#aquarelle lesson
learnukrainian · 8 months
Ukrainian 101, Lesson 42: Stationery p.2 + Drawing
Stationery - канцелярія - kantseliareeia
Notebook - блокнот - bloknot
Paper - папір - papeer
Paper clip - (канцелярська) скріпка - (kantselliarska) skreepka
File - файл - file / file-yk
Folder - папка - papka
Sticky Notes - папір для нотаток - papeer dlia notatok
Pen - ручка - roochka
Ink - чорнило, чорнила - chornylo (s), chornyla (pl)
Highlighter - маркер - marker
Pencil - олівець - oleevets
Coloured pencils - кольорові олівці - kol'orovee oleevtsee
Eraser - гумка - hoomka
Glue - клей - clay (yup, that's how it's pronounced!)
Tape - скотч - scotch
Scissors - ножиці - nozhytsee
Ruler - лінійка - leeneeyka
Stapler - степлер - stapler
Paintrbush - пензлик - penzlyk
Paints - фарби - farby
Watercolours - акварель - aquarel
Gouache - гуаш - gouache
Oil paints - олійні фарби - oleeynee farby
Drawing - малювання - maliuvannia
Easel - мольберт - mol'bert
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redflannel · 2 years
I must say I LOVE the French audio on this show
This is not a hate on the English dubs or anything (and tbh I don’t speak other languages so idk if this exists in others) but I just can get over the nuances in the language that the characters use.
Ik people have talked about how Adrien “vouvoie” ’s his father before and It’s smth that I find adds a lot of depth to their relationship.
But this scene from determination is masterful and I’m quite sad that they’ll never be able to fully translate it to English:
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Obviously Adrien is talking about Marinette is this, and Kagami knows this
But in French the cover up is SOOOOO much better
“Watercolour” or “aquarelle” in French is feminine and therefore uses a feminine pronoun “Elle” or “she” when referencing the object.
So the second sentence becomes:
“The watercolour, I mean! It/she (Elle) is so beautiful”
I really don’t mean to give anyone a French lesson but I’m just obsessed with the nuances and how clever the writing can get!!!
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At the end of previous year I made a little nice picture of my partners beloved Pokémon, the Dragonite! How funny coincidence that 2024 is indeed the Year of a dragon. 🐉 Firstly I made a sketch on a watercolor paper (around 9x15 cm), which I later on used as a base for lineart made by Sakura Micron fineliner. Lastly I used Sennelier aquarell colours in tubes to paint the picture itself. Lesson learned - next time I should find the picture before I start drwaing, not afterwards, because now I feel like it does not look like a Dragonite at all... 🥹
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Study: making pastel traces less visible. Using Caran D'Ache Neocolor II Aquarelle pastels.
Test 1 below, doing random nonsense: looks gross. I hate my diagonal strokes, and using a dry pastel on a barely wet paper makes the pigment embed into the paper in a way that's hard to smudge later. (At least with just a brush)
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Test 2 below: only drawing dry pastels on dry paper, then smudging with a wide wet brush. Looks good. Wasn't trying to do anything special; it could be made better if I used a variety of brushes and stroke directions, but that wasn't the point today.
I like that the color intensity / pigment density could still vary from light to saturated, and both of them wouldn't leave visible pastel marks behind.
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Test 3 below: Tried to use exclusively wet paper for the pastels. No brushes.
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This turned out better than expected (for not using a brush). Some pastels seem to be softer than others - i.e. the purple ("lilac"), no matter how wet I tried to get the paper, it still left traces behind. Possibly could be fixed with some brush work.
An obvious lesson - wetting the paper is not enough, it needs time to soak in. Also, not sure if I love this particular paper (Clairefontaine Aquarelle Etival 300g/m cold pressed) - the grain looks like a videogame texture, not sure if I can explain it better. But again, not to blame my lack of skill on the paper.
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Gotta have some faith in the sound / (You got to give what you take)
Sorry it's Them again! Jerott/Danny post-canon (mid-90s ish) post-finally-getting-together fluffy, happy smut! Body positivity all the way for intersex Danny, who is into sensation play and who now has a boyfriend who knows how to give both good massages and good head. Jerott is just so happy to be there with someone who wants him and gets him, and if Danny decides to praise him along the way, well, he might just learn something about himself :')
Happy non-denominational smutmas to all my followers 🙃
thank you as ever @stripedroseandsketchpads for your enthusiasm, encouragement, researching, fannishness and for this excellent prompt:
holding hands making love prompt? 👀
Jerott closed his eyes and inhaled the sickly floral scent of the oil, rubbing it between his palms meditatively.  "Jasmine isn't a traditional Ayurvedic oil, Danny," he said with a smile.
Danny made a sound of pleasure and amusement, and Jerott heard the bedcovers rustle as Danny's body shifted against them.
"This isn't an Ayurvedic massage, remember?" Danny purred.
Jerott let out a laugh of acknowledgement. He looked down and felt his heartbeat skip to a quicker signature. His lover was lying on their bed, naked from the wispy puff of strawberry blonde hair on top of their head to the painted toenails at the end of their feet. In Danny's eyes was something of the wry challenge that was their customary way with new experiences, but these days Jerott found he could also read the anticipation in Danny's mien: the pale, freckle-dusted skin was flushed red in patches. On Danny's cheeks and neck there were blotches of colour like poppies painted in aquarelle: they bloomed out from Danny's sternum, filling the valley between the soft rises of their breasts and colouring the tops of their thighs as though Jerott's hands had already manipulated that flesh as he intended to.
This was not an Ayurvedic massage. If it had been, Jerott wouldn't have been totally naked himself - his body's appreciative response to the sight of Danny's body wouldn't have been visible, and Danny wouldn't now be biting their plump bottom lip with rakish glee, eyeing him up in return.
Jerott ran his gaze over Danny again, feeling spoilt for choice, uncertain where to begin. He would have happily fallen to the bed and smothered Danny with his kisses, with his body, with the desperate, disorderly wandering of his hands - but he'd been the one to offer the massage when he'd seen the way his touch could make Danny shiver with unexpected, honest delight.
The techniques he'd learned came from the ashram at Pune. They'd been honed on a body he didn't care to think of - broader than Danny's, muscled and infused with the scent of ground spice and patchouli. Then he'd used his skills professionally on the ashram in Nevada - he'd seen all kinds of bodies with these hands, unknotting muscles, rebalancing energies and loosening purse strings as he worked on behalf of Rajneesh's great message.
For years afterwards, he'd done his best to forget the lessons of the ashrams - the cod psychology, the smug anti-conformism, shallow in the face of the leader's demands. The massages had seemed like just another trick thought up by Rajneesh, exploited by Geetesh, designed to win them rich backers. But when he'd finally returned to the Indian subcontinent on his own terms, when he'd reached the country of his father's birth, he'd let himself rediscover things that had existed - oblivious to the manipulative gloss put on them by one movement or another - for spans of time beyond the reckoning of someone as small and petty as Graham Reid Malett. What was one megalomaniac to such a deep-rooted, enduring culture? Jerott had seen his former master's power atomised in the face of an ancient and indifferent spirituality and realised he was free.
He drew a deep breath and sent thoughts of his past out of his mind. This wasn't an Ayurvedic massage - not like he'd given to clients at the Nevada ashram, not like he'd given to Peder and his friends in Denmark when he'd come back with a renewed confidence in himself. This was something new - between him and the person he was deeply, terrifyingly in love with.
Jerott climbed onto the bed and straddled Danny's hips and Danny whimpered in anticipation.
"Shh," Jerott murmured habitually, smirking down at Danny's torso, still working his hands together to warm them to the temperature of the oil.
Danny's hips twitched provocatively beneath Jerott's seat and he began by running a teasingly light touch up the centre of Danny's body, fingertips tracing the line of the chakras... No. Tracing the sensitive skin from Danny's navel up to their throat, out over their shoulders and arms. Jerott drew the pads of his fingers along Danny's skin, echoing the feeling of a silk blouse being pulled down and away from Danny's body, like he was opening up the layers of the person lying beneath him.
If he were doing an Ayurvedic massage he'd start at the head - so Jerott shifted his seat a little and rubbed his thumbs over Danny's hips instead, making circular motions, now soft, now increasing in pressure, thumbs now sliding inwards, following the line of the pelvis down, bringing heat and colour to the surface of Danny's skin.
He watched his own brown fingers work, the gloss of oil on them transferring to Danny's body. It was as though, beneath his touch, he was bringing each muscle and sinew to life - glowing and eager. He ran his hands over Danny's belly, feeling soft flesh yield, feeling the hardness of muscle beneath puppyish fat. He didn't tell Danny to relax - he didn't need to. His fingers furrowed the land of Danny's body, unpicking tension, even undoing Danny's tightly wound anticipation, freeing Danny from the control they were used to maintaining.
In answer, Danny sighed and arched their back a little against the bed as Jerott's hands worked up, his touch again feather light at first, caressing inwards around Danny's ribs, his thumbs tracing the undersides of Danny's flat breasts, gently building until the strokes of his digits squeezed as they circled, until Danny's nipples had become hardened points that Jerott's thumb-pads could pass over as softly as the shadow of something on the wing.
Danny moaned at the hint of touch and watched, open-mouthed, as Jerott's thumbs scudded over the pink peaks again.
Jerott circled his thumbs this time, applying a little more pressure and eliciting another sound of pleasure that made his own stomach flip and his cock start with interest. Helpfully, Danny rolled their hips up against him and Jerott let out a breathy laugh of appreciation.
He dipped his fingers in the cup of oil at the bedside again and ran his palms up the planes of Danny's pecs, reaching for Danny's shoulders with clever, squeezing caresses as he shifted and bowed down to lick and suck at the nipples he'd just been teasing with his thumbs. The jasmine oil didn't taste great, he'd be the first to admit, but what did it matter when he felt Danny's whole body shudder beneath him, and that witty tongue, normally so ready with a snappy remark, was reduced to supporting the gasps and moans of Danny's undoing.
Jerott's hands massaged Danny's shoulders, upper arms, shoulders again and neck, and Jerott felt Danny melt in his hold, whimpering some inarticulate command as Jerott's teeth grazed sensitive, puckered skin and his thumbs moved in patterns of pressure up and down the vulnerable contours of Danny's neck. Then he swapped his gestures, stroking down over Danny's chest, gripping each small breast and palming muscle and flesh as he leaned in to suck hard on Danny's earlobe.
Danny's voice slipped into a higher pitch and they shivered and moaned again beneath Jerott's mantling body. Jerott shifted his weight and nudged one knee between Danny's legs, drawing ferociously on the soft flesh of Danny's earlobe with his lips and tongue as he did and eliciting his own name as a desperate plea from Danny's throat.
"Mm?" Jerott answered, pausing to nuzzle kisses into the hot skin behind Danny's ear.
"Don't stop," Danny said in a strangled voice, so Jerott nudged Danny's head the other way on the pillow with his nose and took the second earlobe in his mouth as he worked his other leg between Danny's knees and rolled his hips and hard cock against Danny's body.
It was enough to break down another part of Danny's control: they could no longer lie beneath Jerott pretending to be a passive recipient of such devoted attention. Their hands came to Jerott's back, smoothing up his spine and pulling him close - and it was enough to remind Jerott that he was meant to be delivering a massage, not plunging straight into sex, no matter what his nerves seemed to demand.
He released Danny's ear and kissed Danny's mouth instead, and rubbed Danny's earlobes between his thumbs and forefingers, feeling the little specks of scar tissue where Danny's piercings were. He had to stop and refresh the oil on his hands again, and then he fingered the hot cartilage of Danny's ears and worked his touch slowly, meticulously - soft and then hard and then soft again - down Danny's oil-glistened body until his hands were at Danny's hips and he was left kneeling, poised between Danny's legs.
Danny's hands remained on his back, his shoulders and arms, until Jerott was too far away to reach, and then, reluctantly, they returned to the sheets, gripping and twisting the cotton each time Danny let out an appreciative sound.
Mostly, Danny's eyes were closed - it was easier that way to sink into the sensations of Jerott's touch, and Jerott didn't begrudge himself the opportunity to stare back openly at Danny's rose-gold lashes, to watch the way their nostrils flared as they breathed deeply through the pleasure, to note the severe line of their jaw, which wasn't usually visible but now, from the angle Jerott saw it, rose like a peak at the top of the bed as Danny's head pressed back into the pillow.
Jerott ran his hands lightly over the skin of Danny's thighs, down not halfway to Danny's knees and then back up again to the pale drifts of hip bones lying beneath fat. He swallowed and licked his lips, but made himself wait as he made Danny wait, moving his hands down - smoothing hairs so fine and sparse they were invisible - and up again - ruffling nerve endings and heightening the anticipation of his next stroke - down, smoothing, soft as silk, light as soap washing off Danny's body.
He continued the movement as he finally lowered his mouth to Danny's cock, taking the firm stub of tissue in his mouth and sucking, drawing his tongue up the base in broad strokes that covered over the line of scar tissue where some part of Danny had been sewn shut by a doctor desperate to recreate normality.
Fuck normality, Jerott thought with savage glee, grasping Danny's hips and flicking his tongue from side to side over the soft, silken texture held in his mouth.
He ran his hands down Danny's thighs again, his grip firmer this time, his thumbs caressing the marshmallow-white flesh on the inside of Danny's legs, rubbing in circular motions up to the apex of Danny's thighs, his digits competing with his own face for access to Danny's most sensitive areas.
Danny whimpered and then cursed in French and, to Jerott's delight, in Yiddish. He'd never made that happen before so he repeated what he'd done and Danny's pelvis arched off the bed, pushing back against Jerott's mouth.
Jerott sucked the nub of Danny's cock and then laughed into the damp, downy tuft of hair above it. "Vraiment bien, puce?"
"Vraiment," Danny said from between clenched teeth. "Now come up here, I have something for you."
Jerott cocked a black brow at the head on the pillow but didn't immediately obey. He let his thumbs repeat their massage of the inside of Danny's thighs and he met Danny's tousled expression with an arrogant smirk.
Danny groaned and their legs shivered under Jerott's touch.
"Come here..." they repeated, with a new edge of despair in their voice.
Jerott came slowly, his hands and mouth retracing their way up Danny's body, now guided and tugged at by Danny's impatient touch on his shoulders, back and arse.
When Jerott reached Danny's lips Danny squeezed his arse cheeks vindictively and pulled Jerott's body flush against theirs. Jerott let out a gasp inside Danny's mouth, rolled his hips desperately against Danny's body, and ran his palms down over Danny's nipples again.
Danny's fingers covered Jerott's, pressing his touch down on Danny's chest, and then Danny took Jerott's hands in theirs and sat up, pushing him back with insistent kisses until he was half kneeling, half sitting. Clasping Jerott's hands in theirs, Danny guided his touch around to the small of their back as they leaned, chest first, against Jerott.
"You have something for me, hm?" Jerott asked between kisses, speaking into the softness at the corner of Danny's lips.
"Yes," Danny smirked, their cheek curving beneath Jerott's mouth. They held Jerott's hands in place behind their back and shuffled closer, leaning into Jerott until Jerott shifted his legs out from under him and sat with them splayed to either side of Danny. Danny wasted no time in moving into the space between and wrapping their thighs tight around Jerott's hips.
"What is it?" Jerott tested Danny's grip gently, attempting to run his hands round Danny's waist only to find that his lover's tight hold arrested the movement, keeping him close in their embrace.
Danny pushed their body closer, closer to Jerott's until Jerott felt the unmistakeable demand to lie back and let Danny straddle him, as he had earlier straddled Danny.
He let himself sink down to the sheets and Danny allowed his hands to move around to rest on their hips. They looked down at Jerott with a regal air: chest puffed out, streaked and glistening with jasmine oil like it was war paint, eyelids low over a gaze sparkling with lust. Flushed red lips, a body drawn in indistinct outlines that were as remarkable as any work of art Jerott had seen - Jerott's cock twitched insistently, trapped as it was  beneath Danny's warm arse cheeks.
Danny's smirk was devastating. "What do I have for you?"
They shuffled, one knee then the other, holding Jerott's hands to their hips, up Jerott's torso until they only needed to lift their legs over Jerott's arms and they'd be poised to sit on his face.
"Me, of course," Danny said in silken tones. The certainty, the pride and confidence in those words made a sound rise in Jerott's throat. He swallowed and licked his lips and ran his eyes over the body above his, hungry to taste Danny in his mouth again.
Danny beamed down at him and released his hands so that they could shift their legs and position Jerott's head between them.
Jerott groaned happily as Danny lowered themself to his mouth. He ran his freed hands up Danny's arse and lower back, rubbing and massaging flesh as he went until Danny's hands grasped his again.
Danny threaded their fingers through Jerott's and held his hands against their arse as they ground their body down against Jerott's open mouth.
When Danny did this it never felt suffocating or uncomfortable: Danny paid attention to the way Jerott responded and moaned encouragements that made Jerott's skin prickle. He could hold all of Danny's small cock in his mouth without his jaw aching or feeling like he was about to choke when Danny rolled their hips down. He could find his way around the rest of Danny's anatomy with his tongue, running it softly at first over places that could either be painfully sensitive or dulled to touch by old scar tissue - he worked carefully, like he would do with his hands during the massage - working out what felt good to his lover and what didn't.
And Danny was always happy to help him find the right spot, moving their body and delivering gasped instructions.
All it took was for Danny to breathe an honest "Oy...you're good at this," and Jerott felt his nipples harden and his hips squirm against the bed, his cock responding instantly to the praise. He made a grateful sound against Danny's body and Danny whined and rocked against his mouth.
They tightened their grip on Jerott's hands and then guided his right one away from their arse. Danny reached behind themself, arching above Jerott to draw Jerott's hand away from their body. Danny stretched back, pushing Jerott's fingers towards his cock, and Jerott felt how smooth his own hand was, softened by jasmine oil and hot from the use he'd put it to.
"Don't forget about yourself," Danny purred, looking directly into Jerott's eyes. They released the hand they'd guided to Jerott's cock and sat forward again, reaching down to gently sweep the hair off Jerott's face.
"Ok?" Danny checked. "I'm not smothering you?"
They clocked Jerott's mischievous expression immediately and let out a low laugh. "Careful how you answer that, doudou..."
Jerott, who had no interest in occupying his mouth with mere words when he had other means at his disposal, dipped his chin a little and sucked pointedly at the smooth, domed head of Danny's cock, pressung his tongue up against it.
Danny laughed shakily again and groaned. "...Good answer," they conceded, and Jerott knew that when they opened their eyes again and looked down at him they'd see the satisfaction, the smirk in his expression.
His arms were pinned beneath Danny's body still, but he didn't need to move much to jerk himself off, not when he was already this hard. His right hand moved rhythmically up and down his cock even as Danny held his left hand still, their fingers knotted together behind Danny's back.
Jerott didn't let any of it affect the attention he gave Danny - his own pleasure wasn't a distraction or a splitting of his goals, rather it was like singing while playing guitar, or even just using two hands on the one instrument to make the perfect music. He did what felt good to Danny, Danny told him how good it was, and Jerott's hand quickened with pride, his blood rushed with the thrill of knowing he was making Danny feel that way too.
It could take time and patience to make Danny come, and Jerott enjoyed the challenge - besides, even if Danny didn't get there, Jerott wanted to be certain he'd made them feel exquisite in any case. So long as he was occupied with Danny's pleasure, time stopped and pure sensation ruled: Danny's soft thighs squeezing his cheeks; the warm, wet air Jerott breathed that tasted of the mingling of their bodies; Danny's fingers gently combing through his hair, squeezing his hand tightly behind their back; the feeling of his cock against his palm, as eager for Danny's release as its own.
When his neck felt stiff he shifted and kissed the insides of Danny's thighs, applying pressure with his tongue or plunging his teeth into yielding flesh to leave bruises that made Danny yelp with delight.
Another exclamation in Yiddish - Jerott grinned and nipped Danny's leg playfully. He took another mouthful of skin and sucked, like he'd suck on Danny's cock, and Danny whimpered, their hips bucking, their arse cheeks clenching. French insults mingled with Yiddish; an agonised "hob rachmones!"; a litany of evocative terms that made heat gather in Jerott's groin, spoken as they were with such awe.
He was on the edge now, and he took Danny's cock in his mouth again in case they were too. He tasted their anticipation, and rubbed his tongue against the underside of the head, and as they said, "That's it, that's it, you're an artist!" he felt himself lose the vestiges of his own control as thought and sense and intent all suddenly rushed down to his groin and left the rest of his body flushed empty of all but a ringing pleasure.
Danny's unashamed cry harmonised with the singing of his nerves and Jerott gasped as he let his head fall back to the mattress, satiated and exhausted and fizzing with a vital glee he didn't think he'd felt in years.
Danny released his hand and climbed off him, and Jerott lay in a state of near shavasana, his eyes closed and a smile on his lips. He waited, knowing Danny was coming to him, which Danny did, stretching out alongside his body and stroking his hair back around his ear with the utmost tenderness. They kissed him slowly and deeply and Jerott murmured happily into it.
"You're a treasure, doudou," Danny said against his lips.
Jerott smiled and heard Danny tut immediately. "But don't let it go to that pretty head of yours. You'd be insufferable if you knew..."
Jerott blinked and looked at Danny in sleepy puzzlement, wondering why they'd stopped mid-sentence.
They were staring at him intently, thoughtfully, more seriously than he'd expected. Their lips were red and their cheeks blotched pink; their hair was a disordered, sweaty mess. Without make-up they still looked vulnerable and new to Jerott - beautiful but often wary, a warrior without their armour on.
"If I knew...?" Jerott prompted, lifting a heavy arm from the bed to stroke Danny's chin with his thumb.
Danny's lips moved, and a puckered, vexed smirk fought its way onto them. "You'd be insufferable if you knew how much I love you."
The words still made Jerott's body blush with sensation - instant heat, instant gratification making his skin prickle. He offered the bravest, lopsided grin he could. "Lucky I have you to keep me humble, hm?"
Danny smiled toothily and kissed him. Jerott accepted the insult that followed in all its fondness.
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artbyildy · 1 year
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#artbyildy Open for registration 20%off 3 months long weekly inspirations 14 lessons Easter included Full of interesting background info It is like a weekly ART MAGAZINE You will love it Let's paint together. www.artbyildy.com #natureartspring #aquarelle #paintingsonthewall #onlineartworkshop #onlineartlessons #brushstrokes #aquarellepaintings #watercolor #sennelier https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSfh8Iob-g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nioumin-draw · 4 months
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Bonjour à tous 😋
Durant ma semaine de vacances j’en profite pour affûter mes compétences en aquarelle basée sur tout ce que j’ai appris par moi même.
Résultat : j’ai pu réussir à crée un jolie petit café-librairie entourée de plante avec au dessus des apparemment calme et comfortables 😄
Ça vous tenterait de vivre ici ? parce que moi personnellement si je vis ici vous me verrez toujours fréquenté ce café XD
Petite pensé pour ma mère qui comme moi aime ce genre d’endroit 💕💕📖🫖
🇬🇧: during my vacation week , I’m practicing my watercolor painting skill based on any lessons and tutorials I learn myself on it .
Result : I creat i cozy and very pretty little tea room bookshop surrounded by plants and with comfortable appartement😄📖☕️🫖
Honestly don’t you want live here ? If I do I will spend my day in this tea room XD
Je voudrais votre opinion sincère là-dessus s’il vous plaît 🥺 💕☕️🫖📚📖🌱🪴
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stumblingoverchaos · 1 year
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For the Get Messy Courageous Adventures class - specifically for the #gmhangout for @charderouin's "Grunge" lesson. "Well, Nevermind". Acrylic paint, gesso, collage, gel plate printing, stencils, Aquarelle water-soluble crayon, water spritzer, vinyl lettering.
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callmethats · 2 years
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farewell Clara . Somewhere last year I started following some aroma yin yoga lessons and eventually Clara became my instructor. That one hour we shared every week really made a difference in my mental health! I was also because of one certain class that I had this idea of drawing Clara as a fawn playing her yogi instruments and reinforcing this connection with the scents of the essential oils and all the energy around them! • • • • • #myart #painting #watercolor #paint #sketch #draw #instaart #watercolour #sketchbook #arte #fantasy #fawn #yoga #fantasyart #deer #yogaeverydamnday #artoftheday #pencil #yogi #artistic #paintings #contemporaryart #instaartist #yogalove #scifi #aquarelle #creative #yogainspiration #namaste #yogaeverywhere (bij Studio Infinity - Yoga & Massage) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjFkOYHqDcg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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irmgardrawn · 2 years
How to paint a moody country evening with washes and cling wrap, a water...
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century-sails-art · 3 years
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Sailing #lesson in #paradise - 14.8 X 21 #aquarelle #watercolor from @guillaume_flouriot #sea #blue #mer #bleu #marine #navy #boat #sailing #sailboat #bordeauxmaville #landscape #art #artwork #painting #sketching #picoftheday #pictureoftheday #deco #tendance #beautiful #colors #reflet #reflection #bretagne #france #morbihan 🇫🇷 ⛵️🖼🗺⚓️🎨 (à Bordeaux 33) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMusYxPH7V9/?igshid=1aj6wv8b0n4je
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nilrochaart · 4 years
How to draw and paint ACEO SKETCH CARD Full real time watercolor by Nil ...
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kellyeddington · 5 years
Watch me start a portrait of my niece Eve as Snow White!
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leantowardthelight · 4 years
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Poppies #joanneboonthomas #tutorial #poppies #redpoppies #watercolor #watercolorpainting #beepapercompany #aquabee #flowerpainting #artlesson #loosewatercolor #lesson #flowers #vangoghwatercolor #royaltalens #aquarelle #nofilter #note8 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Slsuvh2I9/?igshid=w5rxnxikna4c
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obeymybrain · 3 years
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Lesson 8 from the #iriscompietfaeryworkout from #schoolism. The Mushroom Fae Drawing by Iris Compiet, #watercolor by me. . . . . . #art #painting #irisfaeryworkout #watercolour #illistration #instart #mushroom #fae #faery #forest #aquarelle #danielsmith https://www.instagram.com/p/CMq27WhjVZc/?igshid=r903q8meg0yn
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eterek · 3 years
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Результат первого урока в акварельном марафоне от замечательной Юлии Барминовой. Я как-то забросила акварель, но в последнее время очень хотела к ней вернуться, так что думаю, марафон начался очень вовремя🙏🏻🖤⁣⁣⠀ Я рисовала во время прямого эфира (в карусели отзыв Юлии о моей работе), так что благодаря фидбэку сразу смогла исправить некоторые недочеты и довести работу до ума😌⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ Организаторы: @mpmart_official @lectoroom @krasniy_karandash @juliabarminova @maxgoodz ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ •⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ Here is the result of the first lesson in watercolor marathon with Julia Barminova. I didn’t practice in watercolor for a while, so I decided to take part in this 3-days intensive course. ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ #winterthon_jb #artist #акварель #море #drawing #яхта #aquarelle #sea #yacht⠀#artwork #instaartist #иллюстрация #seascape #акварель #пейзаж #painting #watercolor #watercolour #topcreator #waterblog #onlyartworks (at Belgorod) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKOfnvZhK7T/?igshid=hhcdsqtspaee
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