#april horoscope 2021
sstudiess · 2 years
I decided to torture myself and read my old journals. This is what I found and here is the wrapped:
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Iconic/cringefail quotes from my old journals:
Dec 2015
"There are some things man can't change and on that list the top spot is reserved for the never ending chatter of kids."
April 2016
"i want to be a wanderer who travels in search of Justin Bieber songs and Hollywood movies"
Sept 2016
"Now I will tell you the biggest tragedy of my life. I've decided to not get into the 'gf and bf' stuff before I join NASA so I'm in a kind of dilemma."
Jan 2017
"My love life is as bad as ever but I'm looking forward to this year because according to the horoscope, my love life is gonna be amazing!"
"Now, I think that the whole school is going to know that I and xxxxx are gonna have a secret rendezvous!"
"She said that I would've aroused doubt in her mind by saying that cause nobody says I hate you to someone in private!"
March 2017
"...And the fact that life has nothing romantic to offer me, makes me more into these books! Reading people's stories when my own love story is at mortal peril!"
"What she gets after giving her best shot is almost equal to what I get after doing almost nothing at all!"
Jan 2018
"Speaking of fictional boyfriends, I'm totally over xxxx now."
Feb 2018
"I am not the chosen one nor I'm half-angel but I do have a shitty life"
"If i were in America, people would make fun of me still, but not in this way"
"I am too creative to handle my thoughts for sure."
"I know this world is big and full of possibilities but just for once, i want this world to be small for me, i want just one possibility."
"I said my love life was a square but then she said it was a triangle. I didn't agree, so we ended up calling it an 'angle', or rather, a traingle with no base."
March 2018
"I am scared for the future, for everything that is gonna come after this one year. All i have right now is a mantra 'padh le beta, 12 hai' "
"We need to find a rebound crush for me."
May 2018
"I've been binge watching thirteen reasons why. I am on the 6th ep of season 2. I kinda like that show. It was soo depressing, it helped me forget my depression"
August 2020
"I have never been this lonely, but i have never been this happy either. I needed this more than i can ever admit"
"I know I'm capable of being loved, of loving again, so I will root for that hope."
"Being a popular author is a dream only a few people get to live. Rest others are forced to live a life of oblivion, their books and creations tucked into darkness." 
Oct 2020
"It seems as if I have forced myself to stay within these walls"
Jan 2021
"Why do I hold my thoughts like Atlas holding up the weight of the entire world? I do not feel like I'm crumbling from the weight but there's this haze of heavy thoughts upon me that I cannot seem to lift."
"I have been building this world of thoughts and words. These thoughts in the form of books, movies, songs, they belong to someone else. All they do for me is dampen the intensity of the ones that actually belong to me."
"It's waiting, the spirit in me, she will burst me open with exhilaration when she thinks the time is right. She is fickle, she needs beauty, she needs a constant change of scenery."
"This will be your fall, you are Icarus, dying to touch the sky so much, you are dying to die. No no, you do not want to die. You are just agitated, angry, your defiance is performative. You're just bored out of your wits." 
"I should not want it, I am aware, but due to reasons completely irrational, i will be forgoing my last two braincells in favour of the straited muscles (the heart)."
"I JUST FOUND OUT LADY ADA LOVELACE WAS THE DAUGHTER OF THE ICONIC LORD BYRON. Hence for reasons completely irrational, i will be passing away."
"Hope is a dangerous game to play with yourself."
"My love for him is an ocean with unfathomable depths. He is a swimming pool. If he jumps, he will drown in my intensity. If i jump, I will hit my head. We both will die. Death is romantic, say the poets of old. Well, not this one, this death will be humiliating."
"We are academics, we explore the world through books, always living on the sidelines, we do not participate. We live in the past. We love art, yet we fail to make any. We love the world, we want to change it but we never try. We will never be heard except one day, sorting through dusty books, another lover will find us in pages, but we will never be able to create any real change. We deal with the mind, sometimes the heart, with the art we create. We cannot touch the tangible, our realm is the intangible and that is where we come alive. The problem however, is that we will never be remembered. John Keats was right when he said his name was written in water. Isn't everyone else's too? Ours specifically, is written on the waves. We do not create an effect, we are only felt. But I believe there are some who change the world like a Tsunami does. Shakespeare, remember? What did he do for the world? Nothing. He just wrote plays."
"I believe in love as the driving force that makes this ugly and unbearable world tolerable and meaningful." 
"You cannot nullify love just like you cannot nullify the existence of God." 
Feb 2021
"Valentine's day is a capitalist holiday. Even if it wasn't, there is no reason for celebrating it." 
"I am going for the crazy poet/scholar look these days so it hurts when i have to cut or comb my hair."
"We carry our home in our hearts. I do too, because if I didn't, I'd be homeless." 
April 2021
The Generation Z are a faithless and purposeless generation. We believe in equality, we have opinions- a lot of them but we don't have ideologies to follow or governments to overthrow. We have a fire in us that burns bright, but with no purpose, it seems to me that we're getting wasted." 
"I got a cousin baby brother! I'll admit, I did not like him much in the beginning, he looked like a shriveled potato but after they washed him up, I saw in the pictures that he looks like me!"
"Realism, pessimism, optimism- they're all words. We're all three and neither."
"Majority of the content in my journal includes me pining over a guy I dated for a month."
May 2021
"It's like looking at your scars years later, you see a fair patch of skin, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't make you feel the past pain, but it fills you with a sense of awe and wonder at your body, at its strength and its resilience." 
"I have learned the unbearable art of silencing the voice in my head. It is boring without it." 
July 2021 
"I didn't get any gifts and I was barred from buying more books" (on 20th b'day)
Jan 2022
" I have 99 problems and 110 of them would be solved if I lived alone in a small cottage on top of a hill."
"When it comes to the Romantics, I think I'm like John Keats. The sad but joyful/optimistic bastard that coughed blood and died. In all seriousness, I don't think I'm any more special or unique than this particular sad twink. It's a bummer really, because I actually aspire to be like Lord Byron. The bisexual disaster, obnoxiously charming and smart asshole that you want to punch in the face but then are too enamored by. Byron, the accidental hero, the adventurer and the rebel. That's who I want to be….. but Byron is Byron, I am not him. I am not mentally ill enough to pull off that sort of charisma." 
"I can exist and others too and we all can be the main characters. Existence isn't a competition. Not everything is." 
"I have always been single in my entire life of 21 years except for a month. I have been happy in my entire life of 21 years except for a month." 
"I made up things, I wanted a story. I look for a story everywhere- that's what we do." 
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inspirobotwins · 2 years
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I posted 346 times in 2022
That's 342 more posts than 2021!
343 posts created (99%)
3 posts reblogged (1%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 345 of my posts in 2022
#inspirobot - 344 posts
#whats this? a reblog? crazy times - 1 post
#julius caesar - 1 post
#vampire - 1 post
#adam horovitz - 1 post
#icarus - 1 post
#austin powers - 1 post
#ratatouille - 1 post
#bdoubleo100 - 1 post
#horoscope - 1 post
Longest Tag: 51 characters
#whoops this escaped the queue to lucky you guys huh
My Top Posts in 2022:
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21 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
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27 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
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29 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
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35 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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48 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
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inwintersolitude · 2 years
- November 17th 2022 -
What's your favourite place to get pizza? Oooh, definitely Lou Malnati's... they make the best Chicago deep dish pizza on the planet. But sadly I don't live near any of their restaurants. My favorite pizza place near here is the NY-style pizzeria on the town square.
Did you ever get detention in school? What for? Nope. I was too quiet as a kid to ever get into that much trouble haha.
Do you believe in horoscopes? Not one bit.
When you were growing up, did you share a bedroom with anyone? No.
Have you ever worn a wig? Just once, when I was 8 years old and I dressed up as a little old lady for Halloween. We had a school Halloween costume parade that everyone's families came to, and I remember seeing someone's elderly grandmother there and at the time I felt really bad and embarrassed that I was dressed up in a costume to look like her hahaha. But looking back from an adult perspective I'm sure she thought it was funny/cute.
Do you have any trips coming up? Maybe to Delaware next month or in January.
If you could take lessons/classes for anything, what would you do? Nature photography. We did a nature photography unit in my film photo II class in high school and I loved it. I'd definitely want to do a whole class in that, just with digital photography this time.
When was the last time you had an eye exam? Back in March or April.
Have you ever eaten Indonesian food? Just once. One of the days that my husband and I were exploring London, we stumbled upon an Indonesian festival at the park by Tower Bridge, and decided to try some of the food there.
Do you have any spaces to park a car at your home? Yes, we have a driveway and a 2-car garage.
What accents do you really struggle to understand? I'm terrible at understanding heavy French accents.
Do you have a Bachelor's degree? Yep.
What's the first thing you see when you look to your left? The curtains and the sliding glass door out to the patio and back yard.
Do you have a big sweet tooth? Only occasionally.
Have you ever been mistaken for a celebrity? Nope.
Do you plan to do much or go anywhere for the upcoming weekend? Probably not. My husband is going to be on-call for work so we'll probably just chill at home like we usually do when he has an on-call schedule.
Right now, are you hot, cold or just right? Just right.
What's your regional term for swimwear? I'm Aussie so I call them swimmers :) Swimsuit or bathing suit.
Have you had caffeine today? Yep, I had a matcha latte this morning.
Do you own any textbooks? Are you currently studying from them? Yes but they're all from my college days, 10+ years ago.
What were the last earrings you wore? Where did you get them? I don't remember. I haven't worn earrings in... I don't even remember how long.
Are you waiting for anything right now? I'm waiting for the towels in the washer to be done.
Do you know how to drive a stick-shift/manual transmission car? Yep, I used to own a manual Ford Fiesta. Not for very long, though. I ended up really hating how tiny and cheap it was.
What sort of music have you been listening to lately? Classical.
Where is your crush/lover right now? Make a guess if you don't know. He's upstairs in bed.
When was the last time you had blood taken? I think it was when I was in the ER last May?
Have you ever watched the original Japanese version of Iron Chef? Nope.
Do you hate it when taxis and ride share drivers ask you a lot of questions? Yep.
What scent is your body wash or soap? Sort of a nutty vanilla scent, but it's pretty faint. It's a body wash for sensitive skin so it's not heavily fragranced.
When did you move into the house you currently live in? September 2021.
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ear-worthy · 5 months
Why Did These Podcasts Die? Why Podcasting Should Care About Canceled Shows?
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Why do podcasts die? And how do they die? 
On TV, series cancellation is a very public event, with numerous network announcements and media articles. Sometimes, these announcements of cancellation even generate a tsunami of protest and the show is "uncanceled" and brought back, such as Chuck on NBC. Or the show is picked up by another network or streaming service, like Lucifer going from Fox to Netflix. 
 Sadly, podcasts die quietly. It almost begs the existential question: If a podcast dies and no one knows, has it really died? After all, its archives can live on for years.
By contrast, popular TV shows can have multiple lives in reruns. Travel to any TV market throughout the U.S. and you can find Seinfeld, Friends, and The Big Bang Theory reruns. I think we all know the tale of the original Star Trek TV series on NBC from 1966-1969 that was canceled and then resurrected in reruns, where it blossomed and became one of the most popular and profitable entertainment franchises in history. 
Sadly, podcast archives, or reruns to use the TV vernacular, have little or no second shelf life. That's a shame because there are some terrific podcasts that were canceled that can be still enjoyed via their archives.
In this article, we will discuss two podcasts that I have reviewed in the past that are no longer "alive." No new episodes are being made or planned as far as I know.
Sadly, unlike Theresa Caputo, I cannot communicate with podcasts that "have passed on." 
First up is Internet Urban Legends, which was released in April 2021. This series was from Spotify and Parcast, in collaboration with Wheelhouse DNA, and was hosted by beauty gurus and internet sleuths, Loey Lane and Eleanor Snitchery.  The marketing line was: "they scour the web for the most chilling unsolved mysteries that have plagued the curious with endless questions. Paranormal and true crime obsessives can follow Loey and Eleanor’s journey into the unknown as they investigate the Internet’s biggest mysteries in search for the truth."
Each episode, Loey and Eleanor took a deep dive into one big story, investigating clues and conspiracy theories that surround the paranormal tale to try to determine if it is a hoax or a haunt.
Snitchery is known for her stunning cosplay on Instagram and TikTok, transforming herself into super-glam versions of Luigi, Harley Quinn, and the like. Lane is known for projecting a body-positive image and combines fashion and beauty advice with paranormal material on her popular YouTube channel. The two are good friends in real life, so their chemistry was genuine, and the show was interesting and quirky. The debut episode featured the terrifying story of “The Watcher House” in the small town of Westfield, New Jersey; the second episode chronicled the horrifying TikTok Tyson Chandler’s stalking encounter that went viral and got downright paranormal.
The show ran from April 2021 until March 2023, when Spotify pulled the plug on the show, along with 10 other shows, and the Gimlet and Parcast production companies. 
In March 2023, Spotify also canceled How to Save a Planet, Crime Show, and Medical Murders, Every Little Thing from Gimlet and Female Criminals, Crimes of Passion, Dictator, Mythology, Haunted Places, and Parcast’s Horoscope Today.
The last episode of Internet Urban Legends was about trees and the petrified forest. This message was included on the Spotify episode page of the podcast. "This is the last episode of Internet Urban Legends. On behalf of everyone here at Parcast, we thank you for listening!"
In this case, we know why this podcast was canceled. It was part of Spotify's "boy, did we screw up podcasting, and now we're desperate to fix it" strategy. 
Was this a great show? No, but it was a good show with a decent audience, engaging social media hosts, and a lively topic.
As manager of Ear Worthy, a publication that promises its readers podcast reviews, recommendations, and industry trend articles, I receive numerous marketing pitches for new podcasts, or podcasts beginning a new season. 
Why don't I, or other podcast review sites, receive marketing pitches for terrific podcasts that have been canceled but still possess a high interest level, a uniquely fascinating topic that isn't covered by other podcasts, or charismatic hosts? 
After all, one of my favorite all-time podcasts is Spectacular Failures with Lauren Ober, which ran for two seasons a few years ago. The story of high-profile business failures is still pertinent. 
Seinfeld and Friends reruns are everywhere on broadcast, cable, and streaming TV, whether I want them or not. Why can't Spotify continue to make money from a canceled podcast and, at the same time, offer listeners a show with a proven track record?
These episodes of Internet Urban Legendsare available in the archives and, for listeners with a taste for true-crime, the paranormal, and social media celebrities, this show is a perfect match. 
Why doesn't Spotify advertise the archives of this show? They can add new programmatic ads to monetize the show and continue to find new listeners. Just like broadcast TV plays Last Man Standing, The King of Queens, and Mike And Molly. 
How about limited-series podcasts? These shows are typically single-topic podcasts with anywhere from five to 12 episodes. These podcasts can be some of the most powerful shows in the podcast industry.
Take, for example, The Nightingale Of Iran. The show ran from February 2024 until April 2024 with nine episodes and two bonus episodes. It is an exquisitely crafted and moving show about family, geopolitics, and the consequences when these two elements clash.
What if I told you that a Jewish singer was a national celebrity in the nation of Iran? You'd probably scoff and head to a fact-checking service to confirm my inaccuracy. With the socio-political and religious events in the 40 years, you'd be right in answering, "impossible"
However, politics is like the weather in its capriciousness and shifting winds. Back in the 1950s, Tehran under the Shah was a cultural center of the world and called the Paris of the Middle East.
It was a golden age for Jews in Iran. In the 1950s, a religious Jew – Younes Dardashti – became a national celebrity, singing at the Shah’s palace and on the radio. In the 1960s, his son Farid became a teen idol on TV. They were beloved by Iranian Muslims. 
 Younes Dardashti was so famous that he was known as The Nightingale Of Iran. The nightingale is the official national bird of Iran. In medieval Persian literature, the nightingale's enjoyable song has made it a symbol of the lover who is eloquent, passionate, and doomed to love in vain. In Persian poetry, the object of the nightingale's affections is the rose, which embodies both the perfection of earthly beauty and the arrogance of that perfection.
But at the height of their fame, Younes Dardashti and his Farid left the country. Why? Why would a revered entertainer and his teen idol son leave a nation? Would Taylor Swift bolt from the U.S. for Sweden or France? Not without Travis Kelce!
It has always been a mystery to host Danielle Dardashti and her sister Galeet. Danielle and Galeet are the granddaughters of The Nightingale Of Iran.
Why did their family leave Iran at the height of their fame? Now, in this enthralling documentary podcast series, the sisters reveal painful secrets unspoken for generations. 
This nine-part podcast will be relevant for years, even decades. But how can listeners find it after its initial run? Other than Danielle and Galeet Dardashti, who will be promoting this podcast? 
It's a show with a strong and poignant message about family, inclusion, living together, and the roots of racial hatred. 
The show should not be forgotten after April 2024. And, to be fair, there are thousands of ear-worthy limited run podcasts that deserve either reincarnation. 
I hope that important people in podcasting receive this message and develop a system by which either canceled podcast series or limited-run podcasts can be revived with new programmatic ads to monetize them, and re-released to podcast fans who deserve the full breadth of the content podcasting has to offer. Not just the flavor of the month.
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kayastudio-design · 1 year
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Hoshiyomi- Horoscope Reading- Web Banner Design April 2021
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Waon Kutsuna. The invisible future and the skeleton we are creating.
A magazine that brings information about Kutsuna Kazune to our readers, starting with this issue. ’Schema der Täuschung’ (German. meaning: a schematic of delusions). In this memorable first issue, we will discuss the past and future of Kazune Kutsuna, starting from the present (a certain date in March 2023).
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When I became Waon Kutsuna  Waon Kutsuna. She started working under her current name on 31 May 2021.  The previous year, she had continued her studies in seclusion. One day, she felt the urge to write a continuation of a story she had previously written. From there, he started his creative activities under the name Waon Kutsuna.
しらたま物語 -白月玉穂の章-
Half of my name was based on my family name horoscope. I wanted to make the activity go as well as possible before I started.  The other half changed the name in the sense of creating my own version of the name as an expressionist and creator that I was given at the moment of my birth.  And so, a creator named Waon Kutsuna was born.
 There was a time when I was embarrassed to speak my name in public.  But now that I no longer transmit anything from myself as the days go by, I am able to say my name without feeling uncomfortable.
#忽那和音 忽那和音BirthdayProject2022 キービジュアル2 - 忽那和音のイラスト - pixiv
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Moments when I get ideas for my creations  It has been two years since she started working as Waon Kutsuna, although she started out with the aim of distracting herself.  For her, creation has become a reason for living.  She has no negative feelings towards her current creative work, which is by no means perfect.  However, there is one thing she does think about. ‘Even when I’m doing something else, something comes to mind, and I feel the urge to write or create something out of nowhere.’  Sometimes the thought comes to me impulsively, sometimes it slowly comes to me when I am taking a walk.  The moments that come to mind vary. For her, the moment they come to her mind is the most exciting moment in her life.  In Waon Kutsuna mind, ideas come down from things she has seen.  She watches anime and YouTube on a regular basis, and these are also ideas that broaden the scope of her activities as well as her creations.
It’s the most fun when you’re making it, something you don’t want anyone to stop you from doing  After you come up with an idea, you have to organise the information and make it work as a story.  Those are the most difficult parts of creating.  However, including this, Kutsuna Kazune says that she enjoys making things related to creation.  There are many things that cannot be done due to time limitations. With the goal of making things as good as possible, she sits down today and faces her computer and typewriter and takes parts from her idea notebook.  And she says that her driving force is curiosity and a good ♡ from someone.
April 11th, 2023 2:59am Schema der Täuschung 忽那和音 Waon Kutsuna Instagram
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rjdavies · 2 years
Chinese New Year Animal - The Rat
Year of the Rat ... is this your animal? The Rat is an Earthly branch, and is yang. 
Years: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032
Chinese: 鼠年 (shǔ nián ‘Rat year')
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2032 - Feb. 11, 2032 - Jan. 30, 2033 - Water Rat
2020 - Jan. 25, 2020 - Feb. 11, 2021 - Metal (Gold) Rat
2008 - Feb. 7, 2008 - Jan. 25, 2009 - Earth Rat
1996 - Feb. 19, 1996 - Feb. 6, 1997 - Fire Rat
1984 - Feb. 2, 1984 - Feb. 19, 1985 - Wood Rat
1972 - Feb. 15, 1972 - Feb 2, 1973 - Water Rat
1960 - Jan 28, 1960 - Feb. 2, 1961 - Metal (Gold) Rat
1948 - Feb. 10, 1948 - Jan. 28, 1949 - Earth Rat
1936 - Jan. 24, 1936 - Feb. 10, 1937 - Fire Rat
1924 - Feb. 5, 1924 - Jan. 23, 1925 - Wood Rat
Personality: Rats are quick-witted, resourceful, and smart. They lack courage. They also have rich imaginations and sharp observations and can take advantage of various opportunities.
Personality in relation to their element:
Wood Rat: Independent, self-confident, virtuous, talented, with a strong sense of teamwork
Fire Rat: Energetic, brave, quiet, cordial, friendly to their friends, very strict with themselves
Earth Rat: Amiable, honest, flexible, modest, serious, has a strong sense of self-esteem
Gold Rat: Smart, talented, hot-tempered, jealous, has a strong sense of self-awareness
Water Rat: Talkative, conservative, wise
Compatible Zodiac Signs with a Rat:
Rat, Ox, Dragon or Monkey
Least Compatible Zodiac Signs with a Rat: 
Rabbit, Horse or Rooster
Lucky things for Rats:
Lucky numbers: 2, 3, and numbers containing them (like 23 and 32)
Lucky days: the 4th and 13th of every Chinese lunar month
Lucky colors: blue, gold, green
Lucky flowers: lily, African violet
Lucky direction: west, northwest and southwest
Lucky months: the 2nd, 5th and 9th Chinese lunar months
Unlucky things for Rats:
Unlucky color: yellow, brown
Unlucky numbers: 5 and 9
Unlucky direction: south and southeast
Unlucky months: the 4th, 10th, and 12th Chinese lunar month
Best Careers for Rats: 
Administrator, director, manager, entrepreneur, broadcaster, writer, musician, stand-up comedian, politician, lawyer, researcher, and racing car driver.
Health for Rats: 
Rats are generally healthy, full of energy and active. A balance diet and rest will always help Rats recharge and work at high energies. 
Famous Rat People:
Carmen Electra: born on April 20, 1972, Water Rat Scarlett Johansson: born on November 22, 1984, Wood Rat Ozzy Osbourne: born December 3, 1948, Earth Rat Rosa Parks: born February 4, 1913, Water Rat Samuel L. Jackson: born December 21, 1948, Earth Rat
Found all this info on  Chinese Zodiac: 12 Animal Signs, Compatibility, Horoscopes (chinesenewyear.net)
Xīn nián kuài lè
R. J. Davies
A Riveting Jacked-In Dreamy Mind-Bender
RJ Davies - Science Fiction Author, Maddox Files, Novels
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ded-ihn-uh-hul · 2 years
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I posted 256 times in 2022
That's 140 more posts than 2021!
164 posts created (64%)
92 posts reblogged (36%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 208 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#ded memes - 59 posts
#ded shenanigans - 44 posts
#ded ihn uh hul - 19 posts
#dreamcatcher - 18 posts
#leo - 15 posts
#ded chat - 11 posts
#kylie - 11 posts
#music - 10 posts
#parker - 10 posts
#youtube - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this is why you shouldn’t get into relationships before you understand the world because you’ll want all your relationships to be messed up
My Top Posts in 2022:
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His family:
See the full post
10 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
People don’t understand the genius of our Dreamcatcher references. They don’t even know JiU sees herself confronting her nightmare self trapped in an old TV in PIRI and that’s why her being the TV lady in Little Nightmares fits the lore.
10 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
During Havin’ Surgery
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11 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
yes yoohyeon. anything for you, yoohyeon. currently washing my hands 56478x to please you.
14 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Top 10 times a 6-year-old has more game than us.
22 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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astrochecker · 2 years
Since the Virgo Ascendant will be in Scorpio and Jyestha Nakshatra in the new year 2022, Aquarius Horoscope today predicts mixed results for you. With mutual understanding and the help of elders, you will be able to resolve some differences at home during the new year.
It is expected that Jupiter will enter Pisces on the 2022. It appears to be a favorable time for both employed people as well as job seekers since the transit will be in Aquarius’ 2nd house. You are expected to gain a lot of money during Saturn's transit in Aquarius on 28th April 2022. If you are involved in any business, you can expect to gain a lot of money during this transit.
It is believed that Rahu will enter Aries on the 2022, which is the third house of Aquarius. Rahu will be in Aries on the 2022, so Aquarius people will have success. There will be tough times for students in 2021. You will receive money, and you will spend it wisely. However, you must be vigilant about hidden enemies. The year 2022 will be a great year in terms of money. You'll receive money and you'll spend it wisely. A good year is expected for families this year. Unmarried people are expected to get married, and many people will get married.
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astroratankendra · 3 years
Sagittarius Horoscope| Dhanu Rashi | Sagittarius April 2021 Horoscope | धनु अप्रैल 2021 राशिफल| नमस्कार मित्रो मैं एस्ट्रोलोजर मानसी मालिक आपका अपने यूट्यूब चैनल एस्ट्रो रतन केंद्र में स्वागत करती हूं| आज हम बात करेंगे धनु राशि अप्रैल 2021 के जातको के बारे में । मित्रो मैं आपकी एस्ट्रोलोजर मानसी मलिक आपसे विनती करती हूँ की वीडियो को अंत तक ज़रूर देखें| क्योकि वीडियो के अंत में हम बात करेंगे कुछ अचूक रेमेडीज के बारे में जो आपको किसी और यूट्यूब चैनल पर नहीं मिलेंगी| अगर आप उन रेमेडीज को फॉलो करते है तो आपको मिलेंगे अचंभित करने वाले रिजल्ट्स | हमारा चैनल एस्ट्रो रतन केंद्र लाइक ,सब्सक्राइब ,शेयर करना ना भूलें| हमारी वीडियोस को सबसे पहले देखने के लिए बैल आइकॉन को प्रेस ज़रूर करें।
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nyxxhexx · 3 years
🌷 April Tarotscopes Readings 🌷
Happy April! Read these tarotscopes for your sun, moon, rising, and Venus signs to see what this month has in store for you 🌫️

Two of Swords, Reversed
You already know the decision you need to make. You've been pulled between these two choices for a while now, but you've been too afraid to make the one you want to make. The way is clear for change now. No matter how afraid you are, you need to make the decision now or you will find yourself trapped and unhappy in your current situation. Make the choice. Create the change. It's time.

The Tower
Big change is coming to you this April, but don't panic. So often the premature panic surrounding the appearance of the Tower card is what does most of the damage. Submit to the change; when things fall apart, it's only so something new can be rebuilt. Big things are coming your way, but your life doesn't have room for them all without clearing out some of the old. Change is good. Change is a natural part of life, so let everything go so you can rebuild something greater.

All that is meant to be will be. All that is meant to pass will pass. You will get what you deserve, one way or another - and you deserve good things. No matter your circumstance, you deserve good things. Just make sure you continue to be deserving of them. Justice is a double-edged sword; lashing out at others unfairly in the meantime won't do you any favors (and might cut much needed ties). You're on the right path, so trust that you will receive what you deserve. Good things will come your way; just wait.

King of Pentacles
The wealth you need is coming. It may not come in the expected way, but it is coming. Abundance is yours; peace is yours. Claim it. You will have what you need and more, whether that's through an actual influx of cash this month or the beginning of a new relationship that provides stability. Either way, this month, everything starts to change for you. There will still be struggle down the road, but this is the beginning of the quality of life change you've so desperately needed. Accept it with open arms when it comes.

Page of Pentacles
Your path isn't over; in fact, it's just beginning. That may feel overwhelming, but see it for what it is: a blank slate of new opportunity. You have the potential for so much growth. You can create this new life for yourself from what you have already been given, so trust the path. Growth is necessary to proceed, so take a quiet moment to ask yourself: What's next? What can be changed, and what needs to be left behind? Abandoning part of yourself may seem terrifying, but in the end, it'll all be worth it. Start your new beginning with joy for what's to come.

Six of Wands
This message for you is incredibly urgent: Stop second guessing yourself, or you might find yourself faced with the unintended consequences of your own self-doubt. You are finding success on your path; who cares how other people define it as long as you, yourself, are happy? Trust your instincts. Charge forward with power and faith in what you're doing; nothing can get in your way but yourself.

Knight of Swords
The time for talking is over; the time for action is now. What's the point of talk if you don't back it up? You can't claim one thing and behave completely contrary to that. That's falsehood, not balance. Keeping the peace doesn't mean taking the path of least resistance, it means doing what's right even when it's hard. Do what's right. Shift your path accordingly; this is your sign for change.

Nine of Wands
You've just begun, and already you're burning out. Don't worry, though: you're far more resilient than even you realize. You have the strength to push through, so finish this out. And whatever you do, don't take on any more projects - you have more than enough on your plate as it is! Finish out what you have before you go back for seconds. I promise there will be time for everything you want to accomplish, so there's no need to rush it all at once. Take your time and finish strong; then, you'll be more than ready to move on to the next chapter. Getting ahead of yourself will only overcomplicate things.

Queen of Wands
There's a lot of anxiety here, but what's its root? Have more confidence in yourself on this. Trust that you know how to get things done. You already have the inner drive and fire to complete your goals, so what's making you falter? If it's lack of confidence in yourself, it's time to find it; if it's lack of confidence in those around you, maybe you need to change your inner circle. Either way, you know the way forward - all that's left is to take it. Trust yourself; you know what to do next. You've already gotten things started. All that's left is to finish it out.

Eight of Pentacles
You're working so hard towards your goals; don't let up now! You've put in the time and careful, delicate effort towards this, so don't back out at the last second just because you're worried it might not be all you hoped. You're moving towards even better things, so keep working. You'll get there sooner than you think, but if you stop too soon, you might find yourself stopping just short of all you've ever wanted. Keep working; you're almost there!

Five of Cups, Reversed
It's okay to mourn; just remember that not everything is lost forever. There's always a chance to recover what you lost in some form or another. Things don't have to be as they once were. So often, change is for the better, so don't be afraid to take a couple steps back to move forward once more. Remember all you've learned, but don't let the ghost of the past hang over you as you move forward. Change the meaning of the words and find what is forgotten once more.

Three of Cups
All will be well. You're going to find the community you've been searching for this April, so open yourself up to the chance to meet new people. Let yourself feel faith in others once more; yes, you've been hurt, but remember that everyone has. Everyone has their own demons. They are no less because of it, and neither are you. Search for function in a friend group rather than perfection. Shallow relationships have their time and place, but that's not what you need right now. Release all that, and look for something real.
Take what resonates and leave what doesn't; let me know what you think! Support like yours is so incredibly valuable to me, so never be afraid to reblog, like, and comment!
If you'd like to support your local bi disabled witch for these Readings, you can check out my blog for other readings and informative posts (including one today on cleansing your tarot deck!) or tip me on Ko-Fi or PayPal!
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everybody who got water moon signs are fine as fuck
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astroseri · 4 years
Libra Full Moon 🌕
March 28th 2021 | 3️⃣ day
Healing issues of Love, Money & Self-esteem...
- This new moon will carry an emphasis on communication and personal exchanges. We may be expressing ourselves vulnerably and authentically in matters of love, as chiron is conjunct the sun and venus.
- Our past actions regarding relationships and finances will bear fruit or consequences during this time. The Libra Moon could cause us to experience new legal dealings and contracts resolving issues of debt and money. Also processes of separation, because it is opposing venus.
We could also experience new romance and adventure during this time. Careful, as new love at this time may be karmic in nature and cause you to learn lessons in love and attachment. We may feel quite timid during this time but passionate and vulnerable 🌺
Thanks for reading!
ask me anything
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gitanaoneyda · 3 years
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This new moon is no joke. This is definitely the moon you want to work with as it will initiate the beginning of something new in your life. At this time, there is a stellium in Aries as there are several planets and asteroids in Aries. Anything that is started today will be for the long haul and anything that does end today will not be reborn. It will end so something new can begin. The colors to work with today are black, pink, and red. Be confident in what you are doing today, and trust that it’s all working out for your highest potential. Today is your day to claim your power! Remember He-Man, “I got the power”!
This Aries new moon will also cement how you are in the here and now. You are progressing even if it seems you are not; trust that you are. Going back is no longer an option and whatever does come back is renewed. Today is a day of confidence, of facing your fears head on, and of exuberance energy. The energy feels new and welcoming so, why not embrace this? Put your weapon down and allow the Universe to show the way to your heart’s truest desires.
Do something exciting; something that will make you feel alive. Happy New Moon!
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nakshatrasinvedic · 4 years
Horoscope April 2021
April 2021 horoscope
April 2021 horoscope for all zodiac signs
Plan your month wisely and stay away from things that affect you negatively. Every day is different and with new challenges, read your April 2021 monthly horoscope to prepare for challenges and events. Stay tuned to your horoscope to get the most out of the month.
Aries April 2021
You should trust your innate intuition more. In matters related to the home and family, they have special skills to predict certain events. A certain person from your immediate environment will get into trouble. You’ll help him out of them, if you listen carefully to what he has to say. Be prepared for guests in your home. On this occasion, you will issue a formal reception.
This month you will meet a certain person who you have known in the past. For this reason, pleasant memories will come back to your mind. In the middle of the month, you can have many conversations about what has already passed. You will start to miss what was and gone forever. You will feel sadness and sorrow.
Read Annual Horoscope: Aries Horoscope 2021
Taurus April 2021
Certainly, April will be one of the most successful and successful months of the year. It will bring numerous changes in both emotional lives. You will be full of fantasy as well as idealism. You will look at many mundane matters differently than usual, especially with greater distance. You will see how your relations with your partner were arranged, you will think about what was the reason for some quarrels and that they almost ended with parting.
Read Annual Horoscope: Taurus Horoscope 2021
Gemini April 2021
In April you will have a lot of work, but it will not be a problem for you. Thanks to numerous job duties, you will complete a project you have been sitting for a long time on. In this way, you can prove to everyone what you can really do and how great potential lies in you, which will of course end in your success. Energy and willingness to act will accompany you at every step, and the success you achieve will make your motivation to work even greater.
Read Annual Horoscope: Gemini Horoscope 2021
Cancer April 2021
A more friendly part of the year is coming for you, when you feel that your position, influence and personal charm are growing minute by minute. Therefore, take advantage of this, because you have a lot to gain a lot. Put more emphasis on matters related to your own independence. Let the priority for you be the pursuit of originality, in this way you will gain more creative energy that overflows you, especially in the first week of the month.
Read Annual Horoscope: Cancer Horoscope 2021
Leo April 2021
In April the intuition that has been dormant will come to the fore, so you can be sure that you will be able to solve many things that have been bothering you for a long time. You will start to broadcast on the same waves with your co-workers and other people with whom you will share duties and pleasures on a daily basis.
Read Annual Horoscope: Leo Horoscope 2021
Virgo April 2021
In April there will be an opportunity for you to increase your personal property. In addition, you will start to plan your renovation and improve your material security. But remember that your action would not be hasty. You have to wait for the results, nothing comes right away. In addition, it will be an excellent opportunity to wait for success in secret, in hiding.
Read Annual Horoscope: Virgo Horoscope 2021
Libra April 2021
Keep emotions in check, they are not a good adviser. Especially that in the April opportunity to argue, quarrels or ill-conceived words will not be missing. Then you can regret it, but it will be too late. You cannot turn back the words you’ve just said. It is also not recommended to make any decisions yourself. Every time you have to make a choice, go for advice to a loved one, to someone you trust.
For some time, put your personal matters aside and focus on your professional career, especially in the second week of the month.
You will get to do the task with a very short period of validity, so get to work as soon as possible.
Read Annual Horoscope: Libra Horoscope 2021
Scorpio April 2021
Saturn will turn into a sign of Scorpio; it will affect your previous home life. In April you will not leave humor and an optimistic attitude towards life. Nothing will be able to spoil this. The Sagittarius and Gemini will play a special role for you this month. Unfortunately, problems and misunderstandings await you in the emotional sphere.
Read Annual Horoscope: Scorpio Horoscope 2021
Sagittarius April 2021
Matters related to love and feelings will clearly start to dominate your daily duties, which will put quite a bit of surprise on your friends. You will be more sociable and cordial in relationships with others than ever before, all thanks to love that will change you beyond recognition. It will fill you with warmth and kindness towards others.
Read Annual Horoscope: Sagittarius Horoscope 2021
Capricorn April 2021
At the beginning of the month, you will gain a sense of appreciation, your self-esteem will increase. But remember not to get into feathers. Although it may seem to you that you keep your finger on the pulse, however, at any moment things can take a completely unexpected turnover and get out of control. Someone who is very special to you and who is exceptionally important will accompany you in solemn celebration.
Read Annual Horoscope: Capricorn Horoscope 2021
Aquarius April 2021
In April await you with exceptionally nice festivities, especially that some of them will be extremely romantic. It can be a wedding, wedding anniversary or other such a big event. It is also quite probable that it is for you that church bells will be killed or for a person who is very close to your heart. You will have a lot of changes in every sphere of life.
Read Annual Horoscope: Aquarius Horoscope 2021
Pisces April 2021
In April, you have the best chance for a long and lasting relationship. All unmarried people who are thinking about marriage, right now should take appropriate steps to build their future. An important role for you will be played by people with the sign of Cancer or Capricorn. In the second week of the month, affective matters will be raging.
Read Annual Horoscope: Pisces Horoscope 2021
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Venus in Aries shifts our love language - impulsive, direct, bold, loving the game of heart - yes but playing on our own side for once. Aries is one of 5 signs in which Venus would go retro in our life time - last cycle was in March 2017. With full Venus many of those desires come to light
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