#anyways. klaine and lyrics so good
thnxforknowingme · 2 months
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Blaine having Realizations™ while watching Kurt sing
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wowbright · 2 years
Fic: I’ll Always Belong to You
Klaine Valentine’s Challenge 2023: “Time of My Life” from Dirty Dancing (Day 14 prompt)
Words: ~2400 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Kurt loves his birthday present from Blaine.
I’m back with more vignettes from my Mormon!Klaine universe for Klaine Valentines 2023! This vignette takes place in the post-mission-conference arc, between dinner with the lesbians and Blaine coming out to Kurt. I’ve decided Lead, Kindly Light takes place on Kurt’s birthday, so it’s directly after/the evening of that fic.
My Mormon!Klaine Masterpost. (Klaine Valentines 2023 posts are bold and italicized.)
Thanks to @redheadgleek, @flower29power, and @gaazhagens for Sound of Music help
Play list of a few German Sound of Music songs/scenes
German movie lyrics to Do-Re-Mi
PDF lyrics to “Ich bleibe dein immerzu” (German movie version of “Something Good”)
Other links are in the text
Other notes in tags
“Have you enjoyed your birthday so far?” Blaine asked as they entered the apartment.
“Are you kidding? I’ve had the time of my life!” Kurt set his bag down on the floor and bounded over to the loveseat, flopping onto it with complete abandon, his arms draped over one end, his feet dangling off the other. “Allgäu, cows, the investigators cancelling their appointment—”
“You're really not disappointed about that at all, are you?” Blaine asked as he took off his shoes. He wasn't disappointed that Kurt wasn't disappointed; actually, it rather pleased him. Through most of their companionship, Kurt had been such a workaholic and an absolute stickler for the rules. But tonight, instead of insisting that they knock on doors to make up for some high schoolers canceling on them, he let Blaine treat him to dinner before watching the sunset on the Danube. It had felt, at least to Blaine, almost like a date.
“Nope,” Kurt said. “They just want to research us for their religion class, anyway. And if they did want to join the church, they’re too young to do that without parental approval. How many Bavarian parents are going to be like, ‘Sure, kid, screw the Catholic Church. Go join the Mormons’?”
“How many Bavarian parents actually care that much about the Catholic Church?” He lifted Kurt’s legs like a tollgate to join his companion on the couch, then lowered them across his lap once he was seated.
“Just enough to distrust everything else,” Kurt said without acrimony. He sighed and stretched his arms above his head, wiggling his torso like he was trying to get some kink out of his muscles. “But I suppose it is unusual for me not to feel dejected about a cancellation. Guess I'm officially getting trunky.”
Blaine felt his heart sink in his chest. He hated being reminded that Kurt was leaving soon. All day, he'd managed to pretend that it was never going to happen. Allgäu and the Donau had been paradise, but now Kurt was kicking them out. “You still have a month to go," Blaine said. “Can't afford to be trunky yet.”
Kurt poked Blaine’s thigh with his toe. “I've been such a perfect missionary for twenty-three straight months. All I need to do now is endure to the end. That's what the scriptures say, isn't it? ‘Endure to the end,’ not ‘excel to the end.’”
Blaine chuckled. “That is indeed what they say.”
“I'll do my best not to turn lazy for your sake, though,” Kurt added seriously.
“You don't have to worry about that,” Blaine said. “It's a little known fact, but I actually like spending time with you, whether we're proselytizing or not.” He looked into Kurt's eyes, and Kurt looked into his, studying his face, as if looking for the meaning between the words.
Blaine wanted so desperately for Kurt to find it. Because there was no way Blaine was going to say it out loud. Not when he was so unsure how Kurt would respond. And not on Kurt’s birthday, when everything had been so lovely and perfect and magical. Blaine couldn't risk breaking something so beautiful.
“Your birthday isn't over,” Blaine said. “I didn't manage to secretly bake you a multitiered lemon cake, but I do have something else for you.”
“Oh?” Kurt perked up, clearly curious. “Allgäu, dinner—you don’t think I’ve been spoiled enough?”
“Of course not. Your birthday’s not over yet, is it?” Blaine scooted out from under Kurt’s legs and went into the bedroom to fish his suitcase out from under his bed.
“So that’s where you hide the presents.” Kurt was standing in the doorway, watching Blaine, making absolutely no effort to hide his eagerness to find out what Blaine had in his suitcase. It was adorable.
“That's where I hid this one,” Blaine said, retrieving a small package wrapped in a scenic photo of Kyoto from a magazine in Dani’s recycling pile. It had made Blaine think of Kurt because they’d joked once about going to Japan to visit the train station where a cat was in charge—only Blaine hadn't exactly been joking. He’d meant it. He wanted to meet that cat and, wherever he went, he wanted Kurt to be with him.
Kurt probably didn't even remember that conversation. But that was okay. The photo was beautiful in its own right.
“Oh!” Kurt squealed when Blaine handed the package to him. “I love getting presents.” He dropped onto his bed and examined the square. It was probably obvious to him from the shape that a CD was inside, but he acted like it was the most mysterious object he’d ever held. “Hey! That’s Japan! Is this the place with the cat train conductor that we’re going to visit when you’re done with your mission and I’ve saved anough money to take a jaunt through Asia?”
“That’s Kyoto,” Blaine said, his heart on the verge of exploding. “The cat is in Wakayama. But they’re not too far apart. Maybe a hundred miles? We could definitely visit both of them.”
“How do you know so much about Japan?”
Blaine shrugged. “There might have been a map in that same magazine I pulled the picture from.”
Kurt clucked his tongue. “Elder Anderson, reading unapproved materials. I might have to talk to the mission president about this,” he said in a tone that meant he definitely was not going to talk to the mission president about it.
God help me, Blaine thought. Kurt was so sexy when he feigned disapproval.
Blaine dropped down next to him, the mattress bouncing from the new weight. “So are you going to open it or not? The suspense is killing me.”
“Whose birthday is it?” Kurt said with a smirk. But he did unwrap it. “Meine Lieder, meine Träume,” he read as he revealed the top of the CD cover. “Wait. Is this … Oh my gosh! It is!” Kurt flung his arms around Blaine and hugged the breath out of him.
It was the German soundtrack to The Sound of Music. Blaine had found it in a music store in Munich during the mission conference, and it had immediately struck him as the perfect gift for his companion.
“Is it because this is the musical of my namesake, Kurt von Trapp?” Kurt asked, squeezing Blaine’s arm.
Blaine giggled. He couldn't help it. Kurt was so delightful. Blaine must have sounded like a hopelessly besotted schoolboy. “Partly. But also because I think I've heard you sing almost every single song from the soundtrack in the shower at some point.”
“Of course I have! Because it’s the best musical on earth! It’s got romance, found family, and a half-hour public service announcement against Nazis!” Kurt excitedly opened the liner notes. “And it has a lyrics insert!”
Kurt was a force of nature. He grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him into the living room. It wasn't long before the CD player was removed from its hiding place and plugged into the wall, and Kurt and Blaine were on the loveseat with the liner notes between them, learning the German lyrics to “The Sound of Music”: Along the valleys sounds the song of mountains, the most beautiful song far from our time.
Of course, they didn’t stay on the loveseat for long. One cannot easily sing with gusto while sitting down (the downstairs apartment was empty, and the living room wall faced outside, so they didn't have to worry about disturbing the neighbors unless they got really loud), and dancing is made easier by standing. They pondered how to confront the problem of Maria, recited their favorite things, and learned entirely new mnemonics for the do-re-mi scale (do was not doe, a female deer, but the first syllable in the name of the Donau River; ray was not a drop of golden sun, but Reh, a hoofed herbivore that lived in high-altitude forests; and ti wasn’t ti at all, but si—what passes in Rome for “yes”).
They sang sometimes, and danced sometimes, and occasionally engaged in friendly arguments about the meaning of the lyrics and whether they were good translations.
Blaine collapsed on the loveseat when the Ländler began. He loved this part of the movie, when little Kurt von Trapp asks Maria to teach him the waltz-like dance and Captain von Trapp steps in to demonstrate. It's the first moment the audience knows for sure that the Captain and Maria are falling in love.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Kurt asked, his eyebrows quirked in challenge.
“Sitting down?”
“For the Ländler? You can’t sit for the Ländler. It has the name of an actual dance in its title.”
"But I don't know the steps," Blaine said.
“But I do,” said Kurt, bowing slightly and holding out one hand. “Elder Anderson, will you do me the honor of this dance?”
“Well, if you put it that way, Elder Hummel.” Blaine felt giddy. He wasn’t a Disney prince—Kurt was. Blaine was Arielle, woozy with infatuation. Still, he managed to stand and return the bow, then slot his hand into Kurt’s.
Kurt rested his free hand on Blaine’s waist and guided him through the dance. Two hops and a turn. Two hops and a turn. Kurt was right. It wasn't that hard—or, rather, Kurt made it easy. He was an expert lead, guiding with gestures and subtle movements, never forcing Blaine’s body into an unexpected pose. Their bodies returned naturally to each other after every separation. And though the space they were in was tiny, Kurt somehow made it feel huge, like they had the entire world under their feet and could dance wherever their hearts led them.
Blaine fell into the dance like he was falling into Kurt, every minute of every day.
The Ländler ended, but they continued dancing in the silence between songs, through the silliness of “So Long, Farewell” and the joy of “Climb Every Mountain,” and Blaine was so caught up in the music and the lyrics and the feeling of being held in Kurt’s arms that he completely forgot what was coming next until it did—the languid love song where Captain von Trapp and Maria finally admit their feelings to each other.
Nun stehst du hier und du sagst „Liebe mich,“ was ich so gerne tu, So nimm mich und mach du uns glücklich, ich bleibe dein immerzu
(Now you stand here and say, "Love me," which I so gladly do, So take me and make us happy, I'll always belong to you)
Kurt slowed, but didn’t stop or let Blaine go. His eyes were on Blaine’s, clear and fearless. It was like being serenaded. It was like being loved.
Blaine inched slowly closer, testing the waters, waiting for Kurt to stop him. But Kurt didn’t. And now Blaine’s cheek was on Kurt's shoulder and both of Kurt’s arms were around his waist, and they were slow dancing in the living room, the whole world beyond them nothing but a dream.
Blaine sang along. Ich bleibe dein immerzu. Kurt could choose to understand or not. It wasn't in Blaine’s control.
And then he heard Kurt singing back, felt the vibrations of the words in his scalp as Kurt pressed his cheek pressed against the top of Blaine’s head: Nun stehst du hier und du sagst „Liebe mich,“ was ich so gerne tu. Blaine’s fingers flexed into Kurt’s back. He should say it. Liebe mich, Kurt. Liebe mich. That was the thing, wasn't it? He had told Kurt he loved him so many times that Kurt couldn't hear it for what it was. But if he said, Love me, Kurt, please. I need you to love me in every way you know how—then maybe Kurt would finally understand.
Als du kamst, da war ich selig, so wie du. So nimm mich und mach du uns glücklich, ich bleibe dein immerzu.
(You are blessed, and when you came into my life, I was, too. So take me and make us happy, I'll always belong to you.)
The music stopped. Blaine’s heart sped up. But Kurt’s arms were still around him, giving him strength. He could do this. He could say this. He lifted his eyes to Kurt’s, and Kurt was looking back at him as if he already knew.
Bang. Bang. Bang. “Elders! It's me, Dani! I heard you come in earlier and I have something for Elder Hummel’s birthday!”
“You told her about my birthday?” Kurt said incredulously. His arms were still on Blaine’s waist, but he had stepped back, his chest no longer warming Blaine’s.
Blaine bit his bottom lip to keep from swearing. “When I told her we were going to Allgäu. I didn’t think she’d do something about it.”
Kurt smiled softly. “It’s okay. I am the one who said I like presents.” And with that, he halfway across the room. “Coming, Dani!”
Kurt swung the door open. Dani stood there with a plate of cupcakes in one hand, her girlfriend at her shoulder, and Stürmchen at her ankles. “They’re chocolate. We were going to try something really fancy like Black Forest cake, but then I remembered you guys don't drink alcohol, and I wasn't sure if the kirsch counted. So just plain chocolate with chocolate frosting. We taste-tested a few and can guarantee that they are not terrible. But if you think they are, just throw them away, don't let Stürmchen eat any. Her birthday gift to you is her presence. You can have her overnight if you like. I know how much it kills you not to be able to have your own cat. Besides, the last couple nights she's been trying to sleep on top of my head and it drives me crazy.”
Stürmchen was already inside the apartment, rubbing herself all over Kurt’s ankles. Blaine found himself feeling jealous of the cat.
He took a deep breath. This was for the best. Today was Kurt’s day, not his. It wasn’t Blaine’s place to ask him for anything. It was a time to celebrate Kurt, and love him as much as Kurt would allow.
If Kurt wanted more, he would let Blaine know.
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lilyvandersteen · 2 years
Critically Yours
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This story was written as part of the Klaine Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2022, and is gifted to @honeysucklepink. Merry Christmas, sweetie, and I hope this hits the spot for you!
The prompt can be found in the end notes.
Many thanks to my beta @hkvoyage, who was lightning-quick to review this for me so that it would still be in time for Christmas.
Critically Yours by @lilyvandersteen​
Kurt let out a big yawn as he walked into the kitchen. The party after the premiere had been fun, but he’d had too short a night’s sleep because of it.
He was on his second mug of coffee when Rachel called him.
“Kurt, you were amazing yesterday, as I knew you would be!”
Kurt grinned and thanked her.
“And I know you always tell me not to read the reviews, but… There’s this one you really need to read. You’ll love it. I’m sending you the link.”
“Rach, I don’t think…”
“Read it. This guy is so sweet, aww. Well, at least I think it’s a guy. He’s using a nickname. But the way he writes feels like a guy. Am I making sense? Maybe I’m still a bit drunk. One thing’s for sure, though, you have to read it. You just have to. I wish he’d say things like that about me. Anyway, got to go. Yoga tonight?”
“It’s a date!” Kurt promised her, and when she’d hung up, he clicked on the link.
It wasn’t a fan site that popped up. It was the New York Times website. The comments section, to be precise.
The commenter’s name was IconicWarbler, and unlike the other one-sentence commenters, he’d gone for the novel-like approach.
“I went to see Cabaret last night, and found myself totally enamoured of the MC, played by newcomer Kurt Hummel. I’ve never seen this actor on stage before, but I can assure you I will attend every play he’s in from now on. That’s how much he enchanted me. Such clear, strong vocals. Such a master at conveying emotions. And what a compelling personality! He draws you in, even pulling focus when he’s in the background. I could not keep my eyes off him. I urge you all to go see Cabaret and discover this promising fresh face.
Mr. Hummel, I’m calling it now: you will get a Tony nomination for this role. You are just THAT good.
Critically yours,
Kurt covered his hand with his mouth and let out a happy squeak, smiling ear to ear.
Rachel was right, that was exactly the pick-up he’d needed this morning.
Thank you, IconicWarbler!
Blaine fist-pumped happily when he read the announcement that Kurt Hummel would have the title role in the Jesus Christ Superstar revival.
The actor had gotten a Tony nomination for his role in Cabaret, as Blaine had predicted, and though he hadn’t won the award, it had opened new doors for him.
By now, Kurt Hummel had played in Dear Evan Hansen, causing Blaine to rave over how high his vocal range was, and opposite Rachel Berry in West Side Story, after which performance Blaine had waxed lyrical over how convincing they had been as star-crossed lovers, defending Kurt in replies to other commenters who seemed to think he was too gay to pull off the role of Tony.
Blaine had gone to see both shows as many times as his budget would allow, and had waited at the stage door to get his playbill signed every single time, even when it was pouring rain or freezing.
Kurt was always courteous and kind to every fan, taking his time to greet and thank them.
Every encounter with Kurt had Blaine walking on sunshine for days, especially when Blaine’s praise coaxed a rare smile out of the handsome man.
But after West Side Story, Kurt had disappeared from Broadway, not even starring in smaller roles. He was just… gone.
It had made Blaine worry and wonder what had happened.
But now, a year later, Kurt was back, and Blaine was relieved and excited to see his favourite actor in a new role.
The anticipation that had been building inside of him rose to a fever point when the radio station he listened to every morning announced a contest.
“Good morning everyone! I have some exciting news to share with you! You’ve probably already heard it: Jesus Christ Superstar is coming back to Broadway. And with it crowd favourite Kurt Hummel, who’s going to play the title role, and who is with us right now to have a little chat.”
“Hello, everyone!”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you to see Kurt take on this role? Let us know through our app!”
Blaine grinned and opened the app, sending a quick message.
“Oh, lots of enthusiasm so early in the morning. Let’s see: Ruth says she’s missed you the past year and that she’s stoked you’re back, Blaine says you’re sure to be stellar in your new role, and David says he can’t wait to see you in the play, Kurt!”
“I hope I’ll do you guys proud,” Kurt said.
The ensuing interview cleared up why Kurt had been away for so long. Apparently, his father had fallen ill, and he’d moved back home to be with his family.
“But now he’s better, and he told me to stop fussing over him and get back to work. So here I am!”
Blaine chuckled and crossed his fingers that the radio presenters would coax Kurt into singing a fragment from his new show.
What he got was even better.
“When our family celebrated Thanksgiving a few weeks ago, it got me thinking about what I was most thankful for. Dad getting better, obviously, that’s a big one. He’s my rock, and I’m so grateful I get to keep him, hopefully for decades more. But apart from that, I’m so thankful for all my fans. You are the ones who brought me here. Who believed in me when I had doubts I could do this. Who have stood by me from the very beginning. Who have defended me when people tried to tear me down. And I don’t have enough words to tell you how much that has meant to me. So I’m going to show you instead.”
At this point, the radio presenter took over.
“Prick up your ears now, all you Broadway lovers out there! This is a contest you won’t want to miss! Kurt is offering not just tickets to Jesus Christ Superstar, but an extra special main prize. The overall winner will get a ticket to the premiere, a meet-and-greet with Kurt and the rest of the cast, and will get to attend the party with the cast and crew afterwards. Isn’t that something?”
Blaine’s heart started pumping double speed.
Oh wow.
“Yes, you heard that right! Ever dream of getting the chance to chat with your fave actor over a glass or two? Well, for one lucky guy or girl, this dream will come true! And what do you have to do to win this, you ask?”
“Tell me, tell me,” Blaine muttered.
“Well, from now until the day of the premiere, we’ll be having a little quiz every morning, about Broadway topics. If you want to take part in it, sign up for the quiz in our app, and each morning, we’ll pick two listeners to compete against each other. The goal is to be the first to answer five questions correctly. The winner will go through to the next round, and then on the last day before the premiere, we’ll find out who wins the main prize.”
Blaine opened the app again and looked for the sign-up form.
There wasn’t much chance he’d be chosen, but it couldn’t hurt to try, right?
One day after another passed, and it seemed luck was not on his side. He listened to the morning show even more attentively than he otherwise did, and he made sure he always had his phone on hand, but the show host always picked other listeners to play the quiz.
Sometimes, they were so abysmal at answering the questions that Blaine rolled his eyes. Did they really know so little about Broadway shows, or was it nerves blocking their brain?
Two days before the premiere, just as he’d all but given up hope, his phone rang as he was eating a bowl of cereal, and his heart slammed into his throat.
Was it really…?
And yes, it was. He’d been selected to play the quiz!
Hearing the presenter’s voice both over the radio and on the phone was distracting, so he switched off the radio so as to be able to focus better.
“And today, we’ll be playing the Broadway quiz with Blaine and Tiffany!”
Wow, my hands are clammy. And why is my throat so dry all of a sudden?
The first question was about West Side Story. The presenter wanted them to name the two street gangs.
“The Jets and the Sharks,” Blaine yelled.
The other contestant groaned.
“Second question: you’re going to hear a snippet from a Broadway song. Tell me what show it is from!”
The song was “All That Jazz”. As soon as Blaine recognised it, he yelled, “Chicago!”
He heard a muffled curse, and knew he’d beaten his opponent again.
“Number 3: where does “Hairspray” take place?”
Blaine chuckled and sang a few lines of “Good morning Baltimore”.
“Wow, nice! You’re a fine singer yourself!” the presenter praised him.
“Thank you. I was in show choir for years. The Dalton Warblers.”
“Wonderful. And you’re firmly in the lead, with three right answers to nil. Tiffany, what’s happening?”
“He’s just too fast,” Tiffany whined, and both Blaine and the presenter chuckled.
“Okay, next question: complete this Hamilton lyric: I’m just like my country, I’m young…”
“Scrappy and hungry, and I’m not throwing away my shot!” Blaine rattled off glibly.
The presenter whistled low. “You didn’t even have to think about it, did you? How many times have you seen Hamilton?”
“Uhm, I’ve never really counted the times,” Blaine confessed, and the presenter laughed.
“Okay, if you keep this up, Blaine, you’ll only have to answer one more question. Here it is: name all seven children of the von Trapp family.”
“Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, Marta and Gretl,” said Blaine, counting them on his fingers to make sure he left no-one out.
“Yes, you did it!” the presenter enthused, and he played the jingle that pronounced Blaine the winner.
Blaine sat back and mechanically put a spoonful of cereal with milk in his mouth.
Wow, I’m through to the next round. Now what?
Now, as it transpired, all the winners would be competing against each other the following morning, and the first two to get five questions right would then play a sudden death round.
Blaine spent the rest of the day frantically reading up on all things Broadway, and also did his research on Kurt Hummel. In the process, he may have gotten a bit side-tracked when he found YouTube recordings of Kurt performing as a cheerleader, a clip of him singing “Le Jazz Hot” and then his audition for NYADA, “Not the Boy Next Door”. Those gold pants. And his moves. Unf.
When the next morning rolled around, Blaine may have been just a little sleep-deprived from watching certain Kurt Hummel videos on repeat. But he regretted nothing.
Despite his sleepiness, Blaine had no trouble answering questions, and became the first finalist. He ended up playing the sudden death round against a guy called Chandler, who was just as knowledgeable as Blaine was.
After they’d each answered another ten questions correctly, the presenter sighed. “Okay, this is not going to work. You guys know EVERYTHING! So what do you say to a practical challenge as a tie-breaker?”
“Okay,” said Blaine.
“I guess,” said Chandler.
“You each get to sing a song from Jesus Christ Superstar, and then the other listeners will vote in the app and decide who becomes the overall winner!”
Blaine grinned. “That sounds good.”
Chandler said nothing.
“So who wants to go first?” the presenter asked.
“Let’s get it over with,” Chandler groused.
“Okay, Chandler, what are you going to sing?”
“I don’t know how to love him.”
“Great choice! Let me put the music on for you.”
Chandler started to sing, and Blaine winced and wanted to clap his hands over his ears.
He didn’t, because it would be his turn in a short while, but aah, Chandler’s singing was worse than nails on a chalkboard!
He let out a sigh of relief when the song came to an end, and announced to the presenter that he’d be singing “Heaven on their minds”.
He threw his everything into the performance and found himself panting rather heavily when he was done.
Applause startled him. The presenter whooped and hollered and then said, “Wow, that was quite something. Are you sure you’re not a Broadway actor in disguise?”
Blaine laughed. “I wish!”
“And it looks like the listeners agree with me. Look at that, what an overwhelming victory for BLAINE!”
“Yay!” Blaine yelled. He’d given it his all, and he’d actually won!
Though he was an old hand at giving interviews by now, Kurt found himself fidgeting with his shirt cuffs this time.
It wasn’t the interview itself he was nervous about, but the contest he’d be announcing.
As he talked about celebrating Thanksgiving with his family, and being so grateful for his fans that he wanted to thank them, he felt a bit deceitful. Yes, he truly was thankful for his fans and their support, but his real goal with this contest was something else altogether.
The idea had come to him one night when he’d had a sleepover with Rachel, Quinn, Brittany and Santana, and Santana had wanted to know if Kurt had ever slept with a fan of his.
“I’m sure there’s tons of them that slip you their phone number and that are itching to discover what’s under those tight pants of yours.”
“Nah,” Kurt had said. “Well, I’ve gotten some phone numbers, yes, but I didn’t fancy the guys in question. Too pushy. The worst one’s called Chandler. He comes to my show every night, and he always waits at the stage door, and he’s forever running his hands over me and gushing and professing himself in love with me. Ugh.”
“Well, aren’t there more respectful fans that you’d like to get to know better?”
Kurt had taken another sip of his drink and thought it over.
The first fan that had sprung to mind was IconicWarbler, with his wonderful reviews. Wouldn’t it be great to get to thank him in person for what his words had meant to Kurt? But the chances of ever finding this anonymous reviewer were slim to nil.
Then, Kurt had thought of a fan that hadn’t been such a fixture at the stage door as Chandler, but who had shown up regularly nonetheless. This guy was always dressed dapperly, with gelled hair and a profile that were reminiscent of a 1950s movie star, and with impeccable manners. He clearly loved getting to talk to Kurt, but he never got handsy and never tried to monopolise him.
Yes, that was someone he’d like to get to know better. But how would he manage that?
That’s how he’d come up with the contest plan. It was a wild shot in the dark, and chances were he’d end up meeting and greeting another person entirely, but he wanted to try this.
So he tuned in to that radio station every morning to find out who’d win the quiz that day. He grimaced when he saw the name Chandler pop up, and hoped that would not be the winner of the meet-and-greet package.
The second to last day of the contest, he got a pleasant surprise. One of the contestants, a guy called Blaine, had a voice he recognised – velvety smooth and soothing. Was it… could it be the Mr. Dapper he’d seen so often at the stage door?
Then Blaine started to sing, as an answer to a quiz question, and Kurt was blown away. Wow!
And what did he just say? He’d been in a show choir called the Dalton Warblers?
It might be just a coincidence, of course, but maybe Kurt had found his IconicWarbler…
The next day was the finals, and Kurt cursed loudly and at length when Chandler made it through and was still in the running for the top prize.
Please no!
Thankfully, Blaine made it through as well.
On an impulse, Kurt sent the radio show host a text that said, “Make them sing.”
At first, the two finalists got questions again, but when neither Chandler nor Blaine cracked under the pressure and they just kept giving right answers, the show host decided to make the both of them sing instead.
Chandler was as bad a singer as Kurt had hoped, and Blaine was even better than in Kurt’s wildest dreams. He sang better than the actual actor playing in the show with Kurt!
Kurt grinned ear to ear when Blaine was pronounced the winner, and hoped so much that it was the fan he remembered.
The day of the premiere, he felt more than just the usual pre-show jitters. He also felt butterflies in his stomach, as if he was about to go on a first date.
Before the show started, he peeked through the curtain to check the place, front and centre in the Orchestra section, he’d reserved for the main winner of the contest.
He saw a neatly gelled head and fist-pumped. Yes! He’d guessed right! Blaine was Mr. Dapper all right!
Blaine certainly lived up to Kurt’s nickname, as he was dressed to the nines in a tuxedo.
The tuxedo jacket was made of burgundy velvet with black lapels, and Kurt was itching to find out if it was as soft as it looked.
He checked out the other reserved places, and saw Chandler, looking like thunder and throwing poisonous looks in Blaine’s direction. His plus-one seat was the only one left unoccupied.
Kurt drew back from the curtain, and went to have a chat with the security guard, warning him about Chandler, just in case the guy tried to get backstage or to make trouble for Blaine.
And then it was showtime, and Kurt threw himself into the performance with double the energy he’d shown during the dress rehearsal.
Afterwards, while bowing to the audience with the rest of the cast, his eyes strayed to Blaine again, who was clapping and cheering.
See you soon!
Back in his dressing room, he got out of his costume, freshened up and put his regular clothes on in record time, because he wanted to be the first of the actors to welcome Blaine backstage.
When he left his dressing room, he found Blaine attentively listening to John, one of the stage hands, who was explaining how all the equipment worked.
“Hello Blaine!” Kurt said, and Blaine’s attention shifted to him at once.
John chuckled. “I guess that’s my cue to disappear. Once the big star comes out, nobody’s interested in the technical stuff anymore.”
Blaine looked stricken, and started to babble apologies.
John clapped him on the shoulder. “Nah, don’t worry about it. You came here for Kurt and the others, I get it. See you both at the party!”
John left, and Blaine looked after him, biting his lip.
“Don’t worry,” Kurt said. “John’s not offended at all.”
Blaine’s eyes flitted to Kurt, and he flushed and nodded.
“I’ve seen you before, haven’t I?” Kurt asked. “At the stage door?”
“Yes.” It sounded timid and uncertain.
“But this is your first time backstage?”
Kurt winked at Blaine. “A lot less glamourous than you’d think, right?”
Blaine grinned. “Yep. Smaller, too. But I’m still stoked to get to see it. And it’s so interesting, how it all works…”
“I know, right? I remember when I started working on Broadway that I was fascinated with the technical side of things.”
They stood there, smiling at each other for a moment, and then Kurt said, “Oh, right, I should give you a tour, until my colleagues get here, too. Come with me.”
He let Blaine peek into his dressing room and then took him to see the costumes and the orchestra pit, introducing him to everyone they passed on the way.
By the time Blaine had seen every nook and cranny of the backstage area, the other actors were there to greet him and talk to him.
Blaine was a lot less shy around them than he was around Kurt, and when they all left the theatre to go to the party venue, it felt already as if Blaine was part of the group.
At the party, Kurt introduced Blaine to Rachel as well, and smothered a giggle behind his hand when Blaine treated her as if she were royalty (“It’s such an honour to meet the great Rachel Berry – you are a legend!”) and Rachel lapped it all up.
Rachel and Blaine got on like a house on fire, and Kurt left them to it to go procure some drinks.
When he came back from the bar, Rachel had drifted away to go talk to her off-and-on lover Jesse, and Blaine was talking to one of the musicians about his violin, which was apparently an antique.
“You play the violin?” he asked.
“Well, I haven’t in a while, as I told Ashley, because I need to get round to restringing my violin first, but yes, I do. The piano as well, and drums and guitar.”
“Wow. And you sing so well, too! You should have heard him, Ashley, he sang “Heaven on their Minds” on the radio, and he sounded better than Jesse!”
“Don’t let Jesse hear you say that,” Ashley laughed. “He wouldn’t take it well!”
Kurt handed Blaine a glass of champagne, and offered Ashley the one he’d brought for Rachel. “Cheers!”
A few hours later, he and Blaine were still nursing the same drink and talking their heads off about anything and everything when Rachel turned up again, phone in hand.
“I was just looking on the New York Times website, and it’s weird. Usually around this time, there’s a review already. But this time, not a word from IconicWarbler.”
Blaine’s head shot up, but Rachel didn’t notice, she was too busy scrolling.
“Do you think he didn’t come?” Rachel asked Kurt.
“Oh, he came all right,” Blaine said softly. “He’s just been too… busy to write a review just yet.”
Kurt, who’d had a hunch that Blaine might be IconicWarbler, beamed in satisfaction, and Rachel gasped, “It’s you?”
“It’s me.”
“I love your reviews,” Kurt told Blaine. “They’re always so kind and so supportive. I reread them when I’m having a bad day to get the strength to carry on, and on good days they make me want to strive to become even better. It means the world to me to have you in my corner.”
Blaine took his hand and squeezed it softly. “Always.”
After that, Kurt didn’t stay at the party much longer, and when he left, he took Blaine home with him.
As he explained to Blaine, “I don’t do this, usually. Or ever. But with you, it feels different.”
Blaine nodded. “I know. I feel the same. May I kiss you?”
Kurt threw his arms around Blaine’s neck and pulled him closer until their lips met.
A long moment later, Blaine’s eyes fluttered open and found his, and he whispered, “Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you forever.”
This is the prompt the story is based on:
Blaine always reviews Kurt's performances in the NYT comments section but uses a nom-de-plume. (Blaine is not a critic--Blaine is in love!) Kurt doesn't know who, but he is also kind of falling for the person giving him such glowing reviews.
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backslashdelta · 9 months
top 10 gifsets you've made the year - go go go!!!
HI HEY HELLO thank you for this very unexpected question I will be happy to answer it for you and also for me!!
We're gonna start at 10 and work our way down :) I will say that these aren't technically in order of my favourite, it's more about how objectively good I think they are, but obviously my personal preference is coming into play a bit too.
10: Klaine + stages of their relationship. This is a pretty simple one but I think that works in its favour, it's a fun concept and I think I did a really good job with the colouring (which is an area I feel like I've improved on a lot this year).
9: Kurtofsky as king and queen of hearts. I think this concept is SUPER cool, it's something very different from a lot of other things I've done and I think it came out really well. I really like the reds and the reflections and just yeah I think it's neat. There are some things I would probably change if I were to do it now, but overall I'm still pretty happy with it.
8: Klaine duets on Spotify. I love a good Spotify gifset and I also think I did a good job with the colouring on this one.
7: New Directions + Seasons of Love lyrics (not the scene from the show, just using the lyrics). I love how warm this is, I like the text effects I ended up with, and it just has a really warm cozy vibe. It feels special to me. And it was a gift, so that makes it extra special.
6: Kurtcedes in 4 Minutes. This isn't very complicated but I think the colours REALLY pop and I think I did a good job with picking what clips to use and the fonts and all that.
5: Kurt + Gin Joints lyrics. This bitch LOVES a good glitch effect and she loves a good b&w vs colour contrast and she loves a lyric gifset and she loves some mixed fonts featuring a cursive. This might not be the best gifset in the list technically but it IS the one that I think about the most often it replays in my head frequently I love it a lot.
4: Klaine in Come What May. I killed it with the colouring and that smoke effect is super cool. I refuse to be modest because I know this set is a banger.
3: Puck's Kiss Costume. I think the colouring in this slaps and the text effects/font choices are pretty cool and work super well with the set and the layout works really well too, just all around some great choice and execution on my part imo.
2: Kurtofsky in Prom Queen. When I started making this I never expected to love it as much as I do. But I just think it's really gorgeous. I love the colours mixed with the black and white. I think the blending turned out really well, I sometimes struggle there so I'm really happy I pulled it off so well here. I love the effect of the simple font and the line down the center pulling it all together, and then the jagged line and the glitching text at the bottom I just want to SCREAM it makes me feel things. I don't know if you're supposed to say stuff like that about your own creations but I'm saying it anyway. But yeah. I just think I did a great job. And this one was a gift, too, which is fun.
1: Santana + Epiphany lyrics. I think this is probably my best gifset of the year technically speaking. On top of having some top notch colouring, it's also got some great blending, overlays, text animation, and a fun funky layout gif too. It's just a really cohesive set and I spent a lot of time on it (and so did you lol) and it turned out really really soft and pretty. I'm not usually a gold/yellow/orange girlie when I make gifs and when this was conceived that's not what it was going to be, but I am really glad it turned out that way because I think it really works!
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blaintism · 2 years
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i don’t need the world to see that i’ve been the best i can be
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
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all i know is a simple name everything has changed
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benjamingates · 3 years
klaine singing a world alone by lorde is so good i didnt even know i needed it until now
OK RIGHT!!! Not that you asked anon (who btw I love feel free to pop into my DMs and we can chat about Lorde, anyway) but let’s take a min to look at some of these lyrics and how perfectly they fit klaine:
The people are talking, people are talking
(But not you)
The people are talking, people are talking
Raise a glass, 'cause I'm not done sayin' it
They all wanna get rough, get away with it
Let 'em talk, 'cause we're dancing in this world alone
World alone, we're alone
All the double-edged people and schemes
They make a mess, then go home and get clean
You're my best friend and we're dancing in a world alone
A world alone, we're all alone
I MEAN HELLO?? Just both of them going through being bullied but then like kurt’s speech in prom queen and then them dancing together? It fits so well 😭🥺
And then of course the bridge about being a train wreck waiting to happen... 😅
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Welcome to Glee Sings Songs On My Playlist
The inspiration behind this is the fact my normal playlist has zero Glee songs and a lot of it is either from the 80s or is very new
Rachel Berry: You’re The One That I Want sung by Charolette Lawerence. I know they technically sing this song but the way it’s redone in Charolette Lawrence’s cover would’ve been fun to see and I honestly have no other songs for Rachel.
Finn Hudson: Shotgun by George Ezra. Yes it’s chaos in the form of a song, but I love it and honestly I think Finn would just make this song more goofy which would be amazing and I’d approve.
Kurt Hummel: Would You Be So Kind by Dodie. Listen, I’m not 100% sure this works with his vocal type at all, but I want s2 Kurt to sing this and it’s on my playlist so it works. The songs vibe is also really really cute, I love it.
Blaine Anderson: Better by Ben Platt. I’m not sure when he’d sing this or why he’d sing it, I just think Darren Criss covering this song would be pretty cool so boom it goes to Blaine. I think he’d make it sound good so yeah.
Quinn Fabray: I Wish You Liked Girls by Abbey Glover. Okay, listen, I know she’s not canonically gay but this is my list so my rules and she’s gay for Rachel Berry now. I have like 90000 songs for Quinn, but I think she’d sound super pretty covering this one. Anyways, lesbian Quinn rights.
Santana Lopez: Girls by Girl In Red. At this point I guess we’re saying Fuck Vocal Types cause again I don’t think this would have fit here, but the lyrics are too perfect. Just look over the lyrics for this song and it screams closeted Santana in s2. Also, we never heard Santana cover any songs like this so it’d be pretty cool.
Brittany Pierce: Girls Chase Boys by Ingrid Michaelson. I believe this song is a bi song, if not someone please correct me, so I think it’d be fun to hear Brittany sing. Also it’s a very positive sounding song and I love Britt being happy so I think this song would be a good fit for her.
Tina Cohen-Chang: You Should See Me In A Crown by Billie Eilish. I don’t know when she’d sing this, but honestly it’d be cool. We all know if Glee was still on today they definitely would’ve sang some Billie Eilish and diva Tina singing this would’ve been pretty cool. I’d be down to hear it.
Artie Abrams: Dance Monkey by Tones and I. Kevin sang this once and it sounded amazing so I give this song to Artie. I actually have the acoustic version on my playlist, not the actual one, so I guess Arties gonna get to sing the acoustic version but I bet it’d still sound amazing. Kevin singing this song was just gold.
Sam Evans: Good Grief by Bastille. I was very tempted to do Hold On bevause I do actually have that song on my playlist, but I think it’d be cheating (there no rules to this other than it’s gotta be on my playlist, but still) so I’m gonna give him Good Grief. I barely know the lyrics to this one, but Sam singing it is something I want very much so boom.
Quinn Fabray (again): Prom Dress by mxmtoon. I know I’ve already done a Quinn song, but this just would fit so well in a prom episode and I feel like Quinn would sing it cause she cries in her prom dress. Also, her high school experience Kinda fucking sucked so this also works for that reasoning.
Klaine duet: Demons by Alec Benjamin. This song is just so sweet and is babey and I love it and I vote we let Klaine cover it if for some reason that shit can still happen. Honestly, I don’t know how they’d completely work it into a duet cause it’s clearly one person singing to another, but that’s not my problem. This songs just super cute so yeah, let them cover it. It’s als a little Angsty which is fun.
FaBerry duet: I’m a Mess / Issues sung by Madilyn Bailey. Faberry only sings mashups for duets, I don’t make the rules here. I personally love angst and like the angst here would be high so it’d be fun Angsty times. Personally I’d want Quinn to sing the I’m a Mess parts and Rachel the Issues parts, that’s just a personal opinion.
Brittana duet: Wonderland by Taylor Swift. We are back to me not knowing why they would send this, I just think they would sound beautiful singing it. Also, considering the time in which Glee was coming out, they lacked Taylor Swift song. She was like at her peak then. Anyways, Wonderlands great and I love Brittana so they should’ve sang it.
Random group number: Appreciated by Rixton. This song just gives me the vibes of a son they’d sing at the end of an episode. It’s definitely not a competiton but it’s super sweet. Shoebitch would probably pick it as some uplifting thing for whatever shit went down in the glee club that week.
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cristalknife · 3 years
Kadam Week 2021 Day 4 ~ You are my treasure, can I keep you as part of my hoard? 1/4
This is me trying to not start something on a platform only to post solely somewhere else aka AO3 and ff.net  you can find the complete list of Kadam Week 2021 prompts and you might find more stories on the Kadam Week 2021 AO3 collection Someone please take the time to appreciate me not dumping a 23K+ story into a single post, OK thanks for coming to my Ted talk 4° prompt is I Had the Strangest Dream
namely kadam AU... And what you got is a dragons!kadam au where Kurt got into Nyada after his first audition, the story starts with Kurt still in Lima and still with Blaine. Because Klaine needed to die a painful death and you deserved to see that ship crash and burn... I present to you You are my treasure, can I keep you as part of my hoard?  (In four parts Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 or read complete on ao3  or ff.net)
It was a rather well known fact that Nyada, being so exclusive and with limited opening every year, had a policy to never take more than a single student from the same school, even if there were more than one valid finalists.
What was not that well known, and certainly not at all advertised, was that such rule did not apply to supernatural beings.
If prospects were inclined toward the arts, and willing to join at least for the time of their education, the colony and the current ruling council.
Then they would be evaluated more on aspirations and skills, disregarding the presence of other finalists from the same school.
Once evaluated they would then be offered a position within one or more of the majors the school had that were in tune with the candidate's ability and affinities, rather than the candidate's preferred and declared choices.
Sometimes those two things matched, other times they didn't match at all.
In the end, once the offer was made, and it was cleared up that it was a non negotiable one, the prospect had to choose whether to accept the position offered by the Nyada's council, or simply choose to attend a different school.
When Kurt aced his audition he could hear the gears in Madam Tibideaux's mind turning, and humming pleasant vibrating sounds all around her. She was not at all like Kurt expected her to be, she felt like more, a more he couldn't place.
His dad had always been larger than life, Carole simply didn’t have the same presence about her.
And he knew that, despite loving how good she was for Burt, Kurt had yet to properly warm up to Carole. She was ok, he guessed, and she made his dad smile and feeling happier than Kurt could remember since his mom died.
But also she felt different... He felt awful for thinking so, but she sort of felt less...
Kurt had no idea who had come to examine him, or better he knew who she was, he just did not know there was also a what she was part that was making Kurt feeling even more invigorated and able to express himself fully.
Rachel on the other hand choked up, on a song she knew by heart, that she had sung so many times she should have muscle memories of how to produce those lyrics...
When the time got closer for their letters to arrive Kurt started to receive condescending looks full of pity, especially from his boyfriend.
When Rachel's letter arrived and she miraculously got in, everyone felt like they simply had to come to Kurt and offer their condolences and unique brand of what was supposedly comfort…
And worse of all Blaine had been the first in line to do so…
"Oh Kurt it's so bad you got to compete against Rach for the position at Nyada, but on the bright side you can stay here with me until I graduate and then we can move together to New York. Of course you'd have to wait another year before you'll be able to try again join Nyada, but at that point at least you'll have worked enough that maybe your cv won't look so anaemic..."
Kurt went rigid at Blaine's words and pressed his lips "Excuse me? Are you implying that you know already and more importantly you fully believe that I've been rejected when my letter didn't even arrive? And you dare to talk to me about my CV after you took the male lead part that was supposed to go to a senior in our only production? When you knew I needed it"
Blaine didn't even have the good grace of looking ashamed nor did he even give any indication of understanding why Kurt might be upset.
"Oh come on Kurt don't be so dull, we all know that only one student per institution can get in. And Rachel got her acceptance letter already, so clearly you've been rejected, but as I was saying it's ok. It even works out better this way. You'll stay here with me while I graduate and then we'll move to New York together, and we'll have enough money to have our own place"
That things with Blaine hadn't been that good was neither a good nor a new news, but this was taking the cake and Kurt huffed irritated "So you expect me to fail in reaching for my dreams, stay in Lima of all places, waiting a year for you to graduate and then do what exactly? Move to New York to work before I try to join my dream school, is that what you see and hope for my life?"
Blaine frowned confused "There's nothing wrong with that Kurt come on, you know what I mean, it's not like you're what people expect from a leading man anyway... I mean I support you but you do stand out too much, and you know, there's being a star and then being a little too unique to ever get a role. It's not a bad thing, it’s just, it makes things difficult and I don't want you to fail, I just want you to have realistic expectations... You know I love you, it's just you can be a little too much for people who don't get you..."
With every additional word that kept pouring out of Blaine’s mouth, Kurt felt something changing and growing at the very centre of his being.
Something he hadn't felt since he was a small child, and got so mad for the first time in his life that he pushed back one of the other kids that were tormenting him...
An action that then his mom scolded him thoroughly, making him promise to never seek violence as a way to solve a conflict. To always take a step back when he felt the sensation of something crawling under his skin ready to explode and make whatever was troubling him disappear.
This time however, it was starting to become harder to resist the temptation to just let it all go, just for this once.
Was this really how love was supposed to be? Because it was starting to seem like he was the only one with expectation to fulfil. And the worst of those expectations was the fact that apparently he was supposed to be the one making compromises…
It was becoming tiresome to say the least.
"Blaine tell me honestly is this what you think?"
Kurt's tone was clipped when he asked that, and yet Blaine once more gave no indication of seeing what was going on.
On the contrary, the boy had the gall to start getting upset, his voice turning into a whine
"Kurt come on, why are you being so difficult, I'm trying to be considerate here but you always make such a fuss about nothing, You're such a drama queen"
And with that something inside Kurt broke...
Whether it was something finally breaking free or simply a dam breaking down he did not know. Nor did he know whether where or how the growling sound reverberating in his throat originated from…
But one thing he did know. This was it, he had reached the point where he couldn't stand the being in front of that, that boy anymore...
With what was Kurt's iciest tone he said "If this is how you feel, then I believe we have nothing else to do. You are never around even for things you planned and scheduled. You don't answer when I call, and if you do answer my messages it’s hours later without apologies or explanations. And if what I've been told is correct, you'd rather spend your time with your friend Sebastian rather than staying with me"
Blaine didn't even let Kurt finish as he started countering "It's not my fault if you seemed so intent on leaving me behind as soon as you'd get your diploma from here. I was just trying to survive without you . Excuse me for being happy about not having to worry about being left behind by my boyfriend. Who I might add, was all too happy to discard me like yesterday trash for a shiny new life in New York, over six hundred miles away from me. How is it a bad thing being happy about having more time together?"
And Kurt was beyond furious "So as long as you are not left behind who cares if my life and my dreams get destroyed? Seriously what's wrong with you. You always comment on how supportive I am of you, and I've tried even when it hurt, even when to be honest I shouldn’t have. So why you never ever try to reciprocate? Why does it always have to be me, the one compromising?"
Blaine assumed that half irritated, half hurt that seriously implied that Kurt was being unreasonable and hurting him for futile reasons, as once again he started to talk over Kurt "Kurt stop being so unreasonable, why are you hurting me? I never asked you to compromise, in fact how can you even say such hurtful things? I was the one who left Dalton to transfer here for you, I was the one who didn't audition for Tony even if I could have used the role as well… It's not my fault if Artie, coach Beiste and Miss P thought I was a better Tony than you. Why are you blaming me for the decisions of others? Especially since it's not exactly my fault if you keep flaunting such extravagant outfits at all times... Why do you ask me that? It's not a matter of your dreams going up in flame or your life being destroyed, don’t you see that was exactly what I was talking about... You're just being overly dramatic instead of taking things with a pinch of maturity, you are such a crybaby at times, can we please stop this nonsense? It's just upsetting me, and it's not like it'll change the content of your nyada letter anyway. There's no need for us to fight over something so stupid..."
Then Kurt relaxed and nodded, and for the first time he saw exactly the moment when Blaine's expression shifted from hurt and pleading to a complacent one, clearly thinking that once more things had gone his way...
To a certain extent he was right, Kurt was going to at least partially grant him his wish for this to stop…
The only part Blaine might not yet realise was that Kurt would make it stop forever.
This was it, any chain, any bond that could have ever existed before, was now absolutely left in tatters on the floor as Kurt was going to soar high in the sky and fly free.
"You're right"
Blaine nodded and grabbed Kurt's hand patting it condescendingly.
Kurt hastily removed his hand from Blaine, motion that provoked Blaine's eyebrows to shoot up in surprise as he started to say "What.."
Kurt took a leaf out of Blaine's own book and started talking over him continuing with determination "You are right that we need to stop this nonsense, clearly you feel this way and I'm not going to ask you to change your mind."
Blaine's surprised expression softened into a pleased smile as he nodded, only to turn into a shocked frown as Kurt continued unrelentlessly "But I won't change my mind either. Whether I've been accepted or rejected from Nyada it won't matter. For one, I have other colleges I've applied to that I could attend coming fall, some of which I already have acceptance letters from. Something that had you been around like a boyfriend ought to be, you would have already known. So either as soon as I graduate or at the end of the summer I will leave Lima behind. But don't worry I won't leave you behind then"
Blaine was still frowning but offered a tentative smile and a nod. That until Kurt smiled back at him, in the same icy and sarcastic way that he had seen Kurt smile at Sebastian in those moments, right before and after they started one of their rounds of bickering.
"I won't leave you behind then, because I'm breaking up with you right now. Clearly we want different things from life, and hey we both know we had problems long before now... Who sets up appointments to make out? I might not have had other experiences before, but I can tell you this is not what I expected being with someone to be like. And you are not living up to the teenage dream you promised me either. So here's me growing up and taking things with a pinch of maturity. We’re done."
Blaine blinked confused and looked up at Kurt with his patented wounded puppy eyes, and for the first time Kurt started to wonder if what was going on wasn't as much as adorable obliviousness, as he had always assumed, but rather a masterful use of emotional manipulation.
Kurt looked down at Blaine, and for the first time he felt the bile rising up at the mere thought of having bowed down to this for over an year now, for having allowed himself to become nothing more than a spineless whipping boy. And in exchange for what exactly? For a boy who apparently had no care for him at all despite proclaiming his love? For a relationship in which he was the only one having to renounce things to make the other happy?
He didn't know anymore, and he wasn't that sure he even wanted to know at this point. He just wanted out of this situation for good.
Blaine was still staring like he couldn't understand Kurt at all as he voiced his confusion "What? I don't understand... Why are you trying to get back at me this way Kurt? Look I'll leave now, you clearly need the time to cool down, don't worry I won't hold this against you. I can see you're upset, and I do get how much it must hurt not having been accepted to the only school you applied to. There is no need to invent stories about how you applied to other schools and how you'll leave Lima after graduation or at the end of the summer just to get back at me. Rach told me you both applied only at Nyada and she got in, so clearly you would have no other place to go to..."
Kurt shook his head and felt the profound disappointment in seeing that even now Blaine simply either wasn't listening to him or didn't care at all about what Kurt had to say...
In a way it was a pity, he looked around and for the first time he was grateful that there were witnesses listening into every word they were exchanging, in fact Kurt thought he had also seen Jacob Ben Israel...
So he simply shrugged and left to go to his locker. He picked up what he needed, then simply walked out of the school without a second thought. Just to be on the safer side he sent a quick text to the whatsapp group chat that had all the glee club members on it that read simply ‘I just broke up with Blaine, I will never get back together with him so if someone is not happy with it either keep your mouth shut and your nose out of my own business or feel free to stay the hell out of my life for good. This is all I'll say on the subject and that's not up to debate. I hope we'll manage to finish the time we have until graduation with civility. Kurt’
Then as a second immediate action, he went and changed his status on facebook making a quick work of removing any trace of him and Blaine together from his albums and shared pictures, proceeding to repeat the procedure also on instagram and from his own phone.
The more he purged his profiles of Blaine, the more he noticed how much of a shadow of his former self he had become in the time they had been together. It was staggering seeing how, by removing Blaine from his storyline, only few traces were left of what happened to him in the past year.
Shaking his head he shot a quick text to Finn, letting him know he was going to pass by the garage to see dad before going home, and that he was leaving immediately because he didn't want to be cornered by anyone wanting to talk about the fact he broke up with Blaine.
Finn simply sent a smiley face and two thumbs up, apparently, despite all his fears, Kurt was still going to have someone on his side by the end of the tragedy... It was a comforting thought.
He relished in it as he drove to the garage, once there he called out "Hey dad do you have a minute?"
Burt called out from the farther aisle, and Kurt smiled and waved at Carl and Kenneth as he passed by the two other mechanics at work.
Once Kurt was close by, Burt tensed and looked completely frozen in worry and surprise a low growling "Damn" escaped Burt's lips as he grabbed the rag and cleaned his hand "Kurt we need to talk"
Kurt smiled and nodded "Yeah we do I just broke up with Blaine and I'd really appreciate your support if you could make sure to not let him into the house next time he comes around. Because despite telling him I was breaking up with him, he was acting like he wasn't listening to me, so I just wanted to make sure you knew. I am going to tell Carole as soon as we get back home, but... Dunno why, I felt like I had to come to you first and that it couldn't have waited till you'd get home, I'm not sure exactly on the reason behind such reasoning"
Burt kept a close look on his son and then said without preambles "Something else happened, didn't it?"
When Kurt didn't say anything but reluctantly nodded once, before looking surprised he had done that, Burt had all the answers he needed.
Kurt was as a dagon just like himself, just like Elizabeth had been, it was strange that it took so long for his supernatural heritage to pick that up, he should have taught so many things to Kurt already, but he never smelled like a hatchling or a youngling, Kurt had always smelled faintly like his Lizzy did... And a doubt started to creep up on Burt, Elizabeth and him had never discussed their supernatural heritage, he had always assumed that it was because Elizabeth was an orphan and she had ended up in Lima living with a distant relative that didn't have any trace of supernatural vibe to her, hence making the subject taboo in her household.
But now he wondered if she was simply not sure about Burt's own knowledge on the subject, or even possible reactions, if he was honest he could admit to have never been that interested in properly grooming that side of himself. He was more than happy to pass his live as a good mechanic, restoring cars to their original beauty.
He always felt too out of place in the sanctuaries, or trying to fly with other dragons living in the neighbourhood. He was nothing as impressive as the others, his own scales dull and his wings barely able to lift him off the ground and be serviceable, nothing like the spectacular acrobatics of the likes of Alexander Smythe or even Matt McNamara.
But that was still at a time when Lizzy was still alive. When she died, he simply didn't want to see the signs of what losing his mate had done to him, he had a normal kid, who apparently wasn't really normal at all, and in his grief he never looked deeper.
But something must have happened, because for the first time his son smelled like mint honey and rosemary, not at all like the sweet vanilla and ginger that was Lizzy’s scent, nor his own sandalwood and musk, nor was his son’s scent a mingle of those two scents as it would have been for a youngling.
Kurt had already grown into his own individual, and Burt had not prepared him yet for what it meant to be a dragon... And on top of that his kid was more than ready to leave and abandon this small town to live his life as soon as possible, giving Burt even less time to try to remedy to the many years they had already lost.
He was wondering exactly what happened for Kurt to break through, what probably was meant to be a temporary block that Lizzy had put on their child when he was very young, maybe to help him control his emotions, preventing emotional escalation and incidents that could have revealed their supernatural status to people without any prior knowledge of it, in a traumatic way.
"Let's go take a ride son and you can tell me what happened in details"
Kurt blinked confused, he had seen his dad looking at him rather surprised and then contemplative, and to be honest Kurt hadn't really intended to say or let his dad know that something had happened, mainly because he couldn't really explain it, he wasn't sure what had happened, even if he was sure something did…
While lying to his dad had not been an option, even when he managed to keep his mouth shut, preventing what seemed insane rambling to escape his lips, a part of him had wanted to just obey.
Somehow recognising the authority Burt still had over him, and it was a strange feeling, nothing like he had felt before, not that he didn't respect his dad, but at the same time he had never felt compelled to cower enough to tell him the whole truth…
As they walked out the garage Burt said softly "Do you want us to take the Navigator or shall we take my truck? We are going to do some off the road driving"
Kurt looked at his dad through slitted eyes, "I'll tell Finn to get a lift to pick my baby and take her home, we're taking your car to go wherever you want us to go, without me having to scrub mud from my baby for the next fortnight."
Burt chuckled and while Kurt took care of talking with Finn, he made a quick call to Carole telling her that something had happened with Kurt beside him breaking up with his boyfriend, and that he needed to get to the end of it, see if he could get his son to talk, and that he would tell her later what he found out...
He left behind that probably what he was going to share was going to be an edited version of what happened if his suspicions were proved correct. Burt, in a sudden strike of inspiration grabbed from the locker room Kurt's coverall and the changing bag his son had taken to keep here at the garage, if his nose wasn't wrong, then those might come in hand to make their journey back home more comfortable if things went wrong.
It took less than Burt remembered to reach the sanctuary's valley, and the closer they got, the more he could see Kurt's fascination growing, "So buddy what else happened, tell me please, even if it sounds crazy I want to know what went down with you"
Kurt looked a little worried before starting speaking "This might end up sounding crazy, but it felt like something broke, and at the same time it felt like I was free to fly for the first time... The way Blaine was speaking was making me so mad, and I know, I know I promised mom that I would never try to go with violence as a way to find a solution to an unpleasant situation. But I swear if you could have heard the bullshit he was saying, he was so condescending... Did you know that they are all assuming that just because Rachel got her acceptance letter from Nyada, that I would be automatically rejected? And I mean Rachel choked on her audition... If she did get in and I didn't I’m not even sure I'd want to get into a school with such screwed up criteria of selection."
Burt nodded, in that sea of words there were some things that clearly resonated with him. If Lizzy thought she and Kurt were the only dragons in their family then she probably had put a block around Kurt's powers to keep them tamed while he was growing up. Probably expecting to be there when he should have started to learn control over his abilities, around his twelfth birthday…
Burt hummed and nodded, totally understanding his son's point of view, and then prompted "And how did it felt? I'm not judging, but you sounded more surprised rather than upset about this whole ordeal"
Kurt took a deep breath and looked outside the window "I felt free... Like things were finally right, and Blaine, Blaine felt all wrong. Like I couldn't even believe why I had him in my life, like he wasn't supposed to be next to me at all. And it made me mad seeing that he wasn't even listening to me. I was there, telling him I was done with him and he left saying that he would not hold against me things I said when I was clearly upset... As if his assumption of me being rejected by one school would be the reason why I'd broke up with him, and it wasn't for example how he expected me to stay in Lima for another year until he graduated, in the meanwhile while I would surely fail again to get into nyada because he was applying..."
Kurt's rage was rapidly brewing up, and Burt could hear his son's breathing slowly turning into steam, only for his son to surprise him taking a deep breath and exhaling it with just a low hiss.
"He made me so mad I really fished to roast him, incinerate him right there where he standed, but alas even if I could have done that it was going to create so many problems that it wouldn't have been worth the satisfaction of doing it..."
Burt grinned amazed at his son's natural control, or maybe it was just that he trained in a whole different way than Burt himself had been trained...
He stopped the car and then patted his son on the shoulder "You did good son, I'm so proud of you, now come with me there's something I need to show you,"
Kurt felt himself preening under the unexpected praise. Burt directed them to what looked like the edge of a rather deep canyon, and Kurt looked worried at his father as he asked questioning "Dad?"
Burt smiled softly, in a way that Kurt hadn't seen since before his mom got sick "Buddy I don't know how else to do this, and I really wish your mom was here to help me out, so please forgive me for what I'm about to do."
The words made Kurt's blood freeze inside his veins, and in less than a second Burt had taken three steps back and was falling over the edge.
Without even realising he was moving, Kurt dived in after his father, and all of a sudden his vision changed, the world got blurred for a moment and the image of Burt falling body blurred as well, before being replaced by a bulky reptilian dragon, with sturdy wings to carry the compact body.
Kurt felt the wind offering resistance to his fall, and in a blink of an eye what was resistance was actually offering him support. Instead of keeping him from falling, like it had seemed in the beginning, Kurt found himself raising up above the canyon and into the sky.
And the dragon that used to be where his father was, suddenly raised up into the sky as well, emitting a sound that Kurt knew were not words, but that he could surprisingly understand anyway. They were directions telling him to land down on the clearing in the middle of the trees on their left. Kurt saw exactly the spot and dive in with surgical precision, landing exactly where he wanted, on the sandy patch on the lake shore.
Once there, in what felt a little mixed up curiosity and vanity he peered on the water to see his own reflection, and discovering that indeed he looked like a dragon too, he could see a silvery reflection, and he could feel something in on the top of his head, floating, he instinctively knew those appendices were having the same function as a cat’s whiskers.
As he tried to look at himself the only difference he could see, compared to what he saw of his dad, was that where his father was compact and sturdy, with wings short and strong, his own figure seemed to be made for agility and precision, his wings complimenting his agile body shining in the afternoon light.
With a lot less grace than Kurt had, Burt landed in the middle of the clearing where the grass was, he then turned into his human form to smile at his son "You did well buddy, now can you figure out how to return to your human form or do we need to find a way for you to get home this way?" the tone was teasing, and Kurt wasn’t amused at all.
He didn’t know exactly how it happened, but he could distinctly feel the need to express his frustration into a way this form’s language would not be able to properly express.
There was no such sound he could find that would carry on the meaning of your stunt scared me to death or the you don't get to make jokes like that.
There were some words that could be translated but even putting them together Kurt knew they wouldn't be able to carry on the same message he needed to rant at his father.
So there was no other option but having access to his human mouth, that was what he needed at the moment, and without even realising what he did, Kurt found himself standing in front of his grinning father.
He took exactly ten milliseconds of taking in his father’s expression for him to take a breath and starting to deliver a well deserved dressing down to the other man for his actions.
"How could you do that to me? I was scared to death, you made me think you were committing suicide in front of me. It sounded like you were saying goodbye and instead you just wanted to go for a fly? What the heck dad? Come on couldn't you have sat with me, safely inside your truck, and told me calmly Kurt we are dragons we can transform in giant flying reptiles and that's ok it's just who we are and there's nothing wrong with it, and then maybe actually telling me how that happened instead of jumping that way???"
If Kurt had been less scared and traumatised, maybe then he would have noticed the mischievous look into his father's eyes, as things were he completely missed that and when Burt opened his mouth and started answering Kurt’s immediate reaction was to groan "Well son, when a female dragon meets a male dragon and they love each other very much, they end up mating in human form, and the the female becomes pregnant, and then their offspring has high chances of having their supernatural heritage as well, meaning that he is born a dragon as well..."
Kurt scoffed irritated "Funny dad, very funny ah-ha"
Burt chuckle stopped and he sighed softly as well before saying sincerely "I'm sorry Kurt, I didn't want to scare you or upset you that much. I just didn't know how to do this. And I really didn't want to do to you what my pa did"
Kurt raised an eyebrow in silent question as he crossed his arms on his chest, realising for the first time that he was wearing clothes, and that those ere not the ones he had on before he transformed...
Burt shrugged and offered a tight smile "He was doing very much a lion king scene, you know that moment when Mufasa is telling to Simba about one day having to rule over all that was touched by the sun moment…”
Kurt nodded slowly releasing his arms listening as Burt continued "Only for him to then give me a pat on the back that sent me flying over the edge, making me feel like I was falling to my death before I figured out how to transform and fly"
At the scandalised look that Kurt was sending his way he simply shrugged "These were other times buddy, and I was a lot younger than you are... He didn't know any better, and that was exactly how his father had been taught him."
Kurt wrinkled his nose unsatisfied "I'm not sure I would have like any of those options…”
Burt scratched the back of his head and said wistfully "All I knew for sure was that I didn't want to do that to you, like ever, but now I'm not so sure my own was that much better"
Kurt sent him a levelled glare and shook his head, Burt then continued "But I had promised myself that I wouldn't do that to my son"
Kurt's eyes softened, as Burt finished softly "I wish your mom was here, she would have probably have handled all of this a lot better than I am"
Kurt smiled softly "If you can manage to avoid other scares like that, I'd appreciate it very much, but it's not like you're doing a terrible job of it dad"
Burt hummed softly and grinned "If you think you can figure out how to shift at will we can then head home and call it a day, putting all of this behind us."
Kurt attempted the shift a few more times, each time getting faster and easier than the time before. He kept repeating the action until both of them were satisfied with the results.
Burt smiled proudly and said "You are doing great son, once we're at home we'll get you a couple of books that will be useful and that you really need to read before leaving town."
Kurt nodded and simply followed his dad, they both shifted into their dragon form and flew to the car, before driving back home.
Once they reached the house, Carole hugged them both and then offered Kurt a sealed envelope "This was waiting for you when I arrived home."
It was the Nyada's letter Kurt was waiting for. As soon as he took it in his hands, and it got within Burt’s sniffing distance, his dad frowned and took a step closer so he could read its content over Kurt's shoulder, as he opened it up and read the school’s decision. ~End of Part 1 of 4~ Next
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hippohead · 4 years
Top 5 Klaine duets? 💖
omg fun thank u Sal!
1. Got To Get You Into My Life. It takes the number one spot for me because it's so fun and the lyrics and the reunion of it all. It's just, it makes me happy. And therefore is valid.
2. Come What May. If I'm enduring angst I want it to be this. I spent so much time during lockdown watching this one over and over and analysing every glance and smile and fkgjfkfk. Anyway it's so important.
3. Baby, It's Cold Outside. because bico rights. I feel like I don't even need to explain myself. Something so soft and wonderful about pre-canon Klaine x Christmas. Plus their voices just sound so insanely good both separately and together in this song.
4. Daydream Believer. The actual like, visual of it isn't super Klaine-y, like, they're singing to the kids and not each other but 2020 Kurt and Blaine as husbands with fluffy hair means so much to me that I can't even verbalise it. Plus it's a bop.
5. American Boy. I can't figure out what fandom thinks about this one but honestly? I fucking love it. Yes give me Blaine breaking the rules to show off the love of his life!!! And the song is so fun and bouncy and I just. love getting to see them have fun and be a little silly and sound wonderful together in s5!
Honestly subject to change but this is what feels right today ❤
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gleeincorrectquotes · 4 years
In your ideal world, who would sing Winner Takes it All and why? (I saw your answer to the ask game and got curious about your thoughts because I actually didn’t mind it).
Personally I’ve just always had it in my head that it would be a really good Klaine song after their first break up? (I mean it’s a break up song for a start so why are Sue and Will singing it, ew.)
There’s just a lot of lyrics in it that just fit them especially “But tell me does she kiss, Like I used to kiss you?, Does it feel the same, When she calls your name?, Somewhere deep inside, You must know I miss you, But what can I say?, Rules must be obeyed” (obvs changing she to he to make it about Eli)
Anyway, If any of you wanna listen to the original (and check out those funky hairstyles) or the Mama Mia version (which I just like more for the drama) and see if you guys think it sounds like a good klaine song as well or if I’m just so klaine obsessed any song will sound like a good song for them
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wowbright · 2 years
Fic: Recognition
Klaine Advent 2022: burst
Words: ~ 2,000 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Kurt wishes his companion would stop flirting with the sister missionary. Also, a duet.
I’m back with more vignettes from my Mormon!Klaine universe for Klaine Advent 2022! This vignette takes after Mustard Seed and before A New Beginning (i.e. before they attend the symphony).
My Mormon!Klaine Masterpost. Klaine Advent (and some other recent) posts in bold; Klaine Valentines 2023 posts in bold and italics.
Note: If you have been reading this as I've been posting, you might get to the latter part of this vignette and think, “Hey, I recognize this scene but also it’s different?” I’ve been dissatisfied with how the moment in Forever’s Not Enough Time when Kurt and Blaine accidentally sing a sincere romantic duet fits into the rest of the universe. So I moved the duet to earlier in the mission, when Blaine is still pretty clueless about the nature of his feelings, and the scene plays out differently even as many of the emotions remain the same. Here’s the video for The Circle of Our Love.
Elder Anderson was giggling. Not laughing politely, not chuckling in a manly but somehow disinterested manner. Nope. He was giggling—his cheeks pink, his face scrunched up in delight, his chin tucking repeatedly toward his chest as if he'd simply couldn't stand to look at the source of his delight or he would burst.
It was so annoying. Kurt didn't think Schwester Rose's story was that funny. Costuming mishaps were serious business. Sure, for the performers, they made a silly anecdote. But all Kurt could think about was the costumer who had to spend the entire night and day before the next show rebuilding their work almost from scratch.
Schwester Wilde shared a meaningful look with Kurt. She wasn't amused, either. “Eat your dinners before they get cold. You paid good money for that.”
“Good money” was relative. They were at their favorite Italian joint, and the reason it was their favorite was because the food was cheap, the portions were generous, and the baked ziti stuck to their ribs for the better part of a day, even when they had to bike all around town. But on a missionary budget, dining out always felt like a splurge.
Elder Anderson and Schwester Rose dutifully obeyed—at least for a few minutes. Alas, the urge to flirt was apparently irresistible. They were soon at it again, this time exchanging lyrics from The Little Mermaid soundtrack—Schwester Rose teaching Elder Anderson snippets of the Swiss-German version of “A Whole New World,” and Elder Anderson teaching her the English one.
“Didn't anyone ever teach you to not to sing at the dinner table?” Schwester Wilde scolded.
“No,” answered Schwester Rose, unfazed. “My mother and I do it all the time. It helps with the digestion.”
“Anyway,” added Elder Anderson, “we're only doing one line at a time, and we're not being loud, so it doesn't count.”
“Perhaps,” Schwester Wilde said in a tone that conveyed You're wrong. “But we haven’t finished going through our business.”
Kurt had been hoping to put off the rest of their business until they were done eating, because he didn't like to write and chew at the same time, but this was officially their district meeting. They never met with the sisters just to socialize—though Elder Anderson, from his behavior, clearly wished they did.
Kurt shoved the rest of his food in his mouth, got out his enormous binder as Schwester Wilde got hers out, and the two pairs of missionaries attended to their statistics. It was boring, but it had been a good call on Schwester Wilde's part. It offered a break from the incessant flirting. Kurt was going to have to lecture Elder Anderson again about his behavior with women.        
“Last but not least, we’ve been talking to some inactives,” Schwester Wilde announced as they finished up.
“Oh?” said Kurt. As far as mission priorities went, inactives actually were least—since they were already baptized, you couldn't count them toward those totals. But it was a nice thought.
“Yeah. You’re familiar with the McCarthy twins, of course. The ones who barely ever come to church because they’re ‘busy touring’?” Schwester Wilde made quote marks with her fingers as she spoke the last phrase. She glanced at Elder Anderson. “Or maybe only Elder Hummel is? They were at the Easter service, but they didn't linger.”
“No, I’ve met them,” said Elder Anderson. “Elder Hummel introduced me to them.” Kurt was glad he didn't elaborate. He wasn't sure Schwester Wilde would approve of missionaries going to watch a yodel-pop rehearsal on a non-P-day, even if it had been on their lunch break.
“Well, we've been talking to Madison—sharing scripture verses for her and Mason to study and encouraging them to visit other wards and branches when they're on tour. There isn't always a local ward or branch, but maybe you two could talk to Mason about doing the sacrament for her when that’s the case? You know, remind him of the importance of the weekly renewal of our baptismal vows. I think that would help Madison to have access to that, and Mason’s often the only priesthood holder in her vicinity. Remind him of his duty to her.” Schwester Wilde took a sip of her soda. “And obviously it would help Mason, too.”
Elder Anderson’s eyebrows furrowed. “That's not really fair, is it?”
“What?” asked Kurt.
“That women have to rely on whatever guy is closest by to have access to the sacrament and all the other blessings of the priesthood.”
Schwester Wilde scowled at Elder Anderson. “Women are naturally better at being faithful. Men are more wishy-washy, so the Lord gave them responsibilities to remind them of the importance of following him. Like Mason—maybe he wouldn't do the sacrament for himself, but if he’s reminded that his sister is depending on him for the blessings promised her at her baptism, he will probably do it out of love—I mean, they are insanely codependent.”
“Exactly!” chimed in Schwester Rose. “Well, maybe not the codependent part—I can't speak to that. But I think it's beautiful how God takes advantage of men’s love for and protectiveness of women to build their faith. Don’t you?” She smiled at Elder Anderson hopefully.
Kurt resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
This time, however, Elder Anderson did not return the flirtation. He frowned skeptically. “It didn't feel unfair to you not to have access to the priesthood when you were growing up, just because there wasn't a man living at home?”
Kurt was startled by the question. But he knew Elder Anderson didn’t mean to be callous by bringing up Schwester Rose’s imperfect family structure. He pried into other people's business out of an overabundance of empathy.
Schwester Rose must have understood that as well, because she answered cheerfully, “Not at all. We had lots of access to the priesthood. We could call up our home teachers anytime, or the bishop, or anyone in the ward. It’s important to depend on other church members for things. That’s how we form a community.”
Later, as they walked to the bus stop in the dark, Schwester Rose returned to that theme, but for more secular reasons. “Speaking of depending on others for certain things, remember that movie we watched on Easter? Saturday’s Warrior? The tunes have been going through my head over and over, but I’ve only heard them once so I don't know the words and can't sing them, and it's driving me crazy. But you two—” she pointed at the elders “—have them all memorized, don't you? Can you teach one or two to me. Maybe the one where he’s painting in the park?” She tugged on Schwester Wilde’s sleeve, like a little girl begging for candy, even though it was surely Elder Anderson’s sleeve she wanted to tug on. But it was against the rules for sisters and elders to touch each other outside of handshakes. Sometimes a companion had to suit as a body double. “And also the one where they’re in the premortal existence singing about the cycle of love!”
“A love song?” Kurt said. “We’re missionaries.”
“He has a point,” echoed Schwester Wilde.
“But it’s not trashy romance,” Schwester Rose effused. “And it could be about any love, not just romantic love, right? Like, it could be about choosing your parents or siblings or friends in the preexistence, too.”
Kurt ran through the lyrics in his head. To his surprise, she was right. “I thought you said you didn't remember the lyrics.”
“I don’t! Just a few phrases. but I remember that was my impression when I listened to it,” she said. “To be honest, it might have made me think about my cats a little. I get so homesick for them so much.”
Elder Anderson made a little fawning noise. Schwester Wilde huffed.
“I know technically they probably weren't in the preexistence,” Schwester Rose continued, “but I think they'll be in heaven, because heaven is supposed to be a happy place.”
“Oh my gosh!” Elder Anderson squealed. “I said the same thing to Elder Hummel a while back. Didn’t I, Elder Hummel?”
“Yes,” Kurt said, amused at his companion’s entusiasm in spite of himself. It was really sickening how well suited Schwester Rose and Elder Anderson were for each other. “But I didn’t endorse the idea.”
“Ah, but you didn’t deny the possibility, either,” Elder Anderson said with a wink. “Well, what do you say we make the sisters happy by singing a love song about cats?”
“How is that supposed to make me happy?” asked Schwester Wilde.
Schwester Rose squeezed her arm. “Because you're going to think about it in terms of forever families and your future husband and all those sorts of things, and also because it will make your companion happy.”
Schwester Wilde scoffed, but her eyes were smiling. “You're happy all the time, Schwester Rose. But whatever. Serenade us, elders.”
Elder Anderson’s eyes meeting Kurt’s in challenge. “I’ve seen that smile somewhere before,” he started.
It was unfair. There was no way Kurt could resist the power of Elder Anderson's charm. At least there weren't that many people around to hear them misbehaving. “I’ve heard your voice before …”
Kurt fell into the duet. He’d known it by heart since he was a little boy, singing it with his mother is they washed the dishes, or in front of the mirror imagining a duet with beautiful Spencer, a teenage boy at the Hill Cumorah Pageant who was his first childhood crush—before Kurt had figured out he wasn’t supposed to feel that way about other boys.
But the way Elder Anderson was singing to him now—his expression sincere and warm, and his voice full of emotion, as if the lyrics were a true representation of his heart’s desire—Kurt felt like maybe he was allowed to feel that way. That maybe eternal love could be real, even for him.
Feelings come so strong,
Like we known each other oh, so long.
If the celestial kingdom could include cats, then why couldn’t it include Kurt’s kind of love?
The circle of our love is more than just a rising sun that sets;
The circle of our love, it goes forever.
Looking into Elder Anderson's eyes, Kurt couldn't think of a single reason why not.
The circle of our love begins with now—
It felt, somehow, as if Blaine had waited all his life for this moment. He’d thought he’d been waiting for some amazing woman to walk into his life and turn his world upside down with her beauty and brilliance. And maybe that would happen someday. But Blaine suddenly didn't care if it did. This felt more important.
Hearing Elder Hummel sing about love and eternity, Blaine understood: He had already found an eternal companion.
Why didn’t they ever talk about this in general conference or firesides—the sanctity of friendship; its deep, eternal, all-consuming nature? He could read about it in the scriptures, in the story of Jonathan and David and the accounts of the first apostles, in the intense love that existed between Jesus and his disciples. But no modern apostle had warned him friendship could feel like this—as intense as a refining fire, as important as life itself.
The circle of our love extends beyond the reach of time,
Beyond the span of days and years, it goes forever.
It opened the door to paradise.
The circle of our love is found in every warm and tender thing—
Blaine had never been in love. He’d never found a girl who made him feel the sense of recognition he felt when he was around Elder Hummel. Kurt. He couldn’t imagine feeling it this strongly with anyone else.
That type of recognition didn’t always meant romance, of course. Sometimes it just meant that you belonged with a person, forever.
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spaceorphan18 · 6 years
Finding Kurt Hummel: Transitioning
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6x07: Transitioning
It’s not really a surprise that an episode called Transitioning is in the smack middle of this shortened season.  It certainly makes much more sense than Swan Song being in the middle of the season, lol. 
So, we get a lot about Beiste, and Trans rights, and a whole lot of stuff I’m happy not to touch.  And we get a, well, sort of awkward Kurt and Blaine story.  Truth time - I was really disappointed by this episode first time around, because I wanted it to do more.  It’s grown on me a lot, but I still have a few minor nitpicks about it.  But - the two things that really stand out to me in retrospect are a) this particular story line is more about Blaine than Kurt -- Blaine’s the one going through a transitional period back to Kurt and b) the pacing of their story is fine through the episode - it’s really, unfortunately, the wedding episode the botches the ending.  
Growing Up
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It’s nine minutes into the episode before we see our dear Kurt.  A quarter of the episode! Ug!! 
And - it’s Sam who’s carrying Rachel’s emotional baggage this week and dragging Kurt with him.  So, Rachel’s dads are selling the house (which is the reason they got a divorce - so that Rachel is forced to move out and grow up.  Good lord the lengths these writers go to - to teach Rachel a lesson).  Sam goes on about how Rachel’s making a difficult transition into adulthood - one that they’re all going through, but the rest of the characters don’t matter - just Rachel.  She’ll carry this theme for all of them, lol.  
I also love how Glee’s like - okay, bam, Rachel is now dealing with adulthood, as if the past few years haven’t really counted.  But - you know, it’s the end of the series, and that’s when these big life changes actually happen.  
Anyway - anyone up for meta’ing the giant spider on Kurt’s shoulder?  
Wheel of Destiny
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So - they interrupt the weekly lesson of Ohio artists (sorry Kitty, no Marilyn Manson for you), so they weekly theme can be transitioning.  Kurt says that sometimes life throws you a curveball and sometimes you just have to go with it. Huh. Foreshadowing? I think so... 
Blaine then goes on this long thing about Rachel having trouble facing adulthood, and how are they going to help her deal? Why - throwing a party because that’s what adults do, lol. 
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So.  Picking names out of a hat for duet partners is boring, so Artie constructed a giant wheel of names! I mean, why not - it’s fun.  And it’s Kurt turn! The wheel /almost/ lands on Artie, but Kurt gives destiny a little push and makes it go to Blaine.  And -- just look how shocked he is for that to have happened, lol.  I love this Kurt - manipulating things to turn out how he wants them.  I haven’t seen him pull this kinda thing in a long time, and it’s hilarious and adorable.  You go sing that duet with your sweetheart, Kurt! 
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After the meeting - Kurt catches up to Blaine (who is kinda secretly thrilled with Kurt’s meddling).  However - Blaine’s concerned about the whole thing - cause Karofsky might just get jealous.  Kurt thinks that’s silly -- and there’s a little bit of frustration there - cause I mean, Karofsky already has him as a boyfriend, he can’t keep them from being friends, too...  
Blaine states that Karofsky might think there’s something still between them.  And Blaine wants Kurt to say -- why yes, yes there is.  But he doesn’t - cause he feels like Blaine’s made his choice, so really, Kurt needs a sign from Blaine that there isn’t...  Hmmm, I wonder if that’ll happen.  
And then we get this whole awkward hug thing, which Kurt isn’t really sure what to do with.  And I’m not really sure what to do with Kurt’s final reaction here that’s a little -- oh, well, huh, that just happened.  I would have Kurt smile a little at the end of it - but I guess the director wanted to go for ambiguous? 
Which leads me to say this -- this episode I found difficult and unsatisfying the first time I watched it.  It’s grown on me a lot since then, but I think one of the things I was jarred by was that up until this point, we’ve had mainly Kurt’s POV on the whole break up thing - but this episode is nearly all Blaine’s POV.  And I get it, we needed to get him to the point of breaking it off with Karofsky.  But seeing everything through Blaine’s eyes when we’ve been with Kurt so much this season feels like a strange switch up in a few places.  This, I think, is one of them. 
Everyone’s Favorite Gays
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So -- Rachel’s party has started, and it must be a different day because Kurt has changed his clothes.  Also - Sam mentions he’s slipped a little something in Kurt’s drink - which is a nod to the fact that he’s over 21 now.  I mean, we were all waiting for that top happen, this is just confirmation. 
I’m also slightly uncomfortable that a group of college students who are acting as teachers and mentors have invited a bunch of high schoolers to a party with alcohol at it - but Glee doesn’t seem to care, so I’ll just look away. It’s not like it’s a plot point.   Though, man, who wouldn’t want to see Drunk!Kurt - that would have been fun. 
Anyway - Mercedes and Roderick sing All About That Bass - and it’s super fun and light.  Kurt’s not in it very much - but he’s bopping along right with Mercedes.  And one point Blaine shuffles over towards him, and they dance together for a hot second - but then Kurt’s mysteriously absent for the last minute or so of the song.  Not sure what happened there. 
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So - after a scene of Rachel and Sam hooking up because Rachel’s afraid to leave her childhood behind (um, okay fine) - we get Kurt and Blaine’s duet, which is Somebody Loves You.  And I just love every iota of this song.  The last time either of them sang was that dreary and depressing Carole King song back in Jagged Little Tapestry - now they have a fun, upbeat, song about being there for the person you’re in love with.  
I could pretty much quote all of the lyrics here, oh and here I will... 
Who’s around when the days feel long Who’s around when you can’t be strong Who’s around when you’re losing your mind Who cares that you get home safe Who knows you can’t be replaced Who thinks that you’re one of a kind
Somebody misses you when you’re away They wanna wake up with you everyday Somebody wants to hear you say Ooh somebody loves you Ooh somebody loves you Ooh somebody loves you Ooh somebody loves you Ooh somebody loves you
I’m around when your head is heavy I’m around when your hands aren’t steady I’m around when your day’s gone all wrong I care that you feel at home 'Cause I know that you feel alone I think you’re going to miss me when I’m gone
Somebody misses you when you’re away They wanna wake up with you everyday Somebody wants…
So - the thing I love about this song is that Kurt and Blaine pretty much trade off on all the lines.  But the point is - this song is about both of them, and how they feel about each other.  I love the message of - hey, someone loves you - and they’re going to be there for you when life sucks.  I think especially, I enjoy the part where it says - somebody misses you when you’re away.  Cause I have to wonder if they are back at the point where they miss each other when they’re not around.  
I’d also love to know how they decided this would be a good song to sing.  Cause, seriously boys, serious overtones here, lol.  Plus - I want all the texts and conversations they had about doing the song -- more reconnecting!! 
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While this song is one of my favorite Klaine duets - I’m not sure it’s one of my favorite performances.  It’s kinda reminds me of Just Can’t Get Enough - when there’s a ton of other things going on taking away from the Klaine time, lol!  
But importantly - Kurt’s just having a fun time, sing his little heart out, wearing an astronaut costume, and playing with a blue feather boa.  (Oh, the boas are their proposal colors - nice touch props.)  
And of course, during the song -- Blaine is zeroed in on.  He’s getting his heart eyes back - because as Kurt just kind of bops around in (sorta) his own little world - Blaine’s noticing, and falling in love again.  We’re almost there, guys... almost. 
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After the show’s over - Blaine decides to get outta there - because the feelings are too much!! But he claims it’s because of a Karofsky reason.  Feeling guilty, Blaine - uh, yeah something like that. 
Anyway, Kurt is a little bummed he has to go.  He had a ton of fun dueting with Blaine, and he’s missed it because they haven’t done it in a while.  (Also a metaphor, people!! okay maybe not - but I’m making it into one.)  Anyway - all this talk brings them back to Baby, It’s Cold Outside - yes, the time they did sound the greatest.  And Kurt admits that way back when - all he wanted was to make out with Blaine. 
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It’s a sweet little moment at they remember - and Blaine wonders why he just didn’t kiss him - and Kurt throws out the whole Jeremiah thing (god - you guys remember that??) Well, Kurt and Blaine barely remember that - because Kurt doesn’t remember the dude’s name, and Blaine totally forgot the guy existed.  Because in this moment, they’ve both only got heart eyes for each other. 
Kurt then starts in on how crazy it is that some people mean a lot to you at some point in time -- and then stops.... because Blaine’s lips come crashing to his.  But.. I kind of love this little moment, where - it’s sorta like saying, oh hey, we meant so much to each other, and then you move on, but nope - sometimes some people mean so much to you -- and they still do after all the time that’s passed, and after all the stupid things you’ve done.  
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So, um, yeah, Blaine and Kurt are kissing again.  See - the kiss in the elevator? That was a forced thing - and yeah, they felt something, but it wasn’t of their own volition.  This kiss is mostly for Blaine - a chance for him to figure out if what he felt in the elevator was real, or if it was just the heat and the manipulation.  Turns out - oops, yeah, totally still has feelings for Kurt...  And thus, he jets outta there, cause he still, technically, has a boyfriend waiting at home for him - and he really doesn’t need to add another cheating incident.  
Meanwhile - Kurt’s just stunned.  Blaine not reciprocating back is something he was beginning to get used to.  Blaine turned him down when Kurt came back for him.  Blaine was the one that insisted that the elevator kiss meant nothing.  Kurt’s happy that their friendship is back, and all the rest of it he can compartmentalize.  But this?  This is confirmation that Blaine still has feelings, and that’s something huge! 
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Kurt’s left kinda stunned - what does all that mean? Why did he do that? Does he want more? Why’d he run off?  Just a lot of things swimming through Kurt’s head as Blaine pretty much runs away.  
I’m okay that Kurt doesn’t run back after him -- this moment is for Blaine to realize his feelings.  Kurt already knows his, and he’s not going to push at Blaine any further than he already has.  
But -- I will say this is where the narrative gets a little clunky heading into the wedding episode.  Blaine’s still got some stuff to do -- mainly break up with Karofsky.  But really, this is the point where Kurt needed to ditch Walter and have a conversation with Blaine about feelings - because clearly feelings are still being had.  Unfortunately, this is not what we get (because Glee needs it’s third party drama).  But I’ll get more into that when it’s more relevant.  
Time After Time
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Klaine time is cut short by Rachel and Sam needing to sing 80s love ballads to each other.  And then there’s a whole montage where they all help Rachel take down her memory wall - and this is the closet we get to a clip episode, lol (which is fine - clip episodes are dumb).  
I don’t know what picture Kurt takes down! But, you know, it’s one of those moments where you look back at the old memory and smile, but it’s fine because growing up isn’t a bad thing.  It’s just... different. 
Also Kurt (and Blaine) are helping Rachel move -- I kind of wonder what awkward conversations happened that day that we didn’t get to see, cause we know from Karofsky it’s been a few days since the party before they break up.  Ug, Glee, all these untapped things... 
The Break-Up
Obviously, Kurt’s not in this scene, but I feel the need to go over it, because it does, in part, pertain to Kurt.  And because I think it’s a nice scene.  I’m going to give Karofsky a little bit of credit here, and say he isn’t entirely dumb.  He knows Blaine’s been acting weird, and he’s known that since Kurt’s been back in town, their relationship wouldn’t last that much longer.  (So then why did you move in with him, weirdo?)  
Blaine’s been feeling guilty - because Karofsky turned out to be an okay guy, and Blaine had convinced himself that he really had moved on past Kurt.  Well, no, everyone and Karofsky could see otherwise.  And Karofsky is pretty nice about the whole thing (which I think is to show just how much Karofsky has grown, too, over the years).  He’s got a whole bunch of guys ready and willing to date him.  It’ll suck - but Blaine can’t change his heart and more than Kurt can.  So Karofsky let’s him go. 
I think one of the interesting things in this conversation, is that Karofsky tells Blaine to just tell Kurt, not sing it.  And I feel like that goes with the whole growing up theme.  A lot of the time, these boys have sung their emotions through song - and that’s fine, but it’s also been part of the fantasy -- but part of the Klaine narrative has been a shift from fantasy to reality, and this is one of the last parts.  And Blaine’s ready to take that step - to grow up and be a real boy, and be okay in his not-ever-changing feelings towards Kurt.  
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So - Blaine gets running and goes for Kurt.  How does he know Kurt’s there? Is this just after school? Why is Walter meeting him there of all places? Idk - the set up of this scene is a little awkward when you thinking about it too much, but I’m really not supposed to.  
The point is -- Blaine is ready to confess his love to Kurt -- again.  He even wears the bowtie he wore at the proposal (do you think Kurt didn’t notice that? He did).  But --- one awkward little thing.  Kurt’s about to go on a double date with Walter, Rachel, and Sam.  
So Blaine -- doesn’t say anything.  And actually -- this is a good thing for Blaine! Honestly, it is -- it shows growth.  He let his life be dictated by his relationship with Kurt once, and he’s going to do what he didn’t before -- let go and let it be.  It’s not an appropriate time for Blaine to tell Kurt that he and Karofsky broke up.  But even more so, it’s also not his place to intervene in Kurt’s dating life and more than it was Kurt’s to intervene in his relationship with Karofsky.  Blaine’s trying to give Kurt the space he hadn’t given Kurt before.  
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Kurt lingers just a little as they all head out.  He knows Blaine’s lying about being there for Rachel.  There’s a little bit of longing there, and a lot of concern.  And oh the angst is hard core in this moment, as Blaine just stands their alone.  
Kurt knows and is aware that Blaine’s feeling something.  He’s ready for Blaine to say something.  Look, Walter does not matter (and by the sound of it, Kurt’s been talking to Walter a lot about Blaine - since Walter clearly knows who he is, and is slightly feigning politeness when Blaine shows up).  But Kurt’s ditched both Chandler and Adam pretty quickly for Blaine, and he’ll do it again with Walter.  
Just this scene -- isn’t the right time.
This scene, actually, works for me pretty well  - and I’m not frustrated with this episode like I was when I first saw it, because this is the transition episode, it’s supposed to end on this angsty note.  My issues are really with the beginning of the wedding episode.  It’s clear they wanted them both to have a run to the other moment - and sure, Kurt will do that -- but Kurt lacks a defining catalyst for him to do that, which makes it feel a bit awkward and weird.  But, I’ll dig into that in the next episode. 
Turning the Corner
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I am not going to comment about the Beiste story line - because I don’t have an opinion on it, nor do I think it’s my place to have an opinion on it.  But it’s nice that the trans choir had a chance in the spotlight on this show - and it really is a lovely moment.  Kurt and Co are off to the side cheering them along.  
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Hey! It’s Kurt and a piano - I kinda like that that’s still a thing.  
I don’t have a whole lot to say about this scene - I feel like Will coming back to McKinley marks the beginning of the end for the narrative focus on Kurt this season.  Even this scene is really more about the dynamic of Will and Rachel - Kurt just kinda happens to be there.  
But, I mean, part of the whole transition theme is to get these guys in position to wrap up their story.  Will is going to be back at McKinley, while Kurt and Rachel go off to do what they’re supposed to do. 
The best part of this little ending scene, however, is the last bit.  First of all, Kurt can’t call Will ‘Will’ - because that would be weird. (Just the way Chris says it cracks me up).  And then Kurt wants to do a Britney 3.0 week? Really Kurt? Really?  And then Will asks if the kids have emotional issues, and Kurt’s like - yeah, I don’t get involved in that.  BECAUSE SERIOUSLY HAVE SOME DISTANCE BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR KIDS WILL!! 
But yeah - it’s a little bittersweet of a moment as we wrap up a lot of what I liked about the season to move on to things I’m not as fond of.  Ah well.  :) 
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backslashdelta · 3 years
i was thinking about what it would be like if the glee club had a week dedicated to the academy is… & i would like to know your thoughts on who would sing what (and the plotline/headcanonit correlates with) 👀
Ana I love you with my whole entire heart
I didn't do a single week, I kind of just... picked songs and put them with pre-existing plotlines, so it's a little all over the place, although pretty much everything ended up being seasons 4/5 so at least some of them could be in the same episode maybe? Anyway, I hope you still like this!
1. Attention/Everything We Had mashup as a Klaine duet. This is post season 4 breakup.
Kurt sings the Attention lines, tries to act like it's not a big deal when it's really killing him. Just look at this whole verse! It's so good for soon after the breakup, he's trying to get over Blaine but still has feeling, wants to hook up with him at the wedding, etc.
This balance has weighed out our heart's desire I'm trying to make it alone Well it's not like it hurts that much anyway Upside down and inside out When I leave here I'm going alone But I'm dying I'm dying to touch And it's not like it Not like it hurts much anyway
And then Blaine would sing the lines from Everything We Had. Regretful, sad about losing what they had, feeling very lost because Kurt made him feel safe and Kurt felt like home but he doesn't have that anymore. Again, some lyrics to prove my point:
It was the only place I'd never known Turned off the light on my way out the door I will be watching wherever you go, Through the eyes of a fly on the wall You have been followed back to the same place I sat with you drink for drink Take the pain out of love and then love won't exist
Everything we had, everything we had, Everything we had, everything we had is no longer there
2. Sticking with the season 4 theme, I feel like a very bitter Rachel would sing Checkmarks about Brody after she found out he's a sex worker. Is it deserved? Is it entirely sensical? Maybe not. But she feels very justified and she sings it regardless. I can especially hear her being righteously angry as she sings these lines:
So don't explain cause I know exactly what your going to say Big words, recycled phrases, and the bittersweet taste of other boys girls on your lips So now just sit here and talk about how you wanted it all
3. Skipping ahead to season 5, I'm envisioning We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands as a Jake solo after he fucks things up with Marley. After she doesn't take him back, he kind of just... self-destructs and feels like it was inevitable because that's just Who He Is, like he's never going to be able to get it right. I don't have specific lyrics for this one, it's just an overall Vibe imo.
4. Bulls In Brooklyn is a Santana song. It just. It is.
Well I been crossing some lines That most folks won't yeah
That's Santana.
Don't say you're more than this, or above e all this With your blah blah blah and all your friends Don't Say you think you know when you know you don't
I can hear Santana saying this to Rachel.
This is a Santana in New York song. Maybe around auditioning for Rachel's understudy? Or some other rivalry where Santana is pissed and Rachel is acting like she's better than everyone because she goes to NYADA/has all these people admiring her/is being successful in some way.
5. So I could see a Samcedes duet for Summer Hair = Forever Young. This is so so so reminiscent of Samcedes breakups, gives me big they-both-have-feelings-but-Mercedes-says-it-won't-work vibes, and I can just hear this section in my head:
(Sam is yellow, Mercedes is purple)
Don't come any closer Don't tell me it's over Don't kiss me goodbye Here we are, am I taking this too hard? Don't say it's easy The hardest part is leavin' Don't you wonder why Suddenly, we're all running out of time
It would be so good!!!!!
6. Now I almost said that Paper Chase should be a Hummelberry duet in a version of the show where Kurt rightfully get into NYADA, but actually I think this would be great as a Blaine/Sam/Tina/Artie number when they graduate. Literally, just... all of this. All of it.
(Blaine is red, Sam is yellow, Tina is blue, Artie is green, and all of them together is pink)
Please stand by, we've come so far These years, we survived the ride that turned us inside out Repeat after me, just scream and shout "It was the best of times from broken homes and battle scars to where we are"
Graduate, paper chase We'll get out of this place Don't turn around. Hit the highway Pour some liquor out for this town Now that's all for us, it's last call to drink up
Roll it out, it's over now We're the cast outs with messed up friends who never did fit in Don't know where it ends It doesn't matter now As long as we're as one, we'll take the next bus Destination: setting sun
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
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i'm sitting eyes wide open and i got one thing stuck in my mind
("i don't wanna live forever" - zayn & taylor swift)
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47mel47 · 6 years
47mel47 Fanvid Masterlist: Kurt and Blaine
Thanks to @jackabelle73 for suggesting this little project.
These range from my most recent work (which is not all that recent) to my earliest works (and these are actually links to YouTube, not links to Tumblr posts, which goes to show how old. And they are also cringe, but hey, let’s celebrate what we've created, right?)
Glee| The Final Countdown: Top Five Kisses
I really felt this video needed some editing. Here are my improvements and suggestions.
Fearlessly and Forever (Kurt and Blaine)
From beginning to proposal. Their hands were meant to hold each other…
This Old Coffee Shop (Kurt and Blaine)
Their story, through coffee.
Five Times (Kurt and Blaine)
Love, music, hurt, laughter and life
I’ll See You In The Future (Kurt and Blaine)
To have and to hold from this day forward… and from these moments we know our favourite boys will- fearlessly and forever.
With No Regrets (Kurt and Blaine)
Getting to celebrate the wedding of two incredible people is magical. Celebrating the years leading up to the union? Even better.
Marry Your Best Friend (Kurt and Blaine)
Marry your best friend. I do not say that lightly. Really, truly find the strongest, happiest friendship in the person you fall in love with.
You Look So Good (Kurt Hummel)
Created for spaceorphan18 as part of her birthday shenanigans. Yes, I know that you appreciate Kurt for much more than this aesthetic value, but let’s face it, that aesthetic value is pretty damn awesome.
I Wear Your Grandad’s Clothes (Blaine Anderson)
And he looks incredible.
I Will Find Any Way (Kurt and Blaine)
Season six has really hurt with our two boys, but it has been oh so good.
We Light Up the World (Kurt and Blaine)
A celebration of those days that were early Klaine. Inspired by @todaydreambelievers Weekly Challenge: Original Song
Captured Your Heart (Kurt and Blaine)
Just a little vid reliving and celebrating seasons two to five with our favourite boys
But We’re Still Standing Tall (Kurt and Blaine)
Created for the Glee Hiatus Challenge Day 58: Favourite ship
Anywhere You Take Me (Kurt and Blaine)
Created for Glee Hiatus Challenge Day 150: Most romantic moment
Give My All To You (Kurt and Blaine)
We all know what Blaine was thinking during ‘All Of Me’- I just wanted to try and show it.
Crowd Me With Love (Kurt Hummel){created for Glee Hiatus Challenge Day 24: Favourite Season 4 Male Solo}
This performance was perfection. Chris Colfer and Kurt Hummel at their truly magnificent best. And while I have nothing to fault from the actual performance, I thought that the audience shots could use some tweaking.
After all, you cannot tell me that he did not cross his mind at least once during this song.
This Feels Like Falling In Love (Kurt and Blaine)
Created for Glee Hiatus Challenge Day 101: Favourite kiss
Throw Your Arms Around Me (Kurt and Blaine)
Created for Glee Hiatus Challenge Day 100: Favourite hug
All You Need (Kurt and Blaine)
Created for Glee Hiatus Challenge Day 74: Happiest moment
“So Kurt Hummel, my amazing friend, my one true love…will you marry me?”
Rhymed With My Body (Kurt and Blaine)
Because the touch of the fingertips is as sexy as it gets… and sometimes it’s more.
Then and Now (Kurt and Blaine)
Befores and afters, highs and lows, comparison and contrast …” I wanna grow old with you”…
Miles From Where You Are (Kurt and Blaine)
No great love ever came without great struggle. No distance could ever completely come between these two.
I Am Not My Own (Kurt and Blaine)
An old video of mine that I never uploaded to YouTube, but given that it has been 3 years since ‘Original Song’, I thought I should celebrate.
Just Like When Harry Met Sally (Kurt and Blaine)
“It’s not easy putting your heart on the line, and baring your soul to someone you care about.” (Unknown)
You’re Still My Best Friend (Kurt and Blaine)
The phone call that told us everything was going to be ok. The point at which we moved from the dark to the light. The moment in which we knew we’d see them together again…soon.
A Moment of Affection (Kurt and Blaine)
“I wanna go to your house…”
The Light The Heat (Kurt and Blaine)
The way these two look at each other is so damn beautiful- I love that they can say so much, without a single word.
For Another Day (Kurt and Blaine)
There is hope for our boys. It has been dark and angsty and downright horrible, but now we are at the point where, I believe, we can just enjoy the ride these two are going to take on their journey back to each other.
We Could Have Had It All (Kurt and Blaine)
Let’s just call this…part of my catharsis? I just had to get this out. Focusing on eps 3x03 and 3x04.
You Were My Original (Kurt and Blaine)
This much history, this many memories- there is no way any of it can be forgotten or swept aside. They are endgame. That is all.
Where My Demons Hide (Blaine Anderson)
To me, there are so many things that have been left undeveloped with Blaine. We were introduced to this strong and confident characters, and then little by little we were hit with these tiny clues. The unsupportive father, victim of a hate crime etc. And then, of course, there was what went down in ‘The Break Up’. There is a darker side to this character, he has his demons, and I can only hope that in the aftermath of the last episode, we get to explore and understand this character a lot more.
You’re Like A Party (Kurt and Blaine)
Happy, sweet and beautiful moments- it is what we all need at the moment…
Such A Long Way To Go {2x06} (Kurt and Blaine)
So, with all the feels that we are certainly experiencing at the moment, I wanted to take it back and remember when it all began. *Sigh*…
You Made Me Believe (Kurt and Blaine)
So, after seeing the latest episode (Makeover), and the previews for the next, I just needed to focus on some happy memories…
I Will Wait For You (Kurt and Blaine)
Just playing with the whole NYADA, New York storyline…
Throw Me A Line (Kurt Hummel)
A video exploring the early episodes of season two. Our boy really copped it, however, there were moments that I believed shoed that he was not as alone as he might have thought…
I Don’t Know Just Where You Came From (Kurt and Blaine)
These two are born performers- I could watch them sing and dance all day…
Make Me Happy (Kurt and Blaine)
So, many, many rumours are flying about season 4, but I hold complete faith that these two are endgame. This vid shows that- that no matter what, these two do make each other happy and will continue to do so.
Story Through Song (Kurt and Blaine)
So, I had this plan to tell the story of these two, through snippets of the songs they perform on the show. The way it played out in my head was completely different to the final product, but I still think it worked out- I will just have to wait and see what any viewers think.
You Will Find Me (Kurt and Blaine)
A collection of Klaine, from seasons 2 and 3. The dialogue plays out chronologically, while the visuals are a mish-mash of moments.
Hear Your Heart (Kurt and Blaine)
The early days. While I love watching these two together, there is still something so sweet about the time we were all waiting anxiously for it to happen.
The Reason Why You’re Around (Kurt and Blaine)
These boys make me laugh. Just a little vid revisiting some of the giggle and laugh out loud moments. Pure joy.
Do That Brand New Thing (Blaine Anderson)
The boy is adorable, and I just want to celebrate that.
The World Belongs To You and I (Kurt and Blaine)
Klaine moments- from the kiss in 2.16, up to episode 3.18. A bit of a companion piece for my ‘I Keep Waiting’ vid.
What Is Love? (Kurt and Blaine)
Klaine-every relationship had it’s ups and downs. It’s those tough moments that make the great ones all the much more sweeter.
I Keep Waiting (Kurt and Blaine)
All the wonderful, amazing and somewhat angsty Klaine moments- from episode 2.06 to 2.16.
Bedroom Hymns {3x05} (Kurt and Blaine)
A video exploring all the Klaine moments from the amazing episode that was ‘The First Time’.
Move Your Feet (Blaine Anderson)
Just a fun little vid, focusing on our favourite moves from the one and only Blaine Anderson- from the smooth to the downright dorky.
Space They Cannot Touch (Kurt and Blaine)
So, I am addicted to these two, and am having a good time experimenting with making these fanvids. The used comes from the amazing Kate Miller-Heidke. I remember hearing it for the first time, and falling absolutely in love with it- the lyrics are so incredibly beautiful. To make it even better, the first time I saw her in concert, she informed the crowd that it was actually her husband who wrote it. Luckiest woman alive…
Anyway, I just felt the lyrics were so perfect to showcase the Klaine relationship and could not resist.
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