#aol technical support
Pinkdrunk Linkdump
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Today (November 18) at 1PM, I'll be in Concord, NH at Gibson's Books, presenting my new novel The Lost Cause, a preapocalyptic tale of hope in the climate emergency.
On Monday (November 20), I'm at the Simsbury, CT Public Library at 7PM
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Happy Saturday! As is so often the case, I have finished the week with more stray links that I can fit into my blog, so it's time for a linkdump post, in which an assorted assortment is assembled. This is my tenth such linkdump – here are the previous installments:
While nostalgia is a toxic impulse (h/t John Hodgman), there's no denying that there once existed an old, good web, and that it has given way to the enshitternet. I don't want to bring the old, good web back, but I would welcome a new, good web, and by studying the factors that contributed to the old, good web's rise and fall, we can both conjure up that new, good web – and protect it.
Above all, the old, good web was contingent, a series of lucky accidents, like Tim Berners Lee's decision to make the code and ideas and protocols for the original web as open and free as possible:
This meant that there was no way to use the law to capture the web. Contrast that with, say, AOL or Compuserve. If you were the Compuserve's CEO and one of your rivals started using your servers to deliver a service that your users preferred, which shifted value from you to this new rival, you could just pull the plug on them. If they came back – using reverse-engineering or fake signups or whatever – you could sue them. Compuserve's bosses made the rules, any rules they wanted, and could kick you off if you violated them. If you pressed the issue, they could get the government to come and fine you, or, in extreme situations, arrest you.
But the open web didn't have these enforcement hooks. If you ran an early website and Yahoo deeplinked to it, you could change the link, but you couldn't make Yahoo stop. The open web was competitive, and that prevented anyone from exercising a veto over who could make the web, and how. It meant that the web was always up for grabs, with key chokepoints like browser market share swinging around wildly from one vendor to another (until Microsoft started illegally tying blocking rival browsers in Windows).
That meant that the "governance" of the web was often just a matter of the technical details of its standards. Code may not be law, but it was sure law-like – if something was in, say, a W3C browser standard, then all the browsers would support it, and then anyone trying to do something cool on the internet could rely on every potential user having it.
Naturally, this made standards development organizations into the sites of vicious power-struggles. These SDOs are classic "weak institutions," lacking the robust rules of, say, a competition regulator, to say nothing of the investigative and enforcement powers of the DoJ:
But in the old, good web days, the SDOs had an important advantage: the corporate fragmentation of the web. Because of TBL's decision not to create IP chokepoints, even the wildly overcapitalized companies of the go-go dotcom bubble days weren't able to control the web. No one company was indispensable to the web.
If Microsoft wanted to tilt a W3C standard to its advantage, it couldn't threaten to leave the consortium if it didn't get its way. For one thing, the consortium had such a diversity of membership that losing any one member's dues wouldn't sink the org's finances.
For another, if Microsoft boycotted the W3C, that would just mean that the web standards that all those other companies were making wouldn't reflect its priorities or desires. By staying in the W3C, Microsoft got to participate in rulemaking – if it left, it would be relegated to rule-taking.
But the DoJ and FTC spent the ensuing decades in something like a coma. After a failed bid to break up Microsoft – killed when GW Bush stole the 2000 election and dropped the case – America's antitrust enforcers snoozed through decades of consolidation, and the transformation of the old, good web into "five giant websites, filled with screenshots of text from the other four":
This turned SDOs into increasingly fraught battlegrounds where giants duked it out among each other for control of the web. In the days of the old, good web, the W3C was able to continue TBL's chokepoint-free ethos, creating rules that forced members to surrender their patents at the door:
But once the enthitternet was fully in force, the largest corporate members became so important to SDOs' ability to operate that even the W3C wasn't able to resist. They started turning out IP-encumbered standards that were so proprietary that even filing bug-reports against browsers could mean jailtime:
Within a couple years, it became functionally impossible to implement a web-browser without a license from one of a tiny handful of gigantic, monopolistic corporations, who could use the license to exercise a veto over both who could make a browser, and what that browser could do:
Standards development is one of those esoteric, hugely important activities that almost no one knows anything about. Good standards are key to an open, free internet, and as governments around the world grapple with Big Tech monopolies, their plans often include a block that basically reads "insert good standard here."
As exciting as the EU's Digital Markets Act and US proposals like the ACCESS Act are, the "insert good standard here" stuff is wildly underspecified and undertheorized. Making a good standard – one that is robust, flexible and secure – is hard enough even under competitive competitions where the SDO can play independent referee, more powerful than the participants. But making good standards under monopolistic conditions is really hard.
And yet, it happens! Look at the Fediverse, powered by Mastodon and its adaptation of a W3C standard called ActivityPub. The Fediverse has done more for an interoperable, decentralized web than all the other projects of the past decade combined:
How did something so useful and capture-resistant emerge from the enshitternet, from the same standards-body that gave us a proprietary "standard" that allowed three giant companies to seize the right to authorize the production of web browsers themselves?
Therein lies quite a tale. In a talk for this year's Association of Internet Researchers conference, Robert Gehl talks about the weird, highly contingent factors that delivered a fit-for-purpose Fediverse standard:
Gehl starts by describing ActivityPub as a "non-standard standard." The technologists who created it at the W3C were largely unpreturbed by the Big Tech members, who viewed ActivityPub as unimportant, a folly. While this meant that the ActivityPub creators were free from Big Tech attempts to corrupt the standard, they were also insulated from the discipline of Big Tech standards people, who are expert at propelling a standard to completion while resolving conflicts to create a single, unified spec.
By contrast, ActivityPub's creators made seven different specs, resolving factional disputes by letting everyone get their way. Critical parts of these standards – including support for federation! – was marked as optional in group's charter.
Then along came Mastodon, implementing the draft spec for ActivityPub. This triggered two extensions to the deadline for ActivityPub's completion. ActivityPub moved to final draft against the backdrop of the real-world experiences of early Mastodon users. Four of the five ActivityPub authors self-identified as queer, and they set out to make Mastodon more harassment-resistant than corporate social media:
The early success of Mastodon shifted the focus of ActivityPub authors and implementers. In Gehl's words, "half of ActivityPub" is now ignored. Gehl's essay shows how many needles Mastodon threaded to get to where it is today, and while there's an argument that there was a Fediverse-shaped hole in the internet that something was going to fill, the Mastodon-inflected flavor of ActivityPub we got is pretty great.
Gehl is working on a book about this for Oxford University Press, "Move Slowly and Build Bridges":
One of the more contingent elements of the nascent new, good web is Signal, the secure, robust, easy-to-use encrypted messaging tool that has stepped in to fill the gap that encrypted email tools like PGP struggled to fill for years (though that doesn't mean that secure email is impossible!):
Like Mastodon, Signal threaded a bunch of different needles to get to its current status, and it's still threading needles. In a new article, Signal's amazing new president, Meredith Whittaker and Joshua Lund explain what it costs to keep Signal running:
Bottom line: Signal costs $50m/year. The breakdown is fascinating and weird. Signal pays a fortune to send SMS messages to verify your number when you sign up. Here's an irony: as Signal displaces SMS, telcos are making up for lost revenue by charging Signal ever-higher rates to send those signup codes – Signal's spending $6m/year on SMSes!
Storage costs Signal another $1.3m/year. Servers are $2.9m/year. Bandwidth is $2.8m/year. Signal's storage and compute costs are low because they're privacy-first, so they're collecting, processing and storing as little data as possible. Add a couple more zeros per user to approximate the costs for high-surveillance alternatives to Signal.
Because Signal is end-to-end encrypted, they can use untrusted (and cheap) third parties for bandwidth, relaying and storage. Your phone encrypts the data before it leaves your device, and no one can decrypt it except the person you're talking to. That lets Signal shop around for server infra, saving much more. Even so, voice and video calls consume a lot of bandwidth, and it gets more expensive because they jump the connection through multiple servers to prevent the people you're talking to from capturing your IP address.
Signal's got 50 full-time employees – a "shockingly small" team by industry standards. But still: 50 developers, managers, designers, accountants, etc all add up to $19m/year (the org pays "as close to industry wages as possible within the boundaries of a nonprofit").
As Signal scales up, it is discovering new and exciting bugs and problems. A one-in-a-billion bug that may never crop up in a small service can suddenly start occurring on a daily basis once you hit scale. That means Signal will continue to hire engineers to crush these weird little bugs, and they're going to be the kinds of specialists who can preserve privacy while fixing servers.
Signal is amazing. It's been six years since they figured out how to transmit userids, numbers and photos as fully encrypted blobs. Not one of their competitors – not even the "secure" ones from giant Big Tech companies – have managed this. Even Signal's system for embedding animated GIFs is privacy-preserving – the system doesn't reveal your search terms to the GIF repositories.
Today, Signal is tooling up to create "post-quantum resistance" to the system, anticipating the arrival of functional quantum computers that will (theoretically) make short work of existing encryption techniques.
The article ends – logically enough – with a plea for donations. I'm a Signal donor already:
The Signal and ActivityPub stories reveal the important interplay between principled individuals and sustainable institutions. Benevolent dictators – whether that's Tim Berners Lee, or Mastodon's Eugen Rochko – work well, but fail badly. No matter how benevolent a dictator is, they are not infallible or omniscient. A critical juncture in any good project is its transition from a dictatorship to a democracy – an individual to an institution.
Take the Archive of Contemporary Music, the largest archive of popular music in the world. It was founded in 1985 by Bob George, who had amassed a collection of 47,000 LPs in a loft he'd lived in since 1974:
George and his co-founder, David Wheeler, have since grown the collection to 3m pieces of media with 90m songs. They were the first people to start seriously collecting and preserving music that others viewed as ephemeral and disposable. The collection wandered from place to place before settling in a Hudson Valley facility that it is about to outgrow.
In part that's because they're still one of the only places where others' collections can be reliably consigned. When Keith Richards wanted to turn his blues collection over to a facility for long-term preservation, he chose ARC. Now, ARC is working with the Internet Archive to digitize and make available its vast holdings.
But that's a fraught and contingent business, too. The Internet Archive has been targeted with one of those bowel-loosening record-industry lawsuits last seen during the Napster Wars, with Sony, Universal and others seeking damages that would permanently shutter the Archive and bankrupt its founder, the wonderful Brewster Kahle:
The suit argues that when a library makes 78RPM recordings available for its patrons to check out over the internet, they cannot avail themselves of the copyright exemptions that have been a feature since copyright's inception. Remember, libraries are an order of magnitude older than copyright! The core of this suit is that libraries cannot move into the digital world.
Rather than doing what libraries have done since (literal) time immemorial – collecting works, preserving them and making them available – digital libraries can only license time- and circulation-limited copies of works that can't be preserved. It's a grim vision of a future without libraries:
Giant corporations are an existential threat to human thriving. After 40 years of neoliberalism, there's a growing recognition that the market's invisible hand would like to swat you like a bug. Hence the rise and rise of the labor movement. Though "union density" (the proportion of unionized workers) is still at an historically low ebb, union support among the public is higher than at any time since the New Deal.
That's why UAW president Shawn Fain is planning a general strike in 2028, calling on other unions "to align your contract expirations with our own" so that all the contracts come up for renegotiation at the same time:
This is a very clever way to overcome America's ban on sympathy strikes, which was introduced in 1947 with the Taft-Hartley Act. Sympathy strikes – where all unionized workers refuse to provide any service to employers who won't bargain fairly with their own workforce – are a hugely powerful tool for labor movements. Look at Sweden, where Tesla has refused to bargain with the technicians who fix its cars.
In response, the entire Swedish workforce has united against Tesla. Dockworkers won't unload its cars at the port. Electricians won't fix its chargers. Cleaners won't clean Tesla showrooms:
This is how it's done. Musk has made his fortune by crushing worker power in every one of his businesses, joining the ranks of Apple and Amazon as one of the world's leading maimers and killers of his workforce:
While Musk's latest turn toward open antisemitism is grim, especially in light of his ownership of Twitter, it's perfectly in character for a man whose businesses have always been charnel houses of "crushed limbs, amputations, head injuries and death."
But Musk can't fire or even intimidate the dockworkers who won't unload his cars. Sympathy strikes enlist workers who are beyond the reach of intransigent employers in aid of workers who are subject to retaliation for striking. That's why Taft-Hartley abolished sympathy strikes.
But if all the major unions are negotiating their contracts in 2028 – as Fain has called for – they can all strike without falling afoul of Taft-Hartley. That's some shrewd tactics.
Even if you believe in markets as a force for increasing human thriving, it takes an act of will to miss how corporations who can exploit their customers or workers will. When it comes to exploitable customers, prisoners are the ultimate captive audience. Most of us are familiar with the horrors of private prisons – especially after the acute phase of the covid pandemic, when corporate prison managers simply left America's prisoners to die.
But prison privatization is fractal. You can privatize a prison facility, but you can also privatize the commissary, the library, the mail, even phone calls and visitations. Some of the slimiest prison profiteers are the ones providing telecoms facilities to prisons. These companies lobby to ban in-person visits and mail and then provide "free" phone service to state facilities – service that can cost prisoners and their families $10/minute.
One of the worst of these companies is ViaPath (formerly Global Tel*Link). Not only did they charge prisoners sky-high rates for contact with their families, they ran a wildly insecure service that breached the data of 600,000 users:
These prisoners and families had "sensitive personal information" exposed online in unencrypted form, and were not informed of the breach, according to an FTC complaint:
The company went on to defraud state and local prison systems whose contracts they were bidding on, by claiming to have never have suffered a breach.
The sleaze of the prison-tech system is the worst imaginable – which is about what you'd expect. After all, prison-tech is at the very foot of the shitty technology adoption curve:
The prisoners who are abused by companies like Viapath are test subjects for technology that will work its way up the privilege gradient, moving on to mental patients, asylum seekers, kids, blue collar workers, white collar workers – then, everyone.
This makes prison-tech a great oracle for understanding what's coming for the rest of us in a decade or two. That's why I made prison-tech the McGuffin of The Bezzle, the sequel to my 2023 novel Red Team Blues, which comes out next February:
High-tech forensic accountant Marty Hench is back in The Bezzle for a story of early-2000s internet consolidation, LA Sheriffs Department gangs, prison privatization, collateralized debt obligations, and the absolute depraved sleaze of prison-tech privateers. If you still have a Twitter account, you can enter this sweepstakes to get an early copy:
(There will be other ways to get an early peek for non-Twitter users, rest assured!)
Attentive readers will note that The Bezzle will be my fourth book in 14 months. I'm presently touring my third book of 2023, The Lost Cause, a climate emergency book that Rebecca Solnit described as "a future woven from our successes (Green New Deal!), failures (climate chaos anyway), and unresolved conflicts (old MAGA dudes). I loved it":
Book tours are exhausting and exhilarating. They have the weirdest social dynamic, where you're bouncing to a new city every day or two, having high-speed social contact with hundreds of people at a go, then hunkering down alone in a hotel room to do press calls and answer publicity emails. I've been doing this since 2006 or so, and one mystery I've pondered all that time is the weirdness of stinky hotel soap:
Go to any Marriott, any Hilton, a Comfort Inn or a Holiday Inn, and you will find yourself in the Kingdom of Beige. The wallpaper, art, carpets and bedspreads are all calculated to be as generic and invisible as possible. But the soap and shampoo stocked by these redoubts of nothingness are wildly perfumed. I'm not a big fan of floral perfume anyway, but the hand-soap in your typical hotel bathroom makes Axe Body Spray seem innocuous. No taxi air-freshener, no urinal puck, not even the most lethal of 1960s-era douches ever aspired to the eye-watering, clinging, scent of hotel soaps, shampoos, conditioners and hand-cream.
It's like hygiene perfume is the mid-priced hotelier's equivalent of 1980s Wall Street traders' suspenders: while everything else must be absolutely uniform and staid, this is the one realm where you can really let your freak flag fly. I'm always up for a unfettered freak-flag, but holy shit does this stuff stink.
I'll get a chance to ponder this anew on the tour for The Bezzle next February, and again for Picks and Shovels, the February 2025 Martin Hench novel that's already pending.
I need to get ready for my bookstore event, but before I sign off, one more bit of science fiction publishing news. An indie filmmaker in Paris is working with the brilliant John Varley on an adaptation of his sf classic Titan, and they're trying to raise $65k on Kickstarter to pay for it. I kicked in – a world with more Varley in it is a better world:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Famartin https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2021-01-06_12_15_43_Cranberry_trail_mix_with_cranberries,_peanuts,_raisins,_walnuts,_almonds,_sunflower_seeds,_pepitas_in_the_Franklin_Farm_section_of_Oak_Hill,_Fairfax_County,_Virginia.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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txchasxx254 · 5 months
My Journey from Christian to Sin
I was raised Church of Christ, attended often and semi practiced. In 2003 when I joined the army and got to fort hood I met a girl on AOL. We fucked a lot. She was married. So technically committed adultery. Cheated few times on my first wife. But when I got out of the army my ex wanted a divorce which was best for us. I went home talked to my dad cause it’s forbidden in Church of Christ. Surprised he actually supported and as I left town I met a girl. Told him about he was supportive of us dating. Til 8 months later I got her pregnant, and when I told him , he blew and I had to leave her and have nothing to do w her or kid or I was going to hell for adultery. We were all sorts of unholy sex acts, but it got to the point he even got the church preacher to lecture and pasture me, plus they caused problems at her work. We got married in 2015 we had 2nd kid, still condemned by family and church. I found out she cheated on me two months after our second child with black guy from conscience store. Turns out she was fucking him while I paid her to goto college, and was taking care of kids. She never told me. I found out 2 years later. More hell from family. I decided she could fuck whoever whenever all she had to do was tell me. I set up the first guy. This was when I decided to blasphemy and desecrate every belief and teaching of church. Then was gonna commit ultimate blasphemy sin by going to church asking to be baptized then was gonna deny Christ when they ask if you accept.#Journal #leavingchurch #adultery #cheatingwife #blasphemy #euphoricpleasure
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likeabxrdinflight · 1 year
you know how back in the day everyone had aol emails right
well, I still have that email address, technically, and every once in a while I had still been logging in and checking it just to make sure it wasn't like, being hacked or anything
anyways I can't sign in anymore. because now they want two step verification. and the phone number that is associated with that account is a now defunct home phone number. so they cannot send a security code, it is not possible.
so naturally I tried calling tech support and they cannot help me because, apparently, I did not use my real name when I made this account. and for the life of me I cannot remember the fake name I must have been using at the time.
I think I'm permanently locked out of my own email account because at age 11 I was using fake names to make an email address behind my parents back.
this is. truly not the tech dystopia I thought I'd be living in but here we are.
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askpromptly · 1 year
How To Speak To AOL Customer Service?
AOL is a web portal, and you can create an account on AOL to send and receive emails and use other internet services. There are several users worldwide that use AOL webmail to drop and receive emails. Though many users complain about various issues, they come across using its services. Suppose you already have an account on AOL and are running out of mailbox storage; then you can contact AOL customer service and get the required assistance to upgrade your storage and revive the account.
How to call AOL customer service? If you have an account on AOL and you are not able to receive or send emails, or there are some glitches in signing in to the account, please call customer support for assistance on AOL Phone Number in the given steps: Call on 1 800 827 6364 The call will connect with IVR Press 1- to choose your desired language Press 2- for account support Press 3- for technical support Press 4- for password reset Press *- to speak to an AOL support person. Availability time of AOL Customer Support: Customer support is available 24 hours daily to assist and guide the customers with their account-related issues and provide other related information.
Does AOL have a live chat? In case it is an urgent query or there is a shortage of time to go through the call process, just use the live chat window of AOL and get immediate assistance on the issues. To start a live chat with AOL Customer Service and discuss the queries through texts, do the following: Go to the official website of aol.com Click on the support options A chat window will open on the screen Write the messages on the chat window Send them to the customer service Your queries will receive instant replies from the chat representative.
Can you send an email to AOL? You can write the queries and send them to AOL customer service in an email. To get into email communication, you can first fill out an email form in the manner mentioned below: Reach the AOL web portal Click on the support tab Choose the email us option Fill out the email form with compulsory information, including your email id Submit the form. An email will be received within a few days from AOL customer service for further correspondence.
Does AOL have social media handles? Suppose you want to get a quick response from customer service, in that case, try to send messages from the following social media handles of AOL, Facebook Twitter Social media is also helpful for getting a quick update on the latest news and services of AOL.
Can you give feedback to AOL? While using the services, if you wish to give reviews, suggestions, or appreciation, send feedback through the form provided on the AOL website for this purpose. Customer service will respond to your feedback in a short span of time.
Hence, to learn more about AOL services and their usage, please go through the above points to AOL Customer Service Number and other ways to reach customer service.
Source — https://askpromptly.blogspot.com/2023/04/how-to-speak-to-aol-customer-service.html
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mallingqvist24 · 1 year
Pc Digital Television Software Download For Free
Being anydesk activator from anywhere seems including the tech future dream. However, you that from the current reality and folks are buildings it . anydesk crack do not realize how useful this is really. Most desktops are hooked up to peripherals and indulge in more power than a phone or a netbook but clearly aren't mobile whatsoever. Some pretend that provide you with more eventually purchase the power of massive computers in the palm of the hands but usually we're already there. The Messenger service. Windows Messenger can be an old program that will never be very very popular. Many people have used AIM, AOL and Google to have a chat with others; Windows Messenger is an old version of the particular. If you have never heard of this program than that means you probably will never ever use the device. You can fully disable this service and experience it severely. The premise behind Log Me In is that you "link" your home or other Windows desktop with Log Me During. Once your home system is linked, as well as remote associated with your desktop as well as file transfer and printing culinary level. When accessing these features, your desktop username and password are required as much more level of security. Response time while manipulating the desktop was more than acceptable. Within my first "test" my bandwidth was over cable but, based on this second experiment which will be in PART TWO, I suspect the bandwidth of DSL is approximately sufficient. Just an easy search belonging to the term online technical support service on the web will take you to innumerable final. At the very top of the search results was PCCare247, which in itself is quite a credibility building feat. To appear among the top rankings, an online business needs to give for a brief amount of your energy and it's really important that fast is legitimate, two important elements among quite a few criteria determining search last. Anyways, the website too seemed great and I eventually gave them an unscheduled visit at their toll free number. Excellent strategy to listen to music for (kinda) 100 percent free. Not available everywhere, but if you're able to you should. Quality is surprisingly good - its what accompanies my album initiation! There are a lot of varieties of Remote PC access technology AnyDesk . Search them previously internet, read what each software end up being offer, its pros and cons, the usefulness and match it with any kind of want. Also check that whether plan goes in addition to operating model. Try to know the software installed with professional guidance from the manufactures for trouble free usage. 1Password stores all these records securely and will definitely automatically fill the regarding websites. No forgetting a number of different passwords experience for each website! Nicely made software too. When anydesk lifetime license is and your grip, not really try take objectives. Your days of trouble with accessing data from different PC terminals are actually over the new you could also work in your own home without any tensions about missing studies. Because now, with an isolated PC access software all of your current documents and spreadsheets within the office PC are in the desk top of your home PC.
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hassanxrazza · 2 years
AOL Mail – How to Create New Account & Sign in Successfully
Create and manage an AOL Mail account using this free guide. This AOL Log in explanation is in detail, please read closely. Follow the steps on Aol sign up using your email username and password. Did you previously create an AOL account online? AOL Login is easy for all email users, all you have to do is to follow the guide.
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Uses of AOL Mailing System
It provides a web portal, email, instant messaging, and later on a web browser that followed the purchase of Netscape but it is originally set up for a dial-up service to millions of Americans also.
When you lose your AOL mail while you are far away from your computer, you do not have to worry because you can still gain access to the AOL mail through your mobile device on the mobile app. With AOL you can still use Outlook or any other third party email to receive and send their AOL email.
How to Create an AOL Mail Account
When you want to create an AOL account you have to follow the steps given to you discreetly without leaving any steps out.  The following are ways you can create an AOL mail account.
Go to the main AOL page at www.AOL.com
Click on the Aol sign up at the right-hand corner of the page
Click sign up at the screen bottom
Now, you can Enter your first and last name
Also, Enter your email address and password
Enter your phone number and credential for your birth
Choose in your gender (Male/Female)
Click on the continue
Then enter the other requested information
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Once all of these have been settled, you have successfully created the AIL mail account. If you need any help, AOL mail support is available once you are encountering problems with AOL live technical support for your AOL account. You can also upgrade the mail account to a paid one once you feel like it. The next step is on how to log in. Continue reading so as not to miss out of the login details.
AOL Mail Login – The Full Guide to AOL Sign in
The AOL login is very simple and easy and is not as long as the steps when creating the account newly. All you have to do is to follow the steps that will be listed for you below.
The first step is to visit the main AOL login page at https://login.aol.com
Optionally, if you Login to aol.com, simply look at the top right corner of the page, and click “Signup/Login“
Enter your username, email, or mobile number (it could be yahoo.com, gmail.com, outlook.com or AOL.com)
Click on the “Next” icon (you can optionally click on the “Stay Signed in”icon)
Follow the remaining steps to login (Prove you’re not a robot)
Enter your password and click Login.
A big congratulations because you have successfully login to your AOL mail account. If at any time you forget your password, AOL help centre will help you with these common issues. However, you can change, reset, manage your account security question. Finally, you can also manage your AOL username all in the account.
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AOL Mail Help
AOL Mail provides a safe and delightful email experience for millions of people around the world.
System Mechanic
Restore power, speed and stability with over 200 critical tests and 50 tools using the go-to solution for ultimate PC performance and trouble-free computing.
Password Help
Learn how to reset your password and keep your account secure.
Do you want to speak with a real person?
Get 24/7 live expert help with your AOL needs—from email and passwords, technical questions, mobile email and more. Call +1-844-325-9082
You can also visit the AOL help center for assistance.
Have it in mind that sometime in June 2017, AOL announced that Yahoo and AOL joined to become a unified digital and mobile media company. They are now operating under these unified Yahoo Terms of Service. If you have a Yahoo or an AOL account, you will need to agree to the Terms of both AOL and Yahoo Mail.
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divinelement00 · 2 years
Not Receiving AOL Mails
Solutions to AOL Mail's Intermittent Failure on iOS Devices - AOL's Technical Support
Smartphone users that use AOL have reported this problem or one like it. If you're having trouble accessing your AOL email on your iPhone or computer, you're not alone. The AOL email service is having issues with some users, so they either can't send or receive messages from their accounts. When that's the case, read on for the subsequent instructions. It is highly advised that you call AOL customer service so that they may assist you with your equipment and resolve the problem. If your iPhone or Android device is having trouble connecting to AOL, follow these steps.
To Do This, Simply Use the Airplane Mode
See if you can connect to the web to make sure everything is okay. If you are seeing "AOL email is down" messages, the issue is not with AOL but rather with you. AOL is a service that connects you to the internet, and it can be frustrating when your connection is poor or you have no connection at all. Make sure your internet connection is up and running before continuing.
Turn off your iPhone or put it into airplane mode. To activate or deactivate the iPhone's airplane mode, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to reveal the device's control center. You should activate airplane mode and then deactivate it a few minutes later.
Wi-Fi should be activated and a stable connection should be checked. When not doing so, activate your internet connection.
Start sending and receiving data. Now you can use AOL's email services, both for receiving and sending messages.
If you have an iPhone and are having trouble receiving emails, try Method 2. Adapt your network's current settings
If you've already taken care of everything suggested in Option 1, but the problem persists anyway, read on. The instructions in the second approach should be followed then. If you're having trouble getting AOL mail to work on your iPhone, trying resetting your network preferences may help.
In a Freer Configuration
In the Settings menu, select the Factory Reset button.
You can get to the reset network settings menu by clicking the Reset button.
Resetting the wifi network settings is an option here.
A third option is to delete the account and then re-create it.
If you are still having problems accessing your AOL email on your iPhone, try the solutions provided below.
How to Cancel Your iPhone Account
The iPhone's settings can be accessed by opening, Selecting the "Account" menu item, and entering your login details.
Access credentials and user IDs are all listed here. Next, choose the AOL account that you no longer wish to use with the program. You will find it in the account and password option.
Now, as soon as you click on the AOL account, you will enter a new page. Click on the Delete Account option present at the bottom.
Steps to Add AOL mail on iPhone
Open settings. go into the Accounts & Passwords option.
Go to the section of add accounts on the iPhone
Sign in using your AOL email address and password
Method4: Contact AOL, Email Expert
If you tried all of the steps given above and still facing the same problem. Then you need to call AOL experts so they will check and make changes to the AOL mail app. So, AOL mail starts working on the iPhone. AOL technicians are available 24/7 to help you without any waiting time. We have an expert and experienced technician who will help you to fix the “AOL mail not working on iPhone” issue and other AOL mail problems.
AOL Email Technical Support: AOL Email technical support team has hands-on experience with all kinds of AOL mail problems. So, When any AOL user contacts AOL support then the technician will take care of the request politely and fix the problem with an easy and effective solution. The AOL Support team is capable of fixing any kind of AOL mail problem. The team is Microsoft certified and experienced.
How to fix AOL Mail syncing issue on the outlook application?
When you set up the AOL mail account on the outlook application. it will start synchronizing the data automatically. However, Sometimes, outlook will stop syncing the data. when you will click on it. it will show you some weird errors like- send/ receive an error, authentication failed, etc.
In that a case, you have to make a few changes to the outlook application. Right after that, your email will start working fine on the outlook application. here is the guide for can’t get emails on AOL mail on outlook problem.
How to fix the AOL mail send and receive errors on the outlook application?
When an outlook application is unable to sync to the mail server. Please check the network connection on the computer. make sure there are no errors related to the internet connection.
Now Go to the account settings on the outlook application and update the AOL mail username and password once again. after that run a test account. If tests are successful. That means the problem has been resolved.
If tests are failing after updating the username and password. please check the incoming server settings. most probably, the incoming settings are invalid. That’s why it is unable to access the outlook account. so remove the current account and then reconfigure it using the valid information.
If you are receiving the emails but AOL mail not sending the emails from the outlook application. It means, there is an issue with the outgoing server configuration. So you should go back to the account settings and configure the account. once you do that, you need to run the test again. it should be running fine now.
Please remove the AOL mail account from the outlook application and then re-add it using the phone or computer. now retry to access the webmail again. it should be working fine now. in case, if it doesn’t work. you need to visit down reporter for more help.
For solving Not receiving AOL mails problems
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publishingbanana · 2 years
Aol desktop for mac os x 10.10
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File-sharing server - As a server, the system can share files using only the Apple Filing Protocol (over TCP/IP), HTTP, SSH, and FTP.It cannot use SMB to connect to Windows or Samba servers. File-sharing client - The system can only use TCP/IP, not AppleTalk, to connect to servers sharing the Apple Filing Protocol.Protected memory - memory protection so that if an application corrupts its memory, the memory of other applications will not be corrupted.Sherlock - desktop and web search engine.Built on Darwin, a Unix-like operating system.PDF Support (create PDFs from any application).Full preemptive multitasking support, a long-awaited feature on the Mac.TextEdit - new on-board word processor, replacement to SimpleText.Mac OS had previously had the distinction of being one of the few operating systems with no command line interface at all. Terminal - the Terminal was a feature that allowed access to Mac OS X's underpinnings, namely the Unix core.
OSFMK 7.3 - the Open Software Foundation Mach kernel from the OSF was part of the XNU kernel for Mac OS X, and was one of the largest changes from a technical standpoint in Mac OS X.
Dock - the Dock was a new way of organizing one's Mac OS X applications on a user interface, and a change from the classic method of Application launching in previous Mac OS systems.
You can help by converting this article, if appropriate. This article is in list format but may read better as prose.
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bitcoinbanana · 2 years
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This is just a beginning of the process of installation and now we will discuss here the method of downloading and installing the software.
8 kbps or faster modem, or other Internet connection.
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Effortlessly install AOL Gold Desktop on Mac OS X.Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.Minimum system requirements for AOL Gold Upgrade to Latest Version. Related to AOL desktop any issue will be resolved by tech support team. If you are getting hassles to uninstall AOL desktop Gold, then why not to get help via technical support team? You can opt for AOL desktop gold customer support number which is always available for its customers. 24 X 7 this toll-free number is reachable to resolve customer’s problem. By Download AOL Gold software you can ask the tech support for help. If you are getting problem while upgrading the AOL Desktop, you can get help from experts. There are many issues occurs with AOL desktop. If users will install the on a computer that doesn’t meet the system requirements, they may experience problems with either the software or the computer. Minimum system requirements for the AOL Desktop Gold Software should be fulfilled. Before downloading and installing users are require to check if their systems are compatible with the software so we are mentioning some points which users have to keep in mind prior to Install AOL Gold Desktop. You can avail help from customer care in order to fix the issue in short span of time.
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If the printing error still persists then update AOL Gold with the currently available version. Now check if the printing issue is resolved or not after updating printer driver. Then just unplug all the cables and plug it back carefully and check you have an active internet connection. Getting error message while trying to print from the AOL Gold. Customers have to just follow the steps we are providing in the method below. We are describing complete details how users can AOL Gold Download over here.
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rdlascl · 2 years
Thunderbird email backup
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Thunderbird email backup how to#
Thunderbird email backup install#
Thunderbird email backup manual#
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If you want to access the multiple email accounts at once, then Mozilla Thunderbird is the most beneficial and advanced application.Ĥ. When someone creates the backup of their emails from cloud storage, then they require a desktop-based application to access or manage those emails.ģ. There are a number of reasons due to which users want to migrate AOL emails to Thunderbird account.Ģ. Why Add AOL Email to Thunderbird Account ?ġ. Nowadays, Thunderbird is the most common and popular email client application. It also supports POP, IMAP, LDAP, MIME protocols. Mozilla Thunderbird is a desktop-based open-source email client application that provides several features like contacts, encryption, multiple profile configurations, and many more. In addition, it also supports SSL or HTTPS protocol after login. AOL email application also provides protection from the Spam and Viruses. It successfully supports POP3, SMTP and IMAP protocol.
Thunderbird email backup free#
Let’s Take a Glance on AOL and ThunderbirdĪOL is a free web-based email client application provided by AOL, a unit of Verizon Communications.
Thunderbird email backup manual#
To overcome the limitations of the manual process, it is suggested to take the help of the above mentioned professional software namely AOL to Thunderbird Backup Tool. Also, the manual process will take a lot of time to import AOL emails to Thunderbird account. The configuration of IMAP or POP3 protocol is also complicating for the non-technical users. Limitations or Drawbacks of Manual Processįor the native users, the manual process to import AOL mail into Thunderbird is very tedious. Once the above step is done, Click on “Done” and then on OK button.
Thunderbird email backup download#
If a user selects the POP3 protocol, then new emails will be download from AOL but they will not synchronize the actions and folders.
Now, enter the credentials such as email address, password, and name, etc.
Click on “Account Actions” and select “Add Mail Account” from the given menu list.
Open Thunderbird and from the Tools menu select Account Settings.
So, please follow the steps mentioned below: Now, we are going to describe the manual process to import AOL files to Thunderbird. Manual Approach to Add AOL Email to Thunderbird Choose the destination path and click ok Backup to start AOL to Thunderbird migration.ī. Select the files, saving option as Thunderbird as we need to export AOL Mail to Thunderbird.Ĥ. Now, enter the login credentials os AOL Mail account and click on Login.ģ. Choose AOL application from the left panel.Ģ.
Thunderbird email backup install#
The first step is to install and run the AOL backup tool to import AOL emails to Thunderbird. AOL Mail Migration Tool – Direct Solutionġ. How to Import AOL Emails to Thunderbird Account ? A. So, download the utility for hassle-free Aol backup. In a few simple steps, you can accomplish the migration process. Also, the AOL backup tool lets you selectively import AOL mail into Thunderbird. It is a Windows-based software used to create the complete backup from AOL to Thunderbird without losing a bit of information. With this tool, any kind of user can transfer emails from AOL to Thunderbird account without having any external support. The utility is a foremost solution to export AOL email to Thunderbird in bulk. It offers a number of facilities for easy and error-free migration from AOL to Thunderbird. The AOL to Thunderbird backup tool to import AOL emails to Thunderbird is a one-stop solution. The AOL email migration is no more a difficult task. Is there any AOL Mail backup tool to make AOL email migration to Thunderbird easy ?ĪOL Mail Backup Tool to Export AOL Email to Thunderbird.Can I add AOL email to Thunderbird account directly ?.
Thunderbird email backup how to#
How to import AOL contacts to Thunderbird ?.
So, in the following blog, we are going to explain the way to export AOL email to Thunderbird without any trouble.Īlso, through the following write-up, we have tried to solve some user queries related to AOL Mail migration. One of the most common queries of users is how to import AOL Emails to Thunderbird account. To get the maximum benefits, users are regularly switching from one application to another. There are a lot of applications available that are used to save or share important data across the globe. Nowadays, with increasing internet popularity, the mode of cross-communication is online.
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alliancemmorg · 2 years
Time warner cable email server settings imap
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#Time warner cable email server settings imap how to#
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#Time warner cable email server settings imap password#
Post questions, follow discussions and share your knowledge in the Community.The Following is a list of popular email provider server settings.ĪOL Incoming (IMAP):  Outgoing (SMTP):  SMTP Auth: Yes User name: AOL Mail screen name Incoming Port (IMAP): 993 (SSL) Outgoing Port: 587 (TLS) or 465 (SSL) Source: AOL & About If you still need help, select Contact Support to be routed to the best support option. If you can't sign in, go to Account support.įor help with your Microsoft account and subscriptions, visit Account & Billing Help.įor technical support, go to Contact Microsoft Support, enter your problem and select Get Help. Note: You will need to sign in first to get support. If using POP doesn't resolve your issue, or you need to have IMAP enabled (it's disabled by default), contact GoDaddy support. If you're using a GoDaddy account, follow these instructions to reconfigure your GoDaddy account to use POP.
#Time warner cable email server settings imap how to#
For instructions about how to reconfigure your account to use POP, contact your email account provider. To resolve this, remove the connected IMAP account in and reconfigure it as a POP connection. If you use to access an account that uses a domain other than or you might not be able to sync your accounts using IMAP. Select This was me to let the system know you authorize the IMAP connection.Īttempt to connect to the account via your IMAP client.įor more information on how to use the Recent activity page, go to What is the recent activity page? Under Recent activity find the Session Type event that matches the most recent time you received the connection error and click to expand it.
#Time warner cable email server settings imap password#
Go to /activity and sign in using the email address and password of the affected account.
#Time warner cable email server settings imap update#
We’re working on a fix and will update this article when we have more information. You may receive a connection error if you configured your account as IMAP in multiple email clients.
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aolmailhelpsite · 2 years
Contact AOL Support Number
If you are facing AOL mail issues. Their Experienced technicians will resolve all of your issues within
Get AOL Mail Technical Support
While most email errors are caused because of simple browser issues, there are times when you may face a technical issue on your AOL Mail account that can completely disrupt your work. When faced with a particularly complicated email error, you can contact the AOL customer support number to get quality technical assistance.
Why Do People Call AOL Customer Support?
People call AOL for a range of reasons, including:
Help setting up new accounts
Help with changing or canceling accounts
Addressing billing issues
Reporting fraud or abuse
Technical support and troubleshooting
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