#joint exercises
defensenow · 21 days
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Do you want to learn an easy way to maintain and improve the health of your joints? Click here - https://sites.google.com/view/biodynamixforyou/%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F-%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0
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chubbychiquita · 11 months
i just went to my first gentle aqua aerobics class and was the youngest person there by 50 years (and the fattest by at least 100 lbs)
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orangerosebush · 19 days
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Post-TTP, both Artemis and Butler have been marked by their adventures with the People. This scene has been (more or less) the basis of my headcanon that in the later books, Artemis experiences chronic pain.
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Exercise & Chronic Illness
I was given some basic exercises to "fix" a problem that exercise won't fix.
They are basic, simple stretching exercises. And I mean b a s i c. The type of things you can do from your bed.
I was doing yoga years before I was diagnosed, I am hypermobile & flexible. But, I agreed, to appease the medical gatekeepers.
By doing them, my physical symptoms are simply worse.
"it's just the exercises, it's normal to feel pain"
My pain is more in line with sporting injuries, it's definitely not 'normal.'
The old, active, healthy version of me, can remember.
My skeleton aches like tooth pain, gnawing, grinding, heavy weights attached to my bones. Lifting my bottled water feels like lifting 20kg.
Leaning forward to grab my medication feels like an elephant on my back, weighing me down, like the gravity in the room just went up.
Every joint is clicking at random, as well as "pops" in other places that feel like a hot knife being shoved in.
My skin is sensitive, brushing my hand over any part of it, feels like the roughest grain of sandpaper, scratching off the top layer. It feels raw, it burns. To look at though, it's just my arm.
The clothes on my back are too much & I resort to the softest blanket I have, to protect me.
It's taken me days to write because the pain has distracted my process. Writing lines at a time is all I can manage for the moment.
Once again, I am reminded that now I am worse than my baseline, I might not come out of this.
Once again I am reminded, that no, exercise is not the answer to my healing.
Once again, I am stuck here, agonising, just waiting for this to fizzle down, so I can return to the baseline I'm used to.
A shell of the person I was before.
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archersartcorner · 10 months
Okey here’s the final video! Maybe I’ll come back and add more fine details later but I’m alright leaving it like this for now. Boop :)
[Video ID: A digital animation of Norman Takamori and Skip from Dimension 20: A Starstruck Odyssey. Norman is doing push ups and Skip, slug mode, is booping his nose when he gets close to the floor. End ID.]
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aquilacalvitium · 9 days
Absolutely appalling.
To be able to move my body without pain I have to move it more frequently?
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homo-beehive · 7 months
me: i’m totally fine. not physically disabled at all
also me: *fainted twice in the span of an hour and a half yesterday, cannot be barefoot ever bc i have joint flareups if my feet get even slightly too cold, has an elevator pass because walking up stairs makes me short of breath*
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msburgundy · 6 months
since i hurt my shoulder i actually can't do a real pushup at all anymore, even incline pushups are not easy. i've downgraded all the way to doing wall pushups and i mean i'm not going to failure or anything but i'm only able to do 30 before my form starts to suffer/i start using one shoulder more than the other.
i guess i shouldn't be surprised that everything is that weak considering today was the first time i've dared to even attempt bodyweight rows since then also. i did a few comfortably but i didn't want to push it for obvious reasons.
it's probably overall a good thing because it's forcing me to build a better foundation and strengthen the joints, rather than just destroying my elbows later on
but it's a little alarming lol
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defensenow · 4 months
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miserye · 1 month
I’ve started working out because my job is much more physically demanding than I can handle and I need to lift kinda heavy things but I want to make it known I hate exercise so bad
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puppygirlgirldick · 3 months
sorry i've not been posting much lately, the horny remains but right now the psychological issues which smother it are currently winning out over the psychological issues which exacerbate it.
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#i've been so good not complaining about this... so im gonna do it now :3#early this week during my walk... a point in my shoulder / collarbone / neck started hurting so bad#it was at that level where your saliva production increases and you start feelings slightly nauseous#idk if it was bc it was so painful OR if the pain is at a point that puts pressure on certain nerves#and during the week i've felt it on and off but at a much lowe intensity#but this morning i woke up at 6am and couldnt fall asleep bc it hurt too much 🥴#i've googled sm but i just cant figure out at all what it could be... this doesnt fit any description#it isnt focused in my shoulder joint bc i can move my arm in all directions and degrees and it doesnt make it worse#anyway i read and read but i cant figure out at all what it is and that annoys me bc now idk what to do T-T#it could maybeeeee be that im so fkn tense and always have muscle tension in my neck throat and shoulders#it is possible that it now hit a specific pressure point and now i have a pinched nerve type of situation where my muscles are tensed up#or it is bc i could have done certain exercises wrong at the gym#im always so anxious and cautious abt exercising wrong but i still cant ever be sure if i do it correctly :(((#i might have used one of the machines for shoulders/biceps/back incorrectly#like maybe the seat has been too high or low :/// and now i've strained smth???#it made me so sad tho bc when i was at the gym this week i skipped all upperbody exercises bc im too scared 😔#i want it to pass bc like it actually hurts in such a weird and uncomfortable way like it makes me wanna puke and it comes in waves#but nothing makes it better like not heat not painkillers not stretches ... so im just not doing too much#and hope it will go away :'))) but also now im scared of exercising bc what if im doing it wrong and damage my body?!? 😭#i hate my body bc i have so many random unexplainable pains and it is so annoying >.<#ok now i've complained so i feel better ^-^
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sevens-evan · 3 months
gym bros love pretending that lifting form is like this insanely technical art form that takes years to master and it’s like. i mean you get better at it over the course of years that’s true but no lift worth doing has that crazy of a movement pattern. in fact most of them feel very natural and mirror things you already do in real life. it just feels like annoying ass gatekeeping trying to intimidate beginners and it’s so dumb dude
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cyber-therian · 6 months
trying my best not to let the chronic pain stop me today. been realizing the limited mobility is making me really depressed. so what if i cant walk 10k steps anymore? i cant even get halfway anymore—but that doesnt mean i cant transfer that energy to other exercises instead!
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elizabethrobertajones · 11 months
Getting a good grade in physiotherapy something that is normal to want and possible to achieve!
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