#architectural digest type
fortunaestalta · 8 months
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bogleech · 1 year
If you have a hard time seeing why parasites are cool pretend for a second that their hosts are spaceships. Now imagine any animal at all can potentially evolve to live on spaceships in an absurdly specific way. Imagine a deer adapting into just a head with antlers shaped exactly right to hang off of a spaceship's air vents or a type of lizard evolving into just an armored tube that glues itself to the hull and digests metal. A bird that initially evolved to drink rocket fuel with its long beak until over millions of years it gave up anything resembling the life of a bird to spend its existence floating inside the fuel tank, a neotenous blind tadpole of a thing you only find out is a bird from its DNA alone.
Earth has "technically" (debatably) no vertebrates that became true long term parasites but there are crustaceans, worms, mollusks and many others that did things as weird or weirder than the spaceship examples in order to essentially become an unauthorized part of another, larger living thing. An illegal architectural modification. There's "shrimp" that turned into "slugs" that live in the uterus of angel sharks and a whole group of what used to be jellyfish until they evolved into single celled slime colonies on fish skin.
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zackbyychocolate · 3 months
Over the last week I’ve been plotting a couple ideas for what they have “cooking” and so here’s my list:
- they are putting out a new book or touring
This immediately popped into my brain when they said they were going to be doing something….buuuuttt…I don’t think this is a realistic time line though for either. Like a tour or a book takes TIME and I don’t think they planned that far ahead—they just started the gaming channel not that long ago. It took a little bit to get dan even on board too. Also, their script that was seen in their messages to each other looked pretty short to be some sort of part of a book or tour?? Idk
- some sort of YouTube special or streaming service thing?
Again idk if the timing of this is right. This would take some time to put together and idk if they would want to do something like that after hometown whatever the hell the name of it was. Didn’t they say they didn’t like doing this or something? Maybe im getting my lore mixed up
This is a DEFINITE possibility. I saw this suggested the other day by @starredhowell …I think they’re on to something. Podcast is not too much time to produce, fans asked for it and would watch it, etc... They could have different guests on there too. Think Brittney broski’s royal court type vibes—I think they could definitely put this into action
- something for pride??
They said to look out next month tho which is July so I’m not sure. I do think it’s sus tho that dan didn’t say anything for the 5 year anniversary for BAG……..
I cant stop thinking about this and need to put it out here. Think of like the vibes of Tan France’s open door video or David and Lily Harbour’s house tour. This would be SO cool to see them explain why their house is the way it is in a professional way. I could literally just see them being like yeah this is the master bedroom look how cool it is, this is the architect we worked with blah blah blah. It would be dope and I will be SAT watching it. But at the same time do they need a script for something like this??? I don’t think they would hype up a video like this the way they have been
- rebrand? New channel?
I’ve given it some thought and I don’t think they would create a whole other channel when they have DAPG already. Like I get splitting it up into actual games and then phan content but I feel like we don’t need to do that. There isn’t enough of a demand / complaints about how they “don’t game” on the gaming channel to rebrand. Everyone who is subscribed loves anything they put out. Would be cool tho and I see it being a possibility that they rename it to something else instead of games to reflect what they’ve been doing. But I think how they’ve been hyping up whatever they’ve been “cooking” it just wouldn’t be something small like renaming the gaming channel
Overall, it sounds like they have been putting some hard work into what they are cooking so it can’t be something simple. I’m so excited to see what they do
Let me know what you think!
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compacflt · 1 year
does ice read architectural digest to keep up w home decor trends or are they solely somewhere between coastal gradparents house and mediterranean style home w leather accents
okay. yes. when they first move in together their house is frat-house-ugly-bad. They don’t want to think about it too much. interior decoration is Incriminating when you’re not supposed to be living together. It’s hand-me-down furniture with scuff marks and stains and no sense of interior design or organization etc. After the whole rooster-papers-pulling-divorce fiasco they (mostly ice) basically start throwing money at it in the hopes that it will help heal their relationship so that’s when it actually starts to look nice & like an actual house that people live in and not just their chaotic secret escape-from-reality house
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all of this couched by my own personal opinion that it was a mistake of the highest narrative order to have them buy a house together and everything ive written about it is just an attempt to try to fix/explain that original mistake (as I write about on this blog All the Time)
but late-40s early-50s ice is somewhat clued in to interior design trends yes. think midcentury modern and a Lot of chrome everywhere because they are middle-aged white guys. or, shit, his canonical interior decorating sense, that’s what the house is supposed to look like! It’s supposed to be the TGM house lol. so like dark woods and bookshelves and big windows etc. HOWEVER. this is just a hc that i cant in any good conscience actually work into any type of narrative, but: they’re, like, really into aviation themed decor. like, really really. it allows them to be into the girlycoded hobby of interior decorating because it’s interior decoration about a manlycoded lifestyle. like if you look on etsy for aviation decor…
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ice & mav have it all. i am so serious about this.
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katyspersonal · 5 months
I had a really fun dream tonight! The most fun I've had in a while!
It started out strange already, with Aldrich of all people reaching Gwyn from when he was still alive and shining brightly, through time and space from somewhere in the darkness. I remember he was sorta lulling Gwyn, who was terrified, into losing focus by convincing him he was sleeping and it was a bad dream. I suppose time is a very vague mater, so why not? Still, it is kind of funny how Gwyn's child apparently wasn't enough and he came for the father 😔 I recall Aldrich only taking a bite, and it's understandable, I'd think Gwyn's whole soul is way too much to digest for anyone
Again, transition into 'actual' dream happened afterwards! And honestly, it was a very large place. So bright, so.. alive? It was full of many life forms, everything was so awake and always moving, so full in a good way, not in a 'chaos and noise' way. Many kinds of architecture everywhere too, in some places melting together with even a few modern buildings blend in somewhere. Again, time is a strange matter I guess! But another interesting bit was knights battling dragons, or what was remains of dragons kind? Despite the battling it all felt like prosperity, like life just began for everyone. Just so many living creatures and forms everywhere. In the dream I was not understanding it, but after waking up as I remember more details, it starts to feel like mostly memories of Gwyn himself. Not a new type of a dream for me, as I previously dreamed about what Gwyndolin and, strangely, Laurence, experienced after being devoured by Aldrich: they'd be brought back in their brightest memory like in a good dream, living it once more, before it started to show 'cracks' and get flooded by water and darkness, more and more..
This time was a bit different, though. No moment where everything floods, drows and collapses, but instead a lot of traces of flood and water on the ground here and there, and the brightest, the warmest day shining. Like you know, how after a long periods of rains and floods ends, the sun is even brighter and the warmth is even warmer because of all the water drying? It was a lot like this. And I've found Aldrich in this dream, in person... like his real self again; in my dreams it is a very particular image of a chubby black-haired man, always the same. Just maybe a bit too pale skin for a normal human. He was constantly residing in a pond, refusing to come out.. Seemed somewhat relaxed, but he pointed out that things will be "normal" again, and he was just waiting for that "night time" here. Even just a piece of Gwyn's soul was very strong, fighting for dominance on instinct even, but apparently the light would go out in a couple of days, according to Aldrich. Damn, dude has no sense of wonder at ALL it seems xD Full disrespect to him for skipping the season event pass and sticking to his comfort zone gjhgfjhjj I guess he IS a big fan of stagnation, after all. 🙄
Still, I feel so happy and full after this dream? It was beautiful and fun! Also while processing it after waking up I had a silly crossover idea of Rom and Godwyn meeting him like this too as they're also connected with the 'Sea' for an unhappy reason. They could be also recovered again, just with some former traces like Godwyn having scales and third eye still or Rom's tails.. They could actually be cheerful here and drag Aldrich's lazy ass around to actually enjoy the 'event' before everything fades back into darkness and water. And Godwyn of course would try to chill people on dragons battling stuff and negotiate xD Really love this kind of dreams, and thoughts.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Kim Kardashian’s newest range of products, launched in late 2022—post SKIMS shapewear, post SKKN facewear—is a menacing set of raw concrete forms for storing bathroom products: a gray tissue box, Q-tip tin, wastebasket. Dry, brutal, and mysterious, the items look like you hired one of Gary Larson’s cavemen to decorate your vanity with found objects.
“Having the concrete material and monochromatic design are important for my mental wellness,” Kim said in a recent interview with Architectural Digest. Concrete … for wellness? I imagine her removing her shoes and socks and planting her feet on the gritty sidewalk, grounding herself on the concrete slab, gathering power from the sprawling gray. Kim abandoning her activated charcoal and turning to powdered concrete to treat her gut problems and ensure clearer skin. Jade egg? No, concrete egg. Wellness concrete!
Concrete does not, objectively, promote wellness. It is responsible for 8 percent of the world’s C02 emissions. Concrete dust ruins the lungs of those who inhale it regularly. Concrete cityscapes exacerbate flooding and degrade joggers’ joints. Thanks to a reliance on concrete for construction, the world is running out of certain types of sand. Other high-end brands have sold home products made of concrete, like Comme des Garçons’ concrete-clad perfume bottles, but these usually use the material for its brutal and rough-hewn qualities, not to promote wellness. Kim is an alchemist though. She has taken a material that is undeniably a product of industrial modernity, imbued with a century’s worth of architectural and ideological baggage, and reconfigured it as healthy, intimate, and integral to self-care.
Always ahead of the curve, Kim may have hit on something the rest of us are just coming around to. The idea that we might stop—stop producing plastic, stop building cement megastructures—seems out of the question. Decades of activism, policy work, and think tank-ery have done little to stem the tide of globalized capitalism and the torrents of plastic water bottles, polyester blend clothing, and Squishmallows that discharge from its perpetual motion machines. Blowing up a pipeline or fomenting revolution requires networks of solidarity and logistical capability that most people can’t imagine acquiring. Meanwhile, the microplastics are already in our blood.
What’s left is the alternative that Kim and her concrete line seem to offer: that we can learn how to metaphorically (or literally) digest the toxic brutality of the built environment and transform it into something else—or let it transform us. “I’m just putting little pieces of fibreglass into my cereal to get my body used to it,” tweets one nihilistic wiseass. We’re entering our metabolic era.
Nonhuman systems offer metaphors to help us comprehend and describe our own existence, and structures of behavior we might mimic to cope with intolerable conditions. Over the past decade, you may have noticed mushrooms and fungi embraced as the objects of this kind of attention. The fungal imaginary is powerful because it envisions a world where endless growth is possible, and might even be environmentally beneficial. We can build anything as long as we make it out of mushrooms. Houses, bridges, burgers, clamshell packages for said burgers. Fungi also offer a powerful, nonhuman other we can turn to for inspiration: Mushrooms can grow at the end of the world, form vast underground networks, and offer mystic insight.
More recently, though, metabolic metaphors and processes are emerging alongside, and sometimes overtaking, fungi’s place in the cultural ether. At the more practical end, digestive processes are cropping up as popular solutions to all kinds of crises: compost, vermiculture, bacteria to digest just about anything, biohacks for your gut microbiome. Elsewhere, the metaphor of metabolism is called on to describe the way people process emotions and build feedback loops, and the growth of cities.
Unlike the fungal model, the metabolic imaginary lets us envision a world in which we can get rid of anything. If the drive for endless growth has led to a world too full of bullshit and toxicity, perhaps we can chew it all up and digest it without harm, engineer bacteria to metabolize it, or transfigure it into something new and strange. There is no big other in metabolism, no consciousness to commune with or learn from. Where the fungal era has been about venerating unknowable nonhuman maybe-intelligence and believing that hope can be dredged from ruin, the metabolic era is about submission, subsumption by the great enzyme, the desire for transformative annihilation. Metabolism is an impulse that makes sense at the end of the usable world. If we’ve exhausted our current ways of being and the planet’s existing materials, we must embrace radical breakdown.
One version of creative, apocalyptic metabolism is on vivid display in David Cronenberg’s most recent film, Crimes of the Future. Set in a near future in which environmental degradation and unspecified climate events have led to generalized decay and deterioration, Crimes of the Future imagines what might happen to human digestion. In the film, a sector of the population is evolving to successfully digest and receive nourishment from plastic. At the beginning, we see a young boy crouched in a bathroom taking bites out of a plastic trash bin like he’s compelled by an insatiable craving. Later, we learn of a whole underground organization of plastic eaters who undergo surgery and other interventions in the hopes of spurring their bodies to better metabolize plastic and other pollutants.
In this world, it’s too late for a cleanup. Toxicity is endemic, and the plastic eaters consider the best path forward to be evolving human biology to flourish in the aftermath. The film captures something essential about our zeitgeist in its oscillation between anxiety about how to metabolize everything toxic we’ve created and desire to experience the bodily and social transformation that might accompany this perverse new digestion.
This scenario is only a half step away from our current reality. Efforts are well underway to metabolize the plastic that suffuses our environment. Scientists have found multiple strains of microbes and bacteria that have evolved to digest plastic. Comamonas testosteroni can metabolize complex waste from plants and plastics. Ideonella sakaiensis enzymatically breaks down polyethylene terephthalate (PET). With each new study of microbial plastic-phagy comes a spate of hopeful, if hyperbolic, news articles: “a potential breakthrough for recycling,” “This discovery … could help solve one of the world’s most pressing environmental problems.” People love the idea that we can digest our way out of this mess. The jury is still out on whether it’s possible to operationalize plastic-eating bacteria at scale. There is some movement on this front. Carbios, a well-funded French company developing enzymes that break down plastic, recently announced funding and investment for the world’s first PET “biorecycling” plant, for instance. But many scientists are skeptical about the idea that microbial digestion is a viable solution to the problem of oceanic or terrestrial pollution. For now, plastic digestion at scale remains a pipe dream.
The metabolic turn isn’t just about learning to digest toxicity. It also plays out in fantasies—both desirous and anxious—about being digested. In times of stress, it’s a relief to imagine being crushed and consumed by some other metabolic system. “Why Does Everyone Want Their Crush to Run Them Over?” asked The Cut a few years ago. Being pulverized by your crush is a dream of being relieved of your own agency, destroyed and reconfigured, freed from the pain of consciousness so that you can be reshaped for someone else’s uses. A version of this obliterating impulse is made more explicit in vore, the erotic desire to be swallowed or devoured whole (or, conversely, to swallow or devour another), which is often expressed in role-play or illustrations. In vore, the process of digestion is imagined as a relationship between devoured and devourer—a desire for the kind of intense intimacy only possible when one is literally consumed by another.
Only a short jump from vore is the transhumanist fantasy of having your brain uploaded into the cloud, outrunning death by being absorbed into another system and transformed into bits and bytes. Ray Kurzweil famously advocated for brain uploads to achieve technological immortality, estimating in The Singularity Is Near that “the end of the 2030s is a conservative projection for successful uploading.” Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov’s now mostly defunct 2045 Initiative aimed “to create technologies enabling the transfer of an individual’s personality to a more advanced non-biological carrier, and extending life, including to the point of immortality.” The desire to be consumed and immortalized by technology reveals a belief that your consciousness is uniquely important and your own creation is uniquely powerful. It’s no surprise technologists like Kurzweil lust to be dissolved by their own machines.
Similarly, some of the recent hype around generative AI reveals a conflicting set of responses to metabolic machinery. Large language models and image generators are enormous digestive systems that ingest and transform the raw materials of cultural output and behavioral data on behalf of voracious corporate interests. They suck down the sprawling detritus of human effort and swallow it into the great black box stomach of the AI system, which converts it into something uncanny and instant and profitable. As with transhumanism, some may find this extremely exciting, the emergent opportunity to create the world’s biggest digestive tract, and hence the world’s biggest (and most profitable) collective intelligence. For others, the idea that their labor and creativity is nothing but grist for the generative mill owned and controlled by unaccountable companies is a cause for great anxiety. It’s harder to be optimistic about the future of technological digestion if you’re forced to be an unwilling participant in a voracious process of corporate metabolism.
Kim’s wellness concrete and Crimes of the Future highlight the ambivalence of digestive politics. If the environment is inescapably suffused with pollutants emitted by the biggest and worst companies on earth, then learning to digest this toxicity is a sensible coping mechanism. Of course, there are creative and aesthetic possibilities within the process of toxic digestion—minimalist home goods in Kim’s case, strange new forms of sex and performance art in Cronenberg’s film. We can eke pleasure and art from all kinds of wretched situations—and we should. As Boots Riley put it in a recent interview, “Culture is what we do to make our survival normal.” Still, these visions of metabolism leave us stuck absorbing the excretions of a system that hates us. We have sprawling digestive capabilities. What might it look like to embrace our role as part of a massive and massively weird ecological and metabolic system, and to experiment with the creative and expressive potential of digestion?
Nothing is more natural or strange than metabolism. It happens on many scales, around us and within us, via processes that involve human bodies and microbes and other flora and fauna. I move through the world, digesting it as I go—material entering the mouth hole at one end, exiting the anus at the other—and in between my body does the work of processing, sorting, excreting. I am also here to be digested—built cell by cell inside another’s body and extruded into the world, only to exit back into the earth via a final hole (the grave, the furnace, the mouth of the bear) where I provide fodder for the next stomach. What a trip, what a pleasure.
Digesting with and on behalf of the earth’s ur-metabolic system means wanting more than to function as the unhappy stomach that processes capitalism’s excesses. Embracing digestion as a tool and a metaphor can help us to not only accommodate the horrors of the existing system, but to dissolve it and break it down until it no longer exists in its current form. Some ideas for earth-first digestion are already familiar, thanks to proponents of the circular economy: recapturing waste streams from one process to become inputs for another, designing to ensure reusability. However, ideally digestion wouldn’t just be mobilized to enable human industry and profit. I’m also interested in more creative and psychedelic experiences of metabolism, like collaboration with enzymes, embrace of rot, and joyful submission to the knowledge that humans are just one digestive node of the material world, rather than its apex.
Metabolism can be framed through the lens of mutual aid. While the mainstream medical industry is now catching up, biohackers and anarchist IBS sufferers alike have been experimenting with DIY fecal transplants for years, trading advice and healthy poop samples in the interests of helping each other digest better. It can also be seen as a kind of collective destruction, where communities decide a system or an infrastructure that causes them harm should no longer exist and work together to metabolize it, dissolve it, and perhaps transform its constituent matter into something entirely new. Outside of human-centered processes, composting and rot provide inspiration for rich and generative multispecies metabolism, like worms and microbes working with chemical heat and leafy greens to produce rich and unrecognizable loam. If we’re brave enough, we can even look forward to our own bodies being digested. It’s hard to know what that experience will be like, but let’s try to imagine. Space travel is uncertain, and the singularity is a mirage, so why not stay here, nestled into the cool damp ground. There is much to learn from becoming compost for the original stomach.
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h-f-k · 8 months
I love the concept me and my best friend have of home office bc we maybe typed two words for work and now we’re watching architectural digest drunk af
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itchyeye · 1 year
all those bands you listed for gerry are my faves (especially type o negative you have TASTE) and if i didn't love him already i love him more now
i saw that you hate arcade carpet michael (i'm assuming just him dressing in funky colors, which i personally think is fun aesthetic wise and also idk what else it would mean) so i was wondering what your interpretation of him is??
he is my perfect darling and he can be YOURS TOO for the low low price of recognizing that he is a 30-something y2k goth who was forced to hellraiser peel his own mother and then travel the world as her ex-girlfriend's lackey
and ty for your interest!
honestly it's not the bright patterns specifically, the bright patterns are a symptom of something larger
so i can't speak for anon ofc but to me "arcade carpet michael" is using the aesthetic fanon representation of michael to talk about something broader
i know in s5 it was confirmed that the distortion's hallways are a dull beige and not a technicolor explosion, so more like the backrooms than the stranger things video game levels many people were picturing (i, personally, have always pictured the hallways as being warm fleshy tones, with thick humid air and orange/brown/red lighting. i think this comes from michael asking jon if his hand in any way owns his stomach. since i heard it say that i've always pictured it trapping its victims in an eternal hell maze as a prolonged digestive process, so the visual has always been very organic and meaty for me, like a digestive tract filtered through mc escher architecture, something that was never supposed to have human characteristics but does, now)
but for me my complaint isn't the color schemes or the clashing patterns, even though i do think that making a character wear checkerboard print and stripes is a lazy shorthand for saying they're "zany"
my complaint is that michael is described, specifically and often, as being difficult to look at. it is, after all, a distortion. trying to see it hurts your brain. it's supposed to hurt your brain! it probably hurts your brain less than half as much as it hurts michael to be seen at all, because it isn't even supposed to have a michael shape. it is meant to be an impossible door, and here it is with this new appendage, living inside and beside and adjacent to it
sasha describes its terrifying, ungainly, spindly, meaty, enormous, boney hands, and this has somehow been fanon-ized into sexy salad fingers (i'll be honest if people's fanon depictions of michael were MORE like salad fingers i would be much happier about it)
the vast majority of michael art i encounter is just a very attractive, thin, tall, blonde, white man with very long hair. the indication that he has been consumed by an eldritch entity of lovecraftian delusion is that this thin, tall, blonde, white man with very long hair is wearing a loud shirt
that's disappointing.
and i personally cannot draw at all, so that is the grain of salt with which i would ask you to take my fan art complaints. i am just a guy looking at fanart who is incapable of producing any himself. but i have written about michael a lot, so i am personally committed to representing it as the throat of delusion incarante using my own preferred medium.
tdlr; michael is a character meant to be a perverse approximation of a person whose very presence in your field of vision gives you migraines and people instead draw him as a pretty, willowy man wearing clashing patterns
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muertarte · 1 year
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TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @muertarte @honeysmokedham
SUMMARY: Metzli is relaxing at home when Nora breaks into their room in search of a shower. The two trade art and Fortnite is involved!
It had been…. Longer than Nora was willing to admit since that last time she had a shower. She was at the point where bathing in lakes was adding to her personal stench instead of helping it minutely. What she needed was a shower. Showers, Nora had come to discover as she walked across the United States of America, cost money if you didn’t own one. She also needed new clothes, but that was easily reminded thanks to someone leaving their clothes hanging on a clothesline. Marching down the row of suburbanian dread houses Nora spotted one with a window open. “Keep watch.” She whispered to Babadook, trailing behind her. “I’m going to get a shower.” 
Nora slid in the window coming to an ungraceful landing inside a bedroom that looked like it was styled for Architectural Digest. Something her dads would have liked. Sitting on the couch was a full ass adult person. In the dark. At night. Nora would have loved to care, but her own eyes started staring at an open door connected to the room. A bathroom. Crossing in front of the staring weird, Nora walked into the bathroom, shut the door and started fiddling with the shower. After a second of testing she was rewarded with a stream of water. As soon as it showed the slightest sign of warmth Nora stripped off her clothes and was standing in the nice warm stream. Maybe she should have locked the door, she thought to herself. It was too late now. She was committed. 
It had taken months of planning to allow themself to leave their windows open, allowing a calm and pleasant breeze to fly past the curtains. Metzli was the cautious type, taught that everything was a threat and they needed to have their guard up. Anita, on the other hand, thought artificial air could only do so much for the energy in the house. She wasn’t wrong. Maine had the kind of air you wanted to greedily breathe by the mouthful. Light and aromatic in a way that Metzli was dumbfounded by when they arrived. A stark contrast to the thick and blazing air of Mexico that persisted well after the moon chased the sun away. 
However, it seemed Metzli’s cautious habits should’ve remained. They should’ve stood resolute in their stance instead of backing down. Because as it turns out—they were right. And now a stranger was striding past them, interrupting their recreational activity of staring at the wall until morning. They nearly ejected themself from their seat to attack, but the abhorrent and pungent smell permeating from the girl gave them pause. It was a familiar smell. Hell, they’d been covered in it before when they were homeless. Which was why they remained seated and allowed her to go to her obvious destination, hearing the water come to life. 
“There is extra soap in the closet.” Their voice reached a level loud enough to hear over the rushing water, thick with their accent. “Please do not use my bar.” Metzli ran to the door and knocked rhythmically in hopes of getting the stranger’s attention, pressing their forehead against the door with a groan. “Or my loofa.” They wanted her to get clean so she wouldn’t damage their senses again, but they really didn’t want to share hygiene products either. 
Nora’s hand had just been about to touch the bar of soap when a knock a the door told her to go into the closet for a bar of soap. Okay. She got out of the shower, her wet feet squelching across the tile floor as she made her way to previously unknown closet. From there she pulled out a bar of soap, a wash cloth and a fresh towel. “Okay.” She called back. At least the stranger was surprisingly cool about this. “Why were you staring at the wall?” Nora asked as she got back into her shower. She wondered if there was something on the other side of the wall that she should be concerned about. Or maybe just the stranger was concerned about it. Like someone else was breaking into this house at this moment and didn’t like the other intruder. The first step was to do a vicious scrub. Dirt fell off her body leaving an irritated pink flesh underneath. It took five minutes of scrubbing to deal with her nails alone. 
The next step was her hair. It was matted. Nora ran her fingers through it for a bit before giving up. Brush. She got out of the shower, once more slapping her wet feet against the tile as she started going through the bathroom to find a brush. Brush. Brush. She wasn’t a monster. No wait, that was a lie. She was a monster. She wasn’t inconsiderate though, so she was looking for a lesser used brush. One that the owner maybe stored for emergencies or back up. She didn’t find any. Nora grabbed the hair brush off the bathroom counter and brought it back into the shower. She had a feeling that the drain would need unclogging by the time she was done in there. 
A sigh of relief escaped Metzli and they took a step back from the door, happy to know their products wouldn’t be used. Not the ones they use on their body at the very least. “I…” They trailed off, trying to put a grammatically correct sentence together. English was stupid. “Staring is like tv. Enter…tainment. Wait until morning for work.” That sounded correct. They hoped it was. All the lessons from Anita and Honey had to be paying off.
 “Have machine but no games. Do not know how.” Metzli was referring to the gaming pc they had been convinced to purchase on a whim. They’d just landed a major sale and with their room bare, their peers guided them on where to shop. They were able to handle what to buy from there, with the help of a salesperson of course. 
“Do you not have housing?” Steam began to roll and plume together in a dance from the frame, warming the edges of the trim Metzli leaned against. They decided they didn’t want to see a stranger in the nude, but to remain close enough to apprehend once she was done. Wait. Metzli thought to themself, trying to recall if there was anything on the intruder’s back to indicate extra clothing. They supposed they had things they could offer, but that wasn’t exactly what you did with an intruder. It was probably just better to ask. “Do you have clean clothes?”
Staring at the wall for entertainment until work? Of all the things Nora had heard in her admittedly short life that had to be the most pathetic. A machine with games? Don’t know how? Nora didn’t know of any walls that came preloaded with the latest ps5. Maybe this person had a fancy hidden TV in their wall and they lost the remote to open it. “Why don’t you just sleep?” The implied like a normal person trailed off into the unknown. Years of being in the public had taught her to watch her tongue or she’d read a canceled post on twitter about it later. 
The water coming off her had gone from a murky brown to clear. It was starting to make Nora feel like she was human again. A whole person. The lie that she grew up with. Guilt fluttered through her. She didn’t deserve to feel human. Liars didn’t deserve anything. The stall of the shower seemed to be closing in around her. Mocking her. Little monster pretending to be human. Little monster pretending to normal for everyone to see. Disgust boiled down her body. She slammed off the water, practically tumbling out of the shower. 
“I have clothes.” Her monotone voice betrayed nothing of what had just happened as she skipped over the question about housing and latched on to the one about clothes. The clothes she’d stolen from one of the neighbors. She dried. Nora didn’t look back into the shower. The mess she’d left behind. Instead she got dressed in the oversized hoodie and leggings and came out of the bathroom her hair still wet. “Okay where is this machine with no games.” As a zoomer growing up with boomer dads, she knew how to teach the elderly how to use technology. It seemed the least she could do. 
Metzli’s brows furrowed together with consideration. They knew they couldn’t outright say they don’t sleep, but what was the alternative? Lying was always distasteful, despite its uses in situations like the one they found themself in. What was the harm anyway? If they really wanted to, they could just kill her. Nodding to themself, they broke the silence, “I do not sleep.” A simple statement. Finite. Should she have further questions, Metzli decided they’d just disregard them as she had theirs. 
She—a child—had given them their alternative, along with revealing herself. They’d never been so grateful that they didn’t barge into their own bathroom. She was still killable, but definitely not worth seeing nude. Though, she seemed to have some worth with her interest in their machine, if only for a moment.
“Hm?” The vampire looked at the girl and then back toward the computer the specialist wouldn’t stop talking about until it was purchased. He was consumed later that night, and the thought brought the tiniest amused smile to Metzli’s face before falling back to neutral. “Over there.” They pointed, watching the girl carefully with empty eyes. “Are you going to try and steal my items now?” 
Don’t sleep? Some sort of extreme insomniac? Maybe they were a robot. That would explain their lifeless eyes. Nora was ready to ask more questions about why they didn’t sleep but she realized one very important fact about that. She didn’t care. Now that Nora was no longer on a mission she had time to examine the wall that they had been engrossed with. It was the most boring wall Nora had ever seen. “I might steal something later. Not your computer.”
Nora crossed the room and plunked down in front of the computer. “This button turns it on.” Nora decided it would be best if she started from  the ground floor while explaining how to work a computer. You could never be to sure how technology illiterate they were. Nora pointed at the mouse. “This is how you control your computer. Just focus on right clicking for now.” After the computer was done booting Nora opened up google.com. “When you have questions type them here.” Nora paused before pointing to the keyboard. “Using that.” 
The robot had told Nora it was a game machine. Nora turned facing the robot with her deadpan stare. Yeah. She knews the game. Nora downloaded a program. “You need to put games on it yourself. You can find them using the search bar I showed you. I set one up for you thought.” Nora launched Fortnite before she got out of the seat and motioned for the robot to take a seat. “Have fun.”
Well, that was different. At least the girl was forthright in her urge to steal. Metzli didn’t care for thieves, but they could respect honesty. As far as they were concerned, she could be allowed to steal one thing. One. “I do not think I will be minding that if you help me with the machine.” They stated as she plopped herself down on their chair. There was an air of confidence in her stride, not unlike the kind they emanated themself. As if she knew she couldn’t be hurt, and that she had done this more than once. Not just teaching someone how to use a computer, but breaking into homes and using the facilities to get herself clean.
At that point, Metzli began to theorize that she may be homeless, comparing their own past to what was happening to them at that moment. The tables had turned, and they were inclined to offer food. She could steal that if she wanted. It wasn’t like they needed it. First thing though, they needed to pay attention. 
The explanation wasn’t hard to follow, and they watched silently until she opened a program that blasted upbeat music through the headphones they had connected in the process of the setup. A brow raised curiously, and they shook their head, “Show me how to play…whatever your name are.” Metzli looked down at the girl, slightly frowning at their grammar. “…is.” They corrected, gesturing to the chair. “I will give you whatever food you want. Roommate is rich. Lots of food.”
Now a normal person would have picked up on the obvious social cue. Whatever your name is. Nora, however, never one to be normal was too focused on whatever your name are. Did the robot know about her bear? Did her bear have a different name then her? There was nothing in Nora’s self centered mind that even danced around the idea that their new companion could just be struggling with English and chose a wrong word. Nora’s eyes shifted up and down them as she tried to decide what to do with this. Robots really did know too much. Maybe staring at the wall was giving them too much power. Nora’s eyes flickered to the wall, lingering there for a minute. Nothing changed. 
“There is a rumbly in my tummy.” Nora sat back down, rubbing her hand on her stomach. She hoped there was honey smoked ham. She loved honey smoked ham. After another side eye glance at her new benefactor, Nora set Fornite to no build mode and queued in. She decided trying to teach building mode might be… too much. Now, to be perfectly candid, Nora wasn’t a big Fortnite player. Mostly she’d played it on her iPad between shoots. It was never her go to activity. Still, she knew enough to get a 14th placement in her solo game. As she played she’d mention a few important bits. “You need to thank your bus driver every game by pressing b. Right click to aim. Tomato town is a massacre zone.” After the match finished Nora got up again. “You try. I’ll watch and help make corrections.” 
A faceless entity screaming into nothingness caught Nora’s attention from the side of the desk. She drifted to the corner, picking up the piece of art and examining it. “I like this.” She placed it back down. Nora dropped her backpack to the ground and started shifting in it. She pulled out her well used sketchbook and started flipping through the pages, every now and then she’d look up at the robot checking to make sure they matched. Eventually she ripped out a page and exchanged it with the piece she’d seen on the table. She hoped that they would be too busy with their Fortnite game to notice. The piece she left behind was a horror piece of an undefined figure drowning in their own humanity. People, other humans, were pulling them in multiple directions as their flesh pulled apart hinting at them becoming a deformed  monster. Both art pieces were screaming. It seemed like a fair trade. Nora dropped her sketchbook back into her back. “Don’t forget to thank the bus driver.” She reminded in her bland monotone. 
“R-rum…bly? Tummby?” The word hadn’t been in any of the English dictionaries that Metzli had picked up, nor had it been used in any conversation. Their best guess was that it was young folk talk, as Honey would call it. The words matched rumble and tummy enough that when the girl rubbed at her stomach, Metzli was able to decipher what she meant. Hunger. They could remedy that. “Hold.” They held a finger up and disappeared into the house’s hallways. When they returned, they had a large sandwich on a plate with a side of chips. Something they’d seen Anita make. Hopefully it would be up to the girl’s standards.
“Here.” The plate was placed carefully on the desk, and Metzli watched the game play out until a shot caused the character to fall and end the game. Seemed simple enough in concept, but the amount of movement from the mouse and buttons being pressed on the keyboard made it much more complicated. Nodding, Metzli took the seat and mimicked one of the hand placements they just witnessed, but only the one. They’d have to figure out how to use their nub without clicking too many keys at once. With a soft huff, they moved on, clicking the appropriate prompts until the screen boomed and the bus appeared. “Oh.” Metzli was amused, enjoying the sounds and the colors. They were almost distracting enough for the vampire to miss their art being stolen.
“¡Ay! ¡Basta!” Metzli allowed their character to go idle as they ripped what art hadn’t been taken from the thief's reach. It was probably the most personality they’d had in the whole interaction. “Que chingados…eh?” The top-most piece of work on the stack caught Metzli’s attention, giving them pause. It wasn’t theirs, but it was nearly good enough to be. The girl was an artist. “You draw?” They asked curiously, returning to their robotic voice as they studied the lines and gestures. Where the focal point was and how the composition as a whole led the viewer’s eye all over the piece. “Good art. Can you paint?”
Nora devoured half of the sandwich given to her, and shoved the other half in her pocket. There was a good boy outside who was also hungry and she wasn’t going to let him starve. The chips were also shoved in her jacket pocket. For later. A snake happened to be in the pocket she put the chips in. She frowned. She didn’t know when that snake got there. She moved the snake from the chip pocket to another pocket. Just to be safe. She didn’t know if chips were good for snakes. “Thank you.” The words came as an afterthought. Her monotone voice did nothing to convey how grateful she truly was. It would have sucked to have to dumpster dive for food after getting a shower.
Basta? Did that mean bastard? Nora wasn’t a bastard…. That she knew of. Oh. Wow she could be a bastard. Just because her dads were married didn’t mean her biological parents were married when they had her. This really opened up a good psychological question. Was she still a bastard if the parents who raised her were married when she was born? She was going to have to remember to google that later. Que…She knew that one it was what. Right? Ching a dos. Chingados. Two chingas? Nora had no clue. She was probably supposed to know Spanish. Her 23andMe came back Mexican and Puerto Rican when her dads had it done. They had insisted on enrolling her in Spanish classes so she could learn her culture. She insisted on skipping them to go sacrifice barbies in the woods. 
Still, Nora let the art pile go without complaint and stared blankly back at the person in front of them. How much personal information was too much to give away. What would get her caught? The words no, I stole that, sat at the tip of her tongue. Ready to be used as an explanation to distance herself from the situation. Still, Nora hated lying. Just because she was good at it didn’t mean she should. “Yes.” She answered all the questions, her fingers gripped her backpack as she started sliding towards the window she’d come in from. “You’re going to die.” Nora pointed at the computer screen where the game was still going. Hoping to use that as a distraction to slip closer to the window.
Metzli stared, tilting their head slowly as they watched the girl store her food in her pockets. A strange and unsanitary place, but they supposed there wasn’t really another option. They thought perhaps they should’ve brought extra, properly packed in ziplock bags or disposable containers. “Do you want more? Maybe in bags or in a box? Erm…plastic box.” She’d done them a service, and while Metzli didn’t particularly care for making other’s lives easier, they did believe in basic respect. Everyone deserved to have clean food, regardless of whether or not they broke into a person’s home or used their shower without permission. And they didn’t need to do any favors, but it did help in Metzli’s book. Though the art stealing definitely made the vampire want to help less despite how they could relate to her position.
“How big…are the…how big the paintings are? Framed or no?” Metzli struggled to get the English out, and they felt like it was wrong, but they didn’t care. They were too focused on the drawings and the way the homeless girl was backing away. Then, all of a sudden, a threat? She told them they were going to die, but didn’t point at them. Instead, she pointed past them. Oh. You die in games, if they recalled correctly, and it sounded like a distraction to them. They had seen her die only minutes before, and that familiar array of melodic beeps gave it away soon after the thought began. The same sounds as when she died. “Just a game.” Metzli shrugged, “I want to know of the paintings. I own a gallery. Local art. National art. Maybe your art?” They inquired, leaning forward and stepping closer to the girl they still didn’t know the name of. 
“Metzli.” They revealed their name, placing a hand to their chest, gesturing it then to the stranger. If they were going to do business, they figured names should be given first. Though, it seemed their guest wanted to leave, which was just as well. As much as they wanted to curate her art, Metzli wasn’t one to hold people captive. At least, not innocent ones. Well, as innocent as an intruder who needed a shower and meal was.  
The food was a tempting offer. One again the gears of extreme mental math started turning in Nora’s brain. Pro, more food. These days her stomach was always growling. Con, this was obviously a trap. Who would offer to give her more food? Maybe the cops were on their way because she broke in and this person was just keeping her busy until they got there. Then when the cops got there… It would be over. Her eyelids lowered almost imperceptibly in a minute glare. 
The more Metzli asked about Nora’s art, the more the delinquent seemed to shut down. Her hand gripping her backpack turned white, her legs tensed ready to run and her face refused to show any emotion. A blank empty stare started to drift past Metzli as Nora tried to remain calm. There was nothing about her art that was made for public consumption. People didn’t get to come in and ridicule her for her efforts. They didn’t get to live in their perfect lives and judge her for what she made. They didn’t get to make fun of what was put out there. People didn’t get to understand what was happening to themselves and turn around and write the most god awful reviews about her point of view because they thought it was funny. 
Anger seized Nora. Her eyes started to glow red as an illusion started over taking her. Her skin became shrouded in oil painting strokes, covering her. “No.” It was as much of a scream as her monotone voice could manage, despite sounding like a reasonably volumed exclamation. Expecting the illusion to cover for her, Nora threw herself back out the window and took out running. Babadook fell in step right behind her. It said a lot about Nora’s anger that she didn’t stay to try and make a meal of Metzli. She just wanted to be gone.
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marlowedobbeart · 10 months
Daydream Skies Devlog #3
​WELL WELLL WELLLLL I have been hard at work during the PIGSquad Finish Your Game Jam​ with the hopes of spending the jam time to polish up and finish my combat system! While I didn't get absolutely everything done (turns out RPGs are like, a lot of systems and numbers who could have guessed) I sure did make a lot of progress and got probably 80% of the way to having the combat system in a place where it only requires content from me rather than systems design.
So what did I get done? Glad you asked! First, here's where we started at the beginning of the jam:
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I had basic attacks (attacking in 1 line) and attacking in different shapes (the x shape) as well as 1 enemy type that did just a basic attack itself. Players and enemies all took turns based on their speed values and all executed at the same time. First, I came to the quick realization that just throwing every unit into a pool and taking their turn based on their speed would not work design-wise for this game. With placement on the grid being an important mechanic, I couldn't make sense of having an enemy potentially move where they are located before the player had a chance to proc their attack on that tile. So this meant separating player turns and enemy turns entirely.
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What I thought would be a very grueling re-architecture task ended up taking me 15 minutes. (Turns out, all the tutorials that showed me how to more modularly construct my code were RIGHT??? :O) So now we had enemies taking their turns squarely after the player. After thise, I wanted to create animations for the seaslime, my "complete" enemy to communicate better to the player what they were doing. This meant making them an attack and hitstun animation in addition to their idle. I also made a little script to squash and stretch their sprite when they move to a new tile to give them some bounce.
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What was next was making a new "type" of enemy. I didn't want to use the same type of enemy only doing a regular attack but with slightly differing stats for the whole game. I knew it was time to make "special" attacks. So to start I got our new enemy in. His name is Kelponzo:
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My intentions were to have another common encounter enemy that would teach players about status effects by applying Poison to a player if none of them were already poisoned. This resulted in the much needed "enemyattack" script where I could store information about any different type of attack I came up with now or in the future.
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Setting up the poison counter and damage taken to the player was pretty simple. Once I had the enemy AI and attack figured out, it was smooth sailing and we officially had 2 different types of enemies with the structure in place to make any different AI or attack types that I wanted. Being poisoned of course meant that I needed to make edits to the player's portraits during combat to better communicate status effects. So I give you:
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I couldn't think of a better way to make a skeleton look *more* dead.
After this, it was really about getting as much polish done as possible. I wanted to animate both trixie and davy next to the grid during combat. I didn't quite get all these animations done but I got them *at least* penciled out with idle, attack, cast, and hit stun animations and a fancy new state machine to take care of all of them.
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look at them all wiggling.
What other things did I do? I made a lightning attack animation and added attack "types" and type weaknesses for enemies. I did a little (but not enough) work in timing out actions and adding pauses between things so someone who isn't me can understand what's going on during a turn. I am quickly realizing that, at least for myself, the most challenging part of programming is telling the computer to "wait a second" and give a little breathing room to digest what is happening. My next steps are to clean up animations and do another more earnest timing pass on things so that it doesn't feel like enemy and player actions are happening on top of one another too quickly to internalize. Once those steps are taken I can finally play the combat all the way through as intended and do a balance pass on these first to enemies to make sure they're fun. (oh, and I also have to fix the bug where battles just don't end anymore? Truly a problem for a future Marlowe.) Here's a little video of roughly where I left off:
Overall I'm really happy with the progress I made during the jam. Big shoutout to the PIGSquad community for keeping me company during the jam while they all shared progress on their own projects! It was very motivating. It's been almost exactly 1 year since I started working on this game in earnest and I have to say I'm really happy with what I've learned from basically nothing just chipping away at this in my free time. I am so close to just being able to make a demo of this game I can almost taste it and that's the ultimate goal in front of me right now! Till next time! -Marlowe
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bogleech · 9 months
In Mortasheen, how do the industries needed to feed a large, varied population that feeds on fresh blood, corpses, live prey and other special diets function?
How many different types of monster kibble does the grocery store have to have?
Do this and norms for human food bleed into each other?
The city is one gigantic biotech organism feeding on the planet, growing its buildings from living metal and constantly excreting biochemical waste, so like the poisonous geysers at the bottom of the ocean, it supports its own biome of extremophile microorganisms and a food chain expands from there. Its more humanlike (metahuman) species make restaurants and bakeries and snack food brands like we do, especially because metahumans prefer chemical-packed food as unrecognizably processed as possible, but feeding yourself is really just a matter of harvesting any of the giant fungi or weird slugs and bacterial mats that live off the architecture without any of it eating you back. Basically it is more of a badly abnormal but very productive "wilderness" than a city anymore. Completely natural humans like us, which they call Retrohumans or just Retros, can't easily live there at all because everything is so toxic and we can't recover easily from simple mundane things like having most of our brain digested (silly).
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gumasantan · 2 years
home: a three-part haikaveh fic (2/3)
about: a haikaveh modern treasure hunt AU.
word count: ~3.9k words (long, this one).
a/n: this chapter can work as a standalone story, but i would implore you to read the first chapter! please enjoy!
first chapter: the hallway
third chapter: the outside
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Linear? Yes.
Rigid? Yes.
Symmetrical? Yes.
The geometry of the interior is sublime. The west side perfectly mirrors the east side. One can tell that the structure is layered, you can separate what’s part of the floor, wall, and ceiling. There are small portions of sandstone smartly designed to arrange each layer, either they gradually decrease in area or increase in thickness. From a practical standpoint, these little things make the view easier for the eyes to digest. Everything serves a purpose, and the look of the location doesn’t cause any confusion.
Yet, it’s not boring.
It’s correct to believe that any design scheme incorporated into erecting structures reflects ideas of the people who have envisioned what they want their work to appear like. The ancient civilization that constructed this chamber obviously cared about the beauty of their creation: The sanguine colors that layered the golden plating implanted on the pillars add variety to what would’ve been just an ordinary sight. The walls have hieroglyphics neatly carved onto them, and the floors were smoothened out, they don’t have a rough, bricklike pattern.
In the bigger picture, all of these have meanings that will be perceived greater by those who are now long gone than the modern inhabitants who currently walk the world today. But for a trained eye, these observations aren’t that hard to make.
“The architecture of this place is well thought-out!” A blonde man uttered as he looks around him with his knees on the ground.
“Pay attention to what’s in front of us, please.” His partner beside him, also kneeling down.
“Allow me to indulge myself, would you? I could have used some of these designs in my palace. I’m sure it would look just as good without the rough textures!” The blonde continued on, not intent on following his companion’s orders.
“Kaveh, I hope you haven’t forgotten what you’ve said before.” Kaveh met a pair of eyes, annoyed at his behavior.
“Ah, yes, of course crybaby Alhaitham. About the task only. Got it.” Sarcastic in his reply, he is a man of his own words after all.
They both look at the ornament in front of them.
There was a tombstone of sorts standing onto the ground in front of them, in the middle of the chamber, encapsulated in tiled triangles, surrounded by littered grains of sand and stone tablets.
Perhaps this is the main attraction of the place.
“I can’t read what’s written there. So, I don’t need to be here. I look stupid pretending that I can read this thing.” Kaveh admitted. He had a disappointing look on his face, directed towards one Alhaitham that should’ve known better.
“And I can’t let you simply wander around such a hostile place as this one. We would lose this only opportunity if you set off another hidden trap again.” Alhaitham answered Kaveh’s complaint without looking at him.
Kaveh’s eyes squinted at Alhaitham, just because he is annoyed that his junior is right.
 “Fine.” His admission was followed by a sigh. 
He looked at the tombstone, noticing that Alhaitham’s gaze hasn’t differed at all, still examining the epitaph written in the same hieroglyphs.
“What are we even looking at anyway? A bunch of small drawings of a pigeon, an inverted balloon, a headless spider, a snake and a flagpole. Somehow that’s supposed to mean something?” These pictures are definitely not the type to tell you a thousand words.
“It’s an ancient language.” Alhaitham could really take no joke.
 “Obviously. I’m asking more about how you are able to derive a meaning from something that looks so meaningless.” Kaveh’s irritated tone fail to bother Alhaitham.
“Are you that interested?” Alhaitham asks.
“No, not at all.” Smugly answering his junior’s question like how a cold professor would to their one of their own students.
“Then don’t inquire. Be silent, so I can properly translate it and you can answer for the last time. We’ll be on our way out shortly after.” Alhaitham kept on deciphering the ancient language.
“Huh, ‘you’?” Kaveh smirked at Alhaitham.
Whether he noticed it or not, Kaveh could feel something akin to feeling good deep down inside him. In Kaveh’s eyes, his conceited junior just passively admitted that he is the only one capable of doing ALL of the work. Great success!
As they remain in their kneeling position, with Alhaitham working as their archaeological translator while muttering different words, Kaveh can’t help but reminisce as they head towards the end of the day. In such a dangerous place, there’s a weird but cozy feeling invisibly filling the air of the chamber as they both stay in silence. This is further reinforced by the wideness of the place, for it allows for natural light to settle in the place. Small, infrequent patches of darkness decorating select areas of the chamber, setting a calm mood as if they were in a bedroom.
“On a more personal note, I was at the very least, entertained today.” Kaveh was the first to speak with sincerity leaking from his words, reading the air correctly by ceasing his bickering.
Alhaitham gave no reaction. He didn’t even flinch.
“Even with how much I loathe you, it’s unusual for me to do something this interesting that excites my dull and regretful time with you.” It’s a double-edged sword after all, since he’ll always be that common factor in his life: He lives with him under the same roof.
That’s annoying as heck.
Alhaitham remained unfazed against Kaveh’s snarky comments.
“I suppose what I’m trying to say is that…I appreciate what happened today.” Those were the perfect words that Kaveh could think of. Being thankful for the adventure without having to be thankful of doing it with Alhaitham.
“Maybe you should think of how to pay your rent and your debt.” Alhaitham commented out of nowhere, catching Kaveh off guard. His neutral voice suggested that he didn’t intend to insult him, rather, just ‘trying’ to be factual and helpful.
Kaveh’s eyes widened. His debt?
That was his weakest spot. Of course, the debt. The debt that he accumulated after constructing one of his architectural projects. The one that he considers his own masterpiece: A palace, one that sits on a valley in-between two cliffs. In such a challenging environment, it was a miracle that Kaveh could make such a building into a reality, and to do it prettily and cleverly as well.
He wouldn’t have a problem going into the details, logistics, and circumstances that had to go right in order to do it if it wasn’t for the deep hole he dug himself into when he forgot to remember how much financing he would need to undergo such a project. He only realized the fatal mistake in the middle of construction.
For a desperate architect in such a desperate situation, it wouldn’t take long until someone offered to loan him an amount of money that even if a million Kavehs were to live right now, they still wouldn’t be enough to pay all of it within their entire lifetimes. But he had no choice, either that or he ends up with an ugly, unfinished project that will just taint the floral beauty of the landscape.
It’s no question as to what he decided.
Since he decided to pay for…whatever amount of time it takes. It would make sense that he lives under his roof that he created, right? Nope! The person that he loaned from, which became the owner of the palace BY THE WAY, didn’t let him so.
He would’ve been a vagabond had he not heeded her advice: To contact a certain scholar from the Academy that he studied under and taught in. He was naïve at that time, thinking that this person would be sympathetic enough to understand his situation, as stupid as it might sound.  
He was wrong.
“I’ve figured out what this text meant.” A firm, serious voice snapped Kaveh back into reality from his own little mental flashback.
Both Kaveh and Alhaitham stood up.
“What did it say?” Kaveh immediately switched his attention to the present matter, erasing any memory of the previous moment.
“It’s a four-line riddle, unlike the previous simpler ones. Seeing an empty space here and the stone tablets littered around us, I’m assuming that we just need to slot in the one with the right answer on it.” Alhaitham looks to the small, rectangular objects with various symbols on each of them.
“I see. What is the riddle?” Kaveh asks, preparing his mind for the final, upcoming task. Ready to demonstrate the reason why he and his class is famed for.
Alhaitham stares at the epitaph, reading it symbol by symbol.
“The breathing walls emanate a warm breeze of comfort, gusting past the naked bleeding soul. Eternal healing by the imperfect being. In each word lie each of the good.” Alhaitham started to talk like a 16th century English poet yet he lacks the tone of one.
Kaveh tried to giggle but interrupted himself.
“Are you sure that’s what it says? You’re not trying to fool me or any of the sort, right?” Kaveh clarifies, in tiny disbelief of what he just had heard.
“Yes, I’m confident. That’s the most accurate that I could translate it in terms of grammar.” Alhaitham confidently answers. Knowing him for a long time, he’s not the type of person that will purposely make a mistake.
Kaveh started thinking.
“Hmm…’breathing walls’…” Kaveh muttered in the middle of his thought.
Compared to the ones he had answered before, this one was more philosophical as it is pretentious. In truth, Kaveh found it a little cheesy. Naked bleeding soul? This looks like one of those set of words that a young adolescent would come up with. Or one that you would see in a pop song. It’s a bit silly, really.
But this is the lock to the treasure. He needs to take this seriously.
“Okay, before I come up with any ideas. Can you examine and translate what’s written on the stone tablets? We need to limit our choices to avoid barking up the wrong tree?” Kaveh gestures to the tablets on the floor, prompting a nod from Alhaitham.
Alhaitham picks up the one from on the tombstone’s right.
“This one translates to ‘World’.”
Next, he picks up the one on their north.
“This one says ‘Conscience’.”
He then turns to pick up the tablet from the left side.
“’Emotion’ is what’s written in this one.”
He goes to pick the fourth one behind them.
“This is ‘Connection’.”
Kaveh noticed another tablet covered in sand under his feet, picking it up.
“This is probably the last one. Here, translate it.” Kaveh threw the tablet into Alhaitham’s hands.
“Alright. Your tablet says ‘Person’.”
They collected all of the stone tablets and put it beside the empty slot. With their options clearly defined, Kaveh puts one of his hands under his chin. His junior joining him in his pondering.
“Do you see any connections, Kaveh?” Alhaitham curiously asks, always finding himself in this position whenever he lets Kaveh work his wit, which deep down, he finds impressive. He won’t admit that to him though.
"Not yet.” His senior answered.
“At first glance, with how the riddle is worded out, it seems to be referring to something that’s not a physical object. Seeing most of what our tablets say, my assumptions are correct.” Kaveh started to sound like a professor: Logical, methodical, and formal. It is very unlike him to be in this guise outside of his academic bubble.
“Agreed, the last sentence would also confirm that. The ‘world’ is one outlier though, there must be some reason why they put it there.” Alhaitham voiced out his sound concern.
“If we take this literally, then ‘world’ would make sense. After all, most, if not everyone, shares the thought that the world is innocent. It’s just a natural being, reacting to changes incurred by us. And the rest, the breeze, gust, and healing...That is, if we don’t consider figures of speech. Can you repeat the riddle again?” Kaveh wants to make sure he doesn’t get the wrong ideas.
“Alright, I’ll read again: The breathing walls emanate a warm breeze of comfort, gusting past the naked bleeding soul. Eternal healing by the imperfect being. In each word lie each of the good.” The language-knowledgeable scribe reiterated, easily translating the symbols.
“I think we’re going in the right direction.” Little by little, Kaveh’s growing confident.
“What are you thinking?” Alhaitham asks curiously.
“Read it again. ‘Breathing walls’, ‘naked bleeding soul’, and ‘imperfect being’, right?” Kaveh asks, looking at Alhaitham with growing inquisitive by each question asked.
“Yes, those are the correct translations. But what is a breathing wall? Such things don’t exist. And imperfect being? Everything can become perfect when they’re at the right place and at the right time.” Alhaitham was then met by a facepalming Kaveh, who seemed to be disappointed at his attempt at puzzle analysis.
“No, you’ve misconstrued the riddle.” An unimpressed look was evident in Kaveh’s face.
“These are personifications. Naked bleeding soul for when we are hurt or feel exposed. And as much as I respect your position about perfection, it is just objectively wrong. No one can ever truly become perfect; not even you and not even me. We are flawed beings, imperfect beings.” Kaveh explained in a convincing tone.
“I see. Whatever that satisfies the riddle.” Alhaitham answered without showing any kind of disagreement and just wanting to get the job done.
“Although, I find myself wondering what it meant about ‘breathing walls’. It’s obvious to me that they’re referring to us humans, but why use the noun? Why didn’t they use anything else? Why use ‘walls’?” Kaveh wondered.
“It’s irrelevant. The majority of these statements refer to a person, so it must be that.” Alhaitham stated, grabbing the tablet with the matching set of symbols onto it.
Kaveh just sighed.
“No, you don’t understand. Yes, they do personify, but you need to look into the bigger picture. Why do those breathing walls emanate a warm breeze of comfort? Why does the imperfect being heal eternally? And of course, the meaning of that last statement, which we’re yet to figure out.” He analyzes each line of the riddle, looking for the purpose of each sentence. He gestured to Alhaitham to drop the tablet and think again.
“I might’ve overlooked these details, but from these descriptions, I think they’re just perceptions rather than truths.” Assuredly said in true Alhaitham fashion.
Alhaitham’s input got Kaveh thinking.
“Hmm…you’re not completely wrong. I would also like to think that these are perceptions, but we require knowledge of whose perspective this riddle is in. Additionally, we need to account who they are referring to. Not all personifications refer to a person. Sometimes, in riddles, some answers are just too good to be true.” Kaveh is in his element, always considering each angle of those who had created such word-based puzzles.
“I understand. You are correct. We also take such approaches in the scientific method, albeit more inflexible than and not as intuitive as what you’re currently doing.”
In a rare moment in time where opportunity allows them so, the great rivals exhibited great teamwork. No squabbling, just engaging in respectful discourse, aided by each other’s strengths.
Kaveh stares at the tombstone, wanting to be able to understand it himself.
“I don’t think it’s ‘conscience’ since the focus is less about doing what’s right. And I also don’t think that ‘emotion’ is the answer because if that’s the case, then this riddle would only be talking about feeling sad or hurt, which is too shortsighted.” Kaveh started to eliminate choices that would not answer the entirety of the riddle.  
“That leaves us with…’connection’ then.” Alhaitham grabbed the corresponding stone tablet.
“It would make sense. It’s an unassuming, neutral, but fitting answer.” Kaveh thought more about it, and the more he did, the closer he got to in solving the riddle.
“These adjectives could only be possible when two or more people are being referred to. An island of a man cannot survive on his own nor heal himself. They would require someone’s assistance.”
Kaveh instantly remembers his own experiences as soon as those words left his mouth.
“You need to connect. Find out about each other. Establish and maintain that relationship between each other for beneficence! If one is hurt, then the other can only heal them, deliver that ‘warm breeze of comfort’ as the riddle says, to them!”
He feels that he’s drawing close to a Eureka! moment.
“That’s what being acquainted means. That’s what friendships and romances are for. Become that breathing wall, be there for when you need one another, and beyond that! The only thing that accounts.”
Kaveh noticed himself becoming caught up in the emotions as his memories return that contrasted his words.
“I get that this ‘connection’ would be the right answer then?” Alhaitham asks in a blank tone.
Kaveh’s breathing started to hitch.
Seeing who’s in front of him, he slowly soothed himself to not let an Alhaitham that’s barren of any emotion witness such sentiments coming from him. He knows when to get emotional, and it would be just improper to do it in front of someone that won’t even get close to understanding his feelings.
He exhaled.
“Yes, Alhaitham. The answer to the riddle is ‘connection’.” Kaveh confidently answered.
“You are sure about this, yes? I don’t think we’ll be allowed for a second chance, remember what happened at the last chamber? I don’t fancy having to run for my life again.” Alhaitham put the stone tablet atop the empty slot, ready to put it in.
Ah, yes. How could he forget the reason why they were in that dark hallway in the first place?
So many wrong attempts responsible for just one big rolling boulder.
They never ran that fast before in their lives, until that moment.
But his statement of clarification made Kaveh reconsider. Did they answer it in the correct angle? Is there any part of it that doesn’t match up well with the proposed answer? Risky it is to let even a minute detail slip: This is the final riddle that will open the door to the treasure if it were answered correctly. Otherwise, they could be entranced into another marathon again, or worse.
This riddle and this answer, everything seemed to connect and make sense. What could it be other than ‘connection’? Using the process of elimination: One requires a thoughtless mind, the other is just too obvious of an answer, and the rest matches up with one of the lines but fails to satisfy the general equation. ‘Connection’ is the correct answer, even from an objective standpoint.
Well, not everything made sense. There was one that sticks out like a sore thumb.
“I’m sure about it…for the most part. I just can’t seem to find how that answer relates to a breathing wall.” Kaveh admitted, making it apparent that he wants to find an appropriate answer.
“I suppose in such pretentious riddles, some pretentious words are just there for the sake of…being pretentious.” Alhaitham smirked. He is a master at that game and he recognizes when something is being too pompous for the sake of appearing impressive.
“I guess so.” Kaveh answered as he watched Alhaitham struggle in slotting the tablet inside.
At that moment, he just kept repeating the two words over and over again under his breaths
“Breathing walls…breathing walls…breathing walls…”
At that point in deep redundancy, he managed to visualize a mental image.
It was himself, drawing up a blueprint inside a familiar place: A bedroom that was not his, that belonged to someone else. And behind him, was the owner.
But why?
He remembered what he said previously.
“Become that breathing wall. Be there for—for each other.” Silently murmuring to himself.
He comes into a realization, conjuring a meaning for that two peculiar words.
“Hey, I’d just thought, that ‘connection’ might not be the right answer.” Kaveh told his junior.
Alhaitham stopped himself.
“I didn’t realize how important it was, until now.” Kaveh spoke as he continues to think, trying to come up with a coherent explanation to what would be a confused Alhaitham.
“What are you saying?” Alhaitham tilted his head towards Kaveh.
“The ‘breathing wall’ part. It was important after all. Yes, we’re indeed correct that a physical object is not the answer. But I posit that our answer is not only an idea that we can show, but an idea that we can show AND see with our own eyes!” Kaveh talked faster as he goes on, unclear if it’s excitement or nervousness that he’s showing.
“I fail to understand what you’re trying to imply.” Alhaitham tried to dismiss Kaveh’s second thoughts, but the blonde wouldn’t allow that.
“It’s…the answer should be a shelter.”
He left Alhaitham dumbfounded.
“A shelter. Someone’s shelter. I’m not referring to the physical structure, but something special that one can become towards the right person.” Kaveh clarified the difference.
“Being a…home towards people? What are you trying to say here?” Alhaitham asks, still just as confused.
“Think of it as a special status. It’s not an explicit thing. When you refer someone as ‘your home’, it means that they make you feel secured and safe.” Kaveh explained briefly.
But Alhaitham only returned silence. Kaveh sighed.
“You have your own house right? Admit it or not, there is no place just like that one. What do you feel returning to your place after a long and tiring day? You’d just want to rest, and the best place to do that is in your home. It brings you the best resting experience you won’t ever have someplace else.” Kaveh was desperate for Alhaitham to understand. He needs him to be on the same page here, or else, he would think that his senior has become irrational.
“I…I don’t know how to answer that one.” Alhaitham can only stay confused.
“Attempt to apply it in the context of human beings. We are imperfect creatures, flawed in any way we allow it to be possible. Even though that’s the case, someday, someone will accept us to the point that they will find us irreplaceable because we could make them feel positive emotions that no other people can. That particular way they view us, is how we become, a shelter, to people.”
Kaveh let his optimism spill unknowingly, contrary to the same person that would carefully think of each word when it comes to explaining what should’ve been a simple concept had it been any other people that was with him.
“Look, even if I did understand the foolishness you are uttering, which I won’t, there exists no tablet in this place that has home, house, or whatever otherworldly concept you’re referring to, that is written in any of them.” Alhaitham shook his head.
Kaveh just winced at him.
At this point, any further explanations would be useless. Even if he had enough patience to explain it to him, Alhaitham would just be more and more resistant to idea, and more annoying to deal with. That kind of concept was just too foreign for his companion.
How could it be possible for them to endure each other forever?
Without warning, Kaveh quickly grabbed one of the tablets, almost as if he perfectly remembered the symbols on it, and slotted it inside the empty space.
The surface below the tombstone opened up revealing the climax of their adventure: The treasure that shined its rays towards and beyond the walls of the ceiling.
Alhaitham, taken aback by Kaveh’s swift decisiveness, still managed to realize what the situation entails, and snatched away the treasure from its place.
The ground began to shake.
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maniacal-butterfly · 2 years
They both like the sugary treats, actually. Honey can be crystallized quite easily.
I admit I have trouble imagining Jiggy liking anything remotely fun. I'd suppose he'd be the type to like modern architecture, all white or gradients of grey, and clean, and void-damn soulless. Food wise liking porridge, plain rice, and at best digestive biscuits. Or he'd manage to include maths and geometry in food... Maybe he'd like Molecular Gastronomy...
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withloveheart · 2 years
Loads of people shrug Emma’s style off as that she’s thin so anything will look good on her, which is true to a certain extent. While I do think style is something personal and it is what you make of it, she has lots of outfits I would want to wear no matter how I looked like. She somehow managed to break out of the YouTube bubble and become larger than other creators without involving herself in as much drama. She’s interviewed celebrities at the MET Gala for Vogue, her coffee brand is going well, she’s a fixture at LV shows and she has definitely matured a lot and it shows in her videos. In some videos, you can feel her genuine love for clothes and how they’re made. I recommend watching her house tour with Architectural Digest. I’m not into that type of decor, but it was definitely something refreshing to see instead of the common boring minimalism we see nowadays.
I just watched her AD house tour and I really liked her taste. I am a sucker for wooden accents in a home, especially done well.
I already know she achieved all those things and I think she is really smart to be able to take her brand to that level. I can't think of any other influencer who has successfully done what she had done.
I am interested in her book taste though since she has gotten into reading lately. I hope she continues being an avid reader because there can never be enough bibliophiles
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crazy-joes · 6 days
Grommet Curtains Toronto
Grommet Top Drapes Toronto If you're a homeowner or condo dweller aged 35 and above in Toronto, you probably understand the importance of high-quality window treatments. With a plethora of options available, grommet curtains stand out as a functional and stylish choice. At Crazy Joe's Drapery & Blinds (crazyjoes.com), we believe in providing top-notch window solutions that marry aesthetics with practicality. Why Choose Grommet Curtains? Stylish and Modern Design Grommet curtains offer a sleek and contemporary look, making them a popular choice for modern homes. The clean lines and smooth draping add a touch of sophistication to any room. - Versatility in Decor: Grommet curtains come in various fabrics, colors, and patterns, allowing you to match them effortlessly with your existing decor. - Ease of Installation: Their design makes them incredibly easy to install and adjust, a feature many find appealing. Functionality Grommet curtains are not just about looks; they offer several functional benefits: - Light Control: Depending on the fabric, grommet curtains can allow natural light to filter through or completely block it out. - Insulation: High-quality grommet curtains can help insulate your home, making it more energy-efficient. Why Crazy Joe's Drapery & Blinds? Expertise and Experience Crazy Joe's Drapery & Blinds (crazyjoes.com) has been serving the Toronto area for decades, providing unparalleled expertise in window treatments. - Customization: We offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and preferences. - Quality Materials: Our grommet curtains are made from high-quality materials that promise durability and longevity. Customer Satisfaction Our commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in our numerous positive reviews and repeat customers. - Personalized Consultation: We offer personalized consultations to help you choose the perfect grommet curtains for your home. - After-Sales Support: Our after-sales support ensures that you are completely satisfied with your purchase. How to Choose the Right Grommet Curtains Consider Your Needs - Room Function: The purpose of the room should dictate the type of grommet curtains you choose. - Fabric Choice: Different fabrics offer varying levels of light control and insulation. For more insights on choosing the perfect curtains, you can check out this article from HGTV. Measure Accurately Accurate measurements are crucial for a perfect fit. At Crazy Joe's Drapery & Blinds, we offer professional measurement services to ensure your curtains fit flawlessly. Benefits of Grommet Curtains for Homeowners Enhanced Aesthetics Grommet curtains can elevate the look of any room, making them an excellent choice for homeowners who value interior design. - Visual Appeal: The unique design of grommet curtains adds a modern touch to your home. - Color Coordination: With a wide range of colors available, you can easily find curtains that complement your home's color scheme. Improved Comfort Grommet curtains can significantly improve the comfort of your home by providing better light control and insulation. - Energy Efficiency: By choosing the right fabric, you can reduce your energy bills. - Privacy: Grommet curtains offer excellent privacy, making them ideal for bedrooms and living rooms. For more on the benefits of grommet curtains, see this article from Architectural Digest. Installation Tips DIY vs. Professional Installation While grommet curtains are relatively easy to install, professional installation ensures a perfect fit and finish. - DIY Installation: If you prefer a hands-on approach, this guide from The Spruce provides detailed instructions. - Professional Installation: At Crazy Joe's Drapery & Blinds, we offer professional installation services to save you time and effort. Conclusion Grommet top drapes are an excellent choice for homeowners in Toronto looking for a blend of style and functionality. At Crazy Joe's Drapery & Blinds (crazyjoes.com), we are dedicated to helping you find the perfect window treatments for your home. With our expertise, high-quality materials, and commitment to customer satisfaction, you can trust us to provide the best grommet curtains in Toronto. Top 5 Questions and Answers 1. What are grommet curtains? Grommet curtains are a type of window treatment featuring metal rings at the top, allowing for smooth movement along the curtain rod. 2. Why should I choose grommet curtains? Grommet curtains offer a modern look, ease of installation, and functional benefits like light control and insulation. 3. How do I measure for grommet curtains? Measure the width and height of your window, and add extra length for a full, luxurious look. Professional measurement services are also available at Crazy Joe's Drapery & Blinds. 4. Can grommet curtains help with energy efficiency? Yes, grommet curtains made from insulating fabrics can help reduce energy bills by maintaining indoor temperatures. 5. Is professional installation necessary for grommet curtains? While not necessary, professional installation ensures a perfect fit and finish, saving you time and effort. Read the full article
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devoqdesign · 9 days
Cognitive Load Theory in Practice: Designing Interfaces That Reduce Mental Strain
In the fast-paced digital world, user interface (UI) design plays a crucial role in determining the success of any application or website. One of the key factors that contribute to effective UI design is the consideration of cognitive load – the amount of mental effort required to process information. By understanding and applying Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) in practice, designers can create interfaces that reduce mental strain, enhance user experience, and improve overall usability.
Understanding Cognitive Load Theory
Cognitive Load Theory, first proposed by John Sweller in the 1980s, is an instructional theory based on our knowledge of human cognitive architecture. It suggests that our working memory has limited capacity when dealing with new information. The theory identifies three types of cognitive load:
Intrinsic load: The inherent difficulty of the task or information being processed.
Extraneous load: The unnecessary cognitive burden caused by poor design or presentation of information.
Germane load: The cognitive resources devoted to processing, constructing, and automating schemas (mental models).
The goal of applying CLT in interface design is to minimize extraneous load, manage intrinsic load, and optimize germane load to facilitate learning and task completion.
Practical Applications of CLT in Interface Design
1. Simplify and Declutter
One of the most effective ways to reduce cognitive load is by simplifying the interface and removing unnecessary elements. This approach helps to minimize extraneous load and allows users to focus on the essential information and tasks.
Use white space effectively to create visual breathing room.
Implement a clear visual hierarchy to guide users' attention.
Remove redundant information and decorative elements that don't serve a functional purpose.
2. Chunk Information
Breaking down complex information into smaller, manageable chunks can significantly reduce cognitive load. This technique helps manage intrinsic load by presenting information in a more digestible format.
Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to organize content.
Group related items together using visual cues like proximity and similarity.
Implement progressive disclosure to reveal information gradually as needed.
3. Utilize Familiarity and Conventions
Leveraging users' existing knowledge and mental models can reduce cognitive load by minimizing the need to learn new concepts or interaction patterns.
Use familiar icons and symbols that align with widely accepted conventions.
Follow established design patterns for common interface elements (e.g., navigation menus, form layouts).
Maintain consistency in design elements and interactions throughout the interface.
4. Provide Clear Feedback and Guidance
Offering timely and relevant feedback helps users understand the results of their actions and reduces uncertainty, thereby lowering cognitive load.
Use visual cues (e.g., hover effects, animations) to indicate interactive elements.
Provide clear error messages and suggestions for correction.
Implement progress indicators for multi-step processes or loading times.
5. Optimize for Recognition Over Recall
Designing interfaces that rely on recognition rather than recall can significantly reduce cognitive load. This approach minimizes the need for users to remember information from one screen to another.
Use descriptive labels and icons for navigation and actions.
Implement autocomplete and suggestion features in search and input fields.
Provide visual cues or thumbnails to help users recognize content or options.
6. Maintain Consistency
Consistency in design elements, interactions, and terminology across the interface helps users build accurate mental models, reducing the cognitive effort required to navigate and use the system.
Use a consistent color scheme, typography, and visual style throughout the interface.
Maintain consistent placement of recurring elements (e.g., navigation, search, user controls).
Use consistent terminology and labeling for similar actions or concepts.
7. Implement Efficient Navigation
Well-designed navigation systems can significantly reduce cognitive load by helping users understand their current location and how to reach their desired destination within the interface.
Use clear and descriptive labels for navigation items.
Implement breadcrumbs for complex hierarchical structures.
Provide search functionality and filters to help users find information quickly.
8. Optimize for Different User Types
Recognizing that users have varying levels of expertise and familiarity with your interface, design with flexibility to accommodate different cognitive loads.
Offer customizable interfaces or user-selectable complexity levels.
Provide onboarding tutorials or guided tours for new users.
Implement shortcuts or advanced features for experienced users.
9. Use Visuals Effectively
Visual elements, when used judiciously, can help reduce cognitive load by conveying information more efficiently than text alone.
Use icons, illustrations, or infographics to represent complex concepts.
Implement data visualization techniques to make large datasets more comprehensible.
Use color coding to categorize or highlight important information.
10. Conduct User Testing and Iterate
Regular user testing is crucial to identify areas of high cognitive load and opportunities for improvement.
Conduct usability tests to observe how users interact with the interface.
Use eye-tracking studies to understand visual attention patterns.
Collect and analyze user feedback to identify pain points and areas of confusion.
Applying Cognitive Load Theory in interface design is not about creating overly simplistic or feature-poor interfaces. Instead, it's about thoughtfully managing the mental resources required to interact with a system. By minimizing extraneous load, managing intrinsic load, and optimizing germane load, designers can create interfaces that are not only easier to use but also more effective in helping users achieve their goals.
Remember that reducing cognitive load is an ongoing process that requires continuous evaluation and refinement. As user needs evolve and new technologies emerge, designers must stay adaptable and continue to apply CLT principles to create interfaces that truly enhance the user experience.
By prioritizing cognitive load reduction in your design process, you can create interfaces that feel intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable to use. This approach not only benefits users by reducing mental strain but also contributes to the overall success of your digital product by improving user satisfaction, engagement, and task completion rates.
Devoq Design is a leading UI/UX design agency in Nevada and UI/UX design agency in New Hampshire, known for crafting visually stunning and highly functional digital experiences. Their team specializes in delivering tailored design solutions that prioritize user interaction and engagement. By combining creativity with technical expertise, Devoq Design helps businesses in Nevada and New Hampshire build intuitive interfaces that enhance customer satisfaction and drive results. Whether for websites, apps, or digital platforms, their solutions are designed to meet the evolving needs of businesses and their users.
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