#arknights angst
ae-to-the-snow · 10 months
Yay! Okay then, if you feel ready/comfortable with it, please write some headcanons about Lumen and Thorns suffering from Hanahaki disease because of a gender neutral reader! With a happy ending if possible~
I hope that’s not too much to ask…
Wahhh thanks to 🦁 anon I have not been the same oh my god... Writing this asap as I'm done with like one other req. Also this turned into it's own damn fic rather than a HC bruh
2nd part with Lumen! (Coming soon)
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Red Anemones • Thorns with Hanahaki disease
Cw. Thorns x GN reader (separate), Thorns ANGST
Tw. Angst, Hanahaki disease, pining, angst with happy ending
Angst under the cut!!
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Thorns never viewed himself as someone who could possibly entertain the idea of love. Hell he might not even think about it at all, only thinking that he'd never be in that place where lovers dance and hold hands. That place is meant for many, but not for him. Not when he's had blood on his hands, not when he will continue to stain himself, even if he didn't feel guilty about it.
But how is it that when he's with you, his cold and empty lab gets just a little bit warmer?
How is it that when he sees a sunset, he thinks of sharing the moment with you?
Why is it that he finds himself noticing, and feeling just a little bit empty, when you're not with him?
He's always felt a little bit empty. This can't be real.
One day when you're in his lab, excited to try out his new creation, it's there when he catches himself smiling, that he suddenly stopped and wondered what he was doing.
You were too occupied with the test vials to notice, the wide eyed look on his face and the way he covered his mouth, almost afraid, nervous, and shy.
He avoided you for a bit after that, unsure of what to do. He's always been the kind of guy to face his problems head on. But not this time. Not now. Now that it's you.
He finds himself spiraling in denial, not that he realizes it. Or does he just not accept it?
You confront him about why he ignored you a few weeks later, and he was upset. Hurt. Disappointed. In himself, that he hurt you, that he made you feel alone.
He apologizes, repeatedly. Whether you forgive him or not, you've never seen him like this. He was scared. Somehow. Composed but afraid, like he was calmly navigating through a field of landmines. His face is calm, but his voice wavers, and his legs were shaking.
However you react, when you finally leave, he has a moment to calm down and contemplate what happened. How could he ever feel this much pain and fear? It's not like you're scary. Hell, he enjoys being with you. You make him so happy, so safe and secure. What the hell is scaring him??
That's when he finds himself coughing up something red.
He didn't think anything could have been scarier to cough out of your throat other than blood.
But it terrified him even more to find a petal.
Few days passed, he's calmed down. He knows this disease. He knows this. He knows the cure. He knows why he's afflicted with this disease. He knows. But his thoughts are messed up. He's thinking out of order. He's getting anxious.
He just doesn't accept it.
How could he ever be capable of love? How? And how could it be you?
The way you smile, it's imprinted in his brain. Your voice is music on its own, one that he'd dance to. And your heart... Just can't possibly be tainted by his.
That's why. He can't possibly be in love. Not with you. He doesn't deserve you. Not him. You don't need him. He should've stayed a spectator in your life. He shouldn't have gotten close.
Now it's hurting him. But he doesn't care about that. Because now that it hurt him, he either has to die, or hurt you in trying to live with it.
He tries so hard, desperately, to possibly create a cure for it. He's a genius pharmacologist. If it's any time he needs to shine, it's now.
But the only way to cure a disease is to get rid of the cause. And as much as he could get it removed...
He doesn't want to.
He's so scared. So scared of loving you. But he wants to. You're the closest thing he has to comfort, a constant in his life. The closest thing he has to being anything resembling a sunrise even in the bleak darkness he's known.
He wants to witness every moment you smile. He wants you to be there in his lab when he works on an experiment. He wants you to be there when he comes back from an operation.
He doesn't want to remove it and lose his love for you. He doesn't want to look at you, and see nothing. That scares him more than dying like this.
Several weeks pass, and he hasn't gotten to the stage of coughing full flowers yet, but he is coughing multiple times a day. Ignoring and avoiding you became routine, and he starts to isolate himself more. He can't let anyone see this predicament that he can't understand himself.
But he can't fully avoid you, oddly enough no matter how big this landship is. Maybe he finds himself attracted to being with you regardless, always wanting to find you regardless. Cuz even if you're the reason why he's in pain at the moment, he seeks comfort in you, in just your presence.
He's learned to adapt to it a bit, even if it's painful. Knowing conveniently where the nearest bathrooms are in case he needs to let it out very quick, knowing where to hide if now is not a good moment cuz he's in pain. And even if everyone at Rhodes could know of his ailment, he'd do anything to keep you from knowing.
The only person that knows is Kal'Tsit, who did offer to remove it. But Thorns already knew it was a cure. And he has considered it. Upon hearing the offer, he didn't take a second to refuse it. Kal'Tsit didn't even ask why he refused. But she is surprised, to see even the great operator Thorns act this way.
To rather die than live without his feelings for you. Most would assume he'd choose to live. Even Thorns himself thought he would. It baffles himself more.
Knock, knock
Thorns doesn't even have to look to know who it was. You're the only person who could walk up to his lab casually. The bags under his eyes and his hair was so messy due to the stress he's facing lately. But thank goodness he's always like this, you likely will never notice.
"Come in, (reader)." He said without even looking up from his desk, focused on the reports he was writing.
"Thorns, what kind of experiment are you doing?" You asked, he just flicks his hand to tell you to come over, a gesture you're familiar with, since he's just telling you to come over and see for yourself.
It didn't really surprise you to see, it was another formula for painkillers. He's been working on these a lot lately, but every time you see it, the dosage and effectiveness becomes more intense and extreme.
Thorns doesn't say a word about it, acting like he's so used to it by now. The last time he made it, you asked, and he said it was a request from the Medical Department. But you know those painkillers aren't for oripathy, and what kind of pain would be so intense to need this amount of effectiveness?
You've never seen anyone use them, and you don't recall the Medical Department distributing these kinds of painkillers.
Wonder what he's even making them for, if his claim of it being for Rhodes Island was a lie.
"But I don't think the Medical Department needs a painkiller this effective..." You hum, and for a moment, Thorns gets anxious and wide eyed again.
"... It's for special care patients." He lied through his teeth.
And you knew. Something was wrong with him when he frequently avoided you on purpose. Not enough to ignore you, but enough to alert you of a change. Thorns wasn't the kind of guy who lies without good reason, but what could be a good reason to keep you from him, when he said that you matter most to him on this landship?
"...I know you're lying." You decide to confront him.
The way he shuddered is unmistakable. You're not mad. He knows you're not. He trusts you like that.
So why is he scared?
"Thorns... Is something wrong? I know there is something going on..." You hush, coming closer to him, and to your surprise he pushes his chest against the table very hard, as if he's choking. You swore you heard a ribcage break.
You screamed his name in worry at his sudden action and try to help, but he pushes you away with a shaking hand over his mouth.
The only thought in his mind at the moment was "Sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I hurt you. Please don't hate—" even through the painful coughing, he feels an entire flower stuck in his throat, his main concern was still, that he's gonna hurt you. And by seeing him like this, he's gonna hurt you more.
His mind is running. All thoughts occured except for the fact that his throat is immensely painful. This was supposed to be a secret... He hoped he'd be saved from his misery in some operation where he'd get cornered or something.
He prayed he'd be shot with an arrow or something. That one day his medicine can't save him, do he'd die without you finding out of his disease, cuz he knows you'd blame yourself. That's just the kind of person you are. The same selflessness that he has for just one person, just like him.
Even the sound of his cough felt like doom. All you could do was watch for the first few seconds, confused. Yet something broke you out of it.
He doesn't care about the pain, not with that look in his eyes. He was just pleading for you to not worry, that he's alright, that you shouldn't worry.
"Please, AAHG—! I'll be oka— COUGH!!" His touch was no longer firm as he clawed at your clothes and got up despite his pain, looking at you in the eyes, to plead with you, to please, please don't ever worry about him. Don't be in pain, don't hurt, please don't suffer. Not because of him. He doesn't want to be the reason, you keep a fearful look on your face.
Seeing it made you more fearful broke him, when he realized he was only making you more afraid... He tries to stabilize himself, and hold your shoulders reassuringly.
He smiled, oddly anough. Through the flower that you can see clearly bloom in the back of his throat. It was terrifying. But he smiled, precisely so that he doesn't scare you.
"I'll be okay." He said with a smile, the kindest one ever. His eyes were glossy from the pain, and his throat could give out any moment, but did he care? All he wants to say is,
"Don't be afraid."
...who cares about the pain. Who cares about the tugging in your chest, knowing you're seeing someone you treasure so much smile at you so reassuringly and gently, to not hurt you even if he's in the most excruciating pain anyone can experience...
A single red petal falls out of his mouth, landing on your hand as he held you close.
Seeing you quiet and calmed down a bit, he falls to his knees, grabbing your hand for support, the petal caught between your touch.
He goes back to his coughing fit, truly in pain now, able to focus on it, now that he's confident, he's sure, that he made you sure.
His skin gets colder, and you snapped out of your trance to immediately call the medics with an emergency button on your person. You tell Thorns to hang on and stay with you, while you hold him and try to carry him to the medical room.
He coughs out a single flower, a big red flower with black in the middle. He can't recall the name at the moment. But it fell to the floor, probably will be cleaned up and thrown away soon.
Maybe it's just like him, if not, then it'll be his love for you.
His vision is blurred, it's fading, not that he really thinks about making through it. Even your voice is fading, and he slowly hears your screams fade.
He's at least glad that you're the last thing he held so closely...
His eyes close, as the medical team arrives.
"What a painfully bright light." was all he thought when he opened his eyes.
A familiar ceiling... The kind you see in medical establishments.
He got up. No one else in the room. Why was he here? Unsure. A medical room. That much is to be expected. The feeling of a needle stuck in his arm... Something happened, huh. He tries moving, but feels a sharp pain in his chest. Pulling the medical robe, he sees his chest wrapped in bandages from front to back.
...it oddly feels empty there... Odd. Very odd.
He can't feel a thing in his throat. Not a thing.
He tries to speak.
Nothing comes out.
A person opened the curtain... He turned to them.
"You..." He tries to recall to his best ability.
"Oh. (Reader)."
Nothing could have prepared him for how you immediately dropped to your knees and cried, not caring how it may have hurt your legs.
He wonders why, you're this way. He tries to ask, but his voice doesn't come out.
Suddenly seeing you cry, he remembers, all the things that happened.
He shouldn't be alive. Unless...
He's realized that he's looking at you, and seeing, feeling, the same emptiness in his chest. This was... What he feared.
His mouth opens, and he tries to scream, but nothing comes out. He doesn't feel that sharp pain of the flower and it's roots in his chest anymore.
This just can't be.
No No
No No No
No Can't be It can't be No
Please No tell me it isn't true
No No No, please. N
o Absolutely not. No No No
Please don't be true No
No No No No No No
No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No...!No No No No No No No No No No No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO—
His hands flail out, held by the medical equipment tied into him. He needs to hold you, right now. And while he tries to escape the tubes and the uncomfortable bed, you rush in and hugged him, to his shock.
The tears coldly stain his shoulder through the medical robe. He wonders why you're crying, when he shouldn't. He knows why you're crying.
Is his love for you gone?
His mind tells him, that the only reason he's questioning it is because he's in denial out of fear of losing his feelings for you.
Yet you feel so warm...
He softly strokes your back, confused and taken aback by his feelings and confusion.
...your hair still feels nice to touch.
Your arms wrap around him so gently.
Yet you cry so hard, unleashing your pain onto him.
Yet you don't hurt him.
And it doesn't hurt him.
With all the evidence given... It's clear. The roots and the flowers of his one sided love is gone. His feelings... They should be gone. He shouldn't love you by now.
And yet the cold hospital room seems a lot more warner with you around. When his hand touches you, he doesn't feel it being lifeless. His hand is stroking you so gently.
You're in pain
Yet he feels loved.
...was the question ever meant to be, if he still loves you?
...or should it be, does he love you now?
Then the answer would be yes.
"...You must've been worried sick..."
"I wonder if you knew why, I felt like this. They probably told you. They probably told you why I coughed flowers whenever I'm around you."
"Yet all you care about, is that I'm okay."
He thought all of it to himself, but he desperately tries to tell you, every single thing on his mind. He doesn't even care about the disease, or the pain anymore, or the confusion that he still loves you, even after the removal of the very thing that was going to consume his heart.
After a while of staying like that, the medical staff enter the room to check on him. They determined that everything was alright, and that he'll heal normally if he stays here for a little bit longer.
As for his voice, it'll return soon enough after his throat heals from the damage.
The next day when you wake up Thorns to feed him breakfast, you see he was already up. On his notebook, he writes that he couldn't sleep cuz he was thinking of some things.
You chuckle, and tell him to get proper rest after this. Though it was normal he should be a little anxious, after what happened.
You recount the events of what happened to him. And he notices how you omitted the details that his pain was because of his love, and you didn't seem to know who it was for.
...seems Kal'Tsit kept her mouth shut on that one. Seems like something she would do.
He listens to you intently. Even if he doesn't nod or anything, the way his gaze remains glued to you tells him that he listens. The room is lively, warm and comforting, with just the two of you. Even if you're the only one talking, you're not alone at all.
He smiles slightly, staring at you in the light of his room.
"...after this. I need to explain everything." He thinks as he feels his swollen throat.
"After I heal. I'll definitely tell them everything."
It can't be a coincidence, that his love doesn't feel painful anymore now that you're here for him, loving him even if you're pained. You're loving him to heal that pain.
It can't be a mistake, not in his book.
"When my voice returns, the first thing I say to you will be: I love you."
This fic gave me brain damage/j
Explanation for some parts and the writing style I used:
Some text is coloured, to indicate Thorns' feelings toward you in that very sentence or action. Red is anxious, orange is alerted, and pink is sincerity.
I've been experimenting in this chapter to give you not just a verbal/literary emotionally experience, but also visually.
The long space and blank spaces in between the two parts where he passes out and wakes up in the medical room is purposely placed to keep you on your toes and anxious, anticipating if the fic ends there before you scroll and see the next paragraph making you jump. It worked on me idk if it worked on you. And I'm the writer dhsjdjjs
Lastly for the wall of text in colour when Thorns wakes up in the medical room, where it repeatedly pleaded "No"s. I made that on purpose with inspiration from the manga "The Summer Hikaru Died", where the illustrator uses a unique visual to indicate the character's feelings. I tried doing the same here, to really highlight his overthinking, anxiety and how crowded his mind is, unable to think clearly. Even you didn't read all the text likely, all you know is that he's desperate, just from the visuals.
Anyways ty for reading! I had fun writing this cuz it was really outside of my comfort zone. Lumen is next and I'll link the post to this one. I hope you liked it, and please give me feedback on the writing style if you have anything to say about it!
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dlartistanon · 3 months
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Given the chance, I think we could be happy
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arkiwii · 4 months
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Valentines far away from where you are
I think a lot about how Silence and Saria are so busy that they can barely spend time together. About how when they finally fixed their bounds, they had to be taken away by their responsibilities. About how much Saria might miss her and struggle without her. About how they might be unable to communicate with nothing else but letters that take several days to come. About the fact that Silence is so crushed by her duty and work that she feels not allowed to have a personal life.
No matter how far from each other they are, they only wish to be able to be together without all this unecessary stress on them.
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totallynotsarkaz · 9 months
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oltammefru · 1 year
There's a lot of things I really like about Kal'tsit being trans, but one of them in particular is that it is in part a way of rebelling against the people who created her in a "I am not the person you made me to be" sort of sense. I think she really deserves to hate her creators just because of how fucked up they are for creating her and subjecting her to an eternity of loneliness and watching all her companions die as she outlives them, and having to carry the entire world on her back for 10,000+ years. The canon Kal'tsit doesn't really have any strong dislike towards her creators just because she's that dutiful of a person (she does have some general existential angst, but it's not particularly directed at the people who made her), but she really really deserves to.
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jeiyuuen · 5 months
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holy shit Arknights fanart, if you know that IS3 ending, you know
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zongzhii · 1 year
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To give everything for each other, asking nothing in return.
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foxdrabbles · 10 months
Here's an angsty prompt I just thought of: how would liskarm react to franka getting more visible oripathy lesions or for even more heartache. How would liskarm react to franka succumbing to the oripathy
After she retires, the head and founder of Twin Horn Security travels the world. Why not? Her business has grown far beyond anything she ever imagined (thanks to a timely partnership with the young new head of Raytheon), and her assistants are champing at the bit to take over.
So she travels. Anywhere, everywhere, from the Sargon desert to the frozen Sami wilderness, from the beaches of Siesta to the far ends of Higashi, relying mostly on connections old and new for lodging and transportation. It's.better than luxury hotels and fancy restaurants; this way, she claims, she gets to spend time with friends, and what she treasures most is memories, made in a dive bar or on a crowded bus.
All the while, she wears a vial of ash and Originum crystal around her neck.
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the-fallen-aesthetics · 2 months
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[wip] Due to recent Arknights PV, I had to sketch these two
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funnyhatsincorporated · 3 months
It's hard being a Texusiai girly in a Texlapp world. I just like my yuri with sad broken people finding solace and silliness together, I'm a fake lesbian but I'm not always about toxic yuri
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civilight-eterna · 11 months
may i please ask that you write gravel being a fucked up little knight for a pretty girl. pretty girl can be of your choice (though amiya is envisioned during this ask), thank u i love ur writing. may kjera bless you always.
oh god i am always so down to write amiya with most anyone anon. i've been eyeing this ask for days and mulling it over with much care so I hope you enjoy it!!
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"Aww, my. I'd say I was sorry for flustering you so badly, but I'm not in the habit of lying to pretty girls. The way your face gets all red just makes it even better for me."
The clear, instant distress on Amiya's face is to die for. Gravel could only hold the deepest of respect for her, for having the courage to seek her out in private to clarify her intentions in the way she'd greeted her, even as easily embarrassed as she was to be talking about it at all.
"S-So...you kissed me, b-because...?"
"...What if I never told you? Would you seek me out again, just like this time?" Gravel walks her back against the door, her hand coming to rest on the wall beside her face. "Would you let me kiss you again, each time? Would your curiosity get the better of you? Would you keep coming back to see what it makes you feel like?"
Gravel curls her fingers beneath Amiya's chin, her index finger breaking rank and ghosting up over the front of her lips, tracing their shape with a slow stroke down the bottom one to part them.
Soft as the petals of a rose, dewy and tender and flush with color like the rest of her face.
She inclines her chin, tilts Amiya's up, and waits.
She could close the distance. It would be so easy, to eliminate the gap, to ease her tongue into that pliant, pretty mouth until she's too dizzy and lovesick to stand.
"...How does it make you feel, Amiya?" Gravel breathes against her lips, "Can you see anything but me?...Can you think of anything, but this?"
"M-Miss Gravel..." Amiya's voice is wavering with reluctant reproach, her eyes round and wide and teeming with bewilderment; so painfully innocent.
She drops her chin away from Gravel's fingers, laying a hand against the now rapid rise and fall of her chest.
She's adorable. Gravel can imagine so clearly the way she would respond to being kissed senseless-her meek voice whimpering, wobbling lips, fluttering eyelashes, and her jaw falling slack with surrender.
She can sense something of a kindred spirit in Amiya; maybe it's the doe-eyed look of someone in over their head? Maybe it's the overly-serious downturned curve of her mouth?
Things that actually, aren't very alike to Gravel right now at all. Not anymore. Not for a long time now.
"I mentioned before, right? It's just a little hello. Your mouth might stick like that if you keep frowning so."
"Um. I...understand that it might be something that comes very easily to you. I truly do not wish to offend, but, I..." Amiya's throat bobs subtly as she swallows hard, and Gravel can already sense the rejection poised on her lips, "...that sort of expression, might be easy to misunderstand, and-"
"Hehe. I won't lead you astray. I promise."
"A-Ah, no, I didn't doubt you like that...! But all the same...I can't allow others to get the wrong idea. It would put our company in something of a tight spot-"
"So all that's keeping you from letting me kiss you is the idea that others might get, then?" Gravel's smile widened, coy, "I daresay that's even better than I had hoped to get with you, Miss Leader."
Amiya's face ignited bright red, from the bottom of her neck to the tips of her ears. Gravel giggled and placed a chaste peck on her forehead.
"...Hehe, poor thing. You're just too much fun to tease, you know? Here-this might be a little more your speed. Come here."
Gravel pulled her into an embrace, warm, but with the heated atmosphere from before dampened just enough to let her new charge relax into the hug.
"I won't cause you any trouble. I promised, didn't I? I'll take good care of you and your Doctor, and if you have second thoughts about anything...that door isn't closed."
"I'm...sorry, Miss Gravel." Her voice is small but resolute against her shoulder, "But, I think it...should be."
"Hmm. Then you can open it whenever you want."
"...I...will be leaving it that way."
Gravel is not often taken aback, but here she hears such a sense of finality in Amiya's tone that it neuters her carefree buoyancy instantly.
It's been a while since she's felt ashamed. Is that what this is?
Perhaps the world is playing some cruel cosmic prank on her after all. Because now, faced with Amiya's resolute surety to her responsibilities, she can only regard her so much more fondly than she'd ever thought possible.
She won't be the one Amiya confides in. She won't be the one she bares her burdens to. The door is closed and Amiya will hold the handle tight.
Just as unease begins to prick at her heart, Amiya's arms fold around her, returning the embrace.
Almost like she knew just how she was feeling.
"Thank you for looking out for us. Even...if I can't..."
Oh, this is miserable.
"Shhh. I can handle myself. Let me save a little face. My blades are with you regardless. When you're in danger, just call my name-"
They pull back from the embrace.
"-and I'll make sure your kisses are in more conventionally-appropriate places. Like this."
Gravel gives Amiya time to move away-she does not-and presses her lips against her forehead.
"Th-Thank you-" Amiya stammers, "-Miss Gravel."
"...Call me Senomy."
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arkiwii · 6 months
i absolutely love kristen x saria and could give a whole analysis about it because its such a beautiful relationship that was doomed to fall. kristen was already planning to die, and alone, since the start. they both cared deeply for each other, but it couldn't work.
i know a lot of people probably wish kristen would come back at some point, but im placing my hot take care: i dont think she should. like id say "if she did she would/should", but no, i dont think she should ever come back at all at any point. she dedicated her life to it, and she joined the stars. she's gone now. and saria needs to move on, to stop clinging to the past and grieve something that was already lost. she was left with a huge scar, but this scar needs to heal. if kristen came back, it would only make the damages on saria worse and will never let her heal.
i love silence x saria even more because it's the union of the future and the past. silence will help her to move on, to heal. she will show her a beautiful world. the broken rock and the plants growing on it making it beautiful etc. and at the same time, saria would be able to give silence the kind of support and comfort she deeply needs at the moment from her overwhelming duty. i wouldn't want to say it's THE relationship ever, but god fucking damnit its close to it. its beautiful. look at them mutually helping each other out. hits fist on desk
IF i didn't just woke up i'd write so so much more and give so much analysis and symbolism and all that stuff but im sleepy. ALSO i need to draw kristen and saria content one day but im so bad at drawing kristen and im clogged artwise i have so much to work on help
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so....i made another redraw space jam 2 scene with arknights reference... ....and i long to draw from these two since my mind keep reminds me that this two scene has some simmiliarities ....
but they also have a difference....in context perhaps imma do the baffy ver of this scene on the future since...they deserve it ALSO PREPARE FOR SEASON 2 OF AK ANIMATION NEXT YEAR GUYS!
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yoradiva · 1 year
a little concept. kreide sketch i made yesterday ! hes alive ☺️
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
Helloo i've read your stories for a long time but this is my first time doing a request so idk if im doing it right, but can i have a flamebringer x doctor! Male reader or silverash x doctor! Male reader hmmm maybe for the plot is wherethe doctor got injured??? And make it angst and fluff in the end. Im sorry if im doing it wrong butthanky ou for your hard work and stay safe /^_^/
Flamebringer x Doctor!Male!Reader [Angst&Fluff]
Warning; mention of a gunshot wound, blood & surgery. (I added operators that I have so sorry if it's not accurate to your account)
Game; Arknights
It was unusual for Rhodes Island's doctor to involve himself in a fight, but this time, he got caught in the crossfire when they were trying to get back up, some Operators had to retreat from the battle, and (M/n) had to help them heal and get ready again, but while he was doing that, he got shot.
Every Operator on the battlefield heard many of the operators that were brought as backup yelling out for their doctor. Shining immediately ran to him to heal him and keep him from bleeding out, but they had to leave as quickly as possible.
Silverash, who had been guarding their base clenched his teeth and looked forward, "Keep fighting! Defeat them!" He yelled for everyone to hear.
While some operators gritted their teeth, others nodded, but every single one of them fought with everything they had, the healers were exhausted from healing everyone and themselves, melee and ranged attacks running out of breath and almost passing out, but after getting short breaks while the enemies got closer, and the Inspiration buff from Sora, they finally won the battle.
Without rest, they rushed back to Rhodes Island to treat (M/n), Saga and Mudrock watched their backs while Hoshiguma carried the doctor on her back, rushing as fast as she could while three different healers kept (M/n) alive, who had long passed out.
Every operator that got held back at the base panicked at the sight of their bloody, unconscious doctor, who was immediately taken to the infirmary where he worked to find a cure for Oripathy, but only had a treatment for the symptoms of it so far.
Hoshiguma walked in and gently but quickly laid him down on the bed, backing away to let the Medics do their jobs. Pretty much every healer under the doctor's command was there, making sure everything was clean and disinfected before proceeding with surgery to extract the bullet.
Outside the room, Flamebringer had just woken up due to all the noise, with a frown he approached the group of operators outside of the doctor's infirmary, everyone there was quiet, with empty looks on their faces and those who came back from the battle were still dirty and beat up.
Curious about who had gotten themselves badly injured, he peeked through the glass window in the hallway, only to stare in shock as he saw (M/n), his lover, laying on the hospital bed, unconscious and bleeding.
Flamebringer turned pale, his knees giving out and falling to the floor getting the attention of a few operators around him. His head was tilted down, hiding his fear and concern from prying eyes, but his sight was getting blurry as the seconds passed, soon covering his face with his hands and crying quietly, holding in his sobs even if that made it hard for him to breathe.
He ignored anyone that tried to talk to him, and just sat there on the cold metal floor, waiting for the Medics to be done so he could be with him.
After what felt like a whole day, one after one, the healers started walking out, letting out deep sighs and glancing back before walking out, those reactions made Flamebringer feel uneasy, so he stood up with shaky, numb legs, and held Ansel's wrist when he walked out.
"Is he... okay?" He struggled to ask, unsure of how to phrase it, but the shorter male seemed to understand him.
"Doctor is still unconscious, we extracted the bullet and disinfected his wound, but he hit his head on the pavement and his skull suffered some cracks," he explained standing next to Flamebringer, looking through the glass how Kal'tsit finished up some things, "We had to sew the wound on his head, and do a blood transfusion since he lost a lot of blood, but... he should be okay, it might take him a couple of days before he wakes up."
Nodding in silence, Flamebringer let Ansel go, and he walked to the door, observing as Kal'tsit picked up the dirty, bloody, and torn clothes from the floor, putting them in a paper bag to get rid of them. She got sight of the male by the door, and she signaled toward the stool on the right side of (M/n)'s bed.
"You can sit there," hesitantly walking in, Flamebringer fixed the stool and sat down, reaching his shaking hands to hold onto (M/n)'s, feeling his tears clouding his sight again when he saw up close the state of his lover.
Kal'tsit walked out of the room and reached for the door to close it, but she stopped for a second, "Make sure you eat something if you're gonna stay the night, alright?" Mindlessly nodding, Flamebringer leaned down to press his forehead on (M/n)'s thigh, turning his head to look at (M/n)'s face.
And eventually, he ended up falling asleep.
For the next following days, Flamebringer was on edge. There were times when (M/n) would wake up for a few seconds before falling unconscious again.
He wanted to be there every hour of every day, but Reunion was still hot on their tail, causing him and other operators to leave and battle, leaving (M/n) under the care of healers, whether they were medics or not. His friends would usually stop by and talk to him, letting him know everything that had been happening, usually things involving funny times.
Every operator from Kjerag visited him, since (M/n) was a close friend of Silverash and Gnosis. Rhine Lab came by too, but Ifrit couldn't stay for too long since she got irritated easily. Laterano and Iberia operators too came by and stayed with him.
But every night, Flamebringer was the only one there, usually after Kal'tsit or Shining came by to check on the doctor's wounds and condition. He was slowly going insane, staying awake day and night just in case (M/n) would, miraculously, wake up, sometimes being forced to rest and other times just passing out from exhaustion.
He couldn't understand why (M/n) wouldn't wake up, he was stable and his wounds were healing properly so why...?
Why hasn't he woken up yet?
With tears wetting his cheeks, Flamebringer held tightly onto (M/n)'s hand, silently praying that he would wake up, and in the midst of his pleads, he passed out.
The next morning, feeling his eyelids as heavy as cinder blocks, (M/n) opened his eyes and looked around, seeing Kal'tsit replacing his IV.
"Oh, look who finally woke up," she said with a sarcastic tone, but the small smile on her face showed her relief. (M/n) felt ich on his face, so he tried to lift his hand up to scratch his cheek, but something was holding it. Glancing down, he saw his lover sleeping on his hand, an obvious trail of dried tears on his face, "He passed out last night after I left, he's been keeping an eye on you, waiting for you to wake up."
His heart fluttered at the words, feeling loved and a bit guilty for making Flamebringer wear himself out like that.
"Alright, I'll be giving out the news that you're awake, so get ready for the room to fill up," he nodded, slowly moving his hand enough to gently caress his lover's cheek, who started waking up, his eyes opened and he seemed alive again once he realized (M/n) was awake.
"Baby!" He exclaimed getting up from his sit, getting closer to kiss him, "You're awake...!"
Smiling, (M/n) wiped the tears falling down Flamebringer's face, the male leaning closer to his warm touch, "I'm back," he whispered, bringing him closer to kiss him again.
Extended Ending
By the time everyone walked into the room (M/n) was in, they caught sight of Flamebringer sleeping on top of the doctor, the calmest and most relaxed expression they'd seen on his face for the past weeks.
Even so, they were happy that (M/n) woke up and was feeling better. They had no idea what they would do if they lost their doctor.
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foxgirlplushie · 1 year
My beloved fox friend, may I have some Kafka/silence?
There are exactly two people that Kafka has ever relaxed herself around, to drop the constant act she keeps, and show the kernel of vulnerability she allows herself to hold deep in her heart.
One of them is lost to her forever, taken by the rocks that flow through her own veins.
The second holds a wing over her shoulder, pulling her close while she mourns.
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