to give it to you. I don’t even know where to start.
Well, I found out. I came home early to surprise you with our favorite takeout and went upstairs to call you down for dinner and overheard your conversation with Robbie. I wanted to know if you went through with his deal and you did so I am writing this as a goodbye to our relationship or not a relationship anymore I guess and to you.
In the flash drive, there’s a song I wrote—
Putting the letter down, Lizzie quickly grabs her laptop and plugs in the dive. She sees one file. She clicks on it and a song plays.
(it’s Emerald Eyes by Anson Seabra you don’t have to play it, just the song I had in mind)
—and it was supposed to be played right before I got on one knee and asked you to spend the rest of our lives together.
(You know how much I love your eyes, so I decided to write a whole song about how they make me feel.)
But, that won’t be happening anymore. After four years of us being together, you still weren’t over Robbie. I just wish that you broke it off with me before getting back together with him. Make it hurt a little bit less.
The ring is something I’ve been working on or working with people on. Took six months. It’s why I was always gone and secretive, which ultimately made you go to another so this whole thing is actually my fault. I drove you away and I’m sorry for me, but glad that you found your way back to the person you love even if that’s not me.
Im just rambling on paper now. I won’t be coming back for any of my clothes or anything. Only took the essentials so you can throw everything out. This is goodbye, I guess. I love you. I always will even if you don’t love me back.
Forever yours,
How can you blame yourself for her infidelity, she asks herself. You loved her so much that you couldn’t even point the blame at her.
She wishes there was a way to apologize to you. To tell her everything she did was a mistake. Most importantly, she never fell out of love with you. You understood and loved her like no other. She’ll never find anyone to love her like how you loved her, not even Robbie could love her like you did.
She was too late. She can never gain back the time to be with you again, not even for a minute. You were gone, believing she fell out of love.
Lizzie took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger.
“I do.”
But it’s too late.
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robo-milky · 21 days
“Hey, Carrots!
No need to look so offended, I’m not here to cause any trouble, you know~. No favors to ask of either. It’s your special day, isn’t it? It is! So I came by to give you a present.
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…Yeah, okay, it’s not really much, but it’s a gift nonetheless. Coupon for a special pop for the birthday girl~. You have a favorite flavor or something? I’ll try making it into a pop for you. A dozen for free! I’m real kind, I know.
Oh, and before I forgot. You know Ashi, don’t you? Poor girl couldn’t make it today, so she asked me to hand you a gift bag in her stead. Proves my trustworthiness, doesn’t it? Heh.
No need to worry, I didn’t peek at it… Hold some higher standards for me, would you?”
Niko hands over the bag. It’s a cute, pink, petite bag with cat decorations on it. It holds some resemblance to the feline holding it herself.
Grabbing what’s inside, there’s a little drawing with a note attached. It’s written with words and symbols that seem impossible to verbalize, but somehow it’s easy to imagine a certain brunette bringing life to them…
Clochey! HBD fam!~ Super bummed I couldn’t make it, but I hope this prezzie has enough of my energy baked into it that it feels like I’m there! LMK ASAP ☆
I wanted to send you a cute lil’ message ‘cuz I’m real thankful for us being friends, YK? Even tho we aren’t super buddy buddy, I still totally enjoy your company. Eppy tells me enough about you that it basically feels like I’m hanging with you myself!
Anyway~ I wanted to gift smth more personalized for you, so I drew up a little drawing! It’s kinda like a postcard, but I tried putting one of your fave things on it ♡ I hope you enjoy!~
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We should SO get talkin’ again soonsies! Wishin you a happy birthday and many more with a certain huntsman <3
Sincerely, Ashi ♪
Cloche hears a chuckle after she’s done reading the note.
“Wow, Carrots, your face is a little red… Wonder what Ashi stirred up for you to get you, the cold clawed kitty to get lookin’ like that. Well, privacy is privacy. Guess that’s my cue to leave.
Here’s hoping you catch a break from all the trouble around campus, hm? Enjoy your day~.”
HAPPY BDAY CHRIS!!!!!!! I HOPE YOUR DAY AND WEEK AND TBH MONTH IS SO BANGER. ITS SO DESERVED!!!!!!! 🫶 it’s been SO nice being your moot for like?? WHAT??? TWO YEARS OR SMTH??? TIME IS SO CRAZY. it’s been such a treat being able to interact n talk w you since the beginning!!! I GET SUPER HAPPY WHENEVER I SEE YOU IN MY NOTIFS <333 HBD again and I hope life treats you well!!!!! 🙏 blessing your pulls and turning them into pomepulls……….. tehepero
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[Cloche’ Birthday Bash] *them referring to our dear freshmen
Okay first of all… ASHIIIIIII YOU’RE GONNA KILL ME I SWEAR !!! THE FACT THAT YOU SENT THIS SO EARLY??!?! THE INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING! I JUST LOVE HOW THIS PLAYS OUT SO NATURALLY- Fr, Niko just waltzing into Ramshackle then dipping- aND THE GORGEOUS GORGEOUS ROOKLOCHE ART- LITERALLY SCREAMING OVER THE POSE AND DETAILS- YOU SERIOUSLY OUT DID YOURSELF FOR THIS ONE! Rook carrying her and Cloche grabbing on to him to get closer- SAVANACLAW ROOK MY BELOVED- Muscle man frrrr- Ashi really caught on to the cat maid’s staring during Chapter 7 huh. AND THE DOODLES ON RHE SIDES ARE TOO CUTE- 😩
Epel yapping on about Cloche and totally not suspiciously asking Ashi about her roommate- Ashi internally sweating bullets when Epel doesn’t realize that everything he describes is the cat maid making up excuses to avoid him-
Also take this… Cloche walking up to Niko days later and asking for a bone marrow pop, and it takes Niko a few seconds to realize it was a joke 😭😭 Slow burn friendship trust-
Really, it’s so wild that it’s been 2 years- So glad to have you here and to celebrate with you again !! I think you really blessed my pome pulls with this one- seriously- man came on the 30th pull twice- Ilyyyyy If makes me super happy to see you in my notifs as well and may we continue to interact in the future!
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prettytoxicrevolver · 11 months
Surprise Party | Quinn Hughes
hi friends! this is my summer 2k23 fic exchange!! @jostystyles this one's for you darling! I hope you enjoy it and I hope this has come out before your bday but if not, happy late birthday! Hope this fic lives up to the hype and I apologize if the flow is a little off. Thank you again to @wyattjohnston for organizing all this! I had sm fun with it!
warnings? nah, Quinn's a lil cutie summary: Quinn throws you a surprise birthday party and pulls out all the stops, making your feelings for him grow exponentially w.c: 3.4k (and to think I was nervous about making the wc)
Your eyes crack open slowly, for a moment you’re confused as to what has woken you up but then you hear it. Footsteps. 
Your heart seizes in fear for a moment but you would bet your life that it was Quinn, the only other person besides yourself to have a key to your apartment. You wonder what he was doing over here, especially so early but you shrug it off and sink further into your pillows. At this point, you were too tired to investigate and knew the odds of it being a serial killer were most likely slim. 
Just as your eyes flutter shut and you’re halfway to dreamland, you hear your bedroom door swing open. 
“Happy birthday to you,” you hear Quinn’s voice sing but when you sit up you’re greeted with more than just your best friend. 
“Happy birthday to you!” Your best friend Charlie from high school jumps on your bed, crawling her way up the mattress until she plops next to you and throws an arm around your shoulder. 
“Happy birthday dear (y/n)!!!” Quinn, Beau, and Brock sing out and now you’re full on grinning. Your hand comes up to cover the expression but Beau is quick to take it and leave you exposed and giggly. 
“Happy birthday to you!” 
As they cheer, you blow out the candle on the cupcake Quinn is holding out for you. He sets it on your nightstand as everyone piles on top of you for a hug. Your heart is pushing to the top of your throat, threatening to spill out and unleash in a babble of sentimental words. 
“Thanks guys,” you say, still grinning madly when everyone finally lets go. “I appreciate you.” 
“Okay, birthday plans,” Charlie says and you look over at her in confusion. 
“I thought we were celebrating tonight?” 
“Change of plans, you, Quinn, and Brock are celebrating tonight but Beau and I had something come up so we can’t come tonight.” 
“So, you’re stuck with us all day,” Beau supplies and while you’re a little suspicious about the sudden change and supposed ‘something’ you nod anyway. 
“Alright get dressed! Breakfast first,” Charlie ushers the guys out but Quinn holds back for a second. 
“Happy Birthday (y/n).” 
When the door shuts you’re embarrassed by the little happy dance you do thinking about Quinn stopping to wish you a happy birthday separate from the others. He was so fucking cute. 
You’re still beaming when you leave your room in a brand new sundress bought just for your birthday. Charlie and Beau are the only two left in your apartment and they stop speaking as soon as you enter the room. 
“Period!!” your best friend yells and you give her a mandatory twirl before walking over to her and Beau. 
“So, what are we doing first?” 
The three of you get breakfast at your favorite diner before the two suggest heading to the beach. You hadn’t been yet this summer and were beyond excited to start off your many trips with two of your closest friends on your birthday. 
“What do you guys have going on later?” 
“Uhm,” Charlie shoots a glance at Beau who awkwardly stiffens at your question. 
“We’re going on a date,” Charlie blurts out and your eyes widen in shock. 
“A double date! Not a date with each other,” Beau stutters out and your eyes shift back and forth between the two. 
“Oohkay,” you say, flopping down onto the beach chair and trying not to stare at the two next to you. 
You shrug off your friend's weird behavior as the warmth of the sun flows over you. The sound of the ocean floods your ears and you feel your body sink further into the beach chair. Your eyes slide shut, a deep breath releasing as you think over the rest of your day plans. 
You couldn’t wait to celebrate with Quinn and Brock tonight. You assumed it was some kind of dinner, gift, movie night combination for your celebration but regardless you knew it would be the best part of your birthday if you were with Quinn. 
Sometime between when you first were introduced to Quinn, to five years later, sitting on this beach and having him impede all of your thoughts you were still somewhat shocked by how intensely you fell in love with the hockey player. The way your heart full on stopped and then sped up twice as fast as normal when he entered a room drove you crazy in the best and worst way possible. 
After a couple of hours at the beach, you grow hungry again and the three of you make a pit stop at your favorite fast food restaurant before ending up at the mall. 
“Anything I want?” you ask, wanting to make sure you heard Beau correctly. 
“Anything,” he nods and your eyes widen. 
“Beau I can’t,” you shake your head, knowing you’ll feel too guilty letting him buy you literally anything. 
“I mean if you turn it down,” Charlie jokes and you grin. 
“Okay okay,” you say and the two of them cheer before Beau grabs your hand and pulls you further into the mall. 
Quinn has been panicking ever since he left your apartment this morning. 
He had decided about a month ago he wanted to throw you a surprise birthday party instead of just doing your usual celebration routine. He wanted to truly celebrate you and all the amazing accomplishments you had done this past year and all you’re going to do for years and years after. 
“Dude, I know you’re in love but you gotta chill,” Brock says, clapping a strong hand on Quinn’s shoulder as he nervously looks over every inch of his house and how he has set it up. 
It was a no brainer to pretty much everyone with eyes that Quinn had feelings for you. Everyone could see his shaky hands, nervous glances, and shallow breaths when you so much as glanced in his direction. It was torture in the best way possible, being your best friend but not being as close as he wanted. Therefore, he felt a little bit under pressure to make your birthday the best day possible for you. 
“She’s gonna love it,” Brock reminds him and Quinn nods, trying to convince himself of the statement as well. 
“Thank you for hanging out with me today,” you tell Charlie and Beau as they walk you up to Quinn’s door. 
“Anything for the birthday girl,” Charlie says, pulling you into a tight hug and you grin against her. 
When you let go, you turn and push open the front door to Quinn’s house without a second thought about it until you see all the lights off. 
“SURPRISE!” The lights flip on like magic and your hand slaps over your mouth the minute you see everyone in Quinn’s house. 
What looks like the entire Canucks team, your closest friends, Jack and Luke, your sister and brother, and a handful of others greet you with smiling faces. You don’t even realize you’re so fucking happy until a random tear spills out and you’re overwhelmed by emotions that you can’t even move. 
“Oh my god,” you choke out and faster than you can blink you’re surrounded by friends and people tugging you close and holding you tight. 
“Thank you guys! I love y’all!” you call out and everyone slowly starts to return to normal party status as you recover from the surprise.
You turn to Beau behind you and he shrugs his shoulders at you, Charlie also shares a sneaky grin and you dive into a group hug with the two of them. You couldn’t believe they spent the whole day with you and kept the secret of this surprise party as well. You couldn’t ask for better friends. 
“Don’t thank us,” Beau says and you’re about to question him when you hear a voice. 
“(y/n)?” you pull away from your group hug to see Quinn standing there with a shy smile on his lips. 
“Did you?” You ask trailing off and when Quinn’s smile brightens you feel your heart shake beautifully in your chest. 
You step towards him, throwing your arms around his waist and he pulls you close. He whispers happy birthday into your ear and it sends shivers down your spine, and all you can do is thank him over and over again. You prop your head up on Quinn’s chest and he grins madly down at you. It takes all your willpower not to lean up on your tiptoes and press a kiss to his lips. 
“Come on (y/n), let me make you a drink,” Charlie says, dragging you away from Quinn and you’re practically vibrating from head to toe in happiness. 
Quinn watches you as Charlie pulls you along and his smile is so wide he might as well have just been handed the Stanley Cup. He made you happy. He made you smile. That’s all he ever needed in this world. 
As Charlie drags you through the house, your heart fills and fills at the sight of everyone wishing you happy birthday and well wishes. Just when you think there couldn’t be more people you know, you realize Quinn has pulled off all the stops and invited every single important person in your life. 
“(y/n)!” you hear someone call out and just as you turn to look who it is, you’re engulfed in a giant bear hug. 
“Nate!!” you yell into his chest and the giant hockey player chuckles against you. 
“What are you doing here?” you ask, stepping back to take in his appearance. 
Every time you see Nate you swear he gets taller, his frame towers over you and your eyes scan his face to see his beard slowly creeping back onto his face after no doubt shaving it when the season ended. He’s wearing a black shirt that hugs his muscles and dark blue jeans and your heart is bursting to see the person you consider your other half. 
Meeting Nate was a complete accident, something you thanked the higher beings for everyday because you weren’t sure how you lived without the hulking hockey player before. You and Nate were scarily alike; cracking the same jokes, sharing the same taste in food, finishing each other's sentences constantly, reading each other's thoughts with one look, and everything else in between. If you hadn’t met Quinn first, you probably would have fallen head over heels for Nate. 
“It’s your birthday!” He says like it’s the most obvious explanation in the world. “You think I’m gonna miss celebrating you?” 
You grin widely, diving deep into a catch up session with Nate that by the time you’re finished, you’re being ushered into the main room as someone flips off most of the lights again. You look around in confusion but when you see fire moving around the room you realize what’s happening. 
“Happy birthday to you,” the whole crowd of people begin to sing and you hide your face as your cheeks flame embarrassingly bright. 
Your arms wrap around your body as Quinn carries the cake closer to you. You hear his quiet voice repeating the same words from this morning and for a moment it feels like just the two of you in this giant room full of people. 
“Make a wish,” he whispers, nudging your side when everyone finishes singing. 
You blow out the candles, your wish being something you’ve been wanting for five years now but still has yet to come true. But you’ve always believed in the power of wishes regardless. 
“What’d you wish for?” Quinn asks when the cheering has settled and his big brown eyes staring into yours cause your knees to weaken. 
“You know I can’t tell,” you joke and Quinn grins at you. You’ve won the fucking lottery seeing a smile like that and knowing it came from you and the stupidest joke alive. 
Someone hands you a piece of cake and you take a bite, your favorite flavor, and groan in happiness. How did Quinn know you this well? You’re halfway turned towards him, ready to compliment him, tell him you love him, thank him, anything, when your sister calls your name and you’re forced to walk away. 
You spend the next two hours bouncing from person to person, group to group, thanking them for coming and any gifts they brought and overall forcing your heart to not implode from the love being shoved deep into it. You’d remember this day forever, a core memory to look back on and make you smile when things get tough. 
Quinn has kept an eye on you all night, his talent for finding you in a crowd coming extremely handy at the moment. As you move from one group to the next he recognizes the tired expression that flickers in between the smiles. He knew your social battery was probably running low after hours of being out of the house and now all of these people being here as well. 
His eyes run over your features, the way you’re only half listening to the conversation, your head involuntarily nodding while you stare off at a random space. Your arms are wrapped around yourself protectively and while he knew you loved everyone at this party and had a connection with each of them one way or another, he also knew you could only do so much socializing. 
“Excuse me, I think I need to go bail out the birthday girl,” Quinn says, excusing himself from a conversation with his younger brothers. 
As he makes his way towards you, he thanks people on your behalf, telling them you’ll reach out as soon as possible and offering to tell you goodbye for them. He moves throughout the room, quietly ushering people out of the house and hoping he doesn’t sound too rude while doing so. 
When Quinn finally makes it over to you, you’re hugging Jack and Luke. You mention something about seeing them soon and the brothers offer nods and goodbyes to Quinn before leaving. 
“Is it finally my turn with the birthday girl?” Quinn jokes and fire ignites your body at his words. 
“Oh shut up,” you tell him with an added eye roll. 
“Hey I don’t want to cut in line and bother miss popular,” he says, throwing his hands up in defense and you lightly push him away in annoyance. 
“So, I was wondering if you wanted to stay over?” 
“Oh thank god,” you reply and Quinn tilts his head in confusion. “I was not going to be able to fit all of that in an uber.” 
The two of you laugh as you look over at the literal pile of gifts sitting on Quinn’s kitchen table. You were still in disbelief that someone would spend any amount of money on you and even more in shock that so many people came to your birthday party. You’re pretty sure the smile on your face was permanent. 
“Wanna go chill upstairs?” Quinn asks, pulling you from your thoughts. 
“What about the mess?” 
“We’ll worry about it tomorrow,” he says, extending a hand towards you and you take it, letting him pull you in the direction of his bedroom. 
The two of you spend the next few minutes in a familiar routine, Quinn handing you some of his clothes to wear to bed, changing in the bathroom and coming back to his king sized bed and curling up into the warm covers. 
Quinn puts on your favorite movie, The Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan, before running downstairs and grabbing ice cream. When he comes back up he hands you a heaping bowl of the desert and you can’t help the little dance you do at the sight of the food. 
“Chocolate marshmallow?” you ask after taking a bite. 
“It’s your favorite,” Quinn says, shrugging his shoulders. 
You stare at the boy next to you, your heart constricting painfully thinking about how no one else in the world most likely remembers the weird flavor of ice cream you enjoy the most. And Quinn bought it? For you? Did he even know how this little thing made you feel so incredibly much? 
“Ooh!” Quinn exclaims and you offer him a confused look. 
He doesn’t say anything as he pauses the movie, climbing off the mattress and heading towards his closet doors. You watch as he rummages through the items in there until finally landing on what he wants. 
When Quinn stands back up and closes the closet doors, he feels the nerves zing throughout his body. He had spent an eternity trying to get you the perfect gift and now that the time is here, he’s still worried it’s not enough or not perfect for you. 
He pushes through his nerves anyway, sitting back down on the bed before extending the decorated box towards you. 
“Happy birthday,” he says and mentally smacks himself for having zero charisma. 
Your hands ghost over the box, the perfect shade of your favorite color with a matching ribbon wrapped around. You tug the fabric off, pulling the top of the box open and as your eyes meet the contents of the package it takes all of your willpower not to burst into happy tears. 
The box is beautifully decorated on the inside with photos of you and Quinn, little handwritten notes around the edge and important dates of your friendship from the past five years. You reach inside to see a necklace with the letter Q on it and a pair of silver earrings to go with it. 
You set the jewelry aside and look down to see a chunk of letters tied together with a string. You pull them out to see each of them are labeled with a different sentence. The first states “Open when it’s your birthday!” The next, “Open when you just got good news but can’t call me”, the third “Open when you miss me while I’m on a roadie” and at least ten more along the same lines. 
The rest of the box is littered with all of your favorite little things and a final polaroid of you and Quinn. You stare at the framed picture, confusion etched in your features until it occurs to you what this photo is. 
“Our first summer,” you say wistfully, glancing at Quinn to see him nervously chewing on his fingernails. 
“The first time you came to the lake house,” he says and you’re both wearing matching grins. 
The first time at the Hughes family lake house was when you truly understood your feelings for Quinn. The polaroid is a picture Jack took, the two of you sitting side by side at the edge of the dock, feet swinging over the water as your bodies pressed next to each other from top to toe. You didn’t think your breathing would ever return to normal after that day when you were around Quinn. 
“Oh Q,” you say, pulling out the old nickname and his face flushes in happiness. 
“I know I already threw you a party and I hope you liked it but I really wanted to get you something just from me and I hope it’s okay it’s definitely a bit more sentimental than I usually go and honestly it’s probably too much but if you don’t like it I can-” 
Your lips press to Quinn’s in a gesture that hopefully silences him as well as get your true feelings about the gift and him across. 
It takes him a second to respond but his hand slides to your cheek, his thumb running over your soft skin and a silent hum emits from him when you lean further into his touch. The kiss lights you on fire, your skin feeling warm and every nerve standing at attention. As if you didn’t know before, you’re certain that Quinn Hughes is the sole owner of your heart from now until forever, even if he doesn’t want it. 
“You liked the gift?” Quinn asks when you break apart, faces still inches apart as if there’s a magnetic force keeping you close to each other. 
“You’re so dumb,” you say, rolling your eyes and pushing your forehead lightly against his. 
“Yeah, but you love me,” he retorts, pecking your lips and coaxing out a giggle from you. 
“Yeah,” you sigh happily. “I really do.” 
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wjhik · 11 months
One Time For The Birthday Bitch(Trent Alexander-Arnold)*Smut*
A/N: happy bday to me. (trent edition)
Y/N's POV:
My 25th birthday. It's about damn time. I'm bouncing off the walls right now. My birthday hasn't been the most amazing experience for me. Since I was little, anything that could go wrong went wrong on this day. I have a different feeling about this one. It's my first birthday with Trent. He always makes me feel so special on a daily basis. He took a day off today and has been showering me with affection all day, more than usual might I add. Since I moved to Liverpool for him, he's been giving me all the attention in the world. He knows I sacrificed a lot for him, and he's eternally grateful. Adding onto that sacrifice, I've been really homesick. I moved to a new city and left the little friends I had behind and started a whole new life for him.
Anyways, I'm now sitting at my vanity, getting my hair and makeup done by Gene and Kitty, two ladies Trent has hired for the day. (watched Oppenheimer yesterday these were the first two names I thouhgt of) He doesn't want me to lift a finger on 'my special day', so he calls it. I'm chatting away with the two lovely ladies when Trent walks in the room. "Hey, baby." He gives me a kiss on the head as Kitty walks away to grab a brush or something. "Hey, Trent." I tell him, kissing him. "You look lovely." He says, caressing my back, letting the ladies work. I thank him as he sits down on the bed, flicking through the channels on the T.V. "Soooo, are you going to tell me what were doing tonight?" I ask him. He's been keeping it a secret all week, and it's killing me. "Nope." Hey says contently. I let out some grumbles as he continues denying me.
"Oh my god." I say in shock as the girls show me the complete product. "It looks amazing." I say, getting up to hug and thank them. "You're so welcome, love." They say, hugging back. The girls pack up their tools. I show them to the front door and thank them one last time. I shut the door behind them and sigh heavily. I walk towards the couch where Trent has moved to. I plop down next to him. He extends his arm and allows me to rest in his chest. He looks down at me and says, "Whoa." I look up at him and reply, "Whoa?" With a light laugh. "Just you. Whoa. You look incredible, love." He leans down to kiss my red lips. "Can't wait to ruin you tonight." I immediately feel my cheeks get hot. I hide my face into his chest.
9:00 pm
"We should get going, love." Trent says, lightly squeezing my ass, stopping me from grinding on him any further. We got a little carried away. "Can't we just stay home?" I ask him, kissing on his neck. "I promise, when we get home." He says. I get off him slightly disappointed and walk towards my vanity. I fix my lipstick and hair. I look at myself in the mirror. I feel pretty good right now. I'm wearing a little black and red dress and some black Louboutin heels, decked out in diamonds from head to toe. I see Trent behind me in the reflection. He wraps his arms round my waist and gives me a kiss on my neck.
My shoes were discarded, very carefully might I add, a long time ago. Trent and I have been dancing for ages and I finally decided to go sit down with our friends. Trent flew the all out from my hometown just for my birthday. He said that the last thing he would want was me being lonely on 'my day'. "Looks like you and Trent were having fun." Jocelyn says, raising her eyebrows at me, referring to the very promiscuous dancing Trent and I were doing. "Hey! It's my birthday. Leave me be." I say, slurring my words. I have had about 10 too many drinks. My drunken state is very obvious to everyone. I'm not normally one for partying too hard, but you'll only be 25 once. Might as well live it up. Trent is not nearly as drunk as I am, however he's decided to let loose too.
"Trent!!! Come over here." I say, stumbling over to him sitting at the bar with a few of his boys. I grab his arm and drag him over to where I was. "Wanna try weed??" I ask him, handing him a blunt we were sharing. At this point, I was long gone. "Are you sure? Is it safe?" Trent asks, holding the foreign object. I know he hasn't done it before, but it'll be fun. I'm not going to pressure him though. "Hey. It's fine, but if you don't want to, you don't have to." I try to reassure him silently, but my intoxicated state makes it increasingly difficult. Trent takes the blunt from my hand and takes a hit. He doesn't feel anything so he decides to take another. And another. And one more. "Whoa, whoa! Trent, that's going to hit you hard." Micah says to him. "I can't even feel i- whoaaaa." Trent gets taken back very quickly. "I told you it's good." I tell him, taking another hit myself. At this point Trent is struggling to keep his head straight.
Trent is now at the DJ booth with the DJ singing "7 Days" By Craig Davis. I can't help but blush at Trent singing at me. Now, is this the weed, alcohol, or just Trent? I have no clue, but I'm going to say it's Trent for the sake of him.
Trent and I are back to grinding on each other on the dance floor. We've already cut, ate, and vomited the obnoxiously big cake Trent got me. It helped with our extremely unsober selves, but then we went right back to drinking, so it was relatively pointless. Trent and I are slowly grinding to whatever song is playing. I'm too drunk to even process it. "We should get out of here. You do owe me." I tell him, referring to our almost quickie. Trent simply grabs me and takes us up to our friends. A few of them already leaving. "We're going to get going." I say to them, giggling  at Trent, making it unbearably obvious why we were leaving. Trent left me to say his goodbyes to his boys while I grab my belongings.
"Fuck, baby. That feel so fucking good!" I moan out loudly, too drunk to be worried. Trent has me tied up on our bed and he's fucking me silly. He has his hands on my hips, pulling me down every now and then. He also has his phone set up, filming us. Bondage and making a sex tape has been a topic of discussion between us for a while, but Trent was always opposed. He was too worried he's be too rough and hurt me, and that the video may possibly get out. Trent, not only being of his drunken state, but also because it's my birthday, finally agreed.
"Who can make you feel like this, love?" He asks me, pounding even harder. "Only you, Trent. Only you can make me feel like this. Oh, fuck. I love you so much." I start rutting nonsense. I feel my orgasm rush over too quick to warn him. I feel my hips buck up into Trent's dick as I cum around him. Trent finishes inside me before hesitating, but realizing how much I love when he cums in me. He grabs his phone and zooms in on my pussy leaking.
Trent's rubbing some lotion onto my wrists where I was straining against the ropes he had me tied with. "You did so well for me, baby. 'M so proud of you." He tells me, kissing me. He's cleaned me up and wiped off my makeup for me. He's cuddling into me and rubbing my head. I can feel sleep take over me as I close my eyes. "I love you." Is the last thing I hear before I doze off into a slumber.
Dm for Requests
Wattpad: Funkyfishfeet
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jiabeewrites · 2 years
happy bday! can i request a kurt wagner x batsis?
THANKS ANON! sorry it took so long to write 😓
Awkward first meetings
SUMMARY: When Bruce Wayne finds out his daughter is dating, he demands to meet them. What he doesn't expect is a mutant that looks like, well... a blue demon.
TW: slight mutant slander, body image issues (for kurt this is being blue and stuff), language, use of she/her/hers pronouns, use of Y/N, overprotective batfam.
A/N: batsis's vigilante name is nightingale
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"So what's his name again?"
Y/N sighed. Her family would never let this go, would they?
"I told you a thousand times, Dick, it's Kurt."
Dick frowned.
"Kurt what?"
"You'll find out, I'm not having you do a background check on my boyfriend!" She said, annoyed.
"Why are you so against it?" Jason asked. "If he was a good, normal person, then it wouldn't do any harm. Unless there's something that you want to keep from us."
"I won't tell you, and besides, he'll let you know when he'd ready. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go change my clothes."
Y/N Wayne and Kurt Wagner met about four months ago. She'd finally gotten to meet with her friend, Jean, and was surprised to find that she would finally get to meet the group of people that Jean talked about so much. They consisted of Jean's boyfriend Scott, two girls named Ororo and Jubilee, and three boys: Peter, Warren, and Kurt. He'd asked her out on a date after that, and the rest was history.
Y/N sighed, and put on her sweater. Most likely her brothers would do nothing less than interrogate Kurt.
Suddenly her phone rang.
"Y/N. Vat do I do? Do you just vant me to come and Bamf to your door?" Kurt asked.
She sighed.
"Listen, Blue, if you wanna then go for it. I mean... they'll find out tonight at dinner anyway."
"Alright." Y/N heard a familiar teleporting noise and then a voice.
"Here goes notzing."
She heard a bell ring throughout the house, then came downstairs.
Y/N sighed. Hopefully her family wouldn't be stunned.
"Hey, Kurt."
The blue mutant grinned, and then walked up to her.
"Za professor vas a vittle against me coming here, but Jean convinced him," Kurt said.
"Eh, if I needed to I could just bribe him," she said flippantly. Her boyfriend chuckled, then looked at her brothers, who seemed... unsurprised, to be honest.
Jason was the first to speak.
"Of course Y/N/N goes for the metas," he said, laughing.
"Tt, wouldn't he know? F-Batman has a rule against metahumans," Damian said, frowning at the mutant.
"I'm...not a metahuman," Kurt said, looking at them.
"What are you, then?" Steph asked.
"A mutant."
"Look, it doesn't matter, because now he's here, and we can do introductions. Kurt, this is Babs, Dick, Jason, Cass, Steph, Tim, Duke, and Damian. Idiots minus Cass, this is Kurt," Y/N said, motioning to each Bat as she spoke. "And the person you met at the door is Alfred, he's basically our grandpa."
"It's nice to veet you all," Kurt said, smiling nervously.
"Where are you from?" Dick asked.
"Cool, I'm from Romania," he said.
The awkward silence returned, and they were all grateful that Alfred came in before it got too...weird.
"Master Bruce is here, and dinner is finished cooking, so please make your way into the dining room soon."
A/N: I literally butchered his accent smh ToT
thanks for the request! sorry it was so short!
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piggyjeans · 1 year
Omgg okay sine you are doing platonic asks I have a request. They are all in Jackson and Ellies steals or something like that some alcohol and she and readers drink it and get drunk and Joel catches them and goes all dad on them and grounds them? <3
Half empty (request)
Requested by: anonymous
Pairings: Ellie Williams x platonic!reader, Joel miller x platonic!reader
Warnings: vomiting, underage drinking, mentions of abuse but no abuse is written. Insecurity in relationships and just sadness yassss
A/n: I wrote something omg! This might need a second part? I wanted to get it out as soon as possible bc I’m going away for my friends bday and wanted to put it out yesterday but I’ve been busy af. So sorry if this is rushed it’s not proof read and I can do another part if it’s necessary! Anyway I love Ellie and I got drunk last night so I’m really fucking hungover rn and sleepy so I’m sorry if this is shit but yeah I had a little Ellie moment underage drinking yusss ianyway enjoy yusasssssssssssss:)):):):)::)
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“No, Ellie. Absolutely not,” You say, turning your back to her. You two are usually on the same wavelength and agree to do the same things, but sometimes Ellie’s naivety becomes too much for you. You’ve seen more than she has despite being the same age as her. And much to Ellie’s demise, though she would never admit this, you know better.
“C'mon, y/n! It's Friday night! We never do anything fun anymore. We always just sit and do the same thing. Read dead people's journals, play board games, or sometimes go to the movies. God, last week you even did your homework on Friday night! You’re becoming too accustomed to domestic life. Don’t you miss it being a little crazy,” Ellie questions you, the way she always does. Sometimes you can’t even keep up with what she’s saying.
You narrow your eyes, looking dumbfounded as you turn to face her, “miss it being a little crazy? What, like when we were almost devoured by clickers? When we were almost murdered by raiders? When we had to aid Joel back to life-“ you begin to list off the things that had happened in the past few months just to remind Ellie, but she cut you off with a waving hand in your face before you could continue.
“Not that. Like…” she pauses to sigh, “when we played soccer with Sam in that bunker. All the cool things we saw when we were traveling, the stars when we slept under the open sky, or when Joel let us try his whiskey,” she shrugs.
You don’t want to admit it. You don’t want to say you miss that, because it was the most exhausting thing you’ve ever done. It was the hardest thing you’ve ever done, and you lost so much because of it. But you couldn’t help feeling a little nostalgia for that portion of your life. You, Joel, and Ellie, were all each other had. And as much as it was hard having only each other to rely on, with this weird dynamic going on, it was nice only having each other. It was a simpler time and a part of you missed when things were like that.
But you wouldn’t say that to Ellie. Some part of you always told yourself you had to be strong around her. You couldn’t be vulnerable with Ellie or Joel. You’re Ellie’s best friend, and she’s something of a little sister to you despite only being a few weeks younger than you. You always felt the need to protect her, especially since the whole point of the trip that changed your life was to deliver her to make this vaccine.
And with Joel, well, you didn’t know what to make of your relationship with him. You wanted to seem strong and mature around him, so as to be respected by him, and it’s gotten you this far, so why show your true colors now? He sees you as an equal somehow. You see how he looks at Ellie, with some sort of paternal love in his eyes. But you tried to treat him as a peer instead of someone you needed to look up to.
You felt selfish for that little part of you that missed being out in the open world with Ellie and Joel. You were safe here, and happy. You had enough to eat, you got to learn, and you even have a healthy comfortable home, and friends your age. You’re not fighting for your life, so what’s there to miss?
So you shrugged in response to Ellie. “I’m thankful for how far we’ve come.”
“Bullshit. You used to be fun! What happened to you,” she pushed you. You sighed deeply as an older sibling would. You partly agreed with Ellie, you did use to have more fun with her. You two got into trouble all the time when you first got to Jackson. But you felt bad making Joel parent the both of you, so you eventually stopped agreeing to do things with Ellie. You did become accustomed to domesticity. But it was a good life.
You look up at her and smile softly, “what’s your plan, Ellie,” you say slowly. A part of you is excited to let loose a little. She smiles the biggest, toothiest grin you’ve seen from her in a long time. She looks how she did before everything happened.
“Okay, Joel is in town, so his stuff is unguarded. And I just so happen to know where he keeps his whiskey,” Ellie says in a mischievous voice, your mouth immediately falls agape.
Before she had time to continue with her master plan, you cut her off, “Ellie, are you fucking crazy? I thought you would want to go for a night walk or like, I don’t know, play a prank on the kids in town watching a movie. Stealing Joel’s whiskey,” you breathe out sharply, unable to compute. You couldn’t imagine doing that to Joel. You could only imagine the pressure that he’s under with the two of you and you would never purposefully add more to his plate.
“Y/n, please? He wouldn’t even notice. He’s been so busy lately that he’ll probably just forget about it altogether, and he can go get more now,” she says, giving her infamous Ellie puppy dog eyes. It’s hard to say no to her, especially when you feel so much for her and your mind automatically goes back to Everything that she’s gone through.
You shake your head and look away, “what if he notices,” you say quietly, allowing yourself to slip out of that fearless front for a quick moment.
“Y/n, he’s like seventy years old, also if he does notice anything, it’s just Joel,” she says with a shrug. Yeah. Just Joel. Just Joel who you’ve spent so much of your energy trying to impress. Just Joel who brought you two across the country safe and alive, somehow. Just Joel who you owe your life to.
You look up at her emotionlessly and nod slowly. “Go get it.”
Ellie returns to your room a few minutes later with Joel’s whisky bottle which has half of its contents left. “It’s half full, this will be enough to get us drunk, right,” she says as she tears the cap of the bottle off.
“Half empty,” you say as you examine the bottle, before taking a hefty swig of it. “Jesus!”
“How is it,” Ellie says with her classic naive and interested expression on her face. “It’s whisky,” you say stubbornly, before handing her the bottle. She takes a sip and tries her hardest not to cough, but it’s too strong for her. After she swallows what’s in her mouth, she starts coughing like a maniac and you cringe, patting her on the back. “Get it together, partner. There’s more where that came from.”
After twenty minutes, you two are sitting on your bedroom floor chatting normally. Or boringly, as Ellie put it. This whiskey was taking forever to kick in, you almost wanted to pull your homework out of your bag and start to do it right then and there. Suddenly, Ellie exclaims loudly.
“What the fuck is taking so long! I’m putting my tastebuds through hell just to sit here sober,” she says with an exasperated voice. You smile at her softly and take a breath, just feeling tired, “I’m bored,” you say.
“Me too,” she says, throwing herself back onto the floor. “Should we go do something?”
You shrug, “it’s better than sitting here doing nothing,” you say. The alcohol must be affecting you because otherwise you would have thought logically about this. The two of you got up and exited your room, and then the house. It was a bit of a walk to the town from your house, but with the bottle of whisky coming along for the ride, it was definitely entertaining.
On the walk to the town, you definitely started feeling it. Your vision became gradually more blurry, you had to focus on walking straight, and for some reason, Ellie’s loud mouth was a lot funnier to you than it usually is.
“What do you call a chicken who crossed the road?”
You look up into the night sky, focusing on the stars as you try to guess what the punchline of this joke is gonna be. Before you’re able to guess, Ellie corrects herself, “Fuck, I messed it up,” she snorts as the two of you start laughing uncontrollably as you’re walking up the uphill road.
“Ellie, you’re so funny,” you say between chuckles, as you wipe the tears of laughter off your cheeks. “You make everything so funny and fun. You're so funny,” you smile as you messily gush over her. You feel so much love for her, but when in your everyday life while you're sober, you don't know how to tell her that. The two of you aren’t very expressive about your emotions with each other.
You look over at her and see her smiling softly and looking down. You can’t tell if she’s embarrassed or if she’s just taking in what you’re saying. You wonder if you’re going to remember this in the morning as the town lights come into view.
Ellie sighs, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets. “Where are we going,” she turns to look at you. You shrug, “tipsy bison?”
You guys head for the restaurant, unsure of what your plans are for when you get there. You’re not thinking very far ahead. You’re just living in the moment talking to Ellie about things that don’t even make sense.
Walking into town on a Friday night made you remember why people always wait for Friday. Why people always rave about Friday. The lights on around the buildings in town and the quiet chatter coming from people with busy, happy lives is a beautiful sight to see. And you miss going out as much. You miss interacting with people. You miss live being unpredictable, or even having a little bit of fun. It makes you sad to think about, so you wrap your arm around Ellie’s shoulder.
She puts her arm around your figure and you push the door to the tipsy bison open with your foot. Most people stay engaged in conversation, but some heads turn to you. You’re not worried though, you just continue your conversation with Ellie as you walk up to the bar, “I don’t understand how it works, like, yeah, atoms or whatever but it’s just weird that we grow and expand into nothing… like it’s just air I don’t-“
“Y/n? Ellie,” You hear a familiar voice question from behind you. You abruptly end your not very intellectual conversation and turn to Ellie and widen your eyes dramatically before turning to face the figure behind you. It’s Joel and he doesn’t look that surprised to see you.
“Hi Joel,” Ellie says with a big smile as she waved to him. You wave awkwardly after you see Ellie do it, figuring that’s the appropriate thing to do. He narrows his eyes, walking closer to you guys. He lifts his hand up slowly to wave but something in him decided against it, he only lifts it halfway before dropping it.
“I thought you guys said you were staying in tonight,” he says looking between the two of you who are awkwardly standing like puppies who have obviously done something wrong. Ellie shrugs, looking to you to respond this time.
You take a moment to collect your thoughts, “we were hungry.”
He squints his eyes at you slightly but corrects himself soon thereafter. “Do we not have any food left at the house?”
You shrug, this time looking to Ellie to answer. Maybe you should’ve just taken this one, because Ellie bursts out, “please don’t be mad, Joel!”
You let your mouth fall agape at her sudden outburst and quickly scan the room to see if everyone heard that, surprisingly not a lot of people are phased by Ellie, which is weird because she sounds like the loudest person in the room to you. You try to read Joel’s expression but somehow his face remains blank. After maybe five seconds of silence, Joel suddenly pushes the two of you towards the door, you kick it open once more, quickly shuffling out the door.
After the three of you are out of the restaurant, he walks in front of you both, as to get a good look at your red, hot faces. “Are you guys drunk,” he asks in a panicked voice.
“No,” Ellie says.
You stay silent.
Suddenly feeling bile rise to your throat, you lean over into the bushes in front of your favorite restaurant. You violently vomit onto the ground. You don’t focus on much except for the burning in your throat. But you can feel someone’s hand on your back and someone pulling your hair back out of your face. You’re guessing that’s not Ellie, because the only other thing you can register is her voice getting rapidly further away as she exclaims, “ew! Gross! Holy shit!”
You just keep throwing up. It’s painful and you can feel tears running down your face. Suddenly the sick feeling in your stomach feels like something similar to guilt and shame. You try to not feel this often. You used to be someone who put yourself in bad situations because you wanted to be helpful or respected. But long before you met Ellie or Joel, you changed your ways and tried to be someone who didn’t have anything to regret. Someone who made mature decisions, since you didn’t have anyone on your side to defend you. In this moment, you know you’ve become too comfortable.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you sob between gags. You hate yourself for crying in front of them. You can hear someone telling you it’s okay. Saying over and over again it’s okay, it’s okay y/n. You don’t expect to look up and see it coming out of Joel’s mouth. Even though he’s reassuring you that you’re okay, his expression says otherwise. He looks mad. He hasn’t looked this mad in a long time. This makes you cry harder as the vomit forces it’s way out of your stomach.
You continue to apologize while vomiting and don’t even know where Ellie is, until at one point you hear Joel yell at Ellie to sit in the snow and not move. This brightens your mood a little bit, as you think it’s funny that Ellie’s getting told off. You can’t help but giggle, followed by a hiccup as you bring your hand up to your mouth, subconsciously begging your brain to let you have a break from the vomit.
“Hey, fuck you, y/n,” Ellie yells at you loudly through her slurred words as you continue to giggle. “Ellie,” Joel forcefully says back at her as she sits motionlessly in the snow. She doesn’t react, just sits there with an angry look on her face. She doesn’t seem like a fun drunk.
“Are you finished,” Joel says softly, leaning down to your level as you’re breathing heavily. You burp quietly before saying, “I think.” The owner of the tipsy bison comes outside and throws his hands up in the air, scoffing at Joel. “I’m sorry man, I’m sorry,” he says, taking your shoulders and leading you back towards your house. “Come Ellie.”
At some point on the walk back, Ellie started crying too. She just kept saying she was sorry, she was stupid, she was sorry, she wouldn’t ever do it again. Joel stopped answering a while ago. Helping you walk and yelling at Ellie to keep up when she fell to far behind. That made her cry harder.
“What did you drink,” he asked at one point, his voice staying steady and strong. Ellie starts to answer, but you cut her off before she get the two of you in more trouble than you already are in. “It was my idea. I traded with my friend from school.”
Ellie just looks at you. The two of you make eye contact for a long time, silently, only hearing your footsteps under you. Joel doesn't answer. He doesn't say anything for the rest of the walk. Ellie keeps sniffling and complaining about her legs hurting, despite the house being in your view at this point.
Once you arrive home, you sit on the couch motionlessly. In your mind, you feel like if you’re still enough you could disappear into the couch cushion and wake up tomorrow in a reality where none of this ever happened. Hoping you won’t have to face the consequences of your actions.
You hear Joel sigh as he pulls the door of Ellie’s room shut quietly. You follow his dark shadow with your eyes slowly. You accidentally sniffle and through the dark, you can see Joel’s figure jump. He quickly clicks on the lantern on the side table.
“Jesus, y/n,” he says, rubbing his eyebrows together, wearing a tired expression.
“I'm sorry.”
Joel starts to say something but stops himself. Taking a deep breath and standing still for a moment. Before coming closer to you. You expect him to hit you, you would even understand if he beat you senselessly and threw you out of the house.
But he just stands above you as you sit on the couch for a few more seconds before taking a deep breath and starting. “You're smart, y/n. You know better.”
You try not to react. You try to keep a still, blank face like you usually do. But it's difficult this time. You already failed once tonight and you feel like you're on the verge of breaking again. You don't say anything.
“I know you care about Ellie, so why would you put her in this situation,” he asks, crossing his arms over his chest. You wish you could be honest with him, you wish you could tell him everything that's going on in your mind, but something is keeping you from doing that. This man isn't your father, and he obviously doesn't want to be. It's hard for you to connect with him, and you don't think he has any interest in doing that anyway.
“You know, my birthday was yesterday,” you say emotionlessly. There's no way for him to have known that, and you don't feel upset that he didn't know. You don't feel upset that Ellie didn't know and you don't feel upset that no one knew, because that part of your life is over. Your parents are gone and so is anyone who loved you before, so you don't have a reason to hold what happened to you against anyone. You just want him to know.
“You’re right. I shouldn’t have put her in this situation, and I do know better.”
You don’t know what to make of this situation. You don’t know how to connect with him.
You just keep crying. You want to stop crying but you don’t know how. You don’t know what you’re trying to say, you just wish he knew. You shake your head. “You’re right,” you repeat yourself.
He sighs and rubs his eyes. Seemingly tired from the long day, or week, or months that he has had. Maybe even years. You know you and Ellie aren’t helping and that makes you feel worse. But he draws a long breath in. “Get up,” he says with the same blank face. You get up, not wanting to make anything worse than it has to be.
When he moved his hand you expect him to reach out and hurt you, but he wraps his arms around your small figure and gives you a long hug. This was your first hug. You two barely talk, the only thing the two of you had in common was ellie. Sometimes you felt so out of place. You felt like you didn’t belong and you were tagging along with the two of them. But you tried to brush those feelings off so you didn’t have to think about it.
“Go to sleep. We can talk about this when you feel better.”
He pulls out of the hug and doesn’t look at you. Instead starts to walk to his room, but he stops and says one last thing before going up the stairs.
“Wake Ellie up in the morning and tell her that you two are going to the tispy bison to clean the flower pots and planters first thing. And you're apologizing to the owner.”
Let me know if I should start a the last of us tag list and if u wanna be added
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madameminor · 1 year
In More Ways Than One, Special Ch. - Rex x F!Reader - Birthday
Summary: It's your birthday on Coruscant, and the Bad Batch gave you the best present ever.
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Tags: Smutty mcsmutterson. 18+. NSFW. "Basically, all the good stuff."
Warnings: Oral (f receiving), p in v, unprotected, mentions of polyamory
Notes: So today is myyy birthday!! I've had this idea for quite awhile, and last week realized I wanted it to be my bday present to all of you. I wrote in the time I had, probably not as packed full of juice as I wanted it to, but I like it the way it is :) Enjoy, fellow clone hos. @dumfanting, @kaminocasey, as always, thank you for reading and ramping me up!
Its your birthday and you’re
IT'S AMAZING!!!!! Its rare and unheard of and a one in a MILLION chance, but somehow the stars have aligned so that you get to celebrate your birthday on solid ground, away from the war. 
Your parents, friends, extended family - everyone has been so happy that you’re alive to see another year, they pooled their credits and got you a luxury suite at one of the upper level hotels in Coruscant for the night. Oh, you feel like the Queen you are in here - a real bed, with SILKY sheets, a sitting area, a walk in shower, a massive bathtub- uh. Its EVERYTHING.
And as much as you love your boys - its a night WITHOUT THEM!!!
You had been very clear - you cared about them all very much, and they were NOT coming with you to this nice place. Tech would have made a mess everywhere, Echo would have felt uncomfortable in the lavish apartments, Wrecker would break everything and smell up the place, Crosshair would find some way to put a dampner on it, and Hunter would probably be affected by all of the scents and soap bubbles you planned to have in the air. So, while that meant you were sans snuggle buddy on your birthday, that was OK for the trade. 
Some of the boys in the 501st wouldn’t be this way. One in particular was used to the finery, would respect it, would enjoy it… what if he was here with you?
Mmm, but no. That ship had launched long ago. And you had your men. You were happy, and this one occasion wasn’t ruined just because you were alone. 
You starfish on the mattress and take a deep breath. Ooooo sleep was going to be so good. Strange, since you would be alone, but soooooo goooood. You order room service and start up the bath. Oh my, this oil scent was called “Goddess”...
Collectively, Clone Force 99 has several strengths - charisma, uniqueness, nerve, talent, power, courage, tenacity, the list went on.
Buying gifts was not one of them.
“OOOOO!" Wrecker lightly hits their table by their favorite noodle stand. "Wha’ about flowers? Women like those, right?”
Tech keeps looking down at the table, chin in one hand as he thinks. “Potentially. But which are her favorites? And where would she put them? They would not last long in the Marauder with our lifestyle.”
Wrecker rubs the back of his neck. “Well then, what about, like, a necklace? Something real fancy she can wear for us?”
Crosshair rolls his eyes. “Oh yes, and with what credits would we buy her something like that?”
“UH…then, a book?”
Echo shakes his head. “For her birthday? We get those for her anyway. This needs to be special.”
“Maybe one of those, uh… special toys? Like the one Crosshair got?”
They’re all quiet, thinking about it, glancing at Tech.
“It is possible… though I would need time to plan, gain measurements and components - perhaps if I’d started a week ago-”
“Discussing work during shore leave, huh?” Commander Cody chuckles as they all glance to where he's standing just behind Tech. “Can’t say I blame you. Hard to get away from the war anywhere.”
“Commander." Hunter indicates a vacant spot for him to join them. "Didn’t know you were on Coruscant.”
"The Generals were called back for something important, so I’ve got a night or two in town." He says, sitting himself down. "Figured it was a good night to get out to 79s, loosen up, have a bit of fun." He glances around, making eye contact with everyone in greeting. "No Queen of yours tonight?"
"No. Today is her birthday, and her friends and family have gifted her some peace and quiet. Something we do not seem able to match."
Cody chuckles. "Ah, I'll have to send her a com. Pity though. Rex always brightens up a bit when she’s around- he could use a bit of happiness right now."
Echo glanced at his brothers, then back to the commander. "Is something wrong with Captain Rex?"
Cody sighs, shaking his head. "Nothing uncommon. The war is… its getting to him. Hasn’t had much to look forward to, I think. Since the Commander left, they’ve all been uneasy. And he hasn’t ever really sought out... female company before besides your medic. Wish he had someone planet side he could blow off some steam with, but... just not his thing, i guess."
Echo puts his hand on Cody's shoulder. "He’ll be alright, Commander. If there’s anything I, anything WE can do, just say the word."
Cody grins. "Thanks, Ech, I’ll do that. Ah," he looks towards the main thoroughfare "there he is." He stands, tucking his bucket under his arm. "How about you boys join us? Perhaps he just needs a night of 99’s brand of trouble.” He heads off with a nod, making for the Captain of the 501st.
As soon as he's out of ear shot, Hunter turns back to his squad with a grin. Tech nods with a small smile. Realization dawns in Echo's eyes, and he nods carefully. They all look to Crosshair, his arms crossed, mouth pursed in a terse line.
Echo runs his hand down his face. "Come on Crosshair-"
"No." Cross hisses. "No regs."
"I'M a reg-"
Tech cocks his head to the side. "Are you resistant because he has punched you in the face before?"
Echo's eyebrows shoot up as he looks to the sullen sniper. "He punched you in the face? Why? What did you do?!"
"………" Crosshair glares at Echo out of the side of his eyes, then leans forward, elbows sitting on the table, glaring at Hunter.
"Alright. One night." He glowers.
Hunter nods, barely hiding his amusement. "We’re agreed then? Her Majesty’s birthday present?"
“Yeah!" Wrecker says, punching his fist in the air before pausing to look at his brothers. "Wait, what’s happening?”
Rex must be crazy. He must be CRAZY. What the hell was he doing, walking up these steps to this hotel, heading to the elevator, making for the door that SHE waited behind. The woman he’d dreamed of since she’d signed on with Kix. Fuck, was this really happening? They’d told him it was ok, that this was what she wanted, but she- did she really? Were they playing a prank on him? If it was, it was in poor kriffing taste and he would court marshall the fucking lot of them for getting his hopes up like this. 
He has to talk himself into walking up to the door several times. Twice he starts and then backs off again. Blast, he can head into uncharted enemy territory with a deep breath and a gun, but into a…a potential romantic encounter? 
He steels himself and knocks on the door before he can think about it.
Your voice, low and relaxed, comes from within. "Just a moment please." He feels his anxiety mount- and then the door opens before him.
You're standing there in a white silk bathrobe, tied loosely, and you are most definitely naked under it. His heart starts racing, his cock jumping to attention, pushing against his cod piece. He can see your curves through fabric outline, your cleavage glistening from the oil you're covered yourself with. The smell from your room is clean, perfumed, enticing, like a pleasure den inviting him in. He swallows a groan. A kriffing angel. Just WAITING for him. Deep breath. One step at a time.
"Captain!" You smile. You seem to realize what you're (not) wearing and cross your arms over your chest. Your smile turns bashful, but remains joyful. "What- how did you know- to what do I owe the pleasure?"
He swallows. Don't kriff this up, Rex. "U-Um. Good evening, your majesty. And Happy Birthday. I uh, well," he holds up a small bag, "I brought you some dessert, and a, uh… a note. From your squad." He hands both to you. You smile a thank you and place the bag on the table beside the door.
You look at him, amused and suspicious, as you take the note and start to read it over. He watches your eyes go wide as they dart across the page, your hand jumping to cover your mouth in surprise. You glance up at him bashfully, voice hushed. "Do you...um... know what this says?"
"Yes." His own voice is barely audible, searching for your answer in your eyes, in your body language. He'll leave in an instant if he sees any hesitance- but instead you step to the side, granting him entry, though reading the note again.
He steps inside - and he loses. He finally loses the long battle with himself about your role in his life. His eyes find yours as he closes the door, pushing you up against it, his arm leaning on the steel over your head. 
One last chance. "Tell me if this isn’t what you want, a-and I’ll walk away-"
He doesn’t get to finish, you’ve pulled him into a kiss that lights his veins on fire. You both groan, tongues entwining, impatient to make up for lost time. You jump up and he catches you, legs wrapping around his waist. Blessed stars, they were right. You moan against his lips as his cod piece presses against your core, giving him the perfect chance to bury his face in your neck, kissing and biting at the exposed skin. 
His hips rock at his name on your lips. How many times had he dreamed of you moaning for him? Too many. Far too many. 
"If this is a dream, please don’t let me wake up." He murmurs into your neck, completely caught in your scent, in your feel. He rocks against you again, your arms encircling around his neck as you whisper in his ear.
"Rex… I can’t wait, i’ve waited so long already, please don't make me wait."
Kriff, you'd been needing him too. "Here?"
"Yes. "
He reaches under your thigh to undo his codpiece, lips finding yours again, tongue slipping in to ravage you in his turn on. Karking hell, up against the door, so needy for him, his little medic, wanting him so badly-
He lines himself up and pushes in, and oh your MOAN. He can feel you stretching around him, but you’re rocking your hips, taking him further than he intended. You’re so wet that he slides in like he belonged there, bottoming out like you’d already been fucking for hours. 
"Kriff, like you’ve been waiting for me."
He can’t be away from your lips for long. He can’t stop himself from biting your lower lip, his hips gyrating feverishly to fill you up. But its not the angle he wants- its hard to focus here, vertical. 
He picks you up off the wall, still sheathed inside you, walks you over to the bed to lay you down. There. Much better. He’s still mostly in his armor, but he can’t stop for a second to take it off, not when you’re right here, when you feel so good. He’s back to your lips, kisses bruising as you pull him closer. 
"Yes, Rex, yes."
His moans into your kiss, his thrusts starting slow, but deep. You’re clutching at the back of his armor, doing everything you can to bring him closer in your frenzy, and hes losing his composure. Fuck, he wants more. His groans and thrusts are out of his control, simply needing to reach that ultimate moment of release. He can’t stop now, he’s lost himself to how DEEP you are, how well you take his cock. You’re ruining him for any other woman, he knows it, and he loves it. 
He feels you cum, you’re so TIGHT he can feel you coming around him. He groans as your walls squeeze him, sending him closer to his own release. 
"Mesh’la- kriff- I’m going to cum. Where-"
Surrendered, hungry. Lost like he is. "Inside me, Rex, please. As deep as you can." You look up to find his eyes, the connection you've both had gleaming through.
"Kiss me, Rex."
He finishes with a groan, his lips tangled with yours, tasting your tongue in his mouth as he spills as far in as he goes. He can feel your cervix as he empties himself, and something feral in him feels satisfied. 
He stills, but his lips can’t stop exploring yours, wanting to hold onto the moment as long as they can. His face eventually falls to your collar bone, panting with the effort your frenzied love making demanded as its toll. 
He hears a small laugh ringing from above him. He pulls himself up to look curiously down at you.
Your hand cups the side of his face as you playfully squeeze around his softening cock.
“Its good to see you too, Captain.”
“So you’re with all of them? Its not a rumor.”
You look up at him from your slice of cake, eyes tracing up over his armor-less form. You’d demanded that it was your birthday, and while you ate cake, HE was going to undress and give you a little show. Which he had. With a maddening little smirk. Now, he sits down next to you, shirtless, with only his compression pants keeping things…calm.
You hum with pleasure as his warm hand settles on your knee, your legs tucked up underneath you as you lean against the back of the couch, your elbow perched atop. You take a bite of cake with a flirty smile. He watches your lips with a slight intake of breath, eyes glancing down. You’re still wearing your white silk robe, albeit a bit…looser. 
“It started as a rumor, but we… liked the sound of it.”
“And…you’re happy?”
You take the last bite, letting your grin speak for you.
He shakes his head with a smile, still taking it in. “Well, that’s one way to show them.” He takes your plate and puts it on the coffee table. “Not sure I would have been able to think of that.” 
You gracefully swing your leg over to straddle him, hands tracing along his collar bone. “Blame Hunter. His senses and I have a love hate relationship”
He chuckles at that. “I forget how much he picks up. Though in this case, looks like it worked to your advantage.”
“This time.”
He chuckles again. Its good to see. The more he’s here, the more seems to melt off of him. It warms you to know you have that affect on him- it means you’re special to him. He’s always been important to you, and here… you’re becoming closer in a different way. It’s all out in the open. He meets your eyes- he must see something there, because his smile fades. He doesn’t look away.
“I wanted to say something, mesh’la.”
He looks down to where his hands rests on your hips.
“I did. I wanted to ever since you showed up ready for duty. You were everything I could have wanted in a woman. But I… I couldn’t. I just…” He struggles with his words for a moment.  “...The war. My brothers, my general, it all has to come first. And I didn’t…want you to resent me for it. I couldn’t bear that.” His hands clench around you slightly. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t enough for you. I’m sorry if I let you down.”
He looks back to you. With a smile you bring your hand up to his neck. He leans into you, eyes closing for a moment before meeting yours again, waiting for what you have to say.
“I know.” You say softly. “That's one reason I like you so much- I know who you are. If you were any different, you wouldn’t be one of my favorite people in the galaxy. You could never let me down.” Your hand traces from his forehead back through his hair, gently massaging the scalp, eyes glancing back to his. “Its best this way, and I’ve always known it. I’m not your responsibility, Rex. I’m your respite. And if that’s how I can contribute to your happiness, that’s enough for me.”
He chuckles, nuzzling your chin. “I think we’ve found another way you’ve ‘contributed to my happiness’.”
You put on an exaggeratedly offended voice "Oh, Captain. You ain’t see nothin’ yet."
You move to slide down between his legs-but his hands on your hips keep you in place.
"Ah ah, mesh’la." Ooo, mischevious looks good on him. "You’ve had your dessert. Now I get mine."
His hands trace up your thighs and over your ass cheeks, massaging, pulling you further into his lap. You feel his thickening length trace against the outside of your lower lips. 
He lifts you up with him (just how strong IS this man? You swoon a bit more.) placing you on the table. He kisses down your neck, along your collarbone, down to your breasts. You expect him to bite, to leave his mark, but he doesn’t. It feels…respectful to your squad- a temporary visitor, not a claimant. Your heart soars even higher. 
He nuzzles between your breasts. "Light, firm, or not at all?"
You giggle to yourself- the epitome of a gentleman. "Gentle, please."
"As you wish, mesh’la."
He traces along your breasts, slowly playing with your nipples, lightly tracing his tongue along them, living for the small sighs and purrs as you pet his hair. When they’ve pebbled enough to look almost painful, he nuzzles the tip and keeps kissing down. He looks up at you, eyes amused, excited.
"Yes, please." You breathe, taking in his ministrations, savoring everything with a bliss that can only be found in the finite first time. 
He licks a long strip from the bottom of your opening to the top, pulling a sharp, longing groan from your lips. "Oh, sweetheart, I can taste us both together."
So concentrated, so gentle, tracing your clit with his tongue, slowly… do you dare say lovingly?... sending shivers pulsing through you with every stroke.
"That’s right,” he hums into you, “let me taste you. Better than any cake I’ve ever had."
His tongue plays in earnest, no longer entrusting your clit to nuzzles and passing strokes. He WANTS it. It feels like he’s reaching for his pleasure instead of yours with the earnestness he eats you out. Your thighs involuntarily clamp around his head as he licks a particularly sensitive stop along the sensitive bud. 
Before you can apologize, he groans. “Don’t hold back, mesh’la.”
You can feel him slide a finger inside you, your hips rocking to suck him in deeper- its not nearly enough for how much you need him right now.
"Rex. Another one, please. I want to be so full of you."
A groaning growl as he nips your thigh. “Be careful what you wish for, mesh’la.”
His mouth goes back to your clit, sucking, pulsing, teasing it out of its hood. You feel another finger slide in- quickly followed by a third. His thick fingers… fuck so many inside of you, filling you up so full, stretching you out.
"That enough for you, mesh’la? Kriff, you’re so sweet for me, aren’t you? Ready for me to take you, fill you up for the rest of the night."
Your breath catches, your pussy squeezing aroud his fingers. “Rex…” You look down to meet his eyes gleaming up from between your thighs. “Don’t leave my side until morning. Please?”
He pauses for a moment, meeting your eyes. "Mesh'la." His lips find yours, fingers withdrawing to pump his cock with your slick, lining up with your entrance. He pulls away, his forehead to yours, taking in this blessed moment of being here with you.
“Tonight? Dooku himself couldn’t drag me away.”
He slides into you, pulling you closer to him, his hands in your hair as he kisses you. Your combined moans are the most beautiful music that only the two of you can make.
What a NIGHT.
You are amazingly sore the next morning, kissing Rex in a way that should last him several cycles before heading down to meet your squad at the shipyard. You both linger, but you know the score- and you're both satisfied in knowing you have someone out there who cares about you, who wants only the best for you, who is excited to see you again.
A giggling laugh draws Crosshair to the top of the Marauder’s ramp, looking down at the happy reunion below him - Hunter spins you in his arms in welcome, kissing you as he sets you back down. He and Echo are adding a bit of character to the outside of the marauder - something tasteful, Echo insisted - and were able to greet you. Echo waits his turn. As you turn to him, reaching for him, he takes one hand and spins you around before dipping you into a kiss. 
Looks like they had completely different reactions to sharing you than he did. Great.
There you are, looking around for the rest of them, that’s probably Hunter telling you Tech and Wrecker were in the city. You glance up to see Crosshair waiting, leaning on the door frame of the ship. And Hunter’s saying something else to you. Something that makes your eyebrows pinch in worry before smoothing out. Great, now you know he’s been grumpy. Probably going to come up apologizing, making it worse. 
You take the steps up to him, fingers hooking into his utility belt. Your eyes are… wait, a little TOO innocent… what-
 “Good morning, Crossy. Did you miss me?”
Oh, you little BRAT.
His hand darts out and grabs your chin, making you gasp, but not in fear. He turns your head for him, looking along your neck at the faded bruises left by the batch. 
“Did he mark you?”
“No,” you purr, amused eyes teasing him. “Mo marks, no bruises, nothing. He knows who I belong to.”
The same hand flips and grabs the collar of your armor, pulling you closer to him. Fuck he was so hard - knew you were daring him to tame you, knew that’s what he needed to make this whole thing better. 
“Do you?”
Your eyes glint for a moment before you pretend to be thinking, looking up into space with a high pitched “Ummmm-”
His hand closes around your neck, lightly pressing against your breathy gasp. Your half lidded eyes look up into his sinister face. He takes his time removing his toothpick with the other hand and throwing it off the side of the marauder. 
“You’re confined to my bunk for the next three days. No touching yourself, no cumming- I’ll know, or the others will tell me. I’m going to take whatever I want from you, and maybe if you beg me enough, please me enough- after those three days I’ll let your pretty pussy cum all over my cock.”
He can feel you shiver in antici-"Have I made myself clear?"
Your voice is soft, breathy. "As crystal."
“Good. Then go.” 
He hesitates for a moment. He pulls you to his lips, kissing you far more tenderly than his hand on your throat would have you believe. He’s not grumpy anymore, not angry- he’s back in control. You knowingly gave him back the control. That deserves some sort of reward.
“Yes, Princess... I missed you. And I’m glad you’re back. Happy Birthday.”
Happy Unbirthday, tag list!
@nunanuggets @mywheezingisalertingtheguards @allhailkingboba @valiantlyminiaturecreature @ladykatakuri @ben-is-a-hoe @klay97 @kaitou2417 @dumfanting @kuromisheart @koifish08 @echo-is-worth-more-than-2000 @badbatch-simp24 @pointy-sharp @rainytears2 @gabile18 @nedxwynert @chopper-witch @nexxxxxxxxx @nightscissor @corona-one @babypandasugar22 @pumpkinkpatch @oohyesplease @princessclaire2 @just-a-shit-ton-of-trama @badbatch-simp24 @foreverhockeytrash @unholy-t-rin-ity @reeny26 @smurderous @xxeiraxx @discarded-beskar @just-an-anxious-ball-of-flesh @mybigfatspoonielife @whore4rex @andyoufollowyourheart @lokigirlszendaya @captain-splock-you @darkangel4121
@gluwu @stormweather99 @redpool @mysanityleaving @alwayssnivellus @chickentenderx @scioness-7 @moniicarlo @nekotaetae @snips-501, @cjoftheriver, @envyspinebender @ladykagewaki, @charlie-boo @echoisles99 @lhazybear
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