#arthur benz
likeafantasy · 4 months
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DEXTER REWATCH — 4.12 THE GETAWAY Born in blood, both of us. Harry was right. I thought I could change what I am, keep my family safe. But it doesn't matter what I do, what I choose. I'm what's wrong. This is fate.
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noodleslugworth · 10 days
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(It seems like third times the charm with making these communities)
Message me if you want to be added. (You have to be 18 years old, or older.) I'll customize this community more this weekend, when I have the time to do so
Edit: this is for adult fans of Wonka, the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory story, and the lore involving the world. Things don't have to be sexual, but we just wanted a space without minors.
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musicalmystery · 5 months
Wonka in Hogwarts Houses
Piper Benz
Willy Wonka
Lottie Bell
Abacus Crunch
Mrs. Scrubbit
The Priest
Chief of Police
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i-wish-this-was-me · 10 months
Favorite fics part. 3
7. Alex Albon:
We'll take care of you (+GR) (smut)!
Hoodie szn (fluff)
Labyrinth (fluff)
Safe and sound (fluff)
Woah (fluff)
Sorry for the cat (fluff)
8. Arthur Leclerc:
Shut up and get Pt.1; Pt.2; Pt.3 (fluff)
Dim the lights (close your eyes) (fluff)
Keep you warm (fluff)
Him comforting reader (fluff)
9. Mick Schumacher:
More than a handful (fluff)
Diamonds (smut)
Am I clear? (smut)
Merry ruff-mas (smut)
You don't have to be gentle (smut)
I can't get no satisfaction (sweet smut) (no but this is so amazing I'm in love with this fic)
The devil is a fallen angel (fluff)
And When I'm Feeling Alone, You Remind Me Of Home (fluff)
Santa doesn't know you like I do (fluff)
Lego Schumacher (fluff)
"He started it!" (fluff)
10. Daniel Ricciardo:
Brother's best friend (fluff)
Punishment (smut)
Him giving head (smut)
Him taking your virginity (smut)
Something watchful (something jealous) (smut)
Last few pages (smut)
Heat (+MV) (smut)
Face sitting (smut)
Stress reliever (smut)
Nsfw alphabet (smut)
Break the chain (smut) (holy shit this is so good)
"Oh really? Can't breath?" (smut) (damnnn)
No touching (smut) (again.... damnnnn)
Thighs tattoo (smut)
"You missed the good part" (smut)!
First time (sweet smut)
Beard burn (suggestive)
Spoiling (fluff)
Possessive and obsessive (fluff)
Dates (fluff)
Little adventures (fluff)
Naps and cuddles (fluff)
11. Sebastian Vettle:
A professional interview (fluff) (this series is so good, if you didn't read it you need to right now)
Touch my body (smut)
Corruption (teacher!seb) (smut)
Scream! (smut)
Clandestine (smut)
No such thing as I can't (+JB) (smut)
I'd rather take my time (smut)
Something wagered (+JB) (smut)
Kiss kiss bang bang (smut)
Pride & ego (smut)
Something reunited (+MW) (smut)
Reader being insecure about her thighs (suggestive)
Sneaking around with Horner's daughter (suggestive)
Back home (a little bit suggestive)
Stay with me (fluff)
Sugar daddy (smut and fluff)
Look at her (fluff)
A man after midnight (fluff)
Dilf (fluff)
12. George Russle:
All of you (smut)
A helping hand (smut)
A helping hand Part.1; Part.2; Part.3 (smut)
We are not just friends and you know it (smut)
Without my permission (smut)
What a memorable N.Y.E (+FA) (smut)
We'll take care of you (+AB) (smut)!
Across the hall Part. 1; Part. 2 (1. fluff, 2 smut)
I think he knows (fluff)
Gust of wind (fluff)
One bed (fluff)
13. Kimi Raikkonen:
Him using ice (smut)
Only the best for you (smut)
Reader gets injured (fluff)
Spoken admiration (fluff)
Protective shield (fluff)
14. Marcus Armstrong:
Careful daughter (fluff)
Sidewalk rule (fluff)
15. Lewis Hamilton:
Please (smut)
Don't give me that look (smut)
Cry little girl (smut)
Skin and bones (smut)
Keys to the benz (suggstive)
Promise (fluff)
Sleepwalker (fluff)
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stephensmithuk · 9 months
His Last Bow
Originally titled in full "His Last Bow. The War Service of Sherlock Holmes" and later "His Last Bow: An Epilogue of Sherlock Holmes", this was originally published in 1917.
It is the final story in His Last Bow, the final short story in the canon covered by Letters from Watson and agreed by all the key chronologists to be the final canon appearance of Holmes and Watson.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had openly supported British entry into the First World War in 1914.
The story came about after a visit to the Western Front in 1916; asked by a French general what Holmes was doing, Doyle had responded that he was too old to serve. He then decided to write this story as a means of boosting morale.
To put it mildly, the British public had gone a bit spy-crazy in the lead up to the war; fearing "Teutons serving them croutons" i.e. Germans living in the UK acting as intelligence agents for the Kaiser.
The Riddle of the Sands is one such work of popular literature on this theme, which is the subject of Letters from Carruthers coming in September.
There was also the fantastical works of William Le Queux, who started off with the French and Russians as his enemies before switching to the Germans; he also had his works serialised in the Daily Mail, a British middle-market tabloid that was founded in 1896 and has been happily engaging in right-wing sensationalism since to the point Wikipedia has banned them as a source. Le Queux for his part believed the Germans were out to get him for exposing their spy networks - he hadn't, they weren't and the Metropolitan Police refused him protection.
The Benz company had produced the first practical motor car in 1885; they of course later merged with Daimler to become Mercedez-Benz. I cannot find a 100hp example of their vehicles.
The German Chancellor in 1914, Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg, was a moderate, who reluctantly went along with many German policies like unrestricted submarine warfare and tried to initiate peace proposals on a number of occasions in the war before being ousted in 1917.
Flushing is the historical English name for the Dutch port of Vlissingen; it had a ferry connection to Sheerness until 1994.
At the outbreak of war, diplomats on both sides were allowed to return home unmolested, after locking down their embassies and burning anything sensitive they could not take with them.
Britain, France and Prussia had signed a treaty in 1839 guaranteeing the neutrality and independence of Belgium. The German invasion of the country on 3 August gave the UK justification for war and moved a Cabinet divided over the matter to firm unity.
There was a fear of Irish civil war at this point; the Liberal government, reliant on Irish and Labour support for a Commons majority after the two elections of 1910, had passed legislation creating a devolved government for the island, called Home Rule. This was vehemently opposed by Ulster Protestants and both sides were receiving weapons - from Germany in fact - in preparation for a fight as Whitehall tried to arrange a compromise. The Germans in fact believed the British would be distracted by a civil war, but in fact the Home Rule legislation was suspended for the duration and both militias decided to support the war effort. That stopped things... until the more radicial Irish Republic Brotherhood launched the Easter Rising of 1916.
"Window-breaking Furies" refers to the suffragette movement that sort votes for women, some of who engaged in direct action like breaking windows and also planting bombs or arson, although they made sure the latter was done when the buildings were empty to avoid killing anyone. These tactics were as controversial at the time as the tactics of modern-day groups like Just Stop Oil. When the war broke out, the suffragettes stopped their militant actions and supported the war effort; their imprisoned members being released as part of an amnesty.
John Bull is a national personification of the UK, typically a stout middle-aged man in a Union Jack waistcoast, frequently seen in cartoons at this time. He rather fell out of popular use post-war and is rarely seen today, unlike Britannia, who remains a widely used figure.
The Rosyth Dockyard was built from 1909 for refitting Royal Navy ships and submarines; although now privatised, it retains that role and is currently building the five Type 31 frigates.
Carlton Terrace was the home of the German Embassy until 1945; after the war, the property and its contents were sold off at auction. The Federal Republic of Germany set up at Belgrave Square in 1951 and remains there to this day.
Junkers were the land-owning aristocracy of Prussia, who exercised considerable political power up until 1945, at which point most of their holdings ended up in the USSR, Poland or what became East Germany. The land was broken up, usually ending up in collective farms; accused of war crimes, those Junkers who ended up in Soviet hands frequently ended up in NKVD camps or even executed. Their descendants did not get them back after reunification.
The King's English is another name for Received Pronunciation, the "standard" dialect and accent of British English.
Tokay or Tokaji is a sweet wine from the Tokaj regions of Hungary and Slovakia, the designation being protected under EU law in a similar way to Champagne. Imperial Tokay, which was the highest quality Tokaji Essencia, was reserved for the Austrian imperial cellars, often being passed to other European monarchs as gifts. This stuff is still drinkable after over 200 years and even the relatively new stuff isn't cheap.
A naval flotilla would be based at Harwich in both World Wars.
The reference to Holmes being sixty here is where the common estimate of 1854 being his birth year comes from.
Portland is a prison and young offenders' institution in Dorset. Notable past inmates include George Edalji (whose miscarriage of justice was exposed by Doyle), John Babbacombe Lee ("The Man They Couldn't Hang") and the controversial comedian Roy "Chubby" Brown.
Fratton is an area of Portsmouth.
In reality, the Home Section of the Secret Service Bureau, later MI5, had managed to identify the key German agents by monitoring their postal correspondence. The police then rounded them up in August 1914 and once the cross-sea cables were cut, contact with any agents in the UK became close to impossible. Little intelligence of any use came from them in any event; the Germans seem to have not even been aware of the British Expeditionary Force being sent to France, which was hardly a small event. Gustav Steinhauer, head of German naval intelligence's British section, got subjected to a rant about his agency's incompetence from the Kaiser that lasted the better part of two hours.
Twelve German spies would be executed during the war, eleven by firing squad at the Tower of London, which hosted its final execution (also of a spy) in 1941.
Skibbareen is a town in County Cork, now in Ireland.
The final speech by Holmes at the end also featured in the 1942 Basil Rathbone film Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror, based on this story.
So Holmes and Watson drive off into the sunset. What happened to them after that? All we know is that both survived the war and at some point Dr Watson stopped writing about his dear friend. They deserve to have had a long retirement.
I will be doing these for the individual chapters of the novels next year; I have already done ones for the first two chapters of A Study in Scarlet that I will repost.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 5 months
Bookstore scene: The tale of the 2 manbabies
First of all, let me preface with this: to me, the Weasleys are low class. Not in terms of wealth but in terms of how they carry themselves. Someone can be poor and carry themselves with poise and elegance. And someone rich can act as if they belong in the gutter with the riff-raff. In Jamaica, we say this saying by Professor Rex Nettleford "A butu in a Benz is still a butu".
This is not me saying the Weasleys are a horrible family (not the best either) or that the Malfoys are saints. I just hate the conduct of the Weasleys in general. I have seen some people on Tumblr praise how they act but I am not one of them.
Like father, like son - Reacting with physical violence when provoked by words
“Not as surprised as I am to see you in a shop, Weasley,” retorted Malfoy. “I suppose your parents will go hungry for a month to pay for all those.” Ron went as red as Ginny. He dropped his books into the cauldron, too, and started toward Malfoy, but Harry and Hermione grabbed the back of his jacket.
“Clearly,” said Mr. Malfoy, his pale eyes straying to Mr. and Mrs. Granger, who were watching apprehensively. “The company you keep, Weasley . . . and I thought your family could sink no lower —” There was a thud of metal as Ginny’s cauldron went flying; Mr. Weasley had thrown himself at Mr. Malfoy, knocking him backward into a bookshelf. Dozens of heavy spellbooks came thundering down on all their heads; there was a yell of, “Get him, Dad!” from Fred or George; Mrs. Weasley was shrieking, “No, Arthur, no!”; the crowd stampeded backward, knocking more shelves over; “Gentlemen, please — please!” cried the assistant, and then, louder than all —
Props to Arthur for lasting longer, I guess. Barely. How embarrassing, starting a fight in front of children in a public area like a hormonal teenage boy. Molly said it best:
“A fine example to set for your children . . . brawling in public . . . what Gilderoy Lockhart must’ve thought —”
It's not an admirable trait for a man to be so quick to use his fists to solve conflicts. It may sound romantic but it's an express ticket for your man to end up in jail.
Two men acting like children
Also, look here:
“Well, well, well — Arthur Weasley.” It was Mr. Malfoy. He stood with his hand on Draco’s shoulder, sneering in just the same way.
Arthur is such a wonderful family man that he launched himself at Lucius while he was standing near his preteen son. He could have hurt Draco in the scuffle. The cynical part of me thinks Arthur doesn't give a damn if a child was hurt in the process of him acting like a teenage punk.
And why is Lucius wasting his time mocking the Weasleys? Does he not have better things to do? He's not exactly teaching his son proper manners either.
Just look at this man baby:
He was still holding Ginny’s old Transfiguration book. He thrust it at her, his eyes glittering with malice. “Here, girl — take your book — it’s the best your father can give you —” Pulling himself out of Hagrid’s grip he beckoned to Draco and swept from the shop.
Throwing books at a little girl like Lucius isn't a grown-ass man. Exiting the scene like a humiliated highschool mean girl. No wonder Draco is like this. Goodness.
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kafkasapartment · 2 years
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Janis Joplin, singer, Port Arthur, Texas, August 28, 1969. Richard Avedon. Gelatin silver print.
Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me I wait for delivery each day until three So, oh, Lord, won't you buy me a color TV? “Mercedes Benz” ~Janis Joplin and Bob Neuwirth
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s0ft-st4rs-v1vian · 6 months
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Hazbin Hotel~
Adam x Lute
Adam x Lucifer
Adam x Angel Dust
Alastor x Lucifer
Alastor x Angel Dust
Alastor x Husk
Charlie x Vaggie
Vox x Val
Vox x Val x Velvette
Alastor x Angel x Husk
Lute x Vaggie
Lute x Emily
Charlie x Emily
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Helluva Boss~
Stolas x Blitzø
Mammon x Asmodeus x Fizz
Asmodeus x Fizz
Moxxie x Mille
Vassago x Andrelphus
Vassago x Stolas
Stolas x Andrelphus
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Project Sekai~
Rui x Tsukasa
Akito x Toya
Nene x Emu
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Harry Potter~
Harry x Draco
Harry x Ginny
Hermione x Twins
Hermione x Ron
Severus x Lucius
Severus x Gilderoy
Severus x Narcissa
Lucius x Narcissa
Lucius x Narcissa x Severus
Lupin x Sirius
Lupin x Severus
Mcgonagall x Madam Pomfrey
Mcgonagall x Sprout
Neville x Luna
Percy x Oliver
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Donald x Storkules
Donald x Daisy
Scrooge x Goldie
Huey x Violet
Louie x Lena x Webby
Louie x Webby
Webby x Lena
Webby x Lena x Violet
Launchpad x Drake
Della x Selene
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Demon Slayer~
Douma x Kokushibo
Douma x Akaza
Douma x Akaza x Kokushibo
Douma x Enmu
Muzan x Kokushibo
Muzan x Douma
Muzan x Douma x Kokushibo
Muzan x Enmu
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Felix x Willy
Felix x Prodnose
Felix x Slugworth
Felix x Slugworth x Prodnose
Arthur x Prodnose
Lottie x Piper Benz
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Marimashita Iruma-Kun~
Iruma x Alice
Iruma x Kalego
Iruma x Ameri
Iruma x Kirio
Kalego x Opera
Kalego x Balam
Shax x Jazz
Agares x Gaap
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Back to Main Page~?
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daughterofhecata · 9 months
Reading List 2023
Ocean Vuong: Night Sky With Exit Wounds
Alena Mornštajnová: Hana
Wolfgang Benz: Theresienstadt. Ein Geschichte von Täuschung und Vernichtung.
Jáchym Topol: Die Teufelswerkstatt [org. title: Chladnou zemí]
Ocean Vuong: Time is a Mother
Richard Siken: Crush
Ben Nevis: Die Drei ??? Die Yacht des Verrats
Frank Wedekind: Frühlings Erwachen (reread)
James Ellroy: Die Schwarze Dahlie [org. title: The Black Dahlia]
André Marx: Die Drei ??? und der Puppenmacher
Evelyn Boyd: Rocky Beach Crimes #2. Mord unter Palmen.
Peter Hallama: Nationale Helden und jüdische Opfer. Tschechische Repräsentationen des Holocaust.
Brigitte Johanna Henkel-Waidhofer: Die Drei ??? Späte Rache
Kim Newman: Professor Moriarty. The Hound of the D‘Urbervilles. (reread)
Vera Schiff: The Theresienstadt Deception. The Concentration Camp the Nazis Created to Deceive the World.
Evelyn Boyd: Rocky Beach Crimes #2. Mord unter Palmen. (reread)
Josef Bor: Die verlassene Puppe [org. title: Opuštěná panenka]
Kari Erlhoff: Rocky Beach Crimes #1. Tödliche Törtchen.
Susanna Partsch: Wer klaute die Mona Lisa? Die berühmtesten Kunstdiebstähle der Welt.
Kathy Reichs: Virals #1. Tote können nicht mehr reden. [org. title: Virals] (reread)
Arthur Schnitzler: Reigen (reread)
Evelyn Boyd: Die Drei ??? Teuflisches Foul
Faye Kellerman: Der Zorn sei dein Ende [org. title: The Hunt]
J.D. Salinger: The Catcher in the Rye
Władysław Szlengel: Was ich den Toten las [org. title: Co czytałem umarłym]
Hanna Krall: Dem Herrgott Zuvorkommen [org. title: Zdążyć przed Panem Bogiem]
Ursula K. Le Guin: The Dispossessed
Thomas Mann: Der Tod in Venedig
James Oswald: Natural Causes. An Inspector McLean Novel.
Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar (reread)
Christoph Dittert: Die Drei ??? Melodie der Rache
Maria Rolnikaitė: Mein Tagebuch [org. title: Ja dolžna rasskazat']
Mark Thompson: Leatherfolk. Radical Sex, People, Politics and Practice.
James Baldwin: Giovanni‘s Room
Christopher Tauber, Hanna Wenzel: Rocky Beach. Eine Interpretation.
Lorraine Vivian Hansberry: A Raisin in the Sun
Jonathan Kellerman: Unnatural History. An Alex Delaware Novel.
Robert Arthur: Die Drei ??? und die Geisterinsel. [org. title: The Three Investigators in the Secret of Skeleton Island]
Evelyn Boyd: Rocky Beach Crimes #3. Eiskalter Rausch.
André Marx: Die Drei ??? Labyrinth der Götter
John Barth: Lost in the Funhouse
Langston Hughes: Selected Poems of Langston Hughes.
Claude McKay: Harlem Shadows. The Poems of Claude McKay.
Jonathan Kellerman: Exit. Ein Alex Delaware Roman. [org. title: Devil‘s Waltz. An Alex Delaware Novel.] (reread)
David Henry Hwang: M Butterfly
James Oswald: The Book of Souls. An Inspector McLean Novel.
Jonathan Kellerman: Time Bomb. An Alex Delaware Novel. (reread)
Manuela Günter: Überleben schreiben. Zur Autobiographik der Shoah.
Birgit Kröhle: Geschichte und Geschichten. Die literarische Verarbeitung von Auschwitz-Erlebnissen.
Alexander F. Spreng: Der Fluch (reread)
Sibylle Schmidt: Zeugenschaft. Ethische und politische Dimensionen.
Sibylle Schmidt: Ethik und Episteme der Zeugenschaft
Kari Erlhoff & Christoph Dittert: Die Drei ??? und die Salztote
Jeanette McCurdy: I‘m Glad My Mom Died
E.T.A. Hoffmann: Der Sandmann
Hendrik Buchna: Die Drei ??? Drehbuch der Täuschung
Michael Scott: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #2. The Magician. (reread)
Alain Locke: The New Negro
Mascha Kaléko: Großstadtliebe. Lyrische Stenogramme.
Marco Sonnleitner: Die Drei ??? Der Tag der Toten
Georg Heym: Gedichte [herausgegeben von Stephan Hermlin]
Rose Ausländer: Hinter allen Worten. Gedichte. [herausgegeben von Helmut Braun]
Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita
Paul Celan: Ausgewählte Gedichte. Zwei Reden. [herausgegeben von Günther Busch]
Rich Cohen: Lake Shore Drive [org. title: Lake Effect]
Jan T. Gross: Neighbors. The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland.
Kathy Reichs: Virals #2. Nur die Tote kennt die Wahrheit. [org. title: Seizure]
Jonathan Kellerman: Bones. An Alex Delaware Novel. (reread)
Akwaeke Emezi: You made a Fool of Death with your Beauty
Friedrich Schiller: Maria Stuart
Bret Easton Ellis: American Psycho
Christian Handel: Die Hexenwald-Chroniken #2. Palast aus Gold und Tränen.
Maurice Leblanc: Arsène Lupin und der Schatz der Könige von Frankreich [org. title: L'Aiguille creuse]
E.T.A. Hoffmann: Nussknacker und Mausekönig
Marco Sonnleitner: Die Drei ??? Panik im Park
Ben Nevis: Die Drei ??? Tal des Schreckens
Michael Borlik: Ihr mich auch
Robert Arthur: Die Drei ??? und der grüne Geist [org. title: Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in the Mystery of the Green Ghost]
Barbara Köhler: Niemands Frau. Gesänge.
Christoph Dittert: Die Drei ??? Hotel der Diebe
Cornelia Funke: Tintenwelt #4. Die Farbe der Rache.
Thomas Ziebula: Paul Stainer #1. Der rote Judas.
Faye Kellerman: Mord im Garten Eden [org. title: The Garden of Eden and Other Criminal Delights]
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follow-up-news · 5 months
Allen Weisselberg, the former chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, was sentenced Wednesday to five monthsin jail after pleading guilty to two counts of perjury last month in his testimony during former President Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial. The sentencing matched Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's recommendation. After Weisselberg's sentence was agreed upon by prosecutors and the defense, Judge Laurie Peterson asked him whether there was anything he would like to say. Weisselberg replied, "No, your honor," and the judge handed down the sentence. The hearing lasted only about two minutes. Weisselberg was accused of committing perjury in a deposition and during testimony in Trump’s trial, including allegedly lying when he said in July 2020 that he learned Trump’s triplex apartment had been overvalued from a Forbes report, but really knew about it well beforehand, Bragg’s office said. Weisselberg received a separate five-month sentence in a criminal case last year, serving only 100 days, after pleading guilty in 2022 to tax fraud charges in a 15-year scheme involving the Trump Organization’s business dealings. He agreed to pay nearly $2 million in taxes, interest and penalties for allegedly dodging tax payments on $1.7 million of his income with “off the books” benefits, including tuition for his grandkids, a luxury apartment and two Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Weisselberg was a witness and a co-defendant in the civil trial, in which Judge Arthur Engoron ruled in February that Trump, his company and current and former top executives including Weisselberghad to pay more than $350 million in damages and forbade the former president from running businesses in the state for three years — which ultimately became $464 million when pre-judgement interest was included.
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likeafantasy · 5 months
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DEXTER REWATCH — 4.01 LIVING THE DREAM There's this cliche where serial killers are always described as quiet, kept to himself, kind of a loner. It's a cliche for a reason.
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spacewarriorsam · 9 months
Arthur: Why did you crash my car? Barry: 'Cause I wanted to see how a Mercedes...Benz Arthur: Go. You gotta get out of my house
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jabbage · 9 months
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evolution-ofa-geek · 11 months
31 Days of Horror
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Favorite Horror Shows
Dexter season 4
Michael C Hall
Jennifer Carpenter
James Remar
David Zayas
Luna Lauren Velez
Julie Benz
C.S. Lee
John Lithgow
When season 4 came out, I had only seen a few episodes of season 1 and I wasn't interested. Up until friends from the PoP!cast started talking about it every week and how great it was. So I netflixed seasons 1 through 3 and then caught reruns of season 4 on Showtime and I was hooked.
Season 4 however was the Trinity Killer and it's what hooked me into going back to the beginning and watching them again.
Kills and Blood Slides:
Trinity Killer: 279 Confirmed Kills
Dexter up til the end of season 4: 96
Shocking Moment: The end of season 4, the bathtub. Dexter's toddler son in a pool of his own mother's blood.
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Okay, so Dexter is not horror, but he is a serial killer slasher and has a kill table and is one of my favorites along with the first 5 seasons of Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Teen Wolf nowadays due to its beastiary content.
The New Yorker's Emily Nussbaum called Lithgow's characterization of Arthur as "so creepy I’m still not over it" in 2011 and also said the character was "modeled on the BTK Killer".
Dexter Facts
Dexter has killed about 117 people according to the Dexter Wiki. He had 45 blood slides in his first box before it was destroyed and now has about 43 slides in his new box. There were also 20 or so victims from whom he didn't collect blood.
Series star Michael C. Hall revealed he was afflicted with Hodgkin's lymphoma in January 2010, but continued to work on the series. Most of his fellow cast members were surprised by the news, because he had not disclosed his condition during production. Hall is, as of mid-2010, in remission.
The name of the main character, "Dexter," is also a Latin word meaning "right hand." The implied complement is the Latin for "left hand," "sinister," reflecting his hidden dark side. In 2010 author Jeff Lindsay confirmed at a book signing in Edinburgh that he chose the name Dexter because it was the opposite of "sinister", reflecting the character's surface normality.
Jennifer Carpenter's Debra uses more expletives in any given episode than all of her male colleagues combined. AND WE LOVE HER FOR THAT
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One aspect of the Trinity killer parallels the BTK killer. Dennis Rader maintained a very normal family life and was very active in the Christ Lutheran Church in Park City, KS. Among many positions, he was a deacon and congregation president and Cub Scout leader. Ironically, it was his use of a church computer to communicate with authorities that led to his arrest.
Director/producer Michael Cuesta initially approached a pre-The Hurt Locker (2008) Jeremy Renner to play Dexter, but Renner declined the part as he felt he could not play another serial killer again after playing Jeffrey Dahmer in Dahmer (2002).
Composer Daniel Licht initially wrote Dexter's theme song as part of the score for the horror anthology movie Necronomicon: Book of Dead (1993).
Dexter frequently uses aliases that make reference to Bret Easton Ellis books and their film adaptations. These include using "Patrick Bateman" (the main character from American Psycho (2000)) when buying tranquilizers and "Sean Ellis" (reference to both Ellis and Sean Bateman - from The Rules of Attraction (2002)) when seeing a psychiatrist.
Honorary Mentions
American Horror Story season 1
The Twilight Zone
Penny Dreadful
Scream season 1
The Walking Dead season 1
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What was your favorite Horror Show?
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hollymbryan · 2 months
Blog Tour + #Review: THE SWORD AND THE SOPHOMORE by B.P. Sweany (w/ #giveaway)! #rockstarbooktours
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Hello, hello! Welcome to Book-Keeping and my stop on the Rockstar Book Tours blog tour for The Sword and the Sophomore by B.P. Sweany! I've got all the details on this YA Arthurian retelling for you below, along with my review *and* a giveaway, so let's go!
About the Book
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title: The Sword and the Sophomore (The American Martyr Trilogy, Book 1) author: B.P. Sweany publisher: Th3rd World Studios release date: 9 July 2024
"Terrifically entertaining! ...a whirlpool of teenage hormones, high-school life and Arthurian magic. Hilarious and engaging!" — Diana Gabaldon, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Outlander series Arlynn Rosemary Banson is an atypical sixteen-year-old—the cool, popular outsider, effortlessly straddling the line between divas and dorks. Her forever young mother, Jennifer, is dedicated to making her life awkward by trying to be her friend. Her father, Alan, is a workaholic history professor who barely acknowledges his family’s existence. Her boyfriend, Benz, the quarterback and homecoming king, has just broken up with her, while her best friend, Joslin, bears reluctant witness to Rosemary’s romantic drama. But nothing prepares any of them for a Welsh foreign exchange student named Emrys Balin. Emrys looks like a teenager, but he seems to act much, much older. Rosemary discovers she is part of the Lust Borne Tide, children born to the royal line of King Uther Pendragon who are imbued with mystical powers after being conceived in lust. Rosemary’s parents are Guinevere and Lancelot, banished by King Arthur to twenty-first century suburban America prior to Rosemary’s birth as punishment for their affair. Rosemary is the third in the Lust Borne line, after King Arthur and his son Mordred, the latter of whom has traveled to the future to continue the line of the Lust Born Tide by retrieving Rosemary and returning her to the late fifth century to conceive a child with her. But Rosemary has other plans—plans that involve training under Emrys and kicking Mordred’s butt, as long as it doesn’t interfere with prom or getting back with her boyfriend Benz. Packed with action, emotion, and humor, The Sword and the Sophomore goes beyond the Camelot you know with an Arthurian tale fit for the modern world. Combining sword fights and epic quests with the real-life teenage issues of fitting in, sexual agency, and profound personal loss; this fresh take on the classic story of what it means to wield Excalibur and all the power it entails will make you rethink the power of legend.
"A tongue-in-cheek, self-aware Arthurian fantasy set in a 21st century American suburb that’s anchored by an empathetic, hilarious, whip-smart, fierce teen protagonist. The Sword and the Sophomore almost makes me want to write a young adult novel. Almost.”— Pierce Brown, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Red Rising Saga
"Captivating worldbuilding and an irresistible main character. I couldn't put it down."— A.G. Riddle, internationally bestselling author of The Origin Mystery Trilogy and The Lost Colony Trilogy
"What wonderful storytelling, for any age! Loved this book and especially the incredible protagonist—I would have loved to have known her in school! An excellent read!"— Heather Graham, New York Times bestselling author of the Krewe of Hunters series
"Dark forces from an ancient world descend on a high school near you. The Sword and the Sophomore is funny, scary, astute, and up-to-the minute. The pages turn themselves and you'll be cheering the unforgettable heroine on every single one."— Peter Abrahams, New York Times bestselling author of the Edgar Award-winning young adult mystery Reality Check and the Agatha Award-winning Echo Falls series for younger readers
Add to Goodreads: The Sword and the Sophomore (The American Martyr Trilogy, Book 1) Purchase the Book: Books2Read.com | Or purchase via my special link to the Th3rd World Studios store and get 15% off everything in the store!
About the Author
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A veteran of the publishing industry, B.P. Sweany has worked with many notable content creators, including Pierce Brown, Dean Koontz, Diana Gabaldon, Alice Walker, and Dolly Parton. The Sword and the Sophomore is the first in a projected trilogy.
Connect with B.P.: Website | Twitter | Instagram | TikTok | Goodreads
My 5-Star Review
Okay, so admittedly, I didn't know what to expect with this book. It's a debut author and a publisher with whom I wasn't familiar, but I saw the summary and thought it sounded like something I'd like and figured I'd try it out. And let me just say -- are you kidding me?? I was kind of knocked off my socks by just how good this was and how much I loved it! The writing was top-notch and seamless, the action was non-stop, and the characters were amazing. If I hadn't known from the jacket that the author was a man, I would've sworn that it was a woman based on how accurately the main character is drawn. How does this man so easily get into the mind of a 17-year-old girl? I'm not sure, but it's kind of awe-inspiring! I fell in love with every single character, I laughed out loud, I cheered at the sex positivity, and I even bawled, y'all. I was *not* expecting to bawl!
There is so much to love within these pages, and I'm already excited to see what's ahead in book two, while thrilled that book one gave me a complete story. I'm so impressed with this being the author's debut! Granted, he's worked in publishing for some years, but still, what an accomplishment. I love the imagination! If you're at all a fan of Arthurian retellings, you've got to pick this one up! Or if you like YA adventures, stories of high school life, or urban fantasy -- please, please snag this one! I really recommend it and hope that it reaches a lot of readers! I promise you that reluctant readers would love this one, too.
Clearly, I loved this one, and if you end up reading it please do DM me and let me know your thoughts! Thanks so much to the publisher and author for sending me a copy, and to them and Rockstar for having me on the tour. What a blast I had reading this!
Rating: 5 stars!
**I received a copy from the publisher for purposes of this blog tour. This review is voluntary on my part and reflects my honest rating and review of the book.
About the Giveaway
One (1) lucky winner will receive a finished copy of The Sword and the Sophomore by B.P. Sweany! These are gorgeous books, my friends! This one is US only and ends 23 July, so get your entries in!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Birthdays 5.1
Beer Birthdays
Jacob Best (1786)
Frederick H. Krug (1870)
Robert Malcolm "Mac" MacTarnahan (1915)
Charles McCabe (1915-May 1, 1983)
Kyle Manigold (1985)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Scott Carpenter; astronaut (1925)
Joseph Heller; writer (1923)
Mary "Mother" Jones; labor leader (1830)
Terry Southern; writer (1924)
John Woo; Hong Kong film director (1946)
Famous Birthdays
Joseph Addison; English writer (1672)
Wes Anderson; film director (1969)
Glen Ballard; songwriter (1953)
Julie Benz; actor (1972)
Jules Breton; French artist (1827)
Judy Collins; folk singer (1939)
Rita Coolidge; pop singer (1945)
Marie Corelli; English writer (1855)
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin; philosopher (1881)
Art Fleming; television game show host (1924)
Phil Foglio; comic book artist (1956)
Glenn Ford; actor (1916)
George Inness; artist (1825)
Calamity Jane; frontiersman (1852)
King Kamehameha; king of Hawaii (1738)
Morris Kline; mathematician (1908)
Joanna Lumley; actor, writer, model (1946)
Sally Mann; photographer (1951)
Tim McGraw; country singer (1967)
Jack Paar; comedian, television talk show host (1918)
Ray Parker Jr.; singer (1954)
Kate Smith; singer (1907)
Little Walter; blues singer (1930)
Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington; politician, soldier (1769)
D'Arcy Wretzky; rock bassist (1968)
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