#arven's storyline is the best storyline
kuru-a-roo · 2 years
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The Best Boy 🥪 with his Good Boy 🐶
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anotherartblock · 2 years
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I simply had to draw the best boy and his doggy ♡
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Tiny Boy and his Tiny Dog
Art by me.
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pokemonruby · 2 years
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karuuhnia · 7 months
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I've been a Pokémon fan since the very beginning and recently a friend asked me who my favourite character was. I couldn't answer with just one character. So instead I gave her my top 3 favourites from each generation - and then turned it into this. lol
A little bit more info under the cut if you're interested.
Please do not alter, repost/reupload or redistribute my artwork anywhere! (Reblogging is perfectly fine, of course.)
Gen 1:
Blue: The original rival, you loved to hate him. :D
Erika: I loved her design as a kid, even though I had no idea what a kimono was back then lol
Bill: No idea tbh lol. I like his hair and that he's a nerd, I guess? Honestly, Gen 1 did not have that many memorable and fleshed out characters, so I kinda struggled here.
Gen 2:
Lance: Honestly, he was my fave in Gen 1 already. I love his strength, his design, his virtuousness, his bravery, his code of honour, his everything. To me he's like a knight in shiny armour from old fairytales. lol I could spend a whole day describing all the things I love about him, but I don't wanna bore you.
Eusine: Probably a weird pick for many because he is kinda obnoxious in the game lol I've always had a soft spot for him though and I really wanted him to get Suicune in the end, after he'd changed.
Morty: I love his design and colours and that he's Eusine's bff and voice of reason.
Gen 3:
Steven: He is classy, wears a really awesome suit, has very cool Pokémon and is still a huge nerd. I love it!
Archie: (I see you, @chipsncookies) Big hunk with a big smile and a cool outfit. Beard. Not a bad guy, actually. Learns that he was wrong and does everything to make things right again. Frienemies with Maxie.
Maxie: Scrawny beanpole with a silly (but very cozy looking) outfit. Secretly a dork. Not a bad guy either. Learns from his mistakes and wants to make them right again. Frienemies with Archie.
Gen 4:
Riley: I was a huge fan of Sir Aaron in the movie and Riley is just as awesome. I love his hat too. His personality is also similar to Lance's, so that's a huge plus.
Cynthia: I really, really like her. She is so cool and strong and her theme is amazing. Just like Charizard she's become too popular and that gets a bit tiresome sometimes.
Looker: Okay, I admit, it took me a while to get used to Looker. But now I like his quirky, funny Inspector Gadget shenanigans. What changed my mind was the aftergame of XY. ;__;
Gen 5:
Ingo & Emmet: I couldn't do it. I couldn't choose who of them I like more. So they share the first place.They're a duo anyway. And absolutely inseparable. R-Right?
Elesa: I like her mainly because of the fanon that she's bffs with the subway twins. But she's also not the bitchy supermodel that I first thought she was. She's actually kind and supportive.
Alder: Funny grandpa with awful hair, but a big heart and a great theme song.
Gen 6:
Lysandre: His design always gave me Ganondorf-vibes. That's pretty much it. His goal is stupid.
Emma: Her storyline in the post-game was by far the best thing in XY. And her theme is so beautiful!
Sycamore: I still wish he had actually turned out to be evil. I still like him.
Gen 7:
Kukui: What is not to love about him? He's a hunk, he loves his wife, he takes in Lillie, he punches Pokémon with his bare hands.
Lillie: Sweet little girl who deserves all the love from her friends and her adoptive parents instead of all the shit her psycho bio mother put her through.
Burnet: She's sweet and smart and kind and I wish she had a much bigger role in the game. Her anime part was great though <3
Gen 8:
Piers, Sonia and Raihan: Honestly... These are pretty much the only characters that I remember lol Gen 8 was very underwhelming for me.
Gen 9:
Arven: Just a poor neglected boy who wants to save his sick dog. In contrast to his shitty parents he's got a big heart, is caring, nurturing and supportive.
Clavell: The twist about this character was that there was no twist. He is just a very kind grandpa who genuinely cares for the well-being of his students. I also LOVE his battle theme.
Hassel: This game really is full of wholesome boomers. Hassel's got a huge heart for art and his students and Pokémon. He's also not afraid of showing his emotions.
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wildflowercryptid · 10 months
Hope its okay if I ask about your versions of Florian and Juliana, thanks ^ _ ^
- Are they siblings?
- What are both their personalities?
- Were they actually raised in Paldea? The MC's in the game are implied to originally be from Galar so I was just wondering that
- Which storylines from the game are each the of them the main character of?
I'm so sorry if I've missed out an info sheet on them hhhhghg
Thank u again!
oh, it’s more than okay to ask about them! i actually really like talking about my interpretations of the pokémon characters, but i just struggle to articulate my ideas a lot of the time. or forget to share them. i’ve been meaning to drop lore for these two so i’ll do that now!
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( putting the answers under a cut because i kinda ended up rambling. oops. )
are they siblings?
yes, they are! juliana is the older of the two, but they’re actually super close in age ( with jules not even being a year older than florian. ) because of that, they’re pretty close and sometimes get mistaken for twins. they still bicker and annoy each other like any other typical sibling relationship, but they respect each other a lot and consider each other their greatest confidant. their relationship kinda ends up paralleling carmine and kieran’s own dynamic as siblings, with juliana and florian seeing each other as equals while the same can’t really be said for carmine and kieran.
what are both of their personalities?
while they’re both pretty level-headed, juliana is definitely the more outgoing and confident of the two. florian is more of the reserved type, someone who typically keeps to himself and would much rather wait in the wings than be center stage, ( too bad he’s basically the major protagonist of the story. ) they’re both fairly friendly, but he struggles connecting with others more when compared to his sister. essentially, they’re kinda like a dialed-back version of mabel and dipper pines. florian generally is a very sweet and open-hearted kid who tries to see the best in others, which often leads to his kindness being taken advantage of and getting pushed around easily, ( i.e. carmine convincing him to keep the secret about ogerpon from kieran. ) because of that, juliana is a little protective of him and isn’t afraid to step in when he struggles to stand up for himself. and while she does like to be seen as reliable, that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t encourage florian to be more confident and advocate for himself more. he does end up growing more of a backbone during the timeskip, which makes her very proud. meanwhile, juliana is a lot more outspoken and doesn’t hold back when things need to be called out. she’s still just as compassionate as her brother and is extremely reliable, along with having a very strong moral compass. she definitely fills the cool, reliable older sister role pretty well.
were they actually raised in paldea?
they grew up in galar like what’s implied in canon, but the details are a little different. they’re actually paldean on their mother’s side, who was originally from cabo poco herself. their family decided to move from wyndon back to her hometown after their father lost his job at one of macro cosmos’s now defunct finance subsidiaries. luckily, he was able to land a new desk job in medali and now larry’s his boss. ( the two get along well, they talk about their kids during lunch breaks. )
which storylines from the game are each of them the main character of?
juliana takes on the victory road and starfell street storylines while florian tackles the path of legends and filling out the pokédex, with both of them coming together for the way home. initially, i conceptualized them as co-protagonists and they still kinda are… but florian has definitely taken on the role as primary protagonist with how much shit keeps on just happening to him. i would expand the specifics of how the path of legends plays out for florian and how his friendship with arven develops, but i’ve already rambled enough so i’ll try to talk about that in another post.
hope this answers all your questions and sorry if it's a little long, i've just gotten attached to these kids and have a lot to say about them.
if you have any other questions ( about the paldea kids or mjverse in general, ) please feel free to ask them! it might take me a sec to reply, but i'll try my best!
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oceandiagonale · 5 months
So, for Spare the storylines had different impacts. Arven got her to like humans more because of his willingness to take on great risks to help his pokemon heal. That and he started to help her understand cooking and food more as he came to understand that her reluctance to eat stuff is a result of fear and uncertainty. With Penny and Team Star, she learned not to judge a book by its cover, and since she wasn't dealing with any sort of actual evil team, no serious violence happened. She also empathized with Penny's desire to stop the bullies and oppose injustice, but the idea of unintentional consequences...also like Penny Spare isn't good with people, so they vibe on that. Nemona... was there. She was powerful and skilled and was a good fight...but ultimately it didn't matter, Spare was already a champion by that point and fulfilling one of her primary purposes.
Then we get to the whole robot professor who has highly limited free will and has to follow plans of its creator, even if it came to disagree with them and considered it a catastrophe. Even though it wanted to stop the time machine, it couldn't, and even though it asked Spare to stop it, the robot also acknowledged that it would be forced to try and stop her. This was the big existential crisis because it got Spare to question how much free will she actually has, or if she has her own "Paradise Protection Protocol" that could be switched on. She confessed her status as artificial and her fears about what that could mean to Penny as, out of all of her friends, she was the one Spare considered the best at working out the logic of it and how to test this sort of stuff. After a small freak out, Penny agrees to help Spare figure out just how human she really is (the answer is 100%, they just didn't know it yet).
the hard part is figuring out how to test for humanity -- is it genetic? behavioral? are they just trying to see if Spare can go directly against what Arceus wants? they're going to have a hard time figuring that all out at first 😔
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though frankly there's nothing quite as human as going through an emo phase when you're 12-13. Middle school years are sufferingggggg
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Quick overview on Lilli's Pokémon... Rewrite? Verse? Idk what this is lmao
All I really know for sure is that I have a lot of thoughts about pokemon's lore and plotlines. I want to try my hand at connecting stuff with a little more continuity because it's fun! There's no way I can get to everything because we'd be here all day, but I figured I'd set up the basic premise and include some fun notes/headcanons!
My general idea is focusing from the anime (up until Horizons) while also including more components from the games (such as more of the SWSH plot/rivals, Emma from XY's post game, Zinnia and the Delta Episode, etc). I also include a multitude of my own original characters, along with some of my friends' (most prominently @starkitters's goobers). Storylines are generally divided up by "sagas" based on the original generation they take place in! I may include some Horizons as it would coincide with ScaVio, but I need to catch up with that series (though from the looks of it it’s all pretty banger)!
This concept is definitely going to mostly get smaller things of art/comics/drabbles and whatnot rather than a full-fic/comic series or whatever because... oh gosh there's way too much. Also obviously not going to cover every single anime episode bit by bit because that would make me insane!!
As for a general timeline— a lot of this main stuff would kinda unfold in the span of 2-3 years? I might make it longer, but then again a lot can happen in even just a month, y’know? Generally, Ash would stay 10 between Indigo League-Advanced, 11 by DP-XYZ, and 12 during SuMo-Journeys. The Legends Arceus shenanigans would probably be during Journeys and the ScaVio stuff is definitely after (I'm thinking potentially a year or so after Journeys' saga would be wrapped up? Though it could even be immediately after idk).
There is. A ton of information even just in this little intro post, and a lot of it isn’t even fully concrete either. But if you find the time to read through it all, I’d really appreciate feedback!
General/Introductory Information
Earlier involvement from rivals/evil teams such as the Galar Rivals, N and Team Plasma, Team Skull, etc! All of that will be covered more in the respective sagas they all appear in, lol
I'm kind of on the fence for whether or not more player characters would be included? May, Dawn, and Serena are canon companions/major characters the anime, I'm including Brendan as Birch's son and Lucas as Dawn's twin brother, Akari and Rei are both going to be native to Hisui, etc.
So far, the mc roles that are taken up by OCs include my characters Lilac (involved in XYZ/SuMo but becomes a Swsh Gym Challenger), Stacy (Emmet's daughter, travels back to Hisui to find her missing Uncle), and Chrys (main Naranja student involved with Nemona, Arven, Penny, and also Kieran and Blueberry stuff). @starkitters's oc Arthur also kinda takes an mc role as Hop's bestie/neighbor and the two of them work with the knight-wolf duo (Zacian and Zamazenta) instead of Ash and Goh just kinda... feeling shoved in there. Ash and his Journeys buddies still get involved in the Darkest Day shenanigans, but another Gym challenger/Hop's bestie)
While characters like Red and Blue/Green aren't really going to be involved since Ash and Gary already kinda take up those roles, there is potential in making like... Ash's dad a Red-esque character? A character based on Leaf? We've also gotten cameos of Jimmy (Gold/Ethan) and Marina (Krys) from the old OVAs and Lyra is briefly seen during DP... but tbh we get so little on them it wouldn't be too difficult to make the OVAs an au or something? I'll have to play with all of it.
The Black and White/Best Wishes saga is going to get some major storyline reworks. Team Rocket (Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobuffet, etc) aren't going to start actually doing evil shit/working directly with Giovanni out of nowhere. Rather, they get have their own route uncovering stuff about N and Team Plasma, which follows more of the storyline from BW1. Characters from BW2 like Colress and Hugh are definitely still going to appear and their deal won't really change too much, but I'll have to figure out their involvement (especially with Colress he’s got a lot of potential for his own stuff imo). Cheren and Bianca are in a "halfway" sorta period and acting as apprentices for Lenora and Juniper respectively.
I'm mostly going off of the Scarlet side of the ScaVio storyline, with Naranja Academy being in Mesagoza and Sada being the professor inside Area Zero. However, Uva Academy and Turo are also going to be involved! Essentially, Naranja is a school that focuses on helping its students figure out and prepare for careers connected with pokemon (trainers, coordinators, breeders, doctors/nurses, etc) in a more general sense. Uva Academy in Zapapico is primarily a research school (especially prominent for professors and scientists) while Blueberry in Unova specializes in professional battling (League Members, Battle Facilities, etc). Naranja provides courses and connections for careers Uva and Blueberry have niches in, but it's the difference between attending a more well-rounded school and attending a specialized one, if that makes sense.
Turo develops the Terastral Orbs used throughout the Paldea region, while Sada focused on Area Zero and develops the time machine that brings past and future Paradox Pokemon. Their relationship is super complicated and messy /pos. I don't think they ever got officially married, but they're 100% divorced in spirit.
Since the games kinda write Sada and Turo interchangeably (even outside of the whole AI deal) and they're described in the same ways besides pronouns and stuff, I want to make the professors a little more distinct from each other. Sada dives head-first into her passions and doesn't like anything or anyone holding her back, Turo is more conscientious but can come off a lot colder than he intends sometimes, etc.
I know most people hc the Subway twins (Ingo and Emmet), Elesa, Skyla, etc to be in like their late 20s/early 30s... but since I gave Emmet a daughter who's the mc of the Legends Arceus saga... they're actually gonna be slightly younger than Lusamine (around 38 or so) lmao. Let's get more nice and hot older adults up in here
Silver (Giovanni's son/Johto rival) is included! Since there's already a baby Lugia in the anime named Silver and that's just... too perfect, this rendition of the character is going to be named Sage (Yomogi in Japanese). I'm still figuring out his personality and stuff since Paul's whole "be the strongest/pokemon are just tools" thing was pulled from game!Silver, but I kinda want to play with Sage being a little more mellowed out by the time we would meet him in Johto Journeys? He acts as an assistant for Professor Elm, and is surprisingly great with raising pokemon despite the edgy tough-guy act he usually keeps up. He and Brock can nerd out about breeding and nuturing techniques and stuff.
An original team I made myself, Team Comet, acts as a foil of sorts to Team Flare. They’re fighting over (literal) life and death
I’m not entirely sure how to make this work, but I really want AZ’s ultimate weapon to be the (super buffed up) prototype of the healing machines used in pokemon centers. Like… the current machines extract infinity energy from deceased pokemon’s remains (such as ashes and stuff) instead of. Y’know. Draining living pokemon of that energy directly, causing them to die. AZ himself developed this practice as an attempt to redeem himself from all of the tragedy he caused in the name of his Floette. His full name is Azrael Jovalie… making him a pivotal ancestor to the Joy family.
Several large family-clans are the primary leaders of international organizations. The Joy family runs the pokemon centers and overall healthcare facilities, Jenny family runs the international and local police departments, the Jordan family are firefighters who provide aid and try to prevent natural disasters, etc (they may be involved with pokemon rangers? I’m not entirely sure). Others are obviously welcome to work in these forces as well, and members of these families aren’t (usually) forced into working the family business if they want to pursue other goals.
Obviously the anime has all the service-people look identical to safe on time and everything, but I think making unique designs and characters for the Joys, Jennys, etc is a fun concept! No matter their gender or ethnicity, almost every member of a poke-business family have hair and eye colors in the same spectrum. For example, almost every Joy has pink hair that’s styled in circular/drop shapes to some capacity, and blue eyes. Jennys have teal/turquoise hair in lightning shaped styles, and brown eyes. Jordans have charcoal black hair that looks like smoky wisps, and fiery orange/gold eyes.
Xerosic (creepy ass scientist dude who forces you to push a button and coaxes Emma into his expansion suit testing) was originally from Ultra Megalopolis. I’m not entirely sure how to connect him to all the Team Flare stuff??? Or even how exactly he ends up in Kalos but he was part of the Ultra Recon Squad and volunteered to travel to the “main” pokemon world for the to see where Necrozma might try to take all the light next. But when he actually shows up there, he just. Doesn’t care. He’s so fascinated by all of the different pokemon and how energy manifests in such different ways… All he wants to do is learn everything he can about it
Eternatus is an Ultra Beast! The ricochet from AZ’s Ultimate Weapon woke it up and caused the first darkest day.
Builing more from the Adventures manga, Galar was already starting to lose its energy, but the issue is actually going to be addressed far more openly. As Eternatus slept for thousands of years, its dynamax energy gradually dies down to the point where it can’t really be used as a proper resource— especially not to power so many of Galar’s communities. Rose definitely pushed a lot of the reliance of dynamax energy in recent history, but I’m certain Galar has relied on Eternatus for even longer. What makes Rose’s plan to wake Eternatus up again even more messed up (besides putting so many people and pokemon in danger), is that he’s essentially harvesting Eternatus of its energy: Wake it up to get the dynamax levels up again, (have Leon) catch it so it doesn’t go back to sleep… Rose sees the pokemon less as an actual creature and more like a walking power plant, definitely in part with how different Eternatus looks from “normal” pokemon.
The original Sun/Moon storyline with Lusamine and her kids happens first (Lusamine is a mix of the doting from the anime and her abuse from the games… she’s messy /pos). Then, around the time Ash and his friends meet Poipole, that’s when we’d meet the Ultra Recon squad and get into the Necrozma stuff.
Y’know Goh’s whole thing with wanting to catch Mew? How Jessie’s mom died in pursuit of Mew? And the eventual data she found was used for Mewtwo’s creation? Do you see how I’m connecting the dots?
Misc Information
Harley is one of Karen's cousins, making them both descendants of Sanqua (Galaxy Team's Construction Leader) and her little brother, Melli (Diamond Clan Warden of Coronet Highlands). Obviously... we can tell who took after who even after all these years, lmao. They also have a baby cousin (one of my ocs lol) named Jimson from Laverre City (Kalos) who is currently one of the Blueberry League Club's Biome Leaders! He specializes in psychic types... and is lowkey a chuunibyou (really commits to the wizard/witch act)
While Serena is in Hoenn, she meets Lisia and the two become girlfriends besties! They’re like twelve so idk if they’d actually do anything with their feelings but the mutual pining is very very apparent. Their ship name is Dreamshowshipping!
Chloe is highkey a lesbian. That’s just always how I’ve interpreted her??? She’s constantly shocked that Ash knows all of these cute girls. I think her and Iris eventually being a couple would be very cute. If Flowershipping isn’t taken, I shall call them that!
Because I am not immune to @yamujiburo’s propaganda of Hanamusashipping (Hiii Kiana if you’re reading through all of this I am so honored and so sorry it’s so much gjdhdhdhs), I love the idea that Jessie and James start a poly/ish thing with Delia!! By that I mean Delia and James are more so queerplatonic and Jessie is smooching both of them lmao. Ash’s step parents have been here the whole time yippee!!
Arven gets a harem to make up for all the trauma (/j but also not). He gets 2 boyfriends (Giacomo and Drayton) and a girlfriend (Copaia, my main Uva student character). They are all bisexual, bet u didn’t know that ;p
Carmen and Amarys are lesbians and girlfriends!! They’ve been dating for 2 years until the main events of the ScaVio saga
I’m not entirely sure what to do with Indigo League’s Elite 4 since it changes between Kanto and Johto?? Will and Karen are definitely well-known trainers (and possibly even coordinators?) in their own right, but idk if or when they would take Lorelai and Agatha’s places. They might become members around Journeys (since I’m treating that as a general 2 years since Indigo League), but that’s very much up in the air.
Xerosic straight up ditches his daughter (Zossie). Which. He was never that good of a parent anyways but.
Klara is the younger sister of Lacey’s mother (who I have as an oc), making her an aunt! She gave Lacey her Galarian slowpoke/slowbrow.
Lucy is Kieran and Carmine’s older cousin. I know the go-to is that she’s their mom but Lucy’s vibe is more around her early 20s or so to me.
Because I adore the concepts I’ve found from @critterbitter and their mutuals, Ingo and Emmet are Drayden’s nephews. Which makes Stacy and Drayton second cousins— there’s so much comedic potential there you have no idea. Keep in mind that Drayden is also paternal figure to Iris, and Hop and Leon are her cousins… the family tree gets real complicated real fast lmao
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eeveeas123 · 7 months
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My final thoughts on Pokémon Scarlet & Violet…
Incredible! I felt like it was one of the best games I’ve ever played! There are many things that caught my attention:
Clothes weren’t restricted by gender
The characters. Arven’s motivation, both before and after Mabosstiff was saved, was inspiring! Team Star’s members were awesome too because even though they were definitely odd in different ways, they never let each other down in friendship. Some people say Nemona actually lacks character but that’s not true for me! She just represents the bulk of Pokémon games, battles! Kieran going from super shy and hiding behind Carmine to having more confidence (Not without “Bumps” in the road to get there, of course). Overall, I loved the personality these guys have! I felt a connection with many of these people
Music. Kieran’s first battle theme took number one on my personal chart! I also enjoyed the Tera Raid Theme, Gym Leader theme and so on! Some themes were also emotional, I’d get lost in them pretty easily but not everything can be cheerful all the time, even Pokémon tunes
The stories/plot. So “Twisty”, I’m not saying I enjoyed learning the fact that Arven’s parent died in bad incident but if anything, it made the story more interesting and mature. The Team Star storyline makes me cry at certain parts (Even after playing through SV 4+ times). Plus it’s a very relatable issue, bullying as well as being misunderstood. But they worked hard to help the poor students despite them also being victims. I’ll admit there wasn’t much extremely new about the Victory Road plot but that’s because they knew at least one thing shouldn’t be changed, battling and the earning badge system (It’s just something the majority are used to)
The Pokémon species. Fidough? Oh. My. Lord! Such a clever idea and the Paradox forms were very mysterious and cool since they resemble older Pokémon… Ogerpon was adorable and we finally have a dolphin species in Finizen/Palafin! Lechonk as the first Pokémon you can catch was nice! (Pigs are one of my favourite animals). I think this particular batch of new Pokémon felt very fresh
The open world approach. You could basically go anywhere you wanted by the game’s end, also, three maps!? (Paldea, Kitakami & The Terrarium). I loved how free it felt
The classes. Probably not the most popular opinion but I loved the school classes in the academy. It was a great way to learn facts you might not think about otherwise (I wouldn’t have looked up the odds of critical hits unless it was necessary, good to know though!)
That’s all I’ve thought about for now, maybe I’ll write more soon (Also, if they come out with Scarlet 2 & Violet 2 soon like they did for BW I’ll probably faint with happiness! But it looks unlikely…)
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gabumonisbestdigimon · 9 months
When I got to the Mabostiff reveal when ScaVio came out it meant so much to me. Arven clinging to his best friend who's dying and trying to hold onto to some hope that all will be okay. Like I was crying that whole storyline. Not just because it was sad but because I had just lost my best friend of fourteen years just a few months before.
Arven talking about seeing Mabostiff waste away hit home because I had seen the same thing fresh in my mind. That Mabostiff was the only one he had growing up. How as a kid growing up with not a lot of friends and depression and anxiety disorder my dog was the only one I really relied on. That even though the last few years I had been preparing for an inevitable outcome, when it happened I wept and I still lie awake crying some nights because of how much I miss her.
Even though they're just fictional. I'm glad Mabostiff got better. Because I had to say goodbye and it hurt.
R.I.P Jewel
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professor-walnut · 2 years
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Nemona is by far my favourite rival character in any game; she is also absolutely neurodivergent - hear me out on this.
I love seeing characters in media who are subtly autistic or adhd coded, and pokemon has a lot of them. But pretty frequently when writers create nd characters, they end up falling into a trope of genius/shy/nerdy/introverted/emotionless. And there is nothing wrong with that! I love all of these characters, and they do bring representation to a lot of people.
Nemona, right from the start of the game is absolutely the opposite of that type of character, however. She's loud, she's extroverted and excitable and in your face right from the start. She doesn't fit that cliche box, but she slowly shows more and more through her dialogue and actions through the storyline and postdated that she has her own struggles.
Her 'battle obsession' is a special interest, she will turn every topic into a conversation about pokemon battles, even when it's not appropriate to do so. She gets so wrapped up and excited about it that other characters frequently have to remind her that you, the player, aren't in fact a champion trainer, and you and your pokemon need to rest and might not want to battle over and over or go up against overpowered mons. She hyperfocuses on you as the character, sensing someone with even just a DROP of interest in the thing she is obsessed with and clings to you from then on, deciding with or without your agreement that you have to be best friends bevause of it. She physically bounces on the spot getting so excited whenever her special interest is mentioned, towards the end there's multiple times she will jog on the spot or shake her fists excitedly unable to even find the right words. (And let me tell you man, if that's not the most accurate portrayal of my own experiences vibing with a special interest. Sometimes it's like you have so much excitement your body can't even contain it and you must MOVE).
She misses social cues - which is particularly shown when you're in area zero as a group. The rest of the characters will be discussing heartfelt topics, Arven is going through some shit and everyone is worrying about Koridon/Miridon, but Nemona makes seemingly insensitive comments throughout, sometimes having to correct herself like -yes right of course I want our lizard friend to be okay and definatly not because I really want to battle it.
She reacts to things in inappropriate ways - when AI Sada/Turo starts glitching out over the audio (which by the way, being in an abandoned creepy base and just hearing an eerie voice being like "hello children- hello children - h-h-h-hello-he- chil-chil-children children children hell children hello ch-children :)" is nightmare fuel.) and the other three are freaked the fuck out, understandably so, Nemona is cheerful as anything and commenting on how it's making her even more excited, even to the point Penny has to point out to her that this reaction is not normal.
The thing that sold it to me the most was her short story post game, where you can talk to her at various places around the school. You watch her excitedly approach a random boy she doesn't know and try to rope him in to battling her. He gets awkward and uncomfortable and turns her down - she doesn't read the room and still thinks they're going to battle. You realise - for the first time in the game really - that dispite Nemona being a student president and a champion trainer, someone who looks and seems like they should be super popular and cool - you've never seen her with a friend. She doesn't have a social group before meeting you and getting to bond with Arven and Penny. She is extroverted and confident and talks to the teachers and gym leaders like peers, but she's awkward and misses important social cues and other kids notice. They're intimidated by her and her energy and her hyperfixiation.
The part at the end of her storyline, where you are in her dorm room talking, and she describes her feelings as having an invisible wall between her and other kids - that hurt me on an emotional level. Because that is exactly what it's like to be a neurodivergent teenager with one hyperfixiation special interest you pour everything into. For me it was art, when I was a teen I was obsessed, I drew in every lesson, from the moment I got up to the moment I went to bed, I collected art books and watched art tutorials and it's all I wanted to talk about, think about, DO every second, I couldn't bare the boredom of anything that wasn't that. And that level of obsession and passion was too much for other kids, it scared them, it weirder them out. That small section of dialogue where she talks about feeling distanced from other kids really hit me in the feels, and I kinda wish I had been able to experience this characters story back when I was a young teen in the same place, it would have hit me all the harder.
When you look back at the beginning of the game after playing it through, it makes so much more sense why she comes across as a little clingy to you as the character - why she makes insecure comments about you not needing to battle other people when you could be battling her, and why she follows you around from gym to gym as if your journey is her own. You're the first person to - in inelegant terms - 'put up with' her energy. You are her first real friend who not only accepts her sort of aggressive special interest infodumping but embraces it, endulges in it because it makes her happy. If course she clings to you, the playable character is probably the best friend, maybe even the first real friend she has ever had.
Anyway that's my aggressive rant over having too many emotions about fictional characters for today, thanks for coming to my Ted talk. I just really love seeing a different variation of neurodivergent character portrayed in franchises, it makes my little heart happy for all the neurodivergent kids out there who get to vibe with someone, you know?
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jossambird · 9 months
I beg!!! can we get a small spoiler for the next pokemon dlc!!! or can you tell us if arvens in it pls!!! 🙏
Hello Anon! Yes, I can!
Spoilers below feature themes related to the next (and potentially last) Pokemon Scarlet Violet mini DLC/Mini story event!
Read at your own risk!
Do not read if you do not want to be spoiled of some element of the next mini DLC/Mini story event!
So the Dlc is definitely short. Very short. Definitely not Kitakami nor Indigo Disk sized. Its a mini “ending” of sorts to the Kitakami/Indigo Disk storyline.
Spoiler for the DLC: Peachy’s. Thats it, thats the spoiler 🥴
Arven is in it!
Spoiler for you about Arven: Arven x Reader and Arven x Player shippers are definitely going to love this. He gets possessive but not in a bad way, more in a ‘OH NO, I gotta make it known that IM Players Best Friend!!’ Its very cute and the whole thing is funny but when I saw it I was like Ouhhhhhhh the shippers are gonna EAT THIS UP
No known date for when it comes out though. I literally hacked my way into the DLC and didnt see any info or such about the date or such.
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rubywolf0201 · 2 years
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Pokèmon Scarlet and Violet might be the only game where I like all three rivals of the game.
For Nemona, despite her battle-hungry tendencies, is a pretty cool and respectable character. Yes she can be in-your-face at times, but a look deeper at her post-game storyline shows that she’s bothered when people call her naturally talented. So the player character entering into her life held a special meaning to her because she can finally have an equal where she can showcase her true power.
For Penny, she came across as a shy reclusive student at first, but then turns out to be the leader of Team Star but like Guzma from S&M, she has a pretty sympathetic reason for why she does so. And even though she was the one who lead Operation Starfall under the alias of Cassiopeia, she have good intentions because of the students spreading rumors about the leaders of Team Star. Oh and she uses a team of Eeveelutions too (sans Espeon and Glaceon).
For Arven, even though he came across as a little rude to the player at first due to them having the Raidon box legendary with them, he’s shown to be pretty decent. Especially throughout the whole of Path of Legends storyline has revealed, he wanted to save his Mabosstiff from a grevious injury and considering that Mabosstiff is Arven's only family left due to Sada/Turo's neglect and his other parent running out on him, poor dude is left to take care of himself and have to grow up quickly because of this. And while his relationship with the Raidon box legendary may not have been the best, he is slowly warming up to it.
TLDR; the ScVi rivals are just my favs and not a single one of them feels boring or redundant. All of them have proven to be interesting and complex. (unlike what XY did to Shauna, Trevor and Tierno, no offense to ppl who like them btw)
Also Arven giving the player character a pat on the back as well.
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ginshariboy · 1 year
#3 and #7 for those video game asks 👀
3. 1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed Pokemon Scarlet
i genuinely loved this game which was a difficult thing for games to accomplish after i was consumed by elden ring and didn't want to wriggle free of its grasp on me lol. i think it has its flaws of course, i'm not going to be delulu about that but i dont know unpopular opinion but i like open world games!!! i dont know if this scale and direction will be the best to stick with in the future for pokemon but i really loved having a generous amount of freedom in where i went and the order in which i did shit. it was wild to wander off to casseroya lake and just frantically try to juke around all of the dragon pokemon a shit ton of levels above mine while screaming until i managed to get to the other side. i also just really loved the story and characters (except for SOMEBODY), got me really emotional also arven best boy
Silent Hill 3
bought the game for the first time when i was like fourteen, just finished it basically fourteen years later lol. loved the idea of horror games as a kid but i was so bad at playing them, they were mostly just prime sleepover games at the time 😂 but it was great to revisit the game after getting a lot more context for themes and the overarching story of silent hill. while i'm not as susceptible to getting scared by these games anymore, i feel like knowing more about them on top of just having a lot more uhhh life experience than i did when i first got the games helped to elevate the horror from oo spooky scary to oh god oh fuck that's the dread isn't it oh no it's hitting awful close to real life now oh shit. also it was just cool to see how bizarre and clunky silent hill could be compared to like…Nostalgia Glasses Silent Hill. it sounds like something that's all sorts of bad but i honestly liked how weird and disjointed progression could be in the games.
Baldur's Gate 3
i mean......come on i think this is everyone's choice if asked lol BUT.....plot twist, i really didn't want to touch the game initially. i loved the original games, they're literally my top favorite games, but for me, i'd given the series its kiss goodnight and i couldn't really figure out what a third game would add to the main storyline. it was pretty wrapped up and i don't know this new studio and everyone was pushing me about it and trying to make me trust the new studio but it didnt change the fact that i didnt know them, i didn't know what they were going to do with my favorite game and i was like eugh i dont wanna roll the dice and i just wanted to be left alone about it, and the bear shit happened and i was like ohhhh the legacy is gonna die because this is all people are going to focus on oh jeez scoob no one talk to me about this game ever again, baldur's gate is at rest in its tomb and i will hear no more!!!! then i played it. and i'm still working through it. but once again i was Consumed to a degree that i hadn't been consumed since elden ring. i keep making new characters because its just fun to try the game out from a completely different character from the beginning, i don't know how they fit it all in there. i know its a huge game but holy shit there's so much to it i dont even think the actual size of the game sounds feasible for all of the shit going on. i didnt think i'd give a single shit about any of the new companions but i love them dearly and i'm so happy to see my old pals minsc and jaheira but it's so hard to form a proper party because i just want everyone on my team because i love them all!!! i think if i had to choose, i do still love the original games about gorion's ward, it's a hard story to beat and i mean i've loved the game for like 20 years for a reason, but i do think 3 is a great addition to the series and manages to pay respectful homage to its predecessors for old players while still bringing the world and mechanics up to speed for modern day. anyway my first character fucked the guy who turns into a bear so whatever in that department i guess.
7. A series you’ve lost interest in Fallout
i don't say this in a bad way but i think i've lost a bit of interest in it in the sense that it's just not really at the forefront of my mind these days? i still really love the games but i mean my favorite one is 3 and i don't think i've gotten the same exact feeling from the games afterward. i know new vegas is a fan favorite and 4 was good but i was consumed by 3 lol. so it's less like eugh ew eauaugh hate it and more just i tucked it into bed and kissed it goodnight and it will awaken when it awakens.
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ominousvibez · 7 months
Pokémon: Wild Treasures
A pokeani au that follows Ash and Pikachu through an adventure through the Paldea region. It's based mostly on a mixture of Scarlet/Violet lore, featuring Nemona and Arven as his travel companions as he takes on the three storylines of S/V; Victory Road, Path of Legends, and Operation Starfall.
Tag: Wild Treasures, WT
Pokémon: Verdant Eyes
Another pokeani au that follows a retelling of Ash's journey through Kanto with a twist; similar to that of Yellow from PokéSpe, he is a child of the Viridian Forest, which gives him special abilities, that includes minor healing and a telepathic bond with Pokémon. Ash is still a bit of a dummy, but moreso in the way of "doesn't understand basic human interaction" and not in a "how do Pokémon work?" way. He's a bit of an odd one but it works.
Tags: Verdant Eyes, VE
Danny Phantom: Decibel Au
A canon divergence/semi re-write fic of Danny Phantom with a few things switched around. Instead of having the portal accident with Sam and Tucker, Valerie Gray is there instead. Danny gets a little more injured than in canon, and his vocal cords get fried, making speaking harder for him. Instead of developing an ice core later on, Danny ends up developing a sound core early on. More is changed, but I don't wanna spoil everything.
Tags: Decibel AU, DBAU
Danny Phantom x Lego Monkie Kid: How To Stay Shining
A self-indulgent crossover series between a cartoon I've been obsessed with for years meeting a cartoon I've become recently enamored by. Basically, Danny gets eebie-deebied to the Monkie Kid world after a Reveal Gone Wrong Scenario and ends up quickly trapped in the drama of demons and mystic monkeys and extraordinary adventures. A series of one-shots and short fics.
Tags: HTSS, dp x lmk
Danny Phantom x Batman: Cassiopeia
"What if Dead Serious but Queer Platonic?" -- a 'short' fic that focuses on a queer platonic relationship forming between Damian Wayne and Danny Fenton. My first attempt at exploring a QPR through the way I know best-- indulgent fanfic.
Tags: Cassiopeia
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cyaniiiide · 2 years
Pokemon Violet Thoughts
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet spoilers below!!
I did not expect to like this game as much as I did omg. I saw a lot of criticism, and while valid, the game is still very very very fun. (Tbf it'd be pretty hard to mess up a Pokemon game though!!)
Honestly, this might be one of my favorite storylines out of any Pokemon game? I've played through most of the Pokemon games (except Coliseum, Snap, Legends Arceus) + only got through half of SwSh and SuMo, but I know what happens in the Gen 7 and 8 storylines. BW/BW2's storyline was more consistent in terms of quality (SV has higher highs and lower lows imo), and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is amazing too, but it follows predictable patterns and its main strength lies in its characterization rather than its actual plot. I haven't played Legends Arceus yet so that's still up in the air (though I hear it's good!)
I really enjoyed the reveal that the Professor Turo we knew was actually an AI, and exploring the Great Crater with our friends from school was so endearing and fun. The Great Crater itself looked incredible -- the design and the music really contributed to its otherworldly ambiance. Even reading the Violet Book made me really excited -- but then again, I've always been a sucker for stories of adventure. I would kill to have a Made in Abyss style anime of Heath's expedition into the Crater...
The characters in this game feel really alive, too -- Pokemon games have definitely stepped up their game in that regard. I liked Nemona the most (and how self-aware, yet incorrigible she is lol), and most of the teachers. ❤️
Miriam is such a sweetheart, and Hassel's sobbing whenever he was proud of us was so cute haha. Salvatore didn't speak to me as much, but I enjoyed his mini-storyline of befriending a Pokemon that didn't really speak, and him being completely understanding (as a languages teacher) that sometimes you don't need to speak the same language, or even a language to communicate with others around you. His entire character is such a vibe, too?? He's so happy and upbeat, and his advice about trying to learn the languages of places you go to and complimenting other people (especially their culture, food, etc.) is so real. Miriam being motivated by our dedication in the Treasure Hunt to pursue her own certification was sweet, I've definitely felt that way before as well (being motivated by the efforts of others, that is. ;o;)
Raifort I didn't connect to as much, but I appreciate her zealousness towards history. Her overall personality was pretty fun. xD I really really did enjoy the story about the ruinous treasure Pokemon, though -- one of my favorite (if not favorite) legendary Pokemon stories now. I've always loved fairytale-esque stories, and the designs of these Pokemon (especially Chien Pao and Chi Yu) are amazing. Their battle music is one of the best things I've ever listened to, so there's that too. xD
NPC designs have also stepped up (Grusha and Rika are so hot LOL), but player customization has taken a step back which was very disappointing to find out. And much as I loved Pokemon ScarVio overall, I do understand where a lot of the grievances people had came from.
I don't consider myself a genwunner (far from it lol) but many of the new Pokemon designs just felt... lacking? Like beta designs. Flamigo, Tandemaus, Palafin, Pawmot. Some of these are probably just personal preference so I won't harp on this too much, but eh.
Arven's storyline also didn't speak to me as much but that also just kind comes down to personal preference.
Something I also didn't like as much was the Team Star storyline -- it felt kind of contrived, and like it was really trying to make us feel bad for the area leaders. I also didn't care for Penny that much, although her interactions in the Great Crater area made up for it.
I would've rather we had a proper villainous team this generation instead of getting Team Star, but I guess then it would've been weird if the school let us run around the country lol.
Because run around the country we did... from top to bottom, for those f**king ominous stakes. They couldn't have made them show up on the map either (unless there's a function I missed. Which if that is the case let me live in ignorance aaaaaaaah I'll legit start foaming at the mouth if it turns out I just needed to turn something on). The idea of the stakes sealing these ruinous Pokemon's powers is alright, it's just annoying to have to scramble down cliffs and valleys to find 32 of these things.
As much as I do like the Great Crater part of the storyline, I wish it was more ingrained with everything else. The gym challenges, Team Star, the herba mystica... I mean, it was technically ingrained in the sense that you need to help your rivals out with their issues so they can accompany you into the crater, but there should've been more story significance tying everything together.
I also would've appreciated some sidequests in the Pokemon world. Coming from Genshin, I'm kind of spoiled in that regard (the world is soooo chock-full of events and quests and areas to explore). While Paldea doesn't really need that many quests and hidden areas (it's gotten to the point where exploration is kind of exhausting in Genshin lol), more would've been nice.
Environmental storytelling almost always hits, and it could've been a nice way to talk about the issues invasive species pose (basically our reason for shutting down the time machine) and in turn, connect things to the main storyline as well. For example, Barraskewda's Violet Pokedex entry mentions that it completes with Palafin for food -- what if Barraskewda wasn't native to Paldea, and just hitched a ride from Galar? We could have had a sidequest to curb the Barraskewda population to help the native Palafin population recover. That's just one example, too. What about the giant Iron Treads in the desert, or the rolling boulders dropped by Bombirdier? That things had to have caused some collateral damage, and it would have been cool to get quests to help the Pokemon or people in the area recover.
Paldea's open world was very beautiful and fun to explore, but it was also really... empty. I hope that in a future iteration of games, these kinds of sidequests can be added. The addition of them would really help make the world feel more alive.
And while I do really like ScarVio's story, its execution could have been a lot better than it was. But despite all the game's flaws, it was still incredibly fun ,and surprisingly touching. :') I am very extremely excited for the eventual DLC that will hopefully give us a glimpse of that hexagonal Pokemon, and more story content of the main four. 🥺🥺🥺
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