#arnold layne
robinsnest2111 · 4 months
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long time no In Darkness Shall You Be Reborn fanart 🏴‍☠️ @arnold-layne
this sketch is inspired by Vince and Nikki's first meeting <3
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rastronomicals · 7 months
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8:10 PM EST November 15, 2023:
Pink Floyd - "Arnold Layne" From the album 7" b/w "Candy And A Currant Bun" (March 10, 1967)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Psychedelic Pop
French sleeve at the top, and German at the bottom.
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marthamydearposts · 2 years
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Arnold Layne - Pink Floyd
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crueclown22 · 27 days
psych au (cont.) (yeah sorry but as a fellow psych au writer my interests lie there): what mental illnesses do vince and mick have, if any? why are they in the hospital?
I haven’t really figured out Mick’s and Vince’s yet, but I know that Vince is in the hospital for around the same reason as Tommy; instead, he purposefully crashed a car into a tree as an attempt, tried to lie about it to the paramedics, and got involuntarily admitted to the hospitals psych ward. After an examination of him, showing that he had sex addiction issues and a history of violence (against himself and others) they decided for long term care 👍
This may be changed cuz I’m having a harder time with them both 😭 Honestly trying to get what is closer to what they actually struggle with?? Like with their personalities and shit (don’t know how to explain it) With Nikki, it’s a bit easier because he’s more outspoken about it and his mental health, but I’m coming up blank for the others lol
If you have any advice about it/ how you went about it, it’d be gladly appreciated <3
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mariannefaithful · 1 year
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anaalnathrakhs · 27 days
micknikki, mickvince, micktommy 👀
lmaoooo i've been read huh. three mick ships, of course.
anyway, in order,
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the radioactive damage potential of them. my lord. i wouldnt wish that upon mick but it's incredibly fun to write. i didn't check "they can fix each other" because that's just mick rehabilitating his former beaten dog boyfriend to society.
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Still searching for whatever their ship dynamic without the artification femboyification of Vince (which is good to read dont get me wrong, but if we're talking abt exploring dynamics here that's not the most interesting one or the most unique to them). They can either be the best, healthiest thing that happened to each other, or the worst, and it entierly depends on the very first romantic and/or sexual occurence in their relationship. Will set the tone forever. Either virtuous circle or vicious spiral. Nowhere near as catastrophic as mick/nikki can be tho.
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I ALMOST SAID OTP i love them okay. I don't think they'd ever have the perfect relationship but I feel like they'd accept the uhhhh less savory things about each other. And go FUCK YEAH I BAGGED A WEIRDO. Or FUCK NO GO BE A WEIRDO SOMEWHERE ELSE. But they don't seem to be the type to hold grudges is just what I mean. Not spectacularly healthy or very prone to consistent domestic bliss, but like, the lows aren't worse than the shit they've had in their lives, and the highs are pretty dang high. This was supposed to be an opinion piece and it has turned into a fanfic intro. That's how fantastically driven this ship is.
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iggyinuit · 2 years
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Arnold Layne (Chapter 24)
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pinkfloydhq · 2 years
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Syd Barrett, in a fabulous still from the Arnold Layne music video in 1967 at East Sussex. 🎧
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slashertempo · 1 year
This is when the fan gets to come out and sing one of the songs that inspired him...
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harrison-abbott · 2 years
syd barrett had an idiosyncratic knack for making weird, unconventional music catchy
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robinsnest2111 · 3 months
vince + 53 pls pls pls
53. Wings/supernatural body features
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couldn't pass up the chance to draw Vince with pretty wings <3
Put That Guy in a SituationTM Ask Game/Prompt!
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rastronomicals · 2 years
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6:23 PM EDT August 27, 2022:
Pink Floyd - "Arnold Layne" From the 7" b/w "Candy And A Currant Bun" (March 10, 1967)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under:    Psychedelic Pop
French sleeve at the top, and German      at the bottom.
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vernehmt · 1 month
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more things
POV : you said you hate concept albums
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crueclown22 · 15 days
🛠️🖍️ <3
🛠: Currently struggling with the fight scene in the second chapter of Home Sweet Home 😭 I don’t know how to have another person come in without them just being weird about it
🖍: for hsh
He saw a chunk of his stomach lining fly out of its mouth, landing next to his foot.
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percys-lemons · 2 months
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i have a theory...
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anaalnathrakhs · 1 month
2 11 12 <3
desuite <3
2. Song about sex
Je vous aide pas en mettant des chansons bourrées d'argot, mais en même temps elle est tellement bien Avec ta zouz. Un chanson de chad qui ne correspond à aucune expérience vécue pour moi, mais bref, c'est pas pour ça que c'est pas une bonne chanson.
11. Song fit for a revolution
...toutes ?
Pardon, oui, je vais donner une vraie réponse
Bien évidemment, Mort aux Cons par Tagada Jones, qui parle du parti d’extrême droite français. Bien du type à faire chanter le public, donc, très utilisable.
12. Song for drinking/party
Mdrrrrrr est-ce que j'ai l'air d'aller boire souvent ? Est-ce que je passe pour une alcolo sur tumblr point com ? Je connais pas les trucs récents. Le dernier bar où je suis allé ils passaient du Maître Gims de 2012. Je sais pas comment faire comprendre la qualité de la ref, mais ça commence à être fun qu'à partir d'un verre ou deux quoi. Et je dis ça, moi je trouve que ça passe, mais bon, est-ce que c'est quali ? Clairement non.
Femme Like U, j'ai pas d'explication, c'est vieux, c'est cringe, mais j'aime bien au fond. J'assume. La chanson qui sera à mon mariage, sans dec. (c'est une blague) (ou peut-être pas)
Je sais pas si c'est l'image la plus flatteuse de mes goûts musicaux, mais why not. Merci de ton ask <33
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