#apollo cabin hc
pain-is-too-tired · 2 months
I see a lot of Apollo kids getting cold easily type of stuff. But I offer-
Apollo kids being able to warm themselves to a certain extent vs Hephaestus kids getting cold easily.
The Sun is what warms the earth. It's what makes it cold or warm and it can't really be put out.
Fire on the other hand??
Like yes you make fire to warm yourself, but fire can be put out in a way the sun can't. You can hide from the sun, sure. But you can't throw water on it and call it a day.(also, metal in general can cool down at a certain level and take a lot to get to its melting point-)
So yeah. Hephaestus kids are wrapped up in 50 layers during the winter why the Apollo kids might even be seen in sweaters and shorts-
Leo an exception simply because he can summon actual fire, but still-
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ravkanbarrelcrow · 10 months
As Nico's hair grows longer, Will starts to wear hair ties around his wrist, so he can give them to Nico when the sensory issues kick in.
Often, Nico doesn't even notice that it's bothering him, he just gets grumpier and stims more and when Will tells him to put his hair up, he immediately feels better.
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thestarstoasun · 2 months
The question that had ignited a change in Will had come completely out of the blue. It was just like any other day, a day spent in the comforting familiarity of the infirmary. The only patients were a daughter of Ares and Connor Stoll of Hermes – who had to be put on opposite ends. Nico was cutting bandages while Will lectured Connor on reckless pranks on the Ares cabin that ended up with him in the infirmary.
That was when Gracie walked in. Gracie and Will were close, mainly because she had clung to him – much like he had clung to Lee when he was claimed as a son of Apollo. “Hey Will! I have a question.” She looked up at him with the innocence a child should have. An innocence that was stolen by the rest of them through wars and death.
Gracie's green eyes reminded him so much of Lee, it was almost unnatural. Lee had gotten his eye color from his mortal mother, while Will’s blue eyes came from Apollo. The shade of green was something Will had never been able to put into words. Though, the many girls and guys at camp who had crushes on his older brother had plenty for them.
Will shot one last, narrowed look at Connor before turning his attention to his sister with a much brighter expression. His eyes softened and he ruffled her hair. “What’s up, Rapunzel?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Will could see Nico raise a questioning eyebrow, which reminded him they still had so, so many movies to watch in order to catch his boyfriend up on everything he missed because of the Gods.
“Jerry, Yan, and I were in the attic of the cabin-“ Will could feel his body tense up and tried to make them at least appear natural. “The boxes up there had a bunch of names up there. Lee Fletcher, Michael Yew, Isabella Nightshade, Mckenzie Ayers, Juliet Solbello-“
“That’s Italian.” Nico interrupted, noticing that with every name Gracie innocently listed Will looked closer and closer to breaking a apart.
“It is?” Gracie looked his way with brimming excitement in her eyes, directing her attention to Nico. Will flashed him a distant, but appreciative small smile. Nico nodded, a reply to them both, so as he distracted Gracie, Will slipped away through the side door of the infirmary.
He knew what Gracie was going to ask as soon as she started to list the names of their siblings she had never, would never, get to meet. She wanted to know who they were and what happened to them, but Will wasn’t brave enough, or strong enough, to talk about it. Five…only five of his thirteen dead siblings, and he could hardly handle hearing the fact his younger siblings, (they had never met them. They shouldn’t be touching their stuff. What if it gets lost? Or broken? What if there’s nothing left of them to remind Will that they lived?) had found the Apollo kids' biggest secret. The last remains of a shattered family with a father of healing that couldn’t be bothered to save them.
Will went straight to Cabin 7, ignoring the looks of other campers. He saw Jerry and Yan looking at a picture a much younger, more innocent Will Solace drew of him and his big brothers (big brothers that would never hold him again. Not until he joined them in Elysium). “Put that down. I told you guys not to go in there.” He couldn’t help but wince at the harsh tone in his voice. Snapping at them wouldn’t help the situation. Will Solace had a responsibility to his living siblings first, as their big brother. His own feelings could be pushed down into the suffocating box where they threatened to drown him. “Sorry, please . I don’t want it to get ripped. It’s pretty old.”
Yan at least had the decency to look guilty. “I’m sorry, Will. You guys just never talk about any of them, and you, Austin, and Kayla always find excuses to not be in the cabin.”
“We all noticed, so we figured whatever you were hiding in the attic was why.” Jerry added, finally looking a bit ashamed.
Will took a deep, shaky breath and grabbed one of Lee’s flannels. Most of the ones he wore now were once Lee’s that, when the time came to pack his belongings, Will had taken for himself because he knew it was the closest he would ever get to one of his older brother’s hugs ever again. “It’s not because of these. It’s because of why they’re there. Why the people they belong to aren’t..” Will clutched to Lee’s flannel and put it on, despite the temperature outside being the reason he hadn’t worn one today at all. “Please, put the boxes and all their belongings back in the attic. They belonged to our older siblings. And I promise, I-“ Once again, Will had to pause and clutch onto the sleeves of Lee’s flannel. “I’ll tell you guys all about them.”
Will’s gaze landed on the old video camera that neither he, Kayla, nor Austin had had the heart to look at the recordings after Manhattan left them feelings emptier than ever. But, Will Solace couldn’t let his younger siblings see how much this really hurt him, so he looked over at them and smiled brightly. “Don’t feel bad, we all make mistakes. I gotta go check on Neeks, since I may have left him with Gracie.”
Will walked out of cabin 7 with a heavy heart hidden by a porcelain mask that was covered in cracks plastered together by the sense of responsibility and becoming head counselor and the oldest sibling, after being a former youngest, in the matter of hours during a war. Other campers looked through at the cracks in his carefully crafted mask wondering how long until it shattered leaving whatever Will Solace could be underneath it exposed for the world to see.
Part 2
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toubledrouble · 5 months
More pjo/hoo headcanons
Apollo kids exclusively work out with musics as a cabin, but they always argue about the playlist that should be chosen. Will uses councillor privilege to force them to pick country.
The Athena cabin has a projector for sure
Also, they have youtube premium because of lofi music
Apollo kids have been banned from using guns in training with others (they recreated the ten duel commandments from Hamilton and actually ended up shooting without missing the target. Now, they can only shoot on regular targets, not living ones)
Hephaestus and Athena kids are a living proof of the "an architect's dream is an engineer's nightmare" thing
There is definitely an Athena kid out there that hates math with a burning passion. Their mom isn't very happy about that.
Despite their rivalry, many Apollo kids have Ares cabin bffs - after all, they spend lots of time in the infirmary
Ares kids usually have a great relationship with their father - he is surprisingly encouraging and supportive
Will can definitely ride a horse and you can't convince me otherwise
Also. His mom has a yellow pickup truck with tons of stickers and a guitar on the backseat
Sally refused to use the subway ever since Percy was born (you know how the underground always smells like monsters and that's why Grover didn't notice the chimera? That was exactly why)
Percy used to cry in the seafood section of stores, especially if it had anything living there
Athena kids can achieve Eminem speed during debate, I will not elaborate any further
Oh also. They're not straight As kids, or at least not all of them, especially the older ones. I mean, the school system vs learning disorders? There's no way they're winning that fight entirely. They probably have the subjects they like and ace, and then the subject that are just there, and since they're not failing, they don't really care (yes this is about me getting a C from physics again, I hate physics)
Annabeth loves the "further is for physical distance, farther for metaphorical and father for emotional" tumblr post
Hera's cabin has a family portrait of the olympians, it's quite a bittersweet sight
Let Demeter kids have a scythe as their weapon of choice pls
Athena kids make so many lame nerd puns. Occasionally, a Hephaestus kid or a secret nerd will laugh.
Athena kids are definitely the type to fight the teacher about their grade. They will gather evidence that their answer is technically correct and either impress or annoy the teacher so much they will actually change their grade
All Athena kids have a resting bitch face (just like Hermes kids have a face that says they're troublemakers)
Hermes kids are naturally skilled at orientation on a map and in terrain
Hephaestus and Hermes cabin have once held a lock-picking competition (based on speed but also the amount of damage caused)
Every single person in the Athena cabin has seen both Dead Poets Society and School of Rock (and loved it)
For an absolutely nonexistent reason I think the Aphrodite cabin has some pro tip for washing blood out of clothes and stuff
Very stereotypical of me but in the Ares cabin, the strongest is the leader and their word is law, if you disagree, you gotta participate in a one on one fight of choice (it doesn't matter that much if you win, at least you still prove your bravery and the courage to stand up for what you believe in). Meanwhile, the Athena cabin votes on everything. And yes, they are proud of it. And yes, they have senate level debates where everyone uses whatever dirt they have on the others to win (because they probably know too much gossip without even really intending to) sometimes. Only sometimes.
Also. They have ostrakism which is basically a thing where you break a pot/vase/something, each person gets a piece and carves on the name of someone who is endangering democracy in their option. The person with the most votes gets chased out I think. Athena kids have changed up that part, they simply ban that person from voting for 6 months.
Athena kids with learning disorders. That's all I want to say.
Mentioning my previous 'Athena cabin has a Pallas cat' headcanon
Also Athena kids are the people who will point out historical stuff behind the names of places or companies (example: my country has a shopping centre called palladium, i instill the lore of the original palladium on anyone unfortunate enough to be there with me)
Apollo kids personalise their instruments - stickers, paint, carved initials, cool straps and other accessories, you name it!
They also have a whole row of those instrument hangers, yk what i mean?
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hyperfocuscentre · 10 months
saw someone say will solace is from texas so he’s probably not gonna be vegetarian but sadie motherfucking sink did it so will can do it. maybe he’ll get judged but if he’s anything, it’s stubborn. let that man be a grass eater please
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echo-stimmingrose · 6 months
In the same way that Athena kids are terrified of spiders I want Apollo kids to be deathly afraid of snakes, specifically pythons.
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mikewheelerscloset · 11 months
I like to believe that all apollo kids r just human lie detectors
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yourlocalbrokefangirl · 5 months
TW Scratches and Blisters on hands
Just imagine a child of Hypnos with severe nightmare goes on a date with a child of Apollo. The child of Apollo knows that their date have problems even when they don’t speak about it. One day the child of Hypnos went to cabin 7 (bcs who goes to the infirmary when ur date is a doctor? Just go straight to their room👍) to get a treatment bcs their nightmare becomes real and had cost scratches and blisters to appear on their hands.
A: I thought being a child of Hypnos means that you guys are just sleeping and doing battles in your dream.
H: *chuckles* I understand why you’re thinking that.
A: Don’t laugh, this is serious. Another scratch on your hands and you wouldn’t be able to do offerings to your father.
H: Noted, doctor. Can I have some sleeping pills?
A: No, just drink warm milk.
H: *pouts*
A: *Softly kisses their lips* I’ll stay with you until you’re sleeping.
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soulless-bex · 1 year
i have this headcanon that every single child of apollo has golden hair from sun exposure. all of them. no matter their ethnicity
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darknessolace · 1 year
the best will solace brainrot is here again!
so... why dont do will solace sad hc? there it goes.
will solace had the worse moments of his life after the battle of manhattan, trying to reestablish himself in the life. he lost Michael, he lost his childhood. it was his. one of the only things left of him, to be honest.
he fell in the worse darkness rain of his life, just he n his memories, he and his brothers on the roof of the cabin 7, he and his brothers watching The Lion King 1 ½ on theirs movie friday, he and his brothers laughing over their own jokes, most of them contained stars, planets, comets... it was one of Lee's greatest loves, so all the brothers liked it too.
he doesnt have happiness for months and he had so many things to do, thinking of Michael and Lee's shroud took a toll on him.
he never got one hundred percent better. after all, he was just a kid when he lost two of his favorite people.
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rachelsdamhairbrush · 2 years
headcanon that some demigods are really bad at things before they get claimed/arrive at camp
•apollo kid not being able to get an arrow even remotely near a target not matter how hard they try then hitting the target the first time once claimed
•an aphrodite kid who sucks at their french class and can barley make a D then just speaking and understanding french fluently once claimed
• demeter kid never being able to get a plant to grow no matter how precisely they follow every instruction yet once claimed plants practically growing when they walk near it
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pain-is-too-tired · 2 months
I'm thinking about the Apollo Cabin and crying again y'all fdhdg
Just thinking about Little Will struggling to find a talent that fits with his other siblings, watching them ace Archery and Music no problem, and feeling really self-conscious about it.
Lee making the decision to have him shadow Michael in the infirmary and Michael immediately being taking him under his wing.
First time Will's healing abilities show up Will's confused as to what had just happened but Michael is pumped. Lee practically could see him glowing when they meet back for dinner Michael's so proud.
Anytime anyone even tries to talk down to Will about his lack of Archery or Music expertise like his siblings Michael has to be held back from throwing hands. Especially cause he knows Will takes it to heart.
After BoM, Will's self confidence plummets due to losing his biggest support system and having to take care of so many lives on his own. It doesn't really start to build back up until Nico starts noticing and helps him through it.
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apollo kids basically have photosynthesis, like, if they sunbathe in direct sunlight for enough time, they get a bit of a boost of energy and it can make them heal a bit faster. it’s actually why apollo kids do so bad in the dark, something that was rectified with evolution (aka apollo being concerned for his kids) when they started glowing in the dark, just a little, producing their own sunlight. it works a bit like those glow in the dark things or solar panels.
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thestarstoasun · 8 days
This entire fluff of Will being an adorable child was written as emotional compensation (mainly) for @actual-gremlin. Anyone else can take it as emotional compensation for my normal posts though!
Quick Note: Because timelines are actual torture this is at least a year before The Lightning Thief, mainly bc for the sake of plot I needed Luke to not be entirely evil & he really turns after his own quest/when Percy arrives/is claimed.
When Will was younger, he found a tabby cat in the woods near camp while following Connor to find flowers for their older sisters. The cat was missing half of her tail, but was surprisingly affectionate towards them. Will fell in love immediately, and while he wasn't a vet, his vitalkinesis told him that more than just her tail was injured. She was malnourished and dehydrated with a sprain in her front paw.
"Do you think your siblings will let you keep her? Do you even plan on keeping her?" Connor asked with his arms full of flowers.
"It really depends on what she wants. Poor angel. I would like her, but I wanna make sure she's okay first." Will's small arms held the cat and he pet the underside of her jaw, grinning when she started to purr.
"I didn't even know you liked cats. How could you hide this from me?"
"Ma used to take me to the pet shelters before she would play her concerts at night when touring. And I didn't hide anything. You're just a bad friend for never asking. Hmph."
"Wha? Hey!" The two boys laughed as they approached the Big House. Will's face grew determined seeing as his biggest challenge would be inside.
"Good luck, soldier. If they don't let you keep her, I'll sneak her into Hermes for you. Luke wants us family to be happy, so I can figure something out." Connor did his best to move the flowers around so he could give a salute.
"I lied earlier. You're a great friend...when you aren't playing the pranks of the century." Will nodded his head, took a deep breath, and walked inside the chamber.
Will was happy to note that the infirmary was mostly empty save for, surprisingly, Luke and Lee. What was even stranger though was Luke wasn't in a cot. He was sitting on top of Lee's desk, something that Will had be reprimanded for several times.
"Why doesn't Luke get scolded for sitting on your desk?" Will pouted walking towards his big brother and the Hermes counselor.
Both of the older boys jumped, but Lee just looked over at Will and smiled kindly. "He already was. You know how Hermes kids are."
Luke turned his body around to face Will as well with a mischievous grin. "Lee has tried to kick me off of the desk several times, but I outsmarted him."
Lee's face flushed, but Will completely missed the interaction between them, looking at Luke with amazement. "You managed to outsmart Lee!? But he's smart, but also a little dumb-"
"-so I can also understand."
"William. Why is there a cat in your arms?" Lee asked, out of curiosity and to redirect the conversation away from his dating life. Will was, perhaps, his only sibling who remained mostly spared from growing up too fast, and Lee was determined to keep it that was for just a little longer. Romance just went over his head, which was the innocence a child should have.
"Oh yeah! I found her when Connor and I were...-" Will pursed his lips and thought about how to say they snuck into the woods without getting into trouble. He had never met their dad, Apollo, so Lee was really the closest to one he felt like he had. And Lee had perfected the disappointed parent look- Will blamed Michael for that. "...taking a stroll through some trees to look for flowers and I found her! She's injured and I wanna help her."
Will was determined to at least be able to nurse the cat back to health, even if Lee wouldn't let him keep her. His arms were wrapped protectively around the cat and she relaxed onto Will's shoulder.
"A stroll through some trees?" Lee raised his eyebrow as if he was questioning whether or not to let the deceit go. Apparently, Will was very lucky, because his big brother just sighed. "You know we aren't vets. How can you be sure you can help her? How do you know its a her?"
"I'm a healer." Will said it with so much pride that Lee couldn't help but smile just a little bit. "And vitalkinesis, dummy."
"Michael is such a bad influence on you. He's got you insulting me in my own infirmary."
"Isn't he also the only one of your siblings, other than this one - but he's gotta only be a fourth of a person -("Hey!") who can get your stubborn ass to take a break?" Luke spoke up with an amused smirk.
"Language. There is a small and impressionable child here."
"Mikey says bad words all the time," Will spoke up, looking between the two counselors extremely confused.
"I'll have a talk with him about it. If you want to try to help the cat.." Lee noticed Will's puppy dog eyes and let out a swear of his own in Ancient Greek. "You can try to help her, but we don't have any cat food so you'll have to see if she'll eat tuna. And we aren't keeping her." Will nodded along with a small pout.
Instead of giving confirmation, Will walked to a cot and set the cat down before humming a soft healing hymn.
"We're gonna end up with a cat, aren't we?"
"You guys most definitely are. That kid has you wrapped around his fingers."
"It's the eyes! You'd think he was an Aphrodite kid, but he just pulls the puppy dog eyes and I give in."
"Lee, that's just you being a sucker."
"I'm just a better brother than you. All of the poor, sweet children that have their ears tainted by the horrors spoken of in the Hermes cabin tell me so."
"I'm going to go tell Castor and Pollux to start awful rumors about you. Overdramatic, absolute pushover, workaho-ouch!"
"Don't be mean. I'm going to go help Will. If you would be so kind, could you possibly sneak Cabin 7 some stuff for our new cat? I really don't think I'm getting out of this one."
"Yeah, sure. Good luck with being 'Cabin Mom'. I have my own rats to gather up soon; Connor and Travis should probably be first."
Will had healed the sprain and gotten the cat water and a can of tuna which she was currently happily drinking and eating away at. He sat in a chair by the bed watching her with a wide grin. Seeing her eating made him really happy and when she would look up, he reassured her with a "It's fine. There is plenty." before she went back to eating.
Lee ruffled Will's hair when he made it over. "Things going good, Sunshine?"
"Mmmmhm! She likes tuna, I think. Or maybe just really hungry."
"We can try a few things coming up to see what she likes. Overeating can also make her sick. Sometimes cats, and people, do it when they're malnourished for so long and have, for instance, they're favorite food for the first time."
"Yeah. It's why when you say you're not hungry, I always say eat two bites and you don't have to eat anymore if you still don't want any."
"That makes sense! Its much nicer than back in Texas when I would stay with my Granma and Gramps. They had dumb rules." His nose scrunched up as he recalled the nights he just really didn't feel good, the very few times he got sick, and was forced to sit at the table for hours.
"Those rules are the worst." Lee agreed and pulled his little brother in for a hug. "There are some rules that are good though."
"Like what?"
"Rules you have to follow for us to take in your new friend."
Will's eyes sparkled with excitement as he listened to the rules carefully, curls bouncing as he nodded along. The small lecture ended in a sacred oath, even more sacred than a promise on the Styx, a pinkie promise.
Bear, as Will had named her - though no one knew why since she didn't look much like one, grew healthier each week. She gained more weight, especially when she realized she could get extra treats by going to multiple Cabin 7 kids. Her fur grew fluffier (giving her a bath had been Michael's job - the punishment for swearing around children.) which Will absolutely loved, because she cuddled with him at night.
She had almost gotten herself caught multiple times because she tried to follow Will out of the Cabin. (Lee was going to get gray hairs by the time he turned 20, though he'd be ancient then. He was sure of it.)
By the time Chiron did find out about Bear, Lee had gotten the other head counselors on his side if this came to a debate. Luckily, many of them liked Will and seeing him being a kid with a cat probably helped sway the tides, or maybe some God was looking out for them. Either way, Chiron agreed to let her stay since they had clearly taken care of her this long.
Will went to sleep that night holding Bear a little closer, while she simply curled up to the boy. In a few years, he would lose so much, and she would stay through some of the hardest moments in his life, but right now he was just a boy with his big siblings and their cat.
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toubledrouble · 1 year
You know what? I reblogged a genius post about the complicated possibilities of the 'different versions of the gods exist and can have children' and in the tags I mentioned Apollo kids. And it's actually cool so let's talk about it.
Disclaimer: if something from this is mentioned in canon, I'm sorry, but I am not the best at keeping a track of what is canon and what isn't xdd
So. Apollo is the same in both pantheons - same name, same purpose, same everything. So I like to think that Apollo kids fall in a loophole and basically can do whatever they want. They identify as Greek or Roman based on their alma mater camp. Or maybe a fun idea is that they can present traits of the other camp but they get claimed and pass the check because "yeah this kid that keeps chanting something in latin passes as Greek, they got claimed, we don't know why that happens" and "this kid just called Mercury Hermes?? But other than that they are normal so it's probably okay". Maybe it gets a bit suspicious but noone has an explanation so they can't do anything about it. And then, when the camps get to know about each other, it clicks and everyone is like "ooooh, that's why!"
And another one:
Roman Apollo kids are often kids of Apollo Lykaios/Lyceus (different but nearly the same) which is wolf god Apollo. Yes, that version is Greek, but Apollo's existence is technically neutral ground and the Romans do love wolves and please I know it doesn't make sense but I like it so much-
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hyperfocuscentre · 2 years
will solace definitely has piercings going all the way up his ears and they’re all done by hermes campers. he wears thin, long chain earrings with stars or suns on the ends of them for his firsts and just normal circular studs or golden flowers for his seconds and thirds. The cartilage piercings are all just thick gold and are either plain or have small intricate swirls and designs.
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