#arduino lorawan
elcereza · 5 months
STM32 e módulo LoRaWAN da Radioenge
Aprenda como eu fiz uma integração do módulo LoRaWAN da Radioenge e STM32 através da STM32CubeIDE
O STM32 e módulo LoRaWAN da Radioenge são uma bela junção para aplicações de baixo consumo de energia e longo alcance, tanto é que o próprio módulo tem um STM32L presente. Este projeto foi inteiramente construído dentro da STM32CubeIDE como uma forma de estudo e exemplo, então seu funcionamento é um pouco diferente do funcionamento no Arduino IDE. De qualquer forma a infraestrutura está o mais…
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ellcereza · 1 year
The Things Network: Primeiros passos
The Things Nework é o maior network server de LoRaWAN do planeta, sendo totalmente colaborativo e gratuito. Venha aprender a usar
A The Things Network ou TTN é um servidor de rede LoRaWAN colaborativa que permite que qualquer pessoa ou empresa possa ser um ponto de conexão LoRaWAN como também pode utilizar a cobertura já existente para conectar os end devices tudo de forma gratuita. 1 O que é The Things Network? A TTN é um network server criado em 2015 com o objetivo de criar uma cobertura global e colaborativa de LoRaWAN…
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ckuehnel · 1 year
Solarbetriebener LoRaWAN-Knoten - ein Jahr Online
Im Blogbeitrag zu WisBlock-Komponenten von RAKwireless habe ich einen LoRaWAN-Sensorknoten bestehend aus den folgenden Komponenten vorgestellt: RAK4631Nordic nRF52840 BLE Core Module für LoRaWAN mit Semtech SX1262RAK1901WisBlock Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitssensor SHTC3RAK5005_OWisBlock Base BoardRAKBox-B2Gehäuse mit Solar-PanelWisBlock Komponenten Der Test startete am 18.03.2022 14:15 und…
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macnman-techno · 7 months
How do you handle water meter reading using Lora (Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Lorawan, IoT)?
Install a LoRaWAN Gateway: Begin by setting up a LoRaWAN gateway. This gateway acts as a receiver for data transmitted by LoRaWAN devices and forwards it to the network server. It connects to the internet and communicates with LoRaWAN devices within its coverage area.
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Attach LoRaWAN Modules to Water Meters: Next, equip your water meters with LoRaWAN modules or sensors. These modules are responsible for gathering important data, such as water consumption readings, from the meters.
Develop Firmware/Software: Program your Raspberry Pi or Arduino device to collect data from the water meters through the LoRaWAN modules. This programming may involve utilizing the LoRaWAN library or SDK provided by the module manufacturer.
Set Up a LoRaWAN Network Server: Install and configure a LoRaWAN network server. This server will receive and handle data from the water meters. Its functions include managing device registrations, routing messages, and storing data.
Ensure Secure Data Transmission and Encryption: Utilize LoRaWAN protocols to securely transmit the water meter readings from your Raspberry Pi or Arduino to the network server. LoRaWAN uses AES encryption to safeguard data privacy during transmission.
Data Processing and Storage: Once the network server receives the data, process it as needed. Extract the relevant water consumption readings and conduct any necessary calculations or validations. Store the data in a database or another suitable storage system.
Integration and Visualization: To make sense of the data, integrate it with your chosen IoT platform or application. This integration allows for further analysis and visualization. Consider creating a web-based dashboard or a mobile app to present the water consumption data in a user-friendly and informative manner.
It's important to keep in mind that the specific steps and details of implementation may vary based on the hardware and software components you select and any unique requirements associated with your water meter system. Adapt the above steps as necessary to align with your specific setup and development environment.
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biggelectronics · 1 year
Long-Range IoT Communication with LoRa Modules: SX1278 and ESP32 with Display
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SX1278 LoRa Module
The SX1278 LoRa module is a popular choice among developers due to its low power consumption, long-range capabilities, and support for multiple frequency bands. It is based on the Semtech SX1278 chip, which is a low-power, long-range transceiver designed for use in the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) frequency bands. The module operates in the 433MHz frequency band and has a range of up to 5 km in open space.
The SX1278 LoRa module can be easily integrated into a variety of applications, including Internet of Things (IoT) devices, smart cities, and remote monitoring systems. It supports a wide range of data rates, from 300 bps to 37.5 kbps, and has a programmable output power up to +20 dBm.
One of the key advantages of the SX1278 LoRa module is its low power consumption. It has a sleep mode that consumes only 0.1 µA of current, making it an ideal choice for battery-powered applications. The module also has a built-in temperature sensor and a low battery detector, which can be used to optimize power consumption and extend battery life.
ESP32 LoRa with Display SX1278
The ESP32 LoRa with Display SX1278 is a popular implementation of the SX1278 LoRa module. It combines the low power consumption and long-range capabilities of the SX1278 with the processing power and connectivity features of the ESP32 microcontroller. The module has a 128x64 OLED display, which can be used to display sensor readings, status messages, and other information.
The ESP32 LoRa with Display SX1278 is compatible with the Arduino IDE and can be programmed using the Arduino programming language. It has a built-in WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity, which allows it to connect to other devices and the Internet. The module also has a built-in antenna, which simplifies the integration process and reduces the overall size of the device.
One of the key features of the ESP32 LoRa with Display SX1278 is its ease of use. It comes with a preloaded firmware that can be easily customized using the Arduino IDE. The firmware includes support for LoRaWAN, a popular protocol for building large-scale IoT networks. The module can also be used with other LoRa protocols, such as LoRa-MAC, LoRa-RAW, and LoRa-P2P.
ESP32 LoRa with Display SX1276
The ESP32 LoRa with Display SX1276 is another popular implementation of the ESP32 LoRa module, but this time with the SX1276 chip. The module operates in the 868 MHz frequency band and has a range of up to 10 km in open space. Like the SX1278 module, it has a low power consumption and can be used in a variety of applications, including smart agriculture, environmental monitoring, and asset tracking.
The ESP32 LoRa with Display SX1276 has a 128x64 OLED display, which can be used to display sensor readings and other information. It also has a built-in antenna and a WiFi/Bluetooth connectivity, which allows it to connect to other devices and the Internet.
One of the key advantages of the ESP32 LoRa with Display SX1276 is its compatibility with the Arduino IDE. It can be programmed using the Arduino programming language and comes with a preloaded firmware that can be easily customized. The firmware includes support for LoRaWAN and other LoRa protocols, making it easy to build large-scale IoT networks.
In addition to its low power consumption and long-range capabilities, the ESP32 LoRa with Display SX1276 has a variety of features that make it an ideal choice for IoT applications. It has a built-in accelerometer and gyroscope, which can be used for motion sensing and orientation detection. It also has a built-in GPS module, which can be used for location tracking and geofencing.
The module can be powered by a variety of sources, including batteries, solar panels, and external power sources. It also has a deep sleep mode that consumes only 10 µA of current, making it an ideal choice for battery-powered applications.
The SX1278 LoRa module and the ESP32 LoRa with Display modules are two popular choices for developers looking to build IoT applications that require long-range communication and low power consumption. The SX1278 module is a versatile solution that can be easily integrated into a variety of applications, while the ESP32 LoRa with Display modules provide additional features, such as processing power, connectivity, and display capabilities.
When selecting a LoRa module, developers should consider their specific requirements, such as range, power consumption, data rate, and frequency band. They should also consider the features and capabilities of the module, such as built-in sensors, connectivity options, and compatibility with different protocols and programming languages.
Overall, LoRa technology provides an attractive alternative to traditional wireless communication technologies, such as WiFi and Bluetooth, for IoT applications that require long-range communication and low power consumption. With the availability of versatile LoRa modules, such as the SX1278 LoRa module and the ESP32 LoRa with Display modules, developers have more options than ever before to build innovative IoT solutions.
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iot-talk · 2 years
Arduino "launches" WisGate Edge LoRaWAN gateways in collaboration with RAKwireless - CNX Software
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aelmaker · 2 years
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Це пізда, це відбувається насправді. Коли ти жив мирно, а на твою країну напали повномасштабно російські війська. Але згинуть наші вороженьки. It's going around really. Believe only the Ukrainian media .. because they see it with their own eyes. #ukraine🇺🇦 #ukrainegirl #ukraine #esp32 #diyelectronics #electronics #arduino #makers #украина #ukraine #diy #prototype #aelmaker #электроника #homemade #electronics #arduinomega #18650 #diyprojects #lorawan #lora (Zaporozhye, Ukraine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaXTaORt7YB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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picworld1 · 3 years
Arduino MKRシリーズ、スイッチサイエンスウェブショップで2021年8⽉6⽇販売開始
Arduino MKRシリーズ、スイッチサイエンスウェブショップで2021年8⽉6⽇販売開始 #ArduinoMKRシリーズ #スイッチサイエンス #Wi-Fi #LoRaWAN #GSM通信 #新製品 #Arduino
これは嬉しい。 LoRaWAN や Wi-Fi 接続に対応した Arduino がスイッチサイエンスで販売開始となっています。 製品は2つに分かれていて、それぞれのお値段も、それほどお高くはない感じですので、これは使えそうな製品ですね。 Arduino MKRシリーズ、スイッチサイエンスウェブショップで2021年8⽉6⽇販売開始 株式会社スイッチサイエンス 株式会社スイッチサイエンス(以下スイッチサイエンス、本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役:金本茂)は、Arduino Holding社のArduino MKRシリーズを、スイッチサイエンスのウェブショップにて2021年8月6日より販売開始します。 Arduino MKRシリーズ、スイッチサイエンスウェブショップで2021年8⽉6⽇販売開始 ▶︎ 「Arduino MKR WiFi 1010」の特徴 Arduino MKR WiFi…
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mixs-fan · 3 years
Arduino MKRシリーズ、スイッチサイエンスウェブショップで2021年8⽉6⽇販売開始
Arduino MKRシリーズ、スイッチサイエンスウェブショップで2021年8⽉6⽇販売開始 #ArduinoMKRシリーズ #スイッチサイエンス #Wi-Fi #LoRaWAN #GSM通信 #新製品 #Arduino
これは嬉しい。 LoRaWAN や Wi-Fi 接続に対応した Arduino がスイッチサイエンスで販売開始となっています。 製品は2つに分かれていて、それぞれのお値段も、それほどお高くはない感じですので、これは使えそうな製品ですね。 Arduino MKRシリーズ、スイッチサイエンスウェブショップで2021年8⽉6⽇販売開始 株式会社スイッチサイエンス 株式会社スイッチサイエンス(以下スイッチサイエンス、本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役:金本茂)は、Arduino Holding社のArduino MKRシリーズを、スイッチサイエンスのウェブショップにて2021年8月6日より販売開始します。 Arduino MKRシリーズ、スイッチサイエンスウェブショップで2021年8⽉6⽇販売開始 ▶︎ 「Arduino MKR WiFi 1010」の特徴 Arduino MKR WiFi…
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garystafford · 4 years
LoRA and LoRaWAN for IoT: Getting Started with Long Range and LoRaWAN Specification for Low Power, Wide Area Networking
LoRA and LoRaWAN for IoT: Getting Started with Long Range and LoRaWAN Specification for Low Power, Wide Area Networking
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According to the LoRa Alliance, Low–Power, Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN) are projected to support a major portion of the billions of devices forecasted for the Internet of Things (IoT). LoRaWAN is designed from the bottom up to optimize LPWANs for battery lifetime, capacity, range, and cost. LoRa and LoRaWAN permit long-range connectivity for the Internet of Things (IoT) devices in…
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decoderstech · 4 years
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NVIDIA unveiled the Jetson Xaview NX at GTC 2020 in as a significant upgrade over the NVIDIA Jetson TX2.  - ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Follow Us On: @decoders8421 Tag Your Friends 👼. Ask any query or doubt in comments. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ - #fpga #atmega #arm #nxp #embedded #iot #developmentboard #rpi #raspberrypi #arduino #arduinouno #raspberrypi3 #tinkercad #tinker #stm32 #esp32 #lorawan #lora #ai #ml #nvidiajetson  #raspberrypi4 #sbc #cortex #udoo #singleboardcomputer #iot #zigbee #opencv #raspberrypicamera https://www.instagram.com/p/CBqioLhn3FT/?igshid=1w22j3p5uz7h
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elcereza · 5 months
GPIOs do LoRaMesh da Radioenge: Portas digitais
Aprenda como usar as GPIOs do módulo LoRaMesh da Radioenge
As GPIOs do LoRaMesh da Radioenge possibilita que possamos fazer aplicações de automação com um uso reduzido de hardware, dedicando apenas ao circuito de chaveamento (se necessário) e de alimentação. No total temos no LoRaMesh 8 GPIOs sendo todas configuráveis como entrada ou saída digital e duas como leitura analógica. Porém neste post vamos apenas abordar as portas digitais. Por qual motivo…
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ellcereza · 1 year
Módulo LoRaWAN da Radioenge Tutorial Completo
O módulo LoRaWAN da Radioenge é homologado pela Anatel e 100% fabricado no Brasil e neste post você aprende tudo sobre ele.
O módulo LoRaWAN da Radioenge é uma placa de fabricação nacional e homologada que pode ser usada com qualquer microcontrolador ou microprocessador através de comandos AT via porta serial. 1 O que é LoRaWAN? O LoRaWAN é um protocolo que desenvolvido para aumentar o alcance da rede LoRa e utiliza nós em estrela para diminuir ao máximo o consumo da bateria, de modo que os ‘end nodes’ fiquem…
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ckuehnel · 2 years
Arduino-Komponenten haben sich schon lange für das Prototyping qualifiziert und werden dabei durch M5Stack-, Grove-, QwiiC-, mikroBus-Komponenten u.a.m. wirkungsvoll unterstützt. Die WisBLOCK Komponenten der in Shenzhen ansässigen Fa. RAKwireless Technology Co. erweitern die vorhandenen Möglichkeiten zusätzlich. Gemäss Aussage des Herstellers ist WisBlock ist eine komplette, qualifizierte…
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illuminarch · 5 years
MKR WAN 1310: Arduino apresenta uma nova placa com conectividade LoRa!
MKR WAN 1310: Arduino apresenta uma nova placa com conectividade LoRa!
A placa MKR WAN 1310 é de apenas 67,6 x 25,0 mm e integra um processador ARM Cortex M0 +. O MKR WAN 1310 já está disponível para pedidos por € 33 (~ US $ 37). A placa de 67,6 x 25,0 mm pesa 32 g e é equipada com um SoC Microchip Atmel SAMD21 que integra um processador ARM Cortex M0 +. O MKR WAN 1310 é mais eficiente que seus antecessores, graças às suas arquiteturas de carga e energia…
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hackthebase-hub · 5 years
#HackTheBase IoT Hub - Rent dedicated desk for $500 per month with access to IoT hardware and software
We are offering to rent two dedicated desks at our office in Vancouver downtown (Seymour St. and Nelson St.). The rent is $500 per desk per month. Please see the photo below.
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You will get access to the hardware and software resources that can help you to work on your IoT project. Please see https://hackthebase.com/iot-hub-lab­ for more details. If you don't have access to the LoRaWAN network, you can use the LoRaWAN gateway at the office. Data from the sensor you can access at The Things Network console. As a part of the rent, we are providing free four hours of consulting services per month for your IoT project. We organize regular event #HackTheBase IoT Garage for the Internet of Things and Open Hardware developers. Please see the video of the workshops we did in September. 1) Environment monitoring with The Things Network, InfluxDB, and Grafana
Slides: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eniaB84t7fcsx1t2sj50CuGhhJn-p38l Video: https://youtu.be/StEHYDk_lVw Workshop materials: https://github.com/ucwlabs/iot-monitoring-ttn 2) Environment monitoring with MQTT, InfluxDB, and Grafana Slides: ­https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XYr1KQWU233362ymV5fVowYsThvOCpUj Video: https://youtu.be/puEkexriMVw Workshop materials: https://github.com/ucwlabs/iot-monitoring-mqtt 3) Environment monitoring with Particle Device Cloud, InfluxDB, and Grafana The video and workshop materials we will share later this week. You will get access to the Particle Boron LTE devices to work on your LTE-M project. The price per desk is $500/month. Available from October 2019. If you are interested or need more details, contact us please at [email protected] or (778) 989 4861, (604) 449 2256.
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