darkimaginativeplace · 3 months
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Itadori Yuuji/Everyone, Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji, Itadori Yuuji/Kugisaki Nobara, (IMPLIED), Kugisaki Nobara/Zenin Maki, Itadori Yuuji/Toudou Aoi, Itadori Yuuji/Miwa Kasumi, Itadori Yuuji/Zenin Mai, Itadori Yuuji/Kamo Noritoshi, Itadori Yuuji/Nishimiya Momo, (many of these are a 'not really' kind of deal)
Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Toudou Aoi (Jujutsu Kaisen), Kamo Noritoshi, Zenin Maki, Zenin Mai, Miwa Kasumi, Ijichi Kiyotaka, Nishimiya Momo, Panda (Jujutsu Kaisen), Muta Kokichi | Mechamaru, Inumaki Toge Additional Tags: (almost) everyone has a little crush on Yuuji, yuuji is stupid, this whole thing is stupid, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna is a Little Shit, Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna is So Done, not ace not sex-repulsed but a secret third thing (an a-hole), sex comedy, Comedy, Hand Jobs, Praise Kink, Fushiguro Megumi Loves Itadori Yuuji, (if you squint), Itadori Yuuji is a dumbass, Cockblocking, Masturbation Interruptus, Blue Balls, many blue balls, Aged-Up Character(s), everyone is of legal age, threats of genital mutilation, itadori yuuji is bi, Itadori Yuuji can't catch a break, Sexual Frustration, unbetaed we die like... someone
“Uhmm…” Yuuji stares pointedly at the mouth sneering at him from the back of his hand - the hand that has stopped in its tracks halfway to its intended destination currently jutting out from the front of his boxers. “Can I help you?”
“As a matter of fact, you can,” Sukuna’s disgruntled baritone enunciates, drily. “By keeping your hands to yourself, brat.”
OR.: Sukuna decides to torture Yuuji in the pettiest way he can think of: by not letting him jerk off in peace.
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smartzelda · 2 years
Bro (Romantic)
By SmartZelda
Ever since Toudou brought up the topic of the school dance, there's been this...distance between he and Yuji. Toudou has his heart set on asking out Takada, but Yuji doesn't share his enthusiasm for the event. Yuji doesn't have it in him to shatter Toudou's elaborate dream, though, so Toudou takes the job as his wingman, and Yuji agrees to give Takada his love letter. However, even if he did want to go, Yuji can't imagine going with anyone. Well, except...
Or, Toudou's memories (that didn't happen) of he and Yuji attending junior high together with a bit of a romcom twist.
Rating: Gen
Category: mlm
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Relationship: AoIta / TodoIta
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Curses, Background NobaMaki, Implied TakaMai, Best Friends to Best Friends AND Lovers, Toudou Aoi is a Hopeless Romantic, In Which Toudou and Yuji Went To Junior High Together, In Which Toudou's Fake Memory That Didn't Happen Is Real, Mutual Pining But Also They’re Both So Dense, Zine: Citrus All Yuuji Zine
Words: 2787, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Link to Fic:
Hiya, everyone! I'm ecstatic to finally get to post my first piece for the Citrus AllYuuji Zine (@/allyuujizine on Twitter)!
There's so much Yuuji love to go around (platonic and romantic) in the zine, and there's even an ns/fw add on. So many talented artists and writers worked on this zine, so if you enjoy my fic or like the concept of the zine, I heavily suggest checking it out!
Leftovers are still available here:
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
I am so sorry I am being so annoying with Self insert fanfiction recently but I don’t really mean that because this is my blog and I do as I please and also @probably-some-goat is encouraging me so you all can blame him.
Mountain’s Peak
In which I am the first of a future 3 total humans to climb the Himalayan Mountains in not nearly enough clothing
It was warm. So warm. Emile’s eye cracked open slowly to stare at a blurry ceiling he’d never seen before, or maybe he had, there was no way to know without his glasses. The bed below him was solid earth, a layer of scratchy hay separated him from the cold stone floor. He started to sit up, and a voice spoke to him from the corner of the room.
“You awake!” She chirped, too far to make out any details, “Good good.” She leaned over, patting the robes piled on top of the human in a makeshift blanket, “Warm? More warm?” She questioned, tilting her head.
Emile sat up slowly, glancing around his makeshift floor bed until he found his glasses folded neatly beside the folded robe that’d become his pillow.
With his sight returned Emile could finally take in the room. It was small, with a single roaring fire and a window currently covered by a long red cloth that spread across the floor. Over the fire place hung the humans clothes, his thick orange sweater, jeans, socks, and fluffy boots, all drying from the cold. Under the blanket he’d been wrapped in yet more robes, thin fabrics not made to keep a human properly covered in the Nepal mountains.
Finally, he turned his attention to the owner of the voice that’d greeted him. She was beautiful. An Omnic with big LED eyes in an almond shape with three sensors placed in a small triangle on her forehead. She was sturdily built, with a near solid armored frame that left no hinges exposed and cylindrical arms ending in ball jointed wrists and legs that grew thick and ended flat after the knee joint, all signs of an Omnic built for the medical field, built for precision and careful work, with the strength to lift up to 300 pounds of human and equipment if need be.
“Ah, our snow bird has awoken.” A voice spoke at the door, low and soft. Emile hadn’t realized he’d been staring at his nurse until he was forced to look away from her to the tall, white clad Omnic at the door.
“ma- MASTER MONDATTA!” Emile threw his make shift blankets off in an attempt to stand to greet his idol, or at the very least sit up properly. Oh he was just as radiant in person, sleek white plating covered the Omnic’s face, his shoulder and neck supports exposed as he appeared to be missing the upper half of his chest plating, along with the protective plating on both arms, exposing the wires that would act as a nerves system that allowed the Omnic to reach out to Emile and put him back to rest.
“Easy now, little one, you must rest.” Mondatta spoke calmly as he sat on his knees beside the humble little human, who couldn’t stop shaking in his presence, “Reya has told me you are suffering a rather sever case of frostbite, it would be best if you remained still for a while.” He calmed, taking Emile’s hands into his own. The young human stared at his finger joints as they wrapped around his fleshy palm, watched his thumb smooth over his knuckles.
“Aoita making hot food. I go check.” The nurse, who Emile assumed to be Reya, patted Mondatta’s shoulder as she stood and began her way to the door, before tuning to motion to a kettle in the fire, “Hot water, rag, gently.” She made a motion of wiping her hands, and then she was gone out the door and around the corner, off to the kitchen to check on Aoita.
Mondatta gently pulled the kettle from the fire, unaffected by the metal’s obvious heat as he poured the boiling water into a bowl near by and dipped a rag into it. Gently, one by one, the Omnic massaged warmth by into Emile’s frosted finger tips, encouraging his blood to flow naturally by running circles on the human’s palm with his thumb as he gently wrapped each finger in the damp part of the cloth before drying them back off.
“Where did you come from, child? You are not from the village outside our monastery, nor the one at the base of the mountain.” Mondatta asked after a moment, Emile barely caught his words, instead mesmerized by the monk’s skills.
“Ah.. K-Kentcuky, sir... America..” Emile answered honestly, still staring at the joints in the Omnic’s fingers.
“That is quiet a long way to travel. What brings you here? Vacation with your family?”
It became apparent then that Mondatta assumed Emile to be a lost child, which was perhaps a fair assumption, as the human was only just barely 15, and looked much smaller than others his age.
“N-No sir! I came here to- to meet you!” Emile took his hand from Mondatta’s, looking the monk in the face. As he took a deep breath to build up his courage, “I- I want- I want you to take me as your student!” Emile declared as much as he could with his shaking voice and pounding heart. He gripped tightly to the collar of his robe to hold himself steady, it felt as though he needed to hold his chest, lest his heart escape. “My- My parents are.. A-Anti-Omnic, sir.. They don’t believe in your cause... But I do! And I want to support you! I want to offer you my aid and- And learn from you!”
“Your aid?” Mondatta tilted his head in curiosity, “What exactly are you attempting to offer me, child?”
“I- I grew up in a machine shop, sir. My father’s life work revolved around Omnics; Making them, repairing them. Even after the crisis we stayed afloat but running a repair shop, gr-granted only for.. Omnics who where... o..owned...” Emile felt the shame of his upbringing sink in, the grip on his robes tightened, “I-I’ve never met an Omnic I couldn’t repair! I’ve memorized every assembly book my father owned, I know I could fix and- And heal any damage that could come your way, sir, so- So please,” Emile bowed his head to the monk before him, holding tightly to his collar, “T-Take me as your student. I want to help you make a peaceful world between our kind.”
Mondatta stared at the top of Emile’s head for a moment, pondering his offer. The correct choice would be to call the authorities and send the child home. He was a minor, most likely here without his parent’s knowledge, possibly on stolen funds directly from them.
Yes, that would, morally, be the correct choice.
Mondatta put his hand to his chin, and tilted his head the other direction, “It gets rather cold here at night, and you packed rather lightly.”
Emile sat up, “I saw advertisements for the mining operation in town! I’ll get a job and buy warmer clothes!”
Mondatta gave a hum, “We do not have food supplies here, and most of the buildings do not have any heating, or a furnace.”
“I’ll be fine! There’s edible weeds growing in the hills, and I know how to start a fire safely!”
“I am not sure we have a proper place for a human to use the bathroom-”
“I can hold it!”
Mondatta’s thoughtful facade cracked, the monk broke out into cackles, bringing the human before him into confusion. A hand, warm from hot water, with smooth joints and golden plating placed gently upon Emile’s head, ruffling his snow white hair gently.
“Of course you may stay, my student.” Mondatta spoke with a smile in his tone, “No job or “holding it” required. We take care of our family here.”
Tears sprung from Emile’s eyes, his entire body shook joyfully and anxiously. In a sudden move he wrapped his bare arms around Master Mondatta, pressing his face to the remaining half of the Omnic’s chest plate, sobbing out thanks and praise, promises to repay the monk, and the entire Monastery, with his skills as a mechanic.
After a long time of crying, some hot soup by a lovely Omnic with a thick southern accent who asked to be addressed “Aoi”, and a little more care taken to Emile’s frostbite, the human realized something rather important.
“How did you get here?” Mondatta repeated his question, placing a thicker, almost quilt like robe on the human’s shoulders.
Emile nodded, “I remember seeing the Monastery, the lights in the windows but.. I don’t remember coming inside.”
“Ah. That is because you lost conciousness outside the monastery walls. Brother Zenyatta was the one to find you collapsed in the snow, he brought you to me.”
“I see... Please introduce me to Brother Zenyatta! I have to thank him for saving my life!”
Mondatta once again hummed, this time truly thinking on it. Though Zenyatta was a member of the Shambali, he wasn’t as keen on humans as some of the others who wandered the monastery halls. In fact, he was rather against interacting with them.
Perhaps then this is what one could call an opportunity. After all, Zenyatta did bring the human in, as Emile said he saved his life when he certainly didn’t have to. Perhaps this is human was a gift from the iris, one to help set Zenyatta on the right path.
“Alright then,” Mondatta nodded to himself, confident this was a good choice, “Tomorrow we shall pay a visit to Zenyatta.”
#Emile's Writing#Self insert fic#Self insert Fanfic#Augh I've decided I'm cutting this up because I'm being too weird about describing Omnics I need a minute#Or we are simply going to be all day#NEXT CHAPTER#You all are getting a lot of fun Pre-Peace loving Zenyatta and his co-dependent best friend Ramattra#When will this happen?#eeeeeeeeeeh we'll see I'm bouncing conversations in my head as we speak#There's something very novel about writing a fic where I almost froze to death right before a big winter storm hits my area#Ah I need a cool name like Zayne's story got but I've never been a naming guy#I'll figure it out later#Behold a little Master Mondatta teasing and me being gay for every Omnic my god they're so pretty#I need y'all to understand irl I have SUCH a bad habit of just#staring at people I think are pretty#And I mean STARING it's bad#I've walked into poles and tripped on side walks because I was too distracted by Pretty Person in Public#So take that and multiply it by however many Omnics are in the Shambali#Because simply put they are ALL PRETTY#I would be so overwhelmed in this situation irl#I think I did a pretty good job of writing how I am while also exceptionally overwhelmed though fkdlkgkdfjg#WAIT TILL NEXT CHAPTER I'M MEETING THE WHOLE SHAMBALI#3 Omnics drip fed one at a time VS The Entire Fucking Shambali#Oooooooh boy#Anyway sorry for the S/I fics lately I'm in a mood#I'm writing for me and me alone for realsies this time#to the Hunter X Reader fic in my ask box I SEE YOU I am coming for you SOON I promise#I just need to get this out of my system okay? Okay.
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j-j0ker · 1 year
È una cosa molto bella che ciononostante saresti disposto ad aiutare l'altro. Spesso accade di incattivirsi per ciò che si riceve ma al mondo non servono altri che pensano solo a se stessi. Anche se posso immaginare che sia sofferente avere quest indole e vedere che gli altri non sono lo stesso, in generale e nei propri riguardi. Come si dice "anche chi ascolta ha bisogno di essere ascoltato".
Esattamente, a me aiutare gli altri aoita a stare meglio, non sai quante persone ho aiutato solo ascoltando e mettendo in secondo piano il mio bisogno ma perché vedere gli altri che sorridevano per il semplice motivo di essere disposto ad ascoltarli è appagante.
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AOITA en estado de alerta https://www.instagram.com/p/CmQOcJ7tSb9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Aoi & Reita | the GazettE
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thegazette5 · 6 years
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reita is so cute, feel like crying, that male fan shouting his name, reita’s voice broken... and these monsters LOL
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zaaro · 5 years
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miss my men
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heretic-kings · 7 years
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Happy (belated) birthday to my Aoita trashmate, @sugarstarcon
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miya-sugar-star · 7 years
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Catman Aoi ft. (Batman LOL) Reita and his helpless self
I don’t really like how they turned out but I was rushing things since I have some errands to do early morning -w-
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smartzelda · 2 years
I have once again written a thing for a zine
This time it's for a Yuji centric Jujutsu Kaisen zine called Citrus that involves all kinds of Yuji ships
Here's an excerpt of the Yuji/Toudou fic I wrote for it:
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So if phasing that b out of bromance in this fic or the zine concept is your style, I highly suggest checking out the store here😊:
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flaminiakennedy · 7 years
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Scene from my recent Aoita fanfiction both static and gif, because I love that sweet tsundere Prince! Said fanfic was inspired by both @miya-sugar-star‘s comic and @aoi-sensei!
I also wanna remember you that, if you liked what I wrote, I’m open for written commissions! :D Prices can be seen here
Thank you~
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dana-kohai · 4 years
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Un pequeño dibujo en lo que término los demás UwU . . . . . #gazette #thegazette #thegazettereita #gazetto #ガゼット #カセット #thegazettefanart #gazettefanart #reita #reitathegazette #akirasuzuki #reitafanart #radmarket #fanart #cartoon #chibi #crocs #boxer #reituki #aoita #reituha #kaita https://www.instagram.com/p/B9YgjUeJ4zx/?igshid=1rnvwjiw206aq
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pastel-uruha · 7 years
@miya-sugar-star @aoi-sensei I hope u guys like this! It is different from your original idea, so I hope that is ok!
He couldn't give up..! There was no way! Not if he, Aoi, the most feared prince in the entire ocean, had anything to say about it! Even if the feeling of stared at by a seemingly endless array of eyes prickled his scales to no end, he will not shrivel up so easily!
"I already told you!" He shrieked with a violent flap of his tail against the hard wooden tub keeping him imprisoned. "There is no treasure in my oceans! You're all wasting your time! I am Prince Aoi, the feared killer of ships! Now let me go, and I promise I won't sink this ship immediately."
Humans were so dense! All they cared about were shiny things and destruction... Disgusting.
Even more so, the human in front of him was as dense as an overcooked pearl. His gaze was sharp and stared at him as though he were just some weakling, a poor little guppy who could barely get out of its shell. When it fact it was the opposite!
He was strange, dressed in dark clothes, a ridiculously fancy hat and... An even weirder white cloth across his nose.
"I know you are keeping something from me, my dear," the captain chuckled haughtily. "As such... I think that pretty thing on your head counts as treasure, hmm?"
His tiara... He had gotten so used to having it there that he had nearly forgotten! It was... All he had of his mother. They could not take it!
"I'm warning you," he hissed. "Let me go. Or this ship is doomed, along with all of the other pathetic humans."
This was bad. His threats above water were meaningless. If only he could somehow get back in the water..! Then he could show these heathens where they belonged on the food chain!
The captain sighed and slowly began to walk closer to him, smiling all the way. He held a deep curiosity in amusement in the way he smiled, and a cold shiver went through him.
"Are those pearls?" He asked, ignoring the threat. "Oh! And gold! My My, if I knew such a beauty like you was carrying that on you I would have caught you sooner!"
Quickly Aoi swiped it out of reach before the captain could get any closer to him, shoving it Into the tub and into the now freezing water. Now he was but another merman, trapped in the grasp of another human. The tiara gave him power. Power that was now useless.
"Go choke on the sea, that way you will be useful."
With a tsk the captain gave him an eerie stare and then a strange grin.
"Men! I think our guest is getting a little cold," he laughed and earned himself a few agreements. "What say you we make him a little warmer hm? I think that tub of his has definitely overstayed it's welcome."
They all agreed even louder, responding with laughs and eerie grins. And when the man seemed to be satisfied with his answer Aoi was nearly gasping in horror. The man quickly and roughly placed his boot in the edge of the tub, causing the water to splash around and his body to rock to the side.
Was he-?
"Don't you dare," Aoi growled weakly, now shivering. "You wouldn't dare!"
"Oh, wouldn't I?" He laughed and then leaned in, So that their eyes finally could meet. "I think you'll find that as a human, I could care less about what you want. I, on the other hand, always get what I want."
Then Aoi was being toppled over, and with a violent painful lurch he was slamming into the hard wooden deck as water rushed past him from the tub, over the wooden planks, then with a splash it was all back in the ocean. Air rushed out of his lungs and he couldnt breathe.
Pain shot up his side from where he hit the wood and he gelt his tiara stabbing his tail. His ears rang and his vision swam from the sudden fall.
"Mmm I can see your lovely tail in all its shining beautiful glory," the captain laughed down at him as he writhed in pain. "But I've seen plenty of mermaids in my day. So I know that won't last long. So you might as well get used to that feeling."
More pain began to go down his spine, and his tail felt like it was starting to split apart from his fins. A scream tore from his throat as in the agonizing seconds of his last few seconds if being a Prince, he could see the man now leaning down next to him, sliding his fingers along was what now pale smooth flesh. Legs. Human legs.
Exposed. Caught. Human.
"Oh, and... While we're getting introduced, dearest friend," he murmured to him, smiling as his hands found the tiara and slides it from Aoi's too weak grip. "You can call me Reita. Welcome aboard my ship. Prince Aoi."
He had lost.
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Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: the GazettE Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Aoi (the GazettE), Reita (the GazettE) Additional Tags: Mystery, Curses, Psychological Horror, Paranormal, Vampires, False Memories, Happy Ending, Plot Twists, Fictober Series: Part 16 of Gaze-Tober Summary:
Mie was always such a quiet and peaceful town, it's rural location a haven from the busy city of Tokyo. So when Aoi finally goes home after so long he doesn't expect to be met with something sinister slumbering in the town's depths.
So this is finally done T3T I feel like I took forever getting this out, lmao
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thegazette5 · 5 years
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