#as well as origami and paper models and I do sculpture and carvings
a-talkative-dummy · 6 months
I think the worst part about me saying I’m an artist is when someone asks “Oh what type of art?” and I just kinda have to be like “well about that I do multiple art types sooo… yeah” it’s awkward as hell everytime
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Everyone must participate in a competition (up to you what that might be) and the two people who come in last place must get legally married!
Yang: Pffff what???
Weiss: So, literally get married. Courthouse, marriage license, everything?
Blake: Seems like it.
Yang: So this is legit? Whatever this competition will be ends with two of us getting married?
Nora: But what should the competition actually be?
Everyone: ...
Ruby: Art contest!
Yang: Art contest?
Ruby: Yeah! And we could get the boys to judge.
Blake: That might actually be fun.
Yang: Of course you’d say that, I’ve seen your sketchbook.
Blake, shrugging: Guess I’m not getting married then.
Pyrrha: How long do we have to create our pieces?
Ruby: Until this time tomorrow I guess? *stands up and poses dramatically* You have 24 hours to create your masterpieces! Go!
Everyone: *stays in place*
Nora: I have no idea what to do.
Ruby, still posing: Just...think of something, this is getting awkward.
May, glancing at Fiona: Uhh.
Fiona: Indeed.
The next day, in the Beacon courtyard with everyone’s art pieces on display...
Jaune: Okay, fellow judges, how are we going to figure out who wins this?
Mercury: Just...write down your own rankings from worst to best and then we’ll compare?
Sun: How long is this going to take?
Neptune: What, do you have somewhere to be?
Sun: It’s the weekend, I want to do weekend things.
Neptune: Like sit around and do nothing.
Sun: Yes!
Neptune: That’s what you always do.
Ren: Does anyone know what this competition actually entails?
Jaune: Ruby said it was a secret. Maybe the winner gets a date with whoever they choose?
Ren: Something tells me it’s worse than that.
May: *taps Jaune’s shoulder*
Jaune: Hm? Oh, hi, uhh...
May: May.
Jaune: Right.
Sun: What’s up?
May: Okay, so, you guys are judging this art competition, right?
Jaune: Yeah?
May: Could you give me and Fiona a break here? Neither of us have a single artistic bone in our body.
Fiona, nodding: We tried. Really tried. But...it’s not pretty.
Sun: Wait, so hold up, you’re asking us to skew the results to your advantage? Not cool.
Fiona: C’mon, just a little bit? Just to, like, keep us out of last place?
Ren: What’s the concern about last place?
May: If you come in last place, you have to—
Ruby, appearing next to them: Heyyyyy guys, we’re almost ready to start! *looks toward May and Fiona* What are you two doing? *points at them* Talkin’ up the judges, hmm? Trying to get an unfair advantage?
Fiona, blushing: Uhhh no? Just...meeting new people!
Ruby: I’ve got my eye on you two. *chuckles* I’m just joking. Ready, boys?
Jaune: I think so. Though we do have a question: What does the winner of this competition even get?
Ruby, looking to the side: Uhh...they get an immunity for a future truth or dare.
Jaune: Oh. Okay, makes sense.
Mercury, snickering: You sure the prize isn’t a date with Jaune?
Jaune: What??
Neptune, laughing: Pretty sure that’s for whoever comes in last place.
Jaune: What????
Fiona, murmuring to May: Oh gods, that would be even worse...
Sun: You’re not allowed to put Pyrrha in last place, Jaune.
Jaune: A date with me isn’t an actual consolation prize! Like half of them are lesbians anyway, quit being weirdos! *crosses his arms and pouts*
Ren: I’ll go on a date with you, Jaune.
Jaune, grinning: Aww, really??
Ruby, snapping her fingers: Snap out of it, you’ve got art to judge. *waving for them to follow her* Look at mine first!
Timeskip timeskip wheeee....
Ren, holding a clipboard: Okay, we’ve put together a final ranking of everyone’s pieces into tiers, because Sun says tier lists are fun.
Sun: They are!
Ren: Sooooo S-tier, the winner is Blake’s drawing of their team. Very detailed, lovely colors, all-around beautiful.
Yang: Wooo go Blake!
Ruby, hugging Blake: I knew it!
Blake, bowing: Thank you thank you.
Ren: Next, A-tier, Ruby’s painting of Zwei, Penny’s glass sculpture of a bird, Yang’s spray paint mural tribute to her bike, and Nora’s wood burning drawing of a thunderstorm.
Nora, high-fiving Yang: Nice!
Penny, hugging Ruby: Yay!
Ren: B-tier, Pyrrha’s origami swan made of metal, Ciel’s photo collage of sunsets, Ilia’s watercolor painting, and Elm’s wood carving of an Ursa.
Elm, pouting: Aww...and I broke out my good chainsaw for this.
Ilia: Wait. Your what?
Elm, chuckling: Just kidding, I just have the one.
Nora: Wait, Pyrrha only got B-tier? *points at her metal origami swan* But that’s so good though?!
Ren, shrugging: To be fair, with her semblance, she can fold metal as easily as anyone can fold paper, so...it’s a paper swan on steroids, as Mercury put it.
Nora: Hmph...
Jaune, whispering to Pyrrha: I tried to vouch for you, I really did.
Pyrrha, turning to him, grinning: Are you kidding? This is the first time in a long time that I lost at something. I feel liberated!
Jaune: Wow, really? Well, awesome!
Ren: C-tier, Neon’s glowstick sculpture, Harriet’s digital drawing of a rabbit, and Cinder, Emerald, and Neo’s...“dress”?
Emerald: It started as a dress, but then it kinda became overalls, and then a dress again, and then...I don’t know.
Cinder: It has fire dust infused with it, so there’s that.
Neo, wearing said monstrosity: I want to change.
Ren: D-tier, Weiss’ melted ice sculpture. We gave her the benefit of the doubt that it was as magnificent as she described.
Weiss: It was! It’s just...sunny outside...
Ren: However, bottom tier, May and Fiona for their...paper mache...pyramids?
May, sighing: It was supposed to be a model of Beacon.
Yang, chuckling: So, when’s the wedding?
Fiona, blushing, deliberately avoiding eye contact with May: Uhhh we can’t get married, though! We’re legal residents of Atlas, so we can’t get married in Vale, oh well!
Blake: But marriages are recognized everywhere no matter where they’re performed.
Fiona: But...we can’t tho.
May, sighing and putting a hand on Fiona’s shoulder: There’s nothing we can do, fiancée.
Fiona: Wait, you’re cool with this?
May, shrugging: I mean, we could get an annulment immediately after.
Fiona, sighing: Okay, I guess you’re right.
Ruby, throwing rose petals over them both: 🎵 May and Fiona sitting in a tree, M-A-R-I-A-G-E~ 🎵
May: When is this actually happening?
Yang: Uhh, today? Go get married!
May: Sure, let’s elope.
Fiona: How are you so unbothered?!
Later, outside a courthouse...
Fiona: Well, we’re legally married now.
May: Should we call Robyn and Joanna and tell them the good news?
Fiona, sweating: I think it would be totally fine if we didn’t mention it to them.
May: Whatever you say, wife.
Fiona: Don’t call me that!
May: But you are my wife, legally speaking.
Fiona: Stahhhp!
May: Why??
Fiona, blushing: You know...gay thoughts...
May: What, the thought of being married to me is embarrassing?
Fiona: No! It’s just...I dunno...
May, turning and kissing her forehead: Chill out, Fiona, it’ll be just fine.
Fiona, blushing even more: Ohhh...
May, smirking at her: What?
Fiona: Nothing! Uhh...wanna get that annulment taken care of?
May: Eh, I’m sick of paperwork at this point. Let’s do it tomorrow.
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