#anywayyyyys been thinking on them so much
betasuppe · 7 months
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I don't remember if I ever posted this but 500% this is IT this is the vibes for Flint & Rinz when/if they ever escape the Grid in 1999 😔👌
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stardustvanfleet · 3 months
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goodnight everyone i will be falling asleep thinking about them 🖤🤍
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streets-in-paradise · 1 month
i am back,once again!!
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i’m srry i had to
okay so i got this idea,could u write about some cute moments between achilles and (fem)reader who loves the beach/anything that has to do w the sea?maybe like a drabble or smth??idk if this is vague but lmk
hahaha, hi!!
( woow, you pick your graphic intros and everything. that shows dedication i love it 💕)
Absolutely, I can do this.
Also, this will be super fitting because, despite the movie left it up to interpretation, his mom is a nereid (greek deity of the sea). When he is not fighting the job of Achilles is beach lol.
It turned out longer than a drabble because I kept thinking on your Achilles x girly/fashionista reader ask from last time and it kinda influencied me into doing a full oneshot mixing bits of both ideas.
Sea lover reader is also a capital city girl moving to Phthia who is quite girly and with a bubbly personality, enjoy <3
The Waves' Caress - Achilles x (Fem) Reader
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Warnings: Mention to the sociopolitical things going arround in the Greece of the film ( Agamemnon's imperialism and the big picture civilizatory plan he mentions to Nestor in the scene where he convinces him of calling Achilles through Odysseus.)
Tags: @zoegarfield @lovelybaka
Vocabulary note: Strophion is an ancient times equivalent of a strapless bra, piece of greek clothing that can be imagined to resemble a bathing suit.
A deep love for the sea had allways been a part of you, so wherever fate would take you it was your hope to forever remain near the beach. Movings weren't usual in your life, used as you were to a comfortable lifestye in Mycenae as the daughter of a royal scribe. However, your father was a functionary for an empire in constant expansion. Official scribes were required everywhere to keep registered records and contribute to public order. The pretended civilizatory mission of King Agamemnon counted with that, so it wasn't a great surprise to hear he intended to relocate him on the most conflictive territory of his domains.
Myrmidons had a fame of being the fiercest soldiers of Greece, and his disdain for their strongest local leader was a threat to the very core of the order he intended to establish. Raising the mycenaean presence on the region was his idea to balance things. Populating through migrations of qualified officials and their families was his idea to stabilize politics and he was quite proud of it. So much that he even took the iniciative telling your family about it by himself, never missing the chance of doing awkward jokes only he would find funny.
As he charmingly enlisted the perks of his new position to your father, he punctualized one single downside. With his attention shortly deviated on you, Agamemnon playfully warned him to watch over his beautifull daughter from Achilles and his men.
The attempt of polite praise failed, but you pretended to go on with it to avoid upsetting him. Not surprised, but crushed by the news, all you did was asking if your new home had sight of the sea.
Phthia was a rocky territory where mountains were more abundant than fields, but it also had increíble beaches that became your only comfort in the arrival. As peacefull representatives of an occupation force, your presence was inpopular. Among the multiple functions of scribes there were a few that could be considered benefitial for the community, but your father was also supposed to work with those in charge of keeping track of the taxing.
It was obvious that the king wanted the handfull of new functionaries to handle a situation previous administrators couldn't control efficiently, that you were perfectly fine back in your birth city and adaptation was going to be a struggle.
Feeling more lonely than ever, in a position where you didn't feel comfortable trying to make new friends, all you had were your long walks on the beach.
The caress of the waves was comforting for you, and the salty tears of homesickness felt small mixing in them. Hoping that your sorrow could be temporally washed away, you would often speak out loud as if the forces ruling the water could hear you.
It was about presenting yourself with your fears, your dreads, begging for strenght and bringing small offers so the minor divinities populating those shores would get used to your presence. If mortals weren't going to make you feel welcome for obvious reasons, you could at least develop roots in the land bonding in a spiritual way.
At one given time, you tossed a silver ring for the waves to swallow. A really expensive one that you ripped from your finger with disgust, careless of what your father would say about that. That was your way of showing the local gods that you weren't Interested in the spoiling of their land, and if you had to stay, you wanted to find a spot to belong in doing good.
Lost as you were in your thoughts and prayers, you completely ignored there was a man watching you.
He noticed, and didn't waste time in making you realize of his presence.
" I'm an expert on anger and this doesn't look good. What happened? Did the man who gave it to you failed in behaving as he should? "
You turned back following the sound, only to discover the mesmerizing image of a blond man with piercing blue eyes. Blue as deep as the sea, captivating and haunting. His simple garments, vest and skirt of matching blue tones, made him look like a marine god coming at you.
" There is no man making me suffer other than my king. Unless seaking revenge on his orders, I doubt any myrmidon would want to get close enough for that. "
He smiled with skepticism, almost as if he taunted you.
" I would give you one afternoon in a tavern to prove it wrong. "
You couldn't help smiling and that only encouraged him to get closer pacing calmly in your direction.
" People come and go arround here, but I have a good memory for pretty girls … I guess you must be new. "
The flirting, way faster than what you were used to, was yet consented and very much appreciated. However, you feared the response you had for him would ruin everything.
" My father is the new royal scribe: we just moved and I have nowhere to belong here yet, except for this beach. "
The clarification soften him instead of sending him away.
" I was born here and still belong nowhere, only the sound of the waves bring me clarity. "
That subtle comfort was sweet enough to mean something without breaking the appearance of mightyness.
" I don't seek isolation, but stumble with it for unwillingly representing the evil deeds of Agamemnon. "
He got to close, close enough to smell the scent of your hair mixed with the breeze caressing it.
" I fight his wars, but never do it for him. He is not my king and as long as you are here he doesn't have to be yours either. "
He said enough to be recognized and the name came out softly from your lips.
" Achilles … "
The warrior smirked as a confirmation.
" i have been warned against you: Agamemnon told my father in front of me that you are the doom of every woman. "
Description that had clearly amused him.
" Did you believe it? "
He wanted to know if you were willing to give him a chance of proving himself.
Lost in him as you were, no voice of reason would have made you deny him that.
" It's too early to fall in any assumptions. "
His hands were cassually resting on his hips, eyes glancing at the sea as if he tried to reclaim a lost capacity for keeping distance.
" I come here often, maybe you will find time to form your own perceptions of me. "
An invitation to let him join you that you accepted in a heartbeat. Company was a great improvement and your attraction to him did get you trustfull with ease. The way in which you took his hand in your walk back into the water told him all he needed to know regarding the kind of girl you were.
Bright and pure, so innocent that he was still twirling his mind arround the lively attitude you began to show as fast as you felt safe arround him. There were no traces left of the angry sad girl he reached out to once her loneliness was disrupted.
All smiles for him, even more beautifull than before in his eyes.
More encounters kept happening and the thing wasn't left at random. Since you agreed to see each other with the excuse of your beach walks, the marine wildness became witness of your infatuation.
Without realizing of the meaning in his actions, Achilles began searching for you in every corner of the city hoping to cross ways in the middle of your daily activities. His gaze would search you in the crowds with very little success, making him crave more and more for the next secret meeting.
As most refined girls from the big city, you were one putting great care into your appearance. The pressure for beauty among rich nobles have shaped you that way, but he could tell you were a humble young woman whose harmless vanity couldn't be mistaken for shallowness. You also happened to be very well instructed, prepared to talk of any topic one would bring to you for conversation and always delivering a charming sensitivity into the talk. He sincerely thought you deserved a chance to be loved among his people regardless for the bunch of political servant fools you had arrived with.
Perhaps, because he himself adored you.
With the progression of your meetings evolving into implicit beach dates more surprises kept happening.
Achilles got to find out what that linen dyed of blue he found you buying at the market was for when you showed up one day in a cute match of strophion and skirt that left him breathless.
His blue eyes roamed your figure like the waves's caressing, yet you didn't seem to notice the impact you had on him and quickly ran towards him with your usual lovely carefreeness.
You clinged for a hug rounding his waist with your arms.
" Achilles! Want to go swimming? I came prepared this time. "
The sweetness of your tone made him feel almost guilty for enjoying the moment so much.
" I see, you look like a siren ready to raid the shore. "
The weird compliment made you giggle and excitement pushed you to show off, freeing him to give proper space for him to watch you.
" Do you like it? In Mycenae I used to go swimming with my friends, so my mother allowed me to make a new attire for swimming inspired by the local colour in order to feel more in home … Although I never told her who was my real inspiration."
Your attempt of souding suggestive was too cute and he couldn't resist the tenderness.
" It's perfect, you look so beautifull it's painfull to look at directly … "
Achilles interrupted himself, only to deliver his conclussion in a whisper.
" … And I love knowing you were thinking of me. "
Heat started reaching your face, but you tried to sustain the bravery that got you there.
" I'm always thinking of you. Mother says it seems my head is on some cloud, but in fact it is on the sea. "
Lovefull words started flowing from you with ease simply by staring at him for too long.
" On your eyes, that seem made of it. All its misterious charm compacted in one glance … and I wonder how is that even possible. When we meet, I mistook you for a god of the deepness. An inmortal servant of Poseidon answering my prayers. "
His eyes followed the soft features of your face with discrete adoration.
" You are the miracle I never expected, sweet girl of a love so pure that it's drowning my heart. "
Silently and relentlessly, the few distance between you dissapeared. Achilles held you by the waist and you caressed his cheeks into your first kiss. Although the breeze should have cooled you down, you were feeling your while body on fire and nothing could have stopped it.
As soon as you released each other you made him chase you into the water so the caresses of the waves on your skin would mix with his. Catching you took him a bit because you kept diving away as part of the game, but when he got you in his arms he refused to let you go.
Once you had enough fooling arround, he proved to have one more surprise for you.
His seashell necklace, that he colocated on you after filling the spot with kisses while you were drying together near the shore.
Words weren't enough to thank him, but you tried anyways.
" It's so beautifull! How did you know I wanted one like yours? I was trying to make one myself, but i'm collecting only the prettiest shells I find for it. "
Your reaction caused him a blissfull pride.
" Keep mine, I want you to have it. This way, my men would know you are mine without mycenaeans realizing. A subtle symbol that will make myrmidons respect you. "
The explanation got you even more excited, but you also felt a sudden sense of shame.
" I have nothing to give you in return. "
Achilles chuckled, as if he knew something you didn't.
" Wrong again, pretty one. "
With the cocky comment, he exposed his hand showing off a detail you didn't notice before.
Your silver ring on his finger.
" Impossible! I tossed it away for the deities to take, it should be resting deep in the ocean. "
Achilles enjoyed himself with your child-like amazement.
" Tomorrow, I will take you to see the most beautifull point of our shores. One you don't know yet, where no one dares to go, and there you will meet the one who gave it back to me. "
It confused you even more, but that was understandable.
Achilles was aware you had no idea that you had already won the good sight of his mother with your thoughtfull prayers and sincere love for her essential element.
It was him the one who still had hard work to do in order to charm your parents.
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irregularcollapse · 27 days
i tried to make this post and then i got cockblocked and tumblr crashed, so i took a minute to cool off and now i'm back to try again lmfao
what's fun for me about my current MOTA fic is that it's canon-insert (which i don't really do? never really have??)
part 2 of if that isn't love has a little time jump, because the scenes are meant to slot into canon and just provide extra context for things which happen in the show (eg. Gale telling Bucky to go to London alone), so it'll start when they reunite at staglag luft which means we're starting with a Gale and John who have not only been separated, but who hooked up in a moment of actual honesty, and then Gale pretty unceremoniously was again like "None of that, pal."
which means we now have a Gale who maybe has been thinking he'll never see John again, and is remembering that the last thing he did was tell John he didn't want him. and we have a Bucky who thought Gale was dead, but he can't envisage a world without Gale in it, but also Gale as much as said he didn't want Bucky's love in that way (as Bucky sees it). so when they reunite, Gale doesn't know what he's feeling, and Bucky doesn't know how to act and has a face full of bruises.
and it's all setting up for the things which break between them during the time at the camp, and most importantly, for a postwar exploration in part 3 which really digs into the cognitive dissonance of Gale's brand of internalised homophobia, but also the crushing pressure and control of the heteropatriarchy and heteronormativity. Gale can't kill those voices inside him, because he's been putting words in Marge's mouth to justify what he's doing. It's time for her to Speak™
anywayyyyy i want to talk about this all do much lmao have a preview for part 2. two men who Don't Know What They're Doing
“Still seein’ clear?” He meets John’s eyes for the question, and two equal pupils look back at him, whites white and blues all blue.
“Clear as day, Buck.”
“They get you anywhere else?” Seems unlikely that krauts would hit this hard and only hit John’s face, but there’s no tell in the way John is holding himself as he sits, loose and casual, knees parted to give Gale room to stand close enough to look over his injuries. Gale pats at him a little, neck and shoulders, top of his chest, but there’s still no wincing. He moves away to drop the soiled rag on the table. When he turns around to John again, folding his arms as he leans against it, he finds that John’s smile has made a return.
“I’m fightin’ fit, Nurse Cleven. How could I not be, with personal care from the prettiest first-aider I ever saw?”
Gale ignores him. “They get your ribs? You breathin’ alright?”
“Still a windbag, I promise. My singin’ days aren’t over yet.” He’s talking through that smile, quiet and clear and rounded with warm, none of the tired he should be feeling after god-knows-what on the way here. “Let me look at you a second, huh.”
“What about your feet?” Gale presses on, asking past the burn rising in his own chest, past the strange tremble he feels wobbling his insides. “You were limpin’—Your ankle? A sprain, anything serious?”
“Never mind it, Buck; just walking too long is all—Come here, won’t you? Just let me look at you a second.”
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ghouljams · 10 months
After consuming a lot of demon content I have come to present a question
How was Fetch born? Which one of the demons are hell-born and which are (as the clones from Star Wars say) nat-born? Is it any different for them and how their powers work?
(Can I be 🧪 anon if that isn't taken?)
No difference in powers between differently born demons! I like to think that the thing that really determines a demon's power cap is how creative they are with what they can do. Fetch has what could be considered a really weak power(retrieval is kinda specific y'know) but if you're creative and can bend the rules a little it becomes more powerful. Die on the other hand has what on the surface is a really strong power(the ability to kill people) but without knowing how to use it, it kinda loses its punch.
As far as hell-born/nat-born/human-born status is treated, I don't think demons give much of a shit. A demon is a demon is a demon, y'know? As long as you serve hell, you're valid (thumbs up)
Anywayyyyy, here's the "nat-born" status of the current demons
Fetch is a natural born demon! Or as close as a demon can get I guess. I like to think she emerged like aphrodite from the lavas of ill-advised lust and just sauntered into the recruiting office to ask for a job. Born and raised in hell, she has nothing that could be considered a "human" moral code. Which is what sets her apart from other weapon grade demons like Die.
Die is human born, a cursed child born as a demon. For the most part she was raised (as best she could be) by a human mother until she was deemed old enough to join Hell's forces. Hell didn't give her a fucked up moral code or anything, Mares come pre-programmed with that. If anything her mom fucked her up by giving her things like feelings(gross)
Luck is a special case. Another anon(I gotta dig up the ask) suggested she might be a fallen angel, and I love that idea. I think luck is a weird specialty with a lot of crossover, and her propensity for bending the rules didn't really jive with heaven so she was booted to hell. She's been a demon for a long time though and didn't really like being an angel anyway, so don't feel too bad for her.
I imagine Hush is the youngest of the bunch, and probably was a soldier that died and was recruited to Hell's army. Formerly human, now demon. (I think this is also why the other demons like Hush so much, he still smells kinda human)
Price.... Honestly I don't think anyone knows. Price has been around for a looooong time, perhaps as long as humans have wanted things. I think having a handler is new for them, having one they care about anyway. Crazy how humans grow on you...
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yonemurishiroku · 6 months
Hiya yone! Recently my brain has been infested with bugs that want me to make a Circe Nico AU (Nico is Circe?? Kinda.) You are the glorious fanfic writer who can conjure up anything from anything, so please do your magic.
I'll try my best, however I only know like. 2 stories about Circe at best? So please don't put too much trust in me lol 😅😅
The first one is when Odysseus visits her during his return voyage to Ithaca. I forgot most of it (typical me) except that she turns his crew into animals, which Odysseus managed to convince her to undo and if I'm not mistaken, they live together for a while?? Let's just go with it.
As for this story, I think it would fit best with Jasico? Mainly bc they have that sort of enemies-to-lovers air (Jason distrusted Nico at first). Jason is best fit to be a returning hero, too. Though the Cupid debacle is like heaven and earth with mere convincing on Odysseus' part, I reckon we can work around it with enough maneuver. Why does Nico accept to turn them back? - Maybe he's feeling generous, maybe he's a petulant lonely witch who wants people to stay but never knows how to voice it, and ppl often run at the first sight of him, so he just turns them into animals to keep them by her side.
In the end, Odysseus leaves Circe. This aligns well with the fact that Jason just dropped dead shortly after he and Nico became friends. Which is a funny (and depressing thought) if you put thoughts into it. Which I can't atm lmoa.
Anw. think of it as a piece of quiet Jason has given Nico in the expanse of his loneliness. That, though he was swept away by the natural order of things at the end, Jason did try his best to alleviate Nico's pain. So I reckon there should be a little bit of affection - if not love - in there.
The second story is, well, Circe and Scylla. And the male lover whose name I forget.
This is a classic case of jealousy - so who fits it better than Percy, the canon epitome of every jealous trope in the history of fiction?
sorry that was my pettiness talking. Anywayyyyy, I suppose I don't need to talk about this... I mean it's pretty clear who is who and how the story transpires: Circe is in love with that-something-sea-god, who is in love with Scylla, so Circe turns her into a monster. The only difference between Circe and Nico in this is that he doesn't do anything to Annabeth (even refuses to hate her still. gosh).
But that wouldn't be Percico, is it? So I say just say fuck it and make Percy a sea monster or something Idk. A witch living secluded in an island with his beloved sea monster? I'm in.
Another choice would be to make Annabeth the bad one but I'm in no position to make that propose.
If you still want to keep the story, and if you're any of an unhinged person like me, just make Nico the villain. Well, Circe is the villain in this story, yeah? Embrace it - Nico as the powerful witch, whose loneliness-induced jealousy wreaks havoc on even a sea god. What's left is not love - because love is the last thing Yone needs in fanfics srsly - but an impression of terror, of how disastrous Nico's love can be.
The concepts mix well in this case btw. I remember a painting of Circe pouring a plate filled with poison into the sea. Just imagine it - a blinding blackness spreading rapidly across the lapping water with just a touch of Nico's dainty finger. The shadows overlap with the roaring waves - the black undercurrents raging all the same - and darkness swallows all those whom he call enemies. If Percy's the sea and Nico's the lightless bottom, dark, mysterious, and full of threats.
That's everything I have atm, I guess. Sorry for not being able to help much :(((
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baylardo · 5 months
idk what all ive written and not written publicly pertaining to my ideas on these cringe naenae lil thangs outside of me n tardi dm’s bc im embarrassed and its still rough and vague hahaha im still exploring things but ive thought a lot about certain aspects and not others. toxic worldbuilding lmao.
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i think the idea has become that philippa is a bit into her captaincy,,,, not fresh into it. her ex-captain sh’Eraz (moid) has been apprehended or killed (idk lol) and shes in command of the Legacy,,,
theres a few ideas im still sitting on like as its been discussed like, the two kids are barely a year apart in age. which means that like her and jj had a one night stand or something and she got knocked up from it but theyre still like not in a relationship,,,,,,, i hesitate bc i kinda like the idea of the alien adopted boy having a few years (or closer to 10 years lol) on their biological daughter so idk. and it all seems REALLY indulgent to keep it all that close. but also,,,,, 😳 im just struggling to keep it dissimilar to my stuff with kathryn and chakotay and this was like, a way that presented itself haha.
and i still don’t know when JJ would re-enlist in starfleet!!! nothing compelling comes to me 😩😩😩😩 *nothing that doesnt seem super simpy like when philippa becomes a captain for example and she conveniently needs a chief engineer. ive thought that like, maybe his mother who’s been abhorrently against starfleet since joe’s death eventually insists he go because he so obviously loves and wants to follow philippa or something and it reminds her of joe I DONT KNOOOOOOW. ive also thought that maybe he joins peppa’s ship she captains LATER, initially as a civilian and very much like philippa’s Side Piece who coparents kids and rejoins later??? idk haha. i dont really like that option either fhfjdkks
anywayyyyy current idea is she finds out shes whoopsy pregnant just before leaving earth to go on an away mission, doesnt say anything to anyone even jace just leaves lol,,,, Legacy comes across this planet-size spaceship inhabited by these batlike aliens, the ship is their planet that theyve made capable of traversing space and survives on orbiting stars for periods of time, ao theyre very used to darkness but also theyre like obsessed with light sources lol. its like super advanced solar powered technology. i figure the planet has either one or a few like, densely populated areas where theres these big beacons of light protruding out of the centers of the cities, and then vast parts of the planet that are completely covered in darkness. the aliens probably have some explanation surrounding it like lack of resources or something. refer to the valleys of darkness on the planet-ship as like "outskirts" or w/e.
philippas down there doing first contact things (insert weird atmosphere inside the giant planet-ship granting philippa a unique access to it in comparison to her peers), the bat aliens are nice and accommodating to starfleet,,,,, i figure they have some mysterious visual to them of like, bearing little carnivorous fangs, but being vegetarian. stuff of that nature. philippa's a little bit sus about it but says nothing past like, maybe asking why they dont eat meat and them answering that theyve evolved past the need to consume meat and it's something that they dont look fondly on from their ancestry.
while shes there idk in some sketchy alleyway or being given a tour of a science facility, maybe philippa has stepped away from a tour to do some snooping of her own, she's a little bit problematic and too suspicious for her own good.
a runaway/criminal/fleeing/dying bat lady gives her this weird either egg/pod (she may not know its an egg at first lol) and she gets frantically told some conspiracy type stuff about their civilization being built on graves or lies or something edgy and that she cant let them have this pod/egg, its their last hope of setting things right. the bat lady looks oddly different to the other bat aliens philippa has seen; dont know visually how to contrast it yet but shes more sickly, less clean and less light-colored, more gray and fitting for a nocturnal species who rarely sees light, ravaged, less prim and proper, probably larger and more apparent fangs, etc. but she either runs off or gets captured or killed.
philippa's left more than a little confused about things but i figure she has an intuitive sense of wrongness and hasn't been vibing something she couldnt quite put her finger on regarding these aliens for a while and that kinda confirms a hunch for her. ummm proceeding to them trying to take the egg/pod away from philippa and shes like "ummmm lol no" so she ends up getting chased and her fleeing the city she's in without backup, they cut off access to her ship and comms so shes like Super Alone fending for herself out in the pitch black. POTENTIALLY she has access to starlight, id imagine the big planet-ship is a closed off dome as it travels but it opens up slits or something along its circumference to take in light from surrounding stars. so she can see but shes not emitting a beacon/torch of her own as not to give herself away.
as shes out there and hiding and trying to figure out what to do, how to contact her ship, figure out what's actually going on here, etc., the egg/pod ends up hatching and being like a weird little alien moth baby that is dissimilar to the bat aliens currently residing on this planet. ((((((my initial CRINGE thought is that like, these eggs/pods respond to like, idk MATERNITY so its been dormant for potentially years, and philippas like, secretly pregnant and it bonds/imprints on her as its mother or w/e. if i dont end up going that indulgent route you can just say that it liked the cut of her gib or something lmao. soul-related,,, ummmm good heart,,,,, etc.))))))
i figure they spend a few days together hiding. i think she'd talk to it to keep herself sane lol. maybe kinda confide a few fears she has regarding motherhood, struggles with her mother lol,,,, talk about delivering her sister's baby maybe,,,, other things too like shes just talking to this baby lmao. was talking to jellybeans about the name Moss for him haha, i think itd be cute if she just literally names him after moss. very uncreative placeholder type name that sticks. anyway baby eventually starts crying, shes worried shes gonna get caught with it, she does lmao, but by some bat aliens living in the outskirts of the planet-ship. these bats are all more visually similar to the frantic one that'd given her the egg. they discover what she has (moth baby lol) and they take her to their hideout/camp where they explain their race's history and that of the lil alien she's now charged with reluctantly taking care of. which iiiis...
the planet-ship was originally that of the moth aliens, a long time ago they took in the bat aliens that were as in need of light for some reason as much as if not more than they were, they cohabitated for a bit but eventually the bats start like overpopulating or something. ITS STILL ROUGH IN MY HEAD. i figure the moth aliens are super smart, but have a moral code that the scrungly bat aliens dont end up vibing all too much. somehow somewhy the bats end up starting to use the moth's DNA/blood, (maybe via infusion?) blending it with their own through unnatural means, in order to like, artificially augment or evolve themselves, get smarter, thus why theyve physically changed so much in appearance is because theyre like, idk living off of their blood or something to maintain their states of mind.
they also tell her that the lil baby is the last of his kind and he'd likely be safer somewhere away from this place where they cant use him anymore. (maybe the eggs are effectively preserved/ageless and supply the bats with longer lasting access to blood idk) they dont know or understand how philippa got it to hatch (maybe she does know but shes not gonna tell them. shes still repressing/ignoring the elephant in the room (pregnant) lmao). but his existence is kinda a big deal bc it proves what theyre saying and the other bats would likely not want that info coming to light or preventing them from joining starfleet or w/e. maybe their planet-ship is becoming less and less sustainable and theyre like Girl Help Lol.
philippa asks the outskirt bats for their help in getting in contact with her ship and off of the planet and they do. im sure its bumpy haha but i havent thought about this part much it just eventually happens and she makes it back to her ship, she confides in her CMO that she's pregnant (maybe) and he knows her well enough to be like "i know," bc she like, didnt get her medical examination out of the way right at the start of their departure or something and kept putting it off so ppl wouldnt know lol. ANYWAY, lil baby is given special treatment to start adapting his lungs to a new atmosphere which is long and arduous and philippa stays by his side through a lot of it. its not like she cares or is worried or anything!!!!!!!!!!!!
eventually gets back to earth, still hasnt really told anyone her news or the fact that shes kinda adoptively taking care of this baby now. i think we'd talk about her showing up to tell Jace and her initially perceiving philippa with a baby and being like 'omg' and then reading peppa's very loud thoughts and being like 'OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' haha. EVEN MORE VAGUE IDEAS WITH JJ LOLLLLLLL, has to do with my big question mark surrounding his starfleet career and everything, but theyre both like "omg we arent even dating lol hi" about it.
*falls asleep*
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captainmera · 10 months
heyyyyy!! I love love love the golden brother fic and I’m going to check out ibwr bc I love your art so much 😭😭 And your writing??? Impeccable. Characters are on point- and Gus finally gets the recognition he deserves 🤞🤞
so anyway, I’ve been wondering a few things,, I started re-reading it and you mentioned spring break? And in canon the gang gets back to the demon realm in the fall, and I think it was said that Masha was going to work with Jacob during the summer. Idk why this confused me bc for some reason I thought spring break was summer break in the fic. I think it was also suggested that Vee could enroll in the next semester, so would that be after summer break? And when/how long is summer break for Luz?
this makes me wonder what school breaks are like in Sweden
😪 maybe I just haven’t been paying enough attention, but it lead me to wondering what a timeline for the fic would be? Like what month did they arrive in the human realm and when spring break was + summer break is etc? But I was also wondering if they are still going to leave in October, bc now that they know about the portal + titan blood they can leave whenever they want right? Unless something happens that keeps them from leaving.. 😶
anywayyyyy thanks so much for writing golden brother it’s literally soooo good and I love it soooo much 🫶🫶🫶
putting this under a read more!
God honest truth - I thought they arrived in the human realm in spring time. It looked to me, going by Willow's photo album, like they spent spring, summer and autumn there. Kinda like how Luz spent her summer, autumn and winter in the demon realm!
If I wrote summer instead of spring for Masha, that's a hiccup on my part. :'O I should go back and correct that-- I'll write it on a post-it note and hope I remember asdfghj!;;
I actually had to look up how long the spring break in a Connecticut school was this year, and according to that it was a week long. I think sweden gets two weeks spring break?
Our summer break in sweden is about two months. Idk if it's the same in America. I'll have to look that up when summer comes around. :'O
And yeah, matey, I've been sitting here staring at myself in the mirror like "you idiot they have the Titan's blood now."
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But aha, ah~! What can go wrong shall go wrong and if there can be conflict lets have at it! That is the lifeline in my pocket.
...I just need to remember this dialogue between Luz and Caleb again so I can get ON with this chapter. Because I thiiink Caleb had a good point and it KEEPS SLIPPING MY HEAD.
THANKS A BUNCH FOR READING!!!! Next chapter might take awhile because I'm kinda *internal scream* atm. :'')
And if you check out IBWR, thanks a whole bunch!!!! ;;O;; <3333
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HAIIIII ARIII:33333 i am here with a silly little question hehehee which of your blorbos do you think would get along the best???? i immediately thought of suguru and laios honestly..... (also something something abt suguru eating curses and laios eating monsters something something) but i just really do think they'd really like each other!!!!!! sugu would listen to him ramble abt monsters with a faint little smile, his head resting on his palm:3333
but alsoooo would satoru like maomao and jinshi?? i think actually know them but i just.... have a feeling that he would!!! they all seem so cute and silly hehehehee
this question popped into my head when i thought abt putting toji and dazai in a room together btw😭😭 poor toji i think he would NOTTT like dazai at all😭😭😭😭😭 my kitty cats are fighting.... HEHEHEHE ANYWAYYY ILYYY I HOPE YOUR DAY IS GOING WELLL MY LOVE!!!!!! MWAHMWAH MWAHH!!!! - @teddybeartoji
HAI HAIIIIII MICKEY :3333 i’m picking you up and spinning you around btw <3333333 WHAT A FUN QUESTION AAAAA ……
OK BUT . LAIOS/SUGU IS SO BIGBRAINED. I AGREE SO MUCH. you reminded me of this one fanart owwllly made of them lmao ….. i treasure it soooooo dearly laios is so silly . I REALLY DO THINK THEY’D GET ALONG. they’re both sweeties :((( and sugu is such a good listener…….. laios would probably find him really dependable too. AND. HEAR ME OUT….. i just really really feel like laios would try to eat one of suguru’s curses 💀 and i think that would unironically bring them closer together. idk i’m just always thinking about suguru and how alone he felt simply become no one else could comprehend how awful they taste…. only for mr golden retriever himbo man to walk into his life and WILLINGLY eat them. sniffle. they could be so wholesome :(((((((
AND THEN . SATORU AND JINMAO 🥺🥺🥺 wahhhhh what a cute crossover….. HERE’S THE THING. i do Not think jinshi would like his ass ‼️‼️ maybe gojo would find him cute in an older brother kinda way . but they’re just. so similar. jinshi is basically just cult leader geto and teen toru mashed together. i think gojo would piss him off so much 😭 BUT MAOMAO….. well. she would definitely find gojo annoying too!!! but i think he’d like her soooo much :3 that’s his daughter actually. he’d just find her funny. two little meowmeows <3333
….. then we have toji and dazai 😭😭😭 PJDPDJDKDJDJ. MICKEY I CRIEDDDD THEY WOULD BE SO FUCKING FUNNY….. i remember seeing a tiktok once where . a guy did a filter thing that gave him four different characters to go to therapy with . he got toji + dazai + two other sickos and someone commented ”you know it’s bad when toji is the most mentally stable person in the room” 💀💀💀 I JUST THINK IT’S SO FUNNY…. toji would be so weirded out by him lmao . BUTTT in my heart and soul dazai is a dilfhunter so ik he’d try to seduce toji <3333 would he succeed? no . but i respect the attempt!!!!!! i think they could learn to get along…. for you…….. (the good ending would be toji realizing dazai reminds him of you and being like 😐😐😐 i guess i HAVE to tolerate you.)
BUT . to actually . answer your question……… one blorbo crossover pairing i’ve been thinking of a lot lately is :333 satoru . and kazui (from milgram)……. every time i say that kissing a dilf could fix gojo i’m talking about Him btw. they’re just. so similar!!! the big difference is their confidence i think…. ik you aren’t aquainted w this blorbo but. kazui is just… a very tired very guilty liar of a man. constantly putting up a front. has a very low opinion of himself but is actually very kind….. :((((((( i love him so much. and i think gojo and him would see through each other’s respective masks, you know?? in that sense maybe kazui would be a little freaked out but . i think they could find some comfort in it too!!! i just really need them to be friends…..
ANYWAYYYYY tysm for the lovely question my lovely mickey <33333 I LOVE YOUUUU i hope you’re having a nice day……. i hope you’re watching lots of movies and enjoying your free time…… me and dazai and toji r covering you in kisses mwah mwah mwahhhh <33333
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the-viking-goddess · 10 months
This is super salty re: the 'New Jedi Order' film, so be warned. I have tried my absolute ALL to avoid even thinking about this announced forthcoming film and am desperately trying to pretend it doesn't exist with every fiber of my being. However, I've been letting in my TROS grief and anger a little bit recently (I mostly keep it boxed away but every now and then I have to let myself feel it a little bit) and it unfortunately got me thinking about this new film. And you know what? I hope it fucking bombs. I hope it is diabolical and crashes and burns at the box office. I don't have anything against Daisy Ridley or the potential team involved (the creative team) but I fucking despise DLF for what they did/allowed to happen with TROS and most specifically Ben Solo and the Skywalkers and I want them to SUFFER as much as possible for it. I want it to be obvious to them after this film loses eye-watering sums of money that killing Ben and just the absolute travesty of TROS was a mistake they can't sweep under the rug or come back from, not in this timeline with these same characters. I want the film to do terribly because, surprise, no Ben, no Skywalkers and the annihilation of Rey's character into a flat, empty OP superhero-cutout who stole Ben's life and identity is not an interesting character to build a new film around.
But of course, life isn't fair and I'm sure this film will make bank and a shit ton of people will see it because it's SW. But I can still HOPE. I mean hope is what it's all about, right? I hope this film is a travesty and is torn to pieces by everyone in every way possible.
And like... I'm trying to be mean and peppy and zingy about this and I meant it, but genuinely the idea that they'll make a new film off the back of TROS without Ben and after every knife in the heart that film delivered... and make money and do well? It actually makes me feel broken. It breaks my heart to think of a new film with 'Rey Skywalker' happily teaching kids with uncle Finn popping in (and ye gods if she has moved on romantically I will kill someone) like Ben never existed and the Skywalkers, Han and Leia didn't all suffer and die for nothing. It makes me FERAL with anger that the films and characters I loved are going to be desecrated even worse than before and this film will be a dance on the grave of everything that TFA and TLJ was.
Anywayyyyy, that's my rant and now I'm going back to trying to pretend it doesn't exist.
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bronzetomatoes · 3 months
Sorry I would like a second opinion on a personal issue from people who had no involvement in the situation so. Sorta long post ahead
Ermm so there's this girl in my band class. And like at our school that means we've all been in the same class with the same 20-some people for both band and English for 2-3 years now, so we're a pretty close group as far as full high school classes go. But yeah there's this girl I've sorta known in passing the past couple years
When we got to school for the new year in September, this girl (gonna call her Alice, not her real name) had just come out as trans, started growing her hair out, was very skittish and socially awkward. Last year she had a friend group, this year none of them seemed to be talking to her. After chatting with us for a day in October, she asked if she could start hanging out with us at school more often. We all sorta went 👍 ofc you can
We really did not have anything in common, but we could tell she needed friends and like. It's fine, ofc, and our band teacher spoke to us privately about how great it was to see Alice have friends + the impact she could see it having on Alice.
After like a month or two, the early awkwardness and stilted conversations had... not gone away. But like I thought That's okay, being socially awkward isn't a crime, not everyone is good w that shit. We still very much did not have Any common interests, and honestly? We didn't even seem to enjoy each other's company that much, she just sorta hung around us bc she needed friends. We didn't find each other funny either, which sorry if that seems stupid but like thats kind of a big deal for me and my friends
One thing I started to notice was that she seemed... overly familiar? Like she started laying on pretty thick with flirting and sexual jokes in a way that kind of just fell flat. I kinda pinned it as social awkwardness + not taking hints, but my friends and I had known each other for YEARS before we started that shit, not. 3 months. And like it wouldn't have been a problem if Alice would like, stop when we asked her to.
On the one hand, I feel like some of my friends were a little harsh in the way they started icing her out, but on the other hand I had been fighting off a Bad Gut Feeling for months at that point and didn't much feel like going to bat for Alice? But anyway
I missed a lot of lunch hours for extracurriculars, which is when most of this shit goes down, so apparently Alice had kept on full sending it w the heavy flirting and sexual comments. Literally asked one of the more reserved guys if he was circumcised out of fucking no where. Asked one guy out, found out he had a gf, immediately moved onto another guy. Asked someone if his friend was single, guy said "no, but I don't think he's looking for anything rn," Alice replied "lmk if he gets better," kept making weird ass fucking jokes (including an incest joke about her REAL LIFE LITTLE BROTHER) until it was just like. This shit has gotta stop
And THEN. Alice's old friends told us that the reason they all fucking dropped her was bc she a) wouldn't quit it w invasive questions abt their sex lives (non-existent) (we're in high school band get real), b) went to someone's house to hang out and READ THEIR DIARY. And c) wrote. self-insert porn about herself and one of their friends and then showed it to them. ANYWAYYYYY we had had ENOUGHH but I feel really bad bc she really and truly got dropped by like 20 people all at once. And like some of us had a free period together so it was like we had been chatting for an hour a day from October to February and we all kinda just dropped her. But on the other hand what the actual fuck
And the thing is, we did give her a chance to apologize. We explained everything that had been making us uncomfortable and asked her to stop, and rather than, idk, deciding to stop hitting on all our friends, she tried to explain why she should be allowed to do it 😭😭 and like at that point I couldn't keep giving her the benefit of the doubt. It ain't misreading social cues if you're being told directly and you refuse to change your behaviour
This all went down like a couple weeks ago but I had to get it off my chest. Don't blame the band teacher or anything her heart is always in the right place but WOO BOY was it misguided 💀
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ladylooch · 11 months
"Except she was already mine, bud."
🫠🫠🫠 how does he always say the smallest things that are so hot (to me at least)
Anywayyyyys 😮‍💨
Baby shower! Did they do one of the ridiculous gender reveals where he slaps a puck and it exploded into blue?
Okay wait that would be so cute, they do it after practice and timo is so nervous because he doesn’t want to miss and when it explodes all the guys just dogpile him because they’re so happy for you guys 😭
Emma does not want to do a gender reveal. She thinks they're overplayed and honestly, she's been too sick to really give it much thought.
But Timo wants it. And Emma is getting so soft for him during her pregnancy because he's so sweet. So she comes at the end of morning skate, meeting him on the bench with a black, cardboard puck.
"Inside this, is a color that will tell us what our baby is." They had the gender envelope for a week, but Timo had been out of town for most of it.
"Really?" He grins. "You gonna shoot it?"
"No!" She laughs, looking down at her rounding belly. "You. Or Nico I guess." Nico's already got tears in his eyes and nothing has happened yet.
"Okay. You wanna come out here?" He has her take his arm, setting her off to the side safely as the rest of the boys take a knee by the blue line.
Emma can barely breathe as Timo lines it up. He looks up at her, giving her a reassuring smile before raising his stick.
"Call it out, baby!" He encourages her. She waits, watching for the first sign of color. It's blue.
"Boy!!!!!!" She screams, jumping up and down. She's in his arms before his stick even comes back to the ice. She kisses all over his face, not even bothered by the awful smell coming from his equipment.
Nico comes to join them, wrapping his arms around both of them, visibly crying.
"I love you guys. I'm so happy. I can't wait to meet this kid." Emma laughs at her little brother, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
It isn't long before the three of them are enclosed in a full team huddle. Congratulations and fuck yeahs fill the big arena. Emma looks down at the blue on the ice, then back at Timo.
"A boy." She mouths, leaning down to kiss him again. "I hope he is just like you."
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scentofdriedflowers · 5 months
I like the start of the episode but is she gonna go all meredith grey pov thing all the episodes now? it's not bad bad tho just asking
And I knew the possibilities were low but a little hope was still there, instead they really went there and called the baby Nicky uuughh, that baby is adorable, so so cute but a big nope for the name, I feel like they went with their idea and didn't ask Kelli and Peter I fear, she wouldn't have gone there I believe, fuck DG, also who the hell call their kid their ex name?! both of them! Carisi ex was Nicole, Amanda had a fwb situationship with Nick and yeah call him ex is definitely not it lol, but still?? weird af. Carisi has also a cousin called Nikki??! something different maybe?? especially if it stands for Dominick for me, like again? a third? it's so old 'patriarchal' school I don't like it, it's 2024. For me there's no way Amanda and Sonny would have gone for that. This is why I wanted a girl, I feared they were gonna go there and look, they did. Give him is own name. Anywayyyyy baby name rant over, sorry not sorry I needed to get it off my chest. I'm cool now lol.... -ish. Anyway that baby is the cutest tho, he's so them, good choice in casting! let's see how the eyes evolve tho 😂 did they look blue? i don't remember, with both parents with blue eyes he gotta have blue eyes, 1% of mayyybe green but brown? it gotta be very very very rare.
Also tho, why did they cut half the baptism scene and there was NO SIGHT of the girls???! like why the hell do you call them to be there in both scenes, film them and then you cut them out?? also rude? 3 seconds of their back running doesn't count. but oh Noah had to go on a tangent about the baby, at least this time he didn't interrupt the scene. I wanted the girls to talk about their brother, a 'dad' line maybe, a family of 5 little scene at the party. We got more bts than product filmed ffs. At least we got a damn good Rollisi scene😍😍 I missed them soooo much it's been a year without them. To bad they had spoiled all the scene already. I miss them already. One good thing is, if they're going with Rollins-Carisi I love it?! I always prefer when they include both names especially in het relationships, and not making it all about the man, I like 'Rollins', Amanda made her name a good one she fought to be better and defy the legacy of her father name, I would hate to lose it.
Thankfully! Amanda Rollins and the Rollivia scene saved the episode, I absolutely adored LOVED their scene, Amanda first concern: How is Liv 😭😭 and Liv opens up only with her😭, this kind of talk was like their usual talks in her office, when Amanda would knock, come in, ask how she was and the talk would unravel. I missed this. And here as soon as she started talking about the case Amanda went into detective mode, -investigating thinking face activated-! adfghjkljhgfdsfghjk the OUR PERP, Liv face 😂, her 'when are you coming back' face lol. Also 'Don't make me miss you more than I already do' I'm dead! we all thought that!! This is so so telling tho bitch come back soon, Liv misses you, that team definitely misses you and your brain. Too many men, it's not acceptable! and I don't want random rotating female detectives just to fill the spot (they could have kept Churlish tho??), women are not interchangeable thank you, we need Amanda back! the scene says it all, again. Also also also, holy shit Amanda/Kelli she was soooo hot in that scene, like wow. Blouse, pants, hair everything perfect! this was filmed during the 'lil boo thang dance video' right?!😂😂
Also I love the idea that Liv didn't even bat an eye when she goes all 'Carisi told you about the dolls right?' like it's a given that Amanda knows everything about the cases anyway lol. Does Amanda grill her husband when he comes home in the evening?! 😂😂 "Tell me everything about the case, I'm listening (I'm bored I need a challenge)" so if this is what happens there's no way Carisi doesn't know she's bored and miss SVU, come on, like Liv, he knows her the best, he's just waiting for her to come clean I believe, and I get it, maybe she doesn't want to burst the bubble, also with baby number 3 challenge added, and probably the writers want us to see the moment it happens and with this strike it prolonged everything, I will accept the fact that they haven't talk already as long as they really show it tho, because it needs to happens, she wants back! and she's so needed!
watching next week promo tho, Amanda can skip this one, she had already enough danger drama thanks lol
the last but not the least, McGrath gotta go, ASAP, persona non grata, give me back Garland, hell even Dodds was way better. If a character like that doesn't evolve and doesn't learn and doesn't gets better after 3 seasons... he gotta go. Actually he's getting worse.
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anotherrosesthatfell · 5 months
How come Nim killed Xolotl when he is much stronger than her? Serpent dragon versus a nymph, we all know who will win. You also said a fact that Xolotl is much more aggressive.
Also in my opinion, Quetzalcoatl as a villain is awesome, it could be a plot twist!
Well since I'm taking this idea. I'll tell it here. Also, no villain Quetzalcoatl- Palette need a break yknow 💀. Anywayyyyy-
Since Nim and Xolotl didn't age at all- let's just say it have been over 100 years since she got cursed by the Hope's grandma and things weren't going pretty good for both of them....- ANYWAY
Passive was 3 years old when both Nim and Xolotl were arguing... To think again, Nim is technically blind so you're right about Xolotl is stronger and can easily defeat her.
Why are they arguing?
I'm not sure yet, maybe Xolotl is upset that Nim didn't take care of Passive or maybe Nim is upset that Xolotl started to ignore her and look down by the fact she is blind- 😶
Ahem anyway... ...-
So they got into a heated argument at that night- yeah not cool 💀
Nim is probably overwhelmed and literally summon spikes like literally everywhere. Xolotl didn't feel threaten at all and continue provoking her.
So then Xolotl kinda feel bad after seeing Nim is in distress- (first time seeing your wife express such emotions-) so he tried to calm her down by grabbing her shoulder but Nim thought Xolotl was going to attack her something so she pushed him off the stairs.(yes there were arguing at the stairs- 💀) Like I said, there were spikes and as Xolotl fell, it killed him... Wow who knows a deity like him can die like that- ahem anyway, like I mentioned Passive was 3 back then and he witnessed his father death.
Bloods were on the bloods and butterflies came out of nowhere to drink it. So that's why Passive developed a fear of butterflies!
Meanwhile back with Nim, she was confused why it got quiet out is sudden then she heard her son is crying. She just knew she fucked up really bad-
And that's it! I still haven't finish rewriting the book but I hope this is enough
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madebycoffee · 9 months
Seven Sins Challenge: Which of your OCs fits pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. Then pass it on...
Oki I arguably thought about this too much. I swapped sims for sins, I looked at the descriptions of each sin, i looked at the 7 heavenly virtues and assigned a few sims to them... I specifically wanted sims who fell into the categories in a more negative way... Back in my extreme drawing days it was a yearly occasion that I would draw OCS as the sins... Might do it again who knows but here is the results of me thinking about this basically for 3 days:
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Keith Adamson This was the easiest one lol. Envied people who had happy home lives and families. Envied his best friend for the fame, and has tried desperately to get it for himself. Them green eyes be green with envy oh ho ho.
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Cordelia Steele Cordy's pride in herself and her independence from being the youngest, has caused her frequently to think she never needs help and everything can be done on her own. This is something she has worked past to a certain extent after the losses she's suffered. But it's still there.
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Vivi Ahn This one took a while, but of all my sims I would say Vivi embodies sloth as a sin the most. She has big dreams of model fame, but doesn't particularly think she needs to do much if any work to get there. She assumes she naturally will make her way to the top. No need to lift a finger really.
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Sergio Tombs I had several sims that I thought could fall under lust (one of them I switched to a different sin in this lul) After the vamps started being on my mind, I realized Sergio was the most pristine example of a deadly sin. It was his ~lust~ for a supernatural beauty that led to his undead life he has now. And as a vampire he has that bloodlust.
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Sorella Cortes Sorella is the youngest of everyone here, so she's still a work in progress and eventually will get past anger being her common reaction. But right now she feels immense anger at the multiple people in her life who've lied to her. To people who've abandoned her (either on purpose or no). Top it all off with still being a teenager, she's just a teapot on the edge of the boil at all times.
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Rochelle King The award winning producer behind the Gianlerette. Sure she's greedy in the sense of money, but more so in respect, ratings, and reputation. She's been climbing the ranks of SH1 and shows no sign of stopping. She doesn't care how many people she has to step on to get what she wants deserves.
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Ramone Caruso This is the one that took me so long. Ramone fits into this sin in his own way. Allowing his previous wealthy relationships to shower him with anything and everything nice he might want. Specifically over indulging in the finer things when he's with those partners.
I could talk about all of these for ages, the seven sins are such an interest point to me specifically for art. IDK it just hits right. Also sometimes when you look up the sins, Vanity is swapped in for Pride, so my pick for that is my sim Grace Harrington. lol
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greenandhazy · 1 year
I am getting like seriously obsessed with the idea of an AU in which Meng Yao, Wei Ying, and Xue Yang meet as children and grow up to be sworn brothers/an Abhorrent Triad (not sold on that exact adjective but w/e)
Wei Ying doesn’t get found/adopted by the Jiang clan, but a nice older boy who lives in a brothel helps him hide there when he’s scared of a dog and they become friends. Meng Yao doesn’t have much food to share, but he does what he can, and he does have books and that’s worth just as much. A few years later Wei Ying stumbles across a boy who has been walking for days trying to track down Chang Ci’an, despite the fact that he’s practically delirious from the pain of an injured hand. Meng Shi is ailing by that point and maybe Meng Yao is reluctant to take on another brother, but Wei Ying brings Xue Yang inside just to give him cool water and bandages at least and Meng Shi insists they help, and Xue Yang is already nursing a vicious streak that becomes really useful as the brothel becomes more of a hostile place to live.
A few years later, Meng Yao goes to Jinlintai. Gets thrown out of Jinlintai. But Wei Ying and Xue Yang are there to say fuck the Jin, we’re your family, and they swear it in an informal little ceremony in the cheapest room of the only inn they can afford. They go to the Nie. At some point, Jiang Fengmian comes across Wei Ying, realizes who he is, and insists on sponsoring his education with the Lan. Xue Yang is already kind of resentful because being a minor vassal for the Nie does NOT suit his temperament, so not being able to accompany Wei Ying is the last straw and he runs away. Neither of his brothers see him again until he’s slaughtered the Chang Clan—although I think this version of Xue Yang, where he has some family he can rely on from an early age, softens him just enough that he is a little more discriminating. He leaves the children alive, at least, and when he’s captured, his silver-tongued Da-ge can make an argument that he was enforcing some kind of justice.
Not enough to convince Nie Mingjue, but enough that Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan (who accompany the group to Qinghe this time because they’re obvi not letting this criminal’s brothers have absolute custody of him) are somewhat swayed. The three brothers end up escaping together—I’m going to say Wei Ying still ends up in the Wen indoctrination camp because he still managed to piss of Wen Chao, but I can’t decide if it makes more sense for Meng Yao to remain as the Wen spy or for Xue Yang to get that job? 🤔 Anyway ONE of them takes it, but regardless Meng Yao also is like “war is coming, that means civilian casualties, that means famine” and sets up like a proto-watchtower system with the help of XXC, SL, and other rogue cultivators.
Wei Ying still turns to demonic cultivation. Xue Yang still turns to demonic cultivation. By the end of the war, the major clans are still calling for their heads but they’re heroes and no amount of propaganda is going to convince the common people that the Abhorrent Triad deserves death, not after they saved so many of the lives that the major clans didn’t seem to care about.
Hand-waving the end of the war a bit because I’m not sure exactly how the Nie/Jiang relationships with WY and MY would change things, but. Imagining Xue Yang having a full screaming meltdown when Wei Ying dies, Meng Yao can just barely keep him from jumping over the cliff to catch him. Meng Yao asks Lan Xichen to promise that if they’re going to be executed, they kill Xue Yang first, because Xue Yang is practically catatonic and he can’t bear to leave his didi alone, even for a few minutes, not after all of this.
ANYWAYYYYY. I think the class and family politics of these three characters makes for a fascinating contrast and I would like it to have even more angst and love and the particular angst that comes from loving others more than you love yourself thnx bye.
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