#appetite mention
You’d think that with all this bike riding and lifting children off the floor that I’d be even more hungry, but no; I have the appetite of a little tiny bird???? The fuck
I don’t like it
#Maybe the bike riding is jostling my stomach too much… if my stomach is jostled I don’t want to eat#Or it could be the ADHD meds#idfk at this point#like yeah technically I’m hungry and know I need food but I don’t feel like eating. I’d just rather not. It’s weird#because I used to be the opposite: I wasn’t really hungry but I’d just keep eating until I got sick#eating mention#appetite mention#Maybe I’ve just been eating too much all my life.#Because the only two times I’ve had serious nausea or gas pains was after I ate the amount of food I used to eat#And it’s not like I’ve lost any energy; if anything I’ve gained some energy#(not right now because I stayed up until 12:30 AM after riding and walking 9.3 miles total— on my feet all day long)#I used to eat a LOT; like a 6’5” 400 pound lumberjack or something#uh Paul Bunyan type portions… like a big BIG man#of course I’m 5’4” with kind of a slight build so that was always very weird to me that I was able to do that#How I am now makes more sense; but at the same time I don’t like being like this at all#Because I’ll inevitably go from “slight” to “sickly” and I would really like to continue fitting into my pants#because pants are expensive and it’s extremely hard to find ones that are of good quality and feel comfortable#food discussion#food tw#weight mention#Here I am telling the kids “You need to eat! Take a bite!” and then I get home and act like a total fucking hypocrite#Maybe it’s burnout
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angelbandagesmoved · 2 years
I've always wondered if others feel emotions so intensely that they just....lose their appetite completely. Like after having some sort of intense emotion, I just tend to not be hungry for days. Or when I felt so in love I was almost fueled by that feeling. I didn't need to eat or sleep because all I cared about was that person, and so all of my needs were on the back burner. You know I do feel like I've heard people mention things like this before so it's probably a more common feeling than I might think
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starscelly · 29 days
“Miro Heiskanen and what he’s like to play with, what he’s like on the bench, is he a vocal guy? ‘Cause he seems quiet to the outsiders, is that how he actually is all the time?”
“Yeah he’s pretty quiet. Um. I like to get him going a little bit.”
“How do you do that?”
“Just- excuse my language, but give him some shit. Um. Yeah just kind of, just kinda poke him a little bit. Uh kinda be a younger brother to him.”
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buttfrovski · 4 months
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pettyontheside · 2 months
As someone who's actively going through health changes that is making me have huge issues with eating daily and not giving in to slipping back into my old eating disorder habits, dungeon meshi has done so much for me I could cry.
Especially with today's episode at the end of laios and shiros fight when laios says how obvious it is that he's stronger because he's been eating three meals a day
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Like of course I'm not doing well because I haven't been able to eat! Seriously hit me like a slap in the face to get my shit together and eat some breakfast
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heedra · 6 months
god cursed me by giving me the metabolism of a shrew combo'd with a sensory aversion to the act of eating anything about it
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hippolotamus · 9 months
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Seven Sentence Sunday 🖋️📖
Tagged by @wikiangela @daffi-990 @your-catfish-friend @rmd-writes @giddyupbuck @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks Thank you loves! 💖(And don't forget to check their snippets!)
Here's Buck's journal entry to Ch 2 of you're where I wanna go (prev snippets here)
To have and to hold. Until death do us part. Those phrases, those vows should mean something, yes? Something deeper than words spoken for an audience. And when they are uttered, the experience should be as if every consonant and vowel are taken from one’s very soul. Written by God himself upon every blood vessel, nerve ending, ligament and bone. Pumping through the heart, waiting for the day they can be shared with another.  Vow is defined as a solemn promise or assertion; specifically one by which a person is bound to as an act, service, or condition. Supposedly the earliest marriage vows can be traced back to the medieval church, originating sometime during the 11th century. In earlier times a bride was negotiated for. When all parties were satisfied the couple was declared married. Simple. I suppose Lucy and I did a bit of both. I always thought, when I formally pledged myself to another, it would be joyous. That I would give part of myself, but still feel fulfilled because I was gaining pieces of my partner, too. As it turns out, all I felt was more of me being lost. Once again offered in service to a greater purpose. The only comfort, if it could be called that, was knowing the fragments I received in return were never mine to keep either…
No pressure tagging @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @stereopticons @apothecarose @vanillahigh00 @disasterbuckdiaz @elvensorceress @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @eddiediaztho @barbiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @forthewolves @chaosandwolves @spaceprincessem @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @heartshapedvows @loserdiaz @watchyourbuck absolute loml @lizzie-bennetdarcy @ladydorian05 @statueinthestone @buddierights @911onabc @jesuisici33 @pirrusstuff @eowon @cowboy-buddie @fionaswhvre @steadfastsaturnsrings if you wanna
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naruto-is-baby · 1 day
I don't understand the rivalry between one piece and naruto fans. Watching one piece is about enjoying the adventure, friendship and comedy. Watching naruto is about emotional attachment to the characters and getting ur mental health completely DESTROYED
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sketchyfandomgirl · 7 months
Ghost eats a lot. He has to if he wants to keep his huge physique and the demand of being able to carry almost a hundred pounds of gear at minimum and have the strength to fight his foes with the precise speed he canonically has in hand to hand as well as running as fast as fcking Captain America??
We have seen this man run through that forest in that one video??? Iykyk.
Yeah, I’m sorry to say but that man is PACKING away food like a damn horse. There’s no way that man starves himself. That’s a motherfucker who has the appetite to compete with a fucking Hobbit. He’s got a special diet of five meals per day💀
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cherrydreamer · 2 years
🎃Harringrove Harvest- Day 1- Candy Corn 🎃
It's been a few months since Starcourt. Long enough that most of the gossip and rumours have died down, but still far too soon for Billy Hargrove to be anywhere close to being released from hospital.
So that's where he is, battered and bruised and bed-bound, when Hopper comes to visit him- with El and Max in tow as usual- the police chief looking even more serious than usual when he sits down on the plastic chair beside Billy's bed and delivers the news that Neil Hargrove has skipped out of town, loading up his truck and disappearing into the middle of the night, leaving a whole stack of unpaid bills and a ton of trouble for Susan to have to deal with.
And it all hits Billy like a ton of bricks. Another punch right through a heart that's still not quite healed.
Cause, yeah, he knows that Neil Hargrove is an asshole with a cruel streak a mile wide, and he knows that he spent enough time hating his old man and wishing for something just like this to happen, but it's still not that simple. It's not black and white. Despite it all, the fear and the pain and the way Neil's voice is always in the back of Billy's mind, criticising and mocking him, despite all of that, Neil is his father. His Dad. And nothing can change the fact that he's still the guy that taught Billy how to throw a fastball and how to change the oil in his car and who told him he was proud of him when Billy made the basketball team.
He's still his Dad. And Billy still loves him.
And now he's fucked off. Without even a goodbye. Without even a word. Billy's been left behind. Forgotten about again. And it hurts.
So Billy's struggling.
As much as he's trying to stay calm, to shove all his emotion down and lock it away, he knows he's about to break. And then he catches sight of Max and El's faces, both of them with expressions that Billy can only read as pity, and it's just too much, and Billy can't stop himself from yelling at them to get out, pointing at the door when the words just catch in his throat and come out rough and raspy and barely understandable.
They get it. They leave.
But the Chief doesn't. He doesn't leave. If anything, he shuffles himself even closer, the chair squeaking against the linoleum floor, one hand hovering in the air just for a moment, before he thinks better of it and draws it back. And Billy tries his best to pull himself together, blinking back the tears he can feel gathering and swallowing down the ache in his throat and shaking his head to dislodge all those swirling, churning, painful thoughts that just won't stop coming.
He tries to deal with it. Because he needs to. He can be a man about this, he's got to be. He's on his own now and he'd better get used to it.
But then Hop's voice is softening, and this time when he reaches out, he doesn't stop until he's resting a hand on Billy's shoulder and squeezing firmly, "Hey, look Billy, I'm sorry, it's, uh, it's all kinds of messed up, what your old man did. But we'll work this out, OK, kid? You don't gotta worry. We'll help you out, whatever you need."
But Billy shakes his head, scrubbing angrily at the tears that have spilled over despite his attempts to hold them in and he says, "It's fine. I don't need...I'll be fine. I can look after myself."
Only for Hop to look at him, voice softer than Billy's ever heard it before, and say, "I know you can, Billy, but this time you don't have to."
And Billy knows that he's crumbling. He can feel it, that sudden rush of emotion all bubbling forth. But he can hold on, he can, he has to, he will. So he tears his eyes away from Hopper's face, not wanting to see any more fucking pity directed his way, but no matter where Billy looks, he can't help but see the evidence of the Chief's words.
It's there in the books on the table by his bed, a stack two feet high of sci-fi and fantasy novels, all loans from the kids, interspersed with some car magazines donated by Hopper himself. It's there in the Tupperware box beside them full of brownies made with love by Claudia Henderson, the sixth batch she's sent this month and these ones all dotted with candy corn, just because Billy made an off hand comment to her last week about how he was annoyed that he'd be stuck in hospital over Halloween. It's there in the tangle of soft blankets at the foot of his bed, the ones Joyce had brought in for him when he'd grumbled about the itchy hospital sheets, the same ones she'd tucked around him so carefully when he first started to shiver, and then untucked so swiftly when he started thrashing in his sleep.
It's there too, in the Walkman Billy always has by his side, the surprise gift from Steve, alongside a collection of tapes, even though Billy still hasn't swapped the first one out yet. How can he, when it's a mixtape that Steve made especially for him? A terrible mix, really, a culture clash of Tears for Fears and Judas Priest and The Beach Boys and Ratt and Cyndi fucking Lauper and a whole mess of others, every single one meaning something to the two of them.
It's there in so many other things too. Less obvious ones, like the nurses always knocking quietly before coming into his room because Hopper had a stern word after he saw Billy flinch away from a loud bang; and how there's a stubborn, possibly permanent, scuff mark on the floor from all the times that someone has dragged the uncomfortable visitors' chair closer to the bed, closer to Billy.
And it's there in the way that El and Max are crowding at the door, faces smushed against the glass, almost falling over themselves to come back to Billy's bedside the moment he spots them and beckons them over.
It's there. All over. Proof that, for whatever fucking reason, the people here do care about him. For him. That Hopper isn't talking out of his ass. That Billy can ask for help and know that he'll get it.
It's a lot. A lot to realise, especially all at once. So it takes Billy a moment. But then he finally looks back at Hopper and at Max and El, at the expression they all share, the one that Billy now sees for the concern that it always was. And not just concern, but something more. Something Billy hasn't seen directed his way in a long time.
Care. Affection. And love.
Billy knows he's about to break. He can't stop it. He doesn't even try. And there's only a second, if that, between the first sob catching in his throat and the three pairs of arms that wrap around him and pull him into a hug. It's awkward, really, the bed is too small for them all and Max's elbow is sharp and El's hair is tickling his cheek, and Hopper's ripe armpit is a little too close to Billy's nose to be overly pleasant. But Billy doesn't mind at all, especially not when Hop's voice rumbles out against his ear, "You'll be OK, son. You'll be OK. We've got you."
Because this time, Billy lets himself believe it.
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wariosupporter · 6 months
Oliver is the changeling boy
This movie has been On My Mind!! So, in the script Oliver is said to be dressed up as the changeling child for his birthday party. In Midsummer nights dream the changeling child has a minor role. The queen of the fae has stolen an Indian prince and is lavishing him with adoration which is pissing off her husband.
I read this as an in-world dig from the cattons making light of what Felix is doing for Oliver and indirectly expressing how they feel. This may be his party, yes. He may be Felix's favorite boy, yes. But he's a nusicnce and the affections of their royal doesn't make him one of them. He is an outsider.
BUT. In the context of the movie at large Oliver IS the changeling boy in more ways than one. He's not the human among the fae , the way the cattons think. He's not the lad that gets taken back, to the fantastic fairy world. He's the weird human-like thing that gets left behind. He's the freak! the one who's " trying to pass as a real boy", the one who studies the way others act to mimic , the one with uncanny insight and intelligence , the one who is always clocked as different no matter where he is - Oxford or saltburn. He is the changeling boy , and the cattons are the unsuspecting humans about to get drained dry.
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hauntedwoman · 1 month
having arfid sucks so hard bc i literally do not care about what my body looks like (if anything i Want to gain weight) but every time i'm hungry my body refuses to fuel itself. the idea of eating is an absolute sensory nightmare which makes me sick to my stomach. taking the time to cook or buy groceries is exhausting. so i just skip meals until i literally am on the brink of passing out bc if i chew food wrong or if theres an offensive texture in my mouth i will become extremely nauseous or maybe involuntarily throw up :)
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saminthea · 3 months
Is it appendicitis or just fibromyalgia and a stomach bug? Guess we'll see in the morning!
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narwhalandchill · 5 months
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let us thank this brave soldier for even the mere crumbs he has brought us humble narwhal truthers in these trying times 🫡🫡 i rest my case
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evermoredeluxe · 5 months
We will need to let the man eat his chips and drink his drinks in peace this summer in the VIP tents
chips during willow have gotta hit
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im hungry but i don't want to eattttt
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