#appropriate announce
royalarchivist · 8 days
Tina: ...What's that fcking mean? What does that mean??? WHAT?!? What that mean!!! WHAT'S THAT MEAN?!?!?! What are you talking about! Wtf! What is your problem?!
Tina: There's a second one– you mean I cried several times– wtf's wrong with you, what's your problem?! I spawned in crying, I cried again, I cried the third time, and then you threw out a 2 at the end?!? You freaks! What is your damage? Wtf...
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months
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it isn't there anymore.
the mainline game events from rtdl onwards tend to form the foundations for significant turning points in the whole awtdy timeline. galacta knight made his wish during robobot, but was actually placed into the timeline much earlier. as a result he already has clear knowledge of how these events played out for meta knight, and can therefore adjust them to his liking
for the most part, he's interested in dealing with threats as quickly and efficiently as possible, and keeping total control of the people in his orbit. his overall goals are to destroy the life he stole from meta knight, and to corrupt his loved ones in whichever way will hurt him the most
in the case of triple deluxe, galacta knight goes to floralia in kirby's stead to "rescue dedede" and "prevent the spread of dark matter" caused by Sectonia's parasitic rule. kirby slept through the event and blames himself for not waking up in time to help rescue the people of the sky from their queen's corruption
at this point he still believes you can sometimes purify those who have come into contact with dark matter, and feels that if he'd been there, he could have at least tried.
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adhd-merlin · 8 months
the time skip between S4 & S5 robbed us of many things but one I would've loved to see is merlin going fully into anxious-event-planner mode for arthur and gwen's wedding
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vague-magnus-archives · 8 months
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doctor-mccoys-sanity · 5 months
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tea-of-destiny · 9 months
some silly little super mario galaxy doodles i've done recently
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 4 months
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agentravensong · 2 months
jacob geller beginner's guide video this weekend
jacob geller beginner's guide video this weekend
jacob geller beginner's guide video this weekend
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homoerotisch · 11 days
the first person in my life is having a child dear god send help
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bakatenshii · 1 year
can u believe @theygottheircages and I are finally writing again and they’re set in the same timeline so u can choose ur own adventure à la which chainsaw man character u want to read angst for xxx
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archervale · 2 months
Don't tag your destiel news memes as destiel please and thank you 🙏🏻😊
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prehistoric-rat · 1 year
in finland our biggest pride event canceled their partnership with our biggest political party because the party hadn't voted in agreement about our new trans law (to allow self-ID and remove requirement of being sterile (yeah really)) (the party had ruled it a “matter of conscience” and abt 1/3 voted against), and now our news are full of the members of that party being pissed abt it and our likely next prime minister commenting how this is “sad and offends many people”, and ppl are flocking to lament and mock how pride is so intolerable and how u have to have 100% correct opinions in order to participate and i'm
#rat.pov#i KNOW cis ppl who don't care really don't care and can't even pretend to care but somehow it still shocks me how unbelievable this shit is#they're literally like#''OH SO WE AS A PARTY HAD TO BE unanimously against forced sterilisation to be welcomed to your lil gay festival?? you ungrateful shits''#NBSFBEJFBEHJBHRNJETNJRMGNRGRGNERM#THEY DON'T EVEN GET THE ABSURDITY OF WHAT THEY'RE SAYING#some MPs of the party have literally said they won't now attend pride because of this#ok that's cool really don't care except that#yes we know you really Really REALLY don't care abt human rights but could you at least think of a less ridiculous way to announce it#can you imagine your members voting against our human rights might also have offended some people CAN YOU IMAGINE H BHBHRH#(they can't bc ppls brain are full of ''this is not an issue that touches normal real life people'' and ''your everyday person doesn't#even understand trans issues''. if only trans people were real everyday people :/)#also the future prime minister just said ''this is very sad and it does feel like a political move instead of an appropriate one''#??????????????????? i'm at a loss#what the fuck do you even mean.#how. HOW do you expect politics to not be political what the. fUCK is wrong with you grow a GODDAMN BRAIN?#and ppl in general like ''oh so pride is full on political now''#I'M BEGGING YOU.WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN WHAT HAS IT EVER BEEN EXCEPT POLITICAL#i know people think it's a funny gay carnival just to piss off straights and conservative christians but I WISH I COULD LAUGH.#it would be funny if it was#.#sorry to rant on side but i had to scream into a void somewhere
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i wanted to make a Funnie Animatic before christmas but i got the Big Sick. so. it’ll have to wait till i get better.
also my birthday is coming up!! so hopefully im better by then, id like to draw some slugcats in party hats.
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jhsgf82 · 2 years
So, here’s what’s new with me, y’all... ;)
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maybenogo · 1 year
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whats with these homies dissing my girl
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Spooky Fishing Trip
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Our dread-tinged march towards the end of the year continues, but why don't we take a break and fish by the lakeside? Surely nooooothing could go wrong.
A cabin in the middle of nowhere for a fishing trip with our friend in Fishing Vacation! Deluxe sounds lovely, rendered in imitation Game Boy style. When our weekend trip ends, we can update to a chunky PSX mystery-horror from the same developer as Fatum Betula and a casual life of fishing, cooking, and a strange green glow from the titular Lake Ophelia.
Lake's haunted? Lake's haunted. (Maybe.)
Wednesday 4:00 PM EST / 9:00 PM UTC/GMT / 1:00 PM PST; https://twitch.tv/catastrophe_jupiter
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