#art by neonlaynes
platypanthewriter · 5 years
The Dragon’s Prince
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Chapter One: Humans Aren't Furniture
Steve knew he was in the right spot when the first villager to see him--a man with a huge bruise on his forehead--yelped and ran, clutching at what looked to be a solid-gold chamberpot. 
“I heard there’s a dragon here,” Steve called out, standing in his stirrups.  His horse sighed. “I don’t want any trouble--I definitely don’t want your chamberpots--”
“Who the hell are you?”  A young woman poked her face over the fence near his elbow.  “What’s that sword for, then?”
It was both convenient and annoying, Steve thought, to be travelling without his entourage and ceremonial armor.  “This sword wouldn’t hurt him.” He grabbed the hilt and pulled a few inches of blade to show plain steel, not the slick, greenish sheen of an anti-magic enchantment.  
“Mmmm,” she hummed, squinting.
“His privateer license expired, is all--” Steve shrugged.
“Go away!  You’re here because he ate our sheep!” a kid yelled, and Steve sat back down in the saddle, brushing snow off his arms.
“Is that what happened?”
“He just strolled into town and asked whose sheep he’d eaten,” said another villager, hanging out a window.  “Been up on north field. Hucked treasure at everyone.” More of them were venturing forth, one of them holding a golden harp.  
“Broke my front tooth,” said the kid, yanking her lip back to show a gap, “--he was naked.”  Steve stared between his horse’s ears, and the kid smacked his boot.  “You gonna take all the stuff he gave us? It was too much, but he gave it to us.”
“No,” Steve grimaced at the guy hiding in plain sight “behind” a tiny shrub, “--no, keep your...chamberpots, I understand a trade caravan will be coming through, if you want to sell some…” he trailed off as a villager waved and pointed him to a ceramic vase larger than she was.  “Uh, some of his...gifts. They usually keep track of where he’s been.” A cheer went up around him, and he sighed. Definitely the right place, he thought.  Now I just have to convince him to listen to me.  And risk his life. If anything, he felt more tired, and he rolled his shoulders, hiding his wince as it strained the bandages under his jacket.  While I’m doing those two impossible tasks, maybe I can convince him to put on pants.
After some negotiation--and a stern refusal to accept harps or encyclopedias in payment--Steve stood at the base of a fall of boulders, and began to climb.  He started scrambling faster as the sun set, and the boulders shifted, and caught his boot. He froze, taking a shaky breath, and clung to the rock face, remembering the expression on General Hopper’s face after Steve received his orders.  
“Why not a dragon that responds to summons,” Hopper had gritted out.
“We need a fire dragon,” Steve had echoed his father’s words in his own voice, and tried to sound certain.  “He--he doesn’t kill anyone outside his license. I just--I don’t know what I can offer him. He could be in danger from them too, and they didn’t give me any--I can’t go to a dragon, even that dragon, and say “Please fight our battles, we’ll definitely figure out something to pay you with later--”
“There was that bandit.”  Hopper had shaken his head, and stomped away.  
Steve had imagined himself seared black, and speared on a tree like a butcherbird’s breakfast, and wondered semi-hysterically which had happened first.
“E-except that,” he’d agreed.  “I’m--I’m sure there was some--”
“He is a dragon,” Hopper muttered.
Steve yanked on his leg, yelling at the flash of pain, and the boulders shifted again, sending an avalanche of rocks and dirt down slamming into his shoulders, and the back of his head.
When he awoke, he was warm, and clean, and everything was bright through his eyelids.  “...oh shit,” he whispered, curling tighter, “--I’m dead, and now everyone else will be dead--”
“Whoa there,” breathed a voice next to his ear, “--pretty boy.”
Steve stilled, opening his eyes on gold, and golden scales, because the voice of a dragon was unmistakable.  It rumbled all around him and blew across the skin of his back like bellows over hot coals. He swallowed, closing his eyes again.  Of course I’m naked.
“I know, touching me feels like heaven,” the dragon continued, “--but I have to ask.  What drives a prince...to climb a landslide...to knock on my door?”
Steve tried to stand, and found his right foot was a sea of pain.  His vision went starry.  
“Whoa, whoa,” the rumble said, and smooth scales curled around him.  Steve allowed himself to be propped up, then lifted, grabbing at the talons around his butt and ribs, and blinked into the face of the gold dragon.  He’s young, he thought distractedly, his head’s barely the size of a pony.  
“My--I’ve been sent--”
“Are you a present?” asked the dragon, ignoring him.  “I took your giftwrap off, it was a bit--” it waved a claw, “--torn, after I dug you out.  I think you’d look great on this rock here,” it held him up to a slanted boulder the size of Steve’s bed, and tugged some furs from a pile to toss over it.  “I think your ass would really bring the room together.”  
“My--what,” Steve tried to turn, and the dragon leaned its head within view, teeth bared in what Steve suspected was an annoying dragon grin.  “My--I am not--I am his Royal Highness Prince Steven of Hawkins, Duke of Harringtown and Knight of the Realm, and I have been--”
The dragon sniffed him, and he resisted jerking away, swallowing.  “Why send you out without your guard? You were wounded before you came here,” it informed him, and he stared back into enormous, bluey-gold eyes.
“I know that.”  Steve gritted his teeth.  
The dragon’s grin widened.  “Entirely-gold hoards are out this year.  I think a prince’s smooth skin would really make it pop.”  
“I thought you didn’t eat people.”
The dragon blinked, then huffed.  “I’m just saying you’d look nice lounging--”
“I need your help,” Steve hissed.
The dragon momentarily stopped trying to angle him different ways in the light.  “What are you offering?” he asked, the flames flickering in his throat.
Steve rolled his eyes.  “I don’t know what you want.  You must have enough money,” he waved at the piles of treasure, “--this isn’t even your main horde.  And you aren’t paying taxes, like you agreed to do when you applied for your privateer license--”
“...you.”  The dragon went still, running a knuckle down Steve’s face, and then met his eyes again and laughed.  “As--as decor, naturally--”
“In a cave where you put me?” Steve asked, to clarify.  It was better than being roasted, he figured, or dropped onto a spike.  “I’ll need to ask you to defer my payment until--”
“One night, with you,” the dragon interrupted, turning its face away.  “I mean, if you can’t tear yourself away after--”
“One night?” Steve squinted at him, and then grabbed for the dragon’s talons again, kicking for balance as he was suddenly lowered to the floor of the cave.  The mountainous gold coils and wings folded and curled inward, packing themselves impossibly tiny until they resolved into a human-ish shape covered in shining scales, and sporting dragon horns.  
He crouched, frowning at Steve’s swollen foot, then smirked up.  “One night...with me.”
“Oh!” Steve almost clapped in realization, but caught himself, blushing, as the dragon-man leaned his face into his scaly hand and cackled.  “Just…” he trailed off, rephrasing his objections, until he remembered the amount of people at risk, and the whole reason he was there.  Maybe he enjoys sex where the human survives, he told himself, and held out his hand.  
The dragon took it in both of his, edging much too close for a handshake, and held it, grinning, as though he was delighted Steve had offered it, and didn’t intend to give it back.  
He leaned closer, his clawed thumb rubbing gently at the skin between Steve’s knuckles, and licked his lips, his gaze dropping to Steve’s mouth, and Steve barely had time for a startled inhale before he had warm lips pressed to his.  Up close, the dragon looked a bit like a very expensive costume, Steve thought, like someone at a masquerade ball, when he would wonder whether the person pressing him into the wall knew who he was kissing. He wondered, now, whether the dragon had ever attended.
 The gold was digging into his butt, and his foot throbbed, but the dragon’s warm bulk was surprisingly cozy.  He had unreasonably long lashes, and soft lips, and Steve let himself relax into the kiss, licking curiously into a dragon’s mouth.  He found it nearly steaming hot, and thankfully clean of singed bandit. The pile of treasure he was lying on shifted.  
He winced as something jabbed into his side, and the dragon reached over--still licking gently into Steve’s mouth--and bent the metal arm of it back with a grating creak.  The reminder that a dragon could have crushed his skull with one hand, and instead was running soft fingertips along his jaw--and shifting scaly knees so as not to jostle his sore foot--made him feel a bit like jelly inside, and he laughed into the kisses, panting.  He pushed himself up on his elbows, into the kiss.  
The dragon hummed, grinning against his mouth, and dropped alongside him.  His hands were pleasantly hot, running up and down Steve’s ribs. “You should see what I’ve got, before you agree to anything.”
“What?” Steve murmured back, tossing a leg over the dragon’s waist.  
“We can--we can make sure this is fine--after I’ve saved your humans.” 
“What--what do I call you,” Steve whispered into the kisses, and the dragon pulled back to grin at him, then leaned in for another kiss, and another.  
“You don’t--you don’t know my name?”  He kissed Steve’s lips again. The skin was starting to feel tender.  
“You’re designated by color, ability, and area,” Steve rambled, accepting kisses when he paused.  “--it’s--mm. It’s a mess--the way you keep flying around--I thought your name must be some--some Dragonish growly noise that--that they didn’t know how to spell, which, rude--” he panted into another kiss, losing his train of thought.
“...Billy,” he snickered into Steve’s ear.  “You always let strangers do this?”
Steve remembered with a jolt that he’d been sent to bring a dragon back, whether it required his oath or his life, and he shook his head.  “It’s dangerous, what I--what I need from--”
Billy bit, oh-so-gently, up the side of Steve’s neck, and he groaned, losing track of his words as his eyes fluttered shut.  “You finally came without your guards.”
“Were you waiting to get me alone?” Steve snorted.  “If you weren’t giving pornographic statues to children, you wouldn’t rile everyone up so much--” 
Billy snickered.  “It was heavy! I didn’t wanna carry that thing!  Fun though it was.”
“She was eleven--”
“Oh, she kept cows, she’d seen worse.  You probably bought it from her.”
“We couldn’t very well--”
“So she’s better off, now.  Several times the price of a couple cows.”  Billy’s teeth shone sharp in his grin, and he leaned in to run his knuckles up Steve’s side.  “I’ve got some treasures I’ve been saving for you…actually, here--” he leaned off the edge of the rock, then held up a vial of sparkling silvery fluid.
“It’s--it’s just my ankle,” Steve stared at it.  “We can stop by a healer on the way back, there’s no need for--”
“You’re hurt,” Billy uncorked it with his teeth, “--that’s what it’s for.  If I’m not paying attention, and you get hurt again, it’ll use it up later, maybe.  Maybe your tears will start healing the sick.”
“How would I even find out that was happening,” Steve asked, frowning at the vial.  “You should sell that stuff to some kingdom with a dying queen, or something.”
“Or maybe,” Billy whispered, “--you’ll live as long as a dragon.  Try for that one.”  
“How am I supposed to try for something--”
Billy grinned, sticking it in Steve’s mouth, and Steve drank it, staring at him over a potion worth as much as...a prince’s ransom, he wondered.  A king’s castle?  
“Why didn’t you drink it yourself?” he asked, as Billy frowned at, tapped it, and tipped the last drop onto Steve’s extended tongue.  “You could--”
“I’m a dragon,” Billy licked his lips, watching Steve’s mouth, “--you think I’m going to get hurt?  You’re fragile.  If something happens--”
“Why do you care about me?”  Steve asked, lowering his eyes to flex his suddenly-painless foot.  He reached down to tug at the loosened bandages. They were stuck together with blood.  “I mean--”
“You--you’re the prince,” the dragon laughed, tossing the empty vial against the far wall, and Steve nodded, biting his lips.
“No, I mean--” Billy crouched in front of him, cocking his head to catch Steve’s eye, “--everyone knows what you’re like.  We know what you do, because you’re the prince. You’re on coins--”
“I’m valuable.”  Steve nodded, keeping his shoulders relaxed, and giving his best public ‘welcome’ smile.  
“No,” Billy pushed him back, climbing over him again, and kissed his nose, “--no, I mean--I know you, I read every copy of the Imperial Gazette--”
Steve snorted, bursting into cackles of laughter.  “You think you know me through that?!”
“...no,” Billy muttered, his gold scales pinkening.
“What’s my favorite color?”  Steve grinned up at him, and Billy leaned in for another kiss.
“Gold,” he whispered.  “The best color.”
“...I do like yellow a lot,” Steve whispered into the kiss, and Billy squeezed him.
“I know enough about you,” he mouthed along Steve’s ear, “--to know I want to know everything about you.”  
Steve’s heart pounded, and he took a shaky breath, then cleared his throat.  “...what kind of name for a dragon is ‘Billy’,” he mumbled, his head muzzy with warm hands and bright smiles.  “Shouldn’t you be. The Slayer. Something about fire. Smog.”
“Rude,” the dragon whispered against his mouth.  “Billy the Slayer?”
One more question, Steve thought, before he burns them all away, kissing me.  “Wha--Billy.”  he cleared his throat, leaning into the hand on his head.  “Wait. Why did you burn that man?” 
Billy punched his shoulder.  “You saw his crimes!”
“I didn’t,” Steve raised his eyebrows, tugging a fur over himself, and lying back against the boulder with a sigh, “--because you didn’t send in your paperwork, like usual--my lungs are full of bandit flesh now--you couldn’t just break his legs and drop him at a guard station--”
“I--I definitely sent--” he paused, thinking.  “I didn’t.” The dragon scrambled away, sliding down the mound of treasure in his tiny human form.  “Ah, here they are--”
“How do you fill them out?” Steve asked.  “Do you use your claws? With your eyes shut?  Because that would explain--”
The cavern brightened with a poof of flame.  “I use a quill--look--” he clambered back up the shifting mounds of treasure, waving a handful of papers, “--see, look, he stuck his cock in places it wasn’t wanted, so I stuck a tree through it.  And set him on fire.”
Steve grimaced, finally relaxing.  “Oh. Well. That’s fair.”
“And then I threw his golden chamberpot at the first person I--”
“Who has a golden chamberpot,” Steve started snickering, and couldn’t stop, curled against his warm dragon.  Eventually the days travelling wounded caught up to him, and he mumbled his replies, then snored, with the vague impression of gentle claws combing through his hair.
@neonlaynes​ @tracy7307​
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ihni · 3 years
hi i know you worked on the zine and if you dont feel like answering this thats totally fine; i didnt get to be in the zine (i applied and was told no which is fair i wasnt mad) but i do wanna participate in a zine they look so fun so i guess im asking if you know of anyone who is interested in participating/starting a zine? idk how to start one or know how to gauge interest but i wanna do it, if theres someone who knows how to get the ball rolling ill help organize or something? idk again you dont need to answer this i just cannot for the life of me remember anyone else who worked on the last zine
Hi! I did work on the zine, yes, along with awesome team leader @klayr-de-gall, as well as @lazybakerart, @callieb, @saberghatz, @bentnotbroken1fanfiction, @neonlaynes, @keptinqueer and allfourofthem, whom I can't seem to tag.
It was indeed so much fun to be a part of - a hell of a lot of work, but well worth it in the end! - but I wouldn't call myself an expert on how to get the ball rolling. Last time I was just vocal about that I WANTED this fandom to have a zine, and luckily some productive and creative people joined together (and roped me in) and got the ball rolling.
We started with brainstorming, and then we created a discord server for the work and made lists of everything that needed to be done, as well as a timeline. We assigned tasks to the team (although everyone should know that Klayr did more than their fair share, Klayr is a one-person marvel!) and started social media accounts, posted to see if there was interest, worked out a budget etc.
Since it was a kind of big project, it was a lot of work - the whole process from idea to having the zines shipped out took ... about a year, I think, but not everything has to be this big. We involved a lot of people in this - not every zine has to be such a big production!
One can make a zine alone, or with friends too! It can be writing only, or writing and art, or only art. It can be printed on a home printer, just for fun, or one can find somewhere to print it to look more professional. The easiest kind to make, you can make at home (there are a ton of tutorials out there, here's one) - and come to think about it, it would be SO MUCH FUN to make tiny zines like this and like, exchange with people - WHO'S WITH ME??
Anyway, err.
A5 zines can also usually be made at home, with ordinary paper and a normal printer, with text or images or both (just take a regular A4 paper and fold it in half, and sew or staple the folded edge).
I don't know how to gauge interest - I guess the main thing is just to throw a question out there and see what people say! How big of a project did you have in mind? Is it for fun, or for selling, or for trading with people? There are so many different kinds! Feel free to write me off anon as well, if you want :)
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Harringrove Feedback Fest Some Tumblr Art recs
from a bunch of talented people Part 2
Part 1
Special thanks to @gothyringwald
I started loosing steam and I know I am missing people, there are just so many talented people in this fandom and my tagging isn’t always the best making it hard to finds things.
Art by @shewritesdirty A valentines day card
Social Media AU by @mew-mew-i-m-a-kew A long summer time  social media Au
Art by @hokanm Both of them working at Scoops and Billy being territorial 
Art by @mxgicdave lazy mornings in bed.
Art by @gwifirusu Billy taking advantage of Steve’s work uniform.
Art by @goblinlouis Billy being shocked when Steve finally kisses him.
Mood Board by @pretty-bratty Two boys taking an October road trip
Art by @neonlaynes decorating a cake together
Art by @ibemandapanda Steve taking care of Billy 
Edits by @rascheln the shower scene
Art by @mto-art lol Billy teaching Steve to swim
Art by @teenytinylion A postcard from the boys to Max
Art by @broona The boys showing their pride
Comic by @pastenaga Billy being an ass
Edits by @memes-saved-me a whole love story
Art by @thinger-strang Workout porn, someone is going to get hurt
Animation by @sarah-bbee Billy and Steve making out. 
Art by @mizus2 Steve painting on Billy
Art by @darkmystdrake The boys and a kitten
Mood Board @manicpixietrashfire some pride boys
Art by @generalghosty Some gorgeous lighting for some gorgeous boys
Art by @kapiche The boys stealing candy
Art by @svetanda It’s the pinky holding for me
Edits by @fredsythe Billy can’t handle his feelings obviously murder is the only answer
Art by @milkymaitrash Softly sleeping boys in the early morning light
Mood Board by @dls-ao3 Steve having to babysit/assist Billy
Comic by @fwutterr Billy doesn’t know how to be romantic
Art by @deardmvz Billy picking flowers for Steve
Art by @mollydoesstuff Werewolf Steve and his understanding boyfriend.
Edits by @littleweirdoss a few little moments.
Art by @vampyur some soft boys sharing space and kisses
Art by @gayshi The chest touch the neck grab so spicy
Art by @littlepierrot mermaid Billy sailor Steve
Edit by @grabmyboner Steve distraction Billy during class
Art by @juu-riin Billy letting Steve sleep in
Art by @dearvenison A see you later kiss
Art by @hawkeye-matt A prom night kiss
Art by @lazybakerart  The boys sharing a milkshake
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A few more recs for @gothyringwald‘s wonderful Harringrove Feedback Fest! I know I’m still forgetting some amazing creators and creations but I wanted to get this posted at least. <3<3
Harringrove Feedback Fest Rec List Part 2
lover with a radar phone (series) by liadan14
Just a little longer by @socknonny
no longer one raindrop he is the endless sea by LazyBaker (@lazybakerart) (their art is so gorgeous too!)
To the Winner Goes the Spoils by JumpinJackdaw
@neonlaynes (I also love their fics!)
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summerof85zine · 4 years
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Goodie update:
The stickers, magnets and keychains have arrived - and we think they look amazing!
With art by @kelpie-earnest​, @wrecked-fuse, @babysitterpng, @neonlaynes, @zayacv, @hokanm, @gabbia​ and kyrosh (whom we can’t seem to tag for some reason), we are very very excited to show these off and can’t wait to start sending everything out to our backers.
We are still waiting for some things (the zine itself, for one!), but we will keep you updated on things via our social media platforms.
Bonus: This is a lot of Harringrove stickers ...
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(And for those of you who missed how 2K Harringrove postcards looks, here’s the post on that)
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The creators have now been revealed! Huzzah!
anywhere i roam (where i lay my head is my home) by @verfallens for Etnoe | T
Did you hear the thunder? by Ormache for @val-creative | E
Dubious Hijinks by @mustardprecum for @creion | T
From Cali with Love by @klayr-de-gall for @13callieb | G
(from now on) our troubles will be out of sight by @abigailcathleen for @tracy7307 | E
Go fish by @socknonny for @avalonlights | G
Gonna Keep on Loving You by @tracy7307 for @hippiebuckyharrington | E
Here With Me by @imneithernor for @gothyringwald | T
I Fell Hard for What Just Blew in off the Coast by @hippiebuckyharrington for @electric-177 | T
I reach, I reach out and touch by black_wings for @ihni | T
if home is a people then you are my place by puglover for @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger | M
In Your Heart, I Find My Home by @sparkleeye for ormache | M
It’s Santa, Baby by @klayr-de-gall for @sparkleeye | E
Keep Your Oven Shut by Ceose for @ihni | G
Last Night’s Storm Front by @creion for @klayr-de-gall | T
let’s swallow the moon and the stars, let’s wallow just right where we are by @trashhmage for Sunwarmed_Ash_tree_and_the_dreaming_Stag | E
Merry Christmas Darling by @dobetterbillyhargrove for @poisonousflower3 | not rated
A Miracle in Thunder by @granpappy-winchester for @princerook | G
my true love gave to me by @socknonny for jazz_cabbage | G
A Need to Forget by @val-creative for @imneithernor | E
Nonliving Things by dawnofmandanceparty for @trashhmage | E
A Once Blue, Now White Christmas by @poisonousflower3 for @nadiasna7 | G
One of These Nights by youweremovingyourfeet (rosebud221B) for @sirsparklepants | T
Outside the Snow is Falling by @electric-177 for @sea-potato | G
Pothos by @eatingmoonflowers for @rhubarbdreams | E
Put to the Test by Etnoe for citykidcrimes | T
Raise a little Hell by @lemonlovely for @ihni | T
Ride the Lightning by @socknonny for Turbocharge | E
The Secrets That You Keep by @princerook for @verfallens | T
Simply Having a Wonderful...July? by @sea-potato for @lemonlovely | T
Sleep To Dream by @socknonny for agentvenom | T
slow the pace (be ready to go) by @rhubarbdreams for crimsoncovered | not rated
So Hurry Down The Chimney Tonight by @sirsparklepants​ for StrangerGeek | E
Someday at Christmas by @gothyringwald for youweremovingyourfeet (rosebud221B) | E
such a fool for you by @oepheliawrites for @gideongrace | T
Take my hand, don’t let go by @lemonlovely for @dobetterbillyhargrove | M
There’s a knock knock joke here somewhere by @ihni for @socknonny | not rated
‘Tis the Season of Sharing by @harringrovecryptid for dawnofmandanceparty | E
To: Steve From: Your Secret Admirer by @gideongrace for @harringrovecryptid | G
a touchable dream by @gothyringwald for @granpappy-winchester | E
we don’t need no mistletoe, baby by @socknonny for @klayr-de-gall | G
with them indiana boys (on them indiana nights) by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger for Ceose | T
Yeah, it’s me by @13callieb for black_wings | E
your life is a perpetual insomnia by @buildyourwalls for @oepheliawrites | E
Something new, altogether by @ihni for puglover | not rated
Christmas Party by @nadiasna7 for @abigailcathleen | G
found a little somethin’ (down by the waves) by jazz_cabbage for @neonlaynes​ | G
Kintsugi by @awrble for @buildyourwalls | not rated
on the first day of christmas my true love gave to me... by @neonlaynes for @ameliesroaminggnome | M
Sometimes people needs a push in the right direction by @ihni for puglover | not rated
Take submission from a man in control by Turbocharge by @mustardprecum | E
you got me...flowers... by @avalonlights for @awrble​ | G
Your Sweet Little Ears Fill Me With Holiday Cheer by @ameliesroaminggnome for @eatingmoonflowers | G
Once again, many thanks to everyone who participated and made this such a wonderful fest
--gothyringwald, socknonny
♡ 2018 collection
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blue-eyed-believer · 4 years
New art that was made into a cute lil book by @neonlaynes ! Just arrived today! It's so cute ahh love it so much xx
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flippyspoon · 4 years
i know @neonlaynes and @gabbia have art books- does anyone else have a harringrove art book out there?
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platypanthewriter · 5 years
The Dragon’s Prince 3/3
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To be taken seriously, sometimes you just have to eat a few sorcerers.
Nancy and Elle between them were able to chant the anti-magic sigil—it looked like a brand, burned under Billy's ribs—into curling back, a little, and Nancy snatched it off Billy’s skin with tongs, and threw it in the fire.  It belched oily smoke, and Steve yanked a fold of blanket over Billy’s face, uncertain what it would do in his lungs. The skin against his hands, under the blanket, was already warmer.  
When Billy woke again, Steve was sweaty and half-undressed from holding a sleeping dragon for hours in front of a roaring fire.  Billy jerked against his shoulder, clenching a scaled fist.  “How does it work,” he asked, pushing away to keep his eyes steady on Steve’s, as he ran his claws over his own throat, and slid them along his wrists and ankles.
“How does what work?”  Steve held up a cup of water, and Billy took it, pausing in his inspection of the bare patch of skin where the seal on his magic had been.
“What happens to me when I drink this,” he enunciated clearly, taking a deep breath.  His scales scraped the sides of the silver cup, and Steve winced.
“I—I think you’re still—you were disoriented.  It’s just water.”
Billy growled, water running down his arm as his claws pierced the metal.  “Stop—you just—” He trailed off, then jerked away to sit at the other end of the pile of furs.  “...you’re out of my debt, is that the deal?  I didn’t wake up in sigil chains, but you don’t owe me anything—you don’t have to keep touching me—”
Steve scooted close enough to grab Billy’s scaled hand, and pressed his lips to its knuckles.  Billy tipped to bury his face against Steve’s neck, breathing shakily, and Steve turned the hand in his so he could kiss Billy’s fingers, and palm, and down his wrist.  “I couldn’t move, under your lead ass.  But.  Thank you,” he whispered.  “Thanks so much for helping.  You didn’t have to.  You’d have been safe.”
“Had to rescue my prince,” Billy whispered back, curling closer, and Steve braced himself to take the weight of a cuddly dragon in the shape of a man, hoping he didn’t get crushed.  
“I talked to Nancy,” Steve squeezed him, talking into his curls, “—and she, uh, she said we might be able to make a sigil band you can wear that’d keep something like that from—from taking hold, again.  Knocking you out of the sky.  I think—that’s probably why you thought I’d try to—” 
“Make me immune to your one weapon against dragons?!” Billy repeated, his voice cracking.  “You’re an idiot.”  
“I know,” Steve huffed, his cheeks flushing.  “Not every dragon, just you—”
Billy shoved him back across the furs, yanking at his clothes, and Steve yelped as their teeth banged together.  
“You fell too,” he whispered against Steve’s lips.  “You weren’t—that wasn’t a plan, you didn’t trick me to get me here and then control me—”
“You thought—” Steve blinked up into Billy’s eyes, then closed his.  “...the little dragon.  You thought we’d—do that.  To you.”
“I know you let him go,” the scales of Billy’s knuckles smoothed along Steve’s cheek, “—but I’m dangerous.  You—you can’t just go trusting—”
Steve yanked him into a deep kiss, then panted, “I trust you.”
Billy dropped his head to Steve’s chest, groaning.  
“That’s what you were talking about, earlier,” Steve told the ceiling, hugging his dragon.  “That’s—that’s horrible, we wouldn't—I'd never let anyone—are—are you feeling better?  Your sister helped us.  The air dragon.  Breathed at us to break the fall.”
“...whoever did that to me,” Billy lifted his head, “—didn’t care that you’d fall, too.”
“...you are dangerous,” Steve reached up to run his fingers through Billy’s curls, tucking them behind a pink, but pointed, ear.  “I mean, I know you’re safe, but I probably seemed like a necessary—”
“No,” Billy scrambled up and sat on him, “—no, you—your dad—I’m—he sent you to me thinking you might die, right—”
Steve was staring at the side the falling blanket had revealed, in the firelight—long clawmarks in pink skin, stretched with age, and a healed jagged tear.  He smoothed his hand along the shiny areas between the freckles.  “Wait, you—you’re the little dragon.”
Billy took a shaky breath, his hand jerking toward his side, then shook his head.  “Now you know why I have to help clean up my mess.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Steve breathed, grabbing him by the shoulders, and pulling him down into a hug.  “I think you weigh as much as my horse—”
Billy snorted a laugh, rolling them to the side.  “...holding you to the one night.”  He glanced up through his lashes, biting his lip, and Steve couldn’t resist.
“...you know it’s almost morning, right?” he whispered back.  “You’ve already had your night.”
Billy stared at him for a long moment, then shoved him over onto his back. 
Steve started sniggering.  “...nah.”
“You’re pretending you don’t want it as much as I do,” Billy shoved him again, and Steve rolled off the rug, laughing.
“Definitely,” Billy growled, crawling towards him.  Steve grinned up, pinned to the floor by his dragon, and Billy leaned in, his weight carefully braced, to start licking his face like a giant gross dog, and Steve yelled, laughing, and yanked him into an actual kiss.
 Right at the moment Steve least cared, a thumping came at the door.  He groaned, ignoring it, and heard Billy laugh behind him.  
“Your highness,” came a kid’s voice.  “It’s important!”  
“...can wait,” Steve mumbled, but the thumping turned into banging, and Billy pulled away.  
“They’re gonna break the door.”  He pressed a kiss against Steve’s butt, and Steve growled, staggering to his feet, and yanking his trousers up.  The pounding continued. He threw the door open with a glower, and shaky knees, from the two of them trying to figure out every single thing that could be done with Billy’s long wiggly dragon tongue.  “What,” he hissed.  
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Billy shimmer and contract into his scaled human self, and Steve drew breath to sigh just as Max in little girl form punched him aside and ran in, followed by more children he knew, and some he didn’t.  “Wha—what,” he gasped to Dustin, who snorted.  
She ran to Billy and threw her arms around his neck, red hair streaming behind her, and Billy spun them around as she tried to climb him and look him over.
“You dunderhead,” she hissed.  “You—you horny goatbrain.  What were you doing there—”
“His highness asked me for help,” Billy grinned down, and she punched his shoulder, then punched it again.  
“What if I hadn’t been there!”  She threw her arms around his head again, this time grabbing him by the hair, and Billy yelped, smacking at her hands.
“That’s a dragon?  He looks like you found him braiding his pretty hair in a tower, Steve—” Dustin wrinkled his nose.
“Max says he never wears pants,” Lucas crossed his arms, and raised his eyebrows, “—she says he hucks pornographic woodcuts at people—”
“Wait, wait, when did that happen,” Steve cut in.
“Wooo, sign me up,” Dustin snickered.  “I guess the naked dragon man is good for something—”  He cut off at the gout of flame that burned all the oxygen from the room, blasting their ears before vanishing without a puff of smoke.  Everyone who wasn’t a fire dragon started coughing, and Billy dumped Max on her butt and meandered over to Steve, rubbing his back as he staggered to the window and threw it open.  
“Yes!” Dustin gasped, and Steve hung his head and arms out the window, until Lucas drug him back inside.
“It’s still cold, even though she closed the Gates of Winter,” Lucas growled, shivering.
“Even though Billy made her close the gates,” Steve sighed, nodding.   He rubbed his face, watching Dustin follow Billy around asking questions like “So if you ate a drumstick now, and then if you puked it up as a dragon, would it be a drumstick big enough for a whole village,” and “Don’t you think it’s irresponsible, Steve, that he could make infinite food with dragon puke, and there are hungry people out there that could be eating dragon puke.”
Steve dropped to lie back across his bed.  “If he’d just pay his taxes, there wouldn’t be hungry—” their ears popped as Billy transformed back into a dragon, which took up most of the room, then grabbed Steve and held him up in both claws.  
“I will throw him and knock you all out like bowling pins,” he rumbled.
“Humans aren’t furniture, Billy,” Max hissed at him, and all their hair ruffled a bit in the wake of her breath powers.  
“They can be,” he growled back.  “I’m starting a collection.”
“I’m just part of a collection?!” Steve yelped.
“Can you transform the other way?”  The other kid squinted, and Steve tried to remember his name.  Michael?  Probably?  “Can you make a huge human head on a dragon neck?”
“Yes!” Dustin yelled.  “Can you—”
Billy drew breath, slowly, letting them really appreciate how long his lungs took to fill, and let flames flicker at his nostrils. 
“Oh wow, this is gonna—”
Lucas grabbed Max, and Dustin, and some other kid Steve couldn’t see in the mass of dragon, and probably a few more, and yelled “GOODBYE!”, and the door slammed.
Steve looked around the mountains of scales surrounding him, and wished he had a rope.  Possibly a grappling hook.  He began scrambling up, putting a foot on Billy’s elbow—and the dragon promptly stretched his leg, dropping Steve back into his gleaming golden trap.  He huffed a sigh, and tried pulling himself up with dorsal scales, only to have Billy roll just enough onto his back that they yanked out of his hands.  “...help,” he gritted out, finally, and Billy snorted.  
“I think I hear an unsexy tax collector.”  He thumped his grinning face down next to Steve, upside down, so Steve was looking down at his chin.  “Is there a tax collector in my scales?  Maybe there’s a salve for this kind of infestation—”
Steve dropped to the floor, hugging his knees, and leaned against Billy’s cheek. “You did agree to pay when you signed your papers—”
“Do you know how expensive an anti-magic seal is, especially one strong enough to down me—and his kid—in midair?” 
Steve threw an arm over Billy’s jawbone, and rubbed the soft scales around his throat.  His appreciative hum vibrated the floor. “...I guess it’s a lot?”
“It’s a lot,” Billy turned his head, ignoring Steve’s laughing and flailing as he was pinned between the soft scales of dragony stomach, and the gleaming golden armor of dragony face.  “You said you didn’t have enough to feed everyone, didn’t you?  The hell is the king doing shooting allies out of the sky?”
“I don’t know,” Steve curled up, held against Billy’s side, “—it doesn’t make any sense.  But maybe if there was more money to go around—”
“Nooope,” Billy nuzzled him, sliding his tongue down Steve’s neck, and into his collar.  “You should usurp the throne.  King Steve.”
Steve’s eyes had been drifting shut, but that had him shoving at Billy’s face.  “What?!  I—I’m not—no!”  He snorted with laughter.  “I’m not—I can’t—”
“What if everyone just starts listening to you,” Billy whispered, blowing hot air under Steve’s shirt, and running hot dragon tongue across his stomach.  “Because your dragon comes to council meetings.  Roars every time the king opens his mouth.”
“Tha-that—” Steve panted, squirming as he undid his shirt, “—that might work—you could—”
“You have to let me eat somebody,” Billy breathed against his prince’s exposed chest, grinning as he exploded with laughter.  “Nobody will listen if I’ve never eaten anybody.”
“No!  No,” Steve laughed, trying to wrap his arms around Billy’s nose.  “No, you don’t really want to eat anybody.”
“I could make an exception,” Billy grumbled.  “Sorcerer Brenner.  I bet he’s the one who fired that spell off.  He looks chewy.  Like smoked jerky.”
Steve snorted, pulling on Billy’s horn so he could press kisses along the side of his face.  “...maybe you could just chew on him a little.”
“I’ll just eat his legs,” Billy grumbled, nuzzling him back, “—maybe his arms—”  
It was warm against Billy’s side, and weirdly...safe feeling, considering they were talking about him eating people.  Steve sighed.  “Won’t be your problem once you get back to—” he waved a hand, “—eating pirates.  And things.  Setting people on fire.”
“...set you on fire,” Billy whispered, sliding his tongue up Steve’s ribs, and over his collarbones.  
Steve bit down an admission that he was on fire, and leaned to wrap more of himself around Billy’s face.  “Mmmn.”
“Your highness,” Billy whispered, his voice rumbling through Steve’s whole body.
“What,” he mumbled.
“Why didn’t you want to come back here?  Before?”
“...doesn’t matter,” Steve sighed, pushing himself away.  Billy uncurled a bit, so his feet hit carpet.  
“Your right royal knight.”  Billy shrank, transforming so fast it made a cracking sound in the air, and grabbed Steve’s shoulders to turn him back around.  “Has anyone come to see you, since you brought me back to your room?  Checked to see whether I’d eaten you, or—” He bared his teeth and hissed at Steve’s headshake, then pulled him close, kissing his face.  “...then nobody,” he stared into Steve’s eyes for emphasis, “—nobody knows what our bargain was.”
“I—I sent Max for Elle,” Steve felt himself warm at the dragon’s indignation, “—they—they know I’m all right.”
“Hrm.  But, still.  Nobody knows what I asked for?”  Billy grabbed Steve’s face, his claws gentle.  
Steve shook his head.
“What...would you have had me ask.” Billy leaned in to press a kiss to his mouth, then pulled back, licking his lips.
“You changed your mind?”  Steve frowned down at his feet, and Billy ducked his head to meet gazes.  
“I think I—I think I could do better.  I could ask for you to be one of my treasures.”
“What?!” Steve laughed.  “Are you gonna hang me on the wall after all?”
“I would have to stay here,” Billy emphasized, slowly, and Steve’s eyes widened, “—to protect my greatest treasure.”  
“I—I’m—” Steve laughed.  “What are you—you don’t like staying anywhere—”
“What if I took you away from here,” Billy offered, and Steve took a shaky breath, imagining mornings waking up against hot smooth scales, and probably so much sex they’d both die of starvation.  “No schedules,” Billy whispered. “No diplomacy, no problems you have to fix—”
“No, no,” Steve shook his head, pulling away.  “I—I have to stay, there are—there are some people I can help, even if I’m not—”
“So I’ll help you help them,” Billy followed along, taking his hand.  “They can’t tell you no if you’re using my money, right?”
“I—I can’t just—there are people in charge of these things for reasons—”
“General Hopper was doing pretty good out there,” Billy breathed against his cheek, and Steve wrinkled his nose.
“Please don’t tell me you’re—”
“And some of those sorcerers.  Wheeler.  Byers.  Promote them to help.  Battlefield promotions are a thing, right?”
“This is sounding like a coup again,” Steve laughed, wide-eyed. 
“Get them all here, they can help you figure it out,” Billy kissed him again, and Steve let his eyes fall shut, forgetting his train of thought.  “People you trust.  Enough money.  Whatever you come up with, I’ll make it happen—”
“This would take more than a night,” Steve whispered against scaled lips, and Billy snorted.
“I don’t think I should leave you here alone, treasure, someone tried to kill you today.”
“Are you calling me ‘treasure’?” Steve snorted a laugh, and rubbed his face to hide it, and Billy grabbed him around the waist and swung him around. 
“That’s what I want to—what I wish I asked.  Be my treasure.”
“That’s so corny,” Steve wheezed, trying to hide his flaming face with his arms.  He yelped as Billy tossed him across the bed, and clambered up next to him.  The bed creaked alarmingly.  
“Is that a yes?  All the best Feng Shui Hoard magazines recommend a prince draped over your—”
Steve kicked at him, then frowned.  “Don’t eat anyone.  Don’t eat my dad, or my mom, I don’t want to find you—using her toe bones as a toothpick or—”
“Is that a yes?”  Billy leaned in, his inquisitive hum making Steve’s chest vibrate.  
“You want to stay here with me forever and help me,” Steve stared up, squinting, “—that’s—what—what do you get out of—”
“And kiss you,” Billy yanked Steve’s shirt up, and started pressing kisses under his ribs, and down the trail of hair leading into his pants, “—and touch you everywhere—”
“Yes!  Yes!” Steve yelped.  “Yes, anything—anything—”
“Treasure,” Billy whispered, and Steve started snickering again, curling around his dragon to kiss his head.
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babysitterpng · 4 years
4,15,19,25!! -neonlaynes :333
4) Do you have a DeviantArt, personal website, or art blog?
i HAD a deviantart, no one will ever find that again tho, i made sure of it 😂
15) How long does an average piece take you to complete?
Depends on complexity, how I’m feeling, and what kind of Feel im trying to achieve. most simple things I do with flat colour take 2-3 hours, sketches no more than an hour. If I can’t finish something in one sitting I usually don’t finish it lol. my zine piece tho, which has a full bg and lighting and stuff took... 7-8 hours? 2 hours on the thumbnailing/sketch, an hour on lines, 3 on colours and like 2 more on after effects and adjustments
19) What is the most difficult thing for you to draw?
Things where 2 people have to interact.. which is like, most ship art LMAOOOO. if we’re talkin like... body parts, hands for sure! theyre so intricate and can do so many poses from so many angles! but at least ive graduated from hiding hands behind backs haha
25) Do you like to draw in silence, or with music?with music! i 
need something to occupy my mind or I get distracted easily :P been super into pierce the veil lately, and classic 80′s rock!
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was looking through @neonlaynes art today and now i am Full Of Fic Ideas
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platypan · 5 years
First Line Challenge
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Tagged by @ihni​!  Woo!  =D
Rules: Post the first line of one of your wips and tag as many people as there are words (I will...tag some people...I don’t honestly know that many people to tag)
It wasn’t like a party in New South Wales, nor yet was it like the parties Billy had attended in London, where everyone had seemed to blur together in endless lines of pearl buttons and curly white wigs.
Okay let’s see @ihni​ @tbehartoo​ @waterhobbit​ @brokenpitchpipe​ @susiecarter​ (help I don’t know enough people to be this wordy) @tracy7307​ @bluewitchshaycora22​ (art counts too, right?!) @neonlaynes​ @perfectfestivalalienfish​ @sky2fall​ @queennerdloser
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delphineera · 5 years
My Harringrove Art Board!
aka idea on how to display your harringrove art
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I just finished working on my Harringrove Art Board, so I wanted to share with everyone what I did!
I have a dry erase board I got from Staples (it's not the cheap ones but the cheap ones totally work, I took this from my old job 😂), and I covered the sides with a rose gold metallic washi tape. I picked washi tape because if I wanted to change the colour later, I can easily peel it off without sticky residue, and it's still secure enough.
The prints are held up by magnets so that they won't get damaged, and this is the reason why I picked a dry erase/magnetic board instead of a cork board, so I don't have to poke holes onto the art!
The middle prints are originals, so I laminated them as well to prevent any damage. I didn't have fancy laminating tools so I just used a zip lock bag and a flat iron to do the trick 😬😬😬
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I just put it on the back of my desk so technically it can double as a to-do list board... But did I leave space for that? Absolutely not
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I also bought stickers from Redbubble, so what I did was stick them onto these printable magnet sheets from Avery, and just cut them out and use as magnets! I got this idea from @sightetsound so thank you!!!
I really like these Avery magnet sheets cuz they're made for printing, so technically you can print your own art on it and skip the sticker step, and they're soft and easily cut with scissors, plus it has a white background so even if the cuts are not flush to the sticker, it's not noticeable.
(also I completely fucked up and bought a small for the stickers from Sara AND THEY ARE SO SMALL YOU CAN'T REALLY SEE WHAT'S ON THERE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 will have to buy it again in a bigger size...)
Artists on my board:
and MYSELF LOLLLL (the "self-love" is strong here)
(plus the magnets are crops of some Klimt and Gogh 😍)
P.S. I have a separate Harringrove shrine... Will show you guys that next time lollll
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hello (again)
unfortunately my old harringrove art blog got.....ya know. whacked. I’m trying to restore it and I’m really hoping that’s successful but otherwise I made this account to at least keep up w people until then. I probably won’t be posting any new art here, most likely just on twitter (still neonlaynes) unless it’s a lost cause getting my other account back!
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Love Your Work October
October 28: Kissing Rec List
Under the Mistletoe by harringrovecryptid Harringrove
The kids hang mistletoe in the doorway between the Byers’ kitchen and dining room. Unfortunately, they greatly underestimated how much traffic would be moving through that passage. And how often two people might cross under the mistletoe at the same time.
If it Keeps on Rainin', Levee's Goin' to Break by shocked_into_shame Harringrove
In a world where soulmates only know they are soulmates until they kiss and the bond is sealed, Steve is afraid that he's never going to meet his missing piece.
And there's no way in hell that Billy - who makes Steve's blood boil day in and day out - could possibly be that missing piece.
No way.
[a soulmate AU]
untitled by @hartigays Harringrove
40 by @tracy7307 Harringrove
untitled by @blahblahblaharringrove Harringrove
untitled by @stephrc79 Stucky
sthony by @mrsgingles Steve/Tony/Thor
148 by @wrecked-fuse Harringrove
? by saulance Stucky
mistletoe by @neonlaynes Harringrove
valentine prompt collection by @wasting-time-again Harringrove
untitled by @heroesfly Hannigram
untitled by @takingmeds-art Stucky
untitled by @wheeloffortune-design Symbrock
Like RLB by @leehanji Stucky
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thedeviljudges · 5 years
it’s always wild to me when i click with people because it happens so few and far between. like, i’m just the kind of person people tend to ignore or feel is an inconvenience, so when i went to pick up the rental yesterday, me and the guy there were having a conversation throughout the whole process of me signing the papers. and as he took me down to the car, he saw my ST scoops ahoy lanyard and asked about the nautical theme (with @neonlaynes keychain on it with the boys on the anchor, which is super fuckin cute and literally one of my fav pieces of art i own from fandom) and had to quickly pivot to ST in general so he wouldn’t see it’s about harringrove, lmao. which he told me, by the way, that he stopped halfway through st2 and couldn’t finish it. he didn’t find it interesting at all, so i asked him if he was a GOT kinda guy, and he said no!! he wasn’t into it either (which like, yasss). and idk. sometimes it’s nice to have conversations that are so easy??? like, it feels nice to walk away from a conversation where you don’t feel like a dumbass for saying or doing the wrong thing). rather i thought about it on the ride back and was like ok wow that was so nice!!
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