#are y’all ready for me to steal Ace West and turn him into my own character entirely or??
starlooove · 2 years
Ok but Lex Luther is 1000% a black capitalist who will conveniently ignore that he’s black until it’s time for him to try and cater to the community for something (“as always…Wakanda forever! Signed presidential candidate Lex Luthor”) and I genuinely think that he would not have made Kon privy to the fact that HE’S also black so just
Core four hanging at Wayne manor one day and Duke happens to walk in and he’s not rude or anything ok? Hell, he gave himself a fade so he technically had no real room to talk! It’s just…why did Kon relax his hair just to curl it again?? And badly too? Shit looks fried and he just wants to see if he can help so he kinda pulls him over and is like “what’s ur routine bro?”
And Kon has no idea what’s going on?? What is a “doo rag?” What the hell does Duke want him to “pick?” And Duke is finally upfront about it and is like “Conner…do you know that you’re black?” And Kon short circuits.
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wickednerdery · 3 years
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Title: Save a Mobius, Ride a Loki Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Loki, Rick & Morty Pairing/character: Loki & Mobius, Rick & Morty Rating: FRM Summary: “Mobius, no!!” Notes: This is a continuation of The Great Loki and something that’s been stuck in my head since before Loki premiered I’ve been dying to write, so I have. Knowledge of Rick & Morty is helpful, but not required. This story has adult content, language, and violence. For length, etc, there’s a Read More:
Loki scans the desert, wary he’s ended up where he began; where the TVA first collected him. The whinnying of horses on the wind and outline of an American frontier town in the distance indicates this is unlikely, which is a relief. He takes a few steps, then stops and turns back. “What are you doing?”
Mobius sighs as he fusses with the TemPad. “Trying to figure out when and where we are.” He stumbles through the sand as he attempts to keep up with the god’s long strides. “There’s something wrong with the specs, the settings maybe…” Then a thought blooms in the back of his mind, compels him to ask. “You didn’t do anything to it, right?”
“Of course not.”
“Loki…” It’s gentle warning, reminder. The TVA isn’t done with him, he’ll not simply let Loki wander off.
The tone, implication of it, offends. “I didn’t do anything to your blasted device!” He storms off with his own suspicion and settles under a Joshua tree to examine the gun he lifted from the old man. 
Mobius plops beside him, undoing tie as the god shifts to share the shade. “I’m sorry I accused, it’s just…” He’s Loki.
Loki ignores in favor of moving on. “I think the portal gun moves across time and space. We’re in another dimension entirely, see?” He shows the tiny dials, settings, on the device. “Your TemPad won’t work, because it doesn’t exist here.”
If the TemPad doesn’t exist, then reason stands that the TVA doesn’t either and the thought is mind-blowing - terrifying and exciting both. Mobius lived his life with the understanding that the TVA, the Time-Keepers, existed everywhere and (in a way) at every time, and yet...He examines the gun for himself, then hands it back. “I suppose that makes sense.”
“Enough exposition for the readers then?”
“I guess so, I mean, we don’t want to bog them down in the...”
“Talky talky talky.” They say in unison. 
“So...how do we figure out where we are then?”
“I’ve a thought.” Loki gets up, starts in the direction of the town, with Mobius quick to catch up. As they carry on he waves hand to change their clothing according to what he suspects will be most appropriate.
“Did you just change my clothes?”
“Of course, how else did you expect us to fit in?”
“No, it’s nice…” The agent looks over the dark shirt, cowboy boots, before taking off the hat to examine. “Impressive...Just...why am I all in black?”
“Because I’m in white.”
“Yeah...But why are you in white and then, you know, I’m in black?”
“Maybe I want to change things up? Think that’s possible? ” It’s said sarcastically, but Loki himself isn’t sure it’s not true. 
Mobius smiles. “If anyone could do it, it’d be you.” 
When they arrive the god scans the rough wood buildings, the rougher looking citizens that stroll and spit in the streets, with growing smile. This is a place he can enjoy, regardless of where or when it is. Eyes follow a woman in threadbare silk, breasts nearly out, before they find the double-gun holster of her companion.
"What you grinnin’ at, Saddle-Bum?” When Loki laughs the man grows enraged, pulls his gun.
Mobius curses and scrambles as chaos breaks out, just managing to push the woman out of the way of the gunfire. He tucks them behind a pile of barrels that spill liquor as bullets fly. “Stay down.” As the dust settles he glances out. “Loki?” He’s not cross, only worried.
The god only smiles, triumphant over the local bleeding out on his back. “Ah, there you are, Mobius!” That’s a relief.
The woman begins to scream. “Oh my god! You shot the sheriff!!”
“But I did not shoot the deputy.” Loki tips his hat with a grin.
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He should be angry, scared, but Mobius isn’t. Heart pounds not with fear, but at the possibilities. It’s one thing to study Loki, to interview and interact with him under controlled circumstances, but this is something entirely different. They’re off the proverbial reservation. This is a wild Loki and it’s thrilling. “This is crazy…” The corners of his lips lift in spite of himself as men drag the body away. “Lucky no one liked that sheriff.”
“Funny how often that happens.” Loki chuckles. “Shall we find a room then?”
“Mobius, really, I thought you would know better. If two beings are in this sort of scenario, there will only be one room and one bed available.”
"Come on, you really think the...powers that be are gonna pull that old trope out?”
Loki only chuckles as he swings saloon doors wide and cheers. “Your new sheriff is here!” The gunslingers, prospectors, and whores all turn and stare. Just stare. The god drops hands to hips, but smile remains. “Tough crowd.” He huffs his laugh, carries on to the bar. “May we have two glasses of your finest and two rooms please?”
“Sorry, just got the one available.”
“On, come on, really?” The agent is incredulous. “Did Loki put you up to this?”
The bartend and proprietor smirks. “You want the room or not?”
“The one room will do just fine, thank you,” Loki smiles out before grabbing the whole bottle rather than poured glass and heading towards a cards game. “Are you coming or not?”
It takes a moment to realize the saloon owner had no expectation of getting paid now, that Mobius was free to go to the table if he wished. He did and he did, settling beside Loki. “You know how to play this game?”
“I know how to play many games, from many different lands. Do you know how to play?”
“I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it.” Not more than a few hands later he’s nearly all the pot to himself.
The god is thoroughly impressed. “You lied.” He smiles.
“Ahhh, what is a lie, anyway?” Mobius smiles back. “Just a...” He shrugs. “Reinterpretation of the truth.”
“You get that from your space lizard employers?”
“Nope.” He sets another winning hand on the table. “I got that from you.”
“Yer a cheat,” a player grumbles. “A liar and a cheat.” Mobius prepares to defend himself when the player turns to Loki. “And a lousy sheriff.” The god only laughs before the man grabs his wrist, digs into Loki’s jacket pocket, and pulls out an ace.
Guns cock in the men’s direction; one sighs, the other grins madly. 
“Loki, you weren’t even winning!” Mobius decries.
“Well I would have been, if you weren’t so good!” 
“Oh, so this is my fault?”
“Not completely.”
“Not remotely!”  The two men begin to devolve themselves into a shouting match, talking over each other as they plot an escape. “Are you ready?!”
“As I’ll ever be!”
Loki blasts the poker player holding his wrist along with two other gunslingers while Mobius socks the man beside him in the nose. It quickly escalates, spreads across the saloon like a tornado that draws in all manner of people around it. Chairs and bullets and glasses fly through the air. Mirrors and tables shatter, people scream, and through it all the god revels...and so does the agent. Until, that is, another gun fires from outside...Fast, futuristic, and deadly so both man and god hit the floor lest they get hit.
“I know you’re in there you portal gun stealing fuckers!” Rick rages from within his ship. It isn’t simply that they took his gun - they weren’t the first and he’d many - it was that he hadn’t discovered the theft soon enough. It was the hit to his ego. “Come out here now and maybe, maybe, I won’t squanch your ass!”
“Jesus, Rick, relax.” Morty doesn’t know why he bothers as his grandfather turns to berate him instead.
Loki pops up, begins to pull magic into his hands as Mobius braces on overturned table to stand. “Hide in the rafters” 
“The rafters?” Mobius looks up as Loki forms him an armored vest as precaution. “Are you kidding me? What in our history together makes you think I’m capable of something like that?”
“Then hide elsewhere, just let me handle the old man.” Loki gives overconfident wink.
Mobius sighs...This is it, this is how he dies… “I’ve a better idea.” He storms past Loki, strolls out into the street where the other two are still arguing in their ship.
“Mobius no!” Loki gives chase.
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As you can see, Loki’s got no trouble slipping into new, chaotic, worlds and having a blast while Mobius takes a bit longer to find his footing - this may change as Mobius continues to travel and finds his own way of making things work. Because the rascals couldn’t manage to finish their cowboy tale in one go, there will be at least one more piece in this Wild West world...Hope y’all don’t mind, haha! (”Saddle-Bum” is an old west phrase meaning drifter.)
All gifs made found on Google, combined by me, credit goes to whoever their OG makers are!
Those who may read: @holykryptonitekitten @lady-crowned-with-stars @ultrarebelheart @chibiyanai @dreamsofapiratelife @biiskuitx @delightfulheartdream @antoniostarshadow13 @mobiusbmobius​@zippythewondersquirrel ...If you wish to be tagged in future pieces, please let me know!
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essaysbyciara · 5 years
Thy Neighbor II: Lovin’ The Crew [Chapter 6!]
[Prologue] [Chapters 1 + 2] [Chapters 3 + 4] [Chapter 5] 
My apologies for the wait! 
As always, thank you for the comments, messages and love. If you would like to be added to the taglist, let me know. I think my tags weren’t working for the last posts, I apologize about that :( 
Peace and love! 
“Yo, what up Y’lan!”
“Yo, Tre! What’s good, bruh?!”
Trevante had no plans to be on this side of town until a last minute work dinner called him over to West Philadelphia. Walking out of Tapico, he noticed Y’lan through the window of U City Coffee. 
It feels super high school how excited Trevante becomes when he gets to hang out with Y’lan. With Michael’s wedding soon approaching and Yahya sudden turn to act like a husband, Trevante feels all of his friends drifting away from him -- and life too. Michael has Trevante thinking about a long game, a future. Y’lan always talks to Trevante about “laying a foundation”. The two good guys of the crew talk about building their own kingdoms and Trevante wants parts.
All of his line brothers are married with children. He’s the only one holding out. So, to him, Ciara comes right on time. Even if he isn’t quite ready to be ready. 
So even though he’s joyful to see Y’lan, he’s slightly taken aback when he sees Ciara sitting across the table. Although Ciara is not his girl, he already feels possessive of her. It takes him a quick minute to remember that he connected Y’lan and Ciara to do some work together. He still doesn’t quite vibe with the image of Ciara sitting across from a man that could steal Ciara from right under him. Trevante knows that. 
As Trevante and Y’lan dap each other, Ciara is reminded of one of her biggest blunders --- Trevante doesn’t know about her and Y’lan’s history together. Previous to this moment, she never felt pushed to say a word. Her and Y’lan were not cool and her and Tre weren’t on their way to a relationship. But now that she’s been with Trevante -- and just had a flashback of emotions with Y’lan -- she feels that it may be time to let Trevante know. 
But not here. 
“Yo, man. I didn’t know you were having a work meeting out here,” Trevante says to Y’lan as he stands next to Ciara. “Y’all could have hopped into this work dinner.”
“No worries, man. But yo, we need to get together to plan Michael’s bachelor party in AC,” Y’lan says as he pushes in his chair. 
“Fam, I know! He was shooting for sometime in October. We need to get on it. Let’s link up at that whisky bar in Old City after our meeting at the agency next week. We can start there.”
Ciara feels nauseated watching Trevante and Y’lan chat each other up like best buddies. She wonders how Y’lan would feel knowing that his new BFF got inside of Ciara before he did. She wonders how angry Trevante would get knowing that he’s friends with the guy that broke her heart. It feels so revengeful and petty and so right to her at this moment. 
“Bet. Ciara, it was good to finally link,” Y’lan says, trying to hold his bottom lip bite in control.
“Yep, Y’lan! I’ll shoot you an email next week to let you know where we are in finding staff.”
A brief staredown brews between Y’lan and Ciara. Trevante decides to break up the party. 
“Hey, Ciara. I’m parked right down the street. Let me grab my car and I’ll take you home.”
“Appreciate you, Tre. Thanks.” 
At that moment, Y’lan’s senses go haywire. Something about that exchange feels off but he quickly tries to shove off those emotions. They’re neighbors, he reasons. He’s just being nice. 
Trevante never mentioned that he was dealing with Ciara. Since Trevante talks about all of his escapades,  Y’lan feels as if he’s tripping out thanks to his heart falling back into Ciara’s grooves. 
Come like me in person, love 👅
Trevante tries to ignore gym manager’s text as he navigates the curves of Kelly Drive, his Instagram liking spree paying off at the wrong time.  In an attempt to purge those earlier moments from his system, he goes to grab Ciara's left hand as he drives them both home. 
"You in a cupcaking mood, huh?" Ciara’s heart explodes at Trevante’s intimacy. She wasn’t quite sure an act like this was in his arsenal. 
"Maybe." Trevante strokes the back of Ciara’s hand with his thumb as he pushes his Audi toward their exit.
"I appreciate the ride home, Tre."
"You got it. I'm sure the meeting with Proverbs went good."
"Yeah! We're going to try to work together."
Seeing Ciara at a table with another man lowkey sent Trevante off, even if it was with his friend. He now feels like he needs to keep an eye on it. Even though Trevante gives off a vibe that’s big and bad, he’s super insecure. Guys like Y’lan are a threat to him and since Ciara wasn't his girl yet… 
Ciara stares out at the trees, thinking about her meeting with Y'lan. She feels bad for assuming that he was married. But  knowing now that he’s single, she feels like it gives her mind a gateway into thinking about what would happen between them. It also shows her how tight Y'lan and Trevante have become. She knows she has to tell Trevante about her past with Y’lan. She thinks that right now in the car would do but she stops. 
Why mess up a dope vibe? Him holding her hand, her sneaking looks at him as he drives, BJ The Chicago Kid’s “Love Inside” playing on the ride home as the sun sets across the city.
"Anytime I'm around West and you need a ride home, let me know. Can't have my girl on the train with those Uptown niggas and all that..."
My. Girl. 
As Trevante parks the car,  Ciara gets an email from Y'lan that he needs help next Monday morning at Proverbs for the breakfast program. Ciara feels a need to make up for blowing him off...and to satisfy her curiosity. She responds back.
 "I'm in!"
Trevante deletes the text from gym manager. He's into Ciara now. Maybe for good.
Taglist: @doublesidedscoobysnacks @diva-princess-on-fleek @voyagetoadinas9 @walkrightuptothesun  @dreamlovealways @rockwit609 @thegayaxeman @joyfulwombatdreamermaker @blackpinup22@hookedtoherfire @kris-did-it @l-auteuse @styleismyaddiction
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