#april datamine when
anonprotagging · 6 months
WHEN are archie and maxie and ghetsis going to get alts. rose too ig but gens 3 and 5 being the only actual villain TEAM leaders with no alts is killing me even PIERS has an alt already.
adaman and irida already have alts. PENNY is in the game before archie/maxie alts. EVERY ROCKET EXEC is in the game before a ghetsis alt. and ghetsis already HAS A CANON ALTERNATE OUTFIT
frothing at the mouth rn and wailing pokemas WHEN
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wihellib · 2 months
PrettyBusy WHB Updates Summary
The wording in the announcements is a little off at times, like usual, so this is just how I understood it, but I might have misinterpreted it.
1. Response To Leaks.
Supposedly people complained and were “distressed” about datamined game assets, so they are updating game security and giving us 1000 Solomon Seals in the next few days as an apology.
2. The L Card Seraphim Return.
For the next three months, each month you can summon one of the seraphim (Raphael, Michael, and then Gabriel) and you can summon them either through the Nightmare Pass or with Solomon’s Seals. I assume this is true for all of them and not like last time where Raphael/Michael were only Solomon’s Seals and Gabriel was Nightmare Pass.
Those that have previously summoned the seraphim (from last Christmas I assume) will get the advanced Nightmare Pass for the angel that they summoned for free.
Starting with the seraphim, when you evolve L characters, new content will be unlocked, including date stories, mini illustrations, and a homescreen button. This feature will be added to other L characters over time.
3. July 31. More Hell-Oh! Talk (Text Messages).
Includes greetings, flirting, and cute stories.
4. July 31. Lucifer (Selfie), Leviathan (School), and Lucifer (Victory) Are Added To The Lesser Key Standard Pool.
5. August 7. Mammon Backstory Event.
There’s young Mammon and Bimet, as well as, the previous Mammon and Bimet.
6. August 7. Swimsuit King Versions.
This part is worded very oddly in the announcement. I think it's all the Kings that have a swimsuit version (as seen in the Shanghai Animate Cafe), however, it also says special character featuring Beelzebub, so we'll have to wait and see.
Like the seraphim, the more you evolve the character, the more content you unlock.
7. August 7. Main Story Chapter 6 Is Released.
Ppyong meets Minhyeok as Juno during April Fools Day.
H scenes with Glasyalabolas and Foras.
8. August 11-12. WHB Has An Exhibit At Tokyo’s Comic Market.
Featuring the Kings bound and imprisoned.
Goods can be purchased.
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flyingseacow · 1 month
The teaser in the new short
Right, so the end of the cute fishing short is clearly a hint about a future update.
The most likely outcome it that it is gonna be a smaller expansion, adding seasons and more severe weather to the Cult management part - I believe someone did some datamining sometime ago (sadly google sucks now, and I could not find it again) and found new possible conditions for followers, like freezing or overheating.
My guess is that it will most likely show up sometime in the fall.
However - There is another possibility.
This could be the first foreshadowing of a new major update, like, Relics size.
See, from Sins we know that season stopped turning when Yngya disappeared. So if the seasons now return, does that mean the Yngya has too? We have also been told that not all the crowned gods was killed, the Owl/Hunter(coughHarocough) did something else, and Haro (Igotyournumberbirdboy) mentions they the other gods might be slumbering.
So, my (honestly very unlikely) theory, is that either a handful of older crown gods are going to reappear, or that a new set of crown gods will turn op, and the lamb has to deal with them.
Exactly how? Well, either we are going to just kill them, so as to protect out sheepy realm, or perhaps we will "just" need to subdue them to establish the Lamb as the head of the new pantheon, or perhaps set up alliances.
Heck, we might even get a choice in the matter, either killing the other gods, keeping the lamb as the last god. Negotiate with them (through combat obviously) and recreate the system of the actual Old Faith that the Fanatic fought for. Or perhaps the Lamb will become the new leader of a new set of "Bishops" and we get to pick what gods we ally ourselves with, and whom we kill.
Massive Monster have been quite regular with the expansions, we have gotten one approximately every nine months, so I would suspect the next major update to be sometime around March-April in the new year.
Though the weather effects could drop long before, and build up the story even more.
Well, as I said, this will most likely "just" be a cult management addon, but if this heralds the next chapter of the story?
Oooh my.
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justalittlestarguy · 8 months
Small Collection of Deltarune Musings
I see people constantly posting their Deltarune theories online so I decided to post mine in a corner of the internet.
Toby Fox & Deltarune's Origins
I feel like people when theorizing about Deltarune largely overlook how Deltarune came to be... it's enormously important to the timeline of events. We have to remember that Toby doesn't really compromise on ideas - I think it's a safe to assume that Deltarune of the past is largely still what Deltarune of now is.
Let's go over the facts real quick.
The idea for Deltarune came to Toby Fox in a dream he had in 2011 while he was at college. In the dream, he saw the ending to a video game and was determined to create it. Fox was also inspired by a collection of playing card designs posted on Tumblr by artist Kanotynes. Development of the game started in 2012, although it was abandoned before Fox created the first room.
(Source: Wikipedia page on Deltarune, cites a Nintendo article on Ch. 1)
We have to remember that Deltarune is the original. This is my core problem with people theorizing about Deltarune in the context of Undertale. While as an audience that is all we are privy to regarding Toby's world, we have to remember that Undertale came from Deltarune, not the other way around. If anything would refer to Undertale, that's either Toby messing with his audience or means something different in this context.
Deltarune is an AU to Undertale in one sense, but in many others, it's a prequel. I am in the full belief that Deltarune's events are before Undertale could ever happen. If Undertale and Deltarune were in the same universe, Undertale would 100% happen after it, but I don't think Toby was lying when he said that the events are largely unrelated.
In fact, I don't think Toby has ever once lied about his details about Deltarune. "They are connected in a sense" and "they are not in the same universe" can both be true at once. Toby is not even necessarily lying by omission, but moreso that as an audience we could not realistically grasp the timeline from a meta perspective. The only real outlier is "Deltarune is meant to be played by fans of Undertale" as expressly retroactive, and I think this is because Undertale fans will get something new out of his characters.
I think that the timeline largely explains a lot of factors that people theorize about and can't quite get to the bottom of, including...
W. D. Gaster
People talk about the fact that Gaster's fingerprints are all over Deltarune's narrative, and Andrew Cunningham went over all of Gaster's leitmotivic theories very well, better than I ever could. Like most Deltarune theorycrafting videos though, I got stuck on one line from the video, when talking about April 2012 (the song).
For April 2012... I don't know man. Even if Toby Fox crawled out from under my bed and handed me a ratified document professing that the quote here was 100% intentional, what would that really tell us beyond the fact that Gaster's theme has existed since at least 11 years ago? It would be interesting, sure, but not particularly insightful.
My liege Cunningham I must respectfully disagree. I believe that April 2012, if a real Gaster quote, actually tells us a lot about Gaster and why he's all over Deltarune. In terms of concrete information about plot details, the answer is small, but definitive. After all, Gaster escaping his confinement as "merely unused content that people love fan speculation over" would be quite interesting itself. We assume that he will show up, but aside from ANOTHER HIM, there's very little reason for him to.
...By the way, has anyone ever wondered why Gaster went unused in the first place?
I think people just think about it at the surface level. Gaster is unused, or died before the events of Undertale (or worse). He's got NPCs that refer to him in very vague ways, and he's a particularly hidden trinket of lore. When Toby anticipated people datamining the game, he didn't really hide his existence there all that much as some other things.
But if we remember that Deltarune was the original idea, that Undertale later springboarded off of, then I think that makes Gaster a lot more interesting. I don't think Gaster was EVER meant to be a part of Undertale's story in a major way. He's a Deltarune character that snuck his way into Undertale as an easter egg.
I do have a small shred of evidence to support this as well, with another character that gets explicitly mentioned in Undertale in a small capacity... Rudy, Noelle's father. ...At least in the alarm clock dialogue.
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Rudy, similarly to Gaster, seemingly dies before the events of Undertale could ever take place, but still existed there. Largely, many of the characters are still the same or have counterparts in Undertale. Gaster being Ultra Hidden still had a presence there, and I think some of people's musings on connections to other characters have merit, but for the wrong reasons. (Being related to the skelebros with another font and Sans' machine are interesting notes, especially given that we haven't actually seen Papyrus in Deltarune yet...)
Chara & Deltarune's Release Schedule
I similarly think that Deltarune being a meta-prequel makes people talking about Chara also make sense. The idea of Chara and Kris being largely separate characters makes sense in a traditional story, and we largely lack evidence for it aside from a tease in Chapter 1. However, let's consider a new meta-detail: Deltarune's intentional release schedule.
When we played through Deltarune (known at the time as SURVEY_PROGRAM), we were left with two big twists. The first... the scene at the end where Kris seems to form a Chara-like grin with a knife, and throws our red heart into the birdcage. This is an obvious tease on Toby's part. There was little subtlety here, but it gave a lot of questions. The second is that THIS IS CHAPTER 1, not a demo.
Fast forward to the height of COVID, and Toby decides on a whim to release Chapter 2. This was...expressly NOT planned. Deltarune was meant to be in our hands in any close-to-complete form with the release of CHAPTER FIVE. So we are effectively given a peer into foreshadowing that wasn't even meant to be seen by us until we could continue further.
This is important because there are a few elements that Chapter 2 starts delivering upon but doesn't entirely go through with:
Kris as a "[Heart] on a [Chain]"
Anything involving the "Weird" route, straight up didn't exist in Ch. 1
A couple more Gaster-y details than Chapter 1
Spamton seemingly hints at the next few bosses
("WE DON'T NEED [Easels] OR [CRTs]"... seemingly implying our Ch. 3 Dark Crystal holder is a TV, and our Ch. 4 Dark Crystal holder is an easel [art related?])
("WE DON'T NEED ANY [Man, Woman, or Child] AT HALF PRICE" ...could mean a lot more, but seemingly refers to Chapter 5 in some way like the others, as he goes on about Mike afterwards.)
So what does all this mean for the Chara "reveal" at the end of Chapter 1? We were supposed to see it from the start, unlike Chapter 2, so where does that leave us?
Toby is intentionally setting an expectation.
I think Kris and Chara are related in more ways, but more explicitly, I think Kris' story is more pivotal to Undertale than one may think. We have to remember a few details about Chara.
1) Before Chara became everyone's favorite diagetic narrator, Chara was a kid who lived in a monster family. No more, no less. There's no reason to think Chara was insane before effectively escaping the narrative.
2) Chara still had a fascination with a few things in common with Kris. Knives and chocolate being a couple of them, and Asriel rounding it out. Asriel is Kris' big sibling, except a bit more literal this time compared to Chara.
3) Kris and Chara (as well as Frisk) are all intentionally non-binary or potentially agender altogether. Kris goes by they/them, and both Chara and Frisk never have explicit genders either, though that can be argued to be for other purposes such as character immersion (any/all).
4) Chara is a similarly deeply troubled individual as Kris, suffering from mental conditions that Toriel and Asgore are not very good at helping them get through. This leads to disastrous consequences when Chara takes their own life in Undertale.
So what does this mean for Kris?
I think many people assumed correctly when saying that Kris is Chara, but I believe it's more accurate to say that Kris IS Chara in Undertale, but with a new role.
Kris, Chara, and CONTROL.
We all understand at this point that Kris has a troubled relationship with autonomy, given that the player guides their actions during the plot of Deltarune. But if Kris is related to Chara, then we can ask a question - what do the two have in common?
Well for one thing, they both exercise a desire for control.
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In a similar vein to Cunningham's video, I once watched a video talking about [Hyperlink Blocked] that was quite interesting, and I thought there was one theory as to what it was that doesn't get enough attention. (at around 50:50, I'm going to use some select quotes here)
Control Theory [...] Kris and Spamton both want control, and it makes sense that Spamton would offer this to Kris as a reward. [...] However, the one noticeable weak spot in this theory is in Snowgrave. You could argue that Kris is taking control of their life, but they are really not. If anything, they are robbing Noelle of her control, which isn't the same thing.
The line in question substituting Hyperlink Blocked in this context is:
I respect Jabu's actual theory a lot on this one. [LOVE] in the context of Undertale makes a lot of sense and fills just about every quota. However, that's in the context of Undertale's terminology. We can't limit ourselves to just that. I don't think [LOVE] gets extra brownie points for just tying into Undertale, expressly for the reasons I've stated before. Deltarune's ideas came before Undertale's, and while some concepts are linked, they are not all the same. (See: the concept of a human SOUL and Determination not lining up either.)
Jabu has a point about Control, but only from a healthy mindset point of view. We have to consider the mindset and shoes of someone who lacks control.
Take... a controlling mother. One who lacks control over a lot of aspects of her life for one reason or another, and demands perfection from herself. One coping mechanism, no matter how wrong, is trying to seize the control over her sons. It's a way she can exercise having control over something in her life. It gives her room to have agency, even at the expense of her sons' agency. She could force her son to go to college, because she can't imagine any other path for him, and she never GAVE him a choice.
This anecdotal example isn't just for shits and giggles. I really do want people to look in the shoes of someone who is deeply troubled by a lack of control and examine the Weird route with that in mind. Many people troubled by this go on to become manipulative people, or exercising their agency by using someone else's. In the weird route, Kris manipulating Noelle becomes his coping mechanism, and you enable their behavior with your actions.
So what does this mean for the normal route? Obviously it's at least a bit more healthy, and as a result I do expect (and look forward to) Kris butting heads with the player, not just as a way of coping or fighting back, but to wrestle control of the narrative for their own at some point. I don't think Kris becomes a villain in this context, but I do expect them to become an antagonist if the player is considered the protagonist.
All this lines up well for Kris, but then what is Chara? We know that Chara works through the player for the [Genocide] route in Undertale (its own "Weird" route) and that by the end Chara has taken full control away from the player. This is a Chara that never had the opportunity that Kris had to turn things around. This is a Chara fundamentally broken by their lack of control, and abuses it every chance they get once they do obtain it. And to top it all off, you hand it right to them at the end. They even exercise their control over the narrative with the creepy extra scene if you perform a Pacifist route on the same file as a Genocide route was previously completed.
...hey, isn't that similar to Kris' actions and Susie's actions that the player never has direct control over? Weird. Even expressly against the player's wishes too? Interesting.
Conclusion / TL;DR
The summation of my theorycrafting is built on the knowledge that Deltarune came first, and that Undertale builds off of this info, not the other way around. Many people theorycraft assuming the inverse relationship due to Undertale releasing first, but no one seems to ever step into the developer's shoes.
I believe this:
Kris and Chara ARE expressly related and not just for surface level observations - they both tell us something about **control**
Gaster is a Deltarune character that Toby knew would be important, but got scrapped for Undertale so it can tell its own story. He was left unused in Undertale because he was never meant to be an important part of it.
A lot of Chapter 2's foreshadowing is expressly information we are *not supposed to have* due to Deltarune's intended release schedule and for that reason is very volatile.
Deltarune is a meta-prequel to Undertale. Deltarune's ideas not only came first, but are the original, and if anything Undertale is a spiritual successor to what Deltarune will eventually become. As fucked up as that timing sounds.
Anyway like and subscribe for more stupidity
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semper-legens · 2 months
65. An Absolutely Remarkable Thing, by Hank Green
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Owned?: No, library Page count: 338 My summary: April May isn't anyone special. Not really. When she was walking back to the office late at night and bumped into this giant, Transformer-like statue, she didn't think she was making First Contact with an alien species. All she wanted to do was document a weird art piece for the world, make a video that would receive maybe a thousand views. She didn't want to become the linchpin on which the world would turn. But fate - and the statues - had other plans… My rating: 4/5 My commentary:
This is not a book that I would necessarily have read on my own. Despite having discovered YouTube through nerd circles in about 2008, I was not, in fact, a Nerdfighter, and had only a passing awareness of the Vlogbrothers. I don't think I ever watched their videos? If I did, it would have been because someone showed me them, rather than seeking them out under my own steam. Of course, like everyone who read YA fiction in the 00s, I knew that John Green was a writer, though again I haven't read many of his books, and can't remember the ones I have. Hank Green, however, wasn't the fiction writer of the duo until this book came out. It would have completely passed me by except for the fact that a few colleagues and other people I know through work were reading it, one of which was on something of a crusade to get everyone into it. And so, I read it. And I'm not entirely sure what I thought about it still.
My main reservation was around the characters, and in particular protagonist April May. There was just something about her narration that I didn't like, and I think it comes down to her being afflicted with quirky protagonist syndrome. She's extroverted and audacious, but quick to put herself down and a bit unsure of her place in proceedings. She makes some…questionable choices, such as not telling anyone that she was nearly assassinated and giving particular metals to a possibly alien statue-thing. I did come out of this liking her, but at the same time she grated on me here and there, particularly with her relationships with the other people in her team, best friend Andy, girlfriend Maya, and scientist Miranda. Her relationship with Maya is an attempted source of pathos, but April's selfish behaviour throughout just soured me to her a little, especially when we don't see much of Maya and it is for all the world as though Maya is an afterthought. Which is doubly yikes when you remember that April is white and Maya is black. I get it, feelings are tough, but April straight-up fumbling Maya by blanking her and not talking about it properly is not exactly fun to read. (Also…have Americans just not heard of Queen? They're treating the song Don't Stop Me Now like it's something they're expecting you to not have heard of. It's Queen.) Anyway, none of this was enough to make me put the book down or anything, but it certainly did hamper my enjoyment of it somewhat.
The wider theme of this book is humanity, and specifically how humanity reacts when it comes in contact with the unknown, here exemplified by the Carls that appear throughout the world. Most are amused, some are alarmed, and a small fraction respond with hostility. When the game the Carls are projecting into people's dreams becomes apparent, a lot of people worldwide unite to solve the puzzles and crack the codes, but a few hoard clues for their own gain. It's a pretty realistic look at ARGs and how people unite in the face of puzzles! The fact is that there are communities out there dedicated to solving long-forgotten mysteries entirely for fun. And I'm not just talking about true crime fans with questionable senses of boundaries, I'm talking about speedrunners and dataminers who plumb the depths of video game code, people on forums who are putting out theories for books older than them, those kinds of people. Of course, in this sort of situation, people would come together to solve a mystery. Just look at the first few people to beat PT, for a semi-recent example. And I like this vision of humanity, I like that it is realistic but not cynical. There are some bad actors in this world who definitely mean harm, but the vast majority of people are good-hearted and genuinely want what's best for all humanity, whatever form that takes. Sure, powerful people screw April over, but regular people help her. It's nice, is what it is.
I do have to say that this book's depiction of social media is, not surprisingly, pretty accurate for what it is. Big surprise! One of the Green brothers knows how social media works! But still, it's refreshing to see amidst every dodgy representation of social media from authors who don't quite understand virality and how things take off. April's initial video only gets the traction it does because she and Andy were the first to start reporting on a phenomena that people worldwide were going to notice - it's not like you put an embarrassing video on TikTok and suddenly everyone in the world has seen it, there's a plausible reason it went big. Characters use Twitter and Facebook and forums in different ways for different purposes, just like real people do. This shouldn't be rare in fiction, but it is, and it's good to see here.
Next, a collection of short stories, all around the theme of Pride.
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p5x-theories · 1 year
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What We Know About Yukimi Fujikawa (as of the P5X Beta Playtest)
Yukimi Fujikawa, codename Yuki, is a Persona user who was only obtainable through the gacha in the beta, specifically as the tutorial gacha pull early on.
Her Japanese voice actress is Ayaka Suwa.
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What her story role will be, if any, is currently unknown. As the gacha is stated to contain "cognitive manifestations" of the characters obtained through it, it's even possible she won't have any story role at all, for all we know at the moment.
When she was officially revealed for P5X, the article referred to her as a "TA" who uses the power of "Persona II", along with Seiji and Mont, and at least one translation referred to the three of them as being publicly known. What this means, exactly, is unclear.
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Her Persona is Styx, based on the goddess of the river Styx, who had Bless and some kind of Support skill in the P5X beta, and resisted Physical while being weak to Gun and Wind.
In combat, her melee weapon is a flail, while her ranged weapon is twin pistols.
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Yukimi is also the only current character that was originally revealed as part of Code Name: X, the name that P5X was originally announced under.
Her name changed slightly from her original Code Name: X profile (her name in this image is 泷川雪时 which is more like Yukiji Takikawa), but if the other information at the top is still correct, then she is a 17 year-old student, and her birthday is April 22nd.
In addition to this name change between Code Name: X and P5X, some datamined files refer her by the codename "Tembin" (Japanese word for balance scales, like Libra) instead of Yuki. Whether this indicates her codename changed during development prior to the beta, or perhaps that her codename will change for the finished game, is unknown.
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doamarierose-honoka · 5 months
As the days draw closer to the release of the Knuckles show, more and more Sonic games are getting in on the cross promotion frenzy. Last weekend, Sonic Speed Simulator got first dibs in introducing Movie Knuckles and the gang into their game. Now it's SEGA Hardlight's turn!
The Sonic mobile game devs tweeted out a tease showing off three new characters arriving to not just Sonic Forces Mobile, but Sonic Dash too! Meet Series Knuckles, Drummer Cream and the long overdue Metal Sonic 3.0!
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This isn't the first time Movieverse Knuckles arrived in Forces or Dash, but this is SERIES Knuckles, sporting his famous treasure hunting cap!
But let's not rule out Metal 3.0, who has been making quite the resurgence lately in his appearances! He is not only in Sonic Speed Simulator, but he also got his own merch in the Jakks Pacific product line! Now he makes the jump to not one, but two mobile games! Not bad for a recolor that only appeared in Sonic Rivals 2, no?
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Hardlight also tweeted out the release dates for all three characters so you know just when to log in and start running!
Series Knuckles: April 26th
Drummer Cream: May 13th
Metal Sonic 2.0: May 20th
No word on if these characters will also show up in Sonic Prime Dash or Sonic Dash+ , but chances are Drummer Cream and Metal 3.0 will arrive sooner or later. Movie characters don't seem to be in these alternative versions however.
On top of the official announcements, an additional character was spotted in a recent datamine: Pyromancer Blaze! A more mystical take on the fiery cat, she looks to be an addition to this sub series of new Black Knight inspired alts starting with Paladin Amy.
What do you think of this new lineup of racers? Looking to collect them all?
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Character info:
Mimi Crassi (@bombcollar):
Mimi is a mimic octoling, genetically modified to have greater control over the pigment and texture of both her skin and tentacles, which lets her pass as other species. For several years she acted as a Surface Agent for Octo Valley, a sort of spy tasked with gathering information on inkling weaponry and settling surface-based disputes. During this time she disguised herself as an anemone, employed undercover as a referee for the Inkopolis turf lobby, getting beaten on and bitten by rowdy squid kids daily. These days, with tensions easing between the Valley and Inkopolis, she lives in Splatsville, acting as a Valley ambassador of sorts for Octarians that live on the surface.
Link (@tristringerloveblog):
Mimi is not what most people would consider friendly, but she is fiercely loyal to her people and harbors deep concerns about the fragility of Octo Valley's culture when so many of its young people have left to live on the surface. It's preferable to their total extinction, but she still mourns for what was lost between this and the gradual failure of their infrastructure underground in the wake of the great turf war.
When she's not warring with her existential fears, she has a side hobby running a food review blog.
Link is a part of a TRON crossover I wrote during April Camp NaNoWriMo 2022. He's a Splatoon 2 player character whose real-life player is a dataminer. So Link, who has no idea he's in a videogame, has to venture out of Inkopolis, where he's always lived, into the code of the game itself. He's a B-rank N-Zap '89 main who has to fight against programs with discs! There's a lot of themes about identity, reality, and, although I didn't quite get far enough in the fic to carry out this theme, losing your childhood. Very strong "we have the right to mod our own hardware/software" energy, though. Outside of being a hacker against his will, Link likes ranked battles, gaming/building his PC, and a good hot meal after a day of hard work. He's aromantic and asexual.
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cru5h-cascades · 1 year
Splatoon 3 Side Order Update (Again!)
Wazzup wazzup eveyone! I'm back at it again with some more interesting Side Order-related news! Recently a bunch of stuff for Side Order has been datamined (it seems that the devs have been adding stuff for Side Order ever since launch), so I'd like to go over some of the stuff that was found. No spoilers, but if you'd rather be suprised whenever we actually get Side Order this is your warning. Otherwise, here's some new info regarding Side Order (organized by when they were added, which were during splatfests)!
Rock v Paper v Scissors (testfire fest, August 2022):
nothing too noteworthy over here, just some scenes, whatever those might be.
(nothing for Gear v Grub v Fun in September 2022)
Grass v Fire v Water (November 2022)
wave 2 misc scene added
scene attribute to use for the DLC
Spicy v Sweet v Sour (January 2023)
actor attribute added
added two enemy actors under the names Shell and ZakoStandard
Side note: yay new enemies
Dark Chocolate v Milk Chocolate v White Chocolate (February 2023)
actor attribute added to allow enemies to attack a target (possibly the player)
added object actors under the names PaintTargetArea (splatzones), VictoryBall (8-ball), and VictoryBallGoal (8-ball goal)
added scenes imlying progression on a tower (potentially Deca Tower, duh)
Side note: so what that last addition is basically saying is that Side Order will be kinda like Pizza Tower but scary (and marine life themed, of course). But I mean, I guess we should've known about the tower progression for a while now (the French title of Side Order is Order Tower; I talked about this in a post some time ago). But hey, news is news and we're in dire need for Side Order news. Anyways, moving on (things get real interesting after this)
Nessie v Aliens v Bigfoot (March 2023)
added two bosses under the names BallKing and TowerKing (there's been some speculation that BallKing could be the Octowhirl from Splatoon 1, which would be okay with me as long as they don't bring back the Octostamp.... AGAIN....) (also I have a strong feeling in my gut that TowerKing will be the final boss of Side Order)
added an actor for collectible items
added NPC actors
added lift actors (tower control tower)
added spawner objects
added soaker block actor to Side Order
added person names (most likely belonging to the devs) (you know for the credits)
added scenes for a boss fight and something called creator (level creation?)
Power v Wisdom v Courage (April 2023)
added a lift actor to avoid an 8-ball from going somewhere
added an object actor for both inkrails and grindrails
Vanilla v Strawberry v Mint Chip (July 2023)
all Side Order related strings have been removed :(
And that's all we got up to date! Hopefully we get to see Side Order for Drizzle Season 2023 (AKA the game's first aniversery). I mean with all this data in the game you'd think we'd get news soon, right? We got the rewards and now all of this in the game (or at least until all the SIde Order related strings were removed), maybe even more than that. Anyways if you want a more in-depth look into all of this info, please see Splat Channel's vid (I'll link it to the post right here). But with that being said hopefully, one bright and sunny day we'll get a trailer and release date for Side Order. Someday...
Anyways I'll keep y'all up to date with anything new revolving Side Order, I'll even post an in-depth analysis for the Side Order trailer whenever it does come out (I promise this time; I might've forgotten to do one for Sizzle Season but I assure you I will make one this time). Staaay fresh, everyone!
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Fortnite players were in for a surprise as the popular battle royale game announced a crossover event with the hit video game franchise, Fallout. Gamers can now look forward to unique in-game content inspired by the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout, adding a new exciting dimension to their gameplay experience. Stay tuned for more details on this unexpected collaboration. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic RPG franchise, Fallout, is making its way to Fortnite. The franchise gained massive popularity thanks to a hit Amazon TV show. Epic Games recently announced the crossover with Bethesda through a single image and some emojis. Players can expect to see at least one Fallout-inspired location on Fortnite's map, along with the franchise's iconic power armor likely being introduced as a premium cosmetic skin. The specifics of the crossover event are still shrouded in mystery, but it promises to be an exciting addition to the Fortnite universe. The live-action Fallout TV series premiered on Amazon Prime in April and became a massive hit, boosting the popularity of the games even further. This collaboration between Epic and Bethesda comes at a time when both franchises are riding high on success. Interestingly, Call of Duty Warzone dataminers uncovered evidence of a Fallout crossover in that game as well, raising questions about potential simultaneous crossovers across different battle royale titles. Only time will tell how these events unfold and what surprises they may hold for players. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is the Fortnite Fallout crossover? - It is a special collaboration event between Fortnite and the Fallout video game series. 2. How long will the crossover event last? - The duration of the event has not been specified, but typically these crossovers last for a few weeks. 3. What new content can we expect from the crossover? - Players can expect new items, skins, challenges, and possibly a special game mode related to Fallout. 4. Do I need to purchase anything to participate in the event? - Participation in the event is typically free, but there may be optional items available for purchase in the in-game store. 5. Will there be any special rewards for completing challenges during the crossover? - Yes, completing challenges during the crossover event usually rewards players with exclusive in-game items or cosmetics. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function()
document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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ruakichan · 2 years
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Of course I already SF5.4 Lenombe cause I had way too many copies of Rachel on my account lol. NVF is SF5.3, Wasted Red SF5.2.  Shadowbane is hooked to LNB, Wonderland to WR.  Also max-orbed my main team (Rachel, Baraka, Shufraken, April, Luna).
Still waiting for Rachel’s Midnight FC goddammit... sigh.
Anyhoo, spoilers for ch28 (as suspected, the whole chapter is very short and not much happens in terms of moving plot forward).
Not much happens other than to introduce Vladmir, who is actually pretty cool! She’s a clone of the sister (Arwen) of the Emperor of Lenombe, to try to awaken the power of Accor in that bloodline, similar to Katarina and her quest in NVF previous. Gonna guess this bloodline is Cadmos’ though.
Ten bucks says Vladmir will have a fatecore that pretties and waifus her up since she’s the clone of a princess. zz
Also the game killed offscreen some of the Rare mooks like Gellman and Lucinin, so that’s something.
The new Emperor of Lenombe is a literal child rofl.  But we finally have a name for him (Burai).  With this sudden focus on Lenombe’s imperial family, I’m thinking the next MS is gonna be about them?
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd they killed off Rudley! Well, he survived longer in Heroes than he did in Saga, that’s for sure.  (He was basically killed in the opening act for Saga, which drove part of Baraka’s motives.)  :( His death wasn’t quite as sad as Garff’s, probably cause all we saw was just his final breath after he death-flagged himself, so felt a bit cheap, but he went out with his beliefs in hand, which was a good way for him to go.
Man, I really feel for Wasted Red (as a gameplay nation), they lost like... two of their most important characters????  Is this why we’re getting Honuk now? wwww
It was datamined that Rienor is getting a red FC and Cadmos will be released soon.  Glad I saved my mythic tickets cause it’ll be time to weep when I don’t pull him haha?
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Primogems, primogems and…. PRIMOGEMS! We know you're looking at all those 5-star characters as well as shiny weapons!
We're also thinking about sending official merch for exceptional works, however we might have to wait for that coroni-covida-carrot… hum… virus situation to be over first so we may ensure we can deliver to most destinations. That should give you some time to think of excuses about strangers sending you Paimon Pillows!
We're preparing more things to add to this program, and they will be implemented little by little to make this experience even richer!
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Phew! Paimon didn't think you'd read through all this, Paimon's actually (only slightly) impressed! Here is a baguette for you!
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mybg3notebook · 3 years
Gratitude and care in Astarion
Disclaimer Game Version: All these analyses were made up to the game version v4.1.101.4425. As long as new content is added, and as long as I have free time for that, I will try to keep updating this information.
It’s hard to say if Astarion has a level of gratitude, which can be understandable since, as he said explicitly during the bite scene, it takes some time for him to trust in another person due to the torment that Cazador made him pass through (but like everything with Astarion’s words, it may be a plain lie to excuse himself in front of Tav ). The main reason for this lack of gratitude, or a twisted version of it—if there is any—, comes from the possibility of “Dark Desires” working on him (check post about Vampirism).
Astarion has two situations in which he seems to show, ever so slightly, a thread of gratitude. 
The first one is during the bite scene. The acceptance of his vampire nature is not exactly what he is grateful for, but for the willing offering of blood. This is—if we believe in what Astarion told us—the first time he has ever tasted blood from a thinking creature. This may be, like all words from Astarion’s mouth, a lie/half truth. We need to remember that Astarion considers a broad group of humanoids who are thinking creatures as animals (check Astarion Analysis). So he may or may not have drunk blood from a, let’s say, goblin or a gnome before. It’s also true that the only images we saw in his head by using the Tadpole were rats in his master's crypt; we don't see anything about his recent feedings (we know it was a boar). From Astarion’s perspective, killing a nearby goblin would count as feeding on animals, but technically it is not and therefore, Tav is not his first. 
In any case, putting aside this consideration, Astarion explicitly says that this offering of blood is a “gift” that he will not forget (if your rolls succeeded in stopping him). We still need to see how this apparent “gratitude” will manifest—if it ever does—.
If we got the bad luck of failing those checks, in which Tav asked Astarion to stop twice, but he did not, Astarion would end up killing Tav. In the next morning, he is not even guilty or ashamed for his excess (an excess that one could understand a bit since the vampiric bloodthirst is too intense in general), but his careless attitude and his dismiss of the gravity of the situation, giving an apology more concerned about his permanence in this group than being honest with Tav, shows that Astarion cares little for Tav. If he does, it’s always around the fact of guaranteeing his permanence in this group of powerful members that gives him safety and potential solutions in controlling the tadpole. When Astarion kills Tav there is no scene of “gift”, so Tav is completely unaware of how important this event was for Astarion…. if it truly was such (why would Astarion not say anything about it later since it has been such a “gift”? I’m deeply distrustful about his gratitude). Later, in datamined content, we will see Astarion subtly asking for permission to feed on the companions (Check post Astarion's Standards and Manipulation)
The second time he shows a minimal hint of something remotely similar to gratitude is in datamined material, related to a pair of videos that pjenn has shown about the scars on his back [1] [2]. He needs help to read it since he can’t see his body in reflective surfaces due to his vampire nature. We get from the narrator: 
* He might be sneering, but you can see pain in his eyes. He needs help, but doesn’t know how to ask. *
Helping him to decipher the infernal message on his back (if Tav is a tiefling) or at least attempting to (if Tav can’t decipher it at all), Astarion will add “thank you by the way, this is… well, it’s something.”
And that’s all. That’s all the content in EA where you can see a hint of “gratitude” in Astarion, if you squint your eyes, scratching content from a single phrase in two scenes. There is also no meta-knowledge information to add to this, or any explicit reaction from Astarion that could imply more gratitude than this. As a character who represents a “bad behaved victim” probably makes sense. He has only focused on himself and on his own needs for survival. There is little room for gratitude there.
Should we expect any gratitude? Personally I don’t think so. Although he follows the troupe of the bad-behaved victim, he is also a power-focused character that manipulates constantly every situation in order to guarantee his survival or simply to have fun (bloodshed or sex). Those small details of apparent gratitude may have perfectly been part of the games he plays. 
Could he eventually be grateful? Hard to say in EA. If he is, it seems to me that he will be in the evil way. When I say this I keep in mind what Swen said in several talks/videos about how they were not considering alignment change in characters but only in the main char. Which is a curious change from bg1 or bg2, or simply the true reason to work with more generalised alignments: good, neutral, and evil alone. 
It is clear that we cannot trust in Astarion’s gratitude, only shown in two single lines that will not always be seen. Astarion is a great manipulative char and that small hint of gratitude he shows may be one of the many tricks he uses to survive and gather power.
Does Astarion care for someone?
Since we are talking about gratitude, we can also talk about care. If Astarion has shown something clearly during all EA, it is his lack of honest interest for the well-being of any creature beside himself. This includes the members of the group. There is never meta-knowledge information displaying that “deep down, in a silent way” he cares about his companions.
The only opportunity in which he apparently seems to care about some companions, is when he is reading the book of Thay, which apparently is asking him to kill the group, to which Astarion answers with a “No, I won’t kill them. Maybe *insert scripted companion’s name*”. 
We know at this point that he would enjoy seeing his companions suffer and die, because bloodshed is always “fun”, but he is prioritising how this group protects him. This concept can be seen pretty clearly when we are witnesses of Lae’Zel’s death at the hands of the githyanki patrol. Astarion will say something along the lines “what a pity, she was a powerful specimen”. Another proof of this aspect is when he approves of sacrificing one of the companions to the fish-people who worship Booal. Astarion doesn’t truly care about anyone of the group (not even the main char, to whom he may kill in a bite dismissing the gravity of the situation) but he needs them as protection and also as the only way to find a way to control his tadpole. It’s always about his needs.
After all, we should not forget that iconic phrase during the stargaze scene: 
“You think I’d kill you, just like that? Darling, I would never. I still need you.”
And this had been stated in every opportunity: The most important thing at any moment is survival. Astarion doesn’t care about killing or betraying. He enjoys it, “it’s fun”. He is not turning against the group basically because, by now, it’s the only safe and promising means to guarantee his survival. He needs this group so badly that he won’t abandon it even if a good aligned Tav mistreats him and disrespects him at every opportunity they have. Tav is the one who has to insist for Astarion to abandon the group, and even then, he will try to convince them of the contrary. That speaks volumes about what this group (and Tav) truly means to him. Like everything with his character: just a means for survival.
This post was written on April 2021.
→ For more Astarion: Analysis Series Index
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storiesofsass · 4 years
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Since y'all blocked me instead of having an actual agrument. I'll just drag y'all in the main tag. Because you need everyone to agree with you or else they're bad. Absolute clowns.
Ignoring that neither of the cards look the same and there's some major differences in it. Mainly subject matter.
Also they have two completely different linearts. I'm not blind, there's three dogs in one image and only two dogs in one. There's also stuff like Lucifer having fox ears and a completely different pose.
I did art for 6 years despite not being able to draw. I do however, paint and sometimes you need lineart to paint. So I do know what I'm talking about.
As you can see, there's datamines dating back from before the original WIP was posted on April 1st.
The average Dev time for an event is 3 months.
First conception, then dialogue which needs to be written in Japanese and translated to English along with art and programming.
That's even before it appears in datamines.
So that alone, basic knowledge of the idea to release pipeline of any game, even an otome like Obey me completely destroy the argument.
Unless NTT Solmare chips your brain or you posted it within 4 months of the event, it's a coincidence. Hell even with the latter it can be called market research and handwaved.
There's also something called copyright.
Now if you are a fandom oldie like myself, you remember fanarts all starting with I do not own these characters, all rights belong to x?
That's because all fan art and fanfiction are under free use and can be taken down by the copyright owners.
Bad taste? Yes. Legal? Also yes.
Which is why sites like A03 exists with all those lawyers they keep talking about everytime they open donations.
In Japan, they are even more anal about copyright and their version of free use isn't as friendly as it is in the west.
You can try a suit but don't expect much.
You do not completely own fan art or fanfiction.
So even if they got inspiration by your work. You ain't getting shit.
Also Solmare, like most game companies, save files on where and whom they get their artwork from. Even when it's outsourced.
Another thing that would destroy this entire thing.
Also, if you had actual proof, real evidence outside of hunting for outsourced artwork so a third party (not you) could sue Solmare, you wouldn't be doing this.
Best thing to do is to find legal advice not try to cancel Solmare on Tumblr and Discord.
Since logic and knowledge is bootlicking, I'll be the first to say that I'll kiss daddy Solmare's shoes any day to protect them from baseless and dangerous arguments from people who need to check their self importance.
TLDR: It's a coincidence and screaming art theft over stupid things like this waters down how important the accusations are.
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muffinrecord · 4 years
I'm currently writing a post for r/HobbyDrama (a subreddit where people discuss, well, hobby drama) on the downfall of Magia Record NA. Is there anything you think I should add? I'm writing about the unrest that led up to the announcement (such as #NATempo and constant limited banners), the failure of Gallery Mode, and the devs' refusal to refund money.
I was wondering if anyone write anything there! Oh man. Where to start?
First off, someone did a short summary of the drama here, in one of the weekly scuffles threads. I commented on this don’t judge me pls.
I think some things to mention might be that MagiReco NA had a lot going wrong for it, right off the bat. It was region locked (so folks outside of North America had to use VPNS and/or cracked APKs to play*) and the pacing was very fast, which put a lot of potential players off. If you want an example of the pacing, then even I, an unemployed fuckwad, would have to frantically play to clear shops. The game’s release also had very little in the way of advertisements-- a lot of folks didn’t realize the game had even started until several months had passed. 
(*Edit from a helpful anon: As a Brit, I just want to clarify that we did not need a VPN to open the game/start an account to play on NA! (Nor JP, actually.) We only needed the VPN to download the game from Google Play in the first place. Once we had it, we could ditch the VPN if we so wished.”)
But not all was bad. The Devs did actually listen to the playerbase early on! After lots of whining, the devs implemented a change to daily missions after the Kazumi event, which gave us extra mirrors coins and AP pots to compensate for the faster pace. The Devs also handled The Great Rainbow Orb bug with a lot of class (didn’t ban anyone for taking advantage of it, gave magia stones to good players, ect). In fact, around this time last year we had a special event made for us (Thanksgiving) (which had its own drama lol), Black Friday Sales, and the announcement of NA-exclusive Ashley Taylor. 
That being said, I think November was also the time when things started to go wrong. You can see the list of events here, but we got “FM Kamihama” on November 5th, when folks were expecting it to occur in April (since it was an April Fools event, and since the game would keep events locked to their respectively holidays) . After that, we had another limited banner-- this time it was “Magia Clash!”, which no one expected this early. I mean, a lot of folks weren’t even sure if we’d get it since it was a crossover, but no one thought it’d be out so soon. You can see @leafbladie‘s post here about it as an example. We had jokes about NA Tempo before, but November is when we really started to ramp up on the unpredictability of the tempo, and not just the speed.
Additionally, other strange stuff was afoot. Mayu’s event, “Wait You Got it Wrong” was done out of order and finally started November 25th, which was really late in the schedule compared to when Mayu came out for JP. I wonder if they did that as a breathing period so we could spend more money for the upcoming limited events? 
Then when December started, we had the clusterfuck of Holy Mami and Holy Alina being released back to back. Unfortunately I don’t have screenshots of the google doc, but back then we were all religiously watching it to see what was datamined. Here’s a link to a post I made on it (not great). Something hilarious of note here is that these fools scheduled two back to back limited Christmas banners for December... But they ended on the 24th. On Christmas Day we had a Homura uncap + training event. :’)
Edit: also, I forgot, but Holy Alina was released so early that they had to lock her personal story since it would have spoiled plot stuff. And on this vein, they also had to edit Magia Clash since it had spoiler characters in it. However... I think Magia Clash was way overtuned for us, because it was made for a more mature playerbase with better characters than what we all had.
The back-to-back New Years events were less controversial as we all were kind of expecting it to happen because of Christmas. But I don’t think we expected the absolute flurry of limited banners about to head our way.
Another fuckery thing they did was have all of the limited spinoff banners rerun on February 3rd to February 9th. Why is this important? Well, fucking Madokami was released on February 25th. Sneaky bastards. And speaking of which, no one was expecting her then. Some folks thought she’d be out for Christmas, then it was mostly thought that she’d be out for our first anniversary (a few folks thought she’d be out for Thanksgiving to take advantage of Black Friday sales, but they were less common).
Another note for the weird AF NA tempo would be the time they did the opposite of speed and extended an unlimited event-- for Sayuki Steps Up. It was longer for us than it was for JP! I still don’t know what was up with that. 
Uhh let’s see here... Our One Year Anniversary was missing so much stuff (rerun of previous limited banners, chance to buy missing costumes, costume stories for example) that a lot of people, including myself, believed that they were going to do an Anniversary Part Two on JP’s anniversary date. So much so that we were all confused as fuck when “A New Beginning,” the game’s second anniversary event, came and ended before the JP anniversary even started. When Hanna’s banner came out, there were still folks convinced that we’d get something special for the JP anniversary (also: this is when Iroha’s Birthday is said to occur). But they didn’t do shit. They didn’t acknowledge it in game, and the most we got was a brief shoutout on twitter that was likely automated. 
Going back to “A New Beginning,” we were missing a whole half of the event. There was supposed to be a series of days where you’d get login stories. We never got that-- fans had to translate it and upload it to youtube for us to see it for ourselves. 
There was also the Bonus Ticket Campaign for the 400th anniversary-- lots of missing memoria were added to the game at that time. These memoria are unlimited on JP, but they were limited for us, and the devs didn’t tell us that. We all assumed that they would be unlimited for us too, until they were gone.
Another thing to note would be the revenue. Now, these aren’t entirely accurate I think, but they were of note: I think the worst dip for revenue occurred during the “See You Tomorrow” event, and you can see the reddit discussion for it here.
Regarding money, this game allowed you to still spend magia stones after the shutdown announcement. There was a scheduled time for when they’d no longer let you buy stuff, but it was still tacky and gross.
What else to note...
I think that’s about all I can think of at this moment, but feel free to reach out if you need anything else. I wasn’t always good about reblogging others’ content during the November - April time period, but I might have some reblogs of memes and other coping mechanisms we all came up with at that time. I can look for them so you don’t need to search this wretched blog by yourself :’)
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artikgato · 5 years
Ah, 2016. A year that had so much potential...
You can tell I was in a pretty deep depression at the start of the year.
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth came out in the west, though, and that was a lot of fun to play!
Pokemon Sun and Moon were announced! And the hype cycle began anew...
I started writing Practice Makes Perfect. Four years later and I’m still working on it...
I officially joined the Persona 5 Hype Train
“Persona 5 is coming to the west next Valentines Day” HA
Started watching Voltron on Netflix
I got WAY into shipping Klance, and Lance was of course my favorite
Also watched like all of Scrubs around this time iirc
Pokemon Go launched, and the world was forever changed
August rolled around, and my pet cat of 14 years died. RIP Yuki. I’ll never be over it.
Lotus Juice and Shihoko Hirata at Otakon!!
Pokemon Generations!
Sun and Moon’s demo contained the entire Pokedex for some dumb reason, and of course that was datamined...
The Switch was announced! It feels like that was so much more recent than late 2016, wow...
Man, they really did show off every single new Pokemon and character in the lead-up to Sun and Moon, didn’t they...
Standing Rock happened...
Man all the posts around the election are even more depressing in hindsight than they were when I made/reblogged them...
Persona 5 delayed to April. HA.
Yuri On Ice! Finally a light in these dark times
“I hope this show isn’t a fluke, and we get many more like this with such attention and care and healthy relationships front and center” ha ha... ha... Yeah, we didn’t.
And we still don’t have the second season yet either...
So, yeah. 2016 sucked, mostly.
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