#art by byrus
byrusvirus · 1 year
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Random critter sketches
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 4 months
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Yay! More designs for my Totk/LP lore!!!
Meet Azura and her father Byrus. Byrus is the partner of Unera and wields the power of nature. Azura has the secret stone of memories. She's also the sister of her adopted brother Zergos. Azura also has a partner later on in her years. He is a Keaton man named Reynard and loves illusions and stories. He's always there if you call out his name for advice or distraction.
Azura is also the grandmother of Keegan and Layanna.
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hiaennyddei · 11 months
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More pathfinder art
a drawing of my party i made to celebrate the end of our hiatus
@kishuszar's Byrus and my Arlyn when they first met (it went great i'm sure)
the request was "Is is anatomically possible to draw Byrus in the same position as a cat about to lick his own balls" and i couldn't not take up the challenge
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enenkaydoodles · 6 years
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Some recent doodles of my boy Byrus >:3
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tsururoach · 5 years
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Here is my OC Starya! And my persona drawn as a Byru, which is my original species that I have yet to explore completely
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dreispeen · 6 years
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day 4 (2): favorite oc ship
ichigo and byru! i tested hatching out because @mrboombasticsuperfantasic suggested it. also they created byru
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Kortia chapter 1 thoughts 🌙⚔
Okay! First of all I want to say that I ADORE the art and while some might think that Luna is rude, I find her to be amusing and charming (not only because she's pretty!) Despite being a maid she's sassy and has the upper hand in most conversations. ("most" reads "all" 😂)
And other than that... hm.
Here are my thoughts in no particular order:
-I'm gonna be honest and say that I'm a huge WEEB. Because of it, I have seen my fair share of Isekai anime (AKA "reborn" in another world, AKA the one genre that appears in every season of new anime for some reason.) So I've grown tired of it BUT there are some isekai anime out there that completely shift the tone of the genre and makes it their own by mixing up some elements from other genres (Re;Zero, Konosuba, Re:Creators, etc.) However, Kortia seems a biiiiit too much on the generic side for now. It might be too early to tell though! Maybe I'm completely wrong and chapter 2 onwards will be a 1000/10 masterpiece big brain story.
- The chapter felt too short, or rather, it didn't feel like a whole lot happened in chapter 1 which is alarming because it's the *first* chapter. It felt more like a prologue than a full on chapter. In actuality, the one big thing that happened besides the weird visions MC has and the info dump Luna gave us is MC taking a bath and almost drowning themselves in the tub...
- Again, for a first chapter I feel like the important information wasn't laid down for us which is, I guess, the point because that voice in MC's head always tells me to go frick myself whenever I try to understand or learn something other than what Luna teaches me. Having some mystery elements in a story is good but here I felt like we didn't have anything at all. I mean... yes, we learned about the gods and the origin of the world MC is in but in a first chapter that isn't really what I need/want to know.
- Is MC's self-awareness supposed to make us feel better about the lack of info? I think in this chapter alone MC used the word "cryptic" at least 5 times when talking with the voice in their head.
- Why only introduce Luna in chapter 1 and none of the others? I mean, we saw princess Florus and Dyclos (yes, I'm really forcing myself not to call him Dickloss) but we didn't properly get introduced to them. Which is a shame, I think it would've been nice to at least come across them in the story not just in weird flashbacks/visions/¿?¿? Instead we get introduced to Byrus and his wife who aren't all that important, or at least don't seem so (sorry I don't remember her name which is weird because I like her better than Byrus lol)
- talking about Byrus, the "banter" he has with MC isn't fun enough. Most times their banter is like IRL banter: annoying. A banter between fictional characters is supposed to be fun but instead I was quickly reading through each line, just wondering when we'll meet the "main" characters.
- The art is amazing (omghdzldvizen the backgrounds 💗💖) but I feel like the art is getting misused for the illustrations. The good one was the one with princess Florus laying down, dying. (Oof.) The other 2 were unnecessary, I think. An illustration of a picture of 2 characters that we're about to meet in the next minute or so and a wall with a fresco on it. I feel like those didn't really need an illustration.
- We spent too much time on trivial things (*ahem*Byrus*cough*) no but seriously, jokes aside, I think some parts needed to be cut down and be replaced with MC *actually* going to the village and meeting some people on the way there.
- I feel like making the MC have that weird ability where they know some things about the world but also, need Luna's help for some other info is a dangerous move to make. Let me guess: MC will end up always knowing the info that isn't really that important and needing other characters' help for the rest of the world building?
- I get some RWBY vibes coming from the story (MC wakes up in a farm with memory loss = Oscar wakes up in a farm with a new personality in their head?) I'm not sure if that's a good sign or a bad sign though. I like RWBY but not for the story. RWBY isn't all that good with storytelling nor worldbuilding (constantly conflicting info everywhere.)
- Lack of important info/context
- Amazing art but misused to picture trivial things
- feeling of nothing major happening??
- Byrus ain't fun (except one line or 2)
- Luna is good
- would've been better to introduce more of the major characters earlier or make the chapter a bit longer to squeeze them in
- dangerous decisions regarding MC (make them automatically know some things but not everything, why?)
- feels too generic at the moment and big RWBY vibes
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theyearoftheking · 4 years
Book Forty-Eight: Dreamcatcher
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Here’s some random information about me. First and foremost, I hate poop. The smell of dog poop makes me start gagging. Can’t handle it. Never have, never will. My husband knows he’s on active duty (ha! pun NOT intended) if one of our dogs has an accident in the house.
So, it’s kind of ironic I work for a pharmaceutical company that promotes all kinds of GI drugs... I’ve helped sell drugs for various kinds of IBS, and now opioid induced constipation. I spend my work days talking to doctors about poop while they eat tacos. Truly... that’s how I spent my lunch hour yesterday. 
So, why am I talking about poop? Dreamcatcher, y’all. This book is literally FULL OF SHIT. We’re talking everything from the smelliest, most graphically described excrement, to high school aged kids trying to force a boy to eat dog poop... SO MUCH POOP. 
Which made me wonder... Steve wrote this book after his horrific accident, which I’m sure involved massive amounts of pain-killers. Was Steve suffering from opioid induced constipation? Was Steve dreaming about a massive shit that would ease his constipation pains? It’s really the only logical thing I can think of. 
I haven’t read this book since it was first published back in 2001, but  the first thing I always think of is how graphically Steve describes the smell of poop... “a mixture of ether and overripe bananas...” 
So gross. 
Dreamcatcher is an alien invasion story... aliens plan to take over a hunting town in rural, northern Maine. And they multiply by fuzzy spores, known as byrus. When someone comes into contact with the spores, it’s not long before an alien explodes out their anus... hence, the horrible smell and flatulence. 
Four friends, Beaver, Henry, Jonsey, and Pete are all up north hunting when the alien invasion goes down. Jonsey ends up with the alien leader, Mr. Gray, invading his body; Pete and Beaver end up dead, and Henry is tasked with preventing Mr. Gray from depositing a dog heavy with byrus into a major water filtration plant, which would infect a huge swath of the population. 
The boys all have a low-grade form of telepathy, which they developed the day they helped save Douglas “Duddits” Cavill from some high school kids who stripped him down, and tried to force him to eat a dog turd. Duddits has Down Syndrome, and was walking home from school when he was accosted by the high school assholes. After the rescue, Beaver, Henry, Jonsey, and Pete added Duddits to their clan, and he’d tag along with them, play cribbage, basically be one of the boys. 
Their telepathy has intensified into adulthood, and while the boys have lost touch with Duddits, they still try to go hunting every year. So, they’re out hunting when the aliens and the National Guard sweep in. The Guard tries to keep everyone quarantined and prevent the spread of the byrus. It’s okay... take a second and laugh. It’s just another example of life imitating prophetic art. There’s one particularly ucky guardsman, Kurtz, who just wants to build a name for himself by killing the entire town, and preventing the spread of the aliens. 
75% of the book is a race between Jonsey/Mr. Gray, Kurtz, and Henry/another guardsman and eventually Duddits. Henry and Duddits save the world, Duddits succumbs to the leukemia that has been killing him, and life goes on, shit and all. 
There were some fun Steve universe mentions: 
The town of Derry, Maine
Castle Rock radio station
Low men
The Losers Club 
The Dead Zone
And then there were some lines that made me laugh. cringe, and want to cry. Shall we proceed?
The concept of “temporary quarantine”. We’re currently on day 572,000 of social distancing, quarantining, and living our best lives six feet apart. We were also told this would be temporary.
“Silence gives consent” Steve, buddy, pal... can we work on updating this line in future publications? I think we know that only consent gives consent. Silence is NOT consent. Help a girl out here. Speaking of consent, there’s a line, “...he was with Tom T. Hall: he liked beer.” I immediately thought of this asshole. 
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He also thinks silence is consent, and likes beer. For fucks sake, does this man not have the most punchable face in the world? Just looking at it is raising my blood pressure. Fuckstick. 
So, then there’s the greatest debate of our time... “Underhill donned his mask and adjusted the straps without further comment...Do they work? They work on Ebola, they work on anthrax, they work on that new super-cholera. Do they work on Ripley? Probably. If not, we’re fucked, soldier. In fact, we may be fucked already.” I laughed way harder than I should have at this line. Do the world a favor, and just wear ya masks, kids. Look at this cute gaiter I got on Etsy!
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Then, there was a reference to a period in time when the Patriots sucked, and no one wanted to root for them. As a die-hard Carolina Panthers fan (don’t ask, it’s a long story); I was pissed with how the Panthers did Cam Newton dirty. So, I’m hoping the Pats have a fantastic season, and make it to the Super Bowl. 
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And finally, there was a speech from the fictional president about the alien infection, in which he said, “...we believe that our visitors brought this virus with them much as travelers from abroad may bring certain insects into their country of origin in their luggage or on the produce they’ve purchased. This is something customs officers look for, but of course-our recent visitors did not pass through a customs checkpoint...” 
There’s a good chance this president would have also referred to Covid as, “The China Virus”. 
The plot of this book? Meh. But the number of parallels to our current society nineteen years later? Excellent. Also, I give maddd props to Steve for writing this book out longhand, while recovering from an accident that could have taken his life (or at the very least, his leg). While Dreamcatcher is never going to be one of favorites, you have to respect the grind. 
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 30
Total Dark Tower References: 45
Book Grade: D
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
The Talisman: A+
Wizard and Glass: A+
Needful Things: A+
On Writing: A+
The Green Mile: A+
Hearts in Atlantis: A+
Rose Madder: A+
Misery: A+
Different Seasons: A+
It: A+
Four Past Midnight: A+
The Shining: A-
The Stand: A-
Bag of Bones: A-
The Wastelands: A-
The Drawing of the Three: A-
Dolores Claiborne: A-
Nightmares in the Sky: B+
The Dark Half: B+
Skeleton Crew: B+
The Dead Zone: B+
Nightmares & Dreamscapes: B+
‘Salem’s Lot: B+
Carrie: B+
Creepshow: B+
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon: B
Storm of the Century: B-
Cycle of the Werewolf: B-
Danse Macabre: B-
The Running Man: C+
Thinner: C+
Dark Visions: C+
The Eyes of the Dragon: C+
The Long Walk: C+
The Gunslinger: C+
Pet Sematary: C+
Firestarter: C+
Rage: C
Desperation: C-
Insomnia: C-
Cujo: C-
Nightshift: C-
Gerald’s Game: D
Roadwork: D
Christine: D
Dreamcatcher: D
The Regulators: D
The Tommyknockers: D-
Next, is Black House... which I’m rapidly devouring. The Talisman is still fresh(ish) in my mind, so that should help with making connections between the two. 
Until next time, Long Days & Pleasant Nights, Rebecca
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meeko-mar · 8 years
Compilation of belated OSR2 thoughts::
Ok I have been constantly at work as the news of the Oban Star Racers possible sequel broke, so I have been able to do little more than small doodles and reblogging and some very initial(and hysterical) reactions. 
But now that I have a wee bit of time, let’s start speculating! **There will be mentions of plotpoints of OSR that give a lot of spoilers away, so if you haven’t already, please watch OSR!**
~ Ok, first thing is first, even though we’re going off of one or two concept art shots and nothing concrete, may I just dare to say that, THIS IS ALREADY JUST WHAT I WANTED. 
Like let me explain, I have always LOVED the theme in OSR that is about reaching out to others who may not be like you, forming alliances/friendships, and rallying together, even though you maybe competing and battling against these other people. Molly makes friends in unlikely places, friends she wouldn’t have expected, friends she initially hated on a deep emotional level due to misunderstanding, friends that she has fought tooth and nail to keep despite circumstances repeatedly trying to pull them apart. 
That’s what the line-up image looks like to me. That image is the RETURN of every relationship she forged in the Great Race. 
Molly, Spirit, Rush, Aikka. Earth, Byrus, Nourasia, Phils! This alludes to an interplanetary alliance that I have DREAMED about since watching OSR. I have always wanted these guys to be brought together after the Race of Oban in unison against the Crogs. (because we all KNEW that the Crogs may have been immobilized at the end, but they are far from defeated!!) 
And now it looks like we may literally get JUST THAT. 
~ Plus, there’s a Crog. From the looks of how it is walking WITH them and not being OPPOSED to them, I’d say we have a rogue Crog turned ally, and that is pretty damn exciting. A lot of potential chemistry conflicts between the characters.
~ I can’t wait to see what a Non-Imperium Crog is like. I can’t wait to see how Aikka and him/her get along. 
~ While we’re here, I wonder what kind of alliance this is. Like, is it actually an alliance that is official with each of their worlds? Have the worlds made treaties and official alliances with each other? Is this a sort of specialty team organized that way? Or maybe they’re all rogues, united by their common bonds forged in the Race(and however they happen to become allied with the Crog character?) 
~ I may venture a guess that since their outfits are still different, they may not be a part of an official, new task force or army of some sort, because if that was the case, they may have uniforms or at least very similar uniforms. They are all wearing something that look unique to their race...
~ ....except for Aikka, though his outfit looks very similar to Eva’s, and in fact, very unlike what we know of or expect from the Nourasian style. This intrigues me, possibly the most, aside from the new Crog character.
~ There has already been speculations that the absence of Aikka’s crown may mean that he is in exile somehow, and is at the moment of this image, is not part of Nourasian Royalty. IF SO, maybe he had to take up residence somewhere else. Maybe Earth? Perhaps that is why his outfit looks more like an Earth outfit and seems similar to Eva’s. Perhaps however they get involved in an adventure with each other, he started out on Earth with her and was therefore outfitted with Earthen gear. 
~ While we’re in that vein, His bow seems to also be more technological, as opposed to traditional, like his Nourasian bow. 
~ If this is the case, and Aikka’s new look comes from alliance with Earth, that may imply that at the very least, Earth is tasking them with something. How else would he get highly specialty equipment? How else would it be matching Eva’s? Maybe The Earth Coalition has finally gone into organizing a real defense against alien threats, and has decided to involve the Winner of the Race of Oban in it. 
~  Maybe Eva is involved as a diplomat???
~Further thought: Maybe Earth has chosen Eva as a diplomat and has chosen these characters specifically as her entourage/protection/personal team?
~This suggests also that after the Race, the Earth Coalition really got their shit together regarding the ongoing issues in the galaxy, for example, the domineering Crogs. I recall the President as being kind of pig-headed and stubborn and willing to sacrifice anything, including Don Wei’s daughter, to land the Ultimate Prize in Earth’s favor. The Earth Coalition seemed desperate, even reckless in the first series. Maybe by now, new leaders have possibly taken the Great Race into account and have gotten serious about things, and even formed alliances with planets they disregarded or actively disliked due to xenophobia and political misinformation. 
~ Also, the Truce of Oban is now over. We may see an entirely new war with this new series.
~ The second promo image we were given shows Aikka dueling someone on a giant Centipede in what could be Nourasia. Perhaps there was a coup? Maybe they overthrew Aikka? Maybe that is the reason he had to go into exile? 
~ Maybe he became an ambassador to Earth to re-establish good relations, if he wasn’t exiled?
~ We may get to see other worlds! Byrus, Spirit’s world, even Nourasia!! 
~ I am so happy and excited to see more of Spirit and Rush.
~ I finally know what Aikka’s hairline looks like without the crown. Which is something I have wondered for like 10 years as an artist frequently drawing him. 
~ Though is his hairline naturally like that, or is it cut specifically like that? 
~Also, LONGER HAIR for Aikka! Count part of my speculations as a young OSR fanartist to be CONFIRMED. :D
~I love Eva’s new bottom earring, the really long, pointy one.
~Also, I gotta say her shoulder pads got upgraded. 
~ It doesn’t seem as though Aikka’s ears got any longer...Though we also don’t know exactly how long it’s been after Oban, nor how fast Nourasian’s ears grow if they in fact do.(I know there have been speculations about this in the fandom and how King Aikka would down the road have much longer ears.) Maybe Nourasian ear size is unchanging.
~ Um also, I don’t know if this is a thing, but Aikka has two little metal(grey) looking things on each of his gloves....do those maybe do something? like another weapon of some sort? I know he has a knife or a sword on his hip. Maybe those little things do something? (Just seems like a strange place to have something like that if they serve no purpose) 
~Needless to say, I of course wonder if Jordan will show up at all in this story. I would hope for mostly a minor role since I would want the theme of Avatar Neutrality to remain a consistent thing, but it would be nice to see him again. Maybe if there is something really bad going on though, we may get to see what he’s doing, even as a side-plot?
~ Though I do hope that we at least get some more regular girl/women characters <3 I love the boys but there’s always room for more girls on the team.
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greyhawk5e · 6 years
To Market, To Market
A Third Level World of Greyhawk Adventure for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons
Main NPCs
Onar, Apprentice of Rary, Sorcerer of the Bright Desert, arrogant and charming
disguise : Vyran Flent, of the Society of Magi of Greyhawk
Lord Hayden Thistlemane, Shadowclaw Wizard undercover in Furyondy, chummy and smarmy
Rautheene, Apprentice of Mordenkainen, competent, confident, keeps secrets
Alene Wylde – Wizard of Furyondy – Expert on Aerdy Antiquities, Seeker, SO excited by the history of the Great Kingdom, able to geek out about it at the drop of a hat
Brother Ewan – The Abbott of Profound Insight Retreat, friendly, enjoys conversation and ale, an introverted academic
Vaxilla, Drow Spy, dramatic, enjoys her work, loves the hunt, and the kill
Waquonis, Warlock of Iuz, determined, cruel, short of temper, ambitious
Hodar – Academy of Sorcery – cocky, if Han Solo was a magic items dealer, thinks Dyvers is just as good as Greyhawk
Secondary NPCs
Nat Fowler –City Watch Captain , All business, a bit distrustful,
Sam Fagyn, Inkeeper of the Salty Wizard, Laid back, loves the bar business
Brylla Wilkes – City Watch Captain, Friendly, but won't take any shit.  Knows rules suck, but knows they have to be enforced.
Sykes, Stable-master – shifty, dirty, easily bought, no morals, betrayer for coin
Fenwick Hollisten, Innkeeper of The Gilded Goblet, obsequious, used to kissing rich people butt, at home among the wealthy, resentful of people with less means, even though he's not rich himself.
Free Borough
Hubern - City Watch Captain of Free Borough, loves his city, appreciates tourists, but knows the weapons rule is final, tries to placate unhappy people while enforcing it
Rafendyl, Half Elf Music Star Bard, - Loves to perform, happiest when making music, will play just for the love of it, anywhere.
Eriel Willan, Light Show Wizard of Street Fest – 25, gorgeous free spirit, as enthusiastic about her art as Rafendyl is about his, hard partying artist
Quickfingers, Juggler of Street Fest – Always “on,” runs entertaining banter throughout performance,  streetwise, been in the game for years
Meladra - Rhenee Fortune Teller of Street Fest, plays up the mysterious exotic lady schtick, will only confide in fellow Rheneee
Salmaz of Ekbir - Food Cart Vendor of Street Fest, Ekbiri immigrant, hard working, thick accent, is overjoyed that Free Borough loves his food and has little prejudice
“The Druid of Dank” - Cannabis Dealer of Street Fest – cartoonish 90's movie pot-head, sells the best weed, has dreadlocks, follows Rafendyl like a Phish-head, will talk your ear off about his best shows.
Hud Glidden – Head Brewer of Glidden's Brewery, chubby, bearded, craft brewer, loves beer, excited about it, friendly and charismatic
Robyn Heward, Chef/Barkeep of Inn –owner of the Spicy Pig, young, innovative chef, knows cooking is a man's world, but determined to make her mark, just got an Able Carter star (Greyhawk's Michelin star equivalent, given out by the carriage line)
Byrus Rendell, Banker of Pantarn – Super enthusiastic number cruncher, knows paper money is the future, can't wait to tell you about it like a Bitcoin enthusiast
Adria Woodhammer, Garrison Leader of Pantarn – classic paladin.  Incorruptible city guard, lives for the job
Lord Myridan Greenfield, Mayor of Pantarn – insufferable back-slapper, really thinks Pantarn is on its way to be the next Greyhawk, full of himself for hosting the Wizard's Bazaar this year, already kissing wizard ass to get it next year.
Schuter Garalend – Herbalist, From Tenh, Makes Orcbane, Flan herbalist, loves his work, contemplative, amazed by plants, wants other people to be as amazed as he is
Sister Hylla - Librarian of Boccob – chubby, avid reader, 50s.  At home doing a puzzle with a cup of tea.  Friendly, but gets serious on a dime when a problem must be solved.
Durbin Pottle, Taxman - Gleeful, knows this is his shot at collecting taxes on magic items that pour in for the Bazaar, not gonna waste it. Loves the game of outwitting tax cheats.
Furyondy's Wizards
Sharapel Endereth
The Chamber of Four – Karzalin (Fire)  Ryshanden (air) , Piscentan – female (water) , Dramaynen (earth) – These are the King of Furyondy's elite military wizards.  They do not exchange pleasantries as they are here to represent the growing strength of the crown. They are friendly but formal and short of speech.
Eriel Willan, (see above)
Janziper – Cruel and full of anger. Was tortured by Iuz's hobgoblins and lives for revenge.  Is impatient with the bazaar and is mainly here to buy orcbane from Garalend.
Cupara, Apprentice to Schuyzer, goes nowhere without a tame sabretooth tiger.  Pleasant but private, reveals little.  But fierce in his defense of Furyondy should anything happen
Countess Ravelle – wealthy, politically powerful fun-loving dabbler.  Not an experienced wizard, but a total fangirl of magic.  Loves to hobnob with wizards, but here as a hobbyist.
Tobian Rushkane – important red-headed Wizard of Furyondy.  Here to scope out the state of local magic and see how well Furyondy is progressing as a magic power
Sir Fyrian Finn - Knight of the Hart, Eldritch Knight.  Finn is a spell-casting fighter, a young handsome veteran of the Northern Crusade, here to accumulate power to fight Iuz.
Greyhawk's Wizards
Gelven Binder - Greyhawk Wizard's Guild Library – Javal Severnain's Procurer, Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park type, looking for rare books to take home, intrigued by Arcana
Senthya Quill - Greyhawk University – professor of potions and scrolls, excited to be at her first Wizard's Bazaar after years in the classroom
From Elsewhere
Chan Tao Sen, guest of Countess Ravelle, Far wanderer sorcerer from distant Shao-feng.  Exotic presence, who Ravelle is parading around like a pet, curious about the Flanaess. Charismatic and earnest, his Common improving every day.
Elenere Forester – from Veluna, serious and eager young wizard who is here to co-ordinate magical defenses with Furyondy, and bolster the alliance
Eldrath, Elf Warlock of the Archfey from Highfolk, here for Elven artifacts to return to their proper place among his people, but once the work day is done, its party time.
Brinus, Gnome wizard from Verbobonc, here to sell things from the Temple of Elemental Evil, a bit of a a hard-sell, and his merchandise looks dubious.
Shariel, Redhead young Elf Wizard, new apprentice of Tenser, here to try and buy evil artifacts so her master may destroy them or keep them from harmful use.
Ordann, Keoland, Silent Ones Sorcerer, quiet, serious, here to see if anything from the Suel Empire is up for sale and buy it for his order.
Gredard, Shield Lands refugee Wizard, here to look for work.  Poor, but still powerful, looking for basic reagents and a job, his tower was destroyed when Iuz invaded.
Restan Bandrick - Wild Coast refugee – A wandering Wizard, out on the road, looking to win tournaments.
At the Bonefort
Gorka – Somewhat dim Soldier of Iuz, he guards the gates from intruders
Shenezek – Female Cult Leader, Devoted of Iuz, maniacally enthusiastic about Iuz
Behenek – Frustrated Cleric of Iuz, looking for chance to prove himself and move up
Melfin – Elderly rustic traveling Old Faith preacher, who ministers to the Gnarley Forest
Vaygel – Deadly competent Skull Sword of Iuz, shaved head and skull face paint, fights for money and power, grateful that Iuz gives it to him
Pog – Gnome slave trying to make the best of it.
Breena – Gnome slave, hates her captors, defiant to the end
Grimble - Gnome slave, once the caravan leader, now trying to keep his people safe
Read to Players
“It is Starday, the 9th of Harvester, in the year 597.  The nights are getting shorter but there are still three weeks of summer left.  The boats are being hauled in for the day in Cardyn's Cove.  The Wizard Segrius has given the players his Wizard's Writ and told them the location of The Wizard's Bazaar, which will begin on the last day of Summer, the 28th of Harvester, in a field several miles outside of Pantarn, a town 300 miles further into the interior of Furyondy.  
Your group carries one Null's Impenetrable Box, created by a disciple of Iuz to hide an unknown object.  It can only be opened by the spell Anti-Magic Shell.  At The Bazaar, you hope to find a wizard who will cast it for you, or perhaps a scroll containing the spell so you can cast it yourselves. Once you know what it is, perhaps someone there will want to buy it?”
DM's NOTE: The box holds a locket of the Great Kingdom, containing the life force of Waquonis, a powerful Warlock in service of Iuz. Waquonis is prevented by the magical barriers of the box from using the power of the locket, but the minute the Anti-magic Shell goes up, he intends to possess the nearest person with magic jar and escape.
Journey to the Bazaar
There are three cities between Cardyn's Cove and Pantarn – Herechel, Gorsend, and Free Borough.   There is a road that connects all three.  Along the road, the PCs will get one encounter per day in keeping with the surroundings.  You can make this up or roll on the appropriate table.  There are numerous encounters in the module so it's not necessary to add fights, but some fitting local color will help bring the journey to life. The first stop is the walled river town of...
Read to Players
“As you approach the walls of Herechel, you notice numerous galleys of the Furyondy Royal Navy.  Magnificent vessels with crews of hundreds. High above the docks on the city walls you can see one of the Royal Navy's Wizards, conducting a drill with a squad of archers.  They are firing into a dummy vessel that floats on the water.  The Wizard lights up the target for them, simultaneously shielding them from harm. He barks commands as they fill the boat with magically guided arrows.  The scene passes out of view as you approach the looming stone walls of the town.  Ahead of you the wide cobblestone street passes through the city gate.  Four infantry-men of the Army of Furyondy stand in front of a massive iron portcullis. One of them approaches.”
City Walls Checkpoint
The PCs meet a garrison of Furyondy's military.  Nat Fowler asks the PCs their business in Herechel.  If he is satisfied, he directs them to the Salty Wizard Inn, just inside the town gates.
The Salty Wizard Inn
An accordion, tin whistle, and fiddle combo plays sea shanties.  The innkeeper, Sam Fagyn, serves lobster pies with chips.   Most of the customers are sailors and river-boat men.
At a table near the PCs is a man out of place.  He appears to be from the Bright Desert.  His name is Onar.  He is Flan.  He says he is a spice trader.  He drinks Wallech Gin from Urnst with a lemon. He sits with three men in the distinctive clothing of the Bright Desert Nomads.  They do not speak.  
Onar will ask the PCs if they are from Greyhawk.  He asks if they are going to the Wizard's Bazaar.  He asks if they want to sell him anything magical.  He is really there to find the Greyhawk contingent traveling to the Bazaar.  He is going to murder one of them for his master Rary right after the PC's leave.  
Many miles of  grassland later, the PC's see a sign informing them that they have crossed into the Viceroyality of the March, under Viceroy Luther Derwent.  They are nearing...
After their journey, read the following.
“The grasslands of Furyondy soon give way to small farms.  You pass more and more  travelers each hour and then a sign comes into view. Gorsend – 2 Miles.
Soon the town is visible.  You are waved through by two bored looking guards who are wearing much nicer armor than any city watch you've seen.  As your cart moves further down the well-paved road, you notice that the buildings are all well-kept, and the people you see going about their business are dressed in clean and fashionable clothes.
There are guards all about.  After several blocks, the small homes and buildings give way to a row of magnificent mansions.  A sign says “High Street” but it might as well say “Money Street.”   Each mansion on this broad brick boulevard is more ostentatious than the last.  Rows of great big, hundred year old trees line both sides of the street, and bronze street lamps keep it well lit even as the sun sets.
The entrance to High Street is blocked off by two guards.  There is a side street called “Horseman's Alley,” jutting off to the south.”
Brylla Wilkes, a town constable, approaches.  She speaks. “No horses in the town center.  You've got to pay the stable fee.” Wilkes hands the PCs off to Sykes, the Stable-master  He's a cross old fart who leads them to the Stables, a massive wooden complex down Horseman's alley.  Facing each other on opposite sides of the alley are the Grand Stables for the wealthy, and the Common Stables for everyone else.  Only the Common Stables are available tonight.  This is a series of 60 foot barns with room for wagons and animals, stocked with hay and water.  Stable Fees as per Player's Handbook.
Sykes directs them to the barn they have been assigned...
Common Stables
… where they  are ambushed by a Cultist of Iuz named Rado, who Lovecraft remembers from Cardyn's Cove.  Rado fled the village towards the Drow caverns, led by a vision from Iuz.  There he told the Drow spy Vaxilla about Lovecraft, who is still very much wanted by his former allies.  They are now going to kill him and his friends, and Rado will take the impenetrable box back to Iuz.  They have a Giant Spider with them in the Stable.  They have been waiting for the PCs for an hour, having paid off Sykes.  They have tracked them since Herechel, and have been tipped off several times by people who have seen the PCs.
Encounter One
Vaxilla, Drow Spy
AC 12 HP 27 DEX + 2, CHA + 3, Can Dash, Disengage or Hide with Bonus Action.
2 AT + 4,  5 damage, Sword/Hand Crossbow + 7 Dmg 5 feet from ally or w/ Adv.
XP 100
AC 11, HP 32  AT + 4  DMG 5 melee, +2 AT 5 Crossbow, Advantage in 5 feet of Ally
XP 100
3 Drow
AC 15 HP 13 + 2 DEX  Stealth + 4 Adv vs. Charm, Can't be Slept
darkness, faerie fire at will
+4 AT, 5 damage Shortsword/Crossbow.  Crossbow DC 13 Con save or poisoned, fail by 5 and pass out.
XP 50 each
1 Giant Spider
Ac 14 HP 26 Climb 30 ft.  Stealth + 7
5 AT DMG 7 DC 11 Save or Poison damage 9, paralyzed for 1 hour if HP 0
Web + 5 to hit, target restrained, needs DC 12 strength test to get free
Web Ac 10, Hp 5
XP 200, Total Encounter XP 550
If the PCs are reduced to zero, Rado will grab the box before turning to deal with the players.  Before Rado can kill them, the City Watch arrives.  Rado flees with the box but leaves the pyramid behind.  The PCs will be able to track him.  Lovecraft will be taken by the Drow for execution in the Underdark.  He will have another chance to escape.
When the PC's have dealt with Rado, they will find total coinage worth 35 silver pieces.  
They will also find a pyramid shaped black object, Null's Pointing Pyramid, of the same material as the Impenetrable Box. The tip of the pyramid swivels away from the base, pointing always in the direction of the box.  It is the magical means by which the legions of Iuz track their creation.  
The owner of the stables is mortified and allows the PCs to have the stable for the night  free of charge.  He also gives them vouchers for a night on the house at the finest Inn in town.  Sykes is long gone.
The Gilded Goblet
The Gilded goblet is a fine Inn on High Street with excellent food.  The Inn Keeper is Fenwick Hollisten, who directs the PCs to the best available table and begins to serve their tasting menu over a bottle of fine wine from Verbobonc.  At the table next to them is a group of traveling wizards, also on the road to the Wizard's Bazaar, mostly from the Free City of Greyhawk.
Mordenkainen's apprentice, a young brunette named Rautheene, is accompanied by a professor from Greyhawk Magical University (Professor Senthya Quill,) Wizard's Guild Representative Gelven Binder, Society of Magi Initiate Vyran Flent, and their companion the scroll dealer Hodar of Dyvers.  
They are loudly discussing the Wizard's Bazaar.  They call the PCs over to their table.  
Note: Vyran Flent is secretly Onar is disguise.  Onar murdered the real Vyran right after the PCs left Herechel, and has used magical means to impersonate and replace him.   If the PC's are resourceful, they can pick up the following clues.
He seems unusually jovial lately according to his friends.  
He drinks the same drink as Onar – Wallech Gin from Urnst with a lemon
He knows about the Bright Desert
He won't answer anything specific about the Society of Magi
The traveling wizards impart the following during their conversation:
Binder: Greyhawk's support for Furyondy is the only thing keeping them from being Old Wicked's vacation home.  
Quill:  Furyondy is nothing compared to the wizards of Greyhawk.  Will be interesting to see the show they try and put on, will be cute to see them try.
Flent :  Where is Segrius?  Why are you going in his place?
Rautheene: What do you have to sell?  
Hodar: What are you  looking to buy? Are you manning a booth?  Are any of you entering the Tournament of Duels?
They will also ask the PCs to travel along with them.  If the PCs say no, they keep comically running into the Greyhawk delegation's wagon on the road, and the Greyhawk wizards make jokes about this.
If they say yes, the PCs will catch Rautheene watching them.  She has heard stories of a drow, a half orc paladin, a Rhenee and a Flan killing demons.  If they show her the box, she warns them they carry something very powerful and very evil.  
Eventually, the PCs will make it to....
Free Borough
The next stop before Pantarn is Free Borough, a city of 3000.  There is a local festival going on this week, on a holy day of Zilchus.  It's The Feast of the Heavy Purse, where prosperous merchants are meant to spend money to show appreciation for the god of commerce.  Big tips are customary, and the cheap are shamed.  There are 2000 extra people in the city. The whole region comes out for the festival.  There is an extra hum on the streets even in the early evening hours as the PCs pull in to town.  
They are met by the City Watch, 4 guards led by Hubern. He orders the PCs to abide by city law and stash their weapons and any armor heavier than leather in their wagon.  He recommends staying at the Spicy Pig, an Inn known for the food of award winning chef Robyn Heward.  
The food is pork and rice in a spicy stew with sausage and corn mixed in. The place is jumping, and Robyn says the players can't miss the street festival. Rafendyl is playing!  And there's a chance he'll play a late night set in the pub after the festival is done.
In the Free Borough town square is a large street festival.  Hundreds of people buy food and drink from stalls and watch a parade of entertainers.  The clerics of Zilchus are in full robes giving out coins.  Highlights include:
Rafendyl, a world famous Half Elf Music Star Bard plays an outdoor “Globe Theater” type space, with a great big band, amplified and lit up by bardic cantrips to be the equivalent of a modern rock concert, with lights by Light Show Wizard, Eriel Willan.
A Juggler, Bellyn Quickfingers, works a large crowd in the street.
Rhenee Fortune Teller Meladra reads palms and does Deck of Fate readings.
Salmaz of Ekbir sells Baklunish kabobs and shawarma from his food truck.
“The Druid of Dank” sells weed and pipes and brags like a Phish fan about all the great Rafendyl shows he's seen.  “Dude, Verbobonc County Fairgrounds 589 was the bomb!  20 minute “Old Wicked's Balls,” with a sick mandolin solo.”
Hud Glidden of Glidden's Brewery sells Glidden's Brown and Glidden's Wheat Ale.
The Greyhawk contingent either has traveled with the PCs or they run into them again at the street fest, where there is an unfortunate assassination attempt on Gelven Binder from the Wizard's Guild of Greyhawk.  When they find Binder, he and Flent have split off from the group to get beers from Glidden's tent.  
The assassins actually do the bidding of “Vyran Flent,” who is secretly Onar.  Onar joins in the attempt to fight off the bandits to throw off suspicion.  The PC's are welcome to foil the attempt and save Binder but the assassins will try their best to kill him before fleeing into the crowd, beginning a Chase, as per DM's Guide rules.
Encounter 2
2 Bright Desert Nomads
AC 13 HP 16 2 AT + 4, DMG 5 Shortsword, At + 4 DMG 6 Longbow Stealth + 6
XP 100 Each
Marwan, Wizard of The Bright Desert
AC 12 22 HP Dex + 2
Spell DC 13, +5 to hit Spell Attacks, Light, Shocking Grasp at Will (1d8 dmg)
4 Level One Spells Magic Missile 4d4+4 DMG, Charm Person 
3 Level 2 Spells: Hold Person, Misty Step
XP 200
Total XP 400
Gelven Binder (Target)
AC 10 HP 15
Spell DC 12, +4 to hit w/ Spell Attacks,
Cantrips : Light, Fire Bolt, (1d10 dmg), Shocking Grasp (1d8)
3 Level One Spells (Magic Missile 2d4+2) DMG Charm Person)
If the PCs save Binder, he stays in town to recover from his wounds. He's not going to the Bazaar this year.  He is spooked and wants to take it easy.  He can be convinced to persevere by the players on a DC 20 Persuasion check.  As they leave, they see a sign informing them that they are entering the Barony of the Reach, under Baron Jemian.  Eventually, they will travel the final stretch of the road to...
Read to Players,
“The road slopes down into a shallow valley as the town of Pantarn spreads out before you.  The river Att flows wide and strong through the city center, spanned by a magnificent stone bridge with stonework in the shape of Griffins up and down the railing.  There is a bronze statue of a knight on a paved city park on the other side of the bridge, with a ring of well-kept shops around the plaza.  A large cobblestone road leads out of the plaza away from the bridge.  The road winds up a steep hill where two large stone buildings stand across from each other on the hilltop clearing.  People go about their business.  Carts and wagons travel back and forth over the bridge.  The town is abuzz with the day's business.  A small group of Furyondy infantry approach, led by a muscular blonde woman with a longsword at her belt.”
There is a garrison of Furyondy's military run by female paladin Adria Woodhammer.  Woodhammer is accompanied by the Tax Collector, Durbin Pottle, who assesses the players for their Magical Item tax and Freesword tax (10gp per item, 1gp per weapon.) He is hitting everyone who enters as the Wizard's Bazaar is a big haul for the taxman.  If the PCs refuse to pay they are not allowed into the city. Hiding anything from Pottle (18 Wis, + 6 Perception) will be tough.
This city of 2200 has an awesome stone bridge with statues of Griffins on either entrance. The statue of a knight turns out to be poor missing Prince Thrommel of Furyondy.  
Around the plaza are the following businesses:
A brand new branch of the Able Carter coaching company, the first in Furyondy, with routes to Dyvers, Greyhawk, Hardby, Narwell, and Safeton.  
Scrivener's Stationary, a front house that serves as the headquarters of the Twilight Hunters thieves guild.
There is the shop of the famous herbalist Schuter Garalend, Garalend's Garden.  He is a Flan, from the Duchy of Tenh.  He makes orcbane, an herb that is poisonous to orcs, doing an additional 1d4 to any humanoid opponent for one fight.  
There is the famous Mercantile Bank of Pantarn, the first to issue paper money.  They will convert any gold the PCs don't want to carry.
The best Inn is the Great Griffin.  
The street leading out of the plaza is the lovely, chapel-filled Church St, which winds up  Serenity Hill to the grand monasteries of Rao and Boccob.  The Library of Boccob is kept by Brother Ewan, the Abbott of the Monastery  The Chief Librarian is Sister Hyllla.  
There are also Churches of St. Cuthbert (small) , Zilchus (big!) Trithereon, and Heironeous. Around the plaza are the homes of Pantarn's citizens.
Boccob Monastery – The staff of the monastery is just the Abbott, The Librarian, 3 Acolytes, and a bunch of non-powered Novices. Brother Ewan will be very interested in the box.  If the PCs tell him what it is, he offers to keep it safe at the Monastery.  It would be vulnerable to attack, though the PCs could track it with the pyramid. The Abbott tells them the box was built by Null, Iuz's right hand wizard, and that only a powerful item would be kept in such a box, and if something is infused with the power of Iuz, it is probably also very dangerous.  
  When they check into their rooms at the Great Griffin, the PCs find invitations to a private dinner at the home of the Mayor.   There they meet Furyondy's wizards – Thistlemane, Ravelle, Endareth, Rushkane, Black, Wylde, Finn, and Janziper.  Thistlemane has a Toad with him at all times.  It appears to be his familiar  He is keen to get on the player's good side.  Janziper asks about Segrius.  All of the wizards want to know about Moonglade Spire. They want to know if Faedra is really still alive after 350 years in the Feywild.
Thistlemane is secretly an agent of Iuz.  He has heard the box containing Waquonis’ soul is missing, and it is his job to find it and save Waquonis.  He will do whatever he can to get in the PCs’ good graces, as he has heard that a Drow, a Half Orc, and two female spellcasters killed Father Zoreg.
They also want to know about Iuz.  They start telling Iuz war stories.   They will be riveted by the story of Cardyn's Cove.  Finn tells the PCs that Furyondy needs magic. He tells them about Orcbane.  He will pay good money for demon globes.  Alene Wylde discusses her love of Great Kingdom artifacts.  
Bazaar Grounds
In the morning, the wizard contingents gather a half mile outside of town in an immense meadow.  23 magic users and their personal entourages. There are wagons gathered at the camp grounds in a circle, per the instructions of Bazaar staff.  The staffers are all Apprentice Wizards from Furyondy's magical college, overseen in the Opening Ceremony by Piscentan of the Chamber of Four.  At one point, she claps her hands.  An arrangement of chairs magically appears.  They form a large open circle.  A presentation begins in the center of the circle.
First, there is a Boccobite Blessing from Brother Ewan. Then an impressive demonstration of elemental magic by the Chamber of Four Wizards  against 6 Thassalos  (Iuz's Bone Golems.) The way their distinct elemental magics weave in and out of the air as they defeat their enemies is both impressive and beautiful.
Karzalin then declares the Bazaar open.  “Three days dedicated to the sharing and furtherment of magic by the wizards of Furyondy and her allies!”  He reads a magic word off a scroll, and magical Tents appear in a circle around the clearing.  23 elaborate luxury tents with an open tent to sell magical wares and a closed tent for living quarters.   They form a second circle around the circle of chairs which appeared previously.   Each tent has wonders of the DM's discretion– an Owl Bear in a cage!  Dragon eggs!  Items of all kinds.  Buying and selling magic items can be handled through the rules in Xanathar's Guide and the DMG.
The Tournament
There is a Dueling Ring in the center of the meadow.  There is to be a Tournament of Wizard's Duels over the weekend of the Bazaar.  The Duel bracket list is kept by Ryshanden, who stays to oversee the Bazaar. There is a grand prize of an indestructible spell book, and an elaborate, ornate hand crafted quarterstaff + 1.  Any PC entering the tournament fights three duels in front of a crowd of wizards and festival staff.  Only spells and cantrips are permitted as Actions.  The Circle is 60 feet in circumference.  It is illegal to leave the borders of the Circle, though you may fly as high as you wish inside it. The first contestant to zero HP is immediately healed by festival staff, and Wizards are told that your opponent's unconsciousness is the goal and murder is punishable by imprisonment. The winner advances to the next round.
Here are the opponents any player entering the tournament will face, in order:
AC 10 HP 9 Spells - Save DC 12, +4 to hit  Cantrips - fire bolt, mending, prestidigitation 1st level (2 slots) burning hands, disguise self, shield         Dagger + 2 to hit DMG 3
50 XP
Chao Tan Fen
AC 16 HP 14 Spell DC +4 Sling Dagger + 5 to Hit/5 DMG
Cantrips (at will): acid splash*, blade ward, true strike, prestidigitation 1st level (3 slots): burning hands, ray of sickness, shield, sleep
100 XP
AC 12 22 HP Dex + 2
Spell DC 13, +5 to hit Spell Attacks, Light, Shocking Grasp at Will (1d8 dmg)
4 Level One Spells (Magic Missile 4d4+4) DMG Charm Person)
3 Level 2 Spells (Hold Person, Misty Step)
XP 200
If two players enter the tournament, the second PC's opponents in order will be Brinus, Cupara, and Restan, whose stats are the same as the above three contestants.  If the players each win their first two matches, they fight each other on the fourth round, and then the winner takes on the DM's choice of Shariel or Restan.
The PC's will have time to sell magic items to whoever the DM wishes and buy whatever items the DM allows.  Use the Rules for Buying Magic Items in Xanathar's Guide but eliminate the 100gp fee and count the weeks spent traveling to the Bazaar for the bonus.  
Of note:
Alene Wylde will pay good money for any items the PCs have left over from Moonglade Spire.  She is also selling various Great Kingdom antiquities (common minor magic items from the Xanathar's Guide list)
Restan has a scroll of Anti-Magic Shell.  He wants a reagent called Dragonroot, a fiery colored plant.  He sends the PCs to a Grassy Meadow a mile away where an Ogre and 2 Goblins are eating it to get high.  He gives them three baskets to fill up, which will take three hours.
Countess Ravelle also has a scroll of Anti-Magic Shell, but she is waiting on another offer and cannot disclose her buyer at this time.  (It is Quill, who will have bought it by the time the PCs get back from collecting Dragonroot.)
The Grassy Meadow
The players come to an area where tall grasses grow 4 feet off the ground, obscuring everyone but one Ogre, Grossk.  The Dragonroot grows at the base of the grasses.  Grossk is dancing around, high as a kite, giggling away.  One goblin is jumping through the grass, two others remain unseen. They are lying on their backs but will attack if a fight begins.  The Ogre will attack the minute the PCs start picking Dragonroot.
Encounter 3
OGRE                                                                                                                      Armor Class 11 Hit Points 59 Speed 40 ft. ft.
19 STR (+4) 16 CON (+3) Prof +2 + 6 to hit/13 DMG Club, +6 to Hit 11 Damage Javelin
XP 450
AC 15 HP 7 Stealth + 6 Can Hide or Disengage as Bonus Action
Scimitar/Short Bow + 4/5 DMG
50 XP each
The Goblins will hide in the grass and shoot at the players, hiding after every attack.  Once spotted, they will disengage and fire their arrows after every attack.
Opening the Box
Upon returning with the Dragonroot, Restan gives the PCs the scroll.  If they take a look inside, they see that it is a locket with the symbol of the Great Kingdom on it.  Alene can identify the locket as a locket of the Great Kingdom.  She tells them exactly what it does.
If the PCs have Alene with them when they open the box, she will tell them not to remove the locket from the box.  They need to destroy it while it is still in the shell.  If they remove it anyway, Waquonis possesses Alene, and she runs towards Thistlemane's tent.
If the players begin to destroy the locket, Thistlemane will attack to prevent them from doing this, having tracked the box with a second pointing pyramid in his possession. He casts dispel magic, revealing his pet frog to be a Giant Frog. Thistlemane will try until death to move the locket out of the Anti-magic shell.  The locket will possess the nearest PC, who will then run out of the tent, with the locket, to find a better body.   Waquonis intends to escape through the teleportation circle in Thistlemane's tent and Thistlemane intends to guard the way until he can.  Waquonis has no intention of killing the PC he possesses  He does, however, murder several bystanders on his way to Thistlemane's tent.
When the combat is over, they will find Quill has been murdered and Rautheene is  missing.  Asking around will reveal that “Vyran” was the last one to see them.  
If the players asked Alene what was in the box after they spent the scroll, they have to get a second anti-magic shell scroll to destroy the locket.  They will find that Ravelle has just sold it to Quill.  They look for her and find her murdered, with Rautheene missing.  They learn that “Vyran” was the last one to see Quill alive.
Vyran's Tent
If they search Vyran's tent, they find him about to kill Rautheene.  If they have not figured out that he is Onar yet, he will do a monologue and explain how easy it was to fool them. He has a servant who is a fellow warrior of the Bright Desert.  They attack.
Encounter 4
1 Bright Desert Scout. Male Flan in Desert Clothing
HP 13 AC 15 Dex + 2 Perception + 5, Con + 1
2 AT + 4/ 5 DMG Shortsword, + 4/ 6 DMG longbow
100 XP
Armor Class 12 (15 With Mage Armor) Hit Points 38 (7d8 + 7)  Saving Throws INT +5, WIS +2  Spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks
Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, poison spray   1st level (4 slots): color spray,* disguise self,* mage armor, magic missile   2nd level (3 slots): invisibility,* mirror image,* phantasmal force*                   3rd level (3 slots): major image,* phantom steed* 4th level (1 slot): phantasmal killer*                                                                                                  Displacement – bonus action after spell projects illusion making all attacks have disadvantage, works until taking damage, recharges after spell casts
Quarterstaff. +1 to hit, Hit: 2 (1d6 – 1) bludgeoning damage, or 3 (1d8 – 1) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.                                                    700 XP
Thistlemane's Tent
Whether the PCs fight Onar first, then deal with the locket, or whether they destroy the locket first, Thistlemane will attack when they attempt to destroy it.  He has been spying on them the whole time, and it is his mission to ensure that Waquonis makes it to safety.
Encounter 5
Thistlemane uses a dispel magic scroll to grow his Giant Frog pet to regular size at the top of his turn.
Armor Class 12 (15 With Mage Armor) Hit Points 38 (
Saving Throws INT +5, WIS +2  Spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks
Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand, chill touch, poison spray         1st level (4 slots): ray of sickness,* disguise self,* mage armor, magic missile                            
2nd level (3 slots): ray of enfeeblement,* web,* blindness/deafness*       3rd level (3 slots): vampiric touch,* animate dead* bestow curse                           4th level (1 slot):  stoneskin                                                                                  Withering Touch +5 to hit, 5 necrotic damage                                                    700 XP
Giant Frog 
AC 11 HP 18                                                                                                         Standing Leap.The frog's long jump is up to 20 feet and its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.                                                          Bite +3 to hit,  Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) target is grappled (escape DC 11). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the frog can't bite another target.                                                      
 50 XP
Locket of the Great Kingdom
The Locket holds one person's life force inside it, currently one Waquonis.  The locket enables Waquonis' consciousness to cast magic jar, animate dead, and feeblemind twice per day.  He will use the first magic jar to possess the PC and the second to switch bodies with one of the wizards he runs into along his path to freedom.
If the PCs can fight off Thistlemane and his frog, keep the locket under the shell, and then do 25 points of damage to it, they can destroy it, and kill Waquonis forever, earning 1100 XP as if they fought him.
AC 11 (14 With Mage Armor) HP 49 
Spellcasting - Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks)          Cantrips (at will): spare the dying, eldritch blast, friends, mage hand, true strike, poison spray, vicious mockery                                             1st–5th level (3 5th-level slots): chill touch, blindness/deafness, death ward, ray of sickness, silence, fear, hold monster, aura of life, contagion, false life, witch bolt
Defy Death - on a successful death saving throw or when using spare the dying, add 1d8 plus Constitution bonus hp.  Recharges after long rest
Dagger.+3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft. 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
1,100 XP
Whoever he ultimately possesses, if Waquonis succeeds in escaping, he heads to Thistlemane's tent.  There the PCs will find a teleportation circle on a rug on the ground, a chest of stolen currency worth 125 gold, 250 silver, 500 copper, and a letter from Iuz's stranded forces for Waquonis to read.  It says,
We survived Axeport.  We fled to the Furyondy wilderness.  We lost contact with Father Zoreg's group, but you will know that by now.  If you are reading this, then Father Zoreg must have succeeded in getting you back in a body.  Welcome back!  There are twenty five of us in our group.  Our orcs abandoned us.  They would not go further into human territory.  We made our way south under cover of night to the Domain of Greyhawk.  We found an abandoned keep near the Gnarley Forest.  We call it the Bonefort.
We have taken slaves and made sacrifices.  We managed to move all of the wealth of Axeport to our new home. The war in the north will never be won as long as Greyhawk's money flows to Furyondy and her allies.  We will inflict great terror on Greyhawk until they abandon Furyondy to their fate.  Then we will crush them both.  Iuz will reward us for giving him his revenge on those who imprisoned him below Castle Greyhawk.
We are reaching out to new allies who want Greyhawk destroyed as much as we do.  Together we will squeeze the city until it breaks.  Our agent, Hayden Thistlemane, has a teleportation circle which will transport you directly to our Keep, which we have named the Bonefort. Come join us as soon as you are able.  With you leading our forces, the defeat of our enemies is certain.  All hail Immortal Iuz!
Always and Forever,
Behenek the Grim, Lord of the Bonefort”
The PC's will see muddy footprints leading to the circle.
The Bonefort
If the PCs enter the teleportation circle, they will be transported directly to the front gate of the Bonefort, in the western plains of the Domain of Greyhawk, west of the Selintan river, east of the Gnarley Forest.  The Bonefort was once a Keep of the Greyhawk Militia, during the time of Zagyg the Mad.  Old heraldry of Greyhawk, portraits of Zagyg, and Shrines to Boccob dot the various rooms of the keep, but they have been defiled by the current residents with symbols of Iuz.
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Read to Players
“You materialize out of the circle in a clearing.  The air is different, the temperature is ten degrees colder.  You hear unfamiliar birds.  Behind you there is a forest in the distance.  In front of you a large ruined Keep rises from the sparse grass.  It appears to be several hundred years old.  Over the massive wooden doors is a stone relief crest of the City of Greyhawk. At the corners are the bases of what once were surely four towers but now hold up nothing. The top floors have crumbled away, and what once was the second floor is now just the ceiling of a one story ruin.  On the roof you see what appear to be three bird-like creatures the size of horses tied up to a post on the far corner of the keep.  Directly in front of you on the roof are two black-clad crossbowmen, their bows trained on the circle. In front of the wall on foot are four more guards with swords.  They wear blackened leather armor with bleached skulls on the shoulders.”
Their leader, Gorka, yells “Oi!  Who goes there!?”  If fighting starts, one on the roof runs down to the castle to warn the forces inside.
It is possible for the PC's to act like allies and gain admission to the Castle.  If they make a Persuasion check of 15, they can convince Gorka they are here to join up or were sent by Iuz's forces.  Once inside the keep, they will ultimately be brought to one of the Acolytes, who will cast detect good on them and then the jig will be up.  
6 Iuz Soldiers
AC 12 HP 11                                                                                                          Scimitar +3 to hit,  Hit: 1d6 + 1 DMG  Light Crossbow. +3 to hit 80/320 ft 
1d8 + 1 DMG
XP 150 total, 25 each
The gates are barred by a large Iron bar that is locked on the left side by a massive  padlock.  The key is in the bag of the lead soldier.
Entrance Hall
Here an ancient banner of Greyhawk has been painted over with a symbol of Iuz.  There is a wall-length painting of a man with wild gray hair and wizard robes wearing a symbol of Boccob.  The  painting is captioned “Zagyg, Lord Mayor of the Free City of Greyhawk.”  The picture has been splattered with blood and an Iuz symbol has been carved into the painting on Zagyg's forehead.
There is a rack of weapons that is missing 10 swords and 10 crossbows.  There are 8 left in the rack of each.  The room is empty.  There is a barrel of water and a barrel of jerky.
There is a dirty carpet on the ground, and new torches shoved into old sconces on the wall, lighting up the room.  There is a door on the left wall, a door on the right, and one in the center.
The Left Side Door leads to...
a Wide Hallway
90 feet long.
As the players begin to walk down the hall, 4 Iuz Soldiers enter from the far door and begin to fire at them. The knights will flee through the door they came in when they are down to 2 left.  They will join the Scout and Skull Sword behind the cover of the big dining room table, firing at the PCs.
4 Iuz Soldiers
AC 12 HP 11                                                                                                Scimitar +3 to hit,  Hit: 1d6 + 1 DMG  Light Crossbow. +3 to hit 80/320 ft 1d8 + 1 DMG
XP 100 total, 25 each
Room Two
The room at the opposite end leads to a barracks with sleeping quarters, a dining room and a kitchen.  An Iuz “Wraith” Scout is there, who will over turn the dining room table for cover and signal Vaygel the Skull Sword.  He will use his leadership ability to give the others + 4 on their rolls.  The two remaining soldiers and the “Wraith” will fire from behind cover as the Skull Sword buffs them.
Two gnome slaves, Breena and Pog work the kitchen.  They may be taken hostage during the battle, depending on how it's going.  If freed, they tell the PC's that their caravan to Grossettgrottel was attacked by the cultists and they've been serving them ever since.  A few have died, but they think six more are alive in the Priest's wing of the keep.  
Vaygel, Skull Sword of Iuz
AC 18 HP 52 Prof. + 2 
Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2, Advantage vs. fear
2 AT Greatsword : +5 to hit, 2d6 + 3 DMG, +2 to hit, Crossbow 1d10 DMG       Leadership, 1 min, give command adding 1d4 to Attack and Save rolls of 1 follower until KO Parry. + 2 AC vs one melee attack that would hit, as reaction
700 XP
Iuz “Wraith” Scout
AC 13 HP 16  Perception +5, Survival +5, Nature +4, Stealth +6
2 AT 
Shortsword +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. 1d6 + 2 DMG
Longbow +4 to hit,  1d8 + 2 DMG                                                                        100 XP
To the side is the Skull Sword's quarters, with a statue of Iuz in his Cambion form, worth 25 gold if someone would buy it.   The Soldiers all have 10 sp each. 
The back door leads to the Interior Hallway.
The Center Door from the Entrance Hall leads to a massive...
Worship Chamber
There is a hand-painted symbol of Iuz covering the floor, surrounded by hundreds of candles.  Two giant, oil-filled braziers sit near the center of the room.  They can be tipped over and the oil will spill out in front of them in a cone that extends 20 feet.  Players must make a Dex check( Acrobatics is applicable, as is Athletics) or take 5 fire damage. DC 15. Anyone moving in the area once the oil is spilled will take 5 fire damage.   They will take 5 damage every round until they spend an action putting it out.  
When the players attack, Shenezek will cast hold person on one of them as soon as they are in range of the braziers and then the other cultists will tip them over, starting the fire, with the PC stuck in the pathway.  They will throw 3 demon globes containing Dretch demons at the PCs
Shenezek, Unholy Devoted of Iuz
Hit Points 33 Proficiency Bonus +2
Dark Devotion. Advantage on saving throws vs being charm or fright           Spellcasting. spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks.                         Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy                                    1st level (4 slots): command, inflict wounds, shield of faith                       2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon                                        Dagger. 2 AT +4 to hit, range 20/60 ft.,  1d4 + 2 piercing damage.
450 XP
2 Devoted of Iuz                                                                                                     AC 12, HP 9, 
+3 to Hit, D6 + 1 DMG (Short Bow/Scimitar), advantage on Charm,                    
 25 XP each  
3 Dretch Demons (from demon globe)                                                                AC 11, HP 18, 2 
AT + 2 To Hit, Bite : D6 DMG, Claw, 2D4 Damage                         
50 XP each
Behind a door to the left is Mefrin, a human cleric of Beory, painted head to toe in symbols of Iuz.  He was captured while traveling through the Gnarley ministering to his people.  He is soon to be a sacrifice to Old Wicked.
In the rear of the room is a door to the Interior Hallway
The Right Side Door out of the Entrance Hall leads to a 90 foot Hallway.
There are three doors on the right side of the Hallway, one leads to the..
Slave Quarters
Four Gnomes, led by Gimble, wash pans near the straw mats they sleep on.  A giant pile of things to wash is in the middle of the room.  They are guarded by one Soldier.
Iuz Soldier
AC 12 HP 11                                                                                                   Scimitar +3 to hit,  Hit: 1d6 + 1 DMG 
 Light Crossbow. +3 to hit 80/320 ft, 1d8 + 1 DMG
XP 25
The second door leads to a Storage Room
This room has all the things Iuz's forces stole from the people they captured.  There are various sets of clothing, a pile of treasure worth 56 sp, a chest of holy books of Beory, a bunch of gnome trade goods.  The gnomes' gnome-sized weapons.  There is also some things that were cleared out of the keep when they took it over.  
There is a book called Zagyg, Arch Mage of Greyhawk, which tells how he became Lord Mayor of Greyhawk, founded the Guild of Wizardry, built the City Arena and Castle Greyhawk and how he disappeared in 421 and was never seen again.  How some say he captured 9 demigods under his Castle, and how some say Boccob made him a God.
The third door leads to the Priest Quarters.  These are the higher ups in charge of the Bonefort.  They sleep on more comfortable bedrolls and they have two more gnome slaves waiting on them. Two play Dragonchess on a board worth 25 gp.  There is a statue of Iuz here.  Two argue about the duty roster.  Two wonder if they've sacrificed that old cleric yet.  When the PCs arrive they will attack.  
6 Acolytes of Iuz
HP 10 AC 9
Spell Save DC 12 + 4 to hit Spell Attacks
Cantrips : Toll the Dead, Sacred Flame (Purple), Resistance
1st level Spells (3 slots) Inflict Wounds, Command, Bane, Detect Evil and Good
Club (with Skull head) + 2 to hit, 2 DMG
50 XP each, 300 Total
One will run at the end of battle to warn Father Behenek.
A door out of the Priest Quarters leads to the...
Interior Hallway
The Interior Hallway runs the width of the Keep and separates the back third from the rest of the Bonefort. There are two doors.  The first leads to the private quarters of Father Behenek,  the Priest who led the forces of Iuz to the Bonefort.  
If Waquonis was destroyed in the locket at the Wizard's Bazaar, then Behenek is not here.  He is in the Keep Lord's Suite.   If Waquonis lives, Behenek is here.
His bed is here, as well as a writing desk.  He has a lamp and a chest of clothing, several bottles of strong booze and some opium.  He has a demon globe containing a Maw Demon that he will use upon deciding that a fight is inevitable.  He may try to enlist the players in helping him kill Waquonis if they decide to talk first and he sees which way the wind is blowing.
Father Behenek has a large Holy Symbol of Iuz, and a copy of The Book of The Old One, which explains how Iuz was born of Iggwilv the witch and the demon Graz'zt, how he was imprisoned by Zagyg, and freed by Robliar to be slain, but escaped, and how he won the Greyhawk Wars and conquered many nations.  How he will one day conquer Oerth.  How he invites you to join him in his glory.    
Father Behenek
Armor Class 13 (chain shirt) Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) Speed 25 ft.                     Bonus action: spend spell slot to deal an extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage on melee hit. If spell slot of 2nd level or higher, add  1d6/level
Spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks                                                      Cantrips - Toll The Dead, Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy                                     1st level (4 slots): Inflict Wounds, Command, Guiding Bolt                             2nd level (3 slots): Aid, Spiritual Weapon                                                         3rd level (2 slots): , Vampiric Touch, Bestow Curse                                         Skull-headed Mace: +2 to hit, 1d6  damage                                                      450 XP
Maw Demon
AC 13, Hit Points 33 Resistant: cold, fire, lightning, Immune: poison, charm, fear
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Rampage. When it reduces a creature to 0 hp,  gets bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a bite attack.
Bite. +4 to hit, 2d8+2 piercing damage.                                                                                    
200 XP
The second door leads to The Keep Lord's Suite. This is where Zagyg's chosen commander lived in times past.  If Waquonis survived the events of the Wizard's Bazaar, then he is here. If not, then Behenek is here, as he is the lord of the Bonefort.
The suite has a small bedroom, a small study, and a large common area, with a meeting table and several chairs.  There is a door in the back to the Stairwell. At the meeting table are three representatives, Smiling Rem Renney, a ship captain of the Slave Lords out of Highport, Nurrsh, chief of the Crooked Claw Orcs in the Pomarj, and Sibasti, a Sorcerer representative of Rary of the Bright Desert.  They are making plans to destroy Greyhawk.  A map of the city is on the table. There are dots marked off where they plan to attack.  There is also a map of the Domain of Greyhawk, where various objects of power are believed to be hidden.   PCs that use stealth can overhear part of their conversation, as they plan acts of terror on Greyhawk.  If all her enemies work together, there is no way the city will stand.  
IF Waquonis is alive, he leads the meeting.  When the PCs arrive, his three guests turn on him.  
Nurrsh : You said you were strong!  Your whole keep falls to an elf, 2 women and a half blood?  Ha! You are not worthy of the Crooked Claw Orcs!
Smiling Rem : You run a loose ship, matey.  This is no good at all.  If you get yourself sorted, you know where to find me.
Sibasti : Kaedriss! It seems neither of us were content to remain good little desert girls. But you ran away, and now our people bow to me!  
They run through the door, out the back stairs to the roof.
Waquonis confronts the PC's.  What do they want?  Why must they resist the great Iuz?  They killed Father Zoreg.  And now they dare ruin his plans?  Furyondy makes him sick.  
“A nation of peasants, led by dullards and cowards.  Why defend them? They are sheep for the powerful to toy with as they will!  Are you no better than those simple fishermen, boring farmers, and fat merchants?  You worship feeble gods, Lolth, who uses you as her playthings, St. Cuthbert who prevents you from doing anything fun at all, and Boccob, a frightened old man who might as well be dead!  Now you will pay for you folly.”
If Waquonis is dead, Benehek runs the meeting, and the fight with him and the Maw demon happens here.  He says the same basic speech, but adds in
“If you had only killed Waquonis, I would thank you for getting him out of my way, but you have now ruined an alliance I had planned for months!  When I kill you, The Old One will know that I am ready to rule Greyhawk in his name!”
AC 11 (14 With Mage Armor) HP 49 
Spellcasting - Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks)          Cantrips (at will): spare the dying, eldritch blast, friends, mage hand, true strike, poison spray, vicious mockery                                             1st–5th level (3 5th-level slots): chill touch, blindness/deafness, death ward, ray of sickness, silence, fear, hold monster, aura of life, contagion, false life, witch bolt
Defy Death - on a successful death saving throw or when using spare the dying, add 1d8 plus Constitution bonus hp.  Recharges after long rest
Dagger.+3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft. 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
1,100 XP
In Waquonis’ chamber is a longsword + 1 which he looted from Axeport.  It has the crest of the Shield Lands engraved in the pommel.
The stairs lead to the...
If Waquonis made it to the Bonefort and just fought the PCs, The last thing they see as they climb up to the roof of the Bonefort is the representatives getting on their flying mounts and leaving for the south, in three different directions.  
Rem mounts a Giant Seagull, Sibasti a Giant Vulture, and Nurrsh a Giant Bat.  They fly off, but Sibasti circles around once more to warn Kaedriss.  Then she flies off.
“You killed my teacher.  He rescued me from being just another nomad's wife.  And one day you will pay for that.  Come home if you have the courage!”
If Waquonis died in Furyondy and the PCs just killed Behenek and the Maw Demon, then Sibasti is waiting on the rooftop to avenge Onar.  She cannot let it go.  She attacks.  When the vulture is reduced to two HP, it will circle overhead.  If Sibasti hits zero, the Vulture swoops down to save her.  
“Onar came to my village, he saw that I was a sorcerer, but no Bright Desert Man would let a woman wield power, so he saved me from their narrow minded oppression and taught me the power of the Desert Winds! It is only appropriate that I use what he taught me to avenge him!”
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Hit Points 44
Speed 30 ft. Skills Deception +5, Persuasion +5 Senses passive Perception 10
Spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks).
Cantrips (at will): blade ward, gust,* light, prestidigitation 
1st level (4 slots): feather fall, jump, thunderwave, witch bolt
2nd level (3 slots): gust of wind, invisibility
3rd level (3 slots): fly, lightning bolt
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
700 XP
Giant Vulture
AC 10 HP 22, flight 60 feet
Advantage if Ally is within 5 feet and standing
2 AT Beak +4 to hit 7 DMG, Talons +4 to Hit, 9 Damage
200 XP
Whether the PC’s fight Sibasti on the rooftop or just watch her and her two fellow representatives of hostile powers fly away, they now stand on the roof alone.  They look out over the wall and see the Free City of Greyhawk loom in the distance.  The biggest, most important city in the world.  Their enemies want it destroyed.  They have new friends there who may open up entire new worlds of influence and power.  They have maps that may be the key to magic and wealth.  Will they go back to Furyondy or go through the door that lies open, just a few miles away, in the greatest city on Oerth?
New Magic Items
Vayne’s Demon Globe (minor, rare)
A Magical Glass Eight Inch Sphere.  If thrown at the ground it shatters and releases the demon imprisoned with in it in gaseous form.  The demon grows to full size and solidity and attacks the nearest character on the next round.  
Null's Impenetrable Box (major, rare)
This item is a black box about one cubic foot in volume.  It is made of an odd black lacquered wood into which odd runes in Abyssal are carved into every surface centimeter.  It gives off strong magic and evil if detect spells are used on it. It cannot be opened by any means except by the creator of the box. It is indestructible.  In this case, the locket of the Great Kingdom (from Greyhawk Adventures) is inside it.  The soul inside the locket can normally cast magic jar, feeblemind, and animate dead but because it is inside the magical box, it cannot affect anything outside the box's walls.  The only way to open the box without it's original creator is to cast anti-magic shell. This will also negate the properties of the locket so it would have to be removed from the box and the shell for the soul inside (currently Waquonis, a Warlock of Iuz) to use it's powers to free itself from the locket.
Null's Pointing Pyramid (minor, rare)
This six inch black pyramid is made out of an odd black lacquered wood and is covered in Abyssal runes on every centimeter of it's four sides. The top two inches separate from the base and point in the direction of one Null's Impenetrable Box that is attuned to it.  It will always point to the box until it is destroyed.  It gets warm when the box is close.
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byrusvirus · 29 days
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Going through my files and finally managed to find the first pic I drew of my OC, Kyan. (Unfortunately I cannot seem to find the coloured version.) Their eyeless appearance was inspired by the xenomorph.
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byrusvirus · 1 year
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Tweaking the design for my demon OC a bit, and I think I might be happy with this one. Maybe. I've tried out horns from tons of different animals by this point, but the curled ram horns seem to be the best fit.
Also need to buy a new scanner oops
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byrusvirus · 5 years
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I decided to try redoing a really old drawing of mine. It’s a paralix, one of my subeta pets. I still have a long way to go with my art, but at least this is an improvement.
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byrusvirus · 6 years
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Weird little skeletal dragon dude I drew...
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byrusvirus · 6 years
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Some kinda horned bird demon thingy. Tried a different technique for doing the feathery bits. Still needs work, but experimenting is fun.
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byrusvirus · 4 years
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Some random animal sketches. I’m planning on cleaning these up and redrawing them digitally.
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