#army navy cooperation
katruna · 1 year
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defensenow · 1 month
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adaginy · 5 months
The Big Guide to Humans: Language
Most humans use their lungs, mouths, and larynx (a small organ between them colloquially called the "voice box") to produce audible language. There are also "signed" languages, in which the positions and motions of fingers, hands, and arms are used in place of audible language, primarily for communication with those lacking a sense of hearing or ability to use their mouths or larynx, but also in places where silence is required. There are also languages of whistling, a high-pitched noise made with the lips (the mobile edges of their mouths). Terra has thousands of languages, many of them incredibly complex and precise. Despite this, humans rarely use translation docks with each other, preferring to find a language they have in common. Most humans can use at least two Terran languages. They are likely to speak (or sign or whistle) a native language and are expected to speak or sign one or more Terran-Common languages (see human history for how Terran-Common languages spread). They may also be able to use languages of other regions as needed for trade, diplomacy, or curiosity. Human languages additionally have features called "accents" and "dialects." What makes something an accent, a dialect, or a separate language is ostensibly a spectrum of how different they are... but in practice some accents are not mutually intelligible* with each other while some languages are, and what is a "dialect" as opposed to one or the other may be political rather than practical: We asked human language-experts about this and the answer given by several of them** was "A language is a dialect with an army and a navy" (two types of human military). As a matter of practicality, translation docks allow for translation into and out of most dialects if the dialect (or accent) is, functionally, a separate language. This sometimes caused problems in comparatively early human space-history for those political reasons, but Terran politics has become more cooperative over time. Most human languages, particularly spoken ones, also have a written form. There are far fewer writing styles than languages. For example, many languages, including multiple Terran-Common languages, use what is known as the "Roman alphabet," named for a distantly historical military (see human history, again). In an alphabet, sounds are represented by marks or combinations of marks, and by knowing the sounds one knows what the line of marks would read if spoken. There are also syllabaries, in which the marks represent sets of sounds, and logographic systems, in which complex marks represent ideas. Some languages use combinations thereof. While humans generally cannot write as fast as they speak, many can read far faster than a human can speak, allowing for the rapid absorption of information.
Most humans are innately "good at" language, even if they do not believe they are. (This is especially true with human children.) If your language is adequately perceptible to humans, expect that over time they will learn at least a little bit of it. If your language is audible to them (or signed in a way that can be approximated), expect that they will find a way to produce it and use your own language to speak with you. They feel this is polite and friendly, although they understand that most non-Terrans are unlikely to learn and use their languages in return. * Many human languages share a "root" language, and the languages have spread and separated in ways akin to evolution. Similarly to how closely-related species can sometimes hybridize, a speaker of one language may be able to understand, with some difficulty, a speaker of a closely-related language. **see human hive mind debate
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euphoniumpets · 1 year
Prompt: ''As long as I can rememer, I've been protecting Alina, it's always Alina who I will protect,'' You told him, looking at Nikolai. ''But who will protect you?''
Warnings: Violence, blood and gore.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. 
Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x Starkov! Reader
Taglist: @lyria-skyfall@khaleesihavilliard@shine101 @waddlingwanderer @clqudias @ducks118 @xceafh@peakyispunk @wilmasvensson @parbatai-winchester @priincehoseok@riot-in-my-soulsoul @feyredarling92 @vendy021 @ssprayberrythings @goldenpoison @shine101 @lili-of-the-dream @xushisuxi @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @jennylil @themermaidscales82
Tag list are closed!
A/N: we've come to a conclusion or a thought where I decide to write smut further in the chapters but i need y'all votes because i'm hesitant if you guys want smut further in the chapters lmao. and again, this is a long chapter because i got carried away.
old masterlist | navi | new masterlist
prologue - one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine - ten - eleven - epilogue
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You hated it. 
Oh, so you desperately hated it. 
You could feel every person in the room giving you looks and you didn’t know if it was a good one or a bad one. ‘’Why must you always play the diplomat, Nikolai?’’ You heard Vasily's question at the table. ‘’A shu and Grisha dining beside true Ravkan soldiers is a bit much for all our stomachs,’’ Vasily remarked. 
‘’We’re all Ravkan here,’’ You sneered and tried to be calm. ‘’Doesn’t need to be us versus them,’’ Nikolai replied and looked at his brother. ‘’Kirigian should’ve thought of that,’’ Vasily replied with his drink in hand. ‘’Before he tried to murder my father and stage a coup, that said: absent they're Darkling the Grisha are rather easy to manage,’’
‘’By manage do you mean execute: Moi tsarevich?’’ You asked boldly and turned your head to face him. ‘’That fate is reserved for traitors to the Crown, Miss Starkov,’’ 
‘’If the second Army requires a leader loyal to the Crown to assure their fealty, my sister will lead them,’’ You remarked. You looked at Vasily as he let out a laugh. ‘’Why should I believe you and your sister that you have any loyalty to my family?’’ He asked. You paused before your eyes trailed to Nikolai. 
He met your gaze before standing up from his chair and raising a glass to get the people’s attention. ‘’Today marks the start of a new era of cooperation between Lantsov and Grisha, I’m delighted to announce my engagement to Y/N Starkov, the sister of the Sun Summoner,’’ Nikolai presented. ‘’And with her sister being the Sun Summoner, she will be the new leader of the Second Army, together we'll build a better future for Ravka,’’ 
You locked your gaze with Mal and Alina not from far away and saw their surprised gazes. They never thought that you would agree on the marriage but yet here you were. For Ravka. 
‘’That was a bit much,’’ You responded after everybody had cheered and Nikolai had sat down. 
‘’Understatement is overrated,’’ He replied as you took a sip from your drink. 
Alina had left with Tamar and Nadia to go and do some training. They offered to come with but you declined and told them to do some studying of the Firebird. You hoped some of the history books had the answers since you knew that Alina had to kill you to get the third amplifier. You knew that she wasn’t going to do it, but if it was your only plan, you knew that you had to do it on your own. 
You heard fast footsteps approaching you in the library. You turned around with a frown and saw Adrik approaching you. ‘’I know, not to be disturbed, but they need you in the war room,’’ Adrik informed and you nodded. You placed the books down and followed after him. 
You stopped in your tracks when you noticed David standing with Tolya, Nikolai, Alina, Mal, Tamar, and Adrik when you recognized David. David flickered his eyes when he saw you and waved with the other hand and you noticed that his hands were tied. ‘’Oh, so you know him,’’ Nikolai replied when he noticed your gaze. ‘’He claims to have escaped from a very alive General Kirigian,’’ Nikolai revealed and approached you. You looked at Alina with a concerned gaze. ‘’He gave himself up without a struggle, we found this on him,’’ Nikolai said and handed you over the journal. ‘’He says it’s one of Morozova’s journals,’’ You grabbed the journal as Nikolai turned to face David. 
‘’I, for one, am dying to know more, but he insisted to speak with you and Alina,’’ Nikolai said. 
‘’Y/N…’’ David began to say and step forward before Tolya stopped him before he could go further. ‘’I know I wronged both of you, please I regret my role in that, I know you have a reason to distrust me, but I have no loyalty to General Kirigian,’’ David spoke. 
‘’He survived the Volcra?’’ Alina questioned him. ‘’I’m afraid so,’’ David revealed. ‘’He also knows that you both are in East Ravka,’’ David informed and you could feel your heart growing faster. You didn’t know if he found out that you were the Firebird but if he did he could find you here, you didn’t know if you were safe. ‘’Tell us where he is,’’ You demanded David. 
‘’No, no, no,’’ David replied and you narrowed your eyes. ‘’That would be a very bad idea-’’
‘’You can’t expect us to trust you unless you share information,’’ You snapped. ‘’Confronting him would be suicide,’’ David replied. ‘’Kirigian used Merzost to create something in the Fold, creatures that do his bidding the size of two men, formed of pure shadow,’’ He informed as your blood ran cold. ‘’They have no breath to take, no heart to stop, no blood to drain, yet, they live,’’ David explained. 
‘’They live and they kill,’’ 
‘’They are nichevo’ya: nothing: bullets, blades, fire, all simply pass through and they walk freely in sunlight, I fear that merzost may be the only way to kill them,’’ You looked at David and could see that he was terrified. Nikolai glanced at you and he could see the fear you formed in your eyes. ‘’So, how did you manage to get away?’’ Mal questioned. 
‘’Genya,’’ You snapped your thoughts away at the mention of Genya. ‘’We tried to escape together but the nichevo’ya,’’ David informed. ‘’She sacrificed herself to get me out,’’ A sadness washed over you for your friend. You knew how much Genya liked David back then at the Little Palace and you begged the saints that she was still alive. 
‘’I don’t know if she survived,’’
‘’A smart spy will always play the victim,’’ Tolya spoke and narrowed his eyes. ‘’No, no,’’ David protested and shook his head. ‘’You make a valid point, Tolya,’’ Nikolai responded before he turned to Alina. ‘’As a leader of the second army, this is your call,’’ Nikolai said. Alina looked at Nadia and gestured to come closer next to her. ‘’You’ve known David the longest, what do you think?’’
‘’Kirigian always kept him close,’’ Nadia spoke. Alina looked at you before her eyes placed on David. ‘’Take him to the holding cell,’’ Alina said as Tolya walked away with David. ‘’We need a moment alone, please,’’ Mal said and looked at Nikolai. 
Nikolai looked at the three of you as you nodded. ‘’Of course,’’ He replied before walking away, leaving the three of you alone. You let out a sigh. ‘’Do you trust him?’’ Mal asked the two of you. 
‘’I don’t know,’’ You answered. ‘’Not entirely,’’ Alina added. ‘’The shadow monsters…’’ Mal trailed off as you thought for a moment. ‘’But why would he lie?’’ You asked them. ‘’Kirigian’s a force to be reckoned with, but if it’s true, I need to hunt the Firebird,’’ Mal responded making you look at him. 
‘’Or I can do something right now, an alternative to boost my power,’’ Alina suggested and you looked at her. ‘’Alternative?’’ You asked. ‘’He created soldiers of shadow,’’ Alina said. ‘’Maybe, maybe I can tear down the Fold by creating soldiers of light,’’ Alina informed. ‘’With what? Merzost?’’ You inquired. ‘’The Darkling messed with it and we got the Fold for 400 years,’’
‘’And now he has monsters who walk with him,’’ Alina argued. ‘’Give me time to track down the Firebird,’’ Mal said which made you sigh. ‘’There’s always a cost to merzost, it’s not worth the risk,’’
‘’Hey, you’re coming with us to Ketterdam?’’ You heard Tolya ask you as you approached him, Tolya, and Mal. ‘’You know I can’t, Queen duties,’’ You replied and rolled your eyes. ‘’Not going to lie, we all were surprised that you accepted the proposal,’’ Tamar spoke. ‘’Believe me, we all were,’’ You told her. 
‘’Too bad we can’t be here to see you in the dress that Nikolai had chosen,’’ Tamar replied. 
‘’Perhaps another time,’’ You responded. 
‘’You know it won’t be another time,’’ Tolya teased. ‘’Hey, now that she’s the Queen of Ravka, she’ll have to play dress up,’’ Tamar teased. 
‘’And the Queen of Ravka can hear you,’’ You responded as you gave them a look before you looked at them with a grin. 
 ‘’Be careful,’’ You told them before embracing him.
‘’Don’t worry, we will be back,’’ Tolya assured you and let go of you before walking away. ‘’And, don’t forget the snacks you’ll bring back from Shu Han!’’ You exclaimed. ‘’I can’t promise you anything,'' Tolya responded as you chuckled.
You , Mal, and Tamar said goodbye to each other as you walked back to your chambers to prepare for the ball. ‘’I hate this dress,’’ You murmured as you heard Alina chuckle. ‘’You look pretty, he has good taste,’’ Alina commented as you rolled your eyes and looked down at your dress. Nikolai had placed a dress in your room and it was uncomfortable for your liking. 
You disliked wearing pretty dresses and it was unusual for Alina to see you in one. ‘’How’s that, moy milaya? better?’’ The maid asked as you reached your arms. However, you couldn’t reach it further. ‘’Still can’t move my arms,’’ You replied softly and looked at her with a smile. ‘’I’ll get another corset,’’ She told you as you nodded. 
‘’Ugh, saints,’’ You whined. 
‘’It’s not that bad,’’ Alina replied as you turned around and looked at her and gave her a look. ‘’I can’t even breathe,’’ You complained. ‘’Well, I think you look great in that dress, you certainly look a queen,’’ Alina replied with a chuckle. ‘’Help me?’’ You asked and gestured to your back as Alina approached you. 
You heard the door open and you turned around to see Vasily. ‘’What do you want?’’ You asked. ‘’My my, Y/N, they never taught you manners did you?’’ Vasily remarked as Alina helped you undress behind the dressing room. You and Alina exchanged a look. You grabbed your coat as you stepped outside and looked at him. 
‘’I would prefer you call me Vasily,’’ He responded. ‘’At least when we’re in private,’’ He remarked after he heard you speak in Ravkan. ‘’What can I do for you, Moi Tsarevich?’’ You questioned. ‘’You call my brother by his given name,’’
‘’We met under different circumstances,’’ You explained. ‘’Yes, I’ve heard some find his whole Corsair act rather claiming,’’ He responded with a smirk, and you narrowed your eyes. ‘’If you excuse us-’’
‘’He must realize, no matter his aims, he will always be a second son,’’ He replied, and you looked at him. You felt your anger rise. ‘’Only I can make you a queen,’’ He spoke. ‘’I can assure you I have such no ambition,’’ 
‘’Is that so?’’ He questioned with a smirk. ‘’You’ve made no secret of your opinion on Grisha, why propose an alliance with me?’’ 
‘’I stand by my previous statements, the Ravkan people are fed up with being held hostage by Grisha tyrants, odds are some Grisha are good people, you could help me sort that out,’’ 
‘’Where would you find the time? Rumor has it you find yourself quite preoccupied at Caraveya, between the horse races and the brothels,’’ You replied boldly as you watched him take a step toward you with his jaw clenching. ‘’How many true allies do you have, Miss Starkov?’’ He questioned ‘’Grisha scraps with your sister being the leader of the Second Army, I imagine the Commander of the First would be a good one to keep,’’ He responded and glanced at Alina before looking at you.
‘’You’re a smart girl, consider your options,’’ He replied smugly before grabbing your hand softly and kissing at the top of your palm. ‘’Until then,’’ He spoke before leaving the room. You and Alina exchanged a look before you wiped your hand with disgust written on your face. 
You stared at your reflection and looked down at the dress before letting out a scoff. ‘’I take it down that you dislike the dress,’’ You heard Nikolai speak. You glanced up and saw him standing at the door frame with a smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes toward him. ‘’It’s hideous, I prefer wearing a kefta instead,’’ You spoke and turned around to face him. Nikolai chuckled and approached you. 
‘’I figured out that you would say so,’’ Nikolai replied before gesturing to the kefta he brought him with. You looked at him before letting out a grin on your face. You accepted the kefta in his hands before walking to the dressing room. You tried to get the dress off but you couldn’t reach the laces and usually, Alina would help you but she was at the party. ‘’I could use some help to undress, usually, Alina would help me but consider that she isn’t here…’’ You trailed off nervously. 
‘’Of course,’’ Nikolai replied and walked toward you. You looked in the mirror in front of you and saw him standing behind you. Your heart was beating fast when he was close to you and you could feel his fingers through the laces and you felt your cheeks warming up. You scolded yourself in your head when he was the one who made you flustered. 
You felt the laces loosen up as Nikolai met your gaze in the mirror, giving you a small smile before walking out. ‘’Some of the Grisha were kind enough to help and put this together,’’ You heard him speak as you put on the kefta. You smiled and realized that the two of you were matching before walking out. You saw Nikolai look at you with adoration in his expression while you gave a little twirl. 
‘’Well?’’ You asked. ‘’I would prefer to see you in one of the keftas instead of the pretty dresses,’’ Nikolai replied with a chuckle. ‘’I think I have just the flourish to complete the look,’’ He told you and approached you closer. ‘’Consider this as a gift,’’
You watched him grab something out of his pocket. You looked down and saw the Lantsov ring in his hand. ‘’The Lantsov Emerald,’’ You spoke and looked down. ‘’Understatement is overrated,’’ You quoted with a small smile. ‘’I love it when you quote me,’’ You just shook your head with a smile in response. 
‘’Console yourself knowing that, should you ever punch me while wearing it, you’ll probably take my eye out, and I’d very much like you to,’’ You looked at him. ‘’Wear it, that’s it, not punch me,’’ He explained as the two of you chuckled. ‘’May I?’’ He asked and you nodded. You reached your hand out and felt him grab your hand softly before placing the ringer on. ‘’I must say, this is the longest conversation we have had instead of ripping each other head’s off,’’ You spoke as you heard him laugh softly. 
‘’Indeed,’’ He spoke as the two of you walked out of the room. ‘’Your mother will not be pleased you gave this to a commoner,’’ You remarked as you stepped down the stairs. ‘’If my mother was as put off by commoners as she claims, I wouldn’t be here, now would I?’’ Nikolai retorted, making you stop. ‘’If you lead a country, you must get better at hiding what you’re thinking,’’ Nikolai spoke. 
‘’I wasn’t sure,’’ You replied as you followed after him. ‘’I heard the whispers since I was a child,’’ He replied. ‘’I’ll deny it if you repeat it, but the truth is, I couldn’t care less if I have Lantsov blood, given all the royal inbreeding, I think the bastard is probably a point in my favor,’’
‘’It’s nice when you drop the act when you’re just yourself,’’ You remarked. ‘’Was that a compliment?’’ He asked with a smirk and you just rolled your eyes. ‘’Besides, I am a prince, Y/N,’’ He remarked. ‘’Being myself is a luxury I can’t often indulge in,’’ He answered.
‘’The throne is just a prize to Vasily, like some favorite toy,’’ You replied softly before turning to face him. ‘’You, however, care about Ravka,’’ You told him, making him smile. ‘’You’d make a good king,’’ You replied. ‘’Coming from you, it means a lot,’’ He murmured and you looked into his eyes. You could see the adoration in his eyes and it made you realize that you’d fallen for him. You weren’t supposed to fall in love with him considering the circumstances and you tried hard not to, knowing that your plan would involve sacrificing yourself for Alina. Nikolai met your eyes as he saw sadness flashing through your eyes before changing them. 
You hesitantly reached for his hands and he noticed the hesitation on your face before accepting it. Your heart was beating harder when you felt his touch and it was soft-spoken. ‘’You’re going to be insufferable now, aren’t you?’’ You remarked. Nikolai let out a laugh at the comment you made. 
The laugh, you thought for yourself. You stared at Nikolai with an unreadable expression on your face. It was the kind of laugh that you would bottle up and get drunk on the darkest nights. ‘’I’m already insufferable, love,’’ Nikolai retorted with a grin on his face. You chuckled as you felt him squeeze your hand before walking out to the room. 
You heard the classical music playing in the background while the massive crowd around you was chatting and drinking. ‘’I was not expecting this,’’ Nikolai murmured with the same surprise on his face. You looked around and tried to see Alina and Mal. ‘’Where’s Mal and Alina?’’ You asked him with concern. ‘’I know my company doesn’t account for much, but at least pretend to enjoy yourself,’’ Nikolai spoke. 
You gave him a look before scanning the room. ‘’I don’t see them,’’ You began to grow worried and Nikolai sensed it. ‘’Listen, I can assure you that the two of them are fine, maybe the two lovebirds are in a private room and doing saints know what,’’ You wrinkled your face in disgust before looking at him with a deadpanned expression. ‘’I did not want to hear that,’’ You muttered. ‘’After all, that gelatin deer gave its life for your entertainment,’’ Nikolai spoke and leaned to your ear. You turned your gaze and realized that he was so close to your lips and you yanked your head away from him. 
Nikolai smirked at your reaction. ‘’It’s not just like them, you know,’’ You murmured. ‘’They would be here with me, and well, watching us while teasing,’’ You remarked. ‘’You can’t fault them for being a little late,’’ Nikolai responded and looked at you. ‘’You can’t be worried about Alina and Mal, they can take care of themselves, you know?’’ Nikolai said and you sighed. ‘’I know, I’m just worried,’’ 
‘’Perhaps your loyal Sun Summoner and tracker don’t share your enthusiasm for your festivities,’’ You heard Vasily’s voice speak from behind you as you and Nikolai exchanged a look. ‘’If you excuse me, Moi Tsarevich,’’ You spoke as Nikolai nodded at you before you walked away. You sighed with frustration and walked around in the crowd trying to find Alina. However, you spotted Tamar speaking with Nadia. ‘’I guess I owe you the money,’’ You heard Tamar speak when she saw you approaching them. 
‘’What?’’ You questioned her. 
‘’We were all betting if you would choose the dress,’’ Nadia explained. ‘’Well, I guess you were wrong then,’’ You spoke and looked at Tamar. ‘’Have you seen Alina and Mal?’’ You asked Tamar with concern as Nadia went back for more champagne. ‘’Well-’’ 
‘’Y/N, have you seen Mal?’’ Alina interrupted you as you turned around. ‘’Saints, Alina, I was looking for you and Mal,’’ You replied before embracing her tightly. ‘’He’s probably late, you know,’’ Tamar spoke as she tried to assure you. You could feel that something was wrong but you tried to ignore the feeling. 
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard Vasily speak. ‘’A toast!’’ You and Alina exchanged a look. ‘’I’d like to share some words about my brother, Nikolai,’’ Vasily spoke and pointed toward Nikolai. You narrowed your eyes. ‘’Yes, yes, we all know he’s pretentious,’’ He spoke and chuckled. ‘’Condescending, a man of the people…’’ 
You frowned when you felt a strange feeling. You could feel that something was wrong as you looked up at the ceiling glass with wonder. It was the same feeling that you felt when you and Aleksander had connected for the first time back at the Little Palace, but then you saw it. 
The shadows. ‘’Alina…’’ You spoke, making her turn to face you with confusion, and then, everything happened so fast that you didn’t have the time to react. ‘’Run!’’ You shouted at Alina when the Nichevo'ya appeared. People were screaming, several gunshots were heard and you hid behind a pole. 
You couldn’t think and you were terrified. Terrified of your own life, Nikolai, Mal, and Alina. You gasped when you saw the Nichevo'ya dragged Vasily in the air before tearing him apart. Alina used her magic as she tried to kill them but it was no use. ‘’Somebody, protect the Queen!’’ You heard one of them say. Nadia and Adrik used their powers against the Nichevo'ya and you tried to run toward Alina, however, the Nichevo'ya knocked them away. 
‘’Alina!’’ You shouted with fear and you froze in place when the Nichevo'ya turned to you. You widened your eyes as you felt your blood run cold. ‘’Y/N!’’ Alina shouted and you could see her eyes with terror when she saw the Nichevo'ya was coming for you. You felt strong arms wrapping around your waist, dragging away from Alina as Tamar and the others tried to protect her too. 
‘’Let me go! Alina!’’ You shouted. ‘’Y/N, we need to go, now!’’ Nikolai raised his voice as he tried to drag you away from there. ‘’Find Mal!’’ You tried to shout before you felt him drag you away from Alina.
please comment down below what you'd thought of this chapter and remember, reblogging always helps!
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usafphantom2 · 5 months
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IMAGES: U.S. Navy and Air Force recreate iconic scene from the 1970s
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/13/2024 - 21:39in Military
The U.S. Navy and Air Force recently recreated a famous photo from the 1970s to highlight the national asset that is the R-2508 test field in Southern California.
The photo, which shows a Navy F-4J Phantom from the then Four Air Assessment and Test Squadron (VX-4) based on Point Mugu in formation with one of the legendary SR-71 Blackbirds flying more than Mach 3 from the USAF Air Base in Beale, was originally staged to put these two black birds together in the test range of the R-2508.
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The famous photo of the F-4J "Vandy 1" flying in formation with an SR-71 in 1972. (Photo: U.S. Navy)
Referred to as "R-2508 Complex", the range extends over more than 51,700 square kilometers of special-purpose airspace, covering parts of Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Tulare counties. Most of the Complex is above other federally owned lands, including national parks, national forests and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) properties.
Airspace is a vital national good, crucial for the testing and development of aircraft, spacecraft and other advanced technologies, fundamental to national security. It is the largest land area of special-use airspace in the U.S., established during the height of the Cold War in 1955 as a controlled space to operate experimental aircraft and other military aircraft in tests and operational evaluations.
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Most of America's world-famous "X planes" flew and were developed here. They still occupy their skies today. The area is administered and used by the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station, the National Army Training Center in Fort Irwin and the Air Force Test Center at Edwards Air Base, all in California.
Recently, the Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 9 (VX-9), successor to the VX-4, organized a photographic flight session to celebrate the formation seen above. In doing so, it draws attention to the legacy of military aerospace testing in Southern California, to almost 70 years of multi-service cooperation in testing and evaluation, and to the value of R-2508, which is threatened by the invasion.
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Well above the test range, a VX-9 F/A-18F Super Hornet encountered a U-2 Dragon Lady operated by the U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center support center at Plant 42, part of the 412ª Test Wing at Edwards Air Base.
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The aircraft, a contemporary of the SR-71 that remains active and the other that represents the heart of the U.S. Navy's fighter fleet, formed after completing its own separate test missions, reminding us of what the U.S. is still able to do - if it still has the will.
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The F-4J "Vandy-1" or "Black Bunny" makes a low passage at high speed with another F-4 Phantom.
The Super Hornet is coated with the glossy black painting scheme that became famous for the VX-4. In U.S. Navy circles, it is said that bright black paint was applied to a VX-4 Phantom in 1969 during night tests. The radio call sign of the VX-4 squadron was "Vanderbilt" or Vandy, for short. The squadron captain's jet was known as "Vandy-1" and it was this plane that carried the black scheme.
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The famous F-4J Phantom II attributed to the VX-4 portrayed after employing a drag kick during landing after a flight demonstration on NAS Pt. Mugu, California, in 1974.
It also carried the logo of what was then an American institution - Playboy magazine. In 1969, Hugh Heffner's Playboy Enterprises bought a Douglas DC-9 commercial aircraft and converted it into a large executive jet with bright black paint and its renowned rabbit logo on the tail. It was capriciously called "Big Bunny".
Not long after, several sources claim that a photo of the Vandy-1 with the rabbit logo stamped on its vertical stabilizer began to circulate in October 1971. Wags referred to the black Phantom of the VX-4 as the "Black Bunny".
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Playboy owner Hugh Heffner's DC-9 lands in London.
Playboy Enterprises is said to have sent a letter to the VX-4 warning the squad that the rabbit logo on the Vandy-1 was not approved and suggested a possible legal action. But Playboy astutely added that no action would be taken if the squad used a rabbit stencil provided by the company to reflect its world-renowned trademark art.
Whether it was enacted by Heffner or another executive of the company, it was a cunning move and, subsequently, the official stencils were sent to the U.S. Navy to match Playboy's design. The rabbit was also seen in the successor to the VX-4, Vandy-1, an F-14 Tomcat and, appropriately, in a USAF SR-71 dubbed "Rapid Rabbit" that was almost shot down over Hanoi in 1972.
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The VX-4 F-14-Tomcat returns to Key West Naval Air Station NAS after intense dogfight training over the Atlantic Ocean during the Cope Snapper 2002 exercise.
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An SR-71 also displayed the Playboy ringy logo. (Photo: Lockheed Martin via HABU.ORG)
The Playboy logo disappeared in the early 2000s, as American society became increasingly politically correct and, in today's indisputably toxic social climate, it cannot appear in the VX-9's Super Hornet "Vandy-1".
But the feeling of pride, friendship and loyalty suggested still exists in the military flight test community. As noted, the R-2508 is fundamental to the work carried out by the organizations that use it. However, the pressure from renewable energy lobbies and the frequency spectrum (telecommunications) can jeopardise the scope of the test, such as urban/suburban growth sustained by the political power of real estate developers.
Preserving the air and land space that the R-2508 Complex offers - its bombing fields, supersonic corridors, low-altitude and high-speed maneuver areas, radar interception areas and refueling areas - is simple common sense.
It is worth highlighting the recognition of its value by the U.S. Navy, exemplified by the test framework at the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station and VX-9. The U.S. Air Force agrees and according to Chase Kohler, head of communications of the 412ª Test Wing in Edwards, the photo session offered "offered an excellent look to show the joint collaboration that is the R-2508 air space complex".
Hopefully, the Navy, the Air Force and the Army can continue to collaborate for many decades.
Source: Forbes
Tags: Military AviationF-4 PhantomF/A-18E/F Super HornetSR-71 BlackbirdU-2 Dragon LadyUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air ForceUSN - United States Navy/U.S. Navy
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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stellar-imagines · 2 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝questionable justice.❞
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[ Fandom: One Piece ]  [ Characters: Roronoa Zoro, Portgas D Ace ] 
「Scenario of Zoro and Ace meeting their S/O who is like Kocho Shinobu, sweet and smiling all the time but was taken by surprise when they see her mad.」
The Strawhat Pirates just happened to land on a very pirate-friendly island. Technically it wasn't pirate friendly but the people here were the type to judge visitors based on their intentions. Zoro remembered meeting you for the first time when he was accompanying Chopper to stock up on some medicine and herbs. You didn't look any older than he was but you were surrounded by young employees who were running around restocking the empty shelves. He was pretty surprised at how bright, friendly and cheerful you were. While he was waiting for Chopper ― who seemed to be very excited over talking with you ― he noticed how you always have this easygoing smile on your face.
Honestly, he did not know why he kept running into you during his stay in the island. Zoro doesn't like to admit that he can get lost so when you find him wandering in an alleyway, clearly disheveled and all, you couldn't help but giggle. You never mentioned about him being lost and just silently brought him along with you. He doesn't know you that well and he's not the type to start small talk with people. The two of you ended up running into Luffy, catching him stuffing himself with food that he couldn't possibly afford.
It was then you were invited to the little party the Strawhat Pirates were hosting, something about wanting to throw a banquet. Up until now, you wondered what the reason behind the party was but when you noticed that the whole town was also there, you thought that you didn't have to question it. Pirates often dock at this island but it was your first time meeting such a friendly and lively crew. Pirates were usually people who don't hesitate in conducting robbery and behaved like criminals.
"Crap! It's the marines, we gotta run!" Usopp exclaimed when he spotted a navy ship from where he sat. You overheard Usopp's exclamation and turned towards Zoro and Robin who were the closest to you.
"Go back to your ship and prepare to leave. I doubt that they will let you off that easily. You guys can leave from the port where you docked on, the navy seems to have docked in the front so you'll be fine." you muttered to the two.
"What are you going to do? It will be bad if they figured out that you're helping us." Robin voiced her concern. You smiled at them gently and assured that you and the people here will manage somehow, just like you normally do. Zoro and Robin hesitantly left the scene while you made your way towards the front to confront the army of marines that just docked their ship in the main port.
“What business do you have with this town? I thought we made it clear that we don’t want protection from scum like you lot!”
"We're looking for the Straw Hat Pirates! You're not sheltering pirates like you did last time are you?" the marine captain slowly making their way down the ship, followed by a group of marines. His gaze was trained on you as he slowly approached the civillains. The people started to move back, forming a circle around you and the marines. You stopped a few feet away from the captain, a hand resting over the hilt of your katana.
"How dare you accuse [First Name] like that—!" a loud gunshot rang through the crowd and the entire Strawhat Pirates stopped to turn their attention towards you who stood in the middle of everything. 
“You're lucky you're not a pirate, [First Name]. But you're coming us for interrogation." the captain slowly made his way towards you with two tall soldiers by his side. The two men stood on each side of you, raising their weapons in case you tried anything funny.
"If you refuse to cooperate, we might have to eliminate you." he smirked at you.
"[First Name]!" you heard Luffy and when you turned your head around, you saw the entire crew stepping out from the crowd.
"Step back, you guys!" you pulled out your katana in one swift motion, surprising the Strawhats who were getting ready to engage in combat. Zoro lowered his weapons and watched as you disarmed the soldiers who were holding you at gunpoint. The marine captain drew his sword to block your own, letting out a laugh.
"Protecting pirates and threatening the marines?! You're no better than pirates themselves! You and your sister are no different after all, that's why she died!" the captain spat at you with a manic grin on his face.
"That's because you killed her!" you yelled, putting a bit more force on your katana and pushing the captain back. You adopted a fighting stance and glared at the man in front of you who didn't seem guilty at all. Zoro watched in awe as you expertly handled your katana, fighting toe to toe with a captain from the marines.
"Crap! There's so many of them! We gotta run!" Nami exclaimed. Zoro's attention landed on you, noticing that you were still fighting with the captain. By now, everyone had already dispersed and took shelter in their own homes to avoid getting caught in the middle. His own crewmates began to run towards the direction of the Sunny but Zoro himself ran in the other direction.
"Hey, Zoro! Where are you going? The ship is the other way!" Chopper exclaimed.
"Let me go, Zoro! I won't be satisfied until I beat all of them!" you struggled against his hold, lightly hitting his back as he carried you over his shoulder and began bolting toward the direction of where his crewmates were heading.
"You're coming with us and you're joining the crew!" he suddenly announced out loud.
"Excuse me?" you stopped pounding his back to stare at the back of his head in disbelief.
"If you become a pirate, you can fight against marines more often!" Zoro reasoned. You couldn't believe what you were hearing and let out a small laugh at his words. This was your first time being kidnapped by pirates and not to mention, he was inviting you to join the crew instead of forcing you to give him all your valuables.
"You're an odd one, Zoro." you sighed.
"You sure eat a lot." you put another plate of fried rice and a large mug of juice in front of Ace who continued scarfing down every single dish you put out for him. He stopped eating for a while, greedily finishing the glass of juice you just put out for him. He let out a satisfied noise before grinning widely at you.
"I've never eaten such good food before!" he said casually before putting aside his empty plate.
"Not to mention, the chef who made all this is just so pretty!" he chuckles with a bright smile that made you blush lightly.
"You're just saying that because I'm offering them for free." you giggled.
This was probably Ace's third time in the restaurant you worked in. Ace was sitting at his usual spot, just by the bar where he could see you cooking through the window that connected the front of the house to the kitchen. He loved seeing that easy-going smile on your face as you tended to the customers. You always looked like you enjoyed what you were doing. The restaurant was such a nice place, there were no fights, no discrimination, just good food, and friendly people. Even with the occasional pirates as customers, your attitude and food always seemed to unite people together.
Ace places a few bills onto the table, clearly more than what he owed you for the food. Before you could even protest, he only flashes you a grin, telling you that it will also be for tomorrow when he drops by for dinner. When he sees your bright and lovely smile, followed by a wave, he knew that he had to come again tomorrow. Just as he leaves the restaurant, he passed by a group of marines and unintentionally stopped to watch their movements. He covered his face a little more with his hat to avoid trouble. 
"Hey, [First Name]. Business going well?"
“If you're here to just disturb me then leave. This is a restaurant, either you eat here or fuck off." you calmly picked up the dirty plates from the customers who were seated at the bar counter. The captain of the marines scoffed in response, taking a seat right in front of you and slamming his hand onto the table.
"Listen, we heard some people gossiping about you helping some pirates recently." he leaned over the counter while you arranged the clean beer mugs and served other customers by the counter.
"Pirates or not, people who come here are customers. If you have any complaints then tell that to the owner. He's the one in charge of everything and the one who taught us this. So, what are you going to order?" you said as calmly as possible, pulling out a notepad from your pocket, along with a pen. The captain clicked his tongue in annoyance, lightly glaring at you before standing up abruptly from his seat.
"Just as barbaric as your sister but the only difference is that you're not a filthy pirate. Be grateful that we, Marines, do not harm civilians like you." the captain of the marine crew scoffed, pointing an accusing finger at you.
When he heard crashing and the sound of glass breaking, he bolted into the restaurant without even thinking twice. To avoid making a scene and drawing attention, Ace opted to observe discreetly from the window. For a second, Ace wondered where you got that but that wasn't what surprised him. The look on your face was one that was unfamiliar. You were usually so kind and gentle, greeting everyone with a smile. The angry look on your face took him by surprise and he could hear the conversation going on between you and the captain.
"Don't you dare talk shit about [Sister Name] as if you played no part in her death! You marines falsely accused her of being a pirate when she wasn't!" you raised your voice, slowly stepping forward to close the distance between you and the captain.
"Hey! How dare you threaten the captain!? I'll have you executed!" one of the brave soldiers stepped forward between you and the captain, one hand on the hilt of his sword.
"Move before I decide to kill you." you glared at the soldier who cowered under your gaze.
"Arrest her!" the captain commanded and all the marine soldiers started to advance. Even so, you stood your ground.
"Sorry!" a voice cut in, followed by a small wave of fire that stood in the way of the marines. You shielded yourself from the fire, stepping back to avoid burning yourself. However, what surprised you was the fact that Ace was now standing in the place of the fire. The man gave you a cheeky grin, walking over towards you and putting his hat on your head.
".....this little one is with me."
"Fire Fist Ace?!" the marines exclaimed in unison. For a moment, they were too stunned to do anything, and that gave Ace the opportunity to whisk you away. 
"Wait Ace, where are you taking me?!" you questioned.
"Say, [First Name].....What do you think about being a part of the best pirate crew?" Ace grinned widely.
Total: 1920 words  Published: 05.12.2022
Thank you @coolminahi​ for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 Thanks for requesting! So we wrote for Ace and Zoro because we don’t write for Katakuri But hope you liked it!― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! So, we couldn’t find the original ask in our inbox but luckily, we copied it. Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Battle of Waxhaws
The Battle of Waxhaws (29 May 1780) was a small engagement during the southern theater of the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) that nevertheless had a significant psychological impact on the Patriots. During the battle, Lt. Colonel Banastre Tarleton and his infamous British Legion allegedly slaughtered Patriot soldiers who were trying to surrender, increasing the perception of British soldiers as ruthless.
Charleston Under Attack
In March 1780, the chaos and destruction of the Revolutionary War came to South Carolina. Over 10,000 British and German soldiers, under the command of Sir Henry Clinton, had landed at Drayton's Landing, 12 miles (19 km) to the north of the city of Charleston. On 29 March, the army crossed the Ashley River and dug in outside the city's landward defenses, beginning to lay siege. Meanwhile, Royal Navy vessels had entered Charleston Harbor, having slipped past the sandbar that was supposed to prevent such a movement; the panicked American commodore in charge of the city's naval defenses decided to scuttle his eight ships rather than face the firepower of Royal Navy warships. In the ensuing weeks, the British siegeworks inched closer to the walls of Charleston, undeterred by the incessant fire of the American artillery. It was only a matter of time, it seemed, before the Union Jack flew above the walls of Charleston.
Major General Benjamin Lincoln, in charge of the American army within the city, was aware of the direness of his situation. Charleston was, at the time, the jewel of the American South. It was not only the largest city in the South but also the economic center of the region; indigo and rice, two of the most profitable crops grown on South Carolinian plantations, were exported from Charleston docks, the sale of which was used to help fund the United States' war effort. If the city were to fall, the British would not only gain an important foothold in South Carolina but could also more easily control the trade flowing out of the American South, thereby crippling the US economy. Civilian officials begged General Lincoln not to surrender the city, no matter the cost to his army. Lincoln did his best to comply but knew his situation was growing bleaker every day. On 14 April, his route of retreat across the nearby Cooper River was cut when a detachment of British dragoons, led by Lt. Colonel Banastre Tarleton, surprised and defeated the American outpost at Monck's Tavern. Hours later, the energetic Tarleton had captured all major crossing points over the Cooper within 6 miles (10 km) of Charleston. Now, Lincoln's army was well and truly trapped.
Though growing dimmer by the day, Lincoln's situation was not entirely hopeless. General George Washington, commander-in-chief of the American forces, was busy leading the main army in New Jersey and could not come to Lincoln's aid himself; Washington did, however, send two Continental regiments under the Bavarian-born General Johann de Kalb to aid in Charleston's defense. At the same time, Colonel Abraham Buford and the 380 soldiers of the 3rd Virginia Regiment had marched down from Virginia to help protect the Carolinas from the British. By 5 May, Buford's men arrived at Lenud's Ferry, on the northern side of the Santee River, 40 miles (64 km) from Charleston. Here, the Virginians encountered a small party of American troops under Colonel Anthony Walton White and Colonel William Washington (a second cousin of the general). White and Washington had gathered the survivors of Tarleton's raids along the Cooper River and regrouped at Lenud's Ferry.
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aimeedaisies · 10 months
Following His Majesty's Accession, The King is pleased to announce further military appointments for working Members of the Royal Family.
The new appointments will continue to reflect the close relationship between the Armed Forces and the Royal Family in His Majesty's reign.
His Majesty The King
The King will take on the following military affiliations:
Sponsor, HMS Queen Elizabeth
Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Tank Regiment
Captain General, The Royal Artillery Captain General, The Honourable Artillery Company Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Regiment of Scotland Royal Honorary Air Commodore, RAF Marham Air Commodore-in-Chief, RAF Regiment
The King, as Sovereign, is Head of the Armed Forces. His Majesty is a military veteran himself, having trained and served in both the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force.
Her Majesty The Queen
Patron, The Royal Army Chaplains' Department
Her Majesty The Queen has a range of military affiliations, and was recently announced as the new Colonel-in-Chief of The Royal Lancers. The Queen's father, the late Major Bruce Shand, served with the 12th Lancers during World War II. Her Majesty's other military appointments include Colonel Grenadier Guards and Colonel-in-Chief of The Rifles.
His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales
Colonel-in-Chief, The Mercian Regiment Colonel-in-Chief, The Army Air Corps
Royal Honorary Air Commodore, RAF Valley
The Prince of Wales has a strong affiliation with the Armed Forces, having served in the Army as a Platoon Commander in The Blues and Royals, before completing flying training in the Royal Air Force. His Royal Highness served as an RAF Search and Rescue pilot, spending three years at RAF Valley in Anglesey, Wales.
Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales
Commodore-in-Chief, Fleet Air Arm Colonel-in-Chief, 1st Queen's Dragoon Guards
Royal Honorary Air Commodore, RAF Coningsby
The Princess of Wales's existing military appointments include Colonel, Irish Guards and Royal Honorary Air Commodore of the Air Cadets. Her Royal Highness is also Sponsor of HMS Glasgow - the first of the Royal Navy's new Type 26 Frigates which is currently under construction. The Princess's grandfather served in the Royal Air Force.
His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh
Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Dragoon Guards Colonel-in-Chief, The Queen's Royal Hussars
The Duke of Edinburgh holds a range of military appointments. For twenty years, His Royal Highness has served as Royal Honorary Colonel of The Royal Wessex Yeomanry, whose troops have deployed in support of both The Queen's Royal Hussars and The Royal Dragoon Guards. His Royal Highness is also Royal Colonel of 2nd Battalion The Rifles, and was recently announced as Colonel-in-Chief of The London Guards.
Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh
Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Irish Regiment Roval Colonel, The Queen's Own Yeomanry
The Duchess of Edinburgh's military appointments include Royal Colonel of 5 Battalion The Rifles and Honorary Air Commodore of RAF Wittering. Every year, The Duchess holds an annual competition in which Her Royal Highness's affiliated regiments from the UK and Canada compete against each other in a series of challenges, to foster cooperation.
Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal
Deputy Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Regiment of Scotland
The King has been pleased to appoint The Princess Royal Deputy Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, recognising Her Royal Highness's strong links to Scotland and existing links with the Regiment as Colonel-in-Chief of both 15* Battalion The Ranger Regiment (formerly 1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland) and 6th Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland.
His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester
Air Commodore-in-Chief, Royal Auxiliary Air Force
The Duke of Gloucester has been Patron of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force Foundation since 2012. His Royal Highness's mother, Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester, was Commandant of the Womens' Auxiliary Air Force from 1939 to 1944.
Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester
Colonel-in-Chief, Adjutant General's Corps
The Duchess of Gloucester has held the appointment of Deputy Colonel-in-Chief, Adjutant General's Corps, since 1992.
Background information
Other recently announced military appointments include the following:
Colonel-in-Chief, The Household Division - The King
Captain General Royal Marines - The King
Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Engineers - The King
Colonel Grenadier Guards - The Queen
Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Lancers - The Queen
Colonel Welsh Guards - The Prince of Wales
Colonel Irish Guards - The Princess of Wales
Colonel London Guards - The Duke of Edinburgh
Colonel-in-Chief, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - The Duchess of Edinburgh
Colonel-in-Chief, Intelligence Corps - The Princess Royal
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madmarchhare · 6 months
The Monk and the Traveller Ch.2
Cherry spent about two hours with the man, getting a dinner of fried fox wrapped in various herbs along with some pheasant he had cooked the night before, leaving the pheasant he had caught today to prepare later. Alcohol flowed freely, much to the monk’s taciturn delight, Collier pouring him large servings of Sake[1] into a pair of ornate jet sake dishes he had. ‘It would be wrong to serve them in something else!’ he had remarked, just before gulping down the clear drink. By the end of the supper the smaller man was thoroughly drunk, both on good food and good drink, completely red in the face and quite out of it.
Collier made conversation all the while, asking questions about the man while discussing himself, but Cherry was only in a state to offer monosyllabic replies or nods. The Englishman noticed, but was not too bothered by it, enjoying the company nonetheless as he spoke increasingly to himself. In the end Cherry was struggling to hold himself awake, beginning to nod off into the drink in his hand. Collier grabbed him under the arm and pulled him to his room, the monk wearing a Cheshire cat smile all the way. His room was lavish for the hotel, simplistic yet finely decorated where it could be. Collier pulled the man to his room and laid him on his bed, leaving his hat hung on his staff and the latter leaned against the wall outside the room, along with his sandals.
He left through the door, leaving the key inside near it, hearing Cherry’s drunken mumblings as he left. He walked back down the hall to his room, nodding to the daughter of the inn as they passed each other, which she returned curtly as she carried a number of towels. He returned to his room, locking the door behind himself then changed into a pair of striped pyjamas, removing his money from the jacket before folding it away. He went to bed, laying his watch near his head after unlatching it from his wrist, then laying down on the futon[2].
Collier woke up early, as he often did, getting up and stretching before walking off to wash his face and brush his teeth. After that, he changed into the trousers he had worn yesterday, with a fresh shirt rolling up the sleeves as he grabbed his guns to clean them.
The rifle was an equitize piece, a Lee Speed sporting with high grade wood, polished a deep colour. A metal butt plate on its rear, with a sling loop on the underside of the stock, a few inches up of a metal oval in the stock. The semi-pistol grip was beautifully chequered, a horn grip cap just below it, the trigger and magazine just ahead of it. Both featured light engravings, a deep one on the underside of the trigger guard. The foregrip was just a deeply chequered as the grip, capped with deep black horn as well. The action was blued deeply, with a round bolt head, a dust cover over the top of the action, the magazine cut-off just below it. The Lee action locked into a beautifully blued long barrel, a chequered rib all along the top, bar for the inscription of ‘Army & Navy Cooperative Ltd[3] London For cordite only’. A set of three flip up leaf sight near the action, platinum lines up their centres, along with a ladder sight up to a thousand yards, left for the ambitions. The end of the barrel featured a raised dot sight, adjustable with a set screw on one side, the muzzle showing the grooves of Enfield-style rifling as a swing loop was affixed under the far end of the barrel.
He disassembled and cleaned the rifle, being somewhat liberal on the use of oil as he cleaned out the cordite residue in the rifling, giving all the metal and wood a quick polish as he put it back together, working the action as he finished, then holding the trigger as it closed it back so it wouldn’t re-cock the striker. His revolvers were in better concern, not having been used as much. The first, and smaller of the two was Merwin & Hulbert Third Model frontier. An army style revolver, meaning it was chambered in the US army’s standard of .44 calibre, specifically in .44-40 or Winchester 1873 as it was marked on the gun. It featured a flared, bell-shaped grip made of ivory, a seven inch barrel, and was nickel plated. It was well engraved, seeing woven patterns of reeds and roaming Saharan fauna. He had bought it when he had travelled to America, enjoying the speed and strength of the gun, especially as this was a double action model.
His other one, a deep blued piece, was a Webley Target with Bakelite grips and seven and a half inch barrel. Both the rear-sight on the latch and the front sight were adjustable, the grip being flared at the base and the trigger serrated. It was Chambered in .477 Eley, also called Enfield, it was a black powder cartridge which Collier used as a stopping revolver, for tigers, bears and the like. Though unfortunately it would not go much larger in it’s targets.
He finished cleaning the trio of weapons he had got out, placing them away as he went to wash his hands and finish getting dressed. Before he left he went past Cherry’s room, pressing his ear to the door, checking for signs that the monk was still alive. He heard the man toss slightly within the room, so drew back, assured that he had not helped the man drink himself to death. He pulled on his coat and the rest of his equipment, a small rucksack on his back, along with a burlap wrapped canteen. An ammunition pouch strapped under the rucksack, along with an expense pouch on his right hip, near a metal brace for carrying game, both revolvers holster at his waist on the left.
He grabbed the left-over bits of fox meat, wrapped in wax-paper, to use as bait, placing them with the other select chunks he had with him already in his bag. He affixed a hunting knife to his belt, an ivory handled Damascus blade, then pulled his rifle over his shoulder. He left his room, locking it behind him as he walked, holding his boots by the mouth pinched between his finger and thumb. The sun had barely risen as he left his room, nodding to Surogasu as they passed each other the owner smiling warmly at his guest, though still wearing a tired look on his face. Collier walked to the entrance, stopping to don his boots, then left. Morning was dark outside, the sun not having yet raised its face. He checked his watch using what remained of the light from the inn, and saw it was twenty-eight minutes to five o’clock. He smiled to himself then set off into the dark, accompanied by the early morning songs of birds and the chatter of insects.
He arrived in the woods shortly after, adjusting his equipment, making sure nothing could rattle before loading his rifle, loading each round of .303 individually into the box magazine. He loaded both revolvers as well, opening the loading gate on the right side of the Merwin’s cylinder before sliding into its holster and retrieving the Webley. He broke it open, dropping the large bullets into the cylinder one by one before snapping it shut and holstering it as well. He stepped carefully through the woods, lifting his legs high to not become entangled in the groundcover underfoot. Conifer trees stretched high around him, draining out what little light the morning had granted him as he continued forward. He checked his watch, the radium on the hands lightly illuminating the face, allowing him to see that it had just turned quarter past five. He grabbed some bait from his rucksack, a section of breasted pheasant and set it up in a small parting in the ground cover. He moved downwind of the meat, watching closely as he moved away from it. When he was far enough away he chambered a round in his rifle, flipping up the leaf sight for the right range as he crouched down in the bracken, concealing himself within it. He waited patiently, watching around the spot as he listened to the quiet, moving occasionally to try and stay into the wind so that his scent would not blow over the bait.
After a while, just as the twinkling sparks of daylight began to burn, Collier saw movement ahead of him, just by a small mess of holly near the bait. A fox swept out of the cover, glancing around the space as it seemed to be heading home, but had noticed the food ahead of it. It moved to it, cautious on instinct, the mess of chicken blood already present on its chest as it considered the additional meal. Finally it darted close to it and snatched it up in its mouth. Before it could dash off, its legs already shifting, Collier fired, the sights lined up squarely on the creatures red face. The bullet boomed as it left the barrel, wreathed in a great boa of fire and burning cordite as it whipped past the plants surrounding the muzzle to pierce cleanly through the fox’s head. The creature didn’t notice, flopping to the ground from the residual inertia. The shot echoed off the thin trunks of the trees, bouncing up and down the uneven ground of the forest. Birds flew off in distress at the noise, though a number remained unabashed in their sleep.
Collier lifted and pulled back the bolt, catching the brass and dumping it into a pocket. He closed the bolt, chambering a round, then flipped on the safety before striding over to the fox. It was still twitching slightly, the last shocks of nerves displaying a fruitless imitation of life. He affixed the body to the brace had had at his hip, shifting it around so he could reach his expense pouch for cartridges. He left what remained of the bait on the ground, for the scavengers he thought. He made his way forward, an idle crow calling after him, almost in thanks for the meal he had left it. He made the same attempt two more times, the first succeeding, though the shot pierced its neck. The last attempt was fruitless, the day already having broke, seeing then end of any excursion for a fox.
He heard and saw a number of squirrels busing themselves across the tree branches, flashes of red and grey backlit against the innumerous greens and browns of the conifers. He let them alone, deciding to come back with a shotgun another time. Even his revolvers were likely too powerful for the small creatures. He continued on, finding a small outcropping of stone that he laid himself on, the wind dying down as he did. He stared out over the forest ahead of him, holding his rifle loosely in his hands. He had seen the signs of it a while earlier, small pits called ‘scrapes’ dung into the ground by the thing which stunk of the musky urine they used to mark them. He was in its territory, so he expected it to come, either soon or later.
He had spent the latter half of the day before stalking it, working out the particulars of its realm. He laid still, time ticking by with his watch as the sun moved overhead. By midday he had seen nothing, bar from a flush of green pheasant, of which he shot two with his rifle, bundling them with the foxes, wrapped in a sheet beside him. Then he spotted its shape. Almost fifty inches tall at the shoulder, and about sixty inches long, with deep mahogany fur, darker around the spine of the neck and near invisible white spots on its back. It darted its eyes around the scene with determined caution, prepared to fend off someone who breached his territory, using his impressive antlers. A sika deer, or nihonjika.[4] They were a fascinating species, especially compared to other deer he had hunted. Most would flee when they felt danger, the sika, however would hide. They would conceal themselves, indeed this one had likely done so as Collier hunted for it. But now, it hadn’t seen him, while the reverse was not true.
Collier again lined up the deer’s skull into the sights, the platinum line along the leaf sight crossing the dot sight just at its brow. He pulled the trigger carefully, feeling the take-up on his finger until the sear slipped out from under the striker. The shot was clean, the beautiful creature falling back gracefully, landing in the bracken with a light thrush of foliage and rushing air. Collier stared at it down his sights for a moment, letting out a satisfied exhale before pulling himself to his feet and slinging the rifle back over his shoulder. He grabbed the bundle of shot game beside him, holding it by a length of twine he had tied it up with as he walked over to the beast. Even in death, the buck held its beauty proudly, tall and lean, toned by a life of wilderness.
He dropped the game to the ground, pulling out his knife as he leant over the buck, swiftly and efficiently skinning the creature before sectioning the meat. He wrapped it up in brown paper, tying them with twine from his rucksack. He finished taking everything from the animal after a half hour, only leaving the stomach, intestines and lungs. He stood back away from the beast for a moment, wiping his bloody hands on a parchment of moss, sighing contently. He sat for a moment on a stump, reaching into one of his pockets to pull out a set of cigars, tucking one into his mouth as he reached for a box of matches. He pulled out the yellow box of Swan Vestas, pushing it out of the cover and plucking a singular match from it as swiftly striking it against the side, placing the box back in his pocket. He pressed the flame against the end of the cigar, puffing to light it as pinkish-grey smoke billowed around him, backlit by the sun. He took in a few mouthfuls of smoke before jumping to his feet, smoke whipping about, behind him and grabbing up all the game to take back. Just before he left, having collected all of his things, he removed the head of the buck to boil down to the skull later. He left the rest to nature, feeling curious glances of birds of prey overhead as he began to make his way back.
[1] A wine made from fermented rice.
[2] A Japanese style of bedding. The usually consist of a mattress[shikibuton] and duvet[kakebuton].
[3] The Army and Navy Co-operative was a company, initially a co-operative, established in the 19th century to serve British army and navy troops, selling weapons, ammunition and equipment, everything a soldier might need while serving overseas.
[4] Japanese Dear
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Armed Forces of the Americas Unite to Support Brazil’s Flood Victims
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Service members of the Americas joined the Brazilian Armed Forces to support victims of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul, which left more than 160 people dead and more than 580,000 displaced. “Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay are cooperating directly with Joint Operation Taquari 2,” the Social Communication Section of Operation Taquari 2, formed by members of the Brazilian Army, Navy, and Air Force in response to the crisis, told Diálogo.
“The first phase of the operation was an emergency phase to rescue people. Now we’re in a stabilization phase, with people trying to return to their homes,” Army General Tomás Miguel Miné Ribeiro Paiva, commander of the Brazilian Army (EB), said on EB’s YouTube Channel on May 21.
Continue reading.
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mohite1 · 9 days
Modi’s Pm Tenure Is the Second Longest Tenure in the History of India.
PM Modi took the oath of pm along with 72 cabinet members
Modi 3.0
The rumble of the pm post came to an end after pm Modi became the third consecutive prime minister of India. There were rumours like I.N.D.I.A bloc to make Nitish Kumar the PM of India but the offer was not accepted by Nitish Kumar hence last night Modi became the pm.
But as the many changes happen in the movie more changes happened in the Indian election there were ups and downs once it was looking like the I.N.D.I.A bloc was going to sweep the election but the fate of Modi was good at this time Chandra Babu Pawan Kalyan also Nitish Kumar scored well and hence were offered to became deputy prime minister of INDIA which was shocking but things did not happen as per Congress term.
PM Modi now has taken the oath of PM and has started his duty but will the government be strong as a diamond till 2029 or it will dissolve like butter?
We have seen what Triple Alliance has done in the state of Maharashtra.
Inter Politics of India
From 2014 till 2023 no one in the country could challenge the BJP because of its strong ideology of Hindutva and leadership of MODI but after the result of 2024.
The Modi wave has been downed by the current situation the ideology of Hindutva has also been which was extremely booming but why God knows due to the tactics played by the centre have not positively affected the states of India and mostly the people of India don’t’ like such type of politics? That could be the reason.
The centre’s policy to look upon Gujrat development is also not liked by the people of India specially the state people of Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu, because the growth of these states has simultaneously been reducing as Maharashtra’s GDP should have been positive but due to the new leadership of Maharashtra it has been fall and matter got worse after 17 tech companies of Pune left Maharashtra.
Seems the state election is going to soon happen in Maharashtra and the rumble will be on for the most prosperous state of Maharashtra whose GDP is more than Pakistan.
Geo Politics Around India
The South Asia group of Nations called ASEAN is now dead as the entry of PLA (people’s Liberation Army of China) & U.S.A. in the politics of Bhutan, Myanmar, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan only Bangladesh has been pro-India. In such a situation, India also has to develop its own naval fleet.
India has developed in the past decade since Andaman & Nicobar Island is India’s best asset government of India has mainly developed these islands as a naval fleet to keep an eye on China’s trade and especially the presence of China’s navy in the Indian Ocean. And also, for Pakistan which has become a close ally of China these days.
In the Persian Gulf India has made its two allies Iran & Afghanistan which are contemporary enemies of Pakistan.
If we move towards the Arabian region India has maintained great relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Oman which are contemporary trade partners, and especially Oman which is the doorway for India to do trade with the other nations of Arab nations.
Central Asia
If we move up towards central Asia India has to maintain special relations with Tajikistan as India has its air base in Tajikistan.
Other central nations have maintained neutrality in the context of Indo-central relations.
If we look at the past century Russia is one of the closest and most trustworthy allies. This is positive to India as the current political scenario Russia is more towards China as China provides Trade and other needs to Russia as it is affected by the restrictions put by the West & U.S.A.
Russia signed the same treaty with China as India in 1971 as a treaty of peace and cooperation. The same treaty was signed by Russia and India in the 1971 war but there is a loop.
The relationship between China and Russia has not been good since the issue of the Mussoorie River clash in 1969 hence China is a trade partner of Russia not of trusted partner.
Korean peninsula
The Korean peninsula conflict is since WW2 but India has maintained a balance and good relations with South Korea & North Korea and India has developed the tech trade with South Korea and Japan.
Japan is becoming the new military as well as a tech partner with India. India is going to operate a military base in Japan both sides bilateral talks were conducted at the 13th Japan Summit.
South East Asia
Southeast Asia and India relations have been very negative since the independence, also during the 1964 Indo-Pak war Indonesia was in full support of Pakistan and was ready to attack India but due to the maintenance of Indian armed troops in Andaman and Nicobar, the problem was swept.
India has historically traded with South East Asia during the time of Rajendra Chola who was one of the greatest kings of India. Now the situation is different the countries of Southeast Asia are ready to trade with India but due to the military coup in Myanmar and China’s dominance in the South China Sea, it is becoming difficult for India to trade with Southeast Asia.
As for handling National & International politics India’s current situation needs a strong leader who should be the next prime minister
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lingyunxiang · 4 months
Two distinguished Marine Corps generals
The United States Marine Corps is an amphibious assault force among the five independent services of the United States. Its main responsibility is to use all fleet ships under the U.S. Navy to arrive at every crisis location around the world as quickly as possible to perform various combat missions. , a military branch that can independently conduct various training and combat missions. Its standard equipment is F-35B stealth fighter jets and MV-22 helicopters. Known as The Third Air Force.
The U.S. Marine Corps is the oldest elite force in the world and the main combat force of the U.S. rapid reaction force. It has a long history. From an administrative perspective, the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Navy belong to the U.S. Department of the Navy under the U.S. Department of Defense. Their rank names are the same as those of the Army and Air Force, and they are an independent branch of the U.S. military. The Marine Corps is also responsible for the security of the U.S. Department of State's embassy missions abroad (MCESG), but normally it performs training operations as a separate service.
The U.S. Marine Corps currently has a total of approximately 194,000 members. Its Marine Corps has three Marine Divisions; at the same time, there are three Marine Air Forces equipped with a total of 416 fighter jets. Wing, as well as the logistics force that cooperates with the Marine Division and Air Wing, so its size is even much larger than the entire army of most countries.
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defensenow · 4 days
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star-trek-pop-quiz · 7 months
Star Trek POP-QUIZ #7
( 18 / 11 / 2023 )
Question 1. What does NCC in NCC-1701 stand for? a. National Construction Code b. Navy-Curtis Craft c. National-Cooperation Construction d. None of the above.
Question 2.
Which of these songs has Nichelle Nichols ( Uhura's Actress ) not sung? a. Dark Side of the Moon b. Beyond Antares c. The Lady is a Tramp d. Swing Low Sweet Chariot
Bonus Question: Which of these songs appear in Star Trek TOS and which episode?
Question 3. TRUE OR FALSE
James Doohan ( Scotty from TOS ) is missing a toe.
Bonus Question: If so, which one and how did he lose it? ( 2 bonus points )
Question 4. Which of these are true about Vulcan biology?
a. Their poop are dry pellets. b. Their pee looks like crude oil. c. Their hands are erogenous. d. All of the above.
Question 5.
What is Data's Phase Discriminator? a. Type-F b. Type-L c. Type-D d. Type-R
Bonus Question: What is Lore's Phase Discriminator?
Score: __ /5 + 4 bonus
Question 1.
b. Navy-Curtis Craft
Question 2.
d. Swing Low Sweet Chariot
+ Nichelle Nichols sings "Beyond Antares" in Star Trek TOS in several episodes, including "The Conscious of the King" and "The Changeling".
Question 3.
James Doohan is missing the middle finger on his right hand, he had it amputated when he was in the army during WW2.
Question 4.
d. All of the Above.
Question 5.
d. Type-R.
Lore's Phase Discriminator is Type-L, this is the main component that differentiates Data and Lore.
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soufcakmistress · 2 years
Charleston Blues
Part III
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Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick Black OC
The tide of the Cooper river rippled towards the sandbank—the water’s surface tension was barely breached. A large animal lurked under the water, its huge paws paddling through beds of lily pads and tall grass. Its massive jaws opened wide and clamped down on a good sized bass and climbed up to the shore. An overgrown jaguar with a drenched coat filled its mouth with fish guts, and easily ripped the spine from the flesh. The cat shook the excess water off and swallowed the rest of the bass whole.
Crickets and lightning bugs swarmed the early Charleston dawn. Frogs hopped around the beach, nursing their tadpoles. The Carolina sun started to peek over the horizon and the cat’s bones began to shift. The jaguar roared as its back elongated and its paws extended into tactile fingers.
Badoru gave Erik the power to shapeshift, which made sense. Erik was always capable of being mutable—he could blend in with any crowd. The jaguar was his father’s favorite animal—this was his way of honoring him and his memory.
It was difficult at first. The first few attempts, he would pass out before he could make the transition fully. Badoru’s explosive power intimidated and overpowered but Erik would always put up a brave face. Badoru pushed him to his limits to conquer this new skill. Badoru spoke of Erik possessing many qualities that could be harnessed, but he had to crawl before he could walk.
Months and months of training and Erik could finally shift on a whim with just a thought. Badoru trusted him enough to roam in public with the full use of his skill. Erik had plenty of laughs scaring white foreign tourists in the Hallasan mountain range when he would run for hours, free as he’d ever been. There wasn’t a Black man alive who could do what he did and live to see another day. He didn’t take it for granted.
Today was opening day for Erik. He’d hired Jerry Brown, an old country sailor from Georgia he ran with overseas to be a full time sales associate. It was a scorcher that day, the temperature amounting to 87 degrees before noon. The store was pristine with navy shag carpet, beige walls with polished wooden shelving, perfectly folded military paraphernalia and jet black mannequins with various Navy and Army sweatsuits. Erik put a sign in his window saying “Coloreds Allowed”, to let the public know where he stood.
Being from Oakland and having his formative years in the North, he wasn’t sure how it would go down in the Jim Crow south. More people seemed to be leaving the South than coming to start a new life. But everybody didn’t have a vicious God protecting their every step.
“All right, J, how do I look?”
Erik fixed his collar in the small mirror in his office and smoothed down his mustache. He wore a navy and white gaucho shirt with the top two buttons loosened, and a white undershirt underneath. There was a solid gold chain that lay right on his pecs, matching the gold watch on his left wrist and the gold tooth in his mouth. The slacks he wore were impeccably pressed with a crease that could cut diamonds. His loafers were shined to perfection, with bright white socks and a tapered haircut slicked down.
“You a bad man, boss!” Jerry teases Erik and he inspected the floor for the last time. He turned the sign over from Closed to Open, and cracked the door open to let in the salty breeze.
“We’re open for business!”
The day was extremely busy and Erik was eternally grateful for Badoru making it happen. The naval base wasn’t far from downtown and he was thankful for the sailors who had the weekend off. Several connections were made with enlisted men and officers looking for rare paraphernalia. Even more, there were several civilian Black men who found their way inside and expressed their interest in purchasing what Erik had to offer in the back. He appreciated that the men of Charleston wanted to protect their families and communities at all costs. Most of all, he encountered people who were held in high esteem in the colored community and welcomed him to the lowcountry with open arms.
Lot of those men also had pretty little wives accompanying them with eyes that wandered. Jerry and Erik were almost overwhelmed with offers of pies and cakes to be brought over to properly welcome the Yankee to Charleston. He couldn’t help it; he was so magnetizing. One woman in particular was the wife of the barber on Meeting Street. She saw Erik’s skin dotted with keloids, and gasped aloud when she caught sight of them. Mrs. Warner had already been gazing at Erik’s broad chest, away from her husband’s watchful eyes. A wink and a flash of those stunning white teeth and Mrs. Warner was a goner.
Chantilly was getting the hang of her new life. She indeed thought differently and utilized parts of her brain that hadn’t been used before. She was cunning now. Drunk with a bloodlust. A bloodlust for vengeance.
She was expected at the Jenkins Institute in an hour and she wanted to get there early. Ursilene revealed to her that this was the time of the month Pastor Dunne dropped off canned goods from Second Presbyterian’s food drive. Tilly planned to volunteer on a regular basis and kill two birds with one stone—support Marla as best as she could and erase Pastor Dunne from all existence. She got her gloves and hat together when the phone in the hall rang.
“Hello, Davenport Residence.”
“Now cousin, the whole Lowcountry been buzzing about you and you ain’t had nan sense to call me and tell me about your newfound wealth! You my blood!”
Chantilly couldn’t do anything but throw her head back in laughter. Her favorite big cousin, Frieda Davenport-Foster, always knew how to brighten her mood. They were inseparable until Frieda’s parents moved them from the island across the bridge. Frieda graduated high school two years before Tilly and she was married to her high school sweetheart, Sammy Foster. Over a decade and four kids later, Tilly and her were finally getting close again.
“Whew lord knows y’all Geechies be nosy! I just blessed to be a soldier fighting in the army of the Lord, cousin! I hope you and Sammy and the chirren are faring well!”
Nothing but babies crying and the clang of a skillet could be heard in Frieda’s background as usual. “I tell you, I been bout tired of these chirren. They run me ragged, I ain’t lie! But that’s not what I called about! It’s about the CNWL. Missy told me to ask you again about you joining us.”
Tilly immediately rolled her eyes. The Club for Negro Women of the Lowcountry had three chapters across Charleston and Dorchester counties of single and married women over the age of 18. They were a civic group focused on empowering colored women in the Lowcountry by culture enrichment, engaging in charity, and uplifting the next generation of colored women. The Greater Charleston chapter of the CNWL was ran by Melissa Owens, Tilly’s childhood archenemy.
“Now Free, I tell you that I don’t fit in with that crowd. They all men obsessed with half a brain cell between them!”
“I gonna ignore that comment since I am the secretary! Listen, you would be a shoo-in. We need some new blood. Badly. With your amazing baking skills, hell we could start a couple initiatives with that alone! It would be good for you! Being around some people your own age, you can’t just give up on life, Tilly.”
Tilly looked at her watch and almost fell out at the time. “Look, I’m running late for an errand Free. I will come to one meeting. If I hate it, I will not return, you hear?”
Frieda squealed like a pig and told Tilly she would let the board know. Their next meeting was in a few days and she would be calling soon to give more details.
“And this is Pastor Dunne. Pastor Dunne, I’d like you to meet Chantilly Davenport.”
Pastor Dunne was tightlipped and very hasty with introducing himself to Tilly. He shook her hand and immediately started barking orders to his outreach volunteers. Not very friendly. Tilly came prepared however. Frieda’s mother, Tilly’s aunt Eunetta, worked roots and taught Frieda everything she knew. In turn, Frieda taught Chantilly. Rose, chamomile, licorice root, damiana, poppy seed, and a pinch of Black pepper ground up in a black sachet, sitting cozy in her left sweater pocket. With the right prayers and incantations, that powder could place anyone under the influence of the worker.
Mrs. Charles, headmistress of the Jenkins Institute was a cantankerous old woman with an incredibly short temper. However, she was one of the most educated colored people in town, and well respected by the white community as well. Her girls were known for being exceptionally well mannered, and if they weren’t adopted before 18, they would go into society as proper young ladies. Tilly saw Marla studying in the common room next to Sheila, whispering secrets and giggling like young girls do. How could that monster want to take away that beautiful light from that girl?
Tilly assisted the volunteers from Second Presbyterian by setting out silverware and plates. Today, the volunteers cooked a hearty lunch for the children, which Mrs. Charles insisted that the children thank Pastor Dunne and the volunteers aloud for their kindness.
Pastor Dunne asked everyone to circle up and stand for prayer. He strolled right to Marla, and Tilly wanted to explode. His clammy sausage fingers enclosed Marla’s delicate hand, and squeezed tightly. The child was clearly perturbed and nervous. And yet, none of the other adults could sense anything was out of the ordinary. The pastor’s prayer was longwinded and hollow. Tilly felt Ursilene’s presence nearby. It was almost time.
After the prayer, Tilly and the other volunteers served the children until everyone was seated. Tilly sat alone at a table not far from some high school aged girls. She didn’t pay them any mind until one of them mentioned Pastor Dunne in their conversation.
“I can’t stand Pastor Dunne. He hands always clammy and nasty. And he always play with my hair. Do he do that to y’all?”
“Yes girl, he try to get me to pray with him alone one time. I told him I feeling ill. I ain’t like how he looked at me.”
Tilly had heard enough. She finished her food and made sure to clear her tray. Pastor Dunne had began hauling some of the heavier catering trays to the church van. Surely, a man of God can appreciate some assistance from a Good Samaritan .
“Pastor Dunne. Let me help you there!” Tilly gathered a box and filled it with napkins, flatware and plates. It was easily over 50 pounds and Tilly didn’t struggle at all, thanks to her powers. Her little feet scampered behind the pastor, while the first streetlight of the evening began to flicker on in the parking lot.
Pastor Dunne had been hot and cold with Tilly all day. At first she wasn’t sure if she would get the chance to be alone with him; he was very cozy with a female volunteer who waited on his every word. Wonder what his wife thought about that.
(This is your chance, Chantilly. Use your power.)
Tilly dropped the box into the back of the van, and tapped the pastor on his shoulder.
“Now Miss Davenport, I need to let you know that I am a married man. You colored women are beautiful but you’re so…..aggressive—“
Chantilly blew the compelling powder into Dunne’s face. His eyes immediately rolled back and then dazedly focused on Tilly. The power of suggestion. The power of persuasion. Ursilene knew Tilly’s strengths and weaknesses; one look into her big chestnut eyes, and no one could resist her. This time would be no different.
“Oh Theo. If there’s anything you white boys have, it’s audacity. I wouldn’t let you fuck me with another man’s dick. As a matter of fact…..slap yourself.”
Dunne slapped himself hard, leaving his cheek beet red.
“Ahahahahahahaha! You’re pathetic. Get in the van. Drive to Johns Island. Park on Sullivan Avenue, and walk past Ol’ Ravenel’s store. Meet me at 357 Cannonborough. Do not stop for a red light. Do not stop for a stop sign. Exactly 15 minutes. Use the key under the mat and sit in the cellar until I get there. You hear me, boy?”
The pastor nodded like a dunce; any trace of what he was had gone. He was totally under her spell and influence. Her own personal puppet. Theodore’s eyes were aloof and glazed over, and Tilly pulled his handkerchief from his coat pocket to wipe the drool from his mouth. She closed up the back of the van, and sent him on his way.
Fuck those racist tramps, they can find their own way home. Tilly got in her car and drove at a leisurely pace.
Her victim would get there before her. She had to prepare herself. Ursilene required blood to sustain her power. However, she had no physical form and would need a conduit for her power to grow. That was where Tilly came in.
A banshee. When Ursilene inhabits her avatar’s bodies, they turn into banshees. A raging woman with death in her mouth and a blood curdling scream to signify the beginning of the end for her victim. Tilly crossed the bridge onto the island, clutching the steering wheel with white knuckles.
Her mama brought her up to be a good church girl. They believed in the Lord at 357 Cannonborough. However, she wasn’t always under her mama’s thumb. Her daddy’s side kept their abilities and beliefs very close to the chest. A rootworker, at worst, could be arrested and charged for fraud on account that the South Carolina government found no merit in these ancient African traditions that had been retained by the Geechie people. At the least, they could be cast out of the community, labeled as a pariah.
She wasn’t afraid anymore. Her mama was dear to her heart and a newly cherished ancestor. But she had to live her own life, and as a Black woman in this country, she was done taking orders from mere mortals who didn’t live as they preached.
Driving past Ravenel’s convenience store, she saw the van parked very badly around the corner on Sullivan. Pulling up to the property, she kissed Pepper, and poured out some food for her for the night. “You stay in the doghouse for a while, k? Mommy has to go kill a man.”
Tilly walked into her home, and pulled her coat and gloves off. There was a record player in the drawing room and she put on her favorite, Miss Ella Fitzgerald. She turned it up loud. Deafeningly loud. The bop of her scatting followed Tilly to the cellar. Her stacked heels clack down the rickety basement stairs, and who else does she find but the pastor sitting there like a bump on a log.
“Stand up.”
He damn near fell over himself complying with her command. He was like a giant puppy, red faced and eager.
“I’m bored with you. Theodore. Snap out of it.” Tilly snapped and Theodore came to. Those hazel eyes grew big as saucers once he realized where he was. Oblivious to how he got there and what this Black woman was up to, he called her everything but a child of God. Which was true. Ursilene was her mother now.
“Oh Theo, such colorful language. Such a shame that red face of yours aint gon see another day. I know what you did. What you do. You sick fuck. They’re CHILDREN.”
“You black bitch! You’ll be swinging from Angel Oak once I’m through with you! You’re gonna wish you were dead!” Tilly rushed the man and picked him up by his throat. Her strength was off the charts and the man was quickly losing air.
(Focus, Chantilly. It’s time. Open yourself up. We shall be one.)
Tilly dropped the sad excuse for a man to the ground, gasping and hacking for air. Tilly breathed deep and closed her eyes. The light green smoke entered the basement and swirled around Tilly. The pastor cowered and hid behind the furnace and Tilly began to rise. Her eyes rolled back and the green smoke infiltrated her mouth and nose, winding down her throat.
Another set of eyes formed under her brow bone, the whites of them disappearing completely. Her hair stood straight up on its ends, her back bent unnaturally and she let out a howl that shattered every window and mirror in the basement. She was bare now, naked as the day she was born. Tilly, possessed by Ursilene, landed gently on the floor and spotted her prey.
(Come here, you scum.)
The pastor screamed for his life as he was forcibly floating towards her. Chantilly’s voice combined with Ursilene’s terrified the pastor, causing him to soil himself.
(I relish in your terror. There is no greater joy for me knowing that your life will end in pain and suffering. Look into my eyes. For the last time, witness the terror you’ve caused and accept your fate.)
The pastor was babbling like an idiot for his life. His pleas went unanswered. Ursilene showed Dunne the atrocities he wreaked on Marla. And just as Tilly suspected, it wasn’t just her. It was multiple girls throughout the years. And not just at the orphanage. Members of his congregation……..even his twelve year old daughter. Death was almost a mercy for him. But with an ego as large as his, this would hurt him most.
Ursilene had Tilly unhinge her jaw, showing her newly serrated teeth more than an inch long. She ripped his throat out, and what was left of his esophagus bled profusely down her chest and stomach. Chantilly was no longer present. Ursilene’s true nature was revealed. She lapped at his spurting throat, grunting and groaning at the flow of power. Her eyes were crazed, only focusing on sustenance.
Her first kill. The blood flow slowed. Pastor Dunne finally croaked. The seafoam green smoke belted out of her mouth, causing Tilly to stumble on her feet. The extra set of eyes disappeared and her skin no longer felt overheated. Her head wouldn’t stop spinning and her mouth and nose had the distinct taste and scent of metal.
(Justice has been served tonight. Rest, child. You have done wonderfully. I will take care of this. Go, go. Your slumber awaits.)
Tilly looked down at herself. She looked as if she’d bathed in blood. She should have been terrified. At what she’s done. At what she’s capable of. But she wasn’t. Maybe that’s what scared her the most.
“Yes, Ursilene.”
Three weeks later..
“Hey suga. It’s your fav big cousin. Yes it is.” Chantilly cooed over Frieda’s new baby boy Dalzell, named after her favorite uncle. They finally got up together and walked all around downtown. Chantilly assured her that no one would mess with them, and it was true. They showed Dalzell the Battery and the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. Rainbow Row with all the colorful houses. Market Street with the open air market and former slave market that their ancestors were brought through. Their heritage and history. Fellowshipping with family in peace.
“Let’s go on King. I put my last layaway payment on this dress at Boston’s and that thang coming home with mama!” Frieda exclaimed.
Jewelry stores, pawn shops, convenience stores, old Geechie woman weaving sweet grass, and sweet sweet sunshine. A beautiful summer afternoon. Chantilly’s A line dress was made of linen, and perfect for the scorching day. Her cat eye sunglasses matched perfectly. At the end of the block was that new military surplus store. There was talk that it was supposed to be owned by a colored man. That didn’t happen often.
“Let’s get some ice cream, cuz.” Tilly suggested. It was right next door to the store and there was outside seating. Tilly and her cousin were made to wait after every white person was served before they could get some assistance. Tilly almost said something before Frieda restrained her.
“Tilly…..I got the baby with us. Let it alone.” She was right of course.
Vanilla bean for Frieda and Rocky Road for Tilly. Baby Dalzell was finally drifting off and a bell caught Tilly’s attention.
“Jerry, I’m getting me some ice cream, you want any?”
“I’m good boss!”
Erik closed the front door of his business and swaggered to the ice cream parlor entrance. The sight of him made Frieda halt her sentence completely.
“So Tilly, I was thinking—“
They both stopped and stared. How could they not? This Black man walked like a king and looked like a bodybuilder. He was gorgeous, and the scent of his cologne made Tilly tingle. There were white people inside already waiting to be served and he walked right up to the counter. The worker seemingly took his order and he was taken care of right away! Who was this man???
He strolled out of the parlor, and adjusted the tight shirt on that wide chest of his. The man cradled two large scoops of strawberry ice cream, and lapped at it with the biggest tongue she had ever seen. Tilly had never seen skin like his. Tiny bumps all along his arms and forearms. The outlines of bumps on his pecs formed through his shirt. Apparently the man was a gentleman. He felt two sets of eyes on him, and he tipped his hat to Frieda. But when he looked at Tilly……..sparks flew without her knowing. He scanned her up and down—enticed and intrigued. She sat cross legged, her round thighs warranting a long look.
She pushed her sunglasses down, and he winked at her, and smiled. A ray of sunlight reflected off his gold tooth and nearly blinded her. She gulped as she watched him enter his store and close the door behind him.
Frieda’s ice cream damn near melted away through her fingers. “Goddamn. That’s him?”
Tilly pushed her sunglasses up and resumed eating her ice cream cone. “I reckon so.”
“I saw that, you know. You ain’t slick.”
“What?! What foolishness you caterwauling about now?” Chantilly loudly denied and ate at the waffle cone.
“Admit it, you think he’s handsome! You’re blushing like a damn school girl!”
“My name is Wes and I ain’t in the mess, now leave me alone Free!” She held her laugh in while her cousin teased her. Wasn’t no harm in looking, right?
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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India informs France of its decision to acquire 26 Rafale Marine jets
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/11/2023 - 09:00 in Military
India formally communicated to France its decision to acquire 26 naval variants of the Rafale fighter for the Indian Navy, starting the acquisition process under an intergovernmental structure, people familiar with the matter said on Friday.
In July, the Ministry of Defense approved the purchase of Rafale Marine jets from France, mainly for deployment on board the locally built aircraft carrier INS Vikrant.
The issue of the acquisition of the Rafale Marine jets figured during the recent visit of the Minister of Defense, Rajnath Singh, to Paris.
India sent a letter of requisition to the French government, formally communicating its decision to acquire Dassault Aviation jets under the government-to-government structure.
Negotiations on prices and other details are expected to take place after the Ministry of Defense receives a response from the French side, people familiar with the matter said.
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Earlier this month, the president and CEO of Dassault Aviation, Eric Trappier, visited New Delhi and discussed various aspects of the proposed acquisition by India.
The Ministry of Defense said in July that the acquisition of the jets along with associated auxiliary equipment, including weapons systems and spare parts, would be based on an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) and that the price and other terms of purchase will be negotiated with the French government after taking into account all relevant aspects.
The Indian Air Force bought 36 aircraft in flight conditions. There is an opinion in the IAF that it should opt for at least two more Rafale jet squadrons.
Defense and strategic ties between India and France have increased in recent years.
In July, India and France announced a series of innovative defense cooperation projects, including the joint development of jet engines and helicopters and the construction of three Scorpene submarines for the Indian Navy.
The two strategic partners also expressed a commitment to cooperate in the co-development and co-production of advanced defense technologies, including for the benefit of third countries.
Source: PTI
Tags: Military AviationDassault AviationDassault Rafale MIndian Navy
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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