#april ludgate is my spirit animal
zukosgarbitch · 4 years
*zhao kills the moon spirit*
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I feel like everyone's either an Office person or Parks & Rec person
Each show just speaks to different souls:)
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savvyblunders · 6 years
I have actual (paid) work to do, and a paper to edit for my friend’s Master’s program, and all I wanna do is put on some Tchaikovsky and write my little retirement!lock Mystrade at the ballet fic, or delve into the delicious fic notifications which are flooding my email. 
Stupid adult responsibilities.
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hellish-cruelty · 2 years
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April Ludgate is my spirit animal.
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April Ludgate is my spirit animal.
Any time I am around people that aren’t in my very small social circle:
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When people ask me to tell them about myself:
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When I’m forced to have any sort of in personal social interaction:
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Basically any time my mom asks me how those in person social interactions went: 
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I don't know what's making me feel worse; this hangover, or all this Trump gear.
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AU where the real Percival Graves is April Ludgate if she never made it out of the Parks Department
Imagine fresh out of Ilvermorny Graves who just signed up for auror training because the summer after school was really boring and he thought he’d get to see some dead bodies and would be allowed to murder people, and somehow got assigned this relentless perky mentor and now 20 years later he runs the department. 
Cos as much as I love “Graves as Ron Swanson”, “Graves as April Ludgate” is what crack!au dreams are made of.  
Graves trying to convince Picquery to adopt a cunning plan: 
Graves: Look this is a stupid idea, but right at this exact second we have enough momentum to do something stupid before we realise how stupid it is.
At a social mixer:
Tina: Mr Graves! You came! 
Graves: I wanted to make fun of stupid people while I got drunk. My two true passions. 
After Picquery demotes Tina to the Wand Permit Office:
Tina: How do I fight back? Give me some options. 
Graves: Do you… want me to seduce the President?  
Tina: How would that help? 
Graves: I don’t know. I just want to see if I can do it.
Graves’ yearly address to the baby!aurors: 
Graves (to himself before his speech): I started here when I was eighteen, and now I’m old and gross and directionless. Those kids are me twenty years ago and this internship is the cursed book from that play about the ring. It’s too late for me -  I’ve seen too much, but maybe I can save them. 
Graves (out loud to the new batch of bright eyed recruits): You’re all gonna die in here!  
Later on in the same speech: 
Graves: We have a couple of department rules, though. You can’t use the front door; you have to climb in through the back window. No personal floo conversations. If you ever speak to me in Spanish, please use the formal “usted.” And no electricity after 6:00 PM. A couple more rules: if you ever read case notes with upsetting details, you have to wear mascara so we can see whether or not you’ve been crying. There’s no noise allowed on Mondays. And no radio after breakfast.
Declaring his undying love to Credence (or whoever your ship of choice is)
Graves: I guess I kind of hate most things, but I never really seem to hate you. 
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tahanismoved · 4 years
following the advice of 5 people on the internet, i watched the parks pilot and then skipped to season 2 and i love it
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3, 15, 20? 😊
Iman, you guys are killing it with the asks and I love it, cause I have ZERO desire to do homework rn. Thanks, sweets
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with. Ok, here goes:
TWD - Carol Peletier. I totally relate to her for many, many reasons. 
Brooklyn 99 - Rosa Diaz. Because she’s soft inside and got that hard candy coating. I feel that deeply.
Parks n Rec - April Ludgate. She really is my spirit animal. If you want to get to know me well, a character study of Ms. Ludgate is a good place to start.
Game of Thrones - if I had to pick someone, it would be Daenerys. Solely because I feel like she’s always searching for her place, always having to fight for what’s hers. Again, I feel that deeply.
Supernatural - Charlie Bradbury. She’s a geek, I’m a geek. She likes girls, I like girls. She’s cute and spunky. I’m cute and spunky. Though I don’t look to Dean as a brother, I can relate to her need for adventure and roleplay (damn, I really wanna do roleplay/cosplay one day)
15. five most influential books over your lifetime. Just answered this one but posted the link: https://coffee-obsessed-writer.tumblr.com/post/174759130797/10-15-3
20. would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else? Oh, somewhere else.... send me to Mid-World, please. I want to go on adventures with Roland Deschain, the last Gunslinger, and his Ka-Tet of Jake, Eddie, Susannah and Oy
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angelnumber27 · 5 years
April ludgate is my spirit animal
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bootsoftheforest · 7 years
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April Ludgate is my spirit animal.
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asemgirlpower · 7 years
4 Ways April Ludgate Might be Your Spirit Animal
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“Time is money. Money is power. Power is pizza. Pizza is knowledge. Let’s go.” Words that April Ludgate and plenty of other girls obviously live by. April outwardly expresses her ideals (on more than pizza) in Parks and Recreation, a comedy based around Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope, Aubrey Plaza plays the deadpan, eye-rolling intern and goes from being a small comedic part to one of the main protagonists of the sitcom. The character of April Ludgate defies multiple facets of the girl stereotype. Coming in as a 20 year-old intern April is in a phase between “girl” and “woman” and continuously stating her fear of becoming an adult because she will no longer be interesting. April personifies a character that the audience finds intriguing not because of an over-sexualized wardrobe but because of her complexity, she refers to her mind as a “terror dome” and says, “my instinct is to be mean to you.” April is the queen of negativity towards others and through this denies post-feminist ideals. While being a complexly original character April grows throughout each season, working her way up and salvaging her personality throughout her successes. April challenges ideals of girlhood, pushing the envelope on what it means to be a successful girl and woman. April Ludgate pushes against norms and addresses sexuality in season one with her boyfriend Derek and his boyfriend Ben. In this season the three hang out together and April is public about the relationship. The show does not implicitly discuss the sexuality of the situation but implies a polyamorous relationship between the three. When confidently introducing both Derek and Ben to Leslie, Leslie asks, “how does this work?” and April replies with, “Derek is gay, but he’s straight for me, but he’s gay for Ben, and Ben’s really gay for Derek. And I hate Ben.” And Derek chimes in with, “It’s not that complicated.” While this relationship is a step for April’s complexity, it lacks the depth that it would have if April didn’t make some offensive comments and if Derek could be called what his is opening, bisexual. Near the end of the relationship April says to Derek and Ben “For a gay couple, you guys are being really gay” because she doesn’t like their sense of humor anymore. The relationship between the three eventually ends and leads way for April’s to meet Andy.
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April’s relationship with Andy Dwyer begins in season two and is one that assists in expanding her character, it allows her to have a soft side but does not change her goals. April speaks about Andy in their wedding with statements including, “I guess I kind of hate most things, but I never seem to hate you.” Andy allows April to have emotions and “find love” without changing who she is. April and Andy’s relationship defies the anti-feminist idea that women who do not fit into societal stereotypes and norms of being passive and smiling often will be bitter and alone, or are “bitter” because they are alone. The relationship that exists between the two is filled with equal encouragement, as the seasons progress and the two have job opportunities they continuously encourage each other and make sacrifices for one another. April’s relationship with Andy’s ex, Ann Perkins, played by Rashida Jones, is a flaw that exists within her characters challenging media representations of girls. The mean girl too often exists within the portrayal of powerful women in film. April throughout Parks and Recreation was able to break societies feminine ideals with her insults and satanic jokes without being deemed a mean girl. April’s flaw unfortunately came to be after her relationship with Andy began. April shows constant dislike towards Ann as she sees her as “annoying” and somewhat of a threat to her and Andy’s relationship. There are countless times when April clearly expresses her dislike towards Ann, one being when she gets “Ann Sucks” painted on her nails, but this also happens while she is getting her nails done with Ann. The two have a complex relationship where Ann, being the older of the two is able to brush of most of April’s comments and often comes back from them with overly kind behavior. April’s jokes tend to be light-hearted and often pranks but nonetheless “mean girl” activity. While the relationship is often negative on April’s end, the two do share a moment in which they say they love each other, reinforcing the light-hearted nature of April’s actions and April says, “Ann is not, totally hideous.”
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April at times is able to recognize patriarchal restrictions in her life and use female masquerade as her way to poke fun at the institution, especially when it comes to men flirting with her. Until her relationship with Andy, April notoriously shut men down with either witty comebacks or jokes that in the end were insulting to the men hitting on her. At one point Jean-Ralphio, a womanizing character that thinks he’s smoother than he really is, played by Ben Shwartz, says to April “You want to come home with me?” implying that he has a right to take her home with him, something he does to many women, and she replies with a simple, “Don’t you work at Lady Footlocker?” shutting down his insulting suggestion with a statement that gives truth and about both of their careers. April Ludgate takes these pieces of her complex character and creates one that defies not only post-feminist ideals but challenges conventional understandings of girls. Consider her young age as an intern in the beginning of the show she is still able to embrace her personality and be honest with others and herself. Her character development secures some mean girl flaws but in a way that is minute compared to Regina George, the ultimate Mean Girl. April Defies sexual norms, creates healthy and equal relationships, and defies patriarchal inequalities that stand around expectations of women flirting.
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brooooona · 8 years
A Little Bit About Me
I was tagged by the lovely @shawleyleres  ❤
Name: Bruna
Nickname: i dont have one?? someone give me a nickname please
Gender: Female
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 1,68m which i think is about 5′6′’ or 5′7′’ i hate this system
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Hogwarts house: i dont know kjdsnjksdn maybe gryffindor
What kind of stuff do you post: Sherlock Johnlockand thats it
Do you have any other blogs?: i just created an art blog but i wont give it too many hopes
Do you get asks regularly: no :( give me attention
Why did you choose your URL: because i couldnt think of anything else and this was beautiful sherlock watson the most beautiful name
Favourite colour: orange
Favourite animal: catsssssssss
Time right now: 1:30am
Average hours of sleep: when i’m not on holidays i usually sleep for 3 hours thats healthy
Cat or dog person: CATS but i love dogs dont get me wrong
Favourite fictional characters: the list is so big omg ok sherlock and john obvs, LIZ LEMON my spirit animal, april ludgate, charlie kelly my baby, viktor and yuuri jfsnkjdnsakj i cant think of anyone else and i’ll probably remember later and kill myself for forgetting
Number of blankets I sleep with: 2, but i sleep with 4 pillows jfhaskjdhkjas
Favourite singer/band: the fratellis and declan mckenna
Dream trip: first of all ❤ sweden ❤ then london, ireland, norway, anywhere else but brazil
Dream job: i wish i was a famous actress and could act on a movie with martin and probs kiss him. it would be nice...................
When was this blog created:  i have no idea
Current number of followers: 160 followers ❤
When did your blog reach its peak: when i posted that thing about people using beautiful women to get in touch with john
What made you decide to get Tumblr: tjlc and johnlock ❤
I tag @gayholmie @fallingoffbarts  @gentlewatson  @swishygay @thedoctlock @grumpybisexualarmydoctor  ❤ this turned out to be a huge post asjkdkjasdn
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rorydeckerstars · 5 years
i was tagged by @yennciri
rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag some people.
brooklyn nine-nine
buffy the vampire slayer
parks and recreation
who is your favorite character in 2?
ALL OF THEM! but especially troy and annie
who is your least favorite character in 1? none of the mains, obvi, but maybe one of the “villians” they’ve had. that john kelly guy from last season?
what is your favorite episode of 4? umm, flu season or the one where they all get drunk off snake juice or the ron/leslie bottle episode or really just all of them.
what is your favorite season of 5? season 2 i think. where it really started hitting it’s stride and i became fully obsessed, but also season 3 with the alternate universe. (i’m clearly not good at making choices)
who is your favorite couple in 3? SPUFFY, duh!
who is your favorite couple in 2? jeff/annie!!! always and forever for all time
what is your favorite episode of 1?
ooh too much choice. but halloVeen i guess
what is your favorite episode of 5? oh god it’s been so long. but for some reason jacksonville is the first one i thought of
what is your favorite season of 2? season 2. so many great episodes
how long have you watched 1? since the beginning
how did you become interested in 3? i’m old enough to have watched from the very beginning, when i was definitely too young for it, 8 i think?
who is your favorite actor in 4? amy poehler/aubrey plaza
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? MEAN! but community is MY SHOW, so community
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? i think there’s probably still more eps of buffy at this point, but i have rewatched b99 too much so ???
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? april ludgate, spirit animal
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? no. i’d like to see them try, but probably no
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? i don’t know how unlikely or strange they would have been, but rosa/gina would have been great
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? ooh, ohh, hard, hard. i love buffy more than anything but maybe fringe by just a little bit. it was always just so consistent plot and quality wise, whereas buffy had some not perfect moments cough*season4*cough
which has better theme music, 2 or 4? community. that whole score just makes me happy. but parks does have the EPIC 5000 candles in the wind
that was a good way to waste some quarantine time, thanks! TAGGING: @amanitacaplan @damn-salvatore @kylos-ren @hoechlder @princessclarke
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Myers-Briggs: INFP-T (The Mediator) Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the Mediator personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.
Ennegram: Type 2/6 I must be helpful and caring to survive. I must be secure and safe to survive.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Congratulations! You have been sorted into Gryffindor, the house of bravery and chivalry. You have nerve and courage. Not afraid to try anything! House colors: Red and Gold House ghost: Sir Nicholas House head: Professor McGonagall House founder: Godric Gryffindor House animal: Lion
Homestuck Sign: Viro
Famous Artwork: The Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo You're an epic, sprawling masterpiece who knows about everyone and everything. People always come to you for information and advice, because you contain multitudes. (Of dicks.)
Friend Group Role: The Godparent You're the godparent of your friend group: always loyal, even though you can drop off the edge of the earth a lot (and take forever to answer emails and texts). But you always show up for big events, and you're the first one called when someone needs to bury a body. Other godparents: Batman, Don Draper, April Ludgate.
Psychological Archetype: Archetype 6: The Innocent Ruler Your inner innocence is characterized by a childlike approach to the world. You are optimistic and believe that things will work out for the better. Sometimes this leads to being overly naïve and clueless, but your youthful spirit is rare. You also have an inner ruler that inspires you to take responsibility for your own life and seeks to create order and structure in society. This can make you bossy, but in general people respect you for your leadership skills.
Life Goals: Safety, order, harmony Fears: Abandonment, chaos, lack of control Response to Problems: Denial or action depending on situation Life Tasks: Happiness, Ownership of your life and goals Personal Gifts: Trust, optimism, loyalty, responsible, sovereign Personal Pitfalls: Naiveté, obliviousness, rigidity, controlling, entitled
Temperance: Melancholic The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.
Dere Type: Tsundere  You are harsh on the outside but are really sweet on the inside. It takes some patience to get to know you, but once you open up you show your true caring side.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society. Chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines a good heart with a free spirit. However, chaotic good can be a dangerous alignment when it disrupts the order of society and punishes those who do well for themselves.
Disney Villain: Maleficent
Love Language: Words of Affirmation Actions don’t always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, “I love you,” are important— hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten. You thrive on hearing kind and encouraging words that build you up. [Mun’s Opinion: Alright, I was honestly nervous about Eirida because her story is kind of chaotic and I was really concerned with how these answers would turn out -- but I’m pleasantly surprised???  So the Mediator is very much how I thought of her personality -- Eirida is quiet but she is always looking for the good in others. I also see the small similarities with the Artwork and Alignment between her and her brother, which I actually really liked? I personally think it shows that Eidd is raising her well or at least having some influence in her life and opinions. My favorite about this is the Archetype, because the Innocent Ruler really hits what I think of Eiri and how her personality should work. Her anxiety and fear hinders her a lot with some of the confidence mentioned in the description, but when she’s older I think this really embodies her. I’m SO glad she did end up in Gryffindor -- she was the one I was hoping would end up getting sorted there, because she does value courage and being brave as very important. Eiri has some potential in leading and being in Gryffindor affirms that for me, I guess? The dere result though -- Honestly, while I’m more inclined to think she’d be a ‘dere’ to everyone else, I have noticed when she becomes interested she gets a little bit of bite. (I blame Eidd and Neff) As for her love language, of course I believe it -- it’s so important to her to hear “I love you” or positive statements towards her, she thrives on it and Eidd’s way of talking to her really shows that he tries to do that as much as possible.  Eirida is just a precious smol baby who needs to be protected tbh]
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rykeranders · 6 years
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Get To Know Tuesday  -  Presley Kingston 
Ryker: What about you little lady? Scary movies or funny movies?
Presley: Okay, so this is going to sound weird but I hate scary movies - yet I love them more than any other genre. Oh, aside from action adventure. However, I have this weird ritual where I'll watch a horror movie to scare the shit outta myself because that's normal right? /shakes her head; Anyways, after I watch it, I put on a funny movie to lessen that fear. So I guess you can say they have a love affair with one another in my life.
Ryker: Hey everyone needs balance in their life, right!
Presley: No, fuck that. Let me be unbalanced. I kid, I kid.
Ryker: So Miss Kingston who is your television spirit animal?
Presley: April Ludgate-Dywer from Parks and Rec is without a doubt my spirit animal. Her sarcasm, sass, and bad attitude are things that I relate to on a daily basis. Which is so horrible to say, but... /shrugs her shoulders slightly; Her dislike of almost everything is also me in a nutshell. There are few things that make me happy. However, she has her moments where she is cute and silly, and that is only with the people she loves and cherishes - again something that I can relate to. All in all, I love her and she's me.
Ryker: I've never heard of this person, but I don't doubt you one bit -laughs agreeing with her;
Presley: I don't think we can be friends anymore, please leave. /shakes her head; Okay, moving on before I have to stab you...
Ryker: How do you typically break the ice Miss Sassy pants?
Presley: Miss Sassy Pants is actually my real name, I just go by Presley to give people the impression I'm normal. /grins, laughing quietly; Okay, so I normally start off by going "Hi, I'm Presley and I'm your new favorite person." Which sounds so conceited, but it isn't. In fact, it works to make people respond with either a joke or a question about why that is. It gives me a chance to talk about how awesome I am and then, in turn, they talk about how they're awesome. And the next thing you know, I have a new friend. /grins proudly; I don't think it has ever failed me.
Ryker:  Now I'm wondering why you never told me you were awesome before. -laughs;
Presley: I apologize, it's difficult being so loved and trying to please my peasants. /jokes, flipping her hair without missing a beat;
Ryker: Let's see, next question is -looks over his list; Oh the same one -laughs; if you could travel anywhere in the world, where and why?
Presley:  /bounces in her seat excitedly; Yo, Italy, without a freaking doubt. And not just one place, but every. freaking. possible. city. I love the history of Italy, I love the beauty of it that I have seen. When I was younger, I played Assassin's Creed and it made me fall in love with how Italy looked even in the 1400s, and ever since then, I have been obsessed. I /need/ to go.
Ryker: And you Miss Thing which do you prefer cats or dogs?
Presley: This actually isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I do love cats, they're cute little killing machines with anger issues. However, I prefer dogs over cats any day. After the death of my father, I spiraled into a deep depression. I didn't want to be alone after that, but eventually, I had to come back to New York. I talked with a few people for suggestions, and multiple talked about animals. So, I went to the animal shelter and that's where I found Nymeria. She saved me, and she continues to. She knows me - knows when I need her, knows when I don't. She's the perfect little therapist. Now I have another puppy, Cap and I share custody of Thor with Spencer.
Ryker: Wow that's pretty deep, sorry to hear about your father. How does one actually share custody of an animal though -laughs; One week at your house and one week at his? -jokes;
Presley: Thank you. /smiles faintly before laughing; Oh, it was supposed to be him with me most of the time and Spencer got him like once a week - but I ended up staying at his place so often that it never happened.
Ryker: Oh I see so you just went over one day and just never left -laughs; Got to love when women do that to us guys -teases;
Presley: /rolls her eyes, shaking her head; Actually, I think that is how it happened - but only after we got together. Of course, I went home every now and then, but yanno.
Ryker: -nods; well that's cool though, I'm glad you guys found each other, Spencer is a good guy.
Presley: Thank you! I kinda like him or some cheesy shit like that.
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