#are usually direct and as much as i love trains i also dont wanna spend more than like seven or eight hours on it
alpinelogy · 6 months
it was supposed to be a joke. me taking the train somewhere in june was supposed to be a joke why am i on the national railway website suddenly weighing my options
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nagito-kissmaeda · 3 years
Stay For a While - Komaeda x Reader
Summary: You've been sitting across from this guy in the library every thursday for months now. You really should just tell him you love him and get it over with.
AKA: You spend the night at Nagito's house after your late lecture. and things get..........steamy
Word count: 8709 Contains: fem reader, no pronouns usage, explict sexual content Read on AO3 
ミ☆ Please send me a DM or an ask if you’d like me to write something for you!
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You have feelings for the guy who sits across from you in the library. There is a three hour gap between your afternoon lecture and your evening tute, but you live too far away to go home and rest, so you usually grab a quick dinner and then park yourself at the small desk by the window for an hour or two. He is always already there. It’s embarrassing how your heart does a little flip every time to round the bookshelf and see him pouring over assignments, secretly you worry that one day he won't be there anymore. You don’t know what you’ll do with yourself if that happens.
Today he has a book open next to him, he's jotting down quotes in a notepad. His pale hand is stained with black ink from his ballpoint pen, and you are mesmerised by the subtle movement in his knuckles. The setting sun is cascading in through the window, and it catches in his unruly white hair, making it glow orange. He has it up in a messy bun today, it’s really cute. Luckily he’s too engrossed in his work to notice you looking at him, you try to be subtle, you really do. Browsing your phone and only occasionally flitting your eyes up to look at him, you don't even know his name.
His brow furrows and he crosses out his last note, tapping the end of his pen against his lips. They’re very full lips. You swallow and avert your eyes, turning back to your phone and mindlessly scrolling through instagram. Friends have told you to just ask the guy out for coffee or something, but you didn't know how to even start broaching that subject, Hey guy. Wanna grab a drink? Maybe tell me your name sometime? You frown, your leg bouncing restlessly under the table. You’ve been sitting across from this guy for three months now, every thursday, the fact that you haven't even bothered trying to talk to him is just proof of your own incompetence-
“Hey.” A voice says. Soft and calm. You brain stutters when you realise it was him .
“Oh...uh…” you’re picking off the nail polish on your left hand, a bad nervous habit, “Hello…”
“I bought a soda from the vending machine this morning, but it dispensed five…” a can clinks down on the desk in front of you, you’re too busy staring at the way his long fingers grip the top of it, “do you want one?”
You don't really like Dr Hopper, but he doesn't need to know that, “Sure. Thank you.”
He gives you a polite smile and cracks his can open, taking a long sip. His Adam's apple bobs in his throat, you have to actually tear your eyes away from him. Your knee is bouncing faster. The pull tab on the can is hard to navigate with your sweaty and shaky hands, but you manage to get it open.
“Shit…” you mutter, the soda fizzes over a little. Not enough to make a real mess, but it does get all over your thumb, you pull your thumb up to your mouth in an attempt to clean the soda off before it gets all sticky. As you do so, you sneak another look up at the guy. His eyes are glued to where your lips are meeting your skin. His cheeks are pink. There’s a rush of warmth from your heart down to your stomach, the deep orange sun is crossing his left collarbone, you want to trace it with your tongue.  
“Sorry…” He breathes, giving you an uneasy smile, “It’s been jostling around in my bag for a few hours. That was probably my fault.”
“It’s really fine.”
He picks his pen up and goes back to working. You can see his notes pretty easily, without seeming like you’re peeking. His handwriting is messy, but still very legible. The ink stains on his hand are only getting worse as he goes on. When he shifts his feet below the table you can feel how close his legs are to yours, it's a big desk, but he has long legs. You wonder idly how much taller than you he is, he usually leaves before you do. You dont think you’ve ever both been standing at the same time. All of a sudden, the chill of the library gets to you. It was a decently warm day when the sun was out, but now that it is getting dark that’s starting to change. The blouse you are wearing is cute, but it’s also off the shoulder and you are beginning to feel cold. Your phone clunks loudly when you drop it on the desk, freeing your hands to rub some warmth into your arms, the sun is almost behind the horizon now, it’s going to be a cold walk home after class.
“Are you cold?”
You turn back from the window to see the guy looking at you, “huh?”
“I know you probably don’t want someone like me bothering you, but you…” He runs a hand through his hair, it makes it look even messier, “you look like you’re cold.”
“Oh, I mean. Yeah, I forgot how quickly it gets dark this time of year.” You laugh, “I didn't really dress for the weather.”
He tilts his head to the side, your heart is pounding, “You didn't bring a coat?” he asks
You shake your head slowly, unsure where this is going. Hoping it’s going in the direction you want it to.
Then, he stands up. Shaking his coat off his shoulders, revealing forearms so pale and thin you could wrap your whole hand around them. Your heartbeat is so loud you can hear it in your ears as he walks around the table to you. He is so close to you, he’s never been this close before.
“Here.” He says, passing the coat into your arms. It’s warm, “You can borrow this, if you don't mind wearing my gross clothes.”
It isn’t gross. It smells like chamomile soap and fresh laundry, “No I don't mind. Um, thank you.”
You slide out of your chair and stand up so you can put the coat on. He is at least a head taller than you, maybe more. You feel your knees wobble when you tilt your head up to meet his eyes, they are a lot greener up close. Any words that you might have said are frozen in your throat as you slip your arms through the coat, your fingers barely stick out past the cuffs.
“It’s a little big for you, but that’s to be expected.”
“No, it’s fine. I like it.”
“I hope i'm not overstepping any boundaries but...it looks good on you.”
You’re burning up, stomach twisting, “It... feels good on me.”
“Oh…” He mutters, quickly forcing a nervous laugh, “Well, i'm sure anything would look good on anyone as beautiful as you.”
Holy shit .
“Are you...flirting with me?” you whisper, burying your hands in the pockets of his coat and trying to make yourself seem smaller, “Or am I imagining it?”
He freezes, you can see his hands tensing up. You worry for a moment that you had been imagining it and that now you’ve made everything weird.
“ Was I flirting…?” He gives you a gentle smile, “Huh...I guess i was? Unless you didn't want me to, i don't want to presume-”
“No!” you say a little too loudly, shocking him into silence, “keep-uh...you can keep doing it.” His eyebrows jump up at that, but then settle back down into his calm expression, you are picking at your nail polish again, if only to give your nervous hands something to do, “Can i ask for your name? We’ve been sitting together for so long now and i’ve never asked…”
“Nagito” He breathes, and it fits him perfectly. A smile breaks out on your face before you can stop it. You give him your name in return and he repeats it back, like he is testing how it feels on his tongue, “Pretty name.” He says, you can hear that his breathing is shaky, “It suits you.”
Like he is trying to run away before his most recent compliment finally hits you, he walks back around to his side of the desk and starts grabbing his books. He crouches down on the ground and starts shoving them into his stachel, looking up at you from his spot on the floor, “I finish class at seven. Will you be around?”
“Ah, no. Sorry, I don't finish until nine.”
“Oh, your classes run really late.” He stands up and slings the bag over his shoulder.
“Do you want your coat back now?” You say, already moving to take it off. He strides over to you, and pulls it back over your shoulders, looking at you very seriously.
“I’m not letting you walk home in the cold without it.” his hands feel warm and firm on your shoulders, you never want him to pull away, “I can walk you home, you can give it back when you get inside.”
Your heart flutters at his suggestion. Imagining walking with him in the dark, your fingers brushing against his knuckles....you’re burning up again, “I live outside the city so i have to catch the train, but you can walk me to the station if you want? I mean, if you’re happy to wait until nine.”
He smiles, and your heart curls at the edges. You feel all buttery and warm inside.
“I’ll be right here.”
He is still there. You’d been worrying for the past few hours that he would be gone when you came back, that he would have changed his mind. A few people noticed the coat, and that it clearly wasn't yours. Sonia, the intimidatingly beautiful exchange student who usually sits next to you, was tittering politely behind a hand when she noticed it. When you asked what was so funny, she turned serious and told you it was nothing, but you could see a playfulness in her eyes. You wonder if she also noticed how much your leg was bouncing and that you wouldn't stop looking at the clock.
“Hello.” He says with a smile as you round the bookshelf, his already sleepy eyes even softer than usual. He’s playing something on a nintendo switch, it sounds like Animal Crossing, you recognise the 9pm music.
You smile back, “Hey. You good to go?”
“Oh yes!” He says enthusiastically, slotting the switch into a fabric case and zipping it up. He stands up and slings his bag over his shoulder, “Which station do you leave from?”
You start heading out of the library and he falls into step beside you, his arm almost brushing against yours. You shove your hands in the pocket of his coat to keep yourself from doing anything rash, “Central Station. It’s fifteen minutes away.”
“At least it isn’t too far. You won’t have to put up with me for too long.” He punctuates the end of the sentence with a laugh. The in person version of adding ‘lol’ to the end of a text to soften it.
The glass doors whoosh open as you step outside, you look up at him, “why do you keep doing that?” You ask. The city is slick with the aftermath of recent rain, the lights reflecting off the puddles on the sidewalk. It’s a cold, but admittedly beautiful night.
“Doing what?”
“Talking about yourself like that.” You stop at a crosswalk to wait for the lights, “Like you’re trying to convince me to make you leave.”
He laughs again, it’s less convincing this time, “Don’t misunderstand! I’m not trying to make you do anything, I just don’t want you thinking you have to spend any time with me if you don’t want to.”
“If I didn’t want to spend time with you. I wouldn’t.” The light at the crossing turns green, and you start heading further down the street. Nagito is following beside you. You thought it was pretty obvious that you are interested in him, in every sense of the word, but he either seems to have not noticed, or not believed it, “are you enjoying Animal Crossing?”
“I am!” He says, beaming widely, “I just finished catching the last fish today, now I'm breeding flowers.”
“Oh wow, you have all the fish already? You must be really lucky.”
He laughs, playing nervously with a strand of hair that didn't get caught up in his bun, “I guess??”
“I’ve been working on a kitchen, but I still don't have any of the damn ironwood set. I haven't found a fridge either.” You huff and notice that your breath appears white and wispy before you. It’s even colder than you thought it would be, “I just have a bunch of appliances all over the floor for now.”
“I think my housemate might have a fridge.” Nagito says, tapping his lips with a finger as he tries to remember, “No ironwood though. If I get him to mail me a fridge I can pass it onto you.” His mouth pulls into a nervous smile, and you notice him picking at a loose string at the hem of his shirt, “I mean, if you’re happy to give me your friend code.”
“No, uh...that sounds good. I can give you my code when we get to the station if my switch isn't dead yet.” You take a left down a back alley, it isn't as well lit as the main road, but it is a lot quicker to cut through than it is to go around. During the day there are a few small cafes open, with big umbrellas and tables out front. At night it is much less cheery.
Nagito is looking around uncomfortably, the moon is high in the sky and down the alley it is the only light source. His hair shimmers in the moonlight, your heart is pounding again, “Do you come down here every night?” He tucks a hand into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out his phone, flicking on the flashlight.
The light only manages to make the walls of the alleyway seem even taller, “Yeah. I only have a late class on Thursday’s though. It isn't usually this dark.”  
He gives you a concerned look, “It probably isn't safe.”
You shrug, “It’s another ten minutes if I go around. Plus, nothing has ever happened. I'm sure it’s fine.”
He turns away from you, looking straight ahead. His face turns deathly serious and you’re worried you’ve said something wrong, “Yeah, well. Luck runs out eventually.”
You aren't sure what to say. It sounded like he was talking from experience. His footsteps are quiet beside you, and his spine is curled like he is trying to make himself small and unobtrusive. Difficult, considering his height. As you come to the end of the alleyway he switches off his flashlight and tucks it back into his pocket, you notice that his black jeans are tight and you feel something swell in the pit of your stomach. He is very attractive.
“It’s just up this street, yeah?” He asks, you notice that he’s started rubbing his arms, “It’s kinda chilly.”
It suddenly hits you that he must be freezing without the coat he leant to you. You feel like an asshole, “Oh my god. I'm so sorry, you must be so cold!” you start talking the coat off, ready to give it back to him. He stops you.
“If one of us has to be cold, please let it be me.” His hand is on your shoulder again, you’re trying to store how it feels away in your memory. You don't want to forget.
“I don't want you to get sick.”
He laughs and waves your concern away with a hand, “No need to worry about me. It’s mostly just my arms and hands that are cold anyway, I'll be alright.”
You have a thought. There isn't much you can do about his cold arms, but his cold hands? That was possible. If only you work up the courage. As the two of you continue walking down the street, you move yourself close to him, a tiny bit closer, so tiny he probably doesn't even notice. He is still looking on ahead, but you are focussed entirely on the closeness of your hands. Focussed on reaching out just your pinky, slowly, carefully. Your heart is racing and your cheeks are burning. (this is so highschool of you, how old are you 12?) It doesn't matter, you’re going to do it, going to curl just the one finger around his and then maybe-
“Hey, we’re here!”
Your back snaps ramrod straight, and your hand whips back up against your leg so hard it almost hurts. He’s right, you’re at the station. You’d been so intent on holding his damn hand that you didn't realise how close the station was. This is embarrassing.
“Are you okay?” He asks, looking down at you with genuine concern, ‘Your face is all pink, you're not cold are you?”
“No, i’m uh-” He's staring at you, it’s making you nervous, “-I’m fine. Let me just check when the next train is, then you can go home if you want.”
He smiles politely, “Okay. I’ll wait here.”
The announcement board is lit up in the darkness right above the entrance to the station, you have to get a little closer to be able to read the train times. Nagito gives you a little wave when you turn back to look at him, and you sigh. You had been hoping to make it a little clearer how you felt about him, but it looks like you’re still a coward.
“God damn it…” you mutter as you look up at the board. Nagito must have heard you, because he comes bounding over with clear distress in his eyes. His hair is bouncy, it’s adorable.
“Are you okay?” He looks around frantically, “Did you lose something?”
You laugh, trying to ease his concerns, “Nah. We just missed my train, the next one isn't for half an hour. I probably won't be home until after midnight at this rate.”
“Hm. That’s really late.”
“Yeah, i live at the end of the Metro. Two hours.”
He’s playing with the hem of his shirt again, practically shaking with nerves when he finally says, “You could...come back to my place.
You don't have any words. They’re all caught in the back of your throat.
He panics, “Only if you want to! I would understand completely if you don't want to sleep in the same apartment as trash like me!”
Your innocent thoughts about brushing knuckles and shy glances begin morphing into something much less PG.
“Are you sure? I don't want to inconvenience you.”
“Inconvenience? Me?!” His cheeks turn a little pink, “You couldn't possibly inconvenience me .”  
You shrug a shoulder, trying to ignore the incessant buzzing of excitement under your skin, “Lead the way, then.” ~*~*~
His apartment is nice. He dropped his key five times before he was able to get the door open, but when he finally did you were pleasantly surprised. You’ve been in some awful bachelor pads before, but this is nothing like that. There’s a plush brown couch in the center of the room with a colourful throw tossed over it, a modestly sized tv and a collection of mismatched mugs spread out on the low coffee table. A salt lamp in the corner of the room casts a pale orange light across the space, dancing on the shiny leaves of all the pot plants strewn about the room.
“Sorry for the mess…” Nagito says, slipping past you and hanging his bag up on a hook on the wall. He pulls his switch out of the bag and docks it by the tv, “Hajime drinks a lot of coffee.”
“It’s not even messy.” You take notice of just how many bookshelves are lining the walls and smile, “It’s nice in here.”
Nagito is in the middle of picking up all the wayward mugs around the room, but he still manages to turn and flash you a smile, “It’s nice of you to say so. I’m going to tidy up a little, feel free to sit down.”
“Oh, you really don't need to clean up for me. It’s fine.” You say, dropping your backpack on the ground by the door and heading over to the couch. It’s very comfy, but you still find yourself sitting stiffly, nervous about seeming too comfortable, “Is Hajime your housemate?” you ask, eyeing a photo on one of the bookshelves. Nagito is smiling brilliantly and chucking a peace sign up to the camera, there’s another guy beside him giving an uncomfortable thumbs up, but a very genuine smile.
“Yes!” Nagito calls back from the kitchen, you can hear the water running and assume he’s washing the mugs, “He’s at his girlfriend’s house tonight and he won't be back until tomorrow afternoon. You probably won't see him.”
You swallow. Not only are you going to be in the apartment with him all night, you’re also going to be alone . Your leg is bouncing again, you can't help it, “Um, where will i be sleeping?”
Nagito comes out of the kitchen, drying his hands with a tea towel before tossing it into what you assume is a laundry basket, “The couch folds out. We don't have to…uh” he laughs nervously, “We don’t have to share a bed, if that’s what you were worrying about.”
Worrying is not the word you would use.  
“Oh! Do you have anything to sleep in?”
“Ah, i hadn't thought about that.” You wince a little, remembering the last time you had to sleep with your jeans on, “I’ll be okay though, dont worry about it.”
“I can at least see if Chiaki left something behind last time she was here. I don't want you to be uncomfortable.” He starts heading over to one of the two doors in the wall behind the couch, “Oh, I've turned the heating on by the way. If the coat is too warm you can just leave it on my bed.” He points to the other door, “just in there.”
“I might do that, thank you.” You stand up and shuck the coat, folding it over your arm, “It was getting a little toasty.”
He smiles warmly and heads into what you assume is Hajime’s room. Leaving you alone with the notion that he has just invited you into his bedroom. Your heart is racing. It’s literally just a room with a bed in it, you don't know why you are getting so worked up about this. The nailpolish on your fingers is practically all gone with all the nervous picking you've been doing today.
You force yourself to round the couch and head over to the door, trying not to notice the way your knees are wobbling. You suck in a breath, reach for the doorknob and even though the moment feels immense, you are comforted when you realise that his room is very normal.
There's a soft green rug on the floor, and the bed is made in a haphazard way that suggests he didn't want to leave it messy, but couldn't be bothered doing it properly either. His wardrobe is slightly ajar and you can see a row of boots lined up below a collection of sweaters and coats. It’s cosy, it suits him. The sound of your heartbeat is loud in your ears as you step over to the bed and drop the folded coat on the end of it. It smells like him in here, like camomile and sunday evenings. Your hands are sweating.
You notice a collection of polaroid photos strung up above his desk. At this point you’re probably being a little too nosy, but your feet are already walking over to the desk before you can stop yourself. There’s a textbook on the desk and a notepad filled with quotes and page numbers, he’s drawn a couple of flowers in the margins, you smile. A post-it shaped like a four leaf clover catches your eye, the handwriting is different from Nagito’s.
Don’t forget to drink water, dumbass.
A laugh bubbles up out of your chest, you assume that was a reminder from Hajime. There are plenty more pictures of him and Nagito amongst the polaroids, a number of them taken at some sort of beach getaway. Nagito has his eyes closed in a wide smile, his cheeks turning red from the sun as he wraps one arm around the shoulders of a short girl engrossed in her PSP. You assume that she is Hajime’s girlfriend, based on a different photo of the two of them kissing while Nagito throws up a peace sign in the foreground. They seem like very good friends, you’re happy for him.
“Are you done sightseeing?”
You whirl around to see Nagito standing in the open doorway with a bundle of cloth in his hands. His tone is teasing, but his lips are curled up in a smile. You feel yourself blushing, “ah, sorry. I shouldn't have-”
He laughs pleasantly, stepping into the room proper, “No, it's fine! I don't mind at all, sorry my room isn't very exciting.”
“It’s cozy.” You say, wringing your hands together, “I like it...it suits you.”
Nagito turns red now, all the way up to his ears and down to his collarbones. He clears his throat, “I found some sleep shorts and a shirt that I don't think Chiaki will mind you borrowing. I'll just have to wash them tomorrow.”
He passes the bundle of clothing over to you. When you unfold the shirt you snicker at the phrase ‘gamers don't die. We respawn’ that is printed in bold across the front of it, “Chiaki is a gamer, I take it?”
Nagito chuckles pleasantly, “The best one I know. Smash nights with her are something to behold.”
“Well…” you start, trying your best to seem like you aren't thinking about kissing him, “Thanks for the clothes...should I change in the bathroom, or?”
He dismisses you with a wave of his hand, eyes closing in a wide smile, “No, it's okay. You can get changed in here, I'll sit on the couch. Don't worry about it.”
Your heart is pounding. He's so handsome and so nice, your mind is racing with the thought that if you don't finally tell him how you feel now, you probably never will. Your fingers dig tight into the shirt you're holding as you try to find a way to ground yourself. You take a deep breath, “Nagito…?”
Your stomach is churning, your hands feel clammy. You think and think but you just can't find the right words, to tell him how you feel, to tell him what you want . In the end, you decide that maybe words aren't the best course of action, and pull your shirt up over your head.
The room goes so silent that the sound of your blouse hitting the carpet sounds like a thunderclap. Your chest is heaving with the gravity of what you've just done. Why the fuck did you do that??? This was a terrible, awful, bad idea. You almost go scrambling to shove Chiaki’s shirt on and pretend this never happened.
But Nagito’s face stops you in your tracks. He’s staring at you, shaking visibly. His big green eyes keep flitting between your face and your torso. He heaves a wavering breath and whispers, “Tell me not to kiss you. Stop me, please .”
You feel elated, “I don't want to stop you.”
He swallows, nails biting into the palms of his hands, “I cant...I shouldn't...you’re too good for-”
You take a step towards him and cup his cheek in your palm. Whatever words he was going to say die in his throat.
“How long have you wanted me, Nagito?” You trace your thumb over his lower lip, his erratic breathing is so loud you can hear it, “I’ve wanted you for months .”
He nods loosely, squeezing his eyes shut, “Me too. Me too.”
his skin is soft under your palm, your move your hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. His eyes open at your touch and he is beautiful . You smile, gently running your fingers in his soft hair before whispering, “Then what are you waiting for?”
He sucks in a breath, and his hand shakes as he brings it up to your cheek. The skin of his palm is dry and warm, you can’t help leaning into it. His second hand slowly slips around to the small of your back, you can feel him trembling.
“God you’re…” you can feel his breath on your face, he is so close to you now, “you’re so beautiful…”
You smile, “so are you.”
He gasps, eyes widening as he looks down at you. Then, his thumb gently runs along the length of your cheekbone, and he leans in to press his lips to yours.
He is perfect
His lips are soft and cool, his palm on your back presses you firmly up against him as you slowly curl your arms around the back of his neck. You whine gently into his mouth, kissing him only more incessantly, desperately. Months of yearning and desire is escaping in this one kiss and one of your hands tangles it’s fingers in the hair on the back of his head. It’s as soft as you dreamed it would be. He is how you dreamed he would be.
Nagito pulls away from you, green eyes blown wide and breath heaving. The hand on your lower back is shaking, “I’ve wanted to do that for so long…” his throat bobs, “I can’t...I can’t believe you let me kiss you.”
“Why not?” You breathe, letting one of your hands slip down his torso, toying with the hem of his shirt.
His breathing grows shaky, “b-because I don’t deserve you. Someone like you desiring someone like me it’s just- hah! ”
Your fingers have crept up under his shirt, tracing light circles on his hip bone. You hadn’t expected it to stun him into silence like this, you lean in a press a soft kiss to his neck, “is this okay?”
You laugh gently against his skin, “are you okay with me touching you like this?”
“Y-yes! I just don’t understand why? ”
“Because I have feelings for you, Nagito” you feel your cheeks burning, “I’ve uh- been trying to gather the confidence to tell you that all night. I sort of assumed it was pretty obvious with the kissing and-“
You're cut off when he tugs you against him, wrapping both arms around your waist and burying his head in the crook of your neck. you gasp at the feeling of his thin arms tight around you, and he quickly pulls back at the sound.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No! Um, I liked it! You just surprised me.”
He laughs, a giggle that sounds like disbelief, “I surprised you? You took your shirt off…”
You’re burning up. Suddenly remembering your state of undress and crossing your arms over your chest, “Ah. Yes. That was stupid of me. I just...panicked?”
His brow furrows, “panicked?”
“Yeah I- I dunno, I was worried that if I didn’t make a move now I’d never have a chance to do…” you swallow, looking up at him nervously, “do whatever it is we’re going to do.”
You hear him take a shaky breath, his eyes open wide, “You want to...keep going?”
“...Yes” you whisper
“Yes.” You close your eyes and take a deep breath, “I want to go as far as you will let me.”
He’s laughing again, hand cupping over his mouth as he stares at you in shock, “O-Okay...if you’re sure you want to. Then I-“ his voice drops an octave, you aren’t sure if it was intentional, but you feel it in your stomach, “I want to as well.”
“Do you want to sit on the bed?” You ask, trying to contain your nerves.
“Ah, yes. Of course!” He’s shaking when he steps around you and sinks down onto his bed. You can see his knees bouncing a little, he’s as overwhelmed as you are, “Are you going to sit down too- ah~”
You do sit down. On his lap. Gently straddling him and looping your arms around the back of his head, “Is this okay?”
He shifts underneath you a little, and his hands shakily come to rest on the dip of your waist, “I’m probably not very comfortable.”
You laugh and press a kiss to his temple, “You’re plenty comfortable. Best seat in the house.”
His eyes meet yours. Dilated. Blinking slowly as he examines the contours of your face. You can feel his breath on your lips, you can’t believe that you’re this close to him. You’re the luckiest person in the world. When your lips press together again, his fingers dig tighter into your waist and your toes curl. He gasps against your mouth when you swipe at the seam of his lips with your tongue, moaning deep in the back of his throat as his tongue tangles with yours. There’s a warmth steadily growing between your thighs, your legs tighten around Nagito’s and your fingers dig into his soft white hair, pulling him closer to you. Then you shift in his lap, and feel a hardness growing in his jeans. Nagito gasps and pulls his lips from yours.
“I--I’m sorry...I just…”
“Nagito.” You whisper, letting one of your hands trail down his chest, “I told you. I want to go as far as you will let me.” Your hand comes in contact with his cock, rubbing him encouragingly through his jeans, “Is this still okay?”
He whimpers, hips stuttering up into your hand, “Ah! Are you sure you want to?”
“Very.” You shuffle backwards, slipping down off the bed and onto your knees between his legs. Your hands are resting on his waistband, just waiting for his permission, “Can i take your pants off?”
Nagito nods nervously, but lifts up his hips to help you tug his jeans down over his thighs. You get them down to his knees before you stop, toying with the hemline of his boxers, “Can these come off too?”
“Ah...If you want?” His voice is shaky, but he doesn't seem reluctant when you grab the elastic waistband and start tugging them down. You are trying to keep your cool, to seem like you have done this many times more than you actually have, but when his erect cock pops out and slaps backwards onto his stomach. You can feel your eyes grow wider, and have to physically bite down on your lip to hold in a gasp. Nagito is looking down at you nervously as you pull his jeans and boxers over his feet and drop them onto the floor. He sits up on his elbows and you can see his throat bob, “Are you sure you still want this? I...ah...I know i'm not much to look at.”
“I’ll have to respectfully disagree…” you whisper, eyes trailing up the length of his pale legs, lingering on the jut of his hips where they disappear up under his shirt. His breathing is heavy, cheeks turned pink and hair in disarray from your tangling fingers, “you’re gorgeous.”
“Aha...You are too kind…” Nagito breathes, avoiding your eyes.
You swallow, hands coming up to rub encouraging circles on his bare thighs, “I want to use my mouth.” You cock your head to the side, “would that be alright?”
Nagito makes a shocked noise in the back of his throat. Eyes wide in disbelief, even as his cock twitches at your words, “I’m not sure it’s a good idea...I...I would not be worthy of such a thing…”
“Is that a no because you think i don't want to?” you ask gently, pressing a kiss to one of his bony knees, “or is it a no because you don't want me to? Those are two very different things.”
He looks at you, almost incredulous, “Well of course I want you to! But I don't want you to ruin your- ack!~”
You grip tight on his jutting hip bones and sink your mouth down on his cock, as far as you can take it. Nagito moans loud , his legs tensing under your arms as you start lathing the underside of his head with your tongue and slowly pulling your lips up and down the length of him. He feels hot and smooth in your mouth and a gasp escapes you when his hips stutter in deeper, the head of his cock kissing the back of your throat.
“I...I’m sorry…” he whimpers, breathless and panicked, “Did i choke you? I’m a pathetic excuse for a human being…”
He is apparently too lost in his own head, to notice how thoroughly you are enjoying yourself. Moaning wontanly as you bob your head up and down, thighs rubbing together with every little noise you hear escaping his throat. He makes such pretty sounds, you want desperately to hear more of them.
“You...Your mouth...it’s so warm” Nagtio hisses through clenched teeth. You can feel the muscles working in his thighs as he tries to hold back the urge to chase the heat of your mouth. His legs are quivering , “I cant believe that you would let me-- ahhhh! ” his fingers curl tight into the sheets, chest heaving as you slowly insert a finger inside of him.
“Was that okay?” you ask, stilling your finger, worried that you’ve hurt him, “Do you need me to stop?”
Nagito whines and shakes his head, hips bucking forward into your hand like he’s trying to force your finger deeper, “M--more... please .”
You laugh a little, gently lapping at the head of his cock while pushing your finger deeper. Nagito wriggles and moans when you get it the whole way in, slowly pumping it in and out. You moan against his cock when you feel him tighten around you, “Can you take another?”
“Yes... yes… ” he pants, breath coming hot and heavy as he quivers beneath you, “I want it...want you ”
It’s getting harder to focus. Hearing his noises, feeling him moving and keening under your touch. You’re soaking wet, craving any sort of friction, but still determined to give Nagito the night of his life. You rub your thighs together, and slip a second finger into him.
The noise he makes is indescribable. The whole neighborhood probably heard it, and all you can think about is how lucky they all are, because it is the most beautiful noise you’ve ever heard.
“I could listen to you forever…” you breathe, pistoning your fingers in and out of him while pumping his cock with your other hand, “Do you want another finger?”
He whines aloud at the thought of it, but still shakes his head, “I don’t... ahh! I don't want to cum…” he hisses a breath in through his teeth, “until you do.”
You can feel your cheeks burning. Embarrassed as his insinuation like you don't currently have your fingers three knuckles deep in his ass, “What do you want to do then…?”
“I...I want to taste you” Nagito purrs, leaning up on his elbows, peering down at you, “Would you indulge me?”
“Oh...sure…” you whisper, slipping your fingers out of him and shimmying out of your pants. Nagito audibly gasps as the sight of your bare legs, and you feel yourself getting a little bit egotistic. No matter what concerns you may have with your body, it’s hard to remember them when he looks at you like that . Just as you are climbing onto the bed, you let out a gasp when Nagito grabs your thighs and tugs you up onto his chest, “Nagito...what-”
“Sit on my face, please. ”
You swallow. Cheeks heating up at the despartation in his voice, “Okay…” you breathe, shuffling up until your knees are resting firmly on the mattress above his shoulders. Your thighs are shaking, “Sorry. I’m kind of embarrassed…”
Nagito chuckles beneath you, peering up at your face through his pale eyelashes, “there’s no need to be embarrassed.” he whispers, hands curling around your thighs, “It’s just me. I want to pleasure you like you did for me. Is that okay?”
Your sex throbs at his words, and you have to sink your teeth into your lip to hold in a moan. He’s smiling at you, you can feel his cool breath on your bare cunt and as you slowly lower yourself to meet his mouth, you feel his fingers tighten against your flesh. He moans unabashedly as he drags his tongue up the length of you, keening and whimpering like he is the one being pleasured. His lips wrap around your swollen clit and your hips buck further into his face, you bite down on your hand to stop yourself from screaming.
“No...please…” nagito whispers from beneath you, “I want to hear you, let me hear how good I am making you feel.”
His tongue gets back to work, slowly dipping in and out of your dripping entrance as his hands curl around your thighs.
“Ooh— ooohhh! ” You croon, grinding your hips sinfully against the lower half of his face, “You’re so good...your tongue feels so-- ahhh! S--So good, Nagito…”
Nagito moans . You can feel the vibrations through his tongue as it thrusts in and out of you. He sucks and licks with the desperation of a man who wants to taste every inch of you, every millimeter . He’s shaking under you, frantic and needy with nothing more than a desire for you. It’s almost overwhelming, you’ve never had someone want you like this before and it makes a powerful heat stroke at your core.
“F-Fuck…” You manage to hiss, centleching your eyes shut and digging a hand into the halo of his hair, “Nagito...I...I want you... please! ”
He slows his ministrations for just a moment. Big green eyes blinking up at you from between your thighs, “Are you sure? I’m more than happy to keep doing this.” he laughs a little, “I’m enjoying myself quite a bit.”
You caution a glance behind yourself to where his cock is still standing at full attention, twitching and dripping . He is enjoying himself, that is very much clear.
“I’m sure.” you give him a smile and brush some of his hair from his face, “I’ll take you up on the offer next time though.”
Nagito’s breath hitches, and you feel his fingers dig tight into your thighs, “...next time?”
“Yeah. Next time.” You swallow, “If you want a next time, that is.”
You can't really see his mouth, but you can still tell that he is grinning, “I...I do want a next time.”
“Ah, good. It would have been really awkward if you said no…” you clear your throat, “Condom?”
“Top drawer.” He replies, nodding in the direction of his bedside table before returning his mouth to your clit. You reach behind yourself and slap his thigh.
“Stop that! I’m not going to be able to rip a condom open if I'm shaking…”
He chuckles, “but you taste so good…”
Biting your lower lip to hold in a moan, you manage to wriggle a hand into Nagito’s drawer and locate a box of condoms. Still shrinkwrapped, “ah, shit. I hate opening this stuff.”
Nagito does not offer to help you. Still caressing your sex with his tongue. He hits your clit hard for a moment and your hips jump forward.
“Fuck...Nagito!” You moan and squeeze your eyes shut, “I need to get this stupid box open.” You manage to get a corner of the shrinkwrap between your teeth and tear it open. Nagito now has his tongue back inside of you, “hnng…” you force out, pulling a condom out and just letting the box fall to the floor, “stop distracting me!”
You can feel him laugh against you, gently lapping his tongue at your insides as you finally manage to tear the condom open, “Oh! These are ribbed for my pleasure! How very polite of you.” you tease, shuffling down from his face and between his legs.
Nagito turns red, the lower of his face glistening with your slick. He brings up an arm and cleans himself off with the back of his hand, “Ah...I just...I figured if I was going to buy some…”
Your lips quirk up in a smile as you roll the condom down over his twitching cock. He hisses at the feeling of your palm caressing him, “What are you so worried about? I mean it, it was a nice gesture.”
Nagito gasps when you swing a leg over his bony hips, hovering just over his cock, so close that you can just feel the head brushing your folds. Nagito has his hands buried in the sheets and you can see him quivering beneath you, “Everything okay? Do you need to stop?”
He shakes his head, adam’s apple bobbing as he traces your form with his eyes, “I just...I can’t believe you're about to do this.” he chokes on a laugh, covering his mouth with a hand, “I’m going to ruin you…”
A smile crawls up your cheek as you slowly start lowering yourself down. Nagito makes a shocked noise at the back of his throat when the head pops inside of you, “and I, you.”
You watch in awe as his chest rises and falls, as his eyes squeeze shut. His brow creases, his cheeks are painted in a gorgeous red. He looks like a masterpiece, and there's a little voice in your head, praising yourself for being the one who did this to him. Then, he is fully inside of you, stretching you out and pulsing against your tight heat.
Nagito’s hips buck just a little, a hiss escaping his mouth, “Ah... ahhh .” he swallows thickly as his eyes open, staring up at you in absolute adoration, “I’m inside you...I’m really inside you…”
“Sure are.” You reply, lifting yourself up just a little before dropping back down again. A moan rips from his mouth, and a needy whine escapes yours, “You feel...really good…”
He nods his head, staring up at the ceiling like he is trying to ground himself, “You’re so warm...you’re taking me so perfectly…”
You shiver at the compliment. Relishing in the feeling of Nagito’s desperate little thrusts, it feels like he is trying to hold himself back, but he just can’t . Like he needs you, like he craves you. You roll your hips, moaning long and hard at the sensation of him moving inside of you. Nagito whimpers, hips shaking as he tries his hardest to stay still.
“What are you waiting for?” You ask, “I’m all yours, Nagito. Take me.”
His hips snap up. Just the once, his body responding to your words before his head even has a chance to catch up, “You...you’re mine… ” he breathes, disbelieving, but utterly hungry. His hands slowly curl around your hips, pads of his fingers digging into your flesh as he starts moving in earnest. The sound that cuts loose from your throat is so loud that it surprises even you, the feeling of him bottoming out inside of you is insane. It makes your toes curl, your stomach tense, your heart race.
“You liked that?” He whispers, voice gravelly and breathless as he continues pounding up into you, like he doesn't want to be outside of you for more than a second, “You feel so good...so perfect...i couldn't resist you even if i wanted to--” he throws his head back and groans, “--you take my cock like it was meant for you and you alone…”
It isn't clear if he is doing it on purpose, or if he is just saying exactly what he is thinking. Either way, Nagito knows exactly what to say to push your buttons. The insinuation that you were made for his cock, and that it was made for you has you clenching hard around him. Sweaty and clammy, grinding your hips harder and harder. Desperate for more of him. More of Nagito. All of Nagito.
“M’close…” You force out, breath growing shaky and thighs quivering on either side of his hips.
Nagito laughs, it's loud and wild. It echoes around the room, “You’re going to cum for me?”
“Just for you. All for you.”
He moans, letting one hand drop down from your hip to circle your clit instead. You howl and Nagito hisses through his teeth, you’re bouncing on his cock now. Keening and whining, the warmth in your stomach is growing unbearable, and watching Nagito’s mouth drop open in a perfect moan doesn't help. It’s right then, that he shoves himself up inside of you hard , hitting just the right place for you to finally come undone. There's white behind your eyes as all the tension within you snaps, hips gyrating furiously as you ride out your orgasm. Nagito lets out a cry and pounds up into you with a surprising ferocity, cock twitching between your walls as he cums. His face in that moment is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
It takes a minute for you to come back down from your high. Falling forward and resting your head in the join between Nagito’s neck and shoulder, breathing deeply as the shivers from your orgasm slowly subside. Nagito starts rubbing gently circles on your back, his hands are shaky, but you aren't sure if he is just lethargic or if he is also nervous. You lift yourself up with your arms and press a kiss to his cheek, “I’m getting off you now, ready?”
He nods sleepily, and you lift your leg up and over him, collapsing bodily onto the bed beside him. Everything is still fizzing and popping, from your heart out to your fingertips. If it feels like the sun has awoken inside your chest. You just want to lie here forever.
“Just...ah...give me a minute, and then I'll move out to the couch.” Nagito says, panting quietly, “You can take the bed.”
You roll over to face him, “Nagito...you really think i'm going to kick you out of your own bed?”
“Oh, i don't know...I just...didn't want to presume.”
With an affectionate sigh, you shuffle a little closer to him, resting your head on his chest and tucking your arm in around his waist, “No presumption necessary. I want to sleep with you.”
Nagito laughs, “You already did.”
“Hey! You know what I meant.” you lean up a little and press a kiss to his shoulder before snuggling deeper into his chest, “I want to actually sleep with you.”
“I still can’t believe you're here with me…” he sighs happily, curling an arm around your shoulders, “In my bed, no less.”
“That’s what you get for being so cute all the time. I’ve been staring at you for like, the past two months.”
“Ah...for a long time i assumed that there was always something stuck in my teeth. That uh, happens to me a lot.”
You press your ear to his chest, closing your eyes and listening to the sound of his heart, “Nah. Nothing stuck in your teeth. I just thought you were the most beautiful man I had ever seen.”
You hear him choke at that, his hand tightening around your shoulders, “You are...the most wonderful person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.” He plants a kiss to the top of your head, “I wouldn't be surprised if this was all a dream, that i’ll wake up tomorrow and you’ll be gone.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” You whisper, and the gentle thump of his heart slowly soothes you into sleep.
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Hey guys. Note from Bree here. I hope that this was okay, I’ve been feeling really down on my writing recently and I’m really not sure why, but i just dont think anything im posting has been any good. So i just hope that you still enjoyed this even though its a mess. Im so worried that im losing nagito’s voice. im like, scared about it actually, cause this is the only thing im good at, you know? and what’s even the point of me if i cant do this one thing anymore...... ugh, sorry for being such a complain jane. i just, idk. the komaeda who lives in my head is calling me trash 24/7 hahahahahahahhaa
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peachy-inserts · 4 years
𝕙𝕢 𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕤 𝕒𝕤 𝕕𝕒𝕕𝕤
part one ♡  part two (coming soon)
✉︎request: Hcs for Hinata and Kuroo as fathers, please?🥺
✰warnings: none
✎a/n: ahh ty for requesting!! im so sorry but i just.., we dont really write for hinata im so so sorry baby- hes on the masterlist, but we really. just really dont like him. anyways., i added some characters and part two coming soon! i had a little bit of trouble with kuroo, but i hope you enjoy it <3
➳ᴜꜱʜɪᴊɪᴍᴀ, ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ, ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ, ɪᴡᴀɪᴢᴜᴍɪ
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
✰ ushijima
He swears that he just KNOWS the gender of your baby before you’ve even had your first ultrasound, and with your third child you’ve just come to accept that he actually, really does know. Or maybe it’s dumb luck, but that never seems to be the case with him and he’s far too sure of himself
Talks to the baby no different from you, asks them for advice knowing they won’t be able to answer, but their little coos and smiles directed towards him are all the help he needs anyways
Sews patches into their play clothes when they’ve become too worn to wear, and teaches them how too! Makes his daughter a hello kitty bag when she says she wants a purse and she uses the leftover fabric to patch his work jeans, which he tore on purpose just because she wanted to put her new skills to use. He wears them out in public and with pride
Okay I know he’s a pro athlete but he’s also a farm boy sorry. Anyways he throws blankets into the back of a pickup truck and takes the kids on a (slow, and careful) ride through the backroads. Could you imagine having a dog back there with them too?? He’d train it to tug on their pants when they lean too far out of the truck and keep them safe
Excellent at putting babies to sleep. He’s kind of confused by them at first, and isn’t really sure what to do with them, but eases up when he sees how easily they drift off to sleep when he tucks them into his chest and pats their back
Doesn’t bring up volleyball to them, but secretly  has his fingers crossed that they’ll ask him to play one day; which of course they do, duh, he’s a pro player. As soon as they show even a mild interest in it he’s signing them up for the little league teams and bragging to his teammates
Keeps a photo of the family in his wallet and when he’s away for matches that you can’t make it to often gets caught just staring at it; the team shoots confused looks his way because he’s been looking down at the same photo for 30 minutes straight and smiling softly 
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
✰ iwaizumi
Please Iwaizumi with boys is just a role model father. He absolutely adores his little man and drills manners into his head from day one. It’s very important to him that he knows how to treat people with respect and be respected!
The moment he finds out he’s going to be a father he starts planning to build a treehouse. You haven’t even begun to put together a nursery and he’s made several trips to the hardware store and stacked wood in your backyard, and spends the baby’s growing years perfecting it 
He buys/sends you flowers on every single Friday, and hasn’t missed one yet. Your little boy catches on and saves up his allowance to buy you some too, because he’s gone with his dad to pick them up plenty of times and knows the way there relative to his walk home from school
He nearly cries with pride, because come on; that’s too cute.
Iwaizumi with a daughter? Different breed. He may not be real but my feelings for him are and I would do ANYTHING for him
He dresses her up in the ugliest frilly little dresses and takes hundreds of photos, and goes to daddy daughter events/dances??!? Bye I’m smitten. 
Little league coach!!! Listen he knows and loves sports, just the whole category, so everything his kids wanna sign up for you bet your ass he’s signing himself up for too
And he’s a GREAT coach ugh he always knows how to handle the kids, and given his profession is a bargain deal, they’re super lucky to have him there tbh
The other parents try and flirt with him and he just freezes up and panics because he can’t respond to them like he usually would to people given his kids are involved, so he just starts rambling about how great you are
Takes them to practices he’s needed at sometimes and before bringing them in, practically gives the whole team a death threat. They have fun there, though, and he’s screeching instructions and insults out at them with his kid asleep in his arms
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
✰ bokuto 
He cries when he finds out he’s going to be a dad. Big, ugly tears, and crushes you with his hugs. Wastes no time whatsoever in bragging to everyone about how lucky he must be to be having your kids ugh hes a cutie
Also cries when they’re born, and it’s visible in every photo. It’s heartwarming, though, and you’re ecstatic to see just how excited he is. You certainly know you’ve made the right choice
When he’s away for games, he always calls to tell his kids a bedtime story and tell them he loves them. Even if it’s 12pm or 3am for him, he keeps his alarm set to go off for 9pm at home.
When he can’t tell a story because he’ll be in the middle of a game, he begs, BEGS, for someone on the sidelines to answer the incoming facetime call and face the camera towards him. When it’s done and over, he’s handed his phone and it met with their sleeping faces, with an msby flag clutched loosely in their tiny fists
He always makes up for having to travel by taking them out individually so they all feel special, whether it’s for ice cream or to a movie. It’s their choice, and he gives them his undivided attention the entire time
They’re completely spoiled by him, honestly. Their allowance is cut off by you because he’s not even leaving enough for him to buy himself lunch-
Shows up to practice when then they’re born just to show them off, excitedly displaying his blessing to all of his teammates before promptly tucking them away into their carseat and leaving before they can make him stay-
✰ kuroo
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
Sends his kids to private school, but makes sure they engage in community activities; he still wants them to have the same neighborhood kid experience that he did rather than being stuck up like their classmates, and will push them towards sports
Carries them around on his shoulders nearly everywhere he goes, when they’re babies always has them strapped to his chest and insists he be the one to hold them when you’re out and can’t use a stroller
Buys EVERY single parenting book he can find. Even the ones in the dollar store bargain bins, and compiles every common suggestion into a spreadsheet. By the time the baby’s born he has 12 pages on every book he’s read, everything he’s learned from it, complete with statistics and a works cited page
Takes classes! Is very nervous and doesn’t really know much about babies so he really wants to just make sure he can’t do anything wrong, and like the nerd he is learns as much as possible
He may as well be a pediatrician at this point tbh
Keeps stuffed animals in the bottom drawer of his desk at work for when he brings them in, and will make a bed where his feet would usually go for them to nap on time so they won’t interfere with your sleeping at home
The dad that is angry that math isn’t done the same way as when he was in school and they both have a whole entire moment at the dining room table
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Medieval/ending AU: Knight!Mirio as childhood friends with F!Sorcceer s/o?
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Top tier encouraging buddies!
Yes. I'm 100% here for this.
Similar to how you and Mirio are 100% there for eachother eyyyyyy
I should not be writing these while sleepy oof
You two met one day in the forest surrounding your small village; mirio was looking for animals to save and assist, and you were working on your water transmutation spells by the creek!
You'd been having trouble getting the spell just right, only able to levitate the water instead of transmuting it into another material.
You were getting more and more frustrated by the moment when a cheerful voice interrupted the soft forest ambience.
"Wowie!! I've never seen anyone levitate water up close before"
As you tense up, the water transmutes into iron momentarily before splashing into the creek, water once again.
"Gosh, I'm sorry miss! I didnt mean to break your concentration!"
You turn and there's Mirio, scraps of metal tied on him like some makeshift armor, smiling like a beam of sunlight.
"Uh.....that's alright, I had it for a second there! I'll get it again if I keep trying."
"Ooooh are you a magicky user?"
"Heheh, I think sorceress-in-training would suit me better. What about you? Are you training to be a knight?"
"Mhm! I wanna grow up and help keep people safe!! Oh oh! And maybe save a princess or prince! Or uh....somebody in a tower that needs help, because-
He looks around and whispers, as if he's giving you a very coveted piece of information
"I'm a preeeeetty good climber!"
And so begins your very sweet friendship!
Everyone in the village thinks you two are adorable, always walking around trying to help people, Mirio helping you find things for spells, both of you proudly telling the other adults about how amazing and talented the other is.
"Y/n is the coolest magicky user I know!"
"Uh- Mirio.."
"Hm? Oh sorry y/n!"
"Y/n is the coolest sorceress-in-training that I know!"
"And Mirio is the bravest knight I know!!"
Nobody and nothing could get between you and Mirio's friendship, well except one thing-
Your ding dang feelings for eachother.
Fast forward and You are the apprentice to your kingdoms wizard, and Mirio is second in command to the head knight of the kingdom's royal guard.
It was around this time you both started realizing your love for the other might have grown into something a bit more than platonic.
You both enjoyed eachothers company, felt the others absence when apart, and there was this weird.....want.....to kiss???smooch?? HHUUUUUUHHHH!?
But of course, in true anime fashion, neither of you want to confess at first, opting to go the "haha no we're just best buds! Amigos! Pals! Totally not in love!" Route.
Mirio especially is worried about ruining your friendship, he adores you! He loves your honesty, the immense knowledge you have about magical history and terminology, and well.....everything about you!
He didnt wanna lose you, but on the other hand.
This felt like torture.
Lovey dovey, sugary, syrupy, and tremendous torture.
Decides if he's going down? He's gonna go down in the most romantic ad over-the-top way possible.
You wake up to flowers at your doorstep.
A lot of flowers.
No seriously it's a bit concerning how many flowers there are, who in their right mind would send this many???
Shortly after thinking this a cluster of the children in your village gather and each take a bunch of flowers in their arms
What in the world??
It takes a second, but the children start gently taking the petals and making a path, and as you slowly follow them, you start to recognize the area?? It looks the same as the rest of the forest, trees, bushes, more trees....why does this feel so-
"Keep moving forward miss! He's waiting for you!"
One of the children whispers, as they scamper away with the rest of their group.
"He? Wait do you mean Miriaaaaaand they're gone, right then"
You wander through the forest, still confused about what's happening, and hope you're going the right way.
And you are, which you realize when you notice another path of petals, and begin to follow.
It's driving you crazy, why is this place familiar? Why do you feel so calm here? Why.......oh......ohgoodness....
"Hello y/n, glad you the kiddos didn't accidentally set you in the wrong direction!"
"Mirio what's going on?"
He smiles as he walks over, softly taking your hand in his, speaking in a tone much quieter than his usual loud, energetic voice.
"Do you remember y/n? This place?"
".....yes......I believe I do....."
This......this was where you two met for the first time, though it looked a bit different, the trees were taller and the creek had grown a bit wider, kinda cool how this spot had in a way grown with you and Mirio over the years.
"...............yeaaah Mirio?"
"I did all this and brought you here to ask you something super important"
Still caressing your hands he steps closer.
"Y/n l/n, you've been my closest friend, confidant, comforter, and general.....uh.... best...person- gosh I should've written this down uhm-"
Wait.....are his hands shaking??......
Why...does he look flustered? Mirio never looks flustered why is he nervous why....
Oh...OH......OH GOODNESS.....
"Y-yes y/n?"
You did it! Heck yes
now, his reaction is delayed, but after a few moments of scilence he's pulling you close and laughing
"Darn it y/n, that was adorable but you really stole my thunder there!"
"Heh, sorry! Once I realized what you were trying to do it kinda just...happened"
"It's alright love I don't mind"
Hes smiling and hugging you
".........did you just call me "love" "
"Yup! I cant tell ya how long I've been wanting to do that, I am so siked to just-
He lovingly pulls a strand of hair away from your face.
"To just shower and spoil you with so much love, babe you're gonna get cavities from all the sugar I'll be giving!"
Did it take me this long to get to some actual general headcanons? Yes.
Was it worth it? I'd like to think so!
Now, it goes without saying Mirio is immensly supportive of your sorcery.
He really loves watching you work on plant spells especially.
Really enjoys watching you manipulate how ivy grows up a wall, or making sure all the morning glories open each day at dawn, he just finds it interesting!
Talks about you all the time at work
His knight friends find it both sweet and kinda frustrating, because as much as they admire Mirio, he will literally talk about how the light hits your hair for half an hour, and patient as they are everyone has a limit 😂
Pffft a lot of interactions like this:
"Oh oh! Babe do the thing!"
*you make a flower grow from your hand and put it in Mirio's hair*
Mirio: "so cooool!" :D
Even though you're both older, Mirio never seems to lose that sense of awe and wonder when he watches you do the magics
Takes you on picnic dates whenever he can, loves spending the after noon cuddling on a blanket in the sunshine! Also it's ion these picnic dates that he's the little spoon!!
He actually asks and it doesnt matter if it's the 1st or 59th time, he looks so shy just quietly going "y/n.....could you hold me please?"
His job has him dealing with tough people, and even tougher situations most of the time, so being able to just spend time with you? Reminds him of why he wanted to be a knight in the first place: to save and protect the good in this world.
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sparklyandchic · 4 years
okay i started the idea for this mini little mind makeover when i broke up with my boyfriend in like january. instead of being sad or angry, i wanted to be grateful for this time and take it as an opportunity to make life better for myself. then quarantine happened, so some of these are related to things i’ve learned since that started. either way, these aren’t all concrete things to do for your mind; some of them are just ways of thinking or pep talks. but if you can find one little piece of information or thought that makes you a little bit happier for a moment, that’s all i can hope for!
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5-htp: okay first off- please ALWAYS consult your psychiatrist or medical professional before taking a supplement! taking 5-htp with, for example, serotonin-increasing medications can lead to a fatal illness called serotonin syndrome. personally, i started taking it because i had been on 10 mg prozac for a few months. it definitely dulled a lot of my anxiety and had a lot of positive aspects to it, but it dulled them almost too much to the point where i felt apathetic and detached from myself and the situations i was in. i was in a very unhealthy relationship and felt like i needed my mental clarity and “overthinking” processes back in order to identify what i was feeling and how to deal with it. i felt a lot more “sensitive” after coming off it, which was actually really welcome for me at first, but then it sort of dropped off into withdrawals. i was having constant panic attacks and crying very often. after a while, i was debating going back on prozac, but remembered i had taken 5-htp before. 5-htp is an amino acid that is a direct precursor to serotonin being produced in the brain. when u eat turkey, tryptophan is converted into 5-htp which leads to your brain producing serotonin, thus why you feel calm and happy afterwards. after taking 5-htp for just a few days, ranging between 200-300 mg per day (again, do your research, ask your doctor, and start small) i stopped crying constantly and really felt this sense of calmness and wellbeing but without the detachment and apathy i felt with prozac. i could still think clearly but didn’t feel overly sensitive to every emotion which arose. personally, it is really a lifesaver and really does make a noticeable difference.
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cognitive behavioral therapy: ive tried therapy a million times. well okay, like 5 or 6 different therapists. at its worst, therapists told me i needed to use my sexual power as a woman in order to get what i wanted from men, told me i’m bad at socializing and should do group therapy, said my mom shouldn’t have encouraged me to “be myself” when i was younger because it made me less likeable than if i had conformed to normal societal standards of dressing. i had gone to “therapists” who claimed to be trained in CBT, but when i told them about my experiences with dissociation, the only feedback i got was to “take more baths.” while going through a few unpleasant experiences in my personal life, i decided i should try CBT once more, but like the real kind. i found an ivy-league educated licensed psychologist (NOT a “licensed clinical social worker” who doesn’t even have a psychology degree!!) who SPECIALIZED specifically in cognitive behavioral therapy. just after the first session, i was so elated with my experience. as opposed to just telling me that i needed to be more normal or more kind or a better person, she tried to identify WHAT was making me feel that way about myself in the first place. she pointed out the positive things i do and reassured me i was kind, good, and deserving of good things. she pointed out many aspects of my situation that would have taken me days or weeks to come to on my own. i’ve realized my hubris isn’t that i’m not socially acceptable or not perfect enough, but its just that i tend to THINK that i am these things despite having no evidence of it. so, over time with therapy, my positive self image about who i am as a person has grown and strengthened and i dont just randomly feel like a bad human being anymore lol. moral of the story, if you wanna do therapy but it keeps sucking, dont give up. go to a legit psychologist, find someone who specializes in the type of therapy you’re seeking, and also be vocal during your sessions. stand up to your psychologist when they continually push a narrative onto you, and explain why you don’t agree with it. sometimes it’s their job to try different narratives to see what fits, and if you just passively let them say what they want to, you’ll never find the truth of your experience! it’s a communal effort! therapy isn’t usually a magic cure-all where one session fixes everything that goes awry in your brain. but if you find someone who knows what they’re doing they can in fact really help your thought processes become less twisted up and more clear and healthy.
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meditation and mindfulness: a few weeks ago i felt anxious and overly driven to get things done to the point where i spiraled into a space of guilt or a panic attack over not getting enough things done. meditation can be so so helpful here. it’s better to spend an hour sitting and doing nothing, but doing it peacefully and then calmly moving on to doing something else, than to spend 5 hours stressing yourself over every single thing you need to get done and how much time you’re wasting. the things that need to get done will get done. another thing that i’ve realized and say to myself a lot is: “focus not on doing all things perfectly, but on doing the small things well.” by this i mean, stop thinking about the 20 things you need to get done and how it all needs to be perfect, but instead take your time with the task that presents itself as most beneficial right now and focus on enjoying it and giving your whole self to the process. for example, stop thinking about how you need to clean your room, your closet, donate clothes, take a shower, take out the trash, read, workout, etc. think to yourself; “which task would bring me the most joy right now?” if the answer is taking a shower, then take that damn shower. bring your speaker into the bathroom, scrub every inch of your scalp with shampoo, scrub your feet and behind your ears and your neck with body wash, brush the conditioner through your hair fully. you may end your shower with 19 other things to do, but god damn if you can’t enjoy a single one of them and be present for it, what’s the fucking point! go light a candle and bask in its glow, go make your bed and huddle up in your neatly arranged covers, go take a long bath or a thorough shower, and be proud of and content with that today. 
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relationships, with others and yourself: okay, if you missed the memo, my ex-boyfriend sucked. like genuinely was a bad person. he was a drug dealer, so that’s red flag number 1 (which i ignored of course), he hadn’t graduated high school (he was 18, i was 20, he was supposed to graduate the last semester but refused to do the work and ignored me and his mother when encouraged to do it, which is uhh definitely red flag number 2 which i also ignored), he habitually did not show up for dates on time or lied about what he was going to do or what he did (literally everything he did was a red flag and i rlly ignored all of it). the worst part was how he responded when i worked up the courage to speak to him about it. if we had agreed upon a time for our date but he showed up literally 8 hours late, he would blame it on me because i “could have called” him, or that i was “demanding too much of” him, or that i “should have said something earlier so now [i was] just dragging it out because it already happened.” basically, whatever narrative he pushed at me, i eventually gave into. i’ve dealt with gaslighting in a relationship before and a part of me knew what was happening to me, but a part of me also kept having hope for him, kept empathizing with him, kept wanting to believe in him. after a bit too much time, i finally realized you have to trust yourself, empathize with yourself, and believing in yourself over anyone else. at first i felt bad for him not being able to graduate because i had my own struggles with high school and getting work done. i thought he may have issues but he deserves someone to be there for him because i wanted someone to be there for me. despite the pain and stress he was causing me, i sat around crying over him because i cared about him and tend to over-empathize with people close to me, whether they deserve it or not. my therapist told me something that at first i did not understand, but over time came to grasp in its entirety: “some people do not deserve your love or kindness.” after our first session, my homework was to “consider when you are being kind and when you are being taken advantage of.” this made me realize that what feels like your instinctual nature to be nice to others, can in fact be a self-sabotaging unfair action, depending on the other person’s response. i might be dishing out a lot right now, but bear with me. think of it this way: you regard an action as a “kind action”. you might think “kind actions” include: forgiving someone for large mistakes, putting someone’s needs over yours, sparing them some change when they ask for it, listening to the problems they are dealing with every day. BUT when their actions include not forgiving you for minor mistakes, not giving a sh*t about your needs or considering them, not caring how much money they take from you and how much money you need to have around, or habitually glossing over your problems because it doesn’t benefit them to care, THEN those actions you performed are NOT “KIND ACTIONS” anymore. the act of continuing to give them leeway is now the act of being taken advantage of. the act of giving them money is now the act of being taken advantage of. the act of buying into their story at the expense of your sanity, is now the act of being taken advantage. basically, all i’m saying is START PUTTING YOURSELF FIRST AND TRUSTING YOURSELF WHEN YOU FEEL SOMEONE DOESN’T HAVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS IN MIND. 
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ending thoughts: i know quarantine is difficult right now. the desire to grow contrasted with the inability to move. maybe try and follow that old 2008~ quote; “bloom where you are planted”. you might not be able to reach the goals you thought you would during this time. you might not be able to run a marathon or make a bunch of new friends or wake up at 6 AM to workout or redo your bedroom or get a rhinoplasty or join a gym or get an internship. working towards productivity might be unrealistic right now. but you can work everyday towards becoming the woman you want to be, mentally. you can work on learning to be content, learning to make the best with what you have, learning to appreciate the little things, learning to slow down. these are all qualities that i for one want to have just as much as i want to be attractive or successful. if you can’t enjoy success, what’s the fucking point! life is on pause right now, take this moment as a gift and consider your internal world and what parts of your mind need a makeover. there are horrible things happening in the world right now, do what you can to help, but if you’re safe and healthy then be grateful for the things you can learn from this difficult time. take it slow, but keep moving forward! 
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ilikezodiacs · 6 years
How the signs show they’re interested in you.
Aries: Aries tend to fall easy and quickly so its important for you to give them a lot of compliments in the beginning. They are direct and dominant. so let them take the lead. its ok to start the first few conversations but let them take the lead. let them know you and be sure to be flattering they love to be encouraged. Aries are also good listeners! so its  easy to see if they like you because they will show more interest in you as well. they are impatient people so be sure to act fast in the beginning to get their attraction.
Taurus: Make sure to feel them comfortable. because they’ll open up about themselves. be patience because they need time to get used to it. be honest and don't be dramatic. be their friend at first if you wanna play save. show you're interested in serious subjects that not everything is about funny jokes and memes. sure they love to joke often but they seek maturity in a relationship. they’re going to be more sensual and physical affectionate. dont be stressed if they'll act awkward and shy around you!! its just who they are they need time and it DOES take a while for them to get used to it but dont give up if this happens!
Gemini: they’re an open book. they'll probably tell their close friends if they are interested in you. Gemini are seriously good flirts so they’ll be extra romantic and nice around you. since they’re so outgoing of at least a lot on social media they’ll try to contact you as many ways as possible. for ex. snap chat, Instagram. or even just tagging you in some stupid meme on Facebook!! So if you wanna text them as much as possible its ok! Geminis are totally fine with that there is no limit. they like long interesting conversation. since they're curious. try to talk about the future and cool things you both want to experience.
Cancer: The most striking thing is that they’ll open up about their true emotions to you. that's definitely the sign they’re comfortable around you. they’re usually shy to people but once they’re interested in someone they tend to let their guard down. they usually dont notice that so be attentive! they will be super loyal around you and will ask a lot of questions about you. that's just because they dont usually open up first. so dont be stressed if you see them not opening up to you they need the right time and moment because if something doesn't goes their way they'll be moody.
Leo: Easy, there are so many things you can easily see if a Leo is interested. they want your creativity and passions to come out. they love to hear more about you. like stories,ambitions,pictures. they will also give you a lot of attentions. they will cheer on you and encourage you on you daily activities. but you’re insecure? dont worry i know a lot of sites say that leo ppl dont like insecure ppl. they kinda do? but they'll seriously help you with that because that boosts their ego. they’ll make you feel special. so i think its pretty obvious.
Virgo: these ppl analyze a lot once they’re interested so it could be they're quiet af in the beginning. they're not ignoring you they’re just observing the whole situation because they dont wanna fuck it up. they will open up to you once they're interested. they will also slowly show more romantic hints.  they also like to ask a looot of questions. thinks about your family or your life itself. they talk easier through the phone than in real life. they will also think highly of you, they look up to you and see that you're a person who takes they're emotions seriously.
Libra: just like the Gemini they’re obvious flirts. but dont make conclusions too soon! they're like this to everyone. dont be fooled by their false signs. one of the signs that they're interested is that they will invite you to things. like parties, dinner, or just to study. they tend to act the clumsy jealousy act towards you. they dont want you to be open toward anybody else than them. they like to compliment you so they probably  text you at midnight just to tell you're beautiful. they will be also more determined if you play hard to get. they will put more effort in it to make sure you’re going to be theirs.
Scorpio: They’ll try to have a deep connection with you. by starting deep conversations. also they will try to gain your attraction by flirting constantly. they also analyze the shit out of you. So dont worry once they reply later on your texts. they also like to drag you to their world. like their hobbies, friends, family. one thing that is notable is that they will act extremely protective and jealous ! they come over as mysterious creatures but once you’ve gain their attention its clearly that they like you. but dont stress if you think that they dont open up to you too much because these people will always have secrets for you they stay mysterious. they will eventually tell you everything but it takes time...
Sagittarius: these people are just to straight forward. they will probably tell you right away that they “like to hang out with you“ or something like that. so dont be shy to do the same! they are super honest and bold. they are also people who flirt through compliments. they are intelligent people so they will tell how good that brilliant and intelligent that last convo went! or how smart you are. they are adventurous so they will ask you to do things with them as well. like go doing sport sometime or just some silly adventure. these people will text u a lot. so do the same to them. the also like to make a lot of jokes around you :)
Capricorn: Very serious people. they can be goofy or outgoing but they take love very seriously. they will act shy at first but soon after they will be super passionate to you. they act sold sometimes so when they’re interested they act very sensitive around you. they will also be more dependable on you. they will rely on you and trust you more. for ex. when they plan something with you they expect you to be there early. one thing that just stands out the “i like you“ atmosphere is that they will adjust their schedule for you. they like to make you feel loved and comfortable so they will talk about boundaries.
Aquarius: Very playful people but still clumsy. they will try to flirt with you in a playful way. its not always recognizable. They are creative and unique people try to act cold and aloof at first but that's because they enjoy their freedom. so expect them to tell crazy en weird things they wanna do! for ex. going to some awesome place they know, last minute planning, taking the train to i dont know where. they are more of a listener so its better to take the first steps. they wont always reply directly because they are just not that active. dont worry! another sign is that they will be fascinated by you. saying how good you are or how cool your hobbies are. how they take example of you. they want to spend a lot of time with you to know you better.
Pisces: probably the best flirts and smoothest sign of the whole zodiac. they fall in love very easily, they will probably tell you at the beginning that they are starting to feel something for you. they will be extra romantic and physical affection is also a big thingy like hugs etc. they like to just have a date at home like watching Netflix or having a dinner at home with each other. they are very smooth so they will try to ask personal questions. They also share their dreams with you and will protect you from everything negative these people are optimistic so they want to see you happy too. It could be that they are shy and awkward at first but they just need to go with the flow.
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wtfzodiacsigns · 5 years
How the signs show they’re interested in you.
Aries: Aries tend to fall easy and quickly so its important for you to give them a lot of compliments in the beginning. They are direct and dominant. so let them take the lead. its ok to start the first few conversations but let them take the lead. let them know you and be sure to be flattering they love to be encouraged. Aries are also good listeners! so its  easy to see if they like you because they will show more interest in you as well. they are impatient people so be sure to act fast in the beginning to get their attraction. 
Taurus: Make sure to feel them comfortable. because they’ll open up about themselves. be patience because they need time to get used to it. be honest and don’t be dramatic. be their friend at first if you wanna play save. show you’re interested in serious subjects that not everything is about funny jokes and memes. sure they love to joke often but they seek maturity in a relationship. they’re going to be more sensual and physical affectionate. dont be stressed if they’ll act awkward and shy around you!! its just who they are they need time and it DOES take a while for them to get used to it but dont give up if this happens!
Gemini: they’re an open book. they’ll probably tell their close friends if they are interested in you. Gemini are seriously good flirts so they’ll be extra romantic and nice around you. since they’re so outgoing of at least a lot on social media they’ll try to contact you as many ways as possible. for ex. snap chat, Instagram. or even just tagging you in some stupid meme on Facebook!! So if you wanna text them as much as possible its ok! Geminis are totally fine with that there is no limit. they like long interesting conversation. since they’re curious. try to talk about the future and cool things you both want to experience.
Cancer: The most striking thing is that they’ll open up about their true emotions to you. that’s definitely the sign they’re comfortable around you. they’re usually shy to people but once they’re interested in someone they tend to let their guard down. they usually dont notice that so be attentive! they will be super loyal around you and will ask a lot of questions about you. that’s just because they dont usually open up first. so dont be stressed if you see them not opening up to you they need the right time and moment because if something doesn’t goes their way they’ll be moody.
Leo: Easy, there are so many things you can easily see if a Leo is interested. they want your creativity and passions to come out. they love to hear more about you. like stories,ambitions,pictures. they will also give you a lot of attentions. they will cheer on you and encourage you on you daily activities. but you’re insecure? dont worry i know a lot of sites say that leo ppl dont like insecure ppl. they kinda do? but they’ll seriously help you with that because that boosts their ego. they’ll make you feel special. so i think its pretty obvious.
Virgo: these ppl analyze a lot once they’re interested so it could be they’re quiet af in the beginning. they’re not ignoring you they’re just observing the whole situation because they dont wanna fuck it up. they will open up to you once they’re interested. they will also slowly show more romantic hints.  they also like to ask a looot of questions. thinks about your family or your life itself. they talk easier through the phone than in real life. they will also think highly of you, they look up to you and see that you’re a person who takes they’re emotions seriously.
Libra: just like the Gemini they’re obvious flirts. but dont make conclusions too soon! they’re like this to everyone. dont be fooled by their false signs. one of the signs that they’re interested is that they will invite you to things. like parties, dinner, or just to study. they tend to act the clumsy jealousy act towards you. they dont want you to be open toward anybody else than them. they like to compliment you so they probably  text you at midnight just to tell you’re beautiful. they will be also more determined if you play hard to get. they will put more effort in it to make sure you’re going to be theirs.
Scorpio: They’ll try to have a deep connection with you. by starting deep conversations. also they will try to gain your attraction by flirting constantly. they also analyze the shit out of you. So dont worry once they reply later on your texts. they also like to drag you to their world. like their hobbies, friends, family. one thing that is notable is that they will act extremely protective and jealous ! they come over as mysterious creatures but once you’ve gain their attention its clearly that they like you. but dont stress if you think that they dont open up to you too much because these people will always have secrets for you they stay mysterious. they will eventually tell you everything but it takes time…
Sagittarius: these people are just to straight forward. they will probably tell you right away that they “like to hang out with you“ or something like that. so dont be shy to do the same! they are super honest and bold. they are also people who flirt through compliments. they are intelligent people so they will tell how good that brilliant and intelligent that last convo went! or how smart you are. they are adventurous so they will ask you to do things with them as well. like go doing sport sometime or just some silly adventure. these people will text u a lot. so do the same to them. the also like to make a lot of jokes around you :)
Capricorn: Very serious people. they can be goofy or outgoing but they take love very seriously. they will act shy at first but soon after they will be super passionate to you. they act sold sometimes so when they’re interested they act very sensitive around you. they will also be more dependable on you. they will rely on you and trust you more. for ex. when they plan something with you they expect you to be there early. one thing that just stands out the “i like you“ atmosphere is that they will adjust their schedule for you. they like to make you feel loved and comfortable so they will talk about boundaries.
Aquarius: Very playful people but still clumsy. they will try to flirt with you in a playful way. its not always recognizable. They are creative and unique people try to act cold and aloof at first but that’s because they enjoy their freedom. so expect them to tell crazy en weird things they wanna do! for ex. going to some awesome place they know, last minute planning, taking the train to i dont know where. they are more of a listener so its better to take the first steps. they wont always reply directly because they are just not that active. dont worry! another sign is that they will be fascinated by you. saying how good you are or how cool your hobbies are. how they take example of you. they want to spend a lot of time with you to know you better.
Pisces: probably the best flirts and smoothest sign of the whole zodiac. they fall in love very easily, they will probably tell you at the beginning that they are starting to feel something for you. they will be extra romantic and physical affection is also a big thingy like hugs etc. they like to just have a date at home like watching Netflix or having a dinner at home with each other. they are very smooth so they will try to ask personal questions. They also share their dreams with you and will protect you from everything negative these people are optimistic so they want to see you happy too. It could be that they are shy and awkward at first but they just need to go with the flow.
Source: ilikezodiacs
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Oooh boy. Why do I feel like I should go straight to the replies, or else I will start talking about having a crush again? No one cares, I’m annoying, I’m sorry. Yesterday around midnight, I actually caved and told my best friend because I just couldn’t keep my feelings to myself any longer, and I was pleasantly surprised by her reaction. I didn’t want to tell her at first because we kinda tend to turn this kind of stuff into jokes, but I guess she did figure out that this time, it’s serious serious - THERE WE GO I’M OVERSHARING AGAIN I AM AN IDIOT. Anyway did I mention I love her? I don’t deserve her. She’s the best, you guys don’t even know her but I just wanted to give her a little shoutout because damn, thanks for yesterday, I thought I would explode. Also, she has an important exam in a week, so if you could send positive vibes her way, that would be great.
By the time you’re seeing this replies, I think I’m playing with Realm of Magic. I’m so excited! Last time I bought a pack on release day was with Seasons. I’m not sure who I will play this with yet. Maybe with Lucian and his girlfriend. I really hope you can somehow turn an alien into a spellcaster, even if that means he’d no longer be an alien. I don’t mind that. Whoops, hold on, was that a spoiler? Yeah, uh, Lucian is a teenager in my game at the moment, he has a girlfriend and he’s not very alien-y and I don’t care about that. Honestly…when have my aliens ever been alien-y? Miracle was the only one and she hated that (and 2019 Ronnie hates that she hated that but 2017 Ronnie didn’t know any better, long story).
Witches are something I’ve wanted in this game for a long time, so they better be good or else I’ll cry. Next up…I know everyone wants university, and I think we’ll get it, but to be fair, I don’t care about it that much. I’ll be playing university irl so I guess that makes sense. 😂 I would really like something like a band game pack, where you can form a band and have concerts and write music and…just do musician stuff, I guess. I was hoping bands would be added in Get Famous but nah, it was pretty much just acting…which I still haven’t explored. 🤦‍♀️ But yeah, band game pack is like my dream. I’m guessing it could be retro themed too, and have many references to some iconic bands?? Imagine if it was like 70s-80s inspired. Imagine THE HAIR. Did I mention I will defend weird 80s hair until the day I die? Yeah. I would really love that. I’m not saying I think a pack like this will happen, but it would be an absolute dream if it did.
TL;DR: I have a crush, I’m playing Realm of Magic and I want a band themed game pack.
autistichatkid replied to your post “Oh wow guess who’s putting nsb on long lifespan because even though…”
psa: you can use mccc to customize lifespan length!!! i dont like how fast normal goes but long is like. So Long. so i use mccc to make everything just a Lil Longer
I know you can do that, I don’t know how but it’s possible, yes! I’m not sure if I want to go for that though, I mean MCCC breaks with almost every update and knowing me, I would forget to fix my settings every single time. I think I’ll just use ea’s long lifespan and then age up people when I feel like aging them up.
desira-sims replied to your post “hey years ago you said you liked symphonic metal, do you still listen…”
Care to share some of your favorites? I’ve been in a music listening mood but feel in a rut.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “hey years ago you said you liked symphonic metal, do you still listen…”
I also don’t listen to e. g. often nowadays and… Their latest album was not my cup of tea except for song or two. And my music preference is now “whatever pleases my ears” even if it will make anyone else’s ear bleed��
Yeah sure, I can share my faves from 2-3 years ago! I’m not saying “from the genre” because I know some of these aren’t that symphonic, at this point it’s all a blur to me, to be fair. Besides, I stopped caring about genres, so…yeah. Just pointing that out so no one comes for me like “how dare you say band xy is that genre”. 
Anyway, 2-3 years ago I really loved Nightwish, Within Temptation and Sonata Arctica, those were like my holy trinity, I would listen to them all the time, every single day. The latest WT album wasn’t really my cup of tea, I like their older stuff way more. SA released a new album last week, I kinda liked it but it wasn’t love at first listen. I’ll have to go back to form an opinion on it. Again, their older stuff is better in my opinion. Nightwish…I don’t know if it’s still going on, but people really liked comparing the three different singers they’ve had, and I don’t know why, I think they’re all amazing in their own way. I believe I’ve read on Instagram that new album is coming next year and I’m so excited for that. I don’t think there’s a Nightwish album I disliked.
I also really liked Delain and…Stratovarius, I think it was called? One summer I also listened to Epica a lot, but then all their songs started sounding the same to me. Sorry to any Epica fans that might be following me 😅 And I’m fairly sure I’m forgetting someone, but I believe there should be playlists on Spotify easy to find.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Updates”
Unfortunately I didn’t manage to create a possible spouse(( but I hope there’ll be other possibilities!XD
And good luck!
There definitely will be! Lately, I kinda hate every sim I create, sooo…I’ll leave that for someone else :D
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “That morning, when Vanessa was leaving for work, I had a bad feeling….”
I don’t like this!
I didn’t think this would freak people out so much…but it did…and I’m really sorry :D
1o8percent replied to your photoset “Roxanne: Maybe if I go to bed, it’ll just come to me in a dream. I…”
I’ve definitely had story ideas come to me in a dream. I got several ideas for my completed legacy that way, so good luck Roxanne!
When I’m writing something late at night and I get stuck, it actually helps me to turn off the computer and go think about the story in bed. And ta-da, I suddenly get ideas! Some of them get lost as soon as I fall asleep, but usually the right direction stays in my head and I’m ready to pick it up as soon as I sit down to write again.
igglemouse replied to your photoset Roxy, the interaction said “feel tummy”, not “take the baby out of…”
She just can’t wait to meet her new sibling XD
That’s actually terrifying D:
brightlysimming replied to your post “I got a hug from a girl I barely know and now I’m emo, I already love…”
Aa!! That’s so great! I’m happy you had a good time!!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “I got a hug from a girl I barely know and now I’m emo, I already love…”
Congratulations! I hope you’ll have fun there! ��
I’m still not over that last weekend. Everyone was so nice and kind and fun and I loved talking to these people so much, uni will be great with them ;-; 
The best surprise to me was that there was this person, and they would come to me a few times and ask if I wanted to hang out with them away from the drunk crowds?? (we’re Czech, of course 95% of people who went to that trip got drunk in the evening -_- :D) And that was just so nice? I’m not used to people wanting to hang out with me. Also, we had great time together, if they called now I would quit everything to hang out with them :D
I’m about to start crying again. To all you lonely people struggling out there, trust me, it gets better, you’re not always going to be lonely and miserable. I thought that would be my case, but nope, things are starting to look better. And they will eventually start looking better for you too, I just know it. Don’t give up <3
lilleputtu replied to your photoset “*whispers* guys i wanna chop sunset’s hair off”
she’d look so cute with short hair! also it’s the sims, she can insta regrow it it’ll be fiiiiine
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “*whispers* guys i wanna chop sunset’s hair off”
One of the best things I ever did was put Cassandra Goth in a pixie cut. Doooo eeeet.
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “*whispers* guys i wanna chop sunset’s hair off”
deathflowertea replied to your photoset “*whispers* guys i wanna chop sunset’s hair off”
1 & 4 are ��
I think it’s official, we’ll be chopping Sunset’s hair off, yay!
desira-sims replied to your photoset “Meet the Teens! These guys will join my two girls, Crystal and…”
School and real life comes first, but I’ll be excited to see these simmies pop up when the time comes. ��
So am I! I’m not sure what to do right now. I want to play RoM, but when I come back to my NSB…do I finish Sunset’s generation requirements first, or do I just slowly start throwing these teens in? Kind of like I started working on Ross’s aspiration when it was technically still the Mint gen. Eh, I’ll figure it out.
tashsim replied to your post “URL Song Tag”
have to get up at 5:30 for a next month. feel your pain..
That’s not great D: I think I’d have to do that too, if I wasn’t moving to a dorm in Prague later this month. Spending so much time on the train and having to wake up so early would kill me.
elisabettasims replied to your post “Ahh, of course. I kinda forgot that I would get tan in summer, today I…”
I feel this on a personal level.
I kinda never had to deal with this before because I’ve been using foundation only for a year or so. And I’m fairly sure I’m using a lighter one now, because I definitely didn’t feel like a vampire last September :D
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Scarlett: “I saw you helped extinguish the flames too.” Talia: “I…”
talia… wyd
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photo “Scarlett: “Well, uhh, you didn’t mess up, so…” Talia: “I’ll stay, but…”
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photo “Meanwhile the contestants who have nothing to worry about gathered…”
talia you might be safe this time but you definitely should NOT be thinking you have nothing to worry about after… Earlier
I hate how this turned out D: I’ve noticed that sims in my game aren’t fond of the “enthuse about…” interactions. And then it ruins things like this.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Madeleine: “Yes! Did you see that? Today must be my lucky day!”
Don’t boast too much, love!
She’s really doing great though! Maybe she didn’t make the best first impression, but she’s been working really hard ever since.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “We didn’t start the fire It was always burning Since the world’s been…”
What’s the name of the song? I love everything connected to fireXD
It’s “We Didn’t Start The Fire” by Billy Joel! Warning: It’s super catchy.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “I absolutely fell in love with these cute pants some time ago but I…”
I think I will overuse these pants now:D So thank you for introducing them in the first place:D And for shoutout!
I was glad to help! And… I remember those girls!
Thank youuu! I’m a “high waisted everything” kinda girl, so of course I had to recolour these so I could use them even more often. And I’m glad that I’m not the only one, I mean, the reblogs and likes on this post are insane.
And yay, glad you remember them! Juliet and Amber were easier to recognize, I guess, but the other two, Lily and Lavender…I haven’t posted them too much, ever. I forgot how pretty they were *-* I will definitely use them as my models for recolours and stuff.
dandylion240 replied to your post “I didn’t expect to come up with a whole backstory for Caleb and…here…”
I like your ideas for him though
Thank you so much! I’ve been seeing him on my dash a lot lately, so it’s kinda weird seeing like three different versions of him at once, especially when someone makes him do things my version of him would never do :D
whysimstho replied to your photoset “There you go…some gen 3 moments with no context. Good luck figuring…”
#5 Sunset signs here dad up for Simdr #6 it’s lit
1o8percent replied to your photoset “There you go…some gen 3 moments with no context. Good luck figuring…”
I’m intrigued by the last one.
desira-sims replied to your photoset “There you go…some gen 3 moments with no context. Good luck figuring…”
I don’t approve of the second one. No tears! I’ll gladly take more of the 4th and get the feeling she’s a little tired of seeing it all the time. Fire is also bad, but I guess the conversation was to good to stop. And that last one. Oh that’s great.
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “There you go…some gen 3 moments with no context. Good luck figuring…”
Why is Ross crying? Nothing better have happened to Caleb
*evil laughter*
I love how you guys assume the worst. I mean, I’m not surprised. I tend to accidentally kill my sims a lot this year. Well, you’ll find out very soon what is actually going on in these!
Also, just a side note, that child in picture #4 is Lucian and he’s not a girl, but I will admit he looks like one (and I’m fairly sure he knows that too and is okay with that, I mean, if he didn’t want to look like that, he’d beg for a haircut), so no worries. Just throwing it out there.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Oh, try to do Salim Benali!”
Aw he looks adorable! It makes me love him even more,
elisabettasims replied to your post “Oh, try to do Salim Benali!”
Salim is hard because he’s already pretty good looking, etc. He’s the dad of one of my sims who I did a BC with and founded my legacy on her, LOL(Anissa Hoffmann, she has her mom’s last name). Though I guess REALLY Salim and her mother are the founders but, I didn’t start a legacy until after her BC.
I agree, he’s definitely one of the few miracle townies who don’t need fixing.
Also, thank you!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Ugh, I hate this already. Can I go back to being an adorable evil…”
You can be an adorable evil child instead!
Oh, she will be.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Gwyneth: “Ready to age up, sweetie?” Avery: oh mum you bet”
Why is Gwyneth so cute I can’t even describe it!
Her cute face is the only reason why I thought “well, I could try a BPR I guess…”
Seriously. I’ve never really cared about berries, I’ve always prefered vanilla sims and berries were just something I created in cas from time to time and then never touched again. I still prefer vanilla sims and kinda doubt I’ll ever start another berry save.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Right…so now you’re a middle aged mum with a midlife crisis and a…”
I HATE THAT STUPID HAIR AND HOW IT SHOWS UP ON EVERYONE WHEN THEY AGE UP. *coughcough* Sorry. Had a bad flashback seeing that.
I hate it so much too! But actually, wanna hear a deep dark secret? I once used it on a sim…unironically. Like I actually thought it was cute.
I was 11 though, so that makes it okay, I think. I hope.
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eelssauce · 6 years
soft bias asks
tagged by @jenostransbf
who is your bias?
Johnny Seo :3c
what made you notice him?
I believe some lame ass joke he made in one of the early nct life vids sdjvndfjkvnkdfjvndf
what’s your favorite thing about him?
oof, hes so happy and positive??? like the members saying hes so optimistic its a problem and him saying he loves waking up, which is the exact opposite of me tbfh, just makes me love him so much more????? like it love that sm!!! it fills my heart with light and joy hhhhhhhhh im gay
who would initiate skinship more?
at first he would, but when i get comfortable its cuddling for his ass
who would hog blankets more?
he would djsnkjsdvndjvsdc
who would be more clingy?
me for sure lul
who would say I love you first?
him, id stress over saying it first or too early or messing it up pls
who would be more easily flustered?
hmmmm,,,,,,,, him??? he gets easily flustered by compliments but i also get flustered easily so idk???
what cuddling position would you two have?
guess id adapt to whatever he wanted/was most comfortable with, ive never really cuddled so i dont know
which colors remind you of him and why?
blues, bc of his whale plushie he loves so much jfknjfdfsdgkjsdn
which season would you like to spend with him?
Fall?? idk why just rlly love the fall, hes super cute in like sweaters and fall attire
who would bake cookies and who would steal the batter?
both, for both probably, i love baking and he said he wanted to make cookies from scratch before so we’d do that n have a little bit of batter
which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
he’d make all the puns and i’d laugh or smile probably
who wants to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
probably him, i like reptiles more dfjvndjfvnkdjfvnjfsf
which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
id say id burn the kitchen down but im fairly good at cooking when i have directions/recipe in front of me/i know how to cook it yknow?
who likes to lean over on train railings and who has to pull them back?
hed probably lean over and id pull him back tbh
what would watching a horror film with him be like?
he doesnt seem to be too affected by them, so id do what i do and try not to flinch at jump scares but im also not affected by them too much either
who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
either wed both be cheesy flirt or hed be smooth, id be cheesy
who is more competitive?
lul him, i try not to be competitive tbh hhhhhhhhh
who would have to be given constant reminders (to eat, not forget something, etc.)
me PLS i forget to eat and take care of myself all the time and shit i need reminders
who sends memes and who sends cute “I miss you” texts at 3 a.m.?
me lul, im up at all hours usually and im too gay
im not gonna tag anyone but if u wanna do it, just say i tagged you
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wtfzodiacsigns · 6 years
How the signs show they’re interested in you.
Aries: Aries tend to fall easy and quickly so its important for you to give them a lot of compliments in the beginning. They are direct and dominant. so let them take the lead. its ok to start the first few conversations but let them take the lead. let them know you and be sure to be flattering they love to be encouraged. Aries are also good listeners! so its  easy to see if they like you because they will show more interest in you as well. they are impatient people so be sure to act fast in the beginning to get their attraction. 
Taurus: Make sure to feel them comfortable. because they’ll open up about themselves. be patience because they need time to get used to it. be honest and don’t be dramatic. be their friend at first if you wanna play save. show you’re interested in serious subjects that not everything is about funny jokes and memes. sure they love to joke often but they seek maturity in a relationship. they’re going to be more sensual and physical affectionate. dont be stressed if they’ll act awkward and shy around you!! its just who they are they need time and it DOES take a while for them to get used to it but dont give up if this happens!
Gemini: they’re an open book. they’ll probably tell their close friends if they are interested in you. Gemini are seriously good flirts so they’ll be extra romantic and nice around you. since they’re so outgoing of at least a lot on social media they’ll try to contact you as many ways as possible. for ex. snap chat, Instagram. or even just tagging you in some stupid meme on Facebook!! So if you wanna text them as much as possible its ok! Geminis are totally fine with that there is no limit. they like long interesting conversation. since they’re curious. try to talk about the future and cool things you both want to experience.
Cancer: The most striking thing is that they’ll open up about their true emotions to you. that’s definitely the sign they’re comfortable around you. they’re usually shy to people but once they’re interested in someone they tend to let their guard down. they usually dont notice that so be attentive! they will be super loyal around you and will ask a lot of questions about you. that’s just because they dont usually open up first. so dont be stressed if you see them not opening up to you they need the right time and moment because if something doesn’t goes their way they’ll be moody.
Leo: Easy, there are so many things you can easily see if a Leo is interested. they want your creativity and passions to come out. they love to hear more about you. like stories,ambitions,pictures. they will also give you a lot of attentions. they will cheer on you and encourage you on you daily activities. but you’re insecure? dont worry i know a lot of sites say that leo ppl dont like insecure ppl. they kinda do? but they’ll seriously help you with that because that boosts their ego. they’ll make you feel special. so i think its pretty obvious.
Virgo: these ppl analyze a lot once they’re interested so it could be they’re quiet af in the beginning. they’re not ignoring you they’re just observing the whole situation because they dont wanna fuck it up. they will open up to you once they’re interested. they will also slowly show more romantic hints.  they also like to ask a looot of questions. thinks about your family or your life itself. they talk easier through the phone than in real life. they will also think highly of you, they look up to you and see that you’re a person who takes they’re emotions seriously.
Libra: just like the Gemini they’re obvious flirts. but dont make conclusions too soon! they’re like this to everyone. dont be fooled by their false signs. one of the signs that they’re interested is that they will invite you to things. like parties, dinner, or just to study. they tend to act the clumsy jealousy act towards you. they dont want you to be open toward anybody else than them. they like to compliment you so they probably  text you at midnight just to tell you’re beautiful. they will be also more determined if you play hard to get. they will put more effort in it to make sure you’re going to be theirs.
Scorpio: They’ll try to have a deep connection with you. by starting deep conversations. also they will try to gain your attraction by flirting constantly. they also analyze the shit out of you. So dont worry once they reply later on your texts. they also like to drag you to their world. like their hobbies, friends, family. one thing that is notable is that they will act extremely protective and jealous ! they come over as mysterious creatures but once you’ve gain their attention its clearly that they like you. but dont stress if you think that they dont open up to you too much because these people will always have secrets for you they stay mysterious. they will eventually tell you everything but it takes time…
Sagittarius: these people are just to straight forward. they will probably tell you right away that they “like to hang out with you“ or something like that. so dont be shy to do the same! they are super honest and bold. they are also people who flirt through compliments. they are intelligent people so they will tell how good that brilliant and intelligent that last convo went! or how smart you are. they are adventurous so they will ask you to do things with them as well. like go doing sport sometime or just some silly adventure. these people will text u a lot. so do the same to them. the also like to make a lot of jokes around you :)
Capricorn: Very serious people. they can be goofy or outgoing but they take love very seriously. they will act shy at first but soon after they will be super passionate to you. they act sold sometimes so when they’re interested they act very sensitive around you. they will also be more dependable on you. they will rely on you and trust you more. for ex. when they plan something with you they expect you to be there early. one thing that just stands out the “i like you“ atmosphere is that they will adjust their schedule for you. they like to make you feel loved and comfortable so they will talk about boundaries.
Aquarius: Very playful people but still clumsy. they will try to flirt with you in a playful way. its not always recognizable. They are creative and unique people try to act cold and aloof at first but that’s because they enjoy their freedom. so expect them to tell crazy en weird things they wanna do! for ex. going to some awesome place they know, last minute planning, taking the train to i dont know where. they are more of a listener so its better to take the first steps. they wont always reply directly because they are just not that active. dont worry! another sign is that they will be fascinated by you. saying how good you are or how cool your hobbies are. how they take example of you. they want to spend a lot of time with you to know you better.
Pisces: probably the best flirts and smoothest sign of the whole zodiac. they fall in love very easily, they will probably tell you at the beginning that they are starting to feel something for you. they will be extra romantic and physical affection is also a big thingy like hugs etc. they like to just have a date at home like watching Netflix or having a dinner at home with each other. they are very smooth so they will try to ask personal questions. They also share their dreams with you and will protect you from everything negative these people are optimistic so they want to see you happy too. It could be that they are shy and awkward at first but they just need to go with the flow.
Source:  ilikezodiacs
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