#aomine angst fic
knbposting · 2 months
me: finishes the confession fic to a long series of slow burn aokaga fics
me, immediately: time to write some angst
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mercuriians · 5 months
say what you want
synopsis ☆ you're forced to confront your feelings for aomine when your plans go wrong at a party.
content info — angst to fluff, some hurt/comfort, fem! reader, mutual pining (reader & aomine are both idiots), little bit suggestive at the end. also, as a WARNING, this work contains references to underage drinking so if that makes you uncomfortable then please don't read this.
word count — 3.1k words.
author's note — first full knb fic i've written!! yeahhh i got carried away so oops. wasn't really sure how to end it but i hope it's alright either way. while i was writing this fic i was listening to take a chance with me and lowkey by NIKI, so if you want to feel the vibes of the story then u should listen to those songs, they're amazing i promise. hope u guys enjoy this!!
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"you know, ahomine, this entire thing was your fault."
you aim for your words to be sharp, accusatory, and scathing, filled with the type of poison that conveys just how irritated you felt at the moment; they’re intended to withdraw some kind—any kind, actually, since it’s aomine you’re talking to—of guilt or acknowledgement from the boy, or at the very least a sign that yes, he was the one who deserved the blame, and every ounce of it too.
however your objective falls short, and there’s a thought that irritatingly lingers at the back of your unusually sluggish mind: that, really, you weren’t exactly free from fault either. but it isn’t like you want to admit that because even the boy next to you knows the extent of your obstinacy and pride.
it’s a shame, and it’s quite ironic too, that your words are ultimately what betray your integrity. the way they come out breathless, slightly slurred, and definitely nowhere near scathing says more than enough.
earlier, you might have drunk a bit more than you were supposed to.
but to be fair, it was kise's seventeenth birthday. knowing how passionate he became whenever the subject was about parties or having fun or legitimately just having the spotlight on himself, the celebration turned out to be rather wild, to say the least. though when you had all five—technically six—members of the miracle generation gathered in the same area, as well as some of their respective teammates, the pandemonium was likely the only thing you could even anticipate. besides the heavy stench of testosterone of course.
see, your original plan was to spend the night quietly spectating the crowd. you never really liked parties, and you never really liked all the chaos that it brought. what you did like, though, was watching that same chaos unfold before your eyes. you even prepared your childhood friend to be by your side when it all went down, with his fluffy baby blue hair and his innocent, perceptive gaze never straying too far from where number two sat contentedly, playing with a rubber ball.
"how long do you think it'll take before kagami and aomine get into a brawl?" you had mused, hiding your amused grin behind your hand as you watched the two basketball players get into an argument over what the next song would be.
all the while, you hoped that kuroko didn’t see the way your eyes dipped towards the area of skin that aomine’s shirt haphazardly left exposed.
luckily he didn’t seem to notice. either that or—this was more likely—he was kind enough not to comment.
"ten minutes." kuroko had stated bluntly, answering your question. as it turns out, he wasn't far off from the mark.
so, for the first half of the party, your plan worked. you sat by the corner, languidly drinking from your cup of apple juice while you chatted with kuroko about anything that came into your mind. everything was fine, things were going well on your part, and at some point, you even sang along to the cheesy pop music that the speakers blasted.
most of all, you managed to avoid aomine.
but to put it frankly, shit hit the fan the moment the clock hit eleven. a bit surprisingly, the instigator wasn’t aomine, or takao, or even the golden birthday boy himself. no, it was sweet, exuberant momoi.
looking back on it, maybe your surprise was unreasonable. this was the same girl who could make eerily accurate predictions simply based off the statistics she collected from the court, and with you being a basketball player yourself, you knew just how scheming momoi could be when she really wanted to. that, and the fact that she happened to be another one of your childhood friends.
yeah, you probably should have realized that she was plotting something.
yet the realization never dawned on you. not when she offered you three consecutive cups of sake and claimed that “it’s to help you loosen up!”, not when she managed to pull you away from kuroko, not when she proposed the stupidly cliche spin the bottle game, and definitely not when she forced aomine to sit directly across from where you were.
after watching a few hilarious and awkward rounds, it was only inevitable for you to be the one spinning the bottle, and it was only inevitable for the damned thing to land on the one boy you were hoping to skip. and no, not because you hated him, but precisely because you simply couldn’t. it was impossible to not like aomine, even with his laziness, arrogance, perversion, and occasional playboyish tendencies. the truth was that behind every flaw of his, there were just as many positives, whether it was his obstinate loyalty or his unwavering honesty or his genuine respect for those who earned it.
so no one could blame you for the way your breath caught in your throat when aomine held your gaze and when he eventually began to make his way over. “this okay with you?” he asked nonchalantly as if this was a light, casual matter, and as if he didn’t care at all. yet, there was a slight, barely noticeable tightness in his navy gaze. had you not known him for years now, you likely wouldn’t have picked up on that small detail.
but as small as it was, really, it was anything but. and with your heart beating just a bit faster, you knew exactly why.
you nodded your head wordlessly, your lips parting, your eyes meeting his, and your message being spoken and understood through that eye contact alone. aomine leaned in, and you closed your eyes.
his lips were chapped, and his hand felt rough and calloused against your skin, but you felt a trail of fire prickling through your body anyway. quicker than you would have liked to admit, you found yourself falling deeper. you hoped, for a brief, flickering moment, that aomine felt the same. maybe, within his mind, there were thoughts of you.
swirls of past memories, like when you two would play basketball together, sweat dripping down your faces, soaking the fabric of your clothes as you focused on not letting him score; fragments of the future, like what it would be like to attend college together; and wishes for the present moment, like maybe how he wanted you to be his, just as you've wanted him to be yours since the last year of junior high.
you pulled aomine in closer, fingers digging into his collar. the logical part of your mind shrieked, voice raising in volume the longer you pressed your body against his, but you shut the thoughts out.
very, very vaguely, it occurred to you that the alcohol made your heart beat faster, made your spirit burn recklessly in a way that you hadn't known before.
for better or for worse, aomine noticed too.
and the moment you regained all sense of control, you realized that you no longer felt the weight of his body, or the warmth of his lips. bright lights flooded your vision as you opened your eyes. aomine stood a foot or two away, his shirt a bit crumpled from where you had gripped the fabric.
there was a certain kind of look on his face, but the problem was that you were unable to decipher it. this was the first time you couldn't read him.
fear settled into your bones.
had you just ruined everything between the two of you? not just the chances of ever dating him, but your friendship as well? should you have kissed him in the first place? what kind of person did he think you were now?
what had you done wrong, and why did you ever even accept those drinks from satsuki?
suddenly the room was full of too many people, and there were too many sounds and the lights were starting to blind you and damn it you couldn't even hear yourself think. in the heat of panic, you found yourself running, murmuring mindless apologies to whoever you almost crashed into.
you didn't stop until you reached kise's balcony. it was small, barely enough for three people to fit in, but the fact that you were able to taste the crisp june night air was enough.
unfortunately, it turned out that you only had a few minutes to spend alone with your thoughts. before long, the sound of the glass door sliding open disrupted the silence. you closed your eyes, praying to whatever was above that it wasn't the one person you wanted to avoid.
"wow, you really don't want to talk to me, huh?" a gruff, low voice dryly remarked. well, shit.
your eyes flew open. "i—uh, aomine," you cleared your throat hastily, "what did i.. did i say that out loud?"
"sure did," he confirmed. you heard him walking towards you before you saw him slide into the narrow space on your left. cautiously, you snuck a glance; his expression seemed to be unbothered, but knowing what happened ten minutes ago, you wouldn't risk a bet on it.
his eyes met yours. "you've been acting off," he remarked.
you refrained from rolling your eyes, like it wasn't already clear enough. "yeah, well, the sake that satsuki gave me was.. um, expired." you lied, and quite messily too. "made my stomach feel weird."
"she made me check the expiration date before her mom bought it," aomine deadpanned, and for the umpteenth time that night you wished that the floor was kind enough to swallow you whole. "and your stomach seems fine to me."
"well you wouldn't know that," you shot back, somewhat angrily. "and why did—how did satsuki even get her mom to buy alcohol in the first place?"
"her mom was the one who suggested it," aomine shrugged. despite the twinge of surprise that you felt—you weren't exactly sure if an adult was allowed to buy alcohol for seventeen-year-olds—it was quickly washed away and forgotten, overshadowed by the look that the boy suddenly gave you.
"so, are we gonna keep dodging the topic or what?"
your shoulders sagged, your arms crossing over your chest instinctively. "what is there to talk about?" you muttered.
"look, between the two of us, you're definitely the smarter one," aomine stated bluntly. "so quit actin' like you don't know what happened back there, (name)."
a heavy sigh escaped from your lips, frustration welling up within your chest all over again. you found it quite difficult to even breathe at the moment. "i don't want to do this right now," you stated. "so please just leave and we can pretend like—"
"that's the problem right there," aomine interrupts, an unprecedented twinge of emotion filling his voice. it was anger and frustration akin to yours, yes, but there was something else—something that you could reluctantly guess stemmed from a place that he'd kept hidden until now. "you keep avoiding me like i'm the damn plague or something. i didn't even do anything wrong, and if you feel like i did, then i can't do anything about it because you're not telling me shit."
and that right there brings you to the present moment, the buildup to the storm that's about to wreak havoc and tear up the land.
"you know, ahomine, this entire thing was your fault." you hiss, every ounce of your feelings pouring out without abandon. it's messy, it's unorganized, and it's raw; maybe none of it even makes sense, or maybe all of it does. you don't bother trying to wrap your head around it because there's no use in doing so.
for once, you don't think, and you let your words spill out like water from a broken faucet.
"it's your fault because you made me feel this way about you, even though you're one of the laziest, rudest, and most obnoxious people i know, not to mention that you read those perverted magazines. but you're also one of the most loyal and genuine, and i know that you would never lie. not on the court, and not outside of it, either. and that just—a-all of it frustrates and confuses me because we're polar opposites. you say whatever's on your mind, and you don't care about what people think about it. i can't do that."
you take a moment to breathe, to slow down, and to collect your scrambled train of thought. "i think that's why i don't tell you things like this. i'm probably drunk right now, but i think you want someone who's as unafraid as you are, someone who takes charge of the situation instead of being in the background. the only time i can be bold is when i play basketball. because then it's just—"
"just you, the ball, and the person in front of you," aomine finishes. surprisingly, his tone is soft, even understanding, and you look up to meet his gaze. "i know how that feels."
"it's like nothing else matters when you're on the court," you whispers, and the boy next to you nods. "all of it is simple. it's nothing like having to deal with your emotions, and having to understand them."
"you're right about that," aomine agrees. there are a few, shocking beats of silence that ensue, both of you seeming to ponder on your individual thoughts. "but, you know, the way you kissed me back there said a lot."
your face flushes pink. "yeah, i know," you mumble, turning your head away as you rest your arms against the railing. there's an uncomfortable feeling that sinks into you, just being aware that aomine knows how you've felt about him for years. you don't remember ever feeling as exposed as you do now.
"you're a good kisser," he comments somewhat offhandedly. "makes me wonder how it'll feel like to do that again in the future."
you pause.
your mouth drops open. "huh?" you stammer embarrassingly. "you can't joke about this, aomine—"
"look at me," he interrupts, softly but firmly. with hesitation swirling within your mind, you raise your head to meet his sapphire eyes. there's no trace of humor, or scorn, or sarcasm anywhere on his face, however. in fact, the seriousness exuding from his expression feels undeniably out of character.
and yet he's never looked as breathtaking as he does now.
"i hate saying this, but i think satsuki really did succeed this time." seeing the confusion on your face, aomine explains, "i tried pretending like i didn't have feelings for you either, because like you said, it feels weird. i guess ignoring them was more convenient for me, too. but, satsuki being satsuki, i guess she got bored of us being idiots and pulled this entire thing together."
"she's an orchestrator," you mutter, astonished. "wait, so, this means that you like me too—i'm not hallucinating?"
"nope, your ears are working perfectly fine." he states. "i've liked you ever since you broke my ankles and put me on my ass back at teiko."
overcome with surprise and glee—none of this feels real, still—you can't help but snort. "weren't you pissed when i did that? i mean i remember kise drooling over me, and akashi-kun giving me a compliment, but you were definitely upset." fond memories flash within your mind as you remember the sheer embarrassment and anger on a thirteen-year-old aomine's face.
"and i was, believe me," the boy chuckles. "but that was the first time a girl played against me and won. usually, they would just crowd around me and ramble about how hot i was. it was an unexpected change, but it was nice. kind of turned me on, too."
the last part almost causes you to choke on your saliva.
"such a pervert," you accuse him, a tint of pink staining your cheeks. "i don't even wanna know the thoughts that filled your head."
"i was thinking about how great of a girlfriend you'd be," aomine grins, stepping towards you. he reaches out, his hand moving to fix the strands of hair that covered your face. "and how pretty you'd look wearing my jersey."
"we can talk about that later," you swallow, looking up at him through your lashes, the party long forgotten. "right now, all you have to think about is kissing me again."
"that's easy," he retorts, his strong arms circling around your waist protectively. aomine leans down, his eyes slowly sliding shut, and his distinctive scent—cedarwood, smoke, and a hint of sweat—washes over you as his lips slot against yours.
unlike before, the kiss isn't frenzied or desperate; still, it maintains an air of passion, which both of you can clearly feel. his hands are curious, wandering and tracing areas all over your clothed body, almost as if he's trying to imprint them into his memory. they finally rest comfortably on the small of your back, with your own hands perched on his broad shoulders.
sneakily, he bites your lip, prompting a small, sharp whimper. your mouth opens invitingly, and his tongue sneaks in, swirling around your own.
when you pull away a little while later, you find yourself panting. your chest heaves with every breath, and your knees start to feel weak. "and you say i'm the good kisser," you say breathlessly, reaching up to give him one more peck.
"well i wasn't lying, was i?" he raises his brows slightly, making you giggle. "i had to stop myself from going even further."
"nobody said you had to stop," you whisper under your breath, catching him by surprise.
"trust me, i didn't want to," aomine leans down again, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. "but we're both a little drunk right now."
his words bring you a renewed sense of clarity, or at least something resembling it. he's telling the truth, really; doing anything reckless under the influence of alcohol is quite far from being a good decision. "and i thought you were supposed to be a delinquent," you tease him harmlessly.
"even delinquents use their brain sometimes, (name)," he rolls his eyes. "besides, i'm starving right now. i wanna eat some of the onigiri that kagami made, even though he gets under my skin."
"he's a really good cook," you sigh in admiration, examining aomine's expression closely, "and he's handsome, too.."
he scowls. "watch it," the boy warns, "don't say anything you're going to regret later."
"sorry, daiki," you apologize with a grin. "it's just fun to tease you."
"whatever," aomine mutters. "tomorrow, i'll get my payback."
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extant-exhaustion · 4 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "extant-exhaustion "?
Well, first of all, thank you so much for your patience! I know it took me seven weeks to reply to this Ask! I agonized over my list (also, the holidays happened, which kept me busy). But I finally narrowed it down, so here we go, in no particular order:
My Top 10 Favorite Fanfics
In Another Life by LittleLuxray Haikyuu!! | T+ | 23k | Bokuto/Akaashi | angst, sickfic | It's famous for a reason. Truly one of the best pieces of writing I've ever read, including published works—I've rarely cried so hard or been moved so much.
died in my dreams by MTrash Haikyuu!! | T+ | 10k | Ushijima/Tendou | futuristic/cyberpunk AU, opposites attract, reluctant work partners to friends to lovers | fantastic characterization, really cool conceptually, a story about trauma and healing and finding your person
the weight of water by wordstruck/@redluxite Haikyuu!! | M | 6k | Iwaizumi/Oikawa | angst | Painful, soul-crushing heartbreak, but so, so beautiful. As someone who's experienced loss and grief, this story is visceral and the accompanying art haunts me.
Come and get lost with us by boxofwonder Haikyuu!! | M | 150k | Hinata/Kageyama, Daichi/Sugawara | action/adventure, Medieval AU(?) | unlike anything I've ever read before or since; a really masterful integration of an enormous cast and a plot that unravels with absolutely zero fluff or filler
shimmer in your shine by zenelly/@zenellyraen Hunter x Hunter | T+ | 91k | Leorio/Kurapika, Killua/Gon | American roadtrip AU | This story made me cry over a fist fight between Leorio and Illumi in the parking lot of a Red Lobster in Arkansas.
The Myth of Mankind by MistressEast/@mistresseast Promare | T+ | 63k | Galo/Lio | action/adventure, romance | masterful worldbuilding, kickass fight scenes, intrigue galore, falling in love while preventing mass murder? yes, please
A Second Chance To Say by KazimaKuwabara/@kazimakuwabara Yu Yu Hakusho | M | 92k | Yusuke/Kuwabara, Youko Kurama/Kuronue | action/adventure, hurt/comfort | ft. Kuronue's eternal sass and unwavering friendship, the slow burn of reincarnated already-in-love KuwaMeshi (because Kuwabara doesn't remember it), somewhat menacing levels of intrigue, and Hiei finally winning MVP of emotions on Team Urameshi
Don't Blink or You'll Miss It (Lift Up Your Head) by umisabaku/@umisabaku Kuroko no Basuke | M | 81k | Kagami/Kuroko, Kasamatsu/Kise, Midorima/Takao, Himuro/Murasakibara, Aomine/Momoi | super powers | This story and its accompanying series are so cool and so unique. The characterization is amazing and the worldbuilding is stellar.
neither fish, flesh, nor foam by twoif interactive on Twine Kuroko no Basuke | Kagami/Kuroko | angst, Little Mermaid–esque, interactive storytelling | incredible, but also devastating; a story about how sometimes our doubts can destroy not only ourselves but the good things we build; one of the coolest things I've ever interacted with as a story, a true tour de force
Transient Shadow, True Light by seafoamist/@seafoamist Kuroko no Basuke | M | 322k, WIP | Kagami/Kuroko | angst, hurt/comfort, time travel, historical (Edo Period) | If you talk to me about this story, I will go absolutely feral, because it is my current obsession and the only WIP that is on this list. I'm straight-up insane about its quality and depth. I can't even put this story into words. It knocks the wind out of me.
And lastly, my URL doesn't actually have a story behind it! It's basically just my life, haha. “Extant” is an adjective meaning “ongoing/still in existence” and “exhaustion” is pretty obvious. Essentially, I like alliteration and thought it sounded better than "tired 100% of the time."
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kkyaka · 3 days
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Summary: An unexpected encounter in the grocery store forces you to meet your ex-boyfriend from seven years ago, and his kid Pairing: Aomine Daiki x black!fem!reader Warnings: aomine plays for the NBA, reader plays beach volleyball, exes to lovers, mostly in aomine's POV kinda, there's a lot of angst before it gets better lol, mentions of reader x oc, a slow burn maybe if you look at it a certain way lol, eventual smut, more warnings will be posted for each individual chapter A/N: So, I just decided to upload this fic into individual chapters because I thought that would just be the better thing to do lmao, I just really hated breaking the fic up into two parts for some reason. Can't begin to tell you why that's bothered me so much lmfao. This has been sitting in my drafts finished (and slightly unedited) for SO LONG, and I just wanna get it out so I can work on other things LMFAO.
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Chapter 1: In Limbo
(11k): Meeting Aomine after seven years in the store and finding out he has a kid was definitely not what you were expecting when you were out shopping. But the Iast thing you expected was becoming a babysitter turned nanny looking after his kid.
Chapter 2: Mending and Breaking
(8k): Aomine continues to repair his relationship with his son, but after finding out about your relationship with his teammate, his jealousy further strains his relationship with you.
Chapter 3: A False Reality
(11k): After you start talking to him again, Aomine couldn't be happier. With the time he's been spending with you, he feels he's actually getting somewhere with you. But seeing you with his teammates sparks an anger that blows up in his face, forcing him to realize his actions and face the truth.
Chapter 4: Resolving The Conflict
(10k): Aomine works on himself for the sake of your relationship, but even after all of this time, you realize that you've never truly sat down with your feelings and hashed them out. You work on your conflicting feelings, deciding that it's your turn to figure things out to come to the truth.
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eunoiaaaivy · 1 year
hey there! i just saw your wishlist blog and i hope i'm still in time! since it's akashi seijuro's birthday soon, i was thinking about a scenario where Akashi's s/o + GoM + Momoi celebrate his birthday?
Hi love! No you aren't late at all! In fact you're second in line! You're just in time and I hope this fic was to your liking! Thank you for this request! ❤️
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- ♡︎ Happy birthday, my love.
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-send me a wishlist
-cw: fluff! alcohol consumption, a bit of angst (i'm so sorry.) , post-timeskip! Akashi's like 27 here, not-proofread.
akashi seijuro x reader
-a/n: i'm kind of having a block right now so i hope this was to your liking! thanks for the request love, akashi surely is a sweet heart!
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What a special day it was today for it was your beloved's birthday. Akashi was sleeping soundly beside you while you were awake. His beautiful skin looked ethereal, his handsome face still glowed even though there was no sun yet, it was just early morning after all.
Akashi seemed tired enough yesterday when he came home from work, he probably forgot that it was his birthday today seemingly because Akashi never forgets his birthday. He probably had loads of workloads since it was the closing for Christmas.
As you looked at him, he really seemed tired. Akashi was a light sleeper, it was no secret to you but on tough days like yesterday, he sleeps peacefully like a child.
This sight was something you could use to be seeing everyday. Your husband, really was handsome. Although, you wanted to admire more of him, you remembered why you woke up this early. So you slipped out of bed carefully, trying not to wake him up and succeeded. You peeked below at the window and you could see the generation of miracles and Momoi together.
They seemed tired. You were guilty but you wanted to throw something special for your beloved. You chuckled seeing their expressions. It would be quite embarrassing if you told them their expressions on their faces but it was quite understandable. Who in the right mind would even be up this early? Probably grandma's and grandpa's.
Aomine, had his usual annoyed expression, he was wearing clothes that were exactly for Christmas, the padded and layered coat navy coat looked rather ravishing on him, a beanie on top of his head, Kise had no smiles, seeminglessly tired from the flight he had awhile ago but no pilot uniform was to be seen, he was wearing this beautiful white, fluffy coat, along with some red scarf and a beanie, his hands on his pockets. Murasikabara was chewing on some pancake, probably from McDonald's, he seemed so tired and bored at the same time, he was wearing some big dark purple jacket, a scarf around his neck and ear muffs on, endlessly chewing on his yummy pancakes. Midorima, looks the most tired of them all. Well, he just got off his shift from the hospital and had like 5 hours of sleep. He was wearing this big, beige-creamy, colored fluffy jacket, along with ear muffs and a beanie, his hands covered with gloves and his neck being adorned with this green scarf. He really was prepared for the cold outside. You looked at awe at Momoi, she looked beautiful even when tired, she was wearing this pink, fluffy jack, adorned with furs on the neckline, wearing some boots for winter and a scarf doubled around her neck, puffing and trying not to sleep. She looked so comfortable and cute! Kuroko, had his usual neutral face, as if he wasn't trembling in the cold. He had this light blue padded jacket that complimented along with his hair ear muffs on the side, a scarf around his neck and hands with gloves.
Really, you would've laughed loudly if it weren't for you trying to not wake up your husband. They looked like they were freezing so you quietly went down, which was another success.
As you proceeded to go down the stair with caution, you opened the door and behold you were greeted with the sight of tired faces.
"[name]-chan!!" Momoi's face lit up the moment you showed up hugging and rushing to you.
"hello momoi, good morning to you too." You just chuckled and greeted her back with a good morning and returned the hug.
"what's up [name]! Haven't seen you in a while!" Aomine greeted you with a small side hug.
"I was rather busy for awhile. Everything in the business industry is so tiring nowadays." You replied back, returning the side hug.
"[name]-chi!! Give me a hug too! I missed you very much!" Kise practically squealed, pushing away Aomine and hugging you tight.
"nice to see you too kise, I and Akashi had missed you guys too." You laughed in response, seemingly muffled as you returned the hug.
"hey [name]-chin, I brought this for you from the shop." Murasikabara greeted you as he handed you a box full of pretty macaroons.
"why thank you Murasikabara-kun! These are lovely." You thanked him, giving him a small hug which he returned back. As you looked to the side you saw Midorima. He nodded at you and fixed his glasses using his left hand.
"good morning [name]-san. A pleasant morning to you too." Kuroko said nonchantly as you just hugged him in response.
"good morning [name], a pleasure to meet you again but I just hoped it wasn't this early." He grunted in response earning a chuckle from you.
"my, I'm really sorry to all of you. But Akashi is a cunning one so I have no other methods to surprise him, he probably forgot his birthday." You explained back as your other hand connected to your left elbow.
"it's okay [name]-chan! We understand!" Momoi replied back as if she wasn't looking tired awhile ago.
"yeah! It's okay, don't think too much about it [name]-chi!" Kise added.
"well, thank you for your understanding. Shall we get started?" You asked back and they only nodded their heads as they followed you to the massive kitchen.
And so you guys started. You and Momoi started baking a cake together. It was a three layered cake filled with simplicity and effort, he's one to truly adore this. Murasikabara, Kuroko, and Kise designed the place, filled with balloons and a "happy birthday!" sign. There was also gold balloons having the number 27 on it, displaying the age of your beloved. Midorima and Aomine went to the groceries to buy drinks and a few snacks. They also went to the restaurants you asked for a small catering service for this special day.
And finally the hard work was done. Akashi was just about to wake up in no time. Everything was perfect. The cake was simple yet elegant enough for him, the designs were a bit extravagant for this small party you threw for him but he has lived for 27 years and deserved this. The food that was picked was perfect, it smelled delicious.
As you guys were adding final touches, Akashi woke up without you by his side. His eyes searched for your figure only to find none. He had slept in. It wasn't right to sleep in but he was tired from yesterday. It was nearing lunch already and now did he only noticed that he over slept for almost a few hours.
So he got up and went down to find you, unbeknownst to him, a surprise was waiting for him.
Hearing the creek of the door from your shared bedroom you told everyone to get ready, closing the lights and already in their positions. As Akashi neared the kitchen, he noticed it was dim and dark so he opened the lights and was he surprised when the generation of miracles along with Momoi and you jumped out and popped a confetti bomb.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AKASHI/SEIJURO" were the greetings he heard, his heart warmed from the sight. Almost everyone who's important to him was here. The generation of miracles, Momoi and finally you. His one and only beloved wife.
He had to admit he was surprised. He truly forgot his birthday. He felt quite special on this special day, for his loved ones were together. Here, in his house, on his birthday.
Ever since his mother died he never really celebrated his birthday anymore. It never felt special anymore, until he met you. Those years when you guys were together, you were always the one preparing his birthdays. You're the one who made him feel special. Who made him feel loved. And he loved you too.
As you made your way to him, his smile was a contented one. You whispered a small happy birthday to him and hugged him, he chuckled at this and kissed you. Earning groans and ews from the others which you guys laughed at.
"thank you guys for this, I am truly grateful." He said as he blew the candles, making his wish.
"yeah! yeah! time for beer!" Aomine replied back, excited to pop the beer cap open and everyone just laughed at this again.
"please don't influence them in to drinking too much." Midorima stated, as he too, grabbed a plate and ate.
You and Akashi just laughed at scene in front of you. Everyone was hogging the food and Aomine was having fun with his beer. You're still in his arms, content with the warmth he gave off.
"happy birthday my love, more birthdays to come to you. I love you." You whispered in his ear as everyone was busy eating in the background while you were still in his grasp.
"thank you love, I truly loved this surprise. I love you too darling." He chuckled and replied too, kissing the crown of you head.
"shall we eat too?" You asked him.
"sure my love, if that's what you want let's eat. The food looks rather delicious." He replied back as you dragged him to where the food was, chuckling again along the way as you fed him the food you guys bought. He loved the smile on his face and you loved his too. For he was contented with you guys. Contented with your love and efforts.
And as you mischievously added frosting to his nose everyone laughed, he really was contented with this. Everyone was laughing, a huge smile on your face, Aomine drinking beer, Momoi loving the cake, Kuroko eating fried rice, Midorima casually eating with grace as he applied his etiquette lessons. Kise drinking coke as if his swagness was second nature and Murasikabara having hoards of food on his plate.
It really was a special day.
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dira333 · 10 months
Kuroko no Basket
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Baby Series
Lucky at Love - Akashi x Soulmate
Kisses Akashi (fragment of my long fic)
Nap Time Drabble - Aomine
The ususal suspects - Aomine
When I felt like I was an old cardigan - Aomine
Frustration Aomine (requested, with OC)
Don't judge a man by his cover - Kiyoshi
First Touch - Midorima x Soulmate
Kiss the Cook - Murasakibara
Lipstick track marks - Riko & Kiyoshi
In my sight Friendship fic Kagami and Aomine
unravel Kagami (angst)
Ink Mitobe family fic
another place, another time Friendship fic Kasamatsu and Kise
Calling Himuro (angst)
my Kofi if you want to tip me
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ludebabefics · 5 months
Who/What I write for: I only wrote for trans fem readers, since that is what I’m most familiar with and there practically is a drought of MTF fics (on the anime side of tumblr). I will make exception for fluff for fem/masc/trans masc/gn cuz that can be a broad but for smut and au , no. I also write for younger adults 18-25. When it comes to shows I will write jjk, mha, kny, bllk, csm, op, drs, knb, free
Who/What I don’t write for: Like I said before anything outside of trans fem is a no. I also won’t do angst . And obviously by now it won’t be a suprise that I don’t let anyone under the age of 18 interact with my blog.
kinks I will write(if ur kink is not listed it’s not allowed lol 🌸)
1. First time 2. Oral sex 3. Anal sex 4. Fingering 5. Outdoors sex 6. Car sex 7. Shower/tub sex 8. Biting/scratching 9. Phone sex 10. Cybersex/sexting/Skype sex 11. Public sex
12.Desperation 13.Multiple orgasms/marathon sex 14. Orgasm denial 15.Toys 16. Costumes/dressing-up/crossdressing 17.Role play 18.Bondage/restraints 19. Blindfolds
20.Riding 21.Dancing (dirty or otherwise) 22 Coming untouched
24.Sex worker AU 25. Rough sex 26. Scent 27.Wall!sex or other sex standing up 28. Bed-sharing 29. Morning sex 30.Dirty talk 31. Tentacles 32.Striptease
33.mommy/daddy kink
34. Pantie/unserwear/sweatpants bulge
35. Sub/top/bottom/dom
36. injuried sex
Character I will write for(if ur character is not listed than I wont write for them )
-Oliver aiku
-kise ryota
-Rin matsusoka
-portgas d ace
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reverie-starlight · 5 months
okay so obviously aside from the sakusa piece that I’m working on, I need help deciding what to post in the mean time. I have drafts in various states of being done, or at least close to done, so lmk what catches your eye :)
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balladxrecs · 8 months
fic recs, kuroko’s basketball / kuroko no basket
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disclaimer— none of the fics are my own works. authors will be credited・if you see any discrepancies please inform me so i can fix it asap・will not link a single profile / masterlist multiple times・all recs originally posted on tumblr unless stated otherwise
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☁️ — fluff・❤️‍🩹 — angst; 💔 — hurt no comfort・🤭 — suggestive・🔥 — smut
⚠️ — dark content
. . .
first time 🔥・idylliceden
akashi, midorima, murasakibara, aomine, kise, kuroko, himuro
things that make them fall in love with you more ☁️・takatul
takao, aomine, kagami
wearing his jersey 🔥・ferg0s
aomine, akashi, murasakibara, midorima, kise, kuroko
asking them for a baby ☁️🤭・kleftiko
aomine, murasakibara, takao, kise, akashi, kiyoshi, kuroko, kagami, midorima, kiyoshi
[ FICS ]
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— writers, if you’d like to have your story / name removed, please just message me and let me know and i’ll get right on that
@ferg0s // @idylliceden // @kleftiko // @takatul
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peachonified · 1 year
KnB Fanfic: Bringing him home
I still want to work on everything and nothing at all... so I am working on the next chapter of my AkaKi d/s verse fic.
Title: Bringing him home
Rating: E
Ship: Akashi Seijuurou/Kise Ryouta, minor Takao Kazunari/Midorima Shintarou
Status: Work in Progress
Tags/warnings: d/s verse, Sub Kise Ryouta, Dom Akashi Seijuurou, Sub Midorima Shintarou, Dom Takao Kazunari, Dom Aomine Daiki, Dom Kuroko Tetsurou, Dom Murasakibara Atsushi, Spanking, designation hiding, Mild Angst, Kise Ryouta-centric, Kise Protection Squad, Bottom Kise Ryouta, Protective Generation of Miracles, Overprotective Generation of Miracles, Brat Kise Ryouta, world building, many pov changes, hand wavy law and designation stuff, Dubious Consent, Non-consenual medical testing, Alternate Universe - BDSM
For professional reasons, Kise lives as a Dom. For annoying reasons, all of the miracles know that isn’t quite true. They’ve kept an eye on him over the years but they’ve given him space. Too much space, Akashi decides. Enough is enough, and it's time to bring Kise home.
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raebae0001 · 1 year
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Kuroko’s Basketball (KnB) fic recs~~
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Aomine Daiki
Aomine angst
More TBA
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dandywonderous · 2 years
ok I decided I wanted to do the “questions for fic authors” now
I’m procrastinating :) Warning that some of these answers link to NSFW fics or dip into mentions of NSFW subjects.
Original post here!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work?
Mm I would say either Tight Fit (FFXV) or Falling (And Rising Again) (Twisted Wonderland). Tight Fit in particular is my most well received work, but I feel like Falling gives a good idea of what I’m about in a third as many words. I tend toward hurt/comfort and romance (Tight Fit is explicitly Promptis) as well as friend/family feels. Also humor? I try to be funny anyway lol.
2. Top 3-5 Most Used Tags
1. Pre-canon (31)
2. Established Relationship (25)
3. Hurt/Comfort (9)
4. Angst (7)
5. Fluff (5)
UHHHH “Pre-canon” being the most prominent tag is probably the fault of me being in the process of moving all my One Piece fics from FFN over; I did a 30 fics challenge for Silvers Rayleigh and so unsurprisingly most of the fics from that collection were pre-canon. Otherwise this is pretty representative; I prefer established relationships to developing ones and as for H/C, angst, fluff... yeah that’s pretty much my whole brand right there.
I was really scared one of the kink tags would be in this list HAHAHA
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Fucking making a bitch fall asleep to end a scene, does that count? LMAO
I know if you threw all my fics into a word cloud generator and saw what popped up some patterns would definitely emerge  (and one of them would be overuse of the words “just” and “a bit,” I swear I’m trying to cut back!!), but I don’t think I’m self-aware enough to be able to tell you what my characteristic tropes are.
My writing style does tend to lean more on short descriptions and lots of dialogue, if that helps.
4. What detail in a fic are you really proud of?
The thing that I’m most excited about now is something in a fic that I haven’t put on AO3 yet so I can’t say that one hahaha. 
I will say in Fresh Air, I made it explicit that Dedue is the first to realize something is wrong with Dimitri, but that it’s Byleth that pulls him out of his ensuing panic spiral, because I think it’s appropriate for both of their characters, something that one of my dear friends commented on later. It’s nice to see stuff like that getting caught!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about a fic?
Hhhhhh hmm... actually I’d probably love to go into a way too long ramble about the finer points of the AU I’ve created for Say You’ll Stay With Me but I ACTUALLY NEED TO FINISH THAT FIC before said finer points even become relevant so... I won’t say it here. I can’t really think of anything else though.
6. What’s one fact about the universe of a fic that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself?
We only get Aomine’s perspective in Hold On To Me so we all missed Himuro getting ready to kick his ass for breaking his little brother’s heart. Kagami talked him out of it though, no worries.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
I know I need to get back to both fics but I really like the worldbuilding I’ve been doing in Say You’ll Stay With Me as well as Justice, especially in the latter it’s been fun to think about how Akechi’s personality changes the story when he’s in what is usually Akira’s place.
8. What song would make a great fic?
Someone have your character break out of prison the guy in the song Ol’ Red does LOL
9. How do you find new fic to read?
I haunt certain tags, especially specific character/pairing tags. I’m rarely in main fandom tags unless it’s just a really small fandom. More often though I just avidly refresh the tags of the characters and/or pairings I’m most into. The only real exception is the Kink I’m Trying Not To Name in this post, I haunt that tag too lol.
Btw when I say pairing tags I also mean gen relationship tags (ones with &), like right now I’ve been haunting the Donatello & Leonardo (TMNT) tag. So be sure even if you’re a gen writer that you’re using relationship tags! We’re out here!
10. How do you decide what to write?
The way I usually describe it is that an idea has to “crystalize” for me to decide it’s something that I want to write. Basically, that means if I can not just think out the general trajectory of the story but also can see certain scenes really clearly in my mind, including actions and dialogue I want to write. It doesn’t mean I have everything planned out when I start (I’m a pantser for sure), but if I don’t have those certain touchstones of scenes that are already really solid in my brain I know I won’t be able to write the fic, even if I love the baseline idea.
Sometimes though even if a single scene has really crystalized for me, if I can’t get the bits and pieces to get there to form then I still won’t be able to do it. I would like to start doing more of what I used to do back in my RinRei days, though, and just put stuff like that on tumblr, when there’s something that’s really clear in my mind but not what goes around it. I did this a bit with AzuJami recently but maybe I should do it more often...
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity?
OOOH I definitely have biases and it shows. Usually I have a favorite character I brainrot about the hardest and they’re all I want to write for. 
That said, if I really really love a fandom I can still branch out from time to time, if the mood strikes me. Right now the fandoms I have the most fics for are One Piece and Free!, so they’re the most representative samples. Most often I wrote about Sanji and Rei respectively, so if you look through my fic for those fandoms you’ll see those names most often, HOWEVER especially for OP I wrote about plenty of other characters and pairings that didn’t include Sanji too, and I did so here and there for Free! as well.
I think as I’ve gotten older and just had less time and attention span to spare on writing, I’ve gotten more selective, and so usually I spend the biggest amount of my time writing for the pairings and characters I really care about to the exclusion of others, which is why my OP library (written almost entirely while I was in high school) is more varied (because I was probably cranking out 10K to 20K words a week) but my TWST library is exclusively Azul focused. It’s not that I don’t like other TWST characters/pairings (I actually have a partially finished LeoRuggie fic sitting in my google docs), it’s just that I only have so much energy lol.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
HMMM... I don’t know if my tastes have changed THAT much over time but I’m more open to certain kinks than I used to be, especially like omegaverse stuff and pet play. As far as SFW tropes go though I can’t really think of anything in particular.
13. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
I’m not interested in slow burn romance anymore. If they aren’t kissing by the 20K word mark I’m out of here.
Also character death. There are ways to write character death well, but most of the time it feels like cheap shock value to try and manipulate me into crying.
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
The two above, mainly. There’s really good ways to do both but you gotta earn my trust before you do it to me lol
15. What’s your favorite AU you’ve written?
Again probably the one for Say You’ll Stay With Me, which is FFXV without the prophecy and also the war ended earlier, and also Prompto never got out of Niflheim. It’s been fun to examine how this changes the story.
16. What’s an AU you would love to read/have read and loved?
I’m not HUGE on AUs but I’m really partial to MT!Prompto fics, and especially I would rec Poor Wayfaring Stranger by lithos_saeculum and Running Behind by Asidian. 
I also really loved (do you take this jerk to be) your one and only by jatersade (ATLA);  a Zukka fic where the war ended early and Zuko is arranged to be married to Yue.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Um I don’t know if I would be the only one to appreciate it but a fic has been kicking around in my head where Jamil is turned into a genie and forced to serve the Asim family until his lamp is bought by Azul. It’s much more complicated than that but that’s the basics.
Most of my “AUs” that I like most still take place in the same world but mess around with the events of the timeline or base mechanics of the story, in case that wasn’t clear by literally all the AU fics I’ve listed so far being ones that are still set in their original world lol.
18. If you wrote a sequel to a fic, what would it involve?
I always had an idea for a sequel to... um... okay well this involves The Kink That I Was Trying Not To Name.
I had an idea for a sequel to Breaking The Seal (Sk8) that I never wrote (mind the tags, pls). I won’t get into the specifics here but I guess if you want to know, send me an ask LMAO.
It would have been real good too... maybe I’ll still write it one day if I can get myself to rewatch Sk8.
I also wanted to write a sequel to I Keep On Hopin' (We'll Eat Cake By The Ocean) where Azul and Jamil dip into dom/sub and obedience kinks to fulfill both Jamil’s desire to control and his desire to be praised, in a safe and fun way that is good for both of them! And I still do want to do that eventually.
19. If you wrote a spin-off of a fic, what would it involve?
I don’t really want to write spin-offs of any of my own fics that I can think of. Sometimes I read someone else’s fic and want to take some idea there and spin-off into my own thing but I always feel bad about it so I just leave it for an imagine spot for myself and don’t actually do it, lol.
20. If you wrote a prequel to a fic, what would it involve?
I had an original idea for an AzuJami fic that basically turned into what happened before I Keep On Hopin’ (We’ll Eat Cake By The Ocean), but in the end I kept getting frustrated with it so I didn’t write it. But basically it would have centered on Azul dealing with his body image issues while trying to have sex with Jamil the first time, even without his real body involved.
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in a fic, what would it be?
I would have had them dance in Masked Faces, Gloved Hands if I’d known they were going to dance in the rhythmic!!
22. Who is your favorite character in your fics, and why?
I’m going to change this to which characters I have the most fun writing for in my fandoms, and those are Azul (TWST), Flayn (FE3H), Ryuji (P5), Prompto (FFXV), Rei (Free), Karkat (HS), Kagami (KnB), Jack Spicer (XS), Theseus (Hades), Reki (Sk8), Donnie (ROTTMNT), Usopp (OP), Nozomi (Love Live), and Marius (ToT).
Two of those fandoms aren’t on my AO3 because I never moved their fics from my tumblr... I should fix that LOL.
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
HMMM... I guess I wanna write some fuck or die at some point but I need a canon where I won’t feel bad for doing it.
24. Are there any easter eggs in your fics, and if so, what are they?
Probably plenty in my OP fics but I’m too tired to think of them now... I used to have an encyclopedic knowledge of OP but I’ve forgotten literally everything in the last decade lol.
I don’t really go out of my way to add easter eggs in my more recent fics, though I do reference things from time to time.
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
Fan wikis, medical sites, official subtitles if I can get ahold of them.
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue?
I have done both! I’d probably rather do no dialogue though since it gives you more freedom, but dialogue only can be fun especially for more comedic fics, imo.
27. How long did it take to write [insert fic]? Describe the process.
This one is hard to answer because how long it takes me to write a fic depends on a lot of stars aligning at once. If I’m sufficiently motivated, have time, and really feeling the brainrot, I can do it pretty quickly - writing a 2K-3K word fic in a single session, usually about 5 or so hours, is something I’ve done many times. 
Usually I get all my actual writing done in short bursts like that, rather than working steadily on it over a long time. Like, on all the fics I haven’t updated in too long, the hold up is trying to get myself in the right headspace to do it. If I’m not then I’m just not, or otherwise I could wrap it up pretty quick.
Trust me, no one gets more frustrated with my brain than me.
28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them?
I have a friend who reads some of them when we share fandoms, but she isn’t really a beta (though she’ll point out obvious mistakes where she sees them). I’m too impatient for a beta reader honestly, I just want to get the fic written and then get it away from me asap, lol.
29. Playlist for fics?
I don’t do playlists but I’ll do something different here and talk about the recent fics where I used song lyrics for the title, and why I picked that song.
I Keep On Hopin’ (We’ll Eat Cake By The Ocean) (Cake By The Ocean by DNCE): pretty self-explanatory if you know what the fic is about, I think (that is, octopus sex in the water). I’ve never truly understood the metaphor about “cake by the ocean” as opposed to “candy on the dry land” but it still felt appropriate here, lol.
Hold On To Me (Unsteady by X Ambassadors): Hold on to me, because I’m a little unsteady~ It’s an immediate reference to Kagami being paralyzed, but more importantly about the turmoil Aomine is going through as he tries to navigate his new relationship after the thing he THINKS is keeping them together is gone (but not really).
Say You’ll Stay With Me (Oh, Pretty Woman by Ray Orbison) : this is a pretty woman AU, the song is pretty woman, yep that’s it
Collar Full of Chemistry (From Your Company) (Collar Full by Panic! at the Disco): This is my P3/P5 crossover AU that is kind of a Ken/Akechi fic and kind of an Akeshu fic. I went with a reference to this song because of “I won’t leave any doubt or stone unturned” and “if you’re gonna be the death of me that’s how I wanna go,” since so much of the fic is Ken trying to figure out Akechi’s deal, and also, at the end, save him from himself.
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone?
Any time I write a new kink I step out of my comfort zone a bit haha but the biggest one was probably Sick Day (Free!, NSFW, PLEASE READ THE TAGS), which was the first time I put my foot into writing something like this but I had a great time, and really got more into exploring kinks like that after. Similarly with Peace and Quiet (Free!, NSFW), which is the first dom/sub fic I ever wrote.
Also it's kind of funny to think back on how Scoot Over (Free!, NSFW) was my first smut fic, and it's a freaking fivesome, because I don't do anything by halves I GUESS.
I wish I had non-smut answers for this but I don’t, sorry LMAO.
31. What’s your ideal fic length to write?
3K-5K words, it’s what I usually shoot for when I’m doing one shots. For chapters in a fic, between 5K and 8K words. But I go over or under depending on what I have to say for that particular thing.
32. What’s your ideal fic length to read?
It depends! Usually I only click on fics that are at least 1.5K words as one shots and at least 3K words for chapter fics (if they’re only on their first chapter). And I usually avoid fics that go over 50K words, unless it’s something that really grabs me. This is pretty arbitrary and every author is different but I usually think if that’s the kind of word mileage you’re getting then you’re properly fleshing out your story, or at least in my estimation. But I also don’t have patience for long fics, except in certain cases.
33. Asking about chapter lengths, which I answered above not aware this question was coming, oops!
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
Very few lol... I don’t write about situations that are similar to my life very often (I mean I don’t even date aldjf;ad).
I was a competitive swimmer from elementary school through high school but almost none of my free fics were actually about swimming so my experience didn’t really help me there LMAO.
35. What aspects of your writing are completely unlike your real life?
/waves at last question
36. Do you visualize what you read/write?
No because my brain doesn’t really do visuals at all. I do hear the characters’ voices when I’m writing dialogue, and usually if I can’t actually imagine the line delivery a voice actor would give doing the line I’ll try to rewrite it.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves).
The Patron Saint of Sneaking Around (Ferdinand/Flayn, NSFW) is a fic I did recently for a smut challenge. I know it didn't get a lot of traction because Flayn ships aren't super popular but I had such a good time writing it and I'm really happy with how it turned out. Also, Love to Go Around (Rin/Rei/Sousuke, NSFW) is one I wrote years ago but I still really liked how it turned out. I don't normally enjoy cheating as a plot point but for this fic I really enjoyed playing with the concept.
38. Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular?
So not so much anything I’ve written recently, but my OP fic Room for Two was really popular back on FFN (I still haven’t moved it to my AO3 account, no link because I’m lazy). It helped that it was Sanji&Zoro-centric (besides being a juggernaut ship they were also a juggernaut gen pairing), but also I went with a somewhat unique concept, that Zoro’s consciousness was removed from his body and put in Sanji’s - not a full bodyswap but more body-sharing. It’s still probably the longest fic I’ve ever written (actually Kiss Kiss may be longer but I’m too lazy to go look) and the most successful. I still get reviews occasionally back on FFN for it and I’ve been asked to bring it to AO3 (I will! eventually!).
Tight Fit is my most popular fic on AO3, though it was never quite as popular as Room for Two. Still it was Promptis (popular FFXV pairing) and also Prompto Whump, which is a lot of people’s favorite genre of FFXV (mine too!).
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people?
I do spend a lot of time reading writing advice or watching videos on writing, but there’s not really one particular author I try to style myself after. Though I will cannibalize other quirks of people’s writing if I want to do that too, lol. Like if someone has a really good style for descriptions I’ll try to examine why I like it and then think about it in my own writing.
40. Do you tend to reread fics?
I reread fics all the time.  What’s the point of bookmarks if you’re not gonna reread!
Also maybe this is conceited of me but I reread my own fics constantly. I mean, I am writing things that are tailored to what I want to see, so. I’m just scratching my own itches haha.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
I already linked lithos-saeculum’s fic Poor Wayfaring Stranger further up the post (in the AU questions). Their writing is INCREDIBLE, and they really put a lot of thought into everything that goes into that fic. I think about it all the time.
For a new one on this post, I love the snappy dialogue in The Old College Try by ashemarie is so snappy and fun and in character. I aspire to be so good!
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
I really appreciate the comments that tell me what they liked or what worked about my fics, It helps me know what to keep up in the future.
But my favorite comment will always be the one where my friend said my birthday fic for her healed her with black magic <3 She thought I wouldn’t write the pairing BUT OBVIOUSLY I WOULD.
43. skipping this because I don’t take prompts sorry
44. and same for this
I used to take prompts a long time ago and sometimes I still throw up prompt lists for friends on the other social media I use, but in general I won’t be motivated to write something unless I come up with the idea.
45. What’s something that you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
/stares into the middle distance “Sometimes it feels like I’m never improving”
Uh but being more kind to myself, I’ve really worked on cutting down on unnecessary filter words and spending more time on the more important stuff, like feelings and descriptions. 
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer?
I usually write on my laptop, but sometimes I’ll pull up my googledocs on my phone just to read over a WIP and then I’ll start writing on it if I feel like it.
47. I’m skipping this one because it confuses me!
48. What was the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
It was And... We're Off! (ROTTMNT) by SailorSaysAhoy and I would! It's very cute. Just brother love, which I love to see! Also I love Donnie and Mikey being little shits to their older brothers (when they deserve it, which they did).
49. What are you currently working on?
“Hey, wait, does that mean we can ask you to build anything we want?”
Raph gasped, pumping his arm excitedly in his seat. “I can finally get my skate hawks!”
“That’s not-”
“Pizza oven pizza oven pizza oven!” Mikey cheered, throwing his arms up in elation.
“Hey, stop interrupting, this is <i>my</i> speech!” Donnie folded his arms, glaring down at them. “Why are you all assuming I’ll lose, anyway?”
“Uh, no offense, Donnie,” said Raph, “but you always lose.”
“I’m <i>literally</i> standing on the winner’s podium! Right now!” He waved the medal. “Do you not see this!?”
((Excuse my html marks. I like doing html instead of rich formatting lol))
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shoichee · 2 years
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EEE @carinacassiopeiae I MISS YOU READING MY STUFF SO MUCH gosh can you believe that i toyed with the idea of changing things to make things even more angstier?? but no i was like, i can’t make my readers any more sad for the holidays 😳 might do one of kise’s prompts next 😏
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YOUR IDEA WAS SO EVIL IDK HOW U CAN BRING YOURSELF TO HURT AND BETRAY MOMOI LIKE THIS— thanks segsi your beta-readings skills aren’t half bad after all🙄 GIVE IT UP FOR @seijurosempress for making sure my fic wasnt a crash and burn train wreck ‼️‼️
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kodaiki · 2 years
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[10:09 p.m.]
“you look like a sad puppy.”
aomine scoffs at the sound of your voice, bringing a hand up to take a swig from the beer bottle he’s holding. he sits on the back porch of some college frat’s house, knees crouched up slightly, pointing up at the dark night sky.
“hell-o,” you drawl, waving a hand over the dark haired man’s eyes. “earth to aomine.”
he tuts disapprovingly, gently swatting your hand away from his face with his free hand.
“oi, you mind?”
you shrug. “’saw you storm out earlier, i wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
he nods firmly. “yep, totally peachy.”
your face drops into a deadpan expression. “yeah, you’re definitely alright judging by that crease between your brows.” you step forward to place a forefinger into the spot where aomine’s eyebrows are furrowed angrily. you let go just as you make your point though, remembering that an upset aomine is still a mean one. “mind if i sit?” you point to the small spot beside where he’s sat, eyebrows raising.
aomine moves over slightly, grumbling to himself and then waves a disheartened hand as if saying ‘i don’t care.’
you take the seat beside him, tucking your knees in and under you chin as you glance over at the man.
“do you … wanna talk about it?”
“not really.”
you nod, swallowing thickly. he never was the most emotionally vulnerable, no more with you even if you’ve known him for years now and consider yourself a close friend.
you sit in silence for a few minutes, listening to the howl of the wind and the rustles of stray leaves on trees. it’s a cold night, evident by the white air exiting your mouth at each breath, but still, you’re comfortable.
“i was wrong about mika.”
the name brings a bitter taste in your mouth. she, who’d met aomine in the start of your freshman year at university, immediately captivated the man upon first sight. it was a shocking sight, to say the least, seeing the usually so detached man (unless when it came to playing against a valuable opponent) so … in ardor with a person.
it stung a bit.
you’ve only seen that look in his eye - wide-eyed and all-attentive – in special moments, the defining one coming to your mind being the time he one on one’d with kagami taiga in their first year of high school at the winter cup. nevertheless, you never expected that sort of reaction from aomine about a girl.
“oh,” you murmur, pressing your lips together. to be honest, you don’t really know how to answer him. on one side, he looks genuinely upset about what mika did but on the other, you never really liked her in the first place; you sensed something off about her from the get go but it wasn’t your place to tell the hardheaded man beside you any of your concerns.
you were just friends.
that’s all.
“oh? is that all you have to say?” he grumbles, hunching his shoulder down to rest his chin against his crossed arms leaning against his propped up knees.
“oh, i just,” you stammer, blinking out of your thoughts. “i though you didn’t wanna talk about it so i’m not prying.”
“y/n,” aomine drawls pointedly, raising an eyebrow. “you love to pry. it’s what makes you so damn annoying.” though his words say differently, his tone is light and amused.
“right,” you smile warmly. “what were you wrong about?”
“she’s seein’ someone else … again.” the light air turns crisp.
you sigh at that.
you recall the numerous times the dark haired man would complain about his love interest’s inability to get into a relationship. “she’s still hung up on her ex.” “she’s not ready for a relationship, she said.” “she’s talking to someone right now.”
every time you heard those whiny complaints, you wanted nothing more than to hit your close friend over the head with a metal bar, trying to make him see what you did: she’s just stringing him along.
“and why is it the final straw now?” you question, well aware this isn’t the first time aomine’s gone down this path.
he shrugs. “i dun’no, bored i guess.”
“bored?” you repeat flatly. “or tired?”
aomine makes a sound as he chuckles, “yeah, that.”
another silence ensues between the two of you. you can imagine aomine becoming tired of all this, considering it’s been nearly two years of him chasing after this girl. aomine is an incredibly stubborn man who doesn’t know when to give up. so, as comforting as it is seeing him admit that he was wrong about an unhealthy situation, you still feel bad.
“she’s missing out on a lot, yknow,” you gently nudge his shoulder with yours. “don’t get too worked up, big guy.”
“i’m not worked up,” he scoffs, turning to you but at the knowing gleam in your eyes and that bemused smile on your face, he frowns hopelessly. “fine, i’m a little worked up.”
your eyebrows raise slightly at the direct admittance to you. maybe it’s the alcohol allowing him to be particularly vulnerable with you but nonetheless, you appreciate it.
“you forget that even though i pry, i can still read you,” you muse, tilting your head slightly.
“yeah,” he rolls his eyes with a ‘tsk,’ “momoi 2.0 over here. more stubborn, though.”
you grin at the mention of your other close friend, who’s probably somewhere in the house searching for the man sitting beside you. him or kuroko, if you’re being honest.
“so you tell me,” he says, suddenly straightening his shoulders and turning his neck to face you fully instead of sideways as he’s been doing for the past few minutes. “what reading did you get from her?”
“i know you must have some comments about her,” he cuts you off before clenching his jaw, maybe from the thought of the girl who happens to have an iron grip on him. “you never said anything, though.”
“it wasn’t my place,” you shrug, nibbling on your lip. that was true, it was your main reason. but a smaller reason was that you were afraid you’d say something you actually meant … about him.
maybe something about how she treated him. and how he could do better.
or how you could treat him better.
“i don’t care anymore.”
a beat passes before you speak.
“i knew she’d string you along,” you mutter bluntly, looking over at the poorly maintained grass of the frat’s backyard. “she had a knack for reeling you back in at the perfect time that you had no idea what she was doing at the time.”
“that she did,” he admits with a sigh. “god, i probably sound so stupid right now.”
you shake your head softly. “no, not stupid.”
“i sound pretty stupid in my head,” he grumbles, eyes trained on his knees. “you always get me out of doing dumb shit, how come you didn’t this time?”
“like i said, that’s not something i should be telling you. besides, you wouldn’t… you…” you trail off, struggling to find the right words.
aomine scoffs again, but less of a defensive one and more of a defeated one. “…i wouldn’t’ve believed you if you told me then.”
“no,” you smile sadly, “you wouldn’t have.”
“hm,” he hums in thought. “sorry.” it’s sort of an empty apology, really without much reason. he had no duty to apologize to you; after all, he never brushed off any comments you made since you made none in the first place. maybe it was a hypothetical apology for the fact that he would disregard your words.
“despite that, though,” you says, voice lilting slightly, in hopes of lighting the suddenly damp mood, “y’know i’ll always stick around, yeah?” your head tilts down even more, moving close enough to rest against the taller man’s shoulder. when you do, he doesn’t move; not even a budge nor a sound of complaint exiting his lips.
it’s the raw truth what you said. even if he doesn’t believe your words or pushes you away countless times, you’ll chase after him. but chasing aomine was like chasing the moon in a clear night sky as a child. no matter how much you ran and how fast, you remain just as far away.
“yeah,” he nods, pressing a smile. he brings a hand up to lightly ruffle the hair atop your head. “even when I push you away…”
“…i’ll always come back.” you whisper that into the night, voice blending into the cold wind that whistles throughout the shaking trees. you don’t know if he heard your words because aomine doesn’t reply. he simply sits in another silence with you, ignoring the booming of the bass filled music in the home just behind you.
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a/n: yay!! i'm finally showing up in tags :D again, this will most likely be a series of timestamps
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wildflowertips · 3 years
make it sound so sweet (when you lie to me) midokuro
REQUEST: by Anonymous1
"Hear me out, Midokuro angst. Kuroko and Midorima are in a committed relationship. But once they both enter different high schools , Midorima falls in love with Takao while Kuroko develops feelings for Kagami. Kuroko remains faithful, but Midorima ends up falling into temptation. Midokuro breaks it off thru text."
- New story format. Anonymous1 sent this request before I closed my asks! - warning: cursing.
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"So that's it?" Teiko Midorima mumbled. His eyes analyzed Kuroko's face for any sign of emotions. "You're not coming with me to Shutoku?"
Kuroko shook his head. "I've passed my entrance exam at Seirin."
Midorima scoffed, "You're wasting your talent there. The school is new and barely has a basketball team."
"Maybe," Kuroko didn't want to argue with his stubborn boyfriend. "But I like their teamwork. They seemed to love basketball."
"You don't need teamwork to win."
"Of course you would say that," Kuroko glared at him. "You and the rest would play basketball like it's a one-man sport." And it's not.
Midorima didn't deny his statement because Kuroko was right.
They are selfish monsters on the court.
"Then what about us?" Midorima glanced at the ground- his hands nervously moved at his sides. "What happens to us?"
Kuroko slowly laced their hands together, "We'll make it work, Shintaro."
Midorima looked at their hands with a flushed face and squeezed Kuroko's hand in return.
"We better," He whispered, "We make time for each other, alright?"
"Alright." Kuroko smiled and stood closer to Midorima. They weren't big on PDA, but a sweet short private kiss on the cheek sure made them feel better.
To be too young and in love was blissfully ignorant.
Because how would they know things like love?
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First few months, they made it work. They wanted to make it work. Calls and text became their primary form of communication.
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Midorima fucked up.
He doesn't know what came over him when the raven boy, who had the most beautiful slate blue eyes he's ever seen, smiled at him.
"Looks like we're teammates," He said. Midorima gulped because his voice was pretty too. "I'm Takao Kazunari."
"Uh," Midorima pushed up his glasses. "Midorima Shintaro."
"Pleasure to meet you, Shin-chan."
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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"Expecting someone?" Kagami sat beside Kuroko after they finished putting away the basketball equipment. Kuroko gripped his phone anxiously.
"Midorima-kun's hasn't been answering my texts," Kuroko frowned and turned to look at Kagami. "We have a match with Shutoku this Friday."
"He's still your boyfriend?"
Kuroko nodded, "I wish he'd answered me more."  Kagami sighed and stood up to stretch his muscles.
"Well, if I were your boyfriend, I'd answer every text," Kagami said as he did a spinal twist. He turned back to his shadow. "Wanna walk home together?"
Kuroko nodded, ignoring the blush that rose on his cheeks. As much as he liked Kagami, he was with Midorima.
And if Kagami made Kuroko's heart race or his palms sweaty, it doesn't change the fact he was in love with Midorima.
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Seirin had beat Shutoku.
Midorima was a sore loser.
He did not like to lose. Angered, he didn't congratulate his boyfriend on the win. Instead, he stormed outside towards the back of the gym.
"It's okay, Shin-chan," Takao comforted his boyfriend after following him out. "You're still a winner in my heart." Takao wrapped his arms around the taller man.
"Takao," Midorima warned. "Not here." Not in the school Kuroko attends.
"Why?" Takao frowned, "There’s no one out here. He's probably celebrating with his team." He didn't wait for Midorima's response as he pressed their bodies together, and his lips dug into Midorima's.
Midorima groans but makes no effort to push off the beautiful man.
He's been cheating on Kuroko for a while now.
Takao was so charming and dug himself under Midorima's skin.
No matter how hard he tried to avoid Takao, he found himself unable to stop.
He can't stop this relationship he has with Takao.
"Ah, now I see why you don't answer my texts anymore."
Both boys jumped and broke away at the sudden voice.
Midorima felt his heart drop.
Kuroko stood a few feet away with those big blue eyes threatening to let tears flow.
"Tetsuya-" Midorima softly pushed Takao, who looked embarrassed, off him.
"Don't let me interrupt you, Midorima-kun." Kuroko sharply turned around and began to walk away.
Midorima quickly chased after him. Kuroko had called him formally. Not intimately- not Shintaro anymore. "Tetsuya, wait-" He held Kuroko's wrist.
Kuroko snapped his head towards him. "How could you!?" He cried and yanked his wrist away. "Can't you see how much I love you?"
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"I didn't mean it," Midorima muttered, kissing the tears on his cheek. "I love you. To the moon and back, I love you. Even beyond the moon, I still love you. You know that, right?"
You make it sound so sweet when you lie to me, Shintaro.
Kuroko sniffed and nodded. "Of course. I love you, and I forgive you, Shintaro."
It wasn't the same.
It'll never be the same.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Midorima didn't stop.
Takao was intoxicating. New love is intoxicating.
Takao was different than Kuroko. He was more lively, charming, loving than Kuroko.
Kuroko caught them again.
He didn't trust Midorima when he said he needed to leave early for family dinner.
So Kuroko followed him to Takao's house.
"Shin-chan!" He chimed and threw his hands around Midorima's neck. "Thought you said you couldn't make it?"
"I managed to get out."
When Midorima fell asleep on Kuroko's bed, Kuroko came back from the bathroom and saw the text messages between Takao.
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So Kuroko cries.
His back slid down the wall as sobs quietly wracked his body.
He felt heavy.
He cries as Shintaro sleeps like a baby on his bed.
Because he did it again.
Because he knows tomorrow, he'll be with Takao.
Tomorrow, Takao will be in Midorima's arms.
And he isn't surprised that Midorima Shintaro is cheating on him, again (and again).
Kuroko doesn't want to feel like this anymore.
At last, It happened.
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Midorima never meant to cheat, truly.
Deep down, he adored Kuroko.
But he did, and he can't pretend it didn't happen.
Because it led him to Takao, and he was okay with that.
Midorima was something Kuroko left behind.
And Kuroko never bothered to look back. After all, he had someone waiting for him back at Seirin.
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evanescentdawn · 3 years
it’s wip wednesday!!!
from the wip: bad decisions. FAKE DATING + PINING LETS GOOO
“Hey, babe.” Aomine grins, looping an arm around his shoulder and reeling him in close.
It isn’t anything different from normal, even the nickname, Taiga tells himself. Aomine calls him a lot of nicknames, including and not limited to ‘dumbass’ ‘bastard’ ‘shitface’. Babe should not be any different. It’s just. A little different from normal that’s all. So, it would be extremely helpful if his heart could stop racing crazily loud. If his mind could stop going stupid places and if he could stop being so self-conscious and aware of Aomine and his closeness and his grin that — Taiga laments — looks as brilliant as usual.
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