#ariel waldman
airlocksandaviaries · 5 months
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(Book: Out There by Ariel Waldman)
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Halloweenathon :The Famous Adventures of Mr Magoo Doctor Frankenstein
Today we shall look at a cartoon episode starring the lovable Mr Magoo...In a rather dark tale,so spoilers cause I gotta talk bout the ending
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So the premise of the show as a whole is Magoo (Jim Backus ) is a famous actor who takes on many classic roles,in this particular 1965 episode he takes on the role Doctor FRankenstein ,the man who dared play God
Now this is gonna sound weird .....But this is one of the most interesting takes on the Frankenstein story I have seen.Now I wanna stress this,this is less classic shorts Magoo and more Christmas Carol Magoo ,as in NOT A COMEDY ,like there are a few jokes early on but I am actually shocked they allowed this episode to get as dark as it does
This is a VERY loose telling of the tale (Only characters from the book ar Frankenstein ,the Monster ,the Captain and Doctor Waldman so no Elizabeth,Justine,Clerval ,Blind man or William ) but I think it captures the core and elements from the book like Victor chasing the monster only to be picked up by a captain ,the monster being intelligent ,the monster wanting more of his kind ....and interestingly,sort of the Monster himself
Before I get to the monster lets talk about Doctor Frankenstein.Magoos Frankenstein is an obsessive unaware of the consequences of his actions.He does not abandon the monster but he does not nurture it and simply expects it to do what its told ,near the end he is a man seeking redemption to stop the monsters scheme,even if it will cost him his life.Also props to Jim Backus,magnificent actor
I am gonna be honest this is one of the best Frankenstein monsters in he is a mixture of the brutish pop culture monster and the monster of the book....Including the fact....He IS a villain ,just a sympathetic one .Appearence wise he is unique while still being a bit Karloffish ,but like the book he is very intelligent and turns to villainy after encountering the cruelity of man ,and like the book he wishes to make mnore like him.He is MORE evil then his book counterpart whos evil deeds tend to be out of vengence,while here he straight up wants to create a race of monsters toconquer humanity and takes pleasure in killing
Oh yeah remember when I said this was darker then I expected ? The big thing is....People die .The monster gleefully wrecks a train.....but umm the most unexpected dark moment....MR MAGOO FLIPPING DIES .Yeah at the end of the episode,FRankenstein sabotages the Monsters lab blowing the monster and himself up .On one hand its a mature and good way to end the story ....On the other hand its just so unexpected to see this beloved cartoon character DIE IN A FIREY EXPLOSION .I think the only reason they got away with it was "WEll Magoo is playing a character "
This is a great telling of Frankenstein and if you like the Mr Magoo Christmas Carol you might like this as well
@ariel-seagull-wings @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz @filmcityworld1 @themousefromfantasyland @amalthea9 @princesssarisa
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thoughtportal · 3 months
Inspired by The Super Mario Bros Movie, we're talking about a humble class of heroes whose lives are devoted to infrastructure maintenance and repair. There are heating engineer rogues and space janitors and, of course, plumbers. Later in the episode we’ll head down to Antarctica, where our guest Ariel Waldman spent her summer vacation studying the environment and the tiny creatures who live there – including tardigrades, the world’s greatest microscopic animals! 
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ricmlm · 8 months
Out There: The Science Behind Sci-Fi Film and TV, ft. author Ariel Waldman
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gish · 3 years
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Hey weirdos, are you ready to hack into some super strange science with us?
Join us with Ariel Waldman, director, principal investigator, & chair of the council for NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Innovative Advanced Concepts program & global director of Science Hack day!
BOLDLY GO WHERE NO ONE HAS GONE BEFORE... JOIN THE HUNT! https://www.gish.com/our-2021-august-hunt-guests/
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Looking For Some Non-Fiction Kindles?
Looking For Some Non-Fiction Kindles?
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I was scrolling through my emails today and found something interesting to post on my blog today! Before I started reading non-fiction, I thought it would all read like a textbook. But then I realized that I didn’t have to confine myself to one book genre, like I didn’t have to listen to one specific genre of music.
That was the day my love for non-fiction books was born. Since then I’ve been…
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jv-club · 7 years
Episode 227: Ariel Waldman!
Join Janet and the lovely Ariel Waldman for another exciting episode of the JV Club! You can listen to the podcast here!
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dreadforks · 7 years
How Do We Talk to Robots in Outer Space?
Ariel Waldman has launched a YouTube channel to talk about space: 
Ariel’s Spacetime
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startorialist · 7 years
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AAS229 Sunday Selfie Storm, C’est Fini.
Day 4 OOTD: Polka Probes tee by Ariel Waldman (via @redbubble - doesn’t seem to be available at the moment, but you can get it as a skirt or leggings still), Mars rover earrings by GeekStar Costuming (purchased at GeekGirlCon), Pale Blue Dot necklace courtesy of Astronobeads.
- Summer
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ashtrayfloors · 2 years
excerpts from “Some Notes on the Origin of the (Term) Gurlesque”
The Gurlesque was born between about 1960 and 1982 (it was a long labor) (these are the years generally considered, by the way, the birth of Generation X) in Burma and Ohio and Korea and New York and Olympia, WA and other places. Her ancestor was Ophelia, running around singing spooky songs with her hair all drippy. Her grandmother was Alice in Wonderland and Eloise and Ramona the Pest. Her mom was a Second Wave feminist and a hippie and a lady who had never been to a consciousness-raising group but sometimes watched Maude and an immigrant and a farmwife and a former Girl Scout. Her mom was Anne Waldman and Anne Rice and Sylvia Plath and Barbara Guest and V.C. Andrews and Angela Carter. She had aunts, too, like Hannah Weiner and Kathy Acker and Katharine Dunn and Amy Gerstler and Annie Sprinkle. Her aunts were Angela Davis and Nan Goldin and Hello Kitty and the Guerilla Girls and Dolly Parton and Exene Cervenka and Cindy Sherman and Poly Styrene, the fifteen-year-old multiracial girl with braces on her teeth screaming “Some people say little girls should be seen and not heard, but I say: Oh, bondage, up yours!” as she fronted the band the X-Ray Spex in a 1977 punk club in London. She was a pink and black and yellow and red and brown and rainbow-colored silver baby, and she was a girl baby except when she was a boy baby, which was sometimes.
The Gurlesque was born of black organza witch costumes and the silver worn-out sequins mashed between scratchy pink tutu netting and velvet unicorn paintings and arena rock ballads and rainbow iron-on glitter decals and self-mutilation and anorexia and bulimia and fighting back and Renaissance Faires and teen sex and zines and cutting and Sassy and joy and ecstasy and abortion and the Pill and road kill and punk shows and panties and incest and ice cream and rape and we mean this very seriously. No means no, asshole. And yes means yes. And girl means girl except when it doesn’t, which is sometimes.
Sometimes I only want to talk about the Gurlesque as the riot grrl I was in 1992, when I was publishing my zine: I want to be wearing a blue velvet cocktail ‘60s dress and ripped fishnets and cut-off combat boots and a ball-chain necklace with a glow-in-the-dark plastic skeleton hanging from it and ponytails and a nose ring; I want to be marching for choice with ACT-UP, chanting “we’re here, we’re queer, we’re fabulous, get used to it”; I want to be making my own peanut butter and buying ninety-nine cent lipstick at the drugstore and working at a homeless shelter; I want to be trading for seven inch records and getting the last train back from the show.
Sometimes I only want to talk about the Gurlesque at a table covered with a velvet cloth where hovering just behind me are the White Witch Goddess, the godmother of the Gurlesque, Stevie Nicks, with her black tulle sleeve-points dripping down and her Victorian boots laced up, with her baby doll facial features and her cocaine nosebleeds.
Or I only want to talk about the Gurlesque accompanied by a performance by infamous underground comix girl Dame Darcy, whom I met in New York in the 90s, and Darcy would be dressed in thrift store moldy camisoles and petticoats, drunkenly playing her accordion over loops of morbid, old-timey looking handmade films about vampire wolf lovers and Pez-dispenser witch girlfriends.
Or, the Gurlesque would be best theorized about while riding on the back of a vintage convertible at the ratty, muggy Mermaid Parade that’s held at Coney Island every summer solstice, where girls and not-girls dressed in their mermaid finest and in various states of undress and full-body tattoos zoom around in the shadows of ill-repaired amusement park rides from the 1920s, watched by an array of New York City hipsters and gang bangers and families eating hot dogs and attending the performance-art freak-shows held nearby.
—Arielle Greenberg, from Gurlesque
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oots-digitalmedia · 3 years
Queer Rep in Archive 81
Title: Archive 81
    Status: Ongoing
    Written and Produced by: Marc Sollinger and Dan Powell
    Cast: Daniel Powell, Marc Sollinger, Amelia Kidd, Genevieve Coe, Austin Mitchell, Brandon Lamar, Joseph Medina, Christopher Ferri, Jeff Strange, Alaska McFadden, Kevin Conway, John Maher, Robert Blythe, Sam Kogon, Sarah Aument, Eric Vilas-Boas, Carly Piersol, Lori-Felipe Barkin, John Maher, Francesca Calo, Alister Austin, Roy Koshy, Blanca Vivanos, Andrea Romano, Allison Behringer, David DelGrosso, Kristen O'Neal, Corinne Segal, Jamie Agnello, David Lumb, Jane Stiles O'Hara, Anson Mount, Lex Curry, Gordon Rothman, Kristen DiMercurio, Allison Moy Hayhurst, Katherine Powell, Nicole Wood, Alan Dronek, Ronald Thompson, Leigh Poulos, Knathan Mackenzie Roy, Peter Adams, Jack Calk, Tiana Comacho, Peter Musante, Leigh Poulos, Malcolm Barbee, Kristen DiMercurio, Jono Waldman, Jamie Agnello, Jack Calk, Neil Tyrone, Tristan Farmer, Ronald Thompson, Tiana Camacho, Nikka Papas, Ashley Thaxton, Heidi Stallings, Tom Staggs, Ariel Lauryn, Meghan Grover, Charlotte Moroz, Rowan Magee, Ashira Morris, Chris Baugh, Cecilia Lynn-Jacobs, David DelGrosso, Sandra Espinoza, Ronald Thompson
    Queer Creators: Unknown
    Accessibility: No content warnings, transcripts available on their Patreon for free here.
Summary: Archive 81 is a fiction podcast about horror, cities, and the subconscious. Start from “01 - A Body In A New Place”
Tags: queer main character, queer woman, lesbian,  queer man, wlw relationship
Check out our other queer podcast recommendations here.
Please feel free to offer suggestions and updates!
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thelegendofstudy · 3 years
April study challenge day 12
Watch or listen to a TED talk.
This is the TED talk I listen to. It talked about the diatoms and plankton that lives under the ice of antarctica. Ariel Waldman (the talker) explored under the ice for some time. I found this one really interesting! I loved hearing about her research and the different creatures she found!
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Journey to the Microcosmos-  How We Find Our Microbes
Tardigrade discovered in a cryoconite hole inside Canada Glacier in the Dry Valleys in Antarctica Credit Ariel Waldman, Colpoda and small ciliates 400x, Colpoda 400x, Ciliate 400x
Tardigrade Image captured by Ariel Waldman
Other images were originally captured by Jam’s Germs
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indiefic · 4 years
I was tagged by @littlereyofsunlight
Dogs or cats? cats 1000%  I got bit by a random dog again a couple of weeks ago. wtf
YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? Eh, both?  neither?  how about tumblr mutuals.  that would be my favorite
If you could choose to live anywhere, where would it be? somewhere near the mountains and water
Disney or Dreamworks? Disney
Favourite childhood TV show? I had no idea what it was called, but they would do adaptations of Grimm’s fairy tales.
The movie you’re looking forward to in 2020? Mulan
Favourite book you read in 2019? Becoming Nobody by Ram Dass
Marvel or DC? Marvel, but also Batman.
If you chose Marvel, favourite member of the X-Men? Wolverine
Night or day? Day. 
Favorite Pokémon? I know nothing about pokemon
Top 5 bands/artists? Adele, Prince, Jason Isbel, Otis Redding, The Weeknd
Top 10 books? 
Good Omens
Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
My Dark Places, James Ellroy
Children of Time, Adrian Tchaikovsky
Bone Season, Samantha Shannon
The Giant’s House, Elizabeth McCracken
Beauty, Robin McKinley
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Perdido Street Station, China Mieville
Top 4 movies? (I may have cheated)
Eastern Promises
Bladerunner 2049
No Country for Old Men
The Lost Boys
The Witches of Eastwick
The Godfather
I, Tonya
Flash Gordon
US or Europe? uh ... yes?
Tumblr or Twitter? Tumblr
Favourite vacation destination? NYC
Favourite YouTuber? I have soooooo many, so I’m going to list some channels.  Bon Appetite, Adam Savage’s Tested, SciShow, Pick Up Limes, Evelyn from the Internets, Hallease, Mark Wiens, The Detail Geek, PBS Spacetime,  Baumgartner Restoration, Thomas Johnson furniture restoration, Lisa Eldridge, Frank Howarth, Claire Marshall, Simone Giertz, Ariel Waldman, MoKnowsHair, Journey to the Microcosmos
Favourite author? Lisa Kleypas, Pema Chodron
Tea or coffee?  Yes.  Both.  Always.
OTP? sooooo many.  I’ll go with Sarah Connor/Kyle Reese, but there are many others.
Do you play an instrument or sing? In theory I can play the piano but I really wouldn’t put that one to the test.
tagging @luthienebonyx, @dresupi, @tangofic, @katherinecooke, @dorrinverrakai1
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summitkaiju · 5 years
Repost from Adam Savage’s Tested: https://youtu.be/pGwydXktims Fans of Godzilla films may know about X-Plus, the Japanese toy company that has long produced immaculate recreations of the king of Kaiju and his fellow man-in-suit monsters. We meet up with the company at New York Comic Con to chat about their approach to vinyl figure design, attention to detail, and the of obsessive world of Godzilla fandom. See the X-Plus collection at https://us.ric-toy.com And more awesome figures at http://starace.com.hk Follow Summit Kaiju International: twitter.com/summitkaiju facebook.com/summitkaiju instagram.com/summitkaiju You can find X-Plus's figures at retailers like BBTS: https://ift.tt/2Po0hzr... Shot by Joey Fameli and edited by Norman Chan Subscribe for more videos! http://www.youtube.com/tested Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/testedcom Get updates on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1oBbt7v Tested is: Adam Savage http://www.twitter.com/donttrythis Norman Chan http://www.twitter.com/nchan Simone Giertz http://www.twitter.com/simonegiertz Joey Fameli https://ift.tt/1Aw0dMs Gunther Kirsch https://ift.tt/2JbCkDg Ryan Kiser https://ift.tt/2NCzsTo Kishore Hari http://www.twitter.com/sciencequiche Sean Charlesworth http://www.twitter.com/cworthdynamics Jeremy Williams http://www.twitter.com/jerware Kayte Sabicer https://ift.tt/2GTXRms Bill Doran https://twitter.com/chinbeard Ariel Waldman http://www.youtube.com/arielwaldman Darrell Maloney http://www.twitter.com/thebrokennerd83 Kristen Lomasney https://twitter.com/krystynlo Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman Thanks for watching! by Summit Kaiju International
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gish · 3 years
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We're LIVE NOW to learn about science hacks & the art of innovation with Ariel Waldman! Get your link on Item 10 of the #GISH List! http://bit.ly/GISHList
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