#arc: endwalker
cloudpalettes · 9 months
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hi guess who finished endwalker recently OTL
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picaroroboto · 3 months
Particularly as of Shadowbringers and Endwalker one the WoL's key canon traits is how they attempt to understand their enemies - even if conflict is unavoidable or a villain's crimes unforgivable they still want to know who they're fighting and why. On the opposite end a core point of Zenos's character, and the source of many of his problems, is that he doesn't understand others and doesn't care to try, not until his final confrontation with the WoL and his last moments where he's asking them all these questions in an attempt to actually know them rather than just project himself on them like he's always done.
As his Voidsent Avatar, Zero's arc is an extension of this, in a way - see the way she still thinks and talks about Zenos, tries to understand him, while looking to the WoL and their friends to relearn how to human. This fully matures into her making efforts to understand Golbez, and succeeding in offering friendship to him. This is why Golbez's first steps to redemption feel more powerful and moving then if we'd simply defeated him, because it completes a closed circle of trust (doubly so if either Durante or the original Golbez is the Azem shard of the Thirteenth, as some popular theories suggest).
And all of this with the motif of hand-holding/handshakes/reaching out a hand: Zero learning the gesture from Jullus, extending a hand to help Golbez, shaking hands with the WoL as a sign of their friendship; compared to Zenos reaching out his hand towards the WoL at the end, or Durante and Golbez's original attempt to recruit Zero, both of which did not reach, but I think those connections are ultimately fulfilled by the end of this arc.
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autumnslance · 4 months
In reference to this post I reblogged earlier, but don't want to muck up UC's activity:
#i think it's more important to see that redemption is in the eye of the beholder #not everybody (characters or real people) will accept the same type or amount of repentance for the same sins #some people might not care at all if the person who wronged them feels sorry; only if they materially repaid their crimes #others can feel the opposite #and either way that's their prerogative #you can disagree with the characters or the fans or the writers about who “deserves” OR has “achieved” redemption and that's okay #because it's ultimately a complex philosophical issue #like i agree with OP!!! but there's media literacy in accepting that not everyone will
I'm going to disagree with many of these tags, especially it being "in the eye of the beholder" and would argue it's more media literate to recognize when a character has a workable redemption arc even if one disagrees they "should" get one. It took me a long time to learn this cuz of how we're usually taught redemption = forgiveness in Western (especially very Christianized, and especially if explicitly raised Christian) culture:
It doesn't rely on anyone but the person seeking redemption.
Yeah, it's the wronged party's prerogative to never forgive, to think the perpetrator's atonement (and/or punishment) is not enough and never will be. Anyone (characters and actual people) who sympathize, and who are on their side, can agree it's not ever enough and that character/person's sins are unforgivable.
And that still doesn't matter to their redemption.
We have an example of a workable redemption arc that not all accept in Final Fantasy XIV with Fordola's situation, through the Endwalker healer role quests. She was raised a collaborator of Ala Mhigo's imperial occupiers, and thought the best way to help her people was to soldier for the empire, becoming their Butcher.
In the Stormblood patches, Raganfrid says he will never forgive her; he thanks her for the aid she gave in the throne room that day, but that's all. And even in the EW healer role quests, their interactions are complicated. He still can't forgive the collaborators, even as he works to reintegrate them into Ala Mhigan society. He recognizes many thought they had no choice. He can't, won't, forget the pain of losing his own loved ones to them. This is stated multiple times.
And others, like M'rahz, Sarisha, and M'naago also struggle, also say they won't forgive...but reluctantly agree they can understand how for the sake of their families, the collaborators felt pushed against a wall, and what lengths have they themselves gone to for their own families? M'naago even scolds Fordola: she doesn't get to give up, she has to keep working--or she dies as exactly what everyone said she was.
Fordola starts out as the one punished for her sins. Through the story, she makes her choices to change and fight and work for her people as a free woman. There are still those who despise the Butcher, and always will. Redemption comes from Fordola's actions, Fordola's choices. Who forgives her and who doesn't can't change that she has changed, and continues to do so.
And in the interest of fairness, for the opposite of Fordola, we have Laurentius. In A Realm Reborn, he collaborated with the empire, selling out his nation. He came out of his punishment wanting a new chance, so joined the Crystal Braves...and immediately fell under Ilberd's sway. While others remained loyal and stuck to their morals (and paid for it with imprisonment or even death), Laurentius went along with all of Ilberd's plans. And in the end, the player gets an opinion in the punishment he and his comrade face, but it's clear from talking to Raubahn there isn't much hope. Laurentius had his chances, but he didn't make any effort to actually change--so faced the consequences.
For Reference for the Healer Role Quests: Garland Tools Healer quest text starting with "Far From Free", and my own saved text in Gdocs (raw, not very organized compared to my later saved/updated docs).
(Nero's the war criminal who...didn't even get a slap on the wrist, he just waltzed into a leadership meeting 15 mins late with Starbucks and has been helping us save the world since. Gaius is the war criminal that went through traumas, saw his privileged preconceptions torn apart, and is starting down that road in the wake of Werlyt to clean up his mistakes and not let his children's sacrifices be in vain. None of these characters "need" punishment to decide to change; some of it simply happens as part of their stories, but they make their own choices and actions toward atonement.)
(Also redemption is usually an ongoing process, which is why "Death Equals Redemption", like how Yotusyu's situation is framed, is so dicey and often unsatisfying; are they actually changed, or they just getting out of putting in that effort to? Nothing indicated Yotsuyu actually cared to change, as sympathetic as she was in the end! But she has her redemptive moment for her fans, and the people who hate/won't forgive her also "win"--the trope is a "have your cake and eat it too" writing cop-out IMO at this point.)
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elliewiltarwyn · 8 months
secret crediiits
i realized a lot of people aren't weirdos and if there isn't a marvel-ass half/post-credits scene will not sit through half-hour long credits, and so a lot of people probably skipped Endwalker's final credits...
...which means a lot of people probably skipped that montage of shots of your adventures in the post-EW patch series
which means they might have missed that they snuck in two secret shots at the end that aren't a memory of your adventures!
so for posterity's sake here they are (under a readmore for spoilers)
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it just warms my heart to see them all so content 🥲🥹😭
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tillman · 21 days
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its my indulgent oc ship i can make them as cheesy and lame as i want. also can we get a shinryu mount already please im so hungry its all i ask for squeenix ill pay anything.
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impossible-rat-babies · 6 months
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desiderium. noun, plural des·i·de·ri·a  [des-i-deer-ee-uh]. A longing or ardent desire as for something once possessed and now missed; pain or regret on account of loss or absence.
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Muireann Uais
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Age: physically around 25 in ARR to 29 in EW (she was soul-snatched in Shadowbringers, age is a little funky)
Gender // pronouns: demigirl but not bothered to correct assumptions // she/her
Notable physical features not supported by in-game character creation:
lightning marks that start on the backs of her shoulders and spread down her back like wings.
Allagan channelling tattoos on her hands, arms, and legs.
Aether-burn scar on her chest as a result of frequent overuse of the dreadwyrm trance following the Archbishop's flee from the Vault.
Quirks/other things to note:
she has heightened hearing that is comparable to, though not quite as good as, Miq'ote hearing.
Her eyes are somewhat reflective in low light. She is bisexual and polyamorous, but she's also incapable of flirting once actual feelings are involved.
Muireann has an invisible disability in that she has ~fantasy lupus & fibro~ (I'm not arsed coming up with a ffxiv name for it) this mainly impacts her with chronic pain, fatigue, and light sensitivity. She manages this with the help of her many aetheric constructs and support from those closest to her.
Martial Skills: Allagan summoner, Nymian scholar and marine, marine status is derived from the warrior questline (using Bahamut as the Inner Beast), archer with some bardic knowledge, monk-in-training
Additional skills: she can tap into the dragonsong chorus after Shadowbringers, she has a unique manifestation of the Echo which is similar to Krile in that she can sense emotions. Muireann can also convey her own emotions and intent. These skills are largely limited to creatures and attempts to use them on another person will rapidly drain her of energy.
Family (biological): Silvairre (father) and Illiette (mother) Canaux. Somewhat estranged for most of the MSQ, reconnection timeline is wishy-washy. Additional extended family somewhere in Werlyt.
Family (adopted) (Muireann is the one who did the adopting): Raer Angathril (brother) and Haname Angathril (maternal figure) buth @azure-dragonsinger, Jehantel (grandfatherly or uncle figure), Ramuh (grandfather figure)
Partners (current and historic, multiple flavours - not all romantic/sexual): Haurchefant Greystone, Y'shtola Rhul, Hien Rijin, Runar, at least half of the marauder's guild, technically Shin Bokairo @accidentaloracle (legal wives, technically platonic)
Warrior Bonds(tm): Match Munroe @a-soul-full-of-stars, Alka Zolka, Surito Curito, Y'mhitra Rhul
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Panthea - architect and creations consultant at the Bureau of the Architect specialising in apex predators. Her parents returned to the star when Panthea was still quite young and she was hurt that they did not view supporting and caring for her as part of their life work. She suppressed her grief and hurt for countless years after this in order to fit in and started designing and creating extremely deadly and vicious creatures in part to try and examine her relationship to death and in part to force herself to let her emotions out through fear. She is responsible for several of the creatures in Pandaemonium including the protocarbuncle.
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Laisirhfíona - real name unknown. Laisirfhíona was a mage on the reflection that fell to lightning causing the second umbral calamity on the Source. In the lead-up to the catastrophic event that spelled the reflection's final doom, Laisirfhíona was manipulated by Ascians who granted her knowledge of more advanced magic than was known to her and the wizard she was apprenticed to. Foregoing her healing magic for ones forbidden in her world she broke down the doors to the tower that staged the final battle for the shard. She was tricked into dooming her home while believing she was saving everyone.
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Pandora Brooks - chief administrator of the Azys Lla research facility. Pandora (begrudgingly) worked alongside Amon and others bringing the horrific fruits of the research facility to life. With the knowledge of how to entrap an eikon and harvest its power granted to them by the Ascians, Pandora perfected the method through which tempered worshipers of the eikons could be preserved to ensure that the devotees would never die, nor would they be so comfortable that they would cease their prayers for deliverance from the pain they endured. She oversaw the project to automate the summoning arts, killing Sari's followers to gain his cooperation and initiating the order that led to Sari's eventual death.
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Ufufu Ufu - a Nymian scholar during the War of the Magi. When the Green Death arrived on Nymian soil Ufufu was amongst the scholars tasked with treating the victims and finding a cure. Seemingly immune to the affliction herself, she remained in Nym keeping the entonberried comfortable and placated while others risked their lives to find a cure elsewhere. She diligently maintained the wards on the Wanderer's Palace until the Sixth Umbral Calamity destroyed her city. Her final known act was to seal her codex, soul stone containing her fairy Bluebell, and a report on all those sealed within Wanderer's Palace in a secure container should any of her colleagues survive the flood.
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cinlat · 2 months
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tritoch · 8 months
I've also seen it suggested that Zenos is a flat character, and I think that's true! I think he is intentionally drawn both sharply and flatly to make him stand out and to play up his symbolic and thematic role. But I think, especially post-Endwalker, he is frequently reduced to the aspects that serve as metacommentary on gaming and MMOs and FFXIV itself, but equally important (and more important up through Endwalker itself) is his role as imperialism's final output.
Zenos initially feints at being a certain kind of rounded villain. He has cool armor and a signature weapon (these things matter in a game like FFXIV), he's presented as a genuine believer in merit in juxtaposition to his sexist and racist officers, he's well-spoken and takes a personal interest in you. In fact, he's a lot like Gaius van Baelsar, whose brief but charismatic (and, due to MSQ roulette, repeatedly viewed) appearances in ARR suggested to some the impression of a noble figure in service to the wrong ideals, one of gaming's favorites kinds of Rounded Characters With Nuanced Writing.
It's possible to mistakenly believe through just about the Ala Mhigo dungeon itself that maybe Zenos will have a turn, that his relentless torture of conquered peoples accomplishes some greater end in his mind. After all, wasn't Gaius also fixated on violence and strength? Didn't he also believe that man raises himself up through conflict? And Gaius's Praetorium speech has fans and defenders to this day!
This is why the Royal Menagerie and the ultimate flattening of Zenos's character is effective, compelling, and ultimately necessary. Where ARR ends still pretending that maybe Gaius was an interesting dude with things to say, Stormblood finishes the job of (literally) stripping violent imperialism of its mask and showing it for what it is. Prosperity, the Roman peace, technological progress, all of those are incidental outputs to this, imperialism's true engine: the naked exercise of power and glorification of violence for their own sakes, as ends in themselves. Zenos fights so he can fight more. That's the punchline.
And importantly, Endwalker confirms it's always the punchline. Garlemald is drowning in recurring symbols and archetypes. Corvos and Goug and Amaurot and (after its destruction) Garlemald proper all at various points represent for different characters a mythical pre-collapse Eden, the reclamation or realization of which (through the right kind of violence applied to the right kind of people) is the putative goal of the empire. There's multiple ideal imperial men, multiple evil scientists, multiple conflicted collaborators. They serve to enrich each other's stories because you can set Yotsuyu's story against Fordola's against Gosetsu's and learn something from it.
But there is only one future for the Garlean Empire (distinct from the nation and people of Garlemald). Zenos is the Crown Prince when he enters the game, and (probably) the last direct male heir in the line of Galvus when he dies. He is the nameless assassin who commits regicide and the opportunistic tyrant who seizes power in the aftermath. He is both the last corrupt emperor and, through the Telophoroi, the barbarian hordes raging at his own gates.
Zenos is the endpoint of the Garlean Empire. Anyone who has survived him will be part of something different; there are no alternatives to him (most notably, Nerva never appears, except as a blasphemy, and Gaius explicitly declines further involvement with Garlemald). He is the nihilistic, violent dead end that lies at the heart of empire. If you feel his aims are hollow and venal, then all is as it should be.
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yloiseconeillants · 10 months
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lightwarden thoughts are back on the menu so like. here's mothwarden - aletheia. it's playing so hard into the narrative of the warrior of darkness spun by two rival wizards that that's all that's left in the end. just a cracking shell of mythologized heroism holding back something cruel and resentful.
there's a playlist!
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sarastuss · 4 months
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the woman was too stunned to speak. click for better quality.
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zylphiacrowley · 7 months
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Miqo March: Day 6 Road Uhh... Something Something... Through the Ages?
(a.k.a. I had an idea but it didn't pan out so have this instead)
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sebille · 3 months
I think Ayla would feel a connection to Zero bc she's like the one other person around Ayla who's been close to Zenos and my girl needs SOMETHING
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elliewiltarwyn · 1 month
folks have pointed out previously the hilarity of bringing pictomancer to battles against godlike beings and whacking them over the head with a cartoon hammer, but i just thought about pictomancer vs. zenos at the end of EW for the first time and am nodding in satisfaction at bringing your giant squeaky cartoon hammer to bear against his edgelord scythe and demonlike avatar possession in the duel to prove your mutual bloodlust.
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wildstar25 · 8 months
Me: Arsay has a healthy relationship with the concept of being a hero by the end of shadowbringers
Also me: So Arsay has a mental break down after endwalker because she's worried she's not needed as a hero anymore -
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elfblogger · 2 years
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ur mom
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