#arc: divine decree
pandorias-box · 2 months
[A voice file is attached. Listen?]
> Yes
> No
I seem to have angered one of Porygon’s evolutionary counterparts due to my capture of its previous forms.
It is moving sporadically towards me. Stars above… what is it doing? Gah! It used Psybeam on me! How did it know I was weak to psionic attacks?! It seems intent on striking me down while I still stand.
I need to fall back. I do not think I can fend it off. It seems far too strong for my team to face. I have to get out of the spacetime distortion. I ha-.
[A pained scream is heard. Everything cuts to static until the recording abruptly starts up again. Pandoria’s voice is unusually hoarse in this portion of the recording.]
It burns… but why am I so cold… I… can’t move. Someone… please…. Hel-.
[End of recording.]
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senqv · 2 months
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blue lock ! royal / fantasy au series featuring : michael kaiser x fem! reader
warning(s) : 1k , none this one is quite cute , lmk if there are any !!
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the next time you see him, you are seated in the windowed alcove of the palace library, hidden behind the imposing shelves of mahogany wood. you could feel the thick knitted blankets and fox furs beneath your thighs, a fluffy cushion left of your waist.
you leaned against the window, ornate and elegant, cut in frames to let in squares of golden sun. the smooth cover of the book is familiar under your fingerpads, a beloved relic from your father. even with your gaze cast towards the window, you could envision the wine-dark cover in your hands, embossed with a deep gold; the methodical lettering forming words that you could recite like water spilling down the rumbling falls.
faintly, suddenly, like a whisper in the wind, the air changed. the soft hum of divinity, maybe, but you could not have known what that was. it only felt stronger as golden hair came into vision, reflecting off the glass planes of the windows. you blinked, straightening your back. you had thought it to be a trick of the light, but it was apparent how real he was with each languid step he took, steady and sure.
kaiser was not a god, but you can scarcely imagine anything more perfect than him. wherever he went, he drew everything to him like a great flame. and although your spitefulness refused to let you look at him, it could not be helped how your gaze traced his features reflected on the window, the brightness of his hair so lustrous it was lit from within, the steady curve of his face, and the arc of his rose-coloured lips.
you hear his feet stop before you, and his mouth opens, poised and self-assured. "this place belongs to me."
he was referring to this cosy little alcove, and you chide yourself for not noticing how personalised this place was, blanketed in wools and the highest quality of furs and goose-feathered pillows.
only then you look back at him, features screwed with slight displeasure. under his pointed stare, you swing your legs down from the wood carved into the window to face him properly, freeing up half the space. "this is a library. it doesn't belong to anyone," you say with narrowed eyes.
he looks almost like he can't believe the words coming out of your mouth. his arms move to cross over his chest. "the gods have decreed me to be emperor of kings. everything that treads the ground will belong to me one day." he does not say it boastfully, or arrogantly. it is fact to him as much as the stars circle the sky each night.
your lips twitch in search of a response, "not yet," you say weakly, and you stare into the endless blue of his eyes. your tone is stronger; "you are no emperor yet. you have no right to ask me to leave."
that surprised him. he tilts his head at you curiously, like a little sparrow. you may be the daughter of nobility, but he is the prince. he probably had all the rights in the world and more. like a tamed beast, he sits down next to you. he smells of roses and white jasmine, and you dare not to turn your head, glancing at him nervously from the corner of your eye. his gaze darts to your hand.
he shifts again, pressing his head on your shoulder as you fight down a flinch. a strand of hair falls over his eyes, and he blows it away with a huff. cerulean eyes stare up at you intently. like this, he reminds you of those sleek felines in the estate.
"read to me." it was a command, but the way he said it did not feel like one. to you, it was soft but distinct, easy as how one would utter their own name.
your mouth feels parched, but still, you crack the book open, the pages yellowed from their age. the familiar words ease you slightly, and your voice hangs in the air like the willows over a curving pond.
'the wrath sing, o goddess, of peleus' son
his eyelashes flutter like the wings of a butterfly, fanning against his cheeks. he blinks slowly, relaxed. your gaze darts from the book to him like a school of fish in the water, but you hardly need to reference the pages, the words carved into your heart like a searing iron.
his golden hair curls around his head, the longer strands pooling at the dips of his collarbone and down the edge of your own shoulder. it drew your eye, glimmering like starlight, so bright against the sun the locks glowed white. carelessly, your fingers smooth over a strand of hair covering the side of his face, flipping the ends up to marvel at the way they lit up in the light. you had no sooner realised your mistake than when his jewelled eyes darted towards you, causing you to release his hair with a jerk of your hand. "i'm sorry, i didn't -"
he silences you with a yawn, pink tongue flashing against white teeth. his lashes flutter again, shifting his head closer to you. then, his eyes close with sleep. it's almost cute, in a way. you know that he is not actually asleep, but you also realise this is his way of permitting you to continue.
hesitantly, your fingers twitch in longing, at his unavoidable beauty, written by the poets. you wipe your hands harshly on your skirt, fearful that the beading sweat might stick to his glorious hair. with trembling hands, your fingers card through the streaming gold strands, smoothing over the top of his head. he makes a soft sound of pleasure, which makes you smile slightly.
you tuck a strand of hair behind his ear, and you can't help but think that his beauty is fine as a girl's. his lashes open again, jade white skin parting to reveal the hanging jewels of his eyes, a shifting, dazzling blue.
his eyes crinkle a secretive smile. under the light of the sun, you smile back.
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turtlesaph · 5 months
Zelda RP Server!
The server is going to be BOOST LEVEL 3!
It's a reconstructed timeline, so there's a lot of custom aspects to our mesh story; it's Hyrule's founding era with BOTW merged in and other stuff added to it. So it still feels like Zelda but there's some twists and turns! We have FOUR Story Arcs planned with more in the works.
─ 16 YEARS AGO, when PRINCESS ZELDA was born, the first BLOOD MOON and monsters appeared. Overtime they began to increase, becoming an annoyance outside civilization borders. Recently they attacked HATENO VILLAGE, were used to attack GERUDO TOWN as well as CASTLE TOWN, HYRULE CASTLE and more to come. When these attacks affected trade between the GERUDO and the HYLIANS the trades altogether were ceased until they could combat this monster issue at the decree of KING RAURU. ─
─ GERUDO KING GANONDORF, unaware of the true nature to the halt in trade, urged the HYLIAN KINGDOM to restore the trade; a dinner was hosted at HYRULE CASTLE between both kings which ended very poorly. GANONDORF at this point was already dealing with the YIGA and MOLDUGA attacks; this lack of trade from their neighbor could cause his people to starve. Forced into a proverbial corner he decided to take matters into his own hands at the advice of his surrogate mother KOTAKE; after the failed dinner he kidnapped PRINCESS ZELDA and returned with her to the desert. ─
─ A GERUDO CIVIL WAR began, forcing GANONDORF to seek more power. The NINE SAGES are awakening/gathering at HYRULE CASTLE to rise against the evil; GANONDORF retrieves his MALICE TEAR, a Zonai Tear once wielded by the HATRED INCARNATE, HALERU, RAURU'S deceased brother. ─
─ Want to be a CANON? ORIGINAL? A HYLIAN? GERUDO? You can also do other stuff. ;D ─ ─ Second continent LABRYNNA incoming to the server! ─ ─ Wholesome non-drama community | LGBTQ+ friendly. ─ ─ INCLUSIVENESS! Want to be part of the lore? ─ ─ Vast REGIONS with channels to explore. ─ ─ Selection of Canon/OCs | AUDITIONS. ─
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venticuliao · 2 years
The meaning of Scaramouche’s heart
Some thoughts about visions and how scaramouche’s arc plays into one of the major narratives of inazuma.
tl;dr: it’s (human) connection
Scaramouche experiences human emotion from the moment of his creation. We know this because the tears he shed in his sleep are the reason why Ei realized he was sentient (and therefore refused to use him as a tool/vessel for the gnosis).
So, if he was already capable of emotions and feelings, and we see later he even has empathy, what is the meaning of the “heart” that he seeks?
The gnosis
In the context of genshin’s lore, a gnosis is an internal magical focus used by archons that resonates directly with celestia. The puppet prototype that Ei created was meant to function as a vessel for her gnosis, thus scaramouche considers it a part of himself that was taken away.
Being separated from the gnosis (if he ever hosted it) means he lost the connection to higher/dive power (celestia), to divinity itself, and this is only speculation but perhaps the absence of this connection allowed him to explore his humanity among mortals after he woke up and started wandering inazuma.
Scaramouche is a being trapped between godhood and humanity, he’s neither one or the other. However, we see him make a choice in the sumeru chapter. One that was fated to fail.
The vision
We know beforehand that a vision, something venti describes as a “primitive tool”, will fulfill the role of his heart.
But how can a primitive tool replace the gnosis as his heart?
I think that the vision, much like the gnosis represents a connection to divinity, represents human connection.
The first bond a person can have —to a creator, a god, a mother— never existed. The bond scaramouche formed with a human he considered his family was betrayed. And the bond to a life he intended to nurture was severed by death.
All human beings (and even godly creatures of teyvat) are share the fate of a physical death. But scaramouche, as per ei’s model specifications, is an indestructible immortal being that cannot choose to die. This is a special kind of loneliness that isolates him from everything that exists around him.
He has no connection to the world, and even if he formed new bonds he’s condemned to outlive them. Being in this position, it’s not odd that he’d want to get rid of his humanity, and that he’d want the connection to divinity/higher power back.
And yet, that doesn’t belong to him either.
Dreams and eternity
Makoto’s ideology revolves around the eternity of human dreams. She believed that even though human life is transient, their dreams (which she describes as “the yearning by living beings for a better future”, and can be interpreted as “progress”) have the capability to pass from one another, and thus become eternal.
This is explored in the main quest where a sword master goes insane due to guilt after his vision is taken away under the hunt decree. He defeated many other sword masters on his way to become the best, and after experiencing the loss of his ambition himself he’s afraid of the resentment those he defeated might bear for him for doing the same. A man who was defeated by him in the past gets involved, but he tells the sword master that he didn’t steal his ambition. Instead, it’s more like his ambition was passed onto someone who could carry it further.
It is empathized at the climax of act III, where kazuha reactivates his friend’s vision, thus successfully carrying his ambition to face and survive the musou no hitotachi.
A dream shared by people, that can be passed down between generations and even beyond death, is the purest form of human connection. One that is rooted in instinct and that makes humanity progress.
Human connection
According to makoto, ambitions are constantly generated by dreams. And we know visions are the physical manifestation of strong ambition.
In a way, visions are the physical manifestation of human connection.
Which is why I think that scaramouche getting a vision, something that will fulfill the role of the heart he so desperately wanted, is the proof of his connection to humanity. A bond that is eternal, and the proof that he belongs.
Some final thoughts
I think at the end of the day, scaramouche just yearns for connection, and the vision will define him as more human than divine.
Ei was aiming for material permanence when she created him in her quest for eternity, and this physical immortality became a curse for him.
Ei herself failed to see her own self as an individual, she only knew how to serve her nation as a weapon and when she retired into eternal meditation after makoto’s death, she gave up everything that made her an individual. She was scared of the dangers of human progress and made her own version of eternity, one where she could hold onto the progress inazuma had already accomplished so that the heavenly principles wouldn’t destroy it like it happened to khaenri’ah. At the end of her second character quest, she understands that there is meaning in death, that it should be honored, whether mortal or divine, for the sake of progress, for the sake of dreams, for the sake of a better future. She learns that this human connection that moves humanity forward is what should be protected.
Scaramouche, as a byproduct of this process, highlights the problems that come with Ei’s mistaken version of eternity, but also embodies the point of makoto’s ideas. Me thinks.
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dcndrohime · 1 year
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Stance & Thoughts. (Inazuma Arc Events HC)
The Beginning (Announced Lockdown)
Past a certain point in time of the events that sent Inazuma into an isolated nation, into turmoil from within, Hinamori did not always looked as she does now. Until approached by the Guuji, she was wandering, living each day in her former faceclaim. She continued to tread her life of prior to meeting Yae, like anyone else until the lockdown was issued.
By then, she is Visionless (Her Vision came a time way after Inazuma Arc). Current Arc, she does not possess one, she's but a normal citizen throughout it.)
Amidst this Story Arc, she eventually, if for once, selfishly chose to change her looks, a feeling of anew akin to that of a beloved lotus 'pon clear water. This process of Metamorphosis, as per what she label it as, finally tore off the shackles of loneliness she has felt throughout her childhood.
But visionless or not, she found herself unable to stand by and do nothing. Therefore, a passive/neutral stance is what Hinamori opted for, with the aid of Yae Miko, gaining not only a fulfilling job but the opportunities to help the people, Vision wielders or otherwise.
Given said job, her doings posed no threat whatsoever to that which the Raiden Shogun sought, Hinamori continued to fight, fought with ink and paper, fought for her homeland as dread & violence, as rebellions rose and fell, in her own ways, did she stood strong against what was happening, to soothe cries of anger, anxiety and so forth. underneath the lightning's divine glow.
Due to her gained position, she was unnaffected by the issued decrees. However, despite her neutral stance, Hina was, in turn, strictly told to not interfere into anything that could break that stance, put an halt in the very method she utilize to help others. But even, the woman refused to directly intervene on anything other than what she already has choosen to do and continue to do this day.
That said, she was kept in the dark, remained essentially anonymous while responding to letters. Her identity was only gone public a time after the Traveler(s) managed to reason with the Shogun.
Beginning wise, she did think too much of it, of all the planted restrictions, of the lockdown as a whole, even at the knowing that her father was & is still somewhere out there, there come a day, she will surely find him (Hina's father is currently missing).
However, when things slowly began to worsen, mostly because of the Statue's purpose with the Vision Hunt, did she started to not only grow bitter about this but took it upon herself to be a lighthouse amidst these dark times for Inazuma.
Her thoughts regarding the events, even to this day, are still deeply ingrained within Hinamori. She has much to say, on many aspects of what happened & yet, instead, give it her all for the people rather her own emotions because never once was, what happened, about her.
Though, she did despised what inwardly befell Inazuma, it never fell into hate nor resentment. Hinamori may have her own thoughts about all of this, but it never once compared to all the pain around her. She took the people's pains & frustrations, not hers and turned it into words not weapons.
A saying of her doings, once found out, once getting recognition, has been memorialized onto a stone slate, not too far from Tenshukaku's entrance...
She fought not with blades nor fists. She fought with paper in hand and ink at her side. Dear, is one of Inazuma's light and to be ever remembered for the deeds, not for herself.
Overall Decision.
While, she deems her decision as selfless, a decision taken in the name of the people, even if they had no idea, a part of it, even now, feels a little on the selfish side.
However, that sense of guilt begun to slowly die down, if to focus on what she has long chosen to do; to be someone, people, Inazuman or no, ever so willing to listen, to let them reach out to her, even it meant just sitting down and not saying a single word. Silence is, fortunately, a concept Hinamori is personally familiar with and its is own language.
Needless to say, she holds no regrets on her decision because in one way, all she ever really wanted, was to be seen, to finally feel like a person but moreso a light in the name of others, a light above the shadows.
Misc Views.
With or without what Inazuma had to go throught, Hinamori's faith towards the Electro Archon never really faltered or turned into anger, despite all the suffering of inflicted. Perhaps, it is because she knew something was amiss or perhaps, she did not, who's to say...
But let it be known that her faith is also directed to the people, not just a divine entity. Yet, speaking of divine entities, she would interact with any, in the most normal of ways, in the most human of ways.
But though taking things more casually with them, does not mean she doesn't atleast show a great amount of respect for the divines, often speaking a bit more formal in the long run.
To her eyes, divinity does not make somebody any less human.
At most, she is bitter about the events but refuse to let it consume her, simply pushing it back until, there come a day, it won't exist anymore.
It goes without saying, that Hinamori's views when it comes to Eternity as a concept, are rather scattered and yet, she remains as coolheaded as ever when confronted with a talk of it, like she would any other themes (Knowledge, Contracts, War. etc.)
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Commanding Personal Space.
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When learning to work with setting your personal space or energetic session container, you can use the technique as a verbal command. To entrain the system code, it is suggested you become proficient with repeating the command in your space, as much as desired. When you have repeated this command to entrainment with your nervous system , the process of setting up space will become automatic and you will not need to verbally repeat the command every time. With repeated session work, you are able to mentally focus energy amplifications in the environment as you feel guided to strengthen certain areas, i.e. the portal, or other issues you are made aware of.
Now, find your zero point, relax in your stillness and create 3 slow deep breaths...
Fortify your 12D Shield.
Intend the Unity Vow to make your Hub Handshake.
And we begin.
Beloved God,
Open All channels of light, clear all light fibers to be fully connected and resonant with the Living Light Code.
We Set our Space in our Room with Our Unity Decree.
Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation.
The Christ Guardian races Serving the Law of One, from Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now, anchor our space in the sovereign God Law.
We Ask The Guardians, Councils of our Higher Selves, Evolution Support Teams, Starseed Identity Matrix, (can also add in the Mother Arc etc) aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of GOD’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.
My declaration of intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my Highest Power fully, completely, and totally.
I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free.
Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in counter clockwise motion into full expansion in the Celestial Christ Force Of Platinum and Aurora Light,
Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light of Christ.
Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram.
North South East West – Earth- Sky and heart : We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible. We ask the Aurora Forces of our Group Avatar of Ascension to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.
I claim my Divine Inheritance and Self Sovereign God Power NOW!
I choose the Patterns of Perfection NOW For all Human Beings!
I AM THE Diamond Heart NOW!
(See the 12 D Portal spinning outward in concentric circles opening and expanding around you.)
I open this session in service to Law of One and Invite the Starseed Families of Oneness to connect and anchor in.
As I am God Sovereign and Free I so Decree:
Please generate a Field of Divine Grace around and within this “Room, Hotel, Space and or Land.”
Please anchor frequencies of Unconditional Love and Forgiveness in this space.
Please generate blessings to all who enter or dwell here, human and non-human, in the Light and Service of the One Source God.
I claim this Space and the Beings in my care as Sovereign and Free in the Light of God, now and always.
Please seal these blessings into permanent installation here.
(Designate a space for a Shadowy Elements Vortex to clear debris)* I request your assistance in creating a vortex (i.e. in the corner of my room ) to be used as an exit point by all Shadowy Elements. I have 100% desire that all shadow elements within myself, within others around me and within all plants, all animals, all other beings, all places and spaces around me clear and transition through this vortex exclusively.
*I thank all Shadow Elements for exiting through this Transit Gate Vortex doorway.
*Our Authority is taken as the Christ through God’s Sovereign Law of One.We command this space as sacred in the name of God and consecrated to the service of the One Source Light.
Finalize Record of Statement in Time
Completion of Session recoding to Re-encryption level:
Please take this through the Outer Levels, Mind Grid, DNA, Karmic Contract, Core Soul Level and Beyond. From Beyond the Moment of Self to beyond and through the Earth, Transmute the Negatives at the Moment of Self, Past, Present and Future timelines. Through all dimensions and realities, all chakras and Chakra complexes on all Levels. Take this through the Morphogenetic Field and subtle energy systems all levels and components of the Being. Fully, Completely, Totally, Irrevocably and Permanently. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Hologram. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Universal Time Matrix.
Beloveds, We thank you for this Opportunity. It is with great joy and reverence we are Home in the Diamond Heart of God. Our Infinite Stream of Love is with you in ALL ways.
And SO it is.
We Seal and End this Session into the Light of Wholeness and Union in the love/light of Chrostos Sophia. And so it is.
💫🙏🏼THANK YOU! 🙏🏼💫
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childrensbread · 1 year
God's Miraculous Protection
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The Birth of Moses
💜 Now a man of the tribe of Levi married a Levite woman, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months. But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. His sister stood at a distance to see what would happen to him.
Then Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the riverbank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her female slave to get it. She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. “This is one of the Hebrew babies,” she said. Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter, “Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?” “Yes, go,” she answered. So the girl went and got the baby’s mother. Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you.” So the woman took the baby and nursed him.
When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying, “I drew him out of the water.” ~Exodus 2:1-10 ✝️
We will be continuing to unlock Old Testament Scriptures this week, but this time from the Book of Exodus.
Now, baby Moses is dramatically saved from Pharaoh's decree: declaring death to all male Hebrew babies. Through God's providence and some faith-filled parenting, Moses ends up adopted into Pharaoh's household.
Although God isn't mentioned by name in today's passage, He remains the main character in this episode. His presence drives the unfolding events, revealing His purposes and reminding us of His unstoppable redemption plan for humanity.
Just like in the book of Genesis, how God promised Abraham a great nation with a land of their own. A nation that would later host the incarnate Jesus Christ! Moses's birth and divine preservation indicates another shift towards fulfillment of that arc.
We see God shaping history to eventually prepare humanity for Jesus' glorious rescue mission. It's all important context. Content like this helps us understand the Gospel's message. In this case, it remind us God has always been in the business of saving people.
God's miraculous preservation of Moses' life is reassuring and revealing. We discover a God, sovereign over history, whose purposes couldn't be thwarted despite the best attempts of oppressive powers. While Pharaoh meant evil for God's people, God meant good for them. And when it comes to a wrestle between God's way and man's way, there's only ever one winner. God's Will reigns supreme!
God's plan is the ultimate plan and don't forget it! It's no wonder why Jesus taught us to pray the Lord's prayer, "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6). It's the best way! This passage is a reminder that the safest place to be in all the world is in Him. Even when times are rough. God did not promise us an easy life, but He does promise that He will be with us in every moment.
Like Moses, God can rescue you from hostile situations. Indeed, in Jesus we have been saved from the worst situation possible: our sins and separation from God. Take a moment to surrender to God's will today, echoing John Newton's words, "Tis grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home."
Source: Glorify and the Holy Bible
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bulgariaadvice · 2 years
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Only educational establishments of the empire
The schools of these Ulema, or Wise Men, who say they are not priests and yet act like them, were until within a generation the only educational establishments of the empire, if we except the schools of the pages carried on within the Sultan’s palace for training courtiers. The aim of these schools is to raise up for the people instructors in practical religion, who shall at the same time solve the problems of the people, like Moses when he used to “ judge between one and another and make known to them the statutes of God and his laws.” The scope of the schools includes the nature and attributes of God, all the acts, relations and interests of man during life, the disposition of his body and soul after death, and, what may be thought more difficult, the division of his property among those who survive.
The schools might be classed as schools of Law if they studied a code. They might be called schools of Sociology if scientifically based on experience and dealing with rules applicable to any besides Muslims. What they study is the Koran and the obligations of men who believe in it, evolving these obligations from the example and the oral teachings of the Prophet Mohammed as explained by the learned men who have studied such questions from the beginning of Islam. The opinions of these learned men rival the Talmud in keenness and fancifulness of argument and in hair-splitting delicacy of casuistry. What these schools produce therefore is a body of men who are necessarily legal experts, and whose chief attribute is that of the Judge. In practice the decisions of these judges have the weight and possibly the scope of theological dogmas jeep safari bulgaria.
Medresse of At Azhar at Cairo
A type of schools of this class is the great Medresse of At Azhar at Cairo, which is familiar to all travellers. It is said of the Cairo Medresse that the students there studying are preparing to be missionaries of Islam. The statement is due to a misunderstanding. Men taught at any school of the Ulema go forth, according to ability, as teachers, scribes, lawyers or judges. They are the “ Pillars of Religion,” and are supported by the Religious Endowment Funds wherever they are sent, and they teach diligently wherever they go. But the missionary idea, as understood in the West, does not exist in Islam. It impels one to seek to better the condition of men through pity or love. The attitude of Islam toward unbelievers is that of scorn and even of anger for stupid obstinacy.
I once asked a member of the Ulema why Mo-hammedan missionaries are not sent out to convert the nations. The pious Turk made a reply which recalled that of the Baptist minister who thought to silence Carey, although characteristically it excluded the idea of eternal profit to the heathen through conversion. “ Man,” said he, “ the religion of every human being, bom or to be born, is written on the Reserved Tablets by the hand of God. Those who are Muslim are so because the Most High wrote ‘ Islam ’ upon the egg from which they came. Those who arc not Muslim are misbelievers by Divine decree from the foundation of the world. Though prophets came to call them to the faith, they would not hear. Of course it is our duty to see that the faith is taught wherever there are Muslims, for all Muslims need instruction in the truth. But the winning of the people of Islam was done before you or I were born.”
Schools of the Ulema are found in many of the large towns of Asiatic Turkey, and many students get no farther than the course of these smaller schools. There is no real grading of the schools. But the higher schools are necessarily those in the larger cities. There are fully equipped Medresses at Cairo, Damascus, Aleppo, Brousa, and Adrianople, because these cities are reputed to have the highest legal ability in their courts.
The Arabic speaking students frequent the first three of these on account of the difficulty of attending schools where students use Turkish. But the very highest of these schools of the Ulema are at Constantinople. Cairo alone pretends to rival the Medresses of this city. The largest of these schools at Constantinople are connected with the mosque of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, the mosque of Sultan Bayazid, and the mosque of the Conqueror Sultan Mohammed II. From 10,000 to 15,000 students are at the mosque schools of the city all the time. They are regarded as a separate class of the population, and are called softas.
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bulgariastreets · 2 years
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Only educational establishments of the empire
The schools of these Ulema, or Wise Men, who say they are not priests and yet act like them, were until within a generation the only educational establishments of the empire, if we except the schools of the pages carried on within the Sultan’s palace for training courtiers. The aim of these schools is to raise up for the people instructors in practical religion, who shall at the same time solve the problems of the people, like Moses when he used to “ judge between one and another and make known to them the statutes of God and his laws.” The scope of the schools includes the nature and attributes of God, all the acts, relations and interests of man during life, the disposition of his body and soul after death, and, what may be thought more difficult, the division of his property among those who survive.
The schools might be classed as schools of Law if they studied a code. They might be called schools of Sociology if scientifically based on experience and dealing with rules applicable to any besides Muslims. What they study is the Koran and the obligations of men who believe in it, evolving these obligations from the example and the oral teachings of the Prophet Mohammed as explained by the learned men who have studied such questions from the beginning of Islam. The opinions of these learned men rival the Talmud in keenness and fancifulness of argument and in hair-splitting delicacy of casuistry. What these schools produce therefore is a body of men who are necessarily legal experts, and whose chief attribute is that of the Judge. In practice the decisions of these judges have the weight and possibly the scope of theological dogmas jeep safari bulgaria.
Medresse of At Azhar at Cairo
A type of schools of this class is the great Medresse of At Azhar at Cairo, which is familiar to all travellers. It is said of the Cairo Medresse that the students there studying are preparing to be missionaries of Islam. The statement is due to a misunderstanding. Men taught at any school of the Ulema go forth, according to ability, as teachers, scribes, lawyers or judges. They are the “ Pillars of Religion,” and are supported by the Religious Endowment Funds wherever they are sent, and they teach diligently wherever they go. But the missionary idea, as understood in the West, does not exist in Islam. It impels one to seek to better the condition of men through pity or love. The attitude of Islam toward unbelievers is that of scorn and even of anger for stupid obstinacy.
I once asked a member of the Ulema why Mo-hammedan missionaries are not sent out to convert the nations. The pious Turk made a reply which recalled that of the Baptist minister who thought to silence Carey, although characteristically it excluded the idea of eternal profit to the heathen through conversion. “ Man,” said he, “ the religion of every human being, bom or to be born, is written on the Reserved Tablets by the hand of God. Those who are Muslim are so because the Most High wrote ‘ Islam ’ upon the egg from which they came. Those who arc not Muslim are misbelievers by Divine decree from the foundation of the world. Though prophets came to call them to the faith, they would not hear. Of course it is our duty to see that the faith is taught wherever there are Muslims, for all Muslims need instruction in the truth. But the winning of the people of Islam was done before you or I were born.”
Schools of the Ulema are found in many of the large towns of Asiatic Turkey, and many students get no farther than the course of these smaller schools. There is no real grading of the schools. But the higher schools are necessarily those in the larger cities. There are fully equipped Medresses at Cairo, Damascus, Aleppo, Brousa, and Adrianople, because these cities are reputed to have the highest legal ability in their courts.
The Arabic speaking students frequent the first three of these on account of the difficulty of attending schools where students use Turkish. But the very highest of these schools of the Ulema are at Constantinople. Cairo alone pretends to rival the Medresses of this city. The largest of these schools at Constantinople are connected with the mosque of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, the mosque of Sultan Bayazid, and the mosque of the Conqueror Sultan Mohammed II. From 10,000 to 15,000 students are at the mosque schools of the city all the time. They are regarded as a separate class of the population, and are called softas.
0 notes
meandrose · 2 years
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Ancient Muslim divines
One result of such departures from the safe lines of traditional education is generally deplored. The religious classics of Islam, have hopelessly entangled their theological proofs with the foolish science of the Middle Ages. Young men taught from modern text-books are not moved to awe by minute details of the method of creation wherewith the ancient Muslim divines thought to enhance the glory of God’s power. Wherever the science of those venerable writers meets a Galileo the religion which has staked its all upon such a partnership encounters a Voltaire. Even the discovery that Christian England has produced a Shakespeare may unsettle the young Muslim’s belief in God.
Another fruit of the Turkish respect for education is a praiseworthy activity in extending a fairly good system of secular schools over the Empire. The Turkish Government issued a decree some thirty years ago for a complete system of graded public schools. Beginning at the infant and primary schools, where boys and girls are taught together, the law contemplates grammar schools in every considerable town, and high schools for girls and boys separately in every city. Academies of a still higher grade are required to be established in the capital city of every province. There is also provision for professional schools for the. further development of graduates from the academies private bulgaria tours yachting.
The school system has not been very thoroughly established in the provinces. But there are high schools in nearly all of the provincial capitals, while almost every day’s Constantinople papers contain a record of new primary schools opened in villages throughout the country’ “ by the help of God and the generosity of the Patron of Education, His Imperial Majesty the Sultan.”
In Constantinople, professional schools are actually organized and would justly be considered to form a great university if they were under one management and associated together. There is a Classical College in Pera, called the Lyceum of Galata Serai, there is a Civil Service School where men are trained for the Sublime Porte and for the official dignities of the Provincial administration. There is a School of Law, a fine School of Medicine, in two departments, civil and military.
Merchant Marine Service
There is a Commercial School, a School of the Merchant Marine Service, a School of Arts and Architecture, a School of Engineering, Normal Schools for both men and women, and there is a fine Military School and a Naval School. In the Galata Lyceum and in the Medical School and the schools of the Military and Naval service Europeans of ability arc found among the instructors. There is also a curious school at Constantinople called the “ School of the Tribes.” It is founded expressly for the higher training of the sons of the chiefs of the nomad Kourdish and Bedouin tribes found in the Eastern and Southern districts of the Empire.
Turkish schools for girls are a comparatively recent innovation. Until they are about ten years old girls have all the advantages enjoyed by their brothers, and commonly use them. But after the primary school, difficulties beset the question of the education of girls. Girls must be treated separately from boys. They must be married at sixteen or seventeen years of age, and they may not be seen unveiled by men after reaching the age of separation. If they are to be taught by women, the whole supply of qualified women teachers for the Empire does not exceed a few score. Hence, resource is had to white-haired old men whose age makes them safe from a moral point of view.
But from the point of view of knowledge and teaching ability it assures incompetency, save perhaps in the Eastern languages. The result so far is, that the majority of Turkish girls end their education at the exit from the primary school. The high schools for girls, of which there are perhaps a dozen in Constantinople, tend to become on the whole schools of language and needle work, and the bystander is obliged to admit that the question of the education of Turkish girls is far from being solved. There is no need to discuss the training of the daughters of the rich by private governesses. The results may be of far-reaching importance in these circles. But such makeshifts do not affect, at present, the case of the great untaught mass of women.
0 notes
pandorias-box · 1 month
They wanted to help me without drawing too much attention.
However, that means I have to rely on only one of the clan leaders for aid. My decision is an easy one.
I trust Irida. She aided me after I was injured by Lord Kleavor. She tried to stand up for me when Kamado made his decision to banish me. And given that I come from Ultra Space, I find that it is fitting that I ally with someone who reveres a cosmic deity.
All that I need to do now is seek out the Lake Guardians and their “gifts” in order to create the Red Chain. I do not know if such a thing will even mend the rift, but it is better to try than to do nothing…
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hotbulgaria · 2 years
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Only educational establishments of the empire
The schools of these Ulema, or Wise Men, who say they are not priests and yet act like them, were until within a generation the only educational establishments of the empire, if we except the schools of the pages carried on within the Sultan’s palace for training courtiers. The aim of these schools is to raise up for the people instructors in practical religion, who shall at the same time solve the problems of the people, like Moses when he used to “ judge between one and another and make known to them the statutes of God and his laws.” The scope of the schools includes the nature and attributes of God, all the acts, relations and interests of man during life, the disposition of his body and soul after death, and, what may be thought more difficult, the division of his property among those who survive.
The schools might be classed as schools of Law if they studied a code. They might be called schools of Sociology if scientifically based on experience and dealing with rules applicable to any besides Muslims. What they study is the Koran and the obligations of men who believe in it, evolving these obligations from the example and the oral teachings of the Prophet Mohammed as explained by the learned men who have studied such questions from the beginning of Islam. The opinions of these learned men rival the Talmud in keenness and fancifulness of argument and in hair-splitting delicacy of casuistry. What these schools produce therefore is a body of men who are necessarily legal experts, and whose chief attribute is that of the Judge. In practice the decisions of these judges have the weight and possibly the scope of theological dogmas jeep safari bulgaria.
Medresse of At Azhar at Cairo
A type of schools of this class is the great Medresse of At Azhar at Cairo, which is familiar to all travellers. It is said of the Cairo Medresse that the students there studying are preparing to be missionaries of Islam. The statement is due to a misunderstanding. Men taught at any school of the Ulema go forth, according to ability, as teachers, scribes, lawyers or judges. They are the “ Pillars of Religion,” and are supported by the Religious Endowment Funds wherever they are sent, and they teach diligently wherever they go. But the missionary idea, as understood in the West, does not exist in Islam. It impels one to seek to better the condition of men through pity or love. The attitude of Islam toward unbelievers is that of scorn and even of anger for stupid obstinacy.
I once asked a member of the Ulema why Mo-hammedan missionaries are not sent out to convert the nations. The pious Turk made a reply which recalled that of the Baptist minister who thought to silence Carey, although characteristically it excluded the idea of eternal profit to the heathen through conversion. “ Man,” said he, “ the religion of every human being, bom or to be born, is written on the Reserved Tablets by the hand of God. Those who are Muslim are so because the Most High wrote ‘ Islam ’ upon the egg from which they came. Those who arc not Muslim are misbelievers by Divine decree from the foundation of the world. Though prophets came to call them to the faith, they would not hear. Of course it is our duty to see that the faith is taught wherever there are Muslims, for all Muslims need instruction in the truth. But the winning of the people of Islam was done before you or I were born.”
Schools of the Ulema are found in many of the large towns of Asiatic Turkey, and many students get no farther than the course of these smaller schools. There is no real grading of the schools. But the higher schools are necessarily those in the larger cities. There are fully equipped Medresses at Cairo, Damascus, Aleppo, Brousa, and Adrianople, because these cities are reputed to have the highest legal ability in their courts.
The Arabic speaking students frequent the first three of these on account of the difficulty of attending schools where students use Turkish. But the very highest of these schools of the Ulema are at Constantinople. Cairo alone pretends to rival the Medresses of this city. The largest of these schools at Constantinople are connected with the mosque of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, the mosque of Sultan Bayazid, and the mosque of the Conqueror Sultan Mohammed II. From 10,000 to 15,000 students are at the mosque schools of the city all the time. They are regarded as a separate class of the population, and are called softas.
0 notes
turtlesaph · 8 months
The server is BOOST LEVEL 3!
It's a reconstructed timeline, so there's a lot of custom aspects to our mesh story; it's Hyrule's founding era with BOTW merged in and other stuff added to it. So it still feels like Zelda but there's some twists and turns! We have FOUR Story Arcs planned with more in the works.
─ 16 YEARS AGO, when PRINCESS ZELDA was born, the first BLOOD MOON and monsters appeared. Overtime they began to increase, becoming an annoyance outside civilization borders. Recently they attacked HATENO VILLAGE, were used to attack GERUDO TOWN as well as CASTLE TOWN, HYRULE CASTLE and more to come. When these attacks affected trade between the GERUDO and the HYLIANS the trades altogether were ceased until they could combat this monster issue at the decree of KING RAURU. ─
─ GERUDO KING GANONDORF, unaware of the true nature to the halt in trade, urged the HYLIAN KINGDOM to restore the trade; a dinner was hosted at HYRULE CASTLE between both kings which ended very poorly. GANONDORF at this point was already dealing with the YIGA and MOLDUGA attacks; this lack of trade from their neighbor could cause his people to starve. Forced into a proverbial corner he decided to take matters into his own hands at the advice of his surrogate mother KOTAKE; after the failed dinner he kidnapped PRINCESS ZELDA and returned with her to the desert. ─
─ A GERUDO CIVIL WAR began, forcing GANONDORF to seek more power. The NINE SAGES are awakening/gathering at HYRULE CASTLE to rise against the evil; GANONDORF retrieves his MALICE TEAR, a Zonai Tear once wielded by the HATRED INCARNATE, HALERU, RAURU'S deceased brother. ─
─ Want to be a CANON? ORIGINAL? A HYLIAN? GERUDO? You can also do other stuff. ;D ─ ─ Second continent LABRYNNA incoming to the server! ─ ─ Wholesome non-drama community | LGBTQ+ friendly. ─ ─ INCLUSIVENESS! Want to be part of the lore? ─ ─ Vast REGIONS with channels to explore. ─ ─ Selection of Canon/OCs | AUDITIONS. ─
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mirelanast · 2 years
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Ancient Muslim divines
One result of such departures from the safe lines of traditional education is generally deplored. The religious classics of Islam, have hopelessly entangled their theological proofs with the foolish science of the Middle Ages. Young men taught from modern text-books are not moved to awe by minute details of the method of creation wherewith the ancient Muslim divines thought to enhance the glory of God’s power. Wherever the science of those venerable writers meets a Galileo the religion which has staked its all upon such a partnership encounters a Voltaire. Even the discovery that Christian England has produced a Shakespeare may unsettle the young Muslim’s belief in God.
Another fruit of the Turkish respect for education is a praiseworthy activity in extending a fairly good system of secular schools over the Empire. The Turkish Government issued a decree some thirty years ago for a complete system of graded public schools. Beginning at the infant and primary schools, where boys and girls are taught together, the law contemplates grammar schools in every considerable town, and high schools for girls and boys separately in every city. Academies of a still higher grade are required to be established in the capital city of every province. There is also provision for professional schools for the. further development of graduates from the academies private bulgaria tours yachting.
The school system has not been very thoroughly established in the provinces. But there are high schools in nearly all of the provincial capitals, while almost every day’s Constantinople papers contain a record of new primary schools opened in villages throughout the country’ “ by the help of God and the generosity of the Patron of Education, His Imperial Majesty the Sultan.”
In Constantinople, professional schools are actually organized and would justly be considered to form a great university if they were under one management and associated together. There is a Classical College in Pera, called the Lyceum of Galata Serai, there is a Civil Service School where men are trained for the Sublime Porte and for the official dignities of the Provincial administration. There is a School of Law, a fine School of Medicine, in two departments, civil and military.
Merchant Marine Service
There is a Commercial School, a School of the Merchant Marine Service, a School of Arts and Architecture, a School of Engineering, Normal Schools for both men and women, and there is a fine Military School and a Naval School. In the Galata Lyceum and in the Medical School and the schools of the Military and Naval service Europeans of ability arc found among the instructors. There is also a curious school at Constantinople called the “ School of the Tribes.” It is founded expressly for the higher training of the sons of the chiefs of the nomad Kourdish and Bedouin tribes found in the Eastern and Southern districts of the Empire.
Turkish schools for girls are a comparatively recent innovation. Until they are about ten years old girls have all the advantages enjoyed by their brothers, and commonly use them. But after the primary school, difficulties beset the question of the education of girls. Girls must be treated separately from boys. They must be married at sixteen or seventeen years of age, and they may not be seen unveiled by men after reaching the age of separation. If they are to be taught by women, the whole supply of qualified women teachers for the Empire does not exceed a few score. Hence, resource is had to white-haired old men whose age makes them safe from a moral point of view.
But from the point of view of knowledge and teaching ability it assures incompetency, save perhaps in the Eastern languages. The result so far is, that the majority of Turkish girls end their education at the exit from the primary school. The high schools for girls, of which there are perhaps a dozen in Constantinople, tend to become on the whole schools of language and needle work, and the bystander is obliged to admit that the question of the education of Turkish girls is far from being solved. There is no need to discuss the training of the daughters of the rich by private governesses. The results may be of far-reaching importance in these circles. But such makeshifts do not affect, at present, the case of the great untaught mass of women.
0 notes
bulgariant · 2 years
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Only educational establishments of the empire
The schools of these Ulema, or Wise Men, who say they are not priests and yet act like them, were until within a generation the only educational establishments of the empire, if we except the schools of the pages carried on within the Sultan’s palace for training courtiers. The aim of these schools is to raise up for the people instructors in practical religion, who shall at the same time solve the problems of the people, like Moses when he used to “ judge between one and another and make known to them the statutes of God and his laws.” The scope of the schools includes the nature and attributes of God, all the acts, relations and interests of man during life, the disposition of his body and soul after death, and, what may be thought more difficult, the division of his property among those who survive.
The schools might be classed as schools of Law if they studied a code. They might be called schools of Sociology if scientifically based on experience and dealing with rules applicable to any besides Muslims. What they study is the Koran and the obligations of men who believe in it, evolving these obligations from the example and the oral teachings of the Prophet Mohammed as explained by the learned men who have studied such questions from the beginning of Islam. The opinions of these learned men rival the Talmud in keenness and fancifulness of argument and in hair-splitting delicacy of casuistry. What these schools produce therefore is a body of men who are necessarily legal experts, and whose chief attribute is that of the Judge. In practice the decisions of these judges have the weight and possibly the scope of theological dogmas jeep safari bulgaria.
Medresse of At Azhar at Cairo
A type of schools of this class is the great Medresse of At Azhar at Cairo, which is familiar to all travellers. It is said of the Cairo Medresse that the students there studying are preparing to be missionaries of Islam. The statement is due to a misunderstanding. Men taught at any school of the Ulema go forth, according to ability, as teachers, scribes, lawyers or judges. They are the “ Pillars of Religion,” and are supported by the Religious Endowment Funds wherever they are sent, and they teach diligently wherever they go. But the missionary idea, as understood in the West, does not exist in Islam. It impels one to seek to better the condition of men through pity or love. The attitude of Islam toward unbelievers is that of scorn and even of anger for stupid obstinacy.
I once asked a member of the Ulema why Mo-hammedan missionaries are not sent out to convert the nations. The pious Turk made a reply which recalled that of the Baptist minister who thought to silence Carey, although characteristically it excluded the idea of eternal profit to the heathen through conversion. “ Man,” said he, “ the religion of every human being, bom or to be born, is written on the Reserved Tablets by the hand of God. Those who are Muslim are so because the Most High wrote ‘ Islam ’ upon the egg from which they came. Those who arc not Muslim are misbelievers by Divine decree from the foundation of the world. Though prophets came to call them to the faith, they would not hear. Of course it is our duty to see that the faith is taught wherever there are Muslims, for all Muslims need instruction in the truth. But the winning of the people of Islam was done before you or I were born.”
Schools of the Ulema are found in many of the large towns of Asiatic Turkey, and many students get no farther than the course of these smaller schools. There is no real grading of the schools. But the higher schools are necessarily those in the larger cities. There are fully equipped Medresses at Cairo, Damascus, Aleppo, Brousa, and Adrianople, because these cities are reputed to have the highest legal ability in their courts.
The Arabic speaking students frequent the first three of these on account of the difficulty of attending schools where students use Turkish. But the very highest of these schools of the Ulema are at Constantinople. Cairo alone pretends to rival the Medresses of this city. The largest of these schools at Constantinople are connected with the mosque of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, the mosque of Sultan Bayazid, and the mosque of the Conqueror Sultan Mohammed II. From 10,000 to 15,000 students are at the mosque schools of the city all the time. They are regarded as a separate class of the population, and are called softas.
0 notes
bulgariablo · 2 years
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Only educational establishments of the empire
The schools of these Ulema, or Wise Men, who say they are not priests and yet act like them, were until within a generation the only educational establishments of the empire, if we except the schools of the pages carried on within the Sultan’s palace for training courtiers. The aim of these schools is to raise up for the people instructors in practical religion, who shall at the same time solve the problems of the people, like Moses when he used to “ judge between one and another and make known to them the statutes of God and his laws.” The scope of the schools includes the nature and attributes of God, all the acts, relations and interests of man during life, the disposition of his body and soul after death, and, what may be thought more difficult, the division of his property among those who survive.
The schools might be classed as schools of Law if they studied a code. They might be called schools of Sociology if scientifically based on experience and dealing with rules applicable to any besides Muslims. What they study is the Koran and the obligations of men who believe in it, evolving these obligations from the example and the oral teachings of the Prophet Mohammed as explained by the learned men who have studied such questions from the beginning of Islam. The opinions of these learned men rival the Talmud in keenness and fancifulness of argument and in hair-splitting delicacy of casuistry. What these schools produce therefore is a body of men who are necessarily legal experts, and whose chief attribute is that of the Judge. In practice the decisions of these judges have the weight and possibly the scope of theological dogmas jeep safari bulgaria.
Medresse of At Azhar at Cairo
A type of schools of this class is the great Medresse of At Azhar at Cairo, which is familiar to all travellers. It is said of the Cairo Medresse that the students there studying are preparing to be missionaries of Islam. The statement is due to a misunderstanding. Men taught at any school of the Ulema go forth, according to ability, as teachers, scribes, lawyers or judges. They are the “ Pillars of Religion,” and are supported by the Religious Endowment Funds wherever they are sent, and they teach diligently wherever they go. But the missionary idea, as understood in the West, does not exist in Islam. It impels one to seek to better the condition of men through pity or love. The attitude of Islam toward unbelievers is that of scorn and even of anger for stupid obstinacy.
I once asked a member of the Ulema why Mo-hammedan missionaries are not sent out to convert the nations. The pious Turk made a reply which recalled that of the Baptist minister who thought to silence Carey, although characteristically it excluded the idea of eternal profit to the heathen through conversion. “ Man,” said he, “ the religion of every human being, bom or to be born, is written on the Reserved Tablets by the hand of God. Those who are Muslim are so because the Most High wrote ‘ Islam ’ upon the egg from which they came. Those who arc not Muslim are misbelievers by Divine decree from the foundation of the world. Though prophets came to call them to the faith, they would not hear. Of course it is our duty to see that the faith is taught wherever there are Muslims, for all Muslims need instruction in the truth. But the winning of the people of Islam was done before you or I were born.”
Schools of the Ulema are found in many of the large towns of Asiatic Turkey, and many students get no farther than the course of these smaller schools. There is no real grading of the schools. But the higher schools are necessarily those in the larger cities. There are fully equipped Medresses at Cairo, Damascus, Aleppo, Brousa, and Adrianople, because these cities are reputed to have the highest legal ability in their courts.
The Arabic speaking students frequent the first three of these on account of the difficulty of attending schools where students use Turkish. But the very highest of these schools of the Ulema are at Constantinople. Cairo alone pretends to rival the Medresses of this city. The largest of these schools at Constantinople are connected with the mosque of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, the mosque of Sultan Bayazid, and the mosque of the Conqueror Sultan Mohammed II. From 10,000 to 15,000 students are at the mosque schools of the city all the time. They are regarded as a separate class of the population, and are called softas.
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