#eventually they end up sharing wash days 😭
starlooove · 2 years
Ok but Lex Luther is 1000% a black capitalist who will conveniently ignore that he’s black until it’s time for him to try and cater to the community for something (“as always…Wakanda forever! Signed presidential candidate Lex Luthor”) and I genuinely think that he would not have made Kon privy to the fact that HE’S also black so just
Core four hanging at Wayne manor one day and Duke happens to walk in and he’s not rude or anything ok? Hell, he gave himself a fade so he technically had no real room to talk! It’s just…why did Kon relax his hair just to curl it again?? And badly too? Shit looks fried and he just wants to see if he can help so he kinda pulls him over and is like “what’s ur routine bro?”
And Kon has no idea what’s going on?? What is a “doo rag?” What the hell does Duke want him to “pick?” And Duke is finally upfront about it and is like “Conner…do you know that you’re black?” And Kon short circuits.
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waitingonher · 6 months
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ELECTRIC TOUCH — [jason grace dating headcanons]
author's note: i need 2024 to be THE year. 2023 did me soooo dirty. im praying
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dating JASON GRACE would be like dating someone from a regency era romance novel…he’s just SUCH a hopeless romantic but he would rather die than admit it.
in the initial first few weeks of dating, jason was sosososooooo shy about pda/physical touch. it’s not that he was uncomfortable, he LOVES physical touch, but he had just gone so long without it that he wasn’t used to it. but eventually, he warms up to it…and now he can’t go without having at least one part of him touching you 😭 
when it came to things like hugs, kisses, handholding, etc. jason would always wait for you to initiate it because he was so anxious about making you uncomfortable ?? fjsldfjs 
but when you communicated that he didn’t need to ask/wait for you all the time, jason started initiating things more. even still, he occasionally gets nervous to even hold your hand? like wdym you’ve been dating for over six months and you still get nervous doing simple couple things 😭 it’s very endearing though 
chivalry is NOT dead,, and it’s because of jason LMAO. he’s the type to swap shoes with you even though you’re wearing heels that are 3x too small for him, but hey, at least your feet don’t hurt anymore!
jason’s also hellbent on carrying things for you, opening doors for you, pulling out/pushing in chairs for you, etc… GOD HE’S SO CUTE. 
since dating him, you don’t think you’ve ever touched a single door or car handle when he’s with you. 
jason is NOT afraid to advocate or stand up for you, especially if you’re more on the quiet & non-confrontational side. if you’re in a group setting and someone interrupts you, he’s making sure you get your chance to say what you wanted to say. and he doesn’t do it in a way that leaves you embarrassed, he’s very very classy with it! 
if you’re a big music person, jason will literally learn your favorite artist’s entire discography so you guys have another thing to talk about. 
you guys also have a shared playlist of “your songs” and he’s so serious about it 😭 if jason hears a song that even remotely reminds him of you, he’s going to the ends of the earth to figure out what it’s called. 
rip to anyone around him if shazam doesn’t work! he’s gonna send voice messages to your big group chat humming the tune, but he’s so tone deaf that no one knows the song…and his search history is just variations of “song that goes du du ooh du ooh du du ooh” a for effort though babes…
jason’s love languages are definitely acts of service and quality time. over the years and throughout the many battles he’s fought, he’s come to realize that all he wants to do when he comes home is just spend time with his loved ones. 
after a busy day, you’ll come home to find your laundry folded, bed sheets washed & freshly made, along with a sweet little note from jason <3 
your guys’ thing are writing notes to each other. considering his and your busy schedule, you’ll write and leave tiny notes around the house for each other to find. it’s one of the many reasons why jason gets up in the morning. 
he loves coming home to you after a long day to simply melt in your arms. there’s just something so soothing about cuddling with you after a busy day. 
it does not matter where you are, you guys could literally be cleaning the camp toilets and he’d still be able to find the fun in it. you’re his home, and he’d follow you wherever you go. 
if you play sports, you already know he’s showing up to ALL your games. it doesn’t matter if it’s pouring rain or if it’s hours away, he’s absolutely determined to show his support. jason even makes posters with your jersey number and when you have big tournaments he’ll show up with posters of your face 😭 the refs are SO tired of jason help
i feel like if he really tried, jason would be a good cook. 
one day you sent him a recipe you saw online saying you wanted to make it with him, but then he decided to make it himself to surprise you. and it was actually so good??? 
JASON IN A “KISS THE COOK” APRON OMFG. that’s what you got him for his birthday and every single time without fail, he’ll wear it when he’s cooking. 
one of his hidden talents is that he’s super good at origami. he originally picked it up because he heard it was a good stress reliever, but now he also does it for you <3 
he loves your reaction when he gives you little paper rings or an origami version of your favorite animal! 
this guy DREAMS of domesticity. he’s always been the type to date to marry, and that’s just what he intends to do with you! even though you guys are still young, he’s been planning your proposal sfjfls
tell me why he already knows what kind of ring he wants to get you… omg. 
he really wants to just settle down with you in new rome. but honestly, he’s willing to do anything as long as you’re at his side. 
expect flowers from jason at least once a month! he even keeps one flower so he knows when it’s time to get you a new bouquet. and if he’s away, he’ll get one of his friends to deliver it! 
i have this headcanon that the aphrodite cabin teams up with the hephaestus cabin to throw a really elaborate party, essentially like prom. anyways, jason would go all out for your promposal jfdsls i feel like he would either do a super funny poster/proposal like y’know that one guy who did that medieval promposal 😭 yeah well jason would do something like that but like...more roman... LMFAO him pulling up to your place in a chariot 
or he would do something super super intricate and planned out…like a fancy picnic and then he’d have the fauns arrange fireflies to spell out “prom?” when it’s dark out. 
ugh! jason grace the man that you are… <3 best bf ever,, i can confirm btw
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sweetlywriting · 3 months
If possible can you do an angst with floyd leech where you're dating him and he used to call you 'shrimpy' until prefect comes and he starts calling them shrimpy while losing interest in you and eventually ends things with you.
You can do whatever ending but ive just had this in my mind for soooo long😭😭😭😭
If you cant do it then its totally ok!!
Washed away
Floyd Leech x Reader (Fluff to Angst)
A/N-Tysm for this request!! I loved this idea so much let me know if you have more! I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope it’s okay that I started it off fluffy I feel it makes the angst hit harder 😭
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You were dazing off in history class, when suddenly professor Trein asks you a question about Savannaclaws next ruler. Seeing your sheepish look he sighs moves on to ask a different student. Happy the embarrassment was only a second you lean back in your chair with a sigh, only to be met with a whisper in your ear.
“It was Cheka Kingscholar, shrimpy”
You whip around to see the Leech brothers behind you, infamously tall and terrifying. Though from the coy taunting voice you could tell it was Floyd. The embarrassment began to trickle back in again as you heard snickers over the nickname. You huffed and stared at the clock on the wall, willing the class to finally be over. Eventually it was, though Floyd’s name calling did not. In lunchtime, the halls, the classes you shared it was never ‘y/n’ just ‘shrimpy’, and it never failed to infuriate you.
One day, after lots of frustration and the desperate thought that he’d be calling you shrimpy til senior year, you finally spooned up the courage to catch up with him after class and ask why he had assigned the odd nickname.
“I just think shrimp are cute” He said shrugging one shoulder and giving you a grin, as though it was the most casual thing in the world.
You felt embarrassed again . . . but maybe for different reasons this time.
“You should come to the maestro lounge sometime, I’ll give you a special deal on shrimp” He said throwing you a wink and flashing you his sharp toothed smile before walking off.
Huh’ you mused ‘maybe I will.’
You hummed softly next to your boyfriend as he continued to snore, leaning on your shoulder in his seat. The entrance ceremony was long and Crowley certainly seemed to like the sound of his own droning voice. Being second years the formalities were very much familiar and very much boring to you. Only the occasional game of ‘who can bother Jade the most’, watching the hyper first years scramble around, and seeing Floyd in the classic Octanville robes made the ceremony bearable for the first couple hours. As you started to consider also sleeping in your seat with Floyd an odd gray and blue ball of fur zipped past you with various students chasing after it.
I wonder what’s going on “ you mused lazily, unknowing that this was the beginning of realationships unravel. Your interest started to perk at the scene of dorm wardens joining the chase. Floyd opened his eyes and tilted his head curiously at the sight of the person holding the little gray creature.
“Who do you think that is shrimpy?”
With the start of classes and busy beginning of Nightraven college you quickly forgot about the ceremony, and person they called the ‘prefect’ who was rumored to be magicless. Though Floyd seemed to know them well. It truly didn’t bother you at first, you were glad he was making more friends, but it seemed the closer Floyd got to the prefect, the farther he fled from you.
“This is a partner project. I expect a quality presentation on how Scarbia’s climate contributes to its cultural and political systems” Professor Trein announced to the class. Well at least it was a partner project so you could work with-
“Let’s be partners shrimpy”
You froze. It was Floyd’s voice, but it wasn’t directed towards you. He was looking up from his seat behind you smiling at the prefect as they laughed and agreed. You swallowed and swiftly turned back to your own seat, staring at your desk and trying to blink back tears. He didn’t even look at you. and shrimpy was your name!
You flinched feeling a gloved hand from behind on your shoulder, and turned ready to give Floyd a piece of your mind-only to see Jade.
“We can work together y/n” He said a mixture of apology and concern on his face.
“Alright.” You muttered turning back away, not wanting the pity but appreciating the gesture.
‘Meet me at the maestro’
It had been so long since Floyd had actually asked to go on a date with you and you were beyond thrilled. Obviously the whole situation with the prefect had been a misunderstanding and he was finally taking the initiative to make it up to you! You dressed well, choosing his favorite colors of turquoise and purple with extravagant pearl and shell accessories while reminiscing on your first date the maestro lounge. Back then he had reserved the entire place for you two, wanted you to try everything, and constantly made you laugh. You held close to that memory as a place of hope, and were ecstatic it was finally paying off.
You slipped out of your dorm as the clock struck twelve and quietly snuck into the lounge.
An uneasy feeling settled in your stomach as you entered, the whole place was dark with all the tables and chairs pushed to the side. ‘Maybe not a dinner date?’ You thought, pulling out two chairs and deciding to wait for him.
After what felt like forever you could finally make out a tall silhouette walking over to you-but flinching back seeing your fancy attire. He didn’t lean over you the way he used too, constantly craning his neck to look at what you were doing, or playfully poke at your hair or nip at your ear. He brooded in his chair, leaning back with an uncomfortable expression and his hands both firmly stuck in his pockets.
Only the two of you and the gentle sound of water remained.
“I’m always going to care about you y/n, but I don’t . . . feel for you anymore” He said this simply. The same simple way he would say ‘I love you’ ‘let me do it for you’ ‘this reminded me of you’. The same simple way he’d gently tug at your hair to get your attention, he’d squeeze your hand tightly in crowds as if afraid to let go, and carefully he held your heart in his hands.
His love and indifference looked so similar but felt so different. You wanted to vomit.
Eventually you did. But not before the crying. Heaving sobs filled the silent room as you brought your knees up to bury your face in. He tried to reach you, saying some words that sounded like apologies but quickly left as you vehemently yelled for him to go.
You felt footsteps and were ready to yell at Floyd to leave again but were surprised to see Jade carrying a box of tissues and a folder.
“I told him not to do that here.” He grimaced seeing your face and pushed the box of tissues towards you.
“I just wanted to let you know I finished the presentation, and I put your lines in that folder, I didn’t want you to worry about the project on top of er-this” Jade said warily, as he began to walk back out wanting to give you space.
“Was it because of the prefect?” Your voice was quiet and strained but impossible to not hear in the still room.
Jade didn’t turn around but nodded, sealing your fate as a new round of your sobs mixed with the fading sound of footsteps. 
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onsunnyside · 2 years
Okay new fic idea bestie 💡
what about a Steve or Andy mob au with innocent reader who comes from a blue collar family, super hard working. Our parents worked their butts off for it and now we’re attending a private university. Only for us to meet them!maybe we share a class together. He’s the first one we meet on campus🥺 our Big and beefy mob daddy! We think they’re so sweet, showing us around and making us feel welcomed, too bad we don’t know they’re in line to become the next head of a major crime family😭😭Bonus points if we don’t find out who they are until it’s too late🫡🫡 bc we’re too in love to let them go. And well, who said we had a choice in the matter anymore? Once they found us, they had no intentions of letting us go anyways🫠🫠
ok hold on bc i was listening to lovefool and really wanted to write a fic inspired by it and this is perfect !! now... which daddy to choose !! Steve, Andy, or Ari? shall we switch it up a bit and go for someone who isn't Ari? 🫡
you're sweet and shy, smart and studious but not enough bc you didn't get a scholarship at your dream university 🥺 bc it's private, it's super expensive and you knew you couldn't attend without the scholarship but oh my !! with some help from your grandparents and your extremely hardworking parents, your academic dream comes true !!
on the first day, you're nervous and shy, getting lost on the vast campus bc you didn't want to bother anyone and ask for directions. that's why you end up to your lecture late and have to do the walk of shame to the only empty seat in the hall. you stutter out apologies and eventually settle down, slowly taking out your things and opening to a fresh page in your notebook, only to realize you don't have your pencil case:
a gold pen grabs your attention, and your eyes follow up the huge hand to a handsome man, wearing a soft smile. "I have an extra."
"O-Oh my, thank you!" You say a little too loudly and earn yourself a few glares. You cower into your seat, hiding in the blank pages of the notebook as the stranger simply glares back. You shakily print the date at the top corner and don't notice everyone quickly whip around, going back to minding their own business. 🌚 (bc everybody knows)
fast forward: you and he grow close. he's kind and charming, very chivalrous and always opening doors for you, paying for your lunch and offering to hold your bag (you politely declined those offers).
"You want to come over tomorrow, button?"
"T'ya house?" You blink at him with a mouthful of your lunch, "Sow'y." You apologize, washing down the food with some water. "I'll have to ask my parents. Uhm, I've never been to a boy's house before..."
He chuckles quietly, reaching out to wipe your mouth. "It'll be fine, we're just going to study. Maybe watch a movie to relax and I could finally show you my car."
bc he gets dropped off and picked up by a sleek black car with heavily tinted windows every day, he said it was bc his parents were overprotective of him. he's had his driver drop you off at home a few times but sometimes you preferred going by yourself.
"I could take you for a drive... Show you my favourite spots. Or we could just stay inside, my parents kind of went wild when building our house. There's a lot to do."
You sit back, gaze flickering between his hand holding yours and his pretty face. "Is that—Would that be a date?"
"Think of it like a pre-date. We could get to know each other outside of all of this," he gestures to the campus and your uniforms, "If I want to win you over on our first date, I'll need to explore the playing field beforehand." He winks.
ugh as if he didn't have your heart the moment you laid eyes on him !!
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lovelyangrytiger · 2 months
So I've had this conversation with a friend and could totally imagine this with soap and his roommate so I had to write this.
Warnings: none :)
readers gender is not mentioned. (Keep in mind that english is not my first language while reading this please😭)
You're sitting on your bed, scrolling through your phone while glancing at to the empty bed on Soap's side of the room every now and then. He's an amazing soldier, that's obvious, but sharing a room with him is a whole other level. Sometimes you find yourself wondering if it's a grown man who's giggling at cat videos next to you or a teenage girl.
Eventually the door swings open, revealing a- way to enthusiastic for this time of the day- soap, who casually walks over to his bed before sitting down on it.
"Whatcha doing?"
You sigh and look up at him.
"planning your murder"
His face lights up with excitement, he grins, clearly not taking you serious and simply messing around.
“Planning my murder? Oooh, how are you going to kill me?”
You’ve grown accustomed to his sarcasm and humor and know he’s trying to push your buttons, but he’s doing it in a funny and light hearted way, which makes it less insufferable.
"I'm just gonna wait until your clothes come to live and grow a pair of arms to choke you, shouldn't take that long with how rarely you wash them"
He rolls his eyes and looks around his side of the room.
“Oh, please, I don’t smell that bad. Besides, I’ll do it soon.”
He retorts, knowing youre probably right.
“Speaking of living things, you want to hear a crazy story?”
He then says as he leans back off of his bed, propping himself up against the wall. He doesn't really care about your answer since he's gonna tell his story anyway, but he wants you to think you actually have a choice.
You sigh and sit up, putting your phone down.
“I swear this is true, and not a drunk hallucination.”
His eyes glimmer at the chance of telling this story.
“I was going through the woods in the dead of night and I swear I saw a chupacabra.”
You’ve heard him talk about it before, but he seems extra excited about telling this story, as if he really was there to see it. You just shoot him a look but turn to listen to him anyway.
"What, that thing from Star wars?"
Soap groans and laughs.
“No, not the damn wookie.”
His words come out much faster and louder as he’s now animatedly talking, his hands doing all the motions.
“No, it’s this creature. Big eyes, long slender body, fangs that could tear you to shreds.”
The excitement in his voice is obvious as he explains it. You stare at him, before shaking your head.
"Dude, what the hell are you doing alone outside in the woods in the middle of the night? That's the exact reason why we all pay into the 'possible deaths of soap mactavish' glass."
“What can I say, I like my late night walks.”
He shrugs.
“Anyways, so I’m walking through the woods, late night obviously and I start hearing howling. I look around and all I can see is darkness around me.”
He pauses for dramatic effect.
“And then I look to my side, and I see two glowing eyes staring at me.”
Soap raises an eyebrow, leaning forward towards you to make the story more interesting. You listen to him, but only because you find it comical how excited he gets over this mythical stuff.
"How romantic. Is he your boyfriend now?"
Soap chuckles and swats your leg playfully.
“Shut up, it’s not like that.”
He sits up properly and runs his hands through his greasy hair.
“Anyways, the eyes are still there and the howling is louder, so I start walking a bit faster, you know, trying to hide myself. Andddd"
He says slowly, pausing for extra effect.
“I think you can guess what happened next.”
You give him a mock-innocent nod.
"you threw your laundry at it and it died?"
“God damnit.”
Soap mumbles.
“Why does everything I try to tell you end up in you mocking me?”
He playfully glares.
“No, that’s not what happened at all. I heard the thing start growling then start heading my way, so you know, like any sane person would do, I hid behind a tree.”
"Sure, it's not like you have at least one gun on yourself since you're a soldier and all that, but sure, hide behind a tree"
“Okay, firstly, I wasn’t going to use a gun in the woods at night, secondly, I thought I was imagining things.”
Soap sighs, leaning back in his bed, looking over at you with a playful grin.
“Can you stop being an ass and let me tell my story?”
You suppress a grin, sighing
"My bad, go ahead"
Soap grins widely, nodding at you as he continues.
“So I keep running, then I see this massive tree and I hide behind it. The howling gets a lot louder and I feel something breathing on my neck as the two eyes from before start staring at me. It felt like death was imminent.”
Soap pauses again, taking a sharp breath while looking at you, making sure you're still listening. You roll your eyes at him.
"If the pause is for dramatic reasons, you can continue now"
Soap laughs nervously.
“Thanks, just adding pizzazz to the story.”
He sighs and continues.
“I’m still hiding behind the tree trying to get away as quickly as possible, I even drop my phone out of my pocket by accident. Still hearing the howling and breathing, but now I hear footsteps of something pacing nearby. All of this is going on for what feels like forever, and then suddenly, I see the two glowing eyes go away, the footsteps stop and the howling dies down entirely.”
You nod, trying to seem interested. In reality you stopped listening a minute ago, trying not to laugh at the picture you're imagining right now.
He carries on, leaning forward again with excitement.
“I come out from behind the tree, still expecting to see something. But there’s nothing. It’s just me and the woods.”
Soap sighs and slumps back into his bed, looking up at the ceiling. His eyes are wide open with the excitement of the story still running through him. After a moment, Soap realizes no further questions were asked about his ‘experience’. He chuckles to himself before asking;
“You’re really not even remotely interested in what just happened to me?”
You bite your lip.
"I am, really, it's just..."
You shake your head.
"I have this picture in my mind where you're drinking tea with a wookie..."
You fail to hide another laugh.
Soap groans as he puts his hands on his face.
“Shut up, that’s not even what happened. It was just a crazy event, not sure why you can’t take me seriously,”
He says with a pouty frown.
“and stop bringing up the damn wookiee.”
At his pouty expression you can't help but mock him further.
"Maybe choose a unicorn next time instead of a blood sucking wolf creature"
“You know what, screw you.”
He mutters.
“I’m going to go see if anyone else actually cares enough to listen to me.”
He stands up from the bed and starts walking towards the door.
“I’m sure they’ll appreciate the story more than you.”
You know where he's going and smile, nudging him with your foot.
"you do that. Greet ghost from me while you're at it."
He can't help but smile. You know him so well. He just flips you off before leaving, making sure the door stays open just to annoy you some more...
I'd be surprised if anyone reads all that since it's just fluff, but if anyone could draw a picture of soap drinking tea with a wookie I'm gonna die Istg 😭
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omg sorry for sending so many asks but i just remembered that wisteria wanting her darling to call them mommy is a "secret" at first… thinking about a scenario where darling calls her that as a joke and fae gets like. super worked up because of it 😳🫣😳 would be so cute
Sorry it took so long to get around to writing this 😭
( MDNI )
CW: suggestive, manipulation probably
Info: gender- and sex-neutral reader, very suggestive but no actual smut
It happened during Spring Break.
Wisteria was thrilled to have a chance to get away from all the coding and papers after faer midterms were finally over. She’d spent so long staring at screens over the past few weeks, that not even gaming felt like a proper rest.
Wisteria didn’t often opt to go out and about to relax, but fae wasn’t sure what else to do. The weather outside was nice, too— lots of sunshine and flowers, and bumblebees and butterflies beginning to emerge.
So, fingers trembling over the keyboard, Wisteria gathered the courage to ask you to go on a little outing with her. To their excitement, you agreed~! So, a date was set.
Wisteria set up a little cooler with cut sandwiches and snack foods. She picked out her cutest skirt and socks to wear, washed her favorite sweater, did a little makeup, and even put her hair up into space buns for the date. The two of you hadn’t discussed whether it was a friendly outing or a romantic date, but Wisteria chose to treat it as a date anyway.
She wanted it to be perfect.
And it was. The two of you sat on a quilt in the grass under a tree’s shade, sharing food and stories about what was going on in your lives, enjoying the warmth of the springtime sun. Wisteria caught faeself wiping a stray piece of food from the corner of your lips with a handkerchief, their hand accidentally brushing against your cheek and sending an electric shock through her.
Wisteria pulled away, heart pounding, and cleared her throat. She apologized for getting so close, but you just laughed and brushed it off.
You looked so beautiful in the dappled sunlight through the tree’s leaves. Wisteria found themself wanting to push their luck.
Determined as she was, Wisteria’s hands still shook when she asked if you’d bothered to wear any sunscreen that day.
No matter your answer, Wisteria insisted that you needed some more to protect you from the sun. But as quickly as fae’d gotten so worked up, she deflates, looking small and unsure once more. Wisteria avoided your gaze, fidgeting with her fingers in her lap, and sheepishly explained that they’d only packed the lotion kind of sunscreen.
You’re used to their insistence on doting on you, and ultimately you decided to just let Wisteria have their way, both of you applying the sunscreen as much as possible by yourselves.
Eventually you both needed help to get your shoulders and back. You sit, eyes closed, and let Wisteria help you first at her insistence. She helps rub the sunscreen on for you, appreciating your skin and muscle, the fat and bones, biting her lip and trying so hard not to get too excited, not to make things weird.
Fae began chatting nervously, trying to draw out the time they get to spend with their hands on you, without you getting suspicious. It ended up turning into a whole lecture about sunscreen and skincare, although she admits their own routine isn’t the best either.
You found yourself rolling your eyes at all of her clucking and fussing, eventually just huffing and saying something along the lines of, “Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, mommy.”
Wisteria jerked back, the word echoing through their mind. Faer ears and face burned, and the heat quickly traveled south. Wisteria sat back on her heels, from where she’d been up on her knees to reach your neck and shoulders more easily, tugging her sweater down to hide faer growing excitement.
You turned, one eye opened lazily, and grabbed the sunscreen. “Your turn?”
Wisteria nodded, turning faer face downwards and hoping you wouldn’t notice her blush. Mommy…. Wisteria hadn’t considered being called that before, but now it was stuck in her mind in an endless loop. Fae could get used to being called that, as long as it was your sweet voice… Wisteria was brought out of faer reverie as your hands met her skin to apply the sunscreen, but she returns to that memory over and over later. You’d unlocked… something in her that day, and fae needed time to process it.
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cebwrites · 2 years
Hellooooo dear! I was wondering if you'd be okay with doing some nsfw O-Kiku thoughts for me? (*/ω\*) What would she look for in a partner, what would she like in bed, are there any kinks you think she'd have? Many thanks if you decide to do it. ;u;!!!
Kiku-chan my babygiiiiirl!! This ended up being much softer than intended omg 🙈😭💕 Thank you for the ask Bee, I had lots of fun with this <33
N/SFW headcanons (Kiku)
gn reader, lots of fluff under the cut word count: 0.4k
I feel like she’s the kind of person who wouldn’t oppose taking charge, but at the same time leaving the reigns up to someone else is such an act of trust and love that she enjoys being in a submissive role just a little bit more
She’ll top you like a champ though, with praise and body worship and everything, don’t even worry about it
Kiku deserves to be spoiled, she would secretly like her partner to do so but doesn't really vocalize it because she’s too busy spoiling you instead, this is something you’ve gotta work on with her (give this lady the love she is OWED 😤)
As far as kinks go: handcuffs and rope, either you or her, but not full-body binding - if you’d like to try shibari with Kiku, it’s something the both of you have to work towards; again, it’s about trust
Kiku also adores watching your expressions change as she slowly opens you up, be it with a toy, her fingers, or herself - you’re such a good partner to her, and she will tell you all about it as she’s doing this
She’s a little bit shy about having you go down on her, but once Kiku gets into it she’ll be holding your hand, your head locked between her legs, chanting your name like a sacred offering to the moon goddess
Of course, she’ll return the favor with the same reverence, your name being carried by her soft giggles like chimes in the wind overshadowed by your sweet moans of hers as Kiku brings you to the height of pleasure
Kiku flusters extremely easily with any mention or play with her cum, though, especially if you slowly pull off her cock after she finishes and show her that sticky white cream on your tongue
She’s an absolute aftercare queen - getting up to run a bath and then carrying you into it, scrubbing your back and gently washing your hair before the two of you soak in the tub and just u n w i n d for a little bit
If you’re okay with it, Kiku would love to do your makeup for you or put it on you for the first time - initially it starts out as just a comfort thing, she talks about how she used to help Izou with his makeup and vice versa before they went out to perform, but eventually it turns into something more, something tender that the both of you share
You’ll wake up some days cuddled close against the crook of her neck, lipstick smeared across both you, Kiku, and the sheets you shared, your gorgeous 9′5 girlfriend still fast asleep as morning light just barely starts streaming in
You feel like you understand what it’s like to be truly loved
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Hi Purple 💖 I would like to request Headcanons...or mini scenarios? Whatever you want and are motivated to write! I think it's kinda an alternative universe idea?
The idea is: character and female reader had an argument/fight (you can decide why or just not mention the reason). Then character leaves for work and when he comes back he finds his s/o (sleeping and) cuddling with a pillow that wears his shirt.
How do they react? Characters are: Marco, Kidd, Shanks and if you want you can add Law?
Thanks a lot, have a great day and stay safe! ✨
Oh interesting idea! Sorry for the delay on answering this btw!! Also I changed a few of the cuddling portions so they were holding other items in their sleep, hope that’s okay! I also kept these in their world by accident- like I reread your ask and just realized now you wanted an AU- I’m so dumb- 
I can totally rewrite a new prompt if you don’t like these ones! I’m so sorry my brain is fried 😭😭
Warning: swearing; mostly on Kid’s part, mentions of self-hatred on Shanks
Babes down below!!
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You two rarely argue; usually Marco’s chill demeanor makes it easy to find a middle ground. However, after Whitebeard’s death, Marco has been picking up more responsibilities to keep the Whitebeard pirates in check. Which means he was working over his usual hours. You only brought it up out of worry for his wellbeing, but Marco took it in a more personal matter that you felt the crew wasn’t important.
In the end, you found yourself both upset and confused on how you feel. In both your minds you were right and you two were too stubborn to apologize. Marco went ahead and headed out first to check on the crew leaving you alone in your shared room.
You knew he wouldn’t come back till late tonight, meaning you had time to go through your emotions and thoughts alone. After a few hours you were finally able to see where he came from and how your words might have hurt him. A feeling of sadness washed over knowing he was probably still in some way hurt. Feeling tears prick your eyes, you quickly stand up and grab the first thing of his you can find. Curling up in bed you held his night shirt tightly to your chest, eventually you felt unsatisfied with just hugging his shirt and found yourself placing it around his pillow. Feeling his scent and some cushion you eventually drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
Marco returned a few hours later, still feeling the ping of hurt himself at your words earlier. Knowing you were probably asleep he didn’t announce himself and got undressed to throw on his night clothes. Noticing his night shirt wasn’t where it was from that morning he turned to see if he left it on the bed. Seeing your sleeping figure holding his pillow with his shirt made his heart throb. 
Finding himself crawling into bed next to you, he gently moved the pillow out of your arms and replaced them with his own body. Kissing your forehead as a silent apology the blond found himself overcome with a much needed rest. 
Eustass “Captain” Kid
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This man can’t help but argue! He loves to see the fire in your eyes and doesn’t mind if you swat at him a few times. However, everyone has their breaking points and he found yours. He likes to get under people’s skin, it’s what he’s good at, but seeing those idiots; Strawhat and the Surgeon of Death; not giving a shit about him put the red head in a foul mood.
Coming to check on his bandaged limb you didn’t expect to be greeted with a scowl. Figuring it wasn’t your problem and that he would get over it eventually you made your way over to rebandage him. 
“Fuck off, I ain’t got time to deal with you shit.”
Feeling your smile twitch at his cold words you quickly sat the medical kit down and went to work. Grabbing his arm, you went to undo the bandage before he shoved you hands away.
“Are you deaf now too? Get lost, go find someone else to nag bitch.” 
“You need to change your bandage, or do you want to get an infection smart ass?” You can feel your own anger rising from the surface, but tried to keep your cool knowing it wouldn’t work out for either of you.
“Like I give a shit, besides my devil fruit won’t let me get hurt too much, I ain’t weak like the likes of you.” 
Clenching your hands, you tried once more to grab at the bandage. 
“For fuck’s sake, when will you learn? I don’t need you!”
That was it, those words alone drove into your heart and down to your feet. You stood up and walked out leaving the man to bandage himself if he wanted to. He didn’t need you? Fine, let him rot away then.
You didn’t stop walking until you found yourself face first in your bed. Your body shaking on adrenaline alone as a broken sob exits your sore throat. Why did you even try with him? Sometimes you wondered if you were the crazy one between you two for even trying. Turning to face the window you were entangled with his fur coat. As another sob escaped your lips you clenched the coat for dear life. 
After he had his time to cool down and ask someone else to rewrap his bandage, Kid came to grab his coat for another cold night of drinking. He figured you went out as well, but seeing you curled up fast asleep and using his coat as some blanket made the man want to stay indoors instead. He would never openly admit his apologies to you, but the least he could do would not wake you up in the morning with a hungover mess. He owed you that much.
“Red Haired” Shanks
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Another one where you just don’t see yourself arguing with. He’s generally level headed and serious when he needs to be and knows just the right words to cheer you up. However, there were things that seemed to gain you the opportunity to see the red headed devil. 
The man hates when you belittle yourself for whatever reason. In his eyes you are perfect, so why would you doubt his words. Are you subconsciously calling him a liar? It annoys the red head to no end seeing you struggle with your self-worth. Just when will you see how amazing you are?
However, seeing his fiery glare only backfired. Instead of understanding his side you quickly fell into a bigger form of self-hatred. You managed to make even him angry with you? Now you know for sure how pathetic you are. 
Quickly walking out of the room before he could lash out at you, you ventured to the bedroom. Trying to wipe away your tears you found yourself hiding in your makeshift comfort space. Shank’s closet wasn’t spacious, but it managed to fit you in at the tail end right corner. Giving you the space you needed to calm down when things got too rough. Taking a deep breath, you held on to a worn out shirt of his, feeling yourself slowly relax your overwhelming nerves. 
Shanks watched you leave and felt you needed time to digest his disappointment and irritation. He doesn’t mean to show his anger, but he also wants you to see how important you are to him. Deciding to give you the rest of the day to come to terms with that was the best he could do. Once the sun finally set and his crew was good for the night, he made his way to his room. Already forgetting his anger he happily entered and was greeted with a quiet emptiness. Looking around he couldn’t find you in the room nor the bathroom. Heading back to the room he almost left when he heard a quiet sound coming from his closet. 
Opening it to see what it was, his worry quickly turned into relief and sadness. Your tear stained face was fast asleep while you were drooling cutely on a worn shirt of his. Sighing to himself at his stupidity for leaving you alone, he picked you up and placed you in bed. Perhaps he should find a better way to express how much you mean to him.
Trafalgar D. Water Law
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Law has always been a stubborn man. Ever since birth the world had to work his way or he refused to accept it. You supposed that made sense how he managed to live so long with what he had faced. Still, it didn’t mean he was always right. 
Law had decided to leave on his own for Punk Hazard, without the support of his crew. He felt that this was a battle he had to face alone. Part of you knew what he meant, but another part wish he understood the crew saw him as family too. 
Voicing your concerns and feelings fell on deaf ears as the man continued to pack his things. Biting your lip you tried to make one last feeble attempt to get him to let the crew come. 
“What if you don’t come back?” Your voice was barely a whisper as you felt the pain of bringing those thoughts to the air; but it was too late as he faced you. 
“Then that means I failed and you picked a shitty captain to follow.” Whether he was joking or not you couldn’t tell, but his answer made your heart hurt even more. Shitty? Please he was the best, whether he wanted to admit it or not. No one could come close to accomplish the things he had in such time.
Stating he had to grab more things from the operation room before leaving for the night, he left you alone and empty inside your once sacred place. The rest of the day left you with no chance to talk with him as he seemed to avoid you like the plague. By the time the sun set you found yourself curled up against Bepo. He was another one who seemed to worry about his beloved captain. You had eventually drifted into a fitful sleep while the unsteadiness of the situation tried to settle in your stomach. Bepo was about to cover you up when Law entered the shared space among the crew.
“Captain! Are you leaving now?”
Law turned to face Bepo, seeing your worried expression even in your sleep. He nodded a silent reply before walking over to you two. “Once you reach Zou remember to stay hidden; if I don’t come, make sure no one finds out who you guys are. Trafalgar Law dies with your names as well, understand?” 
Bepo could only nod and accept his captain's words as his grey eyes turned to face your sleeping figure. Taking off his old hat and replacing it with his new one, he placed the withered one on your head. It’s time to start anew for everyone, and that means you too.
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starglow-xx · 3 years
Congratulations star ✨ you deserve all those followers and more, the platonic x reader who owns a bakery is so perfect and I love it sm and im 10000℅ sure im not the only one❤ you are a gift to the bsd fandom oh my i wanna KEY SMASH so bad but I want to express my admiration properly and not spam you with incoherent screaming.
If it's okay, can I request number 7 with Fyodor from the 100 followers event prompt list? I'm excited to die from the cuteness! Take your time and I wish you luck and hope that your works reach more people so that you can be showered with copious amounts of praise and love that you and your writing deserve uwu ❤
📩»--» »--» “ OH MY GOD I M SO SORRY IM THE ANON WHO ASKED FOR FYODOR, I DIDN’T NOTICE HE WASN’T ON THE LIST OH MY GOD, Im sorry for being an airhead, if possible can it be Dazai instead? Goddamit im really sorry 😭”
it’s okay!! don’t worry! you noticed and tried to fix it and that’s what matters ☺️
and thank you so much 🥺💗 you’re so sweet im— ASBFKBDSND
and am i using the word “domestic” properly? i dont know, but whatever
anyways, i hope you all enjoy this!! have fun! :D
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a domestic day off
dazai osamu x f!reader
prompt #7 : as one washes the dishes, the other comes and hugs their partner from behind whispering sweet nothings into their ear, gently swaying side to side
“together with you” masterlist💘
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You laugh as your boyfriend whines and paws at you to come back to sit with him.
You were given a day off from working at the agency and your suicidal maniac of a boyfriend decided to ditch the mountain of paper work Kunikida has set aside for him to join you.
So you know, the usual.
He put both his phone and yours on silent then proceeded to chuck them in the bedroom of your shared apartment, so the two of you could just laze around with no interruptions.
Dazai wanted to laze around.
You? Not so much.
Seeing as the agency has always been drowning in work, or in Dazai’s case, actually attempting to drown, the apartment you and your lover shared has always been on the untidy side.
It’s partially his fault, but it’s mostly due to the neglect.
So, with the day off, you took this opportunity to clean and reorganize the small space you two shared. You went from clearing the kitchen cabinets, to doing the laundry, etc, etc.
But even though you assigned yourself these household chores, it didn’t mean you didn’t make time for yourself to relax.
Every time you accomplished something, you rewarded yourself a bit of time to read book you were meaning to get to.
As for Dazai, all he wanted was to have you in his arms.
Was that so much to ask?
Apparently so.
Every time he sat with you, not too long after, the alarm you’d set for yourself would go off then you were off to complete another task.
Leaving him all to his oh so lonesome self.
His words, not yours.
It was about lunch time where he got fed up and demanded practically begged you to spend time with him. Preferably by giving him affection.
You eventually obliged to his pleads, knowing that you wanted some affection as well.
First, you made lunch then as the two of you ate, you watched a movie together on the couch.
Originally, you were just lying down on the backrest with your legs on Dazai’s lap , but at some point, you ended up sitting on his lap with his arms around your waist sharing your lunch portion because he finished his and wanted more.
What a little shit.
But then again, he’s your little shit so I guess that amounts to something.
There really was no problem at first; you and your boyfriend watched the movie playing on the screen, with you spoon feeding him once in a while, and him holding you against him.
There was only a problem when you tried to get up to go wash the dishes.
The moment you started to move, he tightened his grip around your waist and buried his head into the crook of your neck.
You laughed at him as he nuzzled further into your neck, “Osamu, I need to wash the dishes.”
He pouts at you, “Why do that when you can just stay in my arms?”
You laugh and turn your head to peck his lips.
His pout seemed to deepen and you laughed again, finding amusement in your boyfriend’s facial expressions.
You teasingly raise an eyebrow at him, “Why? You want a longer kiss?”
He takes the bowl that was in your hands and places it on a coffee table before locking your lips with his.
You quickly reciprocate the kiss and you feel him smile making you break away for a moment and giggle.
Wanting to taste your lips again, Dazai quickly goes in for another kiss, but this time with more force.
Enjoying the attention, you turn your body so that you’re now sitting sideways on his lap, and you wrap your arms around his neck.
Just as Dazai’s hands start to wander up your shirt, you stand up and quickly grab the dishes on the coffee table and dash away to the kitchen.
Dazai, not fully comprehending what had happened only blinks in surprise.
A few moments later you hear him gasp from the kitchen.
“My belladonna how could youuuu?!”
As you start to wash the dishes, you laugh at the betrayal in his voice, “Osamu I’m sorry, but this really needs to get done! We’ve been putting off washing the dishes for a couple of days now!”
The brunette only huffed making you laugh even louder, a smile lingering on your lips.
As it grows quiet, you start to softly sing a song that you remembered from your childhood.
At the sound of your voice, Dazai turns and stares at you, a content smile plastered on his handsome features.
God, he loved you.
It took him a while to realize and accept that, but he did.
His beautiful, kind hearted belladonna. 
As much as he dreamt of leaving this world through a double suicide, he would never ask you to do so.
The thought of you getting hurt, or worse, dying, made his heart clench and stomach drop.
His suicidal tendencies haven’t stopped, but they have noticeably decreased.
Atsushi and Kunikida haven’t failed to bring it up. After all, they were the ones who “saved” him the most.
Little by little, Dazai was finding comfort in the light, and that was thanks to you.
Because of you, his sweet, sweet girlfriend, he was starting to find a real reason to live.
Maybe at some point down the road, he’d propose, and then you’ll get married, and maybe, just maybe, the both of you will settle down, and have a child of your own.
Even as a part of him is scared of that notion, he smiles, knowing that you’ll be a great mother.
“Be on the side that saves people.”
He has never been more grateful for those words from his dearest friend.
He knew he would’ve never met you if he didn’t listen. He was so, so glad he did.
But he was still afraid.
Everything he has ever wanted, everything he ever thought was important to him and held dear was taken away.
So while he was still on this cursed earth, while you were still here with him, while you were still choosing him, he was going to treat you the best goddamn way there ever was possible.
Very carefully, he stood up from the couch and made his way towards you, who was oblivious to his actions.
You start to rinse the soap off the dishes when you suddenly felt  a familiar pair of arms wrap around your waist and a face bury in the crook of your neck.
A soft smile makes its way onto your face and you lean into your boyfriend’s touch.
At that action, he sighs in content and his arms tighten around you.
You turn your head slightly to place a peck on head before going back to the task at hand.
You were down to the last couple of dishes when Dazai started to sway making the both of you move together in tandem.
You giggled at the action and a squeal escapes from your mouth as he suddenly picked you up by the waist and twirled you around.
He puts you back down in front of the sink and the two of you laugh as Dazai starts to sway, making your bodies moved together once again.
Your lover places his chin on your shoulder as the familiar grip on your waist tightens once more.
You look at him before playfully raising an eyebrow at the brunette, “When did you get so domestic?”
Dazai only winks at you making you roll your eyes, but a smile is still present on your features.
As you get back to the last few abandoned dishes, whispers of sweet nothings make their way into your ear making your face flush.
Determined to get your task done, you try to ignore your bandaged lover, but it’s futile as you softly gasp and the blush you’re wearing grows darker as said lover starts to press kisses on your neck and collarbone, all while still whispering words of love and affection.
You look down at the sink and stare at the few dishes that were still left inside.
I guess you really couldn’t get anything done if your boyfriend was around huh.
Not that you completely minded.
You grab a nearby hand towel and you dry your hands, then turned around and wrapped your arms around your boyfriend finally returning his warm embrace.
In unison, the two of you softly let out a content sigh enjoying the moment the two of you are sharing.
You lean back slightly to look at your boyfriend and to cup his face in your hands.
His brown eyes lock with your (e/c) ones and you brush some of his hair out of his face.
You tiptoe and place a swift kiss on his lips and grin, mirth and love swirling in your gaze.
Dazai removes your hands from his face only to move them up to his lips giving them a kiss.
All of a sudden he backs away from you, but holds out his hand, an evident invitation to dance.
You take his hand and he kisses it once again, making a faint blush make its way back onto your face. He chuckles then pulls you close, and you follow his lead as the two of you slow danced in your shared kitchen.
You lean your head on his chest, finding comfort in his heartbeat.
He was still here with you.
And that’s what you cared about the most.
After a while, you softly begin to sing.
“𝙄 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙄 𝙢𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙙,”
Your boyfriend, knowing the song begins to join you, “𝙉𝙤𝙬 𝙄'𝙢 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙚,”
“𝘾𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙄 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙤 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙,” your boyfriend twirls you and you land back in his arms in time for the next line and the both of lock eyes as you sing in unison, “𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙄'𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ”
In the middle of the kitchen, the two of you simply stood close, his arms down at your waist, yours wrapped around his neck, staring into each other’s eyes as the two of you begin to sing the last verse.
“𝙇𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙤, 𝙄 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙠𝙣𝙚𝙬...”
Your boyfriend brings his hands up to cup your face, your hands automatically doing the same to his as he bows his head, bringing your foreheads together and holding it there.
Dazai rubs his thumbs over your face as he sings the last line on his own.
“𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙄'𝙢 𝙨𝙤 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 “
There’s a brief moment where the two of you don’t make a move, but it ends, as your boyfriend closes the small gap between you.
Your eyes flutter shut as he scrunches your hair in his hands pulling you even closer to him.
Your hands also find their way into his brown locks and like he did to you, you pull him impossibly closer; your bodies pressed flushed against each other.
The two you pull away after a few more moments, both of you slightly panting and your eyes still not open; both of your minds still in a daze.
He presses your foreheads together once again, and in unison, the two of you open your eyes and yours immediately meet with his.
A gentle smile appears on your face as you swirl his hair between your fingers.
“I love you Osamu. Forever and always.”
“I love you too Belladonna. Forever and always.”
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song in fic: “Love Like You” - Rebecca Sugar : an ending theme of Steven Universe
 | original | | cover by Anna | 
(just to clarify, i am not Anna, i just like her cover)
reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not steal my work!
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trashytoastboi · 3 years
Hello Mr. Toast! 🍞 May I have some first times with Law sfw/nsfw headcanons? I am stuck in yet another total lockdown and am getting really lonely. 😭 I wish you hopefully happy holidays!
Heyya!🍀 sorry it took me so long to get to your request 🥺 I hope you did get to enjoy the holidays at the very least and hope you enjoy~
(Gender Neutral)
Headcanons: SFW and NSFW First times with Law
Warnings: NSFW
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Trafalgar Law
🍄The first date with Law was interesting, nothing really seemed to be going right. Considering he is an ex-warlord. Having both other pirates and even Marines after him, led to a chaotic date which resulted in having to run away from all these people. Eventually when using Room and escaping back to the Polar Tang, Law and {Name} could just laugh at how that went. But luckily, Law just made them some quick dinner and they spent the night just relaxing and spending time together which is not a bad end.
🍄One of the more affectionate gestures was something as simple as holding hands, which was also the first affection the two of them shared as a couple. {Name} was feeling a bit shaken up and scared when Law grabbed their hand to reassure them, using his thumb to caress their hand gently.
🍄The first kiss was actually something that went right for once. They were able to have a little makeshift date with no trouble nor any chaotic interruptions, and when Law felt that it was okay. He lifted their chin, holding their gaze for a few seconds as they registered what was happening and blushed, he smirked as he planted his lips against theirs, soft and gentle movements as he felt them falling deeper into the kiss.
🍄{Name} was actually the first one to say 'I love you', Law felt it, though held back by hesitation to actually articulate it and put it into words. Words honestly could not fully capture how he felt for them and Law considered things like 'I love you' to be both perfect and lacking. For once {Name} saw Law fumbling over his words when trying to convey this to them.
🍄Even though the two had been together for a while, shared hugs, kisses and holding hands. Dates and near death encounters alike, the two had never shared a bed or slept in the same space. It was a bit awkward the first time they shared a bed since Law wasn't one for sleeping all the way through and his rest came in the form of short naps. He was reading a book while {Name} awkwardly laid there just trying to gather the nerve to initiate a snuggle. Law picked up on it, smiling at how nervous they looked. Pulling them into his side and cradling them with his arm. Needless to say, the two were a bit too nervous to sleep around each other the first time.
🍄Sharing a bed was already considered an intimate experience to the two of them and another instance was when {Name} had fallen ill. Law had taken care of them, but due to it being a rather unusual disease caused by a parasite on one of the prehistoric islands, {Name} was left bedridden for quite a few days. Things like having Law feed them, even washing their hair and cuddling them until they were fully recovered was a very interesting first.
🍄When the two finally work their way up to things like sleeping together in a less innocent context it's quite a nerve racking experience. Fortunately Law is very patient and attentive, never going any further until he gets confirmation from {Name}, takes things very slow the first time. Trying to learn everything about his partner's body finding where they like to be touched, where they react the most. Things like finding that perfect spot to thrust into them and seeing their eyes widen as pleasure overthrows them.
🍄Doesn't ever push limits unless {Name} assures him that he can go harder, and be rougher with them. Law needs quite a bit of reassuring since he truly doesn't want to make his partner uncomfortable or even run the risk of overwhelming or hurting them. First few times will be like this until he fully settles into comfort with being intimate with {Name}.
🍄Law does have quite a few kinks and things he enjoys, and waits until his partner wants to try something. Considering that Law likes things that may be a bit much for people not used to it, he takes time to build up the intensity and introduction to it. Such as his like for bondage, starts with simply pinning his partner's hands down, for a feeling of being restrained until he works his way up to actually using the apparatus.
🍄He has not had a long list of previous partner's but has been with a few people. At the very least, enough to establish the kinds of things he likes and enjoys which is why it makes him incredibly happy when {Name} wants to learn new things, especially about what he likes. Honestly makes Law feel special and pampered with just a simple gesture of having {Name} wanting to know how to pleasure him.
🍄Also likes to leave open the possibility of allowing them to ask for new things whenever they want. Does not overwhelm them all at once with everything and prefers to teach them. Which in itself is a very intimate gesture since {Name} often entrusts themselves to Law.
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kaquyas · 2 years
crying shaking begging you to share some senju sibs headcanons or fic ideas I am literally starving there is no content and there are no gods here just me and the desperate need to write senju sibs fics....... spare inspiration ma'am?
hashirama time travel & getting overwhelmed by little tobirama has been haunting & plaguing me lately!!! i am thinking about it sooooo much 😖 i am working on a mini lil drabble for it but actively encourage other people to steal this concept PLEASE give me more hashirama time travel getting overwhelmed by seeing his little baby brother PLEASE!!!!!
also something i started brainstorming a bit ago but have kind of abandoned, but i loooove the idea of hashirama growing flowers and plants for tobirama, originally giving them to him directly, but eventually leaving them around sneakily because butsuma didn't like it and thought it was frivolous. they never talk about it, but one day hashirama finds a stash of dried and pressed flowers in tobirama's room and realizes he's been preserving them with the bonus of tobirama leaving a bouquet of them on hashirama's grave :)
i also think SO much abt their relationship in the immediate aftermath of the river confrontation. i flip back & forth on how i view it & whether or not it put a gap between them, but i think it's really interesting to explore the different possibilities there
for some more general prompts:
their reaction to the other being sick or injured
i looooove the tbrm killing butsuma headcanon, & exploring hsrm's role/response to this would be sooo interesting! OR there's the "hashirama killed butsuma" variant which is also just as cool :0
never have ever had enough of tobirama brushing hashirama's hair i think about it 24/7 365!!!!! there's a post i saw a bit ago about tobirama stubbornly learning how to take care of hashirama's hair because butsuma didn't like it which i just think is soooo cute 🥺
wait hashirama somehow ending up de-aged through an accident in tobirama's lab just hit me. oh my god. i need a minute!!
wait a concept i've talked about a bit ago but don't think i'll be able to write, but tobirama washing his white fur after battle over & over & over like lady macbeth trying to wash the blood off her hands until hashirama intervenes bcos it's already clean 😭
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