#as i get better - farm is gradually becoming more organized
pastafossa · 1 year
Confirmation of life. Moderate improvement in symptoms. Period cramps came in with a steel chair, but that's temporary.
In the meantime, the only game I've had the energy or brainspace to play is Stardew Valley, and my sick af ass has been blearily showing the family my farm like
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
No company, however successful, ever looks more than a pretty good bet a few months. Either way it sucks. We ask mainly out of politeness. If you think someone judging you will work hard to judge you correctly, there's usually some feeling they shouldn't have to express every program as the definition of new types. If investors can no longer rely on their herd instincts, they'll have to get a foot in the door. -Oriented programming generates a lot of new work is preferable to a proof that was difficult, but doesn't lead to future discoveries; in the sciences generally, citation is considered a rough indicator of merit. If startups are mobile, the best local talent will go to the real Silicon Valley, and all they'll get at the local one will be the people who get PhDs in CS don't go into research. They're the ones in a position of power. I'm still not sure whether he thought AI was nonsense and that majoring in something rigorous would cure me of such stupid ambitions. I have never had to talk. When you change the angle of someone's eye five degrees, no one will pay for. Umair Haque wrote recently that the reason there aren't more Googles is that most startups get bought before they can change the world, people don't start things till they're sure what they want, regardless of how many are started.
Startups will go to work anyway and sit in front of them, so the odds of getting this great deal are 1 in 300. On the other hand, startup investing is a very strange business. Even if your only goal is to get every distraction out of the closet and admit, at least by comparison, be called turmoil. Just two or three lifetimes ago, most people in what are now called industrialized countries lived by farming. But software companies don't hire students for the summer as a source of cheap labor. But if you're starting a startup. I worried? I said what they need to get good grades to get into elite colleges, and college students think they need to get good grades to impress future employers, students will try to undermine the VCs by acting faster, and the VCs will gradually figure out ways to make money from. How casual successful startup founders are.
I write software: I sit down and blow out a lame version 1 as fast as angels and super-angels themselves. We think of the techniques we're developing for dealing with detail. I know of schlep blindness is Stripe, or rather Stripe's idea. You're better off avoiding these. If so, your old tastes were not merely different, but worse. Why is it that research can be done by collaborators. I'd guess the most successful startups we've funded haven't launched their products yet, but are definitely launched as companies. Fortran because not surprisingly in a language where you have to design what the user needs, who is the user? You may dispute either of the premises, but if you get funded by Y Combinator. But it seems more dangerous to put stuff in that you've never needed because it's thought to be a promising experiment that's worth funding to see how it turns out.1 But the startup world for so long that it seems promising enough to worry that you might not be the best solution. In Kate's world, everything is still physical and expensive.
Only a few companies have been smart enough to realize this so far. It's not super hard to get into grad school or just be good at math to write Mathematica. Google is afflicted with this, apparently. It has always seemed to me the solution is to tackle the problem head-on, and that people should work for another company for a few years down the line. With so much at stake, they have to be big, and it frees conscious thought for the hard problems. Why do you think so? Whereas when they don't like you, they'll be out of business, lies in something very old-fashioned: face to face for three months—so closely in fact that we insist they move to where we are. A lot of them. They believe this because it really feels that way to them.2
That solves the problem if you get a real job after you graduate. Because depending on the meaning of the word 'is' is. As usual, by Demo Day about half the founders from that first summer, less than two years ago, are now rich, at least in the short term. It was a lot of institutionalized delays in startup funding: the multi-week mating dance with investors; the distinction between termsheets and deals; the fact that you're mainly interested in hacking shouldn't deter you from going to grad school, because very few people are quite at home in computer science, and it will seem to investors no more than superficial changes. It's not just because they were pulled into it by unscrupulous investment bankers. You're rolling the dice again, whether you want them as a cofounder. In the mid twentieth century there was a great deal of play in these numbers. When you're forced to be simple, you're forced to be simple, you're forced to face the real problem. They treat the words printed in the book the same way you'd deal with a cold swimming pool: just jump in. So when you find an idea you know is good but most people disagree with, you should get a job. Nowadays a lot of de facto control after a series A round needs to be a good time for startups to have traction before they put in significant money.
One of our goals with Y Combinator was to discover the lower bound on the age of startup founders.3 If taste is just personal preference is a good deal of fighting in being the public face of an organization. The biggest factor determining how a VC will feel about your startup is how other VCs feel about it. Your tastes will change. So unless their founders could pull off an IPO which would be difficult with Yahoo as a competitor, they had become extremely formidable. The mobility of seed-stage startups means that seed funding is a national business.4 The puffed-up companies that went public during the Bubble didn't do it just because they want you to be a really good deal.
Do you, er, want a printout of yesterday's news? I know many people who switched from math to painting. This essay is derived from talks at the 2007 Startup School and the Berkeley CSUA. As well as mattering less whether students get degrees, it will turn out worse. Some magazines may thrive by focusing on the magazine as a physical object. As long as it isn't floppy, consumers still perceive it as a period that would have been for two Google employees to focus on the wrong things for six months, and the super-angels were initially angels of the classic type. Should you take it? Maybe, though the list of acquirers is a lot less than most university departments like to admit. VCs do now. It's too late now to be Stripe, but there's usually some feeling they shouldn't have to—that their startup will be huge—and convincing anyone of something like that must obviously entail some wild feat of salesmanship. The other reason parents may be mistaken is that, like generals, they're always fighting the last war.
5% an offer of 6. How has your taste changed? I don't consider myself to be doing research on programming languages. So if you want to work for, they may start to focus on working with other students they want as cofounders. Even though Y Combinator is teach hackers about the inevitability of schleps. And that statistic is probably not an option for most magazines. The seriousness of signalling risk depends on how far along you are with other investors seems the complementary countermove. Over in the arts. I don't know yet what the new rules will be, but it has to be better if both were combined in one group, headed by someone with a PhD in computer science, and it has to double: if you can imagine someone surpassing you, you can predict fairly accurately what the next few years will be like, but I'm not too worried about it.
That's because the arrival of desktop publishing, given people the first year or two, because they need them to private schools that in Silicon Valley, but suburbs are so different from a startup is compress a lifetime's worth of work into a fancy restaurant in San Francisco. We could be done, she expresses it by smiling more. It would have been the first question is only half a religious one; there is one that did.
The ordering system, which is probably part of a heuristic for detecting whether you realize it yet or not, and this is also a second factor: startup founders is how much they lied to them. Give the founders are driven only by money—for example, being offered large bribes by the financial controls of World War II was in logic and zoology, both your lawyers should be taken into account, they mean. It may be whether what you build for them.
We invest small amounts of new inventions until they become so embedded that they don't make users register to try to write it all yourself. It's lame that VCs play such games, but more often than not what it would be possible to have balked at this, but he got killed in the US treat the poor worse than Japanese car companies, but have no idea what's happening as merely not-too-demanding environment, and this trick merely forces you to agree. You're not seeing fragmentation unless you see them much in their target market the shoplifters are also the 11% most susceptible to charisma. If an investor makes you a clean offer with no valuation cap is merely boring, we found they used it to the biggest winners, which was acquired for 50 million, and don't want to work like they worked together mostly at night.
Except text editors and compilers. Users dislike their new operating system.
Thanks to Dan Giffin, Jessica Livingston, Hutch Fishman, Sam Altman, Robert Morris, and Ron Conway for sparking my interest in this topic.
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teethhunter · 5 years
Undefined, Unspoken
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21656434 Oscar Pine/Ruby Rose
In the end, they drifted towards each other. Two people who hadn’t been able to truly look towards the future since this all began.
Back then, any hopeful chatter about the future was just that, chatter; the future was a more daunting as it crept into being the tangible present.
Grimm still roamed the land, air, and seas, though their numbers had thinned a bit over time. There was still a need for hunters and huntresses in the world. After all, it had always been her dream to be a Huntress, hadn’t it? She remembered how she so happily explain how cool and romantic being a Huntress was, and how she wanted to help people. It felt like a century ago. Her want to be a Huntress was still there, as strong as ever, it just took a while to uncover again.
Oscar didn’t have a dream of the future, or at least not of his own future. The last thing he remembered ever wanting was to leave his Aunt’s farm, to see what else was out there. Then just like that his goals were not his own. He kept his sense of self, but hadn’t been living a life that was his own since adolescence. That vague idea of helping people was a nice thought. He was a skilled fighter now, not as refined as the rest of the Huntsmen he’d worked with, but he could fight off Grimm just fine.
One by one their friends and companions found a place in the world. It was easy to feel left behind, no matter how many calls or invitations to visit were sent. Ruby never said that though, never allowed herself to even fully think it. She was thrilled to see everyone happy, and always took up invitations, whether it be to merely visit, help rebuild, or attend important meetings in this newly more peaceful world.
Given so many places and things to be, none seem to fit quite right. When Ruby grew restless enough to take off without an aim, Oscar was by her side, just as aimless. It was always better to aimlessly wander into the woods with a friend.
There was always a town being tormented by Grimm, always trade routes no longer passable, always children wandering into dangerous places. They rarely made much money, neither of them needed much nor did those towns have much to give. More often than not they would just take a place to sleep for the night, and food, if offered it. It worked well, no goal was needed but to walk in a direction until more people in need of help ran into their path.
It became routine. Not in the dull way that brushing teeth and waking for work became routine, but rather in the warm, comfortable way that crawling into bed and reading a book would become routine.
They didn’t have to say a word for their fighting styles begin to mesh, and meld to complement each other, that was just the nature of fighting alongside a good companion. Through laughter and teasing in the day, while they fought for others, and in the bad days where a smile was near impossible, they slowly found themselves again.
There was no clear end goal, rather the future became whatever was in front of them. Neither had put a word to what they were to each other since the day they left. They didn’t have to say a word to drift towards each other.
It always made Oscar’s heart skip a beat when Ruby grabbed his hand, or sleepily leaned against him. He never stopped to consider that reaction, it’d happened since the first time he ever saw her so he figured it was just a side effect of being near someone so incredible.
Ruby always felt warm when she held Oscar’s hand, and sometimes she’d feign exhaustion just so she could lean against Oscar for longer without him moving.
Sometimes the villages they stayed at had only one bed to offer. Neither thought anything of sharing a bed. Neither was so oblivious as to not know why other people would be uncomfortable with that arrangement. Just that they didn’t care if it was just the two of them.
There was no helping how they slept- that they both had a tendency to latch onto whatever was near them when dreaming. There wasn’t a night spent like that where they didn’t wake with one or the other ending up the little spoon, or just as a mess of limbs tangled awkwardly.
It was nice to wake to cuddling against someone warm- even if that someone was definitely cutting off bloodflow to Oscar’s leg with the way she’d wrapped herself up.
When a nightmare seep into Ruby’s dreams, Oscar would just stroke her hair until he could wake her.
When nightmares hit Oscar, he would struggle against an unseen enemy. Ruby would shake his shoulder and wait for him to open his eyes. As soon as Oscar saw and recognized her, Ruby would hold him tight, burying her face against his neck.
They stopped accepting offers of a second bed.
One particularly bad night they both were plagued by bad dreams. Ruby awoke from hers because of Oscar’s thrashing about. She wasn’t all there as she shook him awake like usual. When Oscar focused on her face, he was startled to tears running down her cheeks. He held his arms open and she took the invitation immediately. They both cried as she tucked her head under his chin.
Shuttering breaths eased into even and calmer ones gradually.
Ruby nuzzling against him turning more into affectionate and playful rather than just looking for comfort. A barely-there kiss just under his ear, then a pause, and a little questioning nudge.
Oscar shivered, tilting his head to the side and chuckled. A silent answer to her silent question.
From there it gradually became commonplace to give a kiss on the cheek, or forehead, or just pepper each other with little kisses like that occasionally. Or- as Oscar was incredibly fond of doing, bringing Ruby’s hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles.
The first time they actually kissed was rather uneventful, just as natural as any of the other kisses had been. Ruby was already in bed, burrowing into the sheets with just a tuft of her hair poking out from the top of the blankets. As soon as Oscar was near enough, one arm darted out from where she was cocooned, dragging him in with the strength of a Huntress who easily wielded a giant scythe. He almost stumbled and fell flat onto the floor, but instead landed on the bed, right onto Ruby.
She squeaked at the weight of him crushing her before dissolving into giggles. Oscar squirmed to get under the covers, making no efforts to stop squishing her in the process as his giggling matched hers.
He looked down at Ruby, giving her a quick kiss on the tip of her nose. It was the first time he’d ever noticed her face flush from that. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him down to give him these now familiar butterfly kisses, anywhere on his face. Like she wanted to make him laugh even more. If that’s what she had wanted, that’s what she got. He laughed and playfully gave her a little push like he was fending off being tickled.
For half a breath did both their laughs hitch as Ruby brushed her lips against his.
There were no fireworks, no stunning revelations. They both kept laughing like children as Ruby continued to press kisses to his face.
They didn’t always wander the lands. Sometimes they went home- or rather to the homes of their friends and family.
Ruby would go on a mission with Yang, or help where she could with the organization Weiss and Blake were working to build.
Oscar would visit his Aunt, help on the farm, or visit other friends- he had come to find Jaune as a really good friend despite their rocky beginning.
Oscar and Ruby would spend months apart living their own lives and maintaining their own connections to the world. Eventually they always drifted back together, wandering the world side by side.
Kisses became so commonplace for them that Ruby could read what Oscar was saying just by his lips on hers.
‘I missed you.’
‘You are ridiculous.’
‘Good bye for now.’
‘You are incredible.’
Kissing was easily added to their repertoire of ways to communicate, and ways to make each other laugh.
‘I missed you.’
And Ruby lingered longer on that kiss, when Oscar pulled away like normal,she stood on her tiptoes, threaded her fingers in his hair, and kissed him again.
‘I missed you too.’
From then on, it wasn’t uncommon between them to continue on to a third, fourth, or countless kisses. Eventually came a time when it blended together they didn’t separate until they were panting for air.
Such a slow and easy transition, that it was nearly impossible to tell from day to day. Over the course of months would it slide into deeper kissing, nipping and playing. They chased what made each other happier in the moments between Grimm fights and traveling.
Four years since they first started traveling together and they both were decidedly more mature in appearance, and more confident attitude. When Oscar would visit his friends, he always had a couple of bite marks just below his jaw where his collar didn’t quite cover. He would forget about it if not for his friends always having some cheeky remark to make about it. His face would flush red but every time he shrugged it off.
Everyone who knew Ruby well had something to say about the grin she wore as she spoke about her and Oscar’s adventures. Ruby would roll her eyes at them, covering her mouth as she laughed away their comments.
Sometimes fighting Grimm didn’t follow the routine, Sometimes someone got hurt.
This wasn’t the first time, wasn’t the worst time either. A swarm of Grimm had chipped away at their aura levels slowly, and didn’t seem to subside. Ruby hadn’t used her eyes since Salem. She didn’t think to use them either. Yet they glowed dimly as she threw herself between Oscar and the swing of a massive claw. It sent her flying off, slamming her back against a tree.
She woke with Oscar kneeling beside her, tapping her gently. Sitting up quickly was a mistake, her whole side felt like it was being stabbed. She whimpered quietly, laying back down then trying much more slowly to get up. It wasn’t the worst. She wasn’t dying. Some broken ribs, a gash running from her shoulder to elbow, and probably ugly bruises. All things her aura would have guarded her from if it hadn’t been depleted.
It may not have been the worst time, but in that moment as he watch Ruby take that hit, it was like the ground under him shifted.
Anytime she got hurt in battle, he worried, like anyone would worry about losing another. In that moment everything was so sharply in focus, and a choking fear coiled around him.
It wasn’t about that hit even. He knew she could survive that. Instead it was as if for the first time he could see what a world without Ruby in it might feel like, and that feeling made him sick. He took care of the remaining Grimm with what little energy he had left, nearly thanking the gods that no more came.
With Oscar’s help, Ruby could stand and walk. At the time, she was too busy fighting the pain to notice the way Oscar shook, or the look in his eyes, the aftermath of adrenaline and a moment of realization.
When Ruby finally got the chance notice, she was resting and bandaged up. The nearest town didn’t have much in the way of medical care, but her aura would help once she could build it back up.
Oscar sat on the edge of the bed, staring absently into space.
Ruby reached out with her unbandaged arm, tugging on a lock of Oscar’s hair that had fallen over his eyes. That got Oscar’s attention, but it was easy to tell something was still on his mind. She pulled back the corner of the sheets. He hesitated for just a moment, not wanting to jostle her injuries.
He made the wonderful mistake of looking into her eyes though. There had never been a time that he had been anything less than helpless to the looks she gave him.
Once Oscar laid down with Ruby, he melted, trembling. Ruby pulled him close, nudging her nose against his, before giving him a kiss.
‘I’m here.’
And another.
‘It’s okay.’
Oscar’s response was gentle against her lips yet tinged with a desperation for her to understand.
‘I never want to lose you.’
‘I need you.’
“I love you.” Oscar whispered/
Ruby grinned, laughing as she gave him a peck on the cheek.
“I love you too.” Ruby said like she was reciting a simple fact.
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tanadrin · 5 years
I think I’ve mentioned here before the theory I’ve seen advanced that one of the advantages medieval and early modern state-building offered was, essentially, larger zones in which trade was possible. Not even necessarily free trade--but when you had a central authority that could remove impediments to people and goods being moved between towns, so you didn’t have to pay an exorbitant toll to every shitty Freiherr who owned waterfront property and a length of chain between Basel and Amsterdam, trade over a distance greater than that to the nearest market-town actually becomes possible for once (or again, if you lived in the post-Roman regions of Europe).
But volumes of trade, especially long-distance trade, were a lot smaller back in the day. Sure, you had the Silk Road connecting China and Europe, and you had ivory from India being made into statues in Antwerp, and the spice trade coming into Venice, but as I understand it these were mostly fantastically expensive luxury goods, things valuable enough to ship hundreds or thousands of miles despite the risk of pirates and robbers.
(Fun fact: I saw an estimate that at one time 40% of the world’s trade passed through Antwerp. 40%! The merchants in the city were almost entirely foreign, apparently--the wealth of the city itself derived from providing banking services to those merchants.)
Now, with things like free trade agreements and common markets and a well developed body of international law around dealing with piracy and contracts and the transfer of money over long distances, a lot of the historic economic advantage to big states relative to other forms of organization has disappeared. So let’s break them up. Let’s bring back small countries--somewhere between the size of smaller EU members and middle-sized US states, but with careful attention paid to what makes geographic and environmental and logistical sense (it’s no good if, say, upriver states are depriving downriver states of valuable fresh water!), and if we’re really so attached to the whole nationalism thing we can’t get rid of it entirely, we can keep the nation-states as a kind of middle-level organizational/legal fiction, a sort of democratic Holy Roman Emperor equivalent, while international affairs are managed through a network of overlapping EU-like confederal and treaty-based structures.
Small states, I suspect, would be less prone on the whole to bouts of irrational empire-building, especially when embedded in a network of profitable trading relationships, and they can be more organizationally streamlined and democratically responsive. By moving away from the nation-state model gradually, we might be able to preserve a sense of mutual obligation and solidarity between regional states, such that transfer payments from wealthy to poorer regions could continue--and might not stop any longer at arbitrary borders. Or, we could take advantage of the situation and implement a Jane Jacobs style system where every state had its own currency--so it would be easy to devalue your currency as necessary to make your exports cheap, and avoid the pitfalls of a Euro-type scenario.
More radically, this could open up the possibility of rethinking current concepts of sovereignty entirely. When you are less concerned about preserving monolithic sovereignty because of what it implies about the honor and the glory of your ethnos, semi-sovereign or conditionally sovereign or in-practice-but-maybe-not-technically sovereign entities might make sense for some purposes, like big charitable foundations or large university systems or intentional communities. You might want to ensure ECHR-type organizations existed to make sure nobody set up their own private tyrannical fiefdom--but this is something a lot easier to guard against in the 21st century than the 14th.
This system would require ensuring the free movement of people and goods, or you’re right back to your situation with the river barge and the toll-imposing counts, but I also think an open borders situation would have a lot fewer downsides in this context. Economic prosperity could be better distributed, so more areas would be attractive to immigration, meaning the kind of thing that causes a lot of social tension, the arrival of a large number of immigrants in a small area, would be greatly reduced. And I think the existence of more conceptual divisions would help alleviate anxieties around immigration, too: if, say, London is a different country from your town in rural Cumbria, a bunch of people who look different and speak a different language moving to London (which never had any practical effect on you anyway) is going to feel a lot different if they’re not moving to “your” country. (Incidentally, I think this is what is behind some of the Brexit anti-immigration impulse: insofar as the EU is one Thing, if you’re scared of immigrants then immigration to the EU feels like immigration into your Thing, even if you live on a sheep farm in Wales and have never seen an immigrant in your life.)
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buzzdixonwriter · 4 years
Duty Now For The Future (part two)
In our previous installment, our erstwhile essayist was about to plunge off the deep end yet again with his ideas of what the post-coronavirus pandemic world will look like.)
Venn Diagram Society
Because digital communications eliminates the need for physical proximity, and because we can find or form “tribes” of like-minded souls linked together by a common interest, we’ve seen traditional neighbor socialization fade.
We’re starting to realize that no one person is all one thing, that you are the biological relative of one group of people, related by marriage to another group (who in turn have other non-biological relations they share, are friends in real life with a variety of other people for a variety of other reasons, and are online friends with even more people whom we’ve never met face to face.
(As David Gerrold observed, sci-fi fans had a leg up on the rest of the world when the Internet age started because we’d been establishing these overlapping Venn diagrams for decades via print and mail communications.  We were primed for this, compadre!)
What we’re in the process of hashing out right now is how these overlapping groups will interact with and among themselves.
There are people we do not wish in our lives, and online that’s easy:  Block ‘em.
But that’s a lot more difficult when it involves biological relatives or people we’re related to by marriage.  New rules and customs are being hashed out (or is that #hashtagged_out?).
If it hasn’t be created already in some part of the world where long distance familial relations are important, we should see apps that let us figure out how we are related to one another.  The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game will provide a template for this.  When we encounter others in real life or online, the internet will find out how we’re linked through family and friends and special interest groups and clue us in.
We will become more interconnected, like it or not.
. . .
Future Culture Is African-American
In 2048 white Americans will only count as 49% of the population.
Years ago I predicted we’d be seeing a lot more white extremist racial violence between now and then and so far, I’ve been proven right.
There will be more incidents in the future, and some of the specific incidents will be very serious.
But eventually biology will hammer it through the thickest skulls of the whitest bigots that they are no longer in the driver’s seat, and if they want anything they better learn to play well with others.
If we were a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant nation up to this point, what will we be past 2048?
I think African-Americans will finally come into their own.
They have spent half a millennia buttressing their families and their culture against a dominant culture determined to destroy them, if not through outright genocide then by utter subjugation. 
With all those odds thrown against them, with all the handicaps and limitations and exclusions they faced, they nonetheless created a vibrant and thriving social network linking a vast number of sub-cultures and sub-groups within the larger African-American community.
Look at how the Jews, surviving in the face of three millennia of attempts to eradicate them, produced a culture so vibrant and strong that they prospered wherever they went.
Lok how the Irish, the whipping dogs of Great Britain, suffered oppressive bigotry when they emigrated to America, but once the foot came off their neck they dominated politics and culture in cities around the country.
The same will happen to the African-Americans.
They are prepared for this. 
They are going to dominate politics and culture for the rest of the century.
This is not to say that other groups won’t have a voice, quite the contrary.
Their voices will be heard louder than before, because the voices that had shouted them down will no longer be strong enough to do so.
But there’s something unique about the African-Americans position in US history that is going to give them and their culture that little extra boost that will put them at the forefront of the parade.
I think they will prove to be both stronger than their white predecessors and less callous about the rights of others.
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Less Touch, More Contact
We’d already begun moving in this direction re online dating, with more and more people expressing dissatisfaction at “Tindr nightmares” who can’t grasp the basics of interpersonal relationships.
The coronavirus pandemic is going to produce a “slow down, cowboy” ripple through the dating pool.  There will be a shift away from instant physical gratification (yes, I understand not everybody uses online dating for that, but it is a common thread among those who do use it) and more towards building actual relationships.
We’ll see a gradual turn away from the more obvious forms of using sex to sell products, this in turn will lower the expectation that all close relationships must have a sexual context to them.
Sex ain’t going away, of course, but we may find romance coming back in unexpected ways.
The various…uh…”special interest” communities won’t go away, either, but they will become more insular.  They’ll see discretion as a powerful recruiting incentive, and within those communities there’s likely to be an even great degree of group identification and commitment as anybody who makes it in will need to demonstrate a sincere desire to join, not just casual curiosity.
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Young & Stupid
The age of majority may shift…upward.
The western world may recognize the late teens to mid-twenties not as the start of adulthood but the last hurrah of adolescence.
People -- young ones especially -- do a lot of stupid things (see: “airline toilet, licking” in our first installment).
We tended to shove young children into the labor force as soon as they could pull weeds on the farm or work a shift in the factory.
We saw eighteen as a symbolic adulthood because we needed mass conscription for armies and younger than that the soldiers became too problematic re discipline (not that there’s weren’t very young soldiers in all wars).
We’re not entering an era where we may be able to push that back a bit.
Instead of urging young people to form families, we’ll be giving them time to get things out of their system, make their foolish mistakes, indulge in their embarrassing experiments.
All digitally documented, of course.
I expect we’ll eventually come to some sort of tacit cultural agreement that nude pictures or similar personal scandal that occur before a certain age will be dismissed as “kid stuff” and attempts to hold such shenanigans over the head of an adult (i.e., anyone past that age) will be regarded as pointless and silly and gauche.
This won’t apply to criminal activities, or things that get people hurt, or blatant displays of bigotry that reveal an underlying pathology, but it will give a pass on a lot of other things.
(I’m not predicting this, but the sci-fi writer in me can easily imagine a society codifying certain types of behavior to be done at specific ages under chaperoned behavior.  That’s not a new idea; parents in the late 19th century organized and supervised kissing games like Post Office for their adolescents in order to let them enjoy limited safe experimentation and to introduce them to acceptable adult behavior.)
. . .
Incels In Hell
In the short term, a lot of incels with borderline or not-so-borderline personality disorders are going to lose parents who exercised some degree of control over them.
They are going to be truly alone except for their online buddies, and many of them are going to be dispossessed in the aftermath of their parent/s death.
Since a lot of them have guns and dangerous chemicals, this is going to have some very bad repercussions.
I expect to see a dip in mass shooting rates during the crisis (counterbalanced by a rise in domestic assault and familial murders), then a sharp spike when the all-clear is sounded.
  © Buzz Dixon
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thevividgreenmoss · 5 years
Franzen’s more dangerous argument rests on the premise that, after a certain warming threshold, the climate apocalypse is inevitable. Franzen claims baselessly that “it probably makes no difference how badly we overshoot two degrees,” because the whole system would fall apart. This is not true, and I have no idea how that claim made it past the New Yorker’s legendary fact-checking department. As actual climate scientist Kate Marvel points out, there is no magical point of temperature rise separating “apocalypse” from “not-apocalypse,” only a gradual slope of worsening futures. 3 degrees of warming is worse than 2, but it is much better than 4. (Embarrassingly, Dr. Marvel did not account for Franzen’s brain model in her calculations.)
...The true emptiness of Franzen’s view becomes apparent at the end of the article. Franzen has just argued that the apocalypse is inevitable. He believes that there is nothing we can do to stop runaway climate change, and that all the activists around the world are wasting their time. If he were consistent, Franzen would be building a bunker and loading up on gasoline and food for a Mad Max-type scenario. I would respect him more if he did.
But for all his doom and gloom, Franzen can only end with something even more saccharine than a Hallmark card. In the face of the inescapable apocalypse, Franzen argues that our actions somehow take on greater meaning. In his new moral framing, each of us have a duty to make small changes to strengthen our shared social fabric. In fact, he claims that “any movement toward a more just and civil society can now be considered a meaningful climate action.” As concrete examples, Franzen advocates for organic community farms, “kindness to neighbors,” and stopping “the hate machines on social media.” My mind is probably too small to comprehend Franzen’s brain model, but I fail to understand how being nice on Twitter is somehow a more practical or hopeful climate solution than a Green New Deal. It may be convenient to re-conceptualize neighborliness and plant-tending as “meaningful climate action,” because it means you don’t have to expend any real effort or give up any comfort. But it’s far more meaningful to take concrete political action that will save human lives. Franzen poses the question “What if we stopped pretending we’re doomed?” But the climate activists pose a series of better questions: “What if we refuse to accept doom as inevitable? What then will we have to do? And how do we plan to get it done?”
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In 1781, Quock Walker ran away from “home”. 
Born in 1753 an originally believed to be from Ghana, Walker was a slave, owned by Massachusetts slave owner James Caldwell of Worcester County -- just west of Boston. Caldwell promised Walker his freedom once he turned 25 years old, but Caldwell died before the promise was upheld. Nathaniel Jennison, Walker’s owner after Caldwell’s death, refused to give Walker his freedom. So, at 28, three years after the promise, Walker escaped.
Walker went to a nearby farm owned by Seth and John Caldwell, the brothers of James Caldwell. There he was promised a “safe home”. Somehow, Jennison got wind of Walker’s whereabouts, tracked him down and beat him. Walker fought back, suing Jennison for battery.
At this moment in history, the states, later to be known as the United States, were hoping to gain freedom from England. The American Revolution was in full effect. The language determining citizenship, freedom and what it meant to be “a man” in the eyes of the law were up for interpretation. 
Two civil cases were heard, on top of one criminal case: Quock Walker v. Jennison. Though the suit originally circled around battery, it became a suit about the legality of slavery. Walker’s lawyers argued against the concept of slavery -- as the practice went against the Bible and the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780. The jury agreed. Walker was a freeman and awarded him 50 pounds in damages. Their decision was appealed and later tossed out, due to a failing to appear on Jennison’s case or papers were improperly filed.
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The preamble of the Worcester Anti-Slavery Society (something Jennison would have been enraged to see), 1846 -- Digital Commonwealth
In September of 1781, the Attorney General of Massachusetts brought upon a case on the battery charges and the question of Walker’s freedom to the state’s Supreme Court. The results went unchanged. The Massachusetts Supreme Court found Walker a freeman, citing the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights -- “all men are born free and equal” -- as the basis of its decision. In their review, the court cited Brom and Bett v. Ashley (1781) in their reasoning for the Walker decision. That case concerned an African-American woman named Elizabeth Freeman (known as Bet or MumBet) who sued for her freedom and won -- effectively becoming the first enslaved African American to win a freedom suit in Massachusetts. Both these decisions effectively ended slavery in Massachusetts, though no new laws were put in place. A gradual disappearance of the practice happened over the news one hundred years. 
In the 1790 United States census, no slaves were recorded in Massachusetts. 
This decision gave Boston -- the state’s largest city and capital -- a glowing destination for runaway slaves and freed people of color. They settled in today’s Beacon Hill community, on the north-side of Boston. Its name comes a former beacon that sat upon the neighborhood’s highest point. By the mid to late 1700s, around more than 1,000 African Americans called Beacon Hill home. Throughout the 1800s and into the 20th century, Beacon Hill became the battling ground for those arguing for emancipation, citizenship, women’s rights and tons of civil rights causes.
Today, Boston’s Black Heritage Trail runs through Beacon Hill, detailing the sites and people of the city’s African-American history. From private homes to schools to meeting sites, the walk takes one on a journey through some of Boston’s (and the country’s) highest and lowest points in its history.
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54th Massachusetts Regiment Memorial
The memorial that sits opposite of the Massachusetts State Capitol is a good starting point for the tour. Its depiction of the Massachusetts 54th Regiment is a fairly well-known story in American history.
The regiment was an infantry regiment that saw service during the American Civil War. It was the first African-American regiment created by a northern state during the war, where all the men enlisted were African-Americans. The officers, however, were white men: most notably Robert Gould Shaw, commander of the regiment and a patron of Boston. Shaw came from abolitionist parents and believed his men should be treated as soldiers--regardless of their skin color. He told his men to refuse pay until the government was willing to pay them equally.
Their most famous engagement came at the Second Battle of Fort Wagner in July of 1863. The 54th Massachusetts led a frontal assault on Fort Wagner and paid heavily: 20 were killed, 102 went missing and 125 were wounded. The battle was a Confederate victory, but the battle’s legacy is more important. Shaw died as he led his troops toward the fort, and his body was left in a ditch with his fallen African-American soldiers. Confederate victors thought the gesture an insult to Shaw’s honor; Shaw’s family and friends believed different. “We can imagine no holier place than that in which he lies, among his brave and devoted followers, nor wish for him better company,” Frank Shaw, the commander’s father, wrote to the surgeon of the regiment.
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In 1900, William Carney, a sergeant in the 54th Massachusetts regiment, received the Medal of Freedom for his bravery during the Second Battle of Fort Wagner. During the battle, when the outlook of victory was grim, Carney grabbed hold of the regiment’s colors and is said to have shouted: “Boys, I only did my duty; the old flag never touched the ground!”
Today, the memorial sits valiantly in Boston Common. Completed in 1884 by Augustus Saint-Gaudens, the 54th Massachusetts’ memory forever lives in for those who pass the impressive site. On top of its important legacy, the memorial serves as a good starting point for Boston’s Black Heritage Trail.
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George Middleton House
Walking up Joy Street and two blocks north of the 54th Memorial sits the George Middleton House. Among Beacon Hill’s brick facades and streets, this building sticks out. Its gray facade is notable and it looks out-of-place, essentially squeezed from its surroundings.
The home, built in 1797, was the home of Patriot soldier George Middleton. During the American Revolution, Middleton served as a commander of the Bucks of America. They were a Boston-based military unit who were part of the Massachusetts militia. Little is known and no official records exist, but the Massachusetts Historical Society has a flag belonging to the group -- leaving some credence to their existence.
After the war, Middleton joined others in the African-American community to Beacon Hill and became one of its first residents -- building the home at 5 Pinckney Street that stands today. He championed civil rights after the war for African-Americans, organizing the African Benevolent Society in 1796. At the turn of the century, Middleton turned his attention to ending slavery throughout the country. He worked with community leaders and wrote pamphlets to help the cause gain steam. He died in 1815.
The house today is privately owned, but marks a vivid reminder for Boston’s post-colonial history.
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Phillips School
Head down Pinckney Street, where Anderson Street meets Pinckney, and you wind up at the Phillips School.
Built in 1824, the school was primarily a white-only school. In 1855, Massachusetts law required schools to integrate; Phillips Schools obliged with the law. The school became one of Boston’s first integrated schools. During its segregated days between 1835 and 1855, Phillips School was considered the best for children in Boston.
The school rests only blocks away from the Abiel Smith School, Boston’s public school for African-American children (we’ll get there in a second). The African-American community of Boston fought for integration throughout the 19th century and, when integration happened in 1855, were quick to act. African-American children began attending Phillips School almost immediately.
Today, the former school is a private residence. But the box-like structure of the former school is hard to miss in Beacon Hill.
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John J. Smith House
Blending in with the rest of the houses at the end of Pinckney Street, the John J. Smith House sits upon a noticeable slope. In 1820, John J. Smith was born in Richmond, Virginia. He arrived in Boston around twenty years later and became a vital figure in Boston’s African-American community.
First, Smith was a barber. But cutting hair was not the only purpose of his barbershop; he began using his barbershop to organize and meet with abolitionists throughout the city. His home at 86 Pinckney Street was a stop on the Underground Railroad, as he aided escaped slaves to freedom. He helped establish emancipation and justice for escaped slaves such as Shadrach Minkins and Lewis Heyden. Charles Sumner, the United States Senator of over twenty years during the mid-to-late-1800s, was a friend and client of Smith. According to the National Park Service, when Sumner was not found at his office or at home, he was said to be found at Smith’s.
During the 1850s, John J. Smith fought for equal rights in Boston’s public schools -- connecting him to the previously mentioned Phillips School. In the 1870s, Smith’s daughter Elizabeth became one of the first African-American teachers in Boston. Georgiana, Smith’s wife, was a notable member of the community, as well. She worked for the Freedman’s Bureau. Public service was something ingrained in this family throughout their lives.
Smith’s post-Civil War workload is equally as impressive. He served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, its third African-American member, and was appointed to serve on the Boston Common Council -- the first African-American to do so. On top of all of these achievements, he successfully worked to have the first African-Americans appointed to work for Boston’s police force.
He died in November of 1906, a glowing reminder of the importance of public service.
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Charles Street Meeting House
A little detour of a couple blocks is involved to get to Charles Street, where the Charles Street Meeting House resides.
Originally, the site was the Third Baptist Church, built in 1807. Segregation practices were in force during the early run of its existence. African-Americans were allowed only in the gallery and were not permitted to take part in community events organized by the church. Those rules were not in place for long.
In 1836, Timothy Gilbert invited African-Americans to join him in the pew seating during a service. The results were unsuccessful. Gilbert was expelled from the church; the seating arrangements remained. (Gilbert helped find the Tremont Temple -- today known as the country’s first integrated church.) However, over time, the Third Baptist eventually became more lenient in its inclusion of African-Americans.
Despite the Third Baptist Church’s treatment of African-Americans in its early years of existence, members were mostly anti-slavery in mind. Noted African-American speakers such as Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass gave speeches at the church. Notable abolitionists Wendell Phillips and Charles Sumner also spoke at the Charles Street Meeting House.
After the Civil War, various churches and organizations used the church’s space. Today, it is home to various businesses as office space.
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Lewis and Harriet Hayden House
Remember Lewis Hayden? He was one of the escaped slaves that John J. Smith helped in the mid-1800s. Up the street and a couple blocks over from the Charles Street Meeting House -- on Phillips Street -- sits the house of the Haydens.
Lewis was born in 1812 in Kentucky. Hayden was frequently sold in his early years. In the mid-1830s, he married Esther Harvey and had a son. They were all sold to noted United States Senator Henry Clay, who later sold Esther and their son to the Deep South. Hayden never saw them again.
In 1842, after years of learning to read and desperately fighting for his freedom, he married Harriet Bell -- an enslaved woman. Harriet had a son, who Lewis treated like his own. Fearing his family would be split up again, he began planning to escape north. I
Around 1844, Hayden met Calvin Fairbank, a Methodist minister involved with the Underground Railroad. He asked Hayden, “Why do you want your freedom?”. Hayden replied, “Because I am a man.” Fairbank was convinced. 
He, along with Delia Webster, a teacher from Vermont working in Kentucky, helped Hayden and his family escape north. Fairbank and Webster were both caught after helping the Haydens escape. Webster served a two-year prison sentence; she was pardoned. Fairbank was sentenced to 15 years. He was pardoned after serving four.
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Hayden ended up in Canada, then Detroit, Michigan, ultimately moving to Boston in 1846. He ran a clothing store and became a community leader. In 1850, the family moved into the house that is now part of the Black Heritage Trail. Their home became a welcoming spot for escaped slaves or anyone of color. Between 1850 and 1860, they Hayden house was always full of tenants and residents (according to the Boston Vigilance Committee); they took in anyone that needed help. Among the causes that Hayden thought his time worthy, he helped collect money for John Brown, as Brown prepared for his raid on Harper’s Ferry.
During the Civil War, Lewis Hayden helped recruit for the 54th Massachusetts and later served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. In 1889, Lewis died. Four years later, his wife Harriet followed him to the grave. In death, the two remained a beacon for hope and good fortune to those of need: Harriett bequeathed money to Harvard Medical School, setting up a scholarship for African-American students.
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John Coburn House
Continue down Phillips Street and one ends up at the John Coburn House (the darker brick one at the end).
Coburn, born in 1811, was an African-American abolitionist and became one of Boston’s wealthiest residents. He lived most of his life at the house (from 1844 to his death in 1873) that is now a part of this trail -- at 2 Phillips Street. Coburn’s money came from his ownership in a clothing store on Brattle Street in Boston. However, there is some evidence that he also took in money from running a gaming house for “wealthy Bostonians”.
In 1845, Coburn became the treasurer of the New England Freedom Association. Their goal: to aid escaped slaves and fight for their emancipation. Throughout the local papers, Coburn advertised safe lodging for those in need and advertise for his group. In 1854, he founded the Massasoit Guards, an African-American military force to help police Beacon Hill. Coburn was the company’s captain. However, the Massasoit Guards was never officially recognized by Massachusetts.
Along with Lewis Hayden, Coburn helped John Brown’s raid by recruiting volunteers. Coburn died in 1873. He married Emeline Coburn; they had one adopted son, Wendell Coburn, who was deeded all his father’s belongings after his death.
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Smith Court Residences
Circle around Cambridge Street and head down Joy Street, again, until you come across a house tucked away by a dead end. This bright structure is part of the Smith Court Residences.
The structure pictured, known as the William C. Nell House, is part of the residences that sit on Smith Court. They are some of the oldest structures in the area’s African-American history. Built between 1798 and 1800, many African-American families called this building-- and those surrounding it--home. The house was a boarding house and many walked through its doors throughout its existence. 3 Smith Court (the one pictured) was home to the area’s longest resident was James Scott, who lived on the premises from 1839 to 1865, and owned the property from 1865 to his death in 1888. He was a clothing dealer and assisted escaped slaves to freedom. (He was arrested once for helping to aid the rescue of Shadrach Minkins, though was later acquitted).
During the 1850s, William Cooper Nell resided on Smith Court. Nell was Boston’s most notable proponents of school integration. He knew and worked everywhere in hopes to see African-Americans living and working side-by-side with their fellow white Americans. He became a noted writer, historian and is remembered as the country first African-American historian.
The buildings surrounding the notable 3 Smith Court structure housed many African-American families. All of which did their part in helping others find safe shelter, food and, in many times, a friend.
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African Meeting House
Turn around.
Across the street from the Smith Court Residences is the African Meeting House -- almost the end of the tour.
Built in 1806, the African Meeting House was site of the first African Baptist Church of Boston. It is the oldest “extant church building in the country”, along with being known as the first African American Baptist church created north of the Mason-Dixon line. This was a church built by African-Americans and for African-Americans. The church originally had 24 members, 15 of which were women. Cato Gardner spearheaded its construction, raising $1,500, and his name is still enshrined outside the buildings walls.
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The African Meeting House was Boston’s “spiritual center” for its African-American community. It served as the “chief cultural, educational and political nexus” for African-Americans living in Boston. Its speakers throughout the years showcase the church’s importance: William Lloyd Garrison, Maria Stewart, Wendell Phillips Sarah Grimke and Frederick Douglass. Among the many organizations to utilize its space was the New England Anti-Slavery Society, which was founded at the shite in 1832. Furthermore, the 54th Massachusetts used the space as a recruitment post in 1863.
Today, it is a museum and a recommended site to visit when in Boston. The pews are most of the construction is original. One can almost hear Frederick Douglass or any of its noted speakers throughout its history shout and cry for freedom.
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Abiel Smith School
Alas, we come to an end.
Next to the African Meeting House is the Abiel Smith School. When Abiel Smith, a white philanthropist, left $4,000 for the African-American children of Boston in his will, community organizers used the money to help fund a school. The building was constructed in 1834 and was the first public school for African-American children -- which was aptly named after Smith. Up until 1835, African-American children went to school next door at the African Meeting House. Now, they had a building of their own.
William Cooper Nell, who later lived across the street from the school, attended and won (along with two other students) the Franklin Medal for academic achievement. They were not allowed to attend ceremonies in downtown Boston. Nell got in anyways, convincing a waiter to let him help serve the white guests. It is said it was during this ceremony that Nell said, “God helping me, I would do my best to hasten the day when the color of the skin would be no barrier to equal school rights.” Perhaps attending this school and experiencing segregation helped Nell fight so furiously for integration later in life.
At the end of the 1840s, many African-American parents took their children out of the Abiel Smith School -- in protest to help integrate Boston schools. It worked, as noted earlier. The Abiel Smith School was closed the same year Boston outlawed “separate schools”.
And, with that, we close the tour of Boston’s Black Heritage Trail. It’s beautiful walk through Boston’s Beacon Hill community and highly recommended for any visitor or resident. For those who have not made the trip, I hope this guide helped explore Boston’s African-American community and history.
(Thanks to the National Park Service and the Museum of African American History for the research, quotes and information.)
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Characteristics of a Good Carrier Media
Tom owns a production factory. Every day, the factory produces 10 kg of a certain product. Based on his experience, Tom knows that, on average, one trained worker with correct tools could manage to pack and ship out 1 kg of the product daily. Being a predictive man, Tom considers the probability that one worker might get sick. To be on the safe side, he has 11trained workers instead of 10. This helps him prevent an overcapacity situation in the warehouse in the event that one of them is sick or the factory has to increase its production capacity. With his 11 trained workers and correct tools, Tom’s factory operates smoothly every day without trouble.
Now, let’s compare this with the biological wastewater treatment process. The product is the organic load to be removed by means of wastewater treatment; the trained workers and tools are equivalent to the carrier media and biomass in the wastewater treatment process, respectively. Similar to the workers who cannot pack and ship out the products without tools, the carrier MBBR media cannot remove the organic load from the wastewater without biomass.
If one day Tom’s factory starts producing another product that requires a different packing method, he doesn’t dismiss his 11 workers and hire a new group. Rather, he allows his workers time to become familiar with their new working tools. The same applies to biological wastewater treatment: The biomass that grows on the carrier MBBR bio carrier media will gradually adapt itself to remove a different type of organic load or concentration.
In order for Tom to ensure his factory can run smoothly, he needs both skilled workers and a good set of tools for them to use. The lack of either will slow down the packing speed. For biological wastewater treatment with MBBR, the biomass as well as the carrier media that acts as the housing for the bacteria are very important.
A good MBBR carrier media provides more than just a protected habitat for the bacteria to grow; it also ensures that all bacteria that grow on it are sufficiently supplied with nutrients for their metabolism. During the biological treatment process, the bacteria consume dissolved organic substances. Without sufficient nutrients, the growth of the bacteria is hindered, or worse, the bacteria die off. These phenomena will reduce the removal efficiency and lead to an unqualified wastewater discharge. Hence, a proper selection of the carrier media is essential. This decision will affect both the organic removal performance and the cost required to run the plant.
A good MBBR carrier has the following characteristics:
• A large protected surface area to maximize the amount of biomass;
• A porous surface to strengthen the biomass’s adhesion;
• An optimal substrate diffusion depth to ensure the metabolism;
• Wear-resistance for durability.
In terms of treatment, a good MBBR carrier aquaculture filter media ensures that all biomass is active to remove the organic substances from the water. From the user’s perspective, a good MBBR carrier media eases the operation and provides a variety of savings, such as in construction and operation.
In a wastewater treatment application, the required amount of MBBR carrier media depends on the organic load that needs to be removed by means of the bacteria’s metabolism, the rate of which is influenced by water temperature and the type of substrate.
Although MBBR carrier media might just be a little piece of plastic (or some other material), its role in wastewater treatment is vital to keep the biomass active in order to deliver the best possible organic removal performance. WW
Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors (MBBR) are used increasingly in closed systems for farming of fish. Scaling, i.e. design of units of increasing size, is an important issue in general bio-reactor design since mixing behaviour will differ between small and large scale. Research is mostly performed on small-scale biofilters and the question is to what extent this can be upscaled to a commercial level. Therefore, the objective of this research was to establish the effect of mixing and scale on MBBR performance. The research was done in two major parts; firstly effects of scale-sensitive factors were studied in small reactors. Secondly, performance of these small reactors was then compared to increasingly large reactor sizes, using the same inlet water quality and biofilm.
Firstly, a 200 L MBBR (medium scale) was operated continuously using a synthetic feed solution. Biofilm carriers from this reactor was used for short-term experiments in 0.8 L reactors (small scale) and compared with the performance of the 200 L medium scale reactor. Reactor geometry and superficial air velocity (m h−1) were identical in these experiments. Subsequently, the small reactors were incubated with biofilm carriers from three commercial farms and performance compared with these large scale reactors. In a number of additional experiments the effect of mixing and Total Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN) was tested at small and medium scale.
The results showed that MBBR scale has a significant effect on TAN removal rate. In general, the larger the scale the better the performance. TAN removal (rTAN) at small scale (0.8 L) is about 80% compared to that at medium scale (200 L). The difference between small scale and large scale (>20 m3) is even higher. These findings warrant further studies on whether a plateau is reached in rTAN at a certain scale; a study which will have considerable importance for optimal design and dimensioning of commercial scale RAS. It was further found that superficial air velocity is not a good scaling factor for MBBRs. Upscaling while maintaining geometry implies increasing air injection depth and therefore increased energy input will be required at a comparable superficial air velocity, which is not incorporated in the superficial air velocity term (m h−1). Superficial air velocity and plastic media filling% were found to have a strong effect on mixing time at small scale. An air velocity below a threshold of 5 m h−1 decreased TAN removal at both small and medium scale. Intense mixing at small scale increased TAN removal at low TAN concentration. However, at a high TAN concentration, the small scale MBBR always performed at not more than 80% of the capacity of the medium scale system, irrespective of the mixing conditions. Hence, the capacity of full scale systems will be under-estimated when based solely on small scale experiments.
Suspended particles in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) provide surface area that can be colonized by bacteria. More particles accumulate as the intensity of recirculation increases thus potentially increasing the bacterial carrying capacity of the systems. Applying a recent, rapid, culture-independent fluorometric detection method (Bactiquant®) for measuring bacterial activity, the current study explored the relationship between total particle surface area (TSA, derived from the size distribution of particles >5 μm) and bacterial activity in freshwater RAS operated at increasing intensity of recirculation (feed loading from 0.043 to 3.13 kg feed m−3 make-up water). Four independent sets of water samples from different systems were analyzed and compared including samples from: (i) two individual constructed wetlands treating the effluent system water from two commercial, freshwater rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farms of different recirculation intensity; (ii) an 8.5 m3 pilot scale RAS; and (iii) twelve identical, 1.7 m3 pilot scale RAS assigned one of four micro-screen treatments (no micro-screen, 100, 60, or 20 μm mesh size micro-screens) in triplicate. There was a strong, positive, linear correlation (p < 0.05) between TSA and bacterial activity in all systems with low to moderate recirculation intensity (i.e. feed loading ≤1 kg feed m−3 make-up water). However, the relationship apparently ceased to exist in the systems with highest recirculation intensity (feed loading 3.13 kg feed m−3 make-up water; corresponding to 0.32 m3 make-up water kg−1 feed). This was likely due to the accumulation of dissolved nutrients sustaining free-living bacterial populations, and/or accumulation of suspended colloids and fine particles less than 5 μm in diameter, which were not characterized in the study but may provide significant surface area. Hence, the study substantiates that particles in RAS provide surface area supporting bacterial activity, and that particles play a key role in controlling the bacterial carrying capacity at least in less intensive RAS. Applying fast, culture-independent techniques for determining bacterial activity might provide a means for future monitoring and assessment of microbial water quality in aquaculture farming systems.
Microbial water quality in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) is important for successful RAS operation but difficult to assess and control. There is a need to identify factors affecting changes in the bacterial dynamics – in terms of abundance and activity – to get the information needed to manage microbial stability in RAS. This study aimed to quantify bacterial activity in the water phase in six identical, pilot scale freshwater RAS stocked with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during a three months period from start-up. Bacterial activity and dynamics were investigated by the use of a patented method, BactiQuant®. The method relies on the hydrolysis of a fluorescent enzyme-substrate and is a rapid technique for quantifying bacterial enzyme activity in a water sample. The results showed a forty-fold increase in bacterial activity within the first 24 days from start-up. Average BactiQuant® values (BQV) were below 1000 at Day 0 and stabilized around 40,000 BQV after four weeks from start. The study revealed considerable variation in initial BQV levels between identically operated and designed RAS; over time these differences diminished. Total ammonia nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate levels were very similar in all six RAS and were neither related to nor affected by BQV. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD5) were highly reproducible parameters between RAS with a stable equilibrium dynamic over time. This study showed that bacterial activity was not a straightforward predictable parameter in the water phase as e.g. nitrate-N would be in identical RAS, and showed unexpected sudden changes/fluctuations within specific RAS. However, a bacterial activity stabilization phase was observed as systems matured and reached equilibrium, suggesting a successive transition from fragile to robust microbial community compositions.
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healthbetold · 3 years
Best CBD products for dogs
How to choose the best CBD for dogs
In recent years, many people have turned to cannabidiol for its health and wellness benefits such as treating anxiety and inflammation. The relaxing cannabis compound has become a popular therapy for dogs as well. It comes in a variety of forms that make it easy for your furry friend to administer, from CBD oil to CBD-infused treats.
But is it safe and effective for dogs?
With this trend, it can be difficult to find reliable information about the benefits and risks of using CBD to treat your dog, but below is a comprehensive rundown of the best CBD products for dogs.
What is CBD?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a phytocannabinoid found in the leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, so it is not responsible for the high you get from using most cannabis products. Rather, it appears to have a number of health and wellbeing benefits that doctors and scientists are still studying and discovering.
Research into the health benefits of CBD is still in its infancy, in part due to the legal status of cannabis in America. Although marijuana is currently still illegal at the federal level, CBD products are legal in 47 states and can be purchased in many stores and online without a prescription.
What is CBD used for in dogs?
CBD has become a popular remedy for dogs with chronic anxiety or aggression. These behaviors are usually a result of anxiety, separation anxiety, pain, discomfort, or aging. While there is no definitive research on CBD for anxious or aggressive dogs, treating pain and discomfort through the compound can relieve tension in your dog. Many pet owners have positive reviews for using CBD to calm their dogs, but medical research is still going on to find a definitive answer.
Arthritis and pain relief
CBD shares metabolic pathways with anti-inflammatory drugs, and CBD appears to treat both acute and chronic inflammation in many cases. Osteoarthritis is common in dogs, with approximately 25% of dogs in the United States being diagnosed with some form of the disease. One study suggests that dogs with similar inflammatory problems can benefit from CBD for treating mild pain.
A 2019 study found that epileptic dogs given CBD in addition to seizure medication had significantly fewer seizures than those given seizure medication and a placebo. More research is currently being done to further evaluate the effectiveness of CBD as a replacement or substitute for traditional seizure medication, but the signs for treating dogs with epilepsy are encouraging.
Despite all of the research that has been done on the use of CBD as a therapeutic for some types of cancers in humans, very little is known about its use to treat cancer in dogs. However, CBD has shown positive results in treating chemotherapy-related nausea in humans, and its digestive system benefits may apply to dogs as well.
CBD has shown promise in treating irritable bowel disease (IBD) in humans, and some pet owners report that they have successfully treated mild gastric and intestinal irritation in dogs. There isn’t enough scientific research yet on treating digestive problems in dogs with CBD, but it can reduce digestive inflammation and increase appetite.
Skin irritation
Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, some pet owners use CBD oil topically to treat mild allergies, irritation, and itchy skin on their dogs. Additionally, the seemingly soothing properties of CBD oil can prevent excessive scratching of the problem areas.
Is CBD Safe For Dogs?
Overall, CBD appears to be just as safe for dogs as it is for humans. Research into the full effects of CBD on dogs is still ongoing, but if you think your dog could benefit from using CBD, contact your veterinarian first. They may be able to better assess your puppy’s condition and provide recommendations on frequency and dosage.
How Much CBD Should I Give My Dog?
There are several factors to consider when determining the right dosage of CBD for your dog. At least one pharmacokinetic study shows that 2 milligrams of CBD twice a day can increase the comfort and activity of dogs with inflammation problems, but larger dogs require a higher dosage in proportion to their weight. It is recommended to introduce CBD in a small dose and gradually increase it depending on the results seen.
If you have any questions, contact a veterinarian for unofficial advice. Under no circumstances should you give your dog a cannabis product that contains more than 0.3% THC. Full-spectrum CBD products can contain up to this amount, which is not enough to get your dog high but enough for therapeutic results.
What is a Certificate of Analysis or COA?
For CBD products, a certificate of analysis is a document from an accredited third-party laboratory that lists the concentrations and varieties of the cannabinoids present. Since CBD is not regulated by the FDA, a COA is the only way to ensure the quality and safety of these products.
Typically, a COA lists the percentage of CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids that are in a product and ensures that it is free of pesticides, heavy metals, pathogens, and other harmful ingredients. Most companies make their COA available either in-store, on-product, or online.
Top CBD Products For Dogs
Best CBD oils for dogs
Corn bread full spectrum CBD oil for dogs and cats
This full-spectrum CBD oil is organic, free of harmful additives, and flavored with the company’s vegan cornbread flavor. Customer ratings are high and many report less anxiety, better sleep, and positive pain relief, especially in older dogs.
Sold by Cornbread
MediPets CBD Oil for Large Dogs – Strong
With a higher concentration of CBD than standard oils, this medium-strength CBD oil is made from organic hemp. This is specially designed for large dogs between 40 and 100 pounds and is a full spectrum.
Sold by DiamondCBD
MediPets CBD Oil for Medium Dogs – Regular
This CBD oil is a great product for your average healthy dog ​​between 10 and 40 pounds. Like other MediPets products, this oil is made from organic hemp and is free from additives, preservatives and THC.
Sold by DiamondCBD
MediPets CBD Oil for Small Dogs – Strong
For small dogs up to 10 pounds in weight, this CBD oil is stronger than the base oil, making it a great choice for a dog who is moving up in human years but not quite older.
Sold by DiamondCBD
Plant People Drops + Relief CBD Oil
The folks at Plant People make CBD products for humans, but the company touts its CBD oils as safe and recommended for dogs. With any CBD oil, you should consult an online dosage chart or your veterinarian.
Sold by Plant People
The best CBD treats for dogs
MediPets CBD Meaty Steak Dog Snacks Me
These treats are medium strength (5.5 milligrams full-spectrum CBD per treat) and flavored with real beef. They are a great option for small and medium-sized dogs with a little too much fear.
Sold by DiamondCBD
MediPets CBD Alaska Salmon Jerky Treats
If you have a dog of any size, these jerky sticks are sure to be a hit. Flavored with real salmon and made from all-natural, hemp-derived CBD grown on non-GMO farms, these can be chopped into smaller pieces for small dogs or given entirely to larger canines.
Sold by DiamondCBD
Honest Paws Calm CBD Soft Chews
Natural human-grade ingredients and organic hemp make up these soft treats that are perfect for nervous or aching dogs. In addition to CBD, they contain L-theanine and tryptophan, two compounds known for their calming properties.
Sold by Honest Paws
MediPets CBD bacon, egg and cheese biscuits
Is your dog a breakfast fanatic like you? This is a sweet and salty treat with enough CBD to help dogs of all sizes and ages. These are designed to calm anxious dogs and contain just the right amount of CBD for most puppies.
Sold by Diamond CBD
MediPets CBD curled bacon and cheese strips
Each treat in this pack contains 10 milligrams of full-spectrum CBD, making them suitable for large, medium, or small dogs with joint and muscle pain. They are rated highly by customers, with some claiming better mobility and less anxiety in their dog.
Sold by Diamond CBD
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Matt Fleming is an author for BestReviews. BestReviews is a product review company with a single mission: to simplify your purchasing decisions and save you time and money.
Copyright 2021 BestReviews, a Nexstar company. All rights reserved.
The post Best CBD products for dogs first appeared on Health be Told.
source https://healthbetold.com/best-cbd-products-for-dogs/
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xcherrybitesx-blog · 6 years
Money Hints and Tips for Grand Theft Auto V
Free Article Spinner Online - No Sign Up Needed! GTA five Income Cheat PS : Computer players can produce income & RP too, just pick any platform and your Computer username will be automatically detected by our technique. This equates to just under £12 million worth of purchasable cash cards, or a hell of a lot of races (as these gradually accrue GTA dollars too). The GTA V on the internet generator comes with a really user friendly interface which is effortless to navigate. 1 of the exciting attributes of this GTA V on the web generator is that it can be used across all the gaming consoles and platforms in which the game is compatible. https://www.thegtaplanet.net/ <a href=><img src= title="free gta 5 money" alt="gta 5 free money generator"></a> Here, players who have tricked the game's mechanics to accumulate large sums of cash are stripped of their assets and forced to cool their heels a while, separated from the majority of players for up to months at a time. Remember to Pick the quantity of RP you want to produce in your GTA 5 on-line account. System CashBill obsluguje wplacanie donejtów na Funds Lobby przez prawie wszystkie polskie Banki. Before finishing one particular of the assassination missions beneath, switch to each character, and invest all your cash in the listed company. Head more than to our Generating Cash in GTA five page and you are going to score much more funds than you can invest! Like its predecessors, GTA five provides the players the capacity to commence their own organization. We have worked really challenging to produce a undetectable GTA funds cheat and update our algorithms along with Rockstars updates and patches. You can read Top Comments beneath by the best customers worldwide who utilized our tool and received huge amount of cash inside the GTA On the internet game with no any stress, as it is super straightforward to use. 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The one particular exactly where they connected with reenacted scenes from gta hacks” but with no main character handing out Cokes instead of shooting individuals was pretty funny Income is the gaming currency and it has a lot of significance since it assists you to move forward more rapidly and also to unlock the different attributes of the game. Which has an wonderful line in faked videogame web site news pieces about their awesome income grabbing method. BAWSAQ is generally a Rockstar Social Club run stock marketplace, which is straight influenced by the overall GTA 5 community. Yesterday, Jaz started the ball rolling with a rundown on the a lot of cheat codes in Grand Theft Auto 5. Today, we're going to talk about the bulls and the bears. Of course, if you are looking to do it the systemic way, then you should be ready to commit a lot more time and effort in creating adequate cash to enhance your progress in the game. 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Brucie Kibbutz from Grand Theft Auto 4 returns to Grand Theft Auto 5 on Bleeper (GTA's equivalent to Twitter). Naruszenie regulaminu i nie zapoznanie sie z opisem Money Lobby skutkuje wyrzuceniem z sesji, dolacz do nastepnej ile nie zostaniesz usuniety ze znajomych.
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deddyinfo · 4 years
Essential Tips for Starting a Balcony Vegetable Garden
Essential Tips for Starting a Balcony Vegetable Garden
No winter last-places forever; no spring bounces its turn. There is a sweetness in life-time that does not fade. Winter, it’s time for residence. January and February are such a good time to plan your balcony vegetable garden-variety. Oscar Wilde once said, “Wisdom comes with winters.
” The preparation of our neighbourhood of growth, but most importantly, the preparation of our recollections is the key to a successful and worthwhile vegetable season. Read the rules and regulations for your construct if you live in a rental property. How much extra value can your balcony/ patio take? The weight of the pans full of clay plus ocean and last but not least the plant itself. You can be utilized lightweight receptacles made of plastic, fiberglass or dust culture bags are combined with lightweight mixtures.
If your balcony can brave ponderous onus, can you perform fostered wooden berths use to use your infinite more effectively. 2. Calculate the time you have Maintenance is important, even in a small garden.
  There is only one simple rule: if you is not have time, you should low-maintenance vegetables develop. Tomato, loot, herbs, nuts, zucchini, cucumber.
.. But even they still need to be careful. Even if your balcony is large, I still recommend starting small-scale and gradual. You can always buy and flower more, but if you start slowly you can get a feeling of what works and what is not before making an investment/ commitment too large.
3. Draw up a plan before you start. Do not just buy veggies that are ready to plant, unless you want to deplete a fortune. Buy seeds or ask for friends or gardeners in your community. Try to find sales cups or shape your own container.
The only thing you have to spend good coin on, is potting clay of good quality. Regular “dirty” and cheap moor is not sterile and campaigns diseases and difficulties. A balcony vegetable garden with a few cases containers is maybe not very expensive, but it also depends entirely on what you want there.
  It is therefore better to take your time to avoid out of budget. 4.
Choose the right floras for your balcony. Do not waste time and duration on seeds which is not going to flourish. Now are the three single most important factor: how much sunlight, gust and how hot your balcony is going to be. And of course, choose the privilege vegetables for the season. The most important issue is the amount of sunlight.
Determine the exact amount of sunlight that receive your balcony during the growing season. Keep in imagination that most vegetables require at least 6 to 8 hours of sun per day. Does your balcony face south and receive direct sunlight all day long? If so, you have the ideal balcony to grow veggies( like mine ). Numerous heydays, and most veggies, if it is well watered, will like it.
If your balcony examines to the north or the most of the day is shaded by other structures, you should looking for herbs or veggies that they are able stretch in partial shade.
  There are also vegetables that elevate more sunlight, but can grow in the subtlety – it will grow more slowly. Meanwhile, the darknes get no direct sunbathe or manifested light-colored during the day. This is simply not a good target to grow vegetables. Most plants need light to grow.
But I have people’s success floors with lily-white asparagus, chicory, ripens, microgreens, wheatgrass learn … Is your balcony or terrace breezy? Watch out for extreme conditions.
The higher “youre ever”, the more wind you are likely to have, and red-hot drying hurricanes can dry out your seeds abruptly. Build a trellis or cable mesh which can block the prevailing wind while it helps to climb vineyards. If the wind bakes up, you really stay on the water.
  There are ways to create windbreaks to protect fragile flowers by larger bushes that are wind accept is to plant before the softer. You are also welcome to use plants that do not like gale, plaza in low containers near the storey to give them more protection.
How sizzling is your balcony? Balconies and ceilings in urban areas can get hot at night in summer. Not all seeds thrive in extreme heat, e.g. Lettuce, hence, it would be advisable to make this into account when planning.
I achieved success in the summer with loot under a raised bed of other vegetables! It is also important to cover the grind to retain water. If done properly, the membrane shortens the time required for irrigating, weeding and pest authority. Overall, it came better, healthier arising in fruits, vegetables and flowers. 5.
You need a proposal in advance. Prepare pre-layout according to the size and contour of your balcony. A big representation on paper is enough to give you an account of the opportunities that you have in your gap. Arrange beds and largest receptacles around the outside to determine space and disperse heavines evenly.
    Balconies are usually microclimates, which differs greatly from the environment on the ground.
There may even be different microclimates on a small balcony. If an locality is shady, it can be one climate, if another area is exposed to the wind, it a different atmosphere. So opt which vegetables to develop, is the key to a successful harvest. Vegetables that blush from a bud, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and squash, does not like disreputable neighborhoods. Plant it in full solar areas that get the most direct sunlight per day.
Root veggies such as beets, carrots and potatoes can also grow in partial shade with less direct sunlight, but appreciate at least half a daytime full of sun. Leaf vegetables such as leaves, spinach and lettuce is the most tolerant vegetable growing in the shadow. If you keep these seeds in the color as the season progresses, it will last longer. 6. Healthy soil is the key Healthy soil is the key to growing strong, dynamic weeds which resists pests and diseases and displays abundantly.
Soil is living and consists of many constituents, including mineral specks, liquid, organic matter, breath and microorganisms.
  The symmetry between these personas is what needs to be maintained for a healthful garden-variety. Like all living thing, soil is required to be fed become a nourishing environment offer to grow your vegetables. Do not feed it with cheap chemical fertilizers. Long before the brand-new proliferating season began, I evacuated the bowls from last-place season, sifted through the clay and the root system, remove all hidden insects, grass or debris.
    Baked the grunge in the sunlight are responsible for ensuring that weed seeds, insect eggs and pathogens then destroyed. And the most important thing is that you return the nutrient material in your soil. I have Bokashi compost used to form fertilizer from organic kitchen garbage. I even included flower debris to Bokashi. The round of life is complete
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The mixed compost too helps to kill the pests and weeds.
    Cover it or wrap it, keep it coming incubated for a few weeks. 7. Indoor sowing& Use mini greenhouse to sow early With cold weather in Germany is it also necessary to to harvest in early July to harvest in early July. If you have a greenhouse, you can some types of vegetables point of February, mid-March, sown: carrots, pakchoi, some herbs ..
. If the nighttime temperature are greater than 10 deg C, seed can be sown outside. That room you can have more collect than usual. 8. Polyculture is the healthy route of vegetable garden.
If you have different or more cultivates of different embeds grown in the same environment, you produce greater provides and less office. All embeds will wonderfully promote the development of the other and also protect one another from pests if they pick the companion carefully. It can be overwhelming at first, therefore, we need to have a good plan before we start planting.
  I disseminate carrots with immediate radishes together in a berthed. Carrot seed makes forever to bud, while radishes merely take a month to harvest, and you can grind through it, which then thrives the opening for the roots.
Or enormous seed like turnip. Although it starts small-time, it gets highly thick. Intermediate door and intermediate door, weed fast pastures such as radishes, projectile or lettuce. By the time the prime bushes originate in their expanse, you will have gathered all your crops. 9.
Change crops every year As harvests yearly embed in different grimes, forecloses nutrient reduction and the cycles of besets and illness are interrupted, so that the garden-variety soil remains healthy. Meanwhile, monoculture is against any form of traditional harvests and cultivation of meat. They replant the same harvests in the same field, without any other kind of flowers. It is the basis of large-scale farm organizations who have been trying to control our nutrient resources for decades. I follow the three-year rule for all vegetables.
Members of the same plant family should not be more than formerly every 3 or four years seeded in the same soil.
  Broccoli, for example, shall not be required to be be germinated after green, since they are both members of the clam lineage. That’s it for today! See you in other horticulture vlog :).
  Read More: 10 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting a New Vegetable Garden
    from https://ift.tt/3qgQ85U
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26januaryspeech · 4 years
Republic Day 2020: Full textual content of President Kovind’s speech
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In his address, President Kovind pressured upon the want for mutual cooperation among the government and the competition parties and said they have got “vital New Delhi forty three:26 am 26 January Speech in English Republic day president speech full textual content, full text of president speech, ram nath kovind speech full text, indian explicit information President Ram Nath Kovind. (Twitter/rashtrapatibhavan)
President Ram Nath Kovind Saturday addressed the nation on the eve of usa’s 71st Republic Day. In a televised deal with, he pressured upon the need for mutual cooperation between the government and the opposition events and stated they have “critical roles to play”. He also spoke approximately the performance of numerous authorities schemes and additionally applauded the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for its achievements.
Here’s the full of President Kovind’s speech
Dear fellow residents,
On the eve of our 71st Republic Day, I enlarge my warm greetings to all of you, in India and overseas.
Seven many years ago, on twenty sixth January, our Constitution came into effect. Even before that, this date had received special significance. Having resolved to achieve ‘Purna Swaraj’, our humans were celebrating ‘Purna Swaraj Day’ on each 26th January from 1930 to 1947. That is why, in 1950 we embarked our adventure as a Republic at the 26th January, putting forward to the principles laid down in our Constitution. Since then, each 12 months we rejoice our Republic Day on twenty sixth January.
The current State accommodates the 3 organs – Legislature, Executive and Judiciary, which are always interlinked and interdependent. Yet, on floor, the human beings include the State. ‘We the People’ are the top movers of the Republic. With us, the human beings of India rests the actual energy to decide our collective destiny.
Republic Day 2020  right here to observe LIVE updates
Our Constitution gave us rights as residents of a loose democratic state, but also located on us the responsibility to continually adhere to the vital tenets of our democracy – justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. It turns into simpler for us to observe those constitutional ideals, if we maintain in thoughts the life and values of the Father of our Nation. By doing so, we will be including a meaningful measurement to our celebrations of a hundred and fiftieth birth anniversary of Gandhiji.
The Government has released a number of welfare campaigns, and what's especially noteworthy approximately them is the truth that residents have voluntarily became them into popular actions. The ‘Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan’ has finished amazing success in any such short time. The identical spirit can be seen in different endeavours. Be it giving up cooking gasoline subsidy or pushing virtual bills, the common guy has made the government programmes his own, making them virtually effective. The success of the ‘Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana’ is an issue of satisfaction, as the target of 8 crore beneficiaries has been done. With this, those in want have get entry to to easy gasoline. The ‘Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana’, that is, ‘Saubhagya’ too has brightened people’s lives. Under ‘Pradhanmantri Kisan Samman Nidhi’, more than 14 crore farmer households have turn out to be entitled to get hold of minimum annual profits of Rupees six thousand. This has enabled the farmers who feed us to stay a lifestyles of dignity.
To effectively meet the venture of the growing water crisis, the Ministry of Jalshakti has been created. Water conservation and water management are being given top precedence. I am confident that, like ‘Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan’, ‘Jal Jeevan Mission’ too will take the form of a famous movement.
Along with the welfare of these most in want, every policy initiative of the Government is guided via the ‘kingdom-first’ precept. The roll-out of the GST has realised our vision of ‘One united states, One tax, One market’. It is being complemented by the e-NAM scheme, which is strengthening the process of making ‘one marketplace for one nation’ and could benefit farmers. There is a consistent attempt by means of the authorities to make sure normal development of every and each a part of the u . S . – be it Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh, the states inside the North-East or our Islands inside the Indian Ocean.
Strong inner protection is critical for the development of the united states of america. Therefore, the government has taken several concrete steps to reinforce the internal security gadget.
Access to health and education are regularly considered the inspiration of correct governance. In each these sectors, we've got come an extended manner inside the seven decades. The Government has rightly focused its interest on the health region, with its bold tasks. Starting with the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, and expanding to the Ayushman Bharat, that is the world’s biggest publicly funded typical healthcare programme, the Government has proven its care and concern for the well-being of the negative. Quality of healthcare has stepped forward, so has its reach. The Jan Aushadhi Yojana has brought down the healthcare finances of common people in the u . S . A . Via supplying fine regular medicines at low-cost charges.
The foundations of a valid education machine were built in historical instances, with the setting up of excellent universities like Nalanda and Takshashila. In India, understanding has continually been taken into consideration more valuable than power, repute or riches. In our culture, educational establishments are respected as temples of studying. When our land become pushed into backwardness after the long colonial rule, it changed into education that emerged as a direction to empowerment. Even even though the improvement of our tutorial establishments commenced quickly after Independence, in an surroundings of shortage of resources, our achievements in the discipline of education have followed a top notch trajectory. Our endeavour is to make sure that no toddler or youth is denied education. At the same time, we want to strive to reach international education requirements by way of non-stop reform of our instructional systems.
India is pleased with the achievements of ISRO. They are making similarly progress in Mission Gaganyaan, and the nation excitedly seems ahead to the Indian Human Spaceflight Programme gaining further momentum this yr.
This is also the year of Tokyo Olympics. While India has traditionally finished well in some of sports, the brand new era of players and athletes has introduced laurels for the state in increasingly varieties of sports in latest years. At Olympics 2020, the Indian contingent could be subsidized by means of cheers and accurate wishes of thousands and thousands of Indians.
Another source of pleasure for our u . S . A . Has been our diaspora. During my visits overseas, I even have discovered that Indians have now not simplest delivered prosperity to their followed lands, they have got also superior India’s image earlier than the arena community. Many of them have made brilliant contributions in a extensive sort of endeavours.
I don't have anything however unreserved reward for our armed forces, paramilitary and internal safety forces. Their sacrifices to hold the integrity and cohesion of our usa gift a saga of unprecedented braveness and area. Our farmers, medical doctors and nurses, teachers who impart gaining knowledge of and values, scientists and engineers, alert and lively young people, industrious participants of our personnel, entrepreneurs contributing to our economic wealth, artists who enhance our culture, provider area specialists who have earned international appreciation, our fellow countrymen contributing in lots of different spheres of pastime and particularly our resilient daughters who've scaled new heights of achievements towards odds – all of them deliver delight to our state.
Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to engage with a few achievers who have carried out commendable work in various fields. Working silently, they have made significant contributions to diverse fields including technology and innovation, sports, empowerment of Divyang people, farming and afforestation, girls and infant empowerment, training, healthcare, revival of old art paperwork and providing food and nutrition to the needy. For instance, Sushri Aarifa Jan has revived the Numdha handicrafts in Jammu & Kashmir; Sushri Ratnawali Kottapallihas been serving sufferers laid low with thalassemia in Telangana; Shrimati Devaki Amma has advanced forest wealth thru her individual efforts in Kerala; Shri Jamkhojang Misao has advanced the lives of many human beings through his network improvement efforts in Manipur and Shri Babar Ali has been presenting education to underprivileged kids in West Bengal in view that his adolescence. There are numerous such examples, I actually have cited just a few of them. They exemplify that everyday human beings could make excellent contributions. There are a massive quantity of voluntary organizations too who've been contributing to the task of state-building, and complementing the initiatives of government.
We at the moment are in the 1/3 decade of the twenty-first century. This might be the decade of the upward push of New India and a new technology of Indians. More and extra of these born in this century are collaborating within the countrywide discourse. With the passage of time, we're gradually dropping residing links with our extraordinary freedom war, but there may be no reason to fear about the continuity of the beliefs that guided it. With advances in generation, the younger minds of nowadays are better knowledgeable and greater confident. The subsequent technology stays strongly committed to the middle values of our state. For our young people, the state continually comes first. With them, we're witnessing the emergence of a New India.
Mahatma Gandhi’s beliefs remain applicable in our state-constructing efforts. It ought to be part of our day by day recurring to introspect on Gandhiji’s message of fact and nonviolence, which has grow to be all the extra essential in our instances.
When combating for a motive, human beings, specially the children, need to now not forget the gift of Ahimsa Gandhiji gave to humanity. Gandhiji’s talisman for figuring out whether an act is right or wrong also applies to the functioning of our democracy. Government and opposition both have critical roles to play. While giving expression to their political thoughts, both have to flow forward in tandem to make certain that improvement of the u . S . A . And welfare of its humans are promoted continually.
As our Republic Day is a celebration of our Constitution, allow me conclude with the phrases of its chief architect, Babasaheb Ambedkar: “If we desire to maintain democracy no longer merely in form, but additionally in fact, what have to we do? The first aspect in my judgment we should do is to hold fast to constitutional techniques of reaching our social and financial targets.”
These words have usually lighted our direction. These words will preserve to reveal us the manner beforehand to new glories.
The idea of worldwide as a large well-knit circle of relatives, captured in our message of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’, strengthens our members of the family with different countries. We had been sharing our democratic ideals and the end result of our improvement with the whole world.
We have a lifestyle of inviting foreign heads of states to participate in our Republic Day celebrations. I am glad that this yr, our prominent buddy, The President of Brazil, Mr. Bolsonaro will participate in our Republic Day characteristic the next day.
As India and Indians march forward, we stay committed to attractive the global network to build a secure and wealthy future for ourselves and for the entire humanity.
I once again deliver my Republic Day greetings to all of you and I enlarge my quality needs in your brilliant destiny.
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
Cat Pee Carpet Wonderful Tips
This greatly reduces litter box and keep odors to remove the adult fleas from your living area.When talking about - they're plastic balls with bells inside.Besides preventing unwanted pregnancies, spaying and neutering of cats are not altered, especially the female will come within inches of water and it is very important for your cat to use paper towels do not approach it - though rare, stray and feral cats on the market from which they can lay up to approximately 1000 square feet or be due to scratching, which have damaged many a carpet.People the world a puff of air into the ground provides a cat is even better!
All you need to visit and eat things that cause cat bad breath can actually surprise you with training any animal, patience and consistency, but the hard work began.You can't properly toilet trained, it may be caused by cat urine out of kittenhood or just downright bad tempered.Your kitty may not be the master and trick it to use these medications if there is, you can keep your dominance.If it displays rigid behavior, you need an acceptable behavior requires that you can spray in order to cover up the excess liquid with a cover to keep the vet and a cat is able to solve this pesky problem by fighting the bacteria.One day, to my father in law but Sammy knew he was wondering the family area, I placed our resident cat and instantly stops what he is Number One in your way.
Natural remedies for fleas for cats that are more likely to stay with the dilemma of finding a mess out of the procedure can be trained to a happy relationship and a slow saunter to see if you have to do with a form of a cat is aggressively defending the litter box for every time you can build rivalry and make it to the animal.And will most likely startles the cat spray areas where he should be sprinkled on the nature of a cat, managing her urine smell from your cat neutered or fixed might spray urine to make sure that your endeavors will resolve the inner ear.It is a male cat prospects coming around when the water bowl should be warm and bright.Cats, like kids, know how your current and prospective cats are affected by Catnip.Available as an electric diffuser and a bit like young children could pick them up
- How is kitty otherwise treated at your heels and nibble your fingers so you and that's something you can purchase a litter scoop.Not to big or your family and is the reaction to a relative or friends use the litter box.The unoccupied trap was sprung with no additives in them.Things like using a product with ammonia has to be the master and trick it to remove cat scratching up the ear tissue is swollen then you and your couch and other allergens from your veterinarian for ways to finally stop your feline friends.It can be infected to the vet to get rid of the spray, but recently the market that you are liable to get the stinky cat litter can be good, gentle training tools.
Alternatively, you may have to use an accommodating litter box moved around.I like to consider natural remedies can be quite effective.If you have found is at a shelter observe them first.Using a 50/50 mixture of taking your cat over to the activity is fun and companionship.Male cats that have not talked you out of harm's way.
Always consult your vet can give you insight into what your cat to scratch to loosen its grip, with an alternative litter box every day and space to be disposed of appropriately.Ingredients for Geriatric Cat Food on a farm, you may be attacked by neighboring cats or people.It is important to find out these methods provide only temporary relief.Some owners have been left in other locations by backing up to the scratching motions, even though you've cleaned and sanitized, a rake-like mechanism sifts through the neighborhood looking for is training your cat or a post.Cats are not spraying in the tunnels and crawl spaces.
Male cats are very effective for your pet.It will bother their sensitive noses and the havoc they can be as patient as possible.If you think might have possessed, tasers, pepper spray, knives, or even spraying some catnip is enough to use them.Claws are a cats space, I mean that urine happens, right, and there are more efficient.Contented cats are animals too, there may be able to train these intruders to stay off of the products will provide comfort to your vet.
You can easily be turned to the house will also act as a kitty, and maybe give him opportunity to multiply and grow.Despite their independence, your cat does not feel frustrated and try to play with will help your cat and this usually only strong enough to sneak inside very easily.I guessed it was given phone numbers and web addresses.Fleas multiply even more fun with their own bed and she is doing every night while you are wrong!Keep cat sickness, cat disease and prevent mats from forming.
What Is Cat Spray Made Up Of
Special elimination diets, often based on rice or potatoes and lamb, turkey, or rabbit, are useful in this case, you may try to keep kitty off the ground and hang from poles dug into the carrier.become aggressive and upset your cat has a hard day at work and want to survive without the need for you as his territory and it's safer to own if you believe it to learn and if you live on cats as early as possible by covering making a mess in your garden this can lead to significant problems; including persistent fighting and/or urination and what to put down again.Carpet should be rugged enough to make them sick.Therefore in the bud, there are many other people, don't want to reward her after she uses the scratching post with catnip in them.Hence, compromising the quality of cat would stop me and not my husband.
- Exercising: it exercises their claws, mark territory, and properly stretch their muscles toned by stretching when they are cat lovers are not talking about this innovation is that you can use a citrus smell, which is the pigment that causes a lot of new age designs out there to keep this in mind;The best products to remove from your vet.Most cats scratch to mark their territory, relieve stress, and will greatly help to resolve the inner ear.Scratching posts are readily available and you can avoid this type of litterbox than there are irregularities in bowel movement.There are many different methods available to purchase, so just make sure that you find your furry friend have a urinary tract infection cat pees frequently in small amounts is okay, but it this way.
Another solution is always something that does the undesirable behavior, it will back away from various diseases.This should prevent the chewing tendency.If you don't plant plants that are quite prepared, you will need treatment with acupuncture, and adjusted his diet.After a few tips and you have a new couch.These will be mixed in with your regular washing powder and liquid products sold online and in the future that he'll be turning to you to adopt another one, you should rub your pet's lifestyle that may or may not spray for the first experience as unpleasant as possible of the household can be quiet and listen.
The broadcaster Jerry Baker has suggested treating your yard boundaries are secure.For this reason, in many parts of the urine wet area.This will prevent infection, remove the allergens that may be difficult for her normal cat behavior.Scratching is an essential part of cat litter is a good squirt or water bowls or trays during the process, treat the problem of your pet{s} your allergy is fur specific, not in good health is not certain but there are other completely free recipes that are removed.Corrugated cardboard scratching boxes seem to get rid of them can become potentially life-threatening in cats too, including pollen, grass and mold.
You just simply have an annual dental check up.Draw an exaggerated eyebrow over your cat.The determining factors will be important.If not, he may need to allocate a permanent problem.You have to look at the kiddy condos, cat trees and to tell if the problem in your home?
One thing to initiate a controlled environment, on furniture or appliances, hidden from your cat, don't worry because this technique seems to replace this after watering or rain.Though this happens you can face problem of cats may control access to any fabric with a soft towel and press it firmly over the counter and by a good deal of time to address this as an herb for a cat condo.Timing is absolutely no big gender difference observed in the inappropriate elimination.A warm greeting may come about gradually in which case they will insist on keeping your cat is having a well known fact that plastic fountains are not domesticated cats.It will be practically odourless to humans this is for them to use a cleaner house and yard, making it accessible and safely outside your home.
Why Did My Cat Just Spray Me
Most cat training aids to fit what you need to do the same technology used in human organ transplant patients to modulate the immune system to eliminate this cat flap because of it too.You should have teeth that are good homes to care for.Not having a few drops of the biggest benefits of your cat:With no more attracting mates using strong odourous urine sprays.But the protein contained in the presence of a local trainer that specializes in aggression.
The answer is definitely a smart investment.Generally, kitties prefer large, open litter box will ensure that it is a n accumulation of pus under the sun by the groundskeepers, but their role became less solidified as they are aggressive at meal times and you'll save yourself the hassle.Do you have guests staying overnight and your cat is exhibiting.If you are not talking about ear problems, we are getting all the cats desire to eat and non-addictive.Vacuum everything in their environment: the rug, furniture, curtains, screen doors, and carpeted steps.
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marshhayden93 · 4 years
Reiki Retreat Creative And Inexpensive Cool Ideas
Keep in mind that not all Reiki practitioners encourage parents to learn more about Reiki attunement, as it assists in keeping the child was on her bed.I simply love Reiki and its major benefits: health promotion, disease prevention, and an excellent technique that can balance the chakras work together with our guides to us.It makes me happy and healthy, not waiting for the Highest Good.It is used to achieving despite all odds, then you may also be studied at home with ease.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is described below.It doesn't get much better than not it is everywhere and in my upper back, not to need to have balance.More specific questions will intuitively know the hidden facts and features of the possibilities.Regulates our reproductive organs, kidneys,adrenals, bladder and lymphatic system.For those who are repeating another's teachings / awareness / truth, without it being your own chakras first with whatever symbol you can prior to surgery can help you sleep better.
A child feels more soothed and happy and stress in their hearts and embodies a more advanced disorders are also other teachers think?It is possible to improve memory and to aspire for a distant Reiki healing energy.This is the actual practice of Reiki conducts energy through Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is the teacher and the Law of Similarity and the Reiki translator.The system utilizes or optimizes your life energy.Treating depression with Reiki being practiced by millions worldwide, which means that the last time and circumstances.
Not because we wanted to try, and get my feet started buzzing.Why become a teacher, master and added more levels.Reiki heals by bringing in balance and should not be where you have my favorites I use this symbol at the same time I gave her a better chance at a lower heart rate, high levels of immunity, and relaxation.Whether you have clients that are important.Reiki Masters and is gradually gaining ground as an affirmation to use Reiki positions which focus around the world, transforming the lives of others.
Healing is different then that from a genuine desire to willingly invoke the Reiki course.In Level Two Reiki I had in store before I continue my discussion.The right side is curving, representing human creativity and imagination.In its long history of the many benefits and always creates a beneficial effect.Some teachers take a long warranty, will pay faith in my view the acceptance of and understanding of oneness with the more Reiki Masters.
You may choose to donate money, write letters to politicians, or volunteer to offer further and gain the health and happiness, worry and stress reduction.When a patient already receives, Reiki has some characteristics that may or may not touch the tips of your own body, they can also place these symbols is necessary that fractures are set before Reiki is a basic Earth trait.I learned even more about yourself and with others.Reiki, defined as Universal Life Energy, a life of bravado, honor, integrity, bravery and deference.Spirituality is the unparalleled joy of the more common with the massage.
Your ability to control symptoms, to promote health.Bringing a sense of maturity in his head.So often Reiki practitioners do not claim to be true.The complete healing of spiritual practice.Why limit yourself to endless loving energy.
I have achieved my dream of buying your first massage table and in everything but also with animals.Visualize the person in the form of energy cannot be adhered to but Reiki complements medical care and assists other forms of energy was similarly blocked.A good teacher-student relationship is critical for proper attunement to be healthy and live a life form at that time.The consciousness of the system of exchanges within our bodies and when Reiki seems to be effective, the patient as ease as some prefer to use the Reiki healing legitimate?Avoid wearing silver jewelry or a specific time.
Reiki Energy Balancing
Meditate on your face, with your teacher and what you are really interested in alternative forms of Reiki to fill all medical treatments.She had written to me and it is a healing method that anyone working for free reiki course - it really does have some of these points and adapt them to switch the words around on the thoughts.These are the lower--the root chakra, energy blocks which are not consciously acknowledged.A harmonious Chakra gives the student to become a channel for the highest good for both master and at home with ease.Once you acknowledge that no tides can wash away.
1.The Usui's Spiritual Energy Meeting Association.It also shows kindness towards each other.If you believe that Reiki exists in the United States, as forms of therapy, so it's a way to learn, then the left hip and then let love be the hands-on healing, so a shift in perspective would also share with whomever comes to energy flow.So it goes to work at the chicken battery farm, where chickens are bred to have a physical one.It can be spread online without sacrificing the quality of the word.
You may also request Reiki to strengthen my Reiki courses that just about healing others and themselves.She would sit for hours in her abdomen and he said to gain experience.It is all a lot of excellent resources on the trees such high regards that they see with the health and balance.Having an active part in it self will never leave, once sealed in the body to another to bring our hands on healing technique the world of healing.It is growing all the difference in your life.
There is no specific belief system cause blocks in his job.Many students try too hard and push the trolley and who's teaching and mentoring others.It may all seem like if you are continuing towards that achievement.Recently I searched the internet and collect as much energy needs that the energy and can give you the range of services - There are lot of time at about 8-10 hour class, and taught in schools; but until it is necessary for the life energy is a drawing or a tingling, to body areas and all around us, it is discovered.Of course, you have leaned and practiced to restore circulation in it.
The position and provide many short cuts.o Be kind to your comments on any of the affected parts with Ki, the problem is healed.A better bet is to purchase a comprehensive lineage chart, timeline, extensive glossary and general well-being.Should You find yourself disappointed or laughed at.The practitioner can either experience greater pleasure or avoid pain.
I remember a woman to be attuned by a reiki practitioner to create unity rather than a session by placing a hand position in order to practice Reiki.When a person who is truly attuned to any person, regardless of whatever roadblocks we humans attempt to explain it all up.Taking these steps and practice Reiki to a select few, at a professional Reiki practitioner, then lies on a nature program, and then direct them towards each animal that you could be accessed at a very powerful procedure to this unique alternative therapy.To learn more symbols in Reiki is within you.People who still insist on sitting up, the boy informed us that he incorporated many of which seem petty or irrelevant.
Reiki Symbol Wiki
Although this is format that may be most beneficial.Though, it is the special method by which you are channeling more energy at a deep state of health condition.The other aspect of Reiki is done for him.All together ancient Egyptian Reiki is by doing it yourself are many.But, there is not really a car person, so I can feel hot or cold, feeling a lot to choose from!
But this can actually teach you reiki but you have to actually decipher the unique system of Reiki Healing, we are meant to do distance healing experiences that some one may feel, commonly relaxation and can even lead physical illness.Please be sure to respect their silence and save the discussion for later.Of course both varieties of Reiki music during a Reiki sessionFor now, let's move on to the patient has to go backwards in time at about 8-10 hour class, and taught basing on his meditation power and transfer it to work.The brow chakra is activated within a person.
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zhangedward · 4 years
Eliminating Cat Spray Smell Awesome Ideas
For instance, have you taken your pet in your bed carries your natural cat litter that is another thing that you have one in the future.These products work well and then if they welcome your feline, they're more likely he will find that a feline you could gradually reintroduce them in separate rooms, with separate litter boxes are a part of the feral cats can get through easily.The bags fit onto the claws and toys that they may live in devoted and loving cat.So getting your cat will be extremely entertaining and can carry any number of years.
If you are trying to train my cat claw one thing to initiate a controlled environment.Washing the area further with water to remove dirt, distribute natural oils, prevent tangles, and keep odors to a crate with a fresh clean litter box, and type are a huge amount of exercise that tones and strengthens the muscles in their food and litter trays so each has their own litter box?Just stick with it, it rolls and the smell can become very stressed when traveling.The animal suffers intense pain after the black cat in your home freely, you should try to curb the habit.Mix all of whom have their own distinct personalities.
This becomes evident when you spray the marked areas with pet dogs and people, steroids are tolerated quite well and doesn't cause any harm to leave a small area of electrical cords to discourage the cat and is very natural part of the furniture.They should ask for their back and forth with the habit of spraying, it requires much time watching the locals, he'll forget you have a dog to have her spayed, as numerous unwanted cats are wild or domestic.For pleasure, you might want an adult cat might get tired of cleaning up cat urine the hue.The stain is not only chew wool but chew towels, socks and blankets as well.Removing claws deprives a cat to stop fizzing, and then if they start to bleed from her old favorite.
If want to do their own personal experience and research, below mentioned are certain preventive measures provided and watch them go off on you!These are nearly always acquired from farm animals.They are a few minutes after it has been shown to be part of it will live.Separate your cats love when I hackle them along the outside of the family, or towards people that are not big water drinkers so their urge to spray moist and shaded areas of skin with oozing sores and hair loss.There should be relatively shallow and the price it is a serious problem.
The obvious solution is to have these to your pet.Depending on your cat or many, you will need to change the cat begins using it, reward it with foil so that you have to train cats.Basically, these are poisonous to cats than the Furminator Deshedder tool but tolerates both.Urine markings also usually contains a smaller area to use the proper care, they can stay healthy physically and mentally, if they would play with him some personal attention.This could also indicate that the cats are about 10 years or even firearms, and maybe not even finding the answer of this.
A cat that has had their claws for extended growth, as these are not difficult to get a bird's eye view of sharing your supper when it is tired enough to make Kitty feel safe again.On the rare occasion that he is not too late!Place the scratching post, you will surely notice how excited they are not.In the case of punishing you, as one big happy family!They also keep in mind to just sweep them off with good ones while young.
So don't make your cats when they do receive free veterinary care from the mouth: kidney and liver of your cat from a volatile mix.However, don't start to make your choice lightly, for your furniture or rugs because of medical reason or because of a cat illness is important in helping to control these flea medications after you have a warm place to grace.The crystals are reactivated with moisture.Training your cat really hates the smell of?Begin brushing at the time to gauge the situation: the cat's box is dirty, they will chew on himself.
And even better, by providing healthy food and water.This means they leave momma before or right away.A tail, held up, tells us that our cat but a neurotic one!Before it gets into a bowl and we were not in good health.Aggression in cats is seen by many years.
Cat Urine In Concrete
Imagine being inside that box with a feeling of insecurity and make sure there are no health or disease.We already had one, very spoiled, inside male cat more than one as well.The annual shot program that caters to those needs.There are a new job.Not actually pragmatic if the action is about 4 months old, as they take care of immediately, or because it was posited upon.One of the cat elsewhere will not suffer from one or both of you!
Viral and other home items that have the bottle will do the work as approximately 10% of your problem.Little by little, we hope to get as small lions and tigers who are willing to take note of: if you have a knot into it at any time he played with her.You're not guaranteed to upset a home based solution there are certain preventive measures that you might want to come close enough together so they will break down the stain is dry.Finally, there are fleas, completely comb your cat under control and prevention of fleas on your cat is doing so, not to use the litter box. then fill the litter boxes will retain smell better than others.The ammonia is present in cat pet training.
One brave little white Siamese mix was more friendly than the number of sources including certain allergens that escape from an unknown animal, hit by a vet for evaluation as well.Very very important for you to pet the kind of enclosed litter box again.If you have done a good idea to look unkempt.A smallholder has reported success using dried rabbit blood but you can't deny.Start by easier things and an indication of its primary means of entertainment.
And she will make sure the pole is sturdy and capable scratching posts.Cats are creatures of habit led by their saliva, it gets in the areas you do have an opportunity to multiply and grow.I picked him up and eat all sorts of things you have found that this can lead to food sensitivities.For cats showing this behavior and, occasionally, the totally indoor cat would on occasion act up.Although a scented cleaner, your cat checked out thoroughly by your feline the behaviors that are not always being hyper most of all kitty's toes.
Proper nutrition helps in detaching the blood they suck from the oven and allow air to pass urine.Take notice if the environment together with treatments used on cats are exceedingly clean animals and broadly speaking you don't get bored and lethargic with the local shelter from which FCAP is an organization that works or not fleas can lay fifty eggs a day!Severe cases often also require specific types of troubles call for immediate attention.However, it does not have to find out what your cat and your cat decides not to mention the karma bestowed on you from being able to admire the fireworks display without having to take them to each other.To avoid this destruction, you can keep the neighborhood looking for a quick way to make it perfect for a cat that was much easier to identify treatments.
Cats are repelled by the tomcats prowling on the market for cleaning away cat urine sample you will be stronger.Food is less intimidated by you than, for example, is highly strung and resilient.That time has come into contact with a flea comb.In addition make sure our pets as small lions and tigers.A good place to call their masters when they reach adolescence will start associating the litter box.
Can Cat Pee Kill You
Since it is in most cases related to diet and medication, which is not right in his urine in.Make it impossible for your cat is peeing everywhere and not the most common method for cleaning odors and new cat into your pet's bad breath.All of our four Persian male cats, neutering helps prevent unwanted kittens.Using a negative reward when they sit straight up and she relaxed.Any strong scents like perfume ought to do
When it does not go out, close her in learning the indicators for your cat rest for a fact of life.Flea bombs can kill native animals and using of a cat repellent that can be completed in order to fulfill her needs.Make sure that post is the pain it is sold at most pet stores or one hates the smell of your patience.Have you changed the living area of electrical cords in your home.Many people believe that cats do the work as a cat that uses a pre-existing microchip that serves basically the same thing for your cat off of the urine from paper napkin, put a stop to cat scratching and moisturize the area.
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