#are you just so starved for flower husbands kisses?
crabrat · 1 year
w h y is my shitty flower husbands kiss drawing getting more clout than my well drawn scarian one
How dare
The flower husbands one looks like u smushed their faces together it’s such an awkward kiss
w h y
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 month
Readed with shitty parents getting into an arranged marriage to Pushover!König
It's like two puppies being set up for breeding. Konig is a colonel, at his young - considerably, he is still in his thirties - age, and a complete and total pushover everywhere except the military. No wife, no girlfriend, not even a pet - maybe your parents took pity on a family friend, looking at how lonely he was with all his wealth sitting in some bank account while he was barely home to spend even a quarter of it. Maybe, your parents just knew some of his weirder tendencies and wanted to push you away into the lion's den - you don't know. Clutching the shitty flower boquet in your hands - not even a proper wedding one, all the preparations were over in a few days before the wedding itself - you don't know if getting out of your parent's house is a mercy or cruelty. Maybe, it's both. Konig wouldn't even kiss you on your wedding - and he seems pissed off through the whole ceremony, this marriage being set up to a failure from the start. You trembled, not sure how to even start talking to your husband - you barely knew who the fuck is he. Barely wanted to know, really. He is, however, soft. In bedroom, although he didn't even ask if you want to start with your marital duties so early, he still brought you to bed. Tried to be gentle as he unwrapped the cheap wedding dress and asked if you want him to be over as soon as possible or if you want something soft. Sweet. You didn't want the pain - so you curled down on the bed, letting him cover your body in kisses and all of his roughness slowly slipping away as you trembled under him. He is weirdly soft for a man of his status, weirdly gentle for a guy who kills people for a living. He put a pillow under your hips so it would be easier for you to take him all in. He is a softie for you - if you ask him to do something, he will do it, even if that means spending the whole day outside of the house, working on a pool because you wanted to swim during summer and didn't want to drive to the nearest lake. If your happiness means him cuddling with you for hours because you're touch starved and want connection, he will let you cling to him like a coala as he does the chores around the house. Konig is trying his best to be a good husband whenever he is at home - and he'd be damned if he won't let his wife have the best possible life.
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libraryofloveletters · 4 months
With Sweet Comes Sour
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Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: charles just wanted a peaceful valentines, so much drama and so many emotions, lots of tears, assumption of cheating (no actual cheating), weird ass exes, all the kids are in here, a few insulting terms, alcohol and the consumption of, being drunk, slight explicit content, bar brawls, blood and bruises, google translated french.
Word Count: 3.6k
Author’s Note: okay here's another piece to the series, sorry it took me forever to get this out but I didn't have any ideas until now lol. happy early valentines!
Daddy & Me + Three Masterlist 
The rollers stacked on her vanity as you undo the curls in her hair. Eloise was doing the final touches on her makeup as it was her first Valentines with her boyfriend, Anthony. They're going for the full cliché; movie and dinner and a stroll by the pier when they are done.
This is the first Valentine in 17 years that you and your husband have the house to yourselves. You were going to make the most of it, spending some quality alone time without your children pestering you.
You leave her to finish getting ready before going down to check on your husband. You hear the doorbell ring, and you figure it was Anthony here to pick her up so you let the boy in. Eloise comes downstairs in the meantime and you could hear her speaking to her father.
"How do I look?" She asks him; her baby pink dress sat above her knees.
The man smiles, twirling a curl that sat on her shoulder. "Très belle, ma chérie." (very beautiful, my darling.) You smiled as you watched the interaction, Anthony steps past you towards his girlfriend. He had brought her chocolates and flowers.
She kisses his cheek; young love.
He had another bouquet of flowers, Eloise sets her gifts down in the kitchen as Anthony walks to you. "For you," he hands you the roses, you smile at him.
"Thank you, sweetheart. That's very thoughtful of you," you toss a glance at your husband who definitely forgot to get you flowers.
Eloise returns a moment later, linking arms with her boyfriend. "You two be safe," Charles tells them. Anthony nods, "I'll have her back before midnight."
"Just come home safe, you're both old enough to be responsible." You say, walking them to the front door and sending them off with a wave. Your husband comes up behind you the moment the door shuts, hugging you from behind before he carries you to the couch.
"So pretty lady, what are we going to do with our empty house?" He asks, you could practically hear the mischief in his voice.
"I'm gonna order takeout and drink a whole bottle of wine," you nudged him off of you, making him groan.
Charles was hoping he'd 'get some' so to speak, seeing that the house was in fact empty and would be for hours. Eloise and Anthony wouldn't be back until after midnight, Sofia and Christopher had gone up to Marseille for the night to spend time together and Gabriel and Oliver were at some club with Georgina and Adrian for the night, so you weren't expecting anyone back anytime soon.
"This is our first valentines together, alone, in a long time," Charles tells you, watching as you sit next to him with two glasses of wine.
"I know," you tapped your glass to his gently before taking a sip.
"It's odd," he whispers into your shoulder, kissing your skin softly. You nod, "but nice. Now hurry up and pick a place, I'm starving."
"Always so charming, my love." He rolls his eyes, earning a playful nudge as he reaches for his phone. You two settled on the Italian place that Charles liked.
He put on some random movie that the two of you had started watching a few days ago and never finished. You find yourself cuddled in your husband's side, his arm wrapped around you as you two tried to figure out what was happening where you left off. Eventually, Charles gives up on the movie and focuses his attention elsewhere.
Your husband pulls you onto his lap, his hands on your hips. "What do you want?" You asked him, your own hands on his shoulders, one sliding up to the nape of his neck; his hair had been growing out, all fuzzy and tickling his skin.
"I can't give my wife some love?" He whispers into your skin, lips peppering kissing along your neck as he pulls you into him. He reached your lips, you mumbled a no before kissing him.
His hands slip under your shirt, yours tangled in his hair; you make a mental note to call your mother in law to book him a haircut.
It's like you're teenagers again, all over each other with no room to breathe.
Hands make quick work of Charles's shirt, tossing it behind you somewhere as he goes to flip the two of you over, pinning you under him just as the doorbell rings.
You can't help the giggle when your husband groans, getting up to get the door as he assumed it was the delivery man with the food.
Except he's met with an annoyed Christopher, who just rolled his eyes when he saw his father shirtless and his mother on the couch. He pushes past Charles and goes to the kitchen.
"Chris?" You called after him, seeing Sofia walk in moments later on the verge of tears and you get up, tossing Charles's shirt to him.
The brunette follows her boyfriend, not saying anything until she reaches the kitchen. There's a screaming match, the two of them switching from English to Italian and then a mix of both. Something about a restaurant and a guy or something along those lines. Sofia's holding onto Christopher's arm and he gently pulled away, walking out the front door and slamming the door shut. Charles follows behind him, probably talking him down from doing something stupid.
These damn Leclerc's and their drama.
Getting up, you walk over to Sofia and sit with her in the kitchen. "Is everything okay? We weren't expecting you two back tonight, actually, we weren't expecting you back for the entire weekend."
The girl sniffles, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. "I hate him."
"Me too," you nodded, rubbing her back. "What did he do this time?"
"It wasn't even him, well I mean, it was but it was me. Actually, well.. it's complicated." She says and you raise an eyebrow, unsure as to what she meant. She speaks, explaining herself. "I bumped into an old friend, and when I say old friend, I mean an old friend. I haven't seen him in like, maybe, six years because he moved from Madrid to London. He just happened to be in Marseille with his girlfriend for Valentine's Day as well."
"Okay... I'm still waiting for what was so bad about that."
"I was waiting for Christopher to get out of the bathroom when my friend noticed me and tapped me on the shoulder. We exchanged hello and exchanged pleasantries, then he kissed my cheek on the way out. Christopher being Christopher, automatically assumes the worst."
You made a face, "so Chris got mad because.. he kissed you on the cheek? Is he dumb?"
"Exactly," she grumbled and you handed her a tissue to clean up her face. "Honestly, that's how Spanish men are, though. They're always affectionate, your father is the same way. I'm certain your friend didn't mean it in the way Christopher took it."
"Even if he did, I didn't take it that way. He has a girlfriend, and regardless, I love Christopher and I would never do that to him."
"I know you wouldn't." You gave her shoulder a squeeze. "Why don't you get something to drink? I'll go see what's going on with them outside hm?" You leave her be for the moment, letting her settle her emotions.
Charles is listening to Christopher ramble, the younger Leclerc spiralling and getting himself caught up in some nonsense lie that his brain made up.
"Christopher," you call for him, stopping him from speaking. He looks at you. "What?"
"You need to apologize to her."
He makes a face, confused as to why you're telling him to apologize when he clearly did nothing wrong, or so he thinks.
"Sofia is a sweet girl, who has no control over the actions of others, and who loves you very much despite your nonsense and your dramatic flare. So you get your ass inside and apologize to your girlfriend for ruining Valentine's day. Either you drive back to Marseille or you figure out something here, because you aren't gonna ruin today for her."
"He kissed her!" He says, flinging his arms in the air. Charles's eyes widened, "what?"
It seems Christopher had left out that detail.
"On the cheek," you clarify, "and so what if he did? You kiss Georgina on the cheek all the time and Sofia doesn't get upset. This guy was just some friend of hers, you need to get over your shit and put your ego to the side because if you don't, you'll lose her."
Christopher huffed, taking in his mother's words before turning and heading inside. You and Charles followed a moment later, hearing bits and pieces of their conversation in the kitchen but eventually, they came into the living room, holding hands.
"Dad," Christopher calls for his father, the man looks over at his son. "Can you get us a hotel room? I tried to get one but everyone says they're booked."
"I can try but why would it be different for me?" He asks, clearly confused and as clueless as the day you met him. "Because you're the prince of Monaco, Charles. Now start calling." You tell your husband, getting up to answer the door - the takeout had finally arrived.
Charles tried his best to get a hotel room for the kids, and even pulled his prince of Monaco card but despite it all, it was Valentine's Day and everywhere was booked.
Sofia decided that she wanted ice cream and Christopher, doing anything to make it up to her, agreed - ignoring the fact that he hated ice cream just for tonight. You sent them off with a wave before returning to your husband on the couch. Charles was refilling your wine glass as you took the food out of the bag.
You two had barely gotten 5 minutes into eating when the door opened and in comes Eloise with her mascara running down her face. She ran straight to her father's arms, collapsing into him.
Anthony follows behind her, the front door slamming shut as he rambles out something in French. "Ce n'est pas à quoi ça ressemblait! Ellie, tu paniques pour rien!" (This is not what it looked like! Ellie, you're freaking out for nothing!)
Eloise had returned home on Valentine's, in tears and was now holding onto her father as if he was going to disappear. The look you saw in Charles' eyes was one you thought was only held for Ferrari and all their torment but it was now directed to his best friend's son, - his baby girl's - his daughter's boyfriend.
"What's going on?" You handed Eloise a tissue, moving to sit on the arm rest of the couch, making yourself the middleman between Charles and Anthony.
The anger on your husband's face made you giggle internally, you could never take him seriously when he was upset - but you understood it. He didn't like to see his kids hurt, especially not his baby girl.
Anthony sighed, passing a hand through his dirty blonde hair; fluffy and flat, much like his father's. "My stupid ex girlfriend saw us while we were at the pier. She came to say hello and she was way too friendly with me - all over me, kissing my cheek, her hand on my chest, all in my face." He groaned, clearly disgusted by this girl.
"Why would you let her do that when you know you have a girlfriend?" Charles asks him, you could hear the roughness in his tone. Your hand gently moves to his shoulder, rubbing it softly.
You spoke next; "did she know you had a girlfriend?"
He nods, "Eloise was taking a picture of something so she was a few feet away and I guess she took it the wrong way when she saw her all over me. I was trying to get her to leave me alone but god, she's like a fucking pest - sorry," he makes a face when he realizes he swore. You wave him off before he continues. "Ellie took it the wrong way, which I understand but she won't hear me out, she thinks I'm cheating on her."
"Are you cheating on her?" Charles asks him.
"No!" You and Anthony answer at the same time; the boy trying to defend himself and you couldn't believe your husband would even ask that.
Eloise finally sits up, her father wiping her cheeks clean. Her blue eyes rimmed with red and slightly puffy from the tears and she turns to Anthony. "Va-t'en, je ne veux pas de toi ici." (go away, I don't want you here.) She tells him, voice trembling.
"Je ne pars pas, Éloïse." (I'm not leaving, Eloise.)
"Ok, je le ferai alors." (okay, i will then.) The girl gets up, walking the other way around the living room and heads up the stairs to what you could only assume was her room. Charles was just as wrapped around her finger as he was when she was born, and followed her to make sure she was alright.
These damn Leclerc's and their drama.
You rolled your eyes at your daughter's dramatics.
Yes, she was upset but Anthony had explained the whole situation in front of you, her and her father. While Anthony might look exactly like his man whore of a father, he was everything like his mother; a sweet, kind and fiercely loyal woman.
It broke your heart to see her upset but it also hurt you to see Anthony in the same state. You get up, hugging the boy as he sniffles, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand.
"She just needs some time to cool off, she's dramatic like her father." You tell him, trying to lighten the mood. You walk him to the kitchen, getting him some water.
He sat in the breakfast nook. "I swear I didn't even see her until she walked over, otherwise I would have walked the other way."
"I know babe, is this the same girl that stalked you after you broke up?"
"Yeah!" He groans, sipping his water. "She's so - ugh." He says, making you laugh. You kiss the top of his head, leaving him there for the time being as you put away what was supposed to be dinner. The food sat on the coffee table, cold and unattended.
The door opens again and you groan, praying it's not another issue but it wasn't; Sofia and Chris come stumbling in, clearly having consumed something other than ice cream.
"Mama!!" Chris grins, untangling his fingers from Sofia's as he walks over to you, kissing your cheek multiple times like he did when he was little - slobbering on your cheek as he did then too.
You laughed, smelling the booze on him. Steadying him, you held his waist. "Hi baby, you okay?"
"Soooo good," he tells you, wobbling over to Sofia, who was also drunk but more steady than your son. You watch as they go upstairs, the sound of the door opening and closing before you walk back to the kitchen.
Anthony still sat in the breakfast nook. "You want something to eat? Something else to drink?" You asked him, wiping your wet cheek off with a tissue.
It takes him a moment to respond. "You know when we were little and you'd cut the apples and make the little peanut butter sandwiches with the slices?" He asks and you nod.
"Want some?" You were already grabbing the apple, peanut butter and honey. Anthony smiles, nodding like he was a kid again.
You washed and cut the apples, spreading the peanut butter and honey on them, sandwiching them together and handing the plate to him. "Thank you," he says, sinking into his seat as he takes a bite of the familiar taste from his childhood.
"Mhm hm," you smiled, hearing the footsteps from behind you. Charles was coming down, kissing your temple as he picked up an extra piece of apple you had on the cutting board.
"Ellie just needs some time." He says, staring daggers at Anthony; if looks could kill.
You huffed, smacking the back of your husband's head. "Stop it, he feels bad enough as it is."
Another set of footsteps come from the hallway and you assume it's Christopher looking for something but then the sound of the front door slamming shut caught your attention. This house was like a free for all, everyone coming and going as they pleased - you made sure to make a mental note to see who had keys to this place.
In came Gabriel who was being held by his boyfriend, Oliver. The two of them were covered in blood and Gabriel had cuts and bruises all over his face.
"What the fuck? What happened?" You say, Charles rushing over to help Oliver sit Gabriel down on a chair.
"He's so fricking hot headed," Oliver says, holding his boyfriend up straight.
It was clear that Gabriel was beyond pissing drunk, the boy swaying unless someone was holding him. Anthony takes over for Oliver, holding Gabriel up as Oliver goes to the bathroom to get the first aid kit.
"What happened?" Charles asks, passing you the cloth as you wiped the blood off your son's face. "I have no clue," you tell him, being extra careful not to hurt him; not like Gabriel would feel it anyways.
Oliver comes back a moment later, setting the kit on the counter and taking back his spot next to Gabriel.
"Ellie's asking for you, man." He tells Anthony, who glances at Charles before quietly making his way out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
Before you could even ask, Oliver starts explaining the events of the night. "We met up with Georgina and Adrian at the club. We were all a little tipsy, and Georgina was trying to get a drink at the bar. Some guy came up behind her and he was getting all handsy, trying to touch her and Adrian was in the bathroom so he didn't see it happen, but Gabriel did and he stepped in." Oliver sighs, brushing his boyfriend's hair from his face.
"Basically, Gabriel told the guy to fuck off and said if he touched Georgina again that he would break his face. The guy took that as a sign to leave and once Adrian came back, the two of them decided that they were going to go get something to eat and just spend the rest of the night at home. But Gabriel being Gabriel, our night couldn't just end there of course."
You carefully patched up Gabriel, wiping his cuts clean and putting antibacterial ointment on what needed it , making sure he didn't need stitches or anything.
"The guy came back again a few minutes later. He was super drunk, as was Gabriel and you know how Gabe can be. They started fighting and next thing you know, they're beating the shit out of each other in the middle of the fucking club."
Oliver tells you the story, causing you to roll your eyes at your son's behaviour. You're proud of him for standing up for his friend but must he always get into a fight for stupid reasons?
"I tried to stop him but I forget how strong Gabriel is sometimes." He huffed and you looked at him, seeing the blood on him. "Are you okay?" You asked, moving over to check him.
"I'm fine," Oliver smiles. "It's Gabe's." He says, gesturing to the blood on his shirt.
Charles was making up the guest room downstairs while you patched Gabriel up. In his drunken state, you all knew he wouldn't be making it up the stairs. Your husband comes back to help Oliver get Gabriel into bed and you threw out the bloody mess that had developed on the counter.
You put the plates in the sink, tossing the garbage out and headed up to check on your oldest and youngest.
There were noises coming from Christoper's room and you figured it best not to investigate further. Eloise's door was open, you knock softly and peek in when you don't get an answer. Her head resting on Anthony's chest, the two of them cuddled up and fast asleep. Switching off the light, you pulled the door shut quietly and made your way back downstairs.
As you reach the bottom step, Charles appears from around the corner. He hugs you, squeezing you tightly.
"What?" you asked him, cupping his jaw.
"Our kids are insane," he tells you, sighing. You can't help the laugh, leaning down to kiss your husband. "Those are your genes."
Charles rolls his eyes and takes your hand, pulling you behind him.
"Where are we going?" You asked, following him. He leads you to the car, opening the door for you to get in before getting in himself. It was a short drive and you two ended up on the pier, Charles parks the car and looks over at you.
"What?" You asked him again.
"Just wanted some alone time with my wife," he whispers, leaning over to kiss you. "I can't have that?"
"No," you shook your head, leaning in your seat to reach him. Charles smiles against your lips, as you melted into each other, lost in the moment.
With a soft smile and a lingering touch, you reluctantly pulled away with your cheeks as red as the first night he kissed you. "What was that for?"
"Nothing," he says, smiling. "Happy Valentine's Day babe."
"Happy Valentine's Day, my love."
taglist: @timetorace @diorleclerc @lickmeleclerc @elisaa-shelby @ohthemisssery @anthonykatebridgerton @memeorydotcom @cehilim @kyomihann  @cedricdiggorysimpp @enjoymyloves @itsrogersstuff @p4st3lst4rs @chxndlerr  @shawnftjacob @f-holland @f1medlife @redbaby24 @valkyrie418 @its-lilla-my-dudes @alwayschoppedtaco  @felixthexlll @alwaysclassyeagle @starkeyellow @juliantheupsidedown @writergiih @paty2110juarez @coldmuffinbanditshoe @cowboylikemoiii @harrysdimples05 @hungryhungariann @cagoterie @sigynxlokiwifelover @majx00 @ghostleclerc @devilswaldorf @omigodyall @leclerc13 @hearts4maddison @yourtypicalslvt @karmabyfernando @nichmeddar @teenagedreams-cl @crueisummer @kmc1989 @kayleea122 @darleneslane @whyamireadingthis
**if you were previously tagged in a daddy & me + three piece and you aren't no, that means your tag wasn't working or it was sent incorrectly to me. please message me and I will fix it!
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radiant-reid · 11 months
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Summary: Based on 14x09 where BAU!Reader recounts how working the case reminded her of Spencer's addiction
a/n: tbh this is trash, just trying to get some motivation back
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (Fluff)
Content Warning: references to Spencer's Dilaudid addiction
Word Count: 1.1k
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There are flowers on the table. 
That's the first thing Y/n notices and the only thing out of place in their otherwise tidy house. Spencer's always been a clean person. 
The kid clutter- books, coloring pens, tiny shoes, the occasional Lego figure- that clutter, he's proud of.
Next to the vase is a bowl of pasta in a tomato-based sauce, and she guesses because of that, there's at least one child-size shirt soaking in the laundry with a stain on it.
"Hey, beautiful." Spencer makes her jump with his silent footsteps, followed by sudden voice. He touches her shoulders, massaging them softly. 
She turns around, placing a quick kiss on his lips. "Hey. Missed you."
He pulls her forward, resting his head on top of hers. "Missed you too. Glad you made it back safe." 
Things are different since the bureau mandated Spencer take time off as part of his reinstatement after prison. After the births of their three kids, Y/n stayed home, naturally, on maternity leave while Spencer continued going out on cases with the team. In between, and for most of their relationship and marriage, they worked at the BAU, spending almost every minute together. But this is different. Now, Spencer's the one that spends more time in DC, and in his 30 days not working at the BAU, he does an excellent job as a househusband. 
Y/n pulls back, admiring his features for the first time in days."Sleeping angels?" She checks.
He scoffs lightly. "Not so much." She raises her eyebrows, humored. "Water, bathroom, another story, you know how it goes."
She chuckles. "Oh, yeah, I've heard that song before."
"Love them, though." He adds. "Are you hungry?"
"Starving." She turns to the delicious-smelling pasts on the table while his hands stay on her waist. Spencer's learned a lot while being a dad but his learning to cook has been very rewarding for her.
They move to the couch, needing to be closer than they would be if they were sitting at the table. 
Her smile dimmers after she's complimented his cooking, and he's called her beautiful again. It's an easy difference in demeanor to spot for Spencer as a husband rather than a profiler. 
"The case?" Spencer guesses. 
Y/n takes a deep breath in and shrugs. "One like that wouldn't get to me usually." She tries to dismiss her feelings.
He catches it, having used the same technique many times. If it's bothering her, they're going to discuss it. "It was Tara's ex-husband that discovered a pattern?"
"Mm-hmm, uh, Daryl, he brought it to her, thinking there was an angel of death unsub killing people in the recovery community." She recaps, although he already knows from their discussion on the phone. 
Technically, he's only allowed to know the basic details, not offer advice, but as long as Emily doesn't officially know that the occasional case-solving tip comes from Spencer, it's okay.
"What was his vice?" He asks.
Tara didn't want to spill all the details, but Y/n had made a few assumptions. "Alcohol, drugs later, I think." 
"So why was this one more difficult than usual?" Spencer asks, frowning then it hits him. "Oh." 
Y/n feels a pang of guilt in her chest at Spencer's expression contorting. "No, I don't mean-" She pauses, not knowing what to say. Neither can deny that her feelings are connected to what Spencer went through.
"Comparing the victims to me?" He guesses again.
Her selfishness feels even worse than her guilt. "No. Tara had to give a heart-wrenching speech. And we were in very different situations, her and Douglas and you and I, but it made me think about that time." She tries to explain it.
Spencer understands, and he nods solemnly. "We never talk about that in relation to you." He realizes that it's something he feels guilty about.
"I don't like to talk about it." She shrugs. "Just hearing what Tara said struck a chord." She could feel Tara's pain through Emily's repeated words, and it was all too easy to remember the heartbreak of seeing someone she loved struggling.
Spencer takes her hand, squeezing it lightly. "We can talk about it whenever you want, you know?" 
"Not now." She shakes her head. "I missed you." 
He smiles softly, resting against the couch and spreading his arms out. Y/n rests her legs over his and tucks herself under his arm. "I missed you too." He kisses her forehead and holds her closer. Things feel better when they're all under one roof. "Y/n, it's really important to me that you know how much I appreciate you staying through that. You're an angel, you know?"
"Spence." She coos, touching his cheek softly and momentarily getting caught in his eyes. "It wasn't a hard choice to stay with you and support you through that. I love you, and I'll always be here for you."
He takes a deep breath in. "I love you too. I could talk about how grateful I am for you forever, you know?"
"I know." She laughs lightly, having heard those speeches from him more than once. It never gets less heartwarming.
Spencer shuffles slightly, reaching out to take something off the coffee table. She raises her eyebrows until a look of recognition takes over her features. 
"A photo album?" She asks curiously. "Why's that out here?" 
"It's our first." He explains as he opens it, tracing his finger over the cover page. "Tillie wanted to see it." He finds the page he's looking for, showing her a photo of them. 
Y/n grins, looking at it, remembering the exact second it was taken. "You look so little." She coos, touching the glossy picture of them. They're not much older than 25, fresh-faced, innocent, and dressed nicely. Spencer's smiling the adorable smile he still smiles today. It's stayed the same through every challenge they've faced.
"You've always been so beautiful." He mumbles, stroking her hair with his spare hand.
Her cheeks heat as she taps him on the shoulder. "Stop." She whines. 
"Never." He shakes his head. "You're gorgeous, and I'm going to make sure you know it. I have no idea how I got so lucky."
She chuckles, shaking her head. "I'm the one that got lucky, marrying a genius."
"I married a genius too," Spencer claims, and he pulls her even closer to him like there's any chance she wants to move.
"Can we just sit here a while?" She asks as she relaxes more into him. 
He leans down to kiss her forehead. "For as long as you want, angel."
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dinogoofymutated · 2 months
Okay so like,,,,I usually never make requests (I’m a lurker fr fr) but your writing Is god tier, so I gotta ask:
Could you do a fic for Hank/Beast? He’s my personal fave but I never see any content for him ever, like the fic scene for this man is a ghost town. he’s underrated as hell. My man is ripped, highly intelligent and respectful of the arts! Yet he doesn’t get any attention.
I would love to see some general headcanons (SFW & NSFW) if you’re up to it. no problem if you don’t write for him or something, I just thought i would ask.
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To be honest, I actually wasn't really sure about writing for Hank at first because I've never really had a connection to the character, but he grew on me!! Plus, I'm here to serve lolol we've been starved of fics as a Fandom for basically forever and it would be a disservice not to fill the Hank void out there! Hope it's okay that I only wrote Sfw headcannons, I have a separate req for NSFW for him so I decided to split it into two to save my sanity lol. Finals are gonna be hell for me.
-ps- Should I be writing right now? no. Am I doing it anyway? Yurp. Also, I'm basing his history off of the fandom wiki, so I'm sorry if anything is off.
Tws: none that I can think of atm. As always, reader written while picturing fem but no pronouns mentioned.
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Hank, despite what some would think, was most definitely a heartthrob, particularly in his college days!! I mean, a man who's confident, smart, respectful, and also an athlete? Who wouldn't swoon? He was 110% the guy that everyone wanted to take home to their parents.
And He's such a sweet, attentive lover too!! Acts of service almost definitely is a love language for him. He cooks for you, fixes the broken things that you didn't even realize were broken, even organizes your notes before a difficult exam.
He loves to surprise you with flowers, even if it isn't any special occasion, and if you ask, he'll help you preserve them as well!
He loves to kiss your forehead, temples, and hands. On top of that, he's very touchy. The two of you were most definitely seen as the parents of any friend group.
Things changed a little after he took the serum that mutated him further. His confidence had taken a blow, and he just didn't quite know how to approach you anymore.
It took a hot minute to reassure him that you didn't really care if he was blue, or furry, or beastly, he was still Hank Mccoy, wasn't he? He was the man you were in love with, and you certainly weren't going to stop now. Besides, you still thought he was handsome. With the kinds of books he's seen you read, you're a bit surprised that he didn't think you would find him attractive.
Things gradually got back to normal, but for a while, he didn't kiss you as often as he used to. Well, he didn't kiss you period. Even though he knew the incredible extent to which you loved him, the shape of his mouth had changed. Hell, he had fangs that he would rather die than mark you with.
You practically had to tie him down into a contract to get him to kiss you again. He was always one to experiment, why not treat this the same? If you kiss, and it goes well, you do it again. If it goes well a second time and a third, you have a pretty reliable test. Validity shouldn't matter when he knew that you loved him to bits already.
He felt like he was falling in love with you all over again, and yet he still hesitated. It wasn't until you had grabbed him by the collar to drag him into a kiss that he actually relaxed, and what do you know, it was a pretty reliable test after all. A predictive one too, with how often you continued to kiss him afterwards.
Domestic was the best way to describe your relationship with Hank.
    You yawned as you made your way down to the lab, still in your pajamas and slippers. Just a few hours previously, after a shower and self-care routine, you had settled into bed with an eyebrow-raising book as you waited for your husband to come to bed. This was a normal routine for the two of you, you immersing yourself into a book to stay awake until Hank entered, kissed your temple sweetly, and began his own nightly routine. It was a set of events you were used to. 
    Today, however, you felt like you had done a lot more reading than usual. When you finally pulled yourself out of your book and checked the time, the clock by your bed read 11 pm. A rather late time for Hank to be out, but you already knew where he would be. The lower levels of the mansion were extra cold at night, and you find yourself rubbing some warmth into your arms as you approach the lab. 
    The doors open with a swish, the light of the lab having all been darkened exempt for the lamp on Hank’s desk. He’s so immersed in what he’s doing that he doesn’t even realize when you come in. You walk up behind his chair, running your hands through his hair softly when you reach him.
    Hank isn’t surprised, sighing at the pleasant sensation as he tips his head back to encourage you. You giggle a little, leaning down to press a kiss to his head as you begin to massage his scalp.
    “It’s late.” You say gently. Hank hums in response, eyes closed as he appreciates your touch. 
    “I’m sorry, my love. Seems I was a little entranced.” He says. You huff at him playfully.
    “You say entranced, I say you’re overworking yourself. You’ve been working on this project all week. Don’t let it cut into your rest time.” Your scolding always sounded too nice, but he knows you mean it. Hank sighs again, this time sounding a little more tired, but he doesn't argue. He rolls around to face you, pulling you into a tired hug from his chair. 
     “Perhaps it is time I go to bed. What time is it, my dear?” 
    “Eleven.” Hank lets out a quiet chuckle at your quick reply, finally standing up. He doesn’t let go of you however, choosing to rest his head on your shoulder as he sways the two of you back and forth.
    “You’re most certainly right, it is late. Much too late for a man to leave his lovely spouse waiting. Oh, whatever shall I do to make it up to you?.” His words come out as a purr, and you let out a curt laugh at him. You pull away a little, taking his large hands in your own as you lead him to the door. He smiles widely when you stop for a moment, remembering his glasses and placing them on his face before starting to drag him to bed. 
    “I’ll let you decide that, Love. As long as you make it to bed, that’s apology enough for me.”
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augustinewrites · 1 year
for @missmeinyourbones bcs you always say kind things to me!! thank you <3
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back when dabi was still touya, he loved watching romantic comedies. 
whenever her shitbag husband was out on an overnight mission, rei would put them on after she’d tucked them all into bed. …or at least she thought she did. because he and fuyumi would sneak out of bed, peeking into the living room from the hall anyway.
once in a while he thinks about it. thinks about the way his mother would let them sit with her, and the way he and fuyumi would giggle when the couple on the screen kissed, and no one reached around to cover their eyes. (but thinking about this brings back that dull ache between his ribs, which is why he doesn’t do it often.)
what he does think about often are the couples on the screen. about the awful clichés and predictable plots. the lovesick schmuck in a suit that’s fresh off a boring 9 to 5, flowers in hand to take his love interest to dinner. 
(thinking back, there was probably a reason for the genre his mom chose, but unpacking all of that would require the help of a shrink he didn’t have the dough to see).
he’s only been thinking about these couples often because of, well, you. if this were a movie, he’d say it was fate that led him to get stabbed and promptly pass out in an alley close to your hospital. you’d nurse him back to health in your cute apartment, saving his life and domesticating him in the process. 
but this wasn’t a movie. and even though you’d saved his life, all he'd done to repay you was bleed all over your rug and steal the change on your counter before jumping out the window. 
and you must have been all kinds of desperate, because when he put his hands into his coat pocket he'd found your number written on a slip of paper.
just in case, you'd written.
he stole a burner phone the next day and, like the couples on the tv say, the rest was history.
you were like a bad habit, because he swore every night he went to see you was supposed to be his last. you were so damn annoying, asking him shit like how his day went and if he'd eaten. offering to wash his clothes like some sort of pervert.
but then he’d tell you he was exhausted and starving from all the felonies he’d committed and you’d let him sleep on your couch. then he’d dip out the next morning with his clothes smelling like freesia or some shit he’d rather die than admit he kinda liked.
and eventually…he was okay with it. okay with you and this stupid love you’d dragged him into. you let him come and go as he pleased, the latch on your window always unlocked just for him, cause no matter what, he always came back. 
but everything is fucked. this city is fucked and this country is fucked, and dabi’s hiding out on the fire escape when you join him.
your shoulder brushes his as you sit next to him on the step, and he doesn’t have to look to know you’ve got that big frown downturning your lips. it’s far from the first fight the two of you have had since starting this…relationship, but it’s the first time he can safely say he’s not sure you’ll bother wanting to salvage it. 
(he thinks that after every fight, actually. but you seem to have this endless patience for him that he doesn’t understand nor deserve.)
hugging your knees to your chest, you ask, “are you going to leave?”
“are you coming back this time?” you ask quietly. 
“don’t know,” he shrugs.
you don’t say anything for a long while and neither does dabi. he should just leave, ditch you out on your fire escape and fuck off somewhere into the city. maybe he’d get shitfaced enough to crash at the league’s hideout, or maybe he’d blackmail birdbrain into letting him get shitfaced at his place then crash on his ridiculously expensive couch. he’ll figure it out later.
it’d certainly be easier to leave and figure it out if you yelled and swore, maybe even slapped him a little. 
you don’t do any of those things though, because anger isn’t embedded in your dna like it is in his. instead you give him a look that’s half-pity, half-disappointment, and it stings all the same.
“you always do this,” you sigh, staring straight ahead at the flickering city lights. “whenever this happens, you refuse to talk about it after. and– and when i try to give you space to figure your stuff out…you run.” 
you don’t say it angrily, like you’d be within your right to be. you say it…softly. tiredly. you’re not trying to antagonize him, just stating a fact, and it makes him feel shittier.
“well, ‘s not like ya need me around anyway,” he shrugs. 
you look at him this time, “of course i don’t need you.” 
dabi had said it first, but hearing you say it hurt, strangely. like a faint touch upon a fresh bruise. 
but you’re not done, listing things off on your fingers. “you don’t pay rent, you eat all my groceries, you track your dirty boots through my living room, and i don’t know if you’ve forgotten, but you are a wanted criminal, you know.” 
he chuckles at that. it’s only very slightly, but it makes you break into a smile. “jeez, babe. you sure know how to pick ‘em.” 
“i know,” you hum, nudging his knee with yours. “but that’s my point. i don’t need you. but we– i want you anyway.” 
you offer him your hand, palm upturned, and for a second he doesn’t want to run. he wants to take your hand and let you guide him back inside. wants to cuddle with you in your too-soft bed with all your blankets and the stuffed animals he'd stolen for you.
then he sees the recently patched up burn on your wrist and he’s reminded that he’s stupid. stupid for thinking he could ever have anything past…this with you. 
you follow his gaze, pulling your sleeve down quickly as you murmur, “it was an accident.” 
he’d been running hot. hot like he always did when you fought. then you’d turned away and he’d reached for you, forgetting.
it was an accident, yeah, but you don’t deserve it. 
you want him. but you deserve the schmuck in the suit  who can help you pay rent and buy groceries. 
so he decides that this is the last night. he lets you guide him to bed, and once you’ve fallen asleep, he eases his arm out from under your head to pull the covers up to your chin.  
sometimes his heart is so big that he can’t stand it. he’s letting you go. you’re better off without him—
but you catch his hand as he’s about to slip out of bed, unflinching as your thumb brushes across cool metal. 
“stay,” you murmur, eyes slowly blinking open to peer at him in the darkness. 
“i can’t,” he mutters, averting his gaze from yours.
“stay,” you say a little more firmly this time. “or i swear to god i’m going to call your mother.”
he rolls his eyes, choosing to indulge you one last time (he does not take your threat lightly, either). he lets you plant kisses up the column of his throat and rest you he’d on his chest. but it’s just until he’s sure your out cold, then he’s definitely gone. he’ll be out the window and out of your hair—
“i love you, touya,” you whisper. 
“yeah, whatever, you brat,” he grunts, but he places his hand over yours, turning his head to the side to press a kiss to your forehead before murmuring the words against your skin.
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sunnyseungup · 1 year
Skz reactions; headcanons | fic recs pt2
[ updated 230612 ]
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finding out you are touch starved
You skip a stray kids song
s/o sleeping naked
tropes that fit each member
pouting kisses
you call them from a police station
Denying them kisses for a challenge
kissing them about of blue
waking them up during the night
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
3racha as your plug
random texts
you get hurt
when they realize they like you, like you
strictly platonic
touch starved and greedy for affection
skz habits that shine through when they get comfy with you
their crush going to their gym
falling asleep on them (3racha)
when you asked him for a dance
faking out a kiss
worm tales
insecure about big boobs
embarrased s/o doing aegyo
s/o having big boobs
skz as hybrids
finding your inner child with skz
accidentally calling them your husband
spin the bottle
s/o picking up an Australian accent
calling you a pet name for the first time
they notice you are uncomfortable
How they would propose to you
getting them a gift they only mentioned once
Having a movie night with their crush
Their s/o falls asleep beside them
They realize they want to marry you
you introduce them as your boyfriend for the first time
Giving them a massage
sitting on their lap
Their so sleeps with stuffed animals
s/o picking up an Australian accent
skz treating your skzoo plush
s/o getting someone else on a stray kids soulmate quiz
sitting in your lap
puppy love
how they act when they are jealous hyung line
skz being a fanboy for idol!reader
taking care of drunk skz
you fall asleep on their lap
skz and nicknames they love  
you spaced out
how skz cuddles with you
love languages
accidentally upsetting you
treating wounds
not together but nor friends
giving them flowers
partner privilege
playing chicken
they realize you are the one
producer s/o
s/o having a lot of natural aegyo
Lovesick boys
accidentally breaking s/o’s important item
breaking your favorite mug hyung line
they forget it’s Valentine’s Day
their crush complimenting their muscles
spoiling their s/o
not giving you attention
oddly specific love languages
your college boyfriends
you snoring @/hearts4sungie
oddly specific love languages @/astraystayyh
you getting your period @/ar0undth3w0rld1n365
when skz says no @/outro-jo
Skz as sporty boyfriends
Obsessed with their thick so
Skz as subs
them as sugar daddy ( bangchan&Lee know )
Christmas headcanons
giving them your panties in public
skz as subs
initiating sexy time
not dating, but not just friends
love language and sex hyung line
When you cry during sex
Valentine’s Day
“they are busy” prank on bf @/hyunsllvr
special delivery to jyp building @/chan4evurrr
“do you ever wish you were taller” @/gyusangels
Talking contact names @/imagine-a-life-like-this
Best Friend!Reader asking skz for a divorce @/imagine-a-life-like-this
Telling ex bf!skz you think you’re pregnant @/imagine-a-life-like-this
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Note: please let me know if the links are not working ! I’ll try to fix them as soon as possible ^^
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majestyjun · 1 year
hubby jjun
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my husband ;-; i miss him sm it hurts :<
husband!yeonjun who’s always on business trips as a higher up in his corporate job, leaving for days with only a moment in between at home. butterfly kisses on your soft face while asleep, his quiet buttoning of his dress shirts and slipping on his glasses before murmuring a quiet bye, vanishing before the sun’s risen and his side of the bed cold when waking. sending pictures midday before takeoff, sun kissed skin and tilted glasses in his business class seat, lips slightly pouted, captioned miss you. husband!yeonjun who feels sad and a bit lonely when he has to eat alone at nice restaurants, unconsciously choosing something extra he knows you’d enjoy, only to remember he’s here by himself without his pretty wife, a slight gloom in his mind as he eats the portion he’d usually share with you.
and even the slightest sights remind him of you, a stray cat on the side of the street a memory of a rainy night crouched under a bus stop, sharing with an odd cat that wandered in away from the rain. the sunset a reminder of how you’d start cooking dinner, even the pressed napkins stir thoughts of your anniversary dinners together. and after long days of conferences and meetings, lying in his hotel room by himself, feeling lonely when he realizes it might be too late to call back at home, swiping through couple photos on his phone as he debates whether it’s okay to wake you up with a call… his arm thrown over his eyes as yeonjun wonders if you’re eating, sleeping, feeling okay without him around.
calling to hear your voice whenever he has a free moment between work demands, a genuine smile gracing his lips when your pretty voice answers, the stoic business facade melting as yeonjun pouts and mumbles that he’s lonely, misses his wife, should have given you more kisses before he left. and it’s a never ending conversation about you, always putting himself aside as he asks if you’ve eaten yet, slept okay, if you need anything… maybe he’s looking for an excuse to fly home early, isn’t he~? and the feeling of sadness that arises when his watch ticks closer to having to hang up, and husband yeonjun cannot ever end a call without incessant “i love you”s, promising to be home as soon as he can… did he say he loves you yet~? and as the dial tone cuts the call, he stares at your number on his phone wondering if he should make an excuse to call again, but business beckons first before he can press the green call dial.
and there’s no one more eager to board the returning flight than husband!yeonjun, the first to board business, finger tapping against the armrest in impatience,,, almost to the point where the flight attendant asks if he needs a glass of water or to use the restroom. a flute of complimentary champagne in his hand, watching as the plane takes off, headed back home where he knows you’re waiting for him. the fastest to take his luggage’s and to hail for a taxi,,, and suddenly asking if the driver can stop for five minutes, he’ll tip heavy. and a businessman dressed in a dry cleaned suit running into a florist, paying for a fresh bouquet with his black card before climbing back into the taxi home. his hands shaking with impatience as he unlocks the door, bouquet about to be undone in his arms. husband!yeonjun who drops the flowers and luggages, immediately scooping you into his arms and covering your face in sweet kisses, trapped in his arms and not a inch of space between his body pressed to yours, cradling your face with one hand as he breathes that he missed you so much, hearing your pretty voice between his smothering of kisses. and just for a moment, he pulls back, holding your face in his hand as he takes in your pretty features, god, it’s as if he’s falling in love all over again, isn’t it~?
dropping his suit jacket as he carrie’s you in bridal style, sweet sugar kisses as husband!yeonjun unbuttons his shirt with expertise, legs tangled together and relentless, starved kisses, your whimpers and pants his air. the sigh of love leaving his lips as he gazes down at your bare body after ridding the barriers of clothes, all his, as perfect as one can be, feeling the soft curves under his hands, lips locking once more, soft sheets under your back and his hand lacing through yours. fingers between your thighs, stroking the soft skin, trailing closer to your wet pussy, folds dripping in arousal for him. tongue slipping past your lips as he slides two fingers in, let me take care of you whispered between breaths, plush lips moving against yours as he curls his fingers just where he knows you’re most sensitive, sounds of your essence coating his fingers as he pumps them in and out of your wet pussy, sweet claims of his love murmured between kisses. husband!yeonjun who quietly encourages you to come undone on his fingers, kissing the column of your neck in a slight bite as you whimper and tremble beneath him, high washing over as he murmurs praises, so good for him, all his. almost on the verge of pushing his fingers back in, so obsessed with your pleasure that it takes your soft whimper of asking for his cock and his pleasure to awaken him from his daze, smaller hand pressing against his hard erection.
holding hands as husband!yeonjun kisses away the tears slipping from your glossy eyes, whispering how good you are, how he knows it stings a little, love you so much, his wife. and the pain of the stretch vanishes with his endless love and attention, worshipping your body with praises as he thrusts, your every reaction captured in his mind, tugging off his glasses when they fog, he can’t bear to have even the slightest distraction. golden wedding bands glistening in the faint light as the sun sets, your husband yeonjun who desires nothing more than making sweet, romantic love after a long trip, his hot cum filling you up to the brim as he cradles your body with his, cock nestled in your tight folds as he feels the soft curves beneath his fingers, sighing with endless affirmations of love. soft kisses pressed to your face, possessive marks on your soft breasts and neck, his cum seeping out and slipping to your thighs, hands laced together as he quietly apologizes for always being away. how he wishes more than anything to be with you, his darling housewife, but that he’s always away… can you forgive him? as if it’s even a question, burying your face in his broad chest and shoulder, replying that you’d never be mad at him for doing his job, it’s okay. because there are moments like these, where you’re completely together and connected as one, where love is true and pure.
falling asleep while cockwarming, and pouty husband!yeonjun who feels sad when you try to escape his tight grasp, insisting you can wait for him, he’s still sleepy. and he has a vice grip as he clings to you, walking to the bathroom,,, perhaps maybe soaping up certain places with additional attention… and ulterior motives, as he smirks and presses you against his chest, stiffening cock against your cute ass. feeling more in love than ever when he knows his cum is warming your soft tummy as you make his breakfast to share… remembering the flowers he dropped on the floor the night before and laughing as he gives them over, a bit crushed and wilted without water. hands always linked together as you eat breakfast, yeonjun quietly and subtly giving you his portion that he knows you enjoy the most, oh, did he get caught staring~? can’t help it, can he? always wanting to look at his beautiful wife. husband!yeonjun who is so in love, he can’t bear a moment apart when he’s home, so indulge him, pretty wife of his~?
this might be the most indulgent work i’ve ever written– ‘m sorry this is so for me <3
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d1xonscult · 1 year
Dating Daryl Dixon would include…
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female!reader x Daryl Dixon
Spoilers included
slight sexual content included
- Being very good, maybe even best friends for years before things started to get romantic
- sunshine x grumpy
- he remembers every little detail of the stories you tell him, which amazes you everytime he brings up conversations you two had years ago
- the two of you being in love with the other since the group found the prison and everyone noticed but you guys
- ever since Carol noticed him liking you, she wouldn’t stop teasing him, often making him almost die in embarrassment
- Daryl loves to spend time alone, but you’re one of the very few people he accepts to be alone with
- you admitting your feelings to him first, making him back off for a while because he doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions
- him accidentally admitting his feelings during an argument about you’re safety after a few days of awkward atmosphere
- you being the one to make the first move almost everytime during the beginning of the relationship
- he’s very insecure at first, especially about his scars, but it never bothered you so you try your best to show him that they are nothing to be ashamed of
- it takes him a lot of time to get used to this ‘being a couple’ thing
- you having to convince him to cut his hair because it hurts you seeing it fall into his eyes constantly
- you’re his number #1 priority
- “I’d die for you” being yours and his “i love you”
- his love language is gift giving while yours is physical touch and words of affirmation
- he almost always tries to find something to gift you during scavenge runs, mostly it’s a pretty rock or flowers if he has the luck to find them
- always going on scavenge runs together and the group always thinking you guys are doing something else which sometimes is the case
- the two of you not minding to spend days alone with just each other in the woods
- him always giving you the best part of whatever animal he has hunted
- in general, he cares a lot about you having enough to eat, even if it means him not having any food at all just for you not to starve
- Not much PDA but little kisses on the cheeks when passing each other in Alexandria or occasionally holding hands while on runs with the group
- he is the big spoon, meaning him laying on his back while you have your head on his chest
- soft kisses most of the time but if he’s slightly tensed or angry he gets more rough not just talking about kisses iykyk
- he wakes up really early sometimes, often waiting for you to wake up while smoking cigarettes by the window and trying not to wake you up
- he never lets anyone touch his hair but you do it anyways and he secretly loves
- you almost loosing your senses when Negan took Daryl
- you also being the one to almost go and get Daryl out of the sanctuary yourself (If Rick didn’t force the group to literally watch you non stop)
- always being on the same side when it comes to arguments in the group
- being called each others wife/husband by everyone
- nah fr he won’t let anyone hurt you
- he would do everything, really everything to keep you save
- he has avery raspy morning voice
- you guys being uncle Daryl and aunt y/n to Judith and RJ
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
It was quite a wonderful day today with your husband. The first thing the both of you did in the morning was showering together, followed by many long passionate kisses and a delicious breakfast made by Zhongli.
After thus, the both of you went for a walk and even bought some stuff - before you walked home together again to put on some fancy clothes because Zhongli had the idea to go to a restaurant with you.
Oh, the moment Zhongli saw you in this beautiful outfit - he could've swear he just looked at the Goddess of Beauty herself. You even saw a slight blush spreading across his face - but as always he kept his calm demeanor.
The restaurant itself was really fancy, and it was a beautiful date. Zhongli and you talked a lot and laughed together, even ate together and fed the other one.
And now.
Now you're here. Back home.
Sitting on Zhonglis face as he was eating you out like a starved man. Either Zhongli closed his eyes meanwhile or he opened his eyes to meet your gaze with his - while his hands were holding you in place by your thighs.
He told you earlier when the two of you got back home,
"The dessert was indeed very tasty, but I can't help and keep thinking about how simply divine you taste, my love Kel."
~ 💐
*looks around the room* WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS??
honestly, the simple act of taking a walk with zhongli is so appealing to me? him offering his arm to you, elbow bent, which you accept with a smile before letting him lead you along a path in jueyun karst, where he picks a qingxin flower and puts it in your hair. the further from the harbor he travels, the more romantic and nostalgic he becomes.
but STOPPPPP! goddess of beauty. skskskssksksss 🤭 how sweet. 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
feeding each other...ghhh so cute! he'd so share his food with you, ordering certain dishes just so you could sample them from his plate.
BRUH. I'D RIDE HIS FACE LIKE A LAZY HORSE. just. hands braced against his chest and rocking my hips while he wears me tf OUT. don't even get me started on how good his long, forked tongue feels when he dips it inside.
and if he spoke while eating you out? the sound waves of his deepened, lust-laden voice crashing against your clit?? you're done sis. down for the count when he gives you the command to cum.
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madame-fear · 2 years
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hello all !! 💖 so, since requests are open, i had to make 90+ (might edit and make more) prompts and scenarios in case you'd like to use them when requesting c: if you're going to use them when requesting, i'd highly appreciate if you also gave me a small insight on what plot you'd like/had in mind for the request/prompt/scenario.
i believe there are some that might not be fully original because i'm not entirely sure if i imagined them, or read them somewhere and it stuck to my mind and i don't remember where & when i read it; so if you see a non-original prompt/scenario, feel free to tell me so and i'll delete it!
💖 requesting rules + characters/fandoms i write for // suggested reading !! 💖
💖 — last updated : 06 / 12 / 22
anyways! on to the prompts and scenarios :
1. “you have no idea how badly i need you.”
2. “jealous? who, me? impossible” *is actually seething with rage & jealousy*
3. catching [character] staring at you, and they immediatly look away blushing when you notice them.
4. “hold your breath, we'll be just fine.”
5. “you're so, so stupid, and so incredibly blind to not see it.” “see what?” “that i'm so in love with you, for gods sake!”
6. “would you fancy to sleep with me tonight, in my bed?” “only if we cuddle.”
7. [character] wakes up breathing heavily from a nightmare, and you soothe them by bringing them to your chest, and whispering sweet things to their ear while your hand caresses their hair.
8. “i saw this and i thought of you.”
9. “what would i do without you?”
10. “shut up and love me.”
11. “i love you so so much, you're my sun and stars, but if you don't reciprocate i understa–” “i love you too” you reply. “well, i hope we can at least be frie– wait, WHAT??? You love me back??? oh my–”
12. “i wish i could gift you the sun, the stars, the moon, and all the planets that exist.”
13. “what are you doing in my room?” “oh, you mean, our room?”
14. tracing [character]'s features while they sleep, and vice versa.
15. “you look lovely today. May i have this dance with you?”
16. “i am head over heels for you, and you deserve to know... i can't hide it anymore. I. Love. You.”
17. intense kissing session while cuddling, and getting caught by someone.
18. “your eyes shine when you smile. I love it.”
19. “gods, your lips are so sweet. Please kiss me again?”
20. goofily smiling in between kisses.
21. goofily smiling in your very first kiss.
22. “are you certain you want to do this? i mean, i don't want to make you uncomfortable.”
23. “and who are you to tell me who i can and can't be with?” “i'm your future husband, and probably, father of your future children.”
24. [character] slightly tilting your chin to make you look up at them when you lower your gaze out of shyness.
25. doing flower crowns for each other.
26. “you look pretty when you blush. Do it more often.”
27. “if only you knew the effect you have on me.”
28. “please, don't ever leave me alone. I could never stand being far away from you, my love.”
29. “i could smooch all your pretty little face right now.”
30. playfully wiping away their kiss, and getting tackled with more kisses by them.
31. “if only you saw yourself the way i see you... such a pretty angel on earth.”
32. “you occupy every single thought in my head, and every single dream.”
33. “i know this sounds strange, but you smell really good. You smell of... raspberry and citrus.”
34. taking care of [character] when sick, but they're so touch starved for you end up cuddling on bed together, but you end up sick as well.
35. Same as prompt 34, but vice versa: [character] takes care of you when sick, but since you end up cuddling and kissing on bed together they become sick as well.
36. “kiss me again. I dare you.”
37. teasing looks with each other in public. As soon as you're all by yourselves, you both fall into an intense, loving makeout session.
38. “is that... my shirt that you're wearing?”
39. “stay in bed a little bit more with me, please...”
40. “you're so distracting... i love that.”
41. “i don't think i'll ever let go of you.” *while cuddling*
42. “your hair is so silky. Can i braid it?”
43. “i will always be by your side, no matter what.”
44. [character] playing with your hair, occasionally twirling a strand around their finger.
45. [character] warming you up with a cloth of theirs when they notice you're cold.
46. “you're cold! i can see you shivering – here, have this. You'll feel warmer.”
47. “as long as i am by your side, nothing nor no one will possibly hurt you. I'll fight for you till my last day, i promise.”
48. singing/humming/reading to each other before sleeping. [ a/n : if you'll request something for this, specify whether you want the reader or character to sing, hum, or read. ]
49. “you're voice is like honey to me. Please, don't stop.”
50. “i don't recall asking you to stop. Keep kissing me.”
51. [character] get jealous because they think someone is flirting with you, but it's actually a relative they didn't know about and the two of you have re-encountered with each other after a long time.
52. “gods, you're such an idiot.” “and yet, you still love me that way.”
53. “the different shades of colours in your eyes are hypnotising.”
54. “have i told you how perfect you look?”
55. “you deserve the world.”
56. being reassured by [character] that they love you just the way you are when you show signs/tell them about your insecurities.
57. “you're perfect just the way you are, my princess, and you'll always be.”
58. “who told you that? I'll fight them.”
59. “you don't need to change nothing for no one. I love every small thing about you, and every inch of your precious being.”
60. “i will vow my life to you, my Queen.”
61. “let's run away together: leave all of this behind, and make a new life where it's only the two of us.”
62. “the sun is getting jealous about you, by the way you so brightly shine.”
63. “have i told you to stop? no. Keep going.”
64. “oh, no! your hands are so cold! here, let me warm you.” *[character] warms your hands with theirs*
65. “oh, thank god– my family likes you!”
66. “i know i make you nervous. Don't try to hide it. Say it.”
67. [character] accidentally calls you a dearly nickname (love, sweetheart, princess, etc) and realises what they've done when you blush and giggle at it. Ends in a love confession.
68. “come dance with me under the rain!”
69. desperate, needy and forgiving kisses with [character] after a bad argument/fighting.
70. “who hurt you? i'll fight the hell out of them.”
71. hugs from behind when you're distracted. Ends with makeout and cuddling session.
72. “you live in my head, and heart! yet you can't see that?”
73. friends to lovers situation. Getting hit with realisation that they're enamoured with you when [character] sees you laughing at someone else's joke, or flirting. Ends in love confession, too.
74. “oh my god– are you... jealous?”
75. “jealous? no, just curious.” *with clenching jaw, in between teeth*
76. “you're my first, and last. Thank you for all the love, i appreciate it, my sweetling.”
77. “don't cry, please. I hate seeing you this way– i'm here for you, and i'll always be.”
78. “you're so... breathtaking.”
79. “are you comfortable with this? i mean– i'd hate making you feel uncomfortable, or forcing you to do something you don't want.”
80. [character] giving you knuckle, hand, and palm kissing.
81. [character]'s family/friends/relatives notice the mutual crushing you have going on, but since you're too scared of doing anything, they set the two of you until you confess.
82. “i've realised, i'm slowly falling for you... and it's painful. So, so painful.”
83. “you should've said it earlier, idiot. I love you too, can't you see?”
84. star gazing with [character]
85. “the stars are pretty tonight... but you're prettier.”
86. “you're stunning. I'm so lucky to have you.”
87. “show me, then.” “show you what?” “you just said you loved me, didn't you? Prove it, and come kiss me.”
88. “did you really just buy me... [insert gift] (specify when requesting)? Oh my– thank you! You shouldn't have.”
89. “gods, you're going to be the death of my with all this... love smothering.”
90. “but they like you, [name]!” “oh, they like me? Too bad, i am so in love with you, and no one can compare to you.”
91. “please...” “please what, love? tell me what you want, angel.” [ for smut ]
92. “tonight, i'm yours... i'll be at your mercy.” [ for smut ]
93. “sometimes i can't help but wonder, if being so pretty hurts?”
94. “oh, fuck me.” “ok, when?”
95. “promise me you'll be more careful next time, alright?” [ please specify scenario for request ]
96. “you drive me so fucking crazy. i want you... now.” [ for smut ]
97. “i would kill, and get killed for you, my love.”
98. [character] randomly picking you up from the floor, carrying you bridal style to their room, and throwing you to their bed just because they're needy for your cuddles.
99. “you're such a needy, good girl, aren't you?” [ for smut ]
100. [character] sees you crying, and holds you in their arms as you cry on their chest and they whisper sweet things until you calm down. Ends in cuddling, and lots of fluff.
101. “you're such a dork.” “yeah, but i'm your dork.”
102. talking with [character] about dreams, and they accidentally confess they dream about you often. Ends in love confession.
103. [character] sees you being nice to little children and how much they adore you, and they can't help but daydream about those kids being your own. Ends with both of you talking about starting a family together.
104. “oh, fuck- we should be quieter, otherwise they're going to hear us!” “let them hear, love. i want them to know you're mine, and only mine.” [ for smut ]
105. “i shouldn't have touched you in such inappropiate way, i-i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-” “shut up, and keep going. i've been waiting for this for a long time.” [ for smut + fluff ]
106. “you look so pretty when you're wet.” [ for smut ]
107. “please, sing me a song, love. i can't sleep.”
108. “you're doomed to be my pillow now, for the rest of my living days.”
109. “did you... cancel all your plans just to be with me???”
110. you call [character] – your life time best friend – an endearing nickname for the first time, and then they realise they're slowly falling in love with you.
111. “i think... i love you. I love you like i never loved anyone else before in my life.”
112. “has anybody ever told you how pretty your eyes are?” [ specify who says this to whom if possible ]
113. “i think it's getting hot in here.” “you think?”
114. flashing teasing winks and smiles once you find out [character] has a crush on you.
115. a relative of [character] confesses that [character] loves you because they're too shy to do so... while [character] is witnessing the moment.
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Thoughts I had during TGCF Season 1 the Recap!
Basically, I recap the First Season of TGCF with my reactions, before my Season 2 binge watch!
Ep 1
-Don’t go out there… don’t go out there… don’t go out there… don’t go out there… *Bride gets snatched* Okay, maybe you should’ve gone out there.
-Right after XL ascends, Lan Hai and Qing Tao then go, “Huh, Who is that?”  Then everybody yells at them, “PRINCE XIE LIAN!”
-So much Property Damage…
-Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!
-Fu Yao, *Is sarcastic and rolls his eyes* Basically me: He’s just like me fr!!!
-Hehehehehehe Dick joke XD
-Sees Bride!XL: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I’m Sorry XD!
-Yeah right a few alterations, she totally fixed his make up calling it.
-*Sees Bridesmaids NF and FY like* W H E E E Z E XD XD XD XD
-So that’s how he was able to last longer than the previous bride
-Pass me the Aux cord!  You better not be playing mainstream garbage! *Turns on One Flower and One Sword and vibes like there’s no tomorrow*!
-I now pronounce you both husband and husband!  You may now kiss the gro- I mean, bride!  
Ep 2
-Honey, He looks a little too good looking to be the Ghost groom
-That temple looks abandoned, and the animation camera for walking inside
-There’s the ugly mob
-Hehe Xie Lian’s aggressive kindness
-When the mob scooched away from Bride!Lian I freaking lost it XDXDXDXD
-And Nan Feng and Fu Yao inch away instead of defending him!  
W H E E Z E!
-The fact they both agreed to not explain anything XD!
-Xiao Ying is a real friend
-And hurting the injured is a real low for the mob
-They have enraged the ghost groom
-KO!  Flawless victory!
-Zombie brides!
Ep 3
-Didn’t know it a zombie apocalypse happened in Ancient Feudal China (I need to brush up on my history)
-Welp, now they’re grateful 
-Wait a minute, he was an acrobat???  Xie Lian Pre 3 ascension life spinoff when??? (That’ll prolly never happen)
-Man here comes the Bride Pun count: 3
-Now that is an Azula level breakdown
-They are not merciful with the body count in this whole series
-Woah saved by literal divine intervention
-Geez, Pei Ming this is why we don’t Ghost our Exes, Pun Count: 4
-Man, Xuan Ji, maybe you should’ve heard of the phrase, “Plenty of Fish in the sea”
-The way Xie Lian blinked when he realized he was still in the wedding dress XD!
-Restoring faith in Ming Guang
-Oh no Trauma
Ep 4
-He’s so distraught he couldn’t follow
-The telepathic matrix, is basically the world’s first discord server
-Thank you Ling Wen
-Aw he likes Hua Cheng’s name!
-That explains the fall of Xianle and the Moldy Face Plague
-Let’s be honest, Bai Wuxiang is totally responsible for Covid-19
-Woah Hua Cheng has made his mark on Heaven
-Aww he thinks the Butterflies are beautiful!
-Honestly, smart move Mu Qing and Feng Xin
-Oh she is so burnt out
-Yeah, who was the Prince of Xianle anyway?
Ep 5
-The way he blew off that maple leaf
-Oooh that subtle hinting later on and symbolism with Xie Lian
-The way he moved in closer *fangirls like no tomorrow*
-I freaking love the instrumental version of Hong Jue
-Is he touched starved?  He is touch starved
-I love that when San Lang scared the Ghosts shitless they ended up running like no tomorrow, Ghost 1: Book it guys our lives depend on it!  Ghost 2:  But we’re already dead! Ghost 1:  Well it’s just an expression!
-And there was only one bed.  Oh my gods there was only one bed!!!
-Aw he caught him staring
-I believe you Ox cart man
-Heck with how popular TGCF is right now, Xie Lian would be worshipped today by fans like us
-His luck did rub off on you and you should take it all Xie Lian
-Welp time to go start the next arc
Ep 6
-Woah, that old man is traumatized
-Of course being a martial god, he has experience in combat.  Have you seen him in a sword dual at Yinian bridge? (Subtle Phineas and Ferb quote)
-Yep called it, and the gong noise when the door opened!
-“How did we get out here in the middle of the ocean???”
-Awww look at San Lang’s emo hoodie!
-You know what’s better than one evil Daoist?  Two evil Daoists!
-And he drank the whole thing like a boss
-Now Nan Feng’s acting like an NPC from a fantasy video game
-The woman in the teal cloak saw him
-He’s touched starved again!
-Best chemistry ever!
-And after Rouye grabs San Lang and Xie Lian says, “I didn’t mean San Lang”. Rouye goes: “Really? Ok!”  And then lets him go, that’s just the hypothetical dialogue I’ve got for the silk band
Ep 7
-It’s official!  Xie Lian is shorter than San Lang people! 
-I’ve heard of a close knit unit but this is just insane!
-There’s so many people
-Ooooohhh That poor poor general
-Oh no and 4’s an unlucky number in China
-He is sucking the venom out like a G!  Get yourself a man like San Lang people!
-You know we’re all thinking what Xie Lian’s thinking about how he’s going to clean San Lang’s bloodied lips (I’ll let you share your answers in the comment section)
-And Fu Yao’s stuck with merchant sitting
-Really lovely desert travel music!
-Yeah he does know an awful lot
-Uh oh the woman in the black cloak spotted them
Ep 8
-Thank you San Lang for protecting your man like a champ!
-Ooooh cool more Ban Yue lore!
-Ooooh his poor, poor head
-And San Lang’s expression, is worried if he hurt him, but it worked!
-Yeah but our faces don’t stick out of the ground like a fresh tater!
-Aw no they’re gonna need sacrifices
-Zhao’s fight response kicked in
-Eeenie meanie meinie that kid (probably Kemo)
-“Sully not thine honor on innocent blood” That almost sounded like a bible quote…?
-Dude Xie Lian was royalty
-Trust fall!  (You’ll see next ep peeps!)
-Oh and Xie Lian’s scream!  Kind of needed more raw emotion though
Ep 9
-He’s gonna jump into the pit, he’s jumping into the pit, he jumped into the
-Xie Lian’s like: Well I am going down there, but I won’t go down alone!
-The pit’s entrance is sealed!
-Trust fall!  TRUST FALL!  
-He touched his throat!
-There’s your answer Xie Lian
-Dance fight!  Dance fight!
-You’re just gonna excuse the mass murder San Lang committed in the pit?????
-Let me just find somewhere that isn’t covered in blood
-Oh yeah you’re grateful for San Lang carrying you
-The faces they made when he called them out for jumping into the pit XD Xie Lian’s eyes are wide and blank while San Lan has a cat face! XDXDXDXDXD
-She came down!
Ep 10
-She saw Xie Lian and San Lang
-So many fallen Ban Yue soldiers
-Hi Fu Yao
-I wasn’t kidding when I said Fu Yao isn’t great at crowd control
-Thank you Fu Yao
-She’s holding his hand and he’s patting her head my freaking heart!!!! 
-Oh No! Vomit trigger warning for this episode people
-Xie Lian raised her more than her Yong’An father did (and to some extent her late mother)
-It was still a good choice after all Xie Lian
-Take it easy with the ‘Bad Cop’ routine Fu Yao
-Oh no a scorpion snake
-Well that’s bad
Ep 11
-Aiaigasa!  It’s Aiaigasa again folks AAAAAHHH!!!!
-Scorpion tailed cobras why’d they have to be Scorpion tailed Cobras?!?!?!?!?
-That explains the sandstorm
-Ooooh Pei Xiu army backstory
-Ugh Classist general
-No Ban Yue!!!!  She was so young!!! T - T
-Yeah where will Xie Lian go from here?
-Oooh Yizhen got name dropped too!
-Uncle Jiang is cured!
-And the way he’s running away from the duo XDXDXD!
-Here’s why Fu Yao left early, as they healed Uncle Jiang he contacted Nan Feng through the telepathic array and Fu Yao’s reason is:  Come on, you know how horrifying his highness’ cooking can be.  This is just my theory, and I’d love to hear your possible ones in the comments!
-And the way Hua Cheng moved in closer and just preferred to be called ‘San Lang’ my freaking heart!!!
Ep 12
-We are back in Puqi village folks
-I freaking love how Xie Lian says ‘The Crimson Rain Sought Flower’ Howard Wang’s voice could act as my new sleeping aid
-Oh yeah San Lang does treasure you dude
-Ban Yue deserves all the head pats!!!!
-Ban Yue, I think you should keep living despite all the mistakes you’ve made… other than that I also don’t know the answer like Xie Lian
-Aww Xie Lian will love him no matter if he’s hideous or a monster he really does have the best standards!
-Awwww He’s hot when he’s mad!
-Another Reason why Hualian works so well is that San Lang also Respects!  Xie Lian’s!  Boundaries (Yep still not getting involved with the Helluva Boss drama folks)
-It’s official!  That looks like an engagement ring people!
-Dude pass me the Aux cord!  Ya better not be playing mainstream garbage *Puts on Hong Jue at full blast and vibes like no tomorrow!*
-It’s like they’re running towards each other AAAAAHHH!!!
-Welp, see you guys later for Season 2!
Season 2! Here I come!!!!
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remwrites · 1 year
rem's scarian rec list
i felt like compiling my absolute favourite scarian fics. enjoy.
always check tags before reading!!! there's a big mix of fics here
in no particular order:
Ashes by Raichett
Grian's still soul-linked to Scar, even after their return from Double Life. He's not dealing with it particularly healthily, but after three death games, who would be in the best frame of mind?
(so beside myself with the implications of grian still being bound to scar after double life HO HO BOY... plus scar's agony at unknowingly hurting grian WOOF LOVE IT)
one word from you and i would jump off of this ledge i'm on by wizardlover
Grian and Scar deal with some of the fallout from Last Life.
(HRGERKGRKGERK this fic hurts so good. and the resolution is SO satisfying i've reread it like twenty times. and such fuckin good character voices too the dialogue is SMOOTH)
HCBBS (Hermitcraft Big Ballroom Scene) by romanocheese
Grian holds a ball to celebrate the finishing of the mansion. Scar appears in rather unexpected attire.
(SCAR IN A DRESS SCAR IN A DRESS SCAR IN A DRESS!!!! one of my first brainrot fics. adored showstopping amazing)
Beloved by spilledstardust
Scar has never played this game with the intention to win.
(this gut punch fic omg waaaaa the concept the execution i love)
a hundred kisses (then you start again) by backyardwizard
Grian and Scar spend the night together after finding out they're soulmates.
(this one always makes me feel shrimp emotions. the dialogue. the LOVE. GUUGRHHUH)
i am fed, but still i starve by definitelynotshouting
Another flash of teeth, dyed red in the light spilling through Grian's feathers. "The 'Not A Resistance' Resistance," he says, low and teasing, "would like to cordially invite you to kiss me stupid." 
(HOT HOT HOT super well written the kiss is phenomenal the character voices kill me and i love this fic so much im gonna lay down in the road)
get me with those green eyes, baby by Anonymous
Another "soulmates share more than just pain" smutfic to add to the collective pile - now with preening!
(gurgles incoherently. this one gets me. im such a damn sucker for good dialogue and this one nails it along with the bonus of soulbonds AND preening? im in heaven)
yours were the arms (that the whole world was in) by sparxwrites
He’s even less surprised when Grian returns that evening, looking furtive and ashamed, and guiding a golden-eyed Scar by the hand through the still-rigged front gate.
(sneaks a lil mumscarian in here. listen. i think abt this one often bc of the very in depth character understanding and relationship dynamics. mmmmmm so good)
if you like it... by GoodTimesWithScar
or, the "you got so drunk you asked your husband if he was single" trope, but with added mumbo being 100% done with this nonsense.
(how could i not. this fic is so fluffy and amazing and made me laugh so hard)
my ever after / is holding you by LovesickPrince
someone decides kidnapping King Scar’s beloved servant was a good idea. It really wasn’t.
(i think abt this fic at least once a daily. you've probably read it but if you haven't do yourself a favour and do. these IDIOTS i love them so much they're so well done)
This isn't a Love Story by Sleepless_in_Southlands
Grian is a priest of Fate, willing to sacrifice everything to ensure Scar, destined to be his final victim in the arena, doesn't fall in love with him along the way. Unfortunately for him, Scar seems intent on doing just the opposite.
(i talk abt this fic CONSTANTLY literally so bonkers over it i love it im obsessed it's perfect. i love this dynamic this concept this everything. absolute top tier no joke)
pull me from the earth by Niamh (saturniidaemon)
a midnight meeting, flowers, and the complicated nature of love.
(y'all like pain? bc this is fucking pain. literally just beyond wild over this. tread carefully)
wait the worst is yet to come by glossyblue
Grian bounces on the balls of his feet, delighted. “Okay. Okay, okay, so. You need to know how it works, then, don’t you? Kiss me.”
(just found this recently and it has not left the microwave of my brain. last life scar hurts so bad. everything in this fic hurts so bad. i love it)
the synonym of companion by errorryx
(i love playing with words this fic does it so so so well omg. wonderful)
cheers everyone!!! xox rem
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eroticdelusions · 2 years
𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 ˢ - 𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤
Tumblr media
Warnings: smut, dom!reader, sub!narcissa
You kissed her back, grasped her waist, and pushed her even further up the wall. Your hand went up and down her body to her pelvis, teasing her. Your lips proceeded to her jawline, making sure you didn't miss anything. You then began to kiss and sucking your way down her neck to her sweet spot. Her mouth made a little sound, barely loud enough for you to hear.
You smiled as you went up and kissed her again, then pushed her dark green dress down her body, exposing herself completely. She wasn't wearing anything underneath. With her black velvet heels, she quickly kicked it away. You tutted, "Naughty girl, just begging to be touched, hm?"
When you looked up at her, her dark eyes were already fixed on you. You knew what she wanted: to be fucked like the desperate whore she was.
You quickly fastened your lips onto her nipple, causing her to gasp. You swirled your tongue around it, then lifted your left hand to take the other one into your fingers.
You discarded both and returned to her pelvis, teasing her. "Please..." she whimpered as she looked down at you. "And what would you like me to do, flower?" you chuckled against her skin, making her shudder.
Her cheeks flushed even as she thought about what she wanted you to do to her. "Touch me, plea-" 
You cut her off, which irritated her greatly. "Hmm, do I really want to do that?" Or do I want to see you squirm?"
She frowned, unsure what to say. But you couldn't say no to this little beauty, so you waited for her to respond. "Please, baby," she whispered as you stepped back up to kiss her.
Because of the nickname, you reddened. Your hand trailed its way down Narcissa's breasts and abdomen, then halted between the older woman's thighs, pushing against her smooth, delicate little cunt, causing a quiet moan from the older woman.
You ran your fingers along her slit, slightly brushing her sensitive spot. A whimper filled the room, turning you on even more. As your fingers circled her clit, your tongue crept into her lips.
"Please," she sobbed, attempting to remain silent, "use your fingers-" You complied by shoving two fingers into her already-soaked cunt. However, you didn't move them. "Merlin, Cissa, you're tight." In response, she groaned and jerked forward into you.
"Such pretty noises," you purred, sinking your head to latch your lips onto Narcissa's delicate neck, causing Narcissa to cry and clutch your waist with her hands. Her hands were so tight around your waist that her knuckles had turned white, and you had hardly started. 
"Such a gorgeous girl," you hummed against Narcissa's soft skin. "What a pretty little body. Look how it moves for me." Narcissa was so overcome with pleasure that she couldn't respond.
"So wet," you commented, almost mockingly. "Does your husband even touch you? Cissy, you're starving." Your teeth nibbled at Narcissa's neck, causing her to gasp shallowly and tilt her head back even further. "That man is an idiot. He had you in his bed every night and never touched you?" You made a smirk.
"He never spread your pretty little body across his bed, took you hard and stretched your tiny hole?"
Narcissa shook her head, out of breath. "N-no," she wept. "He never touched me..." 
You muttered something. "What a fool." You continued to suck and kiss her neck.
"Please move them," she whimpered, indicating to your fingers within her. Your skilful fingers circled Narcissa's clit until the older woman was gasping and writhing, pushing her hips up to seek more, and then abruptly, without warning or saying anything, your two fingers pounded in and out of Narcissa's cunt, prompting a little scream from the woman.
"You truly are starved," you remarked once again, repeatedly plunging your fingers into Narcissa's tight heat until she was almost weeping sliding slowly down the wall. "And tight. You can't even take a good fucking without crying."
As you caught her with your free hand, you grabbed her thigh, touching her ass. You looked at her deep brown eyes. Though her tears didn't fall, they welled up somewhat till her eyes gleamed with them as she struggled to process the incredible pleasure she wasn't used to the feeling, her body demanding for more.
She placed her arms around your neck for support, burying her head there as well. As she bit at your neck, her beautiful moans and screams were almost muffled.
You could hear yourself fucking her. The wet sounds from your fingers thrusting in and out of her, her soft moans filled the room. Her head falls back when you add a third finger, stretching out her tight walls.
When you noticed that she was looking away from you, your motions came to a complete halt. "I want to see your gorgeous little face when I have you cumming all over my fingers as I fuck you. Is that clear?"
"Y-yes! Please don't stop—" When you resume your motions, she is cut off. Your fingers return to her clit, pushing more more firmly.
This time she screams out loud, and her legs tremble violently. Your gaze rises to her hot face, her lips wide and her eyes rolling, her bared, exquisite chest rising and falling so forcefully that her breasts practically bounce. Her legs totally give out, and you can see she's only minutes from from coming undone.
"Y/n, just like that!" She whimpers as your motions get more intense.
She gives out a loud sob as her inner muscles tighten around you almost excruciatingly tightly. Her body trembles from head to toe, her little body sliding down the wall as her muscles fail and she is unable to stand on her own.
You lower her down inch by inch, continuously hammering her with your fingers and circling her clitoris while she grips you tighter and tighter, whimpers following her convulsions.  "Let it all out, Princess. Show me how much of a good girl you are and cum all over my fingers."
"F-f-uuuuck," she shrieks as she plunges headfirst into an earth-shattering climax. Her facial expression was enough to get you off right there. A warm liquid coats your fingertips, and you watch it fall to the floor, almost fascinated.
You unhook your thumb from her intimate centre and lower your knee beneath her as she collapses the rest of the way down the wall. You take care not to let her frail and defenceless body fall exposed on the floor.
Her trembling thighs clamp around yours as your fingers assist her through the last of her climax. She bucks a bit, her sweaty face buried against your neck and her fists balled into your chest, clenched around what she can get hold of of your bra, which is drooping over your shoulders.
She was gasping for air. When she appears to become too sensitive to the continued simulations, with a faint wince flashing across her face and through her hips, you withdraw your fingers completely and instead circle your arms around her curled body to pull her more snugly against you as you soothe circles into her shoulders with one thumb.
She continues to carefully rub herself on your leg, and you can feel your skin getting moist with her cum. She lets out one more little sob of ecstasy before fully stilling, lovingly nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck. You can't stop the adoring smile from spreading over your face as you embrace her still-shivering body.
She raises her head to look at you after a while. "Thank you," she says. "For what, flower?" you ask, perplexed. 
She doesn't respond, instead, snuggles back into your neck. You sigh and smile to yourself,
"Come on Cissa, let's get you cleaned up.”
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rengokuswif3 · 1 year
Meet Me When the Sun Meets the Earth (Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader)
A/N: This is a prompt I came up with long overdue, so here is some angst to fluff! I kind of hate it and it’s shorter than I wanted it to be, but yeah it is missing the Flame Husband hours-
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The sunlight always soothed you, it felt like a warm blanket keeping you safe, and it reminded you of your dear husband. Bright, warm, and safe. His hugs felt like sitting outside on a summers day, being enveloped in the comforting rays of the sunlight.
You sat in the beautiful gardens of the Demon Slayer Headquarters, enjoying the serene spring air as you waited for your husband to be finished with his meeting. The meetings usually lasted for some time, but you were prepared to wait as long as it took. After all, he had promised a nice, romantic dinner once he was done. So to pass the time, you admired the gardens that no doubt the Ubuyashiki girls tended to in their free time. Bushes of colorful flowers and trees of hanging wisteria swayed in the breeze, filling the air with their sweet fragrances. Kasugai crows flew above you, delivering messages to and for their masters. You found a bench further into the gardens, sitting on it to bask in the beautiful setting. A couple hours passed, occupying your time with reading and tending to some plants yourself.
“My love!”
You turned when you heard the boisterous voice of Kyojuro Rengoku, the highly respected Flame Hashira of the Demon Slayer core. He strutted over to you with such confidence in each step, as if he were on top of the world. He flashed a bright smile at you when you looked up from some bright colored flowers. You picked a bright orange lily, standing up to tuck it into his hair behind his ear.
“Stopping to smell the flowers, I see?” He teased, touching the lily with his fingertips as he grinned at you.
“Well I had to occupy myself somehow.” You beamed up at him, standing up on your toes to kiss him on his cheekbone. His eyes softened from their usual intense stare, as he leaned down to give you a sweet kiss on the lips. “So how did the meeting go?” You asked once you pulled away, holding his arm that he held out for you as he began to walk you out of the gardens.
“It went splendid! A young new slayer managed to knock Shinazugawa down a peg, even! It was very amusing!” He shouted in his loud voice now, rather than the soft one he used for you and your private conversations. “Ha ha! He even got physically knocked down!”
“Impressive!” Your eyes widened, but you couldn’t help but giggle at the idea of the grumpy Hashira falling on his ass and getting angry from the embarrassment. “I hope that slayer goes on to do great things.”
“I’m sure he will!” He nodded, leaving it at that. “Now, how about that dinner that I promised you, my Y/N?”
“Please, I’m starving.” You nearly drooled, making Kyojuro laugh.
Your heart dropped when his Kasugai crow flew down to the both of you, hovering to tell Kyojuro that he was needed on a mission. You eyes widened when the crow said there was most likely an Upper Moon demon killing people off on a train. He listened carefully to the instructions, before nodding his head. He sighed as the crow flew away, leaving you with a heart filled with dread.
“Kyojuro, please don’t go! You just got here!” You looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“Y/N, you know I have to.” He said calmly, trying not to upset you further.
“But you promised-“
“I also promised to keep people safe and go when and where I am needed.”
“You’re needed here.” You grabbed his hand and held it to your chest, right above your heart. You desperately tried every excuse you could think of to keep him with you. “Please, we haven’t had a meal together in months now!”
“My love, please.” He said softly as he took his hand from your grip and used it to cup your face gently. His thumb rubbed your cheek, causing you to lean into his touch. “One day, we shall have every meal together. But for now, you know I use go help.”
“Kyojuro, the crow said it was an Upper Rank! What if…What if-“
“Y/N L/N.” He said seriously, before kneeling down before you. “I promise to return to you. No matter the cost. I promise that we shall have that dinner together as soon as I return. Do not worry, I will not leave you so soon.”
Your lip shook as you tried not to let ay tears fall. He hadn’t fought an Upper Moon before, only Lower Ones. You knew he was a strong, courageous and a capable swordsman, but that didn’t ease your mind. Not one bit.
“…Fine. But if you don’t come back, Kyojuro Rengoku, I swear…” You trailed off, a teat slipping past and falling down your cheek. Kyojuro held your hand with both of his, kissing your knuckles before rising to his feet to kiss the tear off your face.
“I will be back. No more than 5 days time. I promise you.” He assured you, voice filled with seriousness and genuine love. “Do you trust me, my Y/N?”
“I…I do.” You nodded, wanting to believe him. But something in your gut told you otherwise.
“Rengoku? Heading out for a mission now?” You both turned. When you heard the cheery voice of the Insect Pillar, Shinobu Kocho.
“Yes!” Rengoku replied in his shouting, confident voice.
“Could it be the Twelve Kizuki?” She asked.
“Most likely! It might even be one of the Upper Ranks!” Rengoku crossed his arms proudly over his chest.
“It sounds like a difficult mission,” she said, noticing your beautiful, normally cheerful features were now filled with sorrow. “But as long as you’re going, Rengoku, there’s nothing to worry about!”
“Yes!” He turned to leave, a hand going to hold your face tenderly. “Meet me when the sun meets the Earth, my love.”
“I will, Kyojuro.” You promised, holding his hand tightly as he walked away, eventually letting go as he left you.
You stood with Shinobu as you watched your husband walk away, until he was out of your sight, off to the Mugen Train.
“Goodbye, my love.”
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redfurrycat · 8 months
Hey! Have you made a master list of Ice being Jake’s dad? (I absolutely love, appreciate and frequently use your master lists)
Just as I’m writing the Ron is Jake’s dad au I’ve been trying to read all the Ice is Jake’s dad and I’m sure I’m missing some??
Hey Mac! 😊
This is slightly different than how I usually do rec lists. In this case, I searched through the Top Gun (Movies) fics tagged as Tom "Iceman" Kazansky & Jake "Hangman" Seresin and then proceeded with the collecting of all fics mentioning any paternal-filial bond between the two, regardless of the pairings.
Meaning I don't think I know most of them, but I hope you can find stuff to read nonetheless.
(I'll probably -absolutely- do a Hangster & Icepops-Hangson recs list though, at some point in the future! 😊)
I invite anyone to add fics fitting the request if you have more! 💖
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The Hangman's Guide to Winning Over Your Disapproving Admiral-In-Law – Part 1 – 2 – 3 (@amostexcellentblog)
Also see these:
nonbinary-jakeseresin post
weewoobrainrot post
whohasthecards post
AO3 Fics
(All have Jake as Ice's biological or adopted son, unless mentioned otherwise.)
See You Again by sleeping_maple {T}
Just when Hangman thinks that the day can't get any worse, he finds out that his father died. His father, Admiral Tom "Iceman" Kazansky. And he doesn't take it well. Luckily, Sarah Kazansky and Maverick are there to help.
Mini Man by SpringPetunia {T}
Hangman is Iceman's son. He never tells anyone anymore because of how they always react. But his dad is coming for a visit
Golden Boy by Earthangel_44 {E}
“Say it.” Jake says smiling. His face is so close to Bradley’s that Bradley has to duck his chin to look at him. “You’re a bird, Jake.” Bradley replies and Jake beams. “I already have the wings.” Jake says happily as he presses short quick kisses to Bradley’s lips. Bradley smiles and Jake kisses that too. “Now say you’re a bird.” Bradley laughs and he smiles until his eyes crinkle. “Well if you’re a bird, I’m a bird.” A Notebook AU because Glen Powell ships Hangster
Touch Starved by LeonDesdichard {M}
(Ice acting like a dad)
Jake shows up at Ice and Mav's house and he's completely out of it because he's sick and Maverick and Bradley are out of the house so it ends up being Ice who is the one that is taking care of Jake. Jake is completely out of it because he's feverish and he's really touch starved which has Ice angry for a ton of different reasons.
Military Amalgamate by rem_png {G}
(Icemav’s son)
Back in the 80s, the government wanted to make a new generation of super pilots. So, they turned to science and mixed the DNA of their best fighter pilots. None of the pilots knew about this project. Fast forward to 2020 and the truth comes out, rattling many families.
Take me home by Target_rich_environment {G}
Jake takes Bob home after the bird strike
IcePops and HangSon Series by UFOxMulder {T}{E}
Hangman snippets Series by Fantasy2739 {T}
Even worse idea! by LemonsAndSugarMakeLemonade {T}
(Ice acting like a dad)
“Bradley, Ice just texted me to come to “hang out”, is this a threat?” “Jake you’ve known him for almost five years now, it is definitely just Ice wanting you to do some work around the house.” “Okay but-” “Baby, this exact conversation happened last week, you know Ice is so different at home than he is at work.” “But is he?” “Jake, please,” “Okay yeah, I’ll go over.”
Midnight Hour Mixtape by Bubblegumchaos {T}
Hangman runs; he always been much too good at that sort of thing. Jake would give anything to find his father except his clues are half a dozen letters in a shoebox and his late mother's drunken rambles of a man who wasn't her husband.
I don't know how to change a tyre by blazingstar29 {G}
(Son-Fatherly Feels)
Jake gives his first father's day at 30.
Top Gun: Kazansky Twins by Tazlady691 {T}
A cannon divergence AU: The story of a pair of twins and their life up to 2023
The Mitchell-Kazanskys Series by WhisperingNights {T}{M}
Flowers for my grave by TheReadingWriter {T}
When a study on the genetics of Hanahaki disease brings forth the revelation that Jake "Hangman" Seresin is in fact Tom "Iceman" Kazansky's son, their lives take a dramatic turn, as they for the first time in their lives have someone to other than the ones who cursed them to live for. Their times are both running out, but they will be damned if they will let the other die without at least trying to save them. When the mission of a lifetime arrives, one thing is certain: It will either mean happiness for the rest of their lives, or certain death before the year has passed. How far will they go to protect the secret they know will kill them?
A Choice by Ren_Anders {_}
(Son-Fatherly Feels)
After everything, when everything is suppose to be smooth sailing, Jake gets a call. His dad has just died. But it doesn’t matter, right? He was an asshole and he refuses to give him his grief. OR Ice and Jake have a heart to heart about shitty dads and how to overcome their deaths
Family Ties by CryoCait {_}
Jake knows what policies there are in place to avoid familial conflict of interest, he's lived it for years. He knows how sacred those policies are to keeping his family sane. So logically it follows that he understands how dangerous this mission must be for the Navy to look aside and allow the entire Mitchell-Kazansky family to be a part of it. Now he just needed to make sure they all made it home in one piece. Or Jake is a Kazansky just as much as Bradley is a Mitchell, and Mav never pulled Bradley's papers. Now, the close-knit but under the radar family all must work together for the first time during the Uranium Plant mission and keep their relationships to each other under wraps while trying to make sure everyone survives this suicide mission.
Bikes and Bruises by WhisperingNights {M}
(Icemav’s son)
"You aren’t taking one of my bikes to the HR Drag Strip, Jacob, end of story,” Mav responded, crossing his arms over his chest. “I won’t be racing, it's just a show,” Jake protested. Mav snorted “Yeah, right.” “I won’t! The show starts at 9-” “How many times are you going to make me say no, son?” Mav asked.
Heartbeats & Bird Nests Series by SamHeartfilia {T}{E}
Two Men and a Baby by multifangirl11 {_}
(Mav’s son & Icemav)
Jake is Pete's son, Tom is a good friend who hopes to become more.
Keeping Dreams Alive, 1999 Hero's (I Ain't Worried Right Now) by Luxu1230 {_}
(Icemav’s son)
Jake "Hangman" Seresin is the biological son of Pete "Maverick" Mitchell and Tom "Iceman" Kazasky but was kidnapped not that long after being born all he has of them is a small f-14 Tomcat silver necklace which he keeps hidden. He knows his "parents" are his real "Parents" though they don't exactly know that but when he overhears a certain conversation between three people he starts suspecting of who his true parents maybe and from the sounds of it they definitely didn't abandon him.
Been searching for a(n Ice)man by crowstakeflight {G}
Jake did not really look like either of his parents. Sure, he could see some of his mom in his features when he looked in the mirror, but the majority of them are from someone he’s never seen before. It didn’t take much to bring the question up to his parents and they answered honestly. Or, Jake's biological father is Iceman and this is what happens after he finds out.
Living after midnight, loving 'til the morning, then I'm gone. by WaffleToaster {E}
Nobody thought their actions back in the winter of '85 and beyond would end up having these consequences. A story woven from past mistakes, indecisions and loss that eventually helped shape his world and upbringing. But despite all the hardships one thing was for certain, Jake Seresin was destined to fly and he knew the Navy was where he belonged. A slightly altered kind of retelling that includes Jake 'Hangman' Seresin being Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky’s lost son, a story about revelations, love, loss, friendship and most importantly family. Where two rivals find out they may not be so different from one another and their journey to understanding, unity, serenity and eventually love. First by hating, then by loving and finally understanding and helping one another find a place they both deserve. Just not in the same order.
A Kazansky Redemption by WhisperingNights {E}
This is a Kazansky love story. Can one win back the love of their life? Can the other find love in a storm of hate? **** “Sarah, that’s been over for 26 years, besides your my wife, remember? It wouldn’t be good to go tell a man I love him now would it?” Ice grinning playfully at her. She gave a small laugh that quickly turned into a cough, causing him to lean toward her in concern. “I’m alright, I’m alright, sit down,” she rasped, waving him off, then she looked at him “I love you Tom, but we both know our love was foraged in partnership nothing else. We did what was necessary for the safety of ourselves and your career. But it’s 2017, it's easier now. Sexuality rights are better, people are more open. I’ll never get to have a wife, but you Tom, you deserve to have a husband.” ***** Jake’s eyes landed on a figure in an awful Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses. His irritation instantly grew, the universe really must hate him.
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