avoidcrowdraws · 4 months
Chilchucks neighbours be thinking he has a dog that's not allowed in the apartment complex now with Laios as his sub
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Noisy boy
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posi-pan · 10 months
Hey can I ask if you know veritybitchie is ok with pan people??? I scrolled down say they had videos on it and am worried if I click on it's just all misinfo
nah that youtuber is a panphobe. and just has shitty opinions all around. and is writer for a queer publication that is actually incredibly queerphobic and run by the panphobes at bidotorg. and wrote a tumblr callout post about me falsely portraying me as a malicious biphobe. and reblogs/interacts with panphobes on tumblr where the only posts related to pan that are shared are about problematic definitions/people/etc. i'd steer clear tbh.
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dreamhot · 2 years
Dream is a sweetie and is gonna be nice to Zach but fuckkkk I really want him to make it clear to Zach has hurtful he was because in his tweets to him he seems muted and off like that is fucked to see that being said about you by any other big creator also what if he was a fan what if he used to watch him as a kid like fucked behaviour
dream is always gonna do more to extend the olive branch than the other person and it's so fucking frustrating because HE'S NOT THE INSTIGATOR !! imagine being told that you should've been harassed more for your looks and then being the bigger person by seeking to clarify the situation... dream is a stronger man than i will ever be
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nadhie · 4 months
Illegal hotel chain is airbnb
What! Omg i need to look this up, thank you!
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angeloncewas · 2 years
It is extremely scary seeing such a big person be so openly anti semitic and I wish people were talking about it flatly and not rolling there eyes about it but again it's the body shaming. I don't even like that tweet I think Dream should be saying fuck him and giving Jewish people love but broooooo you are a disabled man who talked about your whole life being body shamed only to say "it's ok when I do it" like it's literally the red flags of a leftist man you can't trust because they talked about how body shamings wrong but fucking jump at any chance for it when it's people they think aren't leftist. I'm disabled it's so fucked seeing this shit and it never makes me feel safer or happier when it's done to the other side of it because I can easily see a person I know and love in that place easily
<3 I hope you're doing alright, despite everything. I hope people start to seriously discuss what Ye's been saying and its impact
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Great Sabo song for him to cry to after the webbing
Oh that’s a really good song for him, i concur.
“Dont you find it strange, the only thing we share is one last name” yup! Pretty much!
And Sabo would be a Marina girlie. I know this in my soul. Do not ask me to elaborate or explain, you will get nothing.
Thanks for the ask!
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tamryisk · 3 months
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what an unlikely duo!!!! I wonder what they'll do!
[taglist! dm to be added or removed!: @meeowerzz @pr0babomb @relaxxattack @lunzi0 @shrikeicee @plantonomy33 @moomoorarest @artioprotection @somescenecatholic]
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baby-xemnas · 9 months
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@artioprotection giving the same link i was given
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electracraft · 3 years
I hope the twitter update community burns honestly they're awful
i know exactly three things about update accounts lore and they are some of the funniest things ever 1. they are responsible for the name crew boys becoming official (allegedly) 2. once a techno update account called dream a dumb bitch out of the blue and then all the other update accounts started subtweeting them 3. a dtkq update account announced they would not be running the account any longer and the last thing they tweeted was "and fuck karl jacobs". they are so fascinating
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newjenns · 2 years
Inthelittlewoods was accusing Dream of funneling arrows and telling them not to do it basically trying to say it's cheating or not fair to do so when the team wasn't funneling at all and it's super common to do. He just zoned in on Dream about it when Dream wasn't even doing it
yeah maybe he should kill himself
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a-dragons-journal · 3 years
How would one get started in questioning their otherkin or such??? I think I have questions but I honestly don't where to even start or what to ask.
I'm so glad you asked! Have a bunch of links I keep on-hand for this very question:
This guide to questioning (and definitions of basic terms) by @/shadowfae
My "questioning" tag, which has both posts talking about general advice and posts answering specific questions (and posts with people talking about their own questioning processes)
A list of typical experiences for various alterhuman identities (note typical, not required or universal)
A list of places to interact with other nonhumans, which honestly is the best way to try and learn what being ‘kin really looks like (because while “it means you identify as nonhuman” is all well and good for a definition, what exactly that means is not always crystal clear)
My general “kin resources” tag has A Lot in it, a lot of which is not going to be relevant to you specifically, but it's there if you want to peruse it
While I don't have a list onhand yet, I would also recommend trying to find writings by others with kintypes that are the same as or similar to the ones you're questioning, and comparing notes with what they've written. Websites are going to be a good place to do that, especially if the tag for your kintype on Tumblr is underwhelming - I'll recommend houseofchimeras dot weebly dot com (you know how Tumblr is with external links, sorry) and their Bookmarks page for a place to get started finding those. (Generally speaking, whenever you find a good alterhuman website, they'll likely have a Bookmarks, References, Further Reading, etc. page full of links to other websites. Find that page and go through it to find other good websites, and then rinse and repeat.)
Hopefully that helps get you started? I'm more than happy to chat about any further/more specific questions if you want, feel free to poke me anytime!
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strandedcrow · 2 years
Actually Tolkien was in a writing club that had openly gay writers that he talk about in a loving way! Even said they inspired him when it came to characters (didn't say which ones or how exactly). That and the fact he didn't out right hate Jewish people is a nice thing about him!
Still wrote women poorly and dear lord how he talked about Asian people was monstrous but he wasn't fully batshit with everything thankfully
:O that’s actually super neat
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dreamhot · 2 years
Dream knows when interacting with animals to let them come to you and sniff you first before doing anything
people who just try to grab or pet animals without introducing their scent first always baffle me like this could be dangerous for numerous parties here
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nadhie · 2 years
George is just choking that little Dream blob
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cinematic parallels
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angeloncewas · 2 years
Little tmi but in Judaism there's actually a special job for non Jews that's to help Jewish people out when they can't do something so example days of rest and no work non Jews are supposed to help out. It has a specific name I can't spell but basically my grandad was that and isn't here anymore so it's like important to me to be the help not only because I think it's a genuinely beautiful part of the beliefs but also to feel close to him. Anyway I'm thinking about that now so just saying this again tmi so sorry
Not TMI ! thank you for sharing :]
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Wait qna? What's the insp on you sona? Like why the little horns and glasses? What are you hoping people think when they see that
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When i designed my little guy I was thinking about a little guy that would be really easy to draw, how much I love sheep, and how much I love big jackets. And colored glasses. And pink.
I want people to look at my little guy and see mischief but also something squishy and friendly :)
Sorry it’s not a very deep description, i just kinda smushed all the stuff i love together in a design and went with that :)
Thanks for the question!
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