#aquarium chiller
chibimonkey · 4 months
This has been the worst month. First my birthday was a disaster. It's three days after my father's and since my mom was mad at him she did nothing for both of ours. I didn't even get a cake, and she always makes it a point to get us our own cakes. Then my grandmother's card got lost in the mail (our post office had some huge screw up that messed up post for the whole town) and she got really pissy with me about it. My grandfather died. I did my father a favor the weekend of the funeral and he's been constantly trying to slack off his single house chore and push it onto me ever since. And my therapist has cancelled two of our four appointments this month and while they're for legitimate reasons it still looks really bad for my disability hearing this summer.
And then my aquarium chiller breaks. Awesome. I can't afford to replace it. I live off $100 a month from my mom and it's barely enough to feed my cats. If anyone is able to donate $5, $10, or $20 towards helping me replace it, I'd be so grateful. If I can't replace it I have to rehome my axolotls. The chiller is $295 with tax on Amazon. Please help us. 🙏🙏🙏
If you can't donate, please reblog to spread visibility!
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lilkittay · 1 year
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bitchfitch · 1 year
while i was at Aquashella there were multiple tables selling axolotls and it reminded me about a handful of posts made by people who probably had good intentions about how so many Endangered axolotls would be Poached for the Evil Pet Trade if people kept liking them so much.
and y'all. that is so fucking funny because most people don't even know what a wild axolotl looks like. They're muddy brown/grey.
The white and pink leucistic ones are the descendents of lab animals that were collected for research around stem cells, limb regeneration, and a few other misc applications.
they're lucys because theyve been intentionally genetically modified. there is legit no reason to poach axolotls when the real all organic animal is muck grey and has the disposition of a prudish victorian noble woman while the ones already in the pet trade breed readily in captivity, can handle a larger range of water parameters, and come in way more weird colors. like "floresces green under black light bc of the jelly fish DNA some scientists gave it's grandparents to confirm Other genetic modifications were being incorporated into the animals DNA."
which you can buy as a baby for 70 bucks, and like btw, wildtypes go for around 45, and are usually the by-product of breeding for other colors due to how most morphs are comprised of recessive genes.
you can get combo adult breeder pair deals for 100$ and have a quadspmillion of the fuckers in a few weeks. and Not run the risk of getting massive fines and jail time for it like you would for poaching the ones that look like they came from a breeders soft cull bin.
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fishandcoralstore · 10 months
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plaguedocboi · 5 months
You seem knowledgeable about Wet Beasts of various and sundry forms. Any idea if one could keep lumpfish in a home aquarium?
In theory you can keep anything in a home aquarium that can be kept in a public aquarium, but you’d need the correct setup. Lumpfish are cold-water so you’d need a chiller and, in my experience, they are kind of delicate. Like even the water fluctuating slightly too warm can kill them. They’re also very susceptible to diseases and all of this makes them tricky to keep healthy in captivity. They also get quite a lot bigger than most people realize. Like, football-sized.
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In summary, you probably could but you’d need a very large, cold tank and be extremely careful about any changes in water chemistry or contamination. It’s possible but would likely be very hard to do.
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months
Okay, let's be real: there is no effing way none of the kids were asking for pets - zilch! Even if they are demons/celestials/dragons, they gotta have wanted a pet.
So, who nearly gave in, who was the voice of reason, and what pet did the fam get in the end?
MK and Mei are def the kids who tried to scheme/bargain to have a dog throughout their childhood. Nezha is a lot chiller on the subject, but would argue that a growing up with a pet would help with social stuff. Chenxiang would also like a pet, and tries to argue for the kiddos, but can be easily distracted with a marimo (moss ball). A lot of the time they can scratch that wanting-a-pet-itch by chilling on the boat with Sandy's foster cats, but sometimes a kid just really wants a dog.
Wukong wants to give the kids some pet responsibilities, but this man has bad history with dogs so none of those. Probably shows the kids the gnarly scar "an old war buddy's dog" [aka Xiaotian Quan] gave him to try and dissuade them. No fish either - he's seen what evil goldfishes can get up to. His fave animals are of the large hooved variety, so he's not allowed to get a pet either. He almost gave in one time when he met a really affectionate chihuahua once though, tiny dogs be a different matter. Will frequently use his limited magic to turn into whatever animal the kids are arguing for and cause havoc around the apartment until they admit defeat.
Macaque is sneakier. He knows his kids aren't gonna take great care of a whole pet by themselves if he just gives them one - cus they're kids, and have the attention spans of a monkey and a lizard combined. So he slyly says something like; "Your Uncle Sandy has a new batch of foster kittens, maybe he needs help raising them?" And the kids go nuts all the way to the boat. After weeks of bottlefeeding, butt-wiping, and litter changing for foster kittens; MK and Mei don't ask for a pet for a while. Macaque knows that the easiest way to halt the "Can we have a pet?"-train is to give the kids *actual* responsibility that they have to do. Vaguely considers guinea pigs or rabbits as a pet option, but that goes out the window with the addition of a certain little cat demon into the family.
Pigsy is the one to put his foot down and say: "No, absolutely not. Pets are a huge responsibility, and you live above a restaurant." Thinks most animals are just health hazards waiting to happen. Ironically the One Time he agreed to let the kids keep a pet, was when a stray kitten came into the restaurant. That kitten turned out to be Bai He. Pigsy is suspicious of any future animal additions to the family.
Tang ends up offering the ultimate compromise in this situation. He's great at "bargaining" with the kids to distract them for a while. He offers that if the kids can successfully raise a caterpillar into a butterfly - then they might be ready for a bigger animal. Cue a little terriarium in the apartment, and the kids are fixated on a little wormy guy for the next couple of weeks.
MK: "Pama! We did it!" Tang: "Huh?" Mei: "The caterpillar! It came out of its crys-alis!" Tang: *looks at terriarium in surprise* Tang, laughing to himself: "Sorry kiddos. But your "butterfly", is actually a moth. I must have grabbed a silkworm on accident." MK & Mei: "Aw..." Tang: "But hey, lets go to the pet store and see if you guys are ready for an upgrade!" MK & Mei, eyes sparkling with joy: "Upgrade! Upgrade!"
Tang's idea of an "upgrade" was one of those sea monkey/aqua dragon kits. MK and Mei were very disappointed when the eggs hatched and weren't tiny monkey-mermaids or baby dragons - Nezha on the otherhand was fascinated and now keeps one of those mini-aquariums in his room.
Sandy is def the one to make the kids truly understand the Effort and Responsibility a pet requires by having them help out with foster cats. He would however, completely fold if the kids ever asked to to keep one of the cats as a foster fail. He can't say no to them.
Eventually they accidentally find the perfect animal while visiting their "Grand Aunts/Uncles" [the Stalwarts] in the mountains. A frequent vistor to Uncle Beng's garden.
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Mei and MK, eyes sparkling: "What are you?" Tortoise: :> Mei: "You're our friend now." Tortoise: *seems ok with this*
Wukong and Macaque just looked at the kiddos with their new buddy like; "Yeah sure I guess. Can't live that long can it?"
Its been over ten years since that moment, and Pangu the Tortoise is still alive and chilling around the (now-MK's) apartment. Mei takes care of Pangu every-so often and has a "bachelor pad" for him (+a bearded dragon) in her apartment. Pangu is currently the size of a small dog and bites tf out of Red Son whenever he visits. Completely normal animal. Unamused by magic, even when he and the other pets get babysat by the Stalwarts during the chaos of S3 - he's more mad that LBD's ice froze his lettuce.
SWK and Mac honestly didn't know Pangu was a long-lived species when they took him in but are glad it stopped any talk of pets... from kid MK and Mei.
Now the Eclipse twins are starting to complain about wanting pets too ever since Shadowpeach upgraded to an actual house. Bai He has to be talked down from keeping every street cat she finds. And of course MK is now a grown adult and is starting to think he's ready for the responsibility of a dog.
Its a never ending struggle.
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empanadaaaaaaa · 8 months
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these are also from last year and only posted on fb.
After Ele's international studies ended, she had to go back to her country and Pete would be left on his own until 11 years later. Ele grows up to study toxicology and gets offered a job in New York, so she packs her stuff and leaves the country to establish a new life.
Her first week passes by and she decides to take a little trip to an aquarium to calm her nerves. She bought her tickets and took a little walk until she's left paralized, staring in awe at the huge shark tank of different species, until some guy approaches and taps her on her shoulder.
— "Ey', sweetheart. You wanna be in a movie?"
Ele turned around and saw a shorter guy standing. His tone seemed familiar, but Ele couldn't really notice a lot of his face since it's hidden by a hoodie and a cap, until he lifted his face and showed a toothy grin and some eyebrow raises. Those facial features quickly snapped on her mind and asked him:
—"Do I know you?"
which the guy responded with a "Just call me Pete". The brunette's eyes widened a bit and the last name that she had forgotten for years was about to quickly burst out her throat.
— "DiNunzio?"
Pete's grin was brushed off his face, a little nervous since nobody had a stranger adress him by his last name. He looked directly at the woman's dark orbs and, with a little quiver on his voice, he asked:
— "How do you know my name?".
Ele was surpised an old friend of her didn't quite remember her, maybe because she's not wearing those hippie clothes? Or her straightened hair?
—"How come you don't remember me? It's me! Elena! The girl who had her community service at the library?"
She got worried for Pete, explaining about her time, back when she was 16 and studying at Eltingville. The memory quickly got Pete to her ground, his beady white eyes getting bigger after seeing an old friend.
—"No fuckin' shit, you??!!"
He almost shouted, amused by her change of looks.
—"You look... different. Not that you look bad or anythin', you look pretty. Dat's it."
Pete was straightforward, honest with her, way different when he used to be a violent young man. The both of them remained still, standing beside eachother and now looking at the shark tank.
—"So, wat'chu working for? What brought you 'ere?"
Pete broke the silence, curious about how Ele has been through the years. He put his calloused hands in his pockets, keeping one mako shark in movement in his eyes.
—"I finished senior year back in Colombia. I graduated, went to college, studied pharmacology, toxicology, all that stuff. And I got a job offer when I graduated, but I had to move here in America. The offer said it pays well, so I'll get enough to live."
Ele calmly answered, satisfied about how far she's gone. She then inhaled and dared to ask the same question, a little curious about getting asked to participate in a movie.
—"And you, DiNunzio? What have you been up to? Are you in a movie crew, hiring actors in the wild?"
—"Well, yeah! That's sort of a part of what I do. I worked for my dad for a good time until I started workin' for cons and then at Chiller. But I met this one guy at a party, talkin' about horror porn, that shit I used to watch. That guy had a crew, specialized in doin' those movies and shit, and so I got hired at Sick Mofo. If you wanna watch some then come call me."
Pete reached his pocket and gave Ele a card contianing the information of Sick Mofo Productions, it's website and phone number. Something like a business card.
—"Interesting, you kept going with your horror stuff , I'm impressed. You doing good in there?"
Ele kept the card under the shirt's little pocket on the chest area, giving Pete a little warm smile.
—"It's awesome in there, at least for me. Lotsa chicks doin' the good stuff and havin' fun! Sight for sore eyes if ya tell me, sugar."
Pete flashed his confident, toothy grin to his friend, letting out a chuckle.
—"I'm glad we got to meet eachother again."
Elena stretched out her arm to give a friendly handshake. She had her manicure done perfectly, the tone of red that matched her skin like blood. Pete's cheeks tinted into a little red and reached out to shake her hand, illuminated by the blue of the water tank.
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did this one today. the probability for these two (US) to get married is about a 50%. not because they're so in love with eachother (friend w benefits) but because their respective families are disappointed that they're both single and need to construct a family or whatever.
("me marrying my friend on my 30's after neither of us got a partner")
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l3irdl3rain · 2 years
My birthday is next week! In celebration I bought myself an aquarium chiller. For the first time ever I’m having a hard time keeping Otto’s tank as cool as I’d like to. I know it’ll be worse in the Summer so I decided to finally take the plunge.
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emiesphere · 1 month
La semaine San Franciscaine est terminée. Six jours c’était l’équilibre parfait pour visiter mais aussi chiller dans les parcs ou sur le bord de mer.
Day 1 : 12h d’avion + installation à l’auberge de jeunesse avec une vue sur la baie et le Golden Gate + balade dans Fisherman’s wharf un quartier au bord de l’eau beaucoup trop touristique à mon goût
Day 2 : balade dans le Golden Gate Park qui est immense + hotdog + visite du California Science Museum. Le musée était sympa, plein d’aquarium et un serre géante avec une reproduction de la forêt amazonienne, mais j’ai encore du mal à me remettre du prix du billet, 50$! En plus on était dimanche c’était plein de gosses qui tapaient sur les aquariums comme Darla dans Nemo.
Day 3 : trajet en cable car ces vieux wagon qui montent et descendent les collines depuis plus de 150 ans + bref arrêt dans Union Square pour avoir peur + balade dans Haight Street le quartier hippie de SF où j’ai pu acheté un patch (vintage?) pour mon sac. J’ai aussi eu le malheur de rentrer dans un bookstore où j’ai trouvé ce livre que je cherchais depuis longtemps. Je l’ai acheté alors que je n’avais pas de place, j’ai commandé un matcha frappé et je suis allée telle une vraie Californienne lire au Golden Gate parc au soleil et entourée de chiens (c’est fou le nombre de chien qu’il y a ici et ils sont tous trop beau).
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garbage-empress · 2 months
I missed that "if money/ethics weren't a problem, what would be your ideal pet" post but I think it would be a nautilus. Most cephalopods are tragically short lived (1-2 years) but nautiluses can easily live to 20. They're bizarre creatures to see in motion. They would require an absolutely giant tank since they spend all their time swimming and live in colder water which would require a ludicrously expensive custom water chiller system.
One of the reasons that tropical species are kept in aquariums much more often than cold water species is that a water heater is cheap and mechanically simple to keep at the correct temperature in a climate controlled room (usually you only have to heat the water a few degrees above the room temperature too) but cooling the water below room temperature requires a chiller, which is much more expensive, elaborate and energy intensive
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this New York Times story:
Dr. Cameron Clifford, a dentist in Edmond, Okla., said his son Cal, 9, has been infatuated with octopuses since he was 3 years old. “Every birthday, every Christmas, every holiday, he would always say: ‘All I want is an octopus,’” Dr. Clifford said.
For a while, the family nurtured Cal’s interest by buying him octopus toys and octopus T-shirts, dressing him as an octopus for Halloween and taking him to aquariums to see live octopuses.
Then, last October, Dr. Clifford sprang for the real deal.
He ordered his son a California two-spot octopus to keep as a pet in a tank in his bedroom. It arrived via UPS in a bag of water packed inside a cardboard box on Oct. 11, Cal’s ninth birthday. Cal named it Terrance.
Unbeknown to the family, Terrance was a female, who released what Dr. Clifford described as “a chandelier” of puffy little eggs in December. He assumed the eggs were unfertilized until one night in February, when, while cleaning the tank, he picked one up and examined it closely
“I accidentally popped it, and this droplet comes out and spreads out these tiny tentacles and does three swim strokes across my viewpoint,” he said. “It was absolutely shocking.”
Over the next week or so, 49 more hatchlings emerged from their eggs, setting off a rush by the family to keep the tiny octopuses alive and find them homes. Dr. Clifford has been documenting the experience on TikTok, where some of his videos have received more than two million views. Viewers have responded with crying and heart emojis.
“It’s expensive, wet chaos,” said Dr. Clifford, 36, who has spent thousands of dollars on tanks, water filters, water chillers, crabs, snails and clams in an expanding cephalopod aquarium that briefly took over part of a bathroom in the family home. Among other challenges, he has had to contend with a small electrical fire and about 10 gallons of saltwater that spilled on the carpet of his son’s bedroom.
Dr. Clifford said he has managed to keep about 24 of the octopus hatchlings alive, with the help of a friend who is keeping them at a property he owns. Even in the wild, scientists say, very few hatchlings survive.
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supedium · 1 day
The Benefits of Using a Chiller in Your Aquarium
https://supedium.com/aquarium/the-benefits-of-using-a-chiller-in-your-aquarium/ #aquariumchiller #aquatichealth #energyefficiency #reefaquarium #temperaturecontrol #Waterquality The Benefits of Using a Chiller in Your Aquarium https://supedium.com/aquarium/the-benefits-of-using-a-chiller-in-your-aquarium/
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keysaquaticsblog · 18 days
Key West Aquarium Maintenance: Essential Practices for a Vibrant and Healthy Marine Ecosystem
Maintaining an aquarium in Key West presents unique challenges and opportunities due to the region’s specific environmental conditions and the diverse marine life it houses. Proper aquarium maintenance is crucial for ensuring the health and longevity of aquatic species, preserving the quality of the water, and creating an aesthetically pleasing and educational environment. This blog explores the key aspects of aquarium maintenance in Key West, focusing on impressive practices that ensure a thriving marine habitat.
The Importance of Regular Aquarium Maintenance
Regular maintenance is essential for any aquarium, but in a place like Key West, where the marine ecosystem can be particularly sensitive, it becomes even more critical. Consistent Key West aquarium maintenance helps prevent the build-up of harmful substances, ensures the health of aquatic inhabitants, and enhances the overall appearance of the aquarium. Key factors include:
Water Quality Management: Maintaining optimal water quality is the foundation of a healthy aquarium. This involves monitoring parameters such as pH, salinity, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. Regular testing and adjustments are necessary to keep these parameters within safe ranges. In Key West, where temperature fluctuations can be more pronounced, ensuring stable water conditions is crucial for marine life.
Filtration Systems: Effective filtration is vital for removing debris, organic matter, and harmful chemicals from the water. In Key West aquariums, high-quality filtration systems that can handle the specific demands of saltwater or freshwater environments are essential.
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Algae Control: Algae growth can quickly become a problem in aquariums if not managed properly. In Key West, where sunlight can be more intense, controlling algae through proper lighting, regular cleaning, and the use of algae-eating organisms is important.
Specialized Maintenance for Key West Aquariums
Aquariums in Key West may require specialized maintenance practices due to their unique environmental conditions and the types of marine life they host. Here are some impressive practices tailored to Key West aquarium maintenance:
Temperature Regulation: The tropical climate of Key West can lead to temperature fluctuations in an aquarium. Maintaining a stable temperature is crucial for the well-being of marine life. Installing reliable heaters or chillers, and using temperature monitoring systems, helps manage these fluctuations effectively.
Salinity Management: For saltwater aquariums, maintaining the correct salinity level is essential. Regularly checking and adjusting salinity using a refractometer or hydrometer ensures that it stays within the optimal range for the species housed.
Coral Care: Many Key West aquariums feature coral reefs, which require specific care to thrive. Regular monitoring of light intensity, water flow, and nutrient levels is necessary to support coral health.
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Effective Key West aquarium maintenance requires a combination of regular care, specialized practices, and preventative measures to ensure a vibrant and healthy marine environment. By focusing on water quality management, filtration systems, algae control, and specialized care for local conditions, you can create an aquarium that not only thrives but also serves as an educational and engaging experience for visitors.
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What are water chillers used for?
Commonly used to cool products and machinery, water chillers are used in a variety of applications including injection molding, tool and die cutting, food and beverage, chemical, laser, machine tools, semi-conductors and more.
Water chillers are used primarily for cooling purposes in various industrial, commercial, and residential applications. Here are some common uses:
1. **Air Conditioning Systems**: Water chillers are often used in large buildings and facilities to provide chilled water for air conditioning through HVAC systems. They help cool the air circulated through the building.
2. **Industrial Processes**: Many manufacturing processes generate heat that needs to be dissipated to maintain optimal operating conditions. Water chillers are used to cool down equipment, machinery, and products in industries such as plastics, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and more.
3. **Data Centers**: Data centers generate significant heat due to the operation of servers and IT equipment. Water chillers are employed to cool down the servers and maintain optimal operating temperatures to prevent overheating and equipment failure.
4. **Medical Imaging**: Equipment like MRI machines generate a lot of heat during operation. Water chillers are used to cool the magnets and maintain stable operating temperatures for accurate imaging.
5. **Beverage Production**: In breweries, wineries, and soft drink production facilities, water chillers are used to cool beverages quickly during manufacturing and to maintain consistent temperatures during storage.
6. **Injection Molding**: The process of injection molding involves heating plastic resin to high temperatures. Water chillers are used to cool the molds quickly after injection, speeding up production cycles.
7. **Aquariums**: Large aquariums and aquatic exhibits often use water chillers to maintain stable water temperatures suitable for aquatic life.
In essence, water chillers play a crucial role in maintaining temperature control across various applications, ensuring efficiency, product quality, and operational reliability.
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icanaquarium · 5 months
Summer Aquarium Care: How to Keep Aquarium Cool in Summer
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Summer brings warmth and sunshine, but it can pose challenges for aquarium enthusiasts, as they stay stressed to keep aquarium cool in summer. As temperatures rise, it's crucial to prioritize the well-being of your aquatic friends. Here's a guide on how to keep your aquarium cool during the summer months while ensuring your fish thrive in their underwater haven. 1Monitor Water Temperature to Keep Aquarium Cool in Summer2Increase Oxygen Levels3Maintain Water Quality4Use Beneficial Bacteria Wisely5Optimize Water Flow6Consider Ventilation7Manage Lighting8Feed Responsibly9Plan for Vacations10Prepare for Emergencies11Watch Fish Behavior12ConclusionMonitor Water Temperature to Keep Aquarium Cool in Summer Increase Oxygen Levels Maintain Water Quality Use Beneficial Bacteria Wisely Optimize Water Flow Consider Ventilation Manage Lighting Feed Responsibly Plan for Vacations Prepare for Emergencies Watch Fish Behavior Conclusion
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Monitor Water Temperature to Keep Aquarium Cool in Summer
The first step in summer aquarium care is monitoring water temperature. Ideal for most tropical fish species is between 75°F to 86°F (24°C to 30°C). Use a reliable aquarium thermometer to track changes and make adjustments as needed to maintain optimal conditions.
Increase Oxygen Levels
Warmer water holds less oxygen, so boost aeration in your aquarium. Add an air stone or adjust your filter to increase surface agitation, aiding oxygen exchange. This not only benefits your fish but also helps regulate temperature.
Maintain Water Quality
Summer heat accelerates algae and bacteria growth, impacting water quality. Regular water changes and testing for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels are crucial. Adjust maintenance schedules based on temperature fluctuations.
Use Beneficial Bacteria Wisely
Maintain the health of your aquarium's nitrogen cycle with the trusted standard in beneficial bacteria: OZPOLISH Bio-Cure. Despite the slight increase in water temperature from bacterial metabolism, prioritize effective heat management using appropriate cooling techniques. OZPOLISH Bio-Cure ensures a balanced ecosystem while you focus on creating the ideal environment for your aquatic friends.
Optimize Water Flow
Adjust pump and filter outputs to increase surface agitation, aiding water evaporation and cooling. Mimic natural processes like sweat evaporating from skin to keep your aquarium comfortable for inhabitants. Fans or chillers meant for use in aquariums could also be used (Ensure the manufacturer's instruction of such devices are followed).
Consider Ventilation
Keeping the aquarium lid open or ventilated helps control rising temperatures by promoting faster water evaporation. Monitor temperature closely and adjust as needed to maintain a stable environment.
Manage Lighting
Use timers to control lighting duration and mimic natural day-night cycles. Avoid extended exposure to direct sunlight, which can lead to overheating. Shield the tank with blinds or curtains if necessary.
Feed Responsibly
Fish may have increased metabolism in warmer temperatures, but avoid overfeeding. Excess food contributes to water quality issues and algae growth. Feed smaller portions and remove uneaten food promptly.
Plan for Vacations
Before leaving for a summer getaway, ensure your aquarium is cared for. Arrange for someone trustworthy to feed fish, perform water changes, and monitor the tank's condition in your absence.
Prepare for Emergencies
Prepare for summer storms and potential power outages by investing in OZPOLISH O2, a reliable battery-powered air pump. This innovative product ensures continuous water circulation and oxygenation, even during emergencies, keeping your aquarium environment stable and your fish healthy. With OZPOLISH O2, you can rest assured that your tank's oxygen levels remain optimal until power is restored, providing peace of mind during unexpected disruptions.
Watch Fish Behavior
Keep a close eye on your fish for any signs of distress, such as gasping at the surface or displaying unusual behavior. These behaviors could signal underlying temperature or water quality issues that demand immediate attention. In such situations, OZPOLISH De Stress can be a lifesaver, providing immediate relief and support for your fish's well-being.
By following these tips on how to keep your aquarium cool in summer, you'll create a comfortable and healthy environment for your aquatic pets. Enjoy the tranquility of your summer aquarium oasis while ensuring your fish thrive despite the heat! Interesting Reading outside this website Read the full article
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ioletia · 5 months
So. Question. Whenever I get sick, everything breaks. For example. I had covid the last week and a half and... My exhaust fan died (brand new, like two months old), my aquarium chiller gave up (about a year and a half old), and the batteries in my TV remote dried up. And things like this happen every time I get seriously ill.
Does this happen to anyone else?
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