#will solace just had to be a kid that used those giant eyes
thestarstoasun · 4 months
This entire fluff of Will being an adorable child was written as emotional compensation (mainly) for @actual-gremlin. Anyone else can take it as emotional compensation for my normal posts though!
Quick Note: Because timelines are actual torture this is at least a year before The Lightning Thief, mainly bc for the sake of plot I needed Luke to not be entirely evil & he really turns after his own quest/when Percy arrives/is claimed.
When Will was younger, he found a tabby cat in the woods near camp while following Connor to find flowers for their older sisters. The cat was missing half of her tail, but was surprisingly affectionate towards them. Will fell in love immediately, and while he wasn't a vet, his vitalkinesis told him that more than just her tail was injured. She was malnourished and dehydrated with a sprain in her front paw.
"Do you think your siblings will let you keep her? Do you even plan on keeping her?" Connor asked with his arms full of flowers.
"It really depends on what she wants. Poor angel. I would like her, but I wanna make sure she's okay first." Will's small arms held the cat and he pet the underside of her jaw, grinning when she started to purr.
"I didn't even know you liked cats. How could you hide this from me?"
"Ma used to take me to the pet shelters before she would play her concerts at night when touring. And I didn't hide anything. You're just a bad friend for never asking. Hmph."
"Wha? Hey!" The two boys laughed as they approached the Big House. Will's face grew determined seeing as his biggest challenge would be inside.
"Good luck, soldier. If they don't let you keep her, I'll sneak her into Hermes for you. Luke wants us family to be happy, so I can figure something out." Connor did his best to move the flowers around so he could give a salute.
"I lied earlier. You're a great friend...when you aren't playing the pranks of the century." Will nodded his head, took a deep breath, and walked inside the chamber.
Will was happy to note that the infirmary was mostly empty save for, surprisingly, Luke and Lee. What was even stranger though was Luke wasn't in a cot. He was sitting on top of Lee's desk, something that Will had be reprimanded for several times.
"Why doesn't Luke get scolded for sitting on your desk?" Will pouted walking towards his big brother and the Hermes counselor.
Both of the older boys jumped, but Lee just looked over at Will and smiled kindly. "He already was. You know how Hermes kids are."
Luke turned his body around to face Will as well with a mischievous grin. "Lee has tried to kick me off of the desk several times, but I outsmarted him."
Lee's face flushed, but Will completely missed the interaction between them, looking at Luke with amazement. "You managed to outsmart Lee!? But he's smart, but also a little dumb-"
"-so I can also understand."
"William. Why is there a cat in your arms?" Lee asked, out of curiosity and to redirect the conversation away from his dating life. Will was, perhaps, his only sibling who remained mostly spared from growing up too fast, and Lee was determined to keep it that was for just a little longer. Romance just went over his head, which was the innocence a child should have.
"Oh yeah! I found her when Connor and I were...-" Will pursed his lips and thought about how to say they snuck into the woods without getting into trouble. He had never met their dad, Apollo, so Lee was really the closest to one he felt like he had. And Lee had perfected the disappointed parent look- Will blamed Michael for that. "...taking a stroll through some trees to look for flowers and I found her! She's injured and I wanna help her."
Will was determined to at least be able to nurse the cat back to health, even if Lee wouldn't let him keep her. His arms were wrapped protectively around the cat and she relaxed onto Will's shoulder.
"A stroll through some trees?" Lee raised his eyebrow as if he was questioning whether or not to let the deceit go. Apparently, Will was very lucky, because his big brother just sighed. "You know we aren't vets. How can you be sure you can help her? How do you know its a her?"
"I'm a healer." Will said it with so much pride that Lee couldn't help but smile just a little bit. "And vitalkinesis, dummy."
"Michael is such a bad influence on you. He's got you insulting me in my own infirmary."
"Isn't he also the only one of your siblings, other than this one - but he's gotta only be a fourth of a person -("Hey!") who can get your stubborn ass to take a break?" Luke spoke up with an amused smirk.
"Language. There is a small and impressionable child here."
"Mikey says bad words all the time," Will spoke up, looking between the two counselors extremely confused.
"I'll have a talk with him about it. If you want to try to help the cat.." Lee noticed Will's puppy dog eyes and let out a swear of his own in Ancient Greek. "You can try to help her, but we don't have any cat food so you'll have to see if she'll eat tuna. And we aren't keeping her." Will nodded along with a small pout.
Instead of giving confirmation, Will walked to a cot and set the cat down before humming a soft healing hymn.
"We're gonna end up with a cat, aren't we?"
"You guys most definitely are. That kid has you wrapped around his fingers."
"It's the eyes! You'd think he was an Aphrodite kid, but he just pulls the puppy dog eyes and I give in."
"Lee, that's just you being a sucker."
"I'm just a better brother than you. All of the poor, sweet children that have their ears tainted by the horrors spoken of in the Hermes cabin tell me so."
"I'm going to go tell Castor and Pollux to start awful rumors about you. Overdramatic, absolute pushover, workaho-ouch!"
"Don't be mean. I'm going to go help Will. If you would be so kind, could you possibly sneak Cabin 7 some stuff for our new cat? I really don't think I'm getting out of this one."
"Yeah, sure. Good luck with being 'Cabin Mom'. I have my own rats to gather up soon; Connor and Travis should probably be first."
Will had healed the sprain and gotten the cat water and a can of tuna which she was currently happily drinking and eating away at. He sat in a chair by the bed watching her with a wide grin. Seeing her eating made him really happy and when she would look up, he reassured her with a "It's fine. There is plenty." before she went back to eating.
Lee ruffled Will's hair when he made it over. "Things going good, Sunshine?"
"Mmmmhm! She likes tuna, I think. Or maybe just really hungry."
"We can try a few things coming up to see what she likes. Overeating can also make her sick. Sometimes cats, and people, do it when they're malnourished for so long and have, for instance, they're favorite food for the first time."
"Yeah. It's why when you say you're not hungry, I always say eat two bites and you don't have to eat anymore if you still don't want any."
"That makes sense! Its much nicer than back in Texas when I would stay with my Granma and Gramps. They had dumb rules." His nose scrunched up as he recalled the nights he just really didn't feel good, the very few times he got sick, and was forced to sit at the table for hours.
"Those rules are the worst." Lee agreed and pulled his little brother in for a hug. "There are some rules that are good though."
"Like what?"
"Rules you have to follow for us to take in your new friend."
Will's eyes sparkled with excitement as he listened to the rules carefully, curls bouncing as he nodded along. The small lecture ended in a sacred oath, even more sacred than a promise on the Styx, a pinkie promise.
Bear, as Will had named her - though no one knew why since she didn't look much like one, grew healthier each week. She gained more weight, especially when she realized she could get extra treats by going to multiple Cabin 7 kids. Her fur grew fluffier (giving her a bath had been Michael's job - the punishment for swearing around children.) which Will absolutely loved, because she cuddled with him at night.
She had almost gotten herself caught multiple times because she tried to follow Will out of the Cabin. (Lee was going to get gray hairs by the time he turned 20, though he'd be ancient then. He was sure of it.)
By the time Chiron did find out about Bear, Lee had gotten the other head counselors on his side if this came to a debate. Luckily, many of them liked Will and seeing him being a kid with a cat probably helped sway the tides, or maybe some God was looking out for them. Either way, Chiron agreed to let her stay since they had clearly taken care of her this long.
Will went to sleep that night holding Bear a little closer, while she simply curled up to the boy. In a few years, he would lose so much, and she would stay through some of the hardest moments in his life, but right now he was just a boy with his big siblings and their cat.
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beardysuits · 2 years
My Brother's Keeper
Man, what a day. Two more finals down today, but still three more to go total. The only solace I have is that I get to leave early and crash at home. Even the walk home was exhausting, the thought of releasing tension was what drove me to take each step. That and being with my big brother Anthony, who always knew how to make me feel better. Finally making it to the front door of our humble two story house, I fumbled with the keys, somehow managing to drop them twice, cursing at myself each time. After far too much effort, I was able to get myself inside and slouch my backpack off. 
“Dad…?” I called out to the void. “You home?” I continued. I took a few steps around the house, making sure I was actually alone. Though, that was when I heard soft music mixed with muffled voices upstairs. Following the sounds, I trailed up the stairs, my hand gliding along the handrail. Turning the corner, I found the source of the noise; the door to Anthony’s room was cocked open, indeterminable rock music was seeping out into the hallway. 
I crept closer, straining to make out the voices which barely rose above the rifts of the guitar. Though with each step I took, I could distinctly hear that the voices were in fact moans. Curiosity and hunger began to swell as I inched closer to the door. It was open just wide enough that I could peer through the inches given to me to see the floor length mirror propped against the wall. The reflection almost made me gasp, but the fear of getting caught came to silence me. 
There was Anthony, his dirty blond hair catching the rays cast from the window blinds and arms strewn up. His neck was cocked to the side, lips parted, only showing the front row of his pearly teeth. The matching chest hair reflecting the sunlight as if they were dusted on. He was in nothing but his underwear, though those were hanging on by a thread as his rock hard cock was attempting to break free from their constraint. He was a sight alone to behold, but as my eyes followed the veins through his arms, down to the back of his hand, I saw him gripping another’s wrist. 
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I felt a sharp inhale as I immediately recognized the man Anthony was with, Rob Hernandez. I had had a giant crush on Rob since I entered school as a gangly freshman. I noticed him immediately as I brooded towards the main doors on my first day. I had never in my life spoken to him, how would I? He was a year older, star athlete, gorgeous. Those qualities do not equate to wanting to converse with the tech kid in the theater department.
But there he was, his lips draped around Anthony’s neck, crazing from his chiseled jaw down to his collarbone. I could feel myself beginning to stiffen as he trailed his tongue back up Anthony’s neck, only to use the snare of his teeth to grip onto Anthony’s earlobe. I adjusted myself and couldn’t help but creep closer. Anthony cradled his hand behind Rob’s head, pulling him away, only to push him in and slither his tongue into Rob’s mouth. I had lost all sense of fear, worry or really, common sense. It wasn’t until my cheek was pressing against the door that my last footsteps made the floor under me creak. It was absolutely piercing. 
Anthony’s eyes shot open and almost psychically darted to the mirror, where he must have noticed my reflection in turn. 
“Oh fuck,” I heard him whisper, though this time it was out of terror. Rob chuckled, none the wiser of the young voyeur only feet away. 
“Mmm, yeah I figured you’d like that,” Rob said, his thumbs tracing around Anthony’s nipples, tugging at them as Anthony craned his neck to see me. I immediately began to walk down the hall to my own bedroom. Just as I reached my door, I could hear Anthony talking to Rob. 
“I’ll be right back,” he said in a hushed voice. “No, you just stay there, that’s an order.” God, of course he talked to him like that. For three years I dreamed of even having a single conversation with Rob, and Anthony had him dangled at the palm of his hand. Creeping into the door, I shut it behind me and immediately laid myself out on the bed. Covering my eyes in the crook of my elbow, I was greeted with a soft knock at the door. I knew he wasn’t going to go away. 
“What?” I attempted to call out, but my voice cracked before I could even get the word out. I heard the door open and uncovered my eyes. Anthony came in and shut the door. He had put on sweatpants, but that was as fruitless as when he was wearing just the briefs. Though good for him for trying to conceal the massive boner he was pitching still.
“Hey champ, I’m really sorry about that,” he said, sitting at the edge of my bed. “I know that was against our agreement, I just saw him online and I thought you still would be taking your finals. Didn’t you have like three today?” I could still feel the boner from earlier lingering, so I sat up and wrapped my arms around my knees. 
“That’s tomorrow, I had two today,” I told him, avoiding eye contact. He sighed and looked away from me. 
“Damn it, that’s my bad. Look, I’m going to go ahead and ask Rob to leave, I know it’s your turn when you’re visiting. He just messaged me online and I couldn’t resist. I know you probably didn’t want to see that,” he said. 
“No, you don’t have to do that. I mean, it was kind of hot,” I said without thinking. Fuck, I knew that was a creep thing to say, even despite the circumstances. There was a pregnant pause as he refused to make eye contact and I the same. I had to deflect. 
“Look, Dad, I don’t care that you were using the suit. I just was looking forward to having it after having a rough day,” I finally said. Dad sighed and and nodded, still refusing to look at me. Though I couldn’t tell if it was out of shame or discomfort from my previous admission. I couldn’t help but stare at him though as he looked away from me. The Anthony suit was still an incredibly creation and well worth the money spent. 
See, about six or seven months ago, I was visiting dad for the week and came across Grindr when I was using his phone to find an email. Which, finally explained a lot of the reason why he and mom had divorced the year prior. Honestly, after I had gotten after the initial shock, I became a floodgate and admitted to my dad that I was also gay. This led to heartfelt and tearful confessions, warm embraces and even a few jovial storytellings. Turns out he and I had a lot more in common than I had thought. 
He had had similar experiences with me when it came to meeting with men. My problem was I was this scrawny, dorky seventeen year old with an aversion to exercise. His was that he had spent the better part of his youth in the closet and wanted to connect with men who really just wanted to fetishize his age. While he could sympathize with one another, I wanted a solution to my problems. That’s when I came across a bodysuit shop deep on the web. With just a few clicks, and a decent sum of change, you could become the man of your dreams. Complete with “all” measurements and preferences. I knew what I had wanted; meaty pecs, dirty blonde hair that could shimmer in the light, nice tall posture to counteract my ogre like one. 
It was while customizing one night that dad stumbled upon me working on it. At first he was skeptical, but it only took a few looks at the photos that he became intrigued and struck a deal with me. He would front half the cost if he could add his own wants and we could share the suit. Given the price they were asking, it was hard to say no. And so the suit was aged a bit, had a few tattoos placed, and chest and ass hair to compliment. So forth, Anthony was born. My big brother who was out of town for college, but made sure to make frequent visits. On weeks I was living with mom, dad would wear Anthony and make up for his lost youth, and when I was with him, Anthony was all mine to use. Aside from being in school of course. 
So that brings us back to where we left off. Not only was dad using the suit when it was my agreed upon time, but he was using it to seduce and control the guy I had wanted to look in my direction for years now. And why wouldn’t he? With dad’s decades of charismatic sales experience mixed with Anthony’s looks, he was unstoppable. 
“I know you’re upset, you have a right too. I have no excuse but I was just really thinking with this head,” he chuckled, pointing down south. I tried to feign a smirk, but now that my lust was fading, it was being replaced with anger and annoyance. 
“Dad, just go ahead and finish, I know you want to,” I grumbled. “Not like I would have ever gotten him anyway.” He eyebrow piqued at that remark. 
“You know that guy?” He asked, his thumb pointing back to the hallway. 
“Rob Hernandez, star ball player, last year’s prom king, major crush of every pathetic dork at my school,” I told him, tracing a finger across my knee. Dad had a knowing look on Anthony’s face and smiled at me. He patted my knee and got up. 
“Kid, ya just gotta have some confidence in yourself. I mean yeah, he’s drawn to douchey guys like this,” he said, motioning to his faux abs. “But you know what I learned about your crush from taking to him?” God, please don’t let this be where the conversation goes. “I learned that he likes to be told what to do and controlled. Once you do that, he’s putty.” 
Dad got up and rubbed his chin within this thumb and index finger. He sighed, hands on him hips and looked towards my popcorn ceiling.
“Man, I hope you know how much I love you kid,” he muttered. Spinning back towards me, he exhaled and opened his hands, palms up at me. “He’s all yours,” he said. 
“What?” I asked. 
“Rob,” he told me. “And Anthony. Lemme just get changed, you slip in to Anthony and have some fun,” he told me. He can’t be serious. I feel like I’m some sort of charity case with this kind of offer. 
“Dad, I don’t know. That just seems kind of weird,” I told him. 
“Well we’ve crossed a barrier most dads never have with their kid, so I say this with humility and love. But, go and have sex with my hookup.” He chuckled again at the absurdity. 
“But, I don’t even know how to do what he wants,” I told him. 
“Oh you will,” he said. “Trust me, you’re my son and it’ll all come second nature. Just, roll with the energy he gives you. He’s already ready to go, any way you feel like you could mess up, he’s already too sex brained to even care. Now, look away,” he said, spinning a finger. I sighed, already sick to my stomach with nerves. Turning around in the bed, I could hear dad slip the sweat pants off of Anthony and throw them to the side. I know it’s sick and kind of demented, but curiosity always got the better of me. Honestly, being Anthony was sexy as hell, but putting him on and taking him off was just as, if not even more, erotic. 
Dad was turned away, showcasing Anthony’s perky bubble ass I had wanted. The peach fuzz of blonde hair, per dads request, were remarkably well made. They were of course the prize piece in my opinion of the suit, though I couldn’t help but admire the lean back and broad shoulders dad had put in. Dad had wanted Anthony to almost be like a footballer, but I always preferred baseball players, mostly due to my affinity to Rob. So I had asked if we could slender Anthony out more, give him the perfect ass and bulky thighs, as if he grew up crouched behind the catcher’s mitt. 
Dad reached to his jaw and pulled at his top and bottom lips, beginning to stretch them out. Thanks to the almost elastic type material of the suit, you could fit an entire grown man through the mouth with enough stretching, it would just snap back into place once the suit was on or off. After pulling the mouth wide enough, I could see the crown of dad’s head peek out through the lips, his shiny bald head piercing through. Pulling Anthony’s mouth down to his neck he shook his head and let out a breath of air. He took Anthony’s large arms, pulled at the front of the suit to stretch down to his shoulder, which were decorated with grey fur. 
He shimmied his much flabbier arms and eventually was able to pull both out of Anthony’s much larger and firm ones. They dangled at his sides as he twisted the suit back and forth to get back down to his waist. Dad was larger than Anthony, not exactly fat by any means, but the years had caught up to him. While I couldn’t see the front side of him, I could see him reaching both hands into the front of the suit and struggled a bit to pull his own cock out of the sheath. Through the shadow cast from my window, I saw as the bodysuit’s cock almost came off like a condom, unsheathing dad’s, which was being pulled down and strained against the rubber like material. Eventually he snapped it out and it sprung to life on its own. Despite sharing the suit for so long, I had never seen dad’s dick, but it was almost like a bulls. Full of girth, veiny and probably strained while in the suit. It’s a wonder the thing didn’t rip the material every time dad even was halfway chubbed. I looked away for a second, ashamed that I was getting as turned on as I was. 
From there it seems like he had a much easier time. From my peripheral, I could see him, take the legs off as if they were leggings. I could feel him sitting on the edge of the bed as he took off the final bits of Anthony like they were socks at the end of a long day. He gave one final sigh, I imagine wearing Anthony was a bit constricting for him, but I felt like I grew three sizes when I was him. 
“Alright, all done,” he told me. I officially looked back and saw he had donned on Anthony’s sweatpants, though he was still shirtless. I could see the grey hairs  speckled across his chest. “Lemme just leave the room so you can get changed. I’ll sneak to my own room and tell Rob through the door to get prepped.” He took a step closer and got close to my ear.
“He’s a bottom,” he whispered, patting my shoulder. With a smile, he made his way back to the door. 
��Dad?” I called out to him. He turned, his hand on the doorknob. “Thanks.” He smiled and nodded, before opening the door and closing it behind him. I heard his foot steps trail away as I looked at the end of the bed to see the husk of Anthony waiting for me. Even with nobody inhibiting him, he was still a godlike being. I stepped up and ran my fingers across his chest. The pec implants felt as malleable as the real thing and immediately I was turned on again. I undressed, revealing my thin pasty form. Playing with his chest some more, I used the other hand to stroke my cock and hype myself up. 
He was right, I can fucking do this. Thomas may be the lonely beta but Anthony was sexy alpha that could get any guy he wanted. As him, I could have Rob any fucking night I wanted and then toss him aside if it came to it. I came close to cumming on the spot and had to stop myself before blowing my load too early. I sat on the edge of the bed and held Anthony out before me. The open slot of his mouth stood agape, inviting me in. I stretched it open as dad had done previously and faced his back towards me. 
Stepping my right foot in, I was met with the familiar, slime-like texture of the suit. When I first donned Anthony, it creeped me out and even made me feel somewhat ill, but now the idea of sliding into him only made me more erect. I pushed my leg through, the thighs and calves coming to life as I stuck each toe into their respective slots. I wiggled each of them, feeling the faux nerves connect with my skin and make it feel like the foot was my own. Doing the same with the other foot, I shimmied both of them up my legs as if they were a pair of tights. Anthony’s thighs were far bulkier than mine, but the implants did more than enough to give the illusion I had grown up working them out. 
Truthfully, my favorite part was next. I hadn’t inherited dad’s thick, bull-like cock, but that made getting mine into the sheath that much easier. I cradled my balls and slide them into Anthony’s, where they became strapped up and taught. With my cock fully erect, I slide it into Anthony’s, stifling my moan through bitten lips. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as my cock’s head connected with his and the remainder of the sheath snapped into place. I looked down and saw the thicker rod standing at full mast, a thick vein trailing along the side. 
I pulled Anthony up like a pair of pants, my ass becoming more plump. Giving it a smack, a shiver went down my spine as I recognized the suit’s skin and mine becoming one. I made quick work in pulling it up to my chest and sliding my arms down his, as if I were putting on along pair of gloves. I wiggled all my fingers, feeling the power that only came with obtaining stacked biceps in mere seconds. My arms grew twice in size and my shoulders bulked out my frame tremendously. I swear I was even taller when I was Anthony, a feature I made sure to pay extra for. It was when I had slipped the mouth hole up to my neck that I took a second to pause. 
I had a full length mirror in my room, stepping up to it I was met with my head mounted atop the Adonis. I pumped my cock a few more times with Anthony’s strong grip, unable to look away from his tanned skin and stiff presence. Gripping the top lip, I pulled it over the back of my head and was met with darkness as I adjusted my eyes to the two upper holes and my mouth back in place. I got closer to the mirror and saw the sagging face of Anthony shift around as my hands pulled him in place. With one final stretch away from my face, I let go and felt a sting as the mask snapped into place. 
I pushed my cheeks around to make sure the change was seamless. After looking at both side of the face and rubbing my chiseled jaw between my fingers, I knew the transformation was complete. I cleared my throat and looked at myself with intensity. 
“Hey Rob,” I said to myself, testing to make sure to the voice changer was working. Yep, Anthony’s voice came out seamlessly, replacing the usual crack mine gave out. I smiled and cocked an eyebrow up. “How about you be a good boy and turned that tight as to me?” I asked, getting into character. God, I could fuck up every line as Anthony and it would still be the sexiest thing, dad was right. I turned around and saw dad took both the underwear and pants he brought in. Not that I minded much, I was planning on changing anyways. 
Pulling open the bottom drawer in my dresser, I found my collection of jockstraps I kept for when I was Anthony. Normally I was a complete submissive bottom as him, but I was becoming more and more turned on at being the alpha. My favorite one was a simple white jock, one which I would always imagine Rob wearing during games. Slipping it on, I tucked in my new cock, it straining against the material. I even found my special pair of matching athletic socks and pulled each one up to my thighs. Walking back to the mirror, I rubbed my hands across my chest and flexed in the mirror. Turning around, I felt up my ass and thighs, admiring the new bubble butt I was given that the jockstrap accentuated. 
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“Fuck…” I whispered, before remembering the guy of my dreams was waiting for me just down the hall. I exhaled and shook the nerves off my fingers. Okay Thom- no, Anthony. You fucking got this. I opened the bedroom door, my heart suddenly racing as I stepped out into the hallway. I could hear the music still going from earlier, the door was completely closed now. Stepping in front of the room we renovated for Anthony, I let out a long sigh and reached for the handle. Open it up, the music greeted me first, then Rob did, sprawled out on the bed, wearing nothing but his underwear. 
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“About time,” he said, looking out the window. “Thought you had just left me here. What were you-“ he was cut off when he looked at me. I had closed the door behind me and stood with one arm behind my head, flexing and showing off my hairy pit. “Oh fuck papi.”
“You were saying?” I asked. 
“I know it didn’t take you that long just to put on that jockstrap and socks,” he said, sitting up. If he had lost his boner waiting for me, I could definitely see it beginning to reappear now. 
“Nah, I just wanted to make you wait,” I told him, putting my arm down and walking towards him. He gave a sly smile and leaned forward, laying himself ass up on the bed. 
“Now why would you want to do that, and miss out on this?” He asked coyly. I leaned down to be eye to eye with him. He had the deepest, richest brown eyes I had ever seen. I was completely mesmerized by him. I had day dreamed for years about this moment, to have him know I existed, to make eye contact with me, to see me. Thomas would have been speechless, fumbled his words and ran off. But not Anthony. No, Anthony was in control and he knew how to be wanted. 
“Because I knew you’d never want to leave me,” I told him softly, moving my lips to his. He leaned closer himself and made contact. I could feel the rush of ecstasy as our lips met. The build up, adrenaline and spark of pure joy and lust coursed through me as I went in for more. His tongue traced itself around my bottom lip, coating it with both of our salivas. I met it with my own and wrung it around, showing ever single appendage of mine was in charge. I held him there, my hand holding the back of his head. Standing him up, his knees along the mattress, my own feet still touching the cool hardwood floor. Grabbing his neck, I applied pressure, to which I was greeted with a soft moan of pleasure. Of course he was a submissive little toy like me. But I could work with that. 
I grabbed a small tuft of his hair and pulled him away. I could have done that all day, but the need to have even more of him pushed me to move things along. Laying him back, he scooted back so his head balanced upon the pillow. 
“Those are coming off now,” I told him, with an offhanded wave to his underwear. He immediately grabbed at them. “Slowly,” I cooed. He looked me in the eye and hooked his thumbs under the waistband. Pulling them down, I saw his cock strain against the band as it slid down. I could feel my eyes widen as inch after inch was revealed, a small patch of hair decorating the base. Once it had reached the head, he swayed the band back and forth, teasing me. Looking up at him I saw him biting his lower lip, raising an eyebrow. I nodded my head up once and he pulled it down. His cock sprung up, uncut and slapping his chest. It draped itself along the top of his thigh as he propped himself up on his elbows. 
“You little tease,” I told him, getting up on the bed myself. I slithered myself down to touch my chest against the mattress, cradled between his thighs. I grabbed his cock and pulled the foreskin down, revealing the head. I was eager to swallow the entire thing, but took my time, making Rob want me even more. I licked circled around the tip, Rob began to breathe even heavier. Pursing my lips, I made his cock penetrate my mouth and as I slowly slid more and more of him into me, I looked him in the eye as his own began to roll into the back of his head. Once I had reached the base, I suppressed my need to gag as he threw his head back. 
“Fuck…” he whimpered, clearly wanting to speak up, but suppressing it. I bobbed my head up and down, working the speed up as I slobbered all over him. His breathing intensified as began a rhythmic pace. It was right before I was about to shove the entire shaft down my throat again that he put his hand on my shoulder. 
“I’m going to cum if you keep going,” he said faintly. I unwrapped my tongue from him and stood up. 
“Well, we don’t want that yet, do we?” I asked. I hooked a finger around the edge of my jock and tugged. “Looks like it’s your turn then champ,” I said. His eyes suddenly became hungry as he shifted himself up. He was just about to put his hand on my bulge before I grabbed his wrist. 
“Uh uh,” I told him. I let go and pointed to the floor. “On our knees.” He only looked at me for a brief moment before moving off the bed and getting on to the floor like the dog he was. I got off the bed myself and sauntered over to him. I stood before him and placed my hand behind his head once more. He moved his head towards me before I pulled on some of his hair. 
“Over the jock,” I told him. He looked at me inquisitively. “You have to earn it.” He looked down back at my bulge and stuck his tongue out. He took one long lap from the head of my cock down to as close to the shaft he could through the fabric. I stifled a moan of my own, not wanting to give away how much I enjoyed this power trip. He wrapped his lips around the shaft and suckled on it. He kissed, rubbed and licked all over the jock, taking in the musk dad must have left behind. Inhaling my scent, he sighed before kissing my head again. 
“Good boy,” I told him, rubbing the back of his head. “You earned it.” He looked up at me and slowly brought his hands forward from where they had locked on his knees. He slowly, almost nervously, grabbed at the waist band of my jock and pulled it down. He was met with some restraint as my cock had lodged itself firmly into place. However, with a small tug, he managed to bring them sliding down to the floor. My cock sprung forward, fully alert and pointing directly at his mouth. 
He took the initiative and grabbed the base of my cock. I shivered, feeling his calloused hands cradled my dick. His lips wrapped around my head and sucked on it. I let my head fall back in amusement. It didn’t take Rob long to begin working his head back and forth along the shaft, almost as if he copying me. My cock began to be all lathered up from him and I was getting close again to blowing my load. It felt like it was being wrapped in silk, perfectly cradled and worshipped. 
“You’ve done this before, huh?” I asked him. He nodded, refusing to give up his new toy. “You make a good little cock sucker.” He nodded again, his other hand coming up to fondle my balls. That was enough for me to grit my teeth and hold back from cumming alone. 
“Oh fuck babe,” I told him. He stopped. Fuck, did I really just call him that? He pulled his mouth away from my cock, leaving behind a faint trail of saliva leading back to his open mouth. He stood up, staring at me. I could only assume he saw the faint trace of fear flash across my eyes. His nose was practically touching mine when he leaned in to wrap his pretty lips over mine. Pulling away, I saw him lick his lips. 
“I fucking want you,” he whispered. Stunned, I could feel myself working on autopilot, pretty much losing the alpha male persona. Even through the music still playing, I could feel a strong silence between us. 
“Get on the bed,” I finally whispered. He obliged and laid himself back on the bed, exposing himself fully to me. I climbed on top of him and kissed him again. Kissing him further, I followed a trail down to his chin, his neck, chest, stomach, cock and finally his taint. I lapped at it, trailing down to his hole. I was about to insert myself into it when I saw he was already lathered up. He really must have gotten himself ready like dad said. I kissed him right above his hole and looked up to see him holding the bottle of lube we kept on the bedside table. 
“Good boy,” I called him again, reaching for the lube. He passed it to me and threw his hands behind his head. I could practically smell the musk from his armpits waft over from there. The dark bushy composition and curl of muscle drove me absolutely wild. On my knees, I traced a line of lube along my shaft, up the head. I snaked my hand around it and lathered the entire thing, feeling the ecstasy course through me once more as I looked down to see Rob eagerly waiting for me. Leaving some on my finger, I circled his hole and stuck my index in. It went in without any resistance at all. He really, really prepped. 
Even so, Rob let out a soft whimper before I started to slide a second finger in. He leaned his head back and actively moaned this time. I found his prostate as I was knuckle deep and rubbed it along my fingers, feeling it pulse. Applying steady pressure, Rob was like putty in my hands. 
“Fuck…. Fuck… babe I need you,” he told me. “Fuck me baby.” I slid my fingers out and knew I couldn’t say no. I propped him up, his legs on my broadened shoulders. Positioning the head of my cock at his hole, I pushed in, feeling it wrap itself around me. I moaned, sliding inch after inch inside of him. Rob was far from complaining. 
“FUCK……” he and I said, beginning to grip the pillow behind him and closing his eyes tightly. I was practically shivering as I felt the base of my dick touch his ass. I took a second, just feeling myself inside of him. It was wrapped around the hole of a man I had fallen for twenty seconds into knowing three years ago. He laid there before me, my bitch, my boy, my lover. I pulled back and felt the slick push and pull as I moved back to him. Taking it slow, I pumped and even got close to fully leaving Rob before bringing myself fully back. I picked up the pace, slamming my v line into his taint. 
“God damn it!” He shouted. “Fucking harder!” I pushed as far as I could fucking go and grabbed him by the jaw. 
“Who gives the orders around here?” I asked him. His breathing was absolutely intense as he looked away, ashamed of himself. 
“You do,” he panted. 
“Who does?” I asked again, gripping at him harder. I turned his head to look me in the eye. 
“You do, sir.” I leaned in and stuck my tongue into his mouth, wrestling his own into submission. 
“That’s fucking right,” I said before pulling back and getting back to pounding his hole like a fucking animal. The slap of our skins touching broke through the sound of the music, which in itself was reaching its crescendo. 
“Oh fuck, FUCK!” Rob shouted, reaching for his own cock and playing with it. I debated telling him I told him when he could touch it, but I was too lost in my own sexuality. I kissed at his feet as they brushed against my cheek. I was never much of a foot guy, but completely lost in the moment, I stuck his big toe in my mouth and sucked on it. 
“Fuck, I’m fucking cumming,” Rob said, pumping himself at full speed. Hearing that alone was enough to push me over the edge. 
“Fuck me too,” I said. As soon as the words left my mouth I felt the build up of cum release as I pumped load after load into him. I could feel my cock loading him like a fucking cream pie. As for Rob, I’m sure he was experiencing the same rush as spray of cum came rocketing out of him and splattered across his chest. I pushed a few more times into him, making sure he was completely milked. Once he had stopped, he let his cock go, already deflating and resting against his thigh once more. Before pulling myself out, I leaned forward and kissed him once more, leaving behind the alpha persona and seeing him in a new post climax glow. 
He was even more gorgeous than I had seen him prior. I had known him as this baseball jock who had every girl wrapped around his finger. But seeing him for real for the first time, I felt actual love. Even if we were both disgusting messes at this point. I pulled myself out, my cock slapping against my thigh, worn out. 
“Wow,” he said, pulling his legs off from my shoulders. “That was intense,” he told me. I smiled to myself and looked him. With his hair tussled and chest gleaming with his own cum, he was the perfect bedtime specimen. 
“Yeah, no kidding,” I agreed. “Never had it like that,” I admitted. 
“Really?” He asked, sitting up. “Cause from the way you talked online, I assumed that was how it usually was for you.” Of course that’s the Anthony dad gave people. I usually playing the role of Rob, taking orders and being a little bitch to whatever sexy guy I gave the pleasure of messaging me. Now that the roles were reversed, I knew I wanted to do this a lot more. 
“It’s not often,” I told him, getting up and walking to the closet. 
“Yeah well, I would like for it to be,” he said. I turned to look at him, hand already in the closet looking for a towel for him. 
“Oh yeah?” I asked, stepping back to him. 
“Uh, I don’t know,” he said, looking away. “Maybe.” I got down to his level and looked him in the eyes again. Now that I wasn’t horned up, I could see the soft traces of amber in his eyes, like they were gemstones. 
“I do, I know,” I told him. I pulled him in for another kiss. He chuckled and held my wrist tenderly. Looking at one another, we both chuckled this time. I gave him one more quick kiss before getting up. 
“Come on,” I told him. “I’ll let you clean me off in the shower.” He eagerly got up and stood in front of me. 
“Yes sir.” 
Dad was right, I could do this every fucking day. 
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beelmons · 2 years
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Escapade 2
Pairing: Spencer Reid x f!reader Rating: Explicit, readers under 18 are not advised to read this story. Tags: smut, best friends to lovers, possible angst at some point, porn with plot, mentions of weapons, minor OC appeareances for plot purposes, mentions of death for plot purposes, unprotected sex, reader drinks a bit of alcohol. Summary: The stress of the job can take a toll on one’s mind and body, and as your friend Spencer and you come to realize: there’re many fun ways to cope up with it. Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 / 3: Bonus | 4 | 5 | 6 A/N: Repost so it can appear in tags
Rewind for a bit. How was it that you ended there again? The utility closet, fucking your coworker. Ah, that’s right. One of those missions, you know the type, where Dr. Reid was sent undercover, occasionally with Morgan or Prentiss, and things got a lot more complicated than they needed to be. He made it out alive by the grace of God, and the only solace the team could find was grabbing drinks at the local bar back home.
— But, for real, miss sweet lips right here was very worried about you. — Morgan joked as he played with the handle of his glass, referring to your concern for Reid during the mission.
— Will you stop? You were the one disobeying orders and trying to bolt inside the building to pull them out.
Your playful banter with Morgan was nothing out of ordinary. The “sweet lips” nickname was, actually, given by him on your first day at work as he was trying to not-so-subtly hit on you, he had mentioned something about how being a trained hostage negotiator probably meant you were good at sweet talking. Needless to say, his advances were rejected, but your relationship had grown into a comfortable and supporting friendship after some time.
— Well, — the muscular man continued — I was in fact worried about them. Glad you two are still here with us.
He took the cup before him and raised it into a toast, the rest of the team followed, and a couple of playful cheers were heard from JJ and Penelope. Truth be told, you felt like a giant rock was lifted from your chest the second you knew Reid was alive, and the concern dissipated once you saw his face just barely scratched up. The flight back home had been quiet and tiring, so you let him rest, and it was JJ’s suggestion to grab a couple drinks before heading home, just to help everyone loosen up from the tense situation you had just gone through.
Spencer tagged along just to be polite, but you could clearly see the exhaustion in his eyes, and the flush on his cheeks were telling you that those sleepy, half-lidded eyes didn’t come only from tiredness.
— Okay. I think it’s time to call it a night. — Hotch interrupted the toast.
— Reid, Prentiss, take a couple of days off if you need them. The rest of you, I need you at the office first thing in the morning. Have a good night’s rest, and congratulations on your performance.
Your boss tossed a pair of bills onto the table as he got up to excuse himself, it was enough to cover the entire check and leave a tip to the pretty and attentive waitress that had tended to you during the evening. For sure, he was an expert on killing the mood, and certainly his tactics worked every time.
— I think I’ll take him up on that — Emily blurted out — I’ll grab some take-out and head home, see you on Monday.
— I’ll drive you. — Jennifer responded
— Oh, that’s okay, you don’t need to.
— Don’t fight with me on this, Prentiss, you had one hell of a day, I’m not about to make you walk ten blocks back to your house — JJ answered firmly once again.
With a defeated huff of her cheeks, Emily slid her jacket on and headed for the exit followed by her friend.
— Will you drive me? I didn’t bring my car thinking we would get hammered. — Garcia turned to Derek with her common playful and flirtatious demeanor.
— Anytime, anywhere, baby girl. — Morgan returned her energy with a smile — Any of you kids need a ride? — he asked in the direction where you and Reid were sitting.
— I think I’ll just walk home. — Reid said defeatedly.
— I’ll walk with you. — you quickly said when you felt Morgan’s eyes on you — I want to make sure you get there okay.
— Aww, it’s like a mama bear protecting her cub — Garcia said as she brought her hands up to her chest.
— Actually, cubs follow their mothers, not the other way around, so that would make ME the mama bear.
The three of you stared at Reid with utter disbelief, and that’s when you realized he, too, was a bit impaired, your hunch hadn’t been wrong, it was better if you made sure he made it back home okay.
— Sometimes it’s a good idea to think before you speak, pretty boy — Morgan said playfully as he gently guided Garcia to the exit.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little bit at his ridiculous statement. You knew he was a cautious man, in fact, he didn’t talk much out of fear of not being understood by his coworkers, but you didn’t mind at all the odd, yet funny, comments that he would let out from time to time.
— Come on, mama bear. — you joked as you patted his back as a sign for him to get up.
The walk back to his apartment was rather quiet. You knew he was tired, and even when his wounds weren’t deep, they seemed to at least be itching, or so you could tell by the way he brought his hands to touch them every couple of minutes. He wasn’t the one to start conversations, even when you had gotten comfortable around each other, so it was up to you to initiate if what you wanted was to talk.
— You have to change the band aids, that’s why it’s itchy. — you said as to break the ice.
— Sometimes I forget I work with profilers… — he responded — can’t do anything without you noticing, can I?
— I mean, it is our job to observe and inquire, you can’t really turn it off at will.
— Yeah, can become a bit of a course, can’t it? — he said with a bit of sadness in his voice.
— Something on your mind? — you questioned as you caught up with the tone.
— Just like… three million useless facts people don’t really want to hear about.
Both of you laughed the statement off, and the rest of the walk continued in utter silence accompanied by the sounds of the streets of Quantico. Once you finally arrived at the entrance, Spencer opened the door before turning back at you questioningly. You didn’t give him a chance to kick you out with a gentle ‘good night’ as you pushed him inside his apartment with you following behind. You kicked the door closed with your heel.
— No need to be so rough. — he said half-heartedly in a lame attempt to joke.
— You would have told me to leave otherwise, I promise I’m just making sure you are taking care of your wounds and getting something else in your stomach, not just wine.
He sat on the, oddly neat, couch in the center of his home as you rummaged through his fridge, finding nothing much than old instant ramen and a couple old take-out boxes. You sighed to yourself and took out your phone to order something through an app. It was not the first time you had been at Spencer’s, it wasn’t like you were just coworkers or strangers, you were close and attentive to each other. Because of this last part, you knew exactly where his medicine drawer was in the bathroom, and he knew to leave you alone as you did your will around his place.
Once you had finally gathered everything you headed back to where your partner was sitting, his face covered by a book, as per usual, about something you didn’t even quite understand from the title. You tugged at his forearm to ask him to redirect his attention to you, and he gave in without a complaint. You started to remove the worn covers and bandages on his face just to check the status of the wounds.
— They seem fine, I’ll just clean them up a bit. — You reassured him.
As you moved your hands, with care, around his face he let out a couple of winces, mostly because the alcohol felt a little bit too cold against his skin. The position bending over was getting uncomfortable, so you decided to prop yourself into the couch as well and turned his head in your direction. You didn’t notice how he was looking at your focused face, with a glimmer on his eyes you wouldn’t even recognize. After all the bandages were changed you finally pulled back and sat flush against the couch.
— All done. — you said proudly, and the smile that drawn on your face imitated your sentiment.
You accidentally ran into his eyes looking deep into yours, with that particular and small smile that he used to wear in public. The sight creeped you out a little bit, it was unlike him to stare in such a way, but before you could question him about it, it was his turn to break the silence.
— I… uh…. I wanted to thank you. — he said as he diverted his eyes to his fidgeting hands.
— What for? —  your brows furrowed in genuine confusion.
— Worrying about me.
— Come on, Spencer, we all worry about you, you know that. — you pushed him on the shoulder lightly, as to indicate that his words were ridiculous.
— Right. — to your surprise, his voice seemed disappointed, and you noticed his lips purse up. You were afraid you might have made him think that you only cared for him since it was your job, which was far from reality.
— I do wish you would stop finding yourself in these kinds of situations, a girl can only handle so many heart attacks. — you tried to fix the previous statements.
— This job… — he continued, almost as if he didn’t listen to your explanation — sometimes, it’s just hard to tell who’s genuine and who isn’t, you know? How do you trust someone after seeing the rest of the world betray what’s most sacred to them?
— Hey, hey. — now it was your turn to sound slightly shaken — I trust you. Do you trust me?
— Of course — he almost muttered.
— Then, there’s that. — you unconsciously laid a hand on his thigh, you were really just trying to soothe him, calm him down a bit, but your eyes met, and you could see the deep emotions he was feeling reflected all over them. It was in that moment, that you focused on how handsome your partner was. Not that you hadn’t noticed before, you knew Dr. Reid was attractive, but having him so close to you, and being slightly intoxicated yourself, you were starting to pay close attention at his features, how his hair was always slightly messy, and his cheek bones were prominent. Without thinking much, you leaned in enough for your lips to attach to his jaw line. You felt him shudder and retract under your touch, and it snapped you back to reality. — Sorry, sorry, I was just trying to comfort you, and I got carried away. I just wanted you to relax, you look so tense since we came back from the mission.
You almost bolted off the couch at his reaction, but the grip of his hand on your forearm kept you in place.
— I wasn’t complaining! — he blurted out loudly, after a second he cleared his throat and lowered his voice again. — Why don’t you… Why don’t you show me what you had in mind.
His boldness surprised you, but he was still letting you take the lead, and if you hadn’t thought about sleeping with Spencer Reid before, which, by the way, you had, now it was the only thing on your mind. You made sure to loosen his grip on your arm and noticed the faint sense of terror on his face, probably thinking you were going to slip away anyways. As to reassure your presence, you moved quickly to the floor as you stroked his thighs, positioning yourself in between his legs as you kneeled. He looked confused, and flushed, at your actions. Was he imagining this? While he was lost in thought, your hands started to wander toward his belt buckle.
— Can I? — you asked, rather innocently.
— S-Sure. — he stuttered, still fully unable to process the image before him.
You worked you way through the hoops of the belt and button of his pants, and once you could see the thinner fabric of his boxers, you couldn’t help but to rub the bulge gently, trying to catch a feel of the effect you were causing on him. You earned a soft, yet needy, breath from his lips, and it filled you with a boost of confidence you hadn’t felt before. You felt him half hard underneath the clothing and you knew there was no going back, pulling the waistband of his briefs a little lower you reached for the member that was dying to be freed.
He wasn’t particularly thick or long, but as you wrapped your fingers around his shaft you couldn’t help but feel like it was just perfect for you. You gave his member a few experimental strokes and rejoiced on the high-pitched moans you produced in his throat. You felt the muscles on his thighs tighten and tense up since you had your elbows propped onto them.
— Relax, Reid. — you told him from your position. Truth be told, you just wanted to get his attention back to your face, and you looked him straight in the eye as you positioned his tip by the entrance of your mouth.
The sight tinted his entire face red, and you took that as a sign to start lowering your lips. You took a first, small bob on his member, and the second one went deeper than before. Your tongue moved around the tip as your motions kept a steady pace, his hands were gripping tightly on the fabric of the couch, and he had bent over slightly from the pleasure, his moans were restrained, almost as if he was afraid of being heard. You continued your motion with your eyes closed, each time attempting to get further down without hurting your throat, your hand went along paying attention to the areas your lips were unable to reach; he started to lose his composure, you felt him start moving his hips against your mouth doubtfully, and you took the opportunity to pull back and catch your breath.
He looked a little shaken at the loss of contact and was forced to open the eyes that had remained tight shut, and when your eyes met, you looking up from in between his legs, his cock rubbing a against the outside of your cheek, you felt him twitch in your hand.
— Come on, help me to help you. — your voice was playful, almost mischievous, as you carried on.
You gently grabbed the tips of his fingers and guided them to your hair. He caught up instantly, it’s not like he didn’t know about this, and of course he wasn’t a virgin, but you were his partner, he dared to claim you were his best friend, and he was right there in his apartment fucking your face. Greedy, greedy Spencer. He kept you still with a firm grip on your locks, not quite tugging on the strands but enough to keep you still, he leaned back to use the backrest of the couch as leverage, and he finally began to move his hips. He was cautious at first, but after he got used to the pace you could fell him get rougher, he was chasing his climax, and your throat was being punished for it. You felt him hit the back and it almost made you gag, but you kept still, his hard member sliding onto your tongue repeatedly, hitting the walls of your mouth, and you were starting to get lightheaded from the lack of air getting into your lungs.
He abruptly pulled you back from his dick and pushed you back to get you away. You watched mesmerized as he grabbed the base of his member and pumped it at an enjoyable pace for him, not shortly after, he released his sperm all over his clothes. He only gave you a raspy, suffocated moan consequently, and you felt like you had been robbed from hearing his voice the entire session.
He rested his body onto the couch, trying to catch his breath from the high still leaving his body, and it took him a couple of seconds to process what had happened, and the fact that you were still there. He straightened his back again to look at you, who had already stood up to gather your belongings. He hurried to put everything back into place and loosely buckle his belt.
— Are you, uh, are you leaving? — he said with a bit of panic in his voice as he stood back up in a rush.
— What? Not relaxed enough? — you teased with a grin as you grabbed the wallet you had left over the counter.
— No! — he hurried to exclaim — That was great. I was just thinking that… — he made a slight pause as to gather his thoughts, and he waited until you were looking in his direction to fix is gaze directly into your eyes to continue his sentence. — I can’t be the only stressed-out one, can I?
The newfound confidence sent a rush that ended up pulsating on your core. That was a side of Spencer Reid you barely got to see, and boy, was it wreaking havoc in your mind. You dropped whatever you had grabbed from his counter and headed back to where he was standing, your hand pressed against his chest as you kept advancing, forcing him to walk back until the back of his legs hit the edge of the couch and caused him to fall onto it again.
— Let me show you what I do to unwind, then.
Your tone was almost commanding. Your previous mischief had gotten you so worked up you felt like losing it at any given second. You hurried to remove the buttons of your shirt, but you didn’t quite slide it off your body. You moved to straddle his legs instead, your stomach pushing against the messed-up fabric of his clothing where he had just come couple minutes before. You leaned forward, in fact, he could have sworn you were going for his lips, but you decided to nibble on the base of his neck instead.
Reid was a lot less restrained now, guess the polite doctor façade was finally crumbling down, his throat kept emitting soft moans as you licked your way through his recently exposed chest, carefully working the button-up shirt he so commonly wore. You really just wanted to appreciate his figure, so you pulled back to take a second to appreciate his body. He was the skinny type, sure, but it didn’t make him any less manly, or hot, God was he hot. You stopped your train of thought before it spiraled into how much you wanted to fuck your coworker and got back to the actual deal; you helped him slide from his layers and he did the same for you, but the second your chest was free, you caught him staring for a bit too long.
— First time seeing a pair? — even though your brassiere was still on, you teased him playfully.
— Ha-ha. — he said sarcastically, almost mockingly, but you could see how he was beginning to tense up again. You knew he was nervous, possibly about letting you down since you were way more experienced than him, or at least that’s the concept he had of you, but you couldn’t have him second-guessing his skills this second, you just needed him to start touching you before you went insane. Once again, you decided to lean forward, your lips barely grazing the outer shell of his ear.
— Don’t over think it, Reid, just touch whatever you want to touch, kiss what you always dreamed of, and bite what you crave for.
It’s like your words unleashed something he didn’t even know was inside him. His arms curled around your waist, palms moving frenetically around the area of your back, lips attached to the area between your neck and shoulder just trying to taste whatever was available for him. The erotic noises of his open-mouthed kisses on your skin were driving you crazy, and you began to roll your hips onto him; the way he responded with movements of his own caused you to moan, sounds that were a lot less restrained than his, and before you knew, he had snapped your top underwear open. Wasting no time, his lips focused on your nipples, licking and sucking with eagerness, from one, to the other, back to the first one, he was making sure both of them were attended.
The stimulation, the friction against your dress pants, the sounds his throat couldn’t help emitting, if you weren’t careful, you would have come right there and then. You grabbed his shoulders to push yourself back, clearly to his confusion, and proceeded to remove your bottom clothes, panties included. He got the hint and quickly propped himself onto his elbows to remove his own layers, freeing his member once again. You took no longer than a second to be back on top of him, this time hovering over his lap. He stroked himself a few times in anticipation and rubbed your slit with his tip. You were wondering what he was waiting to start thrusting, and that’s when you caught a look on his eyes, almost asking for permission; you smiled and you slid down, allowing him to enter blissfully.
Your body bended backwards for your palms to grab onto his thighs for support. Your hips started moving up and down, adoring the way he was filling you up with his cock. He seemed freer this time as well, his hands gripping onto the sides of your hips to help you with the movement as his own thrusts tried to meet yours. The snapping sounds of your bodies lapping together took over the room, and your whimpers of pleasure were following behind.
— Fuck. — you heard him mutter.
Your eyes were shut, mind kidnapped by the pleasure of being taken by such a handsome man, your partner, Spencer Reid. He kept thrusting, steadily, for a little more, but when the knot in your stomach was forming and you started to clench tighter around him you could tell he was losing control by the way he was trying to push further. You decided to straighten your back to look at him, you weren’t going to be robbed of seeing him orgasm a second time, he took advantage of your new position, and he rounded his arms around your torso again, pulling you up against him to take control of the angle. You let out a pleasurable cry, the ecstasy over taking you little by little. You laid your forehead onto his, and your sights met without the wish of drifting apart, his mouth was open, your lips painfully close to each other, you could feel his breath on you, you could hear every sound, groan, and growl. The feeling of his nails greedily digging into your back was the final straw, and you pushed your hips all the way down to have him as further inside you as possible. Coincidentally, that was all for him too. You felt his sperm be poured, and you moaned a curse word as you did, his voice had gotten to a higher pitch, and his climax moan sounded heavenly as his body tensed up to release inside you.
Shortly after both had ridden your climaxes off, you rolled over to let yourself collapse onto the couch, only your heavy breaths filling the ambience.
— I don’t think I feel relaxed at all. — he said unexpectedly.
— God, Reid. — you laughed at his wording — Come on, you will feel better after you shower and get something to eat. — you patted his uncovered thigh with your palm.
— Actually, you should shower first, I think I sort of… — he took a quick glance at your lower body that didn’t go unnoticed by you — I think I might have made a bit of a mess.
It was the way he expressed himself, always so proper and chivalrous, regardless of the situation what got to you. He had just fucked your brains out, and here he was talking about it as if it was a science fair project. Whatever, you would deal with that some other day.
— I’ll take you up on that. — you answered.
You proceeded to gather your clothes and make your way to his bathroom. Under the tempered water, your mind began to play a couple of tricks on you. Had that just really happened? What the hell were you thinking? You knew the rules about fraternization, you knew the personal boundaries you had established for yourself, and most importantly, you knew Derek’s one and only advice for you: Mess with anything that moves in this world, but never with the payroll.
Deep in thought, you didn’t realize how long you had been standing there washing a random spot on your body. You shook your head. It should be fine; however, you would have to talk this through with Spencer. It couldn’t happen again, you would risk too much, everything you had worked for to be precise, and it just wasn’t worth it. No matter how good it felt or how much you wanted to repeat it. It couldn’t happen, it wouldn’t happen again.
After dressing up again, you hurried to tell him his turn in the water was up. To your surprise, he was no longer on the couch where you had left him. You headed to his room and called for his name. No answer. The door was open, however, and you pushed it carefully to peek if he had gone in there. You found him laying on his bed, a clean set of clothes on his body, soundly asleep. He probably changed since he hated feeling dirty, and you had taken so long his consciousness finally gave in. After some thought, you decided it was better to let him be, he had had a rough day after all.
You made your way to the entrance, and when you pulled on the door the figure of a man startled the hell out of you. It was the delivery boy for the take-out you had ordered before the whole ordeal. God, how did you forget? Well, to be fair, you had had a particularly good reason to not think about anything else. You paid the delivery off and placed the food inside his fridge. It got you thinking that he wouldn’t even know it was there unless you told him, Spencer, clueless Spencer. If your brain was going a mile per hour, his would go ten miles once he woke up. You knew work boundaries meant a big deal to him, and he was going to go into an anxious coma before work the next day.
You decided to look for a note pad and a ped, pretty easy to spot in a genius’s house, and write a note.
“First of all, everything I did was because I wanted to, it was not for pity, it was not the alcohol. Second, there’s curry in your fridge, eat and change your bandages. I wrote it down on here so you have to read it and will never forget, eidetic memory, am I right?”
You left it by the night table before going home, and the entire walk back, however, you couldn’t shake off one very important thought.
Was this for better, or for worse?
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herstarburststories · 4 years
He didn’t make it to 42
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Summary: it’s Dean’s birthday, you go to visit him with some news and things that need to be said.
A/N: Happy bday, De.
Warnings: so much angst, mentions of sex, hopeful/happy ending (?)
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Dean’s dead. It’s Dean’s birthday and he’s dead. You can’t argue much.
Sam denied the demon blood inside him, and that didn’t stop its evil nature from growing and gasping for his fresh air to the point he was almost shocked alive. Dean denied his dad’s destructive methods’ results for the longest time, and that didn’t stop the cicatrixes in every emotion he had ever shown. You denied the absence of Dean and that didn’t stop the bricks cracking in your soul. There’s only so far you can go with your eyes closed.
So here you are. Standing in front of an empty grave. You are bigger than the dull tombstone, yet you can’t help but not to feel tall, at all. How can you even start to talk? Talking to Dean used to be easy even when it got hard and now you’re feeling like a lost kid in a supermarket. Your snide thinking spells out his name with venom, saying it isn’t easy for you to open your barmy mouth and spill out contrarian shit because this isn’t Dean, just another meaningless symbolism that Sam promises that will help. The real Dean died almost a year ago, he was burned in a hunter’s funeral, the flames dancing over his body as the smell of burnt meat invaded your nostrils. Whenever you try to remember his fragrance, that manly aroma which you loved to scent each morning, all your brain can come up with is the odor of his skin and guts burning. The smell lingers like bad perfume, it doesn’t matter how many times you wash yourself with his soap-- that only broke your heart worse.
But today is Dean’s birthday. He deserves a visit, even if it’s not him. Then you go and attempt to deal with the desolation, push it away just a little, and pick up something from the enormous pile of things you wish to tell Dean. You glance at the cold tombstone: Dean Winchester. 1979 - 2020. Beloved son, big brother, and husband. Hunter. A hero. Simple definitions that can never make it up for who he was and what he meant. You purse your lips and cough a little, a gentle wind touches your cheek so tenderly. If you were still a believer, you’d think this is some sort of sign, Dean’s presence or some other pious hoax. All you do now is to remain in quietude, a deep breath. Ultimately, your voice comes:
‘’You didn’t make it to forty two, huh?’’ You scoff humorless, reminiscing to the multiple days that Dean said he wouldn’t go past 35. He did live each year like it was the last--- you aren’t sure if it's such a good thing. If you carry on like your days are outnumbered, you are silently entertaining yourself until death's knock on your door. ‘’I always hated when you were right. Let’s be honest, you had the words of a pessimist and the wants of an optimist. Still, if you were to be right about something, it would be about a bad situation. A nest with too many vampires, how crappy the motel’s bedroom would be, or how that third glass of wine would make me tipsy. So yeah, I always hated when you were right. And look at you now! You aren’t right, you aren’t wrong. You are dead! And I’m the crazy girl screaming at an empty tombstone.’’
You let out a laugh empty of joy. That’s how a hunter’s life is: you die and people stop talking about you because it’s too sad or too long gone to hold any pity, meanwhile the ones who recall about you go loud with all the spirits in their heads. You put your hand in the pockets of the heavy leather jacket that once belonged to a green eyed man who would be turning 42 today, some strange force causing you to speak again.
‘’Wow.’’ You shake your head to the blue way you paint the scene until you notice that you never greeted him. ‘’Hey.’’ The simple word adds a comical insult to injury. ‘’Guess the dead don’t care about manners, huh?’’ You arch your eyebrows with a grin that demonstrates anything but happiness. ‘’Miracle died. Sam digged a hole next to the bunker and buried him there. He isn’t the same since you died, you know? Not the deceased dog-- Well, he wasn’t the same either. Always whining and scratching your door like a fucking cat, and sniffing your old boots. He made me company in your bed and I whined as much as he did when you didn’t come back home that day. He stood by the door most days, waiting for you to appear. I can’t judge him, I did the same.’’ You shrug, not caring about how risible that confession may look. It's true. You became as irrational as a loyal dog at some point in this sorrow. ‘’And Sam, your baby brother… I think he died with you right there, Dean. He didn’t try to bring you back as he promised, but I shouted and screamed so much. I said I would burn the bunker and throw Baby over a cliff if he didn’t-- if he didn’t let me try. I lived up to the mad woman title.’’
You are crestfallen, pacing on top of where the eldest Winchester - Sam’s brand new nomination -  supposedly was buried. You know your boots barely touch an infected land, there's no deceased man under your steps. The dead thing is in you.
‘’I spent days dragging your body everywhere and nowhere, anywhere I could catch a crumb of relief in hope to bring you back. But I couldn’t. Jack could, but that ungrateful idiot doesn’t wanna follow his grandpa steps and get too attached to mere humans, the creation or whatever. As if we are just some skin and bone to him, as if you are just another human.’’
You sit down on the tombstone, some tender solace in being close to a thing that's supposed to represent him, like sleeping hugged to a pillow or waking up to a photograph of his. Your nails sink against the gelid concrete at the thought of screaming into the sky for the new God that seemed as deaf as the last one. His calm answer to your burning pain. How he dared to tell you he knew what he was doing— as if he was the original lord and not a three years old. You can't make him do it, so you hold on the fury of some overthrown nation.
‘’Anyway, I couldn’t bring you back. Your body, well, you know how human anatomy works. Your body started to smell like death. We tried to stop with human and magic ways, and it wouldn’t work because you were dead. You should’ve seen the doctor’s face when we got you in that fancy hospital tha night. I think we traumatized the doctor with so much violence and trauma. She didn’t even give us a false hope or anything, you know? She just asked about organ donation of what was left. She just wanted to take every little thing out of you, as if you were just another accident on a Tuesday night.’’ Your shake your head as the memories and your points start to mix, it's hard to discern things and keep a straight line when you have an open wound in your insides. ‘’Well, they couldn’t bring you back to life, and neither could Rowena or whatever I looked for. Don’t be mad because I tried, Winchester. You know I’m too stubborn for my own good. I had to try.’’ you refuse to apologize, yet adds the playful words in his eulogy. ‘’But then your body started to stink and God, how could I continue to be so violent to your corpse? That was when I decided to listen to you for the first time and to Sam, so I let you go. I hate you for asking that.’’ What an ambiguous, contradictory truth to bare. You are glimpses of a person for months because of Dean Winchester, still have the energy to argue his selfless logic, just to love him even more. He's got your devotion, but man you can hate him sometimes. ‘’I hate you for going on that stupid hunt. I hate you for being dead, you giant idiot that I love so much.’’ You can't bring your mouth to say loved. "I was always telling you to let the past go and now I’m in love with a dead thing. What a comic way to end our history. I told you that Miracle died, right? I don’t know if dogs go to heaven, but I hope he’s in there with you. I wonder what your heaven is like. I bet it has Whiskey.''
Your dry chuckle makes your notice the tears in your eyes, glistening your orbs as they go like a waterfall to be absorbed by the thirsty land after leaving your cheeks.
"Sam and I-- We tried to make some sense out of this cruelty, but we can’t. You are dead and I can’t seem to put it past me. I still sleep in your bed, and I can still taste your body burning on the roof of my mouth in the quiet nights. I cried this morning because someone asked for a burger, can you believe that? It was so stupid since I used to shake my head and argue with you about cholesterol. Suddenly I was crying at lunch in a restaurant because some stupid kid asked for a burger with extra bacon. They sang Happy birthday to this dumbass child, and I interrupted with my awful crying, and wished that you were celebrating your birthday and not that kid. I guess you could say I wish death upon an innocent child with a problematic eating routine.’’ That was a whole new level of low, as if you are the one wrapped with the sentiment of laying six feet under.
‘’Everyone tells you about how grief is singular and particular with similar emotions that bring people who went through this together. They even have that crap stages thing and all that. You know what they don’t tell you?’’ Your mouth shuts for a moment, like you are waiting some response. You nod as if whatever you were expecting is handed to you. ‘’Grief can be fucking ridiculous. Who cries because of a burger full of oil and cardiac diseases? Who cries because they found a grocery store recipe under her dead boyfriend’s bed? Who falls on the ground screaming in the middle of the mall because they saw a flannel? Who? Those things are so stupid.’’ You smile like there's no tomorrow and the laugh leaving your lips is a treacherous tone. Perhaps you just aren't build up to express joy anymore. ‘’You see it in the movies and in the books and you think, you know, you think to yourself that grieving is being sad on special dates and randomly remembering the loved ones because of some screaming memory, like a flannel or their perfume. Thing is, it’s not just that. All your body seems so small, so tight for all the ache and agony inside it. Your senses go wild, you are not just one person in one place. You’re just the pain everywhere, like being pulled apart and you beg to jump in the fucking grave with them. At least you would be together, at least you would feel like one person and not suffering edges of a broken earthy thing. And--And you start remembering things you didn’t even know you had mesmerized. I look at the ceiling and remember you saying you’d paint it someday. I look at the kitchen and remember me screaming at you for giving Miracle the rest of the food. I smell Sam’s clothes and started crying because hey, they don’t smell like alcohol. You don’t iron them while drinking anymore, so of course they don’t smell like cheap beer.’’ You are chuckling through the tears and it only makes it more monstrous. ‘’Everything is you now that you are gone. Every man has something similar to you, every garden is green as your eyes, and each step sounds like you are coming home. They didn’t prepare me, not for this.’’ You said breathless. A soft single follows. The knife cuts both ways; the empty breeze and the words hurt. Where's the middle term? Where's the limbo? Where's the only safe place for you to rest your weary head?
Out of nowhere, you blurt out, ‘’I can’t masturbate,’’ I know it’s something stupid and even selfish to say, but I think you’d like to know. I can’t masturbate. That’s a part of the whole losing someone process that people are too ashamed to discuss, or maybe they don’t have the urge to be touched anymore because after someone you love dies, after someone-- the hands who touched are dead and cold, you become a haunted object. That’s how I feel most days, like I’m a haunted house because you touched me and now you’re dead and some days I believe I am too.’’ You look around the places. It's beautiful. It's lonely. It has trees and flowers and green. Not as green as Dean's eyes, but it doesn't matter anymore. He doesn't even have eyes at this point. ‘’Well, I can’t masturbate. I can’t touch myself. And I can’t ask someone else either. I tried and ended up punching the guy, Dean. I swear. I panicked when he was between my legs and just punched his nose. You’d have liked it, you were always the jealous kind. I won’t admit that, but I thought it was kinda hot. Especially when you got possessive in sex.’’ A dirty grin appeared on your lips, the echoes of luxury lasting in your eyes for a brief moment. ‘’I don’t think I can be cared for anymore, honestly. Sam tried to hug me when Miracle died and I… It was like I wasn't there. I got frozen in time, and I live in my sleep. In my nightmares you are alive. I  dream about the day you died every week and I used to wake up screaming, but now those nightmares are the only proof you were alive now that you’re as dead as the police report says this time. It was the most painful, calamitous moment for you and I swear it was a nightmare for me, but then I realized that at least I had you there, egoistical or not, I made my nightmare into a dream.’’ You aren't sure which opinion Dean would have on that. Would he understand? Would he shake his head? You wish you can ask him just this one more thing, just beg him to write it down for you on how to be without him here.
You raise on your feet, glaring at the name craved in the concrete. The tears go by still, although they're as usual as the blood in glir veins at this point. ‘’Death is so silly. What it takes, anyway?" Each word conquers more inches of pure wrath. ''People die because they stumbled on their own feet and hit their head somewhere, or they drove their car too close and too fast to the cliff, or because they were giving birth, or because they dated the wrong person, or because they were hunting a fucking vampire and got impaled. What are the chances? How stupid, and idiotic is death? Always creeping and waiting to bite and chew a piece of you-- Taking every scrap of you from me like that’s its right.’’ You are screaming, starting to kick and punch the tombstone with any piece of straight you have. Your limbs hurt and the blood is visible, but you keep going. ‘’YOUR STUPID DOG DIED, DEAN! AND YOU DIED! AND I DIED! SAMMY DIED! YEAH, IS SAID SAMMY! GO AHEAD, TELL ME ONLY YOU CAN CALL HIM THAT.’’ Another punch, your knuckles are ripped. Another kick, your boot as a hole. ‘’DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.’’ Kick. ‘’SAMMY, SAMMY, SAMMY!’’ A punch to each name. Anything to get a reaction, to get comfort. Anything. ‘’YOU CAN’T BECAUSE YOU ARE DEAD.’’ Gasping for something you don't need anymore, sweet oxygen, your eyes are on the tombstone again. And the definitions. And the trees. Your body is sore and aching. It is the kind and coercion no person wants which you needed; the freedom of feeling outside the exact pain that was inside. ‘’You can’t because you are dead. I’ve been playing some sick games in my mind, you know? Sam stopped hunting and had his closure. He was always better at letting go than you and I, but he’s still hurting. I never saw him hurting so much. I think he knows you won’t come back this time, how could you make us promise something like that?  Well, my twisted game is a bunch of misleading what ifs. What if you hadn’t gone after John? What if you hadn’t gone on that last hunt? What if you had stayed with Lisa? At first I didn’t like her much. Jealous, I admit that. But she grew on me. She gave you something I couldn’t back then and I’ll always be thankful for that. And even though it would rip me apart, I’d rather you to die at sixth after living your suburban dream with her. Have another kid besides Ben, maybe a girl this time, and just have that apple pie life. You and Sam would live close and your kids would always play. They’d be as close as brothers. Maybe I’d get a guy and bring my own kids and we could’ve a barbecue and everyone would be happy. But we don’t get soft epilogues here. It ends how it starts, right? Bloody and desperate. I thought maybe, maybe Lisa could understand what’s going through my head now. I drove to her new address and parked close to her house. I must have spent hours there, thinking if I should come in or not, If she somehow remembered after Castiel died or if I could make her brain work again if I told her the truth. But then I just drove back home and fell asleep wrapped in that stupid lumberjack flannel of yours. The one I always mocked, yeah? She may understand me, but I know you wouldn’t want that. You want her, you want me and Sam to be happy. I don’t know if I can do that, Dean. It’s like myt brittle soul shrewd and my body is just waiting to collapse.’’ You signed, overwhelmed by the battle without an anthem. The victory with no triumph. Is it still a win when you don't have someone to come home too? ‘’Your dog died, it’s the first birthday you didn’t live to see, and I bought all the things you told Mrs Butters you wanted for your birthday because it’s your birthday. I just don’t know how to celebrate it with you dead. People stop counting after they die, right? They just say he’d have been 42 or he died at 41. They give melancholy smiles when they wake up and check the day on their phones and a woe atmosphere swallows them for the rest of the day. Then they get better the next day. I think everyday is your birthday.’’ You attempt to wipe away your tears, which only causes your pulsating hand to stain your face red. ‘’Dean, for the first time, what died stayed dead! Congrats.’’ Once again, a hysterical laugh. ‘’I wish but no. What died didn’t stay dead, you are alive, so alive in my head. I swear you are there some days. I wake and watch the door, so sure you’ll come back. Sam says I’m living in delusion and I have to wake up and keep going since that's what you would want. That's enough to make him keep going, but it only makes me angry. Everyone we know and some strangers looks at me like I'm a house on fire and no longer a warm home, like I'm a car accident. They think I don't notice but I do.’’ You look at your boots, the whole is rolling out blood like your hands. You feel closer to Dean. How sick.
‘’Help, I’m still right where you left me." You plea, his love lingering like a bruise. ''I think gravity is overwhelming and it keeps me here. Sometimes it’s like I’m one of those dusted books Sam used to read. Or those Bukowski ones that you hid, so we wouldn’t see how smart you’re. You tried so hard to hide your intelligence because you didn’t think you were entitled to it. You saw yourself as the protector and never the valuable one for protection. You, the man who made an EMF out of an old radio, who rebuilt the Impala from the ground multiple times, and who knew patterns better than any detective. The man who showed me I could rely on someone other than myself. The dude with a lopsided grin, tough hands and a heart of gold. I miss you so much. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were singing all those classic rock songs and Taylor Swift pop hits, while I drove here. I would think you were home, smelling like guts because you wanted to eat before taking a shower after a hunt. I would think that you are in the Deancave, waiting for me to curl up on your lap to watch Scooby Doo or Doctor Sexy MD until we aren’t watching anymore. If I didn’t know better I would think no death could take you from me. There would be no tear us apart in our vows.’’ The only thing that keeps your organism working is that Dean died knowing how much you loved him. You never let this talk for later or never. No tomorrow is promised. That's a nice comfort, maybe that's what will help you to let go in the future. ‘’But yesterday your stupid, skink dog died and I lost the last living thing that I had from you. You know what’s more angerting? I cried and Sam cried and I noticed we were the living things you left behind and all we have is each other. All your closets of backlogged dreams were left for us-- so yeah. Sam is done hunting and he’s met a lovely girl, and they are moving in like in your domestic dreams. I’m taking care of the family business like your other contradictory dream and making sure Sam is safe enough to be normal. Because I have to, we have too. Stupidly enough, I still wait for the day you’ll burst out the door and tell us to hit the road again. I still watch every episode of your dumb tv shows to make sure I’ll know everything that happened when you ask. I still drive around in your car and close my eyes when the street is calm, only picturing you driving as Baby’s engineers go wild but those are my hands on the steering wheel. If I didn't know better, I’d think you are still around. But I know better. I still feel you all around. I love you.’’
Your monologuing ends as astutely as it stated. You get up, press a kiss to your ruined for the next weeks hands and place it on the rock with writings. You turn around and walk back to the car that you parked near, only in case of Dean wanting to see Baby. How knows? You and your clandestine faith. You lick your lip and get in the car.
You swear you the AC/DC cassette wasn't there before, but when you turn on the car and the radio it starts playing. It's the first true smile that comes to your mouth, it's bloodstained and you look like a shameless woman. With that you can deal.
It hurts a bearable hurt for now. You didn't think it was possible. Maybe someday.
The end.
(she takes a little longer to arive in heaven than sammy. his baby brother says that women are most likely to live around six years more than men. it doesn't ease him up, though. dean waited sam for too long, his platonic soulmate. and now he has to wait his romantic one too? the eldest Winchester considers it the best earthly present when the he sense you around, that smell of orange and apples. it's you, he knows before even turning around. he can't wait to love you again. your name rolls off your tongue so naturally, as if you had seen each other just yesterday: ‘’hey, y/n.’’)
But then again, nothing ever really ends, does it?
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REBLOG AND COMMENT. Feedback is magic and helps me!
Starburst's footnote: It just didn't feel right to make an author's note on the top. I wanted it all only to be an arrow to the story. So, this is my side note: it's six am and I'm up writing this after inspiration kissed me with a bruise in the middle of the night. Or more like grabbed my throat. Anyway, I had to write and finish this one to post today, even pushing sleep aside. Hey, we are writers, that's what we do! I've been watching the show since I was eleven and I cried like a baby with the finale. This series was just so important and crucial to molde aspects of relationships for me. The song marjorie by Taylor Swift was used here, and so was the line "you got my devotion/ but man, I can hate you sometimes" by Harry Styles. I told you guys I would use it somewhere! A special thanks to @msmarvelouswinchester​ who helped me with her encouraging and opinon. You are the best! And with all of this I wanna say: Happy bday, Dean Winchester!
REBLOG AND COMMENT! Feedback is magic! Especially about this fic, I’d like to know your opinion. Tags in the reblog! Send an ask or dm to get in the taglist.
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rainsongdean · 4 years
you’re always golden to me
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post-mockingjay / pre-epilogue everlark healing together, appreciating the sunset, and maybe even falling in love
"We should head back before it gets dark." Peeta's words rang out in the open air between them, but they were not enough to pull Katniss from her trance-like state.
It had been a rough day. Not enough so to be classified as a bad day, seeing as Katniss had found the motivation to move from the bed to the couch at some point in the afternoon. Now, though, watching the clouds paint watercolors in the sky seemed to bring her back to life. She was encapsulated by the sight.
"Not yet," she eventually spoke, her voice somewhat hoarse from not using it for a while. "I want to stay until it's over. Besides, we could walk home blindfolded from here."
It was true. Katniss had discovered the hill nestled in the woods behind Victor's Village not long after returning from the Capitol. She found solace in being embraced by the wilderness rather than being suffocated in her old home, so when she accidentally stumbled upon the tall mount that overlooked the wide plains and open sky, she knew she had found what she had subconsciously been searching for.
It had taken a few months before she brought Peeta to her secret spot. He'd only returned to District 12 a few days before she had found the hill, and they both needed some time to warm up to each other again. But one day, after suffering through a particularly vivid flashback that ended with him handcuffed to one of Haymitch's spare cages for his geese, Katniss figured it would do them both good to escape into the forest for a while.
That was the first night they watched the sunset from the hill. It had been slightly uncomfortable, sitting inches apart on the dewy grass, no attempt at conversation made by either party. Eventually, Peeta suggested they return home to make dinner before it got too late, but Katniss insisted that she could tell by the shape of the clouds that they would put on an impressive show.
As usual, she was not wrong.
It was the most vibrant spectacle either of them had seen - far more breathtaking than any Capitol party or fireworks display. Sure, they had both watched the sun go down in 12 before, but their view had always been clouded by the thick layer of dust in the air from the mines or obstructed by the cluster of buildings stacked practically on top of one another. Here on their hill, nothing stood between them and the sky. Beyond that, the best part was they got to share it together, just the two of them. 
Since that night, the pair made an effort to hike the two-mile trek to the hill at least once a week, though they typically found themselves there more often than that. Katniss still liked to visit the spot alone, sometimes using the safe space to speak aloud to Prim or Finnick and imagine what they would say back. Other times she just enjoyed the silence.
Peeta, too, ventured to the hill a few times by himself. He had tried on several occasions to paint the landscape, and while he was able to perfect the morning glow and mid-afternoon sun, he couldn't capture the colors of nightfall that he most desired to paint.
Despite the significance that the holy ground held for each of them individually, neither one could deny that they preferred to visit the hill together. Katniss had been unofficially living with Peeta for weeks now, and they even shared a bed most nights, but there was a different breed of intimacy that came with being in the woods, nestled in their own little corner of the universe. 
"Fine," Peeta sighed contentedly, breaking the silence again. "We can stay as long as you'd like." With that, he leaned toward the picnic basket they had brought and reached in, shoving aside the empty containers that once held a selection of berries, cheeses, and breads to reveal a neatly folded fleece blanket he had stashed in the bottom. "I came prepared," he announced with a sense of pride.
Katniss briefly pulled her gaze from the view for the first time since the sun had begun its descent to offer Peeta a small smile of gratitude. The gesture warmed his heart with the blaze of ten thousand sunsets.
Taking care to wrap the soft cover around their legs, Peeta pulled the fabric up to their chests and then eased his back to the ground until he was laying horizontal on the hill. Katniss followed suit so they were both engulfed by the blanket.
Their new angle only served to better showcase the colors stretching endlessly above them. One hue in particular transported Katniss back to a seemingly ancient memory of the two of them.
"Orange. Muted... like a sunset." Katniss didn't break her eye contact with the sky but smirked to herself as she spoke.
Peeta nudged her shoulder playfully in response, easily picking up on what she was referring to. Their conversation on the train about favorite colors was one of the first to come back to him after he had been rescued from the Capitol. Shifting slightly toward Katniss, he reached out and twisted his finger gently around a stray strand of hair that had escaped from her braid. "You're so poetic when you quote me," he mused sarcastically.
"Well, your choice of favorite color is much more poetic than Effie’s choice of wig," she quipped. It was ironic how some of her and Peeta's best conversations had happened in the midst of some of the worst times of their lives. And yet, there they were: safe and relatively happy, just two kids trying to piece themselves back together with some pastel paints, cheese buns, and hidden hills. It may not have been anything profound, but it was living, and Katniss figured that, for time being, that would be enough.
She inhaled deeply, trying to absorb the moment. They had reached the peak of the sunset when every particle in the air seemed to glisten from the giant star's final attempt to remain on the topside of the world. There was only one word to describe it.
"Everything is golden."
And, for an instant, it was.
But as the sun succumbed to the pull of dusk, the raging reds and oranges that had scorched the sky swiftly turned to delicate pinks and purples, paving the way for the black of night.
It was then that Katniss realized Peeta had been uncharacteristically quiet, his sunset commentary usually being much more prolific than hers. When she turned her head to the left to face him, she found he was already staring back at her, still toying with her hair. His deep blue eyes twinkled like he knew a secret and was about to let her in on it.
When they first met, that kind of look from Peeta overwhelmed her. Sometimes Katniss would catch him staring at her like she carried the world in her hands, or spun threads of gold with her words. It puzzled her, annoyed her, and at times even enraged her. But after his hijacking, it had been so rare for that young, innocent Peeta to reappear and give her that look which spelled out his love for her so plainly on his face, and she had grown to cherish it.
"I change my mind." For the third time that night, Peeta's voice sliced open the veil of silence that covered them. 
Katniss abruptly rose to a sitting position, an expression of confusion clouding her face as she leaned over Peeta's resting form. "What do you mean?"
"I change my mind," He repeated calmly, shrugging as if the answer to her question was obvious. "The sunset isn't my favorite shade of orange anymore."
Katniss bit her lip and furrowed her eyebrows, causing the wrinkles on her forehead to deepen. Peeta could tell she was trying to keep herself from challenging him, so he decided not to torture her any longer.
"You are my favorite shade of orange," he reached his hand up to caress her cheek, easing away the signs of worry that had risen on her face. "You, sitting here with the sun reflecting in your eyes, your skin glowing in the light." He lowered his voice to a whisper and retracted his hand, slowly guiding Katniss's head to rest on his chest so she could hear his heart beating. "The way you make me feel like I'm on fire inside, all the time."
Girl on fire. The words echoed in his mind and, although he did not dare speak them, he internally admitted they rang true. And it was in moments like those, as he held her under the night sky with millions of stars blazing above them, that he saw Katniss burn the brightest.
"Oh, shut up," she exhaled, turning away from him in an attempt to conceal the blush that had overtaken her smiling face, but Peeta didn't have to see it to know it was there. "You're so cheesy."
"Hey now," he feigned a hurt expression, "I thought you liked my cheese."
Katniss couldn't hide her outburst at his nonsense and they both fell into a fit of laughter together. They hadn't spoken much about what exactly their relationship status was at the moment, hesitant to put labels on anything, but he still wanted her to know how he felt about her. And while Katniss had never been proficient in using her words to convey her love, the way that she clung to Peeta, burying her head in his arm while gasping to regain her breath from laughing so hard, told him everything he needed to know.
"Come on, we should really head back before Haymitch gets worried." Peeta attempted once again to persuade Katniss to return home after they had both calmed down. His stomach was beginning to growl - the small rations of their picnic earlier weren't nearly enough to tide over his appetite until morning - and now that the sun had set, he'd much rather snuggle up with Katniss on their couch than on the cold, hard ground. And besides, while he didn't really think their mentor would be waiting up for them, he figured the argument might be enough to persuade her.
"Seeing as it's past 3 p.m., I think it's safe to say that Haymitch is passed out on his couch," Katniss countered, but her actions said otherwise as she began to gather herself up off the ground. Peeta knew she had a soft spot for the old man.
It took them a little over half an hour to walk home, leisurely following the path that their own footprints had created over time. Upon entering the house, Peeta made a beeline to the kitchen to heat up some leftover stew from the night before. While he ate, Katniss headed to Haymitch's house, opening the unlocked door to find him asleep in his living room as she had predicted. She pried the half-empty bottle from the arm that hung off the couch and set it on a nearby table before turning the lights out and closing his front door behind her.
She had recently made a habit of checking in on her friend, especially during the weeks when Effie travelled back to the Capitol for work. She knew he had done the same for her countless times. Haymitch never seemed to question why he would sometimes wake up with a blanket draped over him or a pillow propped beneath his head, and Katniss didn't plan on bringing it up. Like most things between the two of them, it went unsaid.
Later that evening, tucked under the covers of Peeta's bed - their bed - Katniss felt more at ease than she did most nights. Maybe it was the serenity of the particularly striking sunset, or maybe it was Peeta's roundabout confession of the feelings he still had for her. Either way, she was pleasantly content. 
On the other side of the mattress, as Peeta danced on the cusp of sleep, his mind dragged him back to something Katniss had said on the hill. Everything is golden. He knew what she meant; that the landscape had been blanketed by the radiance of the sunset. But he felt it was true in another sense, and that maybe this new phrase was an even more appropriate way to describe the true essence of Katniss Everdeen.
Before drifting off herself, Katniss heard Peeta mumble one last line of admiration, causing her to fall asleep with a smile ingrained on her lips.
"You're always golden to me."
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bubmyg · 4 years
scarecrow - myg
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pairing: yoongi x reader
genre/warnings: vampire!yoongi, fluff, couple blood mentions, death mention (brief), bit of protective yoongi, those previous three warnings sound a lot more dramatic than they actually are, non-chronological with the rest of my vampire yoongi series, this hints at some of the angst for future parts but only if you squint
word count: 1,612
summary: you’re going to keep telling yourself (and yoongi) that the maze is targeted towards literal children or the one where yoongi growls at a fake scarecrow. 
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“Whose idea was this?”
You contained your laugh by shoving your chin further into the pile of scarf fabric tucked around your neck and anchoring down on Yoongi’s clammy hand in yours. 
“Uh, yours, babe.”
There was an acute chatter around your huddled figures, laughter too, and the faintest of startled screams coming from the dying corn stalks that clattered against each other in the late evening breeze. You, however, were only aware of the leaves crunching beneath Yoongi’s boots as he shifted next to you, arm occasionally brushing yours, tiny shoulder bag clacking against your hip. 
“We can go home,” You reminded gently, casting a gaze behind you past the line that had quickly gathered behind you. “I think they’re selling cider near the entrance—”
“No,” Yoongi said quickly. Too quickly. Quick enough for a sheepish smile to form on his lips as he glanced at you. “I’m fine. C’mon, we’re next.”
You regarded the costumed attendants at the gate to the haunted corn maze with a muted giggle, squeezing Yoongi’s hand when the more bloodied of the two seemed to zero in on him with their pointed warning of, “Have fun…”
The group in front of you appeared as nothing more than some fuzzy shadows, disappearing as quickly as you thought you’d made them out until a small scream emitted from that general direction. You laughed again when Yoongi tensed, tugging him along through the beginning weave of the maze by means of threading your free hand around his elbow. 
“What if we get lost in here?” He wondered out loud, seeming to calm when the first dozen yards weren’t lined with haunted jump scares. 
“We can cheat the maze. Corn is planted in rows, we can just shimmy through them. The field has to end eventually...”
Yoongi was staring at you with a strange mingle of confused fascination. “Why do you know that?”
You saw the outline of a giant felt spider dangling at eye level before he did, letting your grin grow when the next succession of steps forward had him walking directly into it. There was a surprised yelp that came from his lips, higher pitched that anything you were accustomed to from your soft spoken, ancient boyfriend. 
“Not funny,” Yoongi complained with a clear pout even in the haze of the evening, unlacing your fingers to drag his perspiration lain palm over the front of his jacket. The wrinkle at the bridge of his nose only worsened when you used your grip on his elbow to surge forward and peck his nose. 
“Kind of funny,” You pointed out, regaining possession of his fingers in yours. “Haven’t you, like, killed people before?”
He groaned, dragging you past an actor’s arm that darted out from the corn in an attempt to snatch your heel. “Have I told you before that you’re ridiculously morbid?”
“You’re a two hundred year old vampire that just got scared by a fake spider made of styrofoam in a haunted corn maze marketed towards human children,” You cocked an eyebrow at him, “and I’m the ridiculous one?”
You didn’t need proper lighting to hear his cheeks pinkening. “I wasn’t scared…”
If there was anything about Yoongi you’d had to accustom yourself with, it was his consistent ability to be alert. Whether it was his inner survival instinct, his heightened senses, or simply a byproduct of his curiosity to understand the human world as it evolved around him, you weren’t sure. In fact, you began to hypothesize it was a combination of all three. Long ago had you stopped being startled when his nostrils flared at the sound of a loose dog two neighborhoods over, when his eyes flicked to a leaf rustling and breaking apart from its steam one hundred feet up in a one hundred and fifty year old oak tree. 
Everything about Halloween themed amusements were meant to simulate a similar thing, pricking your ears to every movement, every scream up ahead, every rustle in the dirt part below the soles of your shoes. Somehow, the opposite effect had trilled through Yoongi, relaxing him when he began to anticipate the miniscule jump scares, progressively becoming less and less infatuated with anticipating them so as to mask his reaction. He’d started focusing more on you instead, calming only when he began to register the roar of your heartbeat in his ears was good, fear consented to rather than something he needed to try to curb for your safety. 
You weren’t that scared by the scarecrow that catapulted from between the corn. There was an automated voice to the mechanism too, warning something about staying far away from it’s crop, encouraging you to run in some eerie monotone. You were near the end of the maze, anyway. You could see the lights of the festival at the end approaching over the stalks. 
But in the moment, you jumped. It was unexpected, genuinely, as it was intended. Your shoulder blades bumped into Yoongi’s chest, your hand immediately coming up to cover the thrum of your heart underneath the layers of sweaters and jackets. The laughter of disbelief at your own actions fizzled when you heard a sound you’d only heard Yoongi make a handful of times. 
A strong arm secured around your waist, heightening the growl that reverberated against your back, effectively pulling your stature backward until you were stationed firmly behind Yoongi’s bristling figure. 
“Hey—” You touched Yoongi’s waist first, then his arm, using the tiniest budge you managed to get on his strength to touch his cheek, turning his gaze to yours. The shade of gentle brown in his warm irises had darkened red and, as you expected, the point of his fangs extended beyond his bottom lip, “—it’s okay. I’m fine.”
He blinked, an action that only softened the shade of his eyes but didn’t calm the rigidity of his stature, not as his gaze whipped to where the scarecrows animatronic had already retracted itself back into the corn. Gently, you took his hand, willing your heart to stop beating so fast so you could, with the utmost trust, settle his palm against the side of your neck where your pulse thrummed the loudest. “See,” You coaxed, triumphant when his thumb stroked under your jaw and his eyes swirled caramel, “I’m okay. Promise.”
Yoongi’s shoulders slumped, dragging his gaze away from yours but his hand remained on you, standing there huddled in a corner and dangerously close to a stray husk of corn that was dangling off one of the nearby stalks. You paid no mind, not when his hand traveled up from your neck to your cheek, brown eyes returning to you despite his fangs that still pressed small indentations into the plush of his, now pouting, bottom lip. 
For a half second, you thought you were the one with the keen hearing when you heard him murmur, “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” You demanded, the laughter that started the whole incident bubbling back through the slight, genuine, fear that had settled high in your chest. 
“Sorry,” He tried again. His arm curled around your waist, pressing you close enough to lay his lips to your forehead. 
You couldn’t resist. “No, thank you, actually. You protected me from the big scary scarecrow.”
It was a whine that left Yoongi’s throat this time, “I’m sorry. I can’t help it, I—”
“I’m kidding,” You laughed, rubbing a soothing palm over his stomach until he glanced at you again. “Hey—”
“I ruin everything,” Yoongi grumbled and even if he looked almost comical with the pointed tip of his retracting fangs still poking out from between his lips, you sensed he was at least halfway serious about the statement. 
“Hey,” The firmness in your tone made his eyes widen. “I love you. I love being with you. You were caught off guard, no big deal.” His eyelids lowered in solace, nodding a couple of times, mostly to himself.
“Besides,” You took to pinching his hip, “Would Jimin have growled at a fake scarecrow for me? No.” 
At the mention of your human coworker and best friend who harbored a not so subtle yet mostly joking crush on you, Yoongi locked his grip around your fingers again and began marching off toward the exit of the maze. 
“Wait,” You tugged on his hand, only to have narrowed eyes assess you seriously when he stopped walking. “Do not go girl who cried wolf on me,” Yoongi deadpanned, “I just got my fangs to calm down. That includes mentions of that human.”
You grinned, rolling on your toes to cup your hand around his ear, even if he could have picked out your voice among a million others if you were halfway across the world from him. 
“There’s a real life human waiting at the end of this maze to scare us. I think they’re dressed as a scarecrow,” You whispered, locking him in place when his features scrunched and he tried to lean away from you, “I’m telling you now that I’m not scared of them. In fact, I’m sacrificing you to them. As an offering.”
“You’re infuriating,” Yoongi told you when you dropped away from him, still rocking your hands at a gentle sway between your bodies, “You know that?”
“I love you?” You tried again.
Yoongi’s entire being softened, tiny flecks in his eyes now mirroring the stars shadowed by the thinnest layer of clouds racing across the night sky above you. 
“I love you, my angel.”
Then, a look of determination crossed his features as he began shuffling backward. “Let’s get out of here, I want a caramel apple.”
“...wait, you do?”
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lifeofroos · 4 years
part 39: And who’s idea would this be...
In short: Nico gets therapy from Dionysus. In this chapter, Nico has a family dinner with Hades, Persephone and Will. The rest can be found on AO3, FanFiction.net and in tumblr tags like Dionysus, Nico di angelo, hurt/comfort etc. 
This might be crazy: Chapter 39: Kids’ champagne ‘If I say that this will go wrong somehow, it will be cliché.’ Will pushed his fork a teeny tiny bit to the right, so that it was laying ever so slightly staighter. 
‘You just said it.’
‘Well, isn’t that just stupid?’ 
I chuckled. ‘We can’t say how it will go until it happened.’ 
‘Yeah.’ Will looked around the rich salon. Our table only occupied a very small part of it. There were mirrors on the walls and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. It was way more fancy than anything most people would ever see in their lifetime. ‘Do you know how Dionysus found this place?’
‘He is Dionysus.’
‘Right.’ Will looked at his watch. ‘Eh…’
‘If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were nervous.’
‘Well, maybe I am. Now, how late would they be arriving aga…’
The doors opened. A butler came in, followed by Hades and Persephone.
They both peered around the room. ‘Hm. It’s not too shabby, for mortals,’ Persephone tutted before folding her arms before her chest. 
Hades turned his gaze towards her. ‘Hey, you said you wanted to come. You can leave again if…’
‘I am staying! I said it was not too shabby!’ She did not wait for her husband to lead her further into the salon. She went on herself. 
She looked at Will and me. ‘Aren’t you sitting down?’
‘Eh, yeah. I mean, of course, ma’am.’ Will pulled my chair back. I quietly sat down while he moved onto the chair next to me. Hades made haste to sit down next to Persephone, who sat down across from me.  
For a few seconds, there was awkward silence. It seemed weird to stare at Persephone, so I looked at my cutlery instead, while I wondered whos idea this was again (Because I seriously forgot). 
I took a deep breath. ‘So… I can’t take credit, or blame, for picking the place. That was Dionysus' job.’
Persephone stared at her plate. ‘Yes.’ She bit her lip. ‘I, er, didn’t mean anything with what I said.’ 
‘Eh, it’s okay.’
‘Lady and gentlemen?’
We all gasped when the waiter began to talk. It made him take a step back. ‘Oh, excuse me…’
‘No, no, It’s okay,’ I quickly said. The waiter nodded, a little unsure.
‘Do you want to see the menu?’
Persephone rolled her eyes. ‘Of course not. Just surprise us!’
The poor server looked afraid. ‘Eh…’ 
Persephone began to blush. ‘Eh… Isn’t that a good idea?’ She looked at the rest of us.  
Honestly? Sounded kind of fun. ‘I mean, I would be down,’ I said. I looked at Will. He shrugged. 
‘That’s alright, I guess.’ 
The server noted something down. ‘Sir?’ He looked at Hades. 
‘Lady, Gentlemen... one surprise dinner coming right up.’
The waiter turned around, a little dazed, but he pulled himself together in a matter of seconds. The customer was always right and all that. 
Persephone seemed self-conscious about both of her mistakes. She turned to me and Will. ‘So, eh... how did you two meet?’ 
I looked at Will. ‘Well, we were both at camp for quite a long time before we began seeing each other the way we see each other now. The first time we talked was just after the Giants were defeated.’
Hades raised his eyebrows. ‘Interesting.’
Will stared at his plate. ‘It gets better. Or worse, that depends on how you see it. The first thing I ever said to Nico was that I had just helped with the delivery of a Satyr baby.’
Persephone put a hand over her mouth. ‘Oh, those are… very interesting.’
Will looked up. ‘Your majesty, you don’t mean you’ve got a similar experience, do you?’
‘I do, sadly enough… eh, I mean, it is not sad, obviously, but...’
Hades scraped his throat. ‘Eh, lovely that you two… have something in common, but maybe not the best subject at the dinner table.’
Will got a little red. Persephone shrugged. ‘Who knows.’
Hades nervously pulled a thread out of his napkin. ‘Eh… you two were talking about how you met.’ 
I nodded. ‘Yes. So, after our lovely first meeting, we witnessed the two camps defeating the earth mother and finally uniting. In the weeks afterwards Will and I began to hang out more and more, until we unofficially were a thing.’
Will nodded, with a wide grin this time. ‘It became official after they threw us into the lake. Tradiation. It began with Percy and Annabeth.’
Hades stared at his plate. ‘Strange traditions you got…’
Now I raised my eyebrows. We have strange traditions? Dude, you come from ancient Greece. 
Before I could say something snarky, our food arrived. They brought us everything at once, including desserts. Perhaps Dionysus had told them there was some urgency to getting the food to our table when he made the reservation. 
A few waiters opened up bottles of champagne, which I noticed was childrens’ champagne on further inspection. Well, okay, understandable.
When the servers left, Persephone put her elbows on the table and looked at everything we got. ‘What do we have?’  She already seemed less cold when she had spoken to Will, but now she was clearly excited. I looked at my dad. He was looking at her with a little smile. 
A lot. There were different types of fish, meat and fowl, at least five different soups and salads, baked potatoes, so many sauces I was too lazy to count them, and I hadn’t even looked at the desserts yet. 
‘Much,’ Persephone answered her own question. Carefully, she selected a few tiny meats and took a bit of each salad. 
The rest of us began to move as well. Hades got the same things Persephone had, I got a lot of baked potato wedges because they just taste so damn good and Will chose a bit of everything that did not come out of the ocean. 
Slowly, I dipped a potato wedge into the first sauce. While I took a bite, I noticed Persephone was staring at me. ‘And?’
‘Eh…’ too much pressure, lady. ‘It’s a little spicy.’ 
Persephone reached out her hand, before stopping and picking up her fork. She put a bit of chicken on it, dipped it into the sauce and thoughtfully took a bite. ‘Hmm. There is quite a bit of pepper in there. It could have used something sweet to balance it out.’ 
Will gave her a bit of a weird look, dad acted like this was just another day at the dinner table with Persephone and I picked up a new potato wedge to dip into the second sauce. 
When she saw that I was using my hands to eat, Persephone left her cutlery by her plate as well. She picked up a new piece of chicken. 
We both tasted. Hades and Will looked on. ‘And?’
‘I think the first one tasted better,’ I muttered.
Persephone shrugged. ‘Perhaps, but I also think it is difficult to compare the two. We didn’t get any names for the sauces, right?’
‘Sadly not.’
Will shoved his knife and fork aside. ‘Can I…’ he stole two baked potato wedges from my plate and dipped them each into a sauce. 
‘I think the second one is better? It is slightly lighter.’ 
I shrugged. ‘Really?’ I was already reaching for more potatoes.
Hades sighed. ‘Alright. So I got three of them now.’ 
‘Three people who enjoy their food?’ Persephone shot him a sarcastic look. 
He sighed. ‘Let's just continue our meal.’ 
When we were on our seventh sauce (I did eat some salad in between, of course. Like at least a whole bite), Wills’ eyes lit up. ‘Hey! This sauce is made with sunaloe!’
I gave him a weird look. ‘Gesundheit?’
‘No, Nico, it is a magical herb.’ He took a piece of fried chicken and dipped it into the sauce. ‘It’s delicious.’ Oh, so now we were at the stadium where we talked with our mouths full. 
Persephone smiled widely. ‘You tasted it too?’
‘You know, I created that herb, together with Apollo. It was meant as a birthday present for… I don’t remember, but it was meant as a gift.’ 
Within no time, they were having a deep conversation about sauce and plants. I ate a few more potato wedges. 
Hades made eye contact with me. Come, he said without a word. A little confused, I got up, with my glass of childrens’ champagne in my hand. 
‘Solace, Seph, excuse us for a moment.’ 
They looked up for a split second, before continuing their conversation. 
Hades took me to a separate compound, seperated from the salon by a curtain. ‘What is it?’ I asked. 
‘Yes, well, I saw that Persephone and your boyfriend were busy. So I thought that maybe now was a good time to ask you something.’
‘And that is?’ We better be back in time for desert. 
‘Dionysus  told me you have been having nightmares and that it worried him. Can you tell me about it as well?’ 
‘Yes, I think I can.’ You picked a weird moment to ask, though. ‘So, usually, I am either in darkness or in Tartarus and there are voices that tell me to come find them. They are very loud and plead me to come, or else. There are people with masks of some sort. They’ve got horns, snakes coiled around their shoulders and red eyes. They don’t say anything though, they just vaguely smile at me if they look at me at all. ’
I took a sip of my alcohol-free champagne, which had gone lukewarm. ‘Nico, do you see any other faces?’ 
Is it that important? I honestly already feel like a maniac now that I am telling you all this. ‘Not really. Although the face is not… it does not always look the same. Sometimes its horns are longer, or it doesn’t have them. It doesn’t have the same hair colour every time either.’
‘That’s… tell me: Has Dionysus already told you what he thought it was?’
‘Well, no. I noticed that he has a hunch, but he hasn’t told me what that hunch is yet. Maybe, if he told you I am having these dreams, he wants your opinion on the matter as well.’
‘Uh-hu. That might be.’ He had a hunch too, I could see it. ‘I think I would rather discuss it as well, before I tell you what I am thinking. Is that alright? Am I doing it the right way?’ 
I felt a little out of control, but I snickered. ‘Yes, dad, that is alright and I think you are doing good. Thanks for telling me.’ Now I know you and Dionysus will be talking about me. Do I mind that? I mean, I can trust Dionysus and I have grown to trust my dad, I think. And technically, only good could come out of it. Still, it felt a little off. But I wouldn’t hold them back. 
‘That’s… yes.’ He nodded, with a small smile. ‘Eh…’ He to the curtain. ‘And what do you think of this so far?’
‘I must say, I had some concerns about having a family dinner, but it seems to go alright, at least up until now. We all love the sauce, except for Persephone, who seems to adore the sauce
‘Well… yeah. Persephone likes to eat. It’s cute.’ 
That was both sweet and a bit disgusting. ‘Why don’t we go back?’ Before all the deserts have melted, you know? 
‘Eh… yes.’ He pushed the curtains aside. Persephone and Will were still talking. I wondered if they missed us at all. 
I chose a big bowl of Chocolate mousse and sat down. While we finished our meal and talked, I noticed Hades thoughtfully looked at me a few times. I wondered what it was that both he and Dionysus were thinking about. 
A/N: Persephone likes to eat. That is partly a headcanon and partly something R.R. Confirmed. 
This was going to be two chapters initially, but the second one was very short upon writing and I decided to… put ‘em together. Better a lot at once than some teeny tiny bits sprawled throughout, in this case.
I think I used the phrase ‘the customer is always right’ correctly. It does not mean you can be rude to servers or not pay, but it does mean that if you want something weird that they can give you, they should. You want sugar and yoghurt with your fries? Welp, alright. 
Not to brag or anything but in the Netherlands we have HEMA Jip & Janneke childrens’ champagne.  None of you know what that is and that is why I am superior. 
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remsmoonlight · 4 years
Title: safety net
Pairing: daryl dixon / original female character
Chapter: one
Summary: In a world designed to test your humanity, a woman fights to keep hers. But she walks a fine line between staying human and welcoming death and darkness. [ S2 - S4 ]
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The light coloured gaze that belongs to a lone female almost darkens in frustration as she notices the sky beginning to dull and bleed into beautiful tones that always signified the oncoming approach of the night and the glistening stars that could only be seen more prominently ever since the world had passed its very own death day. Light pollution has become a thing of the past. Cassie hadn’t meant to stay out so late, but she had wanted to prove to herself and members of the Greene family that she was able to survive out in the town as she scavenged for things that would be useful to them.
Maggie had made many trips into town, always refusing Cassie’s help. Now, whether or not that was because she couldn’t trust her friend to hold her own, she doesn’t know but this was something that would only bring concrete proof that she was able to survive. She lets out a sigh at the whole situation, digging into her backpack for the half full bottle of water that she’d managed to ration very well -- you couldn’t be too careful those days. Such as when you lose track of time and end up staying out hours later than you should. They’re so gonna kill me later Cassie mentally remarks to herself, she thought it would be a quick trip but she’d gotten too distracted by trying to be useful.
The woman drops the bottle back into the backpack as she drags her feet along the cooling dirt that had suffered the heat from the punishing Georgian sun. She scans every building in her line of sight, call her a perfectionist but all she can see are the defects with the potential safe shelter. Are you trying to die out here? she asks, as she thinks negatively to herself. Too many breaks in that window, that door looks weak, not enough exit routes. The slow dragging of a pair of feet and snarls causes her to turn suddenly, she hates this part. Cassie knows she can handle herself, she’d done so with those things before she’d found refuge at her old school friend’s farm but it isn’t something she enjoys. It wouldn’t even be the first thing she wished to do, but it had to be done.
I don’t have to like it but I’ll do it.
Gripping the knife, Cassie slowly advances to meet the dead being halfway, studying its movements intently  -- a few seconds and it’s over. She pulls the knife from their head with little less fight than she was used to, I’m getting better at this she comments to herself in her mind, though a heavy feeling soon begins to settle in her heart as she realises that this person used to have life. They used to have friends and family, they used to have bills to pay, they used to have favourite songs to sing along to. They were human. Cassie doesn’t want to believe that she disregarded their humanity so easily in favour of thinking about herself and how well she was able to cope.
This is what you were afraid of. You’re losing yourself faster than you thought.
She pushes herself up harshly with a verbal shudder, tears beginning to build. She rubs her eyes with force to banish them away and sniffs. The young woman needs to collect herself before she finds herself in a situation she can’t get out of. One of the things she has feared ever since killing the first of those things was losing her humanity.. even before the world turned she knew how despicable people could become. She didn’t want to think about who she could become if she survived this world, Cassie didn’t want to lose her light or her life -- the world was dark as it was.
As if planned perfectly, her eyes settle on an aging liquor store.The cobwebs and dried spray paint were visible from the distance she sadly stood. I remember that, she mused fondly. It was when she and some friends were caught trying to convince someone to buy a bottle of alcohol for them as teenagers - before her father forced them to move out of the town to the next one over. It was a strange sight to see, how these places that held so much life now dead and silent.
Still, the stone walls and bars on the windows are perfect and wash a warming comfort over her entire body, it was safe enough to spend the night in. She only prays silently that  trouble doesn’t follow in her path.
A small grunt of effort is dropped into the open air from her parted lips as she dedicates little energy and force to open the doors into the building. People had been there before her, the assumption is only confirmed when she makes her way through the door and scans the area - everything, empty. A disbelieving chuckle erupts from her. The end of the world where the dead roam the Earth and what do people go and do? They leave the shelves bare from bottles of alcohol. When you need your wits about you and they want themselves inebriated, Cassie didn’t want to believe it. Human nature was still a surprising thing.
With a bicycle lock secured to prevent anything or anyone gaining entry into her temporary housing, the woman allows herself some steady breaths before she overturns one of the few chairs from it’s upside down position on the floor to sit down on it. There isn’t much effort when she lifts the bag to the table, not much was left to scavenge. Cassie is happy with what she did get however, smiling to herself when she pulls out dried food that would be beneficial in the long run and the batteries that would be needed soon. There were a few other trinkets that may or may not be of use but she proved something to herself -- and for that, she learnt something about herself.
Despite laying herself on the floor to sleep, it doesn’t come easy. Her mind is too preoccupied with the noises from the outside of the building, sometimes they were too close to be able to tell if they belonged to the living or the dead. She tries, however, to give a mighty fight with her own mind to fall asleep by scrutinising the dust that littered the creaky floors but it’s a fight she’s destined to be defeated in. When she finally spots sunlight beginning to break through the clouds to fill the dirtied room, Cassie makes no hesitation in deciding it is a good enough alarm clock. She swiftly realises that she isn’t  going to be getting anymore sleep and she’d rather be back at the farm anyway.
There’s an energetic spring in her step despite the lack of sleep she had been able to get but that doesn’t matter, she’s happy to be home soon. The nagging thought of Maggie and her family being furious with her lack of notification of her whereabouts lay heavily on her soul -- though she was good with confrontation though, her patience was almost never ending.
Her heart beats rapidly as she spots a group of people she had never laid eyes on in her life, they surrounded one of the wells on the property, standing out against the warm shades of the ever growing grass and oversized bushes that were everywhere. The only solace granted to her weary soul is that Maggie is standing with them and does not appear to be in any distress by their presence. She cautiously steps closer and closer to the scene, mentally placing the pieces to make a puzzle -- yet even then it’s as if her fingers are trying to force pieces that do not fit together.
“ Maggie! What’s going on? “ she calls out to her friend, closing the distance between them with each growing second.
“ Ca- where have you been ?! “ Maggie shouts, ignoring the question put to her. Maggie storms forward to her friend, eyes have been ignited with a growing fire as she sets her sight on the other woman.
“ I went out on a run, I .. I just lost track of time, I guess. “ Cassie shrugs effortlessly with an upbeat tone despite the tense atmosphere.
“ How do you lose track of time? “ scoffs Maggie, she could feel the panic merging with the pain in her veins to form a melted pot of furiosity. “ You didn’t -? We didn’t know where you were! Cassie, Otis is dead. “
The optimistic glow that had powered her journey back to the home is instantaneously diminished until it’s no more than dying embers as she allows the words Maggie had just spoken to her to soak in completely. The bag that she held on one shoulder fell to the hay covered grass with a flat thud as she moves closer to her friend to embrace her. In the time Cassie had known the man, he was nothing more than a gentle giant. She can physically feel her heart break into pieces at their loss, the woman clinging to Maggie as she disregards the others who watch curiously momentarily.
“ Mag’s.. I’m so sorry. “
“ Come on, let’s get you back. “ Maggie speaks, pulling away from Cassie. She tries to paint a lighter image on her features as this. She was grateful that her friend had not suffered a fate that is a mirror image to that of Otis. “ Everyone will be happy to know you’re here. “
“ What happened to him? Who are they? “ she asks with curiosity, as she’s led back by her friend with an arm around her shoulder.
“ They showed up last night, one of their guy’s with an injured kid on our doorstep. '' the two walk up the steps of the large house, facing one another. “ Couldn’t exactly say no. They showed up after. “
A storm slowly battles its through the woman’s features as she tries to come to terms with how inverted their situation had quickly become in the hours she had not been present, she doesn’t want to shed her tears in front of strangers but you never expected to lose your friends or family under such circumstances. She brings both of her hands to wipe her face - as if to wash the pain away until it was no more than a ghost across her image.
“ He died gettin’ equipment dad needed to help their boy. “
Cassie is hardly looking forward to any lecture that every Greene in the household probably had for her absence. She admits to herself she should have told them that she was going but her stubbornness prevented her, to her, it was just a quick trip. However quick trips were not to the corner stores now, but what used to be people’s own homes. Their sanctuaries that now have become their graves.. providing they were not graced with the blessing to escape from one nightmare into another, one they had more control over.
Her knees bob up and down at a brisk pace as she watches Hershel walk into the room from her seated position on the plush couch in the living room.
“ What you did was very irresponsible, Cassie. We wouldn’t have been able to send anyone out after you. Between the boy and Otis.. “ Hershel’s tones are filled to the brim with disappointment, especially as they had the little boy to deal with.
The eye contact shared is broke harshly, she’s unable to hold the connection under the burden of his disappointment.
“ I’m sorry, I mean it. But you guys wouldn’t let me out! Even with Maggie. “
“ You must understand there’s a reason for these decisions. You might not understand now, but down the road. “ Hershel replies gently, his voice is a step above a whisper. He’d known the woman since she was a child -- Maggie and her were both so close as children.
A cynical laugh hangs in the air over those in the room, she hates to be so disrespectful to the family who has handed her security with the seclusion the farm provides. On a rare occasion she would find herself forgetting that the world had collapsed into itself, the serenity providing her a peace that was often a missing part that her soul craved from time to time. Cassie certainly doesn't want to offend anyone but she needs them to realise that she wasn’t naive as she may present herself to be, she knows how the world works.. though his denial would prove a burdensome load on that plan of hers.
“ I understand! I mean it that I’m super grateful for everything, but you need to realise. It’s not what you think! “ she argues, feeling a tingle in the very ends of her fingertips from the emotion she felt.
“ I don’t want anyone in this house getting sick, that was the risk that you took without consulting us and it’s something that I can’t allow to happen again. “
Guilt begins to overwhelm her shuddering body, she knew she did wrong and it was the circumstances that really threw her plan of independence into the deep river of inconveniences but it was a battle she would lose and she knows it’s best not to argue. She truly does feel bad that she had added onto the Greene family’s stress those two days, she prefers not to burden people after all -- knowing there had been incidents in the past that had been out of her control yet she brought down the spectacle from time to time. However, within the dark corners of her mind she yearns to intently to yell at him, to scream they’re not sick but rather they are dead. Hershel was a man in denial, and there was nothing harder to break than a man who cannot confront the truth that is right in front of him.
“ You’re right, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. “
“ Look -- “ Hershel leans forward, and clasped his hands together. He could see both of her parents in her. “ I promised your father you would be safe here, and if you’re not here that can’t happen. “
“ May I be excused? “ she asks the man, inching towards the end of her seat.  
Hershel simply nods, he’d also rather wash his hands of the situation, especially as they had bigger things to worry about now. The new additions to the farm did not taste so sweet on his tongue and the sooner the boy was ready and healthy, the sooner they could leave.
As Cassie stands before the declining state of the mirror, small particles of dust lining the mirror as a light blanket she washes the cooling liquid running from the tap over her face. She can hear the voices from the unknown new arrivals from the open window, needless to say she was curious of the new situation but, there was also a sense of dread clawing its way from her gut. She had a bad feeling that a storm was on its way.
AN: okay this is the first time writing for twd and im nervous and excited, especially as i'm not used to writing in this style! but i hope this will be something you will like soooo just let me know what you liked or what could be done better! we'll be having team family interactions next!
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buginateacup · 4 years
So I finally figured out the best way for me to plot Rings is to write it out like I did before ie like you;re telling a rapid story/juicy gossip which stops me from writing the same scene in different angst/fluff/horny versions
so spoilers for the next few chapters under the cut if you’re interested
So the first night of the honeymoon is...fine. They spend most of it laughing over whatever the fuck was today and agree that staying married is really not an option. Megamind has conveniently forgotten that he agreed to be a superhero and Roxanne winds up laughing in Megamind's arms as he proves that he can in fact dance like Fred Astaire on the balcony of their suite. Its a remarkably fun night all things considered until Roxanne goes to push open the door to what she assumes is the other bedroom of the suite and finds the kind of closet that she's been dreaming of all her life and that means...
There is only one bed. Fuck
Cue panic
And Roxanne getting stuck in her dress 
But Megamind has also been having just a hint of a breakdown because dancing with Roxanne made him realise that oh no he's in love with his wife and he hasn't wished he was human for a long time (not true) but it does mean that she's probably not going to be okay with tentacles which is the kind of thing you should probably tell a prospective partner BEFORE you marry them so he's going to sleep on the couch far far away from temptation. And Roxanne is an absolute horny mess because she is absolutely hiding her feelings behind her libido but Megamind is being very considerate of not being THAT KIND of villain which means she feels like he doesn't want her and nothing kills desire faster than not being wanted so that’s its own problem.
Except the couch is kind of squeaky because its leather and he can't sleep and eventually Roxanne comes storming out and demands he come to bed so they can both sleep because he's keeping her awake too.
And they do.
Just sleep
And wake up tangled together on Friday morning.
That's not awkward at all
That's also the morning they find out they have the suite for the rest of the weekend, which, delightful. Divorce can definitely wait a couple of days while they ruin Wayne's credit rating. There may be a bit of a moment where Megamind catches Roxanne trying on his mantle over her pjs that will either be incredibly angsty or incredibly hot but that that is not part of the plan we're just pretending that didnt happen, or it did and that is how they decide to be married for the weekend (IDK, working on it). In the mean time there are casino heists to plan and chess and scrabble to be played and evening brings Megamind back to bed with Roxanne because its just easier at this point. And when he wakes up because UNFAMILIAR in the middle of the night he plays with Roxanne's hair at her askance for an hour until they both fall asleep.
Roxanne is more than okay with having someone permanently willing to play with her hair on tap as all people should be.  
On Saturday Roxanne is awake first and spends some time thinking about how tired Megamind looks and how he should really take some time off and they can go to the beach or something after they get back. This should probably have been a clue about her feelings but hey, leave a girl her river in egypt.
This may or may not be the day she also glues him to the headboard of the bed with the decoupage setting on the de-gun while she has a shower.
Megamind genuinely considers gnawing off his own arm because she didnt quite manage to close the door properly and that is its own kind of torture.
They have a bet about paper airplanes and landing them in the fountain. Megamind wins so Roxanne has to show him a trick (Roxanne is not thinking about that thing she can do with her throat nope not at all) which is how he finds out his wife is a master at throwing cocktails and they get more than a little tipsy and he shows her how to fire the degun which is adorable and a little hot and they wind up slowdancing on the balcony to the Something for Kate cover of When the War is Over because I love that freaking song and I'm very attached to that mental image right now.
The second night, they know its all over by tomorrow and they spend a while talking in bed in the dark which is where I will probably make all of you cry with how lonely being the last one is for Megamind and it breaks Roxanne's heart a little to and they have the kind of thing that you just do not talk about in the light of day because if what happens in vegas stays in vegas then what happens that night is like the what happens in vegas stays in vegas of what happens in vegas stays in vegas.
Look it makes sense in context okay
They also both stay clothed so chill.
Sunday morning brings them to the foyer and its bittersweet and lovely and they just want to hold one another but they CANT because there is a PLAN and of course they shouldn’t stay married but oh shit the divorce desk doesn’t open until 11 and its only ten and their chauffer is waiting for them to take them home so shit, that is an issue but its fine because there's a form you can fill out and they will post you the divorce papers.
So great. They head to the airport and get on the plane and oh look there's yesterdays paper and why is there a photo of their wedding certificate on the front page?
And when was megamind going to tell Roxanne he was becoming a hero?
And Megamind had genuinely forgotten about that. Oops
So it turns out all of Metro City has been waiting for this day for YEARS. The paper is full of happy articles and letters to the editor saying we knew those crazy kids had it in them and Carlos has won a considerable amount of money in the pool and has taken his family to disney world.
And well they cant stay married obviously (can they?) but everyone is clearly expecting them to come home as a couple so sure they can fake it for a while before quietly separating except Megamind is not okay with the idea of Roxanne getting kidnapped by anyone else because no one else will be careful enough. And Roxanne is very unimpressed that the defenders council are trying to replace her with an official damsel. She is staying damsel thank you very much Gerry.
This may also become the fic where Roxanne finally sets up a damsel's union.
So they have a bit of a talk and yep practice kissing is definitely a thing they need to work on
a lot
that moment where the copilot walks in on them is a little embarrasing
but they land and oh look there's a car waiting for them to take them to
The Scott's are throwing them a party after all
So Roxanne gets dressed by Minion for the second time in a week which is where she finds out that "Oh sir was always so worried that if he ever found someone the tentacles would be a dealbreaker"
Prehensile or?
Oh for fucks sake Roxanne you dont even know what they're for stop it
No but seriously where are they?
Megamind on the other hand has just found out that Roxanne has a tattoo from Metro Man of all people and there is a very awkward/sexy/funny moment in a butler's pantry where Megamind finds out exactly where Roxanne's tattoo is and Roxanne has it confirmed exactly what those tentacles are for after all.
Great so add that to the list of things we're thinking about like his shoulders and his hands and his eyes instead of our feelings.
Roxanne takes great solace in her libido as it is far easier than arguing with her head or her heart.
Or she would be if she was getting laid.
And SURPRISE this party is not the intimate dinner they were promised but a full on party with Megamind's prison uncles set up on a webcam in a theatre which is a lovely cute scene and Roxanne is definitely getting baby stories out of these men.
Megamind uses her as a human shield. Its force of habit and has nothing to do with how much he's blushing at all.
And they get asked to make a speech and Megamind tells everyone exactly how much he loves his wife and Roxanne is almost in tears because what the hell where was this when it was just the two of them? He cant mean any of this clearly and wow that fucking hurts.
And then Roxanne's great aunt helen shows up because of course family was invited and she is an unpleasant woman at the best of times and Roxanne goes full "Fuck off Helen he's my husband and I love him"
she does doesnt she?
Nope straight back to denial on that one. Cannot think about that right now
Because he clearly doesn't feel the same way or he'd have told her personally, not to a crowd of people. And Megamind thinks she was exaggerating because he’s also thinking where was this in vegas? And Roxanne is forcibly reminded she can't be the damsel if she's married to the hero so she is never going to see him again unless its for an interview which means she has to spend the rest of her life chasing him down in the van with fucking hal and ow ow ow
So they leave the party and Megamind drops her home only for Roxanne to find her apartment full of boxes as she is also being kicked out of her apartment as she is no longer acting damsel.
So she grabs a bag and tracks down the lair and oh hi husband can I live with you or not?
Hi wife yes please say (stay forever please stay forever) which is where we get the SECOND there was only one bed because half the lair was demolished in the last big battle and there is no space for another room right now and of course they have to keep sharing a room or Minion will get suspicious
this bed is much smaller than the giant orgy sized one in vegas
good thing they’re already getting used to waking up in one another’s arms
Roxanne does manage to ask for a small room to use as an office because she needs somewhere to cry and she's used to living alone but wow does this feel like moving in...
And that brings us to chapter 6ish?
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nautiscarader · 4 years
Wendip Week 2020 day 2 - quicksand
As far as romantic walks on a beach went, this was not what Dipper had on his mind.
First and foremost, he imagined a never-ending highway of sand, separating the land from azure sea, giving him just enough time to tell Wendy exactly how he feels about her. The beach that surrounded part of the Gravity Falls lake couldn't really be called that even by the least picky beach-goers.
Secondly, though in Dipper's eyes the sun made Wendy's auburn hair even more divine, he really couldn't call the stroll romantic, as it would imply Wendy shared the same feelings towards him. And so far, Dipper hasn't managed to bring himself to proclaim his love for her.
Thirdly, beach strolls, romantic or not, usually did not include falling into a quicksand that could potentially lead to your death.
As Dipper struggled moving his body in the pit of sand, he realised that this should have been number 1 on his list of complaints.
- Okay, okay, don't panic. - Dipper spoke, more to reassure himself than his crush - I have read how to escape quicksands. You just have to lie back... - Dipper.. - ...and then try to pull yourself up... - Dipper! - And besides, you probably won't suffocate, since most quicksands are at most 3 feet deep, and it takes forever for a quicksand to suck you in anyway, so we- - DIPPER!
Wendy's shout interrupted Dipper's panicked mumbling. With her legs trapped in the sand as well, she was naturally uncomfortable, but even by her cool and restrained attitude, she looked terrified.
- Dipper, first of all, *you* are three feet tall.
Dipper let out a short meep.
- And secondly, we're not gonna die slowly here, because it's not a quicksand.
Wendy's eyes widened, as she spoke the next few words.
- It's a SLOW-SAND!
And just as Dipper was about to ask what was the difference, with a quiet "pop" they were sucked into the sand underneath them, temporarily entombing them in the darkness, and as the soil returned to its natural, flat shape after swallowing them, it let out a pronounced, much louder burp that echoed between the mountains that surrounded the lake.
Dipper and Wendy let out a shriek as they found themselves falling down a dark, empty tunnel, and only when their bodies collided mid-air, the two found some solace, though it only lasted for a few moments as they landed on a pile of sand that somewhat cushioned their fall.
- We-Wendy! - Dipper coughed, feeling aching in his legs - Are-are you okay? - Yeah, I think so...
He felt enormous relief when he heard her voice, and after some more crawling in the near-darkness, the two found each other. Though the walls were covered in glowing fungi, the two desperately needed more light. Wendy reached her hand into her pocket, and the next second the cave was illuminated by her cell-phone. But when Wendy shone the light in front of her, she immediately regretted it, as instead of brightening the wall, it revealed two bug eyes and chitin pincers.  
At once, Wendy thought of a plan. She grabbed a fistful of sand and threw it at the beast's face, who roared in pain, making her heart beat twice as fast. She grabbed Dipper and ran as far away from the beast, hoping to find some sort of corridor or a lair leading outside.
- It's-it's a giant ant!
Dipper exclaimed, but at the same time, something grabbed him, yanking him out of Wendy's arms. He expected thin, spindly legs, but instead, he was being held by massive, furry paws, much to his and Wendy's surprise.
- It's... a lion?
His words gave Wendy enough information to know what to do, as she shouted her words, dropped her phone and rushed with her axe to Dipper's rescue!
- Ah, watch out! - Wendy shrieked - It's an antlion!
Upon hearing its name, the beast roared and in its rampage, allowing Dipper to slip from its grip. With two preys surrounding it, the antlion became temporarily confused, and that gave Wendy and Dipper chance to counter-attack. When the beast leaped towards Dipper, he acted quickly, filling the cave with blinding light from his phone's camera, and when that forced the antlion to take a step back, Wendy jumped and leapt onto its body, keeping her hands on its antennae as reins.
The antlion roared again and arched its back to throw Wendy off, but having anticipated that, the lumberjane leaned forward, reached her hand to grab Dipper and yanked him upwards so he can join her. Without even thinking, Dipper closed his arms around Wendy's torso, holding onto her as if they were riding the furriest of motorcycles.
- Buckle up, Dipper! - Wendy shouted - I'm gonna try to drive it up the shaft!
But as she was about to tame the beast, suddenly the cave was filled with warm, yellow light, and two more voices reached Wendy and Dipper.
- Anty! What are you doing?
Wendy and Dipper looked back, and so did the antlion, noticing that the alien cave they were trapped in actually looked like a cozy living room, sans the massive sandpile in the middle of it. And in the hole at one end of it, stood a massive, old lion and on its head a small ant, stomping all six of its legs.
- Anty, answer your mother. - the lion grumbled, and the beast trembled, lowering its head in shame - Oh, I do apologise for Anty - the ant that apparently was his mother spoke, and her husband walked towards Wendy and Dipper, offering his legs to help them get off. - We told our son to not set up traps for people taking romantic strolls on the beach, but it's apparently too much to ask... - We-We're not- - It wasn't-wasn't supposed to be-
Both Dipper and Wendy began explaining themselves, their faces turning slight shade of red, but the ant mother didn't listen.
- Why can't you be like your brother? He didn't have those crazy ideas when he was your age!
The ant pointed two of her legs at a picture on a wall, depicting a beast with an ant's body and a head and mane of a lion.
- Yes, maybe we can ask Lionant to spend some time with you, once he comes back from his studies abroad, of course. - the father spoke calmly, stressing those last words, much to antlion's annoyance. - Uhm, excuse me? - Dipper asked shyly, finally getting the odd parents' attention - We really didn't mean to drop here, and it seems you guys have something to talk about, so... can you point us to an exit?
The two teenagers exchanged knowing looks and smiled politely at the two wild animals.
A few minutes later, a massive boulder on a beach was moved from beneath it, revealing another, official entrance to the ant-lion's family house.
- If you are in the neighbourhood, do drop in - the ant spoke, before she realised what she said - Oops, I didn't mean that.
The rock was moved back, camouflaging the underground house, leaving Wendy and Dipper utterly perplexed, until Dipper let out a cough.
- So, uh, Wendy... - he shied away and moved his foot in the sand - Sorry it didn't work that well out... - Are you kidding? It was cool, man. - Wendy nudged him, prompting him to follow her back to the Shack - I mean, we could have died, but it was cool! I totally wanted to ride that thing, like in that game where you have to keep holding on these giants' backs, and maybe we could have climbed up that hole, and...
And as Wendy kept talking, Dipper relaxed and stared at her red hair, bathed in orange light of the setting sun, and with each minute he was falling for her again.
- By the way, how do you think... the lion.. and the ant... - Dude, you just killed the mood. - Wendy chuckled.
It took Dipper a moment to realise that their evening stroll *had* a mood.
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beelmons · 2 years
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Escapade 2
Pairing: Spencer Reid x f!reader Rating: Explicit, readers under 18 are not advised to read this story. Tags: smut, best friends to lovers, possible angst at some point, porn with plot, mentions of weapons, minor OC appeareances for plot purposes, mentions of death for plot purposes, unprotected sex, reader drinks a bit of alcohol. Summary: The stress of the job can take a toll on one's mind and body, and as your friend Spencer and you come to realize: there're many fun ways to cope up with it.
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
A/N: Let me know what you think. 
Rewind for a bit. How was it that you ended there again? The utility closet, fucking your coworker. Ah, that’s right. One of those missions, you know the type, where Dr. Reid was sent undercover, occasionally with Morgan or Prentiss, and things got a lot more complicated than they needed to be. He made it out alive by the grace of God, and the only solace the team could find was grabbing drinks at the local bar back home.
— But, for real, miss sweet lips right here was very worried about you. — Morgan joked as he played with the handle of his glass, referring to your concern for Reid during the mission.
— Will you stop? You were the one disobeying orders and trying to bolt inside the building to pull them out.
Your playful banter with Morgan was nothing out of ordinary. The “sweet lips” nickname was, actually, given by him on your first day at work as he was trying to not-so-subtly hit on you, he had mentioned something about how being a trained hostage negotiator probably meant you were good at sweet talking. Needless to say, his advances were rejected, but your relationship had grown into a comfortable and supporting friendship after some time.
— Well, — the muscular man continued — I was in fact worried about them. Glad you two are still here with us.
He took the cup before him and raised it into a toast, the rest of the team followed, and a couple of playful cheers were heard from JJ and Penelope. Truth be told, you felt like a giant rock was lifted from your chest the second you knew Reid was alive, and the concern dissipated once you saw his face just barely scratched up. The flight back home had been quiet and tiring, so you let him rest, and it was JJ’s suggestion to grab a couple drinks before heading home, just to help everyone loosen up from the tense situation you had just gone through.
Spencer tagged along just to be polite, but you could clearly see the exhaustion in his eyes, and the flush on his cheeks were telling you that those sleepy, half-lidded eyes didn’t come only from tiredness.
— Okay. I think it’s time to call it a night. — Hotch interrupted the toast.
— Reid, Prentiss, take a couple of days off if you need them. The rest of you, I need you at the office first thing in the morning. Have a good night’s rest, and congratulations on your performance.
Your boss tossed a pair of bills onto the table as he got up to excuse himself, it was enough to cover the entire check and leave a tip to the pretty and attentive waitress that had tended to you during the evening. For sure, he was an expert on killing the mood, and certainly his tactics worked every time.
— I think I’ll take him up on that — Emily blurted out — I’ll grab some take-out and head home, see you on Monday.
— I’ll drive you. — Jennifer responded
— Oh, that’s okay, you don’t need to.
— Don’t fight with me on this, Prentiss, you had one hell of a day, I’m not about to make you walk ten blocks back to your house — JJ answered firmly once again.
With a defeated huff of her cheeks, Emily slid her jacket on and headed for the exit followed by her friend.
— Will you drive me? I didn’t bring my car thinking we would get hammered. — Garcia turned to Derek with her common playful and flirtatious demeanor.
— Anytime, anywhere, baby girl. — Morgan returned her energy with a smile — Any of you kids need a ride? — he asked in the direction where you and Reid were sitting.
— I think I’ll just walk home. — Reid said defeatedly.
— I’ll walk with you. — you quickly said when you felt Morgan’s eyes on you — I want to make sure you get there okay.
— Aww, it’s like a mama bear protecting her cub — Garcia said as she brought her hands up to her chest.
— Actually, cubs follow their mothers, not the other way around, so that would make ME the mama bear.
The three of you stared at Reid with utter disbelief, and that’s when you realized he, too, was a bit impaired, your hunch hadn’t been wrong, it was better if you made sure he made it back home okay.
— Sometimes it’s a good idea to think before you speak, pretty boy — Morgan said playfully as he gently guided Garcia to the exit.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little bit at his ridiculous statement. You knew he was a cautious man, in fact, he didn’t talk much out of fear of not being understood by his coworkers, but you didn’t mind at all the odd, yet funny, comments that he would let out from time to time.
— Come on, mama bear. — you joked as you patted his back as a sign for him to get up.
The walk back to his apartment was rather quiet. You knew he was tired, and even when his wounds weren’t deep, they seemed to at least be itching, or so you could tell by the way he brought his hands to touch them every couple of minutes. He wasn’t the one to start conversations, even when you had gotten comfortable around each other, so it was up to you to initiate if what you wanted was to talk.
— You have to change the band aids, that’s why it’s itchy. — you said as to break the ice.
— Sometimes I forget I work with profilers… — he responded — can’t do anything without you noticing, can I?
— I mean, it is our job to observe and inquire, you can’t really turn it off at will.
— Yeah, can become a bit of a course, can’t it? — he said with a bit of sadness in his voice.
— Something on your mind? — you questioned as you caught up with the tone.
— Just like… three million useless facts people don’t really want to hear about.
Both of you laughed the statement off, and the rest of the walk continued in utter silence accompanied by the sounds of the streets of Quantico. Once you finally arrived at the entrance, Spencer opened the door before turning back at you questioningly. You didn’t give him a chance to kick you out with a gentle ‘good night’ as you pushed him inside his apartment with you following behind. You kicked the door closed with your heel.
— No need to be so rough. — he said half-heartedly in a lame attempt to joke.
— You would have told me to leave otherwise, I promise I’m just making sure you are taking care of your wounds and getting something else in your stomach, not just wine.
He sat on the, oddly neat, couch in the center of his home as you rummaged through his fridge, finding nothing much than old instant ramen and a couple old take-out boxes. You sighed to yourself and took out your phone to order something through an app. It was not the first time you had been at Spencer’s, it wasn’t like you were just coworkers or strangers, you were close and attentive to each other. Because of this last part, you knew exactly where his medicine drawer was in the bathroom, and he knew to leave you alone as you did your will around his place.
Once you had finally gathered everything you headed back to where your partner was sitting, his face covered by a book, as per usual, about something you didn’t even quite understand from the title. You tugged at his forearm to ask him to redirect his attention to you, and he gave in without a complaint. You started to remove the worn covers and bandages on his face just to check the status of the wounds.
— They seem fine, I’ll just clean them up a bit. — You reassured him.
As you moved your hands, with care, around his face he let out a couple of winces, mostly because the alcohol felt a little bit too cold against his skin. The position bending over was getting uncomfortable, so you decided to prop yourself into the couch as well and turned his head in your direction. You didn’t notice how he was looking at your focused face, with a glimmer on his eyes you wouldn’t even recognize. After all the bandages were changed you finally pulled back and sat flush against the couch.
— All done. — you said proudly, and the smile that drawn on your face imitated your sentiment.
You accidentally ran into his eyes looking deep into yours, with that particular and small smile that he used to wear in public. The sight creeped you out a little bit, it was unlike him to stare in such a way, but before you could question him about it, it was his turn to break the silence.
— I… uh…. I wanted to thank you. — he said as he diverted his eyes to his fidgeting hands.
— What for? —  your brows furrowed in genuine confusion.
— Worrying about me.
— Come on, Spencer, we all worry about you, you know that. — you pushed him on the shoulder lightly, as to indicate that his words were ridiculous.
— Right. — to your surprise, his voice seemed disappointed, and you noticed his lips purse up. You were afraid you might have made him think that you only cared for him since it was your job, which was far from reality.
— I do wish you would stop finding yourself in these kinds of situations, a girl can only handle so many heart attacks. — you tried to fix the previous statements.
— This job… — he continued, almost as if he didn’t listen to your explanation — sometimes, it’s just hard to tell who’s genuine and who isn’t, you know? How do you trust someone after seeing the rest of the world betray what’s most sacred to them?
— Hey, hey. — now it was your turn to sound slightly shaken — I trust you. Do you trust me?
— Of course — he almost muttered.
— Then, there’s that. — you unconsciously laid a hand on his thigh, you were really just trying to soothe him, calm him down a bit, but your eyes met, and you could see the deep emotions he was feeling reflected all over them. It was in that moment, that you focused on how handsome your partner was. Not that you hadn’t noticed before, you knew Dr. Reid was attractive, but having him so close to you, and being slightly intoxicated yourself, you were starting to pay close attention at his features, how his hair was always slightly messy, and his cheek bones were prominent. Without thinking much, you leaned in enough for your lips to attach to his jaw line. You felt him shudder and retract under your touch, and it snapped you back to reality. — Sorry, sorry, I was just trying to comfort you, and I got carried away. I just wanted you to relax, you look so tense since we came back from the mission.
You almost bolted off the couch at his reaction, but the grip of his hand on your forearm kept you in place.
— I wasn’t complaining! — he blurted out loudly, after a second he cleared his throat and lowered his voice again. — Why don’t you… Why don’t you show me what you had in mind.
His boldness surprised you, but he was still letting you take the lead, and if you hadn’t thought about sleeping with Spencer Reid before, which, by the way, you had, now it was the only thing on your mind. You made sure to loosen his grip on your arm and noticed the faint sense of terror on his face, probably thinking you were going to slip away anyways. As to reassure your presence, you moved quickly to the floor as you stroked his thighs, positioning yourself in between his legs as you kneeled. He looked confused, and flushed, at your actions. Was he imagining this? While he was lost in thought, your hands started to wander toward his belt buckle.
— Can I? — you asked, rather innocently.
— S-Sure. — he stuttered, still fully unable to process the image before him.
You worked you way through the hoops of the belt and button of his pants, and once you could see the thinner fabric of his boxers, you couldn’t help but to rub the bulge gently, trying to catch a feel of the effect you were causing on him. You earned a soft, yet needy, breath from his lips, and it filled you with a boost of confidence you hadn’t felt before. You felt him half hard underneath the clothing and you knew there was no going back, pulling the waistband of his briefs a little lower you reached for the member that was dying to be freed.
He wasn’t particularly thick or long, but as you wrapped your fingers around his shaft you couldn’t help but feel like it was just perfect for you. You gave his member a few experimental strokes and rejoiced on the high-pitched moans you produced in his throat. You felt the muscles on his thighs tighten and tense up since you had your elbows propped onto them.
— Relax, Reid. — you told him from your position. Truth be told, you just wanted to get his attention back to your face, and you looked him straight in the eye as you positioned his tip by the entrance of your mouth.
The sight tinted his entire face red, and you took that as a sign to start lowering your lips. You took a first, small bob on his member, and the second one went deeper than before. Your tongue moved around the tip as your motions kept a steady pace, his hands were gripping tightly on the fabric of the couch, and he had bent over slightly from the pleasure, his moans were restrained, almost as if he was afraid of being heard. You continued your motion with your eyes closed, each time attempting to get further down without hurting your throat, your hand went along paying attention to the areas your lips were unable to reach; he started to lose his composure, you felt him start moving his hips against your mouth doubtfully, and you took the opportunity to pull back and catch your breath.
He looked a little shaken at the loss of contact and was forced to open the eyes that had remained tight shut, and when your eyes met, you looking up from in between his legs, his cock rubbing a against the outside of your cheek, you felt him twitch in your hand.
— Come on, help me to help you. — your voice was playful, almost mischievous, as you carried on.
You gently grabbed the tips of his fingers and guided them to your hair. He caught up instantly, it’s not like he didn’t know about this, and of course he wasn’t a virgin, but you were his partner, he dared to claim you were his best friend, and he was right there in his apartment fucking your face. Greedy, greedy Spencer. He kept you still with a firm grip on your locks, not quite tugging on the strands but enough to keep you still, he leaned back to use the backrest of the couch as leverage, and he finally began to move his hips. He was cautious at first, but after he got used to the pace you could fell him get rougher, he was chasing his climax, and your throat was being punished for it. You felt him hit the back and it almost made you gag, but you kept still, his hard member sliding onto your tongue repeatedly, hitting the walls of your mouth, and you were starting to get lightheaded from the lack of air getting into your lungs.
He abruptly pulled you back from his dick and pushed you back to get you away. You watched mesmerized as he grabbed the base of his member and pumped it at an enjoyable pace for him, not shortly after, he released his sperm all over his clothes. He only gave you a raspy, suffocated moan consequently, and you felt like you had been robbed from hearing his voice the entire session.
He rested his body onto the couch, trying to catch his breath from the high still leaving his body, and it took him a couple of seconds to process what had happened, and the fact that you were still there. He straightened his back again to look at you, who had already stood up to gather your belongings. He hurried to put everything back into place and loosely buckle his belt.
— Are you, uh, are you leaving? — he said with a bit of panic in his voice as he stood back up in a rush.
— What? Not relaxed enough? — you teased with a grin as you grabbed the wallet you had left over the counter.
— No! — he hurried to exclaim — That was great. I was just thinking that… — he made a slight pause as to gather his thoughts, and he waited until you were looking in his direction to fix is gaze directly into your eyes to continue his sentence. — I can’t be the only stressed-out one, can I?
The newfound confidence sent a rush that ended up pulsating on your core. That was a side of Spencer Reid you barely got to see, and boy, was it wreaking havoc in your mind. You dropped whatever you had grabbed from his counter and headed back to where he was standing, your hand pressed against his chest as you kept advancing, forcing him to walk back until the back of his legs hit the edge of the couch and caused him to fall onto it again.
— Let me show you what I do to unwind, then.
Your tone was almost commanding. Your previous mischief had gotten you so worked up you felt like losing it at any given second. You hurried to remove the buttons of your shirt, but you didn’t quite slide it off your body. You moved to straddle his legs instead, your stomach pushing against the messed-up fabric of his clothing where he had just come couple minutes before. You leaned forward, in fact, he could have sworn you were going for his lips, but you decided to nibble on the base of his neck instead.
Reid was a lot less restrained now, guess the polite doctor façade was finally crumbling down, his throat kept emitting soft moans as you licked your way through his recently exposed chest, carefully working the button-up shirt he so commonly wore. You really just wanted to appreciate his figure, so you pulled back to take a second to appreciate his body. He was the skinny type, sure, but it didn’t make him any less manly, or hot, God was he hot. You stopped your train of thought before it spiraled into how much you wanted to fuck your coworker and got back to the actual deal; you helped him slide from his layers and he did the same for you, but the second your chest was free, you caught him staring for a bit too long.
— First time seeing a pair? — even though your brassiere was still on, you teased him playfully.
— Ha-ha. — he said sarcastically, almost mockingly, but you could see how he was beginning to tense up again. You knew he was nervous, possibly about letting you down since you were way more experienced than him, or at least that’s the concept he had of you, but you couldn’t have him second-guessing his skills this second, you just needed him to start touching you before you went insane. Once again, you decided to lean forward, your lips barely grazing the outer shell of his ear.
— Don’t over think it, Reid, just touch whatever you want to touch, kiss what you always dreamed of, and bite what you crave for.
It’s like your words unleashed something he didn’t even know was inside him. His arms curled around your waist, palms moving frenetically around the area of your back, lips attached to the area between your neck and shoulder just trying to taste whatever was available for him. The erotic noises of his open-mouthed kisses on your skin were driving you crazy, and you began to roll your hips onto him; the way he responded with movements of his own caused you to moan, sounds that were a lot less restrained than his, and before you knew, he had snapped your top underwear open. Wasting no time, his lips focused on your nipples, licking and sucking with eagerness, from one, to the other, back to the first one, he was making sure both of them were attended.
The stimulation, the friction against your dress pants, the sounds his throat couldn’t help emitting, if you weren’t careful, you would have come right there and then. You grabbed his shoulders to push yourself back, clearly to his confusion, and proceeded to remove your bottom clothes, panties included. He got the hint and quickly propped himself onto his elbows to remove his own layers, freeing his member once again. You took no longer than a second to be back on top of him, this time hovering over his lap. He stroked himself a few times in anticipation and rubbed your slit with his tip. You were wondering what he was waiting to start thrusting, and that’s when you caught a look on his eyes, almost asking for permission; you smiled and you slid down, allowing him to enter blissfully.
Your body bended backwards for your palms to grab onto his thighs for support. Your hips started moving up and down, adoring the way he was filling you up with his cock. He seemed freer this time as well, his hands gripping onto the sides of your hips to help you with the movement as his own thrusts tried to meet yours. The snapping sounds of your bodies lapping together took over the room, and your whimpers of pleasure were following behind.
— Fuck. — you heard him mutter.
Your eyes were shut, mind kidnapped by the pleasure of being taken by such a handsome man, your partner, Spencer Reid. He kept thrusting, steadily, for a little more, but when the knot in your stomach was forming and you started to clench tighter around him you could tell he was losing control by the way he was trying to push further. You decided to straighten your back to look at him, you weren’t going to be robbed of seeing him orgasm a second time, he took advantage of your new position, and he rounded his arms around your torso again, pulling you up against him to take control of the angle. You let out a pleasurable cry, the ecstasy over taking you little by little. You laid your forehead onto his, and your sights met without the wish of drifting apart, his mouth was open, your lips painfully close to each other, you could feel his breath on you, you could hear every sound, groan, and growl. The feeling of his nails greedily digging into your back was the final straw, and you pushed your hips all the way down to have him as further inside you as possible. Coincidentally, that was all for him too. You felt his sperm be poured, and you moaned a curse word as you did, his voice had gotten to a higher pitch, and his climax moan sounded heavenly as his body tensed up to release inside you.
Shortly after both had ridden your climaxes off, you rolled over to let yourself collapse onto the couch, only your heavy breaths filling the ambience.
— I don’t think I feel relaxed at all. — he said unexpectedly.
— God, Reid. — you laughed at his wording — Come on, you will feel better after you shower and get something to eat. — you patted his uncovered thigh with your palm.
— Actually, you should shower first, I think I sort of… — he took a quick glance at your lower body that didn’t go unnoticed by you — I think I might have made a bit of a mess.
It was the way he expressed himself, always so proper and chivalrous, regardless of the situation what got to you. He had just fucked your brains out, and here he was talking about it as if it was a science fair project. Whatever, you would deal with that some other day.
— I’ll take you up on that. — you answered.
You proceeded to gather your clothes and make your way to his bathroom. Under the tempered water, your mind began to play a couple of tricks on you. Had that just really happened? What the hell were you thinking? You knew the rules about fraternization, you knew the personal boundaries you had established for yourself, and most importantly, you knew Derek’s one and only advice for you: Mess with anything that moves in this world, but never with the payroll.
Deep in thought, you didn’t realize how long you had been standing there washing a random spot on your body. You shook your head. It should be fine; however, you would have to talk this through with Spencer. It couldn’t happen again, you would risk too much, everything you had worked for to be precise, and it just wasn’t worth it. No matter how good it felt or how much you wanted to repeat it. It couldn’t happen, it wouldn’t happen again.
After dressing up again, you hurried to tell him his turn in the water was up. To your surprise, he was no longer on the couch where you had left him. You headed to his room and called for his name. No answer. The door was open, however, and you pushed it carefully to peek if he had gone in there. You found him laying on his bed, a clean set of clothes on his body, soundly asleep. He probably changed since he hated feeling dirty, and you had taken so long his consciousness finally gave in. After some thought, you decided it was better to let him be, he had had a rough day after all.
You made your way to the entrance, and when you pulled on the door the figure of a man startled the hell out of you. It was the delivery boy for the take-out you had ordered before the whole ordeal. God, how did you forget? Well, to be fair, you had had a particularly good reason to not think about anything else. You paid the delivery off and placed the food inside his fridge. It got you thinking that he wouldn’t even know it was there unless you told him, Spencer, clueless Spencer. If your brain was going a mile per hour, his would go ten miles once he woke up. You knew work boundaries meant a big deal to him, and he was going to go into an anxious coma before work the next day.
You decided to look for a note pad and a ped, pretty easy to spot in a genius’s house, and write a note.
“First of all, everything I did was because I wanted to, it was not for pity, it was not the alcohol. Second, there’s curry in your fridge, eat and change your bandages. I wrote it down on here so you have to read it and will never forget, eidetic memory, am I right?”
You left it by the night table before going home, and the entire walk back, however, you couldn’t shake off one very important thought.
Was this for better, or for worse?
20 notes · View notes
peachhsocks · 4 years
After a year of avoiding Camp Half-Blood (and his friends, and everyone, and everything) in the aftermath the Giant War, Percy returns. He quickly realizes that the gods never change, running from the past never works, and family is the one thing that might make all of the nonsense worth it.
read from the beginning on ao3
Chapter 4:
Percy curled up on the sand, just within reach of the biggest swells of the tide. The Sound wasn’t exactly the ocean, but it was the closest he’d been in the last year. It was nice, calming. No matter how angry he was at his father, his domain always made him feel safe. He soaked up the salty air, the sand between his toes, even let himself get wet when the water reached him.
Something poked his back and he wiggled around, reaching for Riptide, but it was just Thalia looking down at him. Her boot a few inches from his side.
She’d kicked him.
He threw sand at her.
She spluttered a little and then sat down. Whereas Percy felt like he could blend into the beach if he wanted to, exist there forever as part of the landscape, Thalia stuck out, at complete odds with their surroundings. She placed both her hands into the sand and her face contorted with disgust.
She turned that same look toward Percy. “You really are losing it. I mean, I’d heard, but I didn’t believe it...”
Percy sat up, scowling. “Gee, Thalia. Thanks.”
She laughed, so he threw another handful of sand at her.
“Ugh, stop,” she said, batting at the cloud and trying to disperse it before it hit her face.
“Well, stop saying I’m losing it.”
“I’m just calling it like I see it. You’re still in pajama pants. You haven’t put on shoes today—”
Percy wanted to protest that there was a very logical explanation for that, which was that he’d been up since 1AM, but he supposed she and Nico had been, too.
“Nico said you were sweeping glass? I didn’t ask. Then you walked out of the Big House in a panic-induced stupor and now you’re what? Laying on the beach waiting for the tide to drag you out? I don’t think I need any sort of degree to say that you’re losing it.”
Percy focused on the ocean. It was easy to slow his breathing to match the lazy waves, but it didn’t get rid of the lump in his throat.
“Is that what Annabeth’s telling people?” he whispered.
Thalia scoffed. “Of course not. Don’t be an idiot. She’s held people at knife-point just for suggesting it.” She nudged her shoulder into his. “And by people, I mean me. Like, twenty minutes ago. I thought she was going to stab me through the trachea.”
The thought of Annabeth defending his honor made him blush. He almost wished he’d stuck around to see it.
“She’s worried about you,” Thalia said. “Everyone is.”
Percy tried to look at her, but her eyes were so intense that he couldn’t do it for long. She always seemed older than him. No matter how apparent their physical age difference became, all Thalia had to do was open her mouth and her words made Percy feel fourteen again.
She messed with his hair, trying to shove it all down into his face. “Not me, though.”
He swept it back up. “‘Course not.”
“I am worried about Annabeth,” she admitted and Percy straightened. “I mean, she’s trying so hard to prove to everyone that she’s fine—throwing herself into the Labyrinth, and college plans, and even making sure you’re okay. She’s going to snap at some point. At least you’re unraveling slowly. That seems easier to put back together.”
It wasn’t a completely revelatory idea to Percy. He’d had the same thoughts and fears as Annabeth went back to school and excelled in every way she had before, with disturbingly few hiccups. But he’d chalked it up to being his own failure. He was generally bad at things and Annabeth was generally good at things. So, she could cope better than he could, too. What else was new?
“You guys were in Tartarus, Percy.” Thalia’s voice cracked a little. “By the time I even found out about it, you’d already made it through. You could have—”
“Stop,” Percy said through clenched teeth.
The tide surged, spraying water into Thalia’s face. She coughed once, then wiped her eyes.
“Sorry,” she said.
This really was her version of being nice, then. Normally she would have zapped him for daring to pull a stunt like that. He ducked his head between his knees and focused on control—keeping the waves at bay.
“But, see? This is what I understand.”
Percy rolled his head to the side. She gestured to the waves, then to him.
“I mean, not this specifically,” she said, cocking her head at the water. “But you’re angry. And scared. And you show it—you lash out and run away. Maybe I’m not good at helping you, but I get it. With Annie, I don’t even know where to start.”
Percy didn’t either. The last thing he wanted to do was risk screwing with the peace that she seemed to have come to, so they never talked about any of it all. Except in numbers.
Thalia hung her head for a moment, then arced her neck backward to stare up at the sky. “I know you’re mad about the Labyrinth.”
He rubbed his temples. A monster headache was coming on—and he should know, he’d dealt with lots of monsters. But he appreciated that she went with ‘mad’ instead of the arguably more accurate ‘spiraling’ or ‘pretty sure you’ll drop dead the moment you go inside because your heart will stop out of sheer terror’.
“Are you actually coming or were you bluffing in there?” she asked. “Nobody would blame you if you didn’t. And I mean literally not a single person. Fucking Clarisse went to bat for you after you left.”
It was just another mind-boggling event to add to the list. Percy already felt so scrambled, they might as well pile on now before he had time to adjust.
“I’m going,” he said. “Those kids need us. And Annabeth—she’s going either way, right? I can’t let her do it alone.”
“Then you need to sleep.” Thalia struggled to her feet, brushed some sand off her legs, then reached down to help Percy up. “Solace mandated an hour-long nap for those of us who were up all night, negotiated down from five—five more hours, Percy, as if they wouldn’t be dead three times over by then.” She shook her head. “I know Nico’s all doe-eyed over that kid but he seriously needs to go.”
“I think I like Will,” Percy said.
Thalia rolled her eyes. “Of course you do.”
His feet felt like they were sinking into the ground as they walked back toward the cabins. It was an old trick that Gaia used to pull on them last summer, but this time he didn’t think it was her doing. They’d defeated her afterall. It was in his mind now.
He only had an hour. That was no time to prepare for the Labyrinth. It had taken him a month to work up to camp. He rubbed his hands over his arms.
“Get some sleep, Percy,” Thalia said as she dropped him at the door of his cabin.
“You too.”
It was a weird thing to say in broad daylight.
“And try not to have another nervous breakdown.”
Percy stuck his tongue out at her back and pulled his door open.
Annabeth was sitting on the edge of his bed, hitting her Yankees cap against the inside of her thigh. At her feet sat two backpacks: one Percy’s, one hers. They both looked stuffed, probably filled to the brim with clothes, nectar, ambrosia, other items that Annabeth had deemed useful for their journey.
“Thanks,” he said, nodding toward the bags.
She set her cap down and re-crossed her legs the other way. “No pressure. I just wanted it to be ready in case.”
Always the planner. But not as much as she used to be—a few years ago she probably would have hidden the backpacks until Percy confirmed he was going. They’d both rubbed off on eachother, evening out in the process. Percy’s mom said that was what made them so good together.
“Thank you,” he repeated, flopping onto the bed and rolling onto his side. “Thalia said an hour, is that right?”
She hummed in affirmation and scooted toward him, laying down once their heads were at the same height. “I should have told you about the Labyrinth. I didn’t want to give you another thing to worry about. In hindsight—well, I’m sorry.”
Percy didn’t really get it. He definitely wasn’t thrilled with the idea of Annabeth keeping stuff from him because she thought he couldn’t handle it, but he still nodded. “It’s okay. I just want to be someone you can count on, too. You know?”
Annabeth’s eyes dropped from his. They took longer to drift back up. “Percy, you are. You always have been.”
Lately he didn’t feel like it. Thalia had just confirmed it on the beach.
“What’s it like down there?” he asked. “Greater than or less than?”
She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, searching his face. “The first time—less, like a four. But after the initial drop, it’s not bad at all. Greater than. Like a seven. You’ll be fine. I know it.”
Percy didn’t want to second guess the truth behind Annabeth’s words, but he didn’t quite believe them. He didn’t think she was lying to him or anything like that, but everything Thalia said was eating at him. Plus, if it was a seven for her, that made it at best a five for him.
“How about you?” She ran a hand along the side of his head. “Greater than or less than?”
His heart was pounding so loud in his ears that he was sure she could hear it too, but he forced himself to smile. “I’ll stick with equal to. I’m tired.”
“Then go to sleep, Seaweed Brain.”
He snuggled closer to her, pressing his face into the same spot where he’d rested it before the meeting, between her neck and shoulder. This time, his eyes refused to stay closed, despite how heavy they were.
Everyone kept saying the Labyrinth was different. So far, it didn’t seem that way. The entrance was still in Zeus’ fist.
Percy fiddled with the straps of his backpack, then patted his pants pocket, even though it was a redundant check. Riptide was always there.
Annabeth’s nerves seemed almost as frayed as his. She kept opening and closing the little device that Leo had made. Supposedly, it stored the route and directions, along with functioning as a tracking device.
“I’ll lead,” she said.
Nobody protested. Thalia slung an arm over her shoulders and walked with her to the entrance.
They lowered themselves into the crevice between the two rocks one at a time. Percy’s heart jumped into his throat when Annabeth fell from sight. He ran a shaky hand through his hair just so he’d have something to do with it.
Piper slid through next. Percy wasn’t sure how that had happened. He’d thought that Jason would have finagled his way onto their mission. It would have made sense. One of the kids out there was related to him, too. But instead, Piper was here and Percy figured he should focus on getting himself through the day rather than worrying about any possible drama he’d missed at the end of the meeting yesterday.
“Alright,” Will said. “Who’s next?”
“I’ll cover our back.” The words tripped over his tongue on the way out. They were the first ones he’d said to anyone other than Annabeth after their short nap. “I’m the oldest,” he added when they looked at him uncertainly.
“Go ahead, Will,” Nico said.
He shrugged and disappeared. “See you in a minute.”
Maybe Thalia had a point about him, it was a pretty cursed thing to say at a time like this. A line straight out of his mom’s favorite horror movies, spoken the scene before that character gets picked off by the serial killer and never seen again.
“Percy?” Nico took a step toward him.
He wiped his forehead against his wrist. It was sticky with sweat. He tried to smile, but it felt like more of a grimace. “Yeah?”
“Are you okay?”
“Me?” It was only the two of them left. Of course he meant him. “Yes. Go for it. I’ll be right after.”
Nico looked like he wanted to disagree, but he didn’t. He turned around after positioning himself over the opening. “It really isn’t as bad as it was before. It doesn’t constantly change. I don’t know if that makes you feel any better, but…”
“Definitely.” His voice came out as more of a squeak.
Nico frowned, like he wasn’t the least bit convinced, but he still dropped out of sight.
Percy doubled over, hands clasped on his knees. He sucked in one breath, then another, until it didn’t feel like his head was filled with helium anymore.
He approached the entrance to the Labyrinth. Darkness, so black that it almost hurt to look at, filled the space between the two rocks. Percy closed his eyes and dipped one foot through, immediately pulling it back. There was nothing there. He’d fall forever, down, down, down. They’d fallen for days, floating through nothingness, unable to see. The only thing he’d had was Annabeth in his arms. Now, he had nothing.
He shook his head. “Stop.”
It was the Labyrinth, not Tartarus. It was bad, but not that bad. He took a deep breath and plunged one foot in, leaving it there for a moment before lowering his other leg through. He started to fall and he clutched at the rocks to stop himself.
He was dangling on the edge again. An abyss stretched below him, but he already knew what would happen. Unspeakable terror awaited. It all flashed before him—the Cocytus, Arachne, the Curses, Nyx, titans, giants, Tartarus himself. The worst was Akhlys, or at least Annabeth’s face afterward.
He scrabbled at the rocks, trying to claw his way back out. They weren’t sturdy, started to roll under his weight.
“No,” he yelped.
And he fell.
He landed almost immediately.
His hands and knees hit the floor with a jarring thud that he felt in every bone.
“You did it.”
Percy blinked upward. Nico was crouched next to him, a hesitant smile on his face.
“It’s just the Labyrinth. Nowhere worse.” He chuckled a little. “Wow, imagine saying that to our younger selves, huh?”
Even though Percy’s muscles were trembling, he tried to make them work with him, drag him to his feet. Nico offered his hand to help him, but yanked it back as soon as they touched. His fingers came away stained red. Percy realized it was his hands’ fault. They were cut up—peeling skin and dripping blood. They must have gotten scratched on the rocks.
“It’s okay. Will’ll patch those up,” Nico said, smiling encouragingly at Percy again. He grabbed his wrists instead and hauled him up.
That should be the other way around. Percy should be the one reassuring Nico. He’d been in Tartarus, too, alone, and he was younger.
“Um.” Nico twisted the skull-ring on his finger. “Percy—you’re scaring me a little bit. Can you say something?”
He nodded, then realized that still wasn’t saying anything.
“Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “Where are the others?”
“Up ahead,” Nico said, gesturing down the never-ending hallway. “I told them Grover showed up to talk to you and we’d catch up. I thought you might need a, uh, minute. I know I did when I first came down here after—you know.”
“Thanks, Nico,” Percy said.
He shrugged it off and pointed over his shoulder. “We should get moving.”
Nico had a device in his hands that looked identical to the one Annabeth had been messing with before she’d entered the Labyrinth. He explained that Leo had made two of them, in case they needed to split up. They could each lead to the other beacon, or toward the exit in Nebraska.
Percy walked with his palms extended, facing upward, in an attempt to keep from dripping his blood on the ground. He’d made that mistake before. Demigod blood on the ground was bad news. It might unlock sleeping ancient deities.
It was probably best not to think about ancient deities.
“It does look different,” Percy noted so he’d have something else to focus on.
Nico’s head bobbed up and down. “It is. There are still traps and monsters, but not as many. I don’t think Annabeth even understands what’s happened to it. And she’s been down here the most.”
Percy paused for a second, before continuing. “Oh.”
Nico glanced at him. “Too much?”
“No… It’s just, she didn’t even tell me about it until yesterday.”
“Yeah. I sort of figured. Based on how the whole thing went down.”
Percy couldn’t fathom why Annabeth would want to be down here all the time. It wasn’t fun when they were younger, and it certainly wasn’t fun now. Two days ago if someone had asked him, sword-tip to his heart, if Annabeth would go into the Labyrinth voluntarily, his answer would have been an emphatic no. He would have been shish kebabed.
“Hey, Percy?”
He looked up. “Yeah?”
“There’s going to be a—well, it’s a pit, on your right. It was a trap, but we disabled it so it’s not dangerous anymore. There’s plenty of room for us to walk around. But it looks a little—familiar.” Nico kept checking over his shoulder as if trying to gauge his response. “Just wanted to give you a warning.”
He didn’t understand why anyone would subject themselves to this, ever. The air felt staler the closer they got to the pit, thick and hard to breath. It burned down his throat and into his lungs, like poison. He wasn’t sure if he was imagining it or not.
After Percy caught his first glimpse of the pit, he screwed his eyes shut and stuck his elbow out to stay in contact with the wall on his left. He tried to focus on something his mom had told him a few years ago, when he’d still had the Curse of Achilles. He’d been even more tired then. His body was burning up too fast, everyday. And he had been angry too. He’d wanted to fight. The feeling had scared him so bad that he’d run into his mom’s room in the middle of the night like he was much younger and far less brave.
“Everything comes and goes, baby,” she’d told him as they’d sat on the edge of her bed. “Even more so for you than the rest of us. You ebb and flow like the tide.”
He coughed a little as the pit’s fumes clogged his throat. It made his hands sting and itch, too. He rubbed them on his shirt.
“Okay,” Nico said, voice hoarse. “That’s the worst thing for a while.”
That was the sort of thing you should never say as a demigod.
Percy opened one eye, then the other when he confirmed Nico’s assessment that the pit was behind them.
Nico twisted something on the outside of the device. “We’ve almost caught them. If we move a little faster, we should be there in no time.”
They walked past a four-way intersection. Percy eyed the perpendicular hallway. He could hear a clock—multiple clocks, ticking on either side of them. Or maybe it was clicking.
The walls, floors, ceiling started to move, crawling toward them in six-legged segments until they were surrounded. Myrmekes —giant ants. There had to be dozens. Nico drew his sword and Percy clenched Riptide in his still bloody hand.
He swung a few times and the ants closest to him skittered backwards. It didn’t last long. They came right back and didn’t seem as scared of the dull glow of the bronze the second time.
He took a step back, right into Nico. “What do you think?”
“There are too many.”
Percy bit back a sarcastic, oh, really?
Nico took a deep breath and Percy had a chilling premonition of what he was about to do. He squeezed his eyes shut as the ground shuddered and crumbled around them. It was so much like the day they fell. Everything had been vibrating, pieces of Arachne’s lair falling away. And then they’d been falling, too. He’d cursed himself for the whole way down. Why had they stayed on the edge of a gaping hole in the ground so long? Why hadn’t he noticed the web around Annabeth’s ankle sooner?
After the shaking and roaring stopped, the only sound was Nico’s heavy breathing.
Percy opened his eyes. The ants were gone. The ground around them was, too—in every direction. They were suspended in black that stretched forever, the small circular platform they stood on all that was left. His brain short-circuited.
“Hopefully that’s all there is,” Nico said between pants. “I won’t be able to do that again any time soon.”
Percy stumbled back from the edge, landing hard on his back, but he could still see the darkness, the nothing, the falling. That was all there was.
He covered his face to block it all out, but it didn’t help. They were hanging over a vacuum. The expansive nothing below was sucking the oxygen out of the Labyrinth.
“It’s okay.” Nico shook his shoulders, gently at first, then harder. “Percy? It’ll close up. Just give me a few seconds.”
The rumbling started again and Percy flinched. Nico kept talking to him, but he couldn’t make out anything more than syllables, intermixing with the sounds of the ground sealing back together.
Then it all stopped.
“Come on.” Nico tried to pull him up by his arm. “I’m going to get you back to camp, okay?”
That jolted Percy back into himself. Going back meant passing the stretch by the pit again and disappointing Annabeth and failing his little sibling. It was bad enough that Nico had seen all that. He didn’t need the rest of his friends and everyone at camp hearing about it. He shook Nico off and stood.
“Why would we go back? Didn’t you say we were close to the others?”
Nico opened his mouth, then closed it, pressing his lips together. Thankfully, he decided against saying anything—just took the device out of his pocket and led the way.
Percy trudged after him, trying to steady his breathing.
“There’s blood all over your face,” Nico said without looking back. “From your hands. I assume you want to get that off before Annabeth sees you.”
Percy pulled up his shirt and started scrubbing at it.
His mom’s words floated through his mind again. There’d been a lot of flowing in the last couple of years. He was ready to ebb.
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yukiwrites · 5 years
Twin Proposal
Summary: Vilkas and Farkas. Although they were twins, their personalities couldn’t be more different, down to the way how they expressed their affection to the ones they loved. Beffudled by Farkas’ spontaneous proposal, Vilkas feels even more pressured to ask for the Dragonborn’s hand...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Vilkas had always thought of himself as a man of unshakable will. He had stood against all sorts of creatures during his life as a warrior -- as a Companion. He felled giants with the same breath as he did the most cunning of vampires; he delved deep into Skyrim's oldest tombs only to emerge victorious, no matter what perils lurked within.
He prided himself in having a steady heartbeat and a cold eye to discern any and each situation he'd find himself in; no matter the challenge, he would stand tall and overcome it.
Yes, no matter the challenge.
Vilkas took a deep, shaky breath. Why was it that after an entire life of putting his life on the line, he felt his very own soul tremble upon the eyes of a simple khajiit merchant?! Don't you dare tremble; do not tremble you fool of a hand, he yelled at his own body as he reached for his coin purse.
The feline merchant smiled widely, her crooked teeth glistering in the sunset, making her distorted face even harder for Vilkas to ignore. "This one does not understand how you people of Skyrim court each other," she let out a hoarse laugh, though it only sounded like a snarl, as she slowly picked up the amulet Vilkas had chosen previously. "But it brings Ahkari profit, so Ahkari will keep selling."
"..." Vilkas simply scowled, using every ounce of pride he had in his body not to tremble, blush, or run away screaming as he exchanged the money for the Amulet of Mara.
"May your journeys lead you to warm sands," she nodded as she counted the money, licking her lips as she whispered, "or warm sheets," under her breath.
"... Thank you," missing the last bit of Ahkari's speech, Vilkas managed to regain part of his dignity as a person as quick as he shoved the Amulet of Mara into his item pouch. His shoulders lighter than a few moments previous, he finally managed to breathe out only to realize he had been holding his breath for the entire duration of the negotiation.
However, that feeling of relief was only temporary. Having the amulet in his possession was only the pre-requisite for the first step of a proposal, after all.
It wasn't as though he was devoid of a plan, no. Quite the opposite, in fact: he had drafted so many different situations which he could propose, his mind was flooded with dozens of scenarios and ideas. The Dragonborn was a woman worth all and any trouble -- one he would gladly fight alongside with until his heart beat the last -- so doing as much was only natural, if it meant to be with her for the rest of their days.
The problem lay on Vilkas, as expected. He simply did not know how he could give this massive step towards the change in their relationship! They were shield-siblings first and foremost, and although there was no rule forbidding romantic intercourse between Companions, the Dragonborn was so much more than that for Vilkas. She was a principled woman, bearer of one too many regrets in her life, just as Vilkas himself. They got along as kin, their shared worries and curses bringing them closer than any other shield-siblings have ever been. They shared a deep bond of friendship, trust and -- Vilkas wished most fervently for that to be true -- mutual love.
He could see in her eyes and subtle actions that they were of one mind in this regard -- it was but a question of who would give the first step to finally put a name to their more-than-shield-siblings relationship. And Vilkas wanted to be the one to do it.
But by the gods how hard it was!
He couldn't simply walk up to her, shove the amulet on her face and tell her they should marry! There had to be a proper place, a proper setting, a proper mood and a proper way to deliver his words. Everything had to come out in a satisfying way, otherwise it would be all for naught.
Absent-minded, Vilkas barely realized that he had not only returned to Jorrvaskr, but also sat beside his brother by the dining table, downing one of the fifteen mead bottles that were sprawled in front of Farkas.
Vilkas raised one eyebrow, blinking back into reality. "Fifteen-?" He heard his voice grumble, looking to his right to his brother. "Farkas, what is the meaning of this?"
The younger twin gurgled down his tenth bottle, slamming it on the table. "I just gotta." He replied in a weirdly serious tone. Since he was at the corner of the table, he needed but reach out to touch Rannah, a dark skinned altmer who had joined the ranks of the Companions a few months after the Dragonborn did. She and Aela conversed merrily, sharing their knowledge of hunting to any and all that would be unlucky enough to give them an ear to do so.
Narrowing his eyes, Vilkas observed his brother gaze longingly at the high elf -- it was no secret to the older twin that Farkas had been smitten with Rannah for a while. Smirking, Vilkas closed his eyes as he took a large sip of his mead, finding a sad solace in the fact that both brothers were suffering with love.
"Hey, Rannah," Farkas nudged the altmer's shoulder with one hand, pulling something out of his item pouch with the other.
Rannah turned to Farkas still wearing the smile she was sharing with Aela. "Yeah-oh?" She barely had time to react as Farkas put something around her neck.
An Amulet of Mara!
Vilkas choked.
"We get along well and I like that -- I like you. Wanna get married?" Farkas blurted everything out at once, sitting back after placing the amulet on Rannah.
Aela spat her half-chewed meat on Ria's face, who was sitting across her. The Dragonborn let out a soft gasp, covering her face with both hands.
"FUCK yes." Rannah didn't allow the silence to settle in, replying immediately. She climbed on the table to get to Farkas' lap, sitting on top of him and wrapping both arms around his neck.
"Let's not waste any time," Farkas snorted as he opened his mouth for the hungry kiss Rannah placed on him, his hands securely holding her behind so she wouldn't fall.
"Get a room, you two!" Aela guffawed, throwing an apple on Rannah's head. The fruit hit with a loud bonk, but it wasn’t enough to pluck the altmer's lips from Farkas'.
Coughing, Vilkas could very well be dead right there and then. He sputtered, the now happy (?!) couple blatantly making out inches from where he sat. Embarrassed and mortified, Vilkas looked from them to the cheering crowd the dining table had become, locking eyes with the Dragonborn, who also numbered amongst those who clapped and whistled.
Though when their eyes met, she, too, glanced at the couple before looking back at Vilkas, a smile sprouting on her lips as her cheeks reddened.
A thousand different thoughts sprouted in his mind as consequence to the Dragonborn's adorable reaction. Widening his eyes, the older twin felt the weight of the Amulet of Mara by his own belt, his breathing somehow distorting itself.
"We don't need to wait for the ceremony to consummate our vows, do we?" Rannah huffed in between the kisses she and Farkas shared, licking his lips lavisciously.
"Nah," Farkas gurgled a laugh as he lifted Rannah with both hands, taking her in his arms.
Any bubbling in Vilkas' chest was absolutely crushed with all that public display of affection. He groaned loudly. "Go to your room, for pity's sake! We don't need a display of- of THIS in the middle of dinner." He shoved Farkas's shoulder just as the younger twin was shuffling himself in his feet, intent on doing just that.
"No need to tell me twice, brother." Farkas smirked widely as Rannah barely allowed his mouth to be freed of hers.
"Don't let us see your ugly mugs 'till morning, you hear?!" Aela whistled, throwing another apple just for the sake of it, snorting loudly when Rannah caught it just as it was about to hit Farkas' head.
The two of them disappeared under the stairs leading to the dorms, under no shortage of cheering and booing.
"Ugh..." Vilkas dragged both hands across his face, suddenly a hundred times more exhausted than a few minutes ago. "I apologize for this crude display my brother just did." He could barely look into his shield-siblings' eyes, the shame so great he could only see them as blurs lest he self-combusted.
"Are you kidding? This was the funniest thing I've seen in my life." Aela snorted as she downed her mead. "Let us make a toast! For the happy couple." She raised her half-empty mug, being followed by every other hand that had been clapping previously. "Cheers." She said in a mocking tone, locking eyes with Vilkas. "I don't think you should go back to your room any time soon, Brother. Unless you want to find out exactly how they're going to 'consummate' their vows, ha!"
"Ughhh..." Vilkas once again threw his head back in disgust, groaning loudly. "No need to remind me of that, Aela." He got on his feet, taking the bottle he had been drinking from. "I'll be outside."
Walking at slow steps, Vilkas sat beside the shooting targets to force himself to meditate, or at least to take his mind off of the entire mess his own brother had made for Vilkas' marriage plans.
Farkas wasn't the one to blame, of course, but Vilkas had to blame something! Ugh, he felt terrible.
A familiar set of muffled steps followed Vilkas' path towards the targets, quietly sitting beside him as she engulfed the air with her lovely smell.
The Dragonborn. Vilkas pursed his lips, forcing himself now more than ever to keep his eyes closed.
She sipped her mead, the heat of her body warming his side even though they weren't even touching each other. Vilkas sighed deeply, his entire body deflating.
Taking that as her cue, the Dragonborn bobbed her head to the sides. "That was something I'll never forget."
Vilkas growled a bit inside, as though he still had the blood of a wolf in his veins. The Dragonborn found that endearing each time it happened, though she'd never mention it to him. "I did not know I could be amazed with Farkas after so many years, yet here I am." He groaned. "Don't worry, I'd never do such shameful display."
"Oh-ho?" The Dragonborn snorted, nudging his shoulder with hers. "Why are you assuring me of that, specifically?"
Vilkas cleared his throat, the embarrassment making him finally snap his eyes open. "N-no reason in particular; I am simply setting myself apart from my brother."
"Uh-huh..." The Dragonborn sneakily rested her head on Vilkas' shoulder, leaning her weight on him. "I’m well aware of that, though."
"Good." Vilkas relaxed his position, though not to the point of leaning on her -- they still weren't wed, after all! "... good." He said with a smile in his voice, which made the Dragonborn chuckle as well.
The next morning, barely one hour before dawn, Vilkas went back to his quarters after spending the night simply idle talking with the Dragonborn, appreciating the beauty of the moon, the stars and her fiery hair bathed in their light.
He had to ask her! As soon as possible! He could barely contain his own desire of simply embracing her within his arms and allowing her scent to take all of him!
"Farkas," Vilkas knocked on his brother's door. "Surely you are awake by now, come out." He called, though in a small voice for he didn't want to wake Rannah up.
A surprised 'oh,' a shuffling of bed sheets and a tumbling later, Farkas opened the door wearing nothing but the Amulet of Mara he had given Rannah the day before. "What?"
Vilkas cursed under his breath, looking up and away from his brother's jewels. "For- for the gods' sake, put something on!" 
"Oh, wait a second." Farkas gasped and laughed at his own nudity, not realizing it until Vilkas pointed out. "I'm sure I left my pants around here..." He whispered as he left the door ajar to look. "You don't wanna come in- oh wait, nah, I better go out;" he mused for half a second as he put on a random pair of trousers he found lying on a chair. "She's still nake-"
Vilkas groaned for the thousandth time that week, dragging himself to his room. "Come here instead, Farkas, lest I lose my mind."
Tilting his head to the side, Farkas followed after closing the door to his own room behind him. He sat on a chair beside Vilkas' door, helping himself to a day-old mead that had been left there by the older twin before he went to the khajiit caravan.
Vilkas sat heavily on the bed, visibly tired, though hardly due to lack of sleep. "Think of your health, brother. Don't drink this early in the morning."
Farkas was midway to downing the mead entirely, guiltily looking at Vilkas after placing the empty bottle back on the table. "I needed to recharge after last night-" he started, smirking.
"Yes, yes -- this is precisely why I called. How could you- how did you even do such an important thing as proposing so- like that?! Without even thinking things through? What about her feelings from being proposed to at such a public place-"
Farkas leaned on the backrest, sprawling himself with a confused frown. "I'm not really good at thinking ahead like this. I just followed my feelings -- I bought the amulet, drank a bit to be better at wording and asked her."
Vilkas facepalmed with both hands, digging his fingers on his own flesh. "What if she had refused you, then? Everyone would-"
"I'd drink more and move on." Farkas shrugged. "I'm happy she said yes, though; I think I'd need to drink every day for the rest of my life to be able to move on if she had said no."
"How can you accept this so readily-" Vilkas clutched his own chest as though directing the questions to himself. "There has to have a better way for these things."
"I'm married now, aren't I?" Farkas smiled widely, making Vilkas' shoulders sag. His little brother was so happy! Even though things happened so... crudely, it all fit him and his wife perfectly. "We're gonna get ready to go to Riften later, so I guess we won't be seeing each other in a month or two, brother."
"Oh," Vilkas blinked in surprise. "Do you not want me to go along for the ceremony? I feel that I should witness it, as your brother..."
"Nah," Farkas got up, the very air around him a bit lighter. "We wanna get to... know each other during the trip, like Rannah said." He laughed, forcing Vilkas to groan once again.
"Very well, then, little brother." The older twin got up, patting the younger on the back. "May your marriage be blessed by Mara and the Divines. Congratulations."
"Thanks." Farkas patted Vilkas' hand on his shoulder before retreating back to his own room, leaving Vilkas alone with his thoughts.
"Just follow your feelings, huh..." The older twin digested the words for a bit, his eyes looking around the room as though looking for clues. He saw the key to Whiterun's guard tower and something clicked on him. "That's it...!"
Vilkas busied himself during the day by going in and out of the guard barracks -- making a deal or another to be able to use the southern guard tower unhindered for one night; then making a trip or two to the market in search of high-quality ingredients for dinner and the best wine he could find for sale at the khajiit caravan.
Everything was going to be perfect and he was following his heart! Two birds with one stone!
The Dragonborn raised one eyebrow once Vilkas called her to help him with a guard shift at the tower, wondering -- with a smirk -- why he sounded so happy about a random watch duty like that.
Night had covered Skyrim like a cold blanket, forcing the two of them to wear their thick cloaks as they went up the stairs in silence, the only sound between them one of the crackling fire from the torch Vilkas carried.
Feeling his heart rising up to his throat, Vilkas gulped as they reached the uppermost room -- the one with the best view of the city as well as of the aurora in the sky -- nervously opening the door to reveal the carefully arranged dinner table for two.
The former thief pressed her lips into a thin line to hide her smirk so she could play dumb. "Vilkas?" She sat on the chair he had pulled for her, biting her lower lip in anticipation.
"I- cannot say I was inspired by my brother since I had this in my possession since yesterday morning-" He tried to pull something from his item pouch, but it got stuck just as he was taking the knee.
"’This’?" The Dragonborn tilted her head to the side, almost giving into the urge to laugh.
Vilkas cursed under his breath, pulling the amulet with a little too much force, his heart beating so fast he was barely thinking straight -- if his plan didn't go exactly as he had devised, he had nothing! What was he going to say next? Where is this thing stuck on, anyway? He had already KNELT! He just needed to pull a bit-
A thin snapping sound filled the air, followed by dozens of beads rolling around the floor. "The amulet-" Vilkas froze, watching the Amulet of Mara roll around in all directions, his hands helplessly trying to keep it all in one place.
"Pffft! Hahaha!" The Dragonborn snorted loudly, dissolving into laughter. "Oh no, this is so cute! I'm- ahaha! Pffbht... I-I'm-"
"D-don't laugh!" Vilkas hissed pitifully, using all of his concentration to look for the missing beads. The Dragonborn knelt in front of him, gathering as many beads as she could, her laughter never stopping.
"I-I'm sorry, b-but this is so- so adorable! Hrrk! Pffft!" She snorted, found the sound funny and went back to laughing, placing some beads in Vilkas' pitiful, open hand.
"What a disaster..." The older twin's back slumped on itself, the amulet now an amalgamation of random tiny objects. Before he could even wallow in self-pity, the Dragonborn placed her hand over his, covering the amulet.
Sniffling from laughing so much, she pressed her forehead on his. "Is it, really? I think this couldn't have been a better proposal." She looked at him with a genuine smile, dissolving his frown. "And my answer is yes! We don't need an amulet to get married, anyway; it's what it represents that matters." She clutched her hand in his, some beads escaping through their hold. "And I can feel it all, from the lame excuse to get to this secluded location to how you nervously have been trying to come up with ideas for the past few weeks."
Vilkas widened his eyes in surprise, but then exhaled in resignation. "So it was that obvious."
"A little," she giggled, kissing his cheek. "Won't you ask me properly even though I already gave my answer?"
"Of course," Vilkas put whatever was left of the amulet back in his pouch so he could pull her to him, finally able to let their bodies share the same warmth. "Will you marry me, my- my love? I've been waiting to ask for so long."
"Mhm," she nudged her nose on his, closing her eyes to feel his breath on her lips. "I will, my wolf. I love you." She nipped at his lower lip, enticing him to initiate the kiss, which he did with pleasure.
“I love you as well, my love.” Vilkas felt his entire body relaxing as their tongues acquainted themselves, her taste so much better than he had ever imagined! Ahh, to have her inside his arms, at last!
It was worth the humiliation. It was worth the wait.
Now that he had her in his arms like this, he knew that he would do it all over again if only it meant to kiss her again, again and again until dawn broke.
They would still actually need to do their guard duty since that was what Vilkas had promised the chief guard, but he could mention it to her a bit later. Just one more kiss...
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Not This Time / Richie Tozier Imagine
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Request: I'd like to see an It Chapter 2 imagine with Y/N waking up from a horrific nightmare about Eddie dying, and Richie decides to get cuddly with her and banish those terrifying thoughts with a make out (note: She's ticklish on her neck). She manages to get back to sleep. However, she has no idea that her nightmares will soon become reality when they go to fight It once more... 
Ahh my darling anon why would you remind me about my poor Eddie XD <3
It’s too dark. Too dark down here, it’s suffocating you in it’s nothingness. It reeks of gallons and gallons of Derry urine, a stale air of death and fear that chills you to the bone and wraps its tendrils around your heart. You only see flashes behind your eyes....a spider? Something giant and oozing with slime, it long legs scaly and piercing as hoarse groans as it scuttles towards you. You begin to scream. heartbreaking guttural noises that rip through your chest as Richie holds your arms behind your back, stopping you from running to aid Eddie who’s arm is stuck in the things mouth, blood splattering across the ground in pregnant drops as he falls back, his arm ripped from his body. 
Kicking Richie in the face, he startles awake with a little murmur, jolting up on the duvet. His hand grips the limp pillow that’s crumpled under his fingertips, a yawn stretching his mouth as he begins to rub the sleep out of his eye, starting to believe he had dreamed the whole kicking thing. He runs a hand slowly through his hair, scrunching his nose up at the permanent smell of dingy cigarette smoke that covers the manky motel walls, frowning to himself as he notices the duvet has been kicked off onto the floor.
The slight bathe of moonlight that shines through the broken blinds alerts him to the fact that you’re shivering slightly, finally becoming aware that small gasps of stifled sobs are leaving your lips.
‘Oh love,’ he gently murmurs, his voice laced with concern and comfort at seeing you in such a state.
‘It felt so real. So real, Richie. What are we going to do? We couldn’t stop IT the first time, and now it’s just going to pick us off one by one.’
‘Come here, that can wait till the morning, let me take care of you. I promise, as long as Richard Tozier the incredible is here, you’ll be completely safe. I’m not going to let anything happen to my best girl, now am I?’
Tugging you tighter into his chest, his heart thumping more erratically as you wrap your arm around his slender chest and snuggle your head further into his neck with a small smile, he grins in delight to hear your slight chuckle as his chin bumps slightly against your cheek. With half-lidded eyes, his fingers delicately trace the slight curve of your jaw, a smile gracing his face as he looks down at your sleepy figure, his socked feet entangling messily to warm your chilly bare feet, his fingers circling against your shivering skin with a precision he had spent years becoming an expert at. Peppering kisses against the tip of your ear, he pulls you in so tight you feel you may burst as his hand runs figure eights up and down your back, the two of you just holding each other tight and finding solace in your heartbeats as the night began to grow into a lighter dawn.
After a peaceful moment, when you feel all thoughts begin to slowly fade out of your mind, kidding yourself it really was just a bad dream, you feel Richie’s warm breath against your neck, feel yourself squirm against his grasp as his plump lips finally land against your skin, his arms tightening as he smiles, knowing your ticklish weak spot. 
Richie jumps forward slightly, one knee raising up subconsciously in between your thighs, his hands rushing off your waists to grab your wrists, comforted by the feel of your heartbeat, before pinning them softly against the lumpy mattress. He watches you for a second, his brown eyes glistening as they dilate slowly, his breathing shallowing out as his gaze finally lands on your plump lips, subconsciously wetting his own. The next thing you knew, he had slammed his lips to yours and nearly knocked all the air out of your lungs, crawling on top of you. His thighs brush against your own as he nearly falls onto his elbows, careful that he doesn’t place his full weight against you. He presses his tongue to the seam of your lips and, as you grant your access, delves inside your mouth. His thumb tenderly strokes your wrist as his hips bang against yours, pushing you further and further against his broad chest until there was no breathing room left, your back arching up towards the heat that radiates from him, revelling in the slight moans that roll off his tongue. Unexpectedly, his hand drifts to your hip, settling itself there and pulling you closer, rising you slightly off the bed as she smiles against your lips, his heart overflowing with giddiness and love. He began nuzzling your neck with delicate kisses, so faint, you swore they were like whispers, little sweet nothings as the two of you completely forget about this town, this stupid clown that had terrorised your lives since childhood, and instead focus only on the palpable bond that had tied both of your hearts together since you were thirteen years old.
Little did you know that tomorrow Richie would be pinning your arms back in a different manner, trying to swipe the small flickers of Eddie’s blood of your shirt as your sobs rang in his head, holding you tight against his chest as the light dimmed from Eddie’s eyes. Tomorrow, there would still be no words left to say, only guilt swirling in your eyes as you stared out from between Richie’s arms.
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bringmemyanxietea · 5 years
The Disappearance of Logan Sanders
WARNINGS: Major character death, anxiety attacks, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, mentions of cancer, graphic depictions of death and gore, a little bit of homophobic/transphobic bullying, child abuse, sympathetic Deceit (this is dark yall, please be safe and don’t read if this could potentially trigger you)
Word Count: ~8615
Characters: Logan, Virgil, Roman, Patton, Deceit, Emile (minor), Remy (minor)
Relationships: Platonic all around except for established Remile
Summary: They were once the best of friends until they weren’t. But soon they’ll have to reconcile to find their missing piece.
It had all begun long before any of them knew, really. A friendship stemming from their births being all within the same day, all in the same town. Yet none of them would really come to believe such a thing as fate could predict their friendship. 
“You’re an idiot.” Logan deadpanned, staring at his painfully idiotic friend who was currently hacking and coughing from choking on a marshmallow, which he had attempted breathe instead of eat. On purpose of course, because that was just who Roman was.
“Aw, come on Lolo, he was just trying to be creative!” And then there was Patton who was about as smart as Logan, only not. His emotions typically overrode his intelligence.
Sighing, the bespectacled kid turned his gaze away from his two friends, instead, focusing on a group of birds that had been chirping particularly loud. “Remind me again why we decided to make our ‘secret hideout’ here in the middle of the woods where several pests live?”
Logan watched as Patton pouted at his reference to animals being pests. Really who could blame him though? Apparently, Patton, that’s who.
They were just a group of kids who found solace in each other.
Then, towards the end of sixth grade, Virgil Night had moved to their small town and wormed his way into their lives.
The poor boy had just appeared one day, and nobody knew anything about him. It didn’t take long for rumours to start and spread like wildfire.
“I heard he’s actually a changeling and was sent to replace a human child!”
“No, he’s a demon sent to find the sinners and drag them to hell.”
“Are we talking about the new kid? Mommy says he was abandoned because he's full of bad blood…”
Of course, Patton was completely averse to rumours and had instead marched right up to the shy kid and introduced himself. After that it had been set in stone that Virgil was now one of them. They had his back and he had theirs.
That was the way it had always been. Through their many years of friendships, they always had each other’s backs, and they knew it. 
Because when Patton had decided that he was more than just a boy, and sometimes not a boy at all, they were all there when his blood wasn’t. They were there to support who he was whenever. Whether Patton was he, she, or they. They were there when no-one, not even Patton, was.
Because when Roman had come to them saying he was gay, they didn’t shame him or treat him differently. And when their friend later came out again as aromantic, they still supported him. Because no matter who he loves or how he loved, Roman was theirs to love and care for. 
Because when Logan had decided to trust them with his neurological disorder and picky habits, they did not turn him away or shut him down. They changed, yes, but only in a way that best supported Logan’s needs. Logan was still himself, and knowing this side of him would not change that.
Because when Virgil’s adoptive parents were over-bearing or less than accommodating, they were there to hold him as he cried. They learned how to care for their anxious friend, and despite never knowing his past, they still loved and trusted him to be a part of their small family.
They were all freaks and their family was small and broken, but it was good. And in that moment, that was all they needed.
They only needed each other, and so they were always there for each other.
Until they weren’t.
“What is wrong with you? You could have been killed!” Logan screeched from where he was pacing back and forth, his hands flapping in an attempt to soothe himself. Normally he would try to get control over his stimming, but he was far too worked up to care about what others may think about his behaviours.
Roman scoffed, watching as Virgil carefully applied bandages to the wounded areas on his body. “And you say I’m overdramatic!” He muttered, rolling his eyes at the offended noise Logan had attempted to choke back. 
Thinking back, maybe it hadn’t been the best decision to climb an old tree that was already dead and waiting for a reason to crumble and snap, but Logan didn’t have to freak out about it. He was acting like his parents, as if he could tell him what to do and not to do.
Besides, he was celebrating his freedom. They had all officially graduated from high school meaning they were free from the clutches of education! Well, except for college and Logan who was a never ending pool of knowledge.
“Were you trying to prove something, Roman? Are you really that careless about yourself? Or do you want to die?” Roman heard Virgil’s breath hitch at that sentence and frowned. They all knew that was a sensitive subject for Virgil. “Is that it? Do you want to kill yourself? Is that why you do all these idiotic and-”
“Just shut up Logan, your voice is annoying!” As soon as the words had left his mouth, he regretted it. The air around them had gone stagnant, leaving a foul taste in the back of his mouth.
Roman knew he should have just shut up right then, but he was just itching or a fight. His parents hadn’t left him alone about being productive with his life and Logan’s rant had left him restless.
“I said, your voice is annoying!” He screamed, pushing himself up to stand with his chin held high. “Besides, at least I take risks.” He snarked, staring at Logan challengingly
“I fail to see how that makes you any more superior to me, if anything it just shows how much intelligence you lack,” Logan replied, his voice calm even as his brows furrowed.
Had it been any other day, Roman would have brushed it off as Logan being Logan, but he was so sick of people undermining him just because he wasn’t some prodigy or straight-A student. “It makes me superior because at least I don’t have to have exact matching socks to function like a human being.” He smirked, watching as Logan bristled at his comment.
It was then that Patton had made an attempt to calm the situation down before it escalated beyond snarks and rude banter. Yet any attempts he had made were foiled by either Logan or Roman who failed to heed their friend’s warnings.
That last comment had quite literally left Logan speechless and struggling to find words. Whether that was because he was merely struggling with his disorder or because Roman had actually outwitted him for once, he didn’t know. But he could now say he had rendered the oh so amazing Logan, speechless.
Roman had just begun to turn around, his face smug in his success, when Logan had finally gotten his words to form. “At least I’m not some broken, heartless creature who can’t love. Like a tin man with no heart. A simple being with a simple brain.”
The air had suddenly become much more tense and charged with emotion as Roman went stock still, his back facing his friends as his fists clenched at his sides. A humourless chuckle slipped past his lips as he ducked his head slightly.
“Roman I…” Logan had begun.
“Save it. You know what you said and you meant it.” He suddenly whirled around, his face flushed with anger and a fire in his eyes. “Yeah, I’m fucking broken, but so are you asshole!” He yelled, storming up to Logan prepared to throw punches.
“You are so fucking broken Logan. More so than me, the guy who can’t love. You are more broken than Patton who can’t fucking decide who he is! And you are even more broken than Virgil who was thrown out by his own parents and is still thought to be sent from hell!” His voice echoed around them, causing all three of his friends to flinch.
Virgil and Patton held each other’s hands while the entire ordeal went down, both feeling just as broken as Roman claimed them to be. Yes, they’d claimed that they were all freaks, but not once had it been used against them in such a way. Not by those that truly mattered anyways…
“Because you know what, Mr. I’m so perfect and smart? You can’t even function on a good day! You are just one giant fuck up that can’t begin to understand that you shouldn’t even exist!”
The two friends stared at each other, one breathing heavily from the pent up anger he’d just released, while the other merely stared blankly through his friend.
Virgil and Patton watched with bated breath, waiting for Logan to lash back, or maybe throw a punch. They were waiting for something to happen, anything that would break the tense air around them.
It had seemed like forever before Logan had snapped out of his daze like state and turned around to stalk away from the group of friends. ”That’s right, run away you coward! Fuck you and your friendship! I don’t need you!” Roman shouted at Logan’s retreating form, before snapping around to face the two trembling boys who had watched the whole scene unfold in horror.
“I don’t need any of you.” He snarled before running back towards the town, the opposite way Logan had left, leaving the two men and a broken friendship behind, crushed beneath his harsh and heavy words
After the incident, Logan and Roman refused to interact with each other, or anything relating to the other man. Thus, by extension, they refused to interact with either Virgil or Patton. 
Within a day, a lifetime’s worth of trust and friendship had been shattered to pieces and thrown in their faces, like some sort of sick joke. It had left them all scarred and wounded. Yet Virgil and Patton had refused to allow their bond to break.
Or so they’d thought. 
Truthfully, neither Patton nor Virgil had been anywhere close to okay after the incident. The wounds were too fresh and deep to be healed by a few hugs and calming words, yet they had tried. They had tried to smile through the pain and pretend like nothing was wrong. Like they weren’t missing half of what made them whole.
They had tried so hard to make two people enough. 
Eventually, though, enough had been enough.
A couple weeks after the entire ordeal, Patton had burst into Virgil’s room in tears, crying and apologizing profusely. At the time, Virgil had been confused as to why his best friend was crying crocodile tears and apologizing to him. But soon it had made sense as Patton said goodbye to him, leaving him behind just like Roman and Logan had.
It was at that point that Virgil realized: their four had become one. He was alone again, just like when he’d first moved to the small town.
His eyes scanned the room full of painful memories that had once brought him so much joy, landing on a picture of the four of them fresh out of school, celebrating their newfound freedom with each other. Then, with a scream of anguish, he snatched up the picture frame and chucked it at the closest wall before sinking to his knees. Hot, fresh tears spilled down his cheeks as he openly sobbed on the floor of his room.
Months passed, and within that time, Virgil had packed his things and left that cursed town behind in an attempt to forget the painful memories that had occurred within it. He still remembered the day he left.
Screaming and yelling, broken glass, and tears.
After Patton had decided to leave him too, he’d packed everything that meant nothing to him and left, leaving the memories and pieces of his life behind to rot. He didn’t need the reminders of what he’d lost.
Unfortunately for him, he’d forgotten just how capable the past was of catching him.
It had been a completely normal day when he’d gotten the phone call.
“Virgil Night?”
His brows furrowed as he glanced at his phone which was tucked between his shoulder and cheek as he struggled to focus on either of his tasks. “Who wants to know?”
A chuckle sounded from his phone, “My apologies, my name is Ethan Lyre. I’m Logan’s cousin.”
Virgil froze in his movements, his face going white as a sheet at the second name. He quickly dropped his writing utensil, grabbing the phone with his hand as he snarled, “Leave me alone!”
He was about to hang up when the other man screamed out, “Wait! Please! I know you guys had a falling out, but please just hear me out…” He stared at his phone, debating the pros and cons of hanging up then and there.
Damn his curiosity. “Fine,” he gritted out.
He could hear a sigh of relief. “Thank you. I’m really sorry about calling you but my cousin wasn’t exactly the best at making friends, and you were the only one I could find info on.” Virgil rolled his eyes because that was one way to put it.
“Look, I’ll just get to the point. Logan’s missing.” 
“Oh really? Did you-” He was cut off by a growl before the other man yelled at him to shut up, an order which he obeyed.
“I haven’t seen him in months! He just left the house one day, no bag or anything and never showed back up. I’ve called the police and everything, but they think he ran away.”
Virgil stayed silent.
“I just, I know my cousin. He needs order in his life. He wouldn’t have left everything behind if he had run away. That’s not how he works. He’s smart, and he left all of his money and everything at home.” The other man continued, his voice becoming thick with emotion as he talked.
“What do you want me to do about it?” He asked, receiving a hoarse chuckle in response.
“Wow, I knew you guys had fought, but maybe he was right to-”
This time it had been Virgil to cut Ethan off, “Shut up asshole. You have no idea what happened between us!” He exhaled, leaning back in his chair as he clenched his eyes shut. “I just don’t know how I’m supposed to help.”
“Would it be possible for you to come down here? I’m hoping that maybe you’d have an idea on where he disappeared to. Or at least find something that shows he didn’t just run away. I miss my cousin Virgil, I just want him back safe.” Ethan said, and Virgil could hear the desperation in his voice.
His mind took a moment to process all the information that had been shoved onto him. He didn’t want to go back there. He didn’t want to face all the painful memories and emotions he’d tried to bury.
“I’ll see you soon.” With that he hung up, not giving the other man a chance to speak again.
Looks like it was time to face the music.
That night, he’d quickly packed a couple bags of necessities such as clothes, a couple chargers, some toiletries, and money. He’d also spent a fair amount of time searching for his old friends. Patton was the hardest to find as he’d almost completely disappeared off the map, while Roman had been easy, having already begun making a name for himself in the entertainment industry.
Taking a glance at his phone, he realized it was getting late. Tomorrow. The journey would begin tomorrow. For now, he needed to rest in preparation for the onslaught of emotions he was bound to face.
Patton had made a small home in her one-bedroom apartment in Illinois after she’d left her hometown. She’d found a full-time job as a cashier at one of the retail stores in the area, and while it wasn’t the job she’d wanted, it paid the bills, so she couldn’t really complain.
What she hadn’t expected was for a certain person from her past to show up at her job in the middle of her shift. 
She had glanced at the items she was scanning, taking note that it was mostly junk food and energy drinks. “Is that all for you today?” She queried as she typed a code into her computer.
“Actually, I was hoping I could borrow a moment of your time.” She froze, the timbre voice awakening unwanted memories within her. Her blue eyes slowly rose to meet a pair of onyx ones. “Hi Pat, long time no see.” The small quirk of his lips wasn’t a happy one, rather a dry, humourless smile that left Patton on the verge of tears.
“I, uh, my break starts in about 15 minutes, if you want to, you know…” She gulped, trying not to burst into tears right then and there.
“Yeah... Here,” he handed over the money for his groceries before grabbing the bags, not even bothering to wait for his change.
Patton watched as her old friend stalked away from her, not even stopping to look back. She couldn’t help but wonder if this was what Virgil felt when Patton had turned her back on him.
She heard someone clear their throat and snapped back to reality, apologizing before finishing up the transaction and carrying on in with her normal routine, now troubled by thoughts of her past.
It had ended up being closer to 20 minutes before she’d actually been able to go on break. When she’d walked outside, her eyes had immediately snapped to the dark clothed man sitting on the curb. With only the slightest bit of hesitation, she’d walked over and sat beside him.
The two sat in comfortable silence for a while, watching as cars passed by. 
“I missed you.” She said, her voice only trembling slightly.
She could hear Virgil’s breath hitch and saw him curl into himself from the corner of her eye. “You’re the one that walked out.” His voice was filled with malice as he spoke.
Patton smiled wryly, “I know.”
And just like that, they had been launched back into a comfortable silence, both of them finding comfort in it. They didn’t need words to understand where the other was coming from. However, Patton knew there was probably more to Virgil’s visit than just catching up like old friends.
Apparently Virgil also knew that the conversation was inevitable.“Logan’s missing.” Patton glanced over at him, confused. “Ethan contacted me yesterday, said Logan just vanished one day, didn’t even bother to take anything with him beside a cellphone.” He sighed, resting his head on his knees. 
“The police seem to think he ran away, but I’ve gotta agree with his cousin. That just doesn’t seem like Logan.”
Patton pursed her lips in thought before speaking, “Well then, maybe we didn’t know him that well…”
“Don’t give me that shit, Patton. Not right now.”
She sighed but nodded her assent. 
“I’m on my way back there. Figured I’d see if I could contribute to the search. It’s stupid, but I can’t seem to bring myself to hate him for what happened. I can’t hate any of you.”
Tears welled in her eyes as she watched her old friend’s walls crumble. “I'm so sorry Virgil.”
Virgil shook his head, a laugh slipping past his lips. “You don't need to apologize Pat. I forgave you long ago. Actually, I don’t think I ever blamed you. It was bound to happen, it was just a matter of who broke first.”
“Yeah, maybe you’re right…”
They once again fell into silence until Patton’s alarm went off, signifying that her break was over. “I’ve got to get back to work, but would you mind if I came with you?” She asked, her words quiet and hesitant.
“Sure Pat, I’m leaving tomorrow morning. Just meet me here at 6 if you still want to come.”
Patton nodded, staring at Virgil sadly for a moment before making her way back inside the store to finish up her day and let her manager know she was taking a few weeks off. That conversation hadn’t gone well and ended with Patton telling her that she could give her the days off or she could fire her. Honestly, she didn’t really care. 
Sometimes there were more important things to take care of.
Virgil had shown up at the store parking lot thirty minutes earlier than he’d planned, but who could blame him. His entire life had been on a fucking rollercoaster into hell and he was just trying to make the best of the horrible experience.
His eyes scanned the mostly empty parking lot. The sky was still dark, the sun not yet willing to announce its presence. The street lamps cast an orange glow around the town, giving Virgil a sense of foreboding.
He didn’t like it.
He leaned against his car humming under his breath as he waited for Patton to show up. 
He had gotten through three songs in his head before he saw a figure walking in the distance. His form tensed, ready to engage in his fight or flight reflexes if it came down to it. His eyes were glued to the figure, waiting for any sign of a threat. However, his body soon relaxed as the person came close enough for him to recognize the features of the person who was once his best friend.
“Jeez Pat, for a second there, I thought you were some sort of creep or psychopath.” He chuckled under his breath as the other smiled sheepishly. “Did you walk the whole way here?” Patton nodded causing him to sigh. He glances at the other’s outfit, taking note of the pronoun bracelet on his left wrist that displayed “HE/HIM <3” proudly.
“I don’t really have the money to afford a car…” He admitted, embarrassed by his lack of financial wealth, especially since it seemed like Virgil was doing great in that department.
“Well, I guess that means you’re riding with me then, huh?” 
“I hope you don’t mind, kiddo. I honestly forgot to even mention it, what with the whole sudden reunion and everything. If you really don’t want to be stuck in a car with me though, I understand. I can just catch a bus or something! It’s really not-” He was cut off as Virgil raised his hand.
“It’s fine Patton, just let me clear out the passenger set. And leave self-deprecation to me, it doesn’t suit you.” He said, moving to the other side of the car to begin shuffling things around, trying to avoid looking at the pouting man beside him.
“There you go, I’ll go ahead and put your bag in the trunk unless there’s something you need in there?”
“Oh, no, that’s fine! Just a few outfits and whatnot.” He nodded, grabbing the handle of the suitcase before loading into the trunk, on top of his own luggage. He slammed the door shut before shuffling towards the driver’s side and sliding into his seat.
“Ready to go?” He asked, glancing at Patton who nodded. “Great. I’ve got one last place to stop by before we can meet up with Ethan.” He started the car, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road.
“Yeah.” It was time to go visit one Roman Prince.
“Patton, wake up.” The strawberry blonde groaned in response.
“Nooo, ‘m tired!” He whined, his words slurred from sleep.
“Come on Pat, we’re here and I wouldn’t feel right leaving you in the car while you’re sleeping.” 
Virgil watched as the other man finally cracked his eyes open enough to see him. “Oh, hi Virge.” He stared at the barely awake man deadpanned before shaking his head in exasperation.
“Hi Pat, get up, we’ve got things to do.” He said before opening his door and slinking out of the car, his joints popping as he was finally able to stretch out for the first time in hours. His body was stiff from sitting in one position, only making minor movements every so often while driving.
He heard some shuffling before the door on the passenger side popped open, a mop of strawberry blonde curls barely peeking out from over the car roof.
“Where are we?” Patton asked, his voice still heavy from his recent slumber, as his eyes took in the tall building and constant movement around him. His ears were flooded with sounds of car horns and people talking.
“Welcome to Los Angeles,” Virgil muttered, already feeling his anxiety spiking. They weren’t supposed to stay here long, just long enough to find Roman and get out.
“Are you sure this is the place, kiddo?”
Virgil nodded, not bothering to spare Patton a glance before he pushed forward, opening the doors to the auditorium where a group of people sat on the stage. Some were screaming and yelling about this or that, while others were just quietly staring at the ceiling. What really caught Virgil’s attention, however, was the man standing on the right side of the stage, talking to a group of people as he waved his arms around dramatically.
As soon as the doors slammed shut behind Patton and Virgil, a collection of eyes were on them. The only pair of eyes that mattered at that moment were the ones that belonged to Roman Prince who had gone pale in the face, his brows furrowing in some kind of emotion that Virgil couldn’t decipher.
The pair watched as the actor muttered an excuse to what they assumed to be his friends before he hopped off the stage and began making his way towards them. 
“What are you two doing here?” He seethed, his voice low and controlled as he glared at them.
“Wow, you are angry, aren't you? WHat’s wrong, did we step on your moment?” Virgil snarked back. Patton whimpered from beside him, getting flashbacks from when Logan and Roman had argued.
“Yes, actually, you did, hot topic!” He growled in response.
Virgil smirked and cooed, “Aww you think I’m hot!” He watched as Roman’s shoulder raised out of anger and frustration, almost akin to a cat’s hackles rising.
The pair watched as Roman let out a heavy breath before he asked, “What do you want?”
Patton watched as a mischievous glint flickered in Virgil’s onyx orbs before he spoke, his voice calm and smug, “I want a lot of things. I want to die, try some new foods, win the lottery. Oh! And I want to go back and time and stop you from being a dick!” He smirked at Roman whose face was now flushed bright red with anger.
“Oh, yeah, because you were so innocent in that situation, weren’t you?” The actor snarked back as he began pushing forward, forcing Virgil to step back. “Poor little Virgil, too scared to do anything but stand by and watch the world burn, always ready to place the blame on other people because mommy and daddy didn’t love him!”
Patton saw Virgil flinch as tears began to pool in his eyes. “Roman…” He called out, his voice quiet. Roman, in response, went to lash out at him next, only to be shoved back by Virgil who was now full-on crying.
“Fuck you, Roman. You don’t get to be angry at us for standing by when you called us freaks for being who we are. We tried to get you both to calm down, but you were so upset about your bruised ego and all your goddamn insecurities that you just had to bring everybody else down with you. Because you couldn’t stand to be the only one hurting!” He yelled, his voice hoarse and scratchy as he continued to call Roman out on his behaviours.
The two men stared at each other, one with tears running down his face while the other was frozen with shock and hurt on his features.
“Fuck you…” Virgil muttered before running outside, his body curled in on itself.
Patton stared at the doors before looking back at Roman who was now sitting on the armrest of one of the audience chairs. He watched a variety of emotions flicker across the other’s face before he hesitantly reached out and placed a hand on Roman’s shoulder.
“I really was a dick, wasn’t I?” Patton snorted at the question and patted Roman’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.
“Yeah kiddo, you were. It’s never too late to make amends though.” Roman nodded dazedly, staring at the floor. “Virgil’s probably going to be gone for a while.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry, Patton.” He apologized, looking up at Patton with dewy eyes.
Patton smiled fondly before wrapping his arms around the other man. “It’s alright, kiddo. I forgive you.”
By the time Virgil had made it back to the auditorium, Patton had already filled Roman in on the situation and why they had decided to reunite in the first place. The actor wouldn’t admit it, but he was a little bit upset that they hadn’t just randomly decided to be friends again just for the sake of being friends.
As soon as Roman had caught sight of the anxious man, he’d begun apologizing profusely. “I’m so sorry, Virgil!”
It had startled Virgil enough for him to let out a yelp of shock before he’d gather his composure and brushed Roman off with a casual, “It’s whatever. Just don’t do it again.” To which Roman nodded enthusiastically.
The group had chatted a bit more about this and that before Virgil realized how late it was getting. He sighed before getting up and stretching once more. “I’m gonna stay at a hotel for the night, but then I think Pat and I are gonna hit the road. Hopefully, we’ll make it there by tomorrow night.” Roman nodded, standing with Patton who was already beginning to drag their feet slightly.
“Unfortunately, I have a show in three days, so I won’t be able to leave until after then, but I shall arrive soon after you both.” He said.
Virgil nodded before turning to leave, Patton already making their way towards the car. Roman hesitated before calling out to the anxious man, “Hey, Virgil?”
Virgil glanced back tiredly, “Hm?”
“Thank you…”
The two stared at each other for a moment, a silent conversation being held in their gazes.
“Whatever you say princey.”
Patton and Virgil had arrived the day after they had planned on being there and decided to find a place to stay while they waited for Roman to arrive. The past few days had been harsh, emotionally and physically, for all of them. So, Patton had declared it a self-care day. While Virgil had initially deemed it ridiculous, it hadn’t taken much convincing on Patton’s part to get him to go along with the idea.
So they spent the next three days exploring the changes of their old home, which albeit wasn’t much. It was still small and reserved. The middle school had been shut down after a tornado had torn through the gym and they had split the 6th grade into the elementary school while the 7th and 8th-grade students went to the secondary campus.
All in all, it hadn't changed that much. Not that they had expected anything to change at all, it had only been ten months since they were there after all.
The day Roman had arrived, Virgil had called Ethan to announce their arrival, before deciding to meet up at one of the local diners. Said diner was run by probably the only decent people still in the town, Dr.Emile Picani and their partner Remy. 
Emile had been Virgil’s therapist when he first moved to town. He was also the first person to introduce Virgil to the lgbtq+ community, seeing as Emile was genderfluid. Remy was Emile’s significant other who was the equivalent of a coffee-addicted nonbinary racoon who was also high on sass. 
They were also probably the closest thing Virgil has to parents if he’s being honest. They’re probably the closest thing to parents any of them had
As soon as Ethan had spotted them, his face relaxed into a small but worried smile. The trio quickly made their way over to his table, waving at Remy as they passed by the enby. 
“I’m glad you came, Virgil. Same to you, Patton and Roman.” Virgil nodded in agreement while Roman and Patton both voiced their agreements. “Why don’t you three take a seat and I can fill you in on what’s happened.”
Roman and Virgil both sat across from Ethan, while Patton filed in next to the stranger. “I suppose it started not long after you three left town. He’d been irritated, sure, but we all figured that it had been due to the fight and change in his routine.” The three watched as his brows furrowed, his eyes darkening.
“We thought whatever it was, it would fix itself. But then he started leaving the house at random times and doing things that he’s never done.”
“Like what?”
Ethan stared at Roman for a moment processing his question before his face scrunched up in confusion. “It was small things. He would change the order in which he did things like brush his hair before his teeth. Sometimes he would put two different colored socks on before bursting into tears or screaming. Then it began to get worse. His mom caught him trying to climb a tree and he almost fell.”
Roman’s face went white as Ethan continued to speak. “Then one day, he’d gone out and never returned. We thought maybe he was just acting out, but then a week passed and there was no sign of him. His parents called the police, but after a month, they just gave up. Said he was young and stupid. ‘Probably just ran away to get high or drunk off his ass’ they said.”
“Logan isn’t like that though,” Roman interjected, eliciting a chuckle from Ethan.
“That’s what I said. But nobody’s gonna miss some small town fresh outta high school kid who just disappeared. Especially when they’re not a perfect replica of everyone else in this cursed town.” He sighed, leaning back in the booth.
They all knew he was right. This town held no sympathy for anyone who wasn’t a carbon copy of everyone else.
The next day had been spent gathering information from people in town who may have seen Logan. However, it seemed as if the entire town had forgotten that he had even existed in the first place.
Patton’s eyes filled with tears at the thought that maybe Logan really had been forgotten by everyone in this stupid town. Was that all it took to be forgotten? Disappear for a few months and suddenly you didn’t exist?
They sniffled, rubbing the tears from their eyes as they made their way back towards the diner where Roman and Virgil planned to meet them. They had all agreed to split up, searching in different areas of the town in hope of covering more ground in a timely manner.
Pushing open the door, their eyes immediately fell on the forms of their two friends who were sitting silently at a back table. They made their way over, hesitating before sitting next to Roman, not wanting to make Virgil feel trapped.
The three of them had begun to discuss their findings which were roughly equal to nothing. Roman had thought he may have found something, but apparently, the person he was talking to just wanted Roman’s attention.
During the conversation, Virgil’s phone had lit up and dinged with a notification. The group had ignored aside from watching as Virgil dismissed it with a flick across the screen, however then it dinged again, and again, and again. Patton wished they could just ignore it, but they could see just how much the repetitive sound had caused Virgil to spiral. Casting a glance to their side, it seemed as though Roman had noticed the change in Virgil’s behaviour as well.
Patton watched as Roman reached across the table, laying his hand on top of Virgil’s only for it to be smacked away. Virgil froze, watching as Roman’s brows furrowed. “What is your damage?”
As soon as the words had left his lips, Virgil was up and out of his seat, running out the doors of the diner before either of them could stop him.
Patton had quickly stood up to rush after his friend only to be pushed back by Roman who muttered for them to stay there as he chased after Virgil.
So Patton once again stood by and watched as their friends argued, unable to do anything but stick to the sidelines. When it became apparent that the two men weren’t returning any time soon, they had paid the bill and left the diner, making their way back to the hotel room.
Why couldn’t things just go back to how they were? They wondered as they closed their eyes, completely ignorant to the dark conversation happening with their friends.
“Virgil!” Roman called out as he chased after his friend. “Virgil, please just calm down and talk to me for once!” Roman stumbled to a stop as Virgil froze in front of him, panting heavily.
“You don’t get to ask that of me. Not after you turned my trust against me once before.”
Roman stared at his friends back for a moment before casting his gaze to the ground beneath his feet. “I know. I just… Virgil, I can’t stand to see you like this. And neither can Patton! We’re both worried about you.”
“Well, you can stop. I didn’t ask for you to worry about me!” He snarled.
“Please, just let me help you.” Roman called out, tears welling in his eyes from frustration. 
Virgil whirled around, storming his way up to Roman before shoving him in the chest, forcing the actor to stumble back. “You want to help so bad? Huh? Are you that desperate to fix something since you can’t fix yourself?” His voice was thick and his words so sharp that they cut Roman up like a knife.
“Well guess what Roman? You can’t fix this. You can’t fix me…” His words had quickly lost their edge, the fire in his eyes dying out as quickly as it started. He stumbled forward, leaning his head on Roman’s shoulder as the other wrapped his arms around his friend.
“What’s wrong stormcloud?” He asked, eliciting a snort of amusement from Virgil.
“That’s a stupid nickname.”
Roman chuckled at the other's remark. “It made you laugh, so it couldn’t be that stupid.” Virgil merely hummed in response before pulling away from the warm comforting embrace.
“You already know that my parents put me up for adoption when I was 12. But that’s not exactly the truth. My mom died when I was 8 from cancer. Dad and I watched her rot away in her bed until one day there was nothing left to rot besides a corpse.” His breath hitched as he recalled the dead look directed straight at him.
“I had gone in to check on her after school one day and she was staring at the doorway, her eyes open but lifeless. Dad didn’t know until he found me curled in the corner of the bedroom screaming into my sleeves.” He sniffled, pulling his sleeves over his hands before wiping at his teary eyes.
“After that, dad couldn’t look at me. Said I looked too much like mom. The only time he’d even glance in my direction was when he was drunk off his ass or high as a kite. Then he’d talk to me like I was my mom. He asked me why I had to die and leave him alone.” 
“I guess one of the neighbours became suspicious and called the police because the next thing I know my dad has me at gunpoint, threatening to shoot me, because he couldn’t lose me again. Because he couldn’t lose my mom again. After that I’d been sent to live with some foster parents until I got adopted. And that’s when I moved here and met you three.”
Roman watched his friend with sad, tear-filled eyes. “Is that why you-”
Virgil quickly caught on to what Roman was hinting at and chuckled before interrupting him. “No, no. I was an anxious mess long before that happened.”
Roman let out a breath of relief at that. He was glad to know that the horrible experience hadn’t completely changed Virgil. Even if his anxiety wasn’t necessarily the best of his traits.
After the emotional conversation, the two had headed back to the hotel where they found Patton already passed out on their bed.
The two quickly said goodnight before parting ways. Not noticing their friend who stiffened in their bed.
The next day, the group had decided to go hiking in the woods in hopes of finding any trace of where Logan had been heading. The air was humid as they walked a familiar path. It was one they’d walked many times before.
Virgil and Roman walked side by side, trading banter with each other while Patton trailed behind them, alone.
Only yesterday, the two men had been nearly at each other’s throat, yet here they were closer than ever, and Patton was alone again, left unattended in the dust, waiting to be forgotten once again.
“Can you two quit flirting…” He grumbled. Ahead of him, Roman froze, his fists clenching at his sides.
“I don’t flirt, Patton.” His voice was cold as he spoke.
“Really? Because you two seem awfully close for just friends!” He snarks, glaring at the pair.
“What the hell is wrong with you today?”
That had been the straw to break the camel's back. “You are! You two have gotten so close forgetting I even exist! I’ve tried to ignore it, but dang it, I’m sick of feeling so alone!” He felt hot tears spill down his face and gasped at the shocked faces of his friends. With a sniffle he turned and ran through the woods, not bothering to look where he was going. 
A voice called out followed by the sound of running footsteps. He just kept running. He had to get away! He couldn’t let them see this side of him! He-
A strangled yelp echoed through the woods, coming from behind him, forcing him to stop and glance back at where the noise had come from.
He quickly ran back the way he came, stopping as he noticed a patch of dirt and rocks that slid down into what looked to be a rockslide. “Roman! Virgil!” He called out.
“Patton!” He glanced down at the rock slide before turning to face the owner of the voice. Roman had jogged up to him, his breath coming out in heavy pants as he pulled Patton into a tight hug. “Are you okay?”
Patton choked back a sob as he nodded. “Where’s Virgil?” He asked, his eyes scanning behind Roman. When no sign of their other friend presented itself, he looked back at Roman who was scanning the area around them.
A moment later a sob echoed from below them and realization struck Patton. He quickly knelt down on the ground before calling out, “Virgil!”
He stared down at the crumbled pile of rocks in horror. “He’s down there…” Roman quickly knelt beside him, talking to him, telling him to do something, but all he could do in that moment was stare down at the dark hole in the  pile of rocks. Where Virgil was.
“Patton!” Roman slapped him, effectively snapping him out of his haze. “I know this is scary, but I need you to go get help, okay? Head back to the town and get emergency services! Tell them what happened. Can you do that for me?” He nodded, earning a small smile from Roman as he did so. He pushed himself up, stumbling to his feet before quickly dashing back to the path before following it back to town.
He could get help. He could do that. For Roman. For Virgil. For Logan.
Virgil doesn’t really understand how he ended up in the pit of darkness, all he knew was that it was so dark and there was a sweet odor beneath the smell of dirt and vegetation.
His leg hurt and he was pretty sure that it was not supposed to bend that way, but that wasn’t important at the moment. His eyes scanned the dark area in hopes of finding something to distract him from the agonizing pain.
His wish was granted when he spotted a glimmer of something reflecting some of the natural sight a few feet away from him. His eyes strained to see against the dark, but as soon as his eyes adjusted, he wished for the pain to overtake his senses once more.
Because just a few feet away lay the corpse of a young adult wearing worn and torn black polo along with a pair of dark blue jeans. It was only then he noticed the pair of glasses inches away from where he fell and he sobbed.
He had found him. He had finally found Logan.
 His eyes stared at the corpse, unable to look away from the decayed body. The bones protruded out past his clothes that had been torn, likely by wild animals that had feasted on his remains. He could barely make out teeth marks on the bones of his ribs and limbs. Some of the bones were displaced and broken from abuse, and Virgil couldn’t help but wonder if Logan had been alive when the animals had begun to tear him apart.
Judging by the boulder that pinned his leg and the unnatural positioning of his neck, he guessed that it was unlikely. No, he had probably died moments after he’d hit the ground, if not the exact moment his body had collided with the cold stone below him.
Virgil felt his body tremble with sobs that couldn’t slip past the tightness in his throat. His breaths came out in wheezes as he pulled himself forward just enough to grab hold of the crushed glasses, their plastic frame broken and the glass inside completely shattered across the ground.
Roman had already been worried about his friend being trapped where he could not rescue him, but the sound of sobs coming from the area had him nearly jumping down to join Virgil.
Instead, he leaned forward and called out for his friend, “Virgil?” The sobs didn’t stop.”Virgil, what’s wrong?”
“He’s down he-here Roman! He’s, he-” Virgil’s voice was once again cut off by choked sobs. Roman is confused and worried, because what if Virgil is having a flashback or he’s hallucinating?
“Virgil, I know you’re scared, but you’ve got to calm down and talk to me! Please!” His voice was desperate as he called out to his friend.
He heard a growl come from the rock slide before Virgil’s voice once again rang out and Roman couldn’t help but smile at what he said. “He- I found Logan. He’s down here…”
“That’s great! That-He-” His voice died out as realization struck.”Oh god…” Tears filled his eyes as he stared down at the pile of rocks in horror. If Logan was down there, and he’s been gone for months then…
“Is he…?” He asked, the sobs that followed answer enough. “Dammit!” He yelled as he curled into himself, sobbing.
“He’s down here Roman and I can smell it. I can smell him, and god Roman he’s. His body is-”
“Don’t look at it Virgil!” 
He heard more sobs coming from the caved-in area and couldn’t help but close his eyes in an attempt to stifle the screams that ached to break free from him in anguish. Now was not the time for a breakdown. Not when Virgil was the one stuck down there with a literal corpse.
“Okay, okay…” He mutters to himself before once again calling out to Virgil. “Okay, Virgil! Just close your eyes and listen to my voice, okay?” He tried to reach his friend’s ears through the sobs, but he didn’t know if Virgil had heard him.
“Virgil, listen to me! Close your eyes, okay?” He heard a small voice echo back the last word and sighed in relief.
He took a moment to take a deep breath before he began to sing.
He sang and sang and sang, until he heard footsteps and voices yelling. He sang until someone had grabbed his arm and tugged him away from the steep slide.
Patton was back and Virgil was going to be okay.
But Logan wasn’t. 
Roman took one look at Patton before he burst into tears, crying into the other’s chest.
The rescue services had managed to safely transport Virgil to the hospital and were able to retrieve the body that had laid rotting down there for who knows how long. He and Patton had watched as they pulled the body bag along. They didn’t need to see what was in it to know.
One of the ladies had seen the two of them and handed them the pair of crushed glasses with a sympathetic, sad smile. Roman still didn’t know if he wanted to hug her or punch her for her pity.
The two had walked out of the woods, hand in hand, trying not to break down right then. Soon they would head to the hospital to sit with Virgil, waiting for him to wake up. But first they had to give these glasses back to who they belonged to.
Roman had watched as Patton handed Ethan the pair of glasses. He’d watched as the usually collected man broke down, crumpling to the floor and gripping the plastic frames so gentle yet like they were his lifeline.
They offered their condolences before saying their last goodbye to him. Leaving the man to mourn his loss in peace.
The hospital had released Virgil 4 days after the incident. Although, Roman wasn’t entirely convinced that Virgil hadn’t bullied the staff into granting him early release.
The funeral was held two weeks after the incident. They had decided that it was only fair that they stick around long enough to attend the funeral of their friend. They had seen Ethan there, only for him to disappear that same day.
The house he’d lived in was empty, completely barren of life and memories. All of it just gone, like that.
That night, Virgil, Patton, and Roman had traveled to the edge of the woods where they planted a batch of forget-me-nots in honor of Logan. They said their goodbyes, shedding many tears before they made their way back to their hotel.
The next morning, Roman would awaken to find Patton asleep and Virgil gone, replaced by a note that stated, “I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. But I also wasn’t about to be the one left behind again, so I left first. I know this will sound cruel, and for that, I apologize, but please understand that I never want to see either of you again. Nor do I ever wish to return to that awful place. It’s too much. Too many memories. Still, I wish you both the best. ~Virgil”
Patton and Roman had both chuckled at the note before packing their own bags, sharing one last hug before parting ways one last time.
This was the end of a story, but not theirs.
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honourablejester · 5 years
D&D Wuxia
So. While on lockdown, I’ve been tinkering randomly with d&d character concepts, mostly out of boredom (I’ve also been playing lots of minecraft). For fun, I decided I’d come up with at least one character concept per d&d race. We’ll see how that goes. But! I’d hit aasimar, and honestly I was struggling? It’s not a race that immediately appeals to me (despite cleric being my instinctive favourite class). I was rooting around for ideas, and two things converged. One, I’ve also been watching cdramas (Story of Yanxi Palace) on and off, and two, I had something vaguely like an aasimar character for a completely different story (actually angel offspring, but sort of close enough), so I borrowed elements of both, and …
Accidentally came up with a vaguely wuxia inspired party?
Sikou Jia, Aasimar Courtier Lore Bard, 64 years old. An auspicious child blessed by the gods, but cursed with greedy parents, he was sold to the Court of the Silver Emperor as a young boy, and spent more than thirty years as a courtier and court functionary. At first he saw this as an opportunity, to bring the visions of his celestial guide (Karuna, neutral good deva) directly to the highest levels, but over time he realised that the machinations of the court poisoned all his efforts, often deliberately. He fell into despair and anger, especially as he suffered mistreatment, and came perilously close to Falling as well, before fate (or divine providence) intervened and he was blessed with a daughter by a lover, who used him cruelly, but gave him the single greatest gift of his life. With a child to consider, he finally mustered his courage and escaped the city altogether, taking his daughter with him. They ran away to the White Mountains, where he (and his daughter as she grew to adulthood) slowly formed an alliance from the scattered bandit clans and misfits of the mountains to be a force for good, as his devic guide wished.
Sikou Lan, Human Outlander Hunter Ranger, 26 years old. (Assuming aasimar kids revert to the base race). Jia’s daughter, gifted to entirely him by her mother when she failed to prove equally blessed. Raised in the wilds of the White Mountains by her slightly paranoid but fiercely devoted father, and taught by the various virtuous(-ish) bandits of his alliance. Fiercely independent, she grew increasingly disdainful of ‘civilisation’ as she grew older and learned more of her father’s and other people’s histories. She was scarred deeply by an encounter with a spectre as young child and by the increasingly haunted nature of the White Mountains (favoured enemy: undead). While she approves of her father’s divine mission, and willingly joins him on it, she sees it as particularly to protect those like themselves, outcasts from the great nations, often in need of protection from those nations. She did get a little bit of her father’s blessed nature, in the form of luck.
Liu Ling, Wood Elf Hermit Open Hand Monk, 247 years old. Tormented in her youth by what she felt were loose passions and a lack of clarity, she found solace in the teachings of a great teacher (Xu Xinyi) at Tenshi Peak Hermitage. Though her teacher eventually moved on, Liu Ling remained in the White Mountains to pursue solitary contemplation and inner clarity. As the years and decades went on, though, she became increasingly aware of disturbances in the White Mountains and further south, into the lowlands around the Silver City. The dead rested unquietly, and unclean things walked the forests. She slowly realised that some dark force was rising in the nation, and that it seemed to be heading for the Silver Court. She viewed the coming of Sikou Jia to the White Mountains as an omen that the time had finally come to do something about this dark secret she’s been tracking, and went to join him. Without necessarily telling him any of that, because she’s been alone for years and was never a naturally confiding sort of person.
Hu Yin, Tiefling Criminal Ancients Paladin, 34 years old. Outcast from a young age because his black eyes and ox horns announced him as a demon, an embittered Yin turned to banditry to survive. Waylaying travellers on the road and frightening them with his strength and demonic features, he made quite a name for himself as the Ox Demon of the White Mountains. This all changed when he met (attempted to rob) a mountain priestess and forest giant named Guan Qiu, who promptly subdued him. Expecting to die, and oddly cheerful about it, he asked her for a last meal. Amused, she obliged, and over some years the pair grew very close. She taught him about the Old Faith of her people, and gradually Yin felt a change of heart. He regretted his career as a bandit, and wanted to do something good with his life, so he became a warrior of the bright places to honour his friend. Eventually, he heard of the White Mountain Alliance and Sikou Jia, and became curious about the blessed man, in light of his own heritage. He decided he wanted to meet him. Guan Qiu was wary and thought him an idiot, since a demon seeking out a blessed man would only end in tears. Nonetheless, she accompanied him, and while the introductions didn’t go well, everyone survived to get to know each other, despite fears that he’d come to try to kill and/or eat Jia.
Guan Qiu, Firbolg Sage Mountain Druid, 313 years old. Nearly two centuries ago, Guan Qiu’s clan was destroyed by a great beast, leaving her to make her way alone among the high peaks of the White Mountains. For a time, she fell into a great despair, but patience and stubbornness won out, as well as the solace of the Old Faith. She decided after a time to devote herself to study, of magic and nature and her mountains. She travelled the length and breadth of them in this cause, consulting with other priests of the old faith, and spending time cloistered in the great monasteries of the Mountains, such as Tenshi Peak. She made a reputation for herself as a respected sage, the Wise Giantess of the Mountains. Over time, she also grew concerned over the darkening of the Mountains, though she focused mostly on healing what symptoms she could as they came up. Eventually, she met Hu Yin, and became very fond of him as a friend and almost son. When he decided to join the White Mountain Alliance to further make up for his past misdeeds, she joined them alongside him, partly because it was a good cause and she wanted to help, but also partly so as not to lose a loved one again.
I’m guessing campaign-wise that Jia’s birth was in fact an omen about the great evil building in the land, and that said great evil is probably undead/undying, and that Jia came extremely close to being a very short-lived plaything for it if he hadn’t gotten out of the Silver City when he did.
Other thoughts:
Tieflings and Aasimar play amusingly together lore-wise, especially given a wuxia-ish demon/holy man element
Tiefling virtue names and Chinese courtesy names gloss interestingly, but I don’t have near enough confidence with them to come up with a good courtesy name for Hu Yin to have taken
I like ancient mountain ladies, apparently
Despite none of them being directly built for it, the party was doing quite well on stealth with high dex until Hu Yin happened. The criminal stealth proficiency just barely lifted him out of negative numbers. He’s, ah. He’s not a stealthy boy. I feel like this is at least half the reason Guan Qiu despairs of him (she’s actually nearly as bad, except magic)
I had fun giving Jia all the face skills, followed by Hu Yin, realising that if they ever actually have to go to the Silver City the only diplomatic characters the group has are a demonic ex-bandit and an escaped slave/courtier who is really memorable and likely being actively sought by the big bad
The ladies, meanwhile, are all significantly more likely to just shoot the Emperor in the face. Also the big bad, if they happen to be in the same vicinity. Or, at least, Lan and Ling would. Qiu is possibly gentle enough to want actual provocation first
I decided to give them all names in the same language because three are human based/raised, one is probably giving the local Common translation of her name, and the last doesn’t generally bother with names unless other people want one and she’s mostly been around humans and/or elves
I’m cherry-picking name meaning lists for the names, by the way. Apologies if they’re not quite right. Sikou is the surname I’m least confident of, because it’s apparently a fairly specific title in origin (Minister of Justice), but I read a translation somewhere that translated it as ‘Minister of Bandits’ and it tickled me too much to give up
Also, lockdown leaves you with entirely too much time on your hands, and oddly not a lot of motivation to do much with it
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