#applied mathematics assignment help
catherinelwriter · 1 year
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annepgill · 2 years
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lost-in-lamentation · 6 months
💉🌧 - sick fic, rain.
lucifer × gen!reader. fluff.
warnings: lucifer gets sick, kind of collapses, nothing serious.
content: on a rainy day, lucifer lends you his umbrella. he discovers the consequences later.
back to the 500 follower event: here.
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lucifer has always been prepared for anything. even the rainy days, which are scarce in the devildom to begin with.
the rain continuously pelts against the windows of his office in RAD, rattling the frames as it fights to keep the inside world dry. quietly, lucifer overlooks the proposed curriculum for a new devildom mathematics class as you scribble away on your own assignments. the demon enjoys these moments, when neither of you can be bothered by anyone from a specific set of individuals. but the rain is only getting worse, and lucifer needs to prioritise.
“MC, are you done your work?”
you stretch your arms above your head, a soft yawn escaping you as you nod your head. “just about. should we head back?”
“yes. the rain may only get worse if we wait any longer.” lucifer hears you hum in agreement and begins to pack his own things away. the papers rustle as he slides them into a folder; a gentle sound compared to how it continues to rumble outside. he tells you he’ll wait at the front doors for you, grabbing the umbrella he keeps just in case from the shelf. you don’t take long to finish, but when you run up to meet him, lucifer can’t help but notice the way you’ve draped your uniform jacket over your head. “do i want to ask what you’re doing?”
“well…” shifting your weight from side to side, lucifer can tell you’re debating your options. “i don’t have an umbrella.” the avatar of pride shoots you an incredulous look, causing you to stutter. “look, i- it barely rains down here! you can’t just expect me to have an umbrella at the ready!”
all of a sudden, you’re pouting at lucifer, and he is at a loss for words. he scans you carefully, releasing a resigned sigh as he holds his umbrella out to you. “we’ve wasted enough time.”
you shake your jacket into its original place as you take the umbrella. “what about you?”
“i would prefer if you were protected from the rain.”
“you’ll get sick if you walk in the rain.”
“nonsense. that only applies to humans.”
lucifer learns it does not apply to only humans.
three days later, beel is knocking quietly at your door, reporting that lucifer has not been seen for the last 24 hours. you suppress a cheeky grin, promising the concerned twin that you would go and check on the eldest. you pad down the hallway in almost complete silence, the carpeted floor doing well to muffle your footsteps. your knuckles rap softly against lucifer’s door, but before you can get a response, the door creaks open by itself.
“lucifer?” you whisper into the pitch black room, waiting for your vision to adjust to the darkness as you shut the door behind you. “lucifer, where in diavolo’s name are you?” you hiss in feigned annoyance, pulling your d.d.d. out of your pocket to use the screen as a flashlight. finally, you see him; sitting on the ground, propped up against the couch rather than on the couch itself. despite the lack of lighting, you can tell that his hair is dishevelled, and his breathing comes out erratic instead of steady. carefully, you shuffle to his side, pocketing your phone so that you have both your hands free. your fingers are gentle as you brush the stray hairs out of his face, and your hands, cold to the touch, have lucifer leaning into you for a fraction of a second. “you’re burning up…”
instantly, pride returns. lucifer pulls away from you, eyes wide as he struggles to gain his bearings. “MC, my room is not one where you can come and go when you’d like,” he rasps, pulling himself up while he pretends he wasn’t just unconscious on the ground. “leave before i curse you.” the demon forces himself to his feet, face twisted in concentration as he tries not to tremble where he stands.
you straighten your back to stand next to him, arms held out in front of you in the event that lucifer fails to continue to stay upright. “you don’t look like you can curse anyone like this, lucifer.”
the air turns hot from his displeasure. “regardless, there is no reason for you to be in here.” lucifer can only manage a step before a migraine takes a hold of him. there are claws digging into his skin and a chasm splits his head in two, forcing him to his knees.
“lucifer!” you’re at his side in an instant, pulling his hands away from his head and gathering him into your arms. he gives in to you right away, his body weight pressing on you as the strength is sapped from him. his breathing, you notice, is jagged; he can barely take one full breath without it being interrupted. “lucifer, you need to lie down.” with much effort, you slide closer to the couch, counting yourself down mentally before pushing him up onto the cushions. when he groans at the movement, you can’t help but shush him softly, carding your fingers through his already mussed hair. you keep it up for a few minutes, waiting until his breathing evens out to slip away. but the eldest brother, sharp as always, calls out to you before you can leave.
you never thought you’d hate to hear lucifer so weak. “i’ll be right back, okay?” in record time, you run down to the kitchen to get him some water, as well as a spare rag just in case. by the time you return, lucifer is already sitting back up, dazed eyes lighting up ever so slightly when you appear in front of him. “didn’t i tell you to lie d-”
“don’t leave me.” you inhale sharply, attention snapping back from the things you gathered to the sick demon on the couch. “i won’t know what to do if you leave.”
carefully, you set your things down on the coffee table behind you. “i would never leave you, lucifer.”
“you just did.”
“i went to get you water,” you say in a low voice, reaching behind and grabbing the water bottle for him to see. “here.” lucifer waits for you to unscrew the cap before extending his hand to take it, but you shake your head ‘no’ and bring it to his lips for him. “your hands are shaking too much.”
luckily, a sick lucifer is much more agreeable than a regular lucifer, and he accepts without complaint. you watch as he slowly comes to his senses, cheeks flushed a scarlet red from both embarrassment and his sudden fever. “i’m sorry, MC. i am not myself.”
you give him a sigh, gazing at him with such stark affection that lucifer thinks he’s hallucinating again. “get some sleep then. i’ll make some food for when you wake up.”
lucifer says nothing, but instead wraps his fingers around your wrist weakly. “don’t leave.” he pauses, and you feel his grip tighten. “please,” he whispers; he begs.
unmoving, your eyes flicker from his hand on your wrist to his face. lucifer lowers his head, unwilling to return your gaze. behind you, the clock ticks rhythmically, counting the seconds that lucifer has been waiting for a response. of course, you resign, turning yourself around to sit on the edge of the couch. you swing your legs up onto the cushions, leaning back onto the arm rest so that you’re angled upwards. once you find yourself comfortable, you pull lucifer towards you, letting his head rest against your shoulder as more of his weight falls onto you. although his temperature still runs high, it’s lower than what it was when you first found him. the best thing now, you decide, is to hold him close.
you can hear the gentle patter of rain against the windows, a reminder of what landed you in this situation in the first place. but now, with lucifer peacefully dozing off in your embrace, you can’t help but think that you might never buy an umbrella at all.
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a/n: .... hi guys
reblogs are really appreciated (´ω`) ♡
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lipshits-continuous · 3 months
Topological Spaces 1: Introduction and Metric Spaces
Welcome to the first of several posts about general topology! The goal of these posts is to give an overview and introduction to key concepts in topology. I will try to give intuitions about definitions and results so that even if you're not as aquainted with formal mathematics you can still get something from this. Whilst there aren't any prerequisties per say (for the reason above), for those who are interested in the moral formal aspects it will be helpful to be familiar with real analysis. Some familiarity with linear algebra is also helpful in this post though probably won't play a role going forward.
Topology is such a broad subject that assigning one goal is quite hard. One early goal is to generalise the notion of continuity and other familiar notions, which we shall do. Topology certainly doesn't stop there. One large goal is to find properties which are invariant under homeomorphism (bijective continuous maps whose inverse is also continuous). We shall see some examples of this as we go further!
The goal of this post is to give context to the definitions of topological spaces and continuity via the study of metric spaces. The definition of a topological space can seem quite dry and like it's been plucked out of thin air when just presented without motivation. In this sense, metric spaces are the bridge between familiar concepts in real analysis and the more general setting of topology.
1.1: Metric Spaces:
As the name might suggest, metric spaces are sets with an appropriate notion of distance between points in the set. For the real numbers, we have an intuitive sense of distance between two numbers: the absolute value of their difference. From this, we can immediately get three desirable properties we'd want a notion of distance to have:
Positivity: |x-y|≥0
|x-y|=0 if and only if x=y
Symmetry: |x-y|=|y-x|.
These are desirable because this says, in order, that distance is always positive, two points are the same only when the distance between then is 0, and the distance beween x and y is the same as the distance between y and x.
The last property is not as immediately obvious from the definition but is still a fairly intuitive property that we'd expect a notion of distance to have: the triangle inequality. Formally, for any x,y, and z real number we have |x-y|≤|x-z|+|z-y|. This just says that the distance between two points is always shorter than the distance achieved by adding an intermediate point. The name comes from visiualising this with lengths of a triangle! The proof that this holds for the absolute value can be found here.
You might ask whether there are any more properties we'd like but it turns out that this is enough to generalise a lot of concepts in real analysis in an appropriate way. That is, we still maintain a lot of nice results without requiring too many rules. So let us finally see the definition!
Definition 1.1:
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Note: It's common to combine the first two axioms together but for the sake of clarity, I have separated them.
Examples 1.2:
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The details of why each of these is a metric can be found in this post.
A result of the second example is that metric spaces are also an appropriate generalisation of normed vector spaces. The fact they are a generalisation is seen from the fact that the discrete metric cannot be seen as the result of a norm and isn't restricted to vector spaces.
1.2: Continuity:
Intuitively, continuous functions are ones that don't have gaps or sudden jumps. In the case of functions from the real numbers to itself, we can view this as "we can draw its graph without lifting the pencil". This can be restated as "points that are close to each other remain close to each other after the function is applied". But how does one formalise "closeness"? With distances of course!
Definition 1.3:
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Remark: Continuity departs on the metrics. A function that is continuous in one metric isn't necessarily continuous in another.
Examples 1.4:
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Now I'd like to prove a fairly common result to further demonstrate continuity.
Proposition 1.5:
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1.3: Open Sets in Metric Spaces
Now we shall see the first aspects of topology creeping in. One way to think about open sets which don't have any points "at the edge". This is immediately clear in the definition we will give below but when we generalise the notion of an open set, we will seemingly lose this. However, we will see that this intuition will still hold!
Definition 1.6:
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Example 1.7:
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We will now define the notion of an open set using these open balls.
Definition 1.8:
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This does indeed formalise "no points at the edge" since for open sets, all points close enough to x are always in U.
Remark: Openness depends on the metric. For example, {0} is open in the real numbers with the discrete metric but not with the absolute value metric.
Now, "open ball" would be a silly name for it if they weren't indeed open in the sense of definition 1.8 but luckily they are!
Proposition 1.9:
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Example 1.10:
Open intervals of real numbers are indeed open with respect to the absolute value. If we have the open interval I=(a,b) for finite a<b, we may view I as an open ball by setting x=(b+a)/2 and r=|b-a|/2. Then I=B(x;r).
Now we shall prove a very important result about open sets that lets you build new open sets out of old opens but will also be the foundation upon which we generalise the notion of open sets!
Lemma 1.11:
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Remark: Finiteness is important for 3. If we consider the real numbers with the absolute value metric then (-1/n,1/n) is open for all (non-zero) natural numbers. However their intersection over all n is {0} which is not open in this metric.
Typically, courses would usually talk about closed sets now. However, since the discussion doesn't vary much between metric spaces and topological spaces, we will hold off for now.
1.4: Continuity in terms of open sets
This is a very important step in our journey in generalising continuity. This section with along with the next section will suggest that open sets are actually the structures we'd like to study!
Lemma 1.12:
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Before we prove this, I'd like to just comment on why this still alligns with our intution about continuity. The right hand side is saying that points end up close together in Y must've been close together in X.
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Remark: It is important to note that U open in X does not necessarily imply f(U) is open in Y when f if continuous. For example, take f(x)=x² in ℝ with its usual notion of continuity, then (-1,1) is open but f((-1,1))=[0,1) which is not open. Maps for which open sets are mapped to open sets are called open maps.
We will see examples of how to use the property on the right hand side in the next post!
1.5: Equivalent Metrics
The goal of this section is to see that sometimes different metrics will give rise to the same open sets!
Definition 1.13:
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Example 1.14:
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I will omit the details of the proof for brievity. Not that the 2 on the right hand side comes from the fact we're in ℝ² and isn't related to the 2 in the metric.
Remark: Not all metrics are equivalent. The discrete metric and d₂ are not equivalent metrics.
Proposition 1.15:
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Corollary 1.16:
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This ultimately means that some metrics generate the same open sets. Then Lemma 1.12 tells us that equivalent metrics give the same continuous funcitons since we can view continuity in terms of open sets. This suggests that what really matters here is which sets are open. This is what we shall exploit to generalise continuity even further! But that shall have to wait til the next post!
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projectbluearcadia · 5 months
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[ NSFW | Minors DNI ] Wordcount - 743
Discrete Mathematics
Me: God, I feel like hell. A'ight, time to write smut.
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"Lucifer, help."
Those are the first words out of my mouth as I interrupt Lucifer's coffee break in his room, and he glances at me in surprise as I hold up a packet of homework.
I nod, and Lucifer gives a soft sigh as he pats the spot next to him on his comfy couch. "I think I need to tutor you personally at this rate," Lucifer mumbles as he lays out the problems on the coffee table, offering me a sip of his cup. "It seems like you don't retain anything I tell you..."
"Hey!" I protest, although it's true. I'm usually a little... distracted because Lucifer has a habit of being frisky when we're alone together. Not that I'm complaining.
"Let's learn the content from scratch," Lucifer says, and I look up at him in confusion as he gets up, abandoning his coffee. A moment later, that confusion dissolves as I see the look in his garnet eyes.
"This is going to be a sexual lesson, isn't it?"
"You're quick to catch on," Lucifer chuckles. "You'll get a reward for everything you get right and a punishment for everything you get wrong." Hoo boy. "But first of all, take your clothes off---yes, honey, all of them---and do everything I say."
"And what if I refuse?" Like I'd refuse any sexual advance from Lucifer. I just kind of want him to pin me down right now.
For a very cute moment, Lucifer's face flickers with doubt, like he really thinks I could be against it.
"As if you would. But, well... 'Morningstar' still applies as always." Lucifer's cheeks dust themselves in pink, and I have to conceal my chuckle. "Now hurry up and do what I told you to."
This was almost an hour ago.
The first round of basic information started with me sitting on Lucifer's lap, gently being teased as he wrote definitions and proofs onto a small notepad.
Then the quiz session came, and he asked me, first, questions about what he'd gone over, then questions about applying the knowledge.
"That's right," he'd purr against my ear, leaving me shivering in his hands as he would drag his lips down my neck, kissing it. He squeezes my hips, pulling me closer to him and turning my head towards his before kissing me passionately, making sure to let his hands wander and let me feel his touch before letting go and moving on to the next question.
And then, I got it wrong.
"No, sweetheart, an empty set does not "belong to" all sets. It's a subset of all sets." A startled cry pours from my lips as he bites my neck instead of kissing it, taking me off his lap. "Bend over."
"Th-That's a technicality!" I protest, weakly, and Lucifer's lips twitch into an almost manic grin as he slams my naked and trembling body into his bed, my ass raised high. Then comes his hand. The slap feels so loud, I wonder if Asmo or Levi hear it.
"Ah, ah, in math, specifics are important," Lucifer murmurs as I squeeze his pillow in my arms, waiting in embarrassed anticipation. "If you're subtracting a negative, you can't just ignore one of the negative signs because you think it looks redundant. Now be a good girl for me and tell me why what you said is wrong."
"AH!" I yelp as Lucifer smacks my ass again, harder. "A-An empty set is still set in itself, s-so for a typical set, we can't usually say that the set is an isolated element."
Lucifer chuckles to himself, caressing my backside, and I moan a little.
"Good... I'll be asking that again later. If you get it wrong again... I'm not going to be gentle." I don't want it gentle; I want it rough, are the thoughts circulating through my dirty brain at that moment, and I hide my face deeper in his pillow. "Now, tell me... what is the essence of Peirce's Law?" We barely even glanced over that.
"I don't really know what that is," I reply, looking back at Lucifer's excited expression.
"Oh? That's an important concept for your assignment," Lucifer purrs, and I hear the click of his belt buckle. "It seems like I'll have to be very thorough this time..." He chuckles to himself as he pats my outer thigh, making me flinch with a little mewl. "Spread your legs wider, darling. I'll pound every step into you."
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tevanbegins · 26 days
~So my ultra-futuristic, utopian endgame vision for Tevan led to this fic (This is officially the second fic I wrote, but the first one I am posting anywhere.) Hope you enjoy, please comment and RB if you like!~
Math Troubles
Summary: On his day off, Buck steps in to help out his and Tommy's teenage daughter with her math assignment, while Tommy is out on duty. Unfortunately, Buck turns out to be more trouble than help, and Tommy has to intervene over the phone.
"Dad," Spencer sighed in utter exasperation. "I think your help is taking me longer to do my math homework than if I were to do it on my own!"
"But sweetheart, it's taking longer because you aren't following the exact steps I'm showing you," Buck said adamantly, refusing to admit defeat. The father-daughter pair was sitting on the bed in Spencer's room, with the thirteen-year-old's books and stationery items scattered all around them.
"No. I'm calling Papa right now. Only he can save me from this--- this situation," insisted Spencer. She promptly video-called Tommy despite Buck's protests, desperately hoping he would answer. Meanwhile, Buck ruffled the pages of her Geometry textbook in search of some solid proof to back up his argument. Luckily for Spencer, Tommy's warm and scrunchy smile beamed through her phone's screen in a few seconds. "Hey Spence, my love. What's up?" he asked her.
"When are you going to be home, Papa? I need your help with my math homework, especially with this geometry assignment," Spencer replied, a pleading expression on her face.
"Sorry darling. My shift is on for another six hours at least, so I won't be home until later in the evening. I thought Dad was going to help you out since he is off-duty today?" Tommy enquired with a raised eyebrow.
"There. Thank you, Tommy!" Buck interrupted the conversation, rotating the phone in Spencer's hand horizontally so that Tommy could see them both. "That is exactly what I am doing, but our stubborn daughter refuses to solve the math problems per my methods. She says only you can save her from this situation, because apparently I can't. How humiliating is that!" Buck complained.
"I understand, Evan," Tommy gave Buck a mock-apologetic cluck, trying hard to stifle his laugh. He was well aware that math proficiency was his husband's biggest weak point-turned-self-esteem issue.
"C'mon Dad, you're just over-reacting," Spencer rolled her eyes at Buck. "I love you, but you need to accept that you are terrible at math!" she tried to soothe the burn with an extra sweet smile.
Tommy burst out laughing at Spencer's remark, but immediately pursed his lips when Buck shot him an angry look through the screen.
"No, I'm not!" Buck retorted, turning his attention away from the phone towards their daughter. "Spence. I agree I wasn't always the greatest at the subject, but haven't I told you the story of how I became a mathematical genius after getting struck by lightning?"
"Yes Dad, you have, about a million times. I know that legend by heart, but the genius part is hard to believe when you keep asking me to use the Pythagoras theorem on an oblique triangle!" Spencer justified her stance.
"Well, you won't even try using it before shooting me down like that!" Buck groaned. At that, Tommy felt an instant need to intervene before this Buckley-Kinard family conversation took a more hilarious turn, else his coworkers at the station would think he was going crazy from how hard he was laughing.
"Evan, my sweet, sweet husband," Tommy let out a deep sigh, still unable to get over how adorable, dorky, stubborn, and unintentionally funny Buck could be even after fifteen years of marriage. "You cannot use the Pythagoras theorem on an oblique triangle. It is simply not possible. You know why? Because it doesn't have any damn right angle in it!" he tried to reason.
"What now? The theorem doesn't apply to non-right angled triangles?" Buck gasped in shock.
"You see? Papa knows!" Spencer gave Tommy a thumbs up and a wide victory grin. "That's why I said only he can save me in this situation!" she said, looking at Buck. "Because your knowledge of basic geometric concepts itself seems questionable to me, sorry not sorry, Dad!"
"So you think your Papa is better than me at math? In spite of my lightning-induced mathematical super-abilities? Well, he can't be any better at math than I am!" Buck declared obstinately.
"Hey! Now that's a controversial thing to say. I'm a formally-licensed pilot — it's literally a prerequisite for my job to have good math skills!" Tommy cut in. "Have you maybe considered that your lightning thing was a limited-period offer from the Gods? I mean, poor Pythagoras must be rolling in his grave right now because of you, Evan," Tommy sniggered.
"What a snob!" Buck cried, looking flushed with embarrassment. "Remember, you won't be able to hide behind the phone screen when you face me at home tonight, Tommy!" he added in a stern voice, and then dramatically moved out of the view of the front camera lens.
"Spence darling, what trouble have you got me into with your Dad? I'm going to have to stop at a florist's shop on the way back home now," Tommy exclaimed, shaking his head.
"Tell him that only flowers is not going to cut it. He needs to get a big box of chocolates too, or else he won't be allowed into the house tonight," Buck nudged Spencer to convey the message, but Tommy had heard it loud and clear.
"Yes Evan. Flowers and chocolates it is!" Tommy responded, hiding a chuckle. "Well, I am going to hang up now. Before I can say anything more to piss him off," Tommy whispered to Spencer and winked. "Bye darling, see you later!"
"B-bye Papa, love you!" Spencer blew Tommy a kiss and then put her phone away after the call ended. Looking at Buck's expression, she snorted and got into a wild fit of laughter, so much that her belly hurt. And despite his pseudo-attempts at pretending to be upset over this roast session of his math skills, Buck burst out laughing too, alongside his daughter.
Good at math or not, Spencer knew she had the sweetest, funniest, and the most loving dads in the whole wide world, and she was the luckiest girl ever to have them both.
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bonefall · 1 year
Clanmew: Counting, Measurements
For @willowthegraycat who requested this a billion years ago!
See also: Pronouns + Threat Level and Tribemew.
Welcome back to Cat ESL everyone! Today we're going to be talking about quantifying things.
The five Clans have a very unique number system. If you're looking for exact measurements, you will not find it here. Clan cats count using fractions, communicating size and 'completeness' instead of straightforward mathematical concepts.
Denominator Words
There are five "number" words, each responding to the 'denominator' (bottom number) of the fraction:
2 to 4 = "Arra" = Amount of pieces of prey that can fit in a mouth. Direct translation: Amount.
5 = "Rarra" = Amount of claws on one paw, amount of Clans Etymology: Clan Amount
9 = "Pabparra" = Amount of a full day's patrol assignments Etymology: Patrol Amount
12 = "Husskarra" = Amount of whiskers on one side of the face Etymology: Whisker Amount
30-ish = "Shomarra" = Amount of days in a month Etymology: Moon Amount
Usually, the fraction chosen to describe an amount is relevant to the concept at hand. Arra is for tasks like a checklist. Rarra describes collections of things. Pabparra is for working in teams. Husskarra is about danger and hordes. Shomarra is for keeping time.
Technically, "3 quarters of Husskarra" is a "Whole Pabparra," but the former implies you should be alert because there could be unknown danger, where the latter means completeness and good planning.
Human numbers, 1 2 3, are straightforward descriptors of reality. Clan fractions are symbolic of something.
Breaking the Fraction
For each fraction, the completeness is specified with a prefix,
Beginning = "Prra"
Quarter = "Warl"
Half = "Yosh"
Three Quarters = "Ark"
Entire = "Ul"
3 quarters of Husskarra would be, "Ark-husskarra." One whole Pabparra is, "Ul-pabparra"
Sometimes these just don't cut it-- how would you tell someone to meet you in three days, since Shomarra is such a large fraction? Even "Warl-shomarra" means a whole week!
You add onto the fraction itself, with,
Om Owar = "And Another"
Nyo Owar = "Less Another"
To say "three days," the phrase is "Prra-shomarra, om owar, owar, owar." For a month that will be about a day shorter than usual, they would say, "Ul-shomarra, nyo owar."
Husskarra is sometimes doubled to invoke the mental image of needing to use one's whole face to fathom the danger, or just for hyperbole to describe an overwhelming amount of something.
"Husskarra om owar husskarra!" = "Half a face of whiskers, plus another!" Says Jayfeather, being given one (1) minor inconvenience
When this is applied to Pabparra, in contrast, it implies being over-prepared or being careful. "Ul-pabparra am owar ul-pabparra, am owar" = "I doubled the patrols and threw in some extra."
The Uniqueness of Arra
The closest thing the Clan cats have to true counting is modifying Arra with these prefixes, then using 'ul' as a sentence modifier to imply fractional completeness.
"Three toads" = "ark-arra amam ul" = "Three-quarters-amount toad only."
If you said, "Ark-arra amam," you would have said that there are three toads, maybe more. This is helpful in Clanmew because on a hunting trip, there's usually more than what you can currently see.
Besides its numerical amount being situational, there is another interesting quirk of 'arra.' It can mean completeness, and also, loneliness. "Ul-arra" is a completed fraction and can mean many things; whole, finished, the full moon's light, lonely, or translated simply, just one.
Clan cats define themselves as being part of something, and always having a task to do, even if that task is to take their well-earned midday nap. There is a common expression of despair,
"Arrl gryr ul-arra wrah!" = "I have to do everything myself!" = "(I) must contain wholeness mine!"
Onewhisker's name was a reference to his birth; the only child of Cloudrunner and Larksplash, both his mother and the rest of his litter having not survived the kitting. His father named the child "Ul-arra-mew," "Onekit," "Only-Child."
(Bonus Vocab: Onewhisker = "Ul-arra-hussk." Onestar = "Ul-arra-shai")
Vocab Round-up Below!
Denominator Words
2 to 4 = "Arra" = Amount
5 = "Rarra" = Clan Amount
9 = "Pabparra" = Patrol Amount
12 = "Husskarra" = Whisker Amount
30-ish = "Shomarra" = Moon Amount
Fraction modifiers
Beginning = "Prra"
Quarter = "Warl"
Half = "Yosh"
Three Quarters = "Ark"
Entire = "Ul"
Om Owar = "And Another"
Nyo Owar = "Less Another"
Et Cetera
Whisker = Hussk
Must, have to = Arrl
Contained/Contains/Will Contain = Grryrrg/gryr/gry
Toad = Amam
Kitten = Mew
Moon = Shom
Star = Shai
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moneeb0930 · 1 month
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Annie J. Easley (April 23, 1933 – June 25, 2011) was an African-American computer scientist, mathematician, and rocket scientist. She worked for the Lewis Research Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). She was a leading member of the team which developed software for the Centaur rocket stage and one of the first African-Americans in her field.
In 1955, she read a local newspaper article about a story on twin sisters who worked for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) as “computers” and the next day she applied for a job. Within two weeks she was hired, one of four African Americans of about 2500 employees. She began her career in as a Mathematician and Computer Engineer at the NACA Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory (which became NASA Lewis Research Center, 1958–1999, and subsequently the John H. Glenn Research Center) in Cleveland, Ohio. She continued her education while working for the agency and in 1977, she obtained a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Cleveland State University. As part of a continuing education, Easley worked through specialization courses offered by NASA.
Her 34-year career included developing and implementing computer code that analyzed alternative power technologies, supported the Centaur high-energy upper rocket stage, determined solar, wind and energy projects, identified energy conversion systems and alternative systems to solve energy problems. Her energy assignments included studies to determine the life use of storage batteries, such as those used in electric utility vehicles. Her computer applications have been used to identify energy conversion systems that offer the improvement over commercially available technologies. She retired in 1989 (some sources say 1991).
Easley’s work with the Centaur project helped as technological foundations for the space shuttle launches and launches of communication, military and weather satellites. Her work contributed to the 1997 flight to Saturn of the Cassini probe, the launcher of which had the Centaur as its upper stage.
Annie Easley was interviewed in Cleveland, on August 21, 2001 by Sandra Johnson. The interview is stored in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Johnson Space Center Oral History Program. The 55 page interview transcript includes material on the history of the Civil Rights Movement, Glenn Research Center, Johnson Space Center, space flight, and the contribution of women to space flight
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nimuetheseawitch · 9 months
John and Vala Rec List
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I love John, I love Vala, and I think they'd be incredible friends, but there aren't a ton of fics about them. So here are some fic recs, posted with the author's summaries unless otherwise noted. Friendship fics are listed first, then slash fics.
Fics where John & Vala are the main focus:
Glad You're Here by Catalina_Leigh (1k, T, gen)
The SGC may not be Atlantis, but at least John has Vala, who loves movies and popcorn as much as he does. And she's happy to have him around.
The SGC Guide To Intergalactic Hookups: An Etiquette Manual by bomberqueen17 (12k, T, John/Rodney, Vala/Daniel)
Not the author's summary: this is part of a larger series, and is set during The Return. Additionally in this series, John and Vala meet in New Friends, he sends her a gift in Rotary Cutter, and she joins him and many others for Christmas in A House A Home.
Fics where John & Vala aren't the main focus:
G******, Pirates and Thieves* (series) by auburn (372k total, M/T, many ships, mostly John/Rodney
Author's summary from the first fic: Vala Mal Doran and her partners, renegades Jehan abd-Ba'al and Meredith McKay, hijack the Tau'ri ship Prometheus and leave the Milky Way behind in search of the Lost City of the Ancients, Atlantis.
No Good Deed by forestgreen (65k, M, John/Cam, Daniel/Jack)
John opened the closed record that Stargate Command had on him and skipped over its content: "Dr John Sheppard, Civilian Consultant to the U.S. Air Force, member of SG-1, PhD in Applied Mathematics and PhD in Computer Science, gifted mathematician with a penchant for stealing, trustworthy." A small, satisfied smirk crooked John's lips. He struck the last part out and added a correction in red: "Gifted thief with a penchant for mathematics, not to trust." He saved the document and erased all traces of his presence in the system. It'd take a while for McKay to figure out that John had found yet another weakness in the SGC network. He ordered pizza and waited for the rest of the SG-1 to arrive. It was Mitchell's turn to pick the movie.
Gray Skies (series) by bluflamingo (27k total, T/E/G, John/Cam)
Not the author's summary: Post-Vegas, John ends up on SG-5 with Cam, Cadman, and Vala.
Good Vibrations by nimuetheseawitch (3k, E, John/Vala)
Vala has discovered the sex toy stores of San Francisco while visiting Atlantis in the Bay and needs to try out all her new gear. John is willing to help. (shameless self-plug)
When There's Nothing Left to Burn by auburn (8k, M, John /Vala, Rodney/Vala)
Neither of them tend to think about the consequences.
Home is Where? by Lyl (2k, T, John/Vala)
The day he was finally assigned his own team, John read their service records and promptly decided to find the nearest bar and get drunk.
So Good to You by busaikko (6k, T, Vala/John, past John/Cam)
Rodney had extorted a promise from John to not get recruited into SG-1 while he was on temporary re-assignment to the SGC. As John finished reciting his marriage vows from the crib-sheet Mitchell had handed him, he suspected Rodney would never let him live this down.
A Wanted Distraction by esteefee (1k, M, John/Vala)
"I thought you were supposed to have magical powers or something," Vala said. "Can't you just think the door open like a good boy?" If she didn't stop squirming like that, John was going to—well, there wasn't a hell of a lot he could do, considering he couldn't move an inch or two in either direction.
Pretty Pickle by esteefee (6k, M, John/Vala)
Vala and John get up to some mischief in the Milky Way.
Blame the Apocalypse by estefee (5k, E, John/Sam/Vala)
They stuck to the coastline, because the zombies—infected humans—instinctively avoided the ocean, what with the way saltwater made them dissolve.
Three Days in the Valley by Anagrrl (5k, T, John/Vala/Cam)
Cam never thought he'd be here, out on the sand and scrub. His family had wanted a farm, to grow fields of dark green and golden yellow, the soft brush of leaves audible in the early morning, underneath the drone of insects. They'd tried for it, they really had, but here he is, on horseback, no fields in sight.
(AKA - Vala and Cam herd cattle western AU)
Play Time by bluflamingo (2k, E, John/Vala/Cam)
"This galaxy has John, and a machine that just transformed all three of us into sea otters," Cam corrected
Business or Pleasure? by NeoVenus22 (6k, E, John/Vala/Sam/Cam)
What happens in DC stays in DC.
Fill me like a song do by anonymous (2k, E, John/Vala/Cam/Daniel)
Before standing, she’d kicked her legs off of their perch and nudged John out of the way with the toe of her boot. Tonight, he had asked to be pushed around and manipulated like a piece of furniture and a sex toy, and Vala had started with him as her footstool while she had called Daniel and Cam. The sight of a shirtless and collared John on all fours was making Daniel’s mouth water.
*This title is censored due to the use of a common racial slur.
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Empowering Students to Excel: Strategies for Mastering Business Finance Assignments
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Navigating the intricacies of business finance assignments can be a challenging task for students pursuing courses in finance. The intricate concepts, mathematical complexities, and real-world applications often leave students grappling for assistance. Recognizing this need, platforms like FinanceAssignmentHelp.com step in to provide invaluable support, ensuring that students not only complete their assignments but also master the subject matter. Whether it's comprehending assignment requirements, mastering key concepts, or seeking clarification on complex topics, FinanceAssignmentHelp.com is dedicated to offering Help With Business Finance Assignment. In this blog, we'll explore effective strategies for excelling in business finance assignments and highlight the features of FinanceAssignmentHelp.com that make it a go-to resource for students seeking academic support.
Understanding the Assignment Requirements:
One of the initial challenges students face is comprehending the assignment requirements. It's crucial to carefully read and understand what is expected. Break down the instructions, identify key concepts, and create a roadmap for your work. If uncertainties persist, seeking clarification from professors or utilizing online resources like FinanceAssignmentHelp.com can provide the necessary clarity.
Mastering Key Concepts:
Business finance assignments often involve intricate concepts and formulas. Mastering these is essential for producing high-quality assignments. Make use of textbooks, lecture notes, and supplementary materials to reinforce your understanding. Online platforms like FinanceAssignmentHelp.com offer comprehensive resources, including explanatory videos, case studies, and practice problems, facilitating a deeper understanding of complex topics.
Utilizing Online Resources:
The internet has become a treasure trove of information for students. Websites like FinanceAssignmentHelp.com offer specialized assistance tailored to business finance assignments. These platforms provide not only solutions but also explanations, ensuring that students grasp the underlying principles. FinanceAssignmentHelp.com stands out with its user-friendly interface, making navigation seamless for students seeking specific help with business finance assignments.
Features of FinanceAssignmentHelp.com:
a. Expert Tutors: FinanceAssignmentHelp.com boasts a team of experienced tutors with profound knowledge of business finance. These experts are well-versed in academic requirements and industry practices, providing students with the guidance needed to excel in their assignments.
b. 24/7 Availability: Recognizing the unpredictable nature of student schedules, FinanceAssignmentHelp.com ensures round-the-clock availability. This feature allows students to seek help whenever they encounter challenges, promoting a stress-free and efficient learning experience.
c. Customized Solutions: Each student is unique, and their learning needs vary. FinanceAssignmentHelp.com understands this diversity and offers customized solutions to address individual requirements. This tailored approach enhances the effectiveness of the assistance provided.
d. Plagiarism-Free Content: Academic integrity is paramount. FinanceAssignmentHelp.com prioritizes the delivery of original content, ensuring that students receive solutions that are free from plagiarism. This commitment to authenticity strengthens the educational value of the provided assistance.
e. Timely Delivery: Meeting deadlines is crucial in the academic realm. FinanceAssignmentHelp.com emphasizes the importance of timely delivery, allowing students to submit their assignments punctually without compromising on quality.
Practice, Practice, Practice:
Mastery comes with practice. Once the theoretical concepts are understood, it's imperative to apply them through practical problem-solving. Platforms like FinanceAssignmentHelp.com offer a plethora of practice problems and case studies that enable students to reinforce their learning by tackling real-world scenarios.
Collaborative Learning:
Engage in collaborative learning by forming study groups or participating in online forums. Discussing concepts with peers not only provides different perspectives but also reinforces your understanding. FinanceAssignmentHelp.com encourages collaborative learning through discussion forums where students can interact with tutors and peers, fostering a supportive academic community.
Feedback and Revision:
Submitting assignments is not the end; it's a step in an ongoing learning process. Pay attention to feedback provided by professors or online tutors. Use this feedback constructively to identify areas of improvement and revise your approach accordingly. FinanceAssignmentHelp.com facilitates this process by offering feedback on submitted assignments, guiding students toward continuous improvement.
Mastering business finance assignments is a journey that demands dedication, understanding, and strategic utilization of available resources. FinanceAssignmentHelp.com stands as a beacon for students navigating this journey, offering expert guidance, customized solutions, and a commitment to academic excellence. By implementing the strategies discussed and leveraging the features of platforms like FinanceAssignmentHelp.com, students can empower themselves to not only excel in their assignments but also develop a profound understanding of the fascinating world of business finance.
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kurokoisbae · 2 years
Stop Introducing Science to the Wizarding World
Science is detrimental to magic.
I've read a lot of fanfictions criticizing Hogwarts for not offering muggle subjects, but in my opinion, offering muggle subjects wouldn't really help much. The main subjects taught to kids are science, math, and language.
Witches and wizards could probably benefit from having a class that teaches them new vocabulary and sentence structures, but the amount of essays assigned to the students probably does a well enough job ensuring that the students at least know how to present information by the time they graduate, through sheer trial and error when the teacher returns the essays marked full of red due to grammatical errors, at least. They could offer Latin classes or something similar to help students understand the language they use in spellwork, but that's not really a class regularly offered to children and teenagers in the normal world so it can't really be called a 'muggle' class.
Mathematics is already offered, for those who wants to learn, in arithmancy. It's most likely a required OWL or NEWT for jobs that require a lot of calculations and the little math that is required in normal day to day life are already already taught to muggleborns in their primary classes, and to kids growing up in the magical world by their parents as part of their home schooling.
Science, I believe, is not only unnecessary but detrimental to the magical education process. Magic is something that has a lot to do with belief. Science imposes a lot of rules, laws, and principles that outlines what is possible, impossible, what's supposed to happen in a specific situation, etc. It is rigid. Magic defies the laws of reality. Teaching the students those laws would make them subconsciously believe in them, making them think that even with Magic, it is impossible. More over, they may even try to apply the laws of reality to Magic. I've read a few fanfictions where they applied chemistry to transfiguration. Where they must understand the chemical composition of both the object they are turning and the object they are turning it to. Eleven year olds were able to transfiguration a wooden match to a needle. Wood is an organic substance with carbon and hydrogen atoms while a needle is usually made of steel, which is an alloy of multiple metal atoms. Do you really think children know enough chemistry to be able to manipulate the protons, electrons, and neutrons withing an atom to turn carbon and hydrogen atoms to different metal atoms like iron and nickel? Of course not. But they were all able to do it as a first year, why? Because their teacher said they could and it's the first day of class, so many probably assumed that it's the simplest and easiest thing to do with magic. It's belief that makes it happen. Knowing the actual process that's happening would just overcomplicate things in their mind and make it difficult for them to visualize the bigger picture of what they want to happen. Instead of focusing on the match turning into a needle, they would instead think about the atoms turning into another atom and arranging those atoms so they form the desired shape. That may be somewhat doable with the match to needle transformation, but what about the later classes where they would be asked to change something made with different materials to another object also filled with different materials? Don't even get started with animate to inanimate transfiguration. How would you even explain cells turning into atoms? They don't have the same constituents of protons, electrons, and neutrons like changing between atoms do.
I really don't like that these fanfictions try to make the Wizarding world more like the muggle world. It's a different world with their own abilities. You can't expect them to do things like the muggles would. You can show them what the muggles do, and they can find inspiration to make a Wizarding version of it. Someone has probably already invented a spell that does the same thing a calculator would, a graphing calculator even, with the graph showing in 3D as a hologram. Some of the magical spells we see in the books are more advanced than even the present stage of technological advancement where AIs and robots are becoming more advanced. Especially household spells. They have a spells that makes the dishes wash themselves! A spell that makes a broom clean by itself! Those are imbueing objects with artificial intelligence all with one spell! The objects don't even have to be specially made to do these things, magicals can just buy a regular old broom from a store and wave a wand over it and boom! No more cleaning chores. Magical sensors are also way more advanced than technological sensors. They can detect intent, spells, forgotten thoughts (the remembrall), and likely more.
In conclusion, adding muggle subjects is not only redundant, but would hamper the progress of magical advancement. Similarly, converting muggle technology and following its progression instead of finding a way to make something like it with Magic would make innovating within the Wizarding world hard. Not to mention, while phones and computers are something that doesn't exist in that Wizarding world, the later technological advancements like AI and robots can already be done using spells, which everyone can do, so following the muggle technology progression can't really be sustainable for long anyway.
Besides, magicals have different needs than muggles. While the muggles' current primary focus is electricity and food, magicals power everything with magic, and while food can't be made out of thin air, it can be doubled from existing food. There's probably even magic that causes plants to grow quicker, and if there isn't, magicals don't have the same problem muggles do with space for their food crops. They can expand a space, plant a lot of crops, cast some spells that would provide all the nutrients and water needed for healthy plants, and they can have food right at their backyard. I've always thought magicals are very independent creatures. With the magic and classes taught at Hogwarts, they can conjure or transfigure everything they need, use charms to make their life easier, defend themselves with magic, brew their own medical potions, and grow their own crops with herbology.
What do we learn in school? How to do math we'll likely never use and science laws most don't even care about.
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canmom · 2 years
i have, for reasons which must remain secret for now, started learning to sing as an absolute beginner. a great many years ago i used to play the violin, so i know how to read Western music notation, but it’s really hitting me how much basic music theory stuff - like the different intervals and the effects they give - was plain never taught to me. or maybe they tried but didn’t convey the importance of it so it didn’t sink in back then.
or like, i had certain misconceptions, like every note corresponding to a specific frequency built by a certain mathematical relationship to ‘middle C’. which is sort of true, but i didn’t realise the important part is the mathematical relationships between frequencies; A = 440Hz is just a strongly established convention. and further, my sense of a scale was just like, “ok, apply these accidentals”, and they all have funny names which you just have to memorise for the ABRSM exam. but of course, there is an underlying system - a scale is actually a specific pattern of intervals; there’s a “major” and three types of “minor” and so in theory you just need two pieces of information to construct a given scale. that’s so much more helpful than just saying ‘this set of sharps in these positions are called A major’ and getting me to practice playing the scale. sure, it’s better to memorise this stuff than have to derive it from first principles every time, but knowing why things are the way they are makes so much difference.
so with the violin, i was taught like, how to map from notes on the stave to finger positions. which makes sense for how violins are used. but for singers, it seems the it’s more useful to ‘go up a fifth’ or ‘down an octave’, which my ear has not been trained to do at all. i had no idea what it means to ‘resolve’.
it feels like when i was taught how to pronounce the basic sounds and grammatical structures in Japanese, so i could start practicing and listening and picking things up. i’d listened to people talk Japanese in media for years at that point, and often enjoyed the sound of it, but I wasn’t picking up any of the actual information encoded in those sounds at all. and the same is true of music. like, i’m nowhere near being able to understand the ‘language’ of music but there is at least now the possibility of making progress instead of seeing it all as ineffable mysteries. maybe i can’t identify intervals in music yet but at least i know what i’m looking for.
course plenty of it is still weirdly arbitrary like. why the 12 semitones that make up an “octave” are so arbitrarily assigned to seven named notes which get represented on the stave. we all just gotta live with that lol. this is all very daunting but a first step is infinitely better than zero steps ><
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anxiousrred · 8 months
* What is STEM?
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM plays a vital role in various industries and is fundamental to innovation, research, and development in today's society. STEM is an educational program developed to prepare primary and secondary students for college, graduate study and careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). In addition to subject-specific learning, STEM aims to foster inquiring minds, logical reasoning and collaboration skills. It represents an interdisciplinary approach to education and problem-solving that integrates these four key fields. STEM education emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and practical applications of knowledge in these domains. It aims to prepare individuals to thrive in a rapidly advancing technological world by fostering skills such as problem-solving, analytical thinking, and collaboration. STEM plays a vital role in various industries and is fundamental to innovation, research, and development in today's society.
* Why Choose The STEM Strand?
Senior High is a new adventure for any junior high school student. For many high school students, choosing their senior high track is one of the most important decisions they can make, as it can set the course of their life for many years to come.
The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) track is a highly technical track that equips students with the skills necessary for pursuing further studies and professions in medicine, engineering, economics, and more. With STEM careers growing by 24%, one of the advantages of STEM strand in senior high school is that graduates can look forward to illustrious careers that directly contribute to building the economy and helping society.
* What is the Purpose of STEM strand for SeniorHigh students?
The STEM strand is designed to nurture senior high school students’ curiosity, problem solving abilities, and communication skills. With the STEM strand, graduates will:
• Have developed a keener sense of creativity and ingenuity which is essential in coming up with new ideas and innovations.
• Be more inclined to experiment and be more open to risks.
• Be able to apply the knowledge they’ve learned in class in everyday scenarios, most especially in their future courses.
• Have the foundational competencies that will allow them to excel in their chosen courses and, eventually, help them qualify for jobs in the STEM strand.
* What are the possible courses can take if you choose the STEM strand?
1.) Bachelor of Science in Engineering
2.) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science / Data Science
3.) Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Information Systems
4.) Bachelor of Science in Mathematics / Applied Mathematics
5.) Bachelor of Science in Statistics
6.) Bachelor of Science in Architecture
7.) Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences / Life Sciences
8.) Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics
9.) Bachelor of Science in Food Technology
10.) Bachelor of Science in Biology / Biochemistry / Chemistry
* What are the possible Jobs if you choose STEM strand?
Our senior high school students go on to find relevant STEM strand jobs that match the skills and knowledge they’ve acquired from our curriculum. They will find plenty of opportunities, both in employment and in further studies in higher education. Senior high school graduates have found fulfilling and successful careers in the following jobs in the STEM strand:
• Nurses
• Pilot
• Architect
• Astrophysicist
• Biologist
• Chemist
• Industrial Engineer
• Chemical Engineer
• Dentist
• Nutritionist
• Doctor
• Marine Engineer
* Why is STEM important?
The STEM approach to education fosters creativity and divergent thinking alongside fundamental disciplines. It motivates and inspires young people to generate new technologies and ideas. With a focus on practice and innovation, students get to learn from inquiry-based assignments. STEM education gives an understanding of concepts and encourages knowledge application. To keep it short, its aim can be formulated in two simple actions: explore and experience. Students are free to exercise what they learn and embrace mistakes in a risk-free environment. Project-based learning and problem-solving help learners to form a special mindset. Its core is in flexibility and curiosity, which equips learners to respond to real-world challenges.
SOURCES: https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/STEM-science-technology-engineering-and-mathematics
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nicoly0904 · 2 years
Why choose STEM?
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Some of us are struggling to choose a track in college. Finding strand plays a huge role on your journey to college. And do you ever wonder choosing STEM strand in your upcoming senior high school life? Choosing the right strand helps you to gain more knowledge on certain college course.
Especially Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or STEM strand it expands your knowledge in different job related such us scientist, engineering and statistician. It facilitates conceptual understanding and promotes the use of knowledge that gives the learners an in-depth understanding of the world around us and it links young people to prepare for new environment that is connected to real world works. Problem-solving and project-based learning assist students in developing a particular mindset. Its main tenets are adaptability and curiosity, which prepare students to handle problems in the actual world. It enables them to develop their problem-solving abilities that the students can use to examine data, correct mistakes, and make deliberate decisions when creating solutions and apply their knowledge to fresh assignments that they can use in their future job.
There are many opportunities and situational knowledge awaiting in STEM strand that includes the skills, abilities and experiences that increase their employability and readiness to fill the available jobs.
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customwriter · 2 years
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I have helped students in several courses and bagging them clean, exceptional and authentic grades. {Grade A}.
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sarahmathewsblog · 6 months
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Unveiling the Top 5 Game Theory Assignment Help Websites
Game theory, a branch of applied mathematics and economics, has gained significant prominence in recent years. Its principles are widely employed in various fields, making it a crucial subject for students pursuing economics or related disciplines. Completing game theory assignments, however, can be a challenging task, prompting many students to seek assistance from online platforms. In this blog, we will explore the top 5 game theory assignment help websites, focusing on their features, services, and reliability.
With a dedicated section for game theory assignments, it secures the top spot on our list. The website boasts a team of experienced professionals who specialize in game theory and related topics. Their commitment to delivering high-quality, plagiarism-free content ensures that students receive accurate and well-researched solutions. The user-friendly interface and prompt customer support contribute to a positive experience for students seeking assistance.
Known for its comprehensive economics assignment help services, it excels in providing support for game theory assignments. The platform connects students with knowledgeable experts who can guide them through complex concepts and problem-solving strategies. The website's commitment to meeting deadlines and maintaining confidentiality makes it a reliable choice for students grappling with game theory assignments.
It stands out for its extensive coverage of economics homework and assignment help, including game theory. The platform connects students with experienced tutors who can provide personalized assistance. The website's interactive features and step-by-step solutions contribute to a better understanding of game theory concepts. it is a valuable resource for students seeking reliable guidance on their game theory assignments.
Specializing in game theory assignments, it secures its place on our list due to its team of proficient experts. The platform focuses on delivering well-researched and original solutions tailored to meet students' specific requirements. The website's commitment to affordability and timely delivery ensures that students receive the support they need without breaking the bank.
This is a platform that offers specialized assistance in game theory assignments. With a team of qualified experts, the website ensures that students receive accurate and comprehensive solutions. It prides itself on its commitment to customer satisfaction, offering round-the-clock support and affordable pricing.
In the ever-evolving landscape of academia, seeking assistance for complex subjects like game theory has become a norm. The top 5 game theory assignment help websites mentioned in this blog offer valuable resources for students navigating the challenges of their coursework. Whether you're struggling with concepts or facing tight deadlines, these platforms provide reliable solutions and expert guidance to ensure your success in the fascinating world of game theory. Remember to choose the platform that aligns with your specific needs and preferences, and embark on your academic journey with confidence.
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