#apartment management colorado springs
realpropcolorado · 1 year
Full-Service Property Management Colorado
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Visit us at realpropertymanagementcolorado.com for more details.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday!! you used a crowley gif so ..what did he hear in 5x20 that convinced him they were together?
Absented from the playing field he may be, but Crowley sees no reason not to keep the radio tuned to the broadcast. As it were. The morons really are blundering their way to the apocalypse but he thinks, hopes, prays (or whatever passes in his crippled heart as praying) that they manage to pull through. He really has zero interest in finding out what fresh sort of torture Lucifer may invent if he wins; Michael's victory, so far as he can imagine, won't be much more pleasant. His imagination, unfortunately, is rather good.
The morons manage not to give up the Michael sword to heaven. Barely. Crowley's on the run from half of hell and isn't terribly impressed. A charming bungalow in the Seychelles, cheerily bright for tourists, is his most recent hideout, and he closes his eyes against the sunlight and holds the charmed coin between his hands and his mind flows across oceans and continents to -- good heavens, a stretch of abandoned highway not far from Van Nuys, California, where it's a dark midnight and that ridiculous beast of a car is parked under a tree, hidden even from the stars, and he hears:
Seriously, you okay? // Stop asking. // Just checking in, man. I mean, I don't know if your lungs bleeding is a weekly thing for you but it seems, you know. Not great. // Dean, I'm fine.
Typical. Talking about their feelings, per tedious usual. Very little makes Crowley more relieved to be a demon than hearing humans go on about their bleeding little hearts.
What are we going to do? // I don't know. Going out with a bang was pretty much my only play. Don't suppose Lucifer'd be cool with deciding the whole apocalypse thing over a game of checkers. // Dean-- // Or, I don't know. Yatzhee.
A laugh. Very short.
I was so... pissed at you. // I know. // Like, really. Like, if Cas hadn't done it for me I might've tried to pound your face in. You've just... // I've what? // I don't know. Not like you don't got every right, but... you've been scaring me, man. How you haven't been...
A longer pause. Hasn't been what, Crowley wonders. Dancing? Practicing his Estonian? A rustle, and then a sharp hiss of breath, and then this scratching noise. Stubble.
Been a long time, Sam. // You remember? The last... // Before I went down. 'Course I do. In Colorado Springs, that motel with the... cowpoke motif. A/C was busted and I think you were trying to fuse with my back, or something. Woke up welded together, practically. // I know it's -- it's screwed up, man, and I know I haven't -- if you didn't want -- // Sammy-- // I'm just saying I miss it. Miss you. Feels like -- I don't know. If it all falls apart I don't want to regret this. // This isn't a 'let's screw before the world ends' speech, is it? Because, Sammy -- // I mean it. I'm sorry. But I really do. // I know you do.
Stubble, again, and -- ah. Mouths, tongues. Wet. Love, or whatever passes for it. Crowley can't see but he can imagine -- both big men, clinched there on the seat of that absurd car, gripping and grasping and pulling at each other's jackets, and shirts, and now -- yes, belts, jeans. Et cetera. Not exactly a surprise, considering everything else about them that he's ever seen or heard or known, but a bit bold to commit incestuous buggery when all of heaven and hell are looking to chew them apart. He'll give them this: it has panache.
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bittermause · 9 months
End of Year Review 2023
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It is currently Christmas Eve-Eve at the time of this writing, which can mean only one thing; The End of Year Review for 2023. These past three years held a lot of significant changes and growth for me, most of which I likely wouldn't have experienced had I remained in that horrible part of the mid-west. Despite the mass 'rona pandemic and the constant mental health battles/challenges, 2020-2022 were very good to me and I consider them the best years of my life.
2023 is a welcoming addition to that train.
The first major reason were the goals I set at the end of 2022, all of which were achieved without fail (to a point);
I continued making animated shorts, but only produced 2. However, this was a good glow up year for The Boris Blobinski Show! I got to manage a smaller production team, consisting of my talented friends, and together we banged out a beautifully animated episode!
I got my contact lenses! However I haven't really worn them since I left the optometrist's office. I still intend on using these for when I go swimming or to the spa, but I can see why some people aren't crazy about this option.
I finally got my hair dyed, and it wound up being a vibrant cherry red. Had it done back in March, and most of my hair is still pretty red despite the roots coming in.
Been losing a small chunk of weight still, which means I was able to convert to smaller shirt and pants sizes.
I did a lot more exploring this year! I finally secured my Californian rite of passage by visiting In-N-Out burger, discovered a couple awesome local bakeries, and went to the movies for the first time in years. First major achievement was going to Universal for the first time ever and visiting Nintendo Land! The second biggest crowning achievement was the daytrip to The Ventura Harbor in April, where I got to board a small wildlife sea cruise and witness dolphins, whales, sea lions and seals.
I got back to working on comics again, and produced two short stories for a larger collective that is still in production. Second major reason were the events that weren't planned out of the gate, but were absolutely welcomed;
I saved enough money to get a new desktop PC built. My friend from Colorado flew down and spent the week with me, partially to help get the PC built to proper standards and to also spend some quality time together in person.
I started freeway driving practice mid-year; taking smaller steps to feel more comfortable driving in the faster/wider lanes without having my PTSD invoked. I have a long way to go, but even driving within a 5 mile radius is still worth celebrating, especially since I've actively avoided freeway driving for most of my life.
My best friend is finally coming to visit me at the end of December! I have not seen them in person since 2016, and it will be their first time visiting my apartment space as well.
As far as plans for 2024 go, here's what I have on the docket;
I will be going to an actual jury duty selection at the end of January for the first time. (Exciting, I know!) I'm curious to see what the process is like, but I hope I can dismiss myself from the proceedings. (Respectfully, of course.)
I plan on hosting another friend visit me around the Spring/Summer.
I will be working on a very ambitious episode of The Boris Blobinski show that will take up most of the first quarter of my year.
I will continue my weight loss regimen as I have started back in 2021. As of this writing I am now down to 186 lbs. This is actually pretty close to my first goal, but I want to continue this trend until I hit between 135-140.
I still want to do more local travel and discover new venues. I'm eyeballing Downtown Ventura and will likely add a few more intended places to my list.
Attend activity based events like Life Drawing and other art related functions. As an artist, it's important I find different means to shake the rust off of my skills, and as a human I need to start making efforts in social connections again.
Continue freeway driving practice to the point where I can actually go beyond 5 miles comfortably.
Continue working on my one shot comics, see if I can at least produce two more stories before building a website/platform to host them all.
Outside of Boris Blobinski, I want to be more active in the animation space again and make a few more originals outside of that project.
Lastly, I want to look into Toon Boom Harmony official Certification. I've worked with the program for over 10 years, both for traditional hand-drawn animation and character rigging, and I would love to have that piece of recognition. Hell, I am not against the idea of applying as an instructor if I can get that far!
Of course I don't think I'll be able to jump into everything as intended. I know 2024 will also be met with some unexpected surprises, but I'll gladly welcome them all the same. And lastly, before we pull the plug on this, I want to thank everyone involved in my life that has made 2023 a fantastic experience. You know who you are.
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naturiisms · 2 years
if you’re hearing CAN U MEET ME THERE by ISSADORA AVA playing, you have to know AYANNA TAHERI (SHE/THEY; NONBINARY) is near by! the 23 year old has been in denver for, like, TWO MONTHS. they’re known to be quite UNPREDICTABLE, but being CHARISMATIC seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble KHADIJA RED THUNDER. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those PILES OF BOOKS ALL OVER THE PLACE, AN ICED COFFEE ON A SPRING DAY, FROLICKING THROUGH FLOWERS AND CONNECTING WITH NATURE vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around THE WOODS long enough!
full name: ayanna taheri
nicknames: yaya, yanna, sunny
birthday: february 2, 1997
hometown: ann arbor, michigan
occupation: social media manager at Green Thumb Cafe
hobbies: taking care of her houseplants, collecting books she'll never read, biking, hiking, and ceramics.
lives: the woods
ayanna grew up in a typical suburban family with an older brother and two loving parents to dote on her. coming from a stable family gave ayanna the opportunity to hone their creative talents and push herself to become the best version. starting in ballet at 7, moving to gymnastics at 10, then flute and piano at 12, until they took their first art class at 14 where they realized this is where they could truly express themself. change is not an issue for ayanna if it means going after what she wants.
her next four years of high school were something she only imagined happened in movies. crossing the canadian border to visit art museums in ontario with their friends, going to local farmers markets on the weekends, submitting their art to competitions hosted by the school. finding the next adventure was always first on the list for her and her friends, academics usually falling second. they didn't do bad in school, but definitely had no interest in going to university since they'd only want to pursue art, anyway.
after graduating high school, ayanna found herself moving from her cozy suburban town and leaving all of her friends to go "find herself" on a cross country road trip. their parents bought and converted a van for her, and she set off on her drive to washington. along the way they stayed in various cities for different amounts of time, working odd jobs here and there. each city they went to, she found an art studio where she was able to continue creating and often left the pieces behind for the studio to share with others.
about a year into the road trip, still meandering through the country while they slowly made it to their destination, she found herself stopped in arizona where she parked her van for 2 years. it was here that they met their long time ex-partner, who they would finish their roadtrip with. they met at a ceramics studio, where she realized she was actually really good at it. after the first date they were practically inseparable, alternating between staying in her van or her partner's apartment. eventually, they downsized lyla's apartment and started the roadtrip to washington where they lived in a tiny house until they broke up a year ago.
after the breakup, ayanna spent the first few months renovating her van that hadn't been used in quite a while; only for camping trips or little roadtrips they planned. after she'd started picking her pieces back up and using renovation as therapy, they decided it was time to pick up and start a new adventure. this is how they ended up in colorado, spending 6 months in colorado springs before driving the van to denver 2 months ago. currently, she parks her van outside of their apartment at the woods where they plan to convert it into her own ceramics studio.
ayanna got her job at Green Thumb Cafe by parking her van there the first two weeks she was in denver. she'd go inside every day for a little breakfast or lunch and eventually her and the owner got talking about the photos she'd taken of the cafe and the plants he could see from their van. she started a clipping trade day through instagram and has been the social media manager since.
they are seriously afraid of dogs but have a pet tarantula. logic? not here
favorite colors are sage green and lilac
she grows her own herbs and tomatoes and strawberries
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starlessskies94 · 1 year
Consequence (Joel Miller x OC)
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Summary: What if Joel survived his injuries from the Abby and Fireflies attack but ends up with really bad amnesia. He can’t remember his wife, Ellie, or the Outbreak; only before. How will his family bring back the man they once knew?
Pairing: JoelMiller x OC
Note: Sorry it's been a while since my last chapter but I'm back now and I know this is a short chapter but it's to help us get the next one which will be longer I promise!
Chapter Twenty
The days were starting to blur into one another; to the point, it was hard to tell how long they’d been on the road. They’d stopped occasionally to refuel or scout the area for supplies. When the weather had gotten too much, they’d been forced to stop and sleep in the truck until it passed to clear skies again. They’d fought off groups of infected they’d run into; most being stragglers left behind as it seemed the infected were migrating to warmer climates now they were well into Spring. Ellie recalled the frozen clickers they’d seen just outside of Jackson through the winter months. It’d been strange seeing them like that. Though it’d had been satisfying to smash the fuckers to pieces. 
They’d passed the state border days ago now. And even after Tommy and Ada had exhausted every trace they could find; it seemed there were no more signs of Joel. There was no way to know if he’d even made it to Colorado in one piece. It hadn’t taken long before they’d driven towards the remains of a rundown abandoned quarantine zone. The gates were rushed and blown apart; the unmistakable signs of yet another uprising of the citizens taking a stand against Fedra's rule. 
As they drove through what was left of the gates, everyone was on edge just waiting to be ambushed. It reminded Ada and Ellie of the QZ back in Pittsburgh. The same words for rebellion and hate were painted across the walls along with strung-up soldiers left to rot in the warming morning sun. Old checkpoints were left empty and looted. The military buildings were ransacked; windows smashed; bodies littered the floor. Bloodstains marked the sidewalks. It seemed to be the same story with every quarantine zones they passed now. They wondered if Boston had suffered the same fate. It had undoubtedly been heading that way when they’d left all those years ago. 
Tommy revved the truck as they came towards the main road that gave way to an underground tunnel. But the vehicle sputtered and grumbled unhealthily as the engine cut out; the radiator smoking. Cursing under his breath, he and Ada got out to check the damage. Ellie and Dina sat quietly in the backseat, both sharing an exasperated look when noticed they the two adults seemingly arguing yet again over what to do next. 
“Well? What’s the problem?” Dina asked as Ellie followed her lead out of the trunk to join the other two. Tommy slammed the hood shut; that same frown clinging to his brow sending a dark shadow across his features. 
“Radiators busted.” He grunted in annoyance. “We’re lucky this thing got us as far as it did.” 
“I take it, it’s not fixable then?” Ellie asked cautiously lest she risks starting another argument. “No. And even if we could, we don’t have the tools to do that sort of job out here.” Her mom replied. Tommy made his way around the back of the truck, taking out his pack and throwing the girls theirs. “Grab your stuff ladies.” He announced to the group. “Looks like we’re walking.” 
It was quiet. Too quiet. They moved cautiously towards the tunnel, the inside filled with rubble and decades-old debris. They fitted through the creaks towards the other side but only just. Ellie and Dina went first being the smaller ones of the group. Knees and palms were scrapped in the process but they managed to with little effort to get to to her side. Ellie checking the coast was clear before helping Dina back up to her feet. 
“We’re clear, you guys come through.” She said to the older pair on the other side. Ada moved to crouch towards the gap when they heard an ear-piercing screech echo through the silence. Followed by more screams and grunts from the infected. They appeared as if from nowhere, a large group charging towards Ada and Tommy from the ruins of old derelict buildings that were left to rot on the outside of the QZ walls. 
Tommy wasted no time in aiming his gun and taking the first shot, it hit its target. A runner square in the head before he moved the barrel to take out another runner. Ada was quick to follow suit but as the noise grew so did the horde's size. 
“MOM! TOMMY! GET THROUGH HERE NOW!!!” Ellie yelled, the panic evident in her voice. 
“THERE’S NO TIME!” Tommy yelled back. “JUST GO! WE’LL FIND ANOTHER WAY IN AND WE’LL FIND YOU!” Her mother added in a rush of breath as she reloaded her gun. 
Ellie didn't like that one bit but they had no time to argue, Dina was pulling her away saying something…words of comfort? Angry yelling? She was too scared to process it. She’d already lost Joel, she couldn’t lose her mom and Tommy as well. “Ellie we have to go!” Dina screamed, pulling hard on her wrist. She turned to look at her girlfriend, the panic in her eyes matching her own. She took one last glance toward her mother and Tommy fighting off the infected and swore this would not be the last time she saw them. 
And with that, she took off with Dina’s hand in hers. 
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Where did 2017/18/19/20/21/22 start for you? 2017: At my mom’s house I think
2018: I think also at my mom’s house
2019: Uhh I can’t remember
2020: At a 20′s party
2021: At my dad’s house
2022: At my apartment with my boyfriend and my mom Did you move houses? Where are you living now? 2017: I moved into a house with some of my friends from school
2018: I moved into a different house with different friends from school
2019: The first time since starting college that I haven’t moved
2020: I moved back in with my dad at the end of the year because my roommates weren’t taking covid seriously
2021: I moved in with my boyfriend
2022: I did not have to move Did you get a new job? 2017: Yes I did!
2018: I got some independent projects and an internship
2019: Nope…
2020: No but I got to leave my job
2021: I got a couple new jobs actually!
2022: Nope, same one Were you taken on Valentine’s Day? 2017: No
2018: No
2019: I wasn’t officially taken but I had a date!
2020: Yes :)
2021: Yes :)
2022: Yes :) Did you get married or divorced? 2017: No
2018: No
2019: No
2020: No
2021: No
2022: No
Did you find any new friends? 2017: Yes, a few
2018: Yes
2019: I think so?
2020: A couple
2021: A couple
2022: Yes   Did anybody disappoint you this year? 2017: Cadence kind of did
2018: Plenty of boys did and some friends did too
2019: Hiring managers did
2020: The whole world did
2021: Not majorly but I’m sure plenty of people did minorly
2022: Yes Who got really close to your heart? 2017: Cadence and Captain were already there but they got closer, possibly Guacamole
2018: No one really
2019: The Magician became my boyfriend
2020: My boyfriend
2021: My boyfriend
2022: My boyfriend and my DnD friend group Did you find a new hobby? 2017: Yes, Metal Earth models. Although it’s possible I started that in 2016
2018: I don’t think so, unless you consider shopping a hobby. But even that’s not new
2019: Got a little more into jewelry making
2020: Dice making
2021: DnD mini painting
2022: Not really Where did you go on holiday? 2017: I went to London with my mom
2018: I didn’t
2019: I went on a birthright trip to Israel
2020: Harry Potter World
2021: Colorado Springs
2022: St. Louis, Chicago, New York, California What was your most expensive purchase? 2017: A mattress. Or rent, but that’s not really a purchase
2018: My gold Brighton heart necklace 2019: Plane tickets?
2020: A car
2021: Car repairs
2022: Probably car repairs, or if it’s just actual purchases, the Taylor Swift tickets
Did you change your appearance this year? 2017: Not really. I got better at makeup though
2018: Got a little fatter
2019: Gained weight. I tried to dye my hair but it didn’t really take
2020: Got fatter and my hair got longer
2021: Got fatter
2022: Dyed my hair into an ombre Did you change mentally? 2017: Maybe got a little more stable after the whole Bryant ordeal
2018: Maybe a little more feeling stuck in my ways
2019: Felt more frustrated with my job situation but lost some FOMO since getting a boyfriend
2020: More anxiety
2021: Started running out of fucks to give
2022: Got more relaxed about covid Did you learn anything new this year? 2017: Yeah, all my spring semester classes
2018: Yeah at my jobs and internship
2019: Learned about having a boyfriend
2020: Not a whole ton but learned how to make dice and learned about Subaru Foresters and about covid
2021: Learned about vaccines
2022: Learned new things at my job What were the best moments? 2017: London, screening my film, graduating
2018: Singing maybe, or having fun with friends
2019: Seattle was fun, the birthday escape room was fun
2020: Harry Potter World
2021: Getting new jobs, getting my vaccines, starting to see my friends again, homecoming
2022: The Good Night Oppy premiere, doing fun things with my friends like brunch with the Strixhaven group, drinking in St. Louis, the comedy shows I saw
What was the best present you gave to somebody? 2017: My mom’s buffalo magnet
2018: Oh man I feel like I had a really good humor present but I can’t remember what it was
2019: A downton abbey bell for my mom or a cool album for my boyfriend
2020: Solar system necklaces
2021: A vintage Queen album from the year it came out for Nick
2022: I got my dad a glass sphere with a vortex optical illusion but I haven’t given it to him yet The best present somebody gave to you? 2017: My friend gave me a Loki action figure
2018: Probably my speaker from Hanukkah
2019: Dating me
2020: My companion cube die from my boyfriend
2021: Dice
2022: The murder mystery dinner game Things you could have done without? 2017: Surgery. I mean I probably couldn’t really have done with out it, but I could have done without needing it in the first place
2018: Half the stuff I bought at Macy’s
2019: Lol same at the Macy’s crap. Also unnecessary critiques of my weight and constant job pressure
2020: The pandemic
2021: Covid (and a lot of dice stuff)
2022: A lot of the candy I ate Which song most reminds you of this year? 2017: Evermore?
2018: Waving through a window
2019: If I Were A Jolly Blacksmith
2020: Epiphany
2021: Dangerous to Dream
2022: Elephant Love Medley The most delicious meal? 2017: IHOP cupcake pancakes
2018: Zucchini spaghetti
2019: Rueben’s pretzel bun grilled cheese and sweet potato fries with garlic aioli sauce. Too bad they closed!
2020: Giordano’s Pizza
2021: The Melting Pot
2022: The Melting Pot or the Cheesus Saves pizza from the bar The most impressive book? 2017: Mistborn series
2018: Here Lies Daniel Tate
2019: I didn’t really read anything impressive
2020: The Hunger Games series
2021: Mistborn series again
2022: Harry Potter series again The best film? 2017: Coco
2018: A Star Is Born
2019: Uhh Rocketman?
2020: Idk
2021: I don’t remember much that I saw, I want to say Hamilton but I think that was last year
2022: Good Night Oppy Best time spent with: 2017: Some of my friends who are back in town
2018: My roommates
2019: My boyfriend
2020: My boyfriend
2021: My DnD group and my band friends
2022: My dnd group The best album? 2017: Anastasia the Musical
2018: Can’t pick, there were a lot of good musicals
2019: Lover by Taylor Swift
2020: Folklore by Taylor Swift
2021: Sour by Olivia Rodrigo
2022: Midnights by Taylor Swift Which was your favourite month? 2017: May
2018: August or September
2019: October
2020: January
2021: Maybe October
2022: November or December What do you want to change in 2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023? 2017: Actually work out ever, get a job in my field, finish my Harry Potter spellbook
2018: Get a boyfriend, lose weight, be happier
2019: Get a fucking job
2020: Get back to normal and get a better job
2021: Be done with covid, lose weight, finish moving in
2022: Lose weight How would you rate this year? 2017: Pretty good
2018: Ok
2019: Ok
2020: Most times I don’t blame the year, but fuck 2020
2021: Not great but better than last year
2022: Pretty good
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saphfix · 7 days
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“Uh…” Anastasia nervously laughs, her mind shooting to one specific moment in her life. “Pretty much being told at sixteen years old that I wasn’t good enough, and never would be good enough.”
The interviewer nods, signaling for Anastasia to continue on. She shifts uncomfortably before clearing her throat to continue.
“Getting invited to USA Basketball was my dream come true. For a young basketball player—even for older basketball players—it feels like a rite of passage, a message to yourself that you’ve made it.”
Anastasia fiddles with her hands, the memory flooding back to her. “And that was the case for me, except, it didn’t take very long at all for it to end up becoming my worst nightmare instead.”
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MAY 25TH, 2017
The first day jitters were not wearing off. All day long they’ve seemed to have only gotten worse. It amazed Anastasia how people could connect with one another so easily.
One person in specific, Paige Bueckers, had everyone’s attention. The girl was already a well-known name, and was as close as a 15 year old could be to a professional.
But what really intrigued Anastasia about her was her charisma. How she managed to form friendships with some of the other girls who were also trying out in just a span of hours.
It took Anastasia years to connect with her highschool teammates back home, and she still isn’t nearly as close to any of them as they are with each other.
She watched on alone in the corner of the cafeteria, sliding her food around her plate in circles. Paige on the other hand, somehow had a full table of girls surrounding her, every single one of them laughing and reacting to whatever show she was currently putting on.
It was never that easy for Anastasia, and she fears it never will be.
When practice resumed, she instantly felt much better. That’s the beauty of a basketball court, when you’re on it everyone is the same, at least to a certain extent. It’s safe to say there are levels to it all, just like everything else in this world. Some people turn into an entirely different person when they step onto the laminated wood, but Anastasia doesn’t have that switch. It’s the thing that sets her apart from everyone else.
She’s static, always the same.
After returning to the bench for a group rotation, Anastasia was quick to notice the body language of the girl seated next to her. As soon as she sat down, the girl slightly turned away, as if Anastasia disgusted her or something.
Anastasia ignored it, wondering if she was thinking too much of it. That is until she realizes the girl seemed to be itching to tell her something.
“Do you have something to say—”
Almost immediately the girl cuts her off. “You’re too tense.” She says.
“Too tense?” Anastasia responds, taken aback. She screws the lid to her water bottle closed before setting it down. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
The girl never once looks in Anastasia’s direction, her eyes glued to the court. “When you’re bringing the ball up, you’re too tense, that’s why your shots not falling. You’re also not releasing them quick enough given your power is unbalanced throughout your whole body.”
Anastasia stares in disbelief. Her audacity is mind blowing.
“It should be effortless, a more fluid motion.” She continues on. “You should use more of the strength in your legs because right now, you look like you have a stick up your ass.”
“Excuse me?” Anastasia finally asks. It was almost scary how she was saying all of this with a straight face. She really meant every word leaving her lips, leaving Anastasia feeling more insecure than ever.
The whistle blows, meaning the next group was being rotated in. The girl stands to her feet, finally looking in Anastasia’s direction. “Just watch.”
And though Anastasia is still fuming with all the words she was ready to say looming around her mind, she watches. She watches as the large 223 painted across the brunettes practice jersey fades further away onto the court.
As soon as she gets ahold of the ball, she handles it like it’s not even there in her hands. She’s careless, almost too careless. You can tell by her stance, her gait, that confidence radiates off of her when she’s on the court.
She has the switch.
It almost feels like a slap in the face when she effortlessly pulls left and chucks up a 3 pointer at least five feet behind the arc, leaving her defender diving in an attempt to block. However, she comes up short, leaving Anastasia to watch in both awe and despair as it rattles in. The whistle blows faster than ever before, leaving some of the girls on the court and even some of the coaches jaw dropped.
She just ended a play in seconds without the ball ever entering anyone else’s hands.
Later that night, Anastasia found herself FaceTiming her parents, telling them about what she had seen earlier today. I mean, it was unforgettable.
In all honesty, it made her a little scared. These girls were all so good. She was starting to feel like maybe she was in over her head. That maybe making the team was just an unachievable and unrealistic dream.
“Honey, if you didn’t deserve to be there, you wouldn’t be.” Her dad comforts, the empathetic smile evident on his face.
He was always so understanding, so supportive. A far different approach from her mother, who always manages to crash the moment.
“You can’t just always live in fear.” Her mom routinely chirps up. Right on time. She always has something to counter what her father says. "Comparison kills." Her mother adds on.
“I don’t—" Anastasia begins, but sighs. As much as she hated to admit it to herself, she knew her mom was right. She wasn't going to admit it out loud though. "It’s not living in fear or comparison to acknowledge the fact that some of these girls are better than me."
“And who says they’re better?” Her mom asks.
Anastasia chews on the inside of her cheek, staying silent. She has a point.
Her dad sighs before deciding to weigh in again. “You made it to next round with the rest of them meaning you’re just as good as they are, don’t forget that.”
Anastasia nods, her mind going back to the memory of what happened earlier. The way the girl’s eyes locked onto hers as she walked off the court, leaving Anastasia unsure if she was taunting her, or simply making sure she saw what she wanted her to see.
“Well, we love you Stas, You should get some rest." Her dad says.
“Yeah, I probably should. Love you guys too.” She says before hanging up.
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MAY 26TH, 2017
58. Out of the 133 girls here yesterday, 58 remain. More than half of them were cut, leaving Anastasia feeling a little better about being invited back for day two.
Caitlin. Caitlin Clark was her name. Anastasia had finally figured it out after hearing it what felt like a million times today.
They’d been playing 5x5 all morning long, having gone through at least hundreds of different group combinations. During their break, Coach had conjured up a list of 12 assigned groups, each having what she felt was the best fit for all position combinations together.
Paige was assigned the PG for group one, Caitlin for group two, Anastasia for group three, and so on and so forth. Given there were 58 of them, each team needing five players, they were just barely short.
“We’re two short.” Coach informs everyone. “Groups 11 and 12 both need a shooting guard, any volunteers want to make this decision easy on your poor coach here?”
At first, no one says anything, everyone looking around at one another. The bystander effect was in full action.
“Don’t all jump at the opportunity at once.” Coach mumbles jokingly.
Anastasia studies both groups left, wondering if she should do it. Her mom’s words began echoing around her head. You can’t just always live in fear.
“I’ll do it.” Caitlin volunteers. Everyone now looks at Caitlin, some whispering picking up around the room.
“Shooting guard.” Coach reiterates. Caitlin shrugs, her face stoic as if she doesn’t care one bit about the minor difference in position. “Well alright.” Coach says, impressed.
“I’ll do it too.” Paige and Anastasia say at the same time. Anastasia looks over at her before stepping forward further. “I’ll do it.” She says again.
Paige throws her hands up concedingly. “Ight, you got it.”
Coach claps, satisfied at the resolved issue. “Perfect. Groups one and two are going first. Winners and losers bracket, you all should know the ropes.”
The groups dismantle, groups one and two staying on the court, the rest heading to the bleachers. Anastasia begins on her way after everyone else, before she notices footsteps following behind her.
“Why did you do that?” Caitlin asks.
“Why did I do what?” Anastasia asks continuing to walk towards the bleachers.
Caitlin grabs onto her arm, pulling her to face her. “Why did you volunteer?”
Anastasia looks down at Caitlin’s hand before snatching her arm away. “Someone had to.”
“Paige tried, you should’ve let her.”
“And why’s that?” Anastasia asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but just stay out of my way.” Caitlin threatens.
“Or what?” Anastasia asks without hesitation. Caitlin almost looks taken aback by the response. Almost. “Or what?” Anastasia repeats.
“Caitlin, come on!” Coach calls from the court.
Caitlin stares her down, before slowly turning away, lightly jogging back to the court.
What the fuck was her problem?
Anastasia finds a lone seat on the bleachers, making it her own personal mission to study every inch of Caitlin’s gameplay possible. More specifically, what she was best at, and what she was worst at.
It didn't take much time for Anastasia to pinpoint her fatal flaw. Defense. The girl couldn't play defense if her life depended on it. Actually, it wasn't that she couldn't, it was like she just didn't want to. She looked miserable whenever she didn't have the ball and it showed. Bingo.
Anastasia notes that to herself, while also making sure to study her shooting and passing patterns, which seems to be her strong suit. She will make sure she goes against Caitlin in the final match, whether it be in the winners bracket or the losers bracket. Hell, maybe even both.
Caitlin's group manages the win over Paige's group thanks to some lucky out of this world pass Caitlin managed to just barely get inside to her post player.
"Alright groups three and four next!" Coach yells out from the whiteboard while writing group one into the losers bracket and group two into the winners.
Anastasia stands up, walking her way down the bleachers. She comes into earshot of Caitlin and Paige's conversation as she walks by.
"Damn." Paige curses once they're off the court, Caitlin giving her a gentle pat to the shoulder.
"Better luck next time." Caitlin laughs. "I bet you'll kill 'em over in the losers bracket though."
Anastasia wonders what magic Paige is really working with to get into Caitlin's good graces.
Maybe Anastasia was the problem.
Anastasia meets up with her group, and they quickly go over a few potential game plans. She can still hear Caitlin and Paige's conversation continuing on behind her, their laughter and banter a little more distracting than she'd wish it to be.
Once her team decides that they've got down few good plays, they head towards the court.
"Hey, you!" Paige calls out. Anastasia contemplates turning around but doesn't, figuring there's no chance she was talking to her. "Number 120!" Paige yells out again, Anastasia freezing in her tracks. She double checks her jersey number before slowly turning around.
"You better win so you can avenge me." Paige smiles.
Caitlin shoves Paige halfheartedly, letting out a laugh. She doesn't say it very loud, but Anastasia is fairly good at reading lips, and she swears Caitlin says, "No chance."
"I got you." Anastasia yells back to Paige, Caitlin's smile immediately wiping off her face.
She was going to destroy Caitlin Clark.
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“I’ve always had humility.” Caitlin defends. “I was young, yeah. Naive, sure. A nuisance, possibly…but I was never not humble.”
“What about USA basketball, were you an asshole then?” The reporter asks.
Caitlin furrows her eyebrows, sitting up even straighter in her chair. “Asshole? What makes you ask that?”
“No reason at all, that’s just a very important staple to your story.” The reporter half lies. “Tell us about your experience there.”
“It was great.” Caitlin lies.
The reporter shakes her head, not satisfied with the answer. “The truth.”
Caitlin sighs. “It’s one of my most regretted experiences in my life, is that what you want to hear?”
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MAY 26TH, 2017
Caitlin Clark felt murderous. Anastasia’s team had won, moving them further in the bracket as well. She couldn’t believe Anastasia thinks she can beat her. It was all Caitlin could think about as she watches Anastasia sit at the bottom of the bleachers all alone.
Why wasn’t she attempting to connect with anyone around her?
Paige smacks Caitlin’s shoulder. “Yo, stop staring.”
“I’m not staring.” Caitlin lies. She turns around to face Paige, who was sitting awfully close to another player, Azzi. “Do you think she’s good?” Caitlin asks.
“Well she’s here, isn’t she?” Azzi answers sarcastically.
Caitlin rolls her eyes. “You know what I meant.”
“Come on, ask what you really wanna ask.” Paige says.
“What?” Caitlin asks.
“You wanna know if we think she’s better than you.” Paige laughs.
“No.” Caitlin scoffs. “I know she’s not better than me.”
“Geez, cocky much?” Azzi asks.
“Whatever.” Caitlin’s eyes find Anastasia again, who was now stretching her arms over her head. “Why do you think she’s not talking to anyone?”
“If you wanna talk to her just say that.” Paige teases, kneeing Caitlin in the back. “Want me to call her over?”
“What’s her name?” Paige asks Azzi, ignoring Caitlin’s pleads.
“Stop don’t—” Caitlin interjects, just to be ignored again.
Azzi smirks before cupping her hands over her mouth. “Anastasia!”
Anastasia turns around and Caitlin glares at Azzi. “Why the fuck would you do that?” Caitlin asks.
Azzi waves her over and Anastasia stands, slowly making her way over. “Because now you can talk to her!” Azzi smiles.
“I hate you.” Caitlin mutters.
“I hate you more.” Azzi replies.
“Yes?” Anastasia questions slowly once she finally reaches the three of them, a confused looks on her face.
“Sit with us!” Azzi pats the spot in front of her with her foot.
Anastasia looks at the spot, then looks at Caitlin who’s in the spot right next to it. Caitlin avoids her gaze, looking back at the court.
“Okay, I guess.” Anastasia agrees, brushing past Caitlin.
“Where you from?” Paige asks, sitting up to start the conversation.
“Oh shit no way!” Paige gawks. “Michigan is sick.”
“Have you ever even been to Michigan?” Azzi laughs.
“Man!” Paige sucks her teeth. “Now you know I live right next door to Michigan, of course I’ve been!”
“What about you guys?” Anastasia asks.
“Virginia.” Azzi answers.
“Minnesota.” Paige says with a fake midwestern accent.
Anastasia nods, letting out a small laugh. “Cool.” She glances over at Caitlin, who once again pretends she doesn’t notice. “What about you?”
“Iowa.” Caitlin deadpans.
“Iowa…that’s a first.” Anastasia says, getting a laugh out of Paige and Azzi.
“Yeah, I’m one of a kind.” Caitlin says.
“Cocky.” Azzi mutters under her breath.
“Corny.” Paige whispers at the same time. The whistle blows, and the four of them look back to the court simultaneously. “Damn group nine won?” Paige asks.
“That’s a shocker.” Azzi says.
“Not really.” Caitlin counters. “Great offense trumps anything.”
“Of course you think that.” Anastasia criticizes, standing to her feet.
“Damn Caitlin, you gon take that?” Paige instigates, receiving a smack to the shoulder from Azzi.
“Stop trying to start shit!”
Caitlin stands to her feet, sizing up Anastasia. “Nah, I’m not gonna take that, I’m just gonna let my work on the court do the talking.”
“Famous last words.” Anastasia says, pushing past Caitlin. “You’ve never come across good D like this.”
“Yo pause!” Paige laughs, receiving another smack from Azzi.
“Stop being a freak!”
“If you think you’re taking both of your teams past quarterfinals, you’re delusional.” Caitlin says from behind Anastasia.
“Do you always speak before you think?” Anastasia asks continuing on her way down the bleachers.
“I speak and think at the same time, it’s called multitasking.”
“Right.” Anastasia laughs. Once she reaches the bottom of the bleachers she turns to face Caitlin, who was still coming down. She blocks her from exiting the last step, offering her a smile. “No matter what happens out there, I want you to remember that you’re a great player.”
“What is this, reverse psychology?” Caitlin laughs, attempting to get around Anastasia.
Anastasia steps infront of her again, keeping her position. “No, it’s good sportsmanship, ever heard of it?”
“Move.” Caitlin demands.
“Good luck out there.” Anastasia says, offering Caitlin a hand. Caitlin looks down at it before pushing past her, continuing onto the court. “Hey!” Anastasia shouts up to Paige who looks down. “This is for you.”
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maeoncascade · 15 days
Tips for First-Time Renters in Colorado Springs
Renting an apartment for the first time can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially in a vibrant city like Colorado Springs. Whether you’re searching for a modern studio or a luxury apartment, navigating the rental market can be daunting. Here are some essential tips to help you find the perfect apartment in Colorado Springs and make the most of your renting experience.
1. Define Your Needs and Budget
Before you start browsing apartments for rent in Colorado Springs, establish a clear budget and list your priorities. Determine what amenities are crucial for you—whether it’s a gym, a pet-friendly policy, or proximity to downtown. If you're drawn to new apartments downtown Colorado Springs or looking at high-end options, be prepared for potentially higher rents. Compare your needs with your budget to narrow down your choices effectively.
2. Explore Different Neighborhoods
Colorado Springs boasts a range of neighborhoods, each with its own unique character. Consider looking at apartments near downtown Colorado Springs if you want to be close to the city’s vibrant cultural scene and amenities. Alternatively, if you prefer a quieter area, explore apartments near Colorado Springs or newer apartments in other parts of the city. Studying neighborhood profiles will help you find the best fit for your lifestyle.
3. Research Apartment Complexes
When looking at apartment complexes in Colorado Springs, take note of the community features. Many modern apartments in Colorado Springs offer luxury amenities such as fitness centers, swimming pools, and high-end finishes. If you're interested in luxury studio apartments Colorado Springs or high-rise options, ensure that the apartment complex matches your expectations for comfort and convenience.
4. Check for Hidden Costs
Be aware of additional costs beyond rent. Some apartments for rent Colorado Springs CO might have hidden fees such as parking charges, utility costs, or maintenance fees. Always review the lease agreement carefully to understand what’s included in your rent and what additional expenses you might incur.
5. Visit Multiple Properties
Don’t settle on the first apartment you see. Tour various apartments for rent in Colorado Springs to compare amenities, locations, and overall conditions. This is particularly important if you’re considering Colorado Springs high-end apartments or luxury apartment amenities. Visiting multiple properties will give you a better sense of what you can get for your money and help you make a more informed decision.
6. Ask About Lease Terms
Clarify the lease terms before signing. Understand the length of the lease, renewal options, and the process for breaking the lease if needed. Knowing these details can save you from potential headaches later on.
7. Look for Reviews and Ratings
Check online reviews and ratings for apartment complexes in Colorado Springs. Feedback from current or former residents can provide valuable insights into the management and living conditions of the property.
For those seeking the pinnacle of luxury, The Mae On Cascade stands out as one of the best luxury apartments for rent in Colorado Springs. With its elegant design and premium amenities, it's an excellent choice for those looking for high-end living in a prime location.
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The Ultimate Guide to Renting a Luxury Apartment in Colorado Springs
When seeking the pinnacle of comfort and elegance, renting a luxury apartment in Colorado Springs can be an exceptional choice. Whether you’re drawn to the vibrant downtown area or the serene outskirts, this city offers a variety of high-end living options tailored to diverse tastes. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you find the perfect luxury rental in Colorado Springs.
Understanding Luxury Rentals in Colorado Springs
Luxury apartments in Colorado Springs are designed to offer unparalleled comfort and style. From modern apartments in Colorado Springs to classic high end apartments, the city caters to all preferences. When searching for luxury rentals in Colorado Springs, consider key factors such as location, amenities, and the overall ambiance of the property.
Location, Location, Location
For those who prefer the hustle and bustle of city life, luxury apartments in downtown Colorado Springs provide easy access to shopping, dining, and entertainment. However, if a more tranquil setting is preferred, explore apartments in northwest Colorado Springs. This area offers a peaceful environment while still being conveniently close to essential services and outdoor recreational opportunities.
Amenities and Features
The best apartments in Colorado Springs are distinguished by their luxurious amenities. Look for features such as state-of-the-art fitness centers, spa-like bathrooms, and gourmet kitchens. High end apartments in Colorado Springs often include premium finishes like granite countertops, hardwood floors, and expansive windows to maximize natural light.
Modern vs. Classic
Modern apartments in Colorado Springs often feature sleek, contemporary designs with high-tech amenities. In contrast, some may prefer the charm of traditional luxury, which can be found in many of the high end apartments near me. When selecting a property, consider whether you favor a cutting-edge design or a classic, elegant aesthetic.
Finding the Best Apartment Complexes
When searching for the best apartment complexes in Colorado Springs, focus on well-regarded communities known for their superior management and maintenance. Look for reviews and ratings from current or past residents to gauge the quality of the living experience.
Luxury Townhomes and More
If you’re considering a larger space, luxury townhomes for rent in Colorado Springs offer a fantastic alternative to traditional apartments. These properties often come with additional features such as private garages, larger outdoor spaces, and multiple floors.
Why Choose Lark On Woodmen?
Among the myriad options, Lark On Woodmen stands out as the best luxury apartments for rent in Colorado Springs. Offering a blend of sophistication and convenience, Lark On Woodmen provides residents with modern amenities, stylish interiors, and a prime location. Whether you’re looking for a high-end apartment in the heart of the city or a peaceful retreat, Lark On Woodmen embodies the ultimate luxury living experience in Colorado Springs.
In summary, finding the right luxury apartment in Colorado Springs involves considering location, amenities, and personal preferences. With its diverse selection of high end apartments, Colorado Springs offers something for everyone, and Lark On Woodmen represents the pinnacle of luxury living in this beautiful city.
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vimnorwood · 3 months
Your Complete Moving Checklist for Renting an Affordable Apartment in Downtown Colorado Springs | VIM Apartments
Moving to a new apartment in Downtown Colorado Springs can be an exciting adventure, but it requires careful planning to find the perfect balance of affordability and convenience. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to help you navigate the process smoothly.
1. Determine Your Budget: Start by establishing a clear budget that includes rent, utilities, and any additional fees. Look for affordable apartments in Colorado Springs that fit within this budget.
2. Research Neighborhoods: Downtown Colorado Springs offers a variety of neighborhoods each with its own charm and amenities. Consider factors like proximity to work, schools, public transportation, and local attractions.
3. Apartment Search: Utilize online resources such as rental websites and social media groups to search for apartments for rent in Colorado Springs. Narrow down options based on your preferred number of bedrooms (studio, 1-bedroom, or 2-bedroom) and desired amenities.
4. Schedule Viewings: Contact property managers to schedule viewings of potential apartments. Take note of the apartment’s condition, amenities, and the surrounding neighborhood during your visit.
5. Review Lease Terms: Carefully review the lease agreement to understand terms such as rent amount, lease duration, security deposit, and pet policies. Ensure everything aligns with your expectations before signing.
6. Plan Your Move: Create a moving checklist that includes tasks like packing, hiring movers or renting a truck, updating your address, and transferring utilities.
7. Set Up Utilities: Contact utility providers well in advance to set up services like electricity, water, internet, and cable.
8. Pack Efficiently: Organize your belongings and pack systematically to make unpacking easier. Label boxes clearly and prioritize essentials.
9. Update Address: Notify relevant parties such as banks, employers, and subscriptions about your change of address.
10. Consider VIM Apartments: For those seeking the best affordable apartments in Colorado Springs, VIM Apartments stands out. Offering a range of floor plans including studios, 1-bedroom, and 2-bedroom apartments, VIM Apartments in Downtown Colorado Springs provides modern amenities, convenient location, and competitive pricing.
Moving to a new apartment requires thoughtful planning and organization. By following this checklist and considering VIM Apartments, you can make your move to Downtown Colorado Springs a smooth and enjoyable experience. Happy apartment hunting!
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datascraping001 · 5 months
Scraping Compass.com Property Listings
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Scraping Compass.com Property Listings
Scraping Compass.com Property Listings is a valuable tool for gathering property data from Compass.com. With the help of DataScrapingServices.com, you can effortlessly extract important information about property listings such as pricing, location, and property features. This data can be used for various purposes including market analysis, lead generation, and competitor research. DataScrapingServices.com specializes in providing high-quality scraping services that ensure accurate and reliable data extraction. By leveraging advanced scraping techniques and technologies, they can efficiently Scrape Property Listings From Compass.Com and deliver the data in a structured format that is easy to analyze and integrate into your systems.
Whether you are a real estate investor, a property manager, or a data analyst, scraping Compass.com property listings can provide you with valuable insights and a competitive edge. With DataScrapingServices.com, you can automate the scraping process and save time and resources, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.
List of Data Fields
When scraping Compass.com property listings, DataScrapingServices.com can extract a wide range of data fields that provide valuable information about each property.
- Property Address: The property address.
- Listing Price: The price at which the property is listed for sale or rent.
- Property Type: The type of property, such as a house, apartment, or condominium.
- Number Of Bedrooms And Bathrooms: The number of bedrooms and bathrooms in the property.
- Square Footage: The total area of the property in square feet.
- Amenities: The amenities and features available in the property, such as a swimming pool, gym, or garden.
- Listing Agent Contact Information: The contact details of the listing agent or agency.
By extracting these data fields, you can gain valuable insights into the property market, identify investment opportunities, and make informed decisions.
Benefits of Scraping Compass.com Property Listings
Scraping Compass.com property listings through DataScrapingServices.com offers several benefits:
- Time And Cost Savings: By automating the scraping process, you can save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent manually collecting and organizing property data.
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- Customization And Integration: DataScrapingServices.com can tailor the scraping process to meet your specific requirements and deliver the data in a format that can be easily integrated into your existing systems and workflows.
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Scraping Compass.com property listings is a powerful tool for extracting valuable property data that can be used for market analysis, lead generation, and competitor research. By partnering with DataScrapingServices.com, you can effortlessly gather property information from Compass.com and gain insights that can drive your real estate business forward.
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Website: Datascrapingservices.com
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bittermause · 2 years
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End of the Year Review: A Three Year Act Edition
My birthday is ten days away, so I felt it appropriate to write another one of these End of Year Reviews before then. I decided to summarize the last two years since I didn't bother to do so after 2019. The motivation to do this came from regretting to not record and keep any of my previous EoY posts from 2018 and earlier. As I get older, those said years became a blur to me, which is unfortunate. But I digress, let's start things off with the glorious year of...
The year when Covid went into full swing around the globe, but also the year of brand new beginnings and a year full of insane luck and precise timing. In 2019, literally the day after Christmas, I was offered a job as a 2D Animator for a unique Cybersecurity training firm in CA. After a brief moment of panic and my best friend convincing me to take a chance with this new venture, I agreed to move out west at the end of January, and start my new job in February. For first two weeks I stayed at an AirBnB close to my job, and eventually moved into a makeshift studio space attached to a family home that belonged to a fellow alumni's mother. I never imagined I would finally leave Michigan after 35 years of personal pain and misery, to have a job that actually paid a livable wage that was also synonymous with my career path, and be able to leave behind an environment that put me in a constant state of stress and depression. For the first time in ages, I felt truly blessed. In the Spring, my best friend and I started getting re-acquainted with an old mutual friend of ours that we seldom spoke to in years. We ended up spending weekend nights having three way calls, discussing creative projects and talking about life in general. Never thought I'd re-connect with them in such a way, but now we have a much tighter friendship bond than we did in the past.
After being able to save a lump sum of money thanks to the low rent cost and full on public transit reliance, I finally acquired a car. It didn't take me long to get re-acquainted with driving on the road; not having to deal with the iconic pot holes and rough weather worn terrain made travel cakewalk. I took my time to discover some great local haunts, like GraphAids and Record Outlet. However, in October I realized that my body was out of shape, and when I weighed myself for the first time in forever, I was hitting 231 Lbs. I took it upon myself to start a weight and task log in order to keep track of CICO, and exercise again. ( I was rotating between DDPY, Ringfit and the mini-elliptical) I also acquired a nutritionist to guide me in making better decisions for my diet. When November rolled around, I came to the conclusion that I needed to move out of the little studio space and into my own apartment. While it helped me save a great deal of money, the space was tiny, I missed having a stove, and a washer and dryer nearby. My landlady was oddly avoidant on giving rent history to my soon-to-be apartment management, but come later December I was still able to get approval for a unit. That same month, I announced the end of my long running web comic The Shufflers. It was one of the hardest decisions I had to make, but a necessary one. I still think about whether or not I can pick it back up again, but only time can tell.
No doubt, is perhaps one of my favorite years living out in CA by far. I moved into an upper level apartment, got promoted to Production Supervisor at my workplace, I traveled to Colorado Springs to hang out with my friend, got to visit The Academy Museum with my workmates and explored the Studio Ghibli exhibition, and roamed a little bit around my new city and found some neat shops and restaurants. Along with it's pleasures, also came with great internal struggles; even though I left my old life two years ago, some of the excess baggage was still clinging on to me, and my perception of self was still very unhealthy. I started receiving therapy in June twice a month, in order to help me untangle my past grievances with myself and to help me pull away from the people that caused it. These sessions have been a real eye opener, and keeping a journal based on each one has greatly helped. One of the hardest challenges I've ever faced so far was convincing myself that I am worthy of self love and respect, to undo the belief that I am an unlovable, creep-ass overweight toad, and stop hiding my honest feelings and insecurity behind a goofy ass mask. While it's been a painful journey, the self-discovery was worth it.
Plans for 2023
I'll be continuing my self-improvement goals throughout this year. Since last October, I went down to 202 LBS. Next year I'd like to hit 175 or less. (Ideally I should be aiming for 135 as the ultimate end goal, but that won't be likely for another year and a half). Outside of that, the other goals I'd like to achieve are;
Continue making Animated shorts.
Get contacts, particularly ones I can wear if I decide to go swimming.
Get my hair professionally colored. Been thinking of doing a red violet or dark purple.
Re-work my wardrobe more
Continue exploring and go to more events.
Work on an actual comic project again.
So far for all the goals I've set in previous years, I was able to attain them. I hope that I'll be able to continue that trend in the next year.
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roleplayolyhedrons · 7 months
Murder, Inc.
Author’s Note: While the following essay is goofy, a bit edgy, and focuses on the catharsis of violence, roleplaying games, for me, have always held a special place in my heart, something of a wake-up call compared to other games I’ve played. When you’ve played a tabletop roleplaying game, it’s hard to go back and play Chess with its bland player choices and resource management.
High school is the testing ground for our adult selves. It’s a time of hormones, acne, and going through the bureaucratic channels that make up public school education. For me, high school was all about gaming. I couldn't care less about the homework or sports. My high school experience was split between two high schools. I started high school in southern Colorado, where I played Mage Knight, MechWarrior, and Warhammer tabletop games at the local community center or high school or on a friend’s kitchen table. During the spring semester of my freshman year, I started attending school in Dulce, New Mexico. For the first few months, I had little to do to pass my time. To me, Dulce didn’t have much to offer.
Dulce is located on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation. It’s this little no-name place in northern New Mexico, where the Archuleta Mesa towers over a semi-arid mountain valley. The town is centered around the tribal buildings and businesses, which hug Highway 64 like plaque on arterial walls.
What I knew about Dulce came from two sources: Our neighbors, Tom and Pam, found their dog, Dulce, in Dulce, New Mexico. They always retold the story when we visited their B&B. I also remember hearing about Dulce concerning cattle mutilations in the late-1970s. The cattle mutilations were Dulce’s claim to fame. The History Channel aired a documentary on the mutilations when I was younger, with the narrator pronouncing the town’s name as “Dulch-eh, New Mexico.” Locals claimed that UFOs or the government were responsible for cattle being surgically sliced and diced. Conspiracy theorists blamed it on the Dulce Base, a sort of Area 51 military base rumored to be located under Archuleta Mesa.
We moved to Dulce after my parents decided to end their nightmarish take on June and Ward Cleaver. My father kept the house and our animals in southern Colorado. My mother took the three of us kids to Dulce, where she worked as an underpaid math teacher. The first months in Dulce were pretty damned boring. We still went to school in Pagosa Springs. This required that we commuted every morning to Chromo, Colorado to catch a school bus at 6:00 or 6:30. We were back home around 4:30 or 5:00, only to eat, watch some T.V., and finish whatever homework we had before going to bed. This continued until my mother decided it was time to enroll us in school in Dulce.
My siblings loved Dulce. My brother played sports and worked for the school. He later told my mom that playing sports in Dulce kept him from dropping out of high school. My sister played volleyball, hung out with friends, and watched Gilmore Girls every day at 3 p.m. She liked Dulce because it allowed her to be independent of my father, who could be a real hard ass.
For me, Dulce didn’t have the stuff I was used to. My classmates weren’t interested in old-school games. They played Xbox and PlayStation. I preferred dice and paper to television screens and controllers. I spent the better part of two months dinking around the small apartment my mom rented from the school district. I’d come home from school and watch T.V., eating copious amounts of Cheerios and Frosted Flakes with copious amounts of milk.
My taste in extracurricular activities worried my mother. She wasn’t exactly in a stable state of mind when we moved to Dulce. Her marriage of sixteen years was coming to a fiery end, complete with a major custody battle waged by two different states. She pulled extra hours to pay for an apartment, the increased appetite of her children, and a divorce lawyer. Dulce, New Mexico was not home for my mother, who’d grown up in rural North Dakota. North Dakota was the land of nice neighbors and friendly faces. It also happened to be a place where your dollar went further. To my mom, Dulce was the closest place she’d come to living and working in a warzone. Student suicides, crime, and poverty were a permanent staple of Dulce, or so she told us. She wanted to keep her kids away from all of that. She wanted to keep us away from the despair that many locals experienced when living in Dulce.
My mother’s anxieties led her to find outlets for my energy. These included going to afterschool programs or practicing Jiu Jitsu with Mr. B., our family friend, and a high school history teacher. However, these activities weren’t exactly what I was looking for. It took a series of fistfights with my little brother and bending the shit out of a metal door to our apartment before Mr. Boucher told me to meet up with a guy named Howe. He said Howe knew of something that’d interest me.
Howe worked for the Jicarilla Apache Department of Education (JADE) and wore clothes that fit the likes of a Mormon missionary rather than a day-in and day-out video tech guy. He filmed official tribal events and lectures for the tribal government. Howe occasionally worked on the odd bits of computer and film equipment that he stashed away in his JADE office. Howe’s office in the JADE building was about the same square footage as a small dorm room. The office was filled to maximum capacity with computers, video equipment, shelves, and milk crates holding Howe’s gaming books. There was no organizing principle behind the clutter of computers, cables, and cameras. It was like a squirrel’s stashed-out nut collection, with odd pieces stashed behind cabinets or stacked on top of bloating shelves. He lived on the Reservation as well; he was married to a Jicarilla Apache woman and had a son who went to school in Dulce. Howe also belonged to an earlier generation of roleplaying gamers. His generation started playing socially conservative games like Dungeons & Dragons, escalating their gaming fix to the hardcore, morally ambiguous stuff such as Shadowrun, Vampire the Requiem, Werewolf, and Paranoia.
It was through Howe’s influence that I discovered the seedy underworld of old-school roleplaying games. They were the kinds of games my father warned me about. My father saw Dungeons & Dragons as a portal of evil that could possess impressionable minds. I have no idea where he got this idea. I am sure this opinion was lifted from the pages of some Chick comic, where evil Dungeon Masters corrupt the souls of innocent children. I ignored my old man’s warnings and decided to jump into the world of roleplaying games. I had nothing else better to do. Little did I know, I was giving up every afternoon to commit murder, armed robbery, and aggravated assault while having fun with it all.
The first game I played with Howe and his coworker, Dylan, was a homebrew version of Shadowrun. The game was a blank spot in my mind. I’d never heard of it, nor had I heard about things like cyberpunks and corporatocracies that filled the game’s rulebook. I wasn’t used to the game mechanics either. I spent the better part of two and a half hours creating my character from scratch, rolling dice, answering questions, and choosing traits, quirks, flaws, etc. This was not due to some overly elaborate character creation system imposed by the game’s rulebook. Howe liked modifying his roleplaying games, adding bits here and there, and stealing from online forums and fan websites. The final character sheet consisted of intricate formulas, lists, and spreadsheets that Howe used in his role as Game Master, a sort of storyteller with god-like authority over the game world.
There are two types of Game Masters. There are those Game Masters who take pity on their players and offer a helping hand. Story, all-around fun, and leisurely gameplay are key to these Game Masters’ modus operandi. Then there are those Game Masters who view their players as mere mortal playthings, who are to be bound and beaten in every imaginable way. Howe belonged to the second Game Master archetype. Howe’s gamemastering technique took a page from the “Monkey’s Paw.” Be careful what you wish for. He had a way of making fate, gravity, and the dice come crashing down on our party. His thugs were better equipped. The police were always a step ahead of us. Bullets hurt and so did explosions. Being captured or arrested meant brutal interrogations bordering on torture. Every roll of the dice brought silent prayers and paranoia-induced mutterings. High rolls were met with hollering—all-around jubilation and high-fiving. Low rolls brought pale faces and globs of sweat and hope that our characters hadn’t stumbled into the starry beyond.
The first gaming session started simply: Dylan and I were hired to steal some corporate tech for a faceless, nameless client of the shadows. However, this heist led to an accidental kidnapping and death, which precipitated several gun battles with corporate guns and police organizations. In turn, this led to higher body counts and more enemies.
As we moved across the post-apocalyptic United States, the bodies piled up like cordwood. Thousands died. Dylan and I were like a two-man meat grinder. People came in one end and bullet-riddled or mutilated flesh came out the other. It gave me a certain high that couldn’t be matched anywhere else. I kept going to JADE to get my fix of mayhem and destruction. On days we couldn’t meet, I felt like I was going through withdrawals. I needed to roll dice and kick ass.
We’d snuffed out a group of homeless with a one-two combination of foam grenade with an incendiary chaser. The people frozen in the foam didn’t have a chance. After killing off a group of homeless people, we’d stumbled into a fight with corporate security goons. The incident ended with our arrest and subsequent interrogation. The interrogation lasted half a gaming session and included various methods of torture conjured up by Howe. Based on that session alone, I can only conclude that Howe must have been an ex-Stasi or KBG agent in a former life. Again, it was his way of bringing down every force imaginable on our heads.
Another incident involved a brief gun battle with hospital security—and to this day I still have no idea what we were doing in the hospital. My character was attempting to toss a flash bang into the hospital waiting room, when Howe made me roll a handful of six-sided (D6) dice. My dice roll was low. Howe smiled and rolled a few dice of his own. He chuckled. Rolled twice more in secret. The whole thing ended with my character tossing an incendiary grenade into a nearby oxygen storage room. The hospital was leveled along with a nearby nursing home. Somehow our characters managed to escape without a scratch.
Our tour of death and destruction changed settings, as I grew bored of cyberpunk and asked Howe about moving on to something more exciting. This prompted Howe to change the storyline, tweaking it in a way to fit our demented gaming style. Our characters were kidnapped by aliens, who’d heard about our earthly exploits. They needed some Terran muscle to move in on their enemies. They wanted to capitalize on our ability to turn living beings into pounds of mutilated flesh.
The new setting was borrowed from a little-known game called Star Frontiers. Star Frontiers was TSR’s (creator and publisher of Dungeons & Dragons) failed attempt to create a serious space adventure. For us, Star Frontiers offered several new killing fields. New alien worlds became our shooting galleries, our explosive-laden playgrounds. Our intergalactic debauchery destroyed a dozen worlds, with each world destroyed in some unique, almost artistic way. One world was wiped out by a flesh-eating plague. Another obliterated by its sun. A planet consumed by supermassive colonies of nanite cells. Entire species were scratched out of existence. We stole spaceships and jettisoned crew members out of airlocks and into the hard vacuum of space. Mayhem, murder, and outright plunder became the name of the game. We were the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, coming to wreak havoc on mortal souls everywhere. We were the Devourers of Worlds, galactic meat grinders traveling between the stars.
The summer following my high school graduation put a damper on the daily game sessions at JADE. I knew was I going to start college in August. The college I was going to was some three hundred miles away, making it too far for regular gaming commutes. Something told me that the group needed to end the game with a bang—a campaign to end all gaming campaigns. I wanted a campaign that ended in a total party kill (TPK).
I told Howe about my idea. A TPK was in line with Howe’s sadistic gamemastering sensibilities. Thus, he agreed to end the campaign with a real blowout of a TPK. He began plotting out the new campaign’s general structure. This led to our characters being brought back to Earth in a stolen spaceship. It was the Welcome Home Tour. Our intergalactic shenanigans followed in tow. A coalition of vengeful aliens began an invasion of Earth, threatening to wipe out all humans. This was payback for our intergalactic killing spree.
With our weapons locked and loaded, we stole an alien capital ship that was about ten kilometers in length. This required a little finesse that was well beyond our usual method of greasing opponents or taking over enemy ships. We vented the ship’s air supply. This took longer than we had hoped. The alien invasion was successfully sterilizing entire continents of human beings and turning the Earth’s surface into molten glass. This prompted a last-minute decision to go out with a real bang. We steered the capital ship toward the Earth’s atmosphere, blowing away alien warships left and right. The ship’s systems started going critical. “Core containment breached.” We were leaking radiation like an old Russian submarine. “Critical core conditions imminent.”
Then boom. Nothing but a white searing light. A million-gigaton explosion obliterated the Earth’s atmosphere and everything on the surface.
When I started college in August, I couldn’t help but wonder how I was going to satisfy my gaming fix. I was in a new town and hundreds of miles away from the cramped JADE office, where I had spent countless hours gaming. I was surprised to find that others had the same interests. Some of my fellow students had the same needs for buffoonery and destruction.
I started a gaming group in my dorm hall by setting up shop in empty common areas. The group was a big hit. Four gamers turned out for the first gaming sessions. We were traveling across the galaxy, fighting the Wrath in our homebrew Stargate roleplaying game. We fought as guerrillas in a post-apocalyptic landscape. The bodies were stacked like cordwood. The blood ran in the streets. The dice clattered on top of tables, with silent prayers or mutterings under the breath of each player. I was transported back to that day when I came to Howe’s office in JADE. It was a euphoria I didn’t understand, nor did I care to. There was something about butchering imaginary people and destroying peaceful alien worlds
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A Premier Destination For Senior Living And Rehabilitation Therapy
Nestled in the heart of Aurora, Colorado, The Springs at St Andrew’s Village stands as a beacon of excellence in senior living and rehabilitation therapy. With a commitment to providing unparalleled care and support, our community offers a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each resident.
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Senior Living Accommodations
At The Springs, we understand that every individual has their own preferences and needs when it comes to senior living. That's why we offer a variety of accommodation options to suit different lifestyles and levels of care. From independent living apartments to assisted living suites, residents can choose the setting that best fits their needs and preferences.
Our senior living accommodations are designed to provide comfort, security, and peace of mind. Each residence is thoughtfully appointed with modern amenities and features, including spacious floor plans, full kitchens, and private bathrooms. Residents also have access to a range of on-site amenities and services, such as dining options, fitness centre, and social activities, allowing them to enjoy a vibrant and fulfilling lifestyle.
Rehabilitation Therapy Services
In addition to our senior living accommodations, The Springs at St Andrew’s Village is proud to offer comprehensive rehabilitation therapy services. Whether recovering from surgery, injury, or illness, our licensed therapists work closely with residents to develop personalized treatment plans aimed at promoting healing, restoring function, and enhancing quality of life.
Our rehabilitation therapy services encompass a wide range of specialties, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. Using state-of-the-art equipment and evidence-based techniques, our therapists provide individualized care to address each resident's specific needs and goals. Whether it's regaining strength and mobility, improving balance and coordination, or enhancing communication skills, we are dedicated to helping residents achieve their highest level of independence and well-being.
Long Term & Short Term Care Options
At The Springs at St Andrew’s Village, we understand that the need for care and support can vary greatly from person to person. That's why we offer both long-term and short-term care options to accommodate a wide range of needs and circumstances. Whether seeking on going support for chronic conditions or temporary assistance during recovery, residents can rest assured knowing that our team is here to provide compassionate and personalized care.
Our long-term care services are designed to meet the needs of residents who require assistance with activities of daily living, medication management, and specialized medical care. Our dedicated staff members are available around the clock to provide support and assistance as needed, ensuring that residents receive the highest standard of care and attention.
For those in need of short-term care, such as rehabilitation therapy or respite care, we offer specialized programs designed to promote recovery and well-being. Whether recovering from surgery, illness, or injury, residents benefit from access to comprehensive rehabilitation services and personalized care plans aimed at achieving optimal outcomes.
In conclusion, The Springs at St Andrew’s Village is more than just a senior living community—it's a place where residents can thrive and flourish, supported by a team of dedicated professionals committed to their health and well-being. With a range of accommodation options, comprehensive rehabilitation therapy services, and both long-term and short-term care options, we provide everything seniors need to live life to the fullest.
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journeydb · 7 months
March 1 2023 Barcelona
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Bruce and I have enjoyed living in the metropolis of Barcelona these last nine years even more than we imagined we might. We were accustomed to living in the small city of Boulder near mountain parks and forests of for most of our life together, and before that I lived in small towns and cities in Massachusetts, while Bruce grew up in a medium-sized city, Colorado Springs.
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When we moved to Barcelona to live abroad and improve our Spanish, we began living in an apartment instead of a house, we began walking everywhere because we didn't want to have a car, we took advantage of cultural activities, and we made friends much faster that we thought we might. We totally fell in love with this place, the lifestyle, and the people here. Also, living across from the beach was something we hadn't expected to happen but turned out to be an added benefit.
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So when we had the opportunity to buy the apartment we had rented for two years we decided, since we were already living in Barcelona and Boulder half time, to make the commitment. We really like our apartment and the views of the beach and the city that we have. It's spacious enough for us to entertain and to welcome visitors to stay with us, which we have done quite a bit. But the outside terrace never quite worked out for us the way we thought it could so we redesigned the space and had glass installed over the last few years that has nearly doubled our living space. By enclosing the space near the kitchen we created an "outside" dining/entertaining space which can be used even in the winter. Before we enclosed this space with glass it was too windy and cold much of the year to eat out there, even in the summer.
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By enclosing the space off our bedroom with a door onto the terrace we created a quiet, peaceful meditative space that also keeps the bedroom warmer.
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By leaving the space in between the two new "rooms" open we have fresh air on the terrace throughout the year and the hardier plants still do well out there. Also, if any of our friends who smoke visit, they have a place to go without bothering the other guests.
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The guest bedroom has its own exit onto the terrace and guests don't need to come through the rest of the house to go out to the outside dining and living spaces.
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It took a long time to design and implement these changes and it was a LOT of work, especially for Bruce, but it was worth it and now we have a home that is more comfortable for us and our guests. So when are YOU coming to visit?
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March is National Women's Month in the United States. This presents us with an opportunity to celebrate the many women who have made so many important and amazing contributions to our country and our culture. If not for the Patriarchy there would undoubtedly have been even more opportunities for women to have equal access to education, employment, and capital, which would have put more women in positions of leadership and responsibility outside the home and we'd have a LOT more women's names to add to the list of those we now know and appreciate. Because for centuries the Patriarchy limited women, largely, to having children and supporting their husband's dreams, many women did their dreaming, scheming, and pursuing their passions in secret or "on the side". Thankfully the world has changed a lot in the last fifty years and there are more opportunities all the time for women to make a difference and be rewarded and acknowledged. Here are only a few of the most famous who succeeded:
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Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888). Alcott worked to support her family through financial difficulties at an early age, and managed to write “Little Women,” one of the most famous novels in American history. Her other famous writings include “Little Men” and “Jo’s Boys.”
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Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906). Anthony played a pivotal role in the women’s suffrage movement. In 1878, she and co-workers presented an amendment to Congress that would give women the right to vote. In 1920, Sen. Aaron A. Sargent, R-Calif., introduced the bill and it was ratified as the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.
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Amelia Earhart (1897-1939). Earhart, the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, received the U.S. Distinguished Flying Cross for her accomplishments. Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, disappeared in 1937 over the central Pacific Ocean while attempting to fly around the globe.
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Jessie Benton Fremont (1824-1902). Fremont was a writer and political activist. She was considered the brains behind her husband, John C. Fremont, and his famous exploration westward. She turned his notes into readable books and made connections in Washington, D.C., that eventually made him famous.
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Marguerite Higgins (1920-1966). Higgins was a reporter and war correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune during WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. She advanced the cause of equal opportunity for female war correspondents and was the first woman awarded a Pulitzer Prize for Foreign Correspondence in 1951.
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Grace Hopper (1906-1992). A computer scientist and Navy rear admiral, Hopper played an integral role in creating programs for some of the world’s first computers.
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Julia Ward Howe (1819-1910). Howe was a poet and author, her most famous work being “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” She was also a social activist for women’s suffrage.
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Barbara Jordan (1936-1996). Jordan was a lawyer, educator, politician, and civil rights movement leader. She was the first southern African-American woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and the first African-American woman to give a keynote address at the Democratic National Convention.
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Coretta Scott King (1927-2006). The wife, and later widow, of Martin Luther King Jr. played an important role in preserving the legacy of the civil rights leader. Following his assassination in 1968, she founded the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change. She later lobbied for her late husband’s birthday to be recognized as a federal holiday.
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Michelle Obama (1964-present).
First African American First Lady (2009–17), the wife of Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States. Raised on the South Side of Chicago, Obama is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School. In her early legal career, she worked at the law firm Sidley Austin where she met her future husband. She subsequently worked in nonprofits and as the associate dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago.
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Sandra Day O’Connor (1930-Present). A lawyer, O’Connor became a celebrated judge and eventually the first female justice on the Supreme Court, serving from 1981-2006. President Ronald Reagan appointed her.
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Rosa Parks (1913-2005). Parks was the most prominent female face of the civil rights movement. In December 1955, Parks refused to give up her seat in the “colored section” of a bus to a white man and was charged with civil disobedience. She is known as “the mother of the freedom movement.”
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Sacagawea (1788-1812). Sacagawea was a Lemhi Shoshone woman best known for her expedition with Lewis and Clark through the territory of the Louisiana Purchase. The Native American traveled from North Dakota to the Pacific Ocean with the explorers.
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Sojourner Truth (1797-1883). An abolitionist and women’s rights activist, Truth was born into slavery and escaped with her infant daughter to freedom in 1826. She became best known for her “Ain’t I a Woman?” speech on racial inequalities in 1851 at the Ohio Women’s Rights Convention.
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Harriet Tubman (1820-1913). Tubman escaped from slavery in 1849 and became a famous “conductor” of the Underground Railroad. Tubman risked her life to lead hundreds of slaves to freedom using that secret network of safe houses.
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Mercy Otis Warren (1728-1814). Warren was a writer and propagandist of the American Revolution. She published poems and plays that attacked the British empire and urged colonists to resist Britain’s infringement on their rights.
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Today Claire and I had our French class at her apartment. Her cat, Beuni, is really cute but shy. It took a long time for him to come out to say hi to me, even though he knows me pretty well. When I'm in Boulder we have our classes on ZOOM so he at least hears my voice when I'm not here.
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Walking back from Claire's apartment I noticed a number of murals along Selva de Mar Street so I stopped to capture some of the images.
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tintinntabuli · 9 months
Timberline’s Holiday Lighting Service Pays In More Ways Than One
‘Tis the season when landscaping work in some parts of the country can grind to a halt if there’s no snow plowing. But that’s not the case for Timberline Landscaping in Colorado Spring, CO. Owner Tim Emick bought into a Christmas lighting franchise called Christmas Decor in 2001, and the service has been gangbusters since the start.
“When we started offering holiday lights in 2001, it was an opportunity to fill the Winter time,” says Shawn Brewer, Timberline’s lighting manager. “Yeah, we do snow removal, but it doesn’t snow 24-7. So it was a good way to fill that gap and keep everyone busy. So that’s why they started the Christmas lighting part of the business.”
Franchise Support
Being part of the Christmas Decor franchise has given Timberline an advantage—especially for handling unexpected hiccups like the shipping and supply delays of 2020/21 that kept other lighting businesses from getting the equipment they needed. “We were still able to get stuff in. So it’s kind of a network system that we use, and they help us with all of our lights,” says Brewer.
He continues, “Also, we learned some techniques from them that I would have to say make us stand out. For example, the way we light our trees really sets us apart here at Timberline. We lay lights in the trees so they appear individually placed, versus that string going around like a candy cane.”
Individual Attention
Timberline also emphasizes customer service. Just one example is that they perform proactive checks and repairs for all their lighting installations. “After we get everything installed, I break down my spreadsheet into areas of the town, and I have individuals go check out each one of those jobs.” says Brewer. “They go to the job, check the timer, make sure everything’s good, turn everything on, make sure everything’s working, make sure the roofline is straight, make sure nothing is missing and there’s not something that maybe the homeowner hasn’t seen.”
He continues, “We get probably 20 comments a year from people asking, ‘What are you guys doing here?’ We say ‘Oh, we’re here to check your lights.’ And they go, ‘Oh, that’s awesome!’… So I think what puts us on the map are those proactive checks. And if there’s an issue, I try to get someone out there to fix it the day of.”
Building Reputation
Today, roughly 25% of Timberline’s lighting clients are residential, and 75% are commercial or apartments. “When it started it was more residential based, and then as our business developer [fostered] all these relationships, we realized how commercial could mean big business for holiday lighting,” says Brewer. “After all, if we put lights on your building or draw attention to your shopping center, more people want to come and see it. You get more people in the door, and you can use it to set yourself apart from the shopping center next door. So the commercial business grew from there to the point where now we even do whole commercial districts in a town.”
One example of this, which Brewer says is a fun job, is Manitou Springs, CO. It’s a little tourist town, just west of Colorado Springs, and Timberline does the entire town—from garlands on all the light poles to trees on all the crosswalks, as well as the big signature tree in the center of town. Timberline has become “known” for Manitou Spring’s Christmas lighting.
Building Relationships… And SEO!
Though Timberline has around 300 employees, it’s still run with the tenet of “building relationships” that Emick started with in 1986, says Brewer. This keeps the company feeling like a family, both in terms of employees and their long-time customers. This is especially evident right on Timberline’s web site, which appears  more like a community events board during the holidays due to its Christmas Lights Guide, an interactive map of the houses and businesses with lights displays. People are proud of their beautiful Christmas displays and they love to be added to the Timberline Guide, says Brewer. In his opinion, the guide is one of their best marketing tools all year round.
“It’s been amazing!” he comments. “People can add themselves to the guide, and we also add coffee shops and little places you can stop and get hot cocoa and stuff like that. I think this year we have 166 lighting displays in the guide. The amount of work that our team puts into it, and the amount of traffic that it creates for our website is so worth it,” says Brewer. “It creates enough traffic for us that it gets us through the whole year with Google in terms of SEO. So that is some great marketing!”
Check out Timberline’s Christmas Lights guide here!
For more on lighting services, read:
Year-Round Revenue For Landscapers? Here’s How
Get Equipped: Landscape Lighting
Read More
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