#aragami 1
raccoonscity · 2 years
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Games Played in 2023: Aragami (2016), Lince Works
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lacunasbalustrade · 2 years
Gao Mikado: never expecting any of the beauty that takes you by force, morning waves lapping against the shore of an Irish beach, the aroma of eggs sizzling with butter in a pan, touching someone's soft, cold hand and feeling the warmth transfer between you two like an iv line, sinking into a fluffy bed radiating warmth after a long day, putting your achy head on the table in class. you're so so tired all the time but you know somewhere in your heart that you'll never get these days back. you're making the best of them however you can, "i know you always do your best."
Noboru Kodo: sugar caramelising brown in an oven, waiting for someone until you get the sinking realisation that they stood you up, lazy rainy afternoons under a grey sky, sitting cross-legged with one knee up and being scolded by your mom for looking like a gangster, breathing the taste of minty fir sap in a cooling forest, in a dark room with someone's back to yours confessing every mistake both of you ever made, with embarrassed laughs. backing out of a convenience store queue because there are too many people, "if i could have been born with your courage life could've been so much easier."
Zanya Kisaragi: always on your toes for something that you can't quite understand why you expect, the same familiar street at twilight when everyone returns to their houses and turns on the lamps, the texture of green tea against your dry tongue, dipping your fingers into the swimming pool to check the temperature and feeling the warmth flee from your blood, waking up tangled in your bedspread, clicking noise from stapling paper together briskly. you have something to do later and you're looking forward to it, "you're an inspiration, okay?"
Jin Magatsu: waking up with an unstoppable headache. bumping into pointy cabinets and having to reach too far to grab your throbbing foot with two hands. the flavour of cotton candy melting on your face around your mouth. someone wipes it off for you with the back of their cardigan covered hand. blackberry-infused tea (coffee is for lowlifes), the best time you swear by is naptime on another tiring Monday after work, never quite judging but always perceptive of how those around you feel towards anything, good natured sarcasm, "tell me how I got this lucky again?"
Tetsuya Kurodake: the buzzing sound you get in your head when you've listened to your headphones on max volume for far too long, little packets of vitamin enhanced milk and the crinkly sound wrapping makes when you tear it off, bright cel shading on a hand-drawn animation sheet, forgetting to pick your clothes off the floor in the morning after you left them there last night, vacuuming dust from underneath your bed and nearly choking from the bunnies, maybe a little bit afraid of being inferior at the things you love, "promise me we'll still have tomorrow."
Raremaro Tafudonokimi: traditional kimono. perfectly arranged bouquets, tissue flowers, expensive art that was made by some amateur on eBay. watching run-of-the-mill animation and trying to think of deeper meaning behind it. playing an instrument so badly birds drop from the trees. a gentle late afternoon, even so you complain about how hot it is. small yapping dogs, feeding breadcrumbs to the pigeons, not really sure if anyone looks up to you despite how hard you try, always bluffing your way out of real challenges, "you know, you're not such a bad presence after all."
Kanata Ozora: switching on the stove. it's too hot to stay in your blanket fort although all your air conditioners are on, so you crawl out on your hands and knees only for all the pillows to come crashing down. the way oatmeal slides down your throat like a raw egg. rain off fresh leaves smells so good that you have ten planters on your kitchen window ledge. mini bonsai trees. not really knowing what makes someone so beautiful but wanting to keep them anyways, forever. "why are you so afraid of yourself? you're so much more than i could ever have hoped for!"
Shosetsu Kirisame: stoic apologies. clean washing folded neatly, the warmth of clothes after they come out from the machine, misty showers with wet floors. In the daylight around nine, it's so peaceful and quiet, just the ideal time to get into some studying. open windows, no emoticons ever, the way air tastes in your lungs when you inhale really deep, how satisfying it feels to squirt toothpaste onto the bristles, looking back and wishing you could slap your self-centred egoistic teen self. "if i could do life over again, there are a lot of things I'd change. but I'd never change you."
Keisetsu: chilled pillows against your head. folding your hands behind your back and crossing your fingers. danger at every streetlight (but at least you know it's coming), that moment in the dead of night when you bolt upright panting and not knowing what woke you. you've never had any dreams, awake or sleeping, except for wanting somewhere to belong to, somewhere you can be an irreplaceable part of a world. team player at heart. pastel macarons in between your teeth, cherry sauce scent, ozone depletion under your belt, "i'm hopeless. can't even make you want me."
Shusui Kanehebi: breakdancing and rap music with terrible lyrics and too many curse words. pessimistic social media messages, gulping down fruit smoothies in one go, the taste of adrenaline in your throat when you smell the hunt on the wind. calling someone close to you eight times is a daily routine just for laughs and more often than not they block you until you apologize through a mutual. waking up sleepily and walking into your own bathroom door; your roommate screams at you to keep quiet or die by their blade. "maybe i can live with me, but you sure can't, you're too dang perfect."
Sakate Onagashira: museum dates. it's always been second nature to wait for someone else at the bus stop, but you're still single up till now. late night when you're being kicked out of yet another party - where did you take the forked road? There's no specific moment you can trace it back to, maybe you were just meant to be this way whether you wanted to or not. pepper fried rice smells hella good. peeling open durians and pineapples with your bare hands just to show you can, shivering when it gets even slightly cool out, "there's nothing i have for you, don't even try."
Kemura: never seems to be listening but always remembers everything, is the one who pets the elephant in the room whilst everyone ignores it. self-destructive kindness is a thing? actually listens to all those ads instead of skipping past them. 3 am and visiting the nearby food market for snacks before realising that it's closed, you've been playing video games too long. Plays Pokémon Go, keeps potted plants in your room but they keep wilting and you don't know what to do at all. surprisingly good at handicrafts although you might seem clumsy - "Kemura will do his very best!"
Gaito Kurouzu: trying too hard to seem unbreakable. reads latin during lunch break. never wonders why, only wonders how. throws tantrums like an excellent five year old. has a master's degree in planning documents and arranging their calendar, likes chocolate cake but not the low-sugar ones with less butter. the freshly baked pie smell only top-tier bakers can achieve, burst of peeled oranges as you bite through the skin, citrusy detergent on hands, cloudy nights as you wander around the corner for an errand, "don't you dare sneak off without telling me."
Kyoya Gaen: glass windows that you could fall through if you leant hard enough, little lies that you don't mind anymore. love that you deny everyday by acting cruel to it, as if that'll ever change anything. the sound of the door lock clicking behind you (which side are you on?), gentle somber dust against your skin like specks of glitter, scent of moth-eaten paintings, excruciatingly simple pencil sketches, neutralising the things you don't like by not giving them recognition, the childish confidence most of us lost a long while ago, dead sunsets, "maybe we could have worked out in a different universe, 'name'."
Kiri Hyoryu: scarves tucked tightly around your shaking hands. the sharp bite of cinnamon's aroma that brings a pop of colour, humid windy days when you can't see straight for the hair in your eyes but there's always, always someone who grabs your hand and takes you straight where you need to be. soft white cheese against good bread as you chew, making New Year's mochi and Lunar Month mooncakes by hand (the flour dust against your skin), meeting someone you know well after a while and realising somehow you've only become closer, petting cafes, "how did you find me?"
Rouga Aragami: unshakeable confidence; no hesitation. The darkness of the resting warmth in the night sky, jazz tunes in a dark bar, aeroplanes crossing the sky in their white trails like map lines, no drifting just swimming, chewing meat and ripping it straight from the bone, being the shoulder that someone else leans on as tears roll down their face (however silent or loud they sob, it doesn't matter to you), the sound of milk as it's poured into a glass, forehead against another forehead as you whisper-promise to them that it will work out, climbing a tree and realising that you can't get down, "i won't give up on you, no matter how many times you ask me to."
Tasuku Ryuenji: running in the rain as the wind blows droplets straight into your eyes. you're going in the wrong direction but what does that matter? unease. you constantly don't know what to do with yourself. bread rising in the oven and burning away, smoldering quietly. smell the rich coffee from the cold vending machine as you pop open another cup. falling asleep besides a stuffed animal, its fur is clumped together after a long period of usage. falling for the feeling that you've finally become more than just useful to someone, to anyone, you are loved, "i think that family is something you put in front of the world; you are my everything."
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satoshi-mochida · 2 years
Some indie game recommendations from ones I’ve played or know enough about them to suggest them to others(mostly in no particular order), Part 5.
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
Chained Echoes
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A Short Hike
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Dead Cells
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House Flipper
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Advent Crossroad
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Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion
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SEASON: A letter to the future
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Coffee Talk
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Heart Fragment
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Donut County
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World of Horror
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Freedom Planet
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Evil Tonight
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Vigil: The Longest Night
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Find Love or Die Trying
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Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
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Rise of the Third Power
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Dark Nights
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False Skies
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Rain World
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Queen Beast(despite how it’s listed on Steam, it doesn’t seem to be that type of VN, according to it’s VNDB page’s contents)
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Noel the Mortal Fate
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Katana Zero
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Jenny LeClue - Detectivu
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Mythic Ocean
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Vengeful Heart
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gxos · 3 months
tumblrinas help me
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ipsl0re · 3 months
With the steam summer sale ending in a few days, here’s a list I’d compiled earlier of great games currently under £5 ($6.40)
We Know The Devil is £1. 03
Heaven Will Be Mine is £1. 70
Cultist Simulator is £3.74
Full Metal Furies is £3.35
Pyre is £3.35
Transistor is £3.35
Bastion is £2.55
Rogue Legacy is £2.55
Misericorde is £3.71
Tangle Tower is £3.35
TOEM is £3.35
The Red Strings Club is £2.55
Thomas was alone is £1.19
Death's Door is £4.18
Journey is £3.59
Subsurface Circular is £0.95
Magicka 2 is £3.19
Monster Prom is £2.32
Monster Camp is £3.39
Celeste is £1.67
Castle Crashers is £0.99
A Short Hike is £3.18
Landlord of the Woods is £0.44
Dicey Dungeons is £2.77
Little Inferno is £3.18
Aragami is £2.24
Hope this helps you find something good!
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rumalumasuns · 2 years
Random Scenarios Holostars Pt. 1
With Axel Syrios, Izuru Kanade, Oga Aragami, and Shien Kageyama
For gender-neutral readers~!
! - might be ooc, I apologize -> these characters don't belong to me, but the Hololive/Holostars company!
!- This is a work of fanfiction! Not meant to be super realistic lol
! - Romantic Fluff :D
! - Y/N = Your Name, L/N = Last Name, M/N = major name, S/N = School Name
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Axel Syrios - Basketball =^o.0^=
"Oi, Y/N! Let's play ball!" exclaimed Axel excitedly as he ran over to your house that was across from his and threw you a ball.
You laughed as you caught it with ease. This was a memory from a couple of years ago when you became good friends with Axel Syrios, your neighbor who was around your age. Since this moment, whenever Axel was done with his classwork, he'd come over to your house and you would shoot some hoops together, occasionally with other friends from S/N. In addition to these hangouts, you two would also study together at your house. Well, it was mainly you trying to keep Axel from failing in certain subjects while he tried to distract you from the work he didn't want to work on.
Years passed and it was summertime now, and you two were soon coming to the end of your last year of high school. Although you two didn't acknowledge it, there was some slight tension as you knew that you would have different paths in the future: him with his "classified" job that he got accepted into, while you were going overseas to study at university.
You had just finished night studies and were on your way back home together, side by side as always.
The way back to your neighborhood was quiet. You passed the convenience store you two frequented to get a quick snack on the way back, the PC center that you two saved up money for, and the book and manga cafe where you shared many laughs. Your head was swirling with thoughts.
"Hey Y/N," said Axel, breaking the silence. You turned to him. He pointed behind him, where the basketball court you two used to play in was. There were stray, beat-up basketballs strewn in the corners of the court.
"Wanna play ball?"
You nodded.
"I'm gonna win this time for sure!" you exclaimed, then sprinted towards the court. "Try to keep up!"
"Oi!" shouted Axel as he laughed and started running after you.
No matter how many times you two have done this, it never got old: the thrill of running so quickly your hearts sped up, the adrenaline high you got from your competitiveness, the texture of the worn basketball hitting your hands as you dribbled it across the court.
You only beat Axel a few times throughout your entire life: once was because he underestimated you, another because you felt in top form, and some other times because he went slightly easier on you whenever he was feeling nice (though you always got pouty about that because you wanted to win on your own). Sometimes, you'd have rewards for whoever won: the loser would buy snacks for the winner, the loser would do errands for the winner for a day, etc. You didn't always enjoy it, as you lost more often than you won, but it was still fun. Plus, it was a way for you to spend time with Axel, someone you liked for years now (though his dense brain wouldn't know it).
After an hour or so of playing, you lay down on the dusty court, not caring about how your allergies will probably kick up soon or how unhygienic it was to lay on the court. You were going to wash up once you got home anyways.
Axel laughed at your defeated form before jogging over to your side and laying down next to you. You looked at him with a glare and also in slight shock: how did he have the energy to jog to you???
"It's my win, Y/N. What should I do to you~?" asked Axel teasingly as he reached over and started poking your cheek. Your face grew warm at the contact, but you pouted at his taunting words, turning over to face him with another glare.
"You don't know when to let me win, do you?" you said with a humph. "What do you want from me this time?"
Axel pondered for a moment, his finger still poking your cheek. You tried swatting it away, but he ended up just putting his finger back in place so you gave up.
"...A kiss," Axel mumbled. You didn't really hear him the first time, so your face became one of confusion.
"Sorry, can you repeat that?"
"I want a kiss... on the cheek!" he almost shouted loud enough for you to flinch. You took some time to process his words before your face bloomed into a red hue.
Your face was bright red now, and so was Axel's. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before peering at you in a flustered state.
"Y/N... what if I told you that I liked you for a long time? What if I told you that I'm afraid of what's to come after our graduation, and that I'll regret it right now if I keep acting like I want to be just your friend. The truth is, I don't. I want to be more, ya know?"
You stared at Axel in shock. He stood up from where you two were laying down, taking your silence as a rejection, and kicked away a stray basketball before slowly shuffling to the court's exit. Realizing that he was leaving, you stood up quickly and regained enough energy to run after him and grab his sleeve.
"W-wait!" you exclaimed, gasping for air as Axel looked at you with surprise and a glimmer of hope. "M-me too! I l-like you too!"
Axel's eyes widened before he started laughing heartily.
"Really?!" he exclaimed happily before picking you up and swinging you around.
"Woah! Hey, w-wait put me down, Axel!"
"No can do! I'm not letting you go now!" he said as he ended the swinging and just hugged you close. You stayed in that position for a couple moments, just basking in the quiet and listening to your heartbeats, loud and fast. Just like when you were playing basketball together.
After a couple moments passed, Axel opened his mouth.
"So, uh, can I get my reward now?"
You looked at him before slapping your hands on either side of his face and bringing his lips to yours.
You didn't know what would happen in the future, but it didn't matter because you knew that it would work out in the end. For now, you just wanted to enjoy your moment with your longtime friend, now boyfriend, and keep this memory in your mind forever.
Izuru Kanade - Singing Together =^-w-^=
You and Izuru were both livers - you, Liv/N (liver name) were an independent VTuber while Izuru was part of Holostars and debuted before you. While Izuru tended to stream more games and singing, you were more of a cover singer and someone who did zatsudans, with the occasional game streams and fun collabs with other livers.
When Izuru's Love me, Love me, Love me cover came out, you absolutely loved it and reached out to him to ask if you two could collab on a cover sometime. Unbeknownst to you, Izuru really admired your cover songs as well and was excited to work with you.
He responded casually with some enthusiasm, and this exchange sparked a friendship, where you two sang together often, went through ideas of collab streams, and sent each other memes at random hours during the day.
Despite your slight language barrier, you two managed to communicate in some way or another (pictures, translation devices, learning a little more of each other's languages).
Eventually, after a couple of months passed, Izuru had the courage (and permissions) to ask for an off-collab with you. Excited to finally meet in person with your friend, you responded to his inquiry with great energy.
"Of course! When and where?" you exclaimed as you leaped up from your chair abruptly, your grin on your face widening as you held your phone to your ear. Izuru just chuckled at you. Your face grew warm as the sound of his laugh tickled your ear. Lately, you felt a little shier whenever you talked with Izuru. No longer were you thinking of him in just an idolizing and admiring way, but in a way that was something more. You didn't want to burden him with these feelings, though, because of his busy schedule and such, so you chose to bury these feelings deep inside.
After your long phone call, you two decided to meet up at your house and decided that your collab stream would be streamed on your channel. You two planned on doing some chatting during the stream before you would do karaoke together.
Once your setlist for the day was set and tickets were booked, you said good night to Izuru before ending the call. Your heart was beating rapidly and blood rushed to your ears. Izuru- you were going to meet him! In the flesh!!!
You jumped up and down before looking around at your messy house. Your excitement quickly died down once you realized how much work you had to do to clean the place. Dejectedly, you turned on your stereo before bringing out the cleaning gloves and mask, getting ready to clean the darkest parts of the residence that would take a couple days to clean. Luckily, Izuru was coming in a couple weeks, so it meant you had plenty of time to prepare.
First, you had to clean out the entire house, in case Izuru wanted to explore or see any parts of your house. Then, you had to clean your streaming room... yeah, it was about time for it to be purged. You also had to install your new equipment that was shipped to you that day (new mics and PC parts) and make sure your stuff was in top shape so that there wouldn't be any chance for things to break on the day Izuru came.
After two weeks, it was finally time for your collab. You were in the airport holding a sign that said: "F/N" (you decided to go with a fake name, F/N, for Izuru in case any of his fans happened to be in the airport and could dox him). You and Izuru also came up with a phrase to say to each other ("I'm sure we'll reach our dreams, no matter how far they may be.") in case either of you met with the wrong person.
Finally, you spot a guy in a black hoodie with a guitar on his back approaching you nervously. He stuttered out, "I'm sure we'll reach our dreams, no matter how far they may be." Your face brightened.
"Izu!" you whispered loud enough for only him to hear as you shook your sign. "It's me!! Liv/N!" you said excitedly. Izuru's face became one of relief as he smiled softly and whispered a greeting. You offered your hand in order to take his suitcase, but he, misunderstanding your intentions with a slight blush, took your hand in his own and gestured for you to lead the way.
Your face became warm, as you realized he understood what you were going for, but you turned around quickly and led him to your car in the airport parking lot. For a week, you two would have a housemate situation, where Izuru would occupy the guest room in your house. You two weren't just together for one stream after all: you two were also going to record your cover together and give each other pointers while doing so.
Once you dropped off all of his things in the guest room, you told Izuru you would be in the kitchen to make food while he got settled in. He nodded as you closed the door to the room. He then quickly buried his face into the pillow of the bed next to him. He was here, with you, for a whole week, in person! Nothing could stop the loud thumping of his heart, and he hoped that later his heart would calm down enough so you wouldn't hear how loud it was.
After a couple moments of staying still in bed, Izuru heard your calls to him to get to the dining table to eat. He quickly perked up and got out of his room, excited to eat the food that you made.
The rest of the week, you two worked hard singing your cover, giving each other tips, and reminding each other to take breaks. While Izuru did the mixing, you worked on the art for some scenes while collaborating with the animator of your music video. When you both chose to take a break, you would cook together or play a game on your switch. You would also come up with a set list to play for your off-collab stream.
A couple nights before your off-collab stream, you two were sitting on your living room couch across from each other as you were thinking of what to tweet to hint at your off-collab.
"What about tweeting 🎸❀? Since those are our oshi marks?" asked Izuru as he held up his tweet draft. You nodded, thinking it was a good idea before quickly typing the two emojis up. He counted off, and you two sent your tweet at the same time.
"3...2...1...," he said. A couple moments afterward, the retweets, likes, and comments flooded in your notifications.
"OMG???" "WHAT!" "IS THIS WHAT I THINK IT IS??" said many comments as people talked about how jealous they were, how excited they were, as well as some hate comments but you two were used to them. You put down your phone and smiled at Izuru.
"Shall we practice our songs now?" he asked shyly as he pulled up the lyrics on his laptop. You nodded before coming next to him to look at the lyrics. He flinched a little before he calmed down and softly started to sing. You joined in, also singing softly in order to save your vocal cords for the actual stream.
It was you two together on the couch, side by side, singing songs that were duets in English/Your Language and Japanese. Eventually, you two got to the song Melt, a Miku song. While you two were singing, you felt Izuru's eyes on you the entire time. You looked at him to make eye contact with him and maintained it all throughout the song. It finally ended, and you two were breathless. Izuru then opened his mouth.
"Meruto tokete shimaisou…suki da nante zettai ni ienai... (I feel like I'm about to melt, but I can never say I love you...)," he sang softly as he took your hand gently before looking into your eyes again.
You blushed hard before gripping his hand with both of yours.
"Datte kimi no koto ga …suki na no (But...I like you)," you sang back.
Izuru's eyes widened and his face broke into a large grin. He laughed in delight before hugging you. You two stayed in this position, glad you could bring your feelings forth to each other. You decided not to sing Melt for your collab. Maybe in the future, if things went well and you decided to reveal your relationship, you would. But for now, it was a song for you two to sing for each other.
Oga Aragami - Building Gunpla Sets =^owo^=
When you and Oga were younger, you would go to the ocean, and build sandcastles near the beach. If it was too rainy, you two would go to either of your houses and build LEGO sets together (the Death Star was a challenge, but nothing you two couldn't handle!).
Then, when you were a little older, Gunpla came out. Instead of having late nights over playing Monopoly and watching movies (although you two still do it on occasion), you two began to play music in the background and chatter as you built huge gunpla sets together.
To this day, even after graduating from university, you two would meet up and hang out and eventually date. When you two were together, you most often chatted about anything and everything as you two built large gunpla sets.
“Hey, Y/N, hand me that piece next to you.”
“This one? Here you go,” you said as you handed him the tiny piece.
With a satisfied smile, Oga clicked the last piece into the figure he was working on. He was so excited that one more piece of his collection was finally finished. While looking at his happy smile, you also smiled. How could you not? His smiles were contagious.
Realizing you were staring, you quickly looked away from him and down to your hands, which held an unfinished gunpla ship. You were flustered and hoping that Oga was too occupied with his figure to notice you.
Your prayers went in vain as you heard Oga chuckle.
“Why is your face so red, haha?” he asked as he laughed while having one hand covering his signature sharp-toothed grin. Though you were flustered, you didn’t hesitate to give him a light smack on the shoulder.
“Shut up, also stop covering your face when you laugh like that. I’ve seen your full laugh before. I’m not afraid or anything, we’ve known each other for so long,” you said loudly, as you turned away from him in embarrassment.
You knew the reason why he covered his mouth: despite the fact that you two lived in a world filled with supernatural beings (from a star to a beastman), Oga still chose to hide his more scary parts of himself, such as his horns and his sharp teeth, by either covering them or using magic to conceal them. You hated it. Oga was a sweetheart - he only seemed intimidating to others because he doesn’t talk much to people he doesn’t know.
You stared at the gunpla ship in your hands before gentle, large hands placed themselves over your own. You looked up, only to meet eyes with Oga’s piercing green ones. He smiled at you gently, before reaching over to your head to stroke it. You felt your face grow warm, but continued to look at him with a slight pout.
“Don’t worry, I’ll try to cover my face less from now on. I know you don’t like it,” he said with a soft voice as he took the gunpla ship from your hands before setting it down carefully and taking your hands into his own.
You nodded, the blush on your face widely apparent. Oga chuckled softly in amusement before bringing your hands to his face and kiss your knuckles. Your blush darkened, and you started to stutter.
“T-that’s not fair! Hey, give me your hands too!”
Oga laughed.
“Nope!” he said cheekily as he got up and started towards the kitchen.
“You can’t get away from me that easily!” you replied as you got up to follow him before tackling him with a back hug.
You two looked at each other before laughing.
What a fun day.
Shien Kageyama - Making Omurice =^-o-^= (using this recipe)
You met Shien during the time you were studying in Japan. While you were a M/N major, Shien was a business major with a minor in music. Shien was pretty famous. Not only was he very athletic and great at studies, but he was also a kind person who offered to tutor his peers.
The only reason you two met was that while taking a business class you were interested in, you needed some peer tutoring and got assigned to Shien as your tutor.
You two hit it off well: not only was Shien really friendly, but he also made many of the concepts you were struggling with easier to understand. Grateful for his help, you tried to give him the peer tutoring fee after your session ended, but he refused it and instead asked for your number while grinning. Ever since, you two talked, studied, and hung out together.
One day, you were in Shien's abnormally large house (basically a traditional Japanese-style mansion) for a study session. Although this wasn't the first time you had ever come to his house, you still couldn't get used to the people in black suits milling around, or the fact that Shien's family had cleaning maids and cooks making 5-star meals.
Although you loved the food you ate in the household, sometimes you wanted to make something for Shien by yourself. You don't know when this desire came along. Maybe it was after Shien's nanny, Nana, showed you a picture of Shien when he was younger during one of your breaks while Shien was out. The picture had a smol Shien happily eating away at some omurice.
You may not be a gourmet chef, but omurice was definitely something you can do. So, at the study session, you casually brought it up during a moment of silence.
"Hey, I was wondering if we could cook something together? We've done a lot together, but I don't think I've ever cooked anything for you," you said as you were scribbling down some equations on paper.
It was quiet after you brought it up, so you looked up to see what Shien's reaction was, only to see his shocked face. You tilted your face in confusion but laughed at him.
"Why are you giving me that look?" you asked as you continued chuckling. Shien snapped out of his daze.
"I'm not- I mean, y-yeah it would be cool to cook something together. What do you have in mind?"
"Hmmm, I've been craving some omurice actually," you replied as you looked down again at your paper and wrote the answer to another problem. You heard Shien grunt in agreement.
"Alright, I'll ask Nana to get our ingredients-"
"Actually, I was wondering if we could just do everything on our own? I don't want to burden Nana and it would be a fun experience, right?" you interrupted as you looked up at him.
Shien's mind processed what you said before a domestic image of you two shopping together and then cooking showed up in his mind. His face warmed up and he prayed that you wouldn't notice. For being a part of a mafia, he was terrible at concealing his emotions when it came to you. He just looked down flustered at his computer in front of him before nodding slowly.
"It's settled then!" you exclaimed as you got up. "I was getting hungry anyways, and I'm sick of working right now. Let's go!"
You pulled Shien up, and he readily followed you, and you headed to the nearest grocery store.
While getting ingredients for omurice, you two joked around and got some additional snacks to eat for later. Meanwhile, Shien was wondering if this could continue if he had a future with you, or even if you two just remained friends. He hoped this fun would last, as being a part of the mafia meant threats could come in at any time.
Luckily, the author doesn't want any drama, so nothing bad happened on the way back.
When you two got back to the mansion, Shien guided you to the kitchen, which was surprisingly empty. Likely, Shien ordered the cooks to stay out while he was in there with you. You pulled up a recipe from your laptop and got to work: Shien chopping the ingredients and you frying.
There were a few close calls (your shirt got too close to the stove, and Shien almost cut through the cutting board) but eventually, you made two plates of hot, savory omurice. Shien handed you a ketchup bottle, which you used to write and draw on Shien's omurice, and he did the same for yours. You two couldn't look at what the other wrote on the omurice until you got to the dining table.
When you sat down, you handed each other the omurice with the messages, and yours had a large heart on it. Surprised, you looked up at Shien's flustered face with his eyes looking straight into yours.
No words were needed, and you nodded at him before laughing at how silly the confession was. He sighed with relief, and you two dug into the omurice.
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed the scenarios. I'm planning to do more! <3
Please tell me in the requests of any other Holostars members you'd like me to do!
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deusvervewrites · 7 months
Oracle Cell: what is UA like here?
Is Nedzu a humanoid Aragami masquerading as a quirked animal?
Does anyone from 1-A use weapons, and if so what weapons?
There are a few possibilities, and each are interesting in their own ways. UA could be a mobile base like the Friar or the Chrysanthemum, or it could be a training facility, or a whole Fenrir branch.
Well, Quirks are a thing in this AU so he could still be a mammal of indeterminable species. There are reasons why he can't be a Humanoid Aragami.
Since this AU had humanity focus on Quirks over Oracle Cell tech, I think only AFO's Special Unit would field weaponry like the God Arcs. While there would be anti-Aragami weaponry, these would mostly be defensive measures. As for Midoriya's God Arc (or equivalent), the Biting Edge-type from 3 is close to the single-handed sword he has in those fantasy EDs. I think the Ray Gun also works well for his character
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devilofthehounds · 1 month
God Eater 3 Character Novel | Memories Like Fireflies: Chapter 2
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[image id: A novel cover. In the foreground is a young Lulu Baran from God Eater 3. She is looking sadly at a pair of goggles in her hands, a fresh scar across her right eye. Behind her is a crimson Biting Edge-type God Arc, dried blood beneath it. Behind that is a faded image of present-day Lulu looking off into the distance. The text, when translated into English, reads “God Eater 3 Character Novel | Chapter 2: Lulu Edition | Memories Like Fireflies”. /end id]
This is a fan translation. Original text here.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
I remembered wandering alone in what looked like an old, abandoned manufacturing plant.
My parents and I were supposed to be looking for a safe haven together. But one morning, they suddenly disappeared.
Apparently, I was such an annoying burden that even my own parents decided to abandon me.
I didn't resent my parents. I knew I was a bothersome child, and I felt awful for it.
Still, I couldn't accept the fact that I was no different from the discarded scraps of wood and steel lying around me.
A sense of loneliness and hopelessness kept rising up with each passing moment. I just kept going, desperately wading through trash, spilling tears into the strangling silence.
I just wanted to find a reason for me to exist.
Suddenly, a huge shadow passed overhead.
An Aragami, clad in blue armor, landed on top of a pile of scrap wood, towering over me.
Red eyes caught mine. With a roar, huge blades deployed from both of its arms.
I squeezed my eyes shut as it rushed towards me at a breakneck pace.
But in the next moment, a commanding voice shook the atmosphere.
"Hey, kid! Back up a little!"
When I opened my eyes, all I could see was a woman taking a huge blade head-on.
Her arms were fitted with red armlets, and she held dual crimson God Arcs that were clashing with the Aragami she was facing.
Using the Aragami's blade as a foothold, the woman launched herself into the air.
As she danced through the air, she dodged and parried the Aragami's attacks, delivering sharp slashes with precision.
She almost looked inhuman, like a bird flapping its wings. All I could do was stare.
Eventually, the Aragami died, its face stabbed through by the God Arc. It collapsed into the pile of scrap wood, its body sliding towards me.
Even though it was no more than a corpse, it was frightening to see a huge Aragami sliding towards me with its mouth wide open.
Just as I was about to be swallowed up, the woman swooped in and landed on the Aragami's head, as if sewing its mouth shut. She smiled at me.
"Hey there! Looks like you're still alive! There's no need to worry anymore!"
She had bright red hair and a bright red God Arc. Red diamond-shaped earrings dangled from her ears.
I couldn't make out her face behind the large goggles over her eyes, but the sight of her smiling happily while stomping on an Aragami left a strong impression on me.
That smile seemed to break the tension. My strength left my body, and I collapsed.
"Whoa, wait, wait! I just saved you; don't go dying on your own!"
As I fell, she leaned over and patted me on the cheek.
As my consciousness began to fade, I heard another voice—a man this time.
"...A survivor?"
"Looks like this kid is the only one. Let's take her to a nearby base."
The man spoke again.
"No, we'll take her to Baran."
I heard the woman sigh and click her tongue. After that, my consciousness faded completely.
The most intense pain I'd ever experienced abruptly awakened my sleeping consciousness.
"Ah... Aaaaaaaaaaah!"
At some point, I'd been strapped into a chair.
My hands were locked in place, clutching dual God Arcs. Armlets that seemed to bite into me were turning me into something else.
In my mind, I could see the smiling face of the woman who'd saved me. At the same time, my head felt as though it would explode from the pain.
In that moment, I barely regained consciousness. As soon as the restraints were released, I collapsed to the floor.
"...Did you survive?"
Once I managed to look up, I saw a man with a large scar on his face standing with his arms crossed.
"Goh Baran. I will be your teacher."
Dazed and unable to comprehend the meaning of his words, I was taken to another room.
It was the biggest facility I'd ever seen. As we moved, I saw lots of equipment and people who looked like researchers.
Once my mind became clear, I was made to change into all-black clothes. After passing through several doors, I arrived at a large room divided into squares.
"There you are. Stand there and watch for a while."
The man known as Goh Baran took one look at me and said those words.
There were dozens of kids around my age lined up in the room.
They all wore the same black clothes as me, as if to erase their individuality. Each of them held a God Arc in their hands.
Amidst the tense atmosphere, the kids looked expressionless, saying nothing. They stared straight ahead without making the slightest movement, giving an eerie, robot-like appearance.
"Let's start with the basics... Begin!"
With those words, the kids all began swinging their God Arcs in unison.
The sight of them endlessly repeating their drills without breaking ranks was impressive, but they all seemed somewhat desperate, lacking any sort of enthusiasm.
As I stood by, Goh approached me with a stern look on his face.
"First, I will only tell you what you must accept. You have become a warrior. A sword of Baran, meant to slay gods... an AGE."
It was then that I was finally informed of the situation I was in.
That this was a large Port known as Baran.
That I had become a God Eater, one who would devour Aragami in the Ashlands.
That we were tools of Baran and no longer had any rights as human beings.
And that our value was solely dependent on our obedience.
"Do as you are ordered and serve Baran. Those who cannot do so have no place. Be prepared to be disposed of immediately."
It seemed I had truly become more like a tool or machine than a human being.
I had no choice but to nod.
I was scared, but it was possible I could find meaning in this place.
At least, I thought to myself, there was more hope than being buried under that pile of trash.
My armlets' restraints were released. Two matching blades—a Biting Edge—fit into both my hands.
Black, rugged, and heavy. But I knew in my gut that these would become my wings, just like hers.
"First, drill the basic movements into your body. Concentrate."
"...Okay, mister."
At my reply, the training hall fell silent. The kids stared at me, their faces scrunched up.
"...Just 'yes' will do. Watch your mouth."
Goh's fist hit me square in the back of my head. I thought I was going to pass out.
It was pathetic, but this was the beginning of my training as an AGE.
It seemed the martial arts taught here were from a region called the Far East, which was also Goh's birthplace.
Although Goh's instruction was strict, it was also easy to understand, even for an amateur. He patiently stayed by my side until I mastered the basics.
Apparently, I was a fast learner.
I was able to quickly memorize the basic moves I was taught.
"...You seem to be doing well."
As he observed my movements, Goh nodded in approval.
It was the first time in my life that someone praised me.
"Thank you very much... Master."
It felt natural to call him that. I didn't get hit this time.
I bit my lip to hide the growing smile on my face and gripped my God Arc tightly.
Maybe I could really find a purpose in this place.
Maybe I could be needed.
Just as my heart filled with anticipation, it happened.
"Next is sparring. You will compete against each other. Those who underperform will be punished."
"...Huh? Sparring? I thought we were training to fight Aragami..."
"I told you, you're tools for Baran. It's only natural to judge your abilities in comparison to one another."
My master's words made me feel uneasy, as if I had still fundamentally misunderstood something.
My first opponent was a girl clutching a Short Blade.
I was intimidated by her yell, louder than I could've possibly anticipated based on her appearance.
During training, our God Arcs were disconnected from our armlets, dulling their edges.
Nevertheless, during a serious match, injuries were unavoidable.
"...! S-Stop!"
My feeble pleas fell on deaf ears.
Somehow, I managed to keep dodging her attacks at the last second and find an opening to attack. But.
I was unable to bring myself to take the opportunity and grasp victory.
The next moment, I was hit by the flash of a blade and knocked over.
The next time as well. And the next. And the next.
In the moment that determined the victor, I was unable to press forward.
"...You could see their movements. Why didn't you attack?"
By the time my master came to speak with me, I was covered in bruises, all due to my reluctance to fight.
I mumbled as I looked across at the other students. They looked to be relieved to be avoiding punishment.
"If I win, someone else will be punished..."
Once again, my words brought silence to the training hall.
If I won, my opponent would lose. Those who lost were punished, and those who underperformed were disposed of.
I was certain they would hate me. They would never forgive me.
I was so scared of having such feelings directed at me—of losing our bonds because of me.
"...It seems I made a mistake in choosing you."
After saying those words, my master slapped me hard across the face.
"Such kindness is childish. No one here wants your mercy."
I just didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me. But the gazes of the students watching from off to the side quickly changed to what I had feared.
Some were filled with confusion and pity, but most pierced me with contempt.
"That's it for today's training. Dismissed."
At the command of their master, the students left the training hall.
"Ah... Wait..."
The sight of them leaving without looking back overlapped with the vision of my parents disappearing without a trace.
An empty feeling spread through my heart: the realization that no one in this world needed me.
It seemed there was no place for me here, either.
Even though my surroundings had changed, in the end, my value was no different than the trash in the abandoned plant.
I had no fighting spirit. I was certain the decision to dispose of me would come in the not-too-distant future.
The time in which I'd discovered hope had been short-lived.
In that case... it didn't matter. But...
I called out to my master, who remained alone with his arms crossed.
Even if I was to be disposed of, there was one more thing I needed to do.
"I have nothing to say to you. Get out of my sight."
His tone left no room for discussion. But if I backed out now, it would be the same as never having the feeling to begin with.
"I... Um..."
"Um... I...!"
A disgusted look was finally turned on me.
"Please, let me see the person who saved me back then. I haven't thanked her yet."
"...If you feel indebted, then pay it back to Baran."
"But I really want to repay her... before I die."
At my words, my master's eyes widened slightly.
"...After being made painfully aware of your helplessness and even accepting that you will be disposed of, you say the last thing you want to leave behind is gratitude to your savior?"
I had no value. There may have been no grace left, no hope for the future.
Still, the one who showed me a moment's hope before I became worthless—it was definitely that person.
Even if I were to die, my only wish was to thank her.
Seeing my unwavering gaze, my master let out a thin sigh and uncrossed his arms.
"...Follow me."
Translator's Note
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wutlaikalikes · 10 months
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image source 1 and 2
SF6ホロスタ大会開催 (Street Fighter 6 HOLOSTARS Tournament)
competition starts 19:00 JST on November 16, 2023
organizer and host: Rikka
commentator and host: 小路KOG
waiting room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85SUIRDa6Fg
HACMY勇者軍 (brave army)
先鋒 - Minase Rio - A.K.I. (modern)
次鋒 - Yatogami Fuma - Juri (modern)
中堅 - Hizaki Gamma - Zangief (modern)
副将 - Kageyama Shien - Juri (classic)
大将 - Arurandeisu - Guile (classic)
MOTSU鍋魔王軍 (Nabe Demon Army)
先鋒 - Axel Syrios - Cammy (modern)
次鋒 - Hanasaki Miyabi - E. Honda (modern)
中堅 - Utsugi Uyu - JP (modern)
副将 - Kishido Temma - Ken (modern)
大将 - Aragami Oga - Rashid (classic)
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flyin-shark · 5 months
Do you play any not so well known games? Talking like Starsector or Songs of Conquest levels of recognition
Idk how well known they are but I’ll list some games I like that I don’t hear people talk about often.
Paradise Killer
Coffee talk 1 and 2
Aragami 1 and 2
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lacunasbalustrade · 1 year
reminder of a safe return
reposted from ao3! read more below the cut.
reminder of a safe return
The pendant Rouga wears and the cross Kyoya bears. The pendant might carry more secrets, and the cross may be warmer than you think.
(See the end of the work for notes.)
Chapter Management
Edit Chapter
Chapter 1
Chapter Text
The streets of Cho-Okachimachi are clean, bustling with sleepy and determined shoppers. Even at the ungodly hour of 9.am. on a Saturday morning, an unmistakable aura of energy permeates the air, he notices, turning his head this way and that as Kyoya observes him with an amused smirk.
As expected, the aura-in-question belongs to those blessed with the coveted 'morning person' miracle constitution. Well, good for them - but he hasn't signed up for this and would rather be on his soft mattress snoozing and getting some shut-eye. Some of the energetic 'kids' run around making noises on the stony pavement. They're mostly with significant others, tugging and pulling, pushing and pouting, calling each other by silly nicknames you'll never understand - he can't help but let out a satisfied hmmph at them (despite only being eleven and in no position to talk), the way a grumpy uncle looks fondly at his nieces and nephews flirting at a party.
How can the sky be this clear, anyway? It's transparent as he wonders, angling his head up towards the glowing, welcoming heavens, so cloudless at this moment as they illuminate every inch of this nook of his world in promises. It's a miracle that he's never understood. It's so blue in the morning and the sunshine is so clean, not purified like the air-conditioning in Kyoya's house (not like where he grew up, where he used to live. The memories of that place have been fading for a while, maybe three years now - he's never tried to keep track - why would he? - but the stain of how the big-city nearby flooded the already-grey slums with factory pollution, billowing dust even over their sky - THAT still lives within his lungs, still lives within the eyes that created a clear night sky even though they've never seen one themselves, never seen a star, only satellites.) and Rouga is more certain than he's ever been that Kyoya needs to invest his time in Nintendo 3DS, Danganronpa, or some other normal edgy game that lovable, unreliable elder brothers with eighth grader syndrome play, instead of dragging him out unreasonably for stuff he could care less about.
"Come on, Rouga. We're friends, aren't we? You can't possibly abandon me to the streets without a friend in the world." Kyoya had said, winking shamelessly with one finger to his mouth. (he could never refuse him when he pulled that stunt) "A little secret between us. Father and Mother need never know. I've been so bored~"
And just like that, he'd been coerced into sneaking out.
It had been coming for him for a while, he realised resignedly - Kyoya had reached his not-quite rebellious phase of life whence he was obligated to buy heavy metallic jewellery, wear clothes that looked both suggestive with their v-necks and side slits, and dorkywith their light academia colouring (as opposed to the cute coat he had worn when they first met, back when his parents still colour-coded his wardrobe to match with theirs). Not to forget, Kyoya started to listen exclusively to ballet music (Rouga never could tell which ones were actually symphonies, and which ones were from the Nutcracker or Giselle - not like Sofia could.)
He supposed it was Kyoya being aesthetic (because Kyoya never tries for anything - he knows exactly how to achieve the effect he's going for, and that makes him both terrifying and so.... bright.)
Just as he is now, walking charmingly from velvet-wrapped stall to stall, swaying gracefully in that particular, childish way that's both suggestive (again) and cute. And on cue, Kyoya turns three-quarters of the way towards him, waving his hand at him, beckoning him with a smile full of certainty and suppressed hilarity. 
Because if there's one thing Kyoya hates more than anything, it's not being entertained.
Rouga joins him at the sage-draped stall wordlessly, hands-in-pockets, lip stuck out a little, skull-tinted messy hair still covering his sober indigo eyes where he tugged it over to get rid of the blinding light. Whatever Kyoya wants, he will never shy away from asking for it (for all his faults, he's surprisingly brash -)
Kyoya's eyes give a little flash at the sides in earnest - it's a rare look for him, almost cherubic in innocent wanting (he is not smiling, but he is taking this seriously), and Rouga finds himself taken aback by that unfamiliar expression. "Rouga, have you considered getting your ears pierced? There are some cool earrings here - I think they would suit you. Why don't you try them on?" Kyoya suggests, picking out a pair of weighted iron studs and holding them up to his earlobes, visualising it with those valentine-shaded irises, frowning as he strains a little to make up the height difference.
 Yeah, Kyoya asked like he thought he would. His friend doesn't hold back from asking for ridiculous things, does he...? Wait a minute. Did he really just hear what he thought he heard? (even from Kyoya, that's...!) This on-occasion frightening best friend of his - is asking him to take something sharp and whack it into his flesh on - on purpose?! "Don't be ridiculous, Kyoya." His response is short, and curt, full of disbelief. Kyoya frowns in displeasure, prompting Rouga to elaborate - (reluctantly), as he stares at a couple playing an (obviously rigged) plush toy machine out of the corner of his half-closed eye. "Why would I voluntarily make holes in my own body? That's just stupid."
Kyoya sighs dramatically, apparently deciding it is not worth the effort and energy to argue with this.... unfashionable plebian. "You do know, there are processes to prevent ear infection?" He tries halfheartedly, already neatly rearranging the earrings on their rotatable pinboard. "Yeah." (Rouga didn't know, but that's not about to make him more eager to make a dent in himself just to satisfy some whim of Kyoya's.) Kyoya holds up a pair of ruby drop earrings and admires the way they catch the darkness behind the shadow of the stall, amplifying it and chasing away the light. "Pity. We could have matched."
(Now he's so glad he hasn't agreed, earrings are not his thing, and when Kyoya says to match, he doesn't think he could have denied him.)
"Then....how about a necklace?" (A necklace doesn't sound terrible. No bodily injury, so if it makes Kyoya happy...) "Fine. That's not too bad." Rouga says grudgingly, giving a glance at the stall.
"This one." Kyoya picks up a golden pendant (button?) between his thumb and forefinger, his pinky sticking out elegantly like how he takes tea in the evenings as he does. It's almost impressive how quickly he comes to a decision - is he that certain about it (about Rouga's tastes?)? And he flicks the catch open to reveal - oh, it's a locket - and Rouga is forced to admit that yes, Kyoya is being considerate and careful and he is right about it. 
Because this pendant can be "strung on a ribbon - it's time you made yourself presentable too, Rouga, it's a good tie", "a reminder of our friendship", and it's gold, "just in case you ever need some cash and I'm not around, gold retains its value, especially Golden Warrior Chrysaor." 
A gift from Kyoya is something he will never sell, although the thought....is a good reason to lend even more value to the gift.
But mostly, he just likes having a secret strung around his neck, and (he knows) Kyoya's aware of that, knows that Kyoya can sense the yearning in his eyes if not in his mouth, knows that Kyoya predicted this reaction.
"In that case.....I'll buy this one, Miss." Kyoya is working his charm again, persuading her to give them a discount (not because he needs it, he stole a credit card before going out, but because this bargaining and haggling is fun for him in a way Rouga can reluctantly understand) when the heavy silver cross at the very end half-hidden under the tablecloth, beneath a bunch of feathery dreamcatcher earrings catches Rouga's eye.
It is nothing Kyoya should be encouraged to wear, he thinks, and wonders briefly what sort of cursed things would happen should he inflate his friend's saviour complex before deciding against it.
It is too late, and he regrets even allowing his disguarded thought to exist for that brief moment, because Kyoya's eyes are sharp, and he sees Rouga's thoughts like a huntsman to his prey as he slips it into the reusable bag (Rouga has an eye for things he appreciates too, even if he doesn't approve of them) and offers the shop assistant an extra wad of bills as Rouga stares, slightly horrified.
The streets of Cho-Okachimachi are clean, bustling with hungry and determined shoppers, and as the two walk in companionable silence to the bus stop, Rouga feels the weight of the golden pendant in his pocket like a cherished reminder, Kyoya idly twirls the cross around his neck and feels the way it rests against his chest like a safe return.
(next few rbs with the next two chapters)
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suzdotranslation · 1 year
[Translation] Aragami Oga's Horror Story Reading Week
This translation covers the horror story session that Oga has during his Friday Freetalk between March-May, due to the theme offered in this horror story I may occasionally give CW pointers whenever needed so please do read carefully before going further! Timestamp and VOD links are provided in each story section so you can read alongside the video for the full experience. Have fun!
The translation is being cross-posted to my dreamwidth account due to the words length, as usual I will be linking the related post here!
Requested by anonymous
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Translation list:
Aragami Oga's Horror Story Reading Week - Chapter 1 Aragami Oga's Horror Story Reading Week - Chapter 2 Aragami Oga's Horror Story Reading Week - Chapter 3
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strayanberry · 9 months
rowell for the oc relationships
1, 2, 23
1. Who fell first? Who fell harder?
Rowell first, but Soma fell harder xD
2. Who is the one who fusses the most? Does their S/O mind very much?
I'd say none fuss over the other very much, but maybe Soma???
23. Who said "I love you" first?
Definitely Soma xD Rowell's too shy to speak, unless it's out on the field hunting aragami, where he is an absolute nutcase xD
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sailorwink · 10 months
Holostars Height List (includes 23 current members and 5 graduated members without heeled footwear, ears, horns etc)
Kagami Kira 🩵 (Holostars Gen 1/Graduated) - 156cm
Astel Leda 🎭 (Holostars Gen 2) - 158cm
Banzoin Hakka 🔅 (Holostars EN Tempus Vanguard) - 160cm
Kanade Izuru 🎸 (Holostars Gen 1) - 163cm
Machina X Flayon 🪫 (Holostars EN Tempus Vanguard) - 163cm
Yatogami Fuma 🦝 (Holostars UPROAR) - 168cm
Minase Rio 🕯️ (Holostars UPROAR) - 170cm
Gavis Bettel 🎩 (Holostars EN Tempus Vanguard) - 174cm
Hanasaki Miyabi 🌺 (Holostars Gen 1) - 174cm
Tsukishita Kaoru 💅 (Holostars Gen 3/Graduated) - 174cm
Octavio ♾️ (Holostars EN Armis) - 174cm
Kageyama Shien 🟣 (Holostars Gen 3) - 176cm
Utsugi Uyu 🃏 ( Holostars UPROAR) - 177cm
Hizaki Ganma 🖌️ (Holostars UPROAR) - 178cm
Rikka ⚙️ (Holostars Gen 1) - 179cm
Kishido Tenma 🦔💨 (Holostars Gen 2) - 179cm
Regis Altare 🎇 (Holostars EN Tempus) - 179cm
Yakushiji Suzaku 💊 (Holostars Gen 1/Graduated) - 180cm
Yukoku Roberu 🍷 (Holostars Gen 2) - 181cm
Jurard T. Rexford 🦖 (Holostars EN Armis) - 181cm
Josuiji Shinri 🏹 (Holostars EN Tempus Vanguard) - 183cm
Magni Dezmond 🧤 (Holostars EN Tempus/Graduated) - 184cm
Arurandeisu 🍕 (Holostars Gen 1) - 184cm
Axel Syrios ⛓️ (Holostars EN Tempus) - 184cm
Noir Vesper 📗 (Holostars EN Tempus/Graduated) - 189cm
Goldbullet 🦅 (Holostars EN Armis) - 190cm
Aragami Oga 🐃 (Holostars Gen 3) - 192cm/200 meters (giant form)
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riverm00n · 1 year
Hello there!
My name is River Moon, but call me River. My first language isn't English, sorry for the errors.
I started university so I have no idea how much time I will have to anything.
~ ☆ ~
I have some side blogs I promised to show you (for anyone who follows me and reads my tags under the reblogged posts lol).
Sideblogs I have:
1. Currently I have 2 blogs just for reblogs:
Transformers themed (just stuff about tf): @bleeeeeeed
Team Fortress 2 themed (just stuff about tf2): @bl7ed
2. I have one blog for the doodles I do: @riverm00ndraws
3. And I have this, wich is mostly Good Omens reblogs, but there are art reblogs and.. I dunno its just a little bit messy: @andsuddenlytherewasme
The tags I use:
What I really like: #!!! <3
When im talking: #riverm00n talks
#special tag
That's all for now..
~ ☆ ~
Umm, I dont really talk about myself (so it is hard for me), but if you wanna know me a tiny bit more, then its under the cut.
I have 4 cats and I absolutely love them. One family (and hunting) dog. And some chikens with one goose. I love all of them very much!
I am terrible with plants, really. I destroy them with my kindness.
I rarely draw but I'm trying, I really am. I'm just really afraid of being judged. So if I get even just a like I get so so so happy!
I love to chat, talk, text anything! But I am bad in starting a conversation. I like better when the people are taking the first step to reach out for me (I think everyone is like with this). Because if I do I'm afraid that I only disturb them.. and I think I just realized that I might have problems with rejection. Oh wow
I talk sometimes (a lot) in the tags.
I feel like I don't know myself. Everywhere I read and hear these things that "no one is know you better than yourself" and I'm standing there like "wow, you are not helping at all".
I play games, mostly on pc. Resently I try to find some time to play Batman Arkham City (I have the others too, and I already finished Batman Arkham Asylum story mode and I like to go in order). I'm waiting for Hollow Knight Silksong to come out, yes I played Hollow Knight and its a beautiful game and I just coudnt finish the whole game because I stopped playing (maybe because of school) and its really hard to get in back. I also play Dead Cells and I am really excited for the series!! (I could rant about games for so long so I might just stop here.................. Don't Starve, Stardew Valley, Aragami, Dark Souls, Undertale and Delatarune, Terraria!!!)
I love books! Will I read them? Yes; when I won't find any more fanfics to read. Oh gosh I love reading so much!
I love music as well, I cannot really say a specific genre but my favorite musician right now is TheFatRat (and favorite music from him is Close to the Sun).
I usually leave projects. I don't always finish what I start. This can be a book, drawing, series or a movie.
I am really forgetful, I just know I forget to say something, but if you wanna know even more about me I will gladly text back, so just write in private, send an ask (I turned on Anonymus asks because I like to use that too lol) or anything you want.
This is enough so far, I think. I may edit this in the future, if something changes.
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ixsjolda · 2 years
bullet recipes for @078nnyx and anyone else who is interested in cheesing through god eater resurrection.
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these are all for the arbalest or any other rifle, but preferably the arblest. you also want to have a gunner build (upgrade ajax tower shield so it become the aegis and give you the skills needed, which is p. much trigger happy.) you also probably want to throw laser master 10 somewhere around here if you want more damage. 1.) all range healing - the go to healing bullet. can reach anyone anywhere... there's a few hiccups here and there, but it gets the job done.
2.) 5 round hdh - as the name implies, it shoots five rounds. it homes onto the weak parts of an aragami... its been a while, but this one is probably the most refined one i've got. tl;dr lmao ez, gg, blitz hannibal.
3.) hdh kai - same thing, sounds cooler. does a bit more damage if i recall? but this one has more problems with it. i remember that it screws up in closed areas so be careful about that. 4.) 12 round iod - this is the bullet needed for breaking specific parts. unlike the other two, you need to aim well at the aragami, but they work pretty well. oh, and be sure make copies of these bullets (that isn't all range healing) at the editor and then change the elements so you can carry four to cover all weaknesses. good luck!
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