#as always hit me up on discord if u want more info
popsicletheduck · 2 years
Oooh! 🤥 (lying), 💢 (anger), 🍁 (maple leaf), 🙊 (speak-no-evil), 🌱(seedling), and 🔪 (knife) for Mosca?
Lying: Are they a good liar? Do they have tells to show they're lying? Well, purely mechanically they have a +5 to deception but the dice don't always agree with that one. From a story perspective, I've explained it to people before as- when they're lying or hiding an emotion you generally know that they are hiding something, just not what they're hiding. Their biggest and most obvious tell is silence and stillness. When they really don't want to answer a question or give away how they're feeling, they have a tendency to shut down entirely. They lie by omission a lot more than they lie by falsehoods.
Anger: What are some habits they have that will take some getting used to? Swearing! Mosca has an absolute filthy mouth, every third word they say is probably either "fuck" or "shit" with the occasional "graves" thrown in (an in-universe version of "god(s)", the full phrase is "graves of the gods", which they also use on occasion for emphasis). They're also just generally a very blunt person. Oh, they also go invisible fairly often. They have to be in shadow or darkness for it to work, and it breaks when they move, but that means they will occasionally just flicker in and out of existence. They also sleep fully invisible, though the invisibility doesn't extend to whatever they're sleeping in.
Maple Leaf: What is their favorite season? Why? Surprisingly, spring. As someone who lived in the wilderness for the past 5-6 years, spring was testament to the fact that they survived another winter, and also there'd be more food coming soon. Summer could get dangerously hot for someone who lived completely covered in black and winter always carried the danger of freezing or starving. Fall definitely used to be their favorite as a kid, but in the apocalypse fall got stressful, with everyone trying to prepare for the winter and some people willing to kill over it.
Speak-No-Evil: What is something they will refuse to stay quiet about? People being assholes. For all Mosca can be blunt and bitter and distant, they care a lot. They're always ready to throw themself into a dangerous situation to help someone else, and they can't at all abide people being cruel. They know how shitty the world can be, they can't just stand by and watch other people add to that shittiness.
Seedling: What is their most vivid memory from childhood? I'm not sure if there's a singular vivid memory from their childhood anymore, given how strongly they've tried to suppress most of them in the past few years. Most of their memories at this point are repeated sense memories: the smell of the bakery down the street from their house where they'd go daily to buy bread, the sharp tang of black powder and chemicals from their father's lab (though that one's been twisted some), the sounds and sights of the forest near their house where they spent a lot of their childhood, those sorts of things. Though given that they recently resurrected one of their father's friends who they've now been living with for the past month, a lot of memories are trickling their way back in...
Knife: How do they react to injury/misfortune befalling their loved ones? Do they put themself to blame? Uh, poorly. They react very poorly, generally by throwing themself into a fight. Given that Mosca and all the people they care about the most are all adventurers, injury and near death in the course of combat are pretty common occurrences, and Mosca has coped with all of this poorly. They would do just about anything to keep the people they love safe, up to and including sacrificing themself, which they have almost done already, recklessly flinging themself at a huge demon that had grabbed ahold of the sorcerer, killing it but in the process almost falling through an open portal into the Abyss. They don't necessarily blame themself for every injury, they know that the life that they live is inherently dangerous, but there is a certain threshold of bad above which they will blame themself, in the "I could've done more to protect them" sort of way.
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diivineray · 28 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I have a lot-- most are currently inactive but you'll know when you see them. I'm open however to creating new OTPs and spazzing about them with you.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Its fair game. I am willing to write just about everything except for like underaged stuff. Everything else is fair game if we discuss it beforehand. I'm not easily triggered by things, and a lot of my muses tap into that risque and taboo nature so come at me bruh.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
I agree with what Ash said. we just don't like dealing with toddlers.
Are you selective when shipping?
Not really. I go based off chemistry. This isn't just a muse related thing, its also on how well we write together. Sometimes our writing might not mesh and that's okay. point is, I'll always try.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
idk once clothes come off, bow chicka bow bow. I love smut, I'm not shy about it. I do not use read more's but I will tag. This blog contains heavy amounts of it so it shouldn't be surprising.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Oh boy, literally every one of my muses with @deathfavor. Xie Lian and Mu Qing with @feietouhuo, their love transcends worming. Mu Qing will also eventually come to know their deep infatuation with Pei Ming. (We still have hope.) Also, I don't know if you'd still be down for Peilian, but like 🥺and, of course, anything with Xian le trio. @dcstinyscdgc with Fei Fei and Ruolan <3 some new ships i got going with leona I am loving with @verreprincesse & @duunswitch ! Of course leona's very OG prince @farspirit. If i am forgetting anyone hit me fndsklfs but the gist is I got a lot <3
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Nah, but if that helps you by all means go for it. I think ships work very much like real relationships and I love when things kind of just pop up on their own. When the chemistry is cooking ya know?
How often do you like to ship?
i'd be a lying hoe if I said not all the time so.
Are you multiship?
yep!! There are some muses it might take me some time to open up with, but every muse is different, and I don't wanna do myself the disservice of missing out on cool peeps by not branching out.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
half and half?? Like I love ships, but I also really do like exploring other aspects of my muses than just the romantics.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
twst: leovil tgcf: fenglian /peiwen mdzs: wangxian
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Asks !! IM's !! I know IM's suck, but I don't give my discord very easily these days so IMs are the best way to go.
tagged. @feietouhuo ( sending you smooches thank u worm qing) tagging. @dcstinyscdgc, @verreprincesse, @duunswitch, @ghostlypath & anyone else who wants to do this
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icaruspartharmony · 1 year
I accidently hit post the first time so TAKE 2 BLOG INTRO and EDIT HERE i do update this
Version 3.8, updated Jul. 13, 2024
-Racist, ableist ("dIFFeREnTly AbleD!" Counts as ableist btw), pro cop, zionist, or Xenophobic
Who am i??
Hi!! I'm Joey, Joseph, whatever, but Nik or Icarus are perfectly cool too :) my pronouns page is at the bottom if you wanna scroll down there, there's more info. I live in the United States
-Transmed, Truscum, Exclus
-Royed (FMA) bakudeku (MHA) shippers
-Transphobic ("CiS iS a SluR") or Homophobic (not agreeing with that lifestyle counts btw)
-"give me money please" centered blogs
-Conservative, or Pro-life, people who call others Narcissists as an insult
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Fandoms i sit in
No. 6 (Manga)
NANBAKA (Anime and Manga)
Mp100 (anime)
BSD (Manga)
TPN (anime and manga)
Naruto, Shippuden, Boruto (Animes and mangas)
TBHK (Anime)
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST (Anime and manga, half of 03 and brotherhood.)
The Owl House (show)
Gravity Falls (show)
Homesick, Weak Hero, Lost In Translation, Teenage Mercenary, Flawless, Windbreaker, Eleceed, Brimstone and Roses, City of Blank, Not So Shojo Love Story, Uriah (Webtoons)
Lookism (Webtoon and animated show)
I can talk movies and books 1-7(8) Harry Potter with you but i fucking loathe JK Rowling
Lord of heroes (game)
Haikyuu kinda (anime)
Hunter x Hunter (anime)
IDW Sonic (Comic)
Fruits Basket (Anime)
My Hero Academia (anime)
Dr. Stone (Manga and first season anime)
Howl's Moving Castle (Movie)
Sally Face (Watched Jacksepticeye play it through at ungodly hours of the night, through a podcast on spotify that did videos.)
I'm not a helluva boss/hazbin hotel superfan but i have watched it (Hazbin hotel pilot, know what happens in-series, keeping up with HB). Problematic media, but to each their own ig
Maybe a few more im forgetting
Stuff you might want to know
-this blog will contain swearing, maybe a sex joke here or there, some caps.
-spam likes and reblogs are 100% ok with me. I do that sometimes.
-if you fit my dni or if i fit your dni, i wont take it personal if u block me. Like if you've been my mutual for a year and suddenly block like maybe ill take it a little personal but dont feel obligated to interact or keep interacting.
-i can come off confrontational and as a jerk but im like a bug, im annoying and im more scared of you than you are of me
-im still learning. Everyone is always still learning. I request your patience in this trying time
-im not the brightest bulb in the box.
-i adore asks and questions because i am self centered
-i do take art reqs and i take them very well
-i have a huge interest in music and i do have a lot of character playlists on spotify! If you have a fic in a fandom i like that isn't pure smut, i will likely make you a playlist for it.
-most of my poor spelling and grammar is just set in for personality.
-do not imply or accuse me in that i am a pedophile. Try not make too many lighthearted pedophile jokes with me directly. I have intrusive thoughts and this will occasionally (and frequently) set them off. It's different if humor is your coping mechanism, I'm not gonna tell you how to cope.
Other socials
AO3: JoeyPartHarmony
Discord: JoeyPartHarmony
Spotify: Deeply Unserious1590
Pinterest: @.LivedAndWillMakeItTheBaneOfAll
Feel welcome to reach out at anytime! You're always welcome! Never a bother! Any questions you have are welcomed.
(Dazai's Bolo Tie :])
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left4denver · 6 months
hey y'all! this is peyton [sh/th, 21+, cst—also the mun of dylan, selena, mouse & hyeon] and this time i'm bringing you guys hakgojae gallery's foh manager, oh dabin :~) you can view his stats here, his pinterest here & read all about him under the cut! i prefer discord so pleasssee hit me up at #seamonkeydefender
born and raised in seoul, dabin is a city boy to his core. his parents aren't "rich", but they're pretty damn comfortable—as a result, dabin is... a little... spoiled...
picky, difficult kid. not necessarily mean, but does have an attitude that seems to suggest he thinks he's above other people; his parents have him spend a lot of time with his maternal grandparents in jeju-do to kind of combat this problem as they're very hard workers and very humble people. worth noting that his grandmother is a haenyo/female diver, very much the breadwinner of their household and after dabin gets past all the judgment and whiny ass "you smell like seaweed! i hate you!" tantrums, she instills a very strong admiration/respect for women in him
anyway, as if that doesn't put him in his place, his parents having another kid when dabin is already 10 does LMFAOOOO... no longer the baby of the family, has to step up and help his parents out (as much as a 10yr old can) with the baby. it's a bummer. he fuckin' hates that kid for the first two months of her life, and then all of a sudden he loves her more than he's probably ever loved anything
sparknotes: by the time he's reaching his teenager years, dabin is mostly humble but extremely wild / daredevil, likes to do shit just for thrills / gets in a lot of trouble, is arrested a few times in his late teens & early adulthood and ends up being assigned community service hours as part of his sentence / becomes very compassionate in this timeframe as he learns about world issues and what he can do to make a change / ends up enlisting and then going to college a bit late (paid for in full by his parents who just want to see him improve his life), undecided major at first but eventually settles on art history (useless ass degree if you ask his dad LOLLL) / gets his bachelor's degree in 2018 and then his master's in 2021, by the time he finishes his master's he has drastically mellowed out / gets a job at hakgojae gallery as an art handler, eventually works his way up to being the foh manager oh yeahhh...
so here he is now. a 30 year old man who's Been There, Done That and just wants peace now. he's extremely smart, but also is well aware that he doesn't know everything and is always happy to learn something new. passionate about things such as animal rights, climate change, women's rights, etc etc, still volunteers often even though he fulfilled his requirements a while ago. reads a lot of books about self-improvement and various informative topics.
still kinda pretentious ngl... but i'm sure that vibe carries through enough in this intro that i don't even have to say it, LMFAO. that said, he is a very well-meaning dude; his intentions are pure, and he's trying every day to be better than he was yesterday.
other info: type to drink wine at 2pm on a wednesday / passionate about south korea and especially about seoul, has a side hustle/hobby of giving newcomes or vacationers personalized tours / his favorite season is autumn if u even care / really warm guy, strives to be a pillar for others to lean against and a friend for them to confide in / has a russian blue cat named willow, humoring the idea of getting a second cat so willow isn't alone when he leaves for work / king of making lists, very organized man!
plot ideas
y'all already know, but if you don't: i love extensive plotting and building storylines together from scratch, so if you're into this too, hit me up! let's talk about every little detail <3 but i'm also 100% down to jump into a base idea and just see where it goes. that said, here are some ideas:
friends of dabin's younger sister. she's about 20/21, so these friends would probably be in that age range but rly it could be anyone who knows her from uni as well—regardless, dabin will be a surrogate big bro to them :~)
also just random young adults he's taken under his wing... he acts like he's 50yrs old the way he's always like "i was young once. i get it. but because i was young once, i can also tell you you're being dumb as hell and you're gonna be embarrassed when you look back on these years" like dude... chill
aspiring artists who want to get their work showcased at hakgojae gallery and figure the best way (re: shortcut) to do that is to make nice with the manager
someone kind of new to seoul who dabin had a mutual (npc) connection with and as a result, welcomed them very warmly into the city/gave them a tour and helped them get settled in and all that
similar aged friends... people he met in uni, people he went absolutely wild with in his early 20's and now they're (probably?) both kind of settled down - but man, ain't it fun to reminisce?
pretentious art buddies, film buffs, whateverrrr
a budding artist who dabin is actually a big ass fan of
someone who volunteers at the same animal shelter as him
some girl who thinks he's stupid and fake as fuck 'cause he's soooooo loud and proud about "being a feminist" JDJFHBSDJ
etc etc... down for anything!
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alanncs · 4 years
hello my loves , it’s dani aka the ari mascot on the main ! if u don’t already know me , i’m 21 , i’m from toronto which puts me in the est tz , & i have a unhealthy obsession w/ mgk 🥰 hehe , that’s me ! let’s b friends pls !! anyway , i’m so so excited to be back in wealthy with all u angels , i seriously missed everyone so much ! okay , so i’m gonna put some info bout my girl alanna under the cut ... i switched her up quite a bit so i’m xcited 2 be bringing her back ! pls give this a like if u wanna plot with me & i’ll come bother u !!  also pls feel free to msg me on discord for anything 🥰 𝒎𝒈𝒌'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 .#1958
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new york’s very own alanna d'alessio was spotted on broadway street , with a striking semblance to hailey bieber !  you may know them as @alanna or hitting the front page of tmz as youngest d’alessio heiress alanna caught trashing nyc four seasons hotel room . according to tmz , you just had your twenty - first birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being reticent , but also charming . things that would paint a better picture of you would be the lingering smell of smoke , anything pink  &  gold  jewelry  . ( cisfemale + she/her  ) * vc/career claim : lennon stella .
                   *  /   𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 .
full  name  :  alanna  marie  d’alessio  .
age :  twenty  -  one  .
hometown  :  new  york  city  .
zodiac  chart  : scorpio  sun  ,  aquarius  moon  ,  libra  rising  .
character  inspo  :  alyssa (  the  end  of  the  f*cking  world )  ,  marissa  cooper  (  the  o.c )  ,  hanna  marin  ( pretty  little  liars ) .
                  *  /   𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚   !!  (  tw  : kidnapping , ransom , drugs , ptsd  )
alanna was born heir to the d'alessio family which came with the billion dollar dynasty that her parents created .
her dad is an italian government official  but they grew up in ny basically bc her dad is an ambassador/representative for italy  &  her mother is a super model who also wanted to raise her kids here having lived here her whole life , and so they did . 
she had everything handed to her on a silver platter and her parents expected nothing but success from her because of how wealthy they were, they knew they would never have to worry about providing for her and her siblings , and so they spoiled her with whatever she asked for and more
but that came with a price, she was expected to do everything they wanted of her, go to an ivy league college, follow in one of her parent’s career footsteps
alanna did just that, she got amazing grades in high school and was head of many student clubs, organized prom, got almost perfect on sat’s and exams, and busted her ass to get into a good college despite the fact that her parents could’ve easily gotten her a spot if she didn’t do as well as she did
her life was going so well, she had the perfect boyfriend, perfect group of friends, was on her way to brown university in a couple of months, her parents and her couldn’t have been in a better spot with their daughter
the last thing they expected was for someone, a stranger, to get their hands on their daughter . 
a week after her 18th birthday , she’s walking to school on a monday morning and before she knows what’s happening , there’s something over her head and she’s being dragged into a van and taken from her life
the one thing that was expected, was the $10 million ransom she was held for
basically her dad had some shady dealings with the italian mob & didn’t pay his debts to them for some time - so they kidnapped alanna in retaliation for that
they kept her for 3 days before her parents were able to work with the authorities to get her returned and pay the people in full
surprisingly, she was returned alive but she had to spend two weeks in the hospital afterwards with injuries
once alanna was returned, she wasn’t the same
she told the police what happened to her , but only barely . she didn’t tell her parents or anyone else about what they did to her when she was gone . she didn’t speak , eat or sleep for two months after she got home
she spent the last few months of her high school in bed, she didn’t attend her graduation, deferred from going to brown in the fall, she didn’t see her friends anymore and she broke up with her boyfriend
the people who took her were never caught & she is still to this day completely terrified of going anywhere alone
she never walks anywhere alone 
it took her months to be able to get back to doing normal things again and being who she was before
to this day ,  alanna still struggles with the memories and the ptsd from what happened to her , but she doesn’t speak to anyone about it and she refuses to bring it up in any scenario
she also has a horrible relationship with her father now , having trouble forgiving him for what happened to her
some people know about it as obviously, being as famous as her family is, it was on the news at the time, and everyone she went to high school with knew what happened so sometimes it can be hard to avoid it ( possible connections ? hehe )
                                        *  /   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  !!  (  tw : drugs )
ok here comes the fun part hehe where i changed her up a bit !
alanna’s def still wild ! i’ve decided to tone it up a few notches this time around
so she’s completely intertwined in the nyc party scene , like , you’ll see her at any big club or party every weekend and tbh probably on a wednesday you’ll see her there too
she kinda acts like nicole & paris on the  simple life lmao like she’s always doing dumb shit 
she’s always under some kind of influence whether it be cocaine , weed , alcohol , shrooms , percs , she’s always gotta be on something 
after dropping out of school , she knew she wanted to pursue a career in the industry , growing up she was a child actress &  did some dancing 
she always had a knack for singing & songwriter , got her first guitar at the age of six & just never stopped
it was always like an escape from reality for her , just to have music playing and let her voice go free
so after making some money through instagram modelling & some professional 
she decided to pursue her music career this past year 
her vc is lennon stella cus i just feel like the songs fit alanna perfectly and lennon’s voice is magical so yah
she can be very selfish at times , to a fault . like u can call  her out for treating u like shit and she’s gonna be like , yeah sorry . don’t cry 2 much bout it . she really doesn’t care 
it takes her a LONG time to get close to people , so like if ur  someone she actually cares about and loves , ur gonna know it . and if ur not , ur gonna know that too lo l
she does not hide how she feels about things or ppl , she’ll tell u straight up like
istg this girl prob doesn’t have a filter she just says what pops into her head first
here’s her pinterest board for more of an idea !!!
if u read all this i seriously love u sorry its so long ohp
i have tons of IDEAS here @alannaisms​  !  so pls look thru that & lemme kno if any would fit with  alanna & ur muse !  heh ok im done ily  guys pls come plot with me <3
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yhtaejoon · 4 years
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hi! this is chey, i was here close to opening with kim1 (kim joonwoo), but i got really busy with a new job and accidentally dipped. i’m so so sorry for that! anyway, here’s taejoon’s unfinished info page & his pinterest board. this is rushed so it’s probably gonna be messy??? idk. we’re all in this together. hmu on discord if that’s your thing --- pepper#4940
full name is kang taejoon, but he has no affiliation with the kang family. he’s actually filling the role of daebak8! i checked the last names to make sure he didn’t have the same one as one of the families but alas, my pea-brain still failed me.
on that note, he’s a tiktoker born in 2000. started on vine in 2012, but didn’t actually get serious about his online presence until 2014-ish and IMMEDIATELY started lying about his life because what else is a fourteen year old gonna do online?
lied about his age, his hobbies, his family, his experiences, etc. he just really, really wanted to seem interesting, and hey! it worked! he eventually fooled thousands of people into thinking he’s someone worth their time. chased trends like crazy, kept in close touch with his “fanbase”, picked up sponsorships all while keeping his ACTUAL life completely secret basically. got very comfortable with lying.
he was always pretty obsessed with the attention because he lost his popularity when he stopped playing soccer (f’s in the chat for the former athlete side of him) & getting money from promoting brands was good, too, bc while his family isn’t necessarily lower class, they could still use some help. plus he needed cash to buy anime merch.
flash forward to 2020. he graduated high school in early 2019, still has no desire to go to college or get a “real” job. he has it made rn living in the daebak house and creating online content still. living the life.
except not really because how fulfilling can it honestly be to watch thousands of people becoming fond of ur fake persona? he still lies a ton, has begun to feel like no one will ever like him for who he actually is bc it’s quite disappointing in comparison to the always ON persona he shows. 
his tiktok user name is “beetlejoon” which is a play on beetlejuice if you couldn’t tell dshbfvds.
he speaks english really well from a mix of classes when he was young, growing up online and trying to appeal to westerners, and watching a ton of western shows/films. he does kind of have an accent but for the most part.... a lot of ppl who only know him online assume he lives in america/is from america.
the rumor about him buying views/followers is definitely true. he’s not losing popularity or anything, he just wants to look even more relevant than he actually is.
cries himself to sleep like every night but you’d NEVER guess. he’s super funny when he’s around people, knows what people want and will do anything he can to blend in and make everyone like him. needs that validation so bad. life of the party.
flirts a lot for no other reason than he can and he likes the validation of people flirting back! but his love life is hectic and always disappointing. on one hand, he knows a ton of his followers are delusional w the idea that they can be with him and he doesn’t wanna lose followers by being Unavailable. on the other hand, can’t risk being too close with anyone and them finding out nothing he says is true. heehee.
he follows whatever trends are in at the moment, so he owns a ton of dumb shit that will never be practical/clothes he’ll never wear in public/probably has dumb tattoos he got impulsively.
his trademark thing (that he stole Obviously) is a broken heart that he draws on his cheekbone Every Single Day. probably claims that it’s a tattoo just to fuck with his followers but there’s those odd times when it’s not there and everyone’s confused.
wears all black usually, lots of chains, leather, platform boots, dangly earrings, but he’s not the kind of guy your parents worn you about. he couldn’t be scary if he tried. he’s CLEARLY just a tiktok e-boy. he’s more like the lowlife your parents compare you to to make you feel better about how slow your life is moving.
while we’re talking about parents.... his gave up on him when he moved into the daebak house. he tries to give them money and support them but they won’t have it. decline his calls. don’t write him back. they think he’s mad embarrassing which is... fair. his tiktok presence is definitely questionable
likes to be funny and make people laugh, but he actually cannot take anything seriously even if he tries. this definitely gets on peoples’ nerves, has probably ended some good friendships/relationships/whatever else. sometimes he can lighten the mood if it’s dark but most of the time it just pisses people off bc it seems like he doesn’t care/doesn’t understand.
idk what else to say but if you’ve read this far and you like music, two songs that i heavily associate with taejoon are cotton candy by yungblud and lowkey as hell by waterparks. listen to them if you want... or don’t.
i don’t have a plots page put together yet, but here are some vague ideas i have:
(0/2) --- past tinder dates whom he lied to about his age and it came out somehow </3 maybe he tried to take them to a bar and he got caught with a fake id. maybe they went snooping and found out none of his info adds up. either way, the dates were short-lived and they probably clowned him pretty hard.
(0/?) --- fans of his tiktok page.
(0/?) --- alternatively, people who know of his tiktok page and think it’s dumb.
(0/1) --- another influencer who is jealous of his following, thinks he doesn’t deserve it.
(0/1) --- another influencer who “beefs” with him online so they both get more views.
(0/1) --- another influencer he collabs with a lot, even if their content is completely different. they’re friends, so might as well piggyback of each other’s popularity!
(0/1) --- close friend who makes frequent appearances on his tiktok, usually for relationship trends bc he doesn’t have an actual partner to film them with. usually acting like clowns, clearly faking but his fans still think it might be real. 
(0/1) --- someone he hooked up with at one (or more) of the daebaek house parties and ghosted afterwards. completely acts like he doesn’t know them. oops.
(0/?) --- friends to do dumb shit with. he’s impulsive and just hates to be alone (especially when doing stuff that might get him in trouble) so you could say these are his accomplices. if he wants to do things he’ll regret, they’re always in!
(0/?) --- some mellow friends who balance out his chaos.
(0/1) --- the one (1) friend he got matching tattoos with on impulse. probably something really stupid. the one thread that holds their friendship together when they fight.
(0/1) --- someone who holds themselves to really high standards, takes life seriously. thinks they’re better than taejoon and doesn’t hesitate to show it.
(0/1) --- ex partner who broke up with taejoon because (1) he wouldn’t stop lying to them, (2) he still claimed to be single online and (3) he just cracked jokes when they tried to talk out their problems, wouldn’t really listen. probably hate him now but he’s really sorry. please accept these (cheap, probably wilting) apology flowers.
i want every plot. all of them. anything u can throw at me! but if i kept typing ideas out, i’d be at this forever and we really can’t have that. so just hit me up if any of these catch your attention or if you’ve got anything you think he’d fit! 
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alchemist-shizun · 5 years
(AU belongs to @pistachiolan​. Check the notes for more info!)
ἁναγνώρισις: Sudden and unexpected recognizing of the identity of a character in tragedies or other written works, which often determines the turning point in a story. (Latin: Agnitio)
Merry super extra late Christmas aaand at this point this can count as a happy new year gift? I've been literally working on this since last decade, this is some dedication. I hope you like it Lan!! Lov u
Read on Ao3!
Word Count: 3,812
Characters: Roman, Virgil (Patton and Logan are mentioned), Thomas
Pairing(s): pre-Prinxiety
Warning(s): Migraine (and its symptoms), implied mind control, self-harm, crying, implied panic attack, some metaphors might be a bit graphic, please tell me if I missed anything!
Summary: Roman couldn't remember exactly when all of that had started. What he was sure of was that as soon as it begun, all the happenings before became … hazy. He would start to forget specks of time, details, people. And then came the headaches.
Song used: Once Upon A Dream from Sleeping Beauty
A/N: I now have Once Upon a Dream stuck in my head. I like to call this "let me just take all the creative liberties I can get and distort everything about the plot". Okay I have no clue if this is at all the idea you had in mind so I improvised thanks to the lyrics, I hope this isn't too far off? Either way, enjoy the angst and these two pining boys cause I sure as hell had a good time. To all my regular readers: you have no idea what’s coming. (Don’t forget to check out @pistachiolan’s profile for their fantastically marvellous au which you can find in their blog under the #TsCultAu tag) The poem Roman recites is a rough translation I did of Catullus's 48th carmen (had a book of his poems and ended up using my fav ofc). The narrated parts in cursive are either thoughts or past events, the parts in cursive and bold are the song lyrics.
❝I'm in love with a fairytale, even though it hurts.
Cause I don't care if I lose my mind,
I'm already cursed ❞
I know you!
A hand flew to Roman's face, which was contorting with unwelcome pain he hadn't seen coming, before he could even register it was his own.
His fingers pressed on a spot between his eyes and the bridge of his nose, his skin wrinkled around them and he had to steady himself against the rocky wall that led to the dungeons.
The dungeons.
Roman attempted to take a look at the stairs he was on: he was met with a flash, or maybe they were multiple flashes, attacking his vision like sharp blades diving into your skin numerous times, one right after the other.
He was blinded.
Eyes closed again, a whimper came out of his mouth; his free hand found its way to his forehead, getting warmer by the second along with his face, then it slid through his hair, barely able to feel its texture.
Too much of a recurring sensation.
Roman couldn't remember exactly when all of that had started. What he was sure of was that as soon as it begun, all the happenings before became … hazy. He would start to forget specks of time, details, people.
And then came the headaches. When he forced himself to remember or clear the discordance in his memories, pain would come.
Oh, come on Roman, his head would reprimand, didn't you learn by now you shouldn't do that?
Headaches turned into fully-fledged migraines.
And hallucinations.
At least that was what he called them. He would be certain of events that had never taken place.
For instance, dungeons.
Roman had been walking down the path leading to them when his mind started to drift away: it happened the same way you look at an object and a memory hits you before its meaning.
For some reason, he remembered being there with Virgil in the past, they had conversations about carvings in the back of the furthest cell, which became the symbol of a legend kids told to scare each other.
It was insane.
Insane his mind could ever fathom the possibility of interacting with Virgil.
Sure, his distress towards Virgil had diminished the more he'd been around without causing any trouble or suspicion, but a memory was a memory. They had yet to have a serious conversation that wasn't necessary, a memory meant they had already spent time alone together as if they had been childhood friends.
Doubt came in, but there had never been solid proof of Virgil himself being up to something, so he had decided to drop that theory.
Roman fell down, but didn't rise up like he usually did in conflicts.
The pulsing in his head made him nauseous; everything was spinning, even the void he was met with once his eyes were closed.
His arms went over his head, trying to shield it from any other malevolent deity that had decided to plague him.
It just all felt so real.
As if he had known Virgil all along.
I walked with you once upon a dream.
Months, months and still no sign of defeat.
Now, who the hell was thinking that messing up with Roman's brain was a fun activity to spend time with?
Even his subconscious had to shove him further down the hole confusion had created: his dreams often displayed all too familiar situations, all too familiar events he knew he had been in, but with that one particular difference in them.
Virgil was present in every single one of them.
It made him lose his mind, so much that he was barely able to bear his sight anymore. He'd feel somewhat embarrassment, he'd turn away after a single glance, as if he had gotten burnt by it.
And then he'd never tear his gaze off of him because, gods of the Empyrean, that boy had to be up to something or else he had no idea where to begin to look for clues.
What a terrible mistake.
Instead, he ended up with the image of Virgil constantly occupying his mind, everywhere he went to, there wouldn't be a moment where his thoughts wouldn't drift away from his task and focus on him.
Daydreaming and migraines became one, distinguished only by the type of pain they caused. Emotional and physical.
Overthinking was his main daily pastime.
And what if his mind was actually trying to tell him something? Dreams often had meanings, so what was his subconscious up to exactly?
That was Roman's train of thought upon waking up from one of those fated dreams, the pounding in his head a visitor who had now become a close friend.
Only thing he was sure of, was that what he had to concentrate on was the fact that it involved Virgil. He tried to recall all of his past hallucinations, all the fake memories, trying to connect the dots between them.
If only he had Logan's skills, he would've had cleared it up in a second. Of course, this one thought was something he was never going to admit and that he would have willingly taken to his grave.
Going into detail was a mess, all the events that had displayed in his mind or in front of his eyes had no correlation whatsoever; so he started looking at the big picture, put labels onto what he remembered.
Those memories. They were all … happy. Carefree little quotidian life bites.
And he felt serene, something that had to be ruined by the massive physical pain. His thoughts told him to stay in those memories, to hold onto them the longest he could, to endure the constant aching so he could stay that additional moment.
It was another him, another Roman who was desperately trying to catch his past and bring it back to himself.
Present Roman wouldn't have been able to perceive that conclusion.
Actually, present Roman was currently losing his mind.
Because just what if what he hadn't realized by then was exactly what he had been focusing on all along?
Feelings. Feelings for someone who had been infesting his thoughts ever since he had arrived.
I know you!
Roman was a knight walking around the village in a busy afternoon at the marketplace. One turn towards a figure in front of a stand, a few feet away, and he switched to distressed knight mode.
« You've got to be kidding me. »
Virgil kept himself from jumping in surprise and faced the owner of the voice right behind him. A single infuriating eyebrow was raised in confusion.
« Pardon me if I dare to show up and get Patton the stuff he needs. » everything was accompanied by a whispered “geez” and an eye-roll.
Again, infuriating.
« That's not- ugh, you're always putting words in my mouth! » Roman watched as Virgil started to walk away.
But he didn't sense the bitterness left in the boy's chest, the one he felt every single time their conversations resulted into senseless bickering.
Then, it happened again.
Virgil stood next to the fountain and Roman's head started spinning.
The way the sun rays hit the water, glimmering in delight, the sparkles that reflected onto Virgil's clothes, the sound it made when he quickly passed a hand through the small cascade.
Dumbfounded, the knight approached him again, searching the scene with his eyes for even the smallest clue to prove him either right or wrong, he simply wanted to get it over with.
Of course, the other noticed his staring. « Like what you see? » Virgil jokingly asked, a hint of sarcasm never leaving his voice.
Yeah, I'm trying to figure that out. Roman stayed silent for another second.
« Are you going to walk back? »
« I don't have a carriage, I apologize. »
He sighed and wondered if he really was considering having feelings for such a … a-
Virgil chuckled right after, ducking his head toward his hand, which shielded his smile.
Gosh, he was gorgeous.
Roman fought a peculiar instinct to pull the hand away and let the whole world be blessed by such a sight. And maybe it was the first time he had smiled like that in his presence, maybe it was the first time after so long of not being able to do that.
Maybe it wasn't the first time at all and Virgil was simply a master at hiding it when Roman wasn't looking. When he didn't want him to realize the truth that could've hurt both of them in brutal ways.
« Well, » Roman snapped back to reality, trying to ignore the headache at best. « It just so happens that I have a horse. » he gestured to the beginning of the plaza.
« No, you don't. » a cryptic expression crossed Virgil's face.
« Wha- » Roman turned just that much to notice that, yes, his horse had definitely freed himself and was now on the loose around the village. « Oh my gods. Oh- Oh my gods. » his hands flew to his hair. « Nope. No. Absolutely unreal. This isn't happening. »
« Dramatic much? » Virgil approached the broken ladder still tied to a fence and started examining it.
« What are you doing? »
« Helping you. »
Roman was getting drunk by all the deja vus he had been getting that day.
Virgil showed him the direction in which the horse had run away, judging by what was left of the ladder. « He might be in his favourite spot. »
« Favourite spot? » his words felt almost slurred, like he had cotton in his mouth.
The other pretended he didn't notice how odd his behaviour had been for the past week. « You don't remember your horse's own routine? »
Roman didn't even know he had one.
After some sighs and an incredulous conversation, they reached a clearing in the woods, where the horse was promptly considering whether or not to swiftly jump and reach one of the fruits on the trees.
« Samson! Really, running off like that on me? »
The animal happily trotted towards them, resting his face against Roman's hand before facing Virgil and surprisingly nuzzling his cheek. For some reason, Samson had always taken a liking into Virgil, which had made it really difficult to interact with the boy in the past.
It was as if Virgil had been his best friend before he was Roman's.
Like he had known him for as long as they did too.
The headache hit his forehead once more.
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam.
Relax time, Patton had called it.
Stressful weeks had been pestering Roman, Virgil and Logan, all for different reasons, yet there never seemed to be time to catch some breath.
Patton had insisted some untroubled hours at night, sat around a little welcoming fire, would have helped their constant stiffness.
So there they were, watching flames try to reach the sky and fail with every attempt.
Oddly enough, their conversations were … simple. Nothing too heavy, no bickering or sarcasm, some jokes but not an overbearing amount.
Roman had his eyes fixated on the fire.
The voices started to drift away from his hearing and everything became muffled as he zoned out, leaving space for the familiar buzzing of nightly insects.
« Earth to Roman, did the gods finally take you away? »
Of course he was sitting next to Virgil.
Of course his whispering would bring his attention back despite having ignored any other louder noise.
He turned his head slightly, his head was resting in his crossed arms on his knees.
« I wish. » he let it out before he could stop himself.
Virgil simply chuckled. « Same, but I don't think Pat would be too happy with that. » And some others, too.
He faced the fire and let its light reflect in his eyes.
Roman believed he could see the stars. « Mhm. »
Virgil seemed to ponder something, reflect on a decision; he could have stayed silent, he could have simply not indulged in a certain matter any further, because that would have costed his life. But he needed proof.
And so he spoke.
« You'll be fine, princey. None hates you here. »
There it was again. Virgil made his best not to immediately check his reaction, but he could see from the corner of his eye how Roman was already raising a hand to his head.
Okay, he thought, something is up.
He bit his lip and ignored the anguished feelings rising in his chest.
Yet I know it's true the visions are seldom all they seem.
Where did that even come from? Why did he call him that, why did it feel so normal as if he'd been used to it his entire life?
What was happening?
Why was his heart beating so fast as he replayed the scene in his head? With Virgil's eyes glimmering against the sky and that smile hidden in the dark.
Who dared to send him so deep in the admiration zone to forget about the continuous pain he was subjecting himself to while being around Virgil so much?
When exactly did he sign the “I will dedicate my existence to destroy myself in order to be around such a human” contract?
To think that months prior he would have called him monster.
Then again, what a peculiar word it was. A mixture or positive and negative meanings, it was the extraordinary, a prodigy, a miracle. That incredible thing that also presented itself as a heinous atrocity.
And it had devoured his mind.
Here he was, now, countless migraines after, finally accepting his feelings because he was at the last stop before having that nightmare finally end.
Except it didn't.
Except non-existent memories of him and Virgil in a past he had never experienced came back to him at once and stronger than before. He couldn't almost breathe and he had no idea where he was going.
But he needed to find Thomas.
Last resort, as they say. A literal deity would have solved the problem in the blink of an eye.
Thomas had a weird twinkle in his eyes when Roman explained how often he had been getting the headaches and what was the recurrent situation the dreams displayed.
He made him sit down somewhere … he was too clouded by the pain to understand where he was exactly.
« I perfectly know what's going on. » Thomas had reassured him. « Trust in me, everything will be alright soon. »
Yet, when he placed his hands above Roman's head and he closed his eyes not to be blinded by an all too familiar glow, “alright” would have been the last thing he would have felt.
Or it wouldn't have been a word at all, because with the persistent twisting and turning and deleting and reforming of his thoughts and memories in his mind, there was no way he believed there could have existed anything else but pain in the world.
Roman didn't even have the strength to scream anymore.
And it was agonizing. Dangerously agonizing, as he fell to his knees and couldn't even feel the touch of his own hands vehemently pressing on his eyes, strong enough to push them far back into his eye sockets.
Maybe he was actually shrieking so loud his hearing had failed him long before.
His fingers dug onto the sides of his face and fell down on his cheeks, the nails traced red paths down both of them, white bits of dead skin left by them crossed paths with bitter tears that were somehow able to escape the limit his palms put.
« Everything will be alright. » Thomas had repeated while he nonchalantly destroyed the poor boy's mind. « You don't need him. »
That was the downfall of his discernment.
« I'll fix it for you. »
But if I know you,
When the blinding light ceased to hit his face, Roman's entire body plunged into the pavement for a split second, before immediately scrambling back to his feet.
His vision was back, the headache was gone.
But the confusion …
The thoughts that were now forming into his mind. Those were the doleful sting of skin thrown carelessly into flames: just as the skin burned and turned into an ashen damaged substance, so Roman's memories were filled with blank gaps and eroded by the flames of Thomas's power.
« I need- » he stormed out of the room without ever completing the line.
What he needed was actual reassurance.
If before his memories only conflicted with each other, now Roman felt like his whole life he had lived an illusion.
Gods, what was even true at that point?
So, he needed.
He needed answers, confirmations, he needed to feel authenticity.
Roman knocked on a door.
When Virgil opened it, he was met with the sight of a dishevelled and devastated boy, with red on his cheeks and in his eyes. This boy suppressed a sob, barely able to keep his lips from trembling.
« Are you even real? »
It was the exact same feeling as having a crowbar hitting his teeth: insanely painful and impossible to bear.
Followed by colossal quantities of resentment.
Virgil moved carefully, he let Roman in before closing the door behind them and let him sit on a chair in his room. In a second, he was already at the knight's side with a glass of water placed on the desk next to them. Eyes wide with concern, trying to fight the angered shaking of his hands.
He knew it all. That was just the confirmation. Yet, he couldn't talk, only help. Which was the first priority at the moment: care for Roman.
« What happened? » nothing. « Are you hurt anywhere? » still nothing.
His lips contorted with concern; Virgil watched the other try to steady his breath, looking around the room to see if he could still distinguish whether or not he was hallucinating.
Roman raised his arms and pulled Virgil close to him. It felt real. He buried his face in his chest, and still felt real. The tears wetting Virgil's shirt were real.
Real, real, real.
You're real, Roman. He's real. Your feelings are real.
He held him closer.
I know what you'll do.
How long Virgil had denied everything in favour of his safety.
And anyway, as soon as he was back, Roman had instantly hated him, who could even blame him for suppressing the truth?
Then things changed. He had noticed the alterations in Roman's demeanour, the loss in his focus, how disoriented he had started to become.
Townspeople constantly told him to pray to the gods, go visit Thomas for some “blessings”.
Yeah, right.
Virgil's heavy knot contorted in his stomach at the sole thought.
Instead of burdening himself even more, he passed a hand through Roman's hair, maybe embracing him with his other arm a little too tightly.
His feelings blossomed at once again, so much harder than before, as if he had bottled them up for so much time that they exploded simultaneously at the first display of affection he received.
Too long he had waited for something as simple as a hug. And there was only one to blame.
Roman wasn't even able to talk, he didn't want to move and face his issues, there was no way he would have wished to speak up about anything that had happened.
He felt damaged. He barely knew his identity at all and Virgil's presence was so grounding that he would have stayed in his arms forever.
Which Virgil would have gladly accepted.
« Can you tell me a place? » Virgil lowered at his level so he could look him in the eyes. « Somewhere safe, a comforting space? »
Roman sniffed one last time before being finally able to respond.
« The Black Lake. »
You'll love me at once.
Seeing someone calm down on the spot, with the breathing evening out nicely, was a rather cathartic experience, Virgil's own tight chest could finally be released from the grip of anxiety.
The two were sitting by the limit of the Lake, which was enlightened by the moonbeams.
« Follow me now. » Virgil called for Roman's attention. « Focus on the water. »
Roman did as instructed.
« What's your name? »
Grounding exercises.
« Roman Kingsley. »
« How old are you? »
« 22. »
Virgil waited for Roman to take a deep breath.
« What's your title? »
« I'm a knight. »
What is the name of your brothe- « Tell me the name of one of your friends. »
« You. Virgil. »
How can you even exist?
Virgil tried to hide a wide smile at best, while his heart jumped happily.
« Where do you live? »
« In this village. »
« Where are you now? »
« At the lake in the forest. » Roman took more breaths with his eyes closed. « You're with me. You're a friend, I think? I don't know it's all so confusing- »
« It's okay, let's talk about something else. » Virgil let the silence sink in purposefully, so the other could regain his focus.
He watched as Roman moved closer to the water and immersed his hand in it, pushing the water away in vain.
« Can you tell me something you learnt by heart? »
Roman didn't take his eyes off of the water.
He seemed to think about it for a second. « If someone, Juventius, would let me kiss your honey-like eyes to the bitter end, » the steady movement of his hand was almost hypnotizing. « I'd kiss them three hundred thousand times; never will I feel like I'm satisfied, » he raised his hand and stared at the drops falling back into the lake, creating the chaos that mirrored the one in his head. « Not even if the harvest of our kissing were to be thicker than the dried ears of corn. »
Virgil snapped back to reality when he felt Roman's head rest on his shoulder, his eyes closed again, but this time they weren't squeezed shut with pain.
« Thank you. » he whispered.
And, for once, nothing was wrong.
« Want to know why this is my favorite place? »
In another memory, in another past, Virgil had turned to Roman with a small but expectant smile. « Why? »
« No matter how many times I come here, » Roman had returned the smile, holding so many more things he was never going to be able to tell him. « You're always here with me. »
The way you did once upon a dream.
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otomelavenderhaze · 4 years
AAaAaaaaAaAAAAAA FAAAA!! YOUR ZHONGLI CAME HOME!! Congrats, I'm so happy for you! I am speechless, it was so out of the blue. But good for you! Despite uhm using your resources on Keqing, it's still great news. Your sister tho, saw you freaking out first hand lol
I guess you won't be worrying about the 5 star rates for a little while, but yeah that's the thing, with so many possibilities of who to get and whatever combos you think of, and there will always be more interesting characters. It's a loophole of always wanting more haha
Sometimes I think it's a really knotty gameplay where you need to make most moves in the dark without knowing if you're doing it right, since these decisions can only be thought out with concrete info and a lot of character's skill study. Ofc that might just be me, cause I'm very slow. But I'll be sure to think it over!!
There's some characters that you just feel they have potential, but it's so limited, their use becomes superficial, I guess that's how you feel about them?
Alright! I was just a tad concerned, but if Dragonspine will be this grand then it's no problem.
Tbh, it's a bit inconvenient to talk through asks, but even so I still like to talk to u so it's fine
AAAAAAA, he really did!! I had seriously given up on him when he came home kkkkkkk I was trying to get just another Xinyan, I was ready to let him go and then he showed up kkkkkk I got so mad kkkkkkkkk I was seriously upset. 
My sister thinks that I didn’t even hit the 90th pulls rage, from my marking I was around 70-80 when it happened, but I could’ve miscounted and I was actually in 80-90 rage. Maybe because I brought the battle pass this month, so it came with more primal than I would get by the card daily thing and such, then somehow I just got enough for it. 
I don’t know, nobody was expecting me to get him kkkkkk my sister was so surprised too kkkkkkkkkkk AND THEN in the same day, she got one as well kkkkkkk she hates Zhongli’s guts so much. 
Indeed!! We can’t really play the game in its fullest, so we will always have to wait for content creators to spend money, max those characters, and then showcase them in actual real situations for the game - such as the Abyss and against world bosses. This is the only way to remotely figure out which characters are worth it or which ones are not. 
I think.... the free characters in the game should get a buff. I don’t really think Zhongli needs a buff (since Mihojo already said that they’re going to buff him in the next update), but I think characters such as Amber and Kaeya need desperately a buff because they’re way too weak for 4 stars, they feel like a 3 stars and it doesn’t even exists - and that is so absurd to me. 
Instead of buffing Amber they rather create Ganyu???? Instead of creating characters with more unique and more challenging/interesting mechanics??? This is actually my real issue with Mihojo, it’s not even the resin issue so much or the rates or such, it’s how the free characters are so overlooked when they should be the most special ones, because it’s through those first characters that we get connected with the game in the first hours of playing it. 
I’m actually chill with Dragonspine (no pun intended) kkkkkk I think they really throughout that update really well and I don’t think they would deliberately create an unplayable small region kkkkkk if it’s coming too difficult they will totally nerf the cold system pretty quickly, the same way they did with Childe as a boss. 
Ah, if you wanna talk somewhere else, I’m up to it!! If you wanna, we can talk through tumblr’s private chat. I don’t know if my chat is open for my followers, but I can take a look and we can manage to talk somehow. I’m not very good at checking Discord or using other social media :s but we can use tumblr, I think it’s the best way. 
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Positivity Partner for WIP!
I’ve been struggling with my current WIP for a long time. So I’m looking for a writing cheerleader! Someone who can cheer me on and remind me to write when I fall off the rails! 
In return, I will encourage you and keep you motivated to work on your own WIP! If you want to check out samples of my work, you can hop over to Wattpad or my website.
If you’re interested, shoot me a DM and let’s start chatting! 
What I’m looking for:
Point out one thing you liked per chapter (if you see more, please say so!)
Moral booster
Occasional pep talk when I hit 30k which is where I ALWAYS run out of steam
Be excited for my book when I’m not feelin’ it.
It would really help if you’re familiar/interested in YA fantasy lit!
What I’m NOT looking for:
No critiques at this time please!
Title: Scorched
Genre: Fantasy
Audience: YA
Warnings: emotional abuse, magic, witches, 
Summary: As a fire witch, Kali struggles with how destructive her magic can be when she loses control. Can she learn to love the way she is? Or will she choose to lose herself instead?
More details on Wattpad
Before I commit to a partnership, I want to make sure our styles are compatible so please send me a sample of your work! Even if it’s just a WIP post of your characters on your writeblr, that works for me!
I prefer to swap docs via Google Docs and/or email. No video or voice chats please! (If you have/we make a Discord group, that’s cool)
If your work contains triggering content, please let me know right up front in our DM conversation. There are some no-gos for me that I won’t detail here for the sake of others.
The structure of this partnership needs to be S U P E R flexible. I work at a very public job and we’re facing constantly changing coronavirus protocols. Sometimes, I’m just too tired to write for days at a time. So there will be long gaps in between chapters I send you.
If you find yourself no longer interested in the partnership, PLEASE TELL ME STRAIGHT OUT. Otherwise, my squirrel brain has already jumped to the conclusion you’re bored with the story. Just tell me things aren’t working for you and I will understand! ♥
Please feel free to reblog and signal boost!
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yggdrasil-mith0s · 4 years
I'm thankful for this community and you all.
Here's some info on me and the last few years along with this community and how it's been a part of me the whole time.
Happy Thanksgiving: recently I've been a little more open about my personal life on the blog. Usually I use the Discord but U do like to share on here about it as well. I feel like this fandom deserves to know the person behind this blog and what I am going through because I dont want to be just some fandom blog. I want to be a blog that creates a community of friends. A safe community for every gender or non gender specific people. A place for people with a similar interest and something to talk about to help get past our anxieties and even fears in some cases. Someone once joined our Discord and after a few weeks they were saying " I saw the link for a week when you first made it. I was scared to join. I don't like social interactions and Discord seems confined and for that soecifically so I thought I would lurk. Everyone was so kind I opened up and told yall some things I've never really told anybody. It's one of the best choices I've ever made (them joining the discord server) and everyone is so loving and accepting."
This honestly made me so happy. If I can pick out things and passions that's make me happiest and truly brings a smile to my face... it's stuff like that. It's this fandom and more specifically, this community, that keeps me going and happy. Everyone is so kind, loving, and accepting. I'm so happy it has come to what it is now and wouldn't change a thing. This person got over their fear of socially interacting within the fandom and then shared something they feared being judged for and never really shared with anyone besides 2 or 3 people. No one brings it up. It's a trusted piece of information and we will keep it at that. We are still growing, too, and I will post the link here soon. I'm so happy I created this blog, kept it going, and fell in love with the series, fandom, and this community. It's funny because I was talking to a cosplayer who did some tales stuff and asked for permission to post their work on this blog. When I shared my blog they said "Oh I know that blog. I dont use Tumblr anymore but I think I followed that blog" and It made me squee with joy. This amazing cosplayer followed this blog and it just baffles me cause she is so talented. That makes me wonder how many of you are out there but being modest, not realizing how happy it makes me that you're here. By the way, I see you artist out there with so much talent and acting like you arent that good. Yes you are. I cant even draw straight lines or a cheeto but you can draw Tales characters and I actually know who they are. That is talent whether you realize it or not. Some of you are extraordinary artist by the way. Truly, and I keep thinking how your work will eventually blow up, at the very least in the fandom, and how talented you are, and you follow me. Thank you for being here. I love you all so so much. You're all amazing.
I have been going through a lot and not as active as I have been but I am working on getting back in full circle. I entrusted the server to a few great friends, I am back in it with full mod access but I don't do anything except watch for anything that may be said in the wrong way or something but that literally never happens so I dont do anything lol. Those friends have done great with the server and created more channels and even community nights. I saw Roleplaying of Tales characters recently, too, which makes me happy it's still very active and people feel comfortable there and it's thriving.
Anyways, I havent been doing well. I have and I havent. In the past few years I've been bouncing between houses, getting away from my abusive mom, losing jobs, then going homeless. Having suicide attempts, one point getting real bad and ending up in the hospital to a "psych ward." It was really a detox and center for suicidal people on hold before going home. I went for suicide because I havent relapsed, thank goodness, but I did attempt suicide. I've drank and gotten stupid drunk but no drugs for me in 3 years+ now. Anyways... after that I got sent/told about this halfway house in Downtown Augusta GA. I went with no other options. I was homeless at this point from being in the hospital for 15 days (including psych ward) and no job. I slowly worked my way up from having nothing to... well frankly still having nothing lol. Btw my oldest brother passed before the suicide attempt. He was physically abusive at times and at other times loving. I should take the time to mention my dad passed away when I was 10 as well. So it was my mom, two older brothers, and a little sister. I raised my little sister cause my mom became alcoholic. She was somewhat loving but once I hit my teens she became mentally abusing saying super harsh things and ignoring my depression and anxiety like they weren't real. She said some of the nastiest stuff. We got into fights. The fandom helped me escape and leave her home. Anyways. I still dont have anything to my name except a house and a crappy job... but this community is still thriving and helping me during cut hours of covid and has just been supportive and amazing. My mom passed away a few months ago. So it's just my one brother and little sister now and today I spent it with my little sister. We talked about things I wanted to talk about for so long. Mom was always nice to her and spoiled her and used me and verbally abused. She literally abused both one else. I have a theory and it's because the older I got the more I reminded her of my dad who abused her. Except I reminded her of his kindness that she fell in love with (which to her was lies and manipulation). So she took out everything on me. Anyways.
So my sister and I talked and let a lot out and a lot go. I might actually have a relationship with a family member that I havent had in 11 years. It was with her but we are reconnecting it seems. There's still a lot to go through.... and she's struggling and got her own stuff going on so she cant help me and I cant help her other than by building a relationship. I dont think it would've happened if it wasnt for you all.
I truly believe it's this community that has kept me alive and well these past few years. Thank you so much. This isn't some obligatory thank you. Or a forced "I love you." This is an appreciation for you all. This is heartfelt and as serious as I can be when I say thank you and I love you. You have been my family for years now. It was small. It stayed small for a while but at some point it grew and grew fast. We have over 100 people on our discord and over 1.5I followers in this community among the Tales of fandom and continue to grow slowly. Not everyone is active and some only come in here and there and that's okay. They are still family and they are included in this as much as those that help run the discord now. You all matter so much to me. You're my family and a part of my journey. Thank you all so much and again, I love you. Take this post how you want but do me a favor... use it to remind yourself that you matter. You matter to me. I love you and I mean it. You are a part of a family. A community that accepts all, never judges, helps each other, and only loves. You are a part of that as much as anyone else. And you matter.
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hrsloren · 4 years
HELLO EVERYONE ! i’m rlly excited to be here at hearsay. actually is a new kind of rp concept for me so if im a little slow in coming up with ideas please be patient w me, i promise i’m engaged and interested. i’d also love recs of your fav murder mystery stuff for inspo! neway some info about ren is under the cut (along w some plot ideas!) and ill message yall once i have a chance to read over the apps so that hopefully i can come 2 u with some thoughts for plots~ ur also welcome to message me first of course or hit that like or really anything else lol!! discord avail on request for plotting, too, if thats more your style. 
kwon loren is a 26 yr old scorpio, horror enthusiast, entrepreneur (cough, drug dealer), n webtoon artist and she’s never met a villain she didn’t want to write a redemption arc for.
yes i almost exclusively chose her name bc it can be nicknamed into ren which obviously sounds like wren and i thought it was punny / suitable lol. 
unfortunately the only one of those that makes any money is the entrepreneurial bit and that is a totally illegal path. so her day job is her night job as the overnight manager of the gs25 near her dingy apartment building.  she works sunday to thursday nights, usually, since she makes the schedule she selfishly schedules the part timers on prime weekend night slots.  she also draws weird commissioned porn for folks w strange kinks (tentacles?? yoikes no judgement but yoikes) when she needs the xtra won.
she was the black sheep of her family even before her personality really showed itself, and once she revealed herself to be a tomboyish, unruly, temperamental, reckless, passionate, and alarmingly contrary child the whole thing just got worse. rlly the only person she was ever very close with was her grandfather, who is a somewhat-renowned murder mystery / horror writer. sneaking peaks at his books and manuscripts was probably what kindled a lot of her weird proclivities as a child, which she carries forward to now.
she’s quite excessive in a lot of ways. too much smoking, too much drinking, too much feeling, too much dreaming, too much scheming, too much writing.... basically the only thing she doesn’t overload on is sleep?? so check out those atrocious under eye shadows sometime bc its a yikes from me yall. 
u can track her moods pretty easily despite the fact that she’s got a hard to read face. once  you get used to her habits and mannerisms its rlly clear to see that she’s an open book. the only thing that can throw it off is that she’ll try to stop smoking abt once every 3 months, at which point she becomes a complete nightmare w very little notice. it usually doesn’t last very long unfort for her lungs.
speaking of smoking shes the kind of person to immerse herself in things easily and get totally wrapped in them. like, she’s v prone to addictions or obsessions. this can be with things, people, television shows, etc. she’s never known a good series she didn’t binge as quickly as possible, a good book she didn’t read cover to cover, sleep be damned. this means she’s often kinda grouchy or trying to sleep something off. she’ll also talk ur ear off about whatever she’s fallen into at the moment. 
just for a weird fact, she has a complex about her hair. its naturally relatively coarse and bushy and curly and frizzy. her mum used to pull it back every morning in a rlly tight ponytail and pin down all the unruly bits with bobby pins or barettes and she hated it, it always made her head hurt and obviously it made her feel like her hair was ugly.  so for a long time she chemically straightened it and did all kinds of treatments, but now she’s trying to maintain it more naturally. so yeah sometimes it looks like a birds nest but at least it’s healthier. 
she’s very picky about her surroundings and organizing her personal space, especially when she wants to work on something. she gets picky about things being in a good visual order, and if she notices something is out of place around her, she’ll hyper focus on it until she can fix it. this can be something meaningful (noticing she didn’t do the dishes) or something absurd (noticing someone left a napkin on the ground at the cafe, across the room, and having to go throw it away before she can focus on anything else). 
just like with her surroundings, with aesthetics, and with substances or media,  she hyper focuses on people too. when she decides someone is ‘hers’ she will go all in on them, becoming loyal to the point of honest to goodness fault. this isn’t to say she’ll tell them they’re the best at all times or be unrealistically enamored with them. she’ll still be fully cognizant of and happy to point out faults, but she won’t turn her back on them. she’d help you bury a body, basically, but she’d tell you what a goddamn psychopath you were as she did. 
her only real established canon relationships have to do w her drug trade or her much better cousin (just ask anyone in her family) so she’s very well open to just about anything. she’s canonically close to magpie and cousins w swallow, of course, and sells to an established handful. i’d love to get her a bit wrapped up in things these days, maybe some secret trading or ferreting things out. i imagine she feels loyalty to magpie and resents those who might come out with accusations against him. 
i’d love her to have an outcast ride or die best friend from high  school, someone who was also on the black sheep side of things. she did participate in the high school literary magazine (layout) and on the newspaper (though not as seriously as one might have hoped) and certain undesirables spread rumors about the english teacher “favoring” her (at least some guiding figure finally liked her dammit). so bullies from high school are fully possible. she was kind of a weirdo (duh) so i imagine it would have been pretty normal to pick at her here and there, though she did try to fly under the radar a lot. people who used to harass her coming to her for pills now could be a thing to explore, or someone who dated her in high school but didn’t really want to be “out” about it due to you know like dumb high school social differences so resentment grew and it was a whole teen movie drama that ended up without the happy ending and now its weird when they see each other, which could go many ways. those she’s befriended or so forth since coming back to town down on her luck, also, would be welcome! 
anyway if you made it to the end of this ily very much and i hope we can plot asap huhu
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littleladymab · 4 years
this is a belated fic for @justakidfromabadan who provided me with “musical theater!jaskier” college au and i immediately took to it. there will probably be more fics in it, in the future, but please enjoy this little introduction to it
Jaskier books it from the theater lobby as soon as he has the ability to do so. The chatter chases after him, the mounting voices of students tumbling at his heels until the door to the music room slams shut. 
He waits a beat, then two, then heaves a relieved breath as he presses his forehead to the door. 
Audition weekend is always the worst, more so after a particularly successful show. Last semester’s performance was, well… It was probably their best to date. They definitely broke fire code with the amount of people allowed inside for multiple performances.
Which meant that when the call went out across campus that they were looking for cast for this semester’s show, well… 
Jaskier figures that half the college probably showed up. 
With that many people talking over one another, fighting to be heard, in the shitty acoustics of the lobby? Sensory overload time bomb. 
So he books it. 
They won’t need him right away, in any case. The lead role is already technically his (barring someone else who can sing and improvise poetry better than he can and sword fight), and they won’t be doing musical callbacks until next week. He came, he said hello, he left. 
The soundproofing of the music room cast a fuzzy silence around him, and he gives the door a fond pat before pushing himself away. 
The piano behind him is a welcomed sight, and Jaskier makes a small sound as he settles into the bench. His fingers trace over the ivory keys, the hum of anticipation for the first chord chasing away the lingering remnants of anxiety. 
His foot hits the pedal, testing it — though he knows this piano like the back of his own hands. Enjoys the thrum the instrument makes as his foot releases without striking a note. The way the bench creaks as he shifts into a comfortable position. 
And then he begins to play. 
He strokes and strikes the keys with careless precision. He can play this song with his eyes closed, knowing each measure by heart. The lyrics spill out of him, and he finally feels truly at peace in the comfort of the music room. 
It was his favorite song from their previous production. It was the reason he chose that show in the first place. It was a shame he didn’t get the role. (Not through any fault of his own, except perhaps, not insisting on swapping the genders of the characters.)
The song ends, his fingers hovering just over the keys, and his foot on the pedal. The warmth of the lingering chord fills the small room. 
And then someone says, “That was an incredible performance.” 
Jaskier jumps the moment the first syllable is spoken, fingers slamming down discordant on the keys and his foot releasing the pedal with a deep twang. “What?” he asks, then gulps down the jolt of nerves and peers one way around the piano, then the other. “Who—”
A man grunts as he stands upright, and Jaskier stares—attributing his gaping mouth and rabbit-quick pulse to the surprise and absolutely no other reason. The man’s hair is a shock of silver-white, apparently natural or incredibly well-dyed, and he wears an outfit that looks like someone forgot to tell him it wasn’t ‘international dress like a pirate day’. More confusingly, he grips a scabbard in one hand, the intricately designed basket hilt of a rapier glinting in the overhead light. 
“I’m sorry,” Jaskier says, on the defensive now that his privacy and his deductive reasoning were both thrown out the window. “Did you fall through a time portal and land in the wrong dimension?” 
He gives another grunt, or perhaps this time it’s a snort, and there is the briefest sensation that a smirk is hiding just beneath the perpetual scowl he seems to sport. “No. I was…” He holds up the sword, as if it explains anything. “Practice.” 
Jaskier lets both eyebrows lift and he makes an encouraging gesture with his head that he hopes conveys, and? 
It apparently doesn’t. 
“Practice for what? We haven’t even finished the first round of auditions.” 
This confuses the other man, and Jaskier can practically track the route his brain takes to reach an understanding. The man has incredibly expressive eyebrows. “Sword fighting.” 
Well, he should have honestly expected that. “How does that… bring you here?” Intruding into his safe space. “I spend a lot of time in this building and I’ve never seen you before.” 
The fact that he might just be another one of the multitude of aspirational theater performers doesn’t escape him, but also doesn’t seem to be the truth. 
“Yennefer said that this show would have sword fighting.” The man lifts his rapier again, but Jaskier buries his face in his arms as it clicks into place. Of course Yennefer would be involved in this somehow. “She said to come talk to the directors.” 
“Yeah, alright. Well, you found one.” Jaskier pushes himself back upright and sweeps a hand over his hair, trying to push aside the extremely tired person who just wanted a moment alone and reclaim the air of the theater’s musical director. “Sword fighting lessons, hm?” 
He’s not even going to address the Yennefer comment. He’ll confront her later about it. 
“I’m not a qualified stage combat trainer,” the stranger admits. “But I do practice with blunted blades.” 
Jaskier runs the mental calculations, though he knows that he’s already done for. “Did Yen tell you that she’s one of the leads for the show?” 
There’s a flicker of something that might be shock on the man’s face. “No.” 
“Oh, color me surprised, she normally can’t resist the urge to gloat.” Especially not to attractive people — and tall, pale, and brooding here is the extreme definition of ‘attractive people’. 
This time, his response is definitely a snort. “I don’t see what difference it makes.” 
Jaskier does, and he hates that Yennefer has him figured out so easily and is already two steps ahead in whatever sort of scheme she is cooking up. 
“Well.” Jaskier fishes his phone out of his pocket with a resigned sigh. “Give me your contact info, and we’ll let you know when we need your services.” He slides it across the top of the piano. “I’m sorry you had to come all the way over here just for me to have to tell you that, but Yennefer should have clarified. So you can blame her for your wasted afternoon.” 
“It wasn’t all bad,” the man says as he hands back the phone. Geralt, the contact reads, and several more things click into place from conversations with Yennefer. “I got to hear that incredible performance. Much better than the woman who actually sang it on stage.”
Jaskier doesn’t know how to feel about tall, pale, and brooding Geralt calling his performance ‘incredible’. Twice. “Thank you,” he says, because it is the polite thing to say. He feels like he should say something else, but words are failing him — which is an uncomfortable first. 
Geralt waits, as if he is expecting some other sort of follow up. When none comes, he gives a curt nod and brushes past the piano. 
Through some incredible force of will, Jaskier resists the urge to watch Geralt leave, if only so that Yennefer won’t be able to read it all over his face later. 
Jaskier: you absolute *witch* Yennefer: 😘 Yennefer: he’s an absolute snack, isn’t he?  Jaskier: i hate u & everything u stand for Yennefer: Of course you do Yennefer: you can tell me all of that and more over drinks tomorrow Jaskier: *please* Yennefer: Smooth way to get his number, btw Jaskier: oh fUCK off Jaskier: I was trying to be professional  Yennefer: For once Jaskier: hah hah hah  Jaskier: i know what ur up to Yennefer: oh? Do you?  Jaskier: I won’t stand for it Yennefer: you know *exactly* what I’m thinking right now Jaskier: i do and i hate it
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jvdeiisms · 4 years
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hi friends!! i’m kendall, i’m 21, my pronouns are she/her, and i’m in the est!! i’m excited to share my little stormcloud baby with you all :) all her info will be under the cut!!
the basics --
- jude catherine ashford // the fool - 20 - junior - reynolds house - anthropology major
background --
( this is very much the abridged version. if u wanna read my monster bio and all the other in-depth info on jude, i’m linking that google doc here! it’s long as hell but it’s ~fun~ )
- jude grew up in florence, oregon as member of what many would call a cult, but she always knew as a new religious movement. it was here that she suffered abuse at the hand of her father - the leader of the group. her mother wasn’t entirely fond of her, either. her only friend was a girl her age named kit. she does not discuss her childhood with most people.  - when she was fifteen, she befriended a trespassing teenager named isaac who taught her about the outside world. kit notably disapproved. after a while of sneaking jude out into the city every few nights, isaac offered to run away with her, for real. jude extended the offer to kit, thinking that the three of them could go together, but kit didn’t want to hear it. the two of them fought, and jude ended up leaving without her. it’s one of her biggest regrets. - she and isaac made it about three months before things started to go horribly wrong. they ran out of money quickly and this is where jude picked up her talent of stealing. she learned from watching others, and is an effective pickpocket because of it. keys, money, credit cards, drugs, she could take it all. even though she tried to adapt, isaac was dissatisfied, and eventually, he left her. she doesn’t know what she did wrong, but he had started to become irritable and they fought often. he seemed bored, as if he had been expecting a different ending to their adventure. - left alone, with no money, few belongings, and extremely limited knowledge of the world around her, jude experienced roughly a year of true homelessness. it’s one of the darkest times of her life, but she feels stronger for it. she bounced around from place to place, never staying in one area too long. she still wanted to see the world, after all. that was the whole point of leaving in the first place. - when she was seventeen she landed in somerville and she met a man named ralph murray. ralph, a deacon at roses, spoke to jude at a diner and decided to invite her to stay with him for a bit. her indefinite stay kept getting extended as the pair grew more attached to each other. jude had never had anyone like ralph in her life, an almost father figure that actually cared for her wellbeing. eventually they decided that he would be her guardian permanently. - he got her into st. cade’s, where she studies anthropology (she still has that thirst for knowledge about people, how societies function). she goes to church with him, although she doesn’t believe in any of it. she’s merely grateful for everything they’ve done for her. still, though, she feels like something is missing in her life. she wants more, and feels guilty for wanting more, but wants it nonetheless. - jude is curious about helena’s disappearance since, as far as she knows, that sort of thing just doesn’t happen here. she wants to do everything she can to help find out what happened because, even though it’s selfish, she thinks that succeeding in that might be her ticket out of somerville.
personality --
- adaptive, empathetic, observant, determined. cunning, curious, blunt, emotional. insecure, sarcastic, selfish, irritable. - a scorpio bb - jude is something of an extroverted introvert. she needs interaction and affection, but also needs time alone to recharge. left alone for too long, though, and she starts to spiral. she’s a bit of a partier, because it helps her relax and takes the edge off of her somewhat troubling thoughts. - jude walks a fine line between wearing her heart on her sleeve and keeping it locked in a box. her emotions are clearly written all over her face, but she’ll never admit to what she feels unless she’s extremely comfortable with you. she hates conflict and avoids it at all costs, but this comes at the price of internalizing everything. day to day, though, she offers a dry, sarcastic sense of humor and an authentic sense of self. she tries her hardest to be happy, or at least content, and it’s easiest for her to get there when she’s with people she cares about. - day to day, though, she offers a dry, sarcastic sense of humor and an authentic sense of self. she tries her hardest to be happy, or at least content, and it’s easiest for her to get there when she’s with people she cares about.
connections --
aside from her cannon connections, here are some connections i’d love to fill for her!
- one night stand or other past (or even current?) hookups: a bitch craves intimacy.  - study buddy: she’s not the best student, but she’s trying her hardest to prove herself. she most definitely needs help with some of her classes. - a plug: she’s gotta get the goods from somewhere. - party friend(s): she’s not so much a “dancing on tables” partier as much as a “sit on the couch with a bong and watch other people dance on tables” partier. but, of course, with the right things in her system and the right people around her, behaviors can change. she’s certainly no stranger to running from the cops. - skating buddy: she do be a sk8ter girl. - enemies: did she steal something from you? does her “mysterious past” act rub you the wrong way? maybe she said something really rude to you, just completely out of pocket! there are a million reasons to hate her, go crazy! - literally anything you can think of. i want it all!!
please please don’t be afraid to hit me up on discord to plot, my user is kenny means business#4259! i’m awake at odd hours bc ~quarantine~ so come vibe w me at 4 am!!
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animalsprite · 5 years
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     hewwo  MKFMDS  idk  how  to  make  an  entrance  w  /  o  just  saying  my  name,  so  i’m  lia,  currently  twenty  ..  soon  to  be  twenty  -  one,  thank  god  ..  nd  i  use  she  /  her  pronouns  !  genuinely.  this  is  the  cutest  group  i’ve  seen  in  years  so  kith  kith  to  the  admins  😚  i  do  not  play  soft  characters  usually  so  bear  w  me  on  this  one,  but  all  of  kieran’s  info  can  be  found  under  the  cut  or  at  least  most  of  it  !  hit  the  lil  heart  if  u’d  like  to  plot  nd  i’ll  make  my  way  over  to  u  unless  u  wanna  make  that  leap  first  💞 u can also reach me on discord @ fightersforyuna#7712 !
°✧。× :  (  hwang hyunjin  +  cis male  +  he/him  )  ───  oh,  look,  i’m  pretty  sure  that’s  KIERAN  SHIN  !    you  know,  the  NINETEEN  year  old  harvest  sprite  ?  they’re  an  ANIMAL  SPRITE,  by  the  look  of  them,  but  i  hear  they’re  actually  half  -  human,  too.  i  wasn’t  sure  the  harvest  goddess  allowed  that  either,  but  i  guess  she  must  !  allowed  or  not,  i’m  pretty  sure  i  heard  that  one  say  they  might  work  part  -  time  as  an  ANIMAL  SHELTER  EMPLOYEE,  but  i  could  have  heard  wrong.  what  i  know  for  certain  is  that  they  DO  believe  in  the  harvest  goddess  and  ARE  loyal  to  her,  which  explains  why  they’re  so  SOLICITOUS  and  IDEALISTIC,  but  can  also  be  a  bit  MALADROIT  and  RESERVED.  i  guess  that’s  what  happens  when  you’re  torn  between  two  different  worlds,  huh  ?  anyways,  if  anyone  asks  about  them,  i’m  pretty  sure  you  can  find  them  at  ENDLESS  PAWSABILITIES  most  often  !  drowning  in  soft  oversized  sweaters,  the  feeling  of  a  warm  blanket  after  it’s  come  out  of  the  dryer,  &  being  surrounded  by  loads  of  animals  at  any  given  moment  !
background .
has  fully  grown  up  on  the  island  obviously  ..  but  only  with  his  mother
father  was  never  in  the  picture.  he  was  the  human  that  made  the  halfie.  his  father  actually  fuckin  bolted  when  he  found  out  the  whole  sprite  shit  since  his  mother  was  able  to  hide  it  well  enough
like  of  course  it  was  real  love,  but  men  change  their  minds  like  the  seasons  and  they  also  are  just  trash
after  he  left,  his  mother  was  tasked  with  raising  him  on  her  own.  that  would  prove  to  be  no  easy  feat  as  kieran  was  born  with  human  ears  ..  a  clear  indicator  he  was  half  human
no  one  had  known  his  father  was  a  human,  she  would’ve  been  disowned  by  her  family  and  the  community  around  her.  so,  without  knowing  whether  kieran  would  show  signs  of  sprite  nature  ..  she  did  what  she  had  to  do
that  meant  when  he  was  a  child,  she’d  brought  him  to  someone  and  got  his  ears  cut  into  a  point  ..  ain’t  that  lovely  ..
anyways  !  he  grew  up  thinking  he  was  100%  sprite  and  he  knows  he’s  not  now,  but  we’ll  get  to  that  in  a  second.  he  doesn’t  know  what  happened  to  his  father,  his  mother  doesn’t  ever  talk  about  it  and  he’s  too  scared  to  ask  her
growing  up  he  definitely  felt  like  he  was  missing  something  or  like  there  was  something  up  w  him  ..  he  always  just  kind  of  blamed  himself  for  his  father  leaving  ?  which  is  the  truth  ,  he  just  doesn’t  know  for  sure,  even  to  this  day
kieran  had  never  felt  like  he’s  belonged,  like  he  didn’t  feel  quite  right  with  other  sprites.  they  could  do  a  lot  of  stuff  he  couldn’t  plus  he  never  heard  of  a  half-human,  half-sprite  before  ..  his  mother  definitely  sheltered  him  from  a  lot  of  things,  so  he  wouldn’t  ask  questions
in  her  defense,  she  did  it  to  protect  him.  she  only  wanted  what  was  best  for  her  baby  as  kieran  was  her  whole  world  and  still  is
grew  up  without  many  friends.  honestly  didn’t  have  more  than  two  probably  ..  he  was  the  subject  of  bullying  growing  up  and  it’s  definitely  taken  it’s  toll  on  him  to  this  day
wouldn’t  really  understand  why  despite  always  feeling  like  he  was  different
however,  despite  all  that  he  was  still  a  pretty  lively  kid.  like  he  was  always  down  to  chat  with  new  people  and  get  to  know  them,  he  was  just  selective  about  who  he  let  close  to  him
he  was  lively  until  he  found  out  from  accidentally  overhearing  his  mother  talk  to  someone  that  he  was  only  half-sprite
mind  u  this  was  when  he  was  in  high  school,  so  he  spent  the  whole  of  his  life  being  lied  to  and  despite  loving  his  mother  a  lot,  he  felt  betrayed
that  info  only  solidified  how  he  had  felt  like  he  doesn’t  belong  anywhere
he  pulled  back  a  bit  from  his  mother,  they’re  still  close  and  what  not  but  not  as  close  ..  pulled  back  from  a  lot  of  people  actually  nd  his  whole  demeanor  sort  of  changed  and  put  a  wall  between  him  and  the  rest  of  the  world
UH  idk  what  else  to  write.  he’s  just  a  kind  of  angsty  and  lonely  little  guy  who  doesn’t  feel  like  he  belongs  anywhere  !
very  reserved  ..  he’s  not  super  fond  of  being  around  other  sprites,  definitely  is  not  fond  of  being  around  humans  ..  they  scare  him  a  lot
he’s  got  the  kindest  heart.  he  wants  to  take  care  of  and  provide  for  other  beings  so  bad  ..  especially  animals
extremely  selfless,  boy  will  not  do  anything  for  himself  nd  will  drop  what  he’s  doing  to  help.  also  sort  of  makes  him  a  lil  gullible  ..  easy  to  use
kieran  is  easily  flustered,  he’s  probably  blushing  and  smiling  and  giggling  about  70%  of  the  time  ..  so  do  w  that  what  u  will
clumsy  ..  so  clumsy  like  he  has  two  left  feet  
despite  being  super  reserved,  he’s  still  very  smiley  and  bubbly.  does  want  to  get  to  know  other  people  but  sort  of  doesn’t  know  how  to  as  he  one.  doesn’t  think  he’s  interesting  enough  and  two.  he’s  shy  ..
has  a  lot  of  trust  issues  and  abandonment  issues
he  does  not  want  u  to  get  to  know  him  in  fear  that  u  will  leave  him  like  his  father  or  think  he  doesn’t  belong  anywhere  because  he’s  only  half  of  both
he’s  so  touch  starved  please  cuddle  him
is  an  easy  crier  ..  just  soft  hearted  and  wears  it  on  his  sleeve
extras .
he’s  a  5′10″  big  ..  baby  ..  a  big  ole  puppy
him  and  his  mother  own  an  animal  shelter  in  town  called  endless  pawsabilities  !  the  establishment  and  the  animals  themselves  are  his  babies  ..
he  feels  super  comfortable  around  animals,  a  lot  of  it  has  to  do  with  his  animal  sprite  nature.  they  tend  to  be  his  best  friends  ..  which  has  branded  him  as  the  weirdo  because  he  talks  to  his  pets  
he’s  a  big  romantic  and  idealist,  loves  the  idea  of  love  and  everything  in  between.  honestly  daydreams  about  it,  but  thinks  it’s  absolutely  unrealistic  because  who  would  like  him  when  he’s  him
he  loves  coffee  and  tea,  will  drink  coffee  in  the  morning  and  tea  before  settling  in  for  the  night
loves  big  sweaters  and  being  warm  and  toasty  ...  loves  a  good  cuddle  😔
there’s  still  feeling  in  his  ears  ..  they’re  just  very  sensitive  and  he  will  NOT  show  his  ears  to  anyone  ..  he’s  very  ashamed  of  them  and  thinks  they’re  ugly  so  his  hair  is  covering  them  100%  of  the  time
oh  uh  he  don’t  really  pay  much  attention  to  the  sprite  world  ..  he’s  so  like  secluded  ever  since  he  found  out  so  ..
wanted plots .
he’s  not  experienced  much  but  perhaps  an  ex  or  an  almost  something  could  be  kind  of  fun  to  play  with  ..
a  best  friend  !  give  him  someone  he  trusts  wholeheartedly  and  like  the  only  person  he  does
owo  maybe  a  bad  influence  on  him  like  he’s  not  one  to  break  the  rules  or  get  out  of  his  own  bubble,  but  someone  who  kinda  pushes  him  too
he  doesn’t  get  annoyed  often  but  perhaps  annoy  the  shit  out  of  him  or  like  have  him  annoy  the  shit  outta  ur  muse  because  he’s  just.  like  that  u  feel
be  a  regular  at  the  animal  shelter  ..  like  a  volunteer  or  sumn  nd  be  his  friend  nd  let  him  get  excited  to  see  u  excited  abt  the  animals
oh  someone  be  his  bully  KMDKSMK  or  just  be  fuckin  mean  to  him
i  got  NOTHIN  else  ..  my  brain  is  empty  so  will  100%  vibe  w  whatever  and  work  that  shit  to  death  individually
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blackuigryphonvr · 5 years
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#PokemonGo #Niantic #Wayfarer #Abuse #CyberBullying I’m currently suspending ALL of my nominations for PokéStops in South Field, and my local area due to a pattern of very bad abusive behaviors collectively done towards me from a group of local individuals whom I’ve actually never ever done anything, but are trashing me behind my back.
I DO NOT APPRECIATE players ganging up on my nominations and ABUSING Niantic’s system to accuse me of being a Nazi and committing a crime! How dare u! It’s like I’m having my own version of the Warren/Sanders back-stab!
WHO in their right mind would ACTUALLY BELIEVE that I’m a Nazi?! WHO would ACTUALLY believe that I would ABUSE Niantic’s system to harm others in my community?
This has been a constant pattern of behaviors of a number of things dating back to June, and this confirms a lot of things I was already catching onto, and suspecting. This also strongly confirms my #1 suspect, and I already suspect up to 9 other persons as well as alt accounts.
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Do u have any idea how much research I put into this spot since 2018? I didn’t just pull this out of my ass. It’s not only historical but prehistoric. There is NOTHING DIFFERENT about THIS SUBMISSION than all of my others that went through.
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But I’ve noticed that whenever I publicly divulge where and when I’m submitting nominations and mention it publicly on social media, or the local Discord thread, those locations get rejected for reasons that make no sense at all.... but, the ones that did make it through were ones I never told anyone I was doing.
Before Wayfarer even went live, I had reservations about sharing my intel, which I’d been gathering since 2018 hoping to turn into a PokéStop eventually... but, I decided it was better to let go of it, so that others could do it. I gladly, And freely gave out my details, added info to Google & Yelp and even went to long lengths of so much research to share which maps to check, which historical archives to use.
I noticed that much of the ones I openly shared with others often got stupid reasons for rejections. So, we had to come up with better methods to submit nominations with less room for potential rejections like having cultural n historical information or good photography exposures. But, when they didn’t tell others they resubmitted, it got accepted.
Also, I was very vocal about my plans and wishes for which locations I’d been scouting out the best locations for Community Days, especially Public Parks! As a Mom I care about a safe place to play, free parking, and safe access.
I recall feeding my intel to others, publicly, and being told by a head person (whom I trust) that my info was being shared with someone whom wanted to do those locations. Specifically, South Field And Stella Tirrell Park.
I wanted those spots to become high quality places to play Community Day, but I HAD A STRONG INKLING that these places could become a PokéGym since there was an older PokéStop there. I told people this. Yet, no one bothered. Months blew by, and nothing...
Well, I finally hit Level 40 at the end of 2019 so I hustled to get my submissions done. It took days for me to plan out which ones I wanted, and which ones would be more likely than others to go through. But my Stella Tirrell submissions were screwed. I thought it was very strange.... but I still had 1 that go frozen in the cue. That one didn’t even go into voting until last week. And because no one was actively trying to screw me, it went through and now Stella Tirrell has a PokéGym.
But, also, I turned the Jet into a PokéGym in South Field. I did the work. And it paid off.
But I never told anyone that I was doing those.
Well, someone assumed it was another player. So I asked who they thought did it.... and THAT was the person at the top of my list as a suspect. This person also is very well liked and many people believe this person to be a nice person.... I know this because I also fell for the “nice guy” act until their behavior shifted by June. This person was also the very first local player I ever met at a Raid, and used to say hi to me driving around at night in places I was playing the game. This person has been so overtly passive aggressive towards me, and also tries to play it off at other times like it’s fine. But the cold shoulder treatment is so overt when they show up to Raids. Acting nonchalant but also actually repulsed by me, or that I don’t exist. Or: sure! I’ll help you.... sorry, I have to leave. Over and over!
Well, after mentioning a number of things recently ( if u scroll through my posts) u can see what I had to say about my recent successes getting 2 new PokeGyms myself that were MAJOR. Stella Tirrell and South Field. Any of these local players could’ve submitted any of those nominations but never bothered to BECAUSE the intel came from me.
So, when that nomination FINALLY wet into the VOTING on Thursday Night, by the morning it was screwed.
When I checked the email and saw the reasons why, I WAS FLOORED!
This was NOT just some instance of a lazy person reviewing and just picking any reason. It says “the Niantic Community of Players” decided this.
Think about that.
Multiple people went looking to find ANYTHING matching the locations where they knew I wanted PokéStops and meticulously went through ALL of the rejection reasons and SPECIFICALLY picked to accuse me of committing a crime!
Not claiming my photos were bad.
No. They accused me of abusing Niantic’s system to commit a crime to harm people in my community.
Well, I let others know in my community, and on social media.
I find it to be very strange than within a few hours a different PokéStop nomination went through in South Field. It’s just so strange!
Dude! Just play fair!
Even if I didn’t like someone, Or didn’t approve of them, I WOULD NEVER EVER ABUSE NIANTIC’S system to hurt Another player, or try to destroy their credibility to submit a PokéStop nomination. I would NEVER stoop so low as to lower my self worth enough to be THAT MALICIOUS! I have self respect. And a person that has self respect is respectful to others, and treats others with dignity.
I also wouldn’t go out of my way to try and kick people out of the game, or stop them from ever playing the game again, or stop having access to the Discord server.
There’s definitely been some very bad things done to me that qualify as bullying. I don’t like it. But, I don’t want to kick them out of the game permanently, or have them banned from the Discord server. I’m not evil like u are. I also know that some of these people are kids. But, it’s pretty messed up when it’s adult men. U literally shame yourselves.
Just because I’m getting old, don’t have my own car, am jobless & live in poverty, and I can’t memorize every name of every single Pokémon ever, or can’t memorize every single PVP Combo or Raid Couter doesn’t mean I’m stupid. I’m not a male player, and I can’t change my gender because I’m a woman -an aging woman! I’m not young. I’m not sexy. And u hate me for some unknown reason. But u really need to check YOURSELF !
This was TOO FAR!
There was NOTHING wrong with my nomination. I looked up so much information about South Field Naval Airbase from multiple sources. I have read through so much archival data. I’m so much more informed about this area than anyone else. But anyone could do this if they just bothered to! Like, JUST READ! I’ve been working on this since 2018! It mattered to me. But also, other people were HAPPY and THANKFUL for the work I did. But I can’t write an encyclopedia as a nomination.
I did a Good thing.
Nobody likes BAD DEEDS nor those whom do them.
If u think that those of u whom all actively decided to attack me using Niantic’s system are people that u could trust, or whether they trust u, think again. They will ALWAYS remember that u all got together to attack my reputation, and it will always be in the back of their mind. Eventually, someone will always either screw u, or it will backfire in some way. Their is no honor among criminals, thieves, gangsters. If they can do it together with you against me, what makes u think at some point they might not do it to you the moment it suits them? Or, they will always assume u did these kinds of things.
Just don’t do it.
You know it’s wrong.
Just stop it, and move on.
You really need to think about what kind of person you really are, what your values are, and what kind of person you are vs what kind of person you SHOULD be.
If u have been putting up a front of who u want people to think u are, and I know you are, then u need to get to the root of why that is.
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vivienncs · 5 years
❧ make sure you KISS your fist before you PUNCH me in the face ❧
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❝  Forgiveness is a war between the head and the heart and my body is a battleground. This is how it ends. I'm built of speed but nobody ever taught me how to back down. I wouldn't know how to outrun a war. ❞
BRIANNE TJU? No, that’s actually VIVIENNE ‘VIV’ CHANG from the NEXT GENERATION ERA. You know, the child of CHO CHANG and NICO TEJA? Only 21 years old, this GRYFFINDOR alumni works as an INDEPENDENT CURSEBREAKER and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. SHE identifies as a CIS WOMAN and is a HALFBLOOD who is known to be CRITICAL, ABRASIVE, and UNFORGIVING but also DAUNTLESS, UNSTOPPABLE, and QUICK-WITTED. — &&. ( JANE, NZT, SHE/HER, 22. )
hellooooo this is jane
viv’s pinterest is here!!! ( she also has a smaller section HERE in my general quantum leap board ) 
viv is mostly a chaotic competitive
this is the girl who decided to try in her classes bc some asshole annoyed her and she decided the appropriate response was to beat him at everything he loves so
anyway it worked out! she found the academic half of her nerdjock truth and ended up taking way too many fucking newts and owls
her history of magic project in sixth year was about how the founders are fake/fables (the real people still existed probs but certainly the names and traits make more sense as fables and anyway surnames didn’t exist like that at the time and she has a lot of points and i bet someone tells her it’s a dumb idea so she devotes herself to it as her history of magic project) so get ready for her to tell u about that if she remotely values ur academic opinions/thoughts
like 4′11″
maybe she’s hit 5′0″ now that she’s twenty one (good grief) but chances are no... also wouldn’t make a difference anyway —- she’d be an inch closer to some people and still over a foot shorter than her bf
she was a chaser for gryffindor from a young age, and until she was in sixth year, she’d really intended on playing professionally and had been involved in the sport from her youth, playing in younger leagues and being part of professional youth teams during her hogwarts years. it’s something she’s still v passionate about, but what it really comes down to is that when she was having her academic careers meeting in fifth year, she realised: there were other things she equally wanted to do with her life. before that moment, it had never really been framed that way, like there was anything else she cared enough about to do for the rest of her life, that there was anything else she was good enough to do, but after that meeting and during the months following, she really came to understand that while her notable speed and physicality would always be things she connected to, she truly loved history and academia, and the theory of magic (as well as the practical execution of curses / unravelling them), and something about combining those aspects with her determined and dauntless spirit set her on track for cursebreaking (independently —- we aren’t here for destroying magics of antiquity and other cultures for capitalism n banks y’all)
don’t fuck w her gals 
will break ur nose and not apologise
will help lily bury a body if need be
cho is younger child of weisheng chang, who was brother to jia chang, mother to marlene mckinnon —- marlene and cho were cousins, except marls died when cho was a baby, rip (jia was younger and had her children when she was young, whereas weisheng had them later in life, and cho was his younger child). seeing as jia’s estrangement from their family was due to their parents and weisheng had no beef with her, they reconnected properly a few years before the mckinnons died (except now marlene is alive again, adult!cho’s popped out of existence, and viv’s now got a teenage mother who doesn’t know her and also her mother’s dead war hero of a cousin. it’s a Time™ aight)
in fourth, year she once paid the quidditch commentator a galleon to call al “prefect potter” during an entire game and her defence to her mother was “listen he likes it and anyway it’s re-establishing his authority and reminding all the youths which one he is, as if they could forget a walking mountain”
(she does call him prefect potter)
v ride or die
loves dogs and magical creatures, hates birds and cats
just…. she’s tiny but believe she will fling herself at u if need be
an aries!! god no wonder she’s so competitive
SUUUUUPER into types of magic and magical knowledge like girl took way too many owls just bc she’s so fascinated in the nature of magic and how it can be used and magic from other cultures bc of how magical linguistics work and it definitely fed into her becoming a cursebreaker
v loyal friend but also highkey has excellent side eye for when ur being a dumbass
loves sugar quills and chaos
tends to take her time on some issues bc logically she sees pros and cons from both sides but when she makes an Emotional Decision™ on it, she’ll stand by it. until then, it’s mostly deliberating from a logical standpoint, which is prone to change with new info (things like joining the order tho are like… in her opinion, there’s nothing to debate with that?? like, that was the obvious right choice, it’s not something less clear cut)
dropped herbology and astronomy so fuckin quick after fifth year —- she liked neville a lot, but herbology is just not her cup of tea
stans viktor krum so fuckin hard
she has wanted connections that i will Think About More And Post but i have to send my ass to sleep asap
[ parental death tw ] her mum raised her by herself at first and then reconnected with her dad but he died when viv was about ten [ end parental death tw ]
scottish (always lived in glasgow area)
“swearing in a scottish accent is patriotic, minerva”
recalcitrant, reckless, harsh, impatient, unforgiving, highly critical, abrasive, sharp-tongued, blunt, not... super comforting
but also: loyal, ferocious, tough, determined, dauntless, quick-witted, unflinching, clever, dedicated, wry, perceptive, protective
currently dating al potter, timeline tbd (but recent-ish), lives w lily potter
travelled a bit/was in and out of the uk during her training but is Firmly Back Now other than any work trip she may have
re: time clash —- oof. ooooof. ok. well, not thrilled that her mother has, for all intents and purposes, disappeared. she realises that the cho currently around is literally her mother, but also she very much isn’t, and it’s a weird situation. trying to be there for her though, and also marlene & other mckinnons who have popped up, though from what she’s heard abt the mckinnon side of marlene’s family, she’s not super inclined to be welcoming (touched on in marls’ bio, but seeing as that’s only linked in discord bc her intro is still drafted for now, tl;dr is that the mckinnon grandparents were racist, mostly in the like... ‘i voted for obama!! how can i be racist, even w all these microaggressions??’ sorta way, though there were a few more Explicit Incidents). still, having her family around is weird, but it’s far, far from the worst of it all.
really interested in the actual logistics of the timeclash and is someone who is thinking abt the logical progressions that can occur from here, but also —- in line w being unforgiving, she’s... in theory, she does agree with the idea that you can’t punish someone for something they haven’t done yet. but she looks at people like theodore nott & peter pettigrew & that just burns away, and all the theory and thoughts go out the fucking window and she wants to step on them and grind them to dust with her heel.
character parallels: holly short (artemis fowl), maya hart (gmw), elizabeth swann (potc), zoë nightshade (pjo), leia organa (star wars), thalia grace (pjo), kat stratford (10 things i hate about you), patty (she’s out of my league), xena (xena warrior princess), paris geller (gilmore girls), isabelle lightwood (the shadowhunter chronicles), hands holloway (accepted), drainpipe edwards (vinyl 2012), james rhodes (marvel), and apparently fuckin’ legolas greenleaf lmfaaaaaaao [ many of these r from charactour so... watch me add some as actual ones come to mind, probably ]
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