#apprentice just...died
solomiracle · 10 months
i can kinda see solomon wanting to keep his relationship with you a secret for a bit. not for any serious reason, but because the look on everyone's faces when he casually says he's been dating you for months without anyone's knowledge would be priceless
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noirtek · 2 months
always wondering what exactly hoffman planned to do with strahm had he ended up in the coffin (via trust or sedative) because he certainly wasn’t going to let him turn him in
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fredbydawn · 4 months
also, while i'm still thinking about the theme of voyeurism in the saw films, i'm really surprised that when they were doing the newer reboot/spin off movies that they never went in a kind of social media/dark web direction, cuz that was a really popular thing in horror for a second. like i'm thinking a kind of bobby dagen sort of thing where the person put in the trap has either been very exploitative of people, especially jigsaw victims or mislead a lot of people about something so its a way to expose them as a fraud as their game is broadcast over the internet.
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bonefall · 1 year
since the cinder reincarnation plotline is gone, i have a question. in the books when leafpool realizes that cinderpelt has been reincarnated and starts to treat cinder(heart)paw differently and even starts to slack on treating her because she believes that cinderpaw can treat herself. does this get cut in your au? or does it manifest differently? thanks!
Cinderheart's entire reincarnation plotline is cut and replaced by Po3 episodes exploring her BPD and relationship to the cats and expectations around her.
She still gets injured badly but this time around, it's a catalyst for an intense feeling of overwhelming despair. She lashes out to isolate herself out of fear that everyone will abandon her. A preemptive attack.
Cinderpelt's legacy feels like a trap taking away her autonomy, like a set of expectations to be wiser and braver than other cats around her when she just feels like the same type of teenager as everyone else. A worse one, even.
I'm a lot more interested in Cinderheart herself than the old plotline, which I've always been frustrated by.
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0alix0 · 10 months
that moment when everyone's hyping show for anakin cameo/thrawn/ezra/etc. and you're here only for an old tired fallen jedi and his little ukrainian chihuahua-looking daughter
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timewormbloom · 1 year
Met a person that my dad has just started working with and one of the first things they said was "You write Ranger's Apprentice fanfiction, right?". I now have to cope with the fact that my fanfiction from when I was 14 is one of my dad's leading facts about me
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void-botanist · 3 months
19, 20, 21, 22 for the polycule of your choice? :0
whoops we're doing it for two of them :3 and I'll include Heith too
19 - Summarize your character's goals in one sentence.
Marcus: be okay and go home, but also never have to tell Heith about all of his lies by omission
Heith: figure out if she's actually for real serious about Marcus (she thinks she might be actually for real serious about Marcus) and one way or another move out of her hotel room on Aephar
Yera: be a mom and try to make peace with the fact that Marcus is not here to be a part of the family
Hossan: be a dad and help Umedes figure themself out
Gren: see Marcus again and hopefully find out that there was no need to be jealous about his girlfriend, and make sure everyone's okay, especially the baby
Pali: prevent Kiatcarmen from finding Marcus (though that isn't a very active job), make sure the shifter coalition in the court doesn't budge, and get somewhere with her studies of shifter magic
Umedes: figure out whether they want to have a kid or not help
Kiatcarmen: find Marcus, because Minaya must not ascend, and do whatever else she can to preserve her accomplishments in the kingdom
Pirianus: broaden Kiatcarmen's vision beyond legacy, or, failing that, as he has for some 30+ years, get her to open up to him
Caladea: see Marcus again, and for his polycule's sake believe with all her heart the lies they tell Kiatcarmen
Thade: continue completing the political project du jour and end up in a happily ever after with Pirianus, which might also make him more welcome in the palace
Orvi: complete the one thing he was installed in the palace to accomplish
20 - Who's in the way of those goals?
Marcus: his mother. Always his mother. And honestly a little bit himself
Heith: herself, mostly. This is so not like her - well, specifically the part where she's still here when there have been plenty of times to go home
Yera: realistically, Kiatcarmen. But she still sometimes feels like she's lost some of her verve
Hossan: Umedes is the big challenge here. They're just so indecisive
Gren: Kiatcarmen, but sometimes it's easier to focus on the fact that Marcus has an interstellar girlfriend that none of them have ever met and that's so frustrating
Pali: herself. There aren't enough hours in the day for everything, and she has to sleep ugh
Umedes: themself, because they were the one who said this would be a great idea for when Marcus comes back. Who 100% believed Pali and Minaya and her ferasca spouses that this would go great. And who also took one look at Yera & Hossan's baby and thought that maybe they were signing up for more than they realized
Kiatcarmen: Marcus. Always Marcus. But she also blames Minaya and Yera and Pali for his disappearance, and she needs Pirianus to just shut up. This would have been so much easier with Jimmy
Pirianus: Kiatcarmen because he put his eggs all in one basket. But he mostly blames himself
Caladea: Kiatcarmen, but she tries to focus on what she can do better, and how she's getting in her own way
Thade: he's beginning to suspect he's been in his own way this entire time but it can't be understated how much Pirianus is constantly hot and cold
Orvi: it changes frequently, but always some contingent of the court
21 - What is your character's relationship with their emotions?
Marcus: he can't control his bad emotions, so he suppresses them. This has never caused any problems
Heith: she's just as cynical about her emotions as she is about everything else, but sometimes she just can't not feel something completely unironically
Yera: she's gonna feel them whatever they are so [grits teeth] negative emotions are part of the fullness of experience (she will be screaming into this pillow later)
Hossan: left to his own devices, he would feel his emotions, and then let them cast away upon the wind. Being with Yera and Gren has made him learn how to interrogate them more
Gren: he feels everything. A lot. He also conceptualizes things in terms of feelings a lot
Pali: she would like to believe she doesn't have them, but then she lays awake at night deconstructing them
Umedes: they tend to put intense feelings away for later, but don't ever get to later unless later comes for them first
Kiatcarmen: her emotions are so rich and nuanced and nobody understands that, so all of her emotions collapse into some flavor of annoyance
Pirianus: don't like that feeling? Repress it! This will never result in it returning in continually more warped and incomprehensible forms
Caladea: being in the palace seems to have stunted her emotions - they're flatter, duller, and way more anxious no matter what they are
Thade: don't like that feeling? Deflect it! The more mirrors there are between you and your emotions the less you will ever know what they are and the less you can ever be responsible for them
Orvi: he has a mental Tupperware for emotions that allows him to keep control of himself. He is the only person on this list who will actually open that Tupperware on purpose later
22 - What regrets do they have, if any? (From any part of the story, not just exposition.)
Marcus: missing out on eight years of his "real" life, and especially not being there when Gren's grandmother died. If only he'd been stronger, he could have stayed
Heith: before finding out about Marcus, that she's kind of a flake to her band, but they don't seem to mind that much. After finding out about Marcus, that she ever thought there was some kind of "magic" between them and maybe she could feel naïve about love for two seconds
Yera: she regretted drifting away from her father and sister, so she's fixing that now
Hossan: most of his regrets are from the now-distant past and don't make much sense - even he will say so - but he always finds himself regretting that he can't seem to do more for people
Gren: not going home even more before his grandmother died, even though he was practically splitting his time between his home city and the palace. He also regrets letting Marcus leave, even though he had to, and there was no other real choice
Pali: after getting married, she got more distant from her professor mentor, and the regret hit her hard when they died
Umedes: most immediately, thinking that having a kid was a good idea (they are beginning to think that this is a pregnancy kink that got out of hand). But more than anything they regret not going with Marcus, even though they couldn't
Kiatcarmen: Ashmalo was a liability, but she still regrets that he died (despite her image she does not think that assassination is the right way to deal with most problems, including Ashmalo). Conversely, she regrets that she couldn't save Jimmy, even though medical science itself could not have saved Jimmy. She also regrets letting Minaya slip out from under her thumb, because if she hadn't, she wouldn't be stuck looking for her runaway son
Pirianus: that he can't seem to permanently extract himself from Thade. If he stops and thinks about it (read: gets drunk and sad) he regrets spending so many years of his life trying to get through to a woman who would just as soon throw him to the dogs
Caladea: that she couldn't do more for Marcus or Minaya or Ashmalo, and that she still can't. And that being stuck in the palace has left her struggling to try and pick up the pieces of her creativity and her passion even though it should have given her unlimited resources to pursue them
Thade: things he's said to people. Most of them used to be seared in his brain because he thought they were funny, and eventually he figured out that oh, maybe they weren't. But some of them seemed bad from the moment they came out of his mouth (not before that, unfortunately, because he wasn't thinking about it) and he wishes he could take them back for real, especially the things he's said to Pirianus
Orvi: that he's still here. He had one thing to accomplish, and even though it was complex, it's taking SO. LONG. He knew that marrying into the royal family meant that he probably wasn't going to permanently go home again, but the longer this drags on the less he even wants to show his face there, and he wonders if it was worth it at all
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greenand-blue · 8 months
In the spirit of Halloween I have a fucked up idea.
TW for descriptions of violence and gore below the cut
(Edit I’ve decided to call it Pighead AU so that’s the tag if anyone’s curious)
Engineering student Martin Kratt has fallen on hard times; school is harder than he thought it would be and he promised his folks he wouldn’t do drugs when he got to college but how else is he supposed to stay awake to study? After being attacked one night after a small bender, he wakes up in an abandoned factory, his head trapped in a massive metal contraption. The puppet that comes on the TV says that he “wants to play a game.” He tells him that the contraption on his head will split his face open if he doesn’t slice open the dead body in the corner to find the key. As he stands up to get to the body, he hears a *click*. The trap is active and time is running out. Martin doesn’t hesitate to slash open the body’s stomach, desperately searching through blood and slimy flesh to find his salvation. Just as the last ten seconds began, finally, he found the key. The blood on his hands made it tricky to slip it into the lock but, just in time, Martin threw the thing off his head. It hit the floor and snapped shut. Shaking and crying and screaming, covered in someone else’s blood, Martin jumped when a hidden door opened. The puppet from the TV rolled in on a red tricycle.
“Congratulations. You are still alive. Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. I have a proposal for you; join me, and teach others the lesson you have just been taught. I have been watching you. Your skills are wasted on dime a dozen office buildings and gentrified neighborhoods.” Martin sat there and thought it over. What other options did he have? He stood and faced the puppet.
“When do I start?”
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yuridovewing · 6 months
Goosepaw having Cloudberry and then Pearnose as an extra ghost mentor is really cute
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smoothsands · 2 months
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Zinniatuft… <3
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
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An extremely messy draft of moving the births around for the 1st arc. Subject to change.
The number is the relation of moons in comparison to the birth of Firestar. For instance, Cinderpelt is 7 moons younger than Firestar, changed to be born a moon after he joins ThunderClan.
Some cats have notes of their planned mentor. For instance the four starting Thunder apprentices (Fire, Sand, Gray, Dust) all receive the major four litter (Cinder, Bright, Bracken, Thorn).
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taviokapudding · 1 year
Soooooo I have started getting into the Obey Me! Series & Nightbringer is my first game
I have a general idea of what happens in terms of story beats prior to this game, but as someone who has 0 context of the specific relationship details, I kinda feel bad for Solomon. Clearly something between him & Barbatos led to this time travel situation, but as the mc who doesn’t really know shit, it must be way worse for those 2 to fix the situation.
I have chosen the options where the MC remembers nothing multiple times and I can tell from the writing Solomon is just like “yay I have a wife- oh fuck they don’t remember me..kinda? Sorta? Okay time to romance & go along with whatever the mc decides”
I like his character but I can’t help but notice already from the jump that he is withholding information about the circumstances of the time travel & not addressing the paradox being made by letting mc participate in major past events; I get he has chosen the simp life (understandable given the circumstances) & the dialog implies mc is slowly regaining their memories, but the fact he’s taking advantage of the situation to be #1 husband while again just letting mc create a goddamn paradox (especially when some of the dialogue options are incorrect or have nothing to do with the original time line) that could maybe erase their future is just ¿?
Barbatos is implied to know more and he can see all the timelines so I understand his beef. I’m with him, w h y is Solomon taking his sweet time to return him and MC to their timeline? Has he done this before because he’s too calm and complacent about the situation? Also mc isn’t a human??? Who is this demon the mc has possessed because Solomon didn’t change bodies nor species when he showed up. It’s actually weird he’s revealing himself to the brothers and essentially creating a paradox that wouldn’t have fully happened because of the mc’s physical changes. And what will be the long term consequences that’ll happen when the MC does leave their body if it is indeed possession and not just a side effect to the event that led to the time travel?
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qvietspvce · 4 months
do you ever get overwhelmed by how many parts of your life you've already lived so far or am i just needlessly anxious about everything i've ever done in my life
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makotoismyson · 11 months
Now would it be silly of me if I low-key started shipping Cyril and Audrian or am I just being delusional (/lighthearted)
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felidthing · 8 days
redstar as leader is like realizing your teacher who everyone within a few years older than you has had and loved suddenly revealed he was deeply xenophobic and believed your country had to establish dominance over its neighbors to keep it safe
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megaerakles · 1 year
I keep playing with a Batfam/the odyssey fusion where Bruce is Odysseus and instead of getting fucked over by the gods for ten years he takes like six months to get home and finds a new kid practically every time he stops his boat
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