#as much as i wanted donna to be sooo angry with him
beanhusk · 10 months
the doctor took donna's memories as she cried and begged him not to. she would rather die than forget. still, he robbed her of agency. he played god and betrayed her trust.
here he finds himself, lifetimes later, caught between saving a city and keeping her alive. what she wants is to give her life and save her family, save millions. why does it have to be this?
he listens this time. without argument, he returns what she lost. he honours her choice. and if she dies while he holds her, she dies remembering. smiling. the doctordonna forever.
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mikakuna · 3 months
JASON SHOCKING PPL WHEN HE TAKES OFF TGE HELMET BC HE IS SUCH A PRETTY BOY YES YESSSS YESSSSS!!!!! I need it, I crave it, and on the topic of scars, I’m remembering this old series I used to read back in middle school, the lunar chronicles? Where there was a character, Winter, who was so beautiful and everyone agreed (she was the Snow White equivalent) and she had three symmetrical scars down the side of her cheek from under her eye down to her jaw and they looked like tears. Idk, Jason like that as well always gets me.
But Jason with no scars too??? Yes yes yes yes want it need it crave it desperate for it to shock ppl, like, I’m constantly in an annoyed at Tim mood cause he’s been everywhere in fics even when you filter him out 😭 and I’ve come across so many “poor baby Tim’s friends the titans HATE Jason for attacking sassy poor scared baby bird Tim and threaten Jason on his behalf when they see him on a mission or at the watchtower or smth” and I have enough spite to want an oh yeah? How about a fic that starts off like it’s going in that direction.
Jason the absolute unbothered king who does not give two shits abt the Titan tower incident cause whatever it was a while ago move on? And he wasn’t fighting a baby he was fighting a dude a year or two younger than him, who had training, and the hubris to think he could beat Jason. It wasn’t a one sided smack down, and of it was ever spun that way it’s because Jason was THAT good, and Tim was too caught up in his prejudices regarding Jason to truly believe Jason had skill. That’s on Tim.
For jason, it happened, but it’s not even that big of a deal it’s barely registering on his radar bc Tim does NOT take up space in his list of priorities. Jays a busy guy. So maybe he’s at the watchtower or wherever with the outlaws (biz and arty cause Roy and Kori are with dicks TT atm, but you just know they are excited to see Jason again. (Jayroy my beloved.) and obvi so is Donna.)
and he gets approached by the comically angry Tim’s teen titans like OoOH we got a bone to pick with you! All that usual woobifying of Tim talk happens like, “so pathetic that you as an adult are coming in and beating on some kid sooo much younger than you, and all that crap,” and arty and biz are bristling here, and Jason just, shakes his head in wtf, takes of his helmet, muttering “this I gotta see with my own eyes” only for him to faintly register the THUNK of Kyle Rayner walking into a window, and the sputtering of Tim’s friends as they trail off in gobsmacked.
When they speak again it’s Kon, clearing his throat, “so like, are you single or…”
Cassie, hissing, “kon!” Sharply elbowing him in his side, still shook that Jason is barely older than them.
Kon, hissing back from the corner of his mouth, eyes still on Jason, cheeks flushed, “what? It’s not like I have a PROBLEM with the crime lord thing, my other dad is Lex Luthor!”
everyone thinks jason is this horrific monster for fighting tim like tim didn't equally fight back. it is NOT jason's fault tim's weak ass lost against him!!!!
omg the idea of him being so unbothered that he doesn't even remember fighting tim but meanwhile everyone and their moms have that shit in the back of their mind constantly because tim has them all thinking he's a little kid that needs protecting. it's just jason not giving a single fuck and 100% willing to fight him again to see if tim's improved even slightly <3
kon's reaction is so real !!! instant switch up when he realizes that this is not an old man but a beautiful, gorgeously scarred individual he will begin courting instantly. kon's internal thought is to wonder why tim was so upset about jason beating him because he would gladly sign up. my fav trope is everyone realizing how young jason is ♥️
thank you so much for sharing this amazing idea I LOVE ITTTT
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blackbatcass · 4 months
who are your favorite donna love interests? + why are they your favorites
Is it cheating to say Kory💀 Probably. In my head they’re endgame though<3 like donnakory just have such a genuinely sweet relationship and I think they should kiss. donna is both in awe of and baffled by kory (Thee Perfect Beautiful Ideal Woman who is also unafraid to be messy and angry and passionate and emotional. she is everything donna wants to be but with the flaws she tries so hard to suppress.)
I also LOOOVE donnaroy they are just sweet and fun. childhood besties who are sooo devoted to each other<3 lian loves donna more than anyone else roy dates. I don’t think they work out like long term but I do think roy loves her forever and ever. since modern comics would obviously never canonize donnakory or dickroy, if they’re going to give donna a love interest I would prefer it to be roy above pretty much everyone else
im not a big fan of donnakyle😭 mostly because I’m uhhhhhnotthebiggestkylefan IM SORRY OKAY. I TRIED TO LIKE HIM I REALLY DID. one day I will do a comprehensive kyle read and come around on him. but their relationship didn’t really feel equal to me, like donna is this seasoned hero and mom who has been in the business for 10+ years at this point and kyle still acts like a relatively immature young adult. donna was at actual rock bottom during their relationship and it kind of shows. I think it was necessary for both their characters but I am not a big fan :/
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bunnir · 2 years
karl heisenberg with a pregnant gf
tags: fluff!, overprotectiveness, pregnancy (obviously), morning sickness, comfort with pains, smooches, karl being extremely soft in private, long post!
when karl hears you vomiting, he's immediately worried
is by your side with water and some meds asking if you're okay
if your hair is long then he'll hold it back from your face
after a few more weeks when you miss ur period he's like "what's that mean??"
as soon as you say the word "pregnant" he shuts down- like, is sat rigid and isn't even blinking
you're worried he's gonna be angry or something, so you sit in silent anxiety and wait for him
eventually, he mutters something, and it makes you jump
"are you sure? i swear if you're joking-"
"i'm not joking..."
he is over the moon, hugging you quite tightly yet trying to be careful not to squish your belly
he doesn't tell anyone else- especially not miranda, so i hope you're okay with your pregnancy being secret bc he wants to keep you and your child safe
when your bump starts developing he's in LOVE- kisses it when you're lay down and pretty much always has a hand on it
if your presence is required in a meeting, karl will literally give you his coat so your belly is hidden or he'll make up an excuse that you're sick
miranda gets suspicious when karl gets all protective over you, not letting anyone he doesn't trust near you
he explains that you two have had an important milestone in the relationship and that he was just feeling clingy
if you have weird cravings, he'll make them for you- but he definitely won't try it
cuddles are a must- chest to chest is definitely his favourite because he can feel your bump <3
tbh- bc donna is such a sweetie i see that karl trusts her with the news that you're pregnant and she'll keep that secret to her grave (she's just excited to be an auntie lol)
you cannot go anywhere without karl- he's definitely stuck to your side and will threaten anyone who even looks at you
you want something for the baby? he'll make a little metal rattle and makes sure there's absolutely no sharp edges on it and that it's completely sanitary
donna probably gifts you two a plushie and a doll lets be honest
alcina catches on, and confronts karl about it- and he blows up
you're most likely with him, and you'll probably have to grab his arm to calm him down
alcina just laughs, telling you that your secret is safe with her- but if heisenberg steps on her toes she's gonna tell miranda with no remorse
moreau and miranda are the only 2 who don't really know, moreau is too oblivious to figure it out and miranda cannot find out by any means necessary
alcina (being a great auntie) gives you all the equipment you need i.e: a cot, a blanket, teething toys, a bottle and formula if you're not gonna breastfeed, ect
karl literally fixes up a room in his factory that's pretty much a nursery
he even paints it a soft yellow
he says he's hoping for a boy, but he definitely suggests girl names first- in his heart he wants a little girl
lets you sleep with all the blankets even if it's winter- he just wants you to be safe <3
literally engulfs you with pillows- keeps you all cozy all the time
when you're getting close to your due date, he's sooo worried!
doesn't let you stand up at all unless you need the toilet or to bathe- even in the bath he's right there with you
if you struggle with standing up- he'll laugh a little before grabbing your hands and pulls you to your feet
always keeps the rattle he made and a blanket in his coat incase you go into labour whilst not at the factory
when you're a week away from your due date- he goes awol on the four lords and stays with you, rubbing your belly when you get cramps and giving you massages
you're literally always in bed now, he barely lets you get up- like it's worse than it was a few weeks ago
he's just feeling really protective of you when you're about to go into labour <3
when you do actually go into labour, he's panicking for you
calls the doctor down and threatens them not to tell miranda anything
luckily the birth goes amazing and you have your little girl!
he's so happy- and i mean happy
as soon as his baby is in his arms he does not let her go at all- he's literally cradling her all the time unless she's hungry
you've caught him coddling her throughout the night- she's never crying because he never puts her down
karl will one hundred percent convince you to let the baby sleep in your bed with the two of you
so you end up with your daughter sprawled between you both as you try to cuddle around her
she's going to be so spoilt lol
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illgiveyouahint · 4 years
okay so now I am trying to catch up on Suits and I don't know if it was always like this and I just started to notice it more or if the quality of the writing went reaaaally downhill but it feels so run of the mill. The characters seem to be so stuck in a place. Emotionally. 
Harvey and Louis always fight but then make up. Mike and Harvey are best friends except Mike cares too much about people so he goes behind Harvey's back and Harvey is angry with him. Donna makes an impulsive decision and then Harvey is mad with her. Louis and Donna are also fighting every couple of episodes or so. 
Some companies threaten to sue their companies, some companies want a merger, some companies don't want a merger, someone stole someone else's pattern.
It's just sooo....repetitive. 
Also I feel like they somehow forgot what made Mike such a powerhouse in the beginning which is his insane memory. Now he's just another lawyer in a see of lawyers.
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jefflion · 5 years
Asks: Eight, Nine, Ten. This should keep you busy for a while. I'd ask for more DW characters but maybe someone else wants to send asks! :)
Yeah, this should keep me busy alright! OK, let’s go:
First Impression
WTF is with this man’s hair? Oh, it’s a wig. He’s sweet and makes a good Doctor but I can’t with this script. This is unwatchable. Too bad, Eight has a lot of potential. 
Impression Now
ONE OF MY FAVOURITE DOCTORS, don’t touch me! (*whining for hours about how they did him dirty and how he deserves more and how BF is everything and you should listen to BF because Eight is amazing*) 
Favorite Moment
Memento Mori speech from Scherzo. Enough said.
Idea for a Story
Eight in a multi-Doctor story on screen. With Thirteen (and others). Please? (Yeah, I know this question refers to fan fiction but others are much better at these.)
Unpopular Opinion
No idea if this is unpopular. It seems to be very popular among Eight fans, actually. But Eight is not a cinnamon roll of a kissy Doctor. He can go so fucking dark, and he goes through so much character development in Big Finish unparalleled to (almost?) any other Doctor. They have been building him for years to become the war Doctor capable of all that shit. I am so angry this had to be erased and all this development ignored because Moffat he’d be so magnificent. 
Favorite Relationship
Probably Lucie Bleedin’ Miller. I just like that type of a companion and her seasons were among Eight’s best material. However, I need to say that I still have to listen to some of Eight’s stories so this might change. (Not likely, though.)
Favorite Headcanon
Hmm… I don’t think I have (m)any. I think all of those are basically canon, such as Doctor not wanting to say “I love you” because of what happened with Eight and Charley. Or Eight being developed as a War Doctor. I did like @gingerteaonthetardis answer about Eight being particularly in-tune with his time senses and that he could do stuff with it that other Doctors couldn’t. (?) And yeah, that should be utilized more.
AKA: My Doctor 
First Impression
Ah, I like Christopher Eccleston so let’s see what this Doctor Who thing is all about. He’s really sweet in this one (I shit you not - my first impression of Nine was “sweet”, perhaps compared to Eccleston’s other roles.) 
Impression Now
A Doctor going through grief, PTSD and guilt. Portrayed so wonderfully. I love Nine, favourite Doctor, got me hooked on DW. 
Favorite Moment
This is so difficult to choose. With other Doctors, I have maybe 3-4 fav moments. But with Nine, I think I could choose at least 3 per episode. Maybe “Everybody lives, Rose! Just this once, everybody lives!” The way he said that, and all the implications re: his past, aaaah, don’t get me started. 
Then you have that moment on the bridge in his second episode when the Doctor’s theme starts playing. And of course, his regeneration speech. Nah, don’t make me choose here.
Idea for a Story
Again, multi-doctor story with Nine. Aaand I can’t help thinking what Nine and Lucie relationship would be like. 
Unpopular Opinion
I am not even sure I have any unpopular opinion about Nine. Most of my opinions tend to be pretty popular. Is “newly regenerated; did not participate in Time War” an unpopular opinion? I don’t think so.
Favorite Relationship
Rose. Rose. Rose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Headcanon
Remember that once-popular headcanon that the Doctor takes his accent from the fav companion of his previous self?
NINE’S ACCENT COMES FROM LUCIE MILLER. I know this whole accent thing has been widely debated/debunked and yes, I know a strong(er) case could be made for Charley, aaand I know it’s not the same same accent, but I sooo want to believe in this so just let me headcanon, okay?
First Impression
David Tennant looks like my late father. This will be distracting and emotional to me.
Also: who are you and why are you not Nine? I want Nine back. 
Impression Now
Ten is such a great representation of all the good and all the bad sides of the Doctor. Continuously strong material helps, but there is a reason why Ten (and Tennant) are often voted one of the best Doctors ever, and the best in Nu Who. He portrays it all: the eccentricities, the curiosity, the selfishness, the pettiness, the whole deal. I love rewatching Ten’s episodes perhaps more than any other Doctor’s (save for my fav Nine’s episodes).
Favorite Moment
The whole thing in the Family of Blood when he decides to use the watch and the Nurse gives him shit for it. I know I’m not selling it properly, but it’s one of my fav moment in all DW. 
Also, Midnight. The whole of it. 
Idea for a Story
I am totally blank here but I want some sort of a different dynamic between Martha and Ten story. I love Martha; one of my fav companions ever, and they did her so dirty. I think she and Ten had so much potential that was never used because her character was positioned incorrectly. So, I want some sort of an official fixer fic recognized in canon, please.
Unpopular Opinion
Oh, I have one. 
Rose had a better chemistry with Nine than Ten.
Not to say that she didn’t have chemistry with Ten, or that I don’t ship them. I do. It’s just, idk, her chemistry with Nine was different. (And it’s sadly not talked about enough.) 
Favorite Relationship
Rose and Donna. I like them both; Donna is probably my fav companion in all Nu Who but ignoring Rose’s importance for Ten is… well, ignoring Ten himself. He would not be who he is/was without Rose. That being said: There is a magic in Ten and Donna dynamics that I don’t think was replicated ever since.
Favorite Headcanon
It’s about Tentoo: He becomes even a better match for Rose because of human aspects in him. 
Aaah, this was fun! Thank you @grumpyslav for allowing me to procrastinate a little longer. 
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elliottcoka · 6 years
Don’t worry about reading this it’s a rant
 I shouldn’t have to wake up to harassment over a fucking tv show opinion.
Okay, so I’m making this post as if anyone cares because I don’t want to talk to myself for a giant freaking post.  It fucking SUCKS to go to bed, not worrying about the silliness of a tumblr fight since you’ve been blocked, to see that you’ve been @ in MORE of the same bullshit. I’ve had to kindly ask a follower to show me what was said or any updates on this shit because I’ve been blocked. Who blocks someone and keeps the conversation/argument going?? It got to the point that I sent the OP an ASK saying to stop harassing me. Also, what I don’t understand is the only things I ever said was that they were being hypocritical and genuine questions of why OP was so fucking pissed about a show they apparently don’t care about anymore. So let me break this shit down. It’s ridiculous. 1) First thing that happened is that rampagerobot shared his opinion on a post gassing up “Donna Noble”. Idek who the fuck that is but he thought she disgraced the show. Okay cool, an opinion. NOW let’s remind ourselves that tumblr is NOT being used for what it was supposed to be. Tumblr was meant for people in things they like (fashion, extreme sports, food critique) to join together and share their pictures/opinions on the things they had in common. If tumblr was actually being used for what it was supposed to be used for, and not shit posting, I GUARANTEE that someone would share a new haute couture spring collection and another person would say “Man, those designs are so unflattering. It’s a disgrace to the model wearing it!!” and NORMALLY people would say “Oh, I actually really like his collection. I’m sorry you don’t.” Or even ask “Why do you dislike the design??” Tumblr users have always lacked the BIGGEST, most important thing for its actual use: civility. It takes civility and looking past your own opinions and perspectives to say “I love this thing, but you don’t. Why is that?” (and no, I’m not saying we should say this to racists or phobic assholes, but if tumblr was used how it should be we probably wouldn’t run into the issues of race, lgbt stuff, or politics as frequently.)
2. The ONLY reason rampagerobot EVER fought back with petty bullshit was whenever the OP made the HUGE STRETCH of saying that he was being called a lunatic, where the op when on a rant about just how shitty rampagerobot was being. At this point, all rampage robot had said was that the op should chill (at least I think since I physically can’t see their shit any more). OP thinks that rampagerobot doesn’t have the right to tell him to chill when to rampagerobot it was a simple opinion about a show character he didn’t like. Of course, with that perspective, rampagerobot thought he should chill. Do I think any and all insults were uncalled for? YES. and this does go for all sides. Do I think things could have been de-escalated if OP took a step back, thought “Am I really going to get this upset over a tv show?” Yes. I do. Because we all have to do that sometimes. We have things that are so special to us... things that hold a precious place in our hearts where our gut reaction is to say “hey fuck you, man. don’t shit on what I love!” But it’s always important to remember to take that step back. It’s important to figure out how much someone else’s opinion (on the fucking internet lol) is going to mean to us. *little note here: that’s especially why I don't understand the insults and why the stuff I’ll cover soon was ever considered necessary.*  Now, we get into when I really fucking tried to implement what I’m talking about. When I tried to de-escalate the situation. I made a joke (shared a meme actually) hoping to lessen tension. Then I asked the OP questions similar to this. I asked why they did care, especially when they said they didn’t care about the show anymore... why the aggression was necessary... And I never got an answer. The drama continued and I felt at a loss. How do you even try to reason or end an argument with someone who disregards genuine curiosity to understand? How do you help that person find the closure they need from hearing that someone dislikes a character they love? At this point, I don’t think you can because I’ve been forced to come to the assumption that OP didn’t want closure at the time. They didn’t want to work through things. I think they wanted to be angry. The things I’ve had to learn about anger are: Anger is a strong emotion. It’s okay to feel it as long as it isn’t holding you back. Anger, being a strong emotion, is a lot to feel. It’s a lot for you to consume. Do you want to keep using your energy to feel or emit it?  I think anger consumed everyone way too much. And I don’t understand why at all.
3. This is literally the only reason I felt the need to make this post. If you skip over EVERYTHING else, please read this.  I don’t understand why after everything was over... why when both rampagerobot and I were blocked... we were still @ in these posts. I don't understand why I’ve been getting hate messages all night over this silly argument when I didn’t say anything meant to make anyone feel degraded. Like, why is this still happening to me specifically? Well, thanks to the oh so kind follower who investigated this bullshit for me, I know. Apparently, the OP and their girlfriend have been receiving hate mail themselves.  To the op and their girlfriend: I’m sorry you’re going through that. As I’m feeling now, it’s quite shitty to go through. BUT I’M NOT DOING IT.  If your other posts about harassing who’s harassing you are directed at me, please stop. I’ve had to come to the conclusion that the ONLY people that I logically feel okay thinking are at fault for my hate messages are @strawberryoverlord @themadcapmathematician and/or someone with apricot or some shit in their username idk it anymore and can’t find it soooo.  But those were the ONLY three people involved in this who seemed to care.  If it’s not you three, then whoever it is, stop. I don’t care about Dr. Who. I don’t know what a “tardis” is (for the longest time I legit thought it was a slur). And all I ever tried to do was point out ridiculousness in this shit as well as standing up for my partner.  Also, the MOST ADVOCATED thing everyone kept telling rampagerobot to do was to make his own posts. When he did, you all attacked him on there. You completely left the basis of the actual fight behind, attacking him or silly things like dick size or calling him a joke.  Where did that get anyone?? You asked us to be kind, asked us to leave your posts, and when we did we were attacked. We still are being attacked. And yet, you also thought the death threats were SOOO ridiculous to bring up... but if you guys happen to be the ones harassing us, and even if you aren’t, we’re still facing harassment. Even if harassment isn’t death threats, as tumblr should well know, it can make someone want to kill themselves. (thankfully rampage and I aren’t in that kind of mindset or that bothered when this all came from an interent post over Dr. Who lol). Whoever it is, just stop. Not even for my sake or rampagerobot’s, but for your own. I’m not sending anything to you. I don’t know or care about this show. The same goes for him.  At the end of the day, this was fucking stupid. The whole argument was a waste of everyone’s time. I ask that everyone involved remember to take a step back... walk away from the screen for a second... remember we’re all humans here (lol) and to reevaluate where their priorities stand. Do they lie in “Internet arguments”, filling that box full? Or would you actually rather do something different... ignoring the opinions that feel hateful or mean, and just enjoying the day as it was? 
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leianaberrie replied to your post “The best part of this episode was Ryn playing with that sea lion. It...”
I really like your take on this but I have a strong feeling that the writers want/expect us to be on Ben's side and see Xan as a victim to the *animals*.
Honestly, I’m not sure what their intention is exactly. But given how they’ve made Ryn choose Ben and Maddie over the other mermaids over and over again, how they’ve made her sympathetic to Xander’s pain and even had her apologize to him on behalf of her sister and how the only thing that contradicts Ben’s accusations about the mermaids is Maddie going but Ryn isnt like that... which doesnt actually mean much... I’m inclined to believe we are supposed to side with Ben/Zander here.
But on the other hand, in previous eps they acknowledged that Donna was right to feel hurt and angry over what the humans did to her and Ryn initially took her side in this sooo... *shrugs*?
But either way, I’ll say that whatever they might be trying to do with Ben here it’s definitely not working in his favour. For me at least. Same with Zander and all the other humans tbh. The only reason I’d even feel bad for his dad dying is because he was the only person there who just accidentally ended up mixed up and didnt set out to hunt and hurt the mermaids. So yeah.
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simplyrali · 7 years
Hope (Jameron fanfiction)
Please be gentle. :D English is not my mother tongue and that’s the first time I attempt to write fanfiction. Sooo…
The events take place after the series finale.
Anyways, I think these two deserve another shot.  
Two and a half years later…
Cameron sat in front of her computer in the trailer. She just finished some coding for the new update for Phoenix. The company was doing well these days and things weren’t as intense as in the beginning. Hers and Donna’s company slowly became only hers. Donna was more involved at first but soon found out she can’t juggle between two jobs and taking care of the girls. Her position at Symphonic Ventures had cost her too much and she couldn’t leave it. And honestly her name and power in the VC firm presented her with more options and opportunities in the business field.  So she chose to spend more time there, which was fair. Also she and Trip seemed quite close these days.  Cam had to admit that despite Trip’s annoying nature the guy was smart and charming. It seemed like his smile finally warmed Donna’s heart. The poor guy chased her like a love sick puppy and after a year she accepted to go on a date with him. Now they were dating but not something serious yet. Cam smiled remembering how Donna loved to complain about him before, how he was trying to sabotage her, turned out he was trying to team up with her.
Friends, Cam and Donna were just friends, not partners. Not anymore. And that was good, healthy for both of them. It started out this way but only so they can close that page of their life and not wonder “What if”. Donna still helped and came for brainstorming sessions, expressed opinion but nothing major. They both stayed out of their way but at the same time were there for each other in hard moments and in sharing excitement and happiness. It showed Cam that she was able to sustain a meaningful relationship without mixing work and personal life. Something she tried but didn’t know how to do before. Now instead of a working partner she had something better – a best friend, and didn’t have to worry that her professional decisions will stain their bond. She felt lighter. Cleaner.
It was getting dark outside. One more Saturday spent in work. Nothing new.  At this point Cameron’s social life was again becoming nonexistent. If it weren’t for Donna’s business parties the only people she met were her six coders at work, Donna and the girls and occasionally Bos. He and Diane traveled a lot in the past two years, one long honeymoon they said. She was so happy for him, he deserved this.
Catherine shut down the computer and walked out of the trailer heading towards her house. Yes, her new home. She build it. At first she wasn’t even sure if she should keep the land, not after all her memories there with Joe, their plans, her hopes. Finally she decided she won’t run anymore and try to make things work, after all she bought the land with the intent to build something permanent for her. God knows she lived long without a place to truly call a home. And here was perfect – beautiful, quiet, peaceful. She kept the trailer though, her new home office, that silver tube was her safe happy bubble.        
Joe… Joe didn’t call or write, or email, or anything really. The only person with whom he kept contact was Haley. At first Cam wanted to ask her about him, how was he, what was he doing, did he find someone new, but then decided against it. If he wanted her to know these things he would have told her, he would have reached out. But he didn’t. The first few months her heart would jump with hope every time the phone rang, as time passed that hope slowly died because he was never at the other end of the line. And her emails were all left unanswered. She asked him if he was angry, what was wrong, how was he doing. Nothing. Radio silence. A taste of her own medicine she supposed.  
Honestly it pissed her off. Yes, they separated because they wanted different things at the time, but for him to just up and leave…
She missed him. 
Joe once told her he would like to know her in his life and now he just cut their connection, cut her off completely. It hurt. The night they broke up she never thought she’d be losing not only a lover but a good friend. And like she said to Donna she didn’t have many of those.
Now she buried herself in work trying not to think how lonely her life had become. She met with Donna and the girls regularly and they spent all holidays together but after some time she started to feel like an intruder. She saw their connection and unconditional love towards each other and it felt like she was forcing herself in their home. 
At first she thought she wanted her carrier, that that was what was going to make her happy and fulfilled. She was married before and it had felt like a trap, never felt right, she always had to make compromises with herself, with her goals. A rash decision when she was young. Then jumped into another relationship too quickly, feeling lost and seeking protection and forgiveness. Can somebody give their all in a relationship if they are still fighting their inner demons and don’t feel complete as a person?  Cam first had to find out who she was, to do things for herself and stop putting her interests aside. During the last two years she had a chance to do that and it felt great, yes, but she wanted more.
She wanted what Donna had. Someone to come back to. Someone to wait for her and kiss her when she opened the front door. Full house. Family. Husband. Kids… What Joe wanted before. The exact reason why he left her. She was a fool. Stupid fool still holding on to memories. Fresh starts were always hard for her.
She opened the fridge - nothing. She guessed cereal for dinner wasn’t going to be so bad. She filled her bowl and sat in front of the TV. Some stupid game show. 
She had to wrap her present for Haley soon. Tomorrow was her big 18th birthday. She was turning into a smart young woman. Time flies so quickly. When Cam asked her what she wanted, Haley actually gave her a list of books about coding. And Cam bought them, every single one. It warmed her heart because that was something they both shared, love for code. She often sought Cam’s help with her projects or came with a question about some functions. Her progress amazed Cameron and honestly made her feel proud.
The gathering would be small. At least that’s what Donna told her. Haley didn’t want something big. Okay. Even better for Cam. At least she won’t be surrounded with a bunch of teenagers and won’t have to make fake chit-chat. It would be more intimate, just them and Bos and Diane. Family of choice. Trip? Probably not, the girls weren’t completely okay with him yet.
Cameron put her bowl and spoon in the dishwasher and went for a bath. A nice long hot bath. She loved a good bath. She took a lot of baths in Japan…  
Another Saturday scratched on the calendar.
The evening was cold. Cam guessed they’ll be celebrating inside. No pool tonight. She knocked on the door. Donna opened hurriedly, stepped outside and pulled her to the side. Her big eyes full of concern. Something was wrong.
“He is here.”
The whole world stopped for a second, her heart went in her throat.
Joe was here.
Anger. Annoyance. Happiness. Sadness. Relief. Love.
Emotions, so many emotions.
And Donna knew. She understood.
Donna cared and decided to prepare her for what was behind that door…  
The front door slowly opened. And there he was. Joe Macmillan. He looked different, calmer. Content. The harsh lines around his eyes were gone and despite the years he looked younger.
When he saw Cam his whole face lit up and the truest smile appeared on his face. The smile that he saved only for her.
All was forgiven, all was forgotten.
Past, present and future collided.  
“Hello, Cam.”
Her mouth was dry.
“Hello, Joe.”
Tears in her eyes. He seemed happy to see her.
Maybe... just maybe... this time…
Chapter 2 ---> https://simplyrali.tumblr.com/post/167493972230/hope-chapter-2-jameron-fanfiction
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tardispowered · 5 years
Doctor Who Book Review: In the Blood
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Non-Spoilery Review: Hilarious and very IC. This Tenth Doctor Adventure is well worth the read. Even if the Message is about as subtle to a brick to the face.
Read on for Spoilers:
The Good: Man, this thing was funny. I was a little uncertain at first, but they really nailed Ten’s voice and Donna’s and their interactions. And when I say it was hilarious, I mean it actually made me laugh out loud once or twice. It really felt like watching an episode, except with a much bigger budget.
Ten: I really love him in this. I love his Time Lord moments and his quiet moments and his funny moments. And the moments where he’s in pain and tries to hide it—and thinks about the Time War. I love how he keeps sacrificing himself for everyone. This is just a really well done ten. One of my favorite parts was when he pulled the phone gently out of the sadistic octopuses mouth. Granted he needed it, but I also highlights the Doctor’s capacity to be extraordinarily kind and gentle. Even to beings that are keen on murdering him. (and at some point where he was in the base, there was a scene that was like: I saw an anime like this once…)
Donna was an absolute riot. And she had so much to do in this book. She was basically the driving force of the plot and the heart of it. When Wilf got infected I got genuinely worried because she was panicking. She has lots of great moments in this story, both good ones and bad ones. The funny thing is, I usually have issues with how Donna is presented. I haven’t really liked her much. But via this book I’ve gained a new appreciation for who she is and what she’s about. I also loved how she and the Doctor worked solidly as a team, both doing their own part, but both just as significant.
Fief was really interesting character wise. I loved how he went from just a Men in Black style faceless henchman to someone I felt sympathy for. How he wanted to experience the universe after his earpiece was taken out and didn’t want to go …back to the earpiece and yet was made to. Though it seemed that he never quite forgot what it meant to experience things. It was sad that he made the sacrifice but I love that he did it. I also loved that he nailed the Doctor’s own problems with moving so much he didn’t have to think. Didn’t have to stop and reflect.
I liked the inclusion of Wilf too and thought he did well. I didn’t expect him to succumb but when he did it kinda got to me, not going to lie. That being said I’m glad he got angry rather than got beat up. That would have been too sad. (Even if he did almost die because of it. Details)
The Okay:
The plot was alright. It started out interesting but the ending was a bit jumbled. Also I am not entirely sure where the octopus drug lord came from (unless there is a previous book). I do have to say the author did a great job giving the octopus a very good character and making me …if not sympathize per se, at least know where he was coming from. But what he was doing and why he was doing it other than money wasn’t entirely clear for me. But then I wasn’t reading it for the mystery anyway. What really downgraded the plot for me was the vehicle used to get there, but we’ll discuss that later.
The Side-Eye Worthy:
The part in Korea was juusst this shy of being stereotypical. At first I was kinda intrigued they went there but then it turns out because it’s directly opposite Brazil on the globe (which…why that detail? Just why?) I was kinda ehh about the hint that the Doctor didn’t want to eat I think it was a grub? Because ew who would want to eat grubs lol. I feel like the Doctor would eat it cheerfully. Donna can get squicked out sure. But the Doctor only sounds like a Soct playing an Englishman. So honestly it shouldn’t’ve been there just for a cheap laugh.
Also the comment about Collectivism and ‘no word for proud of yourself’ in Korean… I don’t know Korean myself (though I do know Japanese culture which is related at least in terms of the influence of Confucianism which Korea took to a lot more) but even though there is more emphasis on the group—I think there’s plenty of room for individuals too. There was no reason for it to go into that really. Especially since the save the day moment involved… sort of pseudo brainwashing everyone to be collectivist? (Though that didn’t stop the brawl in Korea sooo)
The Bad:
The brick to the face message. Holy crap. It was like a bad PSA or like someone furiously typing on their iphones, kids these days are too connected to technology! Like being connected is the EVIL people don’t TALK to one another anymore or PLAY WITH THEIR KIDS because they’re too busy being TROLLS on their PHONES. And the Cheeto fingered guy who was trolling for lulz? Yeah real subtle there. Also all the teenagers being pricks until their adults set them right. Because Teenagers, am I right? They’re the worst.
Nevermind that Rose was 19.
It just didn’t have to go as hard as it did on the anti-social media message. Because really? It was just lazy. There’s a point to be made sure. But making it ENTIRELY EVIL doesn’t do things justice. Especially when it didn’t have to be that way.
Think of how cool it would be if the Doctor defended it. Because it connects people. Because it’s useful. You can explore the darker side of it too. Internet addiction and so forth. But show some understanding for the value of the system. And going back to the Good Old Fashioned Values of Talking to Your Neighbors- that’s all well and good but what about facetiming your ailing aunt that lives five hours away? Or checking facebook updates on a friend you haven’t seen since college? There’s more to good friendships/family relationships than just face to face. It would have been nice to see the book address it.
A good book, well worth the read. The MESSAGE OF THE DAY is pretty cloying but it doesn’t interfere too much. It just seems out of touch and kids these days rather than something malicious (see Only Human for that nonsense)
Definitely in my headcanon
Four out of Five stars
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cupcakeshakesnake · 8 years
Watching Hell Bent for the first time
-If something goes wrong with me I’m gonna blame you, Moffat.
-Why are we in the U.S> all of a sudden
-”JACKSON” “No matter where you go, there you are.”
-Is there a mini USA on Gallifrey
-I don’t even know
-Oh there’s Clara
-Maybe the Doctor’s dead and this is what’s happening his brain
-Maybe it’s another of those places in his mind palace
-Maybe this is an AU
-Maybe everyone died or is in a coma
-Never trust Moffat
-Well, there he is, back on Gallifrey...
-The sisters of Kahn!
-(Did I spell that right)  (Probably not)
-(I only just realized this is a one hour episode)
-Who are those people anyway
-”Who the hell does he think he is?”  “The man who won the Time War, sir.”
-Doctor: “ehhh yeah fuck you and your speech”
-Sooo what does the Doctor want and what do the Timelords want?
-Damn, that slow guitar riff.
-well shit
-Why is Rassilon such a jerk. All the time.
-He didn’t dieded
-They missed on purpose
-Well Rassilon if you’re so angry why don’t you shoot him yourself
-Didn’t you lot, like, give him a new regeneration cycle a couple seasons ago
-I’m still kinda confused about this; are the soldiers all Time Lords or are only the elite called Time Lords and can regenerate
-Dammit Rassilon
-Are we seeing ghosts of Time Lords now
-”Oh, not from you lot. No, you'd cramp my style. Look at your hats.“
-Ow, my ears.
-Ow, my eyes.
-Ow, my senses.
-Well shit
-I don’t like where the music is leading
-I... what THE FUYCK
-”No one take a selfie!”   Okay...
-Doctor: “Fuck the timestream”
-jesus flippity christ
-Well he’s gonna regenerate but still
-And he regenerated into...
-A girl?
-Okay then
-The soldiers look so stumped
-Whhy am I laughing
-She looks like she should be sporting a leather jacket, torn jeans, punk boots and a big earring or two
-weeping angels??!
-ood head?? Is that an ood head?
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Is it??
-say whaaaaat
-Dalek: “Kill... me...”
-Holy fuck
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Like seriously, holy fuck.
-Weeping Angel: “kill me pls”
-Cyberman: “kill me pls”
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Not so upgraded now, are you?
-Fucking Timelords. They don;t even clean their database regularly.
-And they hire ghosts of their own kind to guard it.
-Does Clara notice the 2 billion years of time that passed in his eyes
-Correction: Four and a half billion years.
-”He could have left any time he wanted. He just had to say what he knew. The dial would have released him.”
-Four and a half billion years.
-4,500,000,000 years.
-4.5 billion years
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Unmodified TARDIS
-What happened to his old one?
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Classic season control panel!
-Doctor: “fuck you sis”
-This is not going to end well.
-”What’s out there?”  “Me.”  Little did I know that he was referring to Ashieldr.  (Yeah, turns out it’s spelled with an R. Stupid me.)
-Well... dammit
-”Me, go to hell.”
-Humans are... a warrior race?
-Okay then?
-But he’s not a Hybrid, Eight did say in one of the comics that he was half human but it later turned out he lied to get out of a situation.
-”The lover of chaos, who wants you to love it too. She’s quite the matchmaker.”
-I don’t even know
-Oh, Clara.
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Excuse me my sense of humor is very mature
-well shit
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I only just noticed Ashieldr’s watching all this drama in the background
-”I accept it.”  “I can’t.”
-”Smile for me, Clara Oswald. Go on, one last time.”
-well I guess my heart’s pretty much gone now
-Who’s the guy
-Moffat,  you’ve done it again...
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Watch out for that Statue of Liberty, she might still be pissed about what happened in Series 6.
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TARDIS manual.
-So anyway how the fuck do you read that
-So... girl stuck in the last moment of her death and a girl who was turned immortal by alien tech, traveling together?
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o k a y   b y e
-Welp, now I gotta cry every time I hear that tune.
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*crying intensifies*
-This is random, but I’m kinda wondering if someone else wrote all the chalk letters or if Jenna-Louise Coleman did it herself.
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Is it just me or is the TARDIS a bit more colorful than before
-The paint peels off during dematerialization, huh
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Off we go.
-So, two Tardis’s in the universe. I wonder if they will ever run across each other again?
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