#aria basses
heidismagblog · 6 months
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opera-ghosts · 2 months
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A performance of Gounod Opera „Faust“ at The Metropolitan Opera 1893.
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shredsandpatches · 28 days
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I realize it's very silly to expect any sort of nuanced commentary from one-sentence context summaries of individual operatic arias, but also: this sort of description shows up a lot for this specific aria and I think it's very off, tonally. It's not so much an expression of "hatred" as...affectionate contempt, I guess? The world sucks and people suck and I love that for them, and also, more importantly, for me. (Hear that, squishy human whom I dragged along to this party? I OWN YOUR ASS)
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a-tired-bass · 7 months
Hey look, it's me!
I finally got around to uploading these. Here's the first of 3 that made the cut on that recording day, although the perfectionist in me still picks at the flaws
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guitar-ijiri-house · 9 months
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en-tran-c · 1 year
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operatic-music · 9 months
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🎶 Welcome to Operatic 🎶 A community for classical music and opera lovers to enjoy and share our passion together, looking to bring this beautiful world closer to a younger audience and give new life and interpretations to so many timeless musical pieces that have been composed along centuries of musical and artistic development. Make sure to follow us along these journey and share with your friends!
We can't wait to start sharing great content with you and hear from your opinions, perspectives and experiences about the infinite possibilities of musical experience. Everyone of us have great stories to tell and we're thrilled to start building this platform from emotions, whether ecsatic or tranquil, to share our love and memories around the legacy of past and present composers.
Stay tuned and feel free to like and comment all about your thoughts on these masterpieces, and also share them with your friends, as we go along this journey together. We can't wait to hear from you and "buon ascolto"!
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john-taylor-daily · 2 years
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vetinarihavelock · 1 year
Me: Okay I need to branch the fuck out. I just heard this wicked bass aria for this obscure Rachmaninoff opera, I wanna hear more of this good shit now.
youtube: [puts a Dmitri Hvorostovsky performance as the first result]
Me: [emotional REEEEEEE-ing] I CAN'T ESCAPE
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aria-ashryver · 4 months
so if snow in crimson is the end of the story right, whats starlight in gold
oh the evil grin this ask gave me slkfjsljf 😈😈😈
short answer? there's a reason I'm doing so much worldbuilding, and it ties to an original plot arc! long answer..?
(I'd say "spoilers under the cut" but its all stuff you've read before 👀)
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 Oh! Speaking of meddlesome, old folks — your great-aunt Morag called while you were out tonight.’ ‘Tonight? Wouldn’t it have been the middle of the night for her?’ ‘Mmm. God, it must have been about 2am in Rannoch!’ Terri shook her head in derision. ‘She said, and I quote, she’d “been gifted a prophetic dream by the great Rannoch rowan tree” and it was crucial I pass it on to you.’
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CH 3 - Our Future is Written in Ink
A sea of silver on black. A void of dying stars. A heaviness that crushed the senses in every direction. Beyond that, nothingness. Luca was pulled and stretched until they were thousands of miles from their body, hung, suspended in that witch-dark emptiness, devoid of all sense save for the acrid bite of blood on their tongue. Letting go, Luca saw.
‘That’s got to be the origin of the Autumn Festival!’ Gabriel noticed their fingers kept tracing the pages over and over again, skimming the passage about “tending to the trees” where it scrolled the page in looping, black-green ink.
CH 5 - All It Takes is a Leap Of Faith
He squeezed his eyes shut against the rolling wave of black and silver that blotted out the edges of his vision. Then suddenly, the darkness consumed him entirely, and Luca was suspended for a moment in a waking dream.
CH 8 - Some Things I Can Never Forget
Luca thought it was going to be one of those nights again. The ones where, no matter how hard he tried, sleep eluded him. As it was, the void of dying stars came upon him almost the very moment he closed his eyes, that eerie nothingness; as if it wanted him to see, to know, to understand. Surrendering to the wave of fatigue pulling him under, Luca fell headlong into the witch-dark.
'So, “O’Rinn” means “descendant of the stars”, right?'
'Just casually mention this in front of my great-aunt Morag and she’ll go on a whole spiel about how the O’Rinns are “descended from a great, ancient line of powerful witches'' or whatever.’
‘So, what does Luca mean?’ Gabriel asked. ‘Bringer of light,’ Luca said, with a jaunty little bow, ‘Luca O’Rinn, at your service.’
CH 10 - You Were My Haven
As if in a trance, Luca moved closer, until their hands pressed against the bark of the thick trunk. It felt warm beneath their palms, coursing with age and memory. ‘Would you like to make a wish?’
‘Life,’ Luca whispered, tracing the words with the pads of their fingers. ‘An invocation of protection.’
Luca strung up their paper wish from the tree.
CH 12 - Listen Closely Now
'She said, and I quote, she’d “been gifted a prophetic dream by the great Rannoch rowan tree”.'
Snow writ in crimson by ancients grown cold Who bleed out the life from the broken and bold Transmuted and woken, this bloodline of old Snow writ in crimson bears starlight in gold
CH 27 - Eomma
‘I think if I wasn’t so terrified, I’d be fascinated by it all; the heightened senses, the speed, the premonitions…’ Cas and Luca exchanged a significant glance. ‘The what now?’ Luca asked. ‘Premonitions?’ Terri frowned in confusion. ‘You know — the vampire blood sort of took our good old “O’Rinn gut instinct” and dialled it up to eleven.’
CH 29 - Those Left Behind
In the bare half-second before he bared his fangs, the elder vampire’s irises shifted. No longer silver. Gold. Rich. Like beaten metal. Like ancient coins, resting in the eye sockets of a long-dead corpse. They glowed from within, the power around him suddenly amplified a thousandfold, like his skin might tear from the very effort of containing it all within his earthly form. ‘Oh my god,’ Gabriel whispered, horrified. ‘What is he?’
CH 34 - Sink Your Teeth In, Pt 1
 ‘I remember there being nine… something about nine — all the Creators and their direct descendants were connected, somehow.'
‘What about O’Rinn? Didn’t you say you’d assessed them for gift potential, Astoria?’ ‘Somnio.’ 'That can’t be right. The somnio bloodline has long grown dormant — there have been no dreamers for centuries.’
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reveriesofawriter · 8 months
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you can close the poll the answers are obviously clear 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
hmmm sounds like something calum's hands would say 🤔
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chasedbybuildings · 1 year
Playing a game, with the rules that you've set...
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opera-ghosts · 28 days
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A antique program from April 1901 at the Boston Theatre.
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
okay i might abandon watching the rest of this production cause nearly everything about it has either confused or irritated me so far.
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a-tired-bass · 7 months
Time for something a little bassier!
O Isis und Osiris from Die Zauberflote
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requinoesis · 9 months
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The retro shark gang!✨
Finished artwork of this adorable trio who appeared to me at a time when I needed peace! In the future I will make more of their world.
I was exploring ideas of shark characters for my secret stories. This time I had the inspiration to make an teen indie band from to enrich a retro worldbuilding of sharks that I created!🦈🎶
🎤- Aria Marinsoul is a Zebra Shark, she would be the lead singer. 🎹- Tyson Stripes is a Tiger Shark, he plays a synthesizer. 🎸- Rocky Malletfin is a Great Hammerhead Shark, he plays a bass guitar.
I feel that sometimes these characters “manifest” to cherish me in times of turbulence. I like it a lot, it brings me a lot of peace. And their characteristics are a very deep reflection of my subconscious, such as:
🌙 - Rocky is mysterious, he likes esoteric things and attracted to the occult, he seems like a bad guy but he has a good heart because despite his big body he has a soft and melodic voice. He has several lunar symbols on him like a moon phases symbol on his shirt, tattoo of crashing waves, stars and a misty moon. If I were to give him a sign, it would be a mix of Scorpio and Pisces. The name 'Rocky' is a nickname given by Tyson, he is actually called Robert!
☀️ - Tyson is quite fearless and courageous but under an aura of sensitivity and calm, attracted by geek things and video games. Sometimes he is very distracted and intense. The symbol on his blouse is a mixture of the zoadical signs of Aquarius and Cancer, which would be the sign mixture that would give him. Rocky sometimes nicknames him Tiger!
⭐- Aria is introverted and quiet, but she is optimistic, inspiring and full of passions, sometimes she creates a lot of expectations and is very frustrated when not achieved. She is a guiding star symbol who inspires her two colleagues to persevere in their dreams. I imagine her being a cross between a lion and cancer signs.
There are more secrets I thought about them, but I will share at another time.
🇧🇷Para nós brasileiros, eles tem nomes diferentes!
⭐O Grande tubarão martelo se chama Roberto Marreto! ⭐O Tubarão Tigre se chama Tiago Tigrado! ⭐Enquanto a pequena tubarão zebra, chama-se Arielle Almarina!
A cidade em que vivem fica em algum lugar onde milhões de anos atrás existia o litoral brasileiro, provavelmente a Bahia.
Ainda não pensei em um nome nem em inglês e nem brasileirado para a banda deles. Apenas cheguei a pensar que o primeiro álbum musical deles chamaria-se "Verão em Tons Pásteis"🏝️🎶
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