#aqua jogging
maruthamuthu · 1 year
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Aqua Jogging T-Shirts
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, the Aqua Jogging T-Shirts Collection is the perfect choice for anyone looking to enhance their aquatic workouts.
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lessecretsducoureur · 2 years
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silentium-symphony · 1 year
It Can Wait (Link x Reader)
(a/n) sorry it took awhile! college is starting to pick up and senioritis is hitting like a truck. while i drown in various marine labs (not the fun ones with seals and dolphins, the scary ones that feature Excel and R), please enjoy this completely self-indulgent fic LOL
cw: how can i call myself a fanfic writer if i don't do the One Bed™ trope ;), some swearing, ya'll are just a pair of awkward lovestruck goobers, honestly just pure fluff :)
wc: 5.3k
♤♢ ~~ ���♧
You watched the edge of the sun rake the tip of some far-off mountain, dipping lower and lower past the horizon; your heart followed the celestial body in its descent to darkness. Concern loomed over your head like a thick thundercloud and your bleary eyes focused on your companion's sun-washed back.
"Hey... Link?"
The tips of his oranged ears twitched and he cast an indifferent glance past his shoulder.
"Do you see anything up ahead? A town or a stable, maybe?"
Link threw his gaze forward and 'hmph-ed,' jabbing his pointer finger to a bundle of dots precariously painted on the horizon. Your feet fluttered at the sight of civilization, momentarily forgetting the pins and needles that have been poking your legs and lower back for the past three hours.
"Oh thank Hylia--a town!"
Link had never seen you move so fast--he had to catch up with you! He lightly jogged to cover the distance.
"Slow down," he called out, voice barely louder than the winds, "you're not gonna make it at that pace."
"But Liiiink..." You whined. "A town! Civilization! Possibly with an inn! And beds!"
Not a moment later you felt your hand snatched in his as he practically dragged the two of you through the plains, exhaustion and aches be damned.
“L-Link! By the gods, slow down! You’re scuffing my boots!”
You dove and ducked your head under whizzing branches, fumbled over a small brook, and ran what felt like an eternity before the rusted iron gates came into view. You were heaving at this point, each raggedy breath caught in the edges of your swollen lungs. Your stamina-for-days friend also seemed a bit spent, but he pushed onward and paid little mind to the blood rushing through his temples.
You practically collapsed at the gate, tumbling onto all fours and dry-heaving your next breath. Link, noticeably shaking, placed a trembling hand on the wall as he, too, fought to breathe. Hylia, he hadn’t run like that in years—even if he were the Hero of Hyrule™.
“Don’t,” you spat out in between heaves. “Ever do that again.”
“But we… made it… before they locked the gates.” Link was in much better shape than you (which wasn’t saying much) as he pointed to the town guards lowering the metal gates with a resounding clang.
A groan, a shuffle, followed by relief as you felt the wall’s cool stone ease the sweat and heat off your back. You threw your head up and took as deep of a breath as you could, dizzy from the bursts and sparks of colors behind your eyelids. You felt something hard slip into your laps and you winced your eyes open. A canteen?
“Drink some water.” Link’s lips were already moistened with the aqua panacea. You looked up at him gratefully and happily lapped up the rest of its contents, noting to fill his bottle later. The crisp spring water brought much-needed relief to the desert your throat had become; Link slipped the empty canteen into his pouch and looked around for the—
“What… Is that?”
You followed Link’s finger up and up and up to some… Structure? Spire? Shooting into the windows of an equally tall building. Your eyes bounced between the rickety invention and the bewildered blues of your companion, totally lost.
Only one way to find out.
After you got your bearings, you and Link slowly made your way over to the building, which happened to be… the inn? The structure grew clearer in your vision, but you still couldn’t make heads or tails of it. The main piece looked like a bunch of bamboo glued together by the ends, with some tubes sticking off to the side and into several rooms. The tail disappeared into the murky depths of a hot spring—HOT SPRING????
Link must have realized the godly pools the same time you did, his head whipping around to meet your excited gaze. You both slipped through the door and were immediately encased in a scent of steam and aromatics. It was as if the very essence of the hot spring was embedded in the inn's walls.
“Welcome, welcome! How can I— L-Link?!”
Link shot at the sound of his own name, looking over to the innkeeper who seemed… starstruck?
“I-It’s really you, sir! Wow, I… Wow!”
“I’m sorry but… Do we know you?” You chimed from the back.
“Oh! Um, I’m so terribly sorry. You may not remember me Link, but I remember you! This young man here has saved my life!”
“He did?”
“I have?”
“Yes! Do you not remember the weary traveler with the twisted ankle at the bottom of a ditch?" Link, in fact, did not remember. "That was me, sir! You took the time to tend my injuries and dropped me off right here in this very town!”
He bowed deeply, the little patch of hair on his head dipping with him.
“I’ve always wanted to thank you for your kindness, sir. Without you, I wouldn’t have realized my dreams of running a world-renowned inn!”
“It is by the grace of Hylia we meet again. For you only, I am offering you our premium room for the price of a regular one!”
Link’s ears twitched, no doubt in celebration of this seemingly once-in-a-lifetime deal. He turned to you, eager eyes bulging out of his head, and your laugh was all the okay he needed. He pulled out his wallet and paid for the night.
“What makes this room so special?” You interrupted before the innkeeper could grub the last rupee.
“I’m so glad you asked! Surely you have seen that tower outside our fine establishment, yes?”
You nodded slowly.
“With a lil’ bit of magic and Hylian ingenuity, we have devised a way to jet water from the hot springs straight to your room! Our premium rooms showcase the magic firsthand in the form of, what we call, a shower!”
“A… Shower?”
“Yes! You’ll see very soon, it is a wonderful addition to any room. We’ve really struck gold with this one…” He mumbled towards the end, not fully realizing he said it aloud. “Please, allow me to show you to your rooms!”
You two followed the short, stocky innkeeper up a few flights of stairs and down winding hallways. He stopped at the door to your room and plopped a golden key into Link’s hand.
“This is your room! Have fun with the shower, lovebirds!”
The innkeeper winked; a pair of mouths gaped open in heated protest, but he had already rounded the corner and returned to his innkeeper duties. A frazzled look sparked between two wide eyes and Link gulped, looking away to turn the key.
With a click, twist, and push, you were greeted by a grand bed spread across the middle of the room, dwarfing the moderately sized bookshelf packed with books and knickknacks. To your right was a gorgeous mahogany round table with matching chairs, a scene of woodland festivity carved about the curve of the surface. A wicket basket full of all kinds of goodies sat neatly atop the bed’s luscious sheets, vying for attention.
Like children in a candy store, you both fumbled right in and immediately made yourselves at home, kicking off your dirty and scuffed boots at the door ⁽ᵃ ˢᵐᵃˡˡ ᵍˡᵃʳᵉ⁾ and slugging your bag onto the round table. The silky sheets were practically calling your name, but the layer of sweat and grime accumulated on your skin made you hesitate to tarnish the clean bed.
The singular clean bed.
Your heart lurched to your throat and you immediately threw a hesitant look at Link, who was going through the gift basket and humming happily. He must not have noticed. He finally turned to you with a bright smile, spoils of the room in hand, and his features immediately fell at your concerned look.
“Is everything all right?”
“There’s only one bed.”
“What? No there isn’t, there’s…” He glanced around the room, his lazed looks turning into frenzied glimpses. Link’s cheeks darkened to a hue similar to the deep red bedsheet.
"W-Well, it's not that big of a deal..." You two have clawed your way out of the deepest pits of suffering together, surely you could handle one measly lil' night in a spacious bed. In a bid to calm your racing thoughts, your head lolled to the side and frantically searched the rest of the room; an inconspicuous door caught your attention. Two weary bodies crept towards the door, giddy with anticipation.
A room adorned with all the regular happenings of a bathroom filled your vision, but off to the corner was a... long, rectangular, glass box? With a spout carved into the wall? As you neared the contraption, still unsure of what to think of it, a golden gear caught your eye, as well as various sprigs and bunches of mint and lavender. The gear turned with a squeak, and steamed water poured forth in a steady stream. A holler left you and Link as you watched the technological marvel steam up the room. You squeaked the faucet close and turned to the man behind you.
"So who's gonna go first?"
"You can," he stepped out, "I need to stop by the market before it closes."
“What? Are you sure?”
He nodded; you waved goodbye to the blonde as he slipped on his boots, tucked his wallet in his pocket, and left. While his footsteps disappeared down the hall, you slipped out of your grimy clothes, fetched fresh ones from your sack, and waltzed into the shower.
With a quick turn of your wrist, bullets of warm water pelleted all the sore aches knotting your back and shoulders. You let out an audible groan, slinking against the heavenly sensation. The steam coddled the mint and lavender, drawing out the former’s nippy spice before dulling it with the latter’s soothing fragrance. Nature’s finest aromas settled onto your skin and snuggled into your hair. All the cool streams and frigid lakes you’ve been forced to skinny dip in for the past several weeks melted into a distant memory as the heavy fog clouded your thoughts.
But not your sense of awareness.
You poked your head out of the shower, straining your ears for some type of sign that Link had returned. There was stillness on the other side of the door; a relieved sigh slipped out of you.
You felt your throat strain a tad, disuse rusting your vocal cords, as a melody you had since forgotten until this moment clawed its way out of you. A long inhale filled your lungs with scented steam and growing bravado as your quiet, cautious mumbles turned into full-on melodies. You checked every now and then, gear turning slightly to slow and quiet the flow, but the unclicking door assured you were still alone.
And hey, so long as you were quieter than the jetting water, it should be all good… right?
And so you sang your heart out, your rationale loosening your tongue and diaphragm to fill the bathroom with your beautiful voice. You sang a bunch of tunes, from hype music to mournful, soulful ballads. You were performer and audience all bundled in a steamy, mint-kissed, lavender-lapped, package.
If the vapor plumes tickling your ankles were any testament to how long you’d been there, you’d have to admit that your simple shower had turned into a luxurious escape from the cold confines of reality. The last note you sang rolled into a sigh as you turned the gear, the barrage of water turning into a mere trickle. Your reddened body longed to feel the water's hot caresses, but alas, you had to leave your watery sanctuary at some point. Pruny fingers grasped the soft cotton hanging off a hook and you scrunched your hair of excess water before patting yourself down.
You had never felt so clean in your life.
Your warmed pajamas did wonders for your already relaxed muscles and a yawn lapsed out of you. You drowsily clicked the door open, a cloud of steam rolling at your feet, and smiled dreamily at...
Who was looking rather... flustered.
And amused.
Your heart dropped to the soles of your feet as a cold sweat beaded your brow, a dark realization settling in. Feigning innocence as best you could, you tilted your head.
“… What?”
He stood up from his chair, tossing his locks from side-to-side, and sauntered over to you with his pajamas bundled in the crook of his elbow. As he passed you by, the ghost of a whisper tickled the shell of your ear.
“Nice voice.”
Dear Hylia if you’ve ever loved me strike me down right fucking now
You turned to him, mouth agape and heart reeling, only for his outline to disappear behind a wall of hot mist and wood. The silence on your side of the room was suffocating; Link’s happy little hums funneled the tension out of the situation through the thinnest straw that ever strawed.
Maybe you misheard him? It wasn't like he was much of the teasing type... How long had he been here anyway? Maybe he just walked in as you finished and and and and happened to hear the faucet turn and maybe just maybe it sounded a bit like a squeak that could maybe pass off as a person's voice?
The bracing breeze of the night nipped your sensitive skin and calmed your overstimulated brain. You didn’t remember your journey to the window, but you were thankful your feet had guided you to a refreshing anchor for your frenzied thoughts. You took a deep breath in… and out. Innnn… and out…
This wasn’t so bad. Okay granted, you completely embarrassed yourself in front of your crush whom you’ll be traveling with for the foreseeable future but it’s not all that bad. At least you got this gorgeous view! And wow, birds! Nature! That’s cool!
After several minutes of trying to keep your dooming thoughts at bay, the faucet squeaked a dying note and the last deluge of water dripped into soft drops. Link—still humming and noticeably more at ease—shuffled a fair bit before he made his entrance into the bedroom, hair damp and skin blushed a faint pink and wow he looks so good right now—
You damn near slapped yourself and flashed him a warm (albeit awkward) smile, noting his very shirtless form and the pajamas still scrunched in his arms. He motioned to the parts of the fabric that were darker than usual.
“It fell in a puddle, so I’m letting it air out a bit.” With a whip of his wrists, a worn shirt and matching shorts snapped in front of him and settled on top of a chair. “Hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.”
Knowing that the towel tied around his slutty lil waist was the only thing separating you from a great night got you feeling weak. You hastily turned your gaze to the outside before your blatant staring could turn into gawking.
A silence eclipsed the room as your eyes wandered over the town’s nightlife. Specks of Hylians dotted the dimly lit square; further below, a decently-sized crowd congregated the hot springs, traces of idle chatter floating to your ears. The stars poked an indifferent glow past the cloudy streaks in the sky and although the lunar body had yet to grace you with its presence, its soft light was still felt and appreciated by all.
You felt the air beside you stir and a loud gasp escaped you, jolting at the sudden appearance of the still-shirtless man. He rested his frame against folded arms as he peered off into the night, aestheticizing like you were only moments before. His skin had paled into its familiar alabaster, and the whitish glow of the moon circled a halo about his figure. The familiar sprigs of aromatics tickled your nose, tinging his cypress and amber scent with a fragrance of cleanliness.
“Lovely night.”
“Y-Yes.” You coughed out, still unused to the proximity. Gods, if he already got you acting up like this, how much more during bedtime?
“Did you find everything we needed?” You continued, hoping to make some light conversation about nothing.
“Yes. We’re all stocked up.” A flit of blue met your (E/C)s. “We leave at dawn, so we should head to bed soon.”
"Ah... Are your clothes dry now?"
"Hopefully my shorts are."
Link went to collect his clothes and 'tsk-ed' at the still-damp shirt. His scarred hands ghosted the knot tied right above his pelvis. He eyed your back as he discarded the plush white towel for his shorts, the fabric thinning and pilling from overuse.
"Are you decent?" Your tone lilted mirthfully. You heard fabric creasing and shifting from the bed, and you turned in response to his quiet ‘mm.’ Your core warmed at the sight of a toned, combat-kissed back and you mentally flogged yourself for your ridiculous bashfulness. With your heart pounding a quickening pace in your ears, you sallied over to your edge of the bed and sunk down.
The air was honeyed with sexual tension and you pawed and balled the silky sheets. Link’s heavy gaze rested on the same spot on the wall, fully expecting two holes to drill themselves into existence under his scrutinizing watch.
Why were you so panicked? This wasn’t the first time you found yourselves in rather... intimate situations.
A sudden movement made you flinch and you craned your neck to see behind you. With a long sigh, Link ruffled his hair and blew out a candle, muffling a ‘goodnight’ under his breath. The same silence blanketed you again, suffocating coherency out of your racing thoughts.
You pulled your knees over the edge and adjusted yourself under the covers, relieved at the plush mattress coddling the sore gaps in your body. Your head fell to the side and was once again met with Link's back (that was scooted to the very edge of the bed). You didn’t know if you should feel offended or grateful.
You followed suit, turning your body to meet the window. The moonlight was brighter now, casting a gentle spotlight on the floating dust particulates and water specks that traipsed through the window.
Your ears strained to hear and hope for the familiar deep breaths Link drew in the throes of slumber. The deathly quiet was all the sign you needed to know that he was still very much awake (and listening for your soft snores as well).
The soft sheets and the heat radiating off your partner beckoned you further into bed and away from the cold night air that had begun to blow drizzles of rain. Get your rupees’ worth, you told yourself. A tiny voice unfamiliar to you peeped out a,
“Hey… Link?”
He twitched.
“Um… I’m scooting closer, just so you know.”
He doesn’t respond. Or move. Or breathe. While you debated whether he was fast asleep or crossing a boundary, you heard a quiet sigh and a,
“Me too.”
A pair of bodies shuffled closer. His heat spilled past his body and bled into your vicinity; you held back a pleased groan. You shared many a night shivering under the cold misery of wilderness and rain, pressing into each other to preserve what little heat was left between yourselves. Your eyes fluttered shut as the rain outside tapped the roof harder and harder.
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
“Link…” You looked up at him, teeth chattering as he beheld you with a warm gaze. He tugged the corners of the cloak closer together while your shaking hands combed matted gold off his forehead.
“Are you warm?”
“As warm as I can be.” Eyes studied your makeshift shelter—a tree’s grove—helplessly. Your wet back was pressed into mossed and ivied bark while your companion’s was bulleted and blown by the storm’s raging tempest. You pulled his shaking body closer, closer, closer, until he was practically on top of you. Still, the winds whipped something nasty against his soaked back, his drenched shirt adding to the frigidity like some sort of reverse blanket.
“I-I don’t know how, but we can try switching…” You hissed through clammy lips. He shook his head, a stray droplet landing and sliding down your cheek.
“Nonsense. You are much colder than I am.”
“Link, you’re literally shaking.”
“And your lips have turned blue.” He pulled the hood further down your face, obscuring your vision, as he took your hands in his and futilely huffed warm air. His leather gloves rubbed and chafed your pruned, muddy digits and he blew again with greater gusto.
“You’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. This rain has got to let up at some point.” He murmured, his hot breath tickling your neck. You shivered from the sensation, which he mistook as the cold seeping into your bones. Muscled arms wrapped around your frame and he rubbed your sides, head burying into the crook of your neck.
“We’ll be okay… Just think of something warm, all right?
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
The warmth of his skin seeped through your thin pajamas and you let out a yelp.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t realize I was rolling into you!”
“It’s okay,” a pause, “you can… Stay there if you’d like. I don’t mind.”
“Oh… Are you sure?”
He hums. “…warm…”
“Sorry? Did you say something?”
“You’re warm, so it… feels nice.”
“Oh...” Your heart thundered against your ribcage. “T-Thanks.”
Quietness cloaked the room once again; neither of you were going to sleep any time soon.
“So uh,” you started, “what are you gonna do when you get back?”
He was silent for awhile, and for a second you thought he had fallen asleep (wouldn’t be the first time he fell asleep mid conversation).
“Report our findings to the princess.”
“Ah… makes sense. How ‘bout after that?”
The male pondered your question and answered with a huff.
“Wait for my next mission.”
That’s… kinda sad..
“Well, is there anyone waiting for you? Y’know, like a…” You gulped, unsure if you wanted to know the answer. “Like a lover or something?”
You felt Link’s breath hitch and your heart sank. Of course he would have someone waiting for him, just look at him. Handsome, chivalrous, kind, strong—you wouldn’t be surprised if he had a thing going on with the princess herself.
“No.” He said at last. “I don’t have anyone in that regard.”
He said it so placidly; you couldn’t detect a hint of emotion behind that matter-of-fact statement. An inconspicuous sigh left your frame.
"Oooh, has anyone caught your eye?" You shimmied up to him before laughing at his flinch. Again, you were unsure if you were ready to hear the answer, but anything felt better than the silence you would otherwise be subjected to.
"Mm..." Was his only response.
"Aww, c'mon! Aren't we travel buddies? We've faced dozens of unimaginable horrors together. Your secret's safe with me."
"Do you have someone waiting for you?" He countered.
"Hey now, don't avoid the question!"
"I'll tell you if you tell me."
Well... It's not like you had anything to hide...
"No, I'm very much single." You laughed, a glimmer of despondence streaking your voice.
. . .
"Has anyone caught your eye?"
"Mm... Pass." You giggled, turning to face him fully now. He felt your shuffle and cast a glance over his shoulder. "Do you like anyone? Or at least find mildly attractive?"
His eyes fluttered shut and he exhaled slowly, the gears in his head turning even slower.
Your sinking heart juxtaposed the overly-hyped "Ooooh!" that left your lips.
"Definitely not."
You practically got whiplash at the suddenness of his response; that could mean one of two things: he either really liked the princess, or he wanted nothing to do with her past their 'protector-protectee' relationship.
"Damn, that was fast. Seems mighty suspicious to me..." You nudged the space between his ribcage, plucking a light chuckle out of him.
"I really don't," he laughed dryly, "she's lovely but... Not really my type."
"So what is your type, O Hero of Hyrule?"
He hummed lowly before snapping his body to face you.
"My turn." He chirped through a boyish grin. His hot breath trickled across your cheeks and you swore you could drown in the oceans of his eyes.
"Has anyone caught your eye?"
You didn't think the question could be taken so literally. You blinked multiple times and looked away.
"Uh... Y-Yeah, I'd say so."
An iota of emotion brewed in his eyes, imperceptible to everyone but himself.
"Okay, my turn." You chortled, looking back up at him. "Can you describe your ideal partner?"
Eyes closing and head tilting upwards, Link dissected and analyzed the simple question with care.
"Smart, kind..." A small smile tugged his lips. "Curious, compassionate, brave, selfless..."
He angled his face into the pillow, the softness muffling his lips.
"Sorry, what?"
"Nothing. So wha--"
"Nonono, you said something! What did you say?"
"Um... Good at..." A pause. "Mingling."
"... Mingling?"
. . .
Maybe facing Ganon with only a cheese grater wasn't such a bad idea after all
You supposed... That made sense. You could only imagine how awkward he must feel at royal banquets and dinner parties. You laughed and lightly flicked his forehead.
"You're such a dork." If you squinted hard enough, you could trick yourself into believing he was blushing. His eyes brightened at the realization it was his turn.
"So who's your ideal partner?"
"Well..." You looked down, fumbling with the hem of your shirt.
"Well...?" His chest rumbled with baited anticipation.
"Loyal, caring, respectful, courageous..." You nudged the lower half of your face into your pillow, hoping to hide the blush creeping onto your cheeks. "Something like that."
He nodded slowly, the gears in his head slaving away--at what, you had no idea.
"You seem to have a pretty clear idea of what you're looking for."
"So do you!"
"Yes..." He sighed dreamily, lips warming into a rare and genuine smile. "I do."
"Heheheh... Whatcha thinkin' about? Or should I say... Who?"
Panic swirled behind his eyes. "N-No one."
"I heard that stutter!" You exclaimed. "C'mon, we've practically spilled everything to each other--now all I need is a name!"
"You... may not approve."
Your heart crunched in your chest, mind spinning from all the possibilities.
"I mean... Whether I like them or not shouldn't matter. Your feelings for that person, whoever they may be, are valid."
The way your eyes crinkled so... lovingly at him made him want to curl into a ball and melt into a lovestruck puddle. How could you be this cute? This sweet? And single? Maybe... Just maybe...
"You really think so?"
"Of course! Well, if you had a crush on Ganon then we might have a problem." Your lips relaxed into a small smile. "But so long as they aren't him, I don't think there's anyone out there who I would hate."
Link balanced his chin between his pointer and thumb. Your lips curled thoughtfully, forming your next question in a bid to loosen his tongue.
"When you think of them, do you think of what could be? Where life could take the two of you?"
"Of course." He answered instantly, then reddened at how quick he responded. "I've thought about it for... awhile."
His bashfulness was met with one of your angelic chortles and you looked at him head-on.
"You deserve to be happy, Link. You deserve to live the life you want with the person you love."
His breath caught in his throat as he drank in the sincerity in your eyes. Eyes that beheld him with grace and acceptance for all his failures and shortcomings. Eyes that saw him past his title of Hero. Eyes that could lift an entire kingdom's burden off his shoulders with a simple crinkle and twinkle.
"It's you."
You laughed, not quite processing what he said until--
"Wait, huh?"
"It's..." He gulped, reminding himself which piece of the Triforce he carried. "You."
"M-... Me?"
"Yes. You are who I love. You are who I want to spend the rest of my life with. It's... you."
"Oh, Link..." His heart cracked at the quietness in your tone. For once, it hurt hearing his name leave your lips.
"If you don't feel the same way, I understand. I promise I won't let this interfere with our mi--"
"No, Link! I love you too!"
Life filled his eyes, piercing a ray of light through his darkened visage.
"You... You do...?"
"Yes!" You cried out, wrapping him closer to you. "Gods, I've loved you for so long...!"
"R-Really? Me too!”
“Since when?!” You both exclaimed, new love jolting a shock of energy that mismatched the time of day.
“You go first.” Link spurred, giddiness rocking him to and fro.
“Ever since that night in the tree… Do you remember? It was pouring and you were shielding me from the storm.”
He pulled away from you slightly to stroke your hair, relishing how your soft, newly washed strands laced around his fingers.
“We had just embarked on our journey.”
“I knowww.” You drew out, giggling and nuzzling into his bare chest. “What about you? When did you fall for me?”
“It was… Before our trip.”
“What?! Really?!”
He nodded.
“I saw you feeding some strays while I was patrolling the castle one time and, well…” He rubbed his neck embarrassed. “I knew you had a heart of gold the moment I laid eyes on you.”
“That was so long ago…" You reminisced about the glowing gaze your animal friends reveled you in. "Boy, I had you whipped for that long, huh?”
“You could say that.” An airy breath stuttered out of him. “You looked so beautiful… I couldn’t get enough of that look in your eyes. Pure, selfless joy. It was… mesmerizing.”
His eyes caught yours, almost as if they were searching for the same joy he spoke of. The glimmer in his seafoam pools must have meant he found it and more.
“So how’d you feel when we were assigned to this mission together?” You laughed, clearly picturing a flustered Link pacing around his room as he just about melted through the floor.
“I felt many things—panic, for one.”
“Aww, lil' ol' me got your heart racing?”
Now it was your heart’s turn to race, so touched by his candor.
"You were as beautiful as you were kind; as clever as you were tough. How could I have not fallen deeper in love?" He coughed out, a hand masking the blush that promenaded his cheeks. "You always took such good care of me after our battles... Patching me up before you even wiped the dirt off your face."
"Well, you'd do it for me, no?" You jibed, fingers raking through his hair. He chuckled fondly at the form of aftercare foreign to most couples.
"And to top it all off..." He leaned down, the surface of his lips tickling your earlobe. "You have the loveliest voice in the world."
A light slap stung his chest and he roared in laughter.
"Gods, you really heard that...?!" Your hands cupped your heated cheeks and you rocked backward, jaw clenching and legs squirming from mortification.
"It's okay! More than okay! You sounded gorgeous, (F/N)."
Your heart fluttered at the sound of your own name, unused to the way it purred so perfectly out of him. Your sheepish side glance happened upon his heartfelt visage, which did wonders to ease any discomforts you had.
"Your voice was beautiful. Like a-- Like a--"
A chorus of chirps announced the arrival of morning; you both shared a horror-struck look before shortly bursting into laughter. You talked the whole night away!
He kissed your eyelids and draped the blanket over your shoulders, wrapping his arm about your waist.
"We can stay another night if you'd like. Spend a day in town." His suggestion was met with fervent nodding. "Our duties to the throne... Our mission... All of it. It can wait."
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over-sleep · 2 months
アクアジョギングマシン (´▽`*) ホホー Aqua jogging strengthens muscles with reduced risk of injury and runner experiences longer runs as well
(Reddit: r/interestingasfuck u/Inevitable_Boot1119)
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
Scary Stories in Space
If you’ve ever wanted to experience the rapt attention of bodybuilder-shaped swamp monster/goldfish crosses, who are equal parts muscles, fins, and floaty silk clothes with absolutely zero interest in blinking, then I can’t speak highly enough of telling ghosts stories to a pair of Frillians.
That hadn’t been the plan; it just came up in conversation while we tidied the storage hold. Our ship was going to take on a lot of cargo soon. There were things on the floor that needing picking up, which was boring, so we passed the time with stories.
As it turns out, Frillians love ghost stories.
“Then what happened??” asked Blip when I paused for effect. She’d frozen in place holding a wrench and a heat sensor, wide-eyed in a cloud of fluttering silks and fins, all electric blue and bright red and deeply invested in my story. Her brother Blop was her mirror in aqua and lavender.
“Then,” I said, picking up a crowbar, “When he went to let her out of the car, he found a hook on the door handle!” I caught the crowbar on my hand dramatically.
“Ohhh!” they chorused with a gratifying flinch, for all the world like frat bros watching someone get hit in the nuts. “Near miss! Oh, wow!”
I grinned and put the crowbar in a cabinet while they rehashed the very simple story to each other. I’d already told them a few others, and I was going to run out of stories before they ran out of enthusiasm.
Blip asked, “What do you think they did when they found that?”
With a shudder like a bird fluffing feathers, Blop suggested, “Throw it as far away as possible? Run into the house?”
Blip nodded, fins still flared slightly. “Maybe both. Then call the authorities.”
I walked past to collect a stray cable. “I don’t know about the authorities where you’re from, but mine wouldn’t have been much help.”
The twins discussed this some more, then agreed that the best response would be to run screaming into the house and lock every door they could find. Only then did they remember that they were supposed to be cleaning, and resume putting stuff away.
After three seconds of silence, Blop asked, “Know any more?”
“Maybe,” I said. “Lemme think.” I shelved a box and looked around the room for inspiration. No ghosts hid in this storage hold, though it had been home to many an animal cargo. The reinforced clear pen was still empty, and had been for a while — our cargos were mostly boxes these days. The door to the hallway stood open, and I almost had a thought about some doorway-based haunting, but couldn’t pin it down. I moved to stack a few stale tubs of animal food while I thought.
Then my cat Telly walked in, recently free to roam the ship on a provisional basis, and I had an idea. The fact that Telly had made a beeline for Blip’s spare overcoat helped. She burrowed right under, sniffing out the shrimp sticks that were undoubtedly hidden in several pockets.
Neither Frillian noticed.
“There was one story,” I said, watching them both perk up like meerkats. Fishy, musclebound meerkats. “The legend of the Pants With Nobody Inside Them.”
“Pants With Nobody Inside Them?” they dutifully asked.
I tugged at my own pant leg. “People where I’m from wear a lot of clothes that are shaped to fit our bodies, and have the same silhouette when they’re empty. Just imagine how creepy and unsettling it must have been for the first person to venture into a dark forest at night, and see the shape of another human — but only the bottom half. Walking … steadily … towards them.” I took slow and deliberate strides toward the far side of the animal pen, drawing their gaze away from the shrimp stick excavation.
“That sounds terrifying,” Blip declared. “Did they run?”
“Oh, you bet they did!” I said, jogging slowly in place, then speeding up. “But the pants ran after.”
Blop squeaked in fear, muscly arms bent to bring his hands to his mouth.
They had no idea how hard I was working not to laugh. “That first person got away, and so did the next. But it kept happening, and the pants got faster each time. People started to worry about going outside, and wonder about their own clothes — they’d look at a pair of pants on the floor, and imagine it starting to get up on its own. Then OH JEEZ WHAT’S THAT?!” I pointed through the clear walls of the pen.
Both Frillians whirled and screamed at the sight of — as promised — an item of clothing moving around.
Telly bolted in panic, with one shrimp stick in her mouth and several others scattering in all directions. I heard someone down the hall yelp, though it was hard to make out over the Frillians screaming.
I leaned against a wall, laughing. I couldn’t hold it back any more. “Stealing your shrimp sticks,” I managed. “Sorry.”
After a little more yelling and hyperventilating, during which three other crew members came to see what the emergency was, they finally calmed down. The rest of the crew was waved away.
“So,” Blip said, clearly determined to speak evenly, “How does the story end?”
I was still grinning. “Somebody makes friends with the pants. They were chasing after people because they were lonely.”
“What!” Blip exclaimed, fins spread and eyes wide, which just made me burst into laughter again. Blop echoed her.
“It’s a children’s story,” I explained. “I think the pants wanted to dance with other people. Or they wanted someone to wear them; I honestly don’t remember the details. But they were lonely.”
Blop shook his head. “Lonely haunted clothing,” he said. “Your planet sure has some memorable ones.”
Blip picked up her coat at arm’s length, and I couldn’t tell if she was looking for damage or ghosts. “Maybe it was hungry,” she suggested.
“I’m sure many ghosts like shrimp sticks,” I said, picking one up from the floor. “I’ll bet we could think up a new story about that. Maybe they’re haunted by the ghosts of the shrimp, mad about being eaten?”
Their dismayed expressions told me that such a story might ruin their favorite snack for them.
“Or,” I said, turning on my heel, “We could think up a story about a haunted… stun gun! Maybe it keeps a ghostly copy of all the people it’s stunned. How do you think a story like that would work?”
To my delight, Blip and Blop proved just as interested in composing new stories as listening to old ones. The rest of the tidying session passed quickly.
I take no responsibility for the nightmares they inflicted on the rest of the crew.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come!
(And yes that’s a reference to the Dr Seuss story.)
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jerzwriter · 3 months
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Thank you to the brilliant anon who sent this ask from this list! Pairing one Trystan Thorne with one Tobias Carrick may be the most inspired idea in the history of ideas! Since this is before they met their perspective C's (as you put it! lol) I swear this should be my canon. I've wanted to do a Trystan x Carolina end up in Edenbrook's ER when Tobias x Casey are on duty forever - and this would make it even better! I am LOVING that idea!!!! Thanks so much for the ask!
Books: Crimes of Passion/Open Heart Crossover Pairing: Trystan Thorne x Tobias Carrick Rating: Teen Words: 1,032 Summary: It must have been a wild party... because when Trystan and Tobias woke up in the same bed... neither had any idea how they got there. Can they figure it out? A/N: This fic takes place approximately 2 years before the start of Open Heart Book 1. Participating in @choicesjunechallenge2024 - June (for Pride month) and "In or Out?" The original prompt was for scenario number 12 from this list by @creativepromptsforwriting
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There’s something about the morning sun that commands respect. Its power is undeniable, rousing people from slumber, no matter how much the prior evening’s choices have them desiring a full day spent in bed.
That’s where Tobias Carrick found himself... cursing the morning sun that blazed through the floor-to-ceiling windows. His eyes had barely opened when he felt the pounding in his head. The throbbing pain would typically be unwelcome, but today, it brought a clarity he desperately needed.
He knew his head was pounding—of that was certain. But as for everything else—where he was, what he did—he had no recollection. When he felt someone stirring in the bed behind him, his eyes jolted open wide. Another mystery unsolved... who was he with?
An audible groan filled the air—one that didn’t belong to him - and Tobias’s eyes darted around the well-appointed bedroom, desperately seeking anything that might jog his memory. Something that would make the upcoming conversation a little less awkward, but there was nothing. Not a single memory was stirred and he wondered, just how much did he have to drink?
Conceding that discomfort was inevitable, Tobias decided to bite the bullet. Ignoring the queasiness rising within him, he sat up and turned to his side, finding an incredibly handsome—if somewhat worse for wear—man seated on the edge of the bed. Even with long locks obscuring most of his face, it was clear this specimen was genetically blessed. And his torso indicated countless trips to the gym made up for whatever genetics may have denied him, only adding to his allure.
“Hey,” Tobias said with a graveled voice, causing the stranger to jump. “Sorry... didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s all right,” the man replied with a foreign accent Tobias tried to place. “I was just hoping you’d stay asleep a little longer.”
“Really?” Tobias replied. “Why’s that?”
The man turned with a sheepish grin and a delicate blush creeping onto his cheeks as his hazel eyes met Tobias's aqua-blue ones. “I was hoping you’d stay asleep so I could try to remember who you were.... perhaps take a photo to do a Google search.”
Tobias erupted into his trademark raucous laughter, only to halt when he realized it was causing immense pain—not only to himself but to his handsome bedmate as well.
“Would it be disappointing if I told you I was glad to hear that?” He replied with a slight grimace.
“Really?” The stranger responded with a raised brow. “And why is that?”
“Because I'm still trying to figure out who you are,” Tobias chuckled. He extended his hand with a disarming grin. “Tobias, Tobias Carrick. And you are?”
“Trystan,” the man replied with relief. “Trystan Thorne. It’s lovely to... uh... meet you?”
“So, Trystan, do you know where we are? Because if you do, you’re already one up on me.”
Trystan squinted as he looked around. “We’re at my place,” he confirmed. “Although... this is the guestroom.”
Tobias appeared shocked, given the size and opulence of the quarters. “Damn! If this is the spare room, what does your bedroom look like?"
Trystan peeked out from under his bangs with a sly grin. “Do you expect an invitation?”
Tobias barked out a laugh. It was rare for him to meet anyone he considered a match in the art of flirtation, and he was impressed.
“Slow down there, big boy! First, I’d just like to figure out how I got into this bedroom... we can take the rest from there.”
“I don't quite recall," Trystan chuckled. "I think I'll need a heavy dose of caffeine before I figure that out... but the last thing I remember was being at the Pride parade...”
“New York!” Tobias snapped his fingers. “I'm visiting New York for the weekend.”
“Wow,” Trystan astounded, “You hadn’t even remembered that much?”
“Hey, I’m just waking up!” Tobias assured. “Pride parade... pride parade...” he mumbled. “I remember. After I went to Marie’s Crisis to get a drink...”
“Yes! I was there... and I told everyone I was hosting a post-Pride party at my place.”
“Ah!” Tobias realized. “That explains how I ended up here. Well, at your apartment, that is not necessarily how I would up in your guest bed with you.”
“I’m not sure either,” Trystan continued. “I’ve never slept in this room. The only reason I can think of would be...” he stopped with a gasp, his eyes filled with horror. “Oh, no!”
“What?” Tobias asked anxiously.
“I was absolutely done for the night... too much partying, too much drink... I told the butler to oversee things until all the guests had left. I needed to retire for the evening.”
“I stumbled to my room and opened the door to find my sister, Astrid, and her latest girlfriend in flagrante delicto...in my bed!” Trystan winced. “I’m going to have to purchase a new mattress!”
“Or, you could just wash the sheets,” Tobias laughed.
“You, sir, have never met my sister, Astrid, or you’d understand. The sheets will be dissolved in acid, and a new mattress is a must.”
“Damn. I’m not sure if I should be impressed with or scared of your sister,” he smirked.
“Perhaps a little of both. Anyway, I was so intoxicated even that horror didn’t fully rouse me, so I stumbled to this room and found you snoring.”
Tobias was appalled. "Hey! I don’t snore!”
Trystan found that endearing and immediately decided to let him off the hook.
“To be honest, I was in no condition to be a reliable witness. You may well be right. I tried to wake you... but you were out cold... wouldn’t budge an inch. So I pushed you to the side, put a blanket over us, and passed out myself.”
“So... we didn’t...”
“Since our pants are still on, I’m pretty sure we didn’t.”
“There’s no pretty sure here,” Tobias said with a cocky grin. “If we had... you would have remembered. Trust me.”
Trystan shook his head with a smile. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to exit this room at once. Your ego appears to be at least as enormous as mine, and having them both in a room of this size must be a fire hazard, according to the NYPD."
Tobias threw his legs over the side of the bed, recovering his shirt from the floor as Trystan carefully surveyed the sculpted contours of his unexpected guest's back, chest, and arms. Would it be wrong to ask him to remove the shirt again?
"So," he cleared his throat. "I'd normally offer to make breakfast, but I have no idea what condition I'll find this place in. But there is a lovely cafe down the street, they do a lovely brunch on Sundays - would you care to join me?"
Tobias leaned over the bed with a playful smirk. "Trystan, are you asking me out on a date?"
The normally unflappable prince appeared flustered, words hard to come by. "I'm asking you to brunch," he finally grinned. "And perhaps to Macy's to mattress shop once I'm assured Astrid has vacated the premises. Are you in or out?"
"You had me at Brunch," Tobias chuckled. "But throw in mattress shopping, and how can I say no."
"Good," Trystan grinned. "I think we're at the start of a memorable day."
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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artful-browniebites · 7 months
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The Withered Garden main cast! Little explanations for each of them below the cut :D
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Kairi, left behind again by Riku and Sora, is seeking to figure out who she is. While training under Aqua, she's been given a seemingly simple mission to help a resident of Disney Town - Ortensia - find her fiance. As the story goes on, though, Kairi is confronted with trying to figure out what the role of a keyblade wielder is and how to use her powers as a Princess of Heart to their fullest. What kind of sacrifices are worth making?
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Lea has picked back up the search for Subject X. He's also jumping around worlds, crossing paths with Kairi a lot. It seems like his journey is leading him, though, into darker and darker worlds, until he eventually finds himself investigating sleeping worlds. These worlds seem to have been purposefully put to sleep, oddly enough.
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Newly recompleted, Lauriam is trying to figure out his missing past. He'd been so close to it, he's sure, he just needs to find the right thing to jog his memory...! He ends up tagging along with Lea a lot, going their separate ways when on the worlds themselves. He's the one who suggests going to sleeping worlds. He's sure they're the key to his lost memory.
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A strange and previously unknown keyblade weilder, Ava is the seeming protector of the sleeping worlds and views Kairi, Lea, and Lauriam's entrance into them as a threat. She continually warns them to leave (though leaving sleeping worlds are much easier said than done) and threatens them. She's stand-offish and doesn't seem to trust anyone, having been previously burned. What is so important about these sleeping worlds?
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Ortensia is a kind gardener from Disney Town. When the worlds were falling to Darkness years ago, her fiance went missing. She claims he's a keyblade wielder and must be somewhere off world. She likes and works well with Kairi, but if she's ever asked to choose between Kairi and her fiance, who will she choose?
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Oswald is said missing fiance and keyblade wielder. A rather short-tempered rabbit, he seems to be working with Ava and, despite clearly loving Ortensia, also demands that they leave the sleeping worlds the couple times they run into him. Naturally, Kairi and Ortensia chase after him, leading them deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. He seems to have strong opinions about Mickey, oddly enough.
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Initially, Kairi and Ortensia find Cait Sith while following rumors that they're hoping lead them to Oswald. Instead, they happen upon a stuffed toy cat. It'd be odd enough that he has a heart, but he actually has two inside of him. Cait Sith is searching for the body of the second heart, but traveling worlds is tricky when you're not a wielder. It's through him that Kairi comes to realize and practice some of her abilities.
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the-west-meadow · 2 years
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Kendall Roy x Reader
tw: suicidal thoughts, verbal abuse, drug/alcohol abuse, drunk driving
As you stood in the shade of Connor’s patio, watching Logan and his children walk towards the old adobe church, Kendall’s absence was painfully apparent. You had grown used to seeing him at his father’s side. But he had not come with his family to New Mexico. It was a shame, you thought; he would have liked it here.
Greg, standing beside you in a long peacoat, waved as they disappeared behind the wooden church doors.
“What do you think they’re going to talk about?” Greg said.
“Years of suppressed trauma, maybe.”
“Wow. You think?”
You shrugged. “They probably won’t get around to it.”
You strolled back towards the house, where the others were sitting by the pool. Anyone who was not a child of Logan Roy had been left behind. Marcia, Tom, and Willa eyed you as you entered the house with Greg.
Greg leaned on the kitchen counter as you poured yourself a shot of whiskey from the mini-bar.
“Getting right to it, huh?” said Greg.
“You want some?”
“I’m good. It’s a little early for my system.”
Tom strolled into the kitchen, hands in his pockets.
“Hey, rascals. I see you breaking into the liquor stash. You should have invited me.”
“Well, you’re invited now,” joked Greg.
Tom leaned on the counter and grinned at you both.
“Here we are. The outcasts.”
“I’ll admit, I do feel kind of left out,” said Greg.
“God, wouldn’t you give anything to be a fly on the wall in that room? The whole thing is so uncomfortable it makes me want to puke. I love it.”
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. The name on the screen made your heart jump: Kendall Roy.
“Excuse me a second,” you said, slipping out of the kitchen.
“Is that a new lover?” Tom called after you. You jogged through the house to the room where you were staying and shut the door behind you.
“Hey, what’s up?” you said, keeping your voice low.
“Hey, Y/N. How you doing?”
“Surviving,” you said. “How are you?”
“Can you come meet me? I’m somewhere outside of Albuquerque.”
“What? When did you get here?”
“I’ll fill you in. Are you coming?”
“I’m at the ranch right now. I don’t have a car.”
“Can you figure something out?”
You thought fast, rubbing your forehead. “Yeah. I’ll take care of it.”
“You’re the best.”
You hung up, heart racing. You hadn’t heard from Kendall in weeks. He texted occasionally to check in, but it had been a long time since you heard his voice. It was a painful reminder of how much you had missed him lately.
Tom and Greg looked up as you walked into in the kitchen.
“What’s up?” Tom asked.
“Just a family thing,” you said.
“Oh, come on. You can’t have a personal life. There’s only work, work, work!”
Tom tossed back the rest of his drink and set his glass down.
“Okay, I’ll fuck off. Both of you come sit by the pool and save me from Marcia and Willa. I mean it.”
You and Greg watched until he was out the door, then Greg turned to you in anticipation.
“That was Kendall. He’s here.”
“Are you serious?”
“He wants me to meet him. But I don’t have a fucking car.”
“Right.” Greg glanced around as if looking for an answer. “Okay, I’m not supposed to know this, but there’s a collection of old cars in Connor’s garage. And, stupidly, all the keys are hanging on a rack in the garage. So if someone wanted to take one of those cars out for a drive while everyone was in therapy, I doubt anyone would notice for a few hours at least.”
“Cover for me. Make up a story.”
“Okay, yeah-“
But you were already gone.
You felt like a thief, skulking around the sides of the huge adobe ranch house, past the refurbished church and towards the unlocked garage. Lined up in the cool darkness were half a dozen vintage cars. Spotless. Expensive. Fueled up and ready to ride. You slowed down, taking your time to choose your ride. This was a once in a lifetime chance, after all. When Connor found out, you’d probably be banned from the state of New Mexico.
You chose an aqua 1967 Cadillac de Ville convertible. Sitting in the smooth leather seat, you watched with giddy panic as the garage door opened. Then you gunned it, kicking up a cloud of red dust as you escaped down the long ranch road from Connor’s estate.
The roads in New Mexico were long, straight, and empty. Gnarled barbed wire fences emerged from the scrublands, and distant mountains rolled beneath white clouds. It was the antithesis of what you were used to in New York. Here, everything was low to the ground, wild, free. You flew down the roads, the wind roaring all around you.
It was an hour’s drive to Albuquerque. You kept driving until you reached a diner in a small desert town beyond the city. When you rolled into the parking lot, you saw Kendall standing outside, smoking. Your heart swelled at the familiar sight of him. He stared as the aqua Cadillac parked squarely in front of him.
You cut the engine.
“Hey,” you called.
“You’re fucking kidding me.”
Kendall strolled up to the car, looking it over. Then he shook his head and let out a short laugh.
“Alright. Not really what I had in mind. But it’s cool.”
As he came closer, you were able to take a good look at him. He looked different. He was tan from the desert sun, dressed in a denim jacket and black jeans. His eyes were hidden behind dark sunglasses. There was also an edginess, a restlessness to his movements that you didn’t recognize.
He dropped his cigarette, stepped on it, and put his hands in his pockets. You could feel him taking you in behind his dark shades.
“It’s good to see you,” he said.
“You too.”
“Let’s figure out a game plan. I feel like I just landed on an alien planet.”
You sat across from Kendall in the booth, squinting in the hard sunlight that slanted through the window. The waiter brought two mugs of hot coffee. You sipped it gratefully, feeling it nudge against your dull headache. As the waiter stepped away, you took in the sight of Kendall sitting across from you.
“How long have you been here?” you asked.
“A few days. Just clearing my head.”
“You seem good.”
“I feel good.” He sipped his coffee, eyeing you over the rim of his mug. “How have things been for you while I was gone?”
“I don’t know. I feel like I’m not getting anywhere. I don’t have many allies.”
“You and Greg seem pretty tight.”
“I guess so. You cling to each other for survival when you have an insane boss.”
“Pretty bad, huh?”
“It wasn’t this bad when you were around. You’re like a path through the insanity.”
“Well, thanks. But I’ve done plenty of fucked up things, too.”
“It’s different. This borders on abuse.”
Kendall looked alarmed. “Hold on, you don’t mean, like—“
“No, no. Nothing like that. Just psychological shit.”
“Are you okay, though?”
“I’m coping.”
“I’m drinking a lot more.”
Kendall nodded, still peering at you intently. “Uh-huh.”
You gazed into the steaming coffee for a moment before voicing the question that was on your mind.
“Does this mean you’re back?”
“I don’t know yet. I’m still working up the courage to see my family.”
He didn’t say any more. The waiter brought your food; huevos rancheros. Kendall stuck with coffee. He watched you dig in with a slight smile.
“You seem like you’re thriving here. Big blue Cadillac. Local cuisine.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “It’s very different here.”
“Seriously. I feel like never get to see the real you. We’re always under the cloud of my dad. You know what I mean?”
You nodded. ”Everyone’s been on eggshells around him this week. I don’t know how you live with it.”
“It’s fucking torture.”
He was smiling, but you could see the pain in his dark eyes.
“Are you going to eat anything?” you finally asked.
“Not that hungry. I guess the desert’s making an ascetic out of me.”
He smiled again and looked down at his hands, turning his sunglasses over and over. He hadn’t stopped fidgeting through the entire meal. You set your fork down and slid your empty plate to the side.
“Hey,” he said, “How long can you be away?”
“At least until someone notices the car is gone.”
“Come on. Let’s go somewhere.”
You drove the Cadillac as Kendall leaned back in the passenger seat, watching the desert fly past. An orange glow filled the sky as the sun sank lower.
“How far do you want to go tonight?” he asked.
Your heart skipped. “What are you asking?”
He laughed. “Jesus. Not like that. I mean how far do you want to drive? Mexico?”
“Are you serious?”
“I don’t know. Am I?”
You looked at him, and you still couldn’t tell. The sun was beginning to sink, casting long shadows on the black road. The mountains grew darker in the distance. Kendall leaned forward, peering out at the desert.
“Let’s stop up here for a second.”
You slowed the car, pulling to the side of the road. Low music drifted from the radio. You cut the engine, suddenly surrounded by a deafening silence. Kendall went very still, listening.
“This is a good place,” he said in a soft voice. He opened his door and started out. “Come on.”
You followed. Small jackrabbits leapt out of your way on the path, which was surrounded by yellow-flowering creosote. A low breeze set everything in motion; the shrubs, the sand, the furtive animals.
You climbed a low plateau that overlooked the sprawling desert. Kendall stood taking it all in. He pulled a small baggy from his pocket and flicked it with his fingernail. You watched in alarm as he dispensed a small amount onto the flesh of his thumb and sniffed sharply. His body seemed to relax. His expression grew lighter. He looked at you almost apologetically, as if awaiting your judgement.
“Yeah. Sorry. This is what I’ve really been doing.”
It was all starting to make sense. The restlessness, the edginess. The fact that he had been here for days without telling anyone.
“Shit, Kendall,” you murmured.
“I’m okay.”
“Are you, though?”
“Not really. You?”
You looked at his hands, which still held the bag of coke. Without a word, Kendall tapped out a rough line of powder onto the flesh of his thumb and offered it to you. You leaned forward, pressing one nostril closed, and snorted it off his hand. When you sat up, the world was reeling. The sunset had turned everything to flame. You looked at Kendall and smiled.
“I’m glad you came here,” you said.
“I’m sorry I left you alone with them. I just didn’t want to bring you down with me.”
“I’d rather work for you. I feel like I’m going to have a fucking panic attack when your dad comes into a room.”
“Now you know what my entire life’s been like.” He smiled. “If you’re not careful, you’ll turn into me.”
You turned to look at him. “But I admire you more than anyone.”
Kendall laughed. Tears slowly rose in his eyes.
“Wow. Never thought I’d hear those words.”
He sniffed, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.
“I’m serious,” you said.
“You know, my dad never praises anyone. But everything I do is for him, just hoping that one day he’ll look up and say that I did a good job.”
You sat for a long time watching the sunset until the sky grew purple and dark. Eventually you wavered to your feet, then held out your hand for Kendall. With a big heave, you got him to his feet. He stumbled forward into your arms, then leaned heavily into you. You put your arms hesitantly on his back, feeling the dampness of his shirt. He rested his forehead on your shoulder.
“I missed you,” he said.
You squeezed your arms tighter around him.
“I missed you too.”
He quietly withdrew from your arms. You began to scramble down the plateau, busting your asses several times. By the time you reached the bottom, you were cracking up, covered in dirt. Kendall doubled over with laughter, his hands on his knees, wiping tears from his eyes. Then he looked up and smiled: that big, heart-melting smile.
Your heart suddenly grew warm, despite the oncoming desert cold. As you drove, you snuck a glance at Kendall. His face was turned towards the red sunset, glowing with happiness. A false happiness, you knew. But he deserved all that he could get.
As you pulled up the driveway to Connor’s ranch, you saw a tall figure running out to meet you. It was Greg. Kendall hopped out of the car and pulled Greg to him in a hug.
“What up, Greg?”
“Hey man, I’m really happy to see you but I also have bad news. Turns out those cars are highly precious to Connor. Also, Logan is pretty unhappy about the situation.”
“Does he know I’m here?” Kendall said.
“Well, yeah. It was hard to explain otherwise.”
“That’s what he’s unhappy about. My dad doesn’t give a shit about the car.”
Kendall started towards the house with you and Greg following close behind.
“Is he okay?” Greg said quietly.
You just shook your head. “I don’t think he should be here right now.”
It was cool and silent inside the adobe house. Then, the unmistakable boom of Logan’s voice shook the air.
“Where the fuck are they?”
Kendall seemed to waver in his tracks, then forged ahead towards the kitchen.
Everyone stood together, waiting. They fell silent as you entered the room.
“Has everyone resolved their familial issues?” Kendall said as he strolled forward.
“Jesus, is he high?” said Shiv.
“Are you blind?” said Roman. “He’s completely fucking wasted.”
Logan made a beeline for you, causing your heart to drop steeply.
“I should have you fucking arrested. Car theft, drug possession. What else?”
“Hey, fuck off,” Kendall said, stepping between you. “She was just doing what I asked.”
Logan’s eyes pierced through you. You couldn’t move, couldn’t escape the vice grip of his gaze.
“Don’t you know him better than that? You’re his fucking assistant, no?”
“Actually, she’s my assistant,” Tom said in a low voice, but Logan didn’t hear.
“Yeah, she got loaded with me,” Kendall said, raising his voice. “That’s because she’s my only friend in this shitstorm of a life.”
Logan turned to Kendall, looking him dead in the eye. “You don’t deserve a life.”
Then, jabbing a finger at you: “And you’re fucking fired.”
Logan turned and walked away. Kendall was still reeling from the blow his father had just delivered. He looked like he was about to fall over from the force of it.
“She doesn’t work for you!” Kendall managed.
“Technically, she works for me,” Tom said, still unnoticed.
“Then you get rid of her,” Logan said to Kendall. “She’s not good for you.”
Logan turned and stalked out of the room. Kendall just stared after him, shaking. Finally, he seemed to snap out of it.
“Come on,” he said to you. You followed as he stormed away, painfully aware of the stares of his family as you left.
“You got the keys?” he asked.
“Good. Get in that car.”
“Jesus, Kendall-“
“Then give them to me. They can say I stole it.”
You didn’t hesitate to toss him the keys. You hopped into the passenger’s seat. Kendall started the car, peeling down the ranch road with red dust glowing in the taillights.
Kendall tore down the straight desert road, headlights cutting through a thick darkness.
“I didn’t want my dad to hurt you.”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. It’s the worst feeling in the world.”
He was silent as he continued to drive, eyes fixed ahead. Finally he spoke.
“Y/N, I am so sorry. This is my fault.”
You couldn’t argue that, but you also couldn’t blame him. “It’s okay. I’m just trying to figure out what I’m going to do.”
“Work for me,” he said.
You looked at him, trying to gauge if he was serious.
“It’s either that or go back to my dad, begging for a job.”
“I’m not doing that.”
“I know. So I’m rehiring you as my assistant. Actually, I’m promoting you to senior advisor.”
“What does that involve?”
“Getting drunk with me until we both forget the pain.”
You bought a bottle of tequila at a nearby ABC store in the next town, then stopped at the first motel you saw, a cheap but clean place called The Desert Flower. You were both crashing from the cocaine. Kendall’s eyes were bleary and red, his face dark with stubble. He was going down fast. You sat in the car, taking turns with the bottle, unable to even make it to the room.
“I’m sick of wanting to fucking die.”
“You heard him, right? He said I don’t deserve a life. That’s how he makes me feel. Every day.”
You heard his voice break. Tears streamed down his face.
“What would it take? For him to smile at me once, to pat me on the fucking back? What do I have to do?”
“I don’t think there’s anything you can do.”
He stared at you, and for a moment it looked like his entire world was crashing down around him. You saw the loss playing out behind his eyes as he realized the truth of your words. Then he leaned forward, put his hand on the back of your head, and kissed you.
You didn’t hesitate to respond. Everything was falling apart, but at least you could feel the warmth of him, his searching hands, his desperate mouth. You squeezed his wrist as his hand gripped your thigh. Then you both suddenly pulled back.
“Fuck,” he said. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“It’s okay. It’s okay.”
He was still holding your hand tightly. You wouldn’t let go. You both caught your breath, reeling from the touch.
“I need to go inside,” he said.
He leaned on your shoulder on the way into the room. When you got inside, he collapsed onto his knees, sobbing. You got down on the floor with him, stroking his back, trying to talk to him. But he didn’t seem to hear. He curled up on the floor, totally unresponsive, rocking himself as he wept.
You didn’t know what to do. The Kendall you knew was suddenly gone. You could only think of one ally who could still help you: Greg.
Need help, you texted.
Where are you?
You sent him the address of the motel. He responded immediately.
I’ll be there as soon as I can.
You finally got Kendall off the floor and onto the bed. He huddled there like a frightened child.
An hour passed. You heard a car pull up and saw headlights flare through the curtains. When you opened the door, Greg was sitting there in a red convertible. You laughed, unable to help it.
Greg got out of the car, looking completely out of place.
“Yeah, I know…” he sighed, looking at the car. “There aren’t many Ubers in the middle of nowhere.”
“Does anyone know?”
“Just Tom. He said he’d cover for me. So we’ll see how that goes.”
He peered past you into the room.
“How’s Kendall?”
“Not good.”
“What about you? You don’t look so good yourself.”
“I just need someone here to make sure one of us doesn’t die.”
“Okay, yeah. We should definitely try and prevent that.”
You moved aside, letting Greg through. Kendall was still curled on the bed, his head tucked into his arms.
You sat beside Greg on the edge of your bed, talking in low voices as you gazed at Kendall.
“What have you guys been doing?”
“A lot of coke and tequila.”
“Wow. So a pretty serious binge, then.”
“I think I’m in over my head.”
You gazed at Kendall, who had withdrawn so far into himself that you didn’t know if he was aware of your presence.
“I thought I could help him,” you said.
“That’s more than anyone else has done for him.”
“Why don’t they try to help him?”
“Honestly, I don’t think his family knows how to see him as a person. They only think of themselves.”
“Maybe it’s a good thing I got fired. I don’t know why I even want to work for them.”
“I frequently ask myself the same question. But even though they kind of suck, I still like them.”
“They’re your family.”
“That’s true.”
Greg looked thoughtful. “Then why do you stick around?”
You gave a slight nod towards Kendall’s sleeping form.
“I want to see him win. Not for anyone else. For himself.”
You couldn’t see it in the darkness, but a tear gathered in the corner of Kendall’s closed eye and slid down the bridge of his nose, then was gone.
Greg slept on the floor between your beds. You gave him half of your pillows and the top sheet of your bed.
Sometime in the night, both Greg and Kendall began to snore lightly. You could feel their resting forms in the darkness, the hum of the air conditioner, the traffic slowly streaming by outside. Cars rumbled in and out of the parking lot. Doors open and shut. Everything moved slow in the late hours of the night, the early morning.
They weren’t your family, but you loved them. You didn’t belong among them, but you had made a place for yourself in their lives. And they had become an inseparable part of yours. You held onto this thought as you waited out the long night.
It was early, and you were just beginning to fall asleep, when you heard vague sounds of movement in the room. You felt someone crawl into the bed with you. It was Kendall. He drew himself close, facing your curled form, mirroring it with his own body. He pressed his forehead against yours and reached pleadingly for your hands. You twined your fingers around his.
“Hey,” he whispered. He sounded as if he had been crying.
You felt his hands for the first time, stroking them with your fingers. He held tightly to you, drawing himself as close as possible.
“Am I going to be okay?” he rasped.
You put your hand on the back of his head. He was shaking, tears dampening the pillow.
“I promise.”
You held him for a long time, until his breathing calmed and he finally stopped shaking. He never let go of your hands, never moved. Your knees touched, arms intertwined. When you opened your eyes, he was looking at you. Neither of you said anything. He stroked your hand with his thumb.
Greg groaned from the floor, and both of you went still, listening. Then you started to giggle.
“Where the fuck am I?” Greg mumbled, rolling over in his sheets, still half asleep.
Kendall snorted, and you shushed him, still trying not to laugh. You could still see tears in his eyes. But he was smiling.
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theloststarboy · 1 year
Steve Harringtons morning routine(with Eddie Munson in his bed, as it has been for the past 20 or so years)
5:30 in the morning right at sunrise Steve wakes up, quickly shutting off his alarm as to not wake Eddie who won’t be up for a while. He presses a kiss to Eddie’s forehead before standing, he stretches, touching his toes, reaching his arms around his back and cracking his back. He turns on a dim lamp to grab work out clothes, a tee shirt and a pair of sweats wich he changes into
He turns off the light and opens his daughters bedroom door, she’s safe sound asleep in her crib, snoring softly (she was a surrogate, the pair actually played a very intense game of rock paper scissors to find out whose seed they would use, it was a whole event really)
He walks down to the kitchen. he makes a protein shake, smoothie mix with berries and flax seeds and protein powder he puts on his shoes and puts a baseball cap on(it’s covered in patches and pins, the patch in the middle being his husbands band, corroded coffin and he wore it daily, even if it threw off his whole “asthetic” people are constantly asking him to “name three songs” and he would go into the whole lore of corroded coffin, even the parts the fans don’t know, the garage band days playing In front of a crowd of five drunks)
He gives their dogs, sabbath and Taylor a few scoops of dry food and some cuddles before leaving (he and Eddie walks them in the afternoon together)
He jogs to the gym, getting cardio in now instead of on the olymptical. He paces himself and slowly drinks his smoothie before getting to the gym
An hour later he’s walking back to their house (their house the house they bought together, in 1999, just a little ways from Indiana, it’s cozy. It’s their home) it’s now 8 in the morning as he adds a can of wet food to their dogs and putting his cup into the sink, he hangs up his cap officially turning on the lights in the living room, hallway, and now bathroom. He hums to himself as he strips naked and takes a shower, he washes his hair snd his body, once out he blowdrys and takes care of his hair, his favorite secret Farrah fawcett spray has been discontinued for years so he has switched to aqua net, in a white bottle he sprays it twice before doing skin care
He brushes his teeth and Finnaly gets dressed for the day in a sweater and tight fitting jeans. Steve smiled as he walks to the kitchen finding his husband in the kitchen his daughter in a high chair, Eddie was cooking in just boxers obviously tired.
„Good morning my love“ Steve smiled before turning to Rowan „good morning sweetheart“ he crouches and speaks in a baby voice to their daughter who happily babbles and laughs at her dad
„Hi, Breakfast is almost ready, pretty boy. How was your run?“ Eddie asks handing Steve over a cup of coffee with a smile as he’s plating some eggs bacon and potatoes
„nice, it’s getting colder out, tommorow I’m definitely using a jacket“ Steve say sitting on the counter
„You mean my jacket?“ Eddie laughs handing Steve a plate
„Definitely“ Steve nods pressing a kiss to his lips before cutting up the bacon on Rowan’s plate so she could messily eat the food with her grubby fingers and small plastic fork before her bath later in the day, but for now, they eat.
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sacredwrath · 3 months
P1. Logan
Welcome our third main character :) Logan, leader of Jesse's crew and one of Jesse's partners. 
Not too many warnings for this chapter. A lot of it is world building and introducing new faces. 
Past captivity and torture, protective caretakers, angry caretaker (not at whumpee), thoughts of revenge, injury reveal 
Logan doesn't want to let go of Jesse, not even for the short ride home, not for one second. It's been almost six weeks since they were taken, and every moment since has been a desperate frenzy. An endless cycle of planning, daring, and failing. Then, laying awake all night trying to convince himself the wasted day hadn't been Jesse's last. 
Everyone else is just as anxious. It had been a struggle to make them all stay home while he and Misha went to meet the smuggler. 
He holds Jesse close to his chest, trying not to squeeze too tight in case they're injured beneath their huge coat. They're bundled up like it's the dead of winter. 
Finally holding them close he finally lets himself breathe.
Misha speeds. She always speeds, but especially today. Usually he'd be the voice of caution, warning her to slow down, but tonight he hardly notices. Until she hits a bump and Jesse yelps. 
"What? What's wrong, Jes are you okay?" 
No response. Their eyes are squeezed shut, they must be in some kind of pain. If the scrapes and bruises on their face are anything to go by he wouldn't be surprised. 
"Misha slow down, would you!" He snaps, exasperated. "Hey, Jes are you ok? Can you hear me?" 
"Yes" Their voice sounds tight and shaky "I'm fine." Even as they say it the car hits another bump and they gasp. 
"It's ok love, we'll be home soon. We can help if you're injured, everything will be alright." Six weeks in AQUAs prison can't have been easy. Anger clogs his throat and he has to swallow hard. If anyone hurt Jesse…
He lets the thought trail off.
"Misha, did you tell Isa we're on our way?" He asks, mostly to distract himself.
"I'm driving. Don't bother, we're practically here anyways.”
A long, hidden dirt driveway snakes off of the main road. Easily missed by anyone who doesnt know it's there. No signs mark it and the trees are so thick that any car is quickly hidden from view.
As they push further back into the tees Jesse begins to tremble. They whimper softly, gasping at every twist and bump in the road. If they're injured the unpaved road is probably causing a lot of pain. Logan tries to hold them as still as possible
"Hey, seriously, slow down, I think Jes is hurt." Thankfully Misha listens and slows the car to a less bone rattling pace. "Don't worry, Jes, we'll be home soon." 
Jordan is waiting by the gate and leaps up when they see the car round a bend. They rush over gesturing furiously for Logan to roll down his window.
"How'd it go? You got Jes! Hey Jes!" The words pour from them at breakneck speed. 
"Yeah, it's all good, Jesse's here, they're just a bit tired and shook up. Run back up to the house, would you, and let them know we're almost home." He says
Jordan jogs alongside the car, "Oh thank God! Glad you're back! We missed you Jes!" They race off before Jesse even has a chance to respond.
At the top of the hill stands the stately stone structure that for so many years has been their home. It's four stories, with a large basement, made almost entirely of stone and sturdy oak. Jake, who technically owns it, says it was originally built as a small keep and was converted into a house gradually over generations. It's been passed down through his family before the world went to shit. 
Much of its original functionality has been preserved despite the modern renovations prioritizing aesthetics over defensibility.
Their team has tried to undo many of the renovations, making the structure as much a fortress again as possible.
Logan has lived there with the others for almost 6 years now, and many have been there longer. 
Today the sturdy stone doors are flung wide, letting the last golden rays of sun spill across the foyer and the anxious faces of Logan's family. 
The smell of something cooking wafts up to greet them as Logan carries Jesse from the car. 
Martin and Isa rush forward offering their help, but Logan brushes them off 
"Hey Jes, are you ok? Welcome home!" Isa walks close beside them. "What the hell happened to your face?" 
Jesse doesn't respond, just squeezes their eyes shut and burrows deeper into Logan's arms. 
The house is a frenzy of activity. Everyone crowding around asking questions and trying to help. Jesse's fist clutches Logan's shirt so tightly he's worried they'll hurt themself. 
"Hey, come on guys, give them some space would you?" He chides gently 
"Logan's right, you all are terribly overwhelming."  Misha carries her medical bag from the trunk. "I need to patch up their face and see if they need other medical care. Nora, will you help me? Everyone else, please just finish dinner and maybe bring us some? I promise we'll all have time to catch up, just one thing at a time. Yeah?"
Their main floor bathroom is large, but five is still a crowd. Isa flat out refused to leave Jesse's side, and Logan didn't push it. Making them stay behind when he went to pick them up was hard enough. Now, he supposes if Jesse would want anyone by their side, it would probably be Isa. 
Logan seats Jesse gently on the counter only pulling away once they untangle their hand from his shirt. They're hunched over, arms wrapped around themself refusing to meet anyone's eyes. 
"Hey Jes," Misha says in what Logan thinks of as her Doctor voice, all gentle and soothing. "Can I see your face?" 
She lifts Jesse's chin, they're crying. "Oh Jes! What's wrong?" That only makes them cry harder. Logan and Isa both move forward trying to take Jesse's hand, but they cringe away from them. 
"Don't" they whisper "I'm sorry" 
They both draw back shooting each other worried looks 
"What's wrong Jes?" Misha tries again 
They say nothing for a long moment, then "It's bad" Jesse's voice is so soft they can barely hear it "I don't" they sniffle, curling tighter in on themself "I don't... want you to see... I- its - I don't-'' they trail off. Logans never heard their voice so small.
"Jesse, it's ok I promise. Whatever happened to you we wouldn't judge. We love you." Isa says softly. 
"We're your family" Nora puts in 
"It'll all be ok now. Whatever it is we'll patch you up and go get some dinner. Yeah?" Misha adds
Logan doesn't say a word, his stomach sinking to his toes. Idiot! He chides himself. You knew something was wrong. You should've had Misha look them over in the car. You should've- 
"I'm sorry" Jesse's lips are still trembling, “I'm sorry” but they pull down the zipper, shrugging out of the oversized coat.
Misha is the only one able to suppress her shock. 
"Oh Jes" 
It's worse than Logan could've imagined. They’re naked from the waist up under the coat, their entire body emaciated and covered in wounds. He doesn't know where to look first, or how to stop looking (strike).
Black bruises cover their torso, especially concentrated around their stomach and ribs. They've lost so much weight that he can actually see where their ribs are broken. Cuts and burns in various stages of healing litter their skin, with one particularly bad burn over most of their left hand. The fingers are twisted and bent unnaturally with several fingernails missing entirely. He can see actual handprints bruised up and down both arms.  
Jesse hunches forward again, trying to hide themself in the process revealing their back. There is so much blood he can't tell where the wounds are. Deep blue and black welts show through the mess of blood and torn flesh, crisscrossing their skin making a large X. 
He can't look anymore, he's about to be sick, he turns away, squeezing his eyes shut and feels the shock and horror transform. Rage like nothing he's ever felt kindles in his stomach, and spreads through him like nuclear radiation. He sees red, he's going to lose it. The red turns to white and all he can hear is his own blood pounding in his head. 
Whoever did this is going to regret being born.
He will find them and pay back every single wound Jesses suffered ten times over, a hundred times over. He will turn their body into a crime scene. Take them apart piece by screaming piece till there's nothing left but blood
"Who did this to you?" And he sounds nothing like himself even to his own ears.
"Logan" Misha's sharp voice cuts through the storm in his head. "You need to leave. Now. You're scaring them." 
His eyes snap to Jesse, tears rolling down their faces, and they're curled in on themself, cringing away, trying to hide. Trying to hide from him.
He runs from the room.
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lightandfellowship · 5 months
I think Marluxia suddenly getting some of his KHUX memory back after you defeat him in the Keyblade Graveyard is a little random because there's seemingly no concrete reason for it, so hear me out:
While it would have been cool if Marluxia interacting with Ven is what jogged his memory, Ven is busy fighting Vanitas and Terranort with Aqua. So he's not available. Therefore I propose that it's the Starlight Keyblade that jogs his memory.
A little explanation: In San Fransokyo, there's a cutscene where, regardless of what Keyblade you actually have equipped, the cutscene will show Sora wielding Shooting Star (I think that's what it's called) as he uses its form change. This sets the precedent that the game can choose what Keyblade Sora wields in a cutscene, so long as that particular Keyblade is important for the cutscene.
Right before the Skein of Severance labyrinth, Sora rides a Starlight Keyblade during the KHUX sequence and then gains the Starlight Keyblade afterwards. This means that Starlight is guaranteed to be in Sora's inventory before the Marluxia fight, even if the player doesn't equip it at any point.
After defeating Marluxia in the labyrinth, have the post-battle cutscene show Sora wielding Starlight. Marluxia can comment on how the Keyblade is vaguely familiar and reminds him of people that he used to know a long time ago and forgot about. (Maybe even Strelitzia herself wielded a Starlight Keyblade, and that's why it's strong enough to jog his memory? I don't think we ever see what Keyblade she wielded, unless I'm forgetting.) (I might be forgetting.)
This would also explain why in the game Marluxia says that it was Sora who helped him remember. As far as I can tell the game never really clarifies what he's talking about, how Sora helped him remember (by beating him up?? lol), but this way it's specifically because Marluxia witnessed Sora wielding the Starlight Keyblade.
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jabberwockprince · 11 months
since we're all having fun talking about theories and headcanons before the game drops. one thing that i do want for missing link, that is mostly wishful thinking on my part, is a reveal for kairi being a descendant of the player
this is based on their parallels of being shooting stars later found washed up on a beach from the new missing link trailer, plus that one moment from KH1 where kairi's grandma tells her about the age of the fairytales and nothing else lmfao
and i want that so badly because. it would be so fucking ironic and poetic to have kairi be a direct descendant of the one person that raised and cared so much for xehanort. the player, whose memories of ephemer and skuld and chirithy and everyone else influenced xehanort into starting his whole ass spiral and descent into darkness
only for her (and sora) to be the ones to get xehanort to stop in the end. ending a cycle of sorts. for her to be haunted by the memory of xehanort, the same way xehanort was "haunted" by the memory of the player's past life
PLUS. i want it to SPECIFICALLY recontextualize kairi's inheritance of the keyblade from BBS. because kairi's reason to wield a keyblade being nothing more than an "accident" feels like such a disservice to her AND aqua??
if they could recontextualize xehanort into whole new depths in dark road, i dont see why they couldn't reframe that moment as kairi reclaiming a dormant power, her own heritage that her bloodline forgot for centuries, since knowledge about keyblades and wielders began to fade out over time to the point where people who KNEW about them thought they were evil. makes sense that as the age of fairytales is left FORGOTTEN, no one can remember how to summon a keyblade, let alone the knowledge to create one from someone's heart. but having a strong heart (one of the requisites for bequeathing ceremonies) and being in direct contact with a keyblade, could just. help jog the memory a bit
and show that yeah. kairi deserves to wield a keyblade because she has a strong heart, and because this was her heritage that was taken away from her when the worlds began to drift away from each other and so on. not because of an accident
everytime chance, fate and destiny are brought up in the saga to explain why something. happened the way it did. it carries so much weight and so many events that led to That Point. but kairi's inheritance as of right now was just. yeah, an accident. no ceremony at all AND I JUST THINK SHE DESERVES RLLY COOL THINGS OKAY
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fordtato · 2 years
give me more ford in 70s and 80s-era workout outfits
gimme ford taking a morning jog through the woods in the brisk Oregon dawn wearing nothing but too-short metallic gold running shorts shorts and a cropped sleeveless jersey for the Backupsmore Aardvarks that he just never had the heart to throw out (in fact he cropped it himself when the bottom started fraying)
i want to see ford getting into roller disco because "it's an excellent way to stay in shape, Fiddleford" wearing nothing but an open hawaiian shirt and denim cutoffs, glistening with sweat under a disco ball while Earth Wind and Fire echoes through the nearly-empty roller rink, because it's Gravity Falls, how busy could their rink be?
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, hand me Ford on a silver platter wearing a hot pink leotard with aqua metallic shorts, over hotpink translucent tights, with a matching aqua headband, clapping along with "Bess Motta's 20 Minute Workout" on VHS as she encourages him in her thick Jersey accent, "Two more! One more! You got it baby! Keep that smile on!" when he feels like his heart is going to give out 14 minutes in but we're almost to the cooldown (and you know, he almost went with "Jane Fonda's Step Aerobics" today, but he didn't feel like sitting through the rewind, and also no one keeps you motivated like good ol' Bess Motta) AND I KNOW BESS MOTTA'S SERIES DIDN'T RELEASE UNTIL JUNE OF '83 BUT IF THE SHOW IS ALLOWED TO PLAY FAST AND LOOSE WITH ITS TIMELINE, SO AM I-
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superealme · 8 months
the summer of our hearts
a kim sunoo imagine.
an : just fluff, fluff, and more fluff- in reminisce of summer & fleeting youth.
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The blinding, stainless summer, weather perfect for rosy sentiments of youthful love. You slipped on a pair of white sneakers clumsily, hands fumbling to thread your brunette locks into a natural braid. Tying the end with a rubber band, you fling your newly done hair and a canvas bag of your belongings over your shoulder, closing the door behind you and rushing off. Checking the wristwatch, the time reads; 5:35. Reaching the park later than you’d promised would devastate your best friend, so you immediately pick the pace up to a jog, but then hesitate in your tracks.
Knowing yourself and your athletic abilities, you’d get there in an hour and a half on a good day, with ruined makeup and disheveled hair. The thought of appearing messy repulsed you, so you turn back around towards the row of bikes. In the waning golden light, you free your mint colored bike from its locked position, dusting off the years of un-use and plopping down on its plush leather seat, gripping the metal handles while pushing off into the streets of golden summer. 
Sunoo was nervous, pacing back and forth under your favorite tree that served as a backdrop for so many of your shared unforgettable memories, hands white from gripping a bouquet of sunflowers behind his back . Today, he decided, he was going to tell you how he really felt, all those blooming sentiments in his heart.
The sun was beginning to set, haloes of sunlight dimming, pinks and oranges beginning to stretch and streak across the sky the slightly suffocating heat beginning to dwindle. He looks down and notices his shoelace is untied, and sets the bouquet down on the picnic blanket he brought and then quickly looping his laces into a firm knot. As he’s immersed in tying his shoelace, he hears his favorite voice call out to him. 
“Sunoo!” You call out to him after spotting him from your bike, grinning ear to ear and hand waving frantically at him. There was no way you’d miss him anyways, he was wearing an aqua sweatshirt, bright and striking against the background of muted forest and moss shades. You practically jump off your bike, slinging your bag up your arm and running towards your best friend and your favorite tree. 
It was her. The girl of his dreams, the person that made him the happiest person on earth. Even thinking about her made his heart beat like crazy and his face flush bright red. As he saw her approaching him, he quickly turned to hide the bouquet behind the picnic basket as to not ruin the surprise. Sunoo smooths over his shirt and fixes his hair; breathing out a short breath to calm his nerves. “Y/n! You’re here! Come, come! Look what I prepared!” 
He really went above and beyond today, you notice and your heart melts at his actions, eyes sparkling in appreciation. “Wow Sunoo! I’m impressed! How’d you find the time to prepare all of this?” Now it was his turn to melt, a shy smile finding his face again from your praise and genuine appreciation. His eyes light up as he pulls out the bouquet he’s been hiding ever- so-nonchalantly, presenting it towards you.
“Sunflowers, our favorite. Thank you,” you muse softly, gingerly reaching for the flowers, clutching them preciously to your heart. His hand reaches back to tousle his own hair before uttering softly, “It was nothing, especially if it was for you.” You didn’t catch his last words as you were so astonished by his elaborate preparations, asking him a confused “what?” In which he quickly assures you, “It was nothing, let’s eat!” And the two of you scramble to unpack all the yummy treats he prepared. 
The two of you laugh and chatter away as you feed each other pieces of fruit Sunoo had cut into cute little shapes, and gimbap that your mom had rolled for the two of you, albeit a bit disfigured from the rough bike ride you subjected it to. But Sunoo assured that it tasted even better from all the jumbling. “Look, the sunset!” He reaches for your chin to turn you towards the illuminated sky. Both of you admired the spectacle wordlessly, until a flash shines you back into reality. “What was that?” Sunoo smiles sheepishly, in his hands a vintage camera you recognize is his older sister’s. “I want to remember this moment forever. August 30th, 5:53pm,” he finishes, eyes glued to the preview screen in shyness. That makes your heart flutter, so you reach over and boop his nose with your finger- “Me too. You know, I don’t mind summer, as long as it’s with you.” Both of you look away, cheeks flushed, heartbeats tangling in throats.
 It felt so natural and so so right- the summer breeze warm against your skin as the two of you spent time in each other’s presence, hearts waning until they made a little shadow under the remnants of the sun, looking a little bit more like one. 
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soulinesims · 1 year
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auntie eva taking care of arilena while aqua takes a nightly jog
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starfiresyugiohocs · 1 year
OC Profile: Nana
Full Name: Nana Mutou. Nicknames: Sunbeam (by her grandparents), Na-chan, BaNana. Aliases: N/A. Nationality: Japanese. Birthplace: Domino City, Japan. Gender: Female (she/her). Sexuality: Lesbian, possibly polyamorous. Age: 18-20 years old. Birthday: November 7th. Star Sign: Scorpio. Occupation: Psychology & Fine Arts student; counter clerk at Kame Game. Voiceclaim: Mae Whitman
Hair Color: Red, with blonde bangs. Hairstyle: Goes a bit past her shoulders, absolutely wild and untamable, very thick and has just that little bit off spike and fluff to it. Her bangs fall in a similar manner to her brother's and grandfather's, just without the spikiness. Eye Color: Aqua blue. Skintone: Deep tan. Notable Features: Being a 6'3" giant in a family of hobbits is pretty notable. Excess amount of freckles all over, pierced ears. Outfit Style: Very vibrant and/or pastel colors. Loves jeans that she's painted or has embroidery on them, and graphic tees. Very comfy and easy to move around in. Also has a ton of workout clothes. Accessories: Anklets are a big thing and she still wears friendship bracelets.
Personality: Bright and bubbly personality. Easily excitable, especially when it comes to her friends. She wants to be a positive influence, always encouraging others to reach their full potential. Lot of warmth and compassion in her heart. Still tends to be a bit lonely, thankful for the dear friends she's made but she struggled with making friends outside of her group. Gets flustered very easily. Mom Friend 24/7. Constantly looks out for everyone. Protective of her little brother, always trying to stick up for him. Very determined, can be a little stubborn at times. Has a harder time managing stress but is thankful for her psychology classes to help give her some blueprints. Hobbies: Painting, drawing, making jewelry, jogging, baking, reading comics, collecting knick knacks (i.e. fun mugs).  Habits/Mannerisms: Tugging at her bangs when she's nervous, snorting when she laughs, smile through the pain, bear hugs and spinning people around when excited. Likes: Cozy games, watercolors, animated movies (esp Ghibli films), being at the beach, board games, summer, fireworks, festivals, butterflies. Dislikes: Driving, egotistical people, the cold, snow, first person shooters, writing essays, when it's pitch dark. Favorite Food: Oyakodon, cookie cakes. Least Favorite Food: Cold soba.
Deck: Elemental Heroes. Signature Card(s): Elemental Hero Lady Heat. Ranking: Isn't as active in the tournament scene herself, and just tends to enjoy the game. She doesn't have near the win streak Yugi and Yami have, and I don't think she's ever beaten her Grandpa, but she's got a few wins under her belt!
Parents: Asami Mutou (deceased) and Hanzo Inaba (absent completely). Was raised by her grandparents, Solomon Mutou and Hina Mutou (nee Shimada). Sibling(s): Yugi Mutou (younger brother). By extension, she also comes to view the spirit of the Puzzle, Yami, as her brother as well. Extended Family: I would say consult the family tree, but it's pretty straight forward and she doesn't really have any. Pet(s): A Shiba Inu named Taro. Love Interest(s): Ishizu Ishtar, Nami Izumi (credit: @icychill) Extensive Relationships: See page here (coming soon)
Born as the eldest child to her parents, with Yugi following after two years. Her father disappeared from their life not long after her brother was born and she doesn't have any real memory of him and is happy enough not needing to seek him out.
Grew up with a group of friends very dear to her and she developed deep bonds with and are the exact reason Yugi craves that connection with people; he saw the example from her.
Their mother passed away when Nana was eight and Yugi was six, leading to them living with their grandparents at the game shop full time; they'd been helping watch after them since they were little after all.
Yugi finds the Puzzle a year afterwards and while Nana tried solving it herself, found it was better to let Yugi try (mostly because she got frustrated)
Started up college not long before the first fic and is excited to become a therapist so she can help others!
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