#arc trooper jesse x gn!reader
toomanybandstocare · 1 year
{How Jesse Falls Asleeps & What That Says About Him}
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Program: Just how he falls asleep when he's deployed and when he has the luxury of being at home in your arms. Where feels safe and loved.
Pairing: Jesse x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Counselor Notes: I am in so much pain rn and would love a cuddle from Jesse :( I feel like he would just wrap me up and squeeze me or rub my achy muscles.
Camp Resolute Masterlist
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Jesse cannot go to sleep if the room is filled with mixed emotions or distress
He always ends the night on a good note, because he thinks it's important not to bed upset or mid argument/disagreement
If the barracks is too quiet, he'll make a crappy joke to make his brothers groan or have a pillow thrown at him
But when the barracks face the solemn silence of loss (either a brother, friend, or battle), Jesse will wait until the lights turn off to shed his tears and make his pain heard
Just because they were forced into the war and have to endure the pain of loss everyday does not mean these men aren't affected by it or mourn each loss
He wants his brothers to know this is a safe place to be vulnerable and share these emotions even if it's in the privacy of the dark
As much as he doesn't want to admit it, Jesse does struggle with frequent nightmares
There's absolutely nothing wrong with having to face them, but he's terrified that his mind has the ability to twist reality and those he cares about into images of horror
Needs a cool wash cloth on his stomach or the back of his neck to fall asleep again after a nightmare
Jesse sleeps almost in a bundle or whatever warmth he can find - pillows, blankets, a spare set of blacks
He just wants to something to support his aching muscles the few hours of the day that he can relax
This man is so chatty when the two of you are together
He loves to hear about your day and share any shenanigans the boys have gotten into or something that reminded him of you on one of the planets he just visited
You two tumble through all different cuddles during the night
Jesse just wants to feel your body tucked into his and match his breathing to your own
The way you two wake up is never the same as to how you fall asleep, which leads to a morning greeting of laughter
Jesse loves how soft you feel, regardless of tone or relaxed muscles, and how mumbly you get just before you slip into sleep
He gets all fluttery knowing that he's lucked out to be with someone so caring and loving
When you catch him sleep mumbling, it's always a string of your name mixed with mando'a compliments that make your heart go fuzzy
-> Jesse is incapable of falling asleep without making sure everyone is okay, comfortable, and safe. -> His needs and care come second when there's anyone nearby that could need his help. ->When he has the chance to spend the night with you, he wants to ensure that no matter the time of day that you know he is wholly devoted to you.
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vodika-vibes · 26 days
Heyy can you please please please
Do a ,, Ideal types of Wolffe, Rex, Jesse etc…“
Someone already did a bad Batch version but no one did a version of our other husbands that would be so nice
Ideal Types
Pairings: Captain Rex x Reader, Commander Wolffe x Reader, ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader, Commander Fox x Reader
Warnings: Uh...this is actually pretty angsty. Sorry.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly @stupendoussludgezinerebel-blog
A/N: I wasn't sure how many you wanted, so I went with four. I added Fox because I love him, lol. Also, this might not be, exactly, what you wanted. But I was feeling poetic this morning, and then angst monster smacked me with a baseball bat and yeah. I hope you like it!
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Captain Rex x Reader - A pillar. Someone who supports him through everything.
You smile at Rex, soft and warm and gentle as he rests his head on your lap. He’s more asleep than awake at this point, and you lightly trail the pads of your fingers over his short hair, careful to not wake him.
He’s so tired, your perfect Rex. Your handsome Captain.
But here, in the safety of your apartment, enveloped in your soft arms and soft scent, the stress lines on his face ease away, making him look his physical age, rather than much older.
He turns in his slumber, his face pressing against your stomach and his arms slide securely around your waist, clinging to you like a child would cling to a treasured blanket, and your smile softens.
He works so hard, your Rex. Has so much stress and responsibility laid upon his broad and strong shoulders. As if he's stuck bearing the weight of the galaxy.
But, right here, right now, you can bear that weight for him.
"Rest, my love." You whisper, your voice soft enough that he doesn't stir, "I have the watch."
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Commander Wolffe x Reader - A lighthouse, someone who is able to light his way home, even in the darkest of times.
"You're tense, Wolffe." Your voice is soft as you slide your hands over his shoulders to wrap him in a hug from behind. "Is everything alright?"
His smile is wry and slightly bitter, and you have your answer.
No. He's not alright. He's not been alright since the day he lost most of his battalion. Since the day his beautiful red armor bled all the color out and turned into the solemn grey of mourning.
It's a wound that still bleeds, you know.
You press a feather light kiss against the back of his neck and tighten your arms around him. You won't pressure him, you won't ask him questions.
For all that the curiosity burns, your love for him burns brighter. And so you hold him, and offer him your unyielding support.
He's lost in a maelstrom of grief and pain. A storm of sorrow buffets him from every angle. And there are no words that can ease his suffering.
And so you offer the only thing you can. Your silent support and your undying love. You'll be here to light his way back to shore, always. Forever.
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ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader - A sanctuary, someone where he's allowed to break and shatter, without fear of any consequences.
He's shaking.
Jesse's arms are firm around your, his face pressed against your neck as he lays on top of you...and he's shaking.
Trembling, really. Like a tooka kitten.
Your arms wrap around his broad shoulders and you turn your head to kiss the side of his head. You knew, of course, that this deployment was...bad.
But until this very moment, you had no idea how bad.
You won't ask, though you know he'll tell you if you did.
Even though your heart breaks when you feel his tears against your bare shoulder. And then it shatters when a sob rips from your Jesse's throat.
Even then, you still won't ask. You are his sanctuary, his safe place where he can be just a man, and not the strong soldier that he has to be every other day.
And when he, brokenly, whispers that he's applying for ARC, you just tighten your arms around him.
And you know, know, that this story ends in tragedy. But you'll continue being his safe place until it's not needed anymore.
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Commander Fox x Reader - A bulwark, a barrier between him and the rest of the galaxy. Someplace where he can feel safe.
Fox sighs, low and quiet as he looks up at you. He has dark circles under his eyes, he hasn't been sleeping again. But that's nothing compared to the angry bruises that you're treating for him.
"I'm sorry," he breathes out, "For being such a burden."
You smile at him, warm and loving, "You could never."
Something like distress slides across his face, "Cyare, I-"
"Shh," You soothe him with a gentle touch of your hand against his cheek, "Whatever it is, darling, it will hold. At least for now."
The distress remains, though it fades as you lovingly apply bacta to another bruise.
He suffers, your Fox. You see it more and more clearly with every passing day. He's losing time, he has growing blank spots in his memory...and it terrifies him.
It terrifies you too.
How long before he's not him anymore? Until he no longer looks at you with love and adoration, but with blank disregard.
You shove the thought to the side firmly. Right here, right now you have your Fox. And you will shield him from the rest of the galaxy, for as long as you can.
That's all you can do for him.
120 notes · View notes
Fortunately Unfortunate
Jesse x GN!Reader
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Summary: Jesse’s number is drawn in a lottery, forcing him to participate in a cross-training event with the 212th, and he’s not happy about it. However, his view of the training mission changes when he crashes into your life, literally.
Pairing: Jesse x GN!Reader
Characters: Jesse, Rex, Cody, Waxer, Boil, Sinker, Violet (OFC)
Tags & Warnings: 18+, grumpy Jesse, vehicular accident, no injuries, clone jokes, bad puns, shirtless clones, fluff, humor, angst with a happy ending, implied sexy time offscreen, suggestive themes
Word Count: 9.2k
Author's Note:  Apologizing now for the word count (my small ideas never stay small), and for the fact that this fic only went through two rounds of editing before posting... This fic was written for @snippy-tano as part of the @rare-clone-fic-exchange. I hope you like it sweetie, and I hope you don’t mind the additional side characters 😘 As always, please enjoy 💚
@clonexreaderbingo Square: Tradition
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“You can’t be serious?” Jesse groans with an exaggerated eye roll.
“I am,” Rex answers. “Your number was drawn, so you’re going.”
Jesse grunts. “This program is stupid!”
“This program is tradition,” Rex retorts.
“Can’t you send Fives?” Jesse asks. “He loves this stuff.”
“Fives’ number wasn’t drawn, yours was,” Rex crosses his arms and scowls. “ You’ll just have to learn to love it too.”
“That’s an order,” Rex interjects.
Jesse grits his teeth. “Yes, sir.”
“Good,” Rex hands Jesse a data-pad. “Your transport leaves in an hour. I suggest you take that time to adjust your attitude. Cody is a good friend of mine and I don’t need you giving him grief.”
Jesse takes the data-pad. “Yes, sir.”
Rex turns to leave and Jesse is left in the cargo bay alone. He sighs as he sits down on a crate to review his new orders. Every month, the battalions swap a few clones in the name of “cross-training”. The clones are picked at random via lottery, and unfortunately for Jesse, his number was drawn this month. Out of the millions of clones, why did it have to be him? It’s not that he’s opposed to cross-training, but he shouldn’t be forced to leave his own battalion to do it.
Jesse swipes through the data-pad and skims over the details. He’s been assigned cross-training with the 212th attack battalion, specifically their ARF unit. He scoffs. The 501st has an ARF unit, and a darn good one. There’s no reason for him to be shipped off-world to play ARF trooper with a different battalion. If the GAR wants to cross-train clones so badly, then he should be able to do it with his own brothers, not with a bunch of clones he doesn’t know.
Jesse sets the data-pad down next to him on the crate and shakes his head. He wants to make Rex proud, but his heart just isn’t in it. Even if meeting a marshal commander does sound interesting, he knows he won’t be working with him exclusively. He’s an ARC, and he wants to do ARC things, and go on ARC missions with Fives and Echo. It's a shame that he’s missing out on their newest assignment. It sounded like a wild ride, and he was looking forward to it.
The intercom speaker interrupts Jesse’s thoughts to notify him that his transport is boarding and will be departing soon. With a heavy sigh, he hops off the crate, grabs his data-pad, and makes his way to the transport. He straps in and closes his eyes, letting his mind go blank as the transport whirs to life and delivers him to his new temporary post. The time it takes to get there is just under one standard rotation, so he takes this time to try to prepare himself for anything.
The transport lands and as the ramp descends, Jesse raises an arm to shield his eyes from the bright sun and the dust swirling into the transport. He steps down the ramp and observes his new surroundings, which isn’t much to look at. It’s a desert planet with little to no vegetation, and the sun glares down hot onto his plastoid armor. He experimentally grinds his foot into the tan earth beneath him and it shifts like powder until he reaches a layer of rock underneath.
“You must be Jesse,” Cody says on approach.
Jesse looks up to see the commander and straightens himself to attention. “Yes, sir!”
“Welcome to the 212th,” Cody gestures for Jesse to follow him. “I’ve heard good things about you from Rex. He says you’re one of his best.”
Jesse follows next to Cody as they make their way to the command center. “Just doing my duty to the Republic, sir.”
“He also mentioned that you’re not particularly fond of this assignment,” Cody adds.
Jesse grimaces and tries to backpedal. “With all due respect, sir, I only meant that I’d rather not be away from my brothers at the 501st when they might need me.”
“Fair enough,” Cody says. “However, if the survival of the entire battalion rests on you being there at all times, then perhaps Rex should be demoted.”
Jesse scrunches his face with indignation and raises his voice. “Captain Rex is–”
Cody turns on his heels to face Jesse and crosses his arms in a silent word of caution.
Jesse takes a startled half-step back and holds his tongue. “Nevermind, sir,” he stammers with embarrassment.
The rest of the walk to the command center is silent. Jesse kicks himself as he realizes how far he stuck his own foot into his mouth. So far that he’s surprised he hasn’t choked on it yet. He doesn’t want to embarrass Rex, yet here he is picking a fight with a marshal commander. It’s definitely one of the dumber things he’s done in his life. But, when it comes to his captain, Jesse finds it difficult to control his emotions. Their history together is too deep not to defend him.
When they enter the command center, Jesse sees two ARF troopers in camouflage armor with colors matching the tan dust that’s been sticking to him since he arrived. He also sees another trooper in gray and white armor standing next to them. As he gets closer, he can hear them chatting away about something nonsensical. He eyes the three clones and mentally sizes them up; not entirely sure what to make of them yet, but he’ll reserve judgment for now.
“This is Lieutenant Waxer and Boil,” Cody gestures with his hands. “They’re part of our elite ARF unit, Ghost Company, and will be conducting your training for the next few rotations.”
The four clones trade head nods of acknowledgement.
Cody turns to Jesse and the clone with gray armor. “I expect you to address them as you would a commanding officer, with respect. Follow their orders and do what they ask of you.”
“Yes, sir!” Jesse and the other clone affirm.
Cody nods. “I’ll leave you to it.”
A moment of silence passes between the four clones as an awkward air blows in.
Waxer is the first to speak up. “Do you guys have names?”
“I’m Jesse,” Jesse answers and stretches out his hand to shake that of the two ARFs. “With the 501st.”
The clone in the gray armor follows suit. “I’m Sinker, with the 104th.”
“Nice to meet you both,” Boil adds.
Another awkward silence passes between the clones and Jesse starts to question the validity of his new assignment. Perhaps this whole thing is a big joke and he can board the next transport off this dust bowl. He absentmindedly grinds his foot into the dusty floor, a habit he picked up somewhere during the war to keep him from running his mouth when he’s bored. If someone doesn’t say something soon, he might, and they probably won’t like what it is.
“Alright, boys,” Waxer says with a gesture of his head towards the door. “We’re heading out to the corral.”
“Corral?” Jesse asks, raising an eyebrow. “Are we learning to ride animals?”
Boil chuckles. “Sort of.”
Jesse looks at Sinker, hoping that he’s on his side about how crazy this whole thing sounds.
Sinker shrugs. “Sounds fun.”
The three clones head out of the command center, leaving Jesse alone in his bewilderment. When his brain catches up to him, he jogs up to the rear and follows them out to the so-called corral. Although, Jesse wouldn’t call it a “corral”. It’s just a barricaded motor pool full of AT-RTs. A part of Jesse is relieved that he doesn’t actually have to ride any animals, but his intuition tells him that whatever they have planned isn’t going to be as easy as he thinks.
Waxer stops in front of the barricade and addresses the squad. “As part of your cross-training in the ARF unit, you’re each going to learn how to ride an AT-RT.”
“Don’t you mean drive?” Jesse interrupts.
“No,” Waxer answers. “An AT-RT isn’t just some machine you can climb on and control. It takes concentration, skill, dexterity, and a mutual understanding between you and the walker. You don’t drive an AT-RT, you ride it.”
Jesse rolls his eyes. There’s a reason he’s an ARC and not an ARF. He doesn’t have the patience for these pansies, talking about a machine as if it’s a living animal. What utter nonsense.
“Shinies don’t even look at an AT-RT until they can show competency riding a living breathing animal,” Boil continues the explanation. “Since both of you are well-established and accomplished soldiers, we figured we could skip the live animal part and see what you’re made of.”
A smirk flashes across Sinker’s face and Jesse realizes he’s alone in his feelings about the training. He grinds his foot against the dusty earth again, feeling way out of his element. ARCs don’t “ride” AT-RTs, they infiltrate enemy lines, perform sabotage, steal secrets, and tip the scales of an assault. His last hope that he might get some in depth reconnaissance training has officially been dashed as Waxer opens the corral and ushers them inside to show them the AT-RTs.
“Do you name them?” Sinker asks as he inspects one of the units.
“Of course!” Waxer exclaims with a proud smile. He pats the side of the unit Sinker is looking at. “This one’s name is Sella. She’s a little glitchy, but she’s seen a lot of combat.”
If Jesse rolled his eyes any harder, they would roll right out of his head.
“Can I ride her?” Sinker asks, his eyes bright.
“Eh, not for your first ride,” Waxer says. “Like I said, she’s a little glitchy.” Waxer moves across the motor pool to another unit and pats the side. “Vala here will be a good starter for you.”
Sinker punches Jesse’s shoulder in excitement and heads over to where Waxer is standing. Jesse rubs his shoulder in mock discomfort, then crosses his arms. He’s still not convinced this is proper ARF training. He wants to be looking at charts and battle strategies, not galivanting around in AT-RTs. There’s nothing useful about this exercise that he can take back to his unit, unless they let him take the AT-RT as a souvenir, which he highly doubts they would.
“How about this one for you?” Boil asks while leaning against another unit. “Her name is Mina and she’s pretty gentle on the new guys.”
Jesse huffs and approaches the AT-RT. “Sure.”
The AT-RT training goes just as well as Waxer and Boil expect. Both Jesse and Sinker fall off their AT-RTs multiple times just on start-up, when the machine initially jerks to life. The breath is knocked out of Jesse’s lungs more times than he can count and he wonders if Kix can order him a replacement set if he ever makes it back to the 501st alive. The only buffer he has is his ARC armor and it’s not enough to prevent the litany of bruises from growing on every part of his body.
By rotations end, Jesse and Sinker manage to stay on their AT-RTs and even take a few steps forward with them. It’s been hard work, but they’re finally seeing the fruits of their labor and Jesse’s ego is just as bruised as his thighs. He gets it now. He understands what they mean by riding an AT-RT instead of driving it. It’s not like a starfighter or an ATTE that he’s driven in simulations. No, these things are like living animals and they need to be respected as such.
At the end of the training session, Jesse doesn’t stop for food at the mess hall. Instead, he hobbles to the medbay for some bacta, then makes his way to the barracks. He gingerly pulls his armor off, each flex of muscle a new sensation of pain. He winces and grunts until it all comes off and he stacks it neatly beside his assigned bunk. He pulls out a ration bar from his pack and settles onto the cot, mindlessly munching away at the bland bar while trying not to move.
Tomorrow, they’re taking the AT-RTs out on a fake reconnaissance mission. He’s not sure who decided that he and Sinker are ready to take the AT-RTs into the field, but he definitely doesn’t feel ready. He doesn’t even know if he’ll be able to move when he wakes up in the morning, let alone climb onto the back of an AT-RT and ride it out into the middle of who-knows-where. Just the thought of his legs doing that climbing motion again makes his thighs twitch in protest.
The next morning, Jesse wakes when the sun rises and its rays shine into the barracks. He was right, his entire body objects to him moving even one inch off of his cot, but he doesn’t have a choice. He feels like a cadet all over again. Like he just went through a rigorous course of simulations and he needs to go again. Those are days he wishes he didn’t have to remember. He’s much stronger now, and more resilient, but his aching thighs force his recollections.
Jesse swings by the medbay before meeting up with the others at the corral. He begs the medic on duty for anything he can give him to help soothe the pain. He’ll even take a muscle relaxer at this point, even if it makes him drowsy. The medic takes pity on him, tosses him a small bottle of painkillers, and threatens him not to mention it to anybody or he’d be returning to his battalion in a bodybag. That’s a risk Jesse is willing to take. Besides, Kix has threatened him with much worse.
Jesse downs a few of the pills, stuffs the bottle out of sight in one of his belt pouches, and heads to the corral. Everyone else is already there, and he hopes that he isn't too late that they make an issue about it. Luckily, no one mentions his tardiness, but Waxer does have a small grin on his face that makes Jesse suspicious. He wonders how much enjoyment Waxer and Boil get out of torturing their shinies with this training, because clearly they know why he’s late.
Waxer gives the squad a short briefing on their fake mission. He pulls out the data-pad with the map coordinates on it, their rendezvous point, the intel they’re supposed to be acquiring, and any enemy obstacles in their way. This is what Jesse has been after ever since the beginning of the cross-training. He studies everything Waxer shows them, eagerly consuming all of the information and stuffing it away in his brain to use later when he’s back with his own battalion.
After the mission briefing is over, they mount their AT-RTs, Jesse on Mina and Sinker on Vala. Waxer and Boil mount their personal AT-RTs, the ones they’ve been using since they became ARF troopers, and the squad heads out into the desert. Unlike Waxer and Boil, Jesse and Sinker do not have ARF trooper armor. Since the mission is fake, there is no need to outfit them. The squad looks rather odd up close, but from a distance no one can tell they’re mismatched.
The squad spends hours in the desert. The constant back and forth motion on the AT-RT has Jesse convinced he’s also going to need a spine replacement. He wonders how hard it will be to requisition and if there’s a special form he needs to fill out. He tries to pop a few more painkillers but as the AT-RT continues to lunge forward like a jack-rabbit, it makes the task very difficult. In all honesty, he’d rather be dropped out of a LAAT without a jetpack than do this full time.
Around mid-day, Waxer calls over the comms to let the squad know that they’ll be stopping for a break soon. He gives them the coordinates for the only known piece of civilization within ten klicks of their location, and they all head in that direction. Jesse can’t wait. His back, thighs, and butt all thank the Maker that he’s going to be able to rest soon, even if he has to fall off the AT-RT instead of hopping off. At this point, he’s not even sure his arms are still attached to his body.
As they approach their rest-stop, Waxer gives the order for the squad to halt. Waxer, Boil, and Sinker all stop relatively close together, but Jesse keeps going.
“Jesse, halt,” Waxer calls through the comms.
“It won’t stop,” Jesse calls back while pressing every button he can think of to try and stop.
“What do you mean it won’t stop?” Waxer asks as he watches Jesse move further away.
“I mean, it won’t stop!” Jesse yells.
“Hit the emergency brake,” Boil orders into the comms.
“I did,” Jesse answers. He refuses to panic, but the building is getting closer and his AT-RT is not obeying his commands. “I think there’s an electrical malfunction.”
“Great,” Waxer sighs. “Just steer her out of harm's way and we can figure it out.”
“About that…” Jesse pauses. His heart rate increases as the building is looking a lot bigger than it did a few seconds ago. “The steering isn’t responding either.”
“Bail!” Waxer calls as he starts his unit up and rushes over. “Bail, Jesse, bail!”
It’s too late. Jesse braces as his AT-RT crashes into the side of the building.
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“Order up for table twelve!” the cook calls from the kitchen as he rings the bell at the end of the order window.
“Coming!” you answer, then rush over to grab the order.
“What’s the hold up?” the cook asks. “Are you daydreaming again?”
“Only everyday I’m stuck working here,” you sing back with a sweet smile.
The cook huffs. “Just make sure the customers are fed. You don’t get paid to daydream.”
“Yes, sir!” you answer with a mock salute as you balance the tray of food on one hand.
You turn around and roll your eyes before walking the food over to table twelve. You’ve been stuck working at this diner for four cycles now with no end in sight. It’s not the worst job you could have, but with the small amount you’re being paid with no raises in the near future, you’ll never be able to afford to go find a new one. It’s an endless cycle of work, work, work, and never any time for yourself or what you want to do. It’s agonizing, but it’s all you have.
The only reason you even have this job is to pay off your parent’s debt. They left you on this barren rock to go on their “galactic tour” and never returned. From what you know, they made a deal with the owner of the diner to ensure you had a place to stay, and in return, when you were old enough, you would work for him to pay off the debt. It’s definitely not the life you would’ve chosen, but it’s the life you have been given, and you should be grateful for even that much.
Your only solace is your best friend Violet. She also works at the diner and hates it as much as you do. The two of you became fast friends when you first started working at the diner and now you spend all of your free time together. Violet also doesn’t have any parents planet-side, so there’s an even deeper connection between the two of you and an unspoken understanding about life. At least you have each other, is what you tell yourself when things get unbearable.
“Tooka got your tongue?” Violet asks as she peers over your shoulder.
“Ah!” you startle. “Where’d you come from?”
“Table eight,” Violet answers. “You had that look in your eye again.”
“What look?” you ask.
“The dreamy and distant one,” Violet answers with a flip of her hair.
You groan. “That obvious, huh?”
“If you were any more obvious, you’d have a neon sign stuck to your forehead,” Violet laughs.
You sigh. “Don’t you want more?”
“More what?” Violet asks.
“I don’t know,” you answer. “More anything.”
Violet thinks for a moment. “Yeah, more sleep and more credits.”
You pout. “Besides that.”
“What else is there?” Violet asks as she picks up another tray of food.
“Oh, you know…” you trail your voice quietly while bussing the table next to hers. “Like love and stuff.”
Violet snorts. “What? Love? Out here? In this dust bowl? You’re nuts.”
“I am not!” you retort. “It could happen.”
“Yeah, sure,” Violet rolls her eyes, “because gorgeous and attractive people just tumble into our diner like it’s a speed-dating site.”
The violent shockwave shakes the diner to its core and knocks both you and Violet off of your feet and flat onto the ground. You instinctively cover your head as pieces of debris and dust fall from the ceiling. The patrons in the diner start screaming and run past you to the diner exit as you lay on the floor, stunned by what just happened. You slowly open your eyes and look over at Violet, making sure she’s okay. She looks dazed, but nods and you both help each other up.
“Kriffing banthas!” you exclaim. “What was that?”
“I don’t know,” Violet says with a shaky voice, still in shock.
You turn around and see a gaping hole in the side of the diner and your eyes grow wide. A mess of twisted dura-steel, snapped electrical wires, and broken water pipes are poking out in every direction. You’re not sure what to make of it. You tilt your head from side to side trying to figure out what happened until you see a clone trooper’s body laying under some debris. You rush over, climbing through the rubble to get to the trapped man. He’s unconscious, but breathing.
“Violet, help me!” you call back. “He’s trapped!”
Violet climbs up alongside of you and you each grab an arm, tugging with all of your might, but it’s no use, he’s too heavy. You pant at the exertion and look around for anything that you could use for leverage. But before you can make your next move, three more clone troopers burst through the front door of the diner. They look around frantically before meeting your gaze as you wave your hands to try and get their attention. They must be with the clone that’s trapped.
“Over here!” you call out to them. “He’s over here!”
The three clones rush over and replace you and Violet. The two troopers in camouflage lift the debris and the third clone in gray armor pulls the trapped clone out from underneath it. They carry him away from the debris pile and lay him on top of one of the diner tables. The clone in gray armor pulls out a bag with a medic symbol on it and rummages through it. Finding what he’s looking for, he scans over the unconscious clone with the device, then sighs in relief.
“No internal injuries,” the gray clone says. “Looks like he just got knocked out. He’s lucky.”
One of the clones in camouflage shakes his head. “Of all the things to go wrong.”
“At least he’s not dead,” the other clone in camouflage says. “Try explaining that to Commander Cody and Captain Rex.”
The first clone in camouflage visually bristles.
“Um, excuse me,” you interrupt with a slight raise of your hand.
The first clone in camouflage takes his helmet off. “Apologies, I’m Waxer, with the 212th.” He points to the clone next to him. “This is Boil, also with the 212th, and that’s Sinker, with the 104th.” He looks down at the clone on the table. “And that one is Jesse, from the 501st.”
“Pleasure…” you say as you try to take it all in. There’s so many numbers and names, you’re not sure how you’ll keep them all straight.
“Wait, hold on,” Violet interjects, dumbfounded. “Y’all just crashed into our diner and you're exchanging pleasantries like you met at the local market?”
“Correction,” Boil says. “Jesse crashed into your diner.”
Violet’s jaw drops and she turns to you. “Are these guys for real?”
“I assure you ma’am,” Sinker says. “We are, in fact, real clones.”
You start to snicker and Violet throws her hands up in defeat. “You know what, I’ve had enough for one day.” She takes her dusty and torn apron off and tosses it on the ground with the rest of the debris. “I do not get paid enough to deal with clowns!”
“Don’t you mean, clones?” Boil asks.
“I meant what I said!” Violet yells back as she navigates around the debris to the exit.
You try to stifle a laugh, but fail. “Don’t worry about her. She’s just stressed. It’s not every day we get clones crashing into our diner.”
Waxer rubs the back of his neck. “Oh, yeah, sorry about that. One of the AT-RTs had a malfunction and Jesse couldn’t get it to stop.”
“I see,” you look down at the clone on the table and knit your brows with worry. You feel bad for him. It must have been scary, being stuck on an uncontrollable collision course and knowing you can’t do anything to stop it from happening. Well, at least for you it would have been scary. You’re not even sure if clones feel fear. It’s not something you’ve ever thought about, until now.
“We’ll fix the wall for you,” Waxer says. “Might take us a couple rotations, but we’ll get it done.”
“The owner will definitely appreciate it,” you smile. You’re not quite sure where the cook went off to, but he must have bailed when the wall was smashed. That coward. He talks a lot about your head being stuck in the clouds, but when things go wrong, you’re the only one keeping a level head.
“Can you stay with him?” Waxer asks. “We need to comm our superiors.”
“Yeah, sure,” you agree, then pull out one of the table chairs to take a seat. You didn’t realize how much your legs were shaking until you were sitting down and relieving them of their duty, but now that the adrenaline is wearing off, you’re starting to feel exhausted.
You watch Jesse like Waxer asked you too, but to be honest, you’re not sure what you’re supposed to be watching. You look him over from head to toe and take in all of his features. He’s wearing different armor than the other three clones, but it’s not the standard issue clone armor that you see in the news either. You’re not sure what it is. He’s got two thick leather skirt-looking things around his thighs, two holsters, and a big flappy thing across his shoulders.
You shrug and continue your examination. He also has some type of pouch on his chest that looks like it could either hold ammo or snacks. You figure both are important. There’s also an extra chest plate on top of the standard one. Must be for extra protection. You then look at the blue markings that adorn his arms and legs and wonder if they have any meaning. The last thing you look at is his face. There’s a huge GAR tattoo covering one side. Curious, but not bizarre.
You lean over his body to get a better view, when you hear him stir. You quickly remove yourself and wave your hand over his face to try and get him to wake up.
“Hey,” you call. “Wake up, Jesse.”
Jesse groans as he comes to. “Am I dead?”
You chuckle. “No, just got a little knocked around.”
Jesse hisses as he tries to sit up and raises a hand to hold the side of his head. “Ow, my head.”
“It’s gonna hurt a bit,” you say. “That was a nasty crash.”
Jesse closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. “What crash?”
“You don’t remember?” you ask in concern.
Jesse opens his eyes, and as they finally focus, he sees the mess of twisted dura-steel and a crushed AT-RT within it. His body jolts at the memory. “The building!”
“Whoa!” you put your hands on Jesse’s shoulders to try and get him to calm down. “Easy, Jesse, easy.”
Jesse breathes heavily at the new surge of adrenaline, but settles down. He shoots you a quizzical look. “Who are you and how do you know my name?”
“Oh, right,” you laugh nervously then introduce yourself. “I’m a waitress here and your friends are just outside. They pulled you out of the rubble and told me to watch you.”
Jesse leans his head back against the table and groans. “Rex is going to kill me.”
“Who’s Rex?” you ask to try to keep him talking. Concussions are very serious, and without knowing if he has one, you don’t want him falling unconscious again.
“My captain,” Jesse answers. He drapes an arm over his face. “He’s the one that sent me to this desolate dust bowl.”
You chuckle at his disdain for the planet.
“Oh, sorry,” Jesse apologizes. “I guess this is your home, huh? I didn’t mean to be rude.”
“No worries,” you wave off the remark and smile. “I think it’s a dust bowl, too.”
Jesse chuckles.
“I’m sorry about your AT… thing,” you offer, trying to remember the exact acronym.
Jesse laughs. “Don’t worry, it wasn’t mine.”
You snort and then laugh along with him. “You’re funny.”
“And you’re pretty,” Jesse blurts out.
You stop laughing as you process what he said. “You think I’m pretty?”
Jesse’s stomach flips when he realizes his thoughts didn’t stay in his head. “Kriff, did I say that out loud?”
“Uh, yeah,” you answer nervously, your face feeling warm.
“Maker, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that,” Jesse apologizes, the embarrassment written all over his face.
“So, you don’t think I’m pretty?” you ask.
“Uh, no, I mean yes, well, you see,” Jesse stammers, then gives up trying to explain himself. He sighs. “I think my brain got scrambled in the crash.”
You chuckle and pat his arm. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”
After your short but awkward conversation with Jesse, the three clones reassemble in the diner to debrief the now awake Jesse. Waxer commed Cody, Boil commed Rex, and Sinker commed Wolffe, although from the sweat on Sinker’s face, you can tell who has the most commanding officer of them all. The consensus is that the GAR will pay for the damages and the four clones will repair the diner wall. None of them seem too thrilled about it, and you don’t blame them.
By the time the excitement has calmed down, and the materials to fix the diner are located, it’s nightfall and you are exhausted. You’re practically dead on your feet, body swaying with your broom while trying to clean up some of the debris on the other end of the diner. You’re the only staff member left to help clean up, so you chose to stay. Of course won’t be paid for any of this, but the faster the diner is back in business, the faster you can start getting paid again.
You dump another dust pan of rubble into the trash receptacle, then plop down onto one of the stools lining the diner counter. You yawn wide and lean your elbow on the counter, propping your face up as you close your eyelids for just a moment to rest. The moment must have lasted longer than you expected, because when you open your eyes again, you wake up in one of the booths with a blanket on top of you and another one folded under your head for use as a pillow.
It’s still dark out, the moonlight beaming in through the large transparisteel panes that line the front of the diner, and you sit up to get your bearings. There’s three clones nestled on the floor, all tangled up together in a mess of armor and limbs. You’re not sure how sleeping like that is comfortable, but more power to them. You realize Jesse is missing, and you pop your head up over the booth to look for him, hoping that he hasn’t wandered off somewhere and gotten lost.
You tiptoe around the sleeping clones, blanket hung around your shoulders to keep the desert chill out, and walk around looking for Jesse. He’s not inside the diner, so you walk outside. You really hope he didn’t leave to relieve himself and you’re about to walk in on something you’re not prepared to see, and luckily you don’t. You circle the entire building and you still can’t find him. Finally, you hear your name being called and you look up to see two legs dangling from the roof.
You shake your head and climb up the side ladder to join Jesse on the roof.
“You should be asleep,” he says, not moving his gaze from the horizon.
“So, should you,” you retort back. “You’re injured.”
“I’m fine,” he dismisses. “Barely even a scratch on me.”
You sit next to him and let your feet hang off the edge. “I was talking about your brain.”
Jesse chuckles. “That’s fine, too.”
“No more accidentally calling me pretty?” you jest.
“Not making any promises on that one,” he smirks.
You smile and fidget with the edges of the blanket. “Did you move me to the booth?”
“Hope you don’t mind,” he answers. “That counter was doing nothing for your back. Probably should’ve asked first.”
“Oh, no,” you dismiss with a wave of your hand. “I just wanted to say thank you.”
Jesse smiles. “You’re welcome, mesh’la.”
You don’t remember falling asleep on the rooftop, but when you awaken feeling like a rolled up burrito with Jesse’s arm draped across your side, the memories start to come back. You must have talked for a while before dozing off, because you feel like you barely got any sleep at all. The blanket wrapped around you is tight and you wiggle to try to get yourself free from it, but as you do, you start to roll away. You panic slightly before feeling Jesse’s firm hand stopping you.
“Going somewhere?” he asks, his voice rough with sleep.
“Thought I’d roll myself to work today,” you answer.
Jesse raises an eyebrow. “How’s that working out for you?”
You wiggle against the restraining blanket. “Ten out of ten would not recommend.”
Jesse snorts and sits up. “I didn’t want you to get cold or fall off the roof.”
“Appreciate it,” you strain out as you wriggle some more. “Please help me.”
Jesse unravels your blanket cocoon and helps you to your feet. You straighten your dirty uniform out and climb down the ladder to get the day started with Jesse trailing behind you. Violet is already inside the diner, chatting with the other three clones. She gives you a knowing look when she sees you walk in with Jesse, but doesn’t say anything. You’re just happy she’s here to help. When she stormed off yesterday, you weren’t sure if she was going to come back.
As the clones start discussing their plan of attack, the two of you decide the best way to start the day is to eat a hearty breakfast. There’s a lot of work to be done and everyone is going to need as much energy as they can get. The cook never came back, but that’s of no matter, you know how to cook. In no time, a full breakfast and hot caf is served. You dust off some of the debris before placing the plates and mugs down on the table and everyone digs in.
Once breakfast is over, the four clones get to work hauling away the large debris pieces from the wall and the crushed AT-RT. You offer the use of the dumpster in the back of the building, but they insist that the GAR will come pick it up and you should use the dumpster for smaller debris. You don’t argue with them and set out with Violet to clean whatever you can of the mess inside the diner, making sure to wear gloves so you don’t cut your hands on any sharp pieces.
As the day continues, the desert heat begins to seep into the diner. The crash must have broken the refrigerant lines, but with the gaping hole in the side of the diner, the climate control wouldn’t be of much use anyway. You and Violet switch gears and make a refreshing batch of Tatooine Sunset to ensure everyone stays hydrated. You also put damp towels in the conservator to help cool everyone off during breaks. It’s barely midday and you know it’s only going to get hotter.
Soon enough, the clones start shedding their armor, at least the top halves of their armor. You’ve never seen a clone without their armor, but honestly, you haven’t seen that many clones to begin with. It’s when they start taking the top black portion of their bodysuits off that you really take notice. They’re jacked. You stand back in one of the corners, mindlessly moving your broom as you watch them work. Not a single piece of debris makes it into the dustpan.
Violet elbows you in the side.
“Ow!” you exclaim. “What was that for?”
“You’re staring,” Violet answers.
“Am not,” you argue.
Violet crosses her arms. “Four hot, shirtless men are flexing their muscles and sweating in our diner, and you’re not staring?”
You purse your lips trying not to give her any satisfaction.
“Well, I’m going to stare,” Violet says. “I mean, look at those abs. But the difference is that I can stare and sweep.”
You roll your eyes and push some garbage into the dustpan.
“You wanted more,” Violet says as she nonchalantly scoots away with her broom. “Well, more is standing over there with a giant tattoo on his head.”
You open your mouth to protest, but she’s too far away. You hate it when she does that. Violet always seems to know what you’re thinking before you’ve even thought it yourself. According to her it’s her gift to the world, but really, it’s just a nuisance. She is right, though, because Jesse does make your heart flutter. You’ve just met him, but it's like you’ve known him your entire life. Talking to him feels as natural as breathing, and for the first time, you truly feel fortunate for your job at the diner.
You lean on your broom and start staring again, watching Jesse walk over to the rubble, pick up a large piece, then carry it out of the diner and drop it onto the pile. Each movement he makes causes the muscles in his arms and torso to ripple with dramatic effect. The sweat that drips down his body only serves to accentuate how toned he is. Before you even realize it, Jesse’s looking at you and you nearly fall off your broom in embarrassment, but he smiles at you.
You continue cleaning up the diner while stealing glances at Jesse, but he also glances back. You want so badly just to sit down and talk with him more. Your conversation on the rooftop last night was a lot of fun and you both shared different things about your lives. You told him about your parents and how you got stuck working at the diner, and he told you about his battalion and how he got stuck going on this training mission. Both equally unfortunate, but now, it feels okay.
The late afternoon break comes around, so you and Violet make another batch of Tatooine Sunset, as well as some sandwiches. The clones inhale the sandwiches so fast that you’re embarrassed you didn’t make more. You offer to, but they turn you down, being grateful just for the opportunity to eat real food instead of rations. You smile and turn back towards the kitchen. Jesse follows you through the double-doors and leans his hot back against the cool conservator.
“Like what you see?” Jesse asks with a smirk.
You turn around to look at him. “The wall’s coming along nice.”
Jesse scrunches his nose. “You weren’t staring at the wall.”
“How do you know?” you jest. “Maybe I like walls.”
Jesse tilts his head to the side and folds his arms over his bare chest. “Are you sure you don’t like something else?”
You groan. “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”
Jesse gives you a devilish grin.
“Fine,” you sigh. “I like what I see.”
“I knew it,” Jesse says, a little too excited.
“Maker above, would you two please get a room!” Violet exclaims from the order window. “I’m so sick of you staring at each other. The closet is empty if you’re looking for a place to smash.”
“Violet!” you yell as your face flushes with embarrassment.
Jesse snorts. “That closet can barely fit a broom.”
“Then kiss or something,” Violet says. “Anything to get you two back to work.”
Jesse pushes off the conservator and heads towards the double doors. “You heard the task-master.”
“Wait,” you call. “Aren't you going to kiss me?”
Jesse stops and turns his head. “Do you want me to kiss you?”
You fidget with your hem. “Kinda.”
“Kinda isn’t a yes or a no,” Jesse says.
“Yes,” you correct. “I want you to kiss me.”
Jesse takes his hand off the double doors and walks over to you. Your eyes dart around as your nerves start to get the better of you. You can’t believe you just asked him to kiss you. You’ve never kissed anyone before. What if you’re bad at it? What if he doesn’t like it? What if you accidentally bite him? Maker, your stomach is in knots. Your breathing becomes heavier as he gets closer, but your nervous energy comes to a halt when he cups the side of your face.
Jesse smooths his thumb over your cheek and gives you a reassuring smile. He dips his head and tilts it to the side before pressing his lips against yours. His lips are warm and their touch ever so gentle as they melt into yours. You place your hands on his chest and all of your worries and concerns slip away as all you can think about is Jesse. You don’t want this moment to end, but eventually he pulls back, breaking the kiss, leaving you breathless and wanting for more.
Without a single word, Jesse turns on his heels and leaves the kitchen to go back to work fixing the wall. You stand there, alone in the kitchen, completely dazed by what just happened. You’re not sure if you’re dreaming or not, but you’re too afraid to pinch yourself to find out. You press your fingers to your lips, thinking about the kiss, and your body warms. You’re not sure how you can work now, but you do know that you’ll be spending every spare moment you have with Jesse.
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Finally the repairs are complete and tonight is your last night with Jesse. Your stomach aches at the thought of him leaving. Only a couple of rotations ago, he crashed into your life and stole your heart. You didn’t mean to fall for him, but his soulful brown eyes and bright smile captivated you. Besides, the feelings are mutual. You don’t want him to leave, but you know he can’t stay. He’s a soldier, with things to do and places to go, and you’re just a waitress at a diner in the middle of nowhere.
You’re spending your last night together sitting up on the rooftop of the diner, legs dangling over the edge, as you gaze up at the moon and soak in each other’s presence. It’s quiet, like it usually is in the desert, and not a soul would dare to disturb this moment, not even Violet. You want your last night with Jesse to be a memorable one, and what better way to end it then with the way you started it; on the roof. It may be silly to some, but it makes the pain a little easier.
“You’re leaving tomorrow,” you say sadly.
“Yeah,” Jesse answers, equally feeling sad about his departure.
“I don’t want you to go,” you admit as your voice quivers.
Jesse wraps an arm around you and pulls you against his side, leaning his head atop yours. “I don’t want to go either.”
“Stay?” you ask.
“You know I can’t,” Jesse sighs.
“Please,” you plead while nuzzling into his neck. “Don’t go.”
Jesse’s heart breaks. He picks his head up and cups the side of your face, leaning in and closing his eyes to capture your soft lips with his own. You press your body against his, deepening the kiss until Jesse is laying flat against the roof and you’re straddling over his stomach. Your lips are locked as Jesse glides his rough hands over your smooth back, pulling your shirt in different directions as he maps out the plains of your body.
Jesse breaks the kiss for a moment. “Come back to Coruscant with me,” he whispers while ghosting his lips over yours before nipping at your bottom lip and pulling them back against his.
Now it’s your turn to break the kiss. “Jesse–”
“We could get an apartment,” he cuts you off before you can protest, then plants a gentle kiss on the corner of your mouth. “I’ll take care of you.” Another kiss finds its mark. “My vode will adore you.” A gentle suck at your bottom lip. “We’ll make lots of babies.” He smirks and you can’t stop the giggle from forming.
You sit up and release a soft sigh. “Sounds nice.”
Jesse reaches up and cups your chin. “But?”
You melt into his caress for a moment before removing his hand from your face. “But I can’t.”
Jesse bends his knees so you can lean back against them, then laces his fingers under his head. “Why not?”
You absently draw small circles around his chest with your fingers, the longing evident in your actions but missing from your words. “My home is here.”
“I could be your home,” Jesse reassures with a small smile.
You briefly smile back and tap at his chest. “What if something happens to you? I’ll be alone.”
Jesse knits his brows and frowns, fully understanding your hesitation. He’s a soldier, created to be expendable. His brothers die every day and no one bats an eyelash. There’s no guarantees that he’ll come back from his next campaign alive, but still, he wants this. He wants you.
Jesse untangles his fingers from behind his head and takes both of your hands in his own, kissing them tenderly. “I can’t promise tomorrow,” he admits. “I can only promise now.”
A single tear rolls down your cheek. “Then can I have you, at least right now?”
Jesse wipes your tear with his thumb, then flips you onto your back so he’s hovering over you. He leans down and presses his lips to yours once again, yearning to taste as much of you as possible. If this is his only moment with you, then he wants to remember everything. Every sweet taste, every curve, every bump, and every heavenly sound you’ll make for him as he ravages your body with only the moon above as a witness.
“Jesse,” you say his name breathlessly as your desire builds. “I want–”
Jesse places a finger against your lips to hush you. “I know, mesh’la,” he soothes while rubbing his finger across your plush lips before gently pushing it into your mouth, causing you to gasp. “We’ve got all night.”
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The light of the rising sun pierces through your eyelids, rousing you from your slumber. The morning comes quicker than you expect and you groan as you sit yourself up on the hard dura-steel roof. You rub the sleep from your eyes and look over to your right, expecting Jesse to still be sleeping, but he’s gone. Your heart sinks and you whip your head around to make sure he didn’t get up and stretch his legs, but you don’t see him. He must have left before you awoke.
Holding tears back, you stand up and pat down your wrinkled and disheveled clothes, trying to regain some semblance of normalcy. But who are you kidding? How could you ever be normal again after a night like that? A night of romance, passion, and longing that made you feel everything and nothing all at the same time. You know this is for the best. He’ll go back to Coruscant, back to the war, and you’ll be here, working your minimum wage job.
You break at the thought. Dropping to your knees you begin to sob, grieving over what you let go of. You don’t want Jesse to leave. You don’t want him to be a one night stand. You want a life with him. Even if it means him being away for weeks at a time or that he may leave and never come back. That slim chance is lightyears better than never seeing him again, than never feeling his burning touch on your skin or hearing his deep voice whisper sweetly in your ear.
You have to go after him. You can’t let him leave, not without you. Maybe it’s selfish, but you don’t care. Burdened with the thought of never seeing him again, you wipe your face, pick yourself up, and head to the ledge. You grab the ladder and stare off into the distance, wondering if you’ll catch a glimpse of him, but you don’t. You may be too late. Regardless, you slip down the ladder, ignoring the rungs and land with a thud onto the dusty ground.
You’re breathing heavily, your hair is a mess, and your clothes are horribly wrinkled, but you don’t care. You push open the front door violently. “I quit!”
Violet looks up at you from where she’s mopping the floor and pauses to lean on her mop with a knowing smile. Love wins, she guesses, and she’s right.
You walk over to Violet and throw your arms around her. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.”
“I know,” Violet says as she hugs you tightly.
“I’ll miss you,” you whisper, the tears barely held back.
“I’ll miss you too,” Violet answers with a tremble in her voice. She breaks your embrace and composes herself. “Now go, or you won’t catch him.”
You reluctantly let go of your best friend, and with tears in your eyes, you back away and leave.
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“You got everything?” Waxer asks as he carries another crate into the transport that’s taking Jesse back to Coruscant.
“Hm?” Jesse snaps out of his daze. “Oh, yeah,” Jesse answers, and then pauses. “I… I left something in the desert.”
“I hope it wasn’t valuable,” Waxer laughs.
Jesse stares out towards the dusty horizon and sighs. “Priceless, actually.”
Waxer claps a comforting hand on Jesse’s shoulder. “Sorry to hear that.”
Jesse gives Waxer a half smile, but it quickly fades back into a frown. His transport leaves within the hour and he wonders if he made a mistake by not saying goodbye. He thought if he left without a word, it would be easier for both of you, but he was wrong. His chest feels tight and his heart aches. What he wouldn’t give to hear your voice one more time. He didn’t think it was possible to leave this dusty planet more upset than when he first landed, and yet here he is.
Jesse takes one last look at the place he initially despised, then turns to board the transport. It’s not just you that he left in the desert. He left his heart there too, on the rooftop of that old diner. He sits on one of the crates in the back of the transport and leans his head against the cold frame. He didn’t want this assignment. He didn’t want to come here. It could have been any other clone, but no, his number was drawn. The universe has a cruel sense of humor.
Before the ramp closes, Jesse hears someone calling for the transport to halt. Leaving his bucket on the crate, he makes his way back down the ramp to ask what’s delaying the departure, thinking it might be something mechanical. However, as he barely steps off the ramp and onto the dusty earth, he sees a speeder in the distance. He grabs a pair of scopes from a nearby clone trooper and dials in on the speeder. His breath catches in his throat. It’s you.
Jesse gives the scopes back to the clone trooper he took them from and starts walking away from the transport, his heart beating rapidly out of his chest, wondering if it’s really true or if the desert heat is playing tricks on him. Did you just want to say goodbye or do you want to go with him? He doesn’t dare let himself think the latter. You made it clear to him last night that you won’t go with him, but he wants to hope so badly. He wants to believe that it’s the only reason.
The speeder comes to a screeching halt a couple yards away from Jesse and he watches with bated breath as you jump out of it and sprint towards him.
“Jesse!” you yell as tears fall from your face.
Jesse smiles and opens his arms. You jump into them without a second thought and bury your face into his neck. He wraps his arms around you and lifts you off of the ground and onto his hips, one arm cradling your butt and the other securing around your back.
“I didn’t think I was going to make it in time,” you cry.
“You made it, mesh’la,” Jesse soothes as he kisses your cheek. “I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye.”
You pick your head up and look at him through blurry vision, a small smile growing on your lips. “Not goodbye. I’m going with you.”
Jesse’s eyes dart around your face, looking for any semblance that you’re joking or maybe this is a dream, but he can’t find anything. “You’re coming with me? To Coruscant?”
You nod your head, afraid that your voice will crack if you try to use it again.
Jesse squeezes you tighter, terrified that at any moment you’ll be ripped away from him. He can’t believe that you changed your mind, that you’re going back with him. His thoughts race a mile a minute as he thinks about your future together. He has a stake in this war now, something worth fighting for that wasn’t thrust upon him by someone else or programmed into him as duty and loyalty. No, now he has you, and he will fight this war to make sure you stay safe in his arms.
“Let’s go home,” Jesse says as he carries you into the transport.
You smile and rest your head on his shoulder. “I’d like that.”
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wizardofrozz · 2 years
Setting the Mood
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Anakin Skywalker x Jedi!Reader (GN), Fives, Jesse, and Rex
Word Count: ~1.3k
Warnings: sexual situations and swearing (I think that’s all)
Read on AO3
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It had been weeks since you last saw Anakin. The war pulled you to what felt like the other side of the galaxy but now, watching the Resolute fill your viewport, you were ready to vibrate out of your seat. You’d been called in to assist the 501st on the Outer Rim and you may have been a little too enthusiastic about excepting. Just the thought of getting to finally see Anakin again was staggering.
And he didn’t disappoint.
The hangar was bustling with half-armored clones tinkering with gunships in preparation for the next battle. You could barely climb out of your starfighter before Anakin swept you off your feet with a soft, slightly hysterical, laugh. His presence in the Force blazed with joy, nearly overwhelming you yet it was a sensation you had missed more than you realized.
         “You’re here,” Anakin giggled, burying his face against your neck.
         “Ani,” you whispered after finally opening your eyes to find a few troopers watching the display. None of them looked surprised, maybe a bit smug, but they’d obviously expected the reunion. Jesse caught your eye, shooting you an exaggerated wink that sent Fives into a laughing fit he just barely smothered.
Anakin finally set you on your feet again, but his hands lingered on your arms, keeping you close. His smile was blinding, love and relief shining in his bright blue eyes, making your heart swell. You returned his smile, wanting to reach out and touch his face, to feel the warmth of his skin under your fingers. A reminder that he was alive, that you weren’t just dreaming in your bunk lightyears away. Then, movement over Anakin’s shoulder caught your eye.
         “Come on,” Anakin urged softly, tugging you along. He rushed you past his men loitering nearby, not even sparing them a glance as he pulled you out of the hangar a little faster than your legs could carry you.
         “Ani!” you laughed, jogging to catch up. “What’s the rush, love?” Anakin didn’t answer, glancing over his shoulder to shoot you a mischievous smile. You rolled your eyes but let him drag you along, waving at the confused troopers you passed in the Star Destroyer’s hallways. A surprised squawk fell from your lips when Anakin stopped suddenly, yanking you into a dark supply closet. Anakin was kissing you before the door was completely shut, your head still spinning from the sudden whirlwind of movement.
You could barely keep up, doing your best to meet his urgent lips, hands searching for purchase against his dark robes. The air was knocked from your lungs when your back hit the wall, your lips parting to allow Anakin access. He was all-consuming, his Force signature threatening to burn you from the inside out as he tore at your robes, desperate to feel any skin he could.
         “Missed you, sweetheart,” Anakin panted again your lips. He made a soft triumphant sound when he finally got your robes open, warm flesh, and cool metal smoothing across your ribs.
         “I’m here, love, I’m here,” you gasped, pressing your forehead against his. Anakin let out a quiet, relieved whimper, dipping his head to kiss and nip along the angle of your jaw. You leaned your head back, giving him more room to work, and let your eyes fall shut, your chest heaving. The skin under his lips tingled, the drag of his tongue sending a chill down your spine, and you sank into the sensation, letting yourself get lost in the feeling of the man you loved.
That’s when you heard it.
With a soft crackle, the loudspeakers that filled the ship came to life and you blinked at the ceiling. Unless you were losing your mind, you swore a barely muffled laugh filtered through the speaker before the music started playing. Anakin paused, puffs of air brushing against your skin as he listened, slowly lifting his head. You rolled your lips into your mouth when you recognized the familiar cantina song that Anakin had shown you. He’d heard it frequently as a boy on Tatooine and grumbled, shaking his head.
         “Ignore it,” you chuckled, cupping his face to pull him in for another kiss. Anakin slowly melted into the kiss, the upbeat music fading into the background again. With nimble fingers you untied his robes, pushing them off his shoulders without breaking the kiss, dragging your nails across his exposed chest. Anakin moaned into your mouth, pressing you harder into the wall, fingers brushing against the top of your leggings.
The deafening cry of a trumpet made you jump, just barely refraining from headbutting Anakin.
         “Is that…is that fucking Taps?” Anakin mumbled in disbelief, blinking at you. You tried, you really did, but you couldn’t contain your loud snort, immediately slapping a hand over your mouth. Anakin scowled at you, his eyes narrowing despite the tiny flicker of amusement in his dark gaze. “This isn’t funny.”
         “It kinda is,” you argued around giggles. Anakin huffed, rolling his eyes but you didn’t miss the determination that flashed across his face. Your yelp morphed into a quiet moan when he went for your neck again, his teeth scraping against your suddenly thundering pulse. As ridiculous as the background music was, you easily got lost in Anakin’s warm skin and hungry mouth. A high-pitched, surprised moan was muffled against your shoulder when you reached down to squeeze the obvious bulge straining against his pants.
         “Need you,” Anakin whispered, sliding a hand under your legs, squeezing the swell of your ass.
         “Anything you want, dear,” you replied with a smirk, squeezing his cock again before releasing him. Despite the haze of desire clouding your mind and Anakin’s hands working to pull your leggings down, you realized the song changed again. This time it was a softer tune that you felt you should recognize, it was familiar in a way you couldn’t quite grasp. Anakin caught your lips in another searing kiss just as the first words floated through the room.
You’ve got a friend in me. You’ve got a friend in me.
         “Are you kidding me!” Anakin shouted, taking a step away from you. Uncontrollable laughter fell from your lips, folding you in half with the force of it. If you were with anyone else, you’d probably be embarrassed about being basically naked, laughing your ass off in a tiny supply closet. You choked on a laugh, tears blurring Anakin’s shape moving around the small space until his face came into view again. He looked disgruntled but the corner of his mouth was twitching as he fought a smile. You were a cackling mess as the song from a youngling movie played and you were determined to find out who was behind the prank.
Anakin gently replaced your leggings, losing the battle against smiling as you continued to giggle. When you were both fully dressed again, Anakin pressed a feather-light kiss to the corner of your mouth and opened the door. Just as you stepped out of the closet a door halfway down the hall opened and two familiar troopers were shoved out, desperately trying to contain their laughter. Rex appeared behind them, massaging the bridge of his nose. Your partner’s expression darkened again but only you could tell he was only half serious, faint amusement lingering around him in the Force.
         “Fives. Jesse.” Anakin’s voice was low, creeping toward dangerous, and it immediately caught the two troopers’ attention.
         “I’d run if I were you,” Rex sighed, flickering his eyes toward you. Fives and Jesse’s laughter echoed through the halls, muffling Anakin’s shouting as he chased them out of sight. You moved to Rex’s side, glancing up at the captain just as his mask started to crack.
         “I can’t even be mad,” you snorted, chewing on your bottom lip to hold back a smile.
         “General Skywalker is,” Rex countered, raising a brow.
         “Oh yeah,” you drawled, meeting Rex’s eyes.
         “I hope Fives and Jesse know that they don’t have a friend in me.” Your chest jumped a few times in an attempt to hold your amusement in, but you and Rex broke at the same time. Howling laughter filled the hallway, Rex leaning into you as he held his side and you tried to muffle your matching amusement into his shoulder, but it was no use.
You and Rex were still recovering when Anakin returned sometime later, shaking his head, and dragging you toward his quarters. He’d get some unhindered alone time with you if it killed him.
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A/N: I saw a post about the worst songs to have sex to and somehow this happened lmao. I decided on the Cantina Band song, Taps, and You've Got a Friend in Me (Toy Story) because I thought they were some of the funniest ones on the playlist 😂
Taglist: @jellydodger​ 
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clone-anon-after-dark · 10 months
Brunch (Demisexual Jesse x GN Asexual Reader)
Word Count: 3020
Warnings: NSFW, minors DNI, mention of attempted sexual assault, a punch to the jaw (reader not involved), implied masturbation, some fooling around just to make each other feel good, kissing (but no making out)
A/N: I wanted to write a story about someone who doesn’t experience sexual attraction, but is open to sex with the right person and has a sex drive, so here we are.  Also, Jesse lives through the war, obviously.
If you are looking for an ace reader story that doesn’t include sex, I’ve written one with Wolffe and I’m exploring the idea of writing another one as well.
It was the end of a work week and you were looking forward to a comfortable night on the couch with your boyfriend.  You received a comm from Hardcase thanking you for letting the boys borrow some tools to fix their holoprojector so they could have movie night.  He said Jesse would be over some time to drop off the borrowed implements.  You sent a short response, but were quickly distracted when your boyfriend came through the door.  You smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. You hadn’t seen him all week and were looking forward to some quiet time together.  He brought dinner with him and you both parked on the couch in front of a holomovie.  Later, you cuddled up together in bed and just as you were getting comfortable enough to fall asleep, he made a move to pull you closer.  You thought he might be trying to be sweet, but he quietly asked, “Want to get frisky?”  
What followed was a harsh exchange of words as he tried to keep you from escaping.  You asserted that you had talked about this. That you had not left any doubt on how you felt about sex.  He called you a tease.  He said you told him you might want to have sex eventually so why not now? You thrashed as much as you could to get away, tears rolling down your cheeks.  You felt so completely betrayed when he uttered “You never give me what I want. Don’t you love me?”
You jostled around enough to end up falling to the floor.  Just as you did, you heard a set of footsteps and a very firm, “Back. Off.”  Jesse was over your boyfriend in an instant, grabbing him by the neck, twisting his arm behind his back, and hauling his ass out of your home.  You could hear a “This isn’t about you” from your boyfriend and what sounded like him initiating a scuffle with Jesse, followed by the clear sound of a punch landing on a jaw.
Jesse came back inside and found you still sitting on the floor of your bedroom, shocked and speechless.  He clenched and shook his hand, his fist clearly the one that had actually landed.  His face softened when he looked at you.  He reached out and helped you sit up on your bed.
“I’m glad you gave me the door code,” he said.  “I came by to drop off the tools we borrowed.”  He paused for a few moments and looked you over, trying to make sure you weren’t physically hurt. The emotional hurt was written all over you.  
“May I sit next to you,” he asked.  You nodded and he sat.
“I really thought this time I might be enough,” you said.  He held up an arm and you wrapped yours around his waist.  He held you close as you cried.
“You’re enough,” he said.
“Then why is it that I never am,” you retorted.  “It always comes down to something like this, only usually they just leave instead of trying to do… all that.”
He held you a little longer and promised to stay for the night when it was clear you didn’t want to be left alone in your apartment.  He parked on the couch after noticing you really needed space to yourself and what felt like multiple doors of protection.  He made sure the front door was locked and no one could come in.  You laid in bed, still shocked, and eventually your exhaustion overcame you.
It wasn’t enough for Jesse to sleep on the couch.  He watched the door and although he didn’t think your boyfriend would be stupid enough to return, he wanted you to feel safe in your room.  He got up and shuffled down the hallway, pillow in hand.  He laid on the floor in front of your door and fell asleep, content that no one would be getting through him.
The next morning you woke up, but still felt exhausted.  You remembered the night before, slowly got out of bed, and collected the few things that were your boyfriend’s.  You threw them in a bag and went to use the refresher.  You were surprised to find Jesse sleeping in your hallway.  With the door opened and pressure off his back, he rolled over and smiled up at you.
“Just guarding,” he said.  You smiled and let out a little sigh. It was good to have someone who cared so much.  
During breakfast you received a comm from your boyfriend declaring himself your ex.  Jesse rolled his eyes and you huffed.  As if there was any question.  His reasoning was so incredibly one-sided, but you didn’t want to argue. You just wanted him out of your life.  Jesse was kind enough to take your ex’s bag of belongings back to him so you wouldn’t have to.  You were certain they’d had some more words, but were grateful you didn’t have to be involved.
Over the next few months Jesse came over any day he could.  When he wasn’t able to come over, he sent a little message to check in.  Things started to grow from there.  You didn’t really go out on dates, but you couldn’t deny your feelings were getting more complex.  You didn’t really want to put a label on it, but you felt a sense of belonging with him.  Jesse loved your company and you loved his.  He felt relaxed with you and protective of you.  
One evening you were both on opposite sides of the couch, you sitting up and Jesse laying down as you painted his toenails.  You were painting your nails and he wanted to see what it looked like on him.  He had just taken a shower and not so secretly preferred yours to the GAR showers.  You didn’t mind.  It felt nice having someone around. As you twisted the cap onto the bottle and put it down after finishing his last nail, he smiled at his toes, wiggling them and declaring them pretty.  He looked up at you and smiled again, eyes warm and friendly.  He was clearly relaxed and happy.
“Can I ask you something personal,” he said.
“Sure,” you replied curiously.
“What’s it like being asexual?”
That was not the question you thought he would ask.  You bit your lip for a minute and thought about how to answer.
“Well, I’ve never looked at anyone and felt that way toward them,” you started.  “I have never looked at someone and wanted sex with them.  I just see people as people.”
He nodded slowly, taking in the information. “So you don’t ever feel the urge…?”
“Umm, no that’s not it exactly. I still have a sex drive. I just don’t experience sexual attraction.”
A light seemed to go off above his head and you added, “I am open to the idea of being physical with someone, or try it, but it has to be the right person. I’d be open to it as a way to be close to them, but they have to understand that I don’t want to have sex all the time and sometimes it’s way easier to take care of things myself.  With my ex, I didn’t trust that he wouldn’t take it too far.  Clearly, my instinct was right.”
Jesse reached out, sat up a bit, and held your hand.  You gave it a squeeze and quietly affirmed, “For me the most important thing is companionship, partnership. Someone I can count on.  Sex doesn’t have to come into it for me.”
He thought for a minute and his eyes started to dart.
“What is it,” you asked.
“That makes sense to me. Sure, I flirt a lot.  Love flirting.”  He winked at you and licked his lip playfully.  You smiled and rolled your eyes before he got serious again.  “I feel blind to what others must see when they call someone ‘sexy.’ Someone can be beautiful, wonderful, caring, gorgeous, and I can see that right away, and maybe that is sexy, but I still don’t see them as someone I want to get naked with without a connection or without feeling like they understand me.  The one time I had that and everything clicked into place, but they didn’t feel the same.”  He sighed.  “Some of the boys really go out looking for a one night stand and can see someone and it’s bam! They are running off together because they feel that attraction.  I am happy to get to know someone and flirt, but I could never take someone home without really knowing them.”
Your eyebrows raised at this new information.
“Jesse,” you replied, “I believe what you’re describing is demisexuality.”
“Oh.”  He blinked a few times and let this realization soak into his brain.  A slow grin spread across his face as he softly said, “What I feel has a name.”
You smiled back and felt the overwhelming urge to hug him.  As if he knew, he reached for you, chuckling a little as you collapsed in his arms.  Jesse laid back a bit and, with you laying on top of him, you eventually fell asleep together.
You woke up to the sun shining through the window.  You felt him stir beneath you.  You turned toward the back of the couch and let out a yawn. You felt his hand lightly caress your back and sides.  Waking up this way felt so peaceful.  You opened your eyes and turned to see a smile plastered on his face.  This was someone who really knew you and saw you through your lowest point and stuck around.  Being with him like this felt so right.
“Mornin’,” he said.  You both took your time fully waking up, but he kept his arm around you and you stayed laying against him.  You could hear his heartbeat pick up the pace a little.  You played with the string from his hoodie, slight worry clouding your mind.
“Hey,” he said.  “Is it a weird time to tell you I love you?”
You smiled up at him.  “Is that why your heart started going faster,” you asked.
He shrugged.  “I wasn’t sure what you’d think.”
You snuggled back into his chest.  “I think it’s a perfect time because I love you too.”
His eyes lit up, warm and playful at the same time.  He kissed your forehead and you looked back up at him before planting a kiss on his cheek.  He gave you a squeeze and kissed your cheek too. 
You both got up to eat some breakfast and start the day.  You spent your time visiting a local park and picking out a few things to make dinner together.  He invited you for another holomovie night with the boys and you couldn’t say no.  He then got contemplative again.
“What is it,” you asked, always loving how open he was when it came to asking you questions.
“Are we a couple now? Is that what we tell them when they see something has changed between us.”
“Is that the term you want to use,” you asked.  He nodded.  “Then that’s what we say,” you replied.  He took your hand and kissed it before continuing to walk home with you.
Life with Jesse was incredibly comfortable.  He was happy to hang out and talk or watch movies.  When you got a video game setup, he was thrilled. He loved playing with you, whether it was a slow-paced game or something more competitive.  He also loved washing dishes, making sure the towels were fresh, and those little things that made this feel like a home.  There was never any pressure to have sex and you were both happy with the status quo.  He also loved sleeping with you.  He always had to be touching you in some way to know you were there.  Usually, it involved having an arm draped around you in some fashion if he wasn’t able to outright hold you.  
You knew that the war haunted him.  He had experienced so much, being one of the older clones by war’s end.  You were always there when he came home in shambles.  His heart was so big and the loss was so great.  Each time he came home like that, you took him to the bedroom, helped him take off his armor, and get into something comfortable and homey.  He always inhaled the smell of the pillows and curled up into your arms.  When you were having a hard time, he did the same for you.  When the war was finally over and he needed a plan for his future, you were there.  You provided him steadiness in a time of massive change.
More than a year went by like this.  Some days were hard, but you depended on each other and supported each other.  You formed a strong bond and partnership.  You’d found a steady rhythm.
One morning you woke up in his arms and smiled as he coiled around you just a little more securely.  It wasn’t unusual for Jesse’s cock to stand at attention first thing in the morning, but on this particular morning you felt like you wanted to touch him, like you wanted to explore.  It felt safe enough to experiment.  He dozed for another half hour before he started to stir.  Although you normally took your time waking up, you’d stewed with the idea and now that it came to it, you weren’t sure how to bring it up.
“What is it,” he asked, rubbing his eyes.  You popped a mint and offered him one.
“Well, for whatever reason, I was wondering if you’d like to…” you bit your lip.  He tilted his head and looked at you quizzically before you asked, “Umm, do you want to have sex?” 
“Yeah, if that’s what you want,” he replied.  He reached out to hold your hand and kiss your palm.  “If you don’t want to, then we stop.” 
You nodded.  You were both a little hesitant, unsure of where to start.  You’d never actually wanted this before, but you knew this was your person. Your ultimate safe space.  And right now, your body and heart said ‘yes.’
Jesse took his clothes off and helped you out of yours.  You’d been naked together before, but never for this purpose. It was always so you could shower together.  Now it was new and exciting.  It wasn’t scary like you were worried it might be.  Jesse wasted no time and asked, “When you touch yourself, how do you like to be touched?”
You showed him and he mimicked the movement.  He laid next to you to get more comfortable and placed kisses on your cheek, resting his forehead to yours, whispering, “I want to make you feel good, love.”
While your bodies reacted quickly to each other, it didn’t feel rushed.  You took your time, caressing all over and eliciting responses from each other that belonged to no one else.  You held each other afterward and felt absolute contentment.  He let out a series of deep sighs, joy radiating throughout his body.
You looked over to him after some time and asked, “Do you want to shower with me?”
He let out a little hum and gently pulled you up, thoroughly taking his time making sure you felt cared for and loved.  You ended up with most of the morning gone and eating brunch together.
“Was everything okay this morning,” he asked.
“Of course it was,” you replied.  “Are you worried about something? Was it okay for you?”
“Oh it was wonderful for me,” he said. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay with everything.”
You reached for his hand and reassured him.  “I’m glad we fooled around. It felt good, so good, and I don’t know,” you shrugged, “This morning I wanted to feel a different type of closeness. And hopefully there can be a repeat when it feels right.”
He smiled and squeezed your hand gently.  “Let me know,” he winked before seriously adding, “but there’s never any pressure, cyare.”
“I know there’s not,” you said. You stood up to clear the plates and he snaked his arms around your middle. 
“I love you,” he said. “And I want to have brunch with you forever.”
You grinned and kissed the top of his head. “I love you too. And also the brunch thing.”
It wasn’t frequent by any means, but every so often, you’d have a sexy romp together.  Jesse always put you first until one day you took control and insisted he lay back and let you take over.  That was fun.  It felt great to know what you wanted and to know that you were safe with each other.  He always insisted on cuddling after, followed by cleaning you up (even when you took charge he insisted he be the one to wash you), and having something to eat.  
Then about a year went by with what some might call a dry spell.  Your relationship remained steady, but you hadn’t felt like being intimate in that way.  You were close in other ways and while that was more than enough for you, you started to worry he might feel differently.  You both sat at the table mid-morning, finishing brunch.
“Is this still okay,” you asked him.
“Is what still okay,” he asked before shoving the last bite of toast in his mouth as you picked up the plates to walk them to the sink.
Your eyes darted, unsure of how to bring it up when you flat out said, “We haven’t had sex in a long time and I just don’t want you to get bored of me.”
His face dropped and he hurriedly swallowed his food while reaching his arms around your middle to reassure you.
“I love you,” he said, giving you a firm but gentle squeeze, “And I want to have brunch with you forever.”
You smiled, tears of relief misting your eyes.  You kissed the top of his head and murmured, “I love you too. And also the brunch thing.”
Tagging: @kixs-husband @staycalmandhugaclone @wreckers-wife @dukeoftheblackstar (Sinker is next!)
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clone-anon · 1 year
Hi I'm wonder if you could please write something for me. I very much feel alone in my job and invisible. I like the work I do well enough, but it gets lonely. I would be over the moon if a clone visited me at work. Jesse or Rex? Thank you for writing these stories
Of course! I'm sorry you feel that way at your job. You are important and Jesse knows it too.
It was another day of work and here you were. Getting done everything you could, sitting alone, only spoken to for the briefest moments and only about the job. No one seemingly caring about how you were doing at all. Whenever you tried connecting with others, it amounted to them half-answering you or completely ignoring you, so you stopped trying.
One day a trooper walked in carrying a datapad, trying to get someone's attention to figure out who to talk to. He tried flagging down a worker who passed him, but the person didn't pay attention to him at all. He was clearly frustrated and sighed. You got up and walked over to him.
"Can I help you?"
"Ah, yes," he said with a smile on his face. He showed you the datapad and explained what wasn't working before adding, "I was told someone down here could fix this."
You nodded and showed him where to go.
"Uh, thanks," he said. "I'm Jesse."
You introduced yourself and smiled before he walked away. You got back to work and the rest of the day went as usual.
The next day, however, he came strolling back in and walked right to you.
"Something else I can help you with, Jesse?"
He smiled and shook his head. "I just brought this for you. I noticed you had caf on your desk yesterday and thought I'd get you some from the shop across the way as a thank you."
You accepted the gift, but felt unsure of what to say. A "thank you" came out in your softest tone.
Jesse made a little conversation and then left you to your work. It started to become a daily thing whenever he was planet-side. He'd stop by and bring you caf and simply wanted to know how you were doing. He always made you smile. It was nice to know there was someone out there who saw you as more than a worker to get a job done. You and Jesse saw the humanity in each other.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 6 months
hey hey hey, for the first kiss prompts-
the uncontrollable smile they break into either after or during the kiss itself with... Jesse!
happy writing <3
Thank you for the request @multi-fan-dom-madness! I got a flash of inspiration during the thotting hours, so I bring a Thanksgiving present for you. (That's totally how Thanksgiving works, right?)
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A/N: Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers! May your turkey be as juicy as Jesse’s thighs.
Pairing: Jesse x Reader (GN)
Rating: T but MDNI as always
Wordcount: 720
Warnings and tags: Fluff, banter, kisses
Summary: Jesse performs "emergency field medicine."
Suggested Listening:
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There’s an ARC trooper in your office. He has his back to you as he inspects your shelves full of plants, holoframes, curios, and even a few actual paper books. You don’t recognize the kama, so he’s not one of yours—though you have no doubt that the Jedi generals would lecture you for getting attached to the troopers that way. 
Good thing I’m not a Jedi.
Whoever he is, he’s a big kriffing dude. ARC troopers always look extra imposing thanks to the pauldrons, but damn, this one must have needed custom armor to accommodate those muscles. His helmet is off, and all you can see is the back of his shaved head.
“Hello,” you say. “Can I help you with something?”
Translation: Who are you, and what the kark are you doing in my office?
He turns, and you catch a glimpse of a large Republic cog tattoo.
“Jesse?!” you exclaim, rushing across the office to fling your arms around him. 
He doesn’t even stagger a little bit as you collide with him, just wraps his arms around you in a tight hug. Impulsively, you press your lips to his cheek.
“When did you get back?” you demand.
He beams at you with a smile that’s too brilliant to be contained. “About ten minutes ago. Came straight here.”
“And I was stuck in a meeting,” you say with disgust, drawing a laugh from him. 
“I haven’t been waitin’ long,” he replies.
“Well, I’ve been waiting for you forever!” you exclaim. “How long is ARC training, anyway?”
An odd expression flickers over his face, and he hesitates before he replies, “I’m not actually allowed to say. Sorry.”
“That’s all right; I’m just happy to have you back,” you grin as you lean back to admire his new armor. “Look at you, Mr. ARC Trooper! You look great.”
“That’s ‘Lieutenant ARC Trooper,’” he says with a tiny smirk.
“You got promoted? Jesse, that’s amazing!”
“Yeah, I didn’t think I’d ever make it past sergeant, either,” he jokes.
“That’s not what I meant,” you laugh, slapping his chest and immediately regretting it when your knuckles collide with the hard plastoid armor. "Ouch!"
“How was that?” he asks.
“2/10, do not recommend,” you reply, shaking your hand to ease the stinging.
“Let me see.” He takes your hand gently in his and holds it close to his face to inspect it. “I think it might be fatal.”
“Better get Kix in here before I keel over,” you say, trying to ignore the warmth of his fingers and the rough texture of his gloves on your skin.
“No time,” Jesse replies gravely. “I’ll have to perform emergency medical treatment.”
He kisses your knuckles softly, and your heart begins to hammer in your chest.
“Did they teach you that in ARC training, or did you pick it up from Kix?” you ask, trying to keep your tone light.
“It’s a top secret ARC procedure,” he replies. “Very advanced medicine. I doubt Kix has heard of it.”
“I’m so lucky you were here to kiss it better,” you say. “I’d hate to die of a scraped knuckle.”
“Funny story,” he says. “This procedure requires multiple rounds of treatment.”
Your breath stutters to a halt. “It does?”
“Mm-hmm,” he murmurs, pressing his lips to each of your knuckles individually. He grazes his thumb across them, and suddenly you forget all about the pain. 
“I think it’s working,” you say.
He raises his other hand to your face, stroking his thumb over your lips as his fingers caress your jaw.
“Better try one more thing, just to be safe,” he says as he leans close to you, his lips a breath away from your own.
“Yeah,” you whisper. “Just to be safe.”
His lips brush against yours softly, and it feels like the galaxy stops spinning around you, because you’re finally kissing Jesse, and it’s even better than you imagined, and his lips are kriffing perfect, and he tastes suspiciously like the candy that you keep in a bowl on your desk, and you never want it to end. Eventually, though, you have to come up for air, and he cups your cheek as you rest your forehead against his.
“You know,” he whispers, his breath warm against your skin, “I’ve been waiting for you forever, too.”
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dangraccoon · 3 months
Dnd and clones make brain go brr, so thank you!
I rolled a 10, Echo, 9. "I'm ready to try again if you are", and a 16. Forced proximity (great rolls for once)
I was thinking maybe they dated before the citadel, and after they reunite he's all cold and insecure and forced proximity gets them actually talking again? hehe she/her or gn is fine!
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I'm Different
Echo x F!Reader (no gender or pronouns described)
~ Echo - "I'm ready to try again if you are" - Forced Proximity ~
Author’s Note: here you go, anon!! I hope it was what you’re looking for! And feel free to send more if you’d like 💛😁
Warnings: mentions of canon character deaths, partial cave in, restricted space (not very tight), body image issues
Mando'a Guide: Mesh'la - beautiful
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From the moment you’d met him, you knew Echo would be the love of your life. He was kind, smart, and very handsome. He’d swept you off your feet the moment you first met when you’d joined the 501st, coming onto you with some cheesy pick-up line Fives had dared him to use. It hadn’t worked, of course, but the sheepish way he’d apologized and started a real conversation had won you over.
Losing him was the hardest thing you’d ever had to endure in your life. You found comfort with Fives, finding solace in that friendship. But then he was gone, too. Your heart had been so heavy, looking at the other men who so resembled your lost love and friend. 
Even though their personalities varied from man to man, you still saw them. You saw Echo’s strict adherence to the regulations that only lasted up until Fives gave him that look that could only mean “I’m going to do something crazy, and you’re coming with me.” You saw Fives’ fierce determination that was always softened by Echo’s cool, calm, and collected demeanor. You saw the domino twins in every pair of troopers you met. That is, until you met them.
Clone Force 99 was… different to say the least. You’d met them very briefly before they’d left with Rex for a mission. Rex would only describe this mission to you as “need-to-know”, and for that, he’d gotten one of your “death glares” as Echo and Fives had called it. You saw Kix and Jesse shudder out of the corner of your eye before you stormed off. Ever since you’d been stationed with the 501st, you knew everything. Some of the shinies even thought you to be the natborn version of an ARC. The radio silence you were receiving was unusual.
You endured days of nothing until one day you’d cornered Kix, demanding to know what was going on. He’d sighed deeply, then wordlessly led you back through the compound to a wing of the medical bay.
A pale clone sat on the edge of one of the beds, covered head to artificial foot in machinery, being beeped at by several droids.
You stared at the man, something familiar stirring in your chest, and even though the man never noticed you, you knew in the very depths of your soul that it was Echo - your Echo.
It had been months since you transferred with Echo to the Bad Batch. The odd group of clones had pulled you both in with open arms, despite being a “reg” and a “nattie”. You’d gone on countless missions, one after the other, always busy, but something was throwing you off.
Despite having reacquainted with your lost lover, Echo was different. He was polite and somewhat cordial with you like you were any other natborn. He might not have known it, but it was breaking your heart.
“What’s wrong with me?” you asked him. He had wandered further into the cave the squad had set up camp inside, claiming to want to get away from Wrecker and Tech’s snoring. He hadn’t heard you following him.
He startled, desperately avoiding your gaze. “I’m not sure what you mean,” he muttered.
“You’ve been avoiding me since Anaxes,” you stated bluntly. “I know it’d been years since you’d seen me and a lot was going on back then, but Echo, it’s been months and you can barely even look at me unless it’s a necessity.”
Echo finally met your eyes, noticing the tear slipping down your cheek. He sighed. “I’m not trying to-”
Suddenly, there was a rumbling in the ground. The whole cave shook around you, knocking you to your knees.
Rocks fell all around you, cutting off the tunnel back to the others and the opening of the cavern. 
Echo pulled you to your feet milliseconds before a large jagged boulder fell, barely missing you.
A moment later, the rumbling stopped. Hunter began calling you and Echo over the comms. “Are you two okay?”
“We’re alright,” Echo answered, already pushing at the rocks blocking the two of you from reaching the rest of the group. “But we’re boxed in.”
He gave a hard shove to one of the large rocks, moving it just a little. With its shift came a downpouring of rocks that would’ve hit him had you not grabbed the backplate of his armor, yanking him away.
“Don’t attempt to move anything,” Tech warned. “The structural integrity of the cave is questionable at best.”
“Sit tight until we find another way out for you,” Hunter ordered.
“Kriff,” you swore, plopping down onto the ground. 
Echo sat as well, though you could tell he was uncomfortable.
“Don’t worry; the others will find a way out of this place,” you sniffed, scowling at the ground. “You won’t have to be stuck with me for long.”
You could feel his eyes on you, but you didn’t look up as you tried to hold back the tears gathering in yours.
“I didn’t mean to-” he started but cut himself off with a sigh. “There’s nothing wrong with you.”
Your head lifted to meet his gaze. “What?”
“You haven’t changed much, despite everything,” he explained. “You’re still kind and smart. Still a hell of a fighter and… hell, somehow you’ve gotten more beautiful.”
You felt your cheeks warm. “Then why-”
“Because I’m different,” he asserted. “The Separatists took me and used my brain. They- they changed me. Turned me into this.” He gestured to the replaced portions of his body with his scomp. “And they- they nearly broke me.”
“And you don’t deserve it. You don’t deserve any of this,” he growled. “You deserve someone who can hold you, who can take care of you. You deserve a person, not a thing like me.”
Your tears were flowing freely down your cheeks now, washing away the dirt that clung to your face, leaving streaks as they went. “Echo,” you whispered, gently touching his arm. He still didn’t look at you. You scoffed. “Stars, you’re stupid.”
You thought he might’ve broken his neck with how fast he turned to face you, his expression a textbook example of shock.
You chuckled. “Of course you’re different. I mean, stars, Echo; you were dead!” You took his hand in yours. “I couldn’t expect you to be exactly how you were before, and I hope you don’t think I’m truly the same after losing you. But I love you, and that’s something that could never change. Organic or machine parts, you’re still you. You’re still my Echo.”
He watched you curiously as if he thought you might be playing a joke on him.
“I know things are a little different now, but I’m in this for the long haul and I don’t want to lose you again,” you whispered. “I’m ready to try again if you are.”
“Mesh’la,” he shook his head. “I can’t- I won’t be able to provide the things you need.”
You cupped his cheek, your eyes boring into his. “Will you love me?”
“Yes,” he answered without hesitation.
“Then you can provide everything I need.”
You pulled against him, your lips meeting his softly, but still firm and steady.
He eagerly kissed you back, instantly remembering the feel of your lips against his.
After a few moments, you breathlessly pulled away, resting your forehead against his. 
“I love you, Echo.”
“I love you, too.”
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Thanks for reading! - River
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freesia-writes · 10 months
*dj khaled voice* another one
Okay but 5 with Echo would be so cute because he is rarely depicted as flirty. I personally don’t believe you can grow up with Fives (and be part of the 501st) without developing some kind of … playfulness lol
- Dang 💛🤟
ALRIGHT it's been long enough on these! Thanks so much for the patience, and thanks so much for the multiple asks! ;) I chose this one, because if I write Crosshair again (especially with that line) I'm gonna be lost in another multi-chapter obsession with that damn magnet. ;) So you can read Sharp Edges or my recent four-part fic over on @spicy-clones if you want some Crosshair action. ;) They're both NSFW though. <3 And I can't deal with Eriadu Tech just yet. It still hurts, somehow?! Soooooo I hope this is satisfying! :D
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TCW Echo x GN!Reader. At 79s. As usual. ;) 1.7k words - SFW
“Are you ever gonna join me to dance?” you asked, waggling your eyebrows at the ARC trooper that you’d been toying with for weeks.
“Not on your life,” he answered, and the goateed clone next to him rolled his eyes with dramatic exaggeration. 
“I’ll dance with you, pretty little thing,” said Fives, poking his head over Echo’s shoulder. 
“Been there, done that,” you poked, and he laughed, shaking his head. You had indeed been there, but it was harmless dancing with him and Jesse, along with a handful of your friends. Echo always sat it out though, preferring to exchange verbal jabs and suggestive comments. 
It was an odd dynamic you’d fallen into -- what started out as playful flirtation seemed to stall there, with neither of you appearing to want to take it further. Both of you felt fully convinced that it was just a game, a lighthearted way to have fun and try to ruffle the other’s feathers. There had been a few incidents where you pushed the boundaries, trying to feel him out, but he played along, and the constant mood of humor overshadowed the entire thing to the point where you’d feel like a fool to admit you had feelings for him. 
But you did.
He was so wildly intelligent, and beneath his sharp sarcasm and witty retorts you’d caught glimpses of not only incredible depth of thought and complexity of interests, but a kindness and integrity that drew you in. Plus, his elite soldier status was pretty darn sexy in and of itself, and you found yourself wondering what else he might be good at. 
But apparently you would never find out, as the two of you were stalled in this flirty game of chicken. So you finally decided to let it go, settling for quips and playful touches while the two of you enjoyed your separate lives, crossing frequently as you enjoyed nights at 79s. 
“Come on, Echo,” you crooned, gracing his cheek with the backs of your fingers for a moment and relishing the flash of surprise across his face. “Let’s see those fancy ARC moves. Or are you gonna let Fives keep showing you up?” 
He turned on his stool to face you, leaning on the bar counter with an elbow. “You can keep playing with Fives because I don’t think you could handle this,” he retorted, and you laughed in delight. Fives smacked the back of his head lightly, muttering some fond insults, and took your hand, dragging you out to the dance floor. The two of you bopped along to the music, and when it changed to something a little more sultry, you allowed him to come up behind you, placing his hands on your waist and moving against you with a little more intention. Your eyes were on Echo, though, who had pointedly engaged in a conversation with Dogma, and they both looked as though they’d rather be doing literally anything else. 
“Are you ever going to cut the playful crap and be real with him?” Fives asked against your ear, pulling you closer against his front as he moved. You were slightly distracted, because the way he gyrated his hips and pulled you along was surprisingly sensual, but when his words sank in fully, your mouth dropped in surprise. 
“What do you mean?” you asked, turning your head so he could hear you. 
“Come on,” he said sarcastically. “It’s obvious you two have the hots for each other.” 
“I thought so at first, but it’s just playful fun,” you answered. 
“Hm. I don’t think he sees it that way.” 
The night continued with uneventful relaxation -- conversations with a variety of troopers, drinks in a booth with your friends, and the occasional wink flashed at Echo, who would make kissy faces in your direction before turning back to his group. It sent a tingle through your chest though, wondering if perhaps there was a real potential there. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about what it would be like to sit in his lap and mess up that neat military haircut…
But it was not to be. 
You didn’t see him for almost two weeks, and part of you wondered if you’d scared him off, or if he had gotten tired of your little game. You tried to push it from your mind, but it simmered. One night, you’d almost succeeded in forgetting about it all, when a few battalions were on shore leave and 79s was particularly packed. You’d been having a great time, laughing with your friends and receiving drinks and compliments from more troopers than you’d ever had. 
One in particular was lingering close to you, engaging in conversation with the whole group but making a point to touch your arm, your shoulder, your waist as much as possible without being a gropey pervert. You didn’t really mind, either -- he was asking all kinds of questions about your life and your interests, carrying the conversation effortlessly and peppering it with wit and flattery. He wasn’t quite your type, appearance-wise at least… he did have the standard military crew cut but had accessorized it with a horseshoe mustache that lay heavy across his lip and down the sides of his mouth, all the way to his chin. You’d never been much of a facial hair sort of person, but right now his effervescent personality was making up for it. 
As the night went on, the crowd grew more raucous, and it became almost impossible to hear anyone well and even less possible to move around freely. You made a joke, but it was drowned out by a sudden cacophony of howls from a squad in the corner, clad in white and gray armor. The Wolf pack, no doubt. It was answered by an obnoxious symphony of cat calls (and a couple fart noises) from another booth, where you caught sight of the boys in blue, feeling your heart skip a beat as you saw Echo wedged in the middle of a very boisterous Jesse and a more subdued Tup. 
Of course fate would have it that he would catch you staring at him just then. 
You turned quickly back to Boil, who was tracing light circles on your forearm, tilting his head to fix you with an admiring smile. You couldn’t help but smile in response, and when he asked you to dance, you figured what the hell. He took your arm in his in a disproportionately gentlemanly move and pressed through the crowd to the edge of the dance floor. WHY did you have to be so close to Echo, who was determinedly avoiding your gaze now? 
You felt wildly self-conscious about your dancing all of a sudden, trying to lose yourself in the music and the feeling of Boil’s strong arms around you, but your eyes were magnetized to the 501st booth and it took all your effort to keep flicking them away. You eventually just ended up closing them, mind swirling with too many thoughts to track, until a loud voice broke through the noise. 
“Oy! Cody wants you upstairs!”
Your eyes flew open to see Echo standing in front of you, being jostled in all directions by the dancing crowd around him. Boil gave a lighthearted shrug, coming around your side, and leaned in to whisper in your ear where you could find him, but all your focus was on Echo, whose face contorted briefly as the trooper’s lips brushed your cheek. With a quick salute, Boil disappeared, leaving you standing there in front of Echo, staring with a hopelessly dumbfounded look on your face. 
He moved closer, stepping into your personal space, and the determined look in his eyes paired with the sheer force of his presence and attention had waves of tingles coursing through you. When he placed a hand firmly on your waist, bringing you even nearer, and began to rock to the music, you were about ready to faint. He was barely dancing, if it could even be called that, but you had no complaints, laying your arms across his broad, armored shoulders and clasping them behind his neck. His other hand found your hip, and you looked at him with a wide-eyed, questioning gaze. The smolder in his face was unlike anything you’d ever seen before, and when he lifted a hand to your cheek, you stopped moving completely, absolutely lost in his possessive energy. 
“Echo, listen…” you began, but he was slowly leaning in, eyes watching you like a hawk to detect any trace of rejection as his lips drew closer to yours. 
There was no trace.
With fireworks exploding behind your eyelids, you closed your eyes and met him halfway, pressing your mouth to his in the most fulfilling, satisfying, electrifying kiss you could have imagined. His hand slid around your waist to your back, pulling you flush against him, and he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Your knees buckled, quite literally, tearing you from him as you dropped a few inches before he caught you with a strong arm and a smile on his face. You stumbled back, regaining your footing with an embarrassed laugh as you looked at him with delighted surprise. 
“What was that?!” you yelled over the music, but he took your hand and headed for the front door, jostling through the crowd. You stepped out into the chill night air, ears echoing in the relative silence compared to the cacophony inside, and he led you around the corner, releasing your hand to lean against the wall with a satisfied grin. 
“I was tired of your games,” he said, buoyed by the exhilaration of the undeniable affection radiating from your face. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” you admitted, stepping closer to lean against him again and idly trace your fingers along the handprint on his armor. 
“Well now that we’re past all the nonsense…” he murmured, eyes twinkling as he tipped your chin with a gentle finger, “What else have you wanted to do for a long time?” 
Your response was cut off by his kiss.
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goosewriting · 4 months
“Have we met?”
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summary: what if Fives had been stopped before removing his inhibitor chip on Kamino and was instead sent back after reconditioning, thereby forgetting you? 
relationship: Fives x gn!reader
warnings: hmmm angst :^), mentions of characters’ deaths, implied brainwashing?, dw there’ll be comfort at the end
word count: 2.2k 
A/N: in my book Fives is alive, no matter what. here’s one take lol mainly because i found some prompts and this idea refused to leave my brain
prompt used (source): we have just met and yet it feels like i have known you for a lifetime
Navigation: Part 1 (you're here!) | Part 2
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
→ PART 1: When he came back to you
When you heard the news about what Tup had done on Ringo Vinda, you couldn’t believe it. You were told that Fives went with him to Kamino to get checked. Something about a parasite or a virus; that was all the explanation you were given. But if you were being honest with yourself, no one seemed entirely convinced, including some of the Generals, and Rex. 
Fives was currently being held on Kamino for a couple more rotations to keep an eye on him, but was meant to come back to the Resolute soon enough. 
You sit in your room, thinking about how the whole deal smells a little fishy to you. You’d just have to ask Fives in person once he comes back. The fact that he isn’t responding to any of your messages isn’t helping, however. 
A long time ago, you had joined the GAR as a mechanic and worked (and studied) yourself up to mechanical engineer. Since with your new position came your own little workshop to tinker in, you had modified your and Fives’ comm devices to send encrypted messages to each other. They were coupled to the long range transmissions of the ship itself, so your messages didn’t get delivered immediately, so as to not raise any suspicion if someone were to check the log. But that’s how you would communicate with him when he was away. 
Usually it didn't take more than a few rotations for Fives to answer. Even when he was on the most secretive of missions as an ARC trooper, he’d still send you one of your code words to let you know he was okay. Now it’s been longer than ever before since you sent him your last message that went unanswered. 
You can’t help but stand up and start pacing back and forth in your room, trying to push back the feelings of worry. Rex told you Fives is supposed to come back today, but you still haven’t heard anything fromeither. The one thing the captain did tell you, though, was about Tup sadly passing away on Kamino. Those news really didn’t do much to help you feel reassured about Fives’ state.
You’re so engrossed in your thoughts and gradually worsening “what if” scenarios going through your head, that you almost jump out of your skin when your comm beeps on your desk. You hurry to pick it up and see there's a new message, but it’s from Rex. He says Fives’ ship has just landed.
At that, you all but sprint out of your quarters and run all the way to the hangar. It takes you a couple of minutes to get there, holding onto the edges of the wall to cut your curves. In one hall, you almost trip and fall, but catch yourself just in time to keep going. When you reach the hangar doors, out of breath and panting heavily, you press the button for them to open. You quickly make your way to one of the landing platforms, where you can already see Rex and Jesse talking to Fives.
You can't help the tears running down your cheeks, tears of happiness and relief, seeing that your boyfriend made it back in one piece. Feeling like a huge weight just got lifted off your heart, you take a deep breath and make your way to the group. 
As you’re approaching Fives from behind, you can only see Rex and Jesse's faces, and they’re looking… distressed? incredulous? confused? Rex spots you first, and calls out to you to wait, but you’re already hugging Fives from behind.
“Fives!” you greet him, squeezing the living lights out of him. Then again, with all that armour, you wonder if he can feel it at all. “I was so worried! Are you okay? You never answered my messages–”
You circle around Fives to face him, and you notice several things: first, he’s not hugging you back. Second, he looks bewildered at your presence. And third…
“Oh, uhm, hi there,” he says with a polite smile, his arms slightly raised so he doesn’t touch you. “I’m sorry, I don’t know who… Have we met?”
You let go of the clone, taking a step back. Squinting at him, you search his face for any sign of mischief or that he’s teasing you; it really isn’t a tasteful joke, but you’d forgive him. You tremble slightly when you realise that he’s 100% serious. 
You feel Rex’s hand on your shoulder, and you turn to him with a questioning look.
“It seems that Fives has, uhm…” he starts, unable to look you in the eyes. You quickly glance over to Jesse, who looks just as shocked as you. 
“He doesn’t remember you,” Jesse finishes Rex’ sentence.
You can’t help but let out an unamused chuckle at that.
“That’s insane,” you retort, turning back around to Fives. “You’re joking, right? Please tell me you’re not serious.”
“I’m really sorry, uhm…” he scratches his neck sheepishly. “I never got your name…?”
You search his eyes again, but there’s nothing there that you recognise. With a shaky breath, your heart now pounding against your ribcage for all the wrong reasons, you turn back to the captain.
“What did they do to him, Rex?” you ask, your voice cracking. 
“Let’s just go inside first and catch up, okay?” Rex places an arm around your trembling shoulders and leads you towards the exit of the hangar. Jesse stays with Fives and brings him to the barracks.
Rex takes you to his captain’s office, where he sits you down on the small couch and prepares some tea. Once he’s done, he places a cup in front of you on the table, and takes a seat across from you in his office chair.
You thank him and reach out to the cup, but as you lift it, you realise how your hands are shaking, causing it to clatter against the saucer, so you set the tea back down, bringing your hands to your lap and interlacing your fingers instead in an attempt to calm them down. 
“Do you know… what happened?” you ask carefully. Rex heaves a sigh.
“Not really. It’s like Fives’ memory has been… wiped,” he explains, scratching his chin deep in thought. 
“That’s…” you start, but can’t find the words. “You’re saying it like it was deliberate. You don’t think it was a parasite?”
He doesn’t answer.
“...Do you think it was the Kaminoans?” you ask, your voice low, as if there was someone eavesdropping. “Why would they do such a thing?”
“I’m not sure,” he answers. “As a cadet back on Kamino I saw it maybe once or twice that a clone would be taken away, and then they reappeared with no memory of something small that had happened recently. They would do it because the clone in question showed an ‘inappropriate emotional response’, so they had to ‘fix it’.” He gestures the quotation marks in the air with his hands. “After all, to many we’re just a product or a tool, and as such we’re expected to function in a certain manner.”
“You know that a lot of people don’t think that, right?” you interject, and he smiles.
“I know. But that’s how we came to be.” His smile fades, his brow furrowing. “But Kaminoans are good at what they do, and all in all always treated us well. I’ve never seen or heard of a clone forgetting entirely about someone else because of a treatment.”
You both sit in silence for a moment. 
“Do you think it can be recovered somehow?” you ask, your chest tightening at the thought of Fives losing all the memories he had with you. What if he never felt the same again? What if… he was incapable of loving you again? What if he didn’t want to love you again?
Rex can see where your mind is going, so he stands up and makes his way to you, sitting on the couch as well, placing a reassuring hand on your knee. He knows that recovering memories after a thorough wipe is nearly impossible, but he can’t tell you that.
“I’ll see what I can find out,” he settles on. With a small smile, he adds, “For now, why don’t you go introduce yourself to him? I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to make your acquaintance.”
“Right,” you reply and sigh. Let’s treat this like… like he hit his head and has amnesia, you tell yourself. After I spend time with him and show him all our holopics and videos together, surely he’ll remember me. Deep in your heart, you know that’s just a lie you’re telling yourself to feel better, but you’d rather lie to yourself than face the truth right now. A truth that wasn’t limited to Fives’ sudden state, but gave place to so many more questions about clones, Kaminoans and what they did out there; questions you had no energy in pursuing any time soon. 
Changing the subject, you make some small talk with Rex while you drink your tea. Once the cup is empty, you leave the captain’s office and shoot Jesse a quick message asking if he knows where Fives is. The reply comes almost instantaneously, telling you the whole squad is in the mess hall. You take a quick look at the time, and sure enough, it’s time for dinner. Only then do you feel the grumbling of your stomach, reminding you that in all your worry about your favourite clone, you haven’t eaten anything since breakfast. 
You quickly make your way to the hall. The smell of today’s menu fills your nose and the clattering of plates and cutlery, as well as indistinct chatting of clones and staff alike, reaches your ears. After getting your food, you make your way to the 501st’s usual table. You notice that Fives is sitting at the edge of the group, so that a sitting space is free between him and Kix. That’s where you usually sit. Your heart can’t help but skip a beat; maybe he does remember? Or is it just muscle memory that can’t be erased away that easily? 
Taking in a deep breath, you approach the group and clear your throat. It catches Fives’ attention, who turns around to you.
“Hey handsome,” you smile at him. “Is that seat taken?” You nod towards the empty space. 
“Oh, it’s you,” he says, clearly surprised by your presence. Again. “Yeah, I mean–” He clears his throat. “It isn’t taken. Feel free to join us.”
You thank him and take a seat, greeting the others, who say their ‘hello’s back to you. Fives eyes them curiously, then looks back to you.
“Say, I never caught your name,” he remarks for the second time today, taking a bite of his food. 
You can’t help a sad smile as you look up at Jesse, who’s sitting in front of you. It occurs to you that that’s where Echo used to sit, and for a second you wonder if Fives has forgotten about him too. 
Jesse mirrors your smile with a slight shrug of his shoulders, and you turn to Fives, telling him your name.
“Oh, so that’s you!” he mentions, and you tilt your head at him in confusion. “The guys have been asking me about you ever since I arrived. I don’t know how I could have forgotten about someone I apparently hang out with so much?” 
“Right?” you retort under your breath, taking a mouthful of the rather bland food.
The conversation they were having earlier restarts, and Kix tells them about some patients he had today, Jesse talks about some improvements to their weapon system they could do, and so on. You’re not really paying much attention anymore, fidgeting with your fork once you finish eating. 
One by one, the clones excuse themselves to retire for the night or go back to their shift. In the end, it’s just you and Fives left at the table. You have one elbow propped up on the table, your head in your hand, looking at him.
“Doesn’t it bother you?” you ask suddenly. 
“What does?” he retorts, studying your face. You don’t answer immediately, weighing the words in your head. 
“Not remembering someone who clearly knows who you are,” you finally say, tears starting to gather in the corner of your eyes. 
That’s when you see his façade drop. He curls his hand on the table into a fist and bites the inside of his cheeks, trying to play it off with an awkward chuckle. 
He doesn’t reply at first, just looking at you like he’s trying to draw the answers from your eyes, an answer that is there, but he can’t read for some reason. 
“I don’t understand,” he finally replies, and it’s barely more than a whisper. “We have just met and yet it feels like I’ve known you for a lifetime.”
You can feel your heart shattering into a thousand pieces.
“Oh Fives, what have they done to you…” Your hand reaches up to cup his cheek, but his own shoots up first to press against his temple, just behind his tattoo, and he winces in pain, backing away from your touch. 
“I– I have to go,” he utters and stands up, quickly making his way out of the mess hall.
You’re left there, alone. Hurt. Hopeless.
🐥 taglist: [link to join in my pinned post!] @dybynyght, @galaxtic-writings, @kalea-bane, @soka-writes-things, @padawancat97
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littlemissmanga · 10 months
hi! saw your 200 word blurbs requests!
can I get #9 or #1 with Jesse? whatever floats your boat, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it either way!
thanks for considering!!
Send me one of the following for a 200 word clone drabble
Nonnie!!!! I did NOT forget about you! I had this in my drafts and I thought I had posted it. Thank you so much for your patience!!
As much as Jesse would love to see you in his shirt, I haven't done No. 9 yet, and I think it's time someone got tied up.
Pairing: Jesse x gn!Reader
W/C: 828 (I did not hold back on this even a little bit and I'm not sorry at all).
Warnings: M, Juicy Jesse being himself. Talk of bondage, filthy desperation, just absolute filth and sin, but no action. just the promise cause I'm a horrible tease :) Minors DNI
Divider by @samspenandsword <3
Also, this functions as a pt 2 to the Jesse kiss prompt :)
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Dinner was only half done. The table still wasn’t set. You hadn’t even changed into the cute outfit you bought just for tonight. But with the way Jesse was kissing you, you doubted any of that mattered to him.
It’s his fault for not calling, anyway.
So, you decided not to let it bother you, either. You melted into his kiss, molding your lips to his as his gloved hands slid underneath your shirt, the rough fabric scraping deliciously across your skin. The rough stubble of his jaw chafing your lips and chin, but each scratch just fueled your need. The burn was a constant reminder, even when he pulled away to pant against you, that he was here. Home. Safe.
“Bed. Now,” he barked, his command only undercut by the breathlessness of his voice. Your stomach swooped at the total control he kept over himself, even as his need became evident. You planned on making him a little needier.
He was so fun when he lost control. And you wanted to be taken for a ride tonight.
With a flirty smile, you quickly shut off the stove, Jesse’s presence looming behind you, silently urging you to move faster. He was at his limit, and you loved it. Now he needed to bring you to yours.
You took his hand and pulled him into your room, letting go and slipping your shirt over your head. You turned away from him to face your bed to strip off your pants as you heard his armor falling to the floor.
Waiting …
Any moment now …
A low growl rumbled from behind you as a warm, bare chest pressed to your back. You held your breath to stop the shiver from racing down your spine.
“Mesh’la?” His tone was unnaturally calm considering, and you knew you wouldn’t be walking much tomorrow.
“Yes, baby?”
“Why is there rope next to the bed?” Jesse asked as if inquiring about the color of the bedsheets, nipping lightly at the tops of your shoulders.
“Oh, that.” Your Cheshire grin had taken over your face as you turned in Jesse’s grasp. “I wanted to do something special to welcome you home.”
The Republic cog tattoo on his forehead shifted as he raised a cocky eyebrow. “And you’re planning on tying me up?”
“Hm, maybe. If you’re good,” you tease, giving the tip of his nose a gentle peck and earning a chuckle from him. “But actually, you said something on our last call …”
Tilting the tone at the end of the last word, you let your voice fade, the embarrassment of actually saying what you had in mind stealing your words. You looked at him expectantly, hoping your smart ARC trooper would remember the words he let slip so casually that had you teasing yourself in his absence several times over the past few days.
Jesse’s eyes — the ones you insisted were the “kindest in the GAR” despite being shared by so many others — sparkled with mischief.
“Go on, gorgeous. Tell me.”
He wasn’t going to go easy on you. Not that you really wanted him to. You could already feel yourself getting wet at being forced to admit your desires.
“You said you …” You paused and leaned forward to bury your face in his neck, taking in the scent of regulation soap and sweat that was uniquely your Jesse. Liking it or not, you still weren’t able to look at him directly just yet. “You said you can’t wait to see how many times you can get me to come.”
You damn near purred as his arms came around you, holding you nice and tight as his hand traced your spine.
“I did. And I plan on finding out tonight,” Jesse promised in a low voice, his lips right next to your ear. “But that doesn’t explain the rope.”
You nestled closer, running your tongue wide and wet over his Adam’s apple. You felt his cock twitch against you through his blacks.
“If I’m tied up, I can’t pull away.”
Jesse spat a curse as he lifted you and tossed you roughly onto the bed. In a flash, he was on top of you, pinning you beneath him. He reached between you to run a single, thick finger along the seam of your underwear, making you writhe against him.
“Oh yeah, can’t have you squirming now, can we?” He teased, but you couldn’t answer as his finger pressed harder against you. “You wanna be all tied up like a pretty present for me so I can thoroughly ruin you?”
You nodded frantically, delighting in the wicked smile that spread over his face. Jesse leaned to the side, grabbing the rope and pulling it through his hands just to see your eyes widen at the sight.
“Well, then. Let’s get started.”
Taglist: @dreamie411 @wings-and-beskar @starrylothcat @blueink-bluesoul @wolffegirlsunite @secondaryrealm
53 notes · View notes
toomanybandstocare · 1 year
{Tradition in the Making}
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Program: Jesse comes home after a recent deployment to Kashyyyk with gifts and worries to share. Especially when his son runs up greets him at the door when Jesse left him in your arms. After dinner and when the little one is tucked in for bed, Jesse admits his conflicts feelings towards his GAR contract renewal and how we was able to cope being away from home.
Pairing: Dad! Jesse x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Length: 4642w
Warnings: Extreme liberties with timeline, Pet names (Cy'are, Buir), Suggestive ending but nothing explicit
Camp Resolute's Masterlist
ClonexReader Masterlist
Prompt: Life Day
Counselor Notes: My next piece for @clonexreaderbingo! Just to clarify as well, Order 66 and the rise of of the empire never happened. Once Palpatine was caught and arrested, the Senate established bills to help the Clones. One of which that lets them work on a contract basis or leave the GAR if they'd like after the war ends. Look - I want my boys to be happy and safe, doesn't mean I won't make it easy for them. This also came from one of @notthatfanfictionwriter's server messages, and my brain short circuited to produce this.
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Warm rays of sunlight stream through the living room’s glass wall as the sun sets on Coruscant. Faint static voices sing in the background from the radio as you putter around the kitchen. A savory aroma fills the air as you stir tonight’s meal and prepare filling side dishes that you know would be a favorite with your partner. Frith’s smoothie bowl already sits to the side on the counter. Excitement buzzes inside you as the fish sizzles in the pan. Your eyes flicker past the breakfast counter to the entryway every few moments in hopes your partner will walk through the door calling your names. 
Mumbly hums accompany the small hands that squeeze your upper arm and shoulder while you balance your son on your hip. Swaying to the music, you nod your head in agreement to Frith’s nonsensical chatter. Soft, golden eyes peer up at you when you gaze at Frith’s sleepy expression. “Dad home?” he quietly asks. Nearly identical to Jesse in every way, Frith takes after you in his quiet demeanor even in his appraching toddler years. Always far more interested in daydreaming rather than rough housing.
“He should be home soon,” you hum with a smile. “He sent a message just a few hours ago saying he would. Just had a meeting to attend with Uncle Rex before he could leave,” you simply explain. Both you and Jesse agreed that it would only hurt Frith if you hid his father’s whereabouts and work from him. No child should have to wonder where their parent went or when they would see them next, if it could be avoided. Even at such a young age, they see everything and know when something’s wrong.
Frith scrunches his chubby face into a pout. Unable to question you further, he sighs and throws his head into the crook of your neck. With an amused smirk, you raise an eyebrow at your son. Flashes of his father’s occasional flare for dramatics only foreshadows what his teen years may look like. Especially if his uncles keep their promises to make him a “man of the people”. Before you can even shudder at the thought of their lessons in charm, the distant blips of the entry lock sound off before the front door hisses open. 
Frith squirms away from you, and you turn off the stove before rounding the corner of the breakfast bar. Barely even waiting for you to place him on the floor, Firth stumbles full speed towards Jesse who crouches with his arms wide open. His adoring smile beams as your child runs to him. Jesse wraps his arms around Frith with a groan of affection. “I missed you, little one. Pretty soon, I’ll be the one running after you making sure you’re not causing any trouble for your buir,” he mutters into the side of Frith head before placing a chaste kiss on his temple. 
Jesse drops his kit to the side and uses both arms to pick Frith up and stand. With his child beaming and giggling in his arms, Jesse feels a wash of peace overcome him. When he turns to meet your gaze, his breath catches. He doesn’t know how you manage to do this every time he comes home. Always dressed in comfy clothes with faint bags under your eyes from sleepless nights with your son, you look ethereal leaning against the counter while the last rays of the sun envelope you in a warm glow. “I’m home, cy’are,” Jesse quietly greets you. At your soft smile, his heart swells in his chest.
“Welcome home, riduur,” you match his warm tone. With a few steps, you stand in front of him and hold his cheek with one palm. Jesse’s eyelashes flutter as he leans into your touch, and your heart skips a beat. “We missed you, Jesse,” you say before pulling him into a gentle kiss. Too quick for either of your likings, but too long for Frith to go without attention. His little hands pat the sides of both your heads in protest. You break the kiss with a laugh as Jesse huffs. Frith beams and claps his hands with a bright squeal. “You’re just in time for dinner. I can take Frith if you want to shower and get changed real quick,” you offer while trying to slip your son from his father’s arms. Yet the little boy’s squeals melt into small cries as his head falls to his father’s shoulder. 
“How about I take him with me while I change?” Jesse suggests and carefully rubs the boy’s back. The cries begin to fade into small mumbles of content, and Frith’s eyelids flutter shut. “Give you a couple of minutes to yourself, and Frith doesn’t have to leave dad too soon”.
You bite down on your bottom lip and title your head. Both of you have noticed Frith’s growing nervousness when he leaves Jesse’s side, and you’ve been actively trying to help the little boy cope with his emotions around Jesse’s deployment schedule. Trying to find balance between fostering a relationship between the two while also encouraging Frith to explore on his own in the apartment or enjoy solo activities. Jesse’s eyes fall to your lips, and you chuckle pulling his slightly darkened eyes to meet your gaze. “Thank you, love. Take your time,” you agree and place a kiss on both your boy’s cheeks.
“Time for you and me, mister, to get into pjs,” Jesse dips his arms to make Frith giggle. The little boy is content babbling about nothing in particular while having it mean everything to him. Jesse walks through his home with a light step to the bedroom just off to the side of the living room. Sliding off his boots, Jesse nods in agreement with Frith’s final huff. Ever intrigued by the simple issues that trouble a toddler. “Alright, little one. Want to match with me or try something out on your own?” Jesse asks while moving them to the small bureau . Everytime he opens it, Jesse is amazed by how small the clothing is while he guiltily acknowledges the slightly larger sizes from the last time he was helping with the bedtime routine. 
Frith pats Jesse's face with a large smile, which Jesse mirrors. His little body bouncing in his father’s arms as Jesse pulls out the tiny pair of blue sweatpants and a white waffle weave long sleeve. “Let me take this off first, and then we’ll get into our comfy clothes,” Jesse mumbles and carefully removes each piece of his armor while still balancing Frith in one arm at a time. Once down to his blacks, Jesse sits Frith on the bureau top and raises his arms up: “Alright, Frith, can you copy daddy?” The little boy giggles as his arms shoot up, and Jesse helps guide him out of the play shirt and into his sleep shirt before doing the same with his bottoms. 
“And time to board your flight on Starship Jesse,” he cries out and picks Frith up. He swoops his arms to imitate flying, and Frith erupts with laughter while holding his arms out. “Buckle up, little one. We’re about to land,” Jesse announces while moving towards the bed. With care, he places the boy up at the top of the bed with the pillows and gives him a mock salute. “Stay right here, alright? Gonna get my pjs on as well, and then we’ll join your buir for dinner. I have a surprise for the both of you,” Jesse playfully winks at the wide eyed boy. 
Turning around, Jesse opens your shared closet, and his shoulders relax while his eyes scan for his sleep clothes. He sifts through the clothing as the faint sound of your humming harmonizes to the song on the radio. A mischievous giggle causes him to look over his shoulder only to see Frith cloud gazing through the window wall. The dark clouds settle like a thick blanket across the last few rays of sunlight as they bleed into the night sky. Refocusing on the closet, Jesse hurries his search and a smile tugs at his lips as he pulls out his shirt from your clothing pile and sweatpants from his. Quickly changing, he then returns to the bedside and picks up his son to place on the floor. Jesse offers a hand to Frith, and his chest warms as the little boy’s tiny fingers wrap around two of his own. They then wander back into the living room where your quiet singing greets them.
Turning around with warm plates of fish and rice, you smile at your boys. “Dinner’s just about done. The bread just needs a few more minutes to cool”. You place the plates in front of the end seats of the breakfast counter and then reach over to grab Frith’s bowl before placing it in front of the middle seat.
“Perfect. I have a gift for my loves anyways, so we can wait on eating for just a minute,” Jesse says as he helps Frith up on his seat. At the mention of a present, Frith twists and turns in his father’s hands. “Patience, little one. I need to go get it,” he laughs and pats Frith’s curls before walking over to the entryway once more.
“You really didn’t have to, Jesse,” you weakly protest, “We’re grateful that you come home to us at the end of the day. That’s a gift in itself”.
A dusting of warmth tickles at Jesse’s cheeks, and he’s grateful his face is hidden as he pulls out two small wrapped parcels. “Let me treat you two,” he huffs. “Besides,” Jesse begins to explain while walking back to the two of you, “this assignment was a little different from my past ones. And it got me thinking about starting a little tradition for ourselves”. 
You raise an eyebrow at Jesse as he places the small parcels in front of both of you, but a smile tugs at the corner of your lips. Butterflies tickle your stomach at his sweet consideration while so far away from home. Your fingers tap just by the side of the parcel, and Jesse chuckles as he sits down on the other side of your son.
“Went to Kashyyyk this time, and we were there as an extra security precaution,” Jesse explains as he helps Frith untie the green ribbon on his present. “This is the first celebration of Life Day since the wars began. The entire forest was lit with crystal orbs, and there were small fires that illuminated the great trees as families prepared delicious meals to share. We were fortunate enough to be adopted into some of their celebrations,” Jesse says with a bright smile. Watching Frith tear at the paper and fold it into little shapes, Jesse’s expression melts into a soft look of happiness. When his gaze flickers to meet yours, the warm feeling overcoming him only intensifies at your adoring expression as you listen intently. Jesse refocuses on Frith’s growing pile of scraps, and he moves it to the side to help his son open the wooden box. “They spent almost the whole day together by the oldest tree in the forest, the Tree of Life. It just got me thinking about our little family,” Jesse’s voice begins to soften. Frith gasps and shuffles the straw packing scraps to show the carved wooden Wookie toy. He looks up at Jesse with wide, amber eyes that twinkle. His beaming smile shows the tiny little teeth that Jesse can’t remember noticing since the last time he was home.
“Woo-wie!” Frith exclaims. His hands hold up the toy to show Jesse before spinning around in his seat to show you. 
You chuckle at your son’s excitement and watch him start to play with it, creating an entire story in his mind to act out with his new toy. Pulling your gaze, you hesitantly look at Jesse and nudge your present with a finger. His chuckle brings a warm flush to your cheeks, and your hands carefully pull at the wrapping at his nod. As you open a very similar wooden box, you notice a metal plating that sits on the top. A group of Wookies of all different ages stand together in front of a great tree. The metal clasp feels heavy as you pull it up and reveal a bed of straw that shows an iridescent, crystal peeking through the openings. With care, you sweep off some of the straw and pick up the orb by its rope casing. When the final ray of sunlight hits it, small patches of rainbows reflect off of it as it spins in your hold. “It’s beautiful, Jesse,” you murmur. Completely entranced by the delicate, yet sound object as if twists and turns from the rope tension. “You really didn’t need to,” you try to deflect, but your smile contradicts your words.
Jesse lays an arm over the back of Frith’s chair to gently rest a hand on your upper arm, rubbing his thumb across your skin. After placing the orb back into its package, your hand rests on his as the two of you share a loving look. Until Frith and his Wookie toy use your arms as a set for their adventure. The two of you look at each with a knowing glance before joining Frith’s laughter. Jesse moves his arm away to clean up the breakfast bar temporarily, and he coaxes the toy from Frith’s grip. “Just until after dinner, alright? Buir spent so much time making us food that we’d enjoy, and it’d be rude not to focus your attention on that,” Jesse explains and pats Frith’s head. 
The three of you enjoy your meals as the moon rises behind the city skyline. Cutlery clatters against the bowls that have well-worn chips at the edges. As if no time has passed since the last time all the seats at the breakfast bar have been filled, the three of you chat in soft tones only interrupted by excited gasps from the youngest member of the family. 
Jesse starts to clear the dishes and presses a chaste kiss to your temple when you try to protest. “You just got home and haven’t even taken a shower yet,” you note. He leans against the sink edge on the opposite side of the breakfast bar, and your cheeks warm at his amused expression. Frith’s quiet yawn pulls your attention away from your partner, and his head begins to sink lower onto your arm.
Jesse’s expression melts at the sight of his son starting to fall asleep in your arms. Even with so much love and adoration he feels looking at the two of you, a pang stabs his heart. Focusing his attention on the sudsy dishes, Jesse tries to relax the frown pulling at his lips. Over the rushing water, he hears your chair scrape against the tile accompanied by soft hums. Footsteps lightly patter closer to him, and Jesse turns with what he hopes isn’t as forced of a smile as it feels.
“I’ll get this one into bed, if you want to stay up for a little bit to chat,” you quietly offer. Careful not to startle Frith from his slumber, but also understanding that something hangs over Jesse’s mind. “You still need to tell me about this tradition you want to start,” you say as you shift Frith onto your hip and rest a palm on your partner’s cheek.
Jesse closes his eyes and leans into your palm. For a moment the pressure building in his skull subsides, but when he looks into your attentive gaze, he feels it come full force again. “Read my mind, cy’are,” Jesse says. His voice low and slightly shaking with emotion. When your hand pulls away, he follows. Not wanting to yearn for the touches he desperately misses the majority of his rotations away. He doesn’t have to go without for much longer though, as you press a soft kiss to his lips. Followed by another shorter one. Ended with a peck to the corner of his lips and your laughter filling the room. 
“I’ll be right back,” you hum. Your chest swells with pride seeing Jesse’s expression relax and his shoulders ease. You walk with purpose from the kitchen across the apartment to the bedroom. Eager to return to your lover for a moment to yourselves.
Jesse shuts off the faucet and turns off the lights before leaving the kitchen. In a few steps, he sinks into the plush cushions. His head rolls to rest on the back of the couch, and his eyes flutter closed. From the other room, your soft words ease not only your son to sleep, but also Jesse as he refamiliarizes himself with the love he has for these mundane moments. Not even noticing your approach until the cushion next to his sinks, and you press into his side. His breath hitches as your hand softly trails across his stomach, and he relaxes into your touch.
“Credit for your thoughts,” you hum. Resting your elbow on the back of the couch, you lean onto your fist. You move your other hand to lightly trace the crown of his head. His eyelashes flutter before his amber eyes meet your gaze. Fatigue clouds the normally lighthearted gaze you’ve come to love. “What’s wrong, love?”
Jesse sighs and takes your head to press a kiss to your knuckles before bringing to his lap. Fiddling with your fingers, he collects his thoughts, but the guilt gnawing him makes it difficult to grasp how to voice his feelings. “I don’t know,” Jesse quietly admits. The words feel heavy on his tongue as he tries to push them out. “Or, I do know,” he corrects himself, “I just don’t know how to feel about it”.
“Talk to me,” you plead and squeeze his hand.
“I think I want to end my contract with the GAR at this renewal period,” Jesse slowly voices. Processing the words as he speaks. Finally putting his thoughts out into the open, his heart pounds. “But I don’t know if I’m ready to leave the only home and family I’ve known for so long. And I’m not putting my brothers over our family or discounting the home we’ve created together,” Jesse rushes to assure you. His eyes flicker across your thoughtful expression before dropping to your hands. Out of the corner of his eyes, he notices your nod and continues, “I want to be here for you and Frith. I want to watch my son grow up and experience his milestones with you. To wake up with you every morning and sleep in whenever we want. Plan trips to the city gardens and go on Frith’s adventures, wherever his imagination takes us. I just don’t know if I’m ready to leave the only constant I’ve had in my life. Everything is still so - so new and unknown outside of the GAR, but I’m excited to experience life with our family”.
“Do you need a moment, or would you like to hear my thoughts,” you ask. Adjusting your grip, you hold his hand in your own to rub soothing circles across his battered knuckles. Hands that have held guns and punched bounty hunters, but hold you with such tenderness.
“I always want to hear your thoughts,” Jesse replies without hesitation, “You’re the one with the brains and beauty. I’m the muscle and charm”. A hollow laugh escapes him, and it doesn’t even attempt to ease the heavy atmosphere settling around the two of you.
“You're more than what the GAR and Republic have forced you to be, Jesse,” you gently assert. Wanting to squash any fear or guilt he has, you nudge your nose at his chin to make him look at you. “But I don’t expect you to jump into a world you have no knowledge about. Especially when so many of its people have looked at you and your brothers with prejudice and disrespect, even when you all have sacrificed so much for them”. You pause for a moment and take in his nervous gaze. “We’re here for you when you return. Excited to welcome you home and create memories with the time we have,” you reassure him with another squeeze to his hand. You pick up your hands and drape your legs over his to scooch closer. His other arm pulls you into his chest as his hand rests on top of your thigh. Resting your hand on the back of his neck, you lazily trail your fingers in small patterns. “I won’t lie and say I’m not worried about the worst case scenario. That a patrol goes wrong, and Rex is the one at our doorway instead of you. But I know you love your brothers and you’re loyal to the people the GAR serves, so I will never force you to choose between your family there or with us. Whether you decide to renew your contract or not, that will be your choice. I’ll support you whatever you decide is best for you. We’ll figure out a way to make it work ”.
Jesse presses his face into the crook of your neck and takes a deep breath. With a small nod, Jesse mumbles, “I don’t think I’m ready to leave it altogether. There should be a way for me to request shorter deployments under the Family Care Act, so I’ll ask Rex what my options are. I have some time to think about it more until my contract negotiation”.
You hum and gently scratch the back of his head. His soft sigh fans across your skin and sends small sparks through you. “What did you have in mind for a tradition,” you softly mumble.
“Would it be okay to set aside some credits for me while on deployment?” Jesse asks and pulls himself up to look at you. The confusion that pinches your forehead brings a chuckle from him.
“We have a shared account, Jesse. You don’t need to ask if you can spend our money. You contribute to it just as much as I do,” you begin. Worried that he feels like he has to ask you permission to go out with friends or pick up a token from the planet he visits.
“I know, I know,” Jesse quickly assures you. “Lately I’ve been struggling being away from you and Frith -- especially seeing him grow so fast -- when I’m away. When I was on patrol in the marketplace, I felt the most relaxed looking at the different booths and thinking about what the two of you would most enjoy. How you would react if I brought you new ingredients to experiment with or how you’d look with a bracelet. It was like the two of you were with me for a moment, and I felt like myself”. Jesse moves his hand away from your leg and cups your cheek with a watery smile. Relief floods his system as tears sting his lash line. The anxiety that nips at the back of his mind fizzes. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to get  the two of you something -- something small, I promise --each time I travel to a different planet on deployment. Just to keep you guys close to heart while I’m away. I like picking out presents that the two of you will enjoy. It lets me express my love for you even systems away, and I get excited when I find the perfect gift”.
After a moment to think, you say,“I don’t want you to feel like you have to buy us things to show that you love us. You do so much for us even without these thoughtful gifts”. You bite your lip to hold back the bashful smile threatening to break your serious expression. 
“But,” Jesse draws out the word. An infectious smile blooms across his face as he watches you try to maintain your composure, but he knows just how much you appreciate his love language. 
You roll your eyes and laugh lightly, still careful not to be too loud to stir Frith in the other room. “If you find something that you’d like to buy -- for yourself or someone else -- you don’t need my permission. We’re partners, Jesse, and I trust your judgment,” you reassure him.
Jesse pulls you into his chest with a groan before falling onto the couch, bringing you with him. “I love you,” he sighs and peppers kisses across your face. Your laughter makes his chest warm, but he quickly shushes you. The two of you wait with apprehensive expressions, but the two of you sigh in relief when the little one doesn’t grumble or cry over the faint hum of the radio.
“I love you,” you hum, “Now, let’s get you in the shower”. You wrinkle your nose at the lingering sweat and grime that always seems to blend into Jesse’s natural scent.
He wags his eyebrows at you and laughs at the sharp jab to his ribs. “Care to join me, cy’are? No funny business, ARC Trooper’s honor,” he promises. 
You squint your eyes at him. “I’ve met your brothers, and I don’t think that means all that much,” you joke. You sit up and push off of the couch to stand up. Offering your hand, you raise an eyebrow at Jesse. “We can call one of your brothers tomorrow to see if they’ll babysit,” you promise.
A tired chuckle falls from Jesse’s lips, and he lets you pull him up. Wrapping an arm around your waist, he presses a kiss to the top of your head. “I have a favor or two I can cash in, but I’m warning you, Fives and Hardcase will only try to start their charm lessons if we let them watch Frith”.
“Which is why we’re cashing in a favor with Echo or Kix,” you push back. The two of you walk into the bedroom and pause by the crib by the side of the bed. Frith sleeps soundly with the blue blanket, tucked under his chin, that his uncle’s gifted him the first day he came home with you and Jesse. When Jesse goes to cover Frith’s feet with the blanket, you stop him quickly and shake your head. The last time you tried to do that, Frith wouldn’t stop sobbing for the entire night. “We’re doing good,” you whisper.
Jesse looks at you with a mock look of exasperation before it melts into a sincere smile. “We’re doing amazing,” he agrees and quickly presses a kiss to your temple. “We’ll figure this out together”.
You pull Jesse from the bedroom towards the bathroom with a smirk, “It also helps that we have so many uncles to help us out when we need a day to ourselves as well”.
Jesse bites down on his knuckle to hold back the booming laugh that suddenly hits him. “I swear you’re just trying to get me into trouble,” he wheezes. Squeezing your hand, Jesse finally feels at ease.
“I need someone to help me remind you of how much you love me when you’re so far away,” you tease and leave the door slightly cracked. Enough to keep to hear if Frith needs anything while creating a sense of privacy for the two of you.
“Trust me, cy’are,” Jesse rests his hands on your hips, “There’s never a moment where you’re not on my mind”. Jesse presses a kiss to your lips and pulls you close, desperate to sever any remaining distance between the two of you. He nips at your bottom lip, bringing a light giggle from you that makes his heart feel complete. Happy to finally be home, reunited with the two most important people in his life.f
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
You and Me - A Gryffin Industries Story
Summary: As one of the many aides to the Supreme Chancellor, you’re more aware than most at the sheer depth of his corruption. But when you hear something you’re not supposed to, the Chancellor orders your death at the hands of his personal assassins. And you know that if you get to Gryffin Industries you’ll be home free. You just have to get there first.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader
Word Count: 1803
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Someone shoved me into sad Jesse hours so I decided to write this instead of one of the many, many requests that I have sitting in my inbox.
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You press your hand against your chest, trying to settle your racing heart as you press your back against the cold wall behind you.
You’re in trouble.
So much trouble.
You duck behind a dumpster as the heavy footsteps of the men who are chasing you approach. You clamp your hand over your mouth and nose and hope, pray, that it’s enough. That this will hide you well enough that you’ll have a moment to think.
The heavy footsteps stop, and for a moment, one terrifying, heart stopping moment, you think you're out of luck. That his assassins found you. And then you hear a voice, deep and familiar in the way that all clone voices are, “She’s not here. Set up a perimeter around the Jedi Temple. She can’t be allowed to reach them.”
And then the heavy boots are running off and you slump against the wall.
Well. There goes your original plan.
As one of the many aides to Chancellor Palpatine, you’re more aware than most about just how corrupt he is. And while it bothered you, not having enough money to eat bothered you more, so you kept your peace.
Your logic was that people have to see what he’s doing, and they’re letting him…so maybe this is what they all wanted.
And then you stumbled on a meeting between Palpatine and Dooku.
A meeting where something you’ve long suspected, that the war was created by Palpatine to help him stay in power, was confirmed.
You spent the following week downloading all of the information, all of the evidence that you could. And there was a lot. 
Too much to store on a single data chip. Too much for even ten data chips.
You unfold your hands around the sharp edges of the datacron sitting in your hands. All of the evidence you’ve found, years worth of it, going back to when the Chancellor was still a Senator, is sitting in this innocent little cube.
And, until such time you’re able to get it into the hands of someone who can help, it’s about as useful as a doorstop.
You slide down the wall until you’re sitting on the dirty ground, and you press the datacron against your forehead, “Now what do I do?” You whisper, “Where do I go…where can I go?”
Going to the Jedi Temple is just asking for trouble. His assassins will never let you get close enough to the temple to get the information to them. And Jedi don’t just wander around Coruscant.
Maybe you’d be able to find a Jedi at the Senate, but going there is just as much of a death sentence as going to the temple.
Your mind races, but you come up with nothing. No ideas. No anything.
Slowly, with a shaking hand, you pull your comm from your pocket.
It’s dumb. Dumb and foolish and risky. But…maybe, if you’re quick, and maybe, if the assassins haven’t pinged your comm yet, maybe you can get some advice.
You open your contact list, and scroll down until you find the number you're looking for.
Arc Trooper Jesse. Formerly of the 501st and currently employed by Gryffin Industries.
More importantly, though, he’s your closest friend, and maybe possibly boyfriend, and someone you trust and depend on whole-heartedly.
You press the button to connect your devices, and pray that he’ll actually answer.
The comm rings once, twice, three times…and then the call connects, “Mesh’la? It’s not like you to call during the workday.”
His voice is so comforting that you kind of want to cry, “Jess-I’m in trouble.”
You hear him walking for a moment, “What kind of trouble?”
“The…um…assassins are chasing me and trying to kill me kind of trouble.”
“What?! What do you mean assassins-”
“Jesse, I can’t get to the temple. Where…where do I go? What should I do?”
“Come to me. I’ll protect you.”
A sob falls from your lips, “Jesse, there’s an entire city between where I am and Gryffin Industries. I’ll never make it.”
“Yes. You will.” Jesse promises, “Because I’m going to have Rex order every vod who works with me out to the streets.”
“All you have to do, mesh’la, is find a vod dressed in black and teal. And they’ll get you safe. Stay in open spaces and crowds if you can.”
“I can do that.”
“And, cyare, toss your comm. I’ll see you when you get here.”
“Okay. Okay, I’ll see you then.”
The connection cuts sooner than you would have preferred, and you suddenly feel very, very alone. But, Jesse promised that you were going to be okay, that he would help. You just have to trust him.
So you take a deep breath and toss your comm into the dumpster, and then you scramble to your feet and exit the alley at the other end, slipping into the crowd of weekend shoppers.
You keep your head down, the datacron hidden in the pocket of your sweatshirt, as you weave through the crowds. Hopefully, you look like you’re just in a rush, rather than that you’re running.
Anxiety lances through you when you catch a glimpse of the black clad men that mark Palpatine’s assassins, but you’re careful not to run. Running would catch their attention, right?
It takes almost twenty agonizing minutes before you see the first man clad in the black and teal of Gryffin Industries. And then another, and another. 
Jesse was right, he really did have his brothers sent out in force.
Carefully, you make a winding path towards one of Jesse’s brothers, and stop in front of one of the men. He ducks his head to look at you, while another man moves to shield you from view. “Are you okay?”
“I’ll be okay when I’m out of this mess.” You reply, your voice shaking.
“Don’t worry. Jesse asked us to keep you safe, and we will.” 
And it’s only then that you realize that these two men are Echo and Fives. Jesse’s brothers from the same battalion as him. And, more importantly, a pair of ARC Troopers, just like him.
“Is Jesse here?”
“He’s waiting at Gryffin Industries.” Fives explains, “We have a speeder. Keep your head down. Echo-”
“I see them.” Echo replies, “They haven’t seen her yet. Though they seem to be doing their best to not be seen at all.”
The twins guide you to the speeder, and make sure that you get into the back. The windows have been darkened to the point where no one can see through them.
Echo and Fives climb into the front of the speeder, and they zoom off. You watch through the window as the other men from Gryffin Industries weave through the crowd, seemingly focused on the men who are part of Palpatine’s assassination squad.
And then the Speeder zips high above the market and you’re not able to see anything anymore. 
The trip to Gryffin Tower is a lot faster than it took for them to arrive at the market to begin with, although, you’re willing to admit that you were probably wound so tightly, that the time was the same. 
Fives pulls the speeder into the garage and brings it to a stop, and your door is flung open almost immediately by the man pacing anxiously near the door. 
Jesse stoops to peer into the speeder, his dark eyes scanning your face for any injuries, “Mesh’la,” his sighs out the familiar pet name, “Are you okay?”
You smile weakly, “They didn’t hurt me. Just…scared me, is all.”
He reaches into the speeder to help you out, and immediately folds you into a tight hug, though he casts his gaze towards his brothers, “The assassins?”
“I counted five near the market alone,” Echo admits as he pulls his helmet off, “The others are keeping count of them, Rex’s orders.”
“Well, we’ll figure out where these assassins came from, and then you can go back to work-” Jesse says as he looks down at you.
“...I can’t go back to the senate, Jesse.” You say blankly, “Those assassins belong to Palpatine.”
The three men fall silent, and then Jesse places his hands on your shoulders and he lightly pushes you away, “Cyare, why were you being hunted by assassins?”
You nervously lick your lips, “Well…I heard a conversation I shouldn’t have.” You admit, and then you pull the datacron out of your pocket, “And I copied all of the evidence of Palpatine’s wrongdoing over the last decade.”
Three pairs of eyes lock on the faintly glowing device, and then focus on your face, “Cyare-”
“I wanted to get it to the Jedi. But…” You stick the datacron back in your pocket, “Well, I can’t get there.”
“You are sure that the assassins belong to Palpatine?” You jump at the unfamiliar voice, and then peer around Jesse at the older man walking towards you, “Absolutely positive?”
You nod slowly, “I am. That evidence is on here too.”
The man smiles, “My name is Dre Gryffin, this is my company.” He explains, “And I would very much like to see that evidence.”
“I assure you, we have been working against Palpatine since the start of the war.” Mister Gryffin says quietly, “This evidence will be very helpful.” He holds out his hand for the datacron, and slowly, hesitantly, you place the cube into his hand. “Thank you.”
“She can’t go home-” Jesse says as he lightly squeezes your shoulder.
“No. Of course not. She’ll remain here.” Mister Gryffin replies, “Can you handle things, Jesse?”
“Of course, sir.”
“Echo, Fives. With me, please.”
The twins trail after the older man, and you look up at Jesse, “So…what now?”
“You’ll move in with me.” Jesse replies, “And you’ll be safe, I promise.”
You lean back into him, “I always feel safe when I’m with you, Jesse.” You reply.
“Good.” He lightly kisses the top of your head and then pushes you back so he’s able to brush his lips against yours, “Don’t you ever scare me like that again.”
He squeezes your shoulders one more time, and then pulls away to take your hand with his, and he threads his fingers with yours. “You’re forgiven. Thank you for calling me when you realized that you were in danger.”
“I panicked, or I would have called you sooner.” You admit sheepishly.
Jesse sighs and brings your joined hands to his lips, where he presses a light kiss to your fingers, “That’s alright. We’ll let everyone else handle things from now on. No more running from assassins for you, love.”
“I can get behind that.” You reply as the anxious tension, finally, drops from your body and you lean against his side.
Maybe this will make up for all those months of keeping silent. Maybe.
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captainpains · 7 months
Just a Little Courage (Tup x reader)
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Cute little trash for Tup! For the @clonexreaderbingo. I was so excited to write this! Enjoy 💕
Promt: “Kiss me”
Warnings: gn reader, underconfidence, alcohol consumption, 501st are trying to be wingmen, dubious consent (?), bad writing.
Tup wasn’t shy. 
He was, by all means, a very confident soldier, if a little bit awkward. He was very creative when it came to his tactics. It seemed that he had the making of a fine ARC trooper. He was a little hard on himself, but he was confident enough in his abilities.
However, Tup was very shy around you, a mechanic.
He would awkwardly stay off to the side and only listen to conversations that the others had with you. His brothers would try to push him to speak, but he couldn’t. He was just a stuttering mess around you, a puddle on the floor that couldn’t even look you in the eye.
“I’d just ask that mechanic out already! The worst that can happen is being told no.” Some brothers would try to encourage. But to Tup, he thought you’d laugh in his face and hate him for the rest of his life. He was a confident person 
“Tup!” Jesse yelled as he walked over to the table at. “Hey! Can we get another round for our hero here?!”
“I’m no hero.” Tup replied with a grin.
“You’re too modest!” Fives yelled over the music. 
The whole table chuckled as Tup sat down. He didn’t go to 79's often, but whenever he did, it was to celebrate a victory with his brothers. Tup grabbed a drink from a server droid moving past them. He took a sip as his brothers joked about something that happened on the last campaign. 
Tup was mindlessly scanning the dance floor. But he nearly choked on his drink when he saw you standing by the bar. He had never seen you here before.
“Ya alright Tup?” Jesse asked, slapping his back to help expel whatever was causing him to cough so much.
Jesse followed his gaze and grinned mischievously. He leaned over to Fives, pointing you out to him. Fives got a shit eating grin, then he started to wave you over to their table, shouting your name over the loud music. You noticed and waved, before starting to walk over. Tup meanwhile wanted to be swallowed by the ground, and debated if he should try to hide under the table..
“Hey, guys! What are you up to?
“Just celebrating Tup’s heroics!” Jesse said, slapping his back.
“Oh, I heard about that! You really put your life on the line. You should get a medal!” You gave Tup a little nudge with your arm. 
He felt his face heat up. He looked down, staring into his glass to avoid the conversation.
“Ah, our brother’s too modest for his own good.” Jesse said, patting his shoulder.
“You wanna sit with us?” Fives ask.
“Sure,” you replied.
You sat down on the other side of the booth from him. Tup kept looking down, wishing to be swallowed by the floor. 
As the night went on, people came and left the booth. Until it was only the two of you. You and Tup sat in silence for a while. He was trying to think of what to say, when you broke the silence.
“Tup, Do you wanna dance?”
Tup nodded dumbly, allowing you to take his hand.
You dragged him onto the dance floor, staying near the edge of the dancing bodies. You grabbed his other hand and started to do a funny little dance. You both laughed a little at it, maybe because of how awkward you both were. As you danced. You both started to feel more comfortable. You got closer and closer together.
“Kiss me?” You asked him, out of the blue.
Tup was utterly stunned. Was he dreaming? You reached up and rested your hand on his cheek, thumb storking his tattoo. He had to be dreaming.
“Are you drunk?” Tup asked, frowning. That had to be the only way that you would want for him to kiss you.
“No,” you replied.
Tup scanned you, looking for signs of intoxication. You weren’t off balance, your speech wasn’t slurred, and you were still very coordinated. 
“A-are you sure?” He asked, uncertain.
You nodded, looking into his eyes.
He slowly leaned in until his lips gently touched yours.
Maybe it was the alcohol that gave him the courage to finally kiss you.
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wizardofrozz · 8 months
Hardcase "the first initial kiss being a simple peck, then they immediately go back in for a stronger, more passionate one." 🥺
Fall Into Me
Hardcase x GN!reader, ARC Trooper Fives, ARC Trooper Echo, ARC Trooper Jesse, Clone Trooper Vaugh, Clone Trooper Appo
Word Count: ~1.1k
Warnings: none, just fluff
A/N: Thank you so much for the ask Novan! 🖤 I hope you enjoy this because I had a lot of fun writing it!
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The Resolute’s hangar was mostly empty with a few stray mechanics milling around as the ship cut through hyperspace. Most of the 501st were either training or enjoying the last bit of rest they would get for a while, which is exactly what you should’ve been doing. Your feet sank into the thick training mat, a soft sigh passing your lips as you shifted your weight and crossed your arms. Somehow, you let yourself get talked into joining a few of the boys from Torrent in trying out their new jetpacks.
If it had been anyone else, you probably would’ve declined and stayed in your bunk but you could never say no to Hardcase. He had looked so excited about finally getting to try the new equipment that you were saying yes before you could even think about it. Your eyes found him easily, a small smile lifting the corner of your mouth as you watched Jesse trying to attach the jetpack to his back as Hardcase had an animated conversation with Echo. 
“Sure you don’t wanna try?” You scoffed as you turned your head, arching a brow at Fives who had appeared at your side. 
“I’d like to keep my body in one piece, thanks,” you chuckled, shifting your attention to the troopers a few feet away. “I’ll watch the fun though.” 
“Party pooper,” Fives teased, bumping his shoulder against yours as he moved toward his brothers. You rolled your eyes but your smile was disgustingly fond; it only got worse when Hardcase broke away from the group, jogging toward you with a bright smile. 
“You’re excited,” you said with a smile that mirrored his. Hardcase had the uncanny ability to make you feel like a teenager with a crush all over again. Not that he knew that bit of information. 
“Can ya blame me?” he laughed, trying to look over his shoulder at the jetpack. “It’s gonna be awesome.”
“You’ve used a jetpack before, Case.” 
“Not one like this,” he countered, lifting his chin with a smirk. The back and forth with Hardcase always had you smiling until your cheeks hurt but you could see the giddiness was eating him alive when he rocked forward onto his toes. 
“Alright, well, let’s see it then,” you prompted, tilting your head. Hardcase’s grin widened as he lifted his hand in a crisp salute. A startled laugh fell from your lips when he took off, shooting into the air with a cheer. You watched him hover high above the mat, laughing again when he waved. The commotion drew his brothers’ attention too, the hangar filling with their loud whoops and cheers. 
Fives and Echo took off next. Fives immediately performed a corkscrew maneuver while Echo hovered closer to the ground. Jesse, Vaughn, and Appo joined quickly after and you snorted, watching the six troopers twist and spin overhead. Hardcase made a sharp turn suddenly, just barely weaving around Vaughn, his laughter echoing through the hangar.
You see it seconds before it happens. Jesse was turning in slow circles, rising at a lazy pace as Hardcase circled around the group. The loud clang of metal hitting together made your heart drop; you caught the flash of shock on Hardcase’s face when the right side of his jetpack sputtered and died. It all happened too quickly for you to shake off the fear that choked you.
Before you could react, Hardcase was dropping out of the air...coming right at you. 
Hardcase managed to twist around, his eyes widening as soon as he realized you were directly under him. His weight hit you like a speeder, his arms wrapping around you on instinct. The thick training mats absorbed some of the impact and you and Hardcase rolled, finally coming to a stop on the very edge of the mat. You waited until the world stilled around you before opening your eyes. 
Hardcase hovered over you, wide-eyed shock written all over his face. Despite what could’ve been a terrible accident, you couldn’t ignore that he was basically straddling your hips, his hands braced on either side of your head. You’d walk away with a few bruises but nothing felt broken, thankfully. The air was still as you looked up to meet Hardcase's eyes, blinking a few times. 
“You alright?”
“I think so,” you whispered, glancing down the length of your body. A shiver raced down your spine at the position you found yourself in, a position you had admittedly imagined before. However, it hadn’t involved getting tackled in the process. 
Hardcase’s eyes darted around your face as if he was double-checking that you weren’t lying. The minimal space between you and him was suddenly suffocating and your eyes thoughtlessly flickered down to his parted lips. His jaw snapped shut when he caught the movement and you watched his throat bob. It felt like you stayed there for an eternity, each second making the air feel heavier. Then Hardcase leaned down, pausing close enough that his nose brushed yours. 
The feather-light brush of his lips against yours made your breath catch, one of your hands coming up to rest on his side. The kiss lasted barely a second before Hardcase pulled away, his eyes comically wide as his mouth hung open; you had a feeling you probably looked just as stunned. The air felt charged, his face hovering just inches away from yours and something in his expression shifted, giving you the confidence to surge forward. 
Hardcase grunted when your lips met again but immediately sat back on his heels, cradling your head as he pulled you along, refusing to break the kiss. You parted your lips with a soft moan when his tongue brushed over your bottom lips, your hands scrambling for purchase on the smooth surface of his chest plate. Hardcase consumed your senses: the light brush of his fingers in your hair, the lingering taste of chocolate on his tongue, and the faint smell of GAR-issued soap made your head spin. It felt like he was kissing you with every ounce of passion in his body and you never wanted it to end. 
The need for oxygen made you pull back, resting your forehead against his as you tried to catch your breath. A smile spread across your face when Hardcase laughed, a breathy sound only you could hear and that might've been the first time you'd ever heard his laughter so quiet. 
“Maybe I should crash into you more often,” Hardcase chuckled, pecking your lips again. 
“Please don’t,” you groaned, fighting back your own laughter. Hardcase opened his mouth again but was swiftly cut off by the deafening cheers from somewhere overhead. You tilted your head back, rolling your eyes half-heartedly at the five troopers hovering above you, whooping and high-fiving. 
Hardcase was still smiling when your eyes settled on him again and you couldn’t help but mirror his expression. Ignoring the rowdy brothers nearby, you leaned in to meet Hardcase halfway, smiling into the kiss.
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @trixie2023 @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino
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clonelyhours · 10 months
Pairing(s): Jesse x gn! reader
Tags/warnings: angst, major character death, order 66
Word count: 1k
After you and the ex-padawan, Ahsoka Tano had captured Maul, you were on your way back to Coruscant. Once you made sure the former sith was secured, you went to your private quarters to take a nap. While sleeping, you had an awful nightmare of the clones betraying the Jedi, but when you woke up, you figured that the bad dream was actually a collage of visions.
Now, you laid strapped to a table in the infirmary with only one other person; your boyfriend Jesse. You and him had been dating for a long time now, almost since the beginning of the Clone Wars. It really hurt seeing that Jesse could turn so easily.
You lifted your head from the table and watched as he polished his blasters. 'He always manages to do the wrong thing in the worst moments.' You thought. Out of habit from previous times you'd been held hostage, you began tugging at the restraints holding you down, quickly grabbing the clone's attention.
"How cute." The arc trooper turned to face you. "Struggle all you want, but you won't get out of here."
    You ignored his comment and continued to tug as he approached you. You hadn't even noticed, but you were crying.
You were crying not only due to the fact that the tugging was making your wrists sore, but also because of your boyfriend's betrayal to you and the Jedi.
Finally, you gave up, gluing your eyes to the ceiling. "So what, you're going to kill me now?" You spoke in almost a whisper. "After everything we've shared, everything we've been through?"
Jesse went silent for a moment, his heart aching. He knew that deep down inside, he loved you, he didn't want to hurt you, but there was so much pain in his head. It was as if the pain intensified if he even thought about letting you go. "I have my orders, L/N." He hadn't called you by your last name since before you started your relationship. It stung to hear him address you that way.
"Listen to me Jesse, you're scared, and confused... but I can help you. You don't want to do this, you don't want to kill me."
"Get out of my head!" He snapped. Without thinking, he pointed one of his blasters directly at you. Your eyes squeezed shut, ready for the trigger to be pulled, but Jesse hadn't done it yet.
You reopened your eyes and looked at him. Jesse was still wearing his helmet, but you know that you were looking him in those beautiful honey brown eyes of his. "I love you Jess." You told him. "I always have, you know that. If you've ever loved me, you will let me go."
"Quiet!" He lowered his weapon. "Let me think."
You thought about screaming or yelling for help in hopes that maybe Ahsoka was still alive. She had to be somewhere on this cruiser, you just hoped that she was fairing better than you. If you did call for help, that could draw attention from other clones, and result in your death a lot quicker. With one more attempt, you took a deep breath and blinked a few of your tears away. "Can I at least see my boyfriend's face one last time? Can you remove your helmet for me?"
The clone stood still, his heart racing. He was nervous about something, and it wasn't the fact that he had to kill you. You heard a small huff from behind his helmet as he tucked his blaster back into it's rightful holster. Jesse then raised his gloved hands to the helmet and hesitantly pulled it off. You noticed that his eyes were swollen, that he had been crying too. Your boyfriend didn't want to do this, it was tearing him apart.
Once more, your tears returned as you longed to hug him, to tell him everything was going to be fine, but you both know that wouldn't be true.
Jesse couldn't look you in the eyes, he looked anywhere but at you. "I don't know what to do." He lowered his voice. "I... can't control myself."
"I know, love, I know. None of this is your fault." You tried to reason with him. "If you let me go, I can help you control it, I promise."
"You don't know what's going on in here!" He pointed to his temple. "You can't feel the pain, you can't hear the voices!"
"No, I can't, but I can help. I can make it stop, you have to trust me."
"No one can help me, not even you." Jesse walked over to your side. "What I'm doing is right because good soldiers follow orders."
"Good soldiers do the right thing, and the right thing is not killing innocent Jedi! Think about it Jess, what have I done wrong? I've never betrayed the Republic!"
  The confused clone finally looked you in the eyes with a frown. At that moment, you knew that you wouldn't be leaving the room alive. "If I don't do this, then I will betray the Republic."
"I can't save you if you don't want to be saved Jesse." You gave one last pull at your restraints. "If you're going to kill me, could I.. at least get one more kiss from you?"
His eyes shifted down to your lips, a pained look on his face. "Close your eyes." He whispered. "It'll be over quick."
You looked at your love for the final time before you did as told. "I-I love you Je-"
The shot from his blaster echoed throughout the room.
Your head fell to the side, smoke emitting from the new blaster wound in your chest. Jesse took a step back, his arm dropping to his side. He couldn't process the horrible thing he'd just done. All emotion on his face faded away as he raised his helmet to his head. Once it was on he turned his back to your limp body and silently left the room with four words on his mind.
Good soldiers follow orders.
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