#including the common ones like dogs and cats
bitchfitch · 1 year
while i was at Aquashella there were multiple tables selling axolotls and it reminded me about a handful of posts made by people who probably had good intentions about how so many Endangered axolotls would be Poached for the Evil Pet Trade if people kept liking them so much.
and y'all. that is so fucking funny because most people don't even know what a wild axolotl looks like. They're muddy brown/grey.
The white and pink leucistic ones are the descendents of lab animals that were collected for research around stem cells, limb regeneration, and a few other misc applications.
they're lucys because theyve been intentionally genetically modified. there is legit no reason to poach axolotls when the real all organic animal is muck grey and has the disposition of a prudish victorian noble woman while the ones already in the pet trade breed readily in captivity, can handle a larger range of water parameters, and come in way more weird colors. like "floresces green under black light bc of the jelly fish DNA some scientists gave it's grandparents to confirm Other genetic modifications were being incorporated into the animals DNA."
which you can buy as a baby for 70 bucks, and like btw, wildtypes go for around 45, and are usually the by-product of breeding for other colors due to how most morphs are comprised of recessive genes.
you can get combo adult breeder pair deals for 100$ and have a quadspmillion of the fuckers in a few weeks. and Not run the risk of getting massive fines and jail time for it like you would for poaching the ones that look like they came from a breeders soft cull bin.
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25 Prose Tips For Writers 🖋️✨ Part 1
Hey there!📚✨
As writers, we all know that feeling when we read a sentence so beautifully crafted that it takes our breath away. We pause, reread it, and marvel at how the author managed to string those words together in such a captivating way. Well, today I'm going to unpack a few secrets to creating that same magic in your own writing. These same tips I use in my writing.
But before I begin, please remember that writing is an art form, and like any art, it's subjective. What sounds beautiful to one person might not resonate with another. The tips I'm about to share are meant to be tools in your writer's toolkit, not rigid rules. Feel free to experiment, play around, and find what works best for your unique voice and style.
Power of Rhythm 🎵
One of the most overlooked aspects of beautiful prose is rhythm. Just like music, writing has a flow and cadence that can make it pleasing to the ear (or mind's ear, in this case). Here are some ways to incorporate rhythm into your writing:
a) Vary your sentence length: Mix short, punchy sentences with longer, flowing ones. This creates a natural ebb and flow that keeps your reader engaged.
Example: "The sun set. Darkness crept in, wrapping the world in its velvet embrace. Stars winked to life, one by one, until the sky was a glittering tapestry of light."
b) Use repetition strategically: Repeating words or phrases can create a hypnotic effect and emphasize important points.
Example: "She walked through the forest, through the shadows, through the whispers of ancient trees. Through it all, she walked with purpose."
c) Pay attention to the stressed syllables: In English, we naturally stress certain syllables in words. Try to end important sentences with stressed syllables for a stronger impact.
Example: "Her heart raced as she approached the door." (Stronger ending) vs. "She approached the door as her heart raced." (Weaker ending)
Paint with Words 🎨
Beautiful prose often creates vivid imagery in the reader's mind. Here are some techniques to help you paint with words:
a) Use specific, concrete details: Instead of general descriptions, zoom in on particular details that bring a scene to life.
Example: Instead of: "The room was messy." Try: "Crumpled papers overflowed from the waste bin, books lay spine-up on every surface, and a half-eaten sandwich peeked out from under a stack of wrinkled clothes."
b) Appeal to all five senses: Don't just describe what things look like. Include smells, sounds, textures, and tastes to create a fully immersive experience.
Example: "The market bustled with life. Colorful fruits glistened in the morning sun, their sweet aroma mingling with the earthy scent of fresh herbs. Vendors called out their wares in sing-song voices, while customers haggled in animated tones. Sarah's fingers brushed against the rough burlap sacks of grain as she passed, and she could almost taste the tang of ripe oranges on her tongue."
c) Use unexpected comparisons: Fresh similes and metaphors can breathe new life into descriptions.
Example: Instead of: "The old man was very thin." Try: "The old man was a whisper of his former self, as if life had slowly erased him, leaving behind only the faintest outline."
Choose Your Words Wisely 📚
Every word in your prose should earn its place. Here are some tips for selecting the right words:
a) Embrace strong verbs: Replace weak verb + adverb combinations with single, powerful verbs.
Example: Instead of: "She walked quickly to the store." Try: "She hurried to the store." or "She dashed to the store."
b) Be specific: Use precise nouns instead of general ones.
Example: Instead of: "She picked up the flower." Try: "She plucked the daisy."
c) Avoid clichés: Clichés can make your writing feel stale. Try to find fresh ways to express common ideas.
Example: Instead of: "It was raining cats and dogs." Try: "The rain fell in sheets, transforming the streets into rushing rivers."
Play with Sound 🎶
The sound of words can contribute greatly to the beauty of your prose. Here are some techniques to make your writing more musical:
a) Alliteration: Repeating initial consonant sounds can create a pleasing effect.
Example: "She sells seashells by the seashore."
b) Assonance: Repeating vowel sounds can add a subtle musicality to your prose.
Example: "The light of the bright sky might ignite a fight."
c) Onomatopoeia: Using words that sound like what they describe can make your writing more immersive.
Example: "The bees buzzed and hummed as they flitted from flower to flower."
Art of Sentence Structure 🏗️
How you structure your sentences can greatly affect the flow and impact of your prose. Here are some tips:
a) Use parallel structure: When listing items or actions, keep the grammatical structure consistent.
Example: "She came, she saw, she conquered."
b) Try periodic sentences: Build suspense by putting the main clause at the end of the sentence.
Example: "Through storm and strife, across oceans and continents, despite all odds and obstacles, they persevered."
c) Experiment with sentence fragments: While not grammatically correct, sentence fragments can be powerful when used intentionally for emphasis or style.
Example: "She stood at the edge of the cliff. Heart racing. Palms sweating. Ready to jump."
Power of White Space ⬜
Sometimes, what you don't say is just as important as what you do. Use paragraph breaks and short sentences to create pauses and emphasize important moments.
Example: "He opened the letter with trembling hands.
Inside, a single word.
Read Your Work Aloud 🗣️
One of the best ways to polish your prose is to read it aloud. This helps you catch awkward phrasing, repetitive words, and rhythm issues that you might miss when reading silently.
Edit Ruthlessly ✂️
Beautiful prose often comes from rigorous editing. Don't be afraid to cut words, sentences, or even entire paragraphs if they don't serve the overall beauty and effectiveness of your writing.
Study the Masters 📖
Please! Read widely and pay attention to how your favorite authors craft their prose. Analyze sentences you find particularly beautiful and try to understand what makes them work.
Practice, Practice, Practice 💪
Like any skill, writing beautiful prose takes practice. Set aside time to experiment with different techniques and styles. Try writing exercises focused on specific aspects of prose, like describing a scene using only sound words, or rewriting a simple sentence in ten different ways.
Remember, that developing your prose style is a journey, not a destination. It's okay if your first draft isn't perfect – that's what editing is for! The most important thing is to keep writing, keep experimenting, and keep finding joy in the process.
Here are a few more unique tips to help you on your prose-perfecting journey:
Create a Word Bank 🏦
Keep a notebook or digital file where you collect beautiful words, phrases, or sentences you come across in your reading. This can be a great resource when you're looking for inspiration or the perfect word to complete a sentence.
Use the "Rule of Three" 3️⃣
There's something inherently satisfying about groups of three. Use this to your advantage in your writing, whether it's in listing items, repeating phrases, or structuring your paragraphs.
Example: "The old house groaned, creaked, and whispered its secrets to the night."
Power of Silence 🤫
Sometimes, the most powerful prose comes from what's left unsaid. Use implication and subtext to add depth to your writing.
Example: Instead of: "She was heartbroken when he left." Try: "She stared at his empty chair across the breakfast table, the untouched coffee growing cold."
Play with Perspective 👁️
Experiment with different points of view to find the most impactful way to tell your story. Sometimes, an unexpected perspective can make your prose truly memorable.
Example: Instead of describing a bustling city from a human perspective, try describing it from the point of view of a bird soaring overhead, or a coin passed from hand to hand.
Use Punctuation Creatively 🖋️
While it's important to use punctuation correctly, don't be afraid to bend the rules a little for stylistic effect. Em dashes, ellipses, and even unconventional use of periods can add rhythm and emphasis to your prose.
Example: "She hesitated—heart pounding, palms sweating—then knocked on the door."
Create Contrast 🌓
Juxtapose different elements in your writing to create interest and emphasis. This can be in terms of tone, pacing, or even the literal elements you're describing.
Example: "The delicate butterfly alighted on the rusted barrel of the abandoned tank."
Use Synesthesia 🌈
Synesthesia is a condition where one sensory experience triggers another. While not everyone experiences this, using synesthetic descriptions in your writing can create vivid and unique imagery.
Example: "The violin's melody tasted like honey on her tongue."
Experiment with Sentence Diagrams 📊
Remember those sentence diagrams from school? Try diagramming some of your favorite sentences from literature. This can give you insight into how complex sentences are structured and help you craft your own.
Create a Sensory Tour 🚶‍♀️
When describing a setting, try taking your reader on a sensory tour. Move from one sense to another, creating a full, immersive experience.
Example: "The old bookstore welcomed her with the musty scent of aging paper. Dust motes danced in the shafts of sunlight piercing the high windows. Her fingers trailed over the cracked leather spines as she moved deeper into the stacks, the floorboards creaking a greeting beneath her feet. In the distance, she could hear the soft ticking of an ancient clock and taste the faint bitterness of old coffee in the air."
Use Active Voice (Most of the Time) 🏃‍♂️
While passive voice has its place, active voice generally creates more dynamic and engaging prose. Compare these two sentences:
Passive: "The ball was thrown by the boy." Active: "The boy threw the ball."
Magic of Ordinary Moments ✨
Sometimes, the most beautiful prose comes from describing everyday occurrences in a new light. Challenge yourself to find beauty and meaning in the mundane.
Example: "The kettle's whistle pierced the quiet morning, a clarion call heralding the day's first cup of possibility."
Play with Time ⏳
Experiment with how you present the passage of time in your prose. You can stretch a moment out over several paragraphs or compress years into a single sentence.
Example: "In that heartbeat between his question and her answer, universes were born and died, civilizations rose and fell, and their entire future hung in the balance."
Use Anaphora for Emphasis 🔁
Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences. It can create a powerful rhythm and emphasize key points.
Example: "She was the sunrise after the longest night. She was the first bloom of spring after a harsh winter. She was the cool breeze on a sweltering summer day. She was hope personified, walking among us."
Create Word Pictures 🖼️
Try to create images that linger in the reader's mind long after they've finished reading. These don't have to be elaborate – sometimes a simple, unexpected combination of words can be incredibly powerful.
Example: "Her laughter was a flock of birds taking flight."
Use Rhetorical Devices 🎭
Familiarize yourself with rhetorical devices like chiasmus, antithesis, and oxymoron. These can add depth and interest to your prose.
Example of chiasmus: "Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy
Even the most accomplished authors continue to hone their craft with each new piece they write. Don't be discouraged if your first attempts don't sound exactly like you imagined – keep practicing, keep experimenting, and most importantly, keep writing.
Your unique voice and perspective are what will ultimately make your prose beautiful. These techniques are simply tools to help you express that voice more effectively. Use them, adapt them, or discard them as you see fit. The most important thing is to write in a way that feels authentic to you and brings you joy.
Happy writing, everyone! 🖋️💖📚 - Rin T
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What kind of desert do you think Kurt would like? Is there any German deserts in particular he would like?
This is an interesting questions, thank you. So...
We don't really know a lot of what he likes in canon, however I seem to remember to have read that he is fond of chocolate and biscuits, which means I'm going from there.
I'd like to think, that Kurt is something we call a "Naschkatze" where I'm from. Don't know if it's used in other parts as well, but it's quite common from where I'm from. It's basically someone who loves to nibble on sweets as often as they can. Literally translate to "snacking cat" or "nibbeling cat"
He's got a sweet tooth, you could say. So, going from there:
He loves pastry. Doesn't matter if it's cake or cookies or cupakes, he loves it. If it got chocolate? He's in heaven. So, it's good that he's from Germany because we've got some really good cakes, if I may say so:
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte: This is one of the most stereotypical cakes that you can find when looking up "German Cakes" but it's really good. It traditionally consists of several layers of chocolate sponge cake, cherries, cherry liqueur, whipped cream and chocolate rasps. It named after the "Schwarzwald" which is a region in Baden-Wüttenberg, the "neighbour" of Bavaria. It's really tasty and I'd like to think that he would love that.
Baumkuchen: Literellay means "tree cake", originating from it's looks. It consists of several layers of dough when baking it, making it look like the age rings of a tree. It's art to explain, but it's really good, one of my favourites actually.
Kalter Hund: Literally "Cold dog", also referred to as "Kalte Schnauze" or "Kalter Platt". I think this would be one of his all-time favourites because it not only consists of chocolate but also of biscuits. It is made from layers of chocolate cookies and a cream of chocolate and coconut oil. There are different variations of it, which can differ in the ingredients used. It's a little harder to make, at least in my experience, but it's really worth it.
Pudding: Kurt is in love with this stuff, especially chocolate, however only when it's hommade. The incredibly overly sweet stuff from the stores does not taste good in his opinion, so he refuses to eat it. He may have a sweet tooth but not that sweet.
Spekulatius: Another typical german sweet, that's an alltime favourite among Germans. It's usually just sold during Christmas time, due to the different spices that are used for it.
Mousse au Chocolat: Of course he's not restricted to German desserts only. It's a french dessert and since France is a neighbour of Germany it's not that far-feched that he loved it growing up. It's fluffy, it's chocolate... What more could he ask for?
Grießbrei mit Roter Grütze: "Semolina porridge with red fruit jelly" It's not really a dessert but it's quite famous and I personally know many many Germans who love it, me included.
Germknödel mit Vanillesoße: Germknödel are a traditional specialty of Austrian and Bavarian cuisine and are also popular in other regions of the Alpine countries. They are steamed yeast dumplings filled with a plum jam filling (Zwetschgenröster). Although the classic version is filled with plum jam, there are also variations of yeast dumplings with other fillings such as poppy seeds, apricots or curd cheese. Personally, I have always loved the fruit filling. Top it with vanilla sauce and poppy seed sugar and it's perfect.
Pictures in order
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It's a bit much, but there are so many good desserts. In general I think he loves anything with chocolate in it, as long as it's real chocolate and not some fake stuff from the industries. He prefers usually darker chocolate but especially in cake she doesn't mind so much. He also likes a bit more heavy desserts such as Germknödel or Grießbrei, especially since he's from Bavaria where such desserts are more common, from my experience. You are welcome to correct me though.
Hope this was helpful :)
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seeds of doubt
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Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: silverfox!Thor
Summary: you try to settle into your new life with Thor
This is the first of my birthday drabbles. Wallflower was the #1 choice that you all voted on! Thanks again for your input :) Enjoy.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
A birthday drabble for Wallflower 
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You put the last piece into place and sit back to smile at the finished puzzle. The jigsaw shows a basket of kittens playing with yarn. It’s adorable.  
A shiver creeps under your robe and you cross your slippered feet. Sitting on the edge of the chair, you contemplate what to do with yourself next. The drag of a claw on the floor pulls your attention as Fenrir pushes his head up and stretches his next with a groan. He’s just as cute as the kitties on the table. 
You stand and go to pet his head. The cold air flood beneath the soft fleece. You scratch behind his ears and yawn. Your eyes flick up to the grey window. The winter drags as do the days. You can’t wait for spring. 
“Kitten,” Thor’s thunderous drawls rumbles through the air. You stand and face him. Fenrir hops to his feet abruptly, his paws thumping down. His owner shakes his head. “You best,” Thor rebukes as he crosses the threshold. He nears puts a hand on your shoulder, “how are you feeling?” 
You bat your lashes and look over at the table, “I finished another one.” 
He sighs and squeezes your shoulder. He bends to kiss your forehead, “that isn’t what I asked.” 
You make yourself smile. “I’m fine.” 
His cheek ticks. “Right, I’ll have to get you another. More cats or--” 
“What about...” you clap your hands over your voice and giggle. “Never mind.” 
“What?” He coaxes as he rubs your arm. 
You pull away and go to the table. You look down on the image and your heart throbs. You drop your arms. “What... what if we got a real one?” 
“A real...” he slowly approaches, “cat?” 
“Oh, I’m so stupid. I was only thinking out loud.” You sway and Fenrir comes to wrap himself around you as he circles you. 
“Is this one not enough for you?” Thor taps the dog’s nose playfully. 
“No! I love Fenny but... maybe he wants a friend too.” 
Thor inhales deeply and nods, “I’ll consider it. It’s a big decision.” 
“I’m sorry,” you frown and hang your head. 
“Don’t do that,” he tickles below your chin and forces your head up. “You know I can’t resist you, kitten.” 
“Oh, I wasn’t--” You clamps your lips together and shrug. “Think about it, that’s all I want.” 
His blue eyes cling to you and his fingers crawl down your neck. His touch sends another chill through you. You bite down to keep it from surfacing. He drags his hand between the fleece and pulls it apart to peek beneath. You’re still in your flowery night gown. 
“How long’ve you been at it? Have you eaten?” He flutters along the top of your chest. 
You draw away and sigh. “I’m not hungry.” 
“Kittennnn,” he chides with grit. 
You plod around the room as Fenrir prods your hand with his nose. You stop to pet him and face Thor again. He watches you with concern. The last two months have been difficult. Frustration roils off of him as each time he touches you, you can’t help but flee. 
You’re frustrated too. You made this choice but you’re still scared. You still feel like a burden. He gives you so much. Pretty clothes, puzzles, anything you could ask for. 
You pay Fenrir’s head and he sits. You leave him behind as you cross to Thor. You take his large hand and the surprise ripples in his forehead. His silver hair is twisted back in a bun but a few strands frame his face and put a twinkle in his icy blue eyes. 
You swing his arm nervously as you trace the lines of his hand. You glance back at the wolfhound and gesture. He lays down. You tug on Thor and lead him out of the room. 
“Kitten, where--” 
You put your other hand up and he quiets, as obedient as the dog. You take him up the stairs, heart racing, brain pumping. You’re not really sure what you’re doing until you get to the top. 
You lead him down to the bathroom and turn around. His confusion dimples in one cheek. You peer through the open door then back at him. 
“It’s cold today,” you say. 
He nods and hums, “it is.” 
“What I like best on cold days are hot baths,” you utter. The air around you is frigid. You squeeze his hand and paint your smile wider. “Remember when you... when you helped in the bath?” 
He winces and looks at the floor. 
“I’m not—I--” you stammer. “I don’t really remember it but we could make a new memory.” 
His eyes rise cautiously and meet yours. His brows furrow and his lashes flick, “kitten?” 
You let him go and go into the bathroom. You gross the tile and bend over the tub. You rinse out the basin then put the stopper in place. He looms in the doorway, watching you. 
You let it fill as you stand. You clutch the knot in the belt of the robe and rock. You unloop it and open the robe, revealing the floral pattern of the short nightgown. Thor purrs into a cough, catching himself as he leers. 
You shakily lift a foot and peel your slipper off, then the other. You don’t look away from him as your skin speckles with goosebumps. You pile the robe and the slippers on the counter and turn to him again.  
You made a promise. You said you’d work together. You can’t keep being afraid. It’s not an excuse to use him. For all you take, you don’t have much to give. Not much more than this. 
“Well?” You slide the straps down your shoulders and shimmy out of the night gown. You let it go and it drops to your feet. Your skin is taut with the cold.  
He shudders as his fingers ball then stretches wide. He lets out a low snarl, “I’ve been waiting to play, kitten.” 
He steps through the door and unbuttons the front of his gray flannel. You hold your breath as you watch his fingers climb down the fabric. He’s older but doesn’t show it much. There’s a softness meshed into his muscles. He pulls apart the shirt and reveals his broad chest and his square stomach. You wisp out a nervous breath, more bashful for his nudity than your own. 
He is quick to undress as he prowls closer. He sends you devilish looks with each piece he strips away. When he is naked, you giggle and make a point of looking above his shoulders. Still, you can’t help but glimpse his arousal. 
He sheepishly nears the tub and looks back at you. You come closer and wave him in. He climbs over the edge and offers his hand to help you. Your spellbound in silent acceptance. It will be better to get it over with. You can’t bear the tension anymore. 
He lowers himself first and you go with him, laying atop his tall body. He eases back with a groan and pulls you against his chest. You’re stiff as the water splashes down on your feet. 
Every night you sleep beside him but it’s not like this. He’s patient, almost shy, since you’re return. He’s been waiting and you’ve been keeping him waiting. 
He runs his hands up your arms and across your chest. He softly brushes his hands over your tits and cups them, purring as his breath ebbs and flows beneath you. You rise and fall with his building excitement. 
“You’re beautiful, kitten.” He rolls his thumbs around your nipples, “but are you ready?” 
You gulp. You can’t say it aloud. You grab his hand as your lip trembles. The memory splinters in your mind. His hand in the water, between your legs, that coiling sensation. You pull his arm down and push his fingers between your folds as you open to him. 
You whimper as he presses down on your bud. He stills, “kitten?” 
“Keep going,” you cling to him, pushing his hand further. 
He twirls around your bud. A spark flickers inside of you. You twitch and he does it again. Your breath catches and clouds in your chest as you hold it in. He rubs you in circles, around and around, until you cough out your breaths between keening mewls. 
Your thighs clamp around his hand as your hips tilt on their own volition. You spread your hand across his large one, writhing, eyes rolling back, insides squirming as he ties your nerves around his fingertips.  
You buck as you plummet from the peak and warble through the orgasm. You think that’s what it is. It feels good. It isn’t as scary as you thought. 
“Mmm, kitten.” His stomach clenches and his dick presses hard to your bottom.  
He drags his fingers up your pelvis and along your stomach. He sits up, folding you with him, and reaches to twist the faucet. The water stirs with his movement. As he reclines once more, the tub threatens to overflow. 
With both hands, he caresses you. He kisses the crown of your head as his fingertips explore your figure. Every curve, every cranny, ever crease. He drifts down your pelvis and rubs you again. Your slickness is cool against the heat of the water. 
He curls his fingers to dip inside of you. He pushes in and out. His motion is patient, more curious than urgent. You squeeze around him and growls. 
He slips his hand from between your legs and around your thigh. He lifts you over him as his other hand grazes down your back. He tilts your hips and you arch your back. You close your eyes as he prods at your entrance.  
“Ready, kitten?” 
You nod and bite your lip, “mhmm.” 
His tip stretches you and fire radiates in your thighs. It reminds you of the mornings you woke up sore and scared. No, you’re not afraid. This is what you want. It is. That’s what you told him. 
He rocks beneath you, inching into you little by little. As he stretches you around him, you clasp onto his forearm and whine. He stops and tremor. 
“No, do it,” you whimper. 
He trails his hand up to pet your cheek as his breath fans across your scalp. He groans as he pushes deeper. You whine between your teeth, shaking as you take him in. He gasps as he reaches his limit and your lashes web with tears. 
“Oh, kitten,” he works into you with long thrusts. “Mm, you’re so good. I missed you.” 
You sink your teeth into your lips as your eyes overflow. The reminder of what he did adds to your pain. You quiver out a moan and reach to brace his hips. 
“Don’t worry, kitten, I will take my time.” He reaches with his other hand and once more toys with your clit. The pressure thins just a little as he bottoms out once more. “Oh, you are so warm, kitten. Is this how you like to warm up? Hmm? Taking my cock so good?” 
You murmur and dip your chin down. Your body constricts as you look down your stomach. The water splashes with his tempo. You push yourself up slowly and he lets you. Somehow it lets him deeper and you cry out at the pang in your core. 
You grip the edge of the tub as you hunch to see him thrust into you. The sight of it is both horrifying and wonderful. His hand stays nestled on your clit as he rolls wildly. You sink back against him and fling your arm back to latch onto him. You clasp onto his slackening bun and contort a top him. 
It doesn’t matter if this is what you want or not. What matters is that you are what he wants. 
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bogleech · 4 months
Could I mayhaps know what's the name of that arachnid field guide you have 0//0 it looks really pretty and I have. A thirst for all arachnid related field guides and biology books, love those critters
The Golden Guide to Spiders and their Kin! There were lots of them, originally made in the 60's or 70's I believe, and they used to still be so common when I was a kid - still in print, and sold for just a couple dollars everywhere - I thought everybody had a few! But now they seem to be forgotten.
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I had the spiders one, insects one and "seashores" one (mantis shrimps and nudibranchs!!) before I could even read, just looking at the pictures all day. As I learned to read they were how I learned concepts of taxonomy and ecology, why I knew what a "parasitoid" was in first grade and I'd talk constantly about insects that aren't really RARE, but culturally most people never heard about. These books made things like velvet ants, bolas spiders and hairy millipedes seem to me like knowledge as ordinary as dogs and cats.
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That "pests of animals" page in particular is why I knew there were wingless parasitic flies, and I thought that was so cool, I was obsessed with "SHEEP KED" for my entire childhood. This bug that nobody ever heard of when I mentioned it, but was at one time deemed worthy of inclusion in an everyday field guide. And they include "duck louse" as an animal pest you're expected to encounter. Sheep and duck parasites?!.....Oh, right! When these books first published, it was still commonplace for almost everyone to have experience with farm animals. Most people at least had grandparents or aunts and uncles with a farm they might visit and help out on. Of course they would encounter sheep and duck parasites. I think they still publish these, actually, I'm sure I still saw them in Barnes and Noble only a few years ago, but it's remarkable what a different America they were made under. My old copy even recommended DDT to control bed bugs....they did eventually edit that out in newer editions.
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Some of their attitudes may be outdated here and there, and they're only intended for North American wildlife, but I think the golden guides might still be perfect introductions to their topics for anyone, anywhere of any age really?? They're such well-balanced overviews so densely packed with just the most essential information about each organism.
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....Did people really ever just call tree frogs "hylas?!" It's one of their genus names, but was it also used as a common name anywhere? That's a cute idea. Maybe it was, briefly, so at some point to someone there was a concept of Frog, Toad, and Hyla?
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ttkinnie · 30 days
Tokyo Revengers characters as animals 💖 (for no reason)
Kazutora: let's start with the most obvious one, our resident tiger. Which is funny considering he gives 0 tiger vibes. Or maybe rescued declawed tiger from an abusive circus. Wait a sec... Hanma and Kisaki have a circus theme going on... why did I never notice this? This starts well. Saddest tiger pic I could find
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Baji: A black gray wolf of course. 'nuff said
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Chifuyu: A cat. Kitty kitty meow meow. Not crazy enough to be orange, but he's gotta have green eyes and a kind face. This tuxedo:
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Koko: Talking about cats, here he is. Most obvious choice I've ever made. Black cat of course, very fancy, will knock shit off the counter and eats only the most expensive wet food
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Inupi: second most obvious one because you've gotta pick the race of the dog too. I say he's the only serious golden retriever you've ever seen.
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Takemichi: A mouse. He is squeaky and scared, looks like he eats cheese. Very cute. Big eyes.
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Hinata: A doe, beautiful and kind but will ram into you if you touch her loved ones
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Naoto: a buck because I am unoriginal. he does give off buck vibes tho
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Hanma: I know the official art makes him a caracal but I love being contradictory so maned wolf it is. Plus look at its long legs and creepy demeanor, it's him
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Kisaki: Listen, I am not the most partial person when it comes to him. He's my little meow meow, I wanna put either cat or bunny ears on him and squish his cheeks. But! Let's be honest, that boy is a snake. The deadliest snake in the world, the saw scaled viper, not the most venomous but highly aggressive. He eats mouse Takemichi for breakfast. Also look at its scales, they remind me of his adult hair.
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Mikey: A honey badger, small and cute but will bite your balls off and kill your family for fun.
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Draken: A lion, beautiful mane and a symbol of strength. Lives among a tribe of lionesses (lucky him)
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Mitsuya: I do not like spiders. At all. But an animal literally producing silk is the only choice for Mitsuya. However I am not masochistic so i won't put a spider image, just the web
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Taiju: Great white shark. Very smooth skin. Anyone who tells you they have sandpaper skin is lying.
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Hakkai: A seal, same eyes, same innocence, favorite prey of the great white shark
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Yuzuha: An orca, beautiful but deadly. Only predator of the great white shark. Also eats seals but let's not comment on that. I support women's wrongs.
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Pah-chin: it's too cliché to put warthog here, so i won't. He's a cane toad, one of the stupidest animal on Earth, one of their most common cause of death is eating shit they shouldn't because they stuff their mouth without thinking. They also hump anything, including dead animals from another species, and lay their eggs anywhere, which leads to a high mortality rate among their offspring. Why did I give so many facts? I don't know. Look at it.
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Peh-yan: A tarsier. it's the eyes.
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Sanzu: Arctic hare, crazy eyes and a gift for divination if you can understand his language
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Senju: a cutie baby. Bunny x2, will kick you.
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Takeomi: a rat. I am not a hater, rats can be cute, but this guy definitely gives off rat vibes
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Wakasa: So very pretty. White leopard of course.
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Benkei: A bull. I always thought his tattoos were a bull, but I was wrong I just looked it up. Still a bull.
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Shinichiro: This one was though, but I'd say a koala. I'm partial about it, but I feel like he would give his children poop to eat, and their reproductive habits are also not a good look on them.
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Emma: Japanese dwarf flying squirrel because I play favorites and that's the cutest little furball ever. it looks like it's wearing eyeliner
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Izana: Another small but deadly thing, the Australian box jellyfish, found notably along the coast of Malaysia (I feel so clever right now)
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Kakucho: Fiercely loyal dog, he's a Rottweiler. Don't tell me Izana and him don't have some kind of puppy play going on.
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Ran: Secretary bird. Canonically hates Kisaki which explains why he stomps snakes to death. Wears killer eyeshadow and looks like they hate your fashion style
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Rindou: Did you know a group of male Pacific tree frogs is called a chorus? me neither, which is why Rindou is a Pacific tree frog. Peace of music, yeah
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Mucho: Polar bear, cold and aggressive. Plus arctic hare and polar bear, there's a theme
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sweatyracoon · 14 days
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Poor Seungmin pt1
(a/n): picture not mine! ALSO- Seungmin is a hybrid, but he doesn't share the same features as regular hybrids. He knows, but his members don't. Because he doesn't have ears or a tail, he thought he wouldn't have a heat either. Boy, was he wrong.
Warnings: suggestive, hybrid!Seungmin, smut, Seungmin is shared, dry humping, cringe, lemme know if I missed anything
After a hard day of practice, Seungmin and the others all went to have dinner at McDonald's, one of his favorite places to eat. Everyone was sweaty and tired, but excited to spend more time together.
Lee know ordered first, offering to pay for everyone, but Seungmin wasn't having it. Instead of giving Lee know his order, he ignored him until he paid for everyone else.
"I can pay for myself, hyung. Thank you," Seungmin smiled lightly, placing his order.
Once all of the food came out, try all sat together, conversing lightly.
"So how should we turn, then, Chan?" Han asked his older member, wanting feedback.
The new choreo was proving to be very different from those before, stunting a few of them.
Hyunjin, sitting next to Seungmin, let his head fall to his youngers shoulder, munching on a fry.
"That girl was cute, Seung. Don't you think so?"
Hyunjin had been trying to find out what Seungmin liked and didn't like, but he was finding it hard because of his stoic demeanor.
"Hyunjin. Do you like her or something?" Seungmin decided to play dumb, knowing what Hyunjin was getting at.
"No. But she looked like she liked you," He responded, yawning.
Seungmin, unlike the rest of the group, hasn't shared his preferences when it came to dating. He knew his hybrid side wouldn't allow a normal relationship, which is also another secret he has kept these four years.
"The color of her ears was pretty though. You think shes a cat hybrid?" Jeonjin asked from his place next to Felix.
"Possibly? They looked more like a mouse, though...Right?" Han asked, his cheeks filled with food.
The boys continued to guess, unsure. But Seungmin knew. Its something every hybrid shares.
"Shes a fox hybrid," Seungmin sighed, tired of the false answers.
The boys turned to him, all quiet.
"So you WERE paying attention," Hyunjin teased.
Seungmin guessed the real reason she stared at him for that brief moment was because she also sensed it. Hybrids without physical features were extremely rare.
"Sure," He responded, eating another nugget.
When they reached their dorms, they all lounged for a while longer in the common room.
"I'm tired. I'm going to go lay down, alright guys?" Seungmin said, rising to stretch, showcasing his torso.
"Gonna go dream about that fox?" Changbin snickered, making the others giggle.
"Shes a girl with fox attributes, okay? Don't be rude," Seungmin scoffed, turning to leave.
Before he made it out of earshot, he heard Lee know say, "Why is he so sensitive about hybrids?"
"Who knows?"
Seungmin sighed as he washed before bed. The guys new why he was so respectful to hybrids. Most of his family themselves were hybrids, including his sister, which they all knew well.
All of his family were dog hybrids. What type? He had no clue. His mother and sister had floppy ears, and short, long haired tails. His dad, however, wasn't a hybrid. That's why, for the longest time, he thought he was the same way.
But he wasn't. A blood test came back, telling him he was one of the most rare type of hybrids. He was happy, but confused.
That's why, when he started feeling hot for no reason, he just thought he was getting sick.
Making his way to his and Bangchans shared room, he collapsed onto his small twin sized bed, suddenly feeling weak. Groaning, he took out his phone and checked the time.
One thirty two a.m. Seungmin was used to being up, and he wasn't really tired now that his body was all achy.
But then the heat pushed further, making him pant. How hot was it? He checked the thermostat next to the door, and it was 73 degrees. Pushing the button to make it lower, sweat was forming just above his brow.
He didn't want to take off his shirt, not wanting to expose himself when Chan comes in.
He changed his sweats, putting shorts on instead. Still didn't change the way he was feeling.
Lying back down on his bed, his head started to think of nasty thoughts.
That fox girl came into mind, making him whimper at the thought. But it wasn't her that was making him sound off, it was the look in Hyunjins eyes when he talked about her to Seungmin.
The teasing look that had a hint of lust in them. Was it lust? Seungmin thought it was just his horny brain.
It continued to drift.
He thought of the dance practice a few days ago, when he tripped and landed on Lee know who was right behind him. The older member was quick to help him get up, and make sure he was okay. At the time, it didn't bother him, but now he realized that Lee know was pressed flush against him, his large, firm thighs pressed behind him. Lee knows hands rubbed his shoulders, his face so close to Seungmins neck he could feel his breath lingering.
"Are you hurt?" Lee know asked, squeezing his shoulders.
"No, hyung. I'm okay," Seungmin smiled.
Now all Seungmin could imagine was Lee Knows thighs caging him, his hands all over his body.
And Han! When Han bit him playfully after Seungmin called him a rat instead a quokka. Han bit hard enough to leave his teeth marks, right on his forearm. What if he bit his neck instead?
Seungmin was a full on mess, a tent now forming in his shorts as he was laying on his bed above the blankets.
His breathing was ragged, and his body felt as if it were on fire, making him groan. He couldn't sit still, rocking back and forth as his mind became filthier.
He rocked a little too much, eventually falling off the side of the bed. It wasn't a steep drop, but enough to make noise. That was about the time Bangchan came in, expecting to fall asleep, only to find a disheveled Seungmin that had fell from his bed.
"Seungmin!" Bangchan rushed over, seeing his friend face down on the floor, shivering.
All he could do was moan, hips moving gently against the ground, finding some friction.
"Seungmin, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Bangchan grabbed at his shoulders, trying to flip him over. Seungmin felt the fire focus where Chan grabbed him, moaning even louder.
Once flipped, Chan saw his younger members state. No longer a tent, but a full on boner in his shorts, straining against the material. Eyes glossy, tears threatening to pour from them, and mouth open, panting moans out, his braces on full display, covered in drool.
"C-Channie-" was all Seungmin could get out before grabbing his hand, and whimpered, closing his eyes.
Seungmin was so embarrassed, but couldn't stop himself.
"He-heat..." He breathed, making Chan freeze.
Chan had always found it odd that Seungmin resembled a puppy more than his family, but his sister once hinted to him that he isn't completely human. After Seungmin said that word, all of it was confirmed.
"Your...heat? Do you need me to call someone? Or..." Chan didn't know how to deal with a heat. Or anything to do with hybrids.
He didn't want to do anything he wasn't supposed to.
"Ah- please- help Channie hyung-" Seungmins back was arching off the floor now, whimpering.
Chan thought for a moment, then stood, fighting the death grip that Seungmin had on his hand. Ignoring the pleading from him, Chan walked to the entrance of their room, closing the door. He wasn't going to leave Seungmin like this.
Walking back to the moaning boy, he used his arms to lift him bridal style, making the boy yelp. Slowly but firmly, Chan placed him safely back in his twin bed, taking a seat next to him.
"Help.." Seungmins tongue poked out, licking his dry lips.
"How do I help you, Min?" Chan wanted to help, but how? He gave Seungmin his arm, letting him guide it to use.
Seungmin grasped it quickly, moving his hips to meet his wrist, grinding against it. It surprised Chan, being used in such a way by someone he saw as a younger brother, but it didn't upset him. It excited him.
Seungmin gasped, letting tears slip as he finally had some relief to the growing pain forming in his cock.
Chan watched, mesmerized by the sight. He never would have guessed Seungmin could be this way.
Whimpering turning into moans, Seungmin grinded harder, egging Chan on.
"Seungmin, I have an idea. Can I touch you?" He asked, wanting to help.
"Please! Just make it go away-" he said, turning his face into the pillow.
Chan nodded, pulling his arm from Seungmin, earning a sob in response. But Chan quickly moved his hand, grabbing his bulge roughly, earning a loud moan. Rubbing, and grabbing, trying his best to turn the pain into pleasure.
Seungmins panting proved that he was doing good. He rubbed faster, seeing the tears in Mins eyes.
Getting bolder, he slipped his hand under the waistband, coming skin to skin with his cock, and Seungmins back arched for the second time, moaning, perhaps, too loud.
"Shh.. It's okay, Minnie-" Chan coaxed, trying to quiet him.
Chan felt him twitch at the nickname, making him grin. He picked up the pace, noticing Seungmins sounds became louder, his breathing more erratic. His hips rutting up, trying to reach his release.
"Ch-Channie!! I'm cumming!" Was all Seungmin could say before opening his jaws in a silent scream, painting Chan's hand white.
Chan removed his hand after helping the younger come down from his high, licking it clean, making seungmin blush.
"Are you feeling alright, Seungmin?" Chan asked, pulling the blankets over him.
"I'm so sorry, Chan. I thought I couldn't have a heat since-" Seungmin blinked at him, embarrassed deeply.
"Don't worry about that, Min. Its natural. I just hope I did it right. I don't know anything about hybrids," Chan smiled softly at him, hoping to comfort him. "You know I have to tell the guys right?"
"Wait, why?" Seungmin sat up, causing Chan to push him back down.
"Relax, Min. If this happens again... The heat, and I'm not there, but someone else is, they are going to have to help you. Its to keep you safe," Chan said, trying to sound reasonable.
Seungmin was already panting again, but out of panic. Fear of being rejected by his members. Four years, and this has never been an issue, so why now?
"But, what if it freaks them out Chan? Wat if they don't want to be near me? I-" Chan quieted him with a hand on his jaw.
"We're your friends, Seung. They'll be okay, I promise. And so will you."
"Promise?" Seungmin flashed his puppy eyes to Chan, making him swoon.
"I promise, puppy."
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sophieakatz · 1 year
Thursday Thoughts: Microlabels
Almost ten years ago, when I first told someone who loved me that I was demisexual, he replied, “Do we really need all these labels?”
I don’t remember what I said back then, but my answer now is, “Well, I don’t know about we, but I need this one.”
Labels are the words we use to describe the world around us and our experience within it. Language is full of labels. Our earliest language-learning activities include sorting things into categories. This is the red block; this is the yellow block. Elephants and giraffes are zoo animals; horses and cows are farm animals; cats and dogs are pets. Toothbrushes and toothpaste are bathroom objects; forks and knives are kitchen objects.
Some of these distinctions are more important than others. It doesn’t really matter if you build a tower of red blocks or yellow blocks. However, leaving a knife in the bathroom is a bad idea, and so is attempting to keep an elephant in your house (not that I haven’t been tempted to try). You’ll also find that not all categories are universal. Is octopus an edible animal? Depends where you go in the world and who you ask!
The point is, it’s natural to use labels to define our place in the world and how we interact with it. I call myself a writer because I am someone who writes; this is important to me. Calling myself a writer explains something about who I am. It makes it easier for me to apply for writing jobs. When I hear other people call themselves writers, I know that we have something in common that we can connect over. I know that these are people I might be able to talk with or who might be interested in having write-ins or book clubs with me. In this way, labels help us find and create community.
Now, “writer” is a pretty broad category, so our experiences won’t be exactly the same. However, I can use a more specific label. I can call myself a fantasy fiction writer, a poetry writer, or a themed entertainment show writer, which helps me find people who identify with those more specific labels and have even more in common with me.
People who are not writers and are not interested in finding other writers don’t need the word “writer.” It doesn’t help them as much as it helps me. It’s not their label.
Demisexual is an asexual spectrum microlabel. Asexual describes someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction. It’s a broad label that covers a variety of experiences. Demisexual describes someone who only experiences sexual attraction towards someone after forming an emotional bond with them.
Before I read the word “demisexual” about ten years ago, I didn’t know that there were other people like me. I thought that there was something wrong with how I experienced attraction towards others. Knowing that there was a label not only made it possible for me to understand that there were other people like me, but also made it possible for me to find them and find community with them. Having words like ace and demi in my vocabulary make it easier for me to explain my experience to other people. People who aren’t demisexual don’t necessarily need this word. But I do.
When you hear a microlabel for the first time, especially if it’s one you do not identify with, it’s easy to dismiss it. It’s easy to think, “That’s not really a thing,” or, “Do we really need a word for that?”
The answer is, “Maybe you don’t need that word, since it doesn’t describe your experience, and that’s okay. But clearly someone needs it. We all have the right to put our experiences into words. We all deserve the chance to know that we are not broken and to find other people who are like us.”
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AITA for wanting to name a kitten something else from the rest of my family?
My mother has gotten a kitten to add to our five cats (Tia, Crosby, Nash, Delilah, and my sister's cat, beans; my sister's staying home from college due to summer break), no shame on that part. We have the money, care, and space to handle them and they behave well! besides a few quirks that are easy to manage (ex: dragging clothes around). We have had her for 3 days.
On the first day, I offered the name Cupid, as the kitten is quite affectionate and the pattern on her head that goes onto her back looks like an arrowhead. My mother rejected the name but didn't come up with one either, so i kept referring to the kitten as Cupid. Second day we came to an agreement on the name Cara, as she felt like something to do with love and I wanted a C-name. Last night my sister came home.
My sister has been out of town for a while to travel to the coast to go to a house party, hasn't spent much time with the kitten compared to everyone else. She doesn't want the name Cara, as she knows a couple. Cara isn't too much of an uncommon name in my opinion. Okay, we can find something else. Another name my mother suggested was Cassie. I could see the kitten being named Cassie. My sister says no because the name reminds her of a character from Euphoria who ran around with her tits out. Like Cara, Cassie isn't too much of an uncommon name either.
To put how stupid I think this reasoning is into perspective, I have a very common name. I know many people who share my name, personally or not. Good people, bad people, fictional people, what not. There are people out there who associate my name with millions of different things.
My mother and my sister decided to name her Venus without talking to me about it, which is a name I feel like doesn't fit her. My father also wants to name her Venus, but he's not important in the situation.
Another reason my mom doesn't want to accept my name is because she claims I've named a lot of pets recently." Her two examples are both rabbits, one she bought as my pet and another she took from a family friend who was giving her away. When it comes to the second rabbit and the kitten, she asked for my help in naming her. The only other animals I have named are two out of seven chickens. We have three dogs (not named by me), five cats (new kitten + four mentioned, not named by me), 11 rabbits (3 named by me, two previously mentioned), and seven chickens (2 named by me). I call them pets because it's not like we run a petting zoo. We live in a rural area so we have the space. 26 pets, 27 if you include my sister's cat, and I have named 5. The rest by my sister and mother. The more I typed, the more I realized it sounds fake, but I can provide photos if asked.
I feel if we can't decide on a name then we should talk about it and agree to something.
I am still going to call the kitten Cara in protest.
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cripplecharacters · 5 months
In general, how would you approach writing nonhuman/feral characters with disabilities? How would you balance the symptoms animals usually show vs human symptoms, experiences and available accomodations?
I'm considering giving my Warrior Cats character with TBI-induced blindness (yes, I know, these books are awful about disability rep and yet I can't help but get attached) a guide animal of some sort, but... in real life blind cats can get by just fine using their whiskers, and though realism isn't a concern here, I'm worried that'll come across as nonsensical. However, I'm personally uncomfortable with writing yet another blind character that doesn't need mobility aids despite not being able to distinguish objects from one another "properly". He may not be totally blind, but I feel like I'd be contributing to the misconceptions surrounding my own condition that way. Thoughts?
Thank you for your ask! In real life animals, including cats, have been known to assign themselves as a guide for a blind packmate, usually walking on the side with less vision to help with navigation. Sometimes an animal of another species will act as a guide, but only if they’re bonded. This also occurs more often in domesticated animals, so if you don’t want the guide to be another cat you could do something like a dog, chicken or rat (though I’d imagine the last two would be hard to keep in a cat pack!).
You could also have your character able to move around unassisted in familiar areas that he is often in, but need assistance in unfamiliar areas.
As for writing your character, I’d say research how his injury affects his other senses. Touch, smell, hearing and limb movement can be affected by a traumatic brain injury, and it would definitely affect your character's ability to get around.
As of now, this blog unfortunately doesn’t have any blind mods (applications are still open as of posting this). However, you can check out other blogs for more information on blindness, such as BlindBeta, AskABlindPerson, and Mimzy-Writing-Online.
Have a lovely day!
Mod Rot
When talking about TBI induced blindness, you have to keep in mind that it's different from ocular blindness. The brain-based type of blindness is called CVI, or Cortical Visual Impairment, and it's very common!
(Note: I have done a lot of research on CVI, but I don't have it myself. I heavily encourage you to check the blogs that Rot mentioned!)
A CVI will often have different symptoms than ocular blindness. For example, the character's field of view could be severely limited - the left (or right, or top, or bottom...) half of their vision could be non-existent, and the other half could be what is sometimes described as "incomprehensible". It could also present in infinitely different ways from that, as it can be very diverse!
CVI is often fluid and the person (or cat) can function very differently depending on the circumstances like fatigue or stress or even the weather. If he's having a horrible day he will be able to understand the visual input less than when he's doing fantastic.
With CVI, it's important to remember that visual acuity generally won't be the main problem, but the brain's comprehension of the image is. This is where cat-available accommodations can hopefully come in.
Showing him experiencing visual fatigue and how he deals with it could be one of them! During his kitty activities he could prefer to have them spaced out so that he only sees one at a time and makes it easier for his brain to comprehend without tiring him out. A cluttered environment would probably only make it worse, so you can have him make sure that everything is nice and in its place. He could also take longer to recognize new objects or cats.
If he has, for example, very limited field of vision, then he could have his kitty house (I don't know how warrior cats work I'm trying my best here) arranged so that it would work for him; i.e. everything being on a specific height.
I also very much agree with Rot that he should have more symptoms than just blindness! One example of a brain-based cat disability could be cerebellar hypoplasia; it can't be caused by a TBI, but it causes ataxia which can be a result of a TBI (mildly complicated, sorry). Either way you can use it as a reference to visualize how your character could move!
I hope this helps! I really appreciate the effort of trying to include disability accommodations in a character who's a forest cat.
mod Sasza
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Floraverse + Glitchedpuppet's Abusive History Masterlist
General Good Sources:
The House That Monsters Built
7 Part documentary series on Glitchedpuppet, PMD-E, and Floraverse's troubled history of child exploitation, animal exploitation, and abuse.
An overview of on Glitchedpuppet, PMD-E, and Floraverse's troubled history of child exploitation, animal exploitation, and abuse but in a website format. Includes sources to back up every claim made, examples of how Scenes are a toxic practice, and an explanation on Floraverse's cult tendencies.
A Timeline of Events
A general time line of Glip's informed complicity in Marl's sex crimes against animals and children. If you don't want to spend a lot of time reading about this, then this post is the one to click on.
Names / Pronouns
Glitchedpuppet / Glip / Papayakitty / Ash - They/Them
Eevee / LexyEevee / Veekun / Squishfox - She/Her
Pengosolvent / Pengo - He/Her
Opa / opaopa13 / Tem - He/They
Iz / Woz / W0z / TanukiBathhouse - They/Them
Samaelbretondragon / Samael101 / Sunbe - She/They
Marl Sexually Abused Minors & Animals
[cw: Beastiality, Pedophilia]
➳ Lain's Story
➳ Rootie's Story
➳ Chat logs between Marl and Big Fluff
Glip was Aware that Marl was Sexually Abusing Animals
[cw: Beastiality]
➳ Marl convinced Glip to be filmed engaging in beastiality.
➳ Marl convinced Glip to engage in beastiality a second time.
➳ Exty had informed Glip that Marl showed them pornography of their pet dog Apollo in 2013 after Marl cheated on Glip with Exty.
➳ Eevee was likely aware that Marl was sexually abusing the family dog Apollo and children in her IRC too and choose to protect him.
➳ Apollo was walking around their home with mittens on his front paws, a common practice to prevent a dog from scratching someone when mounting.
Weird Zoophilic / Pedophilic / Sex Pest interest Glip + Eevee has shown
➳ Glip has a grooming fetish for showing children pornographic content by an "experienced person" and "innocence being broken".
➳ Glip's cat Twigs would try to essentially perform oral sex on them and this happened enough times that Marl became jealous of the cat. During PMD-E, there was a marriage arc & Porn between Glips self insert character and a Persian named after Twigs.
➳ Eevee avoids labeling her fetish game as a fetish game and advertises it to the Floraverse server full of minors.
➳ Glip has drawn feral porn and references photos of animal genitalia for their porn art.
➳ Eevee's weird ass decade long tendency of "accidentally" defending child porn, incest, and zoophilia.
➳ Glip believes that people can "let themselves be raped" and is sympathetic to the rapists in these situations. Glip described a character who was bound and gagged without consent, who states outright 'This is not what I came here for' as an example of a character who "let themselves be raped."
Other examples / stories of people being abused or berated by Glip or their inner circle
➳ Opa - at the time 37, convinced a 19 year old Jolly to move across state lines to live with with him. He exposed his genitalia to Jolly within a week of them moving in. Opa ended up evicting Jolly leading to Jolly attempting suicide twice.
➳ Rina's zine on how they where abused by the Floraverse community. Talks about how Iz/W0z ("The Predator") groomed her and created a visual novel depicting her COCSA story and her being raped by a doll.
➳ Pengo, Phoebe, and Japhet berated bring-out-the-dead over the span of several days, almost causing Boo to attempt suicide.
➳ Glips tendency to depict cruel caricatures of people in their webcomic.
➳ Pengo and Glip ganging up on and harassing someone in the server over sharing a personal poem.
➳ Kasran berates Bex for recognizing they where being abused and leaving the community & Glips caricatures of Bex that where put into Floraverse.
➳ Pengo harassed someone and initiated a server dogpile - bullying them for making a joke about banana juice.
➳ Roleplaying a court-hearing to humiliate and ban Nichole.
➳ Pengo and Glip ganging up on and harassing someone for not roleplaying properly in the community.
➳ Eevee refers to 2 of the children Marl sexually abused (Lain and Big Fluff) as just 'kiwifarmers'.
➳ Glip and Pengo berated someone for being uncomfortable that someone who doxed them was allowed in the Floraverse community.
➳ Floraverse admin samaelbretondragon / Samael101 / Sunbe / Creator of So Sorry in Undertale is complicit in the sexual abuse of children and minors - and so is a lot of the fatfur community, frankly. They collectively run goth_gator off twitter using right-wing and transphobic arguments, while sending him gore, for speaking out against the sexual abuse of children.
Glip is extremely cruel to victims of abuse when the abuser is someone they like
➳ Glip & Eevee slandered Lain over the span of years and called them a "fucking parasite" because the 13 year old spoke out about Marl sending her photos of dog genitalia - while knowing Marl was a zoo. [cw: Beastiality, Pedophilia]
➳ Glip thinks Opa shouldn't have called 911 because Jolly, the "deadly parasite" attempted suicide and "who cares if the deadly parasite dies". [cw: Suicide]
➳ Glip happily hosts the visual novel Iz made of Rina's COCSA that depicts them as a doll and gets raped on their porn site. They also lie about this visual novel being about Rina's COCSA story and being about Rina despite Iz admitting to both being true. [cw: Rape]
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serasfanfiction · 5 months
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4 | Part 5| Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
One afternoon, around the time Charlie was midway through the toddler stage, Lucifer had found himself spending the better part of one of her play dates in the shape of a mouse.
Charlie had been such an easy baby. She rarely cried or got upset. Most of the time when she did cry, it was for the usual things: she was hungry. She wanted to be held. Her diaper needed to be changed. She largely spoiled her parents as much as they spoiled her.
All of this wasn't to say that she didn't have her bad days.
The discovery had largely been an act of desperation. Lilith was away dealing with a matter involving Mammon that required the firm handling of a member of the ruling family. Lucifer had assured her he could look after Charlie for the day. They would be fine. It has seemed like it would be, too.
Then Charlie had started to cry. Started to cry and she wouldn't stop. Nothing he had tried had helped. Out of sheer desperation, he had shapeshifted into the form of the first animal he could think of.
At first, Charlie had stopped crying mostly out of confusion. She hiccupped, confused as to where her father had gone and what this new addition was. She had never seen any Earth animals and wouldn't have known that her father had turned himself into a duck. Because she was a curious thing, she had reached out one of her little hands to snag this new thing she'd discovered. Whatever had ailed her promptly forgotten. Lucifer had allowed himself to be squished and prodded for a few hours and in exchange, Charlie returned to being a happy baby.
So began the act of taking on the forms of Earth animals, both as a distraction and as a teaching tool.
For a while, it was her favorite pass time. Living in Hell as they were, it was hard to expose Charlie to positive things the majority of Earth children took for granted. Most of her experience with animals were the forms sinners took upon arriving, something that could give her a warped impression of what animals were supposed to look like. His favorite form was indeed the duck, but he was more than willing to take on other forms, such as cats, dogs, horses, and other common animals. He sometimes had difficulty with his snake form in the beginning, attached to some traumatic memories as it was, but he had endured the form for educational purposes.
The play date had been Lilith's idea. She had been keeping up ties with the Ars Goetia and had thought it would be good idea for Charlie to play with some other children her own age. Lucifer had thought the idea of being around a gaggle of hyperactive, screaming children had sounded exhausting, but had gone along with it. One thing led to another, and Charlie had strong armed him into showing the other children what a 'mouse' looked like. Mostly by repeating the word 'mouse' until he'd given in and transformed into one.
The other adults, Lilith being the exception, had been hesitant with the idea of the children treating him like a plaything. Lucifer may have been pulling away from his duties for centuries at this point, but he was still the literal King of Hell. What if one of the children did something to upset him and he decided there needed to be some sort of retribution?
Lucifer had thought they were making too big of a deal out of it. They were children. They were going to act like children. He understood that. They understood that. He wasn't going to harm the children for acting like children. He was a bit insulted they thought he was ruthless enough to hurt them for it.
Charlie - dear, sweet Charlie - had brought the whole debate to a resounding close when she had dropped his little mouse form into the hands of one of Paimon's random children. This set off the other children to want a turn and that had been that.
Another side effect of being born and growing up in Hell was that none of the children, Charlie included, understood that small Earth animals were breakable. This wasn't an issue, as Lucifer was still the strongest being in Hell regardless of his form, but he did protest to being stuffed into one of the children's pockets after the third time it happened. The play date had quickly morphed into a mini lesson in teaching the children to be gentle when handling 'fragile' things.
He let Charlie do it because she was his daughter, but what parent didnt give their children special privileges, right?
All of this was to say that Lucifer's current predicament wasn't an altogether new experience, he just couldn't quite understand how he had come to be in snake form, curled up around Alastor's arm and wrist and just barely hidden by his coat sleeve as they made their way through Pentagram City.
He would have liked to blame it on Alastor. To say it was his own fault and that he could suffer a little as a result, thank you very much. As much as he hated it, that wouldn't have been the full truth.
But he was getting ahead of himself.
The events that led up to his current predicament could be traced more immediately back to that morning. It had been determined that the time had come to tell Rosie and Carmilla about the upcoming broadcast. After days of planning and ironing out the finer details of the broadcast itself, it had felt good to finally be moving forward. They had gotten lucky there had been no additional attacks on the hotel during this time, but there was never any way to know how long their luck would hold out.
"Carmilla won't thank you for telling her," Vaggie pointed out from where she was lounging on the couch. "She could care less as long as it's not Heaven on her doorstep."
Charlie, who was sitting up against her side, had a different opinion on the matter. "Aw, I think it's nice! It feels like we have real allies now!"
"Exactly," Alastor chimed in, smug that Charlie agreed with his assessment and more than happy to rub it in. Vaggie glared at him. The only reason she wasn't breathing fire was because she was literally incapable of doing so. Fed by her reaction, Alastor added, "Telling our allies about our plans builds trust and makes them feel included. We wouldn't want them to think we're accusing them of anything, now would we?"
Charlie shook her head vigorously. Vaggie had refused to give any further input out of spite.
Lucifer, taking pity on her, redirected the conversation. "Yes, which is why we should get going." He pointed to the front door with the apple tip of his cane. "Soon."
Charlie had perked up at the 'we.' Since the catastrophe that was the aftermath of Alastor and Lucifer striking their second deal, she had doubled down on trust building exercises. It was debatable if they had made things any better or worse. "You're going together?"
Lucifer opened his mouth to give an affirmative, only to be interrupted by Alastor interjecting with, "Hm. About that."
The blonde crossed his arms, instantly suspicious. "Excuse you?" They had talked about this. He was going.
Alastor circled the little king, coming to stand just out of arms reach. He waved his microphone to encompass all of Lucifer's person. "Just think about it, your Majesty!" His tone was that of an adult talking to a small child. "You're such a rare sight to be seen around the city, people are bound to notice you immediately! Why, they're likely to guess something is afoot from the get-go." Ignoring the glare Lucifer was giving him, Alastor tutted at him. "No, no, it would be much better if I went on my own."
Lucifer didn't buy that for a moment. It was more likely Alastor wanted to control the narrative and the less of that the better. Meeting him grin for grin, he countered, "If we're so keen on building trust, wouldn't it be better if their king showed up in person to thank them?"
Inching closer in his irritation, Alastor stared down his nose at him. "Will they? After all, you've been absentee so long: does your opinion matter anymore?"
Charlie sighed, cutting their momentum short like the bursting of a balloon. Lucifer's eye twitched, remembering that he had indeed promised to work with Alastor, but he was making it so hard to do so! And he knew it, too! The king was tempted to yank on Alastor's chain, literally, even if neither of them had done anything to violate the terms of it. Alastor had agreed to stand with Lucifer during the broadcast, but nothing said he had to cooperate at any other time. It wouldn't have accomplished anything other than making Lucifer feel better in that moment. He only didn't do it was because Alastor was going to have his teeth in him at some point in the future and Lucifer didn't want to encourage any ideas of taking revenge during a vulnerable moment.
In a move that should have been a warning, Charlie gasped, a single finger going up in the air as a preverbal light bulb went off over her head. "Oh! I know just the thing!"
Lucifer softened his grin into a supportive smile as he turned to her. "What have you got for us, sweetie?"
Oblivious to the choas she was about to unleash, Charlie suggested, "What if dad shapeshifted into a mouse or something? Then he could just hide in your pocket and no one would see him!" She smiled at them, clearly believing this to be a good idea.
Lucifer's smile became frozen on his face. He had never regretted using his abilities to help educate her on Earth animals. He still didn't. He just kind of wanted to. All he could imagine was himself in the form of a tiny white mouse and Alastor towering over him as he prepared to stomp on him. He shuddered at the mental image. Oh, that really wouldn't do. Nope.
Alastor's face went through a range of emotions. He didn't shudder himself, but it was clear that he had wanted to, as he shot that one down without holding back. "Ha! Absolutely not!"
Vaggie, ever spiteful, was never one to miss an opening when she spotted one, and boy, was she spotting one. "What's the matter? Don't like mice?"
Alastor, however, had already recovered and if there was ever a master of taking advantage of opportunities, it was him. "Oh, but don't you know? Everyone knows mice and rats are known for carrying diseases. Who would want to carry such a vermin around?"
Charlie wasn't ready to let go of the idea just yet. "What about something around the wrist then? Like a snake?"
The redheaded sinner looked just as thrilled with this idea as the last, possibly even less so. Normally, Lucifer would have been sympathetic about his distaste for being touched, but his patience was running dry. Feeling malicious, he drawled, "Hmmm, I think that might work."
Alastor slowly turned his head around to face him, the rest of his body not following. Head tilting at an alarming angle, his voice deceptively calm, he asked, "Come again?"
Lucifer crossed the short distance between them, Alastor's head turning to follow him as he approached. With every inch he came closer, the redhead's smile grew a little wider, somehow going past what should be humanly possible for his face. Lucifer stopped when they were nearly chest to chest. He stared up at Alastor through his eyelashes, smile anything but innocent. "What's the matter? Is the big, bad Radio Demon scared of little ol' me?"
Alastor's pupils transformed into radio dials; eyes and smile lit up and bordering on manic. His fingers tightened around his microphone, as if imagining wrapping them around something else entirely. Calling his bluff, the redhead held out a wrist, snarling through gritted teeth, "Dear me, who am I to complain about wearing the King of Hell as jewelry?"
Lucifer nearly laughed in his face, thinking it adorable that Alastor seemed to believe that the worst thing he'd ever wrapped himself around was someone's wrist. Not waiting for the sinner to change his mind, the blonde shifted into the shape of a snake, his little top hat and bow the only thing giving him away as anything other than the real thing. He was quick to slither up Alastor's wrist, slipping under the sleeve until he was completely covered. He wriggled up the arm, trying to get comfortable. He paused when a hand wrapped tightly around him, the tightening of the grip threatening to become crushing.
He couldn't see anything but the red of Alastor's coat sleeve, so he couldn't judge his expression, but it was clear from his tone it was taking every ounce of his not inconsiderable self-restraint not to rip Lucifer off and fling him around the room. "I would appreciate it if you didn't go any higher than my gloves."
Lucifer was just at the edge of the glove in question. Just to be contrary, he flicked a tongue out, just enough to disturb the fur of Alastor's bare arm. Static screeched through the air and the hand around him tightened, compulsively, the sharp points of the redhead's claws held back only by the fabric of a coat tailored to withstand the typical violence one would expect in Hell. Not necessarily taking pity on the sinner, but deciding to uphold the illusion of peace, the fallen angel pointed out, voice not even showing a hint of strain, "I can't move back down unless you lighten up there, buddy."
The pressure around him increased, briefly, before very, very slowly decreasing. When he was free to move again, Lucifer slithered his way back down away from the top of the gloves, finally settling near the wrist, but not down far enough to be seen. His head settled against the inside of the wrist, the vibrations of Alastor's pulse a soft melody in his ears.
"Dad, are you alright?" Charlie's voice sounded a little closer. Had she gotten up off the couch?
"All set when Alastor's set." Lucifer gave a light, full body squeeze to show he was ready.
There was a pause, Alastor tense as a board. Slowly, he forced himself to relax until the only one who could likely tell he was still a potential live wire was Lucifer and that was only because he was literally clinging to him. "Yes, I do think it's time to leave. Don't want to keep Rosie waiting."
Charlie's voice was closer still and Lucifer could see her pant legs and shoes appear in his limited vision. "Are you sure you're okay, Alastor? If this is too much--."
Alastor was quick to cut her off, always allergic to showing any kind of weakness. "Don't worry, my dear, it's only for a short period. Nothing I can't handle." He must have tried to wave off the concern, because Lucifer suddenly felt a rocking sensation that nearly turned his stomach. He had never experienced motion sickness before, but was fairly certain this is what it must have felt like. Could snakes be sick? Oooooh, they were going to find out if Alastor kept this up.
Thankfully for all of them, the redhead seemed to remember his passenger and stopped. The landscape outside the sleeve changed as he headed for the door and the blonde closed his eyes in an effort to block out the dizzying effect of it. With a, "Don't wait up for us," they were off.
Which was how Lucifer came to find himself clinging to Alastor's wrist, lulled into a partial doze by the warmth of his hiding place and the general sounds of the city.
It was strange to listen to the city like this: present, but muffled. The rhythm of Alastor's gait soothed his stomach. Lucifer could hear the general hustle and bustle that made up the active and ongoing crime wave that never seemed to end, just move from block to block. The crash of breaking glass. The sounds of explosions in the distance. The escalating shouts of a fight that hadn't yet come to blows. The gift of free will, taken to it's worst heights.
The Devil's kingdom in all it's glory.
Hah. What a joke.
Lucifer was pulled from his thoughts by the jingling of a bell over head. He dared to peak open an eye to the sight of tiled floor. Were they there already?
Alastor answered that question, while raising several others. "Smithson, good chap, I've come to place an order."
An order? Where were they?
The ringing of metal hitting wood sounded through the air. A nervous, masculine voice followed. "A-Alastor!" An audible gulp. "Wh-What are ya lookin' for?"
The redhead came to a stop. Lucifer made the mistake of scenting the air, looking for more clues to their current where abouts. He instantly regretted it as the heavy smell of raw meat, so fresh the scent of blood hung in the air, hit him like a ton of bricks. Coupled with the sounds he heard earlier, the blonde concluded they must have stopped in a butcher's shop. He was never so glad as he was in that moment that he didn't actually need to breathe as he held his breath to avoid the smell.
"I'm looking to pick up a gift for a friend of mine." A pause, broken by a considering hum. "You don't happen to have anything similar to what I picked up two weeks ago, do you? She absolutely loved it!"
A shuffle from the direction of the person - Smithson? - tending the shop. "Uh, no. Pickin's from 3rd street dried up." Another shuffle, this time uneasy.
Alastor made another considering noise. "A shame. Very well, then something fresh. Perhaps some ribs? We're not picky about the bones."
Lucifer full-bodied shuddered. Knowing the redhead and his friend's tastes, he had the horrible sinking feeling he knew what kind of meat was sold in this place. Even if he hadn't been a vegetarian, he was certain he'd be more than a bit sickened.
Something heavy hit the counter. "I just got this in today!" Smithson sounded rushed, almost nervous. "Nice and fresh, just like you wanted."
A rustle of clothing and what could be seen of the counter got closer. A faint sniff followed. Lucifer felt Alastor stiffen. "Smithson," a dangerous undertone crept into the redhead's otherwise pleasant voice. "You wouldn't be trying to pull a fast one on me, now would you?"
Lucifer could see a blurry figure through the glass counter shift from foot to foot. "No. No of course not--"
The air around them grew heavy with static, reality warping harshly. Lucifer hissed as the vibrations pierced his skull with all the kindness of a hammer to an ice pick. It made him want to sink his teeth into the vulnerable flesh of the Radio Demon's wrist and bite and bite until Alastor stopped because it hurt.
"Because if you are, I will eat your limbs joint by joint until you beg for mercy," Alastor continued, not liking the response. With every word, the filter over his voice got more distorted. "And I have none."
Smithson whimpered. Lucifer squeezed the redhead's arm, hoping to bring him back.
As abruptly as it started, reality returned to normal. Lucifer tentatively loosened his hold. His head throbbed.
There was a long pause. Lucifer could smell the distinct aroma of pee, suggesting Smithson had pissed himself. A second sound of something hitting the counter eventually followed a bit of shuffling around behind the counter.
Alastor sounded much more pleased after inspecting it. "Much better, my good man. Now, what do I owe you?"
"N-nothing. I-it's on the house."
Alastor took up the package, the paper crinkling as he did so. "Very good! Always a pleasure doing business with you, Smithson!"
The whimper from the butcher indicated he would very much like to never do business with Alastor again.
The redhead murmured a jaunty tune to himself as he left the shop, taking another whiff of his prize as they set on their way again. The raised arms allowed Lucifer to peak out of his sleeve to give him a judgmental look. "Was that really necessary?"
"Of course!" Alastor responded, as if his overreaction was totally normal. "I'd say I did him a favor. Poor customer service is bad for business." He freed one hand to bop Lucifer on the nose, causing the snake to recoil and hiss at him. "Now, hush, sire. Everyone knows I'm insane, but I don't want everyone to think I talk to myself."
Lucifer wanted to comment that it was a perfectly normal thing to talk to yourself, but didn't want to risk a talk about the part where it tended to happen the longer one was alone. He didn't particularly want to open that can of worms.
The rest of the walk was uneventful, blessedly, giving time for Lucifer's headache to abate and disappear. No one approached Alastor as he passed, and there appeared to be no more detours.
The first indication that they were near their destination came with the general change in ambient noise. The sounds of violence tapered off, giving way to calm, friendly conversations and the laughter of children. Lucifer could swear he even heard music being played from somewhere.
Unable to resist, Lucifer peaked out of Alastor's sleeve. The town - Cannibal Town, a sign nearby proclaimed - was a tribute to an era gone by. Lucifer's grasp on what counted as "modern" on Earth was dodgy at best, but even he could tell that the fashion and look of the town was "old-fashioned." He couldn't pin down the exact time period the dresses and suits were from, although he could tell they appeared to be from an older time period then Alastor's own sense of fashion.
A child, eyes black and face almost inhuman, turned at just the right time to make eye contact with him. Lucifer grinned and winked at their confusion, before the child was quickly distracted by the game their friends were playing.
Alastor paid little attention to the people around him, headed for a single building at the center of the town that read, "Rosie's Emporium." Guessing from the name, Lucifer found it safe to assume that this was their destination. Not wanting to be spotted by anyone else, he withdrew back into his hiding place, content to wait until his cue to show himself.
Alastor soon came to a halt, roughly the correct amount of time having passed to have come to the emporium. Lucifer heard what sounded like knocking on a wooden door. They did not have long to wait, with almost no time at all having passed before the door opened.
"Alastor! Come in, come in!" A woman's voice, cheerful and upbeat. Rosie, perhaps? He could see the black and red hem of a dress swishing into view as Alastor was ushered into what appeared to be a brightly lit room. There was the sound of crinkling paper passing from one of them to the next, as Alastor presumably handed over his gift. "With all this secrecy," the voice went on around the sound of a package being set down, "I would have thought we were expecting the king!"
Lucifer refused to feel bad about crashing their little dinner party. He did give props to Alastor for emphasizing the importance of keeping this information on the down low.
Without seemingly pausing to breathe - did Rosie need to breathe? You could never tell with some Sinners - she noted, "And your cane! Now you really must tell me everything!"
Patient on a level Lucifer usually only saw him reserve for Charlie, Alastor placed his cane, tip down on the floor, folding his hands over the top of it in what the blonde was coming to recognize as his default position. "I believe most of your questions can be summed up by first meeting our guest."
"Oh?" Hard to tell from a single word, but her tone suggested she was curious rather than annoyed at the unexpected curve ball.
The redhead moved the arm with Lucifer clinging to it until it was held out to his side, palm up and lazily pointed at the ground. Able to catch the hint and recognize his cue, Lucifer slithered down and off, his reptilian brain protesting leaving his nice warm perch. Grin in place, he let himself fall, twisting in place as he did. Once he was an acceptable distance from the floor, a simple shift and a poof of smoke, and BAM! Instant King of Hell.
The perks of the little poof also allowed him to settle down into his own default stance. 'Socially Awkward' may have been his middle name of late, but he hadn't completely lost the ability to make a decent first impression. Eyes adjusting to the light, Lucifer got his first look at the Overlord known simply as Rosie.
A tall woman stood before him, similar in height to the Radio Demon off to his left. Large, black eyes gave her away as a cannibal like the residents of the town. Her smile, partially hidden by deceptively dainty hand, was full of teeth sharp enough rip through through the toughest flesh and bone. Her dress and hat were perfectly coordinated, that same old-fashioned look as the town outside.
Lucifer wondered if she was responsible for the theme.
"Oh my stars," she said, not missing a beat. It seemed it would take much more than a surprise royal visit to ruffle her feathers. "Alastor, you've certainly peaked my curiosity."
Alastor's ear twitched, the only sign of his irritation. Voice full of genuine warmth, he said a touch grandly, "Your Majesty, may I introduce my dear friend and fellow Overlord, Rosie."
Rosie, in response, dipped into what Lucifer identified as a curtsy. Human gestures of respect were an ever changing thing. He'd received anything from people throwing themselves, full bodied at the floor at his feet (unnecessary and a little cringe unless he was pissed) to something as simple as a bow (way more acceptable). Curtsying was fairly new in his experience, only from the last several hundred years and something he had only seen a handful of times. From what little experience he did have, he could tell it had been a perfectly executed curtsy, the motion fluid and practiced. It gave the impression she was used to entertaining people of high social status.
Alastor, voice notably less full of respect (and what was there was so far from genuine it was outright insulting), said, "Rosie, may I introduce our King, Lucifer Morningstar."
No embellishments, but no insults. Lucifer supposed this was an improvement from the person who'd insulted his height within minutes of meeting him.
He crossed the short number of steps separating them, reaching out to take Rosie's hand in his own. Smile sly and his voice dropping, he offered, "It's always a pleasure to meet such a beautiful lady." Following up the compliment, he pressed a chaste kiss to the back of her hand.
"Oh, aren't you the charming one," Rosie near coo'ed, her grin widening. Her eyelids dropped to half mast, her expression suggesting she'd eat him alive if he gave her half the chance. Which, considering how she made her way to Hell in the first place, wasn't an empty threat. "I can see where Miss Charlotte gets her moxie from."
Lucifer barked out a laugh, releasing her hand as he stepped back. "Oh, I assure you, Charlotte is a force unto herself with no help from me." Unless one counted the bare minimum of donating their genes.
Behind him, Alastor grunted in disgust, the action barely more than a heavy exhale. Lucifer winked as Rosie's eyes crinkled with her amusement. "If you are done assaulting the dear lady," the redhead said with a sharp tap of his cane on the floor. "I believe you came here for a reason." Voice dripping with annoyance, Alastor added, "You were quite insistent about it."
Lucifer rolled his eyes and pointed a finger over his shoulder, as if to ask, 'can you believe this guy'?
Rosie was the very picture of neutrality, taking no sides in the way only a true friend could. It was obvious she found watching them bicker to be entertaining.
Ignoring the glare he could feel practically burning a hole in the back of his head, Lucifer said, "Charlie and Alastor told me that you were instrumental in getting the army together to defend the Hotel. You have my gratitude for protecting my daughter when I could not." He pulled his hat from his head, pressing it to his chest as he bowed deeply before this sinner who had likely only helped his daughter for her own reasons, but who had helped, nonetheless. "I owe you a debt."
Hands came to rest lightly on his shoulders, pressing against them and urging him to rise. "None of that, your Majesty," Rosie murmured, kindly. "Miss Charlotte convinced that stubborn group to join her with little help on our end." She took his hat from him with little resistance, before placing it back on his head. He could feel the pat she gave the top of it. She gave him a short inspection, before nodding to herself. She shot a look in Alastor's direction over his head. "You certainly know how to surprise a girl, Alastor. First a princess and now a king." Her tone was teasing as she said, "If I didn't know you were drawing all aces, I'd think you were going for a Royal Flush."
Lucifer could only imagine whatever look the redhead was giving her in return. He was given little time to ponder her comment, let alone boggle at someone teasing the Radio Demon and getting away with it, before she was spinning him around towards the interior of the shop. "Uh," he managed, only mildly indignant when she all but handed him off to Alastor, whose expression appeared tolerant in the brief second he managed to catch a glimpse of it. The redhead, in perfect tandem with his friend, curled his hands around the blonde's shoulders and began to push him along. "You play cards?"
Rosie laughed, finding the question adorable, waving her hand dismissively as she led the way over to a table with a pair of chairs around it. "Oh, Heaven's no! The only gambling I do is on my husbands, and I always play with an exit strategy when I do."
Lucifer had the distinct impression that 'an exit strategy' was just a roundabout way of saying that she had no shortage of ways to dispose of any husband she no longer needed.
Between them, they ushered him further into the shop, leaving little time for protest. Any irritation was washed away under his fascination as he observed the way they moved in sync with each other. He was so used to the idea of Alastor being a force unto his own, the lone puppeteer pulling all the strings, it was a little intimidating to see him working as a team with someone he clearly trusted to take the lead. It made something twist in his chest, a feeling of peaking behind the curtain at something he wasn't supposed to have seen.
It made him look... human seeing him like this.
He was pulled from his thoughts as Alastor deftly maneuvered him into one of the two seats, half shoving him down into it as opposed to seating him in it. Reminded there was a reason he personally disliked the redhead, Lucifer flipped him off with a glare after he righted himself while their host wasn't looking.
The redhead placed a hand to his chest, mock affronted. "Come now, sire. Didn't anyone tell you such vulgar gestures are impolite in front of a lady?"
Rosie had undoubtedly seen and done much worse things before and after her arrival in Hell, as evidenced by the way she took her seat with little more than a titter in response to the spectacle they were making. Lucifer blinked as it sunk in that there were only two seats and there were three of them. That damned swell of guilt tried to rise up, even as he tried to shove it back down. It wasn't his fault any more than it had been Rosie's that Alastor had tried to exclude him from his own meeting. He shifted in his seat, also suddenly hyper aware that the current arrangement left Alastor standing just behind and to the right of his chair.
How deeply had he gotten under Lucifer's skin that even though Alastor couldn't do jack shit to him, the fallen angel was uncomfortable with him at his back?
"Um," he asked, trying to hide his awkwardness and aware that he was only making it more obvious. "Should we get a chair for...?"
Alastor leaned against the chair in a blatant disregard for personal space. "Oh, no, sire, don't mind me. I'm perfectly fine where I am." Everything about his body language said that he could see all the ways he was making the little king uncomfortable and was loving every moment of it. He tapped the top of the microphone to the top of Lucifer's hat. "Please, do the honors of explaining the reason for our little visit."
Lucifer's glare promised retribution, the moment he could figure out a way to do it without upsetting Charlie.
The chink of a cup being placed in front of him reminded him they weren't alone. Rosie had poured tea for him while he wasn't paying attention. He tried to eye it without being rude with his suspicions. He didn't outright think that even their tea potentially contained bodily fluids in them, one just couldn't be to careful about these things.
Astute, Rosie seemed to pick up on the issue. "Oh, don't look so worried, your Majesty. I promise it's only tea." If she was insulted by his mistrust, she didn't show it.
Deciding to take the plunge, he picked up the cup. The liquid inside was still steaming, an indication that it was still hot even before he took a sip. He blinked as a fruity, florally taste blossomed across his tongue. "Darjeeling?" He was fairly certain that was the name of it, anyway.
Alastor leaned over to take a sniff of the tea. His eyes danced with laughter as Lucifer snatched the cup away, the latter waving a hand at him to shoo him off and telling him, "Get your own tea!"
"Rosie has been introducing me to new teas," he said by way of explanation. He tapped a finger to his bottom lip thoughtfully as he withdrew back to his former position.
Rosie nodded in agreement. "It's always useful to have an assortment of drinks for any occasion. You never know who you might be entertaining." She set her own drink, half empty, back on the table. Back straight, the perfect picture of a lady host, she placed both of her hands in her lap. "Now, why don't you tell me what all this cloak and dagger is about? I must admit, I'm dying to hear the explanation."
Lucifer eyed Alastor, making certain he wasn't going to do something else, like straight up steal his drink. When the redhead failed to do anything besides smile that eye twitch inducing smile at him, Lucifer properly regained his seat. He held on to the cup, folding both hands around it to feel the heat seep into his hands. He turned his full attention to his host. "I take it Alastor has told you about the attacks on the hotel?"
Cannibals didn't have discernable pupils so it was impossible to tell if Rosie shared a glance with Alastor. Lucifer allowed his neutral expression to confer that he didn't mind if any information had been shared, as no effort had ever been made to hide it.
Her response still caught him off guard. "Everyone knows about the attacks, sire. It's all over the news."
Without thinking, Lucifer turned to Alastor, gaging his response. Alastor's expression had tightened with distain. Voice dripping with scorn, in a tone that suggested he already knew the answer, he asked, "Vox?"
Her tone wasn't as scornful, but it was clear there was no love lost between them, as Rosie confirmed, "Vox."
Not for the first time, Lucifer was almost sorry he hadn't kept up with the inner intricacies of the alliances between the people that more or less ran his city. So many sinners had risen and fallen over the millennia, even before he let it all fall to the wayside, it was difficult to keep track of them, let alone care. He was only mustering up the energy to care in this case because it was affecting his daughter and this upstart sinners were already threatening to give him a headache.
He pondered if it mattered if the attacks were known by the public or not. It was his understanding that Charlie never said anything about the Hotel other than attempts to advertise it. She never commented on previous attacks on the hotel, save to comment that she was glad that they didn't have to rebuild that one wall everyone used to destroy all the time. Between his neglect of Hell and Charlie's lack of negativity, he doubted anyone was expecting anyone to say anything about it in the end.
He nodded in acceptance. The plan should still be fine. "The working theory is that someone is worried about souls being redeemed and potentially losing their contracts." He leaned back in his chair as he crossed his legs, spine flush with the back rest. "I'm going to go on television to deliver a little warning to everyone in Hell about messing with my daughter's little project." Head tilting to the side, nothing nice about his smile, he added, "I'm also going to break an Overlord's contract on air."
Rosie's eyes widened. "Oh, my, that will cause a stir." She leaned forward, considering. "But that's not all, is it?"
Sharp one, this one. He'd have to keep an eye on her, especially since she was Alastor's friend. Playing ignorant, he asked, "Does there have to be more? Alastor tells me that its courteous," these words he said as if they were foul tasting in his mouth, "To include potential allies in future plans."
But the Victorian Overlord wasn't fooled, her expression saying as such. "Come now, as sweet as all this comradery is, there wouldn't be all this fuss over a little broadcast."
There was the soft rustle of cloth from where Lucifer had last seen the redhead, but when he checked, Alastor didn't appear to have moved so much as an inch. Confused, but suspicious the deer demon was the one who'd made a fuss, Lucifer decided there was no harm in including Alastor's role in what was to come. There had been no agreement, after all, to exclude it. To Rosie, Lucifer explained, "Alastor will be joining me during the broadcast, as a sign of solidarity."
Rosie went still. Although her head had not moved at all, Lucifer had the impression she only had eyes for her friend. He glanced at Alastor, who was equally as still. There was nothing out of the ordinary to suggest he might be bothered by the idea of appearing on tv. Perhaps she could see something he could not, because Rosie's brows drew together in what looked like concern.
Alastor's blank expression smoothed over into an easy one. "Oh, don't look at me like that, my dear." Something Lucifer couldn't read passed between them. "I'm more than pleased with the results of our little deal," Alastor went on, running his claws lightly down the stem of his cane to draw attention to it. An explanation to her earlier observation of its reappearance. He tapped those same claws one by one on it, eyes half lidded and smile pleased, as he said, "And there are still pleasant things to come from it."
Rosie's hand came up to cover her mouth, the sway of the feather in her hat in moving with her head as she looked back and forth between them. A knowing smile crossed her lips. "I see," she said. She settled, her expression was still as sweet as ever, but Lucifer could pick up the hint of a threat in her body language. "I'm sure you'll take good care of our dear Alastor, won't you, your Majesty?"
She was no more a threat to him than Alastor was. She didn't have a prayer of taking him in a fair fight. He could take her out before she even thought about moving. Yet, here she was, willing to threaten the most powerful being in all of Hell for her friend.
Lucifer felt that pang in chest return, this time accompanied by longing. How long had it been, since he had last shared this kind of easy rapport with someone? Before he withdrew from everything and his marriage fell apart? Before Eden and his fall? He'd had siblings and his father, once, then he'd had a wife and a daughter.
Had he ever just had a friend, though?
Lucifer swallowed, distracted and feeling like he'd been missed a step while going down a flight of stairs. "Um. Yes?"
Wait, what?
What she'd asked and what he'd agreed to caught up to him in a rush. He set his now lukewarm cup down, indignant. Why did he have to look after Alastor? Alastor was not only more than capable of looking after himself, but he seemed to have most of the cards in his favor! Lucifer couldn't even harm a hair on his furry little head as long as his daughter was attached to him!
He didn't dare look in Alastor's direction. He could all but feel the smugness radiating off him.
Rosie reached across the table, patting his hand sympathetically. "Now that the serious business is out of the way," she proclaimed. "How about some lunch? Alastor was so good as to provide us with the perfect meal!"
"Um." Lucifer felt his stomach drop as he remembered little side trip. He hadn't seen the package during or after it's procurement, but it wasn't hard to guess from what he'd over heard what it was going to be. His suspicions were confirmed, when Rosie retrieved the package and opened it up to reveal a whole chest and torso, head and limbs removed. Old enough for the wounds to have stopped leaking blood, but not so old as for the skin to have begun turning green with putrefaction.
Lucifer covered his mouth with one hand and clutched the arm of the chair with the other, trying not to gag. "Sorry, I'm a vegetarian," he managed as he sat back as far as he could sit in the chair.
Rosie blinked, looking around her shop with a thoughtful eye. A closer look around revealed it was full of various other body parts. This was not the place for someone of his tastes. "Well, that might be a challenge."
Alastor hummed in agreement, utterly unhelpful.
Lucifer could already tell his long day was only going to get longer.
Part 12
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veenus777 · 1 year
◜Wilbur Soot Boyfriend Headcanons◞
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┊ ᝰ﹕SFW, please ignore my Google translate English
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♤ This man is a gentleman! He would be romantic but not in big things but in small ones.
♧ He would buy you your favorite snacks, memorize the way you make your coffee just so he could make it how you like it.
♤ He would want to know everything about you but not just about your life but about the things you like.
♧ And speaking of which, he would learn everything just to be closer to you, your favorite book? He will read it, do you like a band? He will listen to all the albums, are you a fan of a series? He will spend the entire morning watching just to have something to talk to you about.
♤ he's the careful type, he'd "fight" with you for not taking good care of yourself but deep down he knows he loves doing that, like always taking two sweaters when he leaves the house or making sure you've eaten that day.
♧ Talking about food, every time he needed to go out in the morning, whether for a Lovejoy rehearsal or a recording, he would make a point of waking up early just to prepare your favorite coffee and leave it on the counter with a note for when you wake up .
♤ Obviously he would take you to band rehearsals and take your opinion very seriously about the songs.
♧ You would have a VIP pass to go to all the shows and you always do, but when you can't attend Wilbur becomes a little less excited and anxious about the show, For him, you are like a lucky charm that makes everything perfect and incredible.
♤ He would include you in his group of friends, on trips and recordings and they will welcome you very well, but don't think you will be immune to Charlie or Tommy's jokes.
♧ If you are also a content creator, it will take you in front of the camera even if you are not have a public relationship, you will always be present in Tommy's vlogs or in some Sorry videos even if for just a few seconds.
♤ Talking about the Sorry brothers I feel like Wilbur would pull you into this (if you're a public person) even if little by little, it would all start with a few appearances here and there and then it would become something more regular and when you see it it's already part of the cast, but like Phil you try to be the point of balance amidst the general chaos.
♧ If you are not a public person you would still be present but behind the cameras, always helping backstage with clothes, makeup or video ideas.
♤ You would probably adopt a small animal, from the most common options like cats or dogs or something more different like a rabbit or ferret. Ps: they would probably have names related to music, either referencing a song or names of singers they both like.
♧ He would be the more reserved type of person in public and with little to no PDA, but he would still hold hands or have his arm on your shoulder.
♤ However, when you are alone Oh My God! this man is pure neediness, he would love hugs and physical touches, or just quality time where you are both in the same place focused on your own things but still together.
♧ I feel like he has three moods: The singer, the older brother and the boyfriend
♤ The singer happens when he is super focused and committed to his career, he has a dream and definitely wants to achieve it and he works hard for it.
♧ The older brother usually happens when he joins Tommy and Charlie, he is chaotic and playful, always making jokes and being sarcastic and picking on his "younger brothers" Tommy and Charlie.
♤ The third is something that few people see, it's the soft boy Wilbur, it's when he's not all that chaos and shouting, he just hangs out, listens to music or a movie and relaxes without having to worry about his career or the Internet for a while.
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.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌
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If you are a "disability advocate" be normal about emotional support animals. I am not asking. Do it.
The only time I ever see ESAs brought up by non-handlers in disability circles is to complain about them. Mainly, to complain about people who bring them into public spaces. This is fine, they're not supposed to be in public and it does cause issues for service animal handlers, but the problem is when the criticism extends to criticizing the concept of ESAs, which happens quite often. I've recently seen more disabled people and allies advocate for more restrictions on ESAs, or for them to stop being protected altogether, and I need to emphasize that this is an incredibly dangerous, ableist stance.
First and foremost, ESAs are a real thing in the U.S. If you're from outside the U.S. feel free to chime in about how they work where you're from, but I'm from the U.S. so I can only offer my experience. ESAs are recognized by the federal government under the Fair Housing Act (FHA). The category that includes service animals and ESAs is called "assistance animals".
ESAs are not legally pets. They have fewer rights than service animals, but they have more rights than pets. ESAs are not subject to "no pet" rules in housing, nor are they subject to pet fees or pet security deposits. They are also generally exempt from breed and animal type restrictions. The law has some caveats about this like not causing undue financial stress to the housing provider or damage to the property. These rules also exist for physical accessibility (i.e. wheelchair accessibility), they're generally to protect against significant damage or alterations to the property without the permission of the housing provider. If the presence of an animal doesn't cause a health and safety risk, doesn't cause excessive damage to the property, and is necessary to afford a disabled person equal use of the property, then landlords and other housing organizations pretty much have to act like the ESA isn't there.
ESAs can be any animal. Most are dogs or cats but birds, rodents, snakes, pretty much any animal that's legal to own can be an ESA. Of course, just because it's legal doesn't mean it's ethical. Unfortunately, sometimes animals that can't reasonably be kept in a home by a private keeper, like primates and alligators, are claimed as ESAs. This is an obvious abuse of the system but it's difficult to prevent without harming legitimate handlers. In my opinion, focusing on tighter restrictions and more bans for exotic pets would do more for animal welfare than focusing on being weird about ESAs.
One of the common statements I see non-handlers make about ESAs is that they're just pets and don't serve any special purpose. This isn't the case. ESAs must help with at least one effect of a person's disability in order to qualify as an ESA. One of the main purposes of ESAs is suicide prevention. Keeping up spirits can be very difficult for people with mental and physical illnesses, we might sometimes feel that we're not contributing anything to the world, that things would be better off without us, or that the distress we experience isn't worth pushing through. Having an animal that relies on you gives a sense of importance and responsibility. If you die, your ESA will have to adjust to a new environment and go through the stress of change. There's also a possibility that they could be alone without care if no one realizes you're gone, which unfortunately does happen with people who live alone sometimes. ESAs also motivate us to care for ourselves. Many severely mentally ill people, as well as many physically disabled people, struggle to motivate ourselves to get out of bed and live life. It can be easier to do nothing than to deal with the pain and fatigue associated with moving around, even if our health suffers as a result. Caring for an animal requires us to get up and move around our living space, sometimes doing things for ourselves in the process. ESAs can also help encourage us to take medications, stay off of addictive substances, go to doctor's appointments, and do other things to stay healthy in order to be able to continue caring for our ESAs. Basically that Simpsons "do it for her" meme.
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ESAs are disability aids. They're important. They keep disabled people alive and healthy. Questioning their right to legal protection is ableism.
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dinocanid · 8 months
If you read Xem's post, you will see that she states you should know the basics about that animal before confirming it. You should know that a wolf is a canine that is a pack hunter that lives mostly in the northern hemisphere. That they howl and usually hunt deer or some deer relative. The have fur and are pursuit predators. Those are the basics. No one except you and your friends said you're only a real wolf therian if you can name top ten unusual facts about wolves. How can someone confirm a wolf if they do not know what a wolf is? You yourself said that you differ from wild wolf behaviours. So you know you're not a wild wolf because of that. But twist words and play the victim I guess.
The OP claimed, very blatantly, that if you make a mistake about some species fact that someone else considers "basic knowledge" then they shouldn't be allowed to identify as that species anymore and should be gatekept from the label. Said basic knowledge included very common and easy-to-make mistakes. Someone can identify as a hyena without knowing at first they are feliforms and not caniforms, the OP said that they can't. Someone can identify as a wolfdog or a leopard, and mistake a wolfdog for a husky mix or a jaguar for a leopard in a photo. That happens, they can look very similar to each other. Idk how to explain that a hyena looks like a dog(canine), just like a thylacine looks like a dog. You can go most of your life before finding out the former is related to cats and the latter is related to kangaroos. You can put a leopard and a jaguar next to each other and it is difficult as hell to tell the difference a lot of times. Not all wolfdogs look like wolves, some just look like dogs especially if they're low content. Some dogs just look like wolfdogs or wolves without being wolf hybrids. See: the pile of movies and shows with "wolves" in it (it's wolf-like dogs being casted as wolves, lots of people don't notice). It's not common knowledge, it's fun facts you might stumble across in a "10 Things You Didn't Know About These Strange Animals" YouTube compilation at 3am.
The OP was stating very clearly that your identity becomes invalid the moment you fail a game of spot-the-difference. The OP post is capped off with:
"So yeah. You should know a lot about the animal you claim to be. If not? Don’t claim it."
I'm gonna be blunt that the OP had one of the most rancid takes I'd seen in a while. Knowing the creature exists was not stated anywhere in the post to be enough, you have to "know a lot".
Someone might not know that animal's realistic behaviors, or where they all live geologically, or what all of their body language means. Someone can know their theriotype before they figure out that later stuff, it's happened all the time and continues to happen. This also isn't covering non-earthly animal identities and how you can't even do ecological research on those. Someone can't go on wikipedia and read up on the ecology of their specific dragon species that has zero record of ever existing. Plenty of those with non-earthly animal identities are not less real as a result, it is an absolute buckwild take that earthly animal identities are somehow different with a higher bar of entry. That's not even mentioning people that identify as earthly animals with unrealistic ecology, because that's also a thing.
For the second part of your ask, I'm guessing you're referring to this recent one. You missed this entire chunk of the post:
"...I do not know most things about wolves off the top of my head. Don't ask me anything about wolf ecology outside the bare basics, I couldn't tell you. When I was really young I thought my nonhuman identity was a dog until one day I had the epiphany that I was actually a wolf. I didn't have to bury my head in research to figure that out, I just knew for not much reason. Any information on wolves I know today is stuff I picked up here and there over the years, independent of my identity"
To condense all of that into something shorter: I just knew I was a wolf before I knew much of anything about wolves. I didn't know I wasn't a wild wolf because I know a lot about wild wolf behavior. I genuinely don't know how that conclusion was drawn after reading that.
"Wolves are canines that live in packs and eat deer" isn't research, that's "I watched a movie once that had wolves in it", which is honestly the extent of what a lot of people know about wolves unless they're invested or something. That's not enough according to the OP, and if that's not what was meant then the entirety of the post was worded extremely poorly.
And this last part isn't related to anon, but I've seen a lot of responses since yesterday about "but why is research bad"? No one has said that it was, and I scroll the alterhuman tags almost daily. That's not something people are arguing. The point isn't "research bad, grr learning about animals sucks", the point is that this discourse is old. Like, old as hell. We're not gatekeeping nonhuman identities based on if you "know a lot" going in. We're not going to claim someone isn't a "real therian" if they get one thing wrong about their theriotype.
Let's say that someone is a leopard therian and posts a picture of a jaguar in some moodboard or something. You know the decent thing to do? You might let them know one of the photos is actually a jaguar, which will usually get you a "oh huh, thanks. didn't catch that". At no point do you suddenly have imply they aren't a "real" leopard therian. You can ask if they've maybe considered jaguars, but they are fully able to respond "yeah but no, I'm a leopard". And that's fine. Someone can be a hyena therian, accidentally say that hyenas are canines. It is absolutely fine and possible to say that hyenas are feliforms without pointing fingers and going "you're not a real hyena, because real hyenas would've known that already".
It's not 2012 anymore, we've grown past this. It is the strangest thing ever to see in the year two-thousand-twenty-four.
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zervem · 2 years
Ghost + Animals
Ghost loves animals. He desperately needs every animal to like him and will go an extra mile to make that happen.
If a cat or dog doesn’t like him within 20 minutes of meeting him he is CRUSHED (not including animals with prior trauma issues. He respects them and understands they need a lot of time).
Finds an injured baby squirrel and brings it back to his room. Rehabilitates it and releases it without anyone ever knowing it was in there.
Animals are just instinctively drawn to him. He is calm and never tries to cross their boundaries. Even the crankiest old cats will curl up on his lap for a nap.
Loves the army dogs. Spoils them when no one is looking. They respect him the most so he easily trains them.
(Taught one of the dogs the “sick balls” command from that one tiktok just to fuck with soap.)
Type of mf to feed crows and slowly gain their trust for months until they start bringing him little treasures. They eventually start following him around base. This absolutely terrifies the rookies.
Speaks to animals in a baby voice when nobody is around. Will melt your heart.
As soon as he finds out someone on the team gets an animal he buys some gifts for them and demands to meet it.
When he is on leave for longer periods of time he likes to foster cats and kittens. He would love to own one when he retires.
Makes his own cat tree for the cats. Also makes his own catio.
Will eat whatever cheap healthy food he can find for himself but will go all out for his pets.
If he is unsupervised he WILL name any nameless animal he comes across weapon / military words. “This is M9 bayonet - bay for short :)”.
The team stumbles across him asleep in the common room with a tiny kitten on his chest he found outside. It was cold out so he obviously couldn’t leave it out there c’mon guys. (This makes soap cry.)
Has full conversations with animals like they can understand him. One of the few times he actually opens up and really talks about how he’s feeling.
“Oh hey what’s moving in your pocket, Ghost? You got something in there?” Ghost:
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