#aryan stans
yayawantstodraw · 2 months
This whole Sansa vs Arya shit always makes me laugh, "Sansa bullied Arya" bruh my sister used to call me a fucking whale and i used to make fun of her teeth cuz she had kind bunny like front teeth it's normal for CHILDREN who are also SIBLINGS to make fun of each other "Uuuh but Jeyne Poole also made fun of Arya" I'm a younger sibling my sister and her friend did not want me around when they were together and would usually tease me to make me leave because guess what? They were children that did not want a random ass kid in their business (and they were older than both Sansa and Jeyne). Arya teases and makes fun of Sansa too y'all i promise you that shit ain't that deep, we literally know that they love and care deeply for each so this whole rivalry y'all got going on needs to stop cuz it's getting embarrassing this girls are between the ages of like 8-11 please stop trying to make them out to be bad people, they are children and children are selfish and assholes sometimes doesn't mean they're evil
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ohmygodshesbi · 6 months
funny how the people who are desperately clinging to the book description of annabeth’s appearance are the same people who immediately embraced blue eyed, blonde haired walker scobell as percy.
i wonder why.
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foreverfandomobsessed · 4 months
I'm 100% the crew is going to send the kids a back-to-set list for when they go back to vancouver to start filming season 2
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"can i walk them to the door" THAT WAS SO 24 CHAPERONE OF HIM HAHA
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god-u · 7 months
if you're Black and a cate stan there's really no saving you
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lilith-91 · 9 months
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congratulations asoiaf fandom. You are fucking garbage.
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melodyvega1967 · 5 months
not aryan simhadri in the pjo series looking EXACTLY like how I picture jay
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guys i just watched episode 5 of the pjo show (ik i'm late, my brother and i watch it together and we've both been busy)
and i think it's my favorite episode so far so here's an incomplete list of things i loved about it
the percabeth hug. obviously. and grover just awkwardly breaking the silence when it went on a LIIITTLE too long? an icon fr. 🫡
the FBI looking for them. i was kinda worried they weren't gonna include that part cuz it wasn't super plot relevant but i'm so glad they did. hoping percy calls out gabe on live tv like he did in the books. that was funny as hell.
the way they just...walked down the highway? how long had they been walking when ares showed up? were they just gonna walk all the way from st. louis to LA? i have so many questions 🤨🤨
along that same vein, they way they hid behind the barrier and popped their heads up to talk to ares? peak comedy. i mean, stranger danger who? never heard of it.
skipping way ahead. annabeth geeking out at the amusement park cuz of the architecture and technology was so in character. that's my girl. 🥲🥹🙏
hephaestus's life story being told on the walls in lights was so fucking pretty. and how percy knew it all from the stories his mom told him?? 💔 breaking my heart as he spoke.
"maybe she was preparing you. so when you got to us, you'd be different than this." i'm so happy that annabeth is also a member of the stan sally jackson club. i welcome her with open arms 🫶
percy once again sacrificing himself for his friends. the way they're building up his fatal flaw is so effortless and wonderful. and then how hephaestus tries to manipulate annabeth into leaving him there by promising her glory. i really love the writers' commitment to fatal flaws as a motif in the story.
just...annabeth trying to save percy in general. got me crying fr. 😭😩 they're soulmates your honor.
"he isn't that way. he's better than that." need i say more? 🥲
also grover girlbossing ares that whole time, getting info out of him? what an icon. 💀 i feel like grover is slept on in this fandom and i won't stand for it anymore. and aryan is doing such a brilliant job. a hero among men. 🫡
also i was not expecting to actually see hephaestus but i kinda love how they're including more gods? idk i just think it's fun seeing the interactions and all their personalities.🙃
anyway, there's so much more i could write but that's what i could think of off the top of my head.
i can't way for next tuesday. i'm gonna be so insufferable after the lotus episode. if we get a subtle nico and bianca cameo i'm gonna lose it.
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bisexualhomelander · 1 month
Tumblr user bisexualhomelander bringing you what it says on the tin.
Domestic May Prompt: Somebody is being wrong (?) on the internet. Pairing: Butchlander
"They're wrong."
"Mhm. Or how about you turn that thing off?"
"No, but they're wrong! This is... preposterous! William, look at it!" The phone is being shoved into his face, too close to read anything, making Billy go cross-eyed.
"I can't look if you shove it down my throat."
Homelander acquiesces and holds the phone at an acceptable distance. Billy blinks and begins to read. Homelander has dragged up a post on supespace.net, an unofficial platform for fans of Vought's heroes and heroines. Billy has used it himself in the past, not to make posts but to gather intel. The fans of these cunts, however misguided they may be, have a keen eye and can analyse paparazzi shots better than any CIA agent.
The post in question is titled Homelander is bi and was posted by a user named bbygirllander. Billy only reads the first few lines: This sounds weird, but hear me out, we stan a bi king. He skims the rest before landing on the top comment: He is literally a Nazi. Billy barks a laugh. "Okay, what's so bad about this?"
"Do you see this shit?"
"Nothing on there is news, luv."
"Not you, too!"
"You seem more upset about the bi thing than you were about that Nazi comment up here."
"That's old news. They've been saying this ever since-" He trails off. Billy will never understand how he can be genuinely grieving Stormfront. Surely he doesn't believe their love was ever real. If yes, the bleach must have gone to his Aryan little head. But Billy sees no use in upsetting him further, so he listens and keeps his thoughts to himself. "But I'm not bisexual. I'm not any of... that. This has the power to destroy me. The tabloids will pick it up. It's been the top post for..." He scrolls up. "For two days. There have been ten hero announcements from Godolkin since then, and they haven't even scratched most viewed."
"Okay." Billy tries to think of what to say. He feels a pang of sympathy. He'd been twenty once, nearly drinking himself into a coma when he'd realised he liked dick. And he'd just been a kid from the wrong side of the Thames that nobody gave a damn about. Not a mega star. "If anyone talks about it, just make a statement telling them they're being wrong on the internet."
Homelander's mind was seemingly a few steps ahead. "I need to make an account. And deter them. I need to make ten accounts. I need to post this on Voughtstagram with a bunch of cry-laughing emojis, laughing about how stupid they are being on the internet. I need to get ahead of this. I need to get ahead of this..."
Billy interrupts him before he can talk himself into a manic episode. "D'you want me to read you some of them comments?"
Homelander looks on morosely, but at least he's stopped talking. "No."
Billy reads. "It's not anyone's business. Just because you watch his films doesn't mean you own him. Here's another good one, Good for him if it's true, but we can't take it as fact. If he doesn't want to come out, he must have his reasons. Oh, I like this one. It's in response to someone stating you've only been with women. I didn't realise I was bi until I was in my sixties. There's no timeline. Maybe Vought doesn't want him to go public about it, I mean, they are kind of conservative, and his fans consist of rabid right-wingers. See, the people are all on your side."
Homelander blinks. "I don't want a public coming-out."
"I'm sure Maeve said the same before you outed her live on TV."
"That was different. She had a girlfriend."
Billy heaves a sigh.
"If I address the rumours, it means we will have to stay on the down-low," Homelander says. "You'll have to continue sneaking in through the staff entrance if you want to see me or Ryan. We'll have to be more careful about anyone seeing us because evidently it's happened."
"I'd be gone faster than you know what hit ya if you ever were to go public with us. You know that."
"What if Ryan sees this?"
"What if-? Ryan, who knows I practically live here three days a week, who sees your toothbrush next to mine in the bathroom? That Ryan? Luv, he ain't a toddler you can fool by telling him your good buddy Billy is having a slumber party with ya. He's twelve. He knows we're fuckin'."
Homelander just gives him a look and shrugs, suddenly silent. Billy knows that look, the wide eyes and helplessly tensed lips. Homelander is close to tears. "That's all well and good. But I'm not bi."
"Fine by me," Billy says and means it. "The people are right, it's not anyone's business. Not even mine. You don't have to call it that."
"So you agree with me."
Billy cocks his head.
"They're wrong on the internet."
Billy picks up Homelander's phone. He mindlessly scrolls through some more posts. "Oh, lovely. Homelander is a natural blonde, y'all are being mean. Now that's what I call wrong on the internet. Wait. Wait. Have you guys been timing the breaks he takes on-stage? I have a theory they're bathroom breaks because he has to pee more because his prostate is getting bigger-"
The shattering glass makes Billy realise the phone has gone out the window before he even understands it's no longer in his grip. A pair of lips is seeking his own in a way that would leave the fans bug-eyed.
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hrrystylesbookclub · 5 months
i’ve always been a grover underwood stan, but the show is developing him in such a beautiful way. aryan is breathing new life into him that is so wonderful to watch. i can totally see how this young satyr was entrusted as protector of not one but TWO forbidden children. he is clever and brave kind, and absolutely the heart of the trio.
i feel like i’ve always seen grover as a jumpy satyr who pushes his fears aside in order to fulfill his duties for pan and to help his friends however he can, and we see his development towards greatness over the course of the series. aryan right off the bat has grover making tough decisions that could damage his relationships and status- getting percy expelled to save him and defying dionysus’s orders to not tell percy that his mom is still alive.
i love how annabeth immediately tries to brag about grover being her protector first, it kind of bugged me in the book how they kept their previous bond secret, but i LOVE how both percy and annabeth cherish grover as not just their protector but as their friend.
throughout the quest grover is constantly trying to keep these two dumbasses (extremely affectionate) in line and the quest on course, trying the consensus song to make them get along, whipping them into shape after medusa’s, immediately accepting to practically be ares’s hostage while percabeth go on their side quest. not to mention he seems to be the one to secure their modes of transportation.
then during his “hostage” situation with ares, he is not living up to the role of the meek hippie satyr that ares expects, instead he turns his assumptions on his head and bravely and subtlety interrogates the god of war
i absolutely love who aryan is making grover, and he’s turning an already loved character into a BELOVED character
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audible-smiles · 4 months
So, I think I may have accidentally found the worst book ever written by a human being.
I don't know if you guys have ever heard of Savitri Devi; she was a Hitler stan who moved from Greece to India, got really excited about "Aryan" racial mythology, changed her name, and tried to fuse Nazism with Hinduism. A lot of her ideology is patently absurd (e.g. Hitler is an avatar of Vishnu), but none of it is funny because she spent her entire life actively trying to build a coalition of the most violently racist people you can imagine. Hindutva paramilitary groups, American neo-Nazis, early ecofascists; you name them, she probably went to their meetings and wrote propaganda for them.
So, knowing this, it makes one feel particularly deranged to learn that she also wrote fiction about- and from the POV of- her many cats.
The book in question is called Long-Whiskers and the Two-Legged Goddess, or The True Story of a "most objectionable Nazi" and half-a-dozen Cats.
Published in 1965, this text features a protagonist named "Heliodora", who Devi admits in the introduction is just her lightly fictionalized self-insert. In the beginning Heliodora heroically rescues a stray kitten and its mother, but then the narrative grinds to a halt to explain the weird racial theories that brought her to India, before it picks right back up with the cat fancying. Here is an excerpt that may convey a little of how jarring these transitions can be:
"An unexpected thought crossed Heliodora’s mind, like a flash of lightning: “Had I gone to Europe in 1939, or even in 1940, 1 should not have had this lovely creature, nor, in fact, any of these cats to which I have given a home. They probably all would have been dead, by now — would have died of misery, in some gutter, without love, poor beautiful felines!” And a strange question followed that thought: “Was it for them that I was fated to remain here?” She knew the thought was a nonsensical one and the question too. For of what account was the life and happiness of any creatures, nay, of any human beings, including her own, compared with the Service of the Aryan Reich and of the Cause of truth?
It is all. Fucking. Like This. There are grim descriptions of feline suffering contrasted with long, ecstatic descriptions of her cats learning to trust the only nice human in the world (her). There are passages on the virtue of vegetarianism and the evils of (especially Kosher) slaughterhouses. She thinks it's a great idea to do medical experiments on criminals rather than animals! She thinks kids who throw rocks at cats should have their hands cut off! She starts chapters with direct quotes from Mein Kampf! When her favorite cat runs away she writes the (fully imaginary) story of his adventures on the streets, including him having cat sex. Here is the cat sex:
"The coquettish she-cat jumped up and ran away, only to stop again some twenty yards further and again to roll in the grass, calling for love, — and again to ran away as soon as the lover was about to take her. At last, however, — after many an unsuccessful leap and further and further galloping in the moonshine, Long- whiskers overcame her faked resistance and possessed her. He forgot himself, and she — his black silky panther — forgot herself. Their individualities ceased for a while to exist, and in him, the eternal He-Cat, Creator and Lord of everything, and in her, the co-eternal, sphinx-like, dark Feline Mother, Lady of all Life, once more mingled their opposite polarities and took consciousness of their double Godhead, as they had been doing for millions and millions of years. And once more the divine spark — the Creative Lightning — flashed through their furry bodies, and the daily miracle took place: there was life in the female’s womb."
Sooooo......anyway...........the lost cat finds its way back to her, but has caught feline distemper and dies in her arms, but then he is REINCARNATED IN ENGLAND, as a kitten in a decent (white) home where his family loves him. Heliodora is coincidentally going back to Europe at this time (she lists her religion as "national socialist" on the travel paperwork), which means we get pages and pages of her obsessing over every 'misstep' in the war, and Germany's tragic loss, but more importantly, she meets a random cat and he is (unknown to her), the reincarnation of her beloved Long-whiskers, the Cat Who Fucked. She sees that he's well-fed and happy and is like "I finally understand why Hitler was so nice to the British; they treat cats well so I guess they're Aryan too". I am not making any of this up:
“They have poured streams of fire over Germany; betrayed their own race; identified themselves with its worst enemies ...”
“Prrr, prrr, prrr,” purred back the cat; “that is because they had been (as they are still being) misled, deceived. But one day they shall wake up from their delusion, tum against their bad shepherds, and help the people of their own blood to build up a new Europe — the very Europe of your dreams, in which we creatures will all be happy — for they are good people at heart; good people like Aryans generally are, taken as a whole. Prrr, prrr, prrr . . . The proof of it is that they have taken such good care of me! Prrrrrrrrr . . .”
This version of her cat grows old and dies. Meanwhile, Heliodora is arrested and imprisoned for distributing Nazi propaganda. When she gets out, she meets the reincarnation of a different cat she had left behind in India. (All of her cats want to find her again after death because they love her so very much.) In between her banal, mundane descriptions of caring for this new cat, she describes her various arrests, interrogations, and brief periods of imprisonment. And then she moves, gives that cat away and gets another fucking cat. It is at this point where I completely lose track of which cat is meant to be the reincarnation of which other cat; this woman goes through cats like potato chips. She says she doesn't even love them as individuals, but as one piece of "the intangible Essence of Catdom", so I guess it doesn't fucking matter whether I know their names or not.
This woman's primary thesis is "human suffering doesn't matter, only animal suffering matters" and she beats it into the ground. Her secondary thesis is that national socialism is the one true religion and will save the world. Not only is this a deeply self-obsessed, morally incoherent, grotesque piece of writing, it is also boring as hell. It's half stories about how people who are mean to animals all deserve to get murdered, and half a travelogue where the protagonist goes on screeds about race-mixing every time she visits a new city. While you're reading it you feel as if time has stopped, and you will be stuck reading this terrible book for the rest of your life. All she knows how to do is repeat her two ideas over and over again. Honestly, it reads like heavy-handed satire of a very specific type of white woman. Heliodora wears golden swastika earrings.
I'm exhausted. Never read this book.
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mhsdatgo · 4 months
Coming from a Team Green stan, people using the term "bastards" to refer to Luke, Jace and Joff as if that was an excuse to hate them makes me fucking snort. Yes we know they're bastards, so what. It's what they've heard and been told all their life. If that is enough reason for you to think they deserve shit thrown on them then Imma need you to take off your Westerosi lord "they're born of lesser flesh" whore's best friend heart shaped sunglasses real quick and see them as actual characters because you sound no less blood purity obsessed than TB thinking that "Hightower blood" is enough reason to hate anything regarding Alicent's children.
To think that they aren't deserving of lands and titles is perfectly fine when you look at it from Westerosi people's point of view, but that's no reason to hate them at all? (This also applies to some TB stans who storm the posts of maybe a guy who's chilling reading a book and make it their LIFE MISSION to protect them like they're their mama anytime someone barely mentions it.)
One may find various reasons to like or dislike them. You may dislike Luke for slicing Aemond's eye and never feeling a shred of remorse about it, you may like Luke because you think he did what he thought was best in order to protect his brother (although they could've escaped to their mom the moment he was blinded by dirt, but at least they spared themselves a scolding for being up and about at 3 AM going for someone's throat with a real dagger).
You may dislike Jace because he picked after his mother's "who cares what others think we rule lmao" ass line. You may like Jace because when he said that, he was trying to uplift his little brother who was growing self-conscious about the way other lords and ladies were staring at him. It's understandable. They aren't 2D characters everyone must either love or hate.
If you really want someone to blame for how things turned out, why don't you blame Rhaenyra for thrusting them into failure and sending her 13 year old out knowing the Greens would've sought allegiances as well? I don't know, at least send someone who would've been able to outrun Aemond, idk. You call yourself Queen, girl. Choose someone else, that ain't my job. Why don't you blame Daemon for wanting to send kids as envoys when they've got no experience whatsoever and their dragons are literally just babies?
Remember they were never part of a war until their mother pushed them in. They weren't "thieves" for "stealing" Driftmark. Luke didn't even WANT Driftmark. They just wanted to beef with their uncles in peace for the love of God. That they grew up spoiled brats is another story, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
Personally I don't love or hate Jace or Luke. We've been given wayyy too little scenes for them to look anything else other than Aemond's and Aegon's punching bags, respectively. Except for Jace who got me cheering and screaming for him when he was literally THE ONLY ONE WHO STOOD UP FOR RHAENYRA IN EP.10 but yeah, that was the end of it.
Find new reasons to like and dislike characters. Anything that doesn't involve sounding like an aryan race supporter, thank you.
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hazellevessque · 4 months
My chorus teacher just said that she’s a Grover stan (not her exact words but she likes Grover in the show) so I told her Aryan is a singer and now she’s gonna go look up his Rolling in the Deep cover
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bubbipond · 4 months
I want to say I don't think I can continue this series it's just...Rick has really disappointed me with his choices and here's why:
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stormywitcher · 4 months
oh sweet lord that last episode has rendered me deceased. i am dead. i cannot FUNCTION
what a show. and what a way to end the first season! as a hardcore insane percy jackson stan till i die, here’s my thoughts if you would like them:
FIRST OF ALL. the whole show: loved it. very little to critique in my opinion! i know not everyone is happy with everything, but personally i think it’s one of the best adaptations i’ve ever seen. it’s mostly faithful to the books, and the changes that were made i think were improvements and made a lot of sense.
rick wrote the first percy jackson book so long ago, this show felt like his way of being able to go back and change bits and edit the story to something that’s even better. that’s how i see the show!
LETS TALK CAST: it was fuckin perfection okay, i will fight anyone on this point. walker as percy has changed my fuckin life. his little emotional eyes in every single scene, showing so much depth to all of the dialogue, and giving the best vibes. the humour, the desperation, the self sacrifice. he is PERCY and i am so incredibly in love.
as for annabeth and grover, PERFECTION ALSO. leah slayed annabeth so hard, the little eye brow quirks, the way she was able to portray annabeth as extremely smart and logical, but not heartless, and certainly not cold. she brought such a warmth to the character and i am obsessed.
aryan as grover is just chefs kiss. from the satyr walk, to the one liners, to the uneasiness and resilience grover has, aryan has it down. i just loved him and I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THE HIM FLOURISH IN THE (hopeful) NEXT SEASON!
the whole cast was amazing. i loved all the choices. it all just felt so right. from the cast, to the set, to the fights, to the cgi. i’m just in love okay.
LUKE AT THE END HAD ME BAWLING. the tears in his eyes, the way he begged percy to join the cause, the hurt when he sees annabeth. FUCK ME I NEED A MOMENT OKAY.
the parallels that are being set up throughout the show for luke and percy are wonderful, i cannot wait to see how it continues. i thought it was just so cohesive and the characters feel so real.
i love how they have set it up for the next season! it’s like it’s ready to go, it’s RIGHT THERE and i want it it so bad so LETS GET MANIFESTING FOR ALL 5 SEASONS FRIENDS ITS TIME!!!
and i have to mention my love of percy/annabeth or percabeth. it’s not the whole point of the story i know, but it is something that is very special to me. i love my little sea boy and clever girlie together, and this show has set them up so beautifully. it’s given them time to have a friendship, to build trust, but also the little looks they give eachother, the pining that we can see will eventually build. IT MAKES MY FUCKIN HEART SING OKAY walker and leah slayed too hard on that front. they understood the assignment.
i could go on about this show and percy jackson in general forever. but i shall end this here because i feel like i need to go cry for a few hours lol.
in conclusion, and this will sound dramatic but i mean every word of this. this show fucking saved me right now. percy jackson is so incredibly important to me, it’s my biggest special interest, it’s shaped me for a decade, it’s my comfort, it’s my everything. i’m currently dealing with a tumour in my head at 22, and my mental health and life is crumbling around me, but this show and percy jackson and rick riordan has kept me here for the last 7 weeks and previously years before that. i owe my life to rick riordan. i will never be able to express my love for this enough.
okay okay, i’m done. see you later once i’ve rewatched the series 4374 times and have memorised every fucking word.
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