eileennatural · 1 year
the thing is i really think the centerpoint of the roykeeleyjamie love triangle should be roy. simply bc i think the funniest ot3 dynamic on earth is "two of the most beautiful and charming people you'll ever meet lusting after Just Some Guy who lacks any charisma and has a terrible attitude" like outsiders, even with the knowledge that roy is a legendary football player, should be absolutely bewildered by jamie and keeley
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kivaember · 2 months
Do you have any headcanons about the relationship between Michigan and Iguazu?
BOY DO I!!!!
So, their relationship is actually pretty complicated, even though superficially it seems like a typical "boss trying to whip a slacker into shape". Well, they're that too, but:
Iguazu has very mixed feelings re: Michigan, because on the one hand he broke his goddamn face and then press-ganged him into Redgun service, but on the other hand, the Redguns granted him opportunities he never would've had on earth, and he's actually treated considerably better than he had been on earth too.
See, on earth, Iguazu was born into the working class, but he didn't want to live his life in the production factories or fabrication foundaries, so he was - gasp - unemployed and joined one of the many gangs that roamed the slums. Smuggling, robbery, illegal gambling, anything that could get him ahead in life, anything that could make him that little bit richer, Iguazu went for it. His lifelong dream was to get enough scratch to buy a bronze citizenship and move into one of the Rejuvenated cities, but he needed lots of money for that.
Lots and lots and lots of money.
Gambling was his favourite way of trying to get that money, because in his eyes it was a 'get rich quick and don't even get shot at' method. He did petty crime to get the fistful of cash needed to throw down a bet - and then lose it all lmao it was an endless cycle. In fact, it was how he got augmented in the first place, as he put down a huuuuuuuuge bet he just couldn't cover, and when he lost it, he realised not even selling a kidney or liver would cover the debt.
Fortunately, he managed to make a deal with some shady augmentation surgeon looking for 'test subjects' for some highly experimental """"Gen Four""""" augmentations, and he took a chance: if he survived the surgery and let the surgeon get whatever data he wanted from it, the surgeon will pay off his debt. If he didn't survive the surgery well, he'll be dead. If he couldn't pay back that debt though, he was dead anyways, so Iguazu took the chance and actually won!
So, an augmented human that doesn't have any debt nor ties to corporations is pretty valuable, even if they don't have an AC to pilot. With his new second chance, Iguazu shunned gambling for good and- HAH no. He went back to his previous life of petty crime and excessie gambling, except now he was a little cockier. Anyway, he climbed the ranks a little in the gang he was in (where he had consistently stayed, not quite at the bottom, but like, bottom third, maybe), and got tangled up in a scheme to get some seriously big cash.
tl;dr Iguazu tried to rob the Hero of Jupiter of all people.
Didn't work, obviously. His gang got busted halfway through the job and Iguazu got left behind to take the fall. Michigan basically beat him half senseless, but didn't kill him (even though he could've done it and the law would've been like "oh, unemployed working class, yeah, it wouldn't count as murder :)" since only citizens are protected (working class aren't "citizens" in apv...)). Instead, after rearranging Iguazu's face and breaking a few bones, Michigan dragged him to the hospital and paid his medical bill.
Now. Onto where the complicated feelings come in.
Life on earth was a constant struggle, and Iguazu was aware that he wasn't at the bottom of the social ladder so much as even the worms tilling the soil were considered more productive members of society than him. None of his schemes or gambling was getting him the money he wanted, and after attempting to rob the Hero of Jupiter, the Peacekeepers weren't going to arrest him, they'd just vanish him completely, which was scarier.
But that didn't happen. Instead Michigan offered him a deal: if Iguazu served ten years in the Redguns as one of his AC squad commanders, then Michigan will personally sponsor him a silver earth citizenship and give him a lump sum of COAM to start him off for his new life.... but if Iguazu turned him down, then Michigan was going to leave him to the mercy of the Peacekeepers, which was essentially a death sentence.
Obviously, Iguazu was going to take the deal, no matter how suspicious as fuck it sounded.
Really, Iguazu was half-expecting Michigan to make him his indentured slave. But instead he found that, no, he was legitimately recruited as an AC pilot. Was trained to be an AC pilot. Michigan even forced him to train in other things too - marketable skills he called them, no matter how much Iguazu grouched and complained about them being boring or pointless. Michigan pushed him to do better, didn't take any of Iguazu's shit, and if Iguazu pushed back too hard, promptly smacked him back into his place and reminded him of their deal.
It really confused Iguazu more than anything? Like, he hated Michigan on principle, and he hated how he was in control of his life and strongarmed him into a group he didn't even care about, but at the same time he felt some weird, bitter and begrudging gratitude and respect - which made him hate Michigan even more because he can't even just hate the guy without it being complicated!! Michigan was just some rich famous guy who decided to make Iguazu his charity case, and he really despised him for it.
But he was also aware that life in the Redguns was considerably better than life on earth had been to him. He'd paid a generous salary. He sleeps in a warm, clean bed (even when sent to Rubicon, their barracks had a functional cot). He got to eat every day and didn't have to worry about tomorrow. He met people he could tolerate and weren't always thinking about how to fuck him over (Volta). Iguazu really does have a lot of complicated feelings over Michigan and what he's done for him, but he settles for resentment and bitter anger because those emotions he knows best. He knows what to do with those...
Michigan, meanwhile?
Really, he was thinking about Walter when it came to Iguazu. Saw this gutsy, angry, refused to stay beaten down "sewer rat", and just couldn't help but glimpse Walter in there. Like, yeah, Walter was never that mouthy, was colder, more composed and poised, but damn, that crazy, raw stubbornness that was just shy of the fierceness of a cornered animal was all Walter.
As well, his experiences with Walter, and his own perspective on both sides of the social ladder - and how the working class are treated - had Michigan feeling some kind of way. He just decided to go for it, see what happened. Iguazu had the guts to try and rob him and, when caught, squared up to him like an absolute lunatic. Michigan liked that kind of gutsy lunacy. Combined with his sort of Walter reminders, he decided to just... offer a helping hand.
Walter sure as hell never had one of those. Walter did everything himself, horded that bitter resentment until it poisoned him right down to the bone marrow, and now he's god knows where doing who knows what. So... yeah, it's complicated on Michigan's side too.
They're both so emotionally constipated, though. Michigan sure as hell explained nothing, Iguazu stewed at what he perceived to be unwanted pity and charity, and everyone else just kinda watched this from the sidelines like hm. intersting. well anyway-
oh man i did not mean to ramble that much but. yeah!!!! yeah... my michigan and iguazu headcanons...
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cernun123456 · 5 months
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An emblem I made based off of APV by KivaEmber
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bastardofodin · 9 months
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Can I have this crossover please? It would be so cool to see a Yautja interacting with the 2013 movie version of Harlock, if only because I feel like that version of Harlock would absolutely break the Yautja's brain for SO many reasons.
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cherryspotart · 9 months
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OCtober Day 6: Symbol
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Uhh these past couple of days have been a little stressful so day 4/5 is still a WIP but this was easy enough to do, these are the soul stones of the three celestials. It carries their essences, and symbolizes their connections to the celestial bodies and the stars.
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1984 Ghia Ford APV
My tumblr-blogs:
www.tumblr.com/germancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/frenchcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/englishcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/italiancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/japanesecarssince1947 & www.tumblr.com/uscarssince1935
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puthyflapps · 11 months
Y’all need to be watching The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart!!! The first three episodes dropped on Friday and it’s really really good!!!!! I’m dying for ep 4 to come out now so I can see ADC on my screen again 🤞🏻I beg
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leafycatboy · 1 year
happy disability pride month to catheter users and people with stomas! ✨
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jettacar · 1 year
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happy pride month everyone!! going to be doing some more of these pride cars throughout the month - but for now, check out this custom pontiac trans sport!! 💙  :3
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teamseaslug · 1 year
What the hell happened to my mead I haven't touched it in a while but I poured myself some and it's strong as hell
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gblnews · 5 days
Small airports to be 1st to rely on GAGAN satnav for landings, at major Indian airports it would to be the second choice - Times of India
Aircraft ordered by IndiGo and Air India last year —a total of 970 Boeing and Airbus planes—will come fitted with receivers that can capture ‘augmented satellite signals’ and thus carry out an approach and landing without any help from ground-based navigation aids. Unlike the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals such as the basic GPS signals used by motorists, aircraft navigation,…
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kivaember · 4 months
head in hands sigh im writing a sulla/walter fic and yes. it is canon to apv...... the ex....
i do find it hilarious tho how like. walter's backstory is like. "he grew up in a lab. he tried to kill his father at age 12. he fled to ganymede after the fires and grew up to become an ac pilot in furlong dynamics. met michigan and fell in love with him. predictably sabotaged himself and left ganymede (and michigan) to stick to some self-given mission to destroy the coral. runs into sulla. makes bad decisions (of the sexy kind). loses his arm and leg. gets betrayed by sulla. makes the hounds. then finally gets 621. loses all of his hounds except 621. goes to rubicon and gets kidnapped by snail to be re-educated :|"
sorry walter, you just can't catch a break. you were born cursed.
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reneleijen · 15 days
B&W Utrecht ontraden plan tegen opruiing
Stadsbestuurders van Utrecht zien niets in het actieplan tegen digitale opruiing, zoals voorgesteld door de CDA-fractie in de gemeenteraad. In het plan riep het CDA op tot ‘betere digitale omgangsvormen’. De burgemeester zou meer bevoegdheden krijgen, voor sociale media zou een speciaal protocol gaan gelden. De lokale CDA wilde daarvoor een nieuwe bepaling in de APV: een verbod om online…
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cherryspotart · 1 year
Patience Propaganda #2
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Vote for her here!
Hi I bring forth new art of her! And extra lore! This horrid woman means a lot to me and it'd mean a lot if she wins just one round 🥺
Here are some extra facts about her story that might help sway your opinion on how abhorrent she is:
She only allows herself to speak to the priests down on earth, not wanting any of the opinions or ideas of the other Virtues (holy gods) to "taint" her values that are established amongst the virtuists on earth.
Tried to pressure her little sister Thena into killing one of the Hedons (unholy gods) and his son for her to prove her loyalty, and when she refused to, exiled her.
Uses her hypnosis magic often to hide any slip-ups of hers/easily get others to do what she wishes without question.
Pressures her husband into working past his limits, leaving him constantly exhausted and extremely burnt out after constantly working on heavenly documents.
Upon finding out her husband was secretly visiting the Hedons to socialize with them in private, she threatened to exile him if he didn't speak to them and state that he would never visit again.
Also tagging @homemadegirlbossbattle for propaganda purposes!
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plateheatexchange · 7 months
APV Heat Exchanger Plates
APV heat exchanger plates are known for their high thermal performance and efficiency. They are designed with precision and utilize advanced technologies to maximize heat transfer. With a wide range of plate designs and materials, APV plates provide versatility and reliability in various industrial applications, ensuring optimal heat exchange and operational excellence.
Features of APV Heat Exchanger Plates
Diverse Plate Designs: APV heat exchanger plates offer a wide range of designs, sizes, and materials for versatile heat transfer applications.
Efficient Heat Transfer: Advanced plate designs and optimized flow patterns ensure efficient and effective heat transfer.
Easy Maintenance and Serviceability: Removable plates and gaskets enable convenient inspection, cleaning, and replacement, minimizing downtime and ensuring hassle-free operation.
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puthyflapps · 10 months
I never knew I needed Sigourney to be an elder lesbian until TLFOAH.
Do I need her to be the secretive, lying, subtly controlling elder lesbian? No, I suppose not. BUT SHE IS GREAT AT IT. Because let’s be real. I am so angry and upset with June. BUT THE ACTING IS PHENOMENAL!!
I will fucking praise the shit out of this show and the acting of every single woman in it until the day I die.
PS: this most recent episode was so difficult to watch but also soooo fucking good.
I still have beef with June for keeping certain things from Alice and trying to like control and confine her to Thornfield but after the last episode where we find about the Robber Barron, I will not be hearing any June slander atm. We’re gonna have to go easy on her for a little while cuz wtf??? Like I knew Clem’s daddy was gonna be devilish but I wasn’t expecting all that!!!
This last episode was rough for sure but they did such a good job acting wise and they depicted the heavy material really well. It’s gonna be interesting to see how they wrap everything up in this next episode. I wish we would’ve gotten 10 or even 8. 7 episodes feels so random but whatever, I’ll still be sat ready and waiting
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