#asa butterfield fluff
ditch-witches · 4 years
asa butterfield x reader
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request: wasn’t requested, but we wrote this in march and decided to post. we’re opening our inbox to other actors and characters, so feel free to send us a request :)
warnings: mentions of sex (slight), crude language, a family gathering
word count: ~2000
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Your grandmother threw open her front door, hair in curlers to match her fuzzy pink slippers. Her face brightened at the sight of you, yet once her eyes fell to Asa it was like you were last year's ham. She nearly hooted in excitement before throwing her arms around him and dragging him inside, Asa’s face furrowing as he looked back at you. You smirked slightly, hanging your jacket on the already full coat tree by the door and kicking off your shoes before meandering through her gigantic house in search of your boyfriend. There were various cousins sprawled out around her living room and hanging out of the archway to the kitchen while watching whatever sport was on TV. 
You furrowed your brows at the group and half of them pointed down the hallway where a round of hollering and an old crackly radio was sounding off. You nodded and moved in the direction they sent you, turning a few corners before going through the sliding glass door in the back, spotting Asa being shown off to several of your uncles from different generations and your older cousins by your small grandmother. You sighed, coming out from behind them and capturing the attention of the group who greeted you with smiles and a few pinches on the arm. The stereotypical conversation questions were thrown around briefly: How is school? How’s the job? Are you hungry? 
Some of the guys were talking to Asa and shaking his hand a ridiculous amount until you finally had enough. “Oma, maybe you should go get ready?” You suggested, finally taking hold of Asa’s arm to pull him from her grasp. She inhaled sharply as if forgetting she was walking around in a housecoat while her guests continued to fill her house. You were sure Asa would already be overwhelmed, him being whisked off was not what you had expected, but he remained smiling, talking to whoever started conversations with him. You couldn’t really believe it but Asa was prospering. 
Before you knew it, the two of you were sat beside each other at a long table of most of your cousins, separate from the massive group of adults, passing food amongst yourself and talking over the polka music that seemed to always be playing from the radio in the living room. You leaned over to Asa as he passed you a basket of rolls. “Are you all right?” You whispered, passing the food again. 
He smiled at you slightly, his icy blue eyes seemingly lighting up even more. “Never better. Relax, okay?” He mumbled, sending you a wink. You hadn’t realized how tensed up you were as you dropped your shoulders at his words. If you weren’t surrounded by family members, you would have kissed him. The meal went on without ripples, listening to how people were doing in school and sitting through several of the members of the family closer to your age tell embarrassing stories about yourself to Asa like it had happened last week, not when you were three and still wearing Garanimals. 
“You’re Asa, right?” One of your middle school aged cousins asked from across the table. She put her chin in her hand, her makeup more intricate than you ever could master. He shook his head hesitantly. “You’re probably so good you don’t use protection. Am I right?” Her almost seductive glance and question made you choke on your water and Asa’s mouth dropped open a bit as the man beside her cackled heavily. 
“Oh, my God,” you breathed. “You can’t say that,” you hissed and she shrugged. 
Her eyes trailed him from across the table. “I don’t hear a ‘no’.” 
You groaned, telling Asa to ignore her through gritted teeth. “You should always use protection,” he answered instead, attempting to hold back his own laugh as you kicked him under the table, sending the man next to her into even greater fits of laughter. 
“Are you staying at oma’s tonight?” Another asked, thankfully one that hadn’t heard the previous topic. 
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, debating if it was too late to get a hotel. “No, I haven’t drawn a card yet…” You mumbled, trying not to alert Asa beside you. 
Your actions were for nothing as he piped up. “What is drawing a card?” 
At his question, several of the cousins attempted to answer at once, urging you to let him be the one to draw this time and you shook your head. “My grandmother has a deck of cards that have locations written on them and whenever there’s a family gathering, you draw a card to figure out where you’re staying. It’s because my dad’s generation all fought over who was staying with Uncle Mike,” you answered, closer to his ear to combat the several voices. “But we should just get a hotel room-” 
“That’s breaking the rules and you know it!” Another cousin yelled, pointing his fork at you. 
You shook your head. “You’re a grown ass man and you still want a shot at staying with Uncle Mike?” You almost snapped, making him shrug. 
“You’re just pissed because you never get it!” He snapped back. 
You shook your head almost dramatically. “What if I didn’t want to stay with Uncle Mike?” 
“I like staying with oma!” 
He sent you a sarcastic smile as if to call your bullshit. “Fine then, we’re taking bets on who has to sleep in the tent.” 
You had almost forgotten Asa was there until he piped up. “I have ten on you then,” he quipped and your heart slightly fluttered at him as your cousin pointed to him, leaning over the table aggressively to shake Asa’s hand as the other cousins began saying it was other people. One got up to grab an old pad of paper to take down the bets and you pinched the bridge of your nose between your index finger and thumb. Asa was loving every minute of this. 
After dinner, half of your great uncles were passed out on the couch and your grandmother was shuffling her beat up deck of cards, long past the date it should have been retired. Your heart began to beat slightly, the adrenaline rushing through you as you thought about the bets that were made and the possibility of having to sleep outdoors. You sat on the couch, watching closely as the deck was brought around, shuffled and fanned out for each of the kids. Meanwhile Asa leaned his elbows on his knees, playing Cat’s Cradle with one of your younger cousins. Your leg rested against his as you focused on the cards, maybe it wasn’t the chance that you would have to sleep in a beat up old tent, but rather the rush of competition. So far, most of the spaces in the upper level of your grandma’s house had been taken as well as the spots in your cousin’s. Uncle Mike’s had yet to be completely claimed and the tent still hung in the air. 
The deck came towards you, your grandmother swooping down slightly for the cousin that was entranced by the string game. She drew a card: the top bunk of one of many stacked beds at Uncle Mike’s. Her older brother cheered, knowing that you now had an even bigger chance of getting the tent. The deck was offered to Asa, your grandmother raising an eyebrow. “No, I don’t trust him,” you quickly stated, ignoring his sarcastically hurt expression. The deck was turned to you. “I love you, but you have some of the worst luck.” Your mind raced at what was left and then you realized that Asa would be sleeping with you. Then you prayed to whatever higher being could help you to not give you an upper floor. “We have a lot riding on this,” you muttered as she fanned the cards for you. You drew your card, quickly turning it over and snapping it around towards your cousins who all groaned at the fluent, swirling writing your grandma was known for. 
“Are you kidding!” 
“Fuck! I could have bought a ton of M&M’s with that money.” 
Your grandma whipped around to the last cousin to speak, yanking on his ear quickly and hissing, “Halt deinen Mund!” He put his hands up in defense looking at her with wide eyes and you smirked. 
“Yeah, Halt deinen Mund,” you mocked and she snapped her fingers at you, making you close your mouth quickly before she moved on. You all broke out into a fit of giggles silently, relieved that no one had the tent yet. The one who made the bet with Asa was who you hoped would get it, in all honesty. You finally let out a breath, relaxing completely. 
You snuggled into your seat, crossing your legs and throwing an arm around the section of the back of the couch where Asa was sitting. He leaned back, tucking under your arm slightly, raising an eyebrow in your direction. “And where did we get?” 
You handed him the card. “Oma’s back basement room. There’s a waterbed, but other than that, it’s a win.” 
He chuckled, flipping the card between his long fingers. “That could be fun,” he whispered slightly and you pushed his face away with your hand as he laughed. As the party died down enough that people were heading to their designated spots or out back to set piles of leaves on fire, you and Asa grabbed your bags and headed through the maze of a house to your room for the night and possibly the next. It really depended on how much Asa could actually take of your family. 
Your room was just off the retro bar that was always used around the winter holidays. You thanked whoever was looking out for you up above as you threw your bags down on one of the dated couches and peaked into the newly renovated bathroom. “So, how are you feeling?” You asked, putting your hands on your hips as he slipped his sweater over his head and readjusting his t-shirt. 
“I’m exhausted,” he stated, biting back a wide grin before plopping down into the middle of the bed, it sloshed around under his movements and he giggled slightly before laying back. You perked an eyebrow. “I’m ready. Fuck me on a waterbed,” he jeered, smirking up at you. 
He tucked his arms beneath his head, and you sent him a tilted expression. “You are so strange.”
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avenging-fandoms · 3 years
i feel like otis would kiss you without any warning and then mumble on about how stupid he was for doing that but you'd roll your eyes and kiss him back while he was mid sentence. sndjjfjfjf
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"hi mrs. milburn. i'm here to study with otis" you smile and she invites you in and you thank her.
"please, call me jean, darling" she says and you nod. "otis isn't home yet, but you're more welcome to wait here. would you like some tea?"
"that'd be great, thank you" you thank her and sit down at the table. "how's the baby? how's joy?" you ask and thank her quietly as she sets your mug in front of you.
"she's a doll, she's sleeping right now. so this is my relaxation time" she whispers and takes a sip from her mug. "how's school here, is it different from the states? are the kids at school nice to you?"
"for the most part. otis and eric are basically my only friends. besides this boy in my chemistry class, adam. he's sweet. quiet.. but he's nice" you smile and the keys in the door clanged.
otis pushed his way into the house and you turned around, setting your empty mug on the table. you smiled and otis returned one, jean smirking behind her sip. "sorry i'm late, had to help ruby with something real quick"
her name made your stomach jump, and jean noticed. "otis, yn just had a.. woman question for me. she'll be up to study in a few minutes darling" you look at her and she winks at you. otis nodded and headed up the stairs. "ruby. do you know her?"
"uh.. i-i know of her, yes. i know her and otis have been becoming closer" you put your mug in the sink and jean met you there. she tapped the counter and you hopped up, playing with your fingers. "mrs. milburn, is it weird to tell you that i have a major crush on your son?"
"oh darling i knew from the first time you came over" she tapped your thigh and you laughed. "but i saw your face when he said he was with her. you didn't like that"
"of course i didn't. ruby is popular. she's sexy, she's confident. she's all i want to be" you sigh and jean touches your chin.
"you are gorgeous, darling. and anyone, even otis, would be grateful to have you" you smile and hop down, thanking her as she rubbed your back.
"thank you, jean. and if joy starts to fuss, i got her. you enjoy your outside porch read" you smile and she groans and thanks you, hugging you tightly before grabbing a book, her mug and sitting on the porch.
you grabbed your backpack and took a deep breath, heading up to otis's room quietly with the baby monitor in hand. joy was still sound asleep, so you went into otis's room.
otis sat on the edge of his bed, math book in his lap and you took your shoes off and sat criss cross on his bed behind him. you took out your book, and he turned his body with his leg touching yours.
"this shouldn't be too difficult, but if you don't understand something, i'll help" otis smiled and you nodded, grabbing your pencil and you started to write.
"this is much different from the states" you mumble and he laughs, looking at you instead of the paper.
"is there anything you miss about the states?" otis asked and you looked at him, thinking. you didn't really miss anything, you liked it better in england.
"the food, maybe. but i could live without it. i like it so much better over here" you reply and he nods.
"anything in particular you really like over here?" otis asked and you took a deep breath. you closed your book and took a breath, letting it go and otis leaned forward to kiss you.
you blink slowly as he pulls away, putting it math book on his lap again. "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have done that. that was.. really dumb. we're here to study. right.. studying. not-not kiss-" otis rambled and you laugh under your breath, rolling your eyes and grabbing his face and kissing him again.
the kiss was slow, and his math book fell onto the floor on his feet. "ow" he mumbled and you laugh into his mouth, his hands holding your ribs. you grab his hands and push them lower to your hips, and you felt his breath hitch in his throat. "i don't.." he pulled away and you looked at each other. "i don't want to do anything just yet. if-if you want to do something"
"of course i want to do things with you, otis. but not all of it all at once" you smile and brush your hair out of your face. "can i ask you a question that has been weighing on me?"
"of course, what's up?"
"do you.. do you have feelings for ruby?" you asked and he looked at you, smiling.
"no, but i do have feelings for you" he admitted and you smile, leaning forward to kiss him again.
"we don't have to do anything today, maybe just making out?" you asked and he nods, and you laid on his bed. "fuck studying"
"yeah.. fuck studying" he grinned and you held his face, kissing him slowly as you grabbed his shirt to pull his body into you. you two did more than make out that day, but no one needed to know that. it was yours and otis's secret.
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imaginedisish · 6 years
Ask Me I Won’t Say No. How Could I? (Otis Milburn x Reader) (Sex Education)
A/N: YAYAY MY FIRST SEX EDUCATION IMAGINE!!!! IT’S PURE FLUFF! (the next one is gonna be smutty as hell don’t worry!) This is based on an anon request I got earlier today :) The title is based on a song by The Smith’s called “Ask”.  Thank you for all the love and requests as usual! You’re all amazing! XXXXXX <3 
Summary: You and Otis are best friends, but you’re head over heels in love with him. You decide that it’s time he knows the truth, even if he’s in love with Maeve. 
Warnings: Some language!! Mega fluff! 
Word Count: 1,520
(oh also I’d very much like to marry Will Poulter, Asa Butterfield and Fionn Whitehead...okay that’s all ENJOY)
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The birds chirp loudly as you walk down the wooded path, almost as if to warn you to turn around. They know what you’re about to do, and it’s as if they know that it’s going to go poorly. Rays of sunlight peep through the luscious, green, canopy like trees as the brook on the opposite side of the path babbles. The fall breeze greets you like an old friend. It pushes against you, begging you to turn around just like the birds had. 
Don’t tell him, the wind whispers in your ears. Obviously it wasn't really the wind, but your apprehensive self warning you of the mistake you were about to make. 
When you woke up this morning, you had made a life changing decision. You decided that today was going to be the day that you tell Otis Milburn exactly how you feel about him. 
And that was terrifying to you. 
You two had been best friends for quite some time. You told each other everything, sometimes to a fault. You knew all about his gigantic crush on Maeve Wiley, and that killed you. She was gorgeous, sure. She was complex person, you’d give her that. But she wouldn’t treat Otis the way you would, or so you believed. She would use him, she wouldn’t love him the way you do. No one could.
Regardless, from the very beginning of your friendship, you knew that you liked Otis. At this point, you knew weren’t just “in like” with him. 
You were in love with him, and it hurt far too much to keep hidden inside. You would do anything for that boy. All he had to do was ask, and you would never be able to say no. You loved him too much to do otherwise. He made you feel special, and beautiful. No one else could do that. No one. 
After a few more minutes of walking, you approach Otis’s huge, red colonial home. You’ve always admired the house. Large windows allowed natural light to pour into and flood each and every room. Golden brown wood floors stretched throughout the entire house. All of this was tucked away amongst rolling hills and forest. There was something romantic about the house’s location, something that made your heart beat rapidly every time you reached the front door.
You ring the door bell and wait. The sound of heels clacking against the wood floors inside the house echo in the air. Suddenly, the front door swings open. 
“Why hello, (Y/N!)” Mrs Milburn stands in the doorway, one hand on her hip and the other resting on the door knob.
“Hi, Mrs. Milburn,” you reply timidly, a forced smile spreading across your face. It wasn’t until that moment that the realness of the situation smacked you in the face. You’d have to tell Otis that you love him, that you want to be with him. 
And worst of all, you would most likely have to hear those retched words, the most terrible words ever iterated in the English language. 
“I’m sorry, I just don’t feel the same.”
Your mind was spinning. This was a mistake, you think to yourself. Maybe it isn’t too late to turn around. Maybe I can just say I forgot I had something to do and go home. Butterflies violently crash against the walls of your stomach, your heart beating so fast that you might as well have run a marathon.
“Call me Jean, love.” Mrs. Milburn’s voice brings you back to reality. “Come on in, I’ll get Otis.” Mrs. Milburn opens the door all the way, inviting you to come inside. You hesitate for a moment, almost wanting to sprint in the other direction. Still, you reluctantly step inside. Mrs. Milburn closes the door behind you.
“Otis darling! (Y/N) is here!” Mrs. Milburn says as she guides you into the kitchen. You then hear a set of feet hurriedly stumble down the stairs. A few seconds later, Otis appears in the kitchen, practically out of thin air. 
“H-hey, (Y/N),” Otis says, smiling, giving you a small wave. He walks closer to you, until he’s standing by your side. An awkward lull of silence falls upon the room. 
Mrs. Milburn quickly catches on. 
“Well I’ll give you two the room,” She says, rushing into her office, closing the door slightly. The awkward silence, however remains. You pull out a chair, and sit down at the kitchen table. Otis does the same. 
“I need to talk to you, Otis,” you say softly, your voice giving away your nervousness.
“Is-is everything alright?” Otis questions, reassuringly resting a hand on yours. Heat rises to your cheeks at the feeling of his touch. His turquoise blue eyes meet yours, a soft smile spreading across his face. 
“E-everything is j-just f-fine, but there’s something eating at m-me that I-I need to tell you,” you stutter. Otis’s smile turns into a look of concern.
“You can tell me anything, (Y/N), you know that,” Otis says. You nod, collecting your thoughts, unsure of how to begin. 
“From the first moment I saw you, Otis, I knew there was something so spectacular about you.” Your voice is low and shaky as you struggled to get your words out. You don’t know if you can bare to go on. 
After all, you think to yourself, I know how this is going to end. Maeve this, Maeve that. It isn’t me, and it never will be. 
Otis notices your nervousness. “It’s okay, take your time.” You smile at his kindness. God he’s so sweet, you think. You regain some of your confidence, and begin again. 
“You’re not just some guy in the corner to me, Otis…” You trail off. This was it. Here it comes, you think to yourself. You breath deeply, preparing for the worst. 
“I’m in love with you, Otis, and I have been for a while.” You did it. You said the words you always wanted to. You search Otis’s eyes for some sort of an answer. 
A heavy silence weighs down the room. You feel like you’ve made a grave mistake. 
Fuck. I can’t believe I just did that. Years of friendship ruined, all over one stupid fucking crush, you think. It feels like your world is falling apart. Tears begin to fill your eyes. You push the chair out slightly, standing up. 
“I-I’m sorry,” you mumble, making your way back towards the front door. “I should be going.” Tears fall down your cheeks at free will. You hear feet shuffle across the hardwood floors behind you as you head outside. You open the door, and practically run out.
“No, wait!” You hear Otis call out from behind you. He breaks into a sprint, trying to catch up to you. Suddenly, a set of arms find their way to your waist, spinning you around. 
You’re taken back as Otis’s lips come crashing down against yours, his hands cupping your cheeks. There’s a hunger about the kiss, something you’ve never felt before. 
But god does it feel so good. You kiss him back, smiling against Otis’s lips. He pulls away from you slowly. 
“I’m s-so s-sorry. I’m sorry for not saying anything back right away. I’m sorry I talked about Maeve so often with you,” Otis says, his words rushed. “I’m in love with you, (Y/N), I’ve just always assumed you would never feel the same. How could a girl like you ever love a guy like me?” You shake your head, almost upset with Otis’s low self esteem.  
“How could a girl like me not love a guy like you?” You say, wiping the tears from your eyes. Otis wraps his arms around you again, pulling you into a tight embrace. You hear his heart beating rapidly against his chest. The sound makes the pit of your stomach fill up with excitement. 
You two stay there for some time, until Otis pulls away. 
“I guess there’s only one thing left for me to do,” Otis chuckles, anxiously scratching the back of his neck. His ocean eyes glow in the sunlight, his fluffy brown hair an absolute mess.  “Would you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes!” You hear Mrs. Milburn scream from the front door. Otis rolls his eyes and turns around. 
“Mom! Really?” Otis shouts back to her. 
“Sorry darling!” Mrs. Milburn rushes back inside, only to open a window and continue eavesdropping on your conversation. Mrs. Milburn’s heart was always in the right place, no matter how overbearing her actions were. 
“I’d never say no to you, how could I?” You say finally, giggling with joy. Otis beams, wrapping his arms around you, picking you up and spinning you around. 
“God I love you. It feels so good to finally be able to say that,” Otis says into your neck, refusing to let you go. Your heart flutters in your chest. 
“I love you two,” You say back, smiling wider than you ever have. Everything felt so new, so vibrant, so beautiful.
You could definitely get used to this.
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onthepageoftears · 6 years
Sick Day (Otis Milburn x Reader)//Sex Education
A/N: This was supposed to be posted tomorrow, but I just got to 100 subscribers! So, as a special (really small) celebration, I thought I would post it today! Enjoyyyy and thank you all for showing support!
Request: Hi! I love your stuff can I please get an Otis imagine where he is sick and reader takes care of him. Thanks 😇😇😇😇
Warnings: fluffffffff Im gonna choke on all the fluff
Words: 1,062
Please Do Not Plagiarize My Work!
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(there are not enough otis gifs i swear)
Your face was filled with concern as you walked to Otis’ door, holding a basket full of food by your side. With a deep breath, you lightly knocked on the door in front of you, “Otis?”
All you heard was a groan in response.
“Otis, I’m coming in.” You turned the knob slowly and opened the door to near complete disaster; you almost didn’t see the floor from all the tissues thrown on it, and in the middle of Otis’ bed was a huge pile of blankets. Taking step in the room, you looked for your boyfriend. “Otis?”
A gasp escaped your lips as you heard mumbling coming from the pile on the bed. Slowly, you made your way over to it, tapping gently on the big mass. “Otis.”
“What? ”
“It’s Y/N.” Suddenly, the pile of blankets moved, and after a few seconds of commotion, Otis’ head emerge out of the mess. He had a very red nose and peaked at you through sleepy eyes; his hair was sorting out in every which way, and you smiled at his frazzled face.
“Y/N. What are you-“ he frowned, and you tried to not swoon at how hoarse his voice was. It took him a second to understand what was happening, but once he did, his eyes widened, a look of horror filling his face. “Our date. Oh my god. I completely forgot.” He starting pulling the blankets off himself, but you shook your head and pushed his body back into the bed.
“Otis. It’s okay. You need to rest.”
“But we planned this for weeks.”
He was right. You two had talked about having a gorgeous picnic in your favorite park for quite some time now. But with everything going on on your lives, it was hard to find the right time to do it. Eventually, you both decided that this weekend would be the perfect getaway, and you would finally have some quality time by yourselves.
But now, looking at the boy in front of you, it was obvious that those plans would have to wait. He could barely keep his eyes open, and he looked even more frail than usual.
“You look like you’re about to pass out and sneeze at the same time.” You said, smiling at the defeated look in his face.“Besides, today feels like more of a chill day.”
Otis went to speak, probably to try and convince you to leave him to suffer, but he stopped once you placed the back of your hand on his forehead, eyes widening at how warm it was. “Jean told me you were sick, but not how sick.” Noticing the basket still in your hands, you turned towards the door. “I’m gonna put this downstairs, and then I’ll help clean up this war zone a bit.”
“Wait-“ Otis tried to argue, but you were already out the door. You heard his groan of frustration behind you, along with the echo of a sneeze. Soon you were shoving food into Otis’ fridge, trying not to drool at the goods you cooked for hours on end. Not going on the picnic was a bummer, but it wasn’t like you couldn’t see Otis at all. Besides, he had a good reason; you knew if you were this sick, you probably wouldn’t even want to do anything but sleep.
Plus, Otis felt bad about being sick, which is the last thing a sick person needs. The best you could do was help him while he was sick. Luckily, you had made some soup for your picnic (though your friend said that was a dumb idea, you were glad you did it now) and you heated it up before going back up to Otis’ room.
He was in the same position you left him in, but his eyes were closed. You quietly put the soup on his side table and began cleaning up the mass of tissues.
“Is this from the picnic?” He asked after a while, and you sent him a smile as you threw away the last of the tissues.
“Yeah. It should still be warm.” He took the bowl and slowly sipped at the edge. He let out a satisfied hum and drank some more. “I’m guessing it came out okay?”
“More than okay.”
For the rest of the day, you lay next to Otis on his bed and let him get his rest. He would snuggle into your side and fall asleep, leaving you to watch the TV and try not to have your heart explode by how cute he was. Occasionally, Jean would come in to check on you two, and Otis would either be dead asleep or too tired to be embarrassed by the fact you were in the same bed.
It was nearly 7 pm when Otis pushed half the blankets off his bed and stretched his long limbs out. He was finally well rested, it seemed, and he turned to you with a smile.
“I’m already feeling better,” he said, and he was right: his nose was not nearly as red as it was that morning, and his eyes weren’t as heavy or glossed over.
“Good.” You smiled and played with his hand, tracing small patterns on his palm.
He tapped your arm lightly with his other hand, and when you looked up at him, you saw the regret in his eyes. “I’m sorry we couldn’t go on our picnic.”
“That’s okay.” Your smile widened as you took his hand in yours, blush rising in your cheeks. “Spending time with you is always great. No matter what it is we’re doing.”
A shy smile formed on Otis’ face and he leaned forward to plant a kiss on your lips. But right before he did, you pushed him away softly. “Um.” You grinned at the confusion that clouded his face. “You’re still sick.”
“Oh.” He moved away from you, cheeks growing redder than before. “Right. Sorry.”
“That’s okay.” You nudged him in the shoulder, a sigh escaping your lips.
“Thanks for taking care of me, by the way.” Otis spoke sincerely and you wished you could kiss him so bad.
“No problem. I want you to know that…if i….” You sneezed, nearly knocking the wind out of you. As soon as you recovered, you sent Otis a glare.
He smiled guiltily. “Bless you?”
“Otis, I swear to god-”
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liar liar
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request: I have a request, the reader is dating Spencer, and she and JJ are the ones that know that Emily faked her death. I’m thinking of it taking place in “It Takes A Village,” and she has to deal with Spencer being upset with her, like he was with JJ, but it has a fluff ending? Thanks!
for: @flklrevrmre​
word count: 3,722                                                                                     reading time: 15 mins
a/n: i) if you guys want to be added to my taglist lmk ii) can we all simultaneously fall in love with asa butterfield so i can read more fanfic about him? iii) it’s good to be back ;)
You’d think that in a room of profilers they’d be able to recognize the antsy twitches of my ankles and the incessant rubbing of my wrists. Let alone the fact that one of those profilers was someone who knew the inside of my skin better than I did. My staggered breath elicited an involuntary gulp from my esophagus, throwing off my composure.
I pretended to stare at the blank screen of the television in the round table room, dissociating myself from the events to come. Curious murmurs and the shuffling of feet behind me became a chilling tether that reminded me of my circumstances. My breath hitched slightly at the presence of Spencer’s voice, although even the comforting thought of him only aggravated the disquietude bubbling at the bottom of my stomach.
I feel like I’m standing on the precipice of a cliff with the rocks rumbling beneath me. I knew this was a burden, a responsibility that I had to keep for the team--for Emily. I know that I’m not alone on this cliff, but I also know that the weight of this secret was slowly pushing all of us on edge.
“Hotch, are you sure you want to do this now?” JJ questioned him with an astonishing look. I tucked my hands into my pockets, leaning against the round table to give his proposition some thought.
“It’s time,” he sighed, lost in his world of thought. “We’ve kept this for months, and Doyle won’t speak about Declan. We need Emily,” he continued, pulling out his phone to ready an alert for the team.
“You don’t think Morgan can get through Doyle without her?” she reasoned.
“No,” he firmly answered, pulling his phone to his ear, and walked out of the room to call Penelope.
JJ shook her head in disapproval, taking a seat on the tabletop behind her. “I don’t know about this Y/N,” she announced, turning her head to gauge my reaction. “I just feel like...it’s too soon,” she expressed.
I chewed on my bottom lip, my mind engulfed by one thing: Spencer.
“What?” I snapped out of my thoughts, JJ’s voice finally registering in my head.
“It’s too soon, don’t you think?” she sought my confidence, but in all honesty, I wasn’t sure either. “I’m sorry, JJ but I don’t know,” I confessed, unable to gather my thoughts, “All I can...all I can think about is Spencer. I know it’s selfish, but…” My voice was caught on my tongue. Although there is a reason for that, I’ve been lying to someone I loved for seven months.
At the mention of Spencer’s name, JJ moved from her position to sit idly next to me. She observed the solemn and grief-stricken expression on my face, reaching over to lay a tender hand on top of mine. “I know,” she reassured.
“But Hotch is right,” I reasoned, “Emily--t-the team--they have the right to know,” I stammered over my words as I took a calming breath, exhaling out my worries. “JJ, he’s going to be devastated.”
“Then...we’ll tell him together,” she justified, a motherly yet comforting air radiating from her.
Together. That was the plan.
“Everybody take a seat,” Hotch gestured to the team. He folded his arms together and peered at his colleagues with a stern yet apologetic expression. “Seven months ago, I made a decision that affected this team.”
Everyone looked around at each other with curious glances. Spencer, on the other hand, turned to me for an explanation. Although when I refused to meet his eyes, it was evident that something serious had occurred.
“As you know, Emily lost a lot of blood in her fight with Doyle,” Hotch lamented, observing the sudden pensive atmosphere of the room. From the corner of my eye, I saw Morgan clench and unclench his fists, empathetic about the guilt that still haunted him. “But the doctors were still able to stabilize her.”
An audible gasp escaped Garcia’s lips, instinctively turning to gauge at Derek’s countenance. But the only emotion present was turmoil. His features had hardened into bewilderment, letting Hotch’s words resonate in his mind. Rossi looked to Hotch while Spencer faced me and JJ. The expression on Spencer’s face was similar to Derek’s, he was in between disbelief and denial. Although what I couldn’t face was his pleading eyes that begged for my confirmation.
“...and she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under convert exfiltration,” Hotch continued to explain, receiving pained looks from his peers. “Her identity was strictly need-to-know, and she stayed there until she was well enough to travel.”
“What does...what does this…” Garcia shook her head, stammering.
“She was assigned to Paris and given several identities--none of which we had access to for her security.” Hotch finished.
Morgan scoffed in incredulity, retreating into his mind. Standing up from his chair, he backed away from the table, clasping his hands behind his head. Garcia, frozen in her seat, spoke apprehensively with glassy eyes, “She’s alive?”
My heart broke at the anguished crack in her deliverance, remorse eating up my insides. Spencer’s posture straightened up in his chair, leaning forward to question Hotch’s place in all this. “But...we buried her,” Spencer rebutted in a strained voice.
“As I said, I take full responsibility for the decision,” Hotch nodded at the team, “If anyone has any issues, they should be directed towards me.”
“Any issues?” Morgan seethed, “Yeah, I got issues.”
The combined expressions of deception and the troublesome atmosphere was enough of a cue for the individual in question to step out. In all her glory, Emily unveiled herself by the door with a conciliatory frown upon her lips. Her fingers were tethered together, an idiosyncrasy of hers that became apparent at the times of disquiet.
“Did you...you know about this?” Spencer flipped his focus on me and JJ, “Did you both know about this?” he scoffed. The dreaded time finally came, the time of confession. I opened my mouth to speak, but my throat tightened up, and my tongue swelled. Regret had tangled me in its inescapable ropes that no noble reasoning would have freed me from my part in this decision.
“Spencer,” Hotch attempted to contend, but Spencer refused to listen.
How was he going to take the news? How could his best friend and his girlfriend lie to him like this?
“Spence,” JJ sighed, “This operation had to be covert for Emily’s sake--and Declan.” By now, everyone’s attention was on me and JJ. I almost couldn’t handle the distraught expression on Morgan’s face as I wasn’t only Spencer’s girlfriend, but his close friend.
How could I have done this? I’ve not only hurt Spencer, but I’ve also hurt the team--my family.
JJ stepped in front of me, brushing a calming hand on my arm. She gave me a reassuring glance, nodding at me to step forward alongside her.
I couldn’t do this.
My stomach curled, and my hands began accumulating sweat.
I can’t.
JJ took a breath, peering at Spencer with regretful eyes. She knew how to get through to him--sometimes better than me. JJ was the shoulder that Spencer could comfortably fall apart on besides me, and I didn’t have the heart to take that away from him. That’s how I knew I had to venture through this alone.
JJ hesitantly opened her mouth to speak, dropping her shoulders in vulnerability, but before the truth can slip past her lips, I interjected. “Wait! um,” I paused, processing the next words that would determine where I stood with Spencer, “I...I was the one that knew,” I muttered through my teeth, knowing that every syllable was a lie. I stepped in front of JJ; averting the attention away from her. “JJ had nothing to do with it. I informed her minutes prior to the meeting.”
Spencer became despondent. His once ardent expression slumped into one that resembled a Tim Burton character, although it was the dejected glare in his eyes that crushed me. Nothing else registered in my head; I knew that I forever scorned him.
With the silence suffocating the room, Hotch called the meeting to end. Everyone wearily stood up from where they were, Garcia instantly leaping onto Emily with numerous inquiries. Spencer didn’t even bother looking back, instead, he paced out of the room, giving Emily a long-awaited hug, and left.
As Emily became occupied with the rest of the team, JJ tugged at the end of my sleeve, pulling aside. “Why...why did you do that?” she questioned, her expression deep in perplexity. “I thought we were supposed to tell him together,” she shook her head, sighing at the sudden deviation from our plan.
“I just,” I took in a breath, “JJ, you know Spencer, and...you know how he gets,” I rationalized. An aching sensation spread across my chest as I recollected the events before, a film casting over my eyes as I justified my decision. “JJ, all I could think about in that meeting was how Spencer would feel afterward,” I croaked, “You and I know he’s already been through too much. I just couldn’t,” I repressed a choked breath. “You and I are the only people he’s okay about being open to, so I couldn’t let him deal with this alone,” I smiled pitifully, a single tear trailing down my cheek, reaching my lips.
“Y/N…” JJ consoled, pulling me into her embrace. I knew that she wanted to say something back--something to combat my reason. But deep down, she understood. I pulled away from her arms, gathering my composure.
“I don’t know where we stand right now,” I bit my lip, shaking my head in sorrow, “JJ, just...just be there for him. Be there for him because I love him.”
An agonizing week had passed in the BAU. Emily was reinstated after the team’s hearing at court, the unit dynamic languidly surfaced again, and it seemed like everything was back to normal.
Everything but Spencer.
It’s been eight days and seven nights since he’s slept at our apartment. JJ was generous enough to let him crash with her and Will, which I was appreciative to know that he was at least safe. JJ would give me updates during his stay, reassuring me to have faith and be patient with him. But each night that I spent in a distant bed, every dinner I sat through with an empty bowl opposite from me, and every eerie silence that would suffocate me when arriving home thinned out my perseverance.
Every time that I would reminisce on the warmth of his touch, it tore the remaining strands of my heart. The snarky remarks and malicious glares at work didn’t ease my state of mind either. I was on a cliff again, but this time I was alone.
We were on the jet, working a missing child’s case in New York City. Most of the team surrounded Hotch as he briefed them on the case while I notably sat at the front to evade the disagreeable tension. From time to time, JJ would text me, asking if I were okay. I found the gesture sweet the first few times, but it soon became a remembrance of my reality.
“I need everyone to split into teams,” Hotch announced, making sure that I had heard his statement. “The M.E. will be ready in a few hours, so Dave and Morgan, I need you to go to the morgue. Emily and JJ, I need you to interview a suspect back at the station. Y/N and Spencer, I need both of you to interview the second victim’s family,” Hotch delivered resolutely. However before he could finish, Spencer already had his disputes.
“Hotch, don’t you think I would be more useful in building the geographic profile?” Spencer interjected.
“Reid, I can’t send Y/N alone,” Hotch reinforced.
“Well it seems to me that she’s capable of making big enough decisions, so I think she’ll be fine,” Spencer jeered. “Matter of fact, why don’t we let her interview the suspect instead, since she’s so good at-”
“Reid,” Hotch warned him, sending him a disarming look.
Spencer scoffed, sinking back into his seat, pulling his book up to his face. JJ sent me another text, expressing her condolences about Spencer’s performance, while I sulked in the coldness of my arms.
That’s all Spencer did that week. He pulled away.
One. Two. Three rocks surpassed my pacing feet on the sidewalk.
It was the only thing I could force myself to focus on, considering the asphyxiating rigidness between me and Spencer. I was quiet as a mouse with every inhale I took, feeling that even the slightest disturbance would rattle the seemingly innocuous silence. However, despite the invisible barrier between us, Spencer began uttering details about the unsub’s profile.
“I’m thinking that our unsub might be a woman,” Spencer proposed, looking straight ahead of him.
In an attempt to alleviate the atmosphere, I entertained his suspects, “Why do you think so,” I inquired. My breath hitched towards the end of the sentence, sending a small jolt of nerves through my chest.
“Well,” Spencer began, “We can see from the unsub’s methodology that they still nurture the victim--a mother’s instinct--before death. The choice of disposal also indicates cleanliness which we profiled before as a women’s attribute.”
Four. Five. Six rocks.
“That’s true, Spence, but the level of cleanliness doesn’t match the M.O, and the profile points towards a male offender. If it were a female, then that would be one hell of a job to throw off the authorities,” I counteracted, feeling safer in the exchange we shared.
“It could be possible,” Spencer shrugged. “Statistically, women are presumptively better liars than men. They do one hell of a job being deceitful,” He quipped.
Seven. Eig-
My movements stilled at the unforeseen comment, while the same pang in my chest reappeared from before. Despite the wave of self-reproach invading my thoughts, I swallowed my feelings and maintained my professionalism.
“How far is the house from here?” I deadpanned, evading the touchy subject.
“Why don’t you check the coordinates that Hotch sent us. You seem to have a closer relationship to hi-”
“Can you stop?” I exclaimed, stepping out in front of him.  
“Stop what?” He scoffed, refusing to acknowledge my irritation by feigning innocence. He proceeded to project his attention towards the side garden that decorated the sidewalk, observing the various flowers that littered the grounds.  
“This,” I gestured to both of us. “This, this thing that you’re doing. Wh-what are we doing, Spence?”
“You’re acting like you’re not at fault here,” Spencer implicated with a nonchalant shrug. “It’s similar to this unsub’s psyche.”
“That’s not what I meant, Spence.”
“The unsub also didn’t mean to kill the first child so you might have that probability.” He paced off a distance away, leaving me at my lonesome.
“Spencer, can we talk-”
“What if the unsub used a lure to get to the first victim,” Spencer eluded the topic. “Possibly candy or a tactic using the transference of parental authority. Either one would disarm the child.”
I shook my head, playing his little game. “Candy is quite the killer,” I added on, supplementing his theory.
“So are tears,” He quipped. “Hopefully the family can tell us more.”
With that, he ran off once again.
In a matter of a week, the unsub had struck again. Unfortunately for the team, our leads had been disproven, and our patience had worn thin. Chagrin had traveled throughout the team rendering us all exhausted. With the additional stress on our shoulders, Spencer’s remarks had intensified and painted a target on my back. Solving this case was the only motivation I had to endure the onslaught of his petty slander; however, my persistence was at the end of its line.
“Spencer, can you pass me a copy of the geographical profile?” I mumbled, running my fingers over my eyelids to wake myself up. I leaned on my elbows, feeling the heat of stress warm up my face. I glanced at Spencer’s movements from my peripheral vision, although my sight proved to be unreliable as Spencer’s face resembled an expression of--what I thought was--worry for a split moment.
Without a reply, Spencer handed me a marker. I looked at Spencer bewildered, glancing between him and the marker that lay in my hand. “What is this?” I deadpanned.
“A marker.”
I bit the inside of my cheek in restraint, retracting my tongue from spitting maliciously. “Yes, I know, Spencer. What is the marker for?” I fumed through my teeth.
“To write with,” Spencer replied shortly, focusing on the file he was analyzing on his lap. I shook my head, rising from my seat to walk over to the whiteboard that Spencer assembled the geographical profile on. I tossed the marker behind me, ridding myself of the negative energy bestowed on the writing utensil.
Before I could set my focus on the board, Spencer pulled me from my concentration with another one of his random probes. “Why aren’t you using the marker?”
“What do you mean?” I sighed, sensing ridicule.
“You’re modifying the profile at one of the points right?”
He looked up from his files, making eye contact with me for the first time in weeks. By reflex, I shifted my gaze away from him, guilt making itself ubiquitous in my conscience. “I’m analyzing one of the points of the profile,” I uttered. “I think our initial impression about the unsub’s disposal area is inexact.
“Is that how you and Hotch figured out Emily’s burial site?”
An ember began swirling inside of my veins, traveling to each corner of my body. I bit my tongue once again, suppressing the build-up of indignation coursing through me. “The location of disposal doesn’t make sense. It’s not even in the area that we triangulated,” I challenged.
“What are you saying?”
“I mean, could it be possible for the unsub to transport the victims to different disposal sites?”
“Like how Emily was transferred from Boston to Bethesda?” Spencer mentioned. “Then yes, the probability of that transpiring is notable” he mocked.
The suppressed spark inside of me aggregated, overpowering the last bit of patience I harbored. The ropes tethering the frayed strands of my rationality snapped, leaving my impulses to burst through the seams. Even my best attempts at subduing myself rendered useless to Spencer’s incessant commentaries. I was done.
“You’re relentless aren’t you?” I jeered, spinning around to face him. Fire laced my veins, and the childish sneer on his face only kindled my resentment.
“Relentless on figuring out this case.” Spencer brushed my comment aside, diverting his attention to the papers on his lap.
In the momentum of my impulsivity, I seized the files away from him, forcing him to acknowledge the issue at hand. “Spencer, you can’t keep pretending like everything is fine,” I threw up my hands in the air in exasperation, catching a few lingering eyes of the team.
“I don’t have to deal with this right now,” Spencer professed, rising from his seat to walk away. But before he had the opportunity to reach the exit, I grabbed onto his wrist, halting him.
“Then, when?” I taunted. “When are you going to deal with this?”
By now, we had attracted an audience.
“Certainly not with you,” he snickered mockingly.
“Reid!” I snapped, my voice rising in volume and fierceness. “You can’t keep running away from your problems.”
“Are you serious right now, Y/N?” he vocalized incredulously, glaring at me with bitter hostility. “You’re just bothered that you did something that hurt me--th-that hurt all of us, and I sought comfort in someone I could trust.”
“I don’t care that you went to JJ fo-”
“God Y/N! Yo-you didn’t even have the decency to tell me--YOUR boyfriend--that this happened.”
“Reid, that’s not fai-”
“Oh really? That’s not fair?” Spencer seethed, disdain bound to his words. “You know what’s not fair Y/N? I spent nights--NIGHTS--crying on JJ’s couch from the loss of a friend, only to find out that they’re alive,” he gestured to Emily sitting idly by the team, watching the scene between me and Spencer unfold. “What I especially loved was coming back to the same couch because of my own girlfriend’s deception.”
At this point, JJ attempted to step forward to intervene, but I waved her off. “I. Had. No. Choice,” I defended, practically speaking through clenched teeth.
“You know what?” Spencer scoffed, shaking his head. “Gosh, JJ has put in more effort into being my girlfriend than you ever did.”
I was suspended in place as the words rang out in my head. A shiver crept up my arms and sent harrowing shockwaves that pierced my chest. Simultaneously, a stinging sensation engulfed my esophagus in flames, stunting my ability to form sentences. “Spencer, you...you don’t m-mean that,” I swallowed my voice, mumbling a question rather than a firm statement.
I felt myself on the cliff again, but this time the rocks were slowly crumbling underneath my feet while burning tar glued my feet to the ground.
“You practically pushed me into her arms. When you were out there lying to ALL of us, she was the only one that stayed with me.”
“Spence…” JJ called out from behind me, attempting to diffuse the situation. Although, Spencer was far deluded by his discourse that nothing obstructed him.
“No, it’s okay,” Spencer assured, inching closer to me. With a repugnant sneer on his lips, his eyes squinted into a loathing glare, and his countenance aflame, he gave me what I couldn’t give to him: his truth.
A truth that I didn’t want to unfurl.  
“You know I don’t even know why you’re constantly reminding me that I can’t accept my mistakes or problems...” he bickered, a deliberate sneer etched into his features, “...because it was pretty damn easy to accept that YOU are my biggest mistake.”
I thought the rocks would crumble from beneath me, and I’d fall. I thought choosing to stand on that cliff alone, to bear the weight for someone I loved, was noble, even if it meant ending up in the abyss below.
But I didn’t fall. I was pushed.
Pushed by the very person I stood on that cliff for.
part 2 
taglist: @rexorangecouny​ @howdycharlie​ @honeymilk-4​ @linthebinbag​ @andreasworlsboring101​
711 notes · View notes
reidandweep · 5 years
For Arguments Sake
Asa Butterfield x Reader (female)
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A/N- Sorry it took so long but a lot of things are happening at the moment so requests will take a while. I hope you enjoy @saritaobrien
Word Count- 3045 words
Warnings- fluff and a bit of angst.
Summary- “Something like the reader and asa are in the same group of friends but they use to fight because lf the sexual frustration and at a party they got locked into a room by their friends so they can sort things out with a making out session or something like that lol.”
“Goblet of Fire is way better than Half Blood Prince.”
“No, it’s not. Don’t even try to argue that it is, because it isn’t”
Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Asa’s reply. They had been arguing over which Harry Potter film and book were the best. They had just drifted from arguing whether the book of Prisoner of Azkaban was better than the movie.
Their friends tried to drown out their increasing voices, but it had become too difficult. Because of their constant bickering, many people who met the group found it surprising that Asa and Y/N were friends; even more that they held the longest friendship out of anyone in the group. The pair having met when Asa starred in Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang; with Y/N’s mother working as a make-up artist on the show. She had become good friends with all the children on the cast, but she could not help but be drawn to Asa.
Bickering was never a part of their friendship until both turned 18. Overnight their playful and teasing relationship turned into constant competition. Arguing over silly things like which movie was better, or whose turn it was to pick where to eat.
They had been rooming together since the start of filming for season one. Y/N had initially agreed to flat sit for Asa as he filmed in Wales, but she soon needed a new place of her own, and Asa conveniently had a spare bedroom. It may have helped their living situation, but it did not help the increasing sexual tension between the pair; causing them to argue even more.
But to his castmates, Asa constantly gushed about the girl, the smile on his face growing ever bigger when he mentioned her in conversation. When Asa announced that Y/N was coming to meet his friends and cast of his newest project, Sex Education, they couldn’t wait to meet the boy’s best friend after hearing all his sweet words. However, they could not hide their surprise when mere minutes after saying hello, Y/N and Asa broke into an argument over whether Spy Kids 1 or 2 was better.
It continued and continued. Y/N had become a member of the friendship group that Asa had formed with the cast. Even hanging out separately with them when Asa was busy. They could all see that the reason why the pair bickered so much was more than just to have the winning opinion. It was clear to everyone except Y/N and Asa that the feelings they had for one another had grown into something more than friendship over the years.
“You can’t seriously believe that Half Blood Prince is better than Goblet of Fire?”
The cast was over Emma’s to celebrate the wrapping of season 2. They had the official party the week before, but the closer group of friends wanted to celebrate with a chill night in, and of course, Y/N was invited. She had been there less than five minutes before she found Asa and Harry Potter was mentioned. The night had been going for over an hour, and the pair were still bickering.
Asa took a sip of his drink as Y/N through her hands up in exasperation.
“Yes. Yes, I can.”
The young woman groaned throwing her head back; missing the fond look that quickly took over Asa’s face. Every year they had the same argument, with it usually happening at Christmas when the TV showed the movies back to back. But the pair had decided to marathon the movies the night before; causing the occurring argument to rise again.
Aimee came to sit next to Y/N, forcing the woman to scoot closer to Asa on the sofa. Y/N instinctively leaned into Asa’s side, as his arm fell across the back of the coach; his hand unconsciously stroking the young woman’s shoulder as they continued to bicker.
“How long has this argument been going for now? An hour?”
With her head still hanging back, Y/N rolled it to face Aimee.
“For you an hour, for us since yesterday afternoon.”
Sat opposite Otis was Ncuti and Connor, who couldn’t help but chuckle at the girl’s response.
As the night continued, Asa and Y/N were unaware of the mischievous looks shared between their friends. Whilst the pair had been convinced that the chill night that the cast was having was to celebrate the wrap of season 2, it was actually for their benefit alone.
Their friends were ready for the arguing to end and for them to admit their feelings for the other.
Ncuti, Connor, Aimee, and Emma had all moved to the kitchen whilst the pair continued to bicker.
“So, what are we going to do because I am done with the constant arguing. Have neither of them learnt anything from the show?”
The group nodded their heads in agreement with Emma’s words.
“Well if the show has taught us anything, it is that confined spaces cause people to release their secrets.”
Ncuti, Connor, and Emma all stared at Aimee.
“Babe, you are a genius!”
Aimee giggled as Connor placed a kiss on her head.
Ncuti clapped his hands to gain the trios attention.
“Okay! Here is the plan…”
Whilst their friends go the plan underway, Y/N and Asa were still situated very closely on the sofa.
Y/N could not help but let the yawn escape her mouth.
Otis chuckled, his hand squeezing her shoulder.
“If you’re tired, I can grab us a taxi and we can go and carry on watching Stranger Things.”
Y/N giggled.
“That would be nice. I’m just going to go grab my coat and then we can call the taxi.”
As Y/N stood from the sofa, Asa let his hand drop to his lap; lifting his drink to gulp what he had left. Picking up his phone, he busied himself with answering any unanswered texts. But only a few seconds later, the space next to him dipped once more.
Looking up from his phone Otis saw Connor sit down in Y/N’s seat. Ncuti moving to grab the footstool to sit in front of the two men.
“You alright lads?”
The pair quickly shared a look at Asa’s words.
“Yeah, were alright mate. Finally stopped arguing with Y/N?”
The trio chuckled at Connor’s words.
“Actually, she’s pretty tired, so I am going to take her home. She’s just gone to get her coat.”
Connor tried to hide the smile on his face. It seemed that they didn’t even have to try hard for their plan to work.
As Asa waited for Y/N to return, the boys kept up conversation. Soon enough the girls, minus Y/N, came and joined in. Before Asa knew, Y/N had been gone for over 20 minutes.
Detaching from the conversation, Asa looked around the room to see if he could see her anywhere. Y/N was nowhere in sight.
“Guys, has anyone seen Y/N, she said she was going to get her coat. We were going to leave about 20 minutes ago.”
Everyone looked between them, waiting to see who would step up to knock the plan into its next level.
Emma cleared her throat.
“Her coat is in the airing cupboard next to the stairs; she might be around there somewhere.”
Asa thanked his friends, pushing himself from his seat, unknowingly leaving his phone behind.
The young man was unaware of Kedar standing near the staircase, waiting for the boy to approach the airing cupboard.
Asa swerved between the bodies of people and towards the cupboard by the stairs. His gaze still flittering across the room in case Y/N was anywhere else.
Asa quickly approached the cupboard, opening the door to see that Y/N was not there, however, hanging on the rail was her coat. Stepping in to the cupboard, Asa pulled Y/N’s coat from the hanger. Before he could turn around, the door slammed shut behind him. Confused, Asa grabbed onto the door handle and wiggled it up and down. The door was locked.
“What the actual fuck?”
He quickly reached into his pocket for his phone, only to come out empty handed.
All of the sudden the door burst open. Before Asa could even react, he was forced to the ground; groaning in pain.
“Jesus Christ.”
It took Asa a few seconds to realise that the force that pushed him to the ground was Y/N. The girl herself groaning in pain from being pushed into the cupboard.
“Are you okay?”
Y/N raised her head at the sound of Asa’s voice. Quickly realising how close their faces were, she lifted herself up from the floor. Holding her hand out to help Asa up, she pulled him to stand once his hand sat in her own.
“I’m fine. There’s no use in us trying to get out. I heard them lock the door.”
“Aimee and Emma. That’s why I was so long. I came to grab my jacket and they dragged me away to the garden. We were talking and next thing I know they were rushing me back inside and shoved me in here.”
Asa couldn’t help but be confused. Why would their friends lock them inside the cupboard for?
Sliding back down to the floor, Asa watched as Y/N made herself comfortable. Grabbing her coat, which she had dropped on the floor when she was dragged to the garden, Y/N spread the fabric across her legs as a makeshift blanket.
Asa could tell Y/N was tired. They had both planned to be home by now, hilling on the sofa watching Forrest Gump, not stuck in a cupboard with all their friends outside.
Y/N tried desperately to get comfortable but couldn’t. Huffing in annoyance, she pouted, her bottom lip sticking out ever so slightly. Asa couldn’t help but let his eyes drift to her mouth, licking his own lips absentmindedly. Allowing himself to drift to the ground, Asa scooted across the carpet until he was sat next to Y/N. Shoulder to shoulder; with their backs against the wall.
Unconsciously, Y/N moved her head to rest on her best friend’s shoulder. Her lips still set in a prominent pout.
Quickly untensing from the sudden change in position, Asa chuckled at the girl to his side.
“Why are you laughing for? This situation is not funny.”
Another chuckle left Asa’s mouth.
“No, but you are pouting like a child. You’re sulking like you did when you were teenagers and you weren’t allowed on set for a few days of filming.”
Y/N let out an annoyed huff. Snuggling herself closer to Asa, she brought her coat to lie across both of their legs. The boy was a walking furnace and she was going to take advantage of the fact for however long they were going to be stuck in there.
“The only reason they wouldn’t let me on set is because you couldn’t stay focused and they blamed me. I wasn’t even talking to you that day. So how could I have distracted you.”
Asa remember that day so clearly. He had just begun filming Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children in early February 2015. Y/N’s mum had been hired as Head of Wardrobe and Costume for the film; allowing the best friends to spend as much time as possible both on and off set. They were filming what should have been an easy scene, but Asa kept messing up his lines and looking in the complete opposite direction than he was supposed to. Instead of looking at his castmate Ella, his eyes were sinking into the view of Finlay Macmillan flirting with Y/N. Of course, everyone except Y/N realised he was staring at her, and next thing you know, Y/N was asked to go help her mother in wardrobe whilst they filmed.
“But you were talking to Finlay that day.”
Y/N lifted her head, looking at Asa in confusion.
“Yeah, and?”
Asa hands started to become clammy. Was he really going to admit this to himself? To her?
“And he was flirting with you.”
Realisation swept over Y/N’s face.
“No he wasn’t Asa.”
The boy became frustrated at her words.
“He blatantly was.”
Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
“No, he wasn’t”
Their faces inched closer as their voices grew louder; arguing against the other’s accusations.
Outside the door, Emma, Aimee, Connor, and Ncuti stood, not believing that their friends were still arguing.
Asa shook his head in exasperation. Looking at his friend in disbelief.
“Then please enlighten me in what way Finlay wasn’t flirting with you?”
“Because he was helping me sort out your birthday surprise! You were turning 18 Asa! I wanted to make it the best 18th birthday party you could possibly have. I needed help with decorations and what alcohol to bring for everyone because you know I don’t drink, and I wanted you to feel comfortable and happy.”
He couldn’t believe it. All this time Y/N had convinced Asa that his parents planned his birthday party that year. Not Y/N.
The pair were unaware at how close they were sitting There backs no longer to the wall as they had become so enthralled in their argument that they inched closer and closer towards the other.
“You planned my 18th birthday?”
Y/N couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her mouth.
“Of course, I did. How else would your parents know what alcohol you liked when you were underage. I helped you sneak out to try alcohol whilst I sat there and drank Ribena and made sure you didn’t get too drunk. I also planned your 21st birthday party as well. The only reason you didn’t have one for your 19th or 20th was-“
Asa crashed his lips onto Y/N’s. The kiss did not last long, as Y/N reared her head back in shock.
Y/N spluttered.
“What was that?”
Asa looked at the girl in front of him. The girl he’s known since he was 12 years old. They may have fought over the stupidest things, but he knew he could not fight how he felt anymore.
“I love you.”
Shock enveloped over Y/N’s face.
“I have loved you since I was 16. I have fancied you probably since the day we met. I wanted to be your friend because I thought you were cute, but then you turned out to become the coolest person I know. You distracted me when you spoke to Finlay because it made me jealous. I thought he was flirting with you and that made me jealous. It made me wish that I could man up and tell you how I feel. It took me an extra four years, but I finally have.”
Silence took over the room as Asa finished proclaiming his love for his best friend. The silence began to feel Asa with regret and dread. The young man was about to stand so that he could try and escape the uncomfortable situation. However, he ceased moving when he felt pressure on his arm. Looking down at his arm, his gaze travelled from the grip that Y/N had on him and up towards her face. Now that he finally looked at her, he could see the large smile that radiated from her; as well as the tears collecting in her eyes.
Y/N licked her lips, moving her had from his arm to place it at the nape of his neck, caressing his short hair as her other hand moved to hold his right cheek.
And in 5 simple words, Y/N evaporated the uncomfortable tension in the cupboard.
“I love you too Asa.”
It was Y/N’s turn to pull Asa in for the kiss. Both of them reciprocating the feelings and action. Asa wound his hands around Y/N’s waist as the pair raised to their knees to pull the other impossible closer.
Y/N melted into Asa’s touch; surprised at the dominance and intensity that Asa was displaying. She expected him to be shy or coy. But he had been waiting a very long time for this kiss to happen.
Before things could become even more heated, the door to the cupboard suddenly opened.
“Well at least our plan worked. They have finally stopped arguing.”
Y/N and Asa quickly broke apart and scurried to their feet, placing a slight distance between them.
Their friends all stood at the door, chuckling at Emma’s remark.
“I don’t know. If they’re going to be kissing all the time, I’d rather them argue instead.”
Asa rolled his eyes at Ncuti’s remark. Y/N couldn’t help but smile.
As their friends all stood at the doorway discussing their ‘genius’ plan, Y/N turned and grabbed her jacket pulling it on.
The group ceased their discussions as Y/N came walking towards the entry way.
“Excuse me.”
At the sound of her words the group parted like the Red Sea; watching as she walked away. They quickly all looked at Asa, who still stood alone in the room.
Asa looked just as confused.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to walk back and interlock Asa’s hand with her own. In an even bolder move, she pecked him on the lips in front of her friends.
“I thought we were going to go home and watch Stranger Things?”
Asa smiled at his girl.
“Yeah we are. Let’s go.”
Quickly waving goodbye to their friends, the duo rushed out of the party.
Leaning into her own boyfriend’s embraced, Aimee happily watched as the pair closed the door behind them.
“They will thank us at their wedding.”
And as the night went on, Asa and Y/N snuggled close together on their sofa. Kisses shared between episodes of Stranger Things.
“She definitely fancies Steve.”
Y/N scoffed at Asa’s statement.
“No, she doesn’t.”
“Yes, she does.”
“No, she doesn’t.”
As they argued once more Y/N climbed onto Asa’s lap. The young man’s arms circling her waist as she became comfortable. Their focus not even on the TV anymore.
“Yes, she does.”
Y/N giggled. Leaning to place a long slow kiss on Asa’s lips, she stopped just before their lips could touch.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
And as Asa connected their lips together, he knew that she was the person he would want to argue with for the rest of his life; if it meant that she was his.
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pinegum · 5 years
1, 2, 24?
a few of my favorites to write are billy bob thornton, zoe kazan, adam driver, and gustaf skarsgård. favorites to write opposite have been caleb landry jones, milo ventimiglia, and many more but i forget other people’s face claim names easily. lastly, i love these fcs: sarah paulson, logan browning, emilio estevez, domhnall gleeson, and mary steenburgen.
that i’ve written; asa butterfield is the only one who comes to mind and he’s all right. i just find him annoying occasionally. otherwise i generally avoid overused fcs such as nina dobrev or dylan o’brien, but i can easily imagine somebody i like giving them a personality i would love.
horror !  scaries !  the spooks !  i’m always jumping between variations of horror and heart-warming fluff because my life gets too stressful to focus on death once in a while.
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Hi guys! This is just so that you don’t have to send in asks for everything when you want to know something about my blog!!
Do you take requests?
I do! My blurb requests are pretty much always open but my fic requests are open a lot less of the time, but the info for that will be in my bio :) also for requests I’ll only write them if they’re specific and not just like “Write some fluff please” because I have little imagination whoooo
Do you do tag lists?
The only tag lists I do are for individual series, I don’t do general ones for characters/actors as a whole and I also only accept tag requests in my inbox and if someone does not respond to loads of chapters of my fic then I will remove them bc upholding tag lists is hella hard work
What’s a tag list?
It’s a way of letting certain followers know that I’ve posted the next part of a series that I write 
Whats your name/age/sexuality/pronouns/nationality?
I’m Courtney, I’m 17, I’m not straight and I’m still trying to work out what exactly I am, my pronouns are she/her and I am English!
Can I tag you in my writing?
Of course you can! Please, please tag me I love reading what you guys have written and I don’t read anywhere near enough as I used to
Why don’t you respond to work?
I do respond! However because this blog ( @writingfortoomanyfandoms ) is a side blog, I have to respond with my main ( @ijustreallylovezebras ) so that’s why that blog is constantly replying haha
Do you write smut?
I don’t! I’m sorry! If you request smut I will not write it, though if it’s embedded in part of a request then I will still do the request I will just not include smut :)
What does your tracked tag mean?
My tracked tag is usercourt and it basically means that whenever someone posts something under that tag I see it! I made it so that you can tag me in your work without tagging my blog directly bc I often don’t see it when that happens so by using a tracked tag I’m somewhat more likely to see your work (whether it be fics, art, playlists, moodboards or whatever) and that way I can reblog it onto my blog and try and get more recognition for your work if that makes sense! So please always feel free to tag your work with usercourt so that I can see it :)
Who do you write for?
Ben Hardy
Joe Mazzello
Gwilym Lee
Rami Malek
(BoRhap!)Roger Taylor
(BoRhap!)John Deacon
(BoRhap!)Brian May
Warren Worthington (X-Men Apocalypse)
Four (6 Underground)
Peter Beale (East Enders)
Pat Murray (Undrafted)
Eugene Sledge (The Pacific)
Gardner Langway (Dear Sidewalk)
Charlie Nelson (Midsomer Murders)
The Umbrella Academy Hargreeves Children
Richard Madden
Robb Stark (Game of Thrones)
Prince Kit (Cinderella 2015)
David Budd (Bodyguard)
Leo West (Ibiza)
Joseph Blake (1917)
Taron Egerton 
Eggsy Unwin (Kingsmen)
Robin Hood (Robin Hood)
Rocketman!Bernie Taupin
Rocketman!Ray Williams
Shayne Topp (Smosh)
Damien Haas (Smosh)
Courtney Miller (Smosh)
Jake Gyllenhaal
Detective Loki (Prisoners)
Jamie Randall (Love and Other Drugs)
Louis Bloom (Nightcrawler)
Donnie Darko (Donnie Darko)
Dr David Jordan (Life)
Robert Graysmith (Zodiac)
Adam Bell (Enemy)
Anthony Claire (Enemy)
Colter Stevens (Source Code)
Edward Sheffield (Nocturnal Animals)
Tony Hastings (Nocturnal Animals)
Morf Vandewalt (Velvet Buzzsaw)
Davis Mitchell (Demolition)
Billy ‘The Great’ Hope (Southpaw)
Tommy Cahill (Brothers)
Chris Evans
Frank Adler (Gifted)
Ari Levinson (Red Sea Diving Resort)
Ashton Irwin (5 Seconds of Summer)
Calum Hood (5 Seconds of Summer)
Luke Hemmings (5 Seconds of Summer)
Michael Clifford (5 Seconds of Summer)
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
Dacre Montgomery
Joe Keery
Maya Hawke
Zach Dempsey (13 Reasons Why)
Justin Foley (13 Reasons Why)
Clay Jensen (13 Reasons Why)
Alex Standall (13 Reasons Why)
Sebastian Stan
Chris Beck (The Martian)
Jefferson (Once Upon A Time)
Carter Baizen (Gossip Girl)
Harry Styles
Niall Horan
Louis Tomlinson
Peter Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Edmund Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Prince Caspian (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Otis Milburn (Sex Education)
Maeve Wiley (Sex Education)
Jackson Marchetti (Sex Education)
Sean Wiley (Sex Education)
Asa Butterfield
Emma Mackey
Alex Gaskarth (All Time Low)
Jack Barakat (All Time Low)
Zack Merrick (All Time Low)
Rian Dawson (All Time Low)
Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Fred Weasley (Harry Potter)
George Weasley (Harry Potter)
Charlie Weasley (Harry Potter) 
Oliver Wood (Harry Potter)
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Young!Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
Young!Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Young!James Potter (Harry Potter) 
Newt Scamander (Harry Potter)
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halcylu · 5 years
what’s good my dudes !! since i have no ounce of self-control left ( who even IS she idk her ???? ) i’d love to get my hands on some new characters, ships and storylines this spooky season !! under the cut i’ve gathered a BIG ASS wishlist, so just hit that heart or hmu if anything piques ur interest !! 
wanted faceclaims : alessia cara. milena tscharntke. asa butterfield. ella purnell. wolfgang novogratz. marilyn lima. natasha liu bordizzo. maxence danet-fauvel. josefine frida pettersen. michelangelo fortuzzi. griffin gluck. anya taylor-joy. ellie bamber. lorenzo zurzolo. florence pugh. froy gutierrez. colin ford. natalia dyer. nicola peltz. álvaro rico. kennedy walsh. lisa teige. odeya rush. ashton irwin. suus de nies. xavier serrano. irene ferreiro. calum hood. stefanie scott. kaitlyn dever. brandon flynn. benedetta gargari. margaret qualley. keiynan lonsdale. kiana ledé. reece king. lalisa manoban. 
wanted opposites : dylan minnette. danna paola. jacob elordi. chris veres. sofia carson. mark mckenna. gavin leatherwood. sydney sweeney. michel biel. maya hawke. alex wolff. alice pagani. katherine langford. jack mulhern. fionn whitehead. hunter schafer. olivia dejonge. monk dagelet. brandon flynn. emma mackey. timothée chalamet. sophie turner. saoirse ronan. luke hemmings. diana silvers. miles heizer. joe keery. hailee steinfeld. alisha boe. ross lynch. thomas brodie-sangster. eliza scanlen. tom webb. shawn mendes. lili reinhart. tarjei sandvik moe. king princess. taylor marie hill. jack o’connell. charlie heaton. perrie edwards. keith powers. laura harrier. arón piper. lauren jauregui. matty healy. 
wanted pairings : shawn mendes & alessia cara. saoirse ronan & timothée chalamet. anya taylor-joy & alex wolff. lili reinhart & jeremy allen white. dylan minnette & kaitlyn dever. joe keery & josefine frida pettersen. alisha boe & brandon flynn. diana silvers & margaret qualley. tarjei sandvik moe & michelangelo fortuzzi. luke hemmings & kennedy walsh. nick robinson & liana liberato. hailee steinfeld & calum hood. matty healy & nicola peltz. 
wanted plots :
something based on alo and mini from third generation of skins !!! just like this push and pull relationship ---- girlie keeps the dude on a leash in some sort of v lowkey sneaking around friends w benefits kinda deal. like just let me play this sappy dude who’s so head over heels for this girl who’s just WAY out of his league and she’s always leading him on and getting his hopes up only to break his heart the next second like :////  I WANNA PLAY A SOFT DUMBASS OK.
also bc im a HOE for the 3rd gen. let me base a character off violet blood and do some kind of vi x richie inspired pairing bc im still not over this cheesy storyline !! 
u kno what just gimme everything skins inspired or even a cute lil mumu i mean ???
spooky stuff !!!! pl s !!! literally anything halloween themed !! something inspired by buzzfeed unsolved !! or veronica & jason from heathers !! maybe even a mumu based on scream the series ?? OR A CREEPY SUPERNATURAL TOWN OF SOME SORT. 
a ship inspired by this u know just this quirky ass couple thinking they’re the center of the universe being obnoxiously in love and stupid and probably on drugs oof. 
this !! could also be a small mumu !! 
ok but let me play my alessia cara muse in this and i’ll shut up forever i promise :--)
i’ve been craving this mumu for such a long time i stg someone pls end my misery !! 
this like i have nothing else to add i just need the angst :--)))
just something super dark and twisted w these two pls ????
zombie apocalypse stuff !! could be a cute n fresh lil mumu !! 
eeeeeeee !!
ik this isn’t dark or halloween themed or anything but gimme a cute camp counselors mumu w lots of bonfires, roasted marshmallows,  late night skinny dipping and fluff !!!!
plus i have so many characters from my indie days that are super fleshed out and who i’ve been dying to play again so lemme kno if u wanna hear abt my trash children hihih.
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imaginedisish · 6 years
YALL I WANNA WRITE FOR SEX EDUCATION (aka that new Netflix show)
Pls send REQUESTS. I’m already obsessed with the show.
Update (like 7 hours later): okay um ya girl did...here’s da link...
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onthepageoftears · 6 years
As Planned (Otis Milburn x Reader) //Sex Education
A/N: I don’t write smut, but i decided to take this request and spin it so it was pg! Also im not sure if i liked the way it came out, so lemme know what you think! 
Request: @bangtanarmy241 you think you could do an Otis x reader smut where the reader goes to his clinic to ask advice on asking the guy she likes how to have sex with him and Otis gets all flustered cuz he likes the reader? And they end up having sex? Sorry if that’s confusing. LOVE YOUR WORK BTW
Summary: Eric thought it’d be a good idea for you to use the clinic for advice on your crush...but it doesn’t go as planned.
Warnings: language and fluff
Words: 1,243
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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This was Eric’s idea.
You’ve been crushing on Eric’s best friend, Otis, for quite some time now. You were slightly ashamed of it, mostly because you were too shy to talk to the boy, but also because you had never dated anyone before and always assumed he would like someone else. Eric tried to tell you otherwise, but you wouldn’t listen.
“He doesn’t like me,” you’d say, shaking your head. “And if he did, I wouldn’t know how to talk to him anyway.”
That was when Eric told you about the new clinic. It was run by someone he knew, but he wouldn’t tell you who.
“They’ll certainly help you with your problem.” He smirked, and you assumed it was because he loved to tease you. But you decided to sign up for it, shamefully giving Maeve the money and scheduling your meeting in the most secluded place possible: the asbestos bathrooms. You didn’t want the ‘therapist’ to see you, just in case this whole clinic thing was a sham.
When you got to the bathrooms, it would be an understatement to say you were nervous. You waited in the stall like Maeve instructed, wiping your clammy hands on your pants. After a while, you heard the shuffling of shoes entering the stall next to you, a huff escaping from the person’s lips.
“Hello,” they said, and the voice sounded a bit familiar, but you couldn’t place why. You shook your head, assuming it was nothing. “How can I help you?”
“Well…” you hesitated. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“This is a safe space. You can tell me anything, and it will be confidential. I promise.” The voice was soothing, and you decided whoever it was was right. You trusted Eric, after all, and if he recommended this to you you might as well give it a go.
“I like this boy. He’s in my grade, but I don’t know how to talk to him. I don’t even know if he likes me the same way, and I’m too embarrassed to ask.” You took a deep breath, tapping your foot in anticipation of the ‘therapist’s’ response.
“Well, if you really like this person then you should tell them how you feel. Maybe you could do it subtly, so that if they like you back they’ll respond the right way, but if they don't, they won’t. That way, you won’t get hurt or embarrassed.”
You quirked a brow, nodding your head. This guy was good. Maybe if you complimented Otis or insinuated something as a joke, you could see if he would reciprocate your flirting. You realized that the therapist couldn’t see your nodding, and cleared your throat.
“So what do you suggest?”
“Well, if you don’t mind, could you tell me who the person is? I could help you more if I knew what type of person we are dealing with.”
You bit your lip, unsure if that was a good idea. The dude on the other side of the stall was good so far, and it seemed like you could trust him. But what if it was all a ploy, and he went around telling everyone about your pathetic crush?
Eric wouldn’t suggest this if he knew it was bad, you thought, trying to ignore the silence in the bathroom. Besides, he said he knew the guy personally. That must count for something.
“You don’t have to tell me, if you don’t want to.” The voice interrupted your thoughts, but you shook your head at his words.
“It’s okay. Um…it’s Otis. Otis Milburn.”
The bathroom was silent again, and you waited for the boy’s response. He must’ve been thinking of who it was. Otis was a shy boy, and not many people knew of him. You cleared your throat, thinking of the best ways to describe the boy.
You paused, waiting for him to say something. When he still didn’t respond, you found yourself talking. “He’s got the most amazing blue eyes, and pale skin with dark hair-”
“No, I know who it is. I just…you like Otis?”
“Yeah.” You frowned, looking to the stall wall as if you were looking at the boy. “Why? Is he a creep or something?”
“No!” The boy yelled, making you jump. “I mean…no. But…why do you like him?”
You frowned. “Um. Well, he’s really cute. He does this thing when he’s nervous, where he scratches the back of his neck. And he loves music. He’s got the best taste. He’s also just really interesting. I’m pretty sure his mom has a weird job as a-“ You stopped, eyes widening with realization. You looked down under the stall of the bathroom, trying to see the boy next to you. All you could see were his shoes and pants, but you had a feeling something was off. “Otis?”
“Yeah?” You stood up from the toilet seat, a gasp erupting from your lips. “I mean, not Otis. I’m not Otis!”
By then, you were out of the stall, running through the door of the asbestos bathroom and trying not to look behind you. You couldn’t believe it. Otis was the sex therapist? It made sense…it made so much sense. You couldn’t believe you didn’t see it before.
“Wait!” You heard the call behind you, but you didn’t look. You didn’t want him to see you, especially after you said all that embarrassing stuff. Your luck ran out, though, when he caught up to you, grabbing your hand and turning you towards him. “Y/N?” He stared in disbelief, but you were already talking over him.
“Oh my god I can’t believe I fell for this. I swear to god I’m gonna kick Eric’s ass-“
“Eric?” Otis frowned, still recovering from what just happened. He placed his palms on his forehead, trying to put the pieces together. Eventually, he just ended up letting out an exasperated: “What?”
You took a deep breath, trying to calm the undoubtable redness from your cheeks. “I told Eric that I liked you, but I didn’t know how to ask you out. And he told me to come to the clinic to get help, which I now see was a setup.” You hugged your arms around your waist, trying to avoid Otis’ eyes. “I’m sorry this is so awkward.”
“Awkward?” Otis smiled, and you noticed the blush on his cheeks as well.
“I…I made a fool of myself.”
You expected him to agree, to nod his head and say his goodbyes, ready to tell the whole school about your confession of love. Instead, he smiled warmly. “Who said you made a fool of yourself?”
You tilted your head, not believing his words. “You don’t…”
“I do.” He scratched the back of his neck, blushing even harder. “I really do.”
“Oh.” You stood there for a second, staring at him dumbly. You never thought this moment would ever happen, but here you were, standing in front of (a very cute) Otis, who just told you he liked you. “This is weird.” You hadn’t realized you said it out loud.
“Yeah, kind of.” He laughed, scratching his forehead with a single finger. “Do you want to…maybe…go on a date sometime?”
“Yeah.” You smiled, and after exchanging numbers with the boy, you didn’t think you would ever stop smiling. And even though you had the urge to kick Eric’s ass, you also had the urge to thank him.
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onthepageoftears · 6 years
Sabotage (Otis Milburn x Reader)//Sex Education
A/N: I feel like I haven’t written for Otis in a while, but this request was pretty fun so I gave it a go! I switched it up a bit but it’s basically the same so yah enjoy! Leave me some feedback and comments if you can, it’s always appreciated! <3
Request: can you do an otis imagine where the reader goes on a date with another guy and otis keeps telling her it’s not a good idea. and then she gets stood up, and she calls maeve or eric bc she doesn’t wanna hear otis say i told you so. and then later that night otis shows up at her house with flowers and admits his feeling for her?? thank you!!!
Summary: For some reason, Otis Milburn really, really, really doesn’t want you to go on this date. And you just have to find out why.
Warnings: language, jealousy?, fluff/angst
Words: 1,384
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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those blue eyes damn sonnn
“Y/N, do you…trust me?”
You frowned, turning to Otis with a quirk of your brow. You two were studying in the library, just seconds ago discussing the pop quiz that you were bound to have in class; now, Otis was looking at you with nervous, but still, eyes, waiting for your response.
“In what context?” You laughed, feeling uneasy about his seriousness. He cleared his throat and tapped his pencil on his notebook, avoiding your eyes.
“Your date. With Jeremy.”
You blinked. Otis hadn’t talked to you about your date, at least, not until now. You mentioned it to him casually, shortly after you said yes, and he simply shrugged it off. “What about it?”
“You shouldn’t go on it.”
That shook you. “What?” Otis never bothered to show interest in your dating life; you didn’t really have one, to be honest, but you never talked to him about the idea of having one, if that made sense. And the fact that Otis was bringing this up out of the blue, and with a negative tone…well, it threw you off guard.
Eric was the one you went to to talk about crushes and potential dates; he was the one you talked about your almost never-ending crush on the one and only Otis Milburn. It had taken you a long time to realize you liked Otis a lot more than a friend, and Eric was the one who helped you realize it. After pining over the oblivious boy, which never got you anywhere, Eric was the one to help you get yourself a date. One that wasn’t with Otis.
“I don’t think you should go on it.” Otis repeated. He was still avoiding your eyes, trailing his eraser along the notes he had just been taking.
“And why is that?” You were slightly amused, but slightly annoyed. It showed in your tone of voice, you noticed, as Otis bought his harsh blue eyes up to meet yours.
You smirked, leaning your head on your hand. “Is it?”
“Yeah.” He cleared his throat, trailing his eyes to the smile tugging your lips upward. He flicked them back to his notebook, laying his pencil down and rolling his shoulders back. He looked at you, more confident this time. “Clinic business.”
You straightened your back, worry flooding your features. “Did Jeremy tell you something?”
Otis tried to ignore your change in stature, instead turning back to his notebook. “It’s confidential.”
“Confidential my ass.” You spoke, receiving a few shushes from your peers. You hunched into yourself, but kept your glare on the boy next to you. When he didn’t respond, you grabbed his notebook and dragged it away from him, making him turn back to you. “Tell me what you know.”
“I can’t.”
“You can.”
“I can’t.”
“Otis.” You gave him your usual ‘i will fuck you up’ glare, the one that always made him snap. But this time, he wouldn’t budge.
“Y/N.” He returned the glare, but his was more pleading. “Just trust me.”
You contemplated it. He was one of your best friends, and you knew he wouldn’t want you to get hurt. But then again, you didn’t need him to watch over you. You could take care of yourself, and you were sick of hiding in the shadows of not only the boy in front of you, but everyone else.
You leaned back in your seat and crossed your arms over your chest. “No.”
“If you are so worried, you would tell me what was up. So, no.”
“I have to get to class,” you said, picking up your books and ignoring his frown.
“We still have time-“
“Yeah, but-“ you sent him a sickly sweet smile, gritting your teeth as you uttered: ”On time is late.”
There, you left Otis with his wide open mouth, nearly fuming out of your ears. You were going to forget about what Otis said, forget his bright blue eyes and fixated frown. You were going to enjoy your night, even if it killed you.
The date was great. Well, it wasn’t great, but it was fine. You found yourself enjoying the boy’s company, laughing at his jokes, even leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek when he bought you home. But the whole time, something was off. Maybe you weren’t that into him. There wasn’t a lot of chemistry; it was almost like you two were friends for years, but that was it. Just friends. But a lot of your uneasiness could be blamed on Otis.
Why would he warn you not to go on a perfectly good date? Did you miss something? What could he have known that would be worthy enough to stop you from going?
You were asking yourself these questions all night, pacing your room and reliving the night you had. There was something off, and you had to get to the bottom of it.
The next day, you walked up to Otis’ locker with a stone face: you meant business. You leaned against the locker next to his and cleared your throat, making him close the locker with shifty eyes.
“Hey, Y/N-“
“My date was good. Great, actually. Thanks for asking.”
“You know what wasn’t great? The fact that I was thinking about your little ‘warning’ all night. And the whole weekend. Thinking: why would my best friend want me to miss such a nice experience?”
“I can explain-“
“You better.”
Otis opened his mouth and watched the students passing by. He looked back at your frown, a look of defeat falling over his face. “Come on,” he grabbed your arm, dragging you into one of the nearby classrooms. Once he closed the door behind him, he let out a sigh.
“I overheard that he was going to pressure you into doing things you wouldn’t want to, and I just didn’t want you to get hurt.”
You watched his face, waiting for him to say something else. He just stared at the ground, the ceiling, anywhere but your eyes. With a clenched jaw, you crossed your arms over your chest.
Otis scoffed. “Why don’t you trust me?”
“Because, Otis Milburn, I know when you’re lying. You of all people know that I would never let a guy pressure me, and I would be the first to kick his ass if he did.” You laughed at the way Otis shifted uncomfortably: he knew you were right. “God, it’s like you forget I’ve known you for years. I seriously can’t believe you would try this shit with me. Did you really think I would fall for that bullshit? You need to tell me the truth, right now. If you lie to me again I’m going to kick your ass, I swear to-“
“I like you!” He squeaked, fear flooding his face as soon as he said it. You blinked, slamming your mouth shut mid sentence.
“You…like me?” You watched as Otis only nodded, clutching the strap of his backpack for dear life.
“I have. For a while. And I heard you were going on a day and I freaked out. But I couldn’t tell you because you’re my-“
“Best friend.” You shook your head, a laugh escaping your lips as they formed into a smile.
“What are you laughing at?” Otis asked, exasperated.
“I’ve been struggling for years with a crush on you.” You blushed despite the confidence in your voice.
“You have?”
The two of you stood silent, smiling at each other like idiots. You laughed again, this time walking over to Otis and nudging him in the shoulder harshly.
“You sabotaged my date.”
He scratched the back of his head in shame. “I know, I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.” 
You shrugged off the boy’s apology with a smirk, walking past him as the bell rang. “Whatever. Just try not to sabotage the next one.”
Otis’ face dropped, not even trying to mask his disappointment. “Next one?”
“Yeah. This boy’s a troublemaker.” You leaned against the door and smiled. “Heard he runs a sex clinic.”
Otis smiled back, finally catching on. “Oh, really?”
You feigned a thoughtful face as you pushed the door open. “Yeah. But if he lies to me again, I’ll kick his ass.”
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onthepageoftears · 6 years
Meet the Parent (Otis Milburn x Reader) // Sex Education
A/N: My first request everrr I hope it came out okay! Otis is a pure boi and deserves love and happiness that is all
Part 2 here
Request: How about an imagine where you're dating Otis and meet Jean for the first time and she asks typical Jean-like questions?
Summary: Otis is nervous for you to meet his mom, but things go way better than planned.
Warnings: Mentions of sex, awkward situations, and fluff
Words: 1,384
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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“Otis.” You placed your hands on his chest, feeling the thumping heartbeat a little too well. “When you’re nervous, I’m nervous.”
You were standing at the top of the stairway to his house, getting ready to meet his mother for the first time. All day you had been giddy with excitement; from all the stories Eric told you, you had a feeling you would get along really well with Otis’ mom. The boy in front of you, however, was feeling differently. All day he had a look of fear in his eyes, the anticipation of the situation building up in that strange brain of his. You had repeatedly told him to calm down, that it couldn’t be any worse than with your parents (they talked on and on about accounting and the reasons why bank tellers are the strongest people in any working field), but he still wouldn’t listen.
He closed his eyes an took a deep breath, letting you slide your hands to his cheeks. “I just don’t think you’re ready.”
You let out a laugh, moving your hands to his shoulders. “Ready? I’ve listened to my share of sex stories, I’ll have you know.” He laughed, recalling the many times he told you about the inner workings of the clinic. “Besides, Eric has given me a lot of details that I need to know. The whole ‘shebang'.”
“Of course he did.” Otis shook his head with a look of defeat. “You’re right. It’ll be fine.”
“It will be fine.” You repeated, this time giving him a peck on the lips, a reminder that you were in this together.
But by the time you made it to the front door, butterflies erupted in your stomach. You smiled reassuringly as Otis opened the door, called to his mother, and beckoned you inside.
You had been here before, but never at the same time as his mother. “it’s better this way,” Otis had said, gesturing to the many strange paintings and unsuitable-for-children statues that littered the hallways. Now, as you rounded the corner of the entryway, you felt your stomach drop at the sight of his mother. She was just as Eric desired: stark white hair and a slim figure that could kill any man (or person, for that matter) on sight.
Nervously, you stuck a hand out towards her, smiling brightly as she walked towards you.“Hi, it’s so nice to meet you-“ You were suddenly engulfed in a hug, shooting Otis a confused look; you had specifically remembered Otis telling you that his Mom was not a hugger with strangers.“It uncovers false expectations of a blossoming relationship,” he had said, with a roll of his eyes. But this time, he just shrugged, awkwardly waiting for his mother to let you go.
After a moment, she finally released you, a smile plastered on her face. “Oh, Otis has told me so much about you.”
“Mom.” He groaned, automatically gravitating to your side. You just smiled and nodded, already feeling quite comfortable in the home.
“Same to you Ms. Milburn.”
“Call me Jean!” She lay a arm over your shoulder and led you to the couch, taking a seat next to you while Otis was forced to sit uncomfortably on the arm. You giggled at the expression on his face: between the frown and the anxiousness in his eyes, his discomfort was priceless.
The next question cut through the air like a knife: “Now I presume you two are having safe sexual relations?”
“Mom!” Otis nearly fell from his seat, sending his mom a glare. You had barely begun to process before Jean began speaking again.
“Even in oral sex there should be certain precautions taken-“
“We are very safe, Jean.” You smiled warmly and took Otis’ hand with a squeeze. You looked at him with a raise of your eyebrows: it’s okay, the gesture said, and he relaxed his body back into the couch’s arm. It was a strange question to ask, especially when she had just met you, but you were prepared for such explicit questions.
“Good, good.” She eyed you two with a growing smile, placing her hands on her knees and walking towards the kitchen. “The food should be ready shortly, but I suppose you could help set the table.”
You and Otis began to set the table, placing the food as Jean marked it ‘finished’, and nearly drooled as you waited for everyone to be seated. In your seat, you tapped Otis’ knee and sent him a wink, hoping he would relax and enjoy the dinner rather than worry about his mother.
“This looks delicious, Jean.” You gave the food another once over and you swore your stomach growled.
“It will probably taste it, too.” She began to serve herself some salad and the two of you followed, grabbing at the many options she had prepared with seemingly animalistic hunger; all this anxiety sure made you two hungry.
After a bit of small talk and typical parental interrogation, the table quieted to an almost awkward clanking of forks on plates and food in mouths. When there was a comfortable silence, you decided to flip the tables and ask Jean about herself. “Otis told me you’re a writer.” You smiled politely at the woman as she nodded and took a bite of her food, but before she could respond, Otis cut in.
“Y/N writes as well.” He missed the blush that formed on your cheeks; you were always flattered by his enthusiasm of your writing, or whenever he begged you to read your most recent projects.
“Really?” Jean sent you a surprised glance, to which you nodded.
“When I can, yeah.”
“She’s really good,” Otis gushed, this time catching the embarrassed smile you shined, to which he nudged you encouragingly.
“Thanks,” you whispered, hoping the topic would change.
Jean cleared her throat. “So, how much have you two done, exactly. In the bedroom.”
You nearly choked on the water you sipped, patting your chest with widened eyes. Otis dropped his fork onto his plate, making a big clank. “Mom!”
She just laughed, twirling her fork in the air with a smile. “I’m kidding, darling. Don’t be so uptight!” She sent you a wink, and all you could do was laugh along with her, watching Otis cover his eyes with his palms in distress.
It was almost eight o’clock when you said your goodbyes to Jean, this time leaning into the hug yourself and letting Otis walk you out. “So…” you poked Otis in the chest once he closed the door behind him, flashing your biggest ‘I told you so’ smile. “That went well.”
Otis looked down at you with a smile, but suddenly, it turned to a frown. “Yeah.”
You could feel the hesitation in his voice. “What is it?”
“It went really well.” He cleared his throat and delicately placed his hands on your waist.
“And I think I might have to tell you something.”
“Okay?” Your heart sped up when his blue eyes looked to yours, a bit of fear clouding them.
“I…” He pulled you a little bit closer to him, making you place your hands on his chest. His heartbeat was rapid again, but this time even more-so. “I love you, Y/N.”
You nearly pulled away. He loved you? You never thought anyone could say that, much less the boy in front of you. It seemed not long ago that you were watching him longingly from the back of the class, wishing you could get to know him a little better. And now…
You smiled wide and reached up with a kiss, capturing his lips in yours and nearly melting when he pulled you closer. “I love you too.” You said as your foreheads touched, eyes staring at each other like nothing could move you two from this moment, not anything.
Except, Otis ripped his eyes away from you suddenly, to the front window of the house. “Mom!” He yelled, and when you whipped your head around you caught a glimpse of Jean scurrying away from the window in a hurry, clearly spying on you two and your intimate moment. But while Otis muttered his frustrations, all you could do was laugh: yeah, you and Jean would definitely get along.
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onthepageoftears · 6 years
Under Pressure (Otis Milburn x Reader) // Sex Education
A/N: Sorry this is so short! I wanted to write an Otis imagine since I haven’t in a while, but this one was kind of a small prompt so I didn’t write as much. But now I at least have time to work on some homework…
Request: can i request a fic where otis is frustrated and stressed one day or really sad and the reader comforts them with cuddles and just general fluff?
Warnings: slight panic attack, fluff and cuddles
Words: 878
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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You were waiting for Otis in his room, sliding your fingers over his vast record collection. He had texted you in the middle of class, telling you he’d be a bit late to hang out because he had clinic work. You noticed he was very on edge lately; you assumed it was because of his clinic work, but something told you it was more than that. “I’m fine,” he’d say, though the way he averted his eyes made you frown. You didn’t think he was lying, per se, but you knew there was something else bothering him. Still, you tried to be there for him, to support him when he wasn’t having the best of days. So, you took it upon yourself to go to his house after school and wait in his room for him to get home; you were looking at his favorite albums when he barged through the door.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do.” He threw his bag on the floor and rubbed his hands over his face. You blinked, surprised by his abruptness. You had seen Otis like this a couple times before - when he was stressed about the clinic - but each time it surprised you the same.
“About what?”
He slid his hands down and ripped off his jacket, struggling with the sleeves and groaning in frustration. “My mom. She’s so…I don’t know. She’s horrible.”
You watched him as he finally tugged the sweater off and threw it to the other side of the room. “What happened?”
“She’s always in my business. She literally can’t function without telling everyone about my life.”
“Okay,” you lowered your voice, taking a step toward him. He was mumbling now, randomly gesturing and letting out huffs of annoyance. “Otis.” He kept talking, pacing the room and frowning so hard you thought it would hurt his face.You moved closer, watching the boy breathe heavily, eyes growing wider with each sentence that his hectic brain created. “Otis?”
He still didn’t answer, and from where you were you could hear his light curses.
“She’s crazy - ‘Otis this, Otis that’. Telling everyone what happens in my life before I even know it-“
By then you were in front of him, blocking him from pacing - though he almost ran into you. You placed your hands in front of you, laying them on his chest. Your hands moved with his breaths, and somehow, it made him calm down. He automatically let his shoulders sag, a soft sigh escaping his lips.
“I’m sorry-“ he started, but you wrapped your arms tightly around him, laying your head on his chest and listening to his rapid heartbeat. The boy always had a racing heart, especially when you were close to him. It was much worse when you first started dating: he told you that he thought he was having a heart attack after you first kissed him. Now, you couldn’t tell if his heart was beating fast from your hug, or from the anger. Nevertheless, you stood there for a second, letting him place his arms on your back and just breathe. 
The last time he had a panic attack, you did the same thing. Something about your touch calmed him, while simultaneously giving him a rush. Still, he told you that you were his anchor of sorts, something that could calm him down in the worst of scenarios. Right now, you felt him sink into your heart melting touch, almost like he was giving up the fight he was having with himself.
“Let’s go lay down, yeah?” You whispered, smiling as he nodded with a small smile. You tugged him over to his bed and lay down next to him, pulling his arm above you so you could snuggle in close to his chest. He let out another sigh, wrapping his arm around your waist and placing his hand to caress your cheek.
“How do you do that?” He whispered, as if in a trance. “Make me forget my…strange crisis?” You smiled up at him with a giggle and placed a small kiss on his lips, leaning back down to lay on his chest. 
“It’s magic.” You said, pushing yourself deeper into him, almost forcing him to relent his stress.You felt him take another deep breath, and you looked up to see his closing his eyes. He rubbed his thumb along your arm - it was something he did when he was nervous, something to make him feel more grounded. 
You didn’t want to ask Otis what happened, not until he was ready to. But he said something about his mom, and you couldn’t help but be curious. You knew his mother could be horribly nosy and invasive, sure. But what she did must have been really bad if Otis was this bent out of shape. 
You looked up at the boy, whose breathing slowed. Could he be asleep? You smiled again and lay your head on his chest. You would ask him about the situation later, when he was well-rested. He was stressed with the clinic, and school, and now his mother. All you could do was be there for him, and to help him de-stress, even if it was just for a little while.
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onthepageoftears · 6 years
Mobile Masterlist
Okay, here is my Masterlist so far! If any of the links don’t work, let me know. Also, feel free to check out my Request Rules/FAQ, Fandoms, and OC Page (Mobile friendly)!
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Sex Education
:: Imagines
Otis Milburn x Reader
On Time Is Late (Otis x Reader)
Meet the Parent (Otis x Reader)
Caught In The Act (Otis x Reader)
Party Fever (Otis x Reader)
A Little Bit Further (Otis x Reader)
Sick Day (Otis x Reader)
Under Pressure (Otis x Reader)
New Kid (Otis x Reader)
As Planned (Otis x Reader)
Sabotage (Otis x Reader)
Sabotage - Part 2 (Otis x Reader)
Sabotage - Part 3 (Otis x Reader)
Clueless (Otis x Reader)
Maeve Wiley x Reader:
What I Feel Is Real (Maeve x Reader)
I Don’t Want To Let You Go (Maeve x Reader)
I Don’t Want To Let You Go - Part 2 (Maeve x Reader)
Close Encounter (Maeve x Reader)
Little Secrets (Maeve x Reader)
Home Sweet Home (Maeve x Reader)
Just Teasing (Maeve x Reader)
The Only Exception (Maeve x Reader)
Trust Issues (Maeve x Reader)
Worth It (Maeve x Reader)
February 14th (Maeve x Reader)
Love Me (Maeve x Reader)
Now or Never (Maeve x Reader)
Sean Wiley x Reader:
Grand Plea (Sean x Reader)
Eric Effiong x Reader:
Break Free (Eric x Reader - Platonic)
Lily Iglehart x Reader:
Tulip Fever (Lily Iglehart x Reader)
Jackson Marchetti x Reader:
All I Want (Jackson x Reader)
 :: Misc
Maeve Wiley/Otis Milburn:
The Sweater
 :: OC
OC page here, Post here. Follow tag #steviegroff !
Mean Girls
Regina George x OC
- Someone Gets Hurt 
The Umbrella Academy 
:: imagines
Diego Hargreeves x Reader:
Unlikely Allies (Diego x fem!reader)
Five Hargreeves x Reader (platonic):
An Old Friend (Five x assassin!reader)
:: OC
OC page here, Post here. Follow tag #emilyhargreeves !
The Witcher
:: Imagines
Jaskier x Reader:
- A Tale of Two Bards (Jaskier x Bard!Reader)
- Our Own Destiny (Jaskier x Deaf!Reader)
- Follow My Lead Pt. 1 (Jaskier x Reader) || Witcher Bingo*
- Follow My Lead Pt. 2 (Jaskier x Reader) || Witcher Bingo*
- A Humble Favor (Jaskier x Reader) || Witcher Bingo*
- What Was Lost - Pt 1 (Jaskier x Reader) || Witcher Bingo*
- What Was Lost - Pt 2 (Jaskier x Reader) || Witcher Bingo*
- Two Minutes (Jaskier x Reader) 
Geralt x Reader:
- Nights Like This (Geralt x Reader)
:: Series
- Kill Your Darlings (Jaskier x Assassin!Reader) Masterlist 
- Hold Them Closer (Jaskier x Assassin!Reader) [Sequel to Kill Your Darlings] Masterlist
:: *The Witcher Bingo*
- Masterlist here.
277 notes · View notes
onthepageoftears · 6 years
New Kid (Otis Milburn x Reader) //Sex Education
A/N: 200 follower celebration starts with this Otis fic and hopefully there’ll be a Maeve one later (rip my essay due monday)! Also writing the title made me think of the New Kids On the Block scene from It (2017)...anyway here’s the Otis fluff lol
Request: hi!!! i love your writing!! can you do an otis x reader where the reader is new at school and she gets paired with otis for a project and she thinks he’s cute and is all awkward and then fluff
Warnings: moving?? fluff???
Words: 1,463
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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School projects are the absolute worst. The teacher would, 80% of the time, pair you with a random kid in class, and you would have to pretend to not be pissed that it wasn’t your friend. Then, you would have to somehow scrounge up a project with this random person that you either never talked to before or who you barely knew, most likely doing all the work. You almost always had to present, which meant getting up in front of the class. If you were paired with someone who was talkative, you were lucky, but that almost never happened.
So yeah. Group projects sucked. But you know what sucked even more?
Being the new kid.
Now imagine group projects, but knowing absolutely no one, so not even being able to make some sort of agreement on how the project would go down. Because as the new kid, you had no clue who you would be paired with, what they were like, how much of an asshole they were. So when your new teacher paired you up with the lanky boy who sat alone, you dreaded the possibilities. Maybe he’s a creep, you thought. Maybe he eats his own earwax.
Your teacher instructed you to go meet your partners, and you rolled your eyes, making your way over to the boy. You stood next to the table, watching him skeptically as he sent you a small smile and a wave. Before he could say anything, you cleared your throat.
“I may be the new kid, but I’m not dumb.” You said as you plopped your stuff down next to him. “If you’re not going to do any of the work, just tell me now so I don’t have to wait for you to never respond and end up doing everything the last second.”
“Um. No, I would never-“ you turned to the boy, who was watching you with wide eyes. “I’m going to do the work.”
“Good.” You ignored the way his blue eyes pierced yours, turning back to your notebook and slamming open a new page. “We can start today, if that’s good with you.”
“Yeah, of course. I’m Otis, by the way.”
You looked at the boy again, this time with a softer expression. You scanned his face quickly, noting the slanted smile on his lips and the anxious glaze in his eyes. Maybe he wasn’t a creep after all. With a sigh, you sent him a small wave. “Y/N.”
“Great.” He blinked and turned back to his desk, and you could tell he was just staring at his paper and not really reading his notes.
Maybe this group project wouldn’t be so bad, you thought, and turned to your own notebook with a blush.
Otis got to your house a lot earlier than you expected.
“On time is late,” he had said, and you just shrugged, stepping aside to let him in. You were glad your parents worked so much, so you wouldn’t have to explain anything about your life to them. They wouldn’t care that Otis was going to be in your room, to be honest, but the less they knew, they better. Even having Otis come to your house made you nervous, because getting close to people was always hard for you. But when he nearly freaked out at the idea of you coming to his, you shrugged it off and shoved your fear aside.
You walked past the still unpacked boxes that lingered in your room and over to your bed, turning around to see Otis take in his surroundings. It made you a bit nervous, standing there as he inspected your life, but something about him was different. You liked him, but that almost made you even more scared.
Trying to shake off your nerves, you cracked a smile and gestured to the room around you. “Welcome.”
Otis smiled, but purposefully pushed the door open a bit with his hand. You could tell he was nervous to be in your room, alone, but you decided not to point it out. Instead, you sat on your bed, unpacking some of your school stuff.
“What’s it like, being the new kid?”
You chuckled, placing your books on the floor and leaning back into the bed. “Imagine your worst day at school, and then think of it ten times worse.”
“Do you move a lot?” He was looking around the room for a place to sit, so you patted the spot next to you with a smile. He almost didn’t come over, but relented when you kept patting the bed.
“Four times since I was eight.” You moved over as he sat down, stomach flipping at how close he was. Shaking it off, you rolled your eyes. “But this time, it’s ‘permanent’.”
“That sucks.”
“Hm.” You two sat there for a moment, silent in your own thoughts. You turned to the boy, watching his eyes roam the things you had managed to take out of the boxes: your camera, some books, movies, and a poster that was hung on your wall. Your eyes flicked to the small moles on his face, then to his angular nose, then to his lips. They looked so soft…
“We should get started,” you said suddenly, making Otis jump slightly in his spot.
“Right. Yes. We should…do that.”
It had been a mere hour of research when you plopped back on your bed to stare at the ceiling. You didn’t feel like doing any more work, and you guess Otis didn’t either, because he closed his book soon after you did.
“I don’t want to do anymore work,” you voiced, eyes focused on the new ceiling that you were trying not to get used to.
Otis chucked. “We haven’t really done much to begin with.” He was right. You two had done barely any research, finding yourselves discussing your favorite bands and artists and albums. You learned that Otis was way cooler (and cuter) than you originally thought, and that made you even more restless.
Abruptly, you sat up, shoving the book off your lap and frowning. Otis looked at you, curiosity filling his features. “I like you,” you blurted, scratching your forehead in contemplation.
“No, I mean-“ You turned towards him, but only slightly, otherwise you would be way too close to his face. ”I like you, but I’m not supposed to like anyone. Because I could be moving.”
Otis tilted his head slightly, and you tried to ignore the way he licked his lips. “Didn’t you say this was a more permanent move?”
“My dad always says permanent.” You averted your eyes and hugged your arms around your waist. Vulnerability wasn’t your strong suit, but for some reason you felt more comfortable around this near-stranger next to you. “I never know when he’s telling the truth, because he practically never is.”
“Well.” You felt Otis shift on the bed; turning his body towards you, you felt his leg brush against yours, making your heart leap. “Maybe you could talk to him about it? Or at least live in the moment as best you can.”
“It’s hard, though. Leaving friends and relationships behind.” You gulped, trying not to remember all of the past moves.
“I can’t imagine.” Otis bought a hand to the back of his neck, scratching it nervously. “But it’s probably better than living in your own shell of loneliness.”
You turned your gaze fully on Otis and smirked. He was weird, but one hundred percent right. The past few years you had learned to distance yourself from others, in ways you simultaneously hated and loved. Not connecting with people was easy, but living in your own mind was hard. Really hard. But for some reason, this time, you had opened your heart - and of all the people, it ended up being this weird boy with way too much wisdom for his own good.
You smiled wider, watching Otis tap his fingers against his knee in anticipation. “You are one strange kid, you know that?”
He shrugged and mimicked your smile. “I’ve been told.”
You laughed, heart warming at the idea of getting to know the person in front of you. So many years of hiding from people just because you were afraid of letting them into your life, and you somehow felt like this time it would be different. You stood from your spot and cleared your throat, sending the boy another smile. “This project won’t work on itself. What do you say we go have some recharging dinner?”
Otis raised his eyebrows but stood nonetheless, wiping his undoubtably clammy hands on his pants. Still, he smiled, and your stomach fluttered freely for the first time in a while. “I think that’s a…great idea.”
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