#are so intereting in it
sawvhs · 1 year
seriously doubt adam or lawrence had any close/trusted friends which just makes their relationship in the bathroom that much more weirdly emotionally charged. codependency bait to the max
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hi guys im not dead✌️ idk some sketches i did in a meantime, i didn't really have time to draw for the last half a month haha
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(this one i did in like 30 mins because of someone in discord server im in lmao. have never watched The Addams family btw)
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quaranmine · 7 days
"Of course at some point, you can't plan yourself out of everything. I say it myself in the fic. You can do everything right and still have something happen. But...that applies in every aspect of life. The only things we can do on our end is be careful and mitigate the risk." Quote: You.
Take the Norway trip 😊
How dare you quote my own words back to me to make a point sksskfjkfjg
You're right of course. Or....I'm right???
Really, I need to get the wifi situation fixed again so I can use my laptop to do some proper research. I lose my mind a little just using my phone—it's harder to do comparisons and stuff. Then I'll feel a little more settled on a course of action and budget.
The other unmentioned thing is that I've been mentally planning it as a solo trip. Partly because I highly doubt I can get any of my friends to go. (I have other future trips in mind I would like to gently persuade them to join me on that I think they'd prefer, such as Japan.) My mom would go, she'd love to go, but also...I love my mother dearly but I am in my early 20s and weary of her coming along with me everywhere. I am more than experienced and independent enough to go by myself. It's my money, my time, my idea.
I'm trying to get more confidence doing things by myself. Like going to a concert alone if none of my friends like the music. Like solo traveling. I also want to convince my family that I'm not gonna inherently get kidnapped off the street if I dare to go somewhere alone as a skinny 5'1 woman you know??? I know how to be careful but there is a line between that, and depriving yourself of potential life experiences. Also I need to do something soon lest I one day just breakdown and start screaming "I'M AN ADULT!!" which is, you know, not something that screams "adult" lmao
Ahem. Anyway. Norway. Arctic circle. Northern lights. Reindeer. Fjords. Snow. Did you know when I re-downloaded Duolingo last year, it was still on a Norwegian lesson I was taking in 2015? I did not retain anything.
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babtest · 9 days
monkey island 2, done
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I love watching videos that explain speedrun strategies, especially places where speedrunners are stumped for some insane reason like
“yeah we figured out how to overload the x coordinate variable of the player character by holding 17 pumpkins at once and jump sliding backwards pausing the game, going to the start screen and restarting the level and it would save 10 minutes in the run if we could pull it off unfortunately there’s a dog sitting at the exact spot we need to tiddly warp to so the entire run is a no go until we can figure out how to set the game state to the dev map version of the dog where it’s not there but if we do that the pumpkins disappear so :/”
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dude-iloveu · 2 months
fghhyhufg up till five. thinking about
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lo-sulci · 1 year
tagged by @itshighjuniper to share 5 songs i've been listening to recently!! thank you juni ^u^ i am not including songs that are on the playlist that plays at my work (which I have been listening to ad nauseam but not by choice) or songs from the OSTs of stuff, just because those would probably dominate the list (that said, some of the OSTs I've been listening to lately: Across the Spider-Verse, Revue Starlight, Gatchaman Crowds, fanmade g witch covers). anyways!!
- PRESSURE BOMB 2!!!! by Jhariah: have been listening to a LOT of jhariah lately, super super cool style and I always always always love narrative albums. this song in particular just makes my brain happy and also, like, vibrate aggressively. it's nice!!!! other favorites include ENTER: A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO FAKING YOUR OWN DEATH (the opening track off the album A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO FAKING YOUR OWN DEATH), Promises, Needed A Change of Pace, and Flight of the Crows
- Riptide by the Scary Jokes: been a fan of the scary jokes for a whiiiile now, and this has been one of the songs from their newest album that i've been listening to the most (other two favorites from the album probably being Forever In You and Rage). Burn, Pygmalion!!! is still an all timer to me tbh (MEANWHILE ON THE ROOF JEANNIE CONSIDERS THE VASTNESS OF THE COUNTRYSIDE THE DARKNESS OF THE MOUNTAINS-) but I am also enjoying RB and bonus points the cassette looks SICK AS HELL
- Love Me Dead by Ludo: introduced to by way of a podcast and thoroughly wormed its way deep into my brain along with Tick Tick Boom by The Hives, Electric Version by The New Pronographers, and Picture, Picture by Harvey Danger. anywhays, god DAMN that chorus kicks ass. also, the video is pretty fun!!
- Venus Ambassador by Bryan Scary: song that I actually found ages ago and only recently checked out the rest of the album for- it's really good!! i think there's a narrative going on here even if I havent quite figured it out in its entirety but in the meantime gosh the music is good and the vibes are exquisite. other favorites off Flight of the Knife include La Madame on the Moon, Mama Waits, and Son of Stab
- A Better Place, A Better Time by Streetlight Manifesto: Streetlight Manifesto singlehandedly made my opinion of ska as a genre do a 180. one day while cleaning/organizing stuff in my room I decided to listen to, like, almost if not all of their discography, and this one was my favorite. made me cry the first time I listened to it!! anyways, my personal recommendation is to do what I did and listen to the entire Streetlight Manifesto discography just fuxking do it
anyways, tagging @theclairewitch @plaintivemeow @lvnarsapphic @sg-x00-airgetlam @destructix (absolutely no pressure tho yall lol) and, like, anyone who sees this and wants an excuse to do one of these!!
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jennmakesitweird · 1 year
When I tell you this video was the highlight of my day/week/month, I fucking mean it.
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monterisso · 1 year
Kindred definitely has Charmed as main inspo. Out of these VIPs I'm looking forward to it the most.
I thought Dirty Little Secrets would be based off Pretty Little Liars but the title font / design is throwing me off. Maybe something cabaret/Moulin Rouge related???
Alpha isn't genderlocked, but I'm still curious in which direction they'll go since we've had werewolves in Nightbound and Wolf Bride already, how will they make the story still feel fresh?
Ship of Dreams... Titanic.... they've gotten bold since Storyscape kicked the bucket lmao. Bet they're gonna reuse D&D faces and have tons of D&D and TUH characters as backgrounders. But it's something we've already seen many times, again, how will they keep it fresh???
Haven't played Guinevere yet, but it confuses me why they're choosing these types of retelling stories where so much is already familiar and set in stone? Creatively it feels very cheap and lazy. Wish they'd take more risks and creative freedom, especially for stories that have romance as a sub-genre...
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cedobols · 2 years
i tihnk this is really important yknow personally im a fan of seb in his we’re boyfriends era but mark never got that memo likely bc seb never asked in the first place
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game update. deer's internet is exploding so i can't even game. you fucking cursed us
karmic punishment for not playing with me for 282537 billion years because you hate me specifically
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fellhellion · 1 year
theoretically dana and miguel are such an interesting fail-notmarriage skdfjksdhjk me and the person we were once so content lie to ourselves and each other with in order to preserve some sembalance of a life where neither of us were challanged and we can't even figure out why it's all breaking between us as we become drastically different people <3 also we play house reconstructing the toxic relationship dynamics we learned from our family <3
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systemerror444 · 2 years
I'm in a pissy mood about Noritoshi cutting his hair in the recent chapters so I'm here for violence. Here are some depressing opinions (but I feel they're facts) about the future of JJK
Itadori has to die in the end or it won't be as good because all of this would be for nothing. If he doesn't the series will feel unfinished, even though no one wants to see Senor Sunshine die.
If Gojo wasn't sealed half this bullshit wouldn't have happened. Need I say more.
While it was devastating, Nanami's death had a very important impact on the series. He was my favorite (besides Geto), too, but his death let Itadori and everyone else grow as characters. He will be missed, but it's important to know his impact is still obvious prior to his death.
Toji's death was sad because it showed he didn't want to hurt his son, but he was a shitty dad and an even shittier person. We all love him, but let's be honest, he's a bitch.
Junpei was a very hurt person and he deserved a second chance, but he was probably too far gone for retribution. His passing was also VERY important for the development of Itadori as a character (yes I'm still on this it was sad).
Though I would commit several crimes for it, we will probably never get the original, real Geto Suguru back. Would it ruin the story if he was brought back? In my opinion, no. Is it likely? In my opinion, also no.
Sukuna is not likely to show up soon and if he does I don't think it will be positive. Yuuta literally swore to kill Itadori/Sukuna if this happened.
The mountain-looking-most-powerful- sorcerer guy (I forgot his name but the guy Choso is protecting) is a fucking bitch and I don't like him. If he's so powerful and all-knowing, where is he when we need him?
Mahito's death was not satisfying enough for how much shit he stirred up.
I didn't like Mei-Mei and I never will. Incest is a border that shouldn't be crossed and she was acting WAY too funky with her VERY YOUNG brother for me to let it slide.
While Itadori is considered the MC, I personally really like what Gege Akutami is doing with the series. All the other characters are being given a chance to show their worth and potential and, while I miss Itadori and Gojo dearly, I'm super excited to see characters that not only don't have preset advantages, but even disadvantages get a chance to develope into very powerful characters.
Just a wish of mine that probably won't happen: I want everyone Itadori has collected as buds along the way to come back eventually. They were mostly all really interesting characters that I feel have a lot of potential.
Yes we want to see the original characters more, but this is how a series works. You get new characters and you develop them because they are the new keys to a better plot.
Really enjoyed writing this lol maybe I'll do it again.
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witchofinterest · 2 years
why does richelle mead not understand that’s it’s weird for seniors to date freshmen in hs
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idk i just find like….not quite land acknowledgements, but when people attempt to list every single privilege they experience, to be deeply suspect. like nice public flagellation, have you bothered to do something with that privilege? Or are you just going to keep doing the social justice equivalent of self deprecating jokes?
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llycaons · 2 years
though...if kacho’s body is outside the ship, can she even be recovered? is she just floating out there forever? if her body isn’t put into that massive tomb system, will the nen powering succession war even work? and furthermore, is a nen creation noticeable as nonhuman by other nen practitioners? will melody hear her heartbeat and know? what will she tell fugetso? will she be kacho as effectively as the real kacho would be? many mysteries
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