#aph america sin
vehwill · 4 months
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The basic sketch is almost finished 💦
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merakiui · 1 year
Omg!! I'm so late! work kept me busy 😭 but I wanted to reply to your last message! regarding hetalia and such!
Going back to the hetalia fandom it's like coming home after a while <33 and Personally my favourite female characters are Seychelles, Liechtenstein, Belgium and Belarus (Belarus is low-key yandere for her brother and Unhinged omg),
Did you have or should I say do have any ships you like ? maybe with England since he is your favourite? I'm much more into rare pairs/ships which means there isn't much content of them 😭 like : England x Seychelles (because their interaction in Gakuen Hetalia was cute and funny ♡) or Iceland x Seychelles (I adore opposite-attract 🥺 💛 Iceland is more reserved while Seychelles is more outgoing and now imagine Seychelles helping Iceland coming out of his shell or Iceland cooling down Seychelles! ♡) lol can you tell I like Seychelles??
Nyo France is a charming lady ❤ I like your taste 🤌Personally I also like Nyo America (I love my tomboy princess) and nyo Italy/Romano such babes, Nyo Finland looks cute but will kick your Ass 💪❤
Also, Pirate England and Pirate Spain are Hot af 👌That's all I want to say haha (or even viking nordics 👀)
And Omg I'm actually currently obsessed with Danganronpa! 😭 In fact my profile picture is sonia nevermind bc she's one of my favourites! Which characters do you like the most?? 👀 are there any moments in the game you liked/saddened you the most ? (like favourite character dying 😭)
As for mystic messenger! did you ever notice how similar looking Saeran/Ray and Rollo look like? maybe it's the eyebags but seriously the first time I saw Rollo in twst I thought "Ray what are you doing in twst?? leave me alone, I'm not into you anymore 😭" but not only the physical Apperance both of their characters are kind of similar? I mean Ray is literally in a cult and Rollo is well you know based of an Disney villian who's religious corrupted sooooo yeah! but Saeran/ray/unknown has such yandere tendencies! and yes that one jumin ending omg! 😭 Yoosung is a cutie 💓 and well jaehee keeps us in the friendzone 💀
And Obey me! Asdfghjklöä! while writing this Obey me nightbringer came out! 🎉 I see you like Mammon 😂 seems like you like Greedy Demon and Octopus 🤌 only difference the Octopus is successful business owner and well..... the demon is constantly broke, so broke in fact the steals from his brothers 💀 I can also totally see Idia and Leviathan (maybe yoosung too??) bounding over videogames or hating the normies together 💀 (and maybe talking about having a certain crush on a certain MC 👀👀) they sure would make great frenemies 😂😂 Also Satan reminds me of APH England 💀💀 maybe its the hair colour?? the colour green?? or maybe the small same similarities personality wise?? but omg I can't unsee it now 💀 And AHEM Jade and barbatos, I don’t think I need to say anything else but yeah they also have the almost same hairstyle!!
Ooooh but can you imagine the Twst Characters as Sins?? Like Riddle = Wrath, Leona = Sloth, Azul = Greed, Jamil = Envy, Vil = lust, Idia = ??? Gluttony??, Malleus = Pride!
Oooh yes Omori is such an interesting and Deep game I would recommend you to play it 🌟
Anyway, take good care of you and drink a lot of water! I've seen that you have lots of unfinished Luna love hotel requests and different ideas/fics you want to write! take your time and don't stress yourself or burn yourself out! writing is suppose to be fun, I hope your not overdoing it 🙏
Take Care 🤟 Anon 🌸
Hello again, 🌸 anon!!! I'm also quite late to respond, but omg you have good taste in female characters! Seychelles was a sweetheart and I liked her character a lot, too!! As for ships, I didn't really have any, but I did enjoy the interactions between Germany and Italy! It's very funny and cute. <3 and aaaaaa nyo!America is also a very nice design!!! Wonderful taste once again hehe. I love her tomboy look!!! >0< and nyo!Italy and nyo!Finland are also both so pretty!!!
Pirate England and pirate Spain..... AAAAAA orz and the viking nordics omg omg!!!! The amount of fanfics I used to read with them... too many to count. I remember there was a time I read too many pirate England fics that I ended up dreaming about him LOL. I think I was a stowaway on his ship, but the entirety of that dream was essentially England and Spain fighting over who got the rights to own me????? ^^;;;; I couldn't begin to explain it if I wanted to.
Sonia!!!! I like her a lot!!!! Additionally, I also like Shuichi, Kokichi, Kaede, and Hagakure! I thought Aoi and Sakura's friendship was very endearing, so Sakura's death crushed me the most in the first game. It's always painful being a Danganronpa fan because your favorite character has the possibility of getting killed and that's the worst feeling. </3
AAAAAAA Mystic Messenger....... every summer, I play it just so I can get more hourglasses to finally unlock Saeran's route. I'm vaguely familiar with what happens, but even so I need to play it. T_T the same goes for Jumin's route. I want that bad ending!!!! OTL I have played Zen's route so many times in the past because he gives the most hourglasses. He's so engraved in my brain hehe. <3 I love him. And Jaehee!!!! When I played her route, I kept thinking, "Why does she keep friend-zoning us? We're so obviously in love." >:( let Jaehee love the player!!! It's what she deserves. <3 aaaa and Yoosung!! He's the cutest. :D
Mammon is my number one!!!! Something about greedy and pathetic men is just so *chef's kiss,* so it makes sense I'd inevitably simp for Mammon and Azul lol. But then Satan and Belphegor are so !!!!!! When the latter was manipulating us and planning to trick us all along when we found him in the attic. :) oooooo he's the worst. I need him. I should play Obey Me again just to see Mammon and Belphegor hehe. I have no idea what is happening in the story now, but I heard there were new characters added and I also saw a few things regarding Nightbringer! Omg but your comments on Jade and Barbatos... I need them to sit down and have tea together to see who can out-babygirl the other. >:) and if memory serves, Barbatos can see into the future or foretell all possible timelines? If that's the case, WOOOOOOO the yandere potential!!!! orz
Also, the twst characters as the seven deadly sins is such a fun thought to entertain. <3 you're giving me so much brain rot... orz
Thank you for your kind words!!! I will make sure to take care of myself and drink water! Please do the same as well! :D though there are many things I want to write, I am pacing myself and focusing on one fic at a time. ^0^
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romericasecretsanta · 6 years
a marvelous night for a moondance
Read on FFnet here! This is for the awesome @aph-american-sin can-sin, who I don’t think I can tag in a submission? Merry Christmas have some Romerica!!
[Soundtrack: Moon Dance/Moondance]
a marvelous night for a moondance
Lovino had been turned back in the 16th century at the young age of 23. His sire had been an affable Spanish man, appearing to be in his mid-30s, who Lovino had met before and hadn’t thought to be threatened by until it was too late. He’d awoken from a bloodfever haze six days later, and immediately known what he’d become and what it meant for him.
Being turned so young had been both a blessing and a curse. No wife or children yet, but he’d had a bright future ahead of him that now had turned dim, moonlit instead of sunlit. Being forever young — he didn’t think it was vanity to say he was very attractive, which in some ways made his life easier. He never had any difficulty luring prey. On the other hand, it made him more memorable. He was never able to stay in one place for more than a few years. He’d also never had any difficulty finding work as a stone mason or dock worker, frozen in the prime of his life, a strong and healthy young man, albeit one who kept weird hours. But he would never look old enough for more respectable work, at least not in Italy, where tradition permeated the very stone of the buildings, and seemed to linger in the very air that Lovino didn’t breathe. So, in the early 20th century, he left Rome for New York City.
By that time, Feliciano was long dead.
America was different; it had its own unique mix of new customs and Old World traditions. Lovino had always been a fast learner, so he had little trouble adjusting. Especially among the vampires, there was a set of guidelines for interaction to help prevent disputes over territory or prey. Their kind tended to be fairly solitary anyway.
Which was why it threw Lovino for a bit of a loop when he wandered into a secluded part of Central Park one night and spotted another vampire (they were always immediately recognizable to each other). He was even more surprised when, rather than the traditional solemn nod, the other vamp gave him an enthusiastic wave.
Taken aback, Lovino stopped and gaped a little, which was apparently all the invitation the stranger needed to approach him.
“Hey what’s up haven’t seen you around before my name’s Alfred you can call me Al!”
All one sentence. Spoken without pausing for breath, obviously, but also without even the slightest acknowledgement that there should be pauses between sentences, dammit.
“How old are you?” Lovino demanded instead of introducing himself, which was terribly rude, but the other vamp had started it.
“Uh in like human years or vampire years?”
Oh he had to be recently turned. “Both.”
“Okay, well, I was 19 when I got turnt, haha, but it was back in 1986 soooo I guess I’m 51? Gettin’ up there!”
“Excuse me?”
“What, why, how old are you?”
Lovino felt what little blood he had left from his last meal a few days ago rush to his face in an attempted blush. “What kind of a rude question is that!”
“You asked me first! Hey, are you Italian? You sound kinda Italian.”
Lovino tried to collect himself. “My name is Lovino Vargas, I'm several hundred years old, and yes, I’m originally from Rome.”
Alfred rolled his eyes, causing a fresh wave of resentful blood to course through Lovino’s withered veins. “Oh, one of those old types. Y'all are such sticklers.”
“How is it you’ve been turned for 30 years but your sire or somebody hasn’t taught you any manners?”
“Ha! He tried but I told him noooo thank you, following rules is the opposite of why I got you to turn me into a vampire so you can leave me alone with that nonsense. He was old and British, so you know, if you’ve ever met a British vampire? They are every stereotype you could possibly think of.”
Which, there was a lot to unpack there. But the first thing that came out of Lovino’s mouth, for some reason, was, “Like in the original Dark Shadows TV series.” Incredibly embarrassing, but for some reason this made Alfred light up.
“Yeah! Not the weird movie remake, which I have strong opinions about.” Yeah, Lovino did, too. “Man, I knew you looked cool! Have you watched a lot of vampire stuff? Like What We Do in the Shadows?”
Lovino puffed up a bit. “Of course I have! I’ve seen and read every major and minor piece of vampire media made in the last 200 years. I find it very important to know what the current trends and misconceptions in human media are. You never know when they’ll actually catch on to something.”
Alfred squinted at him, which was ridiculous because they both had perfect night vision and the moon was full, besides. Lovino squinted back.
“That’s a whole lot of media…” Alfred said slowly, sounding exaggeratedly suspicious.
“Well, I have a lot of time on my hands,” was his dry response.
This actually made Alfred laugh. “And he jokes!”
Sometimes, Lovino would actually make jokes about garlic and being Italian when he got food at his favorite pizzeria at 2AM. No one was ever around to appreciate those jokes, though. And he wasn’t about to tell Alfred about it.
Alfred rocked back on his heels, delighted grin on his face. “Every single piece of media, huh? I call bullshit.”
“I have —” he started to protest, but Alfred flapped a hand at him.
“I’m not saying I don’t believe you’ve done it, I’m saying I don’t think it was research. Anyone who watches the 2004 Van Helsing movie willingly is doing it because they’re really into that stuff.”
Direct hit. “Better than Twilight,” he muttered, crossing his arms and looking away. This just made the other vamp laugh again.
“Hold on just a damn minute, did you say you deliberately got turned?!”
“Yeah, so I could fly!”
Lovino deliberately took a deep breath, turned around to collect himself, and immediately spun back around and shouted, “We can’t fly! Are you nuts?!”
“We can in Castlevania,” Alfred told him matter-of-factly.
Lovino stared at him. “Are you referring to the video game that came out in 1986? That Castlevania?” Then it hit him. “Oh my God, you are. You said you went out and got turned in 1986. Because of Castlevania?!” He was vaguely aware that he was practically screeching, but he was too riled up to care.
“Well yeah, the game was awesome!” Alfred said defensively.
At this point, Lovino devolved into cursing extravagantly in Italian.
Alfred seemed unfazed. “Man, you sound like my brother. Except he yelled at me in French instead of Italian.”
This brought him up short. “You have a brother?”
“Yeah! We’re twins!”
Like him and Feliciano.
“He’s…still alive?”
“Yeah! I always joke he’s waiting until he looks like the older brother before he lets me turn him. Well, now he looks more like my dad when we’re hanging out together.”
“You're in contact with him?”
Out of this entire strange interaction, this was what hit him. It was just so different from what he’d done. He’d been turned into a monster, someone who would never fit back into society. Rather than subject his twin to that, he’d run, and he’d watched from afar, and Feliciano had mourned him and then gotten older and fallen in love and lived happily and then died. And Lovino had never spoken to him that whole time.
This guy had deliberately gotten turned into an immortal, for a power they didn’t even have, after playing a goddamned video game from the 80s. But. He still talked to his brother.
Overwhelmed, Lovino started to take a step back. Alfred must have seen something in his face because suddenly he reached out to grab one of Lovino’s hands in his.
“Oh, but wow, I’ve been so rude!” he exclaimed in a faux-repentant voice. It made Lovino pause long enough, because yeah he had, that Alfred was able to also grab his other hand. “Do you wanna dance?”
Lovino was speechless yet again. “What?” he finally spluttered out. “What kind of manners did this asshole teach you, what the fuck.”
“You’re the one swearing,” Alfred said primly. “Anyway, I took some ballroom dances when I was in college in the 80s, I mean obviously I’m doing night school and online coursework now, but I had the dancing thing down pretty good, at least by college standards. So! Wanna dance?” He phrased it like a question but by the time he was finished speaking he’d already dragged Lovino into a basic waltz.
“You’re out of your mind,” Lovino told him dazedly, unconsciously following the steps as he stared up at this blond madman. “Castlevania.”
Alfred laughed and graced him with another smile — it was quite a nice smile, actually — but didn’t say anything for a minute. “You know,” he said quietly once they’d gotten into a rhythm, cutting over damp grass with light steps, “We always joke about it but I’m pretty sure Mattie’s going to stay human.” Another pause. “At least I have this time with him. I’m a little scared of what I’ll do after he…well. After.”
Lovino considered this with the seriousness it deserved. “Well. You keep living, I guess. Or not, as the case may be.”
Alfred blinked, surprised, and then snorted. “You really do have jokes.” He said it softly. It sounded almost fond.
They were still dancing, but Lovino started to notice the ground felt odd under his feet.
He looked down.
The grass glistened darkly in the moonlight, several yards below them. They crested near the tops of the trees, and Alfred spun him in a way that made the shining lights of the city around the park, just for a moment, look like stars whirling around them.
They were actually flying. The air under his feet was not quite solid; it had a strange sort of give to it but also an elasticity that seemed to push him back up every time he took a step. Lovino gasped, a breath he didn’t need, and then felt a laugh burst out of him in a way that hadn’t happened in at least a few decades.
“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” he asked Alfred when he’d managed to contain himself to just a smile. It felt a bit flirtatious on his face, which his dance partner must have picked up on if the way he waggled his eyebrows was any indication.
“You bet! Are you feeling something in that cold, dead heart of yours?”
Lovino looked down and then up through his eyelashes, something he usually did for luring prey. This was more genuine.
“Maybe sometime we should…get a drink. Go dancing again.”
Alfred mock gasped. “Excuse me, I’m only 19 and it’s not legal for me to drink.”
Lovino felt himself snort. At the moment he didn’t care that it was inelegant.
As they started to descend, still slowly turning in circles, Alfred smiled. “I’d love to dance with you, though. If you think you can keep up with me.”
“How rude. You know, as your elder —”
They touched down back on the grass just in time to hear a sharp gasp, the kind that came from someone who actually used the air they took into their lungs.
A man stood on the edge of the clearing they were in, staring in amazement.
Alfred and Lovino looked at each other. Then, graciously, Alfred stood back and indicated he should go first.
Lovino grinned at his companion, feeling his teeth start to elongate.
For the first time in a long time, he felt the burning ember of hope deep inside of him — hope for the future, the centuries stretching out in front of him seemingly without end.
Because maybe he wouldn’t be alone.
With Alfred humming a Van Morrison song from behind him —
— he lunged.
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fiore-rosewood9 · 3 years
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Ah, at least now I know of the name of my favourite anime
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sylvermidnight · 2 years
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“Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of god.”
Quick little piece of a seven deadly sins au, featuring Alfred as the sin of greed. One day I strive to have an organized blog where I’m not all over the place but that day is not today so have more Hetalia art.
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coralcatsea · 3 years
Ooooh, Which if the 7 Deadly sins would you give the nations?
Good question! Now, there are quite a few sins that fit each, but I'm just going to pick the ones I feel like writing the most about at the moment.
Alfred: Greed
Whenever he does favours, he expects something in return. He mass produces goods and wants the most of everything possible. He has a hard time getting rid of his material possessions because he tends to assign so much emotional value to them – and then he'll buy more to stave off feelings of loneliness. He's the type of guy to want a bunch of friends so he can feel like he's not alone, but most of the friendships aren't very deep so he constantly wants more of their time, more of their attention, more friends.
Yao: Pride, Greed
Yao thinks everything he does is the right way to do it, is generally stubborn about considering other opinions, and looks down on other nations.
As for greed, Yao often sells anything he can to other nations. Food, medicine, clothes, etc. He's frequently trying to find a way to make a profit, including when someone else is already pitching a product (like in that strip about America's snuggie infomercial, hahahaha). Let's also not forget the scene in which he refuses to split territory and says he'll be taking all of it and that the rest of them can go home.
Kiku: Gluttony
He may eat smaller portions, but gluttony isn't only about amount. He has a high sodium intake and when Ludwig decided to supervise his meals, he couldn't handle the restrictions being placed on him.
Gilbert: Pride
He'll praise himself for breathing and then document it in his diary. 😂 His 93282th diary, that is, since he has a whole library of them and they all seem to be about how cool he was that day. He can brag about a single accomplishment for an hour and insist whoever's listening praise him as well. He uses his fighting and tactical skills to make him feel superior, his sense of fashion (after his boss convinced him of its worth), his knack for mechanics, and more.
Natalya: Envy, Wrath, Sloth
The first two are pretty self-explanatory and often go hand in hand (though not always). Natalya is very possessive over her siblings and shows hostility to anyone whom she perceives as a threat to their relationships. She also seems fairly quick to get irritated and/or violent in general, like during her Halloween interaction with Denmark or when she broke Lithuania's fingers.
Sloth I considered because of her outlook on life. She tends to view things as meaningless and doesn't make much of an effort to break free of her brother's influence.
Lovino: Envy, Wrath
His relationship with his brother is strained, in part because of his inferiority complex and envy towards him. This makes him defensive, and so he is easily angered.
Arthur: Lust (for power)
I already have a whole post and drawing dedicated to why, which I'll link here:
I do have more ideas, but I don't want to overload this post or keep you waiting, so I'm ending it here. I might make a part 2. Anyway, this was fun! I appreciate the ask.
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alfiescookies · 3 years
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i dont know anymore
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buttmano · 4 years
How would Alpha! Alfred react towards his s/o going into heat out in public?
Genre: Smut/18+
OMGGGG Alpha Alfred will immediately go into protective mode once he smells your heat
If another alpha even LOOKS in your direction he will stomp them
He's going to try and get you home as quickly as possible
But if you can't wait he's not opposed to finding a secluded back alley and taking you there
He'd scent you heavily to help you
"Is that better, omega? Do you still need alphas cock?"
His hands are all over you, massaging into your skin as he tugs your pants down
It's a desperate quickly and your needy moans are driving him insane
He's so determined to get you off and get you some relief, licking over your marking spot
His arms are holding you so tightly, not even chancing letting anyone else see you
After he finishes it's unsurprising to find his rut is hitting early thanks to your heat
So then you definitely rush home just to go at it again
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ohthattrash · 4 years
APH America: When are you gonna confess?
APH England: ...my feelings or my sins?
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i regret this, you regret this, we all regret this
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vehwill · 4 months
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Changed and developed the deer/demon North Italy sketch!
🌸💀🌟 7 Deadly Sins 2P AU 🌟💀🌸 Germany: Sloth Prussia: Pride America: Wrath North italy: Lust Russia: Greed Japan: Envy South Italy: Gluttony
This is still a project, I'm working on it with my translator/beta reader ❤
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peppdank · 4 years
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I also joining this challenge ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The suggestions are from my instagram personal acc
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Hetalia AU but it’s just Drake and Josh but with America and Canada starring Seychelles as Megan.
[not pictured: England and France are the parents]
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Church can't save you now
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ask-sin-2p-italy · 6 years
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//Today I made a bunch of ’draw your squad’ drawings because I have no self control over my life.//
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buttmano · 4 years
Nyo America with Extremely Dom s/o
I love her ❤️❤️
Genre: Smut/18+ || Tags: Dom/Sub || Characters: Nyo America//Amelia Jones, Reader
pillow princess but also a brat
Deny her orgasm and she'll whine like a little bitch she truly is
Speaking of which, you're going to have to tame this brat
She will purposely do the opposite of what you want her to do just to get on your nerves
Spank her, cane her, tie her up, or drop wax on her, she's going to be SOAKING wet and a moaning, whimpering mess
Still on the brat topic, if you don't want to listen to her cocky mouth, you're going to have to gag her
She'll tease you and chide you even if she's the one tied up
Or, honestly, just shove a cock in her mouth and that'll shut her up
She also lowkey has a praise kink so even if you're degrading her, throw a dash of praise in there and she'll be cumming in no time
"You're taking it so well, you dirty little slut."
After any scene she's adamant she can take care of herself but in reality she's going to need some help hobbling to the bathroom, especially if you caned her
So, best idea would be to stay dom just a bit longer and force your sweet, loving aftercare on her
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